From: Carah Lynn Ong Subject: (abolition-usa) President Bush speech on missile defense Date: 01 May 2001 12:21:08 -0600 --============_-1223381226==_ma============ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" President Bush speech on missile defense May 1, 2001 Web posted at: 3:08 PM EDT (1908 GMT) Thank you very much, Mr. Secretary. I appreciate you being here. I also want to thank Secretary Powell for being here as well. My national security advisor, Condi Rice, is here, as well as the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Myers. Appreciate Admiral Clark and General Ryan for being here as well. But most of all, I want to thank you, Admiral Gaffney, and the students for NDU for having me here today. For almost 100 years, this campus has served as one of our country's premier centers for learning and thinking about America's national security. Some of America's finest soldiers have studied here: Dwight Eisenhower and Colin Powell. Some of America's finest statesmen have taught here: George Kennan (ph). Today, you're carrying on this proud tradition forward, continuing to train tomorrow's generals, admirals and other national security thinkers, and continuing to provide the intellectual capital for our nation's strategic vision. This afternoon, I want us to think back some 30 years to a far different time in a far different world. The United States and the Soviet Union were locked in a hostile rivalry. The Soviet Union was our unquestioned enemy, a highly armed threat to freedom and democracy. Far more than that wall in Berlin divided us. Our highest ideal was and remains individual liberty. Their's was the construction of a vast communist empire. Their totalitarian regime held much of Europe captive behind an Iron Curtain. We didn't trust them, and for good reason. Our deep differences were expressed in a dangerous military confrontation that resulted in thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at each other on hair-trigger alert. The security of both the United States and the Soviet Union was based on a grim premise that neither side would fire nuclear weapons at each other, because doing so would mean the end of both nations. We even went so far as to codify this relationship in a 1972 ABM Treaty, based on the doctrine that our very survival would best be ensured by leaving both sides completely open and vulnerable to nuclear attack. The threat was real and vivid. The Strategic Air Command had an airborne command post called the Looking Glass, aloft 24 hours a day, ready in case the president ordered our strategic forces to move toward their targets and release their nuclear ordnance. The Soviet Union had almost 1.5 million troops deep in the heart of Europe, in Poland, in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and East Germany. We used our nuclear weapons, not just to prevent the Soviet Union from using their nuclear weapons, but also to contain their conventional military forces, to prevent them from extending the Iron Curtain into parts of Europe and Asia that were still free. In that world, few other nations had nuclear weapons, and most of those who did were responsible allies, such as Britain and France. We worried about the proliferation of nuclear weapons to other countries, but it was mostly a distant threat, not yet a reality. Today, the sun comes up on a vastly different world. The Wall is gone, and so is the Soviet Union. Today's Russia is not yesterday's Soviet Union. Its government is no longer communist. Its president is elected. Today's Russia is not our enemy, but a country in transition with an opportunity to emerge as a great nation, democratic, at peace with itself and its neighbors. The Iron Curtain no longer exists. Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic are free nations and they are now our allies in NATO, together with a reunited Germany. Yet, this is still a dangerous world; a less certain, a less predictable one. More nations have nuclear weapons and still more have nuclear aspirations. Many have chemical and biological weapons. Some already have developed a ballistic missile technology that would allow them to deliver weapons of mass destruction at long distances and incredible speeds, and a number of these countries are spreading these technologies around the world. Most troubling of all, the list of these countries includes some of the world's least-responsible states. Unlike the Cold War, today's most urgent threat stems not from thousands of ballistic missiles in the Soviet hands, but from a small number of missiles in the hands of these states -- states for whom terror and blackmail are a way of life. They seek weapons of mass destruction to intimidate their neighbors, and to keep the United States and other responsible nations from helping allies and friends in strategic parts of the world. When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990, the world joined forces to turn him back. But the international community would have faced a very different situation had Hussein been able to blackmail with nuclear weapons. Like Saddam Hussein, some of today's tyrants are gripped by an implacable hatred of the United States of America. They hate our friends. They hate our values. They hate democracy and freedom, and individual liberty. Many care little for the lives of their own people. In such a world, Cold War deterrence is no longer enough to maintain peace, to protect our own citizens and our own allies and friends. We must seek security based on more than the grim premise that we can destroy those who seek to destroy us. This is an important opportunity for the world to rethink the unthinkable and to find new ways to keep the peace. Today's world requires a new policy, a broad strategy of active nonproliferation, counter-proliferation and defenses. We must work together with other like-minded nations to deny weapons of terror from those seeking to acquire them. We must work with allies and friends who wish to join with us to defend against the harm they can inflict. And together, we must deter anyone who would contemplate their use. We need new concepts of deterrence that rely on both offensive and defensive forces. Deterrence can no longer be based solely on the threat of nuclear retaliation. Defenses can strengthen deterrence by reducing the incentive for proliferation. We need a new framework that allows us to build missile defenses to counter the different threats of today's world. To do so, we must move beyond the constraints of the 30-year-old ABM Treaty. This treaty does not recognize the present or point us to the future. It enshrines the past. No treaty that prevents us from addressing today's threats, that prohibits us from pursuing promising technology to defend ourselves, our friends and our allies is in our interests or in the interests of world peace. This new framework must encourage still further cuts in nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons still have a vital role to play in our security and that of our allies. We can and will change the size, the composition, the character of our nuclear forces in a way that reflects the reality that the Cold War is over. I'm committed to achieving a credible deterrent with the lowest possible number of nuclear weapons consistent with our national security needs, including our obligations to our allies. My goal is to move quickly to reduce nuclear forces. The United States will lead by example to achieve our interests and the interests for peace in the world. Several months ago, I asked Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld to examine all available technologies and basing modes for effective missile defenses that could protect the United States, our deployed forces, our friends and our allies. The secretary has explored a number of complementary and innovative approaches. The secretary has identified near-term options that could allow us to deploy an initial capability against limited threats. In some cases, we can draw on already established technologies that might involve land-based and sea-based capabilities to intercept missiles in mid-course or after they re-enter the atmosphere. We also recognize the substantial advantages of intercepting missiles early in their flight, especially in the boost phase. The preliminary work has produced some promising options for advanced sensors and interceptors that may provide this capability. If based at sea or on aircraft, such approaches could provide limited but effective defenses. We have more work to do to determine the final form the defenses might take. We will explore all of these options further. We recognize the technological difficulties we face, and we look forward to I've made it clear from the very beginning that I would consult closely on the important subject with our friends and allies, who are also threatened by missiles and weapons of mass destruction. This treaty ignores the fundamental breakthroughs in technology during the last 30 years. It prohibits us from exploring all options for defending against the threats that face us, our allies and other countries. That's why we should work together to replace this treaty with a new framework that reflects a clear and clean break from the past, and especially from the adversarial legacy of the Cold War. This new cooperative relationship should look to the future, not to the past. It should be reassuring, rather than threatening. It should be premised on openness, mutual confidence and real opportunities for cooperation, including the area of missile defense. It should allow us to share information so that each nation can improve its early warning capability and its capability to defend its people and territory. And perhaps one day, we can even cooperate in a joint defense. I want to complete the work of changing our relationship from one based on a nuclear balance of terror to one based on common responsibilities and common interests. We may have areas of difference with Russia, but we are not and must not be strategic adversaries. Russia and America both face new threats to security. Together, we can address today's threats and pursue today's opportunities. We can explore technologies that have the potential to make us all safer. This is a time for vision, a time for a new way of thinking, a time for bold leadership. The Looking Glass no longer stands its 24- hour-a-day vigil. We must all look at the world in a new, realistic way to preserve peace for generations to come. God bless. (APPLAUSE) --============_-1223381226==_ma============ Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" President Bush speech on missile defense
President Bush speech on missile defense

      May 1, 2001
Web posted at: 3:08 PM EDT (1908 GMT)

Thank you very much, Mr. Secretary. I appreciate you being here.
I also want to thank Secretary Powell for being here as well.
My national security advisor, Condi Rice, is here, as well as the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Myers. Appreciate Admiral Clark and General Ryan for being here as well. But most of all, I want to thank you, Admiral Gaffney, and the students for NDU for having me here today.
For almost 100 years, this campus has served as one of our country's premier centers for learning and thinking about America's national security. Some of America's finest soldiers have studied here: Dwight Eisenhower and Colin Powell. Some of America's finest statesmen have taught here: George Kennan (ph).
Today, you're carrying on this proud tradition forward, continuing to train tomorrow's generals, admirals and other national security thinkers, and continuing to provide the intellectual capital for our nation's strategic vision.
This afternoon, I want us to think back some 30 years to a far different time in a far different world. The United States and the Soviet Union were locked in a hostile rivalry. The Soviet Union was our unquestioned enemy, a highly armed threat to freedom and democracy. Far more than that wall in Berlin divided us.
Our highest ideal was and remains individual liberty. Their's was the construction of a vast communist empire. Their totalitarian regime held much of Europe captive behind an Iron Curtain. We didn't trust them, and for good reason. Our deep differences were expressed in a dangerous military confrontation that resulted in thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at each other on hair-trigger alert.
The security of both the United States and the Soviet Union was based on a grim premise that neither side would fire nuclear weapons at each other, because doing so would mean the end of both nations.
We even went so far as to codify this relationship in a 1972 ABM Treaty, based on the doctrine that our very survival would best be ensured by leaving both sides completely open and vulnerable to nuclear attack. The threat was real and vivid. The Strategic Air Command had an airborne command post called the Looking Glass, aloft 24 hours a day, ready in case the president ordered our strategic forces to move toward their targets and release their nuclear ordnance.
The Soviet Union had almost 1.5 million troops deep in the heart of Europe, in Poland, in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and East Germany.
We used our nuclear weapons, not just to prevent the Soviet Union from using their nuclear weapons, but also to contain their conventional military forces, to prevent them from extending the Iron Curtain into parts of Europe and Asia that were still free.
In that world, few other nations had nuclear weapons, and most of those who did were responsible allies, such as Britain and France. We worried about the proliferation of nuclear weapons to other countries, but it was mostly a distant threat, not yet a reality.
Today, the sun comes up on a vastly different world. The Wall is gone, and so is the Soviet Union. Today's Russia is not yesterday's Soviet Union.
Its government is no longer communist. Its president is elected. Today's Russia is not our enemy, but a country in transition with an opportunity to emerge as a great nation, democratic, at peace with itself and its neighbors.
The Iron Curtain no longer exists. Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic are free nations and they are now our allies in NATO, together with a reunited Germany. Yet, this is still a dangerous world; a less certain, a less predictable one.
More nations have nuclear weapons and still more have nuclear aspirations. Many have chemical and biological weapons. Some already have developed a ballistic missile technology that would allow them to deliver weapons of mass destruction at long distances and incredible speeds, and a number of these countries are spreading these technologies around the world.
Most troubling of all, the list of these countries includes some of the world's least-responsible states. Unlike the Cold War, today's most urgent threat stems not from thousands of ballistic missiles in the Soviet hands, but from a small number of missiles in the hands of these states -- states for whom terror and blackmail are a way of life.
They seek weapons of mass destruction to intimidate their neighbors, and to keep the United States and other responsible nations from helping allies and friends in strategic parts of the world. When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990, the world joined forces to turn him back. But the international community would have faced a very different situation had Hussein been able to blackmail with nuclear weapons.
Like Saddam Hussein, some of today's tyrants are gripped by an implacable hatred of the United States of America.
They hate our friends. They hate our values. They hate democracy and freedom, and individual liberty. Many care little for the lives of their own people. In such a world, Cold War deterrence is no longer enough to maintain peace, to protect our own citizens and our own allies and friends.
We must seek security based on more than the grim premise that we can destroy those who seek to destroy us. This is an important opportunity for the world to rethink the unthinkable and to find new ways to keep the peace. Today's world requires a new policy, a broad strategy of active nonproliferation, counter-proliferation and defenses.
We must work together with other like-minded nations to deny weapons of terror from those seeking to acquire them.
We must work with allies and friends who wish to join with us to defend against the harm they can inflict. And together, we must deter anyone who would contemplate their use.
We need new concepts of deterrence that rely on both offensive and defensive forces. Deterrence can no longer be based solely on the threat of nuclear retaliation. Defenses can strengthen deterrence by reducing the incentive for proliferation.
We need a new framework that allows us to build missile defenses to counter the different threats of today's world. To do so, we must move beyond the constraints of the 30-year-old ABM Treaty. This treaty does not recognize the present or point us to the future. It enshrines the past.
No treaty that prevents us from addressing today's threats, that prohibits us from pursuing promising technology to defend ourselves, our friends and our allies is in our interests or in the interests of world peace.
This new framework must encourage still further cuts in nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons still have a vital role to play in our security and that of our allies.
We can and will change the size, the composition, the character of our nuclear forces in a way that reflects the reality that the Cold War is over. I'm committed to achieving a credible deterrent with the lowest possible number of nuclear weapons consistent with our national security needs, including our obligations to our allies.
My goal is to move quickly to reduce nuclear forces. The United States will lead by example to achieve our interests and the interests for peace in the world.
Several months ago, I asked Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld to examine all available technologies and basing modes for effective missile defenses that could protect the United States, our deployed forces, our friends and our allies. The secretary has explored a number of complementary and innovative approaches.
The secretary has identified near-term options that could allow us to deploy an initial capability against limited threats. In some cases, we can draw on already established technologies that might involve land-based and sea-based capabilities to intercept missiles in mid-course or after they re-enter the atmosphere.
We also recognize the substantial advantages of intercepting missiles early in their flight, especially in the boost phase. The preliminary work has produced some promising options for advanced sensors and interceptors that may provide this capability. If based at sea or on aircraft, such approaches could provide limited but effective defenses.
We have more work to do to determine the final form the defenses might take. We will explore all of these options further. We recognize the technological difficulties we face, and we look forward to I've made it clear from the very beginning that I would consult closely on the important subject with our friends and allies, who are also threatened by missiles and weapons of mass destruction.
This treaty ignores the fundamental breakthroughs in technology during the last 30 years. It prohibits us from exploring all options for defending against the threats that face us, our allies and other countries.
That's why we should work together to replace this treaty with a new framework that reflects a clear and clean break from the past, and especially from the adversarial legacy of the Cold War.
This new cooperative relationship should look to the future, not to the past. It should be reassuring, rather than threatening. It should be premised on openness, mutual confidence and real opportunities for cooperation, including the area of missile defense.
It should allow us to share information so that each nation can improve its early warning capability and its capability to defend its people and territory. And perhaps one day, we can even cooperate in a joint defense.
I want to complete the work of changing our relationship from one based on a nuclear balance of terror to one based on common responsibilities and common interests. We may have areas of difference with Russia, but we are not and must not be strategic adversaries.
Russia and America both face new threats to security. Together, we can address today's threats and pursue today's opportunities. We can explore technologies that have the potential to make us all safer.
This is a time for vision, a time for a new way of thinking, a time for bold leadership. The Looking Glass no longer stands its 24- hour-a-day vigil. We must all look at the world in a new, realistic way to preserve peace for generations to come.
God bless.
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Ellen At 12:21 PM 5/1/2001 -0600, you wrote: > > President Bush speech on missile defense > > May 1, 2001 > Web posted at: 3:08 PM EDT (1908 GMT) __________________________________________________ * Peace Through Reason - * Please sign the Online Petition! - NucNews - Today and Archives - __________________________________________________ - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Karl Grossman Subject: (abolition-usa) Presentation to Members of the British Parliament Date: 02 May 2001 06:28:44 -0400 Presentation to Members of the British Parliament =20 Karl Grossman=20 Professor, State University of New York, College at Old Westbury Member, Commission on Disarmament Education, Conflict Resolution and Peace of the International Association of University Presidents and the United Nations =20 Convenor, Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power In Space London May 3, 2001 The United States is seeking to make space a new arena of war--and is looking to the United Kingdom to be a =93partner=94 in this venture. The Bush administration would--as President George W. Bush attempted in his speech two days ago--have the world believe this is all about =93missile defense.=94 This is untrue. A broad U.S. space military program is involved, indeed revealed in U.S. government and military documents such as the recent report= of the =93Space Commission=94 chaired by the new U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the blueprint for the space military program of the Bush administration. As the report of the commission=92s report, issued January 11, says: =93In= the coming period the U.S. will conduct operations to, from, in and through space in support of its national interests both on the earth and in space.=94=20 =93Power projection in, from and through space=94 is advocated by the =93Spa= ce Commission,=94 formally called the Commission to Assess United States National Security Space Management and Organization. It urges the U.S. president =93have the option to deploy weapons in space=94 and the U.S.= Space Command be made a quasi-independent U.S. armed service, a Space Corps, like the U.S. Marine Corps. The Rumsfeld =93Space Commission=94 report follows a series of U.S. military reports in recent years that call for the U.S. to =93control space=94 and= from space =93dominate=94 the Earth below.=20 I have brought copies of pages from these reports for you. You will see that =93missile defense=94 is a =93layer=94 in a far wider program. As the U.S. Space Command=92s =93Long Range Plan=94 declares: =93The time= has come to address, among warfighters and national policy makers, the emergence of space as a center of gravity for DoD [Department of Defense] and the nation=85.Space power in the 2lst Century looks similar to previous military revolutions, such as aircraft-carrier warfare and Blitzkrieg.=94 But the U.S. is hard-pressed to do this alone. We need you and a few other nations for sites for command-and-control facilities and other assistance--=93Global Partnerships=94 as the =93Long Range Plan=94 puts it= to =93strengthen military space capabilities.=94 And also there in the =93Long= Range Plan,=94 above an oval with the words: =93Potential Initiatives To Enable * Control of Space * Global Engagement * Full Force Integration=94 and below the word =93Partnerships=94 are the flags of nine nations. Among the flags:= the Union Jack. The United Kingdom shouldn=92t be involved in this U.S. scheme.=20 It is a scheme involving, in part, money. President Bush, for example, spoke in his speech about three emissaries he=92ll be sending around the world to promote the U.S. space military plan. He identified one as Stephen Hadley.=20 Stephen Hadley? Before joining the Bush administration, Hadley was a partner= in the Washington law firm of Shea & Gardner which represents Lockheed Martin,= the world=92s biggest weapons manufacturer and a corporation central to the U.S.= Star Wars program. The U.S. recently gave the go-ahead for development of the Space-Based Laser, a $20 to 30 billion program. The Space-Based Laser=92s builders: Boeing, TRW--and Lockheed Martin. And it is a scheme involving power. When President Ronald Reagan first announced the U.S. Star Wars program in 1983, he said it was about fending= off what he considered the =93evil empire,=94 the Soviet Union. There is no= Soviet Union any longer. Why Star Wars now? The U.S. space military documents, as you will note, stress the =93global economy.=94 As the U.S. Space Command=92s =93Vision for 2020=94 report, its= cover depicting a laser weapon shooting a beam down from space zapping a target below, says: =93The globalization of the world economy will also continue= with a widening between =91haves=92 and =91have-nots.=92=94 From space, the U.S.,= the engine of the global economy--would keep those =93have-nots=94 in line. =93Vision for 2020=94 further declares the mission of the U.S. Space Command= as =93dominating the space dimension of military operations to protect US= interests and investment. Integrating Space Forces into warfighting capabilities= across the full spectrum of conflict.=94 And it compares the U.S. effort to= =93control space=94 and Earth below to how centuries ago =93nations built navies to= protect and enhance their commercial interests,=94 referring to you and the other= empires of Europe which once ruled the waves.=20 The =93Long Range Plan=94 states: =93The United States will remain a global power and exert global leadership. The United States won't always be able to forward base its forces=85Widespread communications will highlight disparities in resources and quality of life--contributing to unrest in developing countries=85The global economy will continue to become more interdependent. Economic alliances, as well as the growth and influence of multi-national corporations, will blur security agreements=85The gap between =91have=92 and =91have-not=92 nations will widen--creating regional= unrest=85One of the long acknowledged and commonly understood advantages of space-based platforms is no restriction or country clearances to overfly a nation from space.=94 Of power, when I was last here at the British Parliament, the Honorable Alan Simpson took the copy of =93Vision for 2020=94 I was showing and declared: =93Professor Grossman, we understand. We, too, were once an empire--drunk with power.=94 That is the situation my dear Members of Parliament. I regret to inform you that your former colony is out of control. Its government and a segment of its military--plus more modern entities called corporations--are drunk with power.=20 Your other North American progeny, Canada, not too incidentally, has been trying hard to stop the U.S. Star Wars program. It has been moving at the United Nations for a strengthening of the basic international law on space, the Outer Space Treaty of 1967. Canada is proposing a ban on all weapons in space (the Outer Space Treaty presently bans nuclear arms and weapons of mass destruction in space). At the UN in October Marc Vidricaire of the Canadian delegation declared: =93Outer space has not yet witnessed the introduction of space-based= weapons. This could change if the international community does not first prevent this destabilizing development through the timely negotiation of measures banning the introduction of weapons into outer space. It has been suggested that our proposal is not relevant because the assessment on which it rests is either premature or alarmist. In our view, it is neither. One need only look at what is happening right now to realize that it is not premature.=94 =93There is no question that the technology can be developed to place= weapons in outer space,=94 said Vidricaire. =93There is also no question that no state= can expect to maintain a monopoly on such knowledge -- or such capabilities -- for all time. If one state actively pursues the weaponization of space, we can be sure others will follow.=94 The United States has been blocking the Canadian initiative. Weeks later, on November 20, 2000, because of the U.S. space military program, a vote was held on a resolution for =93Prevention of an Arms Race= in Outer Space.=94 It sought to =93reaffirm=94 the Outer Space Treaty of 1967= and specifically its provision that space be reserved for =93peaceful purposes.= =94 Some 163 nations--including the United Kingdom--voted in favor. The U.S.--an original signer of the treaty--abstained. We have become quite the rogue state. But getting drunk with power can do strange things. The legislation which got the Rumsfeld =93Space Commission=94 established in 2000 was authored by U.S. Senator Bob Smith of New Hampshire. Of the U.S. =93controlling space,= =94 Smith in a new TV documentary=93Star Wars Returns=94that I have written and narrate (copies of which I have for you today) says: =93It is our manifest destiny. You know we went from the East Coast to the West Coast of the United States of America settling the continent and they call that manifest destiny and the next continent if you will, the next frontier, is space and it goes on forever.=94 Yes, now it=92s U.S. Cosmic Manifest Destiny. No, the United Kingdom shouldn=92t be involved in this U.S. scheme.=20 What the U.S. is up to will destabilize the world. Canada as well as China, Russia, indeed basically the rest of the world, seek to keep space for peace and are agreed on banning all weapons in space.=20 As, after the horror of chemical warfare in the First World War when nations said we can no longer allow chemical warfare, the world for nearly 35 years has agreed--and successfully managed --to keep war out of space. The Outer Space Treaty should be strengthened to ban all weapons in space. Verification mechanisms should be added. And space be kept for peace. But there is only a narrow window to do this--for if the United States moves ahead with its Star Wars scheme there will be no putting this genie back in= the bottle. Other nations will respond in kind and there will be an arms race= and ultimately war in space. This weekend, people from around the United Kingdom--indeed from all over= the world--will gather in Leeds because of the proximity of Menwith Hill, an important component in the U.S. space military program. The meeting is titled =93No Star Wars: An International Conference to Keep Space for= Peace.=94=20 I urge you distinguished members of Parliament to join in helping stop this move by the United States to turn the heavens into a war zone. *** Karl Grossman is full professor of journalism at the State University of New York/College at Old Westbury. He has specialized in investigative journalism for 35 years He is a principal of EnviroVideo, a New York-based company which produces news, interview programs and documentaries for television and the Web. Video documentaries he has written and hosted for EnviroVideo include =93Nukes In Space: The Nuclearization and Weaponization of the Heavens,=94 =93Nukes In Space 2: Unacceptable Risks=94 and his new video documentary,= =93Star Wars Returns,=94 just released by EnviroVideo (718.318.8045 or His books include =93The Wrong Stuff: The Space Program=92s Nuclear Threat= To Our Planet=94 and =93Weapons In Space,=94 to be published in June 2001 by Seven= Stories Press (212.226.8760 or Grossman is the recipient of the George Polk Award, James Aronson Award and John Peter Zenger Award along with six citations from Sonoma State= University=92s Project Censored for his journalism on space issues.=20 Grossman=92s home address: Box 1680, Sag Harbor, New York, USA 11963.= Telephone: 631.725.2858. E-mail: The Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power In Space can be reached= at 352.337.9274. Its website: and E-mail: Its address: PO Box 90083, Gainesville, Florida, USA 32607. =20 =20 =20 - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: [abolition-caucus] Appeal to UN General Assembly 2001 on Date: 03 May 2001 10:32:24 -0400 --=====================_1288229506==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable >Date: Wed, 02 May 2001 07:50:18 -0500 >Subject: [abolition-caucus] Appeal to UN General Assembly 2001 on Space >Priority: non-urgent >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true >To:,,,, >From: "" > >Dear friends, >some months ago, a few organizations in Germany launched an >international campaign to appeal to the United Nations General Assembly >2001 to prevent missile defenses and an arms race in outer space. > >In view of yesterdays speech of US President Bush, I urge you to help us >get many, many signatures. Use the appeal during your campaigns, print >it in your newletter, post it on your webpage, add it to letters to your >friends, ... The lists can be returned to INES in Germany or to IPPNW in >New York. > >As the PDF file is very small, I attach it for those who want to have a >printable version. If you want the WinWord file, please send me mail. > >In peace >Regina=20 >************************** >Regina Hagen >Darmstaedter Friedensforum >Teichhausstrasse 46 >D-64287 Darmstadt >Germany >Tel. [49] (6151) 47 114 >Fax [49] (6151) 47 105 >*******************************************+ >Appeal to the United Nations General Assembly >G=F6ttingen Appeal for the Prevention of a New Arms Race on Earth and in >Outer Space > >The deployment of missile defense systems by the USA and the >militarization of outer space pose a threat to peace and international >security and increase the danger of a new arms race on earth and in >space. > >In order to prevent a new arms race and to open the way for >negotiations, we demand a test freeze for ballistic missiles, missile >defense systems, and space weapons. > >The Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty of 1972 between the USA and >Russia is fundamental to international stability. It must be preserved >and extended to all nations. Ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons must >be disarmed. The development, testing and deployment of weapons in space >must be prohibited by a space convention. > >We call for a space free of any weapons and the abolition of nuclear >weapons. > >G=F6ttingen/Germany, November 4, 2000 > >I support the appeal:=20 > >Name Address Date and signature >To subscribe to the Abolition Global Caucus, send an email from the >account you wish to be subscribed to: >"" > > >Do not include a subject line or any text in the body of the message.=20 > >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to =20 > > > > =20 --=====================_1288229506==_ Content-Type: application/pdf; name="GoettingerAppell_en.pdf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="GoettingerAppell_en.pdf" JVBERi0xLjIgDQol4uPP0w0KIA0KNyAwIG9iag0KPDwNCi9MZW5ndGggOCAwIFINCi9GaWx0ZXIg L0xaV0RlY29kZSANCj4+DQpzdHJlYW0NCoAQioDRqNxcMRkIBuNRqLhrCRAVCIDRgIIrFTkZxADR eRoqMYMMBoIIiZgaLRgLhgMxsM5IVDHFpUOZbLzuIBQQTgcDKYTYIDob6AaDKICqbjSdDKZBATjC dDSbzccxARzKbjKcp8ICCczmZTaYjYeRTETUDYNCRaMoaNJHESIIJRKhmOBtL5jKRiMxkOZtOCOX JYNjpUDcZ6vXJ3PZ+ZjecqHRSgcjKdqvUKkIDeZhAYaaZTvZSpZxkMYPahiORcNhxL7jcxgMhvd4 jeZUNRnLojN5ycjbVCkYTHRcyRTCcjoaM6bqYaTcICedaVkCmcOEZdFZ7WOBdrRaNBtDtpEhBHY/ ECpJtgMhwN7xMpoMb+KCpRBAZDKcDYbzybcuzTODaNKvDSNiivwMyrq+EA5jyOalN+EAxDyyKjCm ILlqY5KiwENikuONI9KeqLns2zTpKy7KKLkvbVtauC5JSla+velIbBoHC/N2nA5us4YQDgN8Fs85 LKKeoChJ468MhA5zpjdEapK2r4xjqOSkwoMLmSaNwxyNBcNvvLTEMhEzPKw0KzRWFsWhy9DXxk8D 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MCBuDQowMDAwMDAzMDAxIDAwMDAwIG4NCjAwMDAwMTcyOTEgMDAwMDAgbg0KMDAwMDAxNzQxOSAw MDAwMCBuDQowMDAwMDE4NTA3IDAwMDAwIG4NCjAwMDAwMTg3ODMgMDAwMDAgbg0KMDAwMDAxNTc0 OCAwMDAwMCBuDQowMDAwMDAzMDI0IDAwMDAwIG4NCjAwMDAwMTU3MjMgMDAwMDAgbg0KMDAwMDAx NjgyMiAwMDAwMCBuDQowMDAwMDE2ODQ1IDAwMDAwIG4NCjAwMDAwMTY5MzUgMDAwMDAgbg0KMDAw MDAxOTM1OSAwMDAwMCBuDQowMDAwMDE5NDQ0IDAwMDAwIG4NCnRyYWlsZXINCjw8DQovU2l6ZSAy MQ0KL1Jvb3QgMyAwIFINCi9JbmZvIDEgMCBSDQovSUQgWzxhOTMxMTc0MTAyMmE0M2RlZWUyZDE3 ZTMyNzI1YTIxZD48YTkzMTE3NDEwMjJhNDNkZWVlMmQxN2UzMjcyNWEyMWQ+XQ0KPj4NCnN0YXJ0 eHJlZg0KMTk2MTINCiUlRU9GDQo= --=====================_1288229506==_-- - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Carah Lynn Ong Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) President Bush speech on missile defense Date: 03 May 2001 09:59:45 -0600 Hi Ellen, you can get it from Thanks, Carah >Carah, where did you get this? What is the URL? > >Ellen > >At 12:21 PM 5/1/2001 -0600, you wrote: >> >> President Bush speech on missile defense >> >> May 1, 2001 >> Web posted at: 3:08 PM EDT (1908 GMT) > > > >__________________________________________________ > >* Peace Through Reason - * > Please sign the Online Petition! - > > NucNews - Today and Archives - > >__________________________________________________ > >- > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: Voter Alert! Is Strategic Missile Defense Destabilizing? Date: 10 May 2001 10:42:39 -0400 >Date: Thu, 03 May 2001 15:29:54 -0500 >Subject: Voter Alert! Is Strategic Missile Defense Destabilizing? >Priority: non-urgent >To: >From: "" > >Dear Voter, > >Will a Strategic Missile Defense usher in "Cold War II?" or, do we need it >to defend against rogue nations? Log onto and tell >Congress and President Bush what you think. > >When you vote on this issue at we'll email your >opinion directly to your congressional representative and senators and the >president. Please make your vote count and don't forget to tell your >friends and family to vote! > >Sincerely, >Your friends at > > > >If you would prefer not to receive this type of mailing, please click the >link below to unsubscribe: > > 0657261695471326839677a393246724a30504670374f4a663368332b4b69554963553d&ref= vote&ov=1&nv=1 > >(NOTE: If your e-mail software does not make the above link active, please >copy & paste it into your web browser and press the Enter key.) > - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Making the links between globalization, nukes and star wars. Date: 10 May 2001 18:51:34 -0400 Dear Friends, Below is the website for a paper that tracks a talk by Paul Rogers at Bradford University, UK at our Abolition Global Council meeting. Rogers gave a clear, enlightening presentation of the links between nuclear weapons, star wars, militarization and globalization. We are drafting a call for a new security framework which will be submitted to you for review. It will deal with the US master plan to command and control the military use of space in order to maintian the gross disparity of resources between rich and poor. It will make reference to the belief by the western states and their allies that they can put a "lid" on the rising tide of discontent at the economic inequity and lack of social justice among the vast majority of the earth's people in order to maintian their access to world resources and unsustainable consumption. It will be the job of the Abolition 2000 Network, in light of Bush's call for "a new security framework" to make known that the only new framework that will work for humanity are negotiations to ban all missiles, keep space for peace and abolish nuclear weapons. A missile shield to preserve the status quo between the haves and the have nots in a "violent peace" is illusory and unsustainable. The only sensible and practical solution to the nuclear threat is the abolition of nuclear weapons. It is particularly ironic that the threats which the shield is designed to protect against are nuclear weapons--the US is trashing the ABM treaty and the NPT promises--biological and chemical weapons--the US is undercutting negotiations for verifying and monitoring the destruction of these horrors. I recommend Rogers paper for your information and to help you think through the links between nuclear weapons, star wars and globalization. Regards, Alice Slater Alice Slater Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE) 15 East 26th Street, Room 915 New York, NY 10010 tel: (212) 726-9161 fax: (212) 726-9160 email: GRACE is a member of Abolition 2000, a global network for the elimination nuclear weapons. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Carah Lynn Ong Subject: (abolition-usa) New to A2000 Website Date: 10 May 2001 17:25:51 -0600 --============_-1222585342==_ma============ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" View the A2000 Photo Gallery! Disarmament Flame Burns in Saintes, France -- Carah Lynn Ong Coordinator Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons PMB 121, 1187 Coast Village Road, Suite 1 Santa Barbara, California 93108-2794 USA Tel: 805-965-3443 Fax: 805-568-0466 Email: Http:// Join the Abolition Global Caucus, send a message to --============_-1222585342==_ma============ Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" New to A2000 Website
View the A2000 Photo Gallery!

Disarmament Flame Burns in Saintes, France
Carah Lynn Ong

Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons
PMB 121, 1187 Coast Village Road, Suite 1
Santa Barbara, California  93108-2794  USA

Tel:  805-965-3443
Fax:  805-568-0466

Join the Abolition Global Caucus, send a message to
--============_-1222585342==_ma============-- - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: Armageddon Nominee Bolton Confirmed Date: 11 May 2001 10:46:02 -0400 >Date: Tue, 08 May 2001 15:10:21 -0500 >Subject: Armageddon Nominee Bolton Confirmed >To: >From: "" > >Well folks, John Bolton is the new Undersecretary of State for Arms Control >and International Security Affairs. While his confirmation is a >disappointment (cause for alarm, actually), we can feel good about the >vote: >57-43. Originally the word from the Hill was that there wasn't going to be >much opposition. We changed this from a quiet, who's-going-to-notice >nomination to a fairly tough vote for the Administration. Thanks to all of >you who worked so hard on this one. >See the message below from the Campaign for UN Reform. > >Tracy Moavero >Armageddon Nominee Confirmed >Washington, DC - May 8, 2001 - By a 57-43 vote, largely along party lines, >the U.S. Senate today confirmed John R. Bolton to be the United States' >Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security >Affairs. >More Senators voted against confirmation than any other Bush nominee to >date, including John Ashcroft. >The large Senate opposition was the result of true grassroots lobbying, >mostly through No money was spent advertising. There >was scant media coverage and little active opposition by the Democratic >leadership. >All Republicans voted to confirm Bolton. >The following Democrats voted to confirm Bolton: >Joe Lieberman (CT) >Ben Nelson (NE) >Mary Landrieu (LA) >John Breaux (LA) >Russ Feingold (WI) >Zell Miller (GA) >Evan Bayh (IN) > >The following Republicans voted to ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear Test >Ban >Treaty (CTBT) but also voted to confirm Bolton: >Gordon Smith (OR) >Arlen Specter (PA) >Jim Jeffords (VT) > >Please contact your senators to either thank them for their vote or >register >your disagreement. The transcripts from the Senate debate surrounding this >vote will be posted to as soon as they are made available. >Thank you for your time and energy put into this effort. Although we were >not able to stop the confirmation, we were able to put the Bush >Administration on notice that Mr. Bolton's extreme positions will not be >accepted unopposed. >Don Kraus >========================================================== >Don Kraus is the Executive Director of the Campaign for U.N. Reform >Dedicated to Building a More Effective United Nations System >420 7th Street, SE Suite C >Washington, DC 20003 >Phone: 202-546-3956 Fax: 202-546-8703 Toll-free: 888-869-CUNR >Email: >Web-site: > - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Carol Wolman Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Fwd: Armageddon Nominee Bolton Confirmed Date: 11 May 2001 08:42:25 +0000 Congratulations to all on work well done! With the deluge of cruel news coming out of DC these days, it's easy to feel discouraged and overwhelmed. Many thanks to the indefatigable memers of this list, and people around the world who keep on plugging to oppose the evil empire. We shall overcome! Peace, Carol ASlater wrote: > >Date: Tue, 08 May 2001 15:10:21 -0500 > >Subject: Armageddon Nominee Bolton Confirmed > >To: > >From: "" > > > >Well folks, John Bolton is the new Undersecretary of State for Arms Control > >and International Security Affairs. While his confirmation is a > >disappointment (cause for alarm, actually), we can feel good about the > >vote: > >57-43. Originally the word from the Hill was that there wasn't going to be > >much opposition. We changed this from a quiet, who's-going-to-notice > >nomination to a fairly tough vote for the Administration. Thanks to all of > >you who worked so hard on this one. > >See the message below from the Campaign for UN Reform. > > > >Tracy Moavero > >Armageddon Nominee Confirmed > >Washington, DC - May 8, 2001 - By a 57-43 vote, largely along party lines, > >the U.S. Senate today confirmed John R. Bolton to be the United States' > >Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security > >Affairs. > >More Senators voted against confirmation than any other Bush nominee to > >date, including John Ashcroft. > >The large Senate opposition was the result of true grassroots lobbying, > >mostly through No money was spent advertising. There > >was scant media coverage and little active opposition by the Democratic > >leadership. > >All Republicans voted to confirm Bolton. > >The following Democrats voted to confirm Bolton: > >Joe Lieberman (CT) > >Ben Nelson (NE) > >Mary Landrieu (LA) > >John Breaux (LA) > >Russ Feingold (WI) > >Zell Miller (GA) > >Evan Bayh (IN) > > > >The following Republicans voted to ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear Test > >Ban > >Treaty (CTBT) but also voted to confirm Bolton: > >Gordon Smith (OR) > >Arlen Specter (PA) > >Jim Jeffords (VT) > > > >Please contact your senators to either thank them for their vote or > >register > >your disagreement. The transcripts from the Senate debate surrounding this > >vote will be posted to as soon as they are made available. > >Thank you for your time and energy put into this effort. Although we were > >not able to stop the confirmation, we were able to put the Bush > >Administration on notice that Mr. Bolton's extreme positions will not be > >accepted unopposed. > >Don Kraus > >========================================================== > >Don Kraus is the Executive Director of the Campaign for U.N. Reform > >Dedicated to Building a More Effective United Nations System > >420 7th Street, SE Suite C > >Washington, DC 20003 > >Phone: 202-546-3956 Fax: 202-546-8703 Toll-free: 888-869-CUNR > >Email: > >Web-site: > > > > - > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Susan Shaer Subject: (abolition-usa) Shoot Down Stars Wars Date: 11 May 2001 11:50:50 -0400
=B7       Please excuse any multiple postings - and please circulate this invitation widely.

Bush's new arms race is out of control! He wants a blank check to fund a missile defense system that doesn't work. We need people from all over, all walks of life, to come to Washington to raise our voices together.

This message is for:
Who: all who think President Bush's new arms race is ridiculous and a disaster
What: rally in front of the White House - go to Capitol Hill to talk with members of Congress
When: soon! Sunday, June 10 rally from 2 to 4 pm - Monday and Tuesday, June 11 and 12 training and Capitol Hill Education Days
[registration form below]



The Nuclear Disarmament Partnership, a joint effort of Peace Action, Peace Links, Physicians for Social Responsibility, 20/20 Vision and WAND, Women's Action for New Directions, in conjunction with Project Abolition and many, many friends, invite you to come to Washington DC to educate policy makers that we need to stop "Star Wars" National Missile Defense -- and instead to pursue nuclear disarmament measures leading to the complete abolition of nuclear weapons.

What, When, & Where...
Following the rally with entertainment and arts in front of the White House on Sunday, June 10 from 2-4 pm, we will begin Monday morning, June 11 with a training and briefing on Capitol Hill.

We will be making visits to Congress on Monday and Tuesday. Monday evening we will host an informal reception and pizza party on the Hill. Additional events, education and networking opportunities will occur on Monday and Tuesday.

Why join us?
This is your chance to make a difference and change our nation's nuclear future.

At this very crucial time, the Bush Administration is unveiling its intention to deploy a National Missile Defense. This nightmare will be a complex sea, land and space based system. In pursuit of this new version of the Star Wars plan, they will tear up the ABM Treaty, possibly provoking an arms race with Russia and China, while wasting hundreds of billions of dollars. Participate in our Congressional Education Days to declare your opposition to National Missile Defense and encourage your elected officials to pursue disarmament measures including the complete abolition of nuclear weapons. It is your turn to become a part of the solution...let your voice be heard!

How much will this experience cost?
A registration fee of $25 will cover the cost of training and pizza at the Pizza Party. Of course, there's no fee to attend the White House Rally. You will be responsible for your travel, lodging and food during your stay in DC. We will be happy to help make suggestions, though you are ultimately responsible for making your own arrangements.

Please contact us as soon as you know you are coming. We want to assist you in making travel and lodging plans and work with you in scheduling meetings with your Senators and Member of Congress.

Activist Training and Congressional Education Days Registration
June 10-12, 2001 Washington, DC

Name_______________________________ Organization_________________________

Address_____________________________ City _____________State ____Zip _______

Phone (Day) __________________________(Evening) ___________________________

E-mail __________________________________________________________________

Return this form to: The Nuclear Disarmament Partnership
1875 Connecticut Ave., NW Suite 1012 Washington, DC 20009
For more information contact:
Kathy Crandall at 202.667.4260 x240 Fax: 202.667.4201
Cost is $25
_____ Yes, I have included $______ to help subsidize students and others
travel expenses.



Sunday, June 10
2pm-4pm: Rally, Lafayette Park (Peace Park)
Washington, DC
Join us for entertainment!

Monday, June 11
8:30am-9:00am: Welcome & Breakfast
Congressman Dennis Kucinich (OH)
Location TBA

9:00am-12:00pm: Orientation &
Training (location TBA)

1pm-5pm: Congressional Visits

5pm-8pm: Debriefing and Pizza Party
The Washington Home of Stewart Mott
122 Maryland Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20002

Tuesday, June 12
Congressional Visits &
Possible Press Event (location TBA)

This message is from Susan Shaer of WAND. Please, again, excuse the possible multiple messages. It is vital to get the word out! Please forward this message.

- To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Fwd: Civil inspection nuclear weapons base Buechel, Germany Date: 11 May 2001 13:53:42 EDT We support this action. Nuclear Weapons Abolition Task Force, Franklin/Hampshire Chapter, Citizens for Participation in Political Action, c/o Johnson, 1114 South East St. Amherst, MA,01002, USA. Chad Johnson - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: HOME Subject: (abolition-usa) Newene Sogobi Mava'a Mia : Western Shoshone Walk On the Sacred Land Date: 11 May 2001 22:51:34 -0700 Newene Sogobi Mava'a Mia : Western Shoshone Walk On the Sacred Land Jennifer Olaranna Viereck May 12, 2001 Six tired but jubilant Western Shoshone spirit runners and their supporters arrived at the gates of the Nevada Test Site just after sunrise this morning, after running and walking 240 miles over their mountains and desert lands. Newene Sogobi Mava'a Mia, the second annual Western Shoshone Walk On the Sacred Land, began Monday in Warm Springs, Nevada, and followed the western boundary of the Nevada Nuclear Weapons Test Site to its southern entrance at Mercury, Nevada. Next year, they will follow the eastern perimeter, past Rachel and the notorious Area 51. The run was organized by Johnnie Bobb, a Western Shoshone National Council member, artist, and spiritual leader. In the first year, he traveled to every Shoshone community and gathering and spoke to many people personally about his vision for a spirit run. A gentle, quiet man, Bobb is deeply concerned about the survival of the land and water, the medicines and foods, and the Shoshone people themselves. The Shoshone Nation, Newe Sogobia, recognized by the federal government in the Treaty of Ruby Valley of 1863, encompasses the Nevada Test Site and the site for the proposed Yucca Mountain High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository. Survivors of the fall-out from over 1,000 nuclear bombs, the remaining 6,000 Western Shoshone suffer a high rate of cancer and thyroid disease. Says Johnnie Bobb, "We are walking and running for our land and rights-to take back Shoshone land that our grandmothers and grandfathers once took care of with their footsteps. Step by step, they went from place to place to hunt and to gather where food was found, and where doctoring took place. Most of all, Shoshone people are buried here, and their spirits are with us. When we pray and sing there will be happiness, joy and love in our hearts, as we stand strong for our ancestors." Johnnie Bobb followed the runners each day, planting willow branches with ribbon flags of the six Shoshone sacred colors. Each afternoon, he set up a new camp by the roadside, with beribboned teepee, signs, and mobile kitchen and latrine. Highly visible to all who passed by, the camp drew an enthusiastic response from cars and semi trucks alike. In three mile relays, the six runners carried an eight foot eagle staff an average of forty five-miles a day. Although heavy with bundles of medicinal herbs, eagle feathers and other sacred objects from the runners and other well wishers, the staff is what carried each runner on, according to Darlene Graham, the eldest and only woman runner. "The powerful medicine coming through my hand from the staff, the energy of Mother Earth coming up through my feet- I can't describe the feeling to you in English- but I could in my own Newe language," she said, tears coming to her eyes. Darlene, a grandmother of seven, spent much of her life on the Duckwater Reservation, immediately downwind of the Test Site. She recalls the mysterious booms and colored clouds of her childhood. She lost her brother to cancer at the age of 32, and both sisters suffer thyroid disease. Two of her four children have learning disorders. The runners spanned thirty-seven years in age, and traveled from three states to participate. Jose Corleto, a 20 year old from the isolated Yomba Reservation in central Nevada, was one of a few runners the year before. A growing interest in traditional spirituality and political issues facing Western Shoshone brought him on the road once again. "It's really worth it," said Jose quietly. "Even though it's hot out here and your bones are hurting and your muscles aching, when you get to the end, you know you've done something good. It's the least a Shoshone person can do for their Mother." Joseph Allison, also 20, comes from urban Sacramento, California. He had no idea what to expect and describes his initial feelings as skeptical. But on his first day an antelope kept pace beside him, running and walking, until bounding away at his three mile finish marker. He feels a deep affinity for the land he is praying for now. Joseph's cousins, Rudy and Santiago Lozada, are raising families of their own in the Sacramento area. They are both grandsons of Eunice Silva, a greatly respected Shoshone healer from Battle Mountain, who passed over a few years ago at the age of 104. Both return to Nevada regularly to participate in traditional gatherings. Upon hearing of the suffering of the few runners making the trek the year before, they felt they had to support the effort this year. Says Rudy, "This is all very different for me. You learn so much about the land when you're out there, but you really learn a lot about yourself. I'm not the same man I was a few days ago." Santiago adds, "We're here for our ancestors and Mother Earth. Mama needs us-that's the bottom line." Chet Stevens is forty-eight, a construction worker from Reno, Nevada. For the past several years, he has traveled whenever work allows (and sometimes when it didn't) to help with sweatlodges and other ceremonies. He is frank about his own efforts to heal from a past of alcohol, and his desire to give something back for the growth and relief he feels. "When you are out there, you get a lot of insight spiritually," Chet says. "You are really opened up to all things, to a different level of understanding and connection, like in the Sun Dance, like a Vision Quest." Evening in camp was filled with starlight and talk around the drum. Feelings were shared openly about each runner's day, and how to best convey their message to Test Site officials upon arrival. Issues facing the Shoshone were discussed in detail, from current transportation of nuclear waste, to toxic pesticide spraying of medicinal herbs, to upcoming "controlled burns" by the Bureau of Land Management and inevitable radiation releases from 'downwind' forests. The runners have been amply nurtured by the fierce heart and splendid cooking of Lois Whitney, Director of the Western Shoshone Defense Project and member of the Elko Shoshone Colony. This author was greeted with an enormous Indian taco on arrival at the roadside camp, and followed Sunrise Ceremony and the departure of the first runner the next dawn with French toast, sausage, coffee and fruit. Lois is very grateful for more runners this year, but she wants to see a lot more. "It was so hard to see the suffering of the men last year, when you know able-bodied people that turn their back. How dare they say they're Native Americans when they refuse to protect their land?" Lois is clear about the issues that bring her to the Test Site. "First, they created these atomic bombs and blew them up here without letting us know the impacts-my people have suffered terribly from radiation. And, they used them to blow up other people. Now they want to turn full circle, and bring their poison back here to Shoshone land for all time." Says Lois about her role as camp cook, "I am so proud of these runners, especially our sister Darlene, the only woman out there. I wanted to at least see them properly nurtured. And I am humbled by the opportunity to do this. It is wonderful, being on the land, working together. The suffering we do is nothing compared to the blessings the Creator gives us." And what of next year? Everyone hopes to bring more Western Shoshone into the spirit run, but all people are welcome. Non-Shoshone support this year provided food, water, support vehicles to accompany runners, and video documentation. Chet Stevens explains, "When we pray and run, it isn't just for the Shoshone. We pray for every plant, every car that passes. We're all in this together-we all live on one planet Earth, we share the same water and air. We are praying for everyone." For more information about Newene Sogobi Mava'a Mia, contact Johnnie L. Bobb, at (775) 964-2210, or HC61 Box 6250, Austin NV 89310. This article may be reproduced in its entirety. Please credit and notify the author. -- Jennifer Olaranna Viereck HOME: Healing Ourselves & Mother Earth 760-852-4151 PO Box 420, Tecopa CA 92389 USA Breaking the Silence of Nuclear Denial! - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sally Light Subject: (abolition-usa) Joyce Hollyday - Benefit for Nevada Desert Experience Date: 12 May 2001 17:58:00 +0100 FROM THE HEART, A Conversation with Joyce Hollyday =96 A Benefit for Nevada Desert Experience Thursday, May 17, 2001, 7 =96 9 pm Wesley Foundation, 2398 Bancroft Way (at Dana), Berkeley Parking available at Sather Gate Lot, 2450 Durant Free-will offering at the door Dear Friends of Nevada Desert Experience, This is just to remind you that Joyce Hollyday, renowned author and speaker, will appear this coming Thursday, May 17, at Nevada Desert Experience=92s Berkeley office at the above address. Joyce is an Associate Conference Minister for the Southeast Conference of the United Church of Christ, and author of several books. She is currently collecting oral histories for the forthcoming book on African American Congregations within the United Church of Christ, Rekindle the Gift. She served for 15 years as Associate Editor of Sojourners magazine, was a founding member of Witness for Peace in Nicaragua, and part of the first team to establish a nonviolent, prayerful presence there in the 1980s. She also traveled throughout apartheid-era South Africa, and was an observer to that nation=92s Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 1997. Please join us for an unforgettable and inspiring evening. In peace =85. Sally Light Executive Director Nevada Desert Experience For more information, please call the JPIC Office at (510) 536-3772, etc. 113. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: Per your inquiry: Biological Weapons and the U.S. Date: 14 May 2001 10:16:59 -0400 Dear Friends, Below is some disturbing information in response to an inquiry I made about the US posture on the biological weapons convention. It seems that the Bush Administration is blowing off talks with North Korea to prevent the "missile threat", trashing the ABM treaty thus escalating Chinese and Russian hostility to the US, and ratcheting up the PR in America about threats from "terrorists" while it does everything in its power to create new threats such as by undercutting the ability to monitor and verify biological warfare threats. Who's the rogue state now? Alice Slater >Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 16:30:48 -0500 >Subject: Per your inquiry: Biological Weapons and the U.S. >To: >Cc: >From: "" > >Dear Alice Slater, > >A press release dated today about the U.S. role in the Convention >negotiations is available at the Sunshine Project's wetsite: > > >The U.S. is blocking further progress on the Biological and Toxin Weapons >Negotiations. On our website at you will find a focus >on the Bioweapons negotiations. The Sunshine Project has written a great >summary of the loopholes in the Convention itself, and the U.S. is one of >the main opponents of closing them. > > >ence_of_the_BTWC_Closing_Loop.pdf > >I spoke with the Arms Control Bureau in the State Department, who >represents the U.S. in the negotiations. They were unwilling to divulge any >of the positions that they are taking. I said that I am a U.S citizen, and >I have a right to know what positions they are taking on my behalf, but >they didn't budge. If you want to call the State Department and ask them >directly, their telephone numbers and contact information are: > >Mike Ward >(202) 647-5344 >Bob Mackalack >(202) 646-5477 >Jennie Grommel >(202) 647-8778 >Geneva 011-41-22-749-4480 > >I hope this information is helpful. > >Sincerely, > > >Neil Sorensen >Program Assistant for International Programs >Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy >2105 First Avenue South >Minneapolis, MN 55404 USA >Tel: (612) 870-3412 >Fax: (612) 870-4846 >Email: > > > > > - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Boyle, Francis" Subject: RE: (abolition-usa) Fwd: Per your inquiry: Biological Weapons and Date: 14 May 2001 10:42:45 -0500 this is the same attitude taken by the reagan admistration: attack the arms control treaties and exploit America's technological lead in all areas, including biotechnology. It appears that GW has gone back to staff his administration with the Reaganites. For the record, his father was very supportive of controls on biological weapons, signing into law the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act of 1989, which was passed unanimously by both Houses of COngress. Later amended and strengthened by the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act. fab. Francis A. Boyle Law Building 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Champaign, IL 61820 USA 217-333-7954(voice) 217-244-1478(fax) -----Original Message----- Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 9:17 AM the U.S. Dear Friends, Below is some disturbing information in response to an inquiry I made about the US posture on the biological weapons convention. It seems that the Bush Administration is blowing off talks with North Korea to prevent the "missile threat", trashing the ABM treaty thus escalating Chinese and Russian hostility to the US, and ratcheting up the PR in America about threats from "terrorists" while it does everything in its power to create new threats such as by undercutting the ability to monitor and verify biological warfare threats. Who's the rogue state now? Alice Slater >Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 16:30:48 -0500 >Subject: Per your inquiry: Biological Weapons and the U.S. >To: >Cc: >From: "" > >Dear Alice Slater, > >A press release dated today about the U.S. role in the Convention >negotiations is available at the Sunshine Project's wetsite: > > >The U.S. is blocking further progress on the Biological and Toxin Weapons >Negotiations. On our website at you will find a focus >on the Bioweapons negotiations. The Sunshine Project has written a great >summary of the loopholes in the Convention itself, and the U.S. is one of >the main opponents of closing them. > > r >ence_of_the_BTWC_Closing_Loop.pdf > >I spoke with the Arms Control Bureau in the State Department, who >represents the U.S. in the negotiations. They were unwilling to divulge any >of the positions that they are taking. I said that I am a U.S citizen, and >I have a right to know what positions they are taking on my behalf, but >they didn't budge. If you want to call the State Department and ask them >directly, their telephone numbers and contact information are: > >Mike Ward >(202) 647-5344 >Bob Mackalack >(202) 646-5477 >Jennie Grommel >(202) 647-8778 >Geneva 011-41-22-749-4480 > >I hope this information is helpful. > >Sincerely, > > >Neil Sorensen >Program Assistant for International Programs >Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy >2105 First Avenue South >Minneapolis, MN 55404 USA >Tel: (612) 870-3412 >Fax: (612) 870-4846 >Email: > > > > > - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Boyle, Francis" Subject: (abolition-usa) FW: biowarfare defense articles in The Mercury News Date: 14 May 2001 10:47:27 -0500 -----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 7:54 PM Dear Colleagues: You would not believe the amount of time i spent working with this reporter on all the problems and dangers with this research. And yet almost everything I said was censored out. not much more than a piece of advertisement for the California biotech industry. In particular, most disturbing, i specifically told her that if any of these genetic engineering contracts called for the development of an aerosol delivery device, that was a tell-tale sign that the research was going to be put to weapons use. You will note:"And Maxygen's latest contract is to develop a method of delivering vaccines through aerosols rather than inoculation." Yet, no comment by me. Indeed, without blinking an eye she repeats the company's obvious propaganda knowing full well the implications here because i took a lot of time explaining it to her from scratch.fab -----Original Message----- Sent: 8/31/00 3:35 PM Francis A. Boyle Law Building 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Champaign, IL 61820 USA 217-333-7954(voice) 217-244-1478(fax) -----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 3:06 PM ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'FBOYLE@LAW.UIUC.EDU' Hope you managed to pick up a copy of the San Jose Mercury News on Sunday. My package on biological warfare defense ran on the front page and continued on for two full pages inside. In case you missed it, here are the links: However, I believe the Mercury online articles are only available free-of-charge for seven days, so check the stories out soon. Thanks for your help, Nicole ___________________________________________________________ T O P I C A The Email You Want. Newsletters, Tips and Discussions on Your Favorite Topics - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Boyle, Francis" Subject: (abolition-usa) FW: Biowarfare research: OP-ED IN THE ALB. TRIBUNE Date: 14 May 2001 10:58:21 -0500 it seems there is a reason why the new Bush people do not want this BWC protocol: they have something to hide. fab. Francis A. Boyle Law Building 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Champaign, IL 61820 USA 217-333-7954(voice) 217-244-1478(fax) -----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 1:54 PM --------------------------- OP-ED PIECE IN THE ALB. TRIBUNE 3/17/01 By: Peggy Prince, Executive Director of Peace Action N.M. Dr. Beryl Schwartz, educator Cathie Sullivan, researcher Dr. Francis Boyle, law professor at Illinois University and author of the 1989 Bioweapons and Anti-Terrorism Act The opinion piece of Saturday (3/10) in the Albuquerque Tribune, written by two Los Alamos National Lab (LANL) employees is as slick as the shiny paper of their brochures and, like them, contain little depth or substance. It is very disappointing that they decided to play the fear 'card' to elicit from their readers an emotional rather than reasoned response to their arguments. Without doubt, accidental or deliberate biological contamination of people or the environment is a serious concern. However, the Bio-Safety Level 3 (BSL-3) Bio-Weapons lab proposed for LANL is not only the wrong location, given their scandalous safety and security record, but also the wrong mission for a nuclear weapons research, development and production facility. Unlike the BSL-2 facility license they now hold which only allows them to study dead pathogens of viruses and bacteria, with a BSL-3 facility license they can study and reproduce live "infectious or lethal exotic agents". A BSL-3 facility has never been located at a nuclear weapons production lab before. There shouldn't be one at LANL now. Let's examine why. Two useful yardsticks exist against which to measure LANL's request for a new bioweapons-capable lab. Since the folks who want to increase work with toxins and disease organisms are managers with roots deep in the nuclear weapons program, we can first look at their performance record in critical areas like worker safety, community safety, and whistleblower protection. Intimidation of whistleblowers, a cavalier attitude towards worker safety, and inept, often over-budget program management, have characterized LANL from the beginning. For instance, according to the final accident report of April,1996, investigators found that Laboratory managers were at fault in the electrocution of Efren Martinez (Efren jackhammered into a 13,200 volt cable and 4 years later remains in a vegetative state). The work was performed outside the safety rules of an authorized workplan in a rush to beat a deadline and the two Lab managers most directly responsible for this tragedy are both still working at the Lab with promotions and pay raises. The investigators stated that: 'Significant, sitewide, programmatic weaknesses in the Laboratory's safety management program and failure to correct them were the principle causes of the accident.' A follow up report done 2 years later, reported that many electrical safety problems had not been addressed and the Lab had quietly ended many corrective actions before the corrections were completed or verified as effective. In a second example of disregard of worker safety, consider that during the Cerro Grande fire, which burned large sections of potentially contaminated LANL property, firefighters were given no protective gear or instructions for reducing risk of contamination to their families from their work clothes. A third example deals with disregard of community safety. The lab planned open-air testing of detectors using a strain of bacterium Bacillus globigii (Bg) which can be harmful to elderly and infirmed persons. The community of White Rock objected to putting children, seniors, and those with impaired immune systems at risk and forced the experiment to stop. The second useful yardstick with which to judge LANL's competency, is the February 2001 report from the Department of Energy's office of Inspector General, an independent auditing agency within the government. This important document is available at (Inspection of Department of Energy Activities Involving Biological Select Agents; IG-0492) The report's main finding cites deficiencies in organization, oversight and implementing procedures in the current DOE (and LANL) bioweapons-related program. If these sound like vague criticisms, they are not. They are the concrete failures that, as in Efren's case, increase the risk Lab work poses to its workers and the public. Specifically, the Inspector General (IG) found that the Albuquerque DOE office did not even know LANL had 'an extensive program' with Anthrax or select agent DNA nor had the Lab's Biological Safety Officer done the required assessment or evaluation of biolab safety. The report also cited inadequate screening of incoming shipments of biological material at LANL. In one case this resulted in a scientist working with the wrong DNA material for four months before realizing his error-- a potential biological catastrophe if the same thing happened at the proposed new lab with live toxic or disease-causing organisms. Also at LANL, after receiving a shipment in a container with both outer and inner linings crushed , a scientist promptly destroyed the material but the 'responsible facility official' told the inspector there was 'zero risk' and he saw no need for 'special handling procedures'. The Los Alamos Biosafety Officer told the investigator they had no 'hazard control plan' for damaged shipments, a story they later changed after seeing the quote in the IG's draft report. Unfortunately, this list goes on and on. While at one time accident reports were on LANL's website, now they are behind a cyber wall, out of public view. The frequent newspaper reports on nuclear and hazardous materials accidents at LANL are just the tip of the iceberg, since often only diligent reporter investigations unearth pertinent facts that would otherwise be kept from public purview. The Lab's chronic mismanagement and safety failures should remove it from consideration as a site for a bioweapons-capable facility with the built-in potential for accidents with toxins and disease organisms. Nationally, there are other serious concerns. The Bush administration has rejected the Comprehensive nuclear Test Ban Treaty, a Treaty that is crucial for further reductions in nuclear weapons and to reducing the possibility of the proliferation of nuclear weapons. There is serious talk of abandoning the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, as well, in order to pursue the National Missile Defense, a continuation of the fairy story Star Wars debacle which may well end up costing well over $100 Billion. The U.S. has also refused to sign on to the Landmine Treaty which could help save thousands of innocent civilian lives each year. Later this year there will be a review of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) in Geneva. Given the Bush lack of commitment to other important treaties, will the Bush, Helms, Domenici et al regime work to weaken and desiccate that treaty as well? While Bush's national security team expresses concern about the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the U.S. remains the largest purveyor of such weapons over the years, and the team has said little about the ongoing international negotiations to strengthen the BWC. Their silence regarding support for arms control treaties in general is troubling and may be reflective of its attitude toward BWC. The Department of Energy has traditionally used starry-eyed rhetoric, scare tactics, and slick propaganda to try to woo and confuse the public. In this instance, they are trying to push the BSL-3 facility at LANL without being willing to submit the plan for the facility, using live "infectious or lethal exotic agents", to a full Environmental Impact Statement. However, it's not necessary to scratch our heads and assume that the government wouldn't lie to us. Use the logic of your own experience. If it looks like a snake and sounds like a snake... well you know the rest. The legitimate work of bio-threat reduction must find a home where managers respect safety, respect whistleblowers, have real oversight and demand that established procedures are followed. LANL doesn't even come close to filling the bill. LANL should not add more toxic, select DNA or disease agent work to the already unsafe, poorly managed nuclear weapons program. New Mexico deserves better than to be the nation's center for both nuclear and biological weapons of mass destruction. Demand that the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Agency, which would be in charge of the BSL-3 facility, be required to conduct a full and fair Environmental Impact Statement. Better yet, just say 'no'. According to University of Illinois law professor, Dr. Francis Boyle, author of the 1989 Bioweapons and Anti-Terrorism Act which outlaws the manufacture of biological weapons, "This creates prima facie problems of compliance with the Biological Weapons Convention. Why locate a bio-weapons lab at a facility whose primary mission is development and production of offensive nuclear weapons? You can imagine the way other countries will view it: We say to them, don't do it, meanwhile our own people are putting dual-use research into a known weapons facility." Peace Action New Mexico is a statewide affiliate of Peace Action, the nation's largest grassroots peace and social justice organization. Peace Action N.M. can be contacted at 505.989.4812 TO COMMENT ON THE BSL-3 BIO-WEAPONS FACILITY AT LANL, CALL OR WRITE: Rep. Tom Udall @ 202-225-6190/505-984-8950 Sen. Jeff Bingaman @ 202-224-5521/505-988-6647 Elizabeth Withers David Gurulé N.E.P.A. Compliance officer DOE/LANL Area Office 667-8690 667-5105 528 35th St. 528 35th St. Los Alamos, N.M. 87544 Los Alamos, N.M. 87544 --- Sponsor's Message -------------------------------------- Discuss Tech News as It Happens! Keep up with the latest happenings in high tech -- FREE! ==^================================================================ EASY UNSUBSCRIBE click here: Or send an email To: This email was sent to: T O P I C A -- Learn More. Surf Less. 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I have cleared my mailbox and I am now able to receive all of my messages. If you sent me anything important from May 11 - May 14, please resend it. Sorry for the inconvenience. Sorry also for duplications. -- Jackie Cabasso **************************************************************************** *************** Jacqueline Cabasso WESTERN STATES LEGAL FOUNDATION 1440 Broadway, Suite 500 Oakland, California 94612 USA Tel: + 1 (510) 839-5877 Fax: + 1 (510) 839-5397 Website: Western States Legal Foundation is a founding member of the ABOLITION 2000 GLOBAL NETWORK TO ELIMINATE NUCLEAR WEAPONS **************************************************************************** *************** --=====================_9058877==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Dear colleagues -- While I was travelling, my mailbox filled up and messages sent to me after May 11 were  bounced back to the sender.  I have cleared my mailbox and I am now able to receive all of my messages.  If you sent me anything important from May 11 - May 14, please resend it.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  Sorry also for duplications.  -- Jackie Cabasso
Jacqueline Cabasso
1440 Broadway, Suite 500
Oakland, California 94612 USA
Tel: + 1 (510) 839-5877
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Western States Legal Foundation is a founding member of the
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Alice Slater May 9, 2001 *Office of preparedness in the planning stages* RON HUTCHESON WASHINGTON BUREAU WASHINGTON President Bush launched an effort to guard against terrorism Tuesday, warning that the nation faces a ``very real'' threat of attack by biological, chemical or nuclear weapons. Bush directed Vice President Dick Cheney to coordinate the federal government's defenses against terrorism and announced plans for a new Office of National Preparedness. Bush acted after a critical government report was issued in March and as three Senate committees are examining the possibility of a future terrorist attack surpassing the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing that claimed 168 lives. ``The magnitude of this threat is just beginning to sink in,'' said Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., citing a host of terrorism experts who have predicted that, when it comes to a devastating attack, ``It's not a matter of if, but when.'' Bush said the spread of weapons of mass destruction to countries with ties to terrorist groups has heightened the potential danger. ``Against this backdrop, it is clear that the threat of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons being used against the United States -- while not immediate -- is very real,'' he said. Bush's approach seeks to prevent an attack and to deal with the consequences of a successful terrorist act. The federal government spends at least $11 billion a year on counterterrorism including fortifying embassies, training special operations units, gathering intelligence and maintaining airport security. The General Accounting Office, Congress's watchdog agency, concluded in late March that the efforts were hindered by a lack of coordination. If an attack succeeds, the new Office of National Preparedness will seek to coordinate the government's response. Longtime Bush aide Joseph Allbaugh, who is also responsible for disaster relief in his role as director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, will head the office. Bush's announcement drew a mixed reaction from Congress. Lawmakers praised Bush for addressing the problem, but some took issue with the specifics of his approach. Three Senate committees -- Intelligence, Armed Services and Appropriations -- are examining the threat of terrorism in three days of hearings that opened Monday. Sen. Ernest Hollings, D-S.C., expressed fears that the focus on emergency response in the event of an attack could divert attention from law enforcement efforts to catch the terrorists. Online: Federal Emergency Management Agency, =A9 2001 PioneerPlanet / St. Paul (Minnesota) Pioneer Press / ***************************************************************** 11 FEMA, Cheney will head anti-terrorism efforts BY EUN-KYUNG KIM The Associated Press WASHINGTON - President Bush created a new office Tuesday to assess the nation's ability to deter terrorism and to coordinate a "harmonious and comprehensive" response to terrorist attacks, including those involving biological, chemical or nuclear weapons. "Prudence dictates that the United States be fully prepared to deal effectively with the consequences of such a weapon being used here on our soil," the president said. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, the government body that deals with floods, tornadoes and other natural disasters, will head the anti-terrorism effort through the newly created Office of National Preparedness. Bush also said his vice president will lead an administration working group to assess terrorist threats. Dick Cheney, during a CNN interview, said the team will "figure out how we best respond to that kind of disaster of major proportions that in effect would be man-made or man-caused." Cheney's group was expected to report its findings to Congress by Oct. 1, with the recommendations to be reviewed by the National Security Council. The announcements Tuesday came as a Senate panel held the first of three days of hearings on the subject. "The president's purpose is to bring clarity to the 46 agencies that have a piece of the pie," FEMA director Joe Allbaugh told members of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary. "Preparedness is the key to everything, whether you are talking about tornadoes or flooding or terrorism events," Allbaugh said. "I'm an old Boy Scout, and I believe in the motto, 'Be Prepared.' And the way we can be prepared is to educate and to train, particularly those who are the first responders - those who put their lives at risk every day." Allbaugh stressed that the office will serve only as an organizer to make sure local and state agencies are prepared for terrorism: "We are not a deterrence agency, we are not in the intelligence business." The new office created some concern among lawmakers who feared the effort might cause additional confusion for local governments unsure of who they must report to during an attack. Many roles that will be examined by FEMA now fall under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department or other federal agencies. Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., cited a training exercise conducted last year to gauge the ability to respond to a major terrorist attack. He said many "bodies" lay on the ground for hours while emergency workers tried to figure out "who was in charge." Allbaugh said that kind of problem will be among those examined by his new office, as well as Cheney's working group. In additional to Allbaugh, other administration officials appeared before the Senate panel to testify about the increasing difficulty of combating terrorism because of new technology and growing economic connections between nations. Many senators expressed unhappiness with government efforts to face the growing threats of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons. "Our programs are both fragmented and overlapping," said Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W. Va. "Fortunately, Congress and the executive branch both appear to recognize this fact and both branches of government are working or at least beginning to work to find solutions." Secretary of State Colin Powell called terrorism "part of the dark side of globalization." He said he was comfortable receiving "all the information it is possible to have" about national security. But he acknowledged that "there is somebody out there who is going to find a weak link." Copyright =A9 2001, Lincoln Journal Star. All rights reserved. 926 P Street Lincoln NE 68508 402 475-4200 ***************************************************************** Alice Slater Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE) 15 East 26th Street, Room 915 New York, NY 10010 tel: (212) 726-9161 fax: (212) 726-9160 email: GRACE is a member of Abolition 2000, a global network for the elimination nuclear weapons. =20 - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Boyle, Francis" Subject: (abolition-usa) RE: [globenet] Bush manufactures threat Date: 14 May 2001 14:11:30 -0500 Dear Alice: For what it is worth, back in 1998 the University of Michigan Law School invited me to speak at a big conference they were holding on International Terrorism.(I guess they wanted a token dissenter from the party-line) They had a large number of government officials there from the Clinton Administration. The Keynote Speaker at the dinner was the Clinton White House Person in charge of counter-terrorism. I was literally amazed by the speech that was given: It sounded like it came right out of the script for the Reagan administration's "war against international terrorism" which, I had thought, had been discarded into Trotsky's ashcan of history.(See my Preserving the Rule of Law in the War against International Terrorism, Future of International Law and American Foreign Policy(1989).) So the point is that this official scaremongering on terrorism goes back to the latter stages of the second Clinton term--the so-called "liberals". As I told my students, The Clinton People were the Sons and the Daughters of the Best and the Brightest. As i said in a previous post today, it appears that the BushII People are the next generation of Reaganites--far more reactionary then the Bush I People, who were typical realpolitikers. Best regards, Francis. Francis A. Boyle Law Building 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Champaign, IL 61820 USA 217-333-7954(voice) 217-244-1478(fax) -----Original Message----- Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 1:47 PM Dear Friends, Here's the latest Bush thinking on weapons of mass destruction--meanwhile we're trashing the ABM treaty and NPT promises, undermining the biological weapons convention verification procedures in order to manufacture the very terror we should avoid by disarmament and negotiations and to scare the American public into building star wars. Alice Slater May 9, 2001 *Office of preparedness in the planning stages* RON HUTCHESON WASHINGTON BUREAU WASHINGTON President Bush launched an effort to guard against terrorism Tuesday, warning that the nation faces a ``very real'' threat of attack by biological, chemical or nuclear weapons. Bush directed Vice President Dick Cheney to coordinate the federal government's defenses against terrorism and announced plans for a new Office of National Preparedness. Bush acted after a critical government report was issued in March and as three Senate committees are examining the possibility of a future terrorist attack surpassing the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing that claimed 168 lives. ``The magnitude of this threat is just beginning to sink in,'' said Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., citing a host of terrorism experts who have predicted that, when it comes to a devastating attack, ``It's not a matter of if, but when.'' Bush said the spread of weapons of mass destruction to countries with ties to terrorist groups has heightened the potential danger. ``Against this backdrop, it is clear that the threat of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons being used against the United States -- while not immediate -- is very real,'' he said. Bush's approach seeks to prevent an attack and to deal with the consequences of a successful terrorist act. The federal government spends at least $11 billion a year on counterterrorism including fortifying embassies, training special operations units, gathering intelligence and maintaining airport security. The General Accounting Office, Congress's watchdog agency, concluded in late March that the efforts were hindered by a lack of coordination. If an attack succeeds, the new Office of National Preparedness will seek to coordinate the government's response. Longtime Bush aide Joseph Allbaugh, who is also responsible for disaster relief in his role as director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, will head the office. Bush's announcement drew a mixed reaction from Congress. Lawmakers praised Bush for addressing the problem, but some took issue with the specifics of his approach. Three Senate committees -- Intelligence, Armed Services and Appropriations -- are examining the threat of terrorism in three days of hearings that opened Monday. Sen. Ernest Hollings, D-S.C., expressed fears that the focus on emergency response in the event of an attack could divert attention from law enforcement efforts to catch the terrorists. Online: Federal Emergency Management Agency, © 2001 PioneerPlanet / St. Paul (Minnesota) Pioneer Press / ***************************************************************** 11 FEMA, Cheney will head anti-terrorism efforts BY EUN-KYUNG KIM The Associated Press WASHINGTON - President Bush created a new office Tuesday to assess the nation's ability to deter terrorism and to coordinate a "harmonious and comprehensive" response to terrorist attacks, including those involving biological, chemical or nuclear weapons. "Prudence dictates that the United States be fully prepared to deal effectively with the consequences of such a weapon being used here on our soil," the president said. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, the government body that deals with floods, tornadoes and other natural disasters, will head the anti-terrorism effort through the newly created Office of National Preparedness. Bush also said his vice president will lead an administration working group to assess terrorist threats. Dick Cheney, during a CNN interview, said the team will "figure out how we best respond to that kind of disaster of major proportions that in effect would be man-made or man-caused." Cheney's group was expected to report its findings to Congress by Oct. 1, with the recommendations to be reviewed by the National Security Council. The announcements Tuesday came as a Senate panel held the first of three days of hearings on the subject. "The president's purpose is to bring clarity to the 46 agencies that have a piece of the pie," FEMA director Joe Allbaugh told members of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary. "Preparedness is the key to everything, whether you are talking about tornadoes or flooding or terrorism events," Allbaugh said. "I'm an old Boy Scout, and I believe in the motto, 'Be Prepared.' And the way we can be prepared is to educate and to train, particularly those who are the first responders - those who put their lives at risk every day." Allbaugh stressed that the office will serve only as an organizer to make sure local and state agencies are prepared for terrorism: "We are not a deterrence agency, we are not in the intelligence business." The new office created some concern among lawmakers who feared the effort might cause additional confusion for local governments unsure of who they must report to during an attack. Many roles that will be examined by FEMA now fall under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department or other federal agencies. Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., cited a training exercise conducted last year to gauge the ability to respond to a major terrorist attack. He said many "bodies" lay on the ground for hours while emergency workers tried to figure out "who was in charge." Allbaugh said that kind of problem will be among those examined by his new office, as well as Cheney's working group. In additional to Allbaugh, other administration officials appeared before the Senate panel to testify about the increasing difficulty of combating terrorism because of new technology and growing economic connections between nations. Many senators expressed unhappiness with government efforts to face the growing threats of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons. "Our programs are both fragmented and overlapping," said Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W. Va. "Fortunately, Congress and the executive branch both appear to recognize this fact and both branches of government are working or at least beginning to work to find solutions." Secretary of State Colin Powell called terrorism "part of the dark side of globalization." He said he was comfortable receiving "all the information it is possible to have" about national security. But he acknowledged that "there is somebody out there who is going to find a weak link." Copyright © 2001, Lincoln Journal Star. All rights reserved. 926 P Street Lincoln NE 68508 402 475-4200 ***************************************************************** Alice Slater Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE) 15 East 26th Street, Room 915 New York, NY 10010 tel: (212) 726-9161 fax: (212) 726-9160 email: GRACE is a member of Abolition 2000, a global network for the elimination nuclear weapons. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: [abolition-caucus] SIGN-ON, update Carson v. Dept. of Date: 14 May 2001 17:56:22 -0400 >Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 14:26:02 -0500 >Subject: [abolition-caucus] SIGN-ON, update Carson v. Dept. of Energy (DOE) >Priority: non-urgent >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true >To:,,, >From: "" > > > > Please SIGN [at bottom] and dissemenate widely to help this courageous >whistleblower. > > > -Bill Smirnow > > > >----- Original Message ----- >From: "Joseph Carson" >Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 10:14 AM >Subject: update Carson v. Dept. of Energy (DOE) > > >>> To - Friends and family of Joe Carson, P.E., and interested parties in >>> Carson v. DOE >>> >>> From - Joe Carson, P.E., DOE Safety Engineer and "Eight-Time Prevailing" >>> whistleblower >>> >>> Subject - Update on latest legal win and pending legal actions >>> >>> Date - May 9, 2001 >>> >>> On April 26, 2001 the Full Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) >>affirmed >>> Administrative Judge Richard Vitaris' October 2000 Recommendation that >>> found DOE in non-compliance with the Board's February 2000 Order. The >>> Board's eight page (double-spaced) decision is on my website >>> . The Board found that DOE has >>> implemented Judge Vitaris' recommendation. >>> >>> As a result, DOE is now liable for about another $20,000.00 in attorney >>> fees for my settlement attorney, Ron Zabel, for the work he performed >>> between February 2000 and April 26, 2001. He will file a fee petition >with >>> the Board in several weeks. By Board regulations, attorney fees can >>only >>> be awarded to "prevailing" appellants, so I have now "prevailed" an >>> *eighth* time in whistleblower related actions against the Department of >>> Energy. >>> >>> Currently, DOE has paid close to $400,000.00 in my attorney fees and >costs. >>> About $60,000 in attorney fees and about $50,000.00 in consequential >>> damages are under review at the Board, this is in addition to the >>> $20,000.00 DOE just became liable for. And I'm still incurring legal >bills >>> of thousands of dollars a month, bills DOE will also eventually be >>liable >>> for. >>> >>> Has everyone heard DOE oft-repeated pledge of "zero tolerance for >>> reprisal?" I think we all know it really means "zero tolerance for >>> concerned employees" in DOE. I have several pending legal actions that >>> will hopefully illustrate the moral and ethical bankruptcy of DOE's >>> representations about "zero tolerance." >>> >>> 1 On May 6, 2001, I filed a "stay" request with MSPB as part of my >>pending >>> whsitleblower appeal. If granted (and MSPB only grants about 1 percent >>of >>> stay requests made to it by whistleblowers), DOE will have to promote me >>> for pay purposes during the pendency of my current appeal. By the law >>and >>> MSPB regulations, a decision on the stay should be issued by May 18, >>2001. >>> >>> 2) On April 5, 2001 I filed a petition for enforcement (PFE) with MSPB, >>> based on DOE's failure to implement "zero tolerance for reprisal" in any >>> meaningful way in my case and its violation of a number of its own rules >in >>> its failure to process my January 2001 employee concern about a fearful, >>> repressive safety culture in DOE facilities. Instead of responding >>> meaningfully to my PFE, DOE merely argued that the Board should dismiss >>it >>> on jurisdictional grounds, underscoring the validity of my PFE. The PFE >is >>> now fully briefed, Judge Vitaris, the same MSPB Judge who found in favor >of >>> Jim Bailey, a DOE nuclear weapons courier, in a whistleblower appeal a >>few >>> years ago and who found DOE in non-compliance with the Board's February >>> 2000 Order, is assigned to the PFE. I anticipate he will issue a ruling >>> (or decide to hold a hearing) within a few weeks (or less.). >>> >>> 3) My pending whistleblower appeal is set for a hearing on June 5, 2001 >>in >>> Knoxville. At issue is whether Leah Dever, Steve Richardson, Bob Poe >>> and/or other top DOE officials in Oak Ridge Operations engaged in >>unlawful >>> reprisal against me in failing to offer me a reassignment opportunity to >>> Oak Ridge between August 1999 and October 2000, when MSPB found DOE in >>> non-compliance with its Order. Depositions for the case are scheduled >>to >>> start next week. >>> >>> Last week, in New York City, I was honored to receive the "Vanguard >>Award" >>> of the American Engineering Alliance (AEA). The citation reads, in >>part, >>> "for extraordinary courage, dedication, initiative and perseverance; >>> demonstrating at great personal risk a path toward elevating the >>> engineering profession and safeguarding the public interest." >>> >>> In my acceptance speech I discussed how the code of ethics for the >>safety >>> professions - "to hold paramount the health, safety and welfare of the >>> worker and public in the performance of professional duty" cannot be >>> reconciled with a statement contained in the President Clinton's >>December >>> 2000 Executive Order about the DOE workers' compensation bill, "these >>> workers were neither informed of nor protected from workplace hazards," >and >>> that to understand DOE environment, health and safety lapses, past and >>> present, one must start by understanding the fear DOE and its attorneys >>> have created for concerned employees in DOE, a fear that puts all >Americans >>> at increased risk of a nuclear catastrophe. >>> >>> I am hopeful that my and my family's ordeal will create a consensus in >>DOE >>> and its stakeholders that DOE and DOE contractor engineers who have >>> responsibility for workplace and/or public health and safety need to be >>> licensed and need to use their stamp on public documents they prepare or >>> approve. From having been in DOE for eleven years, I know the average >>> mentality of DOE and DOE contractor engineers - "it may be shaky >>> technically, but if I don't approve it, my employer might do bad things >>to >>> me while if I do approve it, nothing bad will happen to me within my >>> profession." That mentality needs to change to where DOE and DOE >>> contractor engineers face a credible deterrent of individual >>professional >>> accountability if their work is questionable (or worse). No law needs >>to >>> be passed for this to start happening, DOE can impose a requirement on >>> itself that its engineers need to be licensed and need to use their >>> engineering stamps on public documents dealing with health and safety. >>> There is no "statute of limitations" when an engineer uses his/her stamp >on >>> a document dealing with health and safety, something every engineer >>knows. >>> >>> PLEASE JOIN THE PETITION CALLING FOR DOE TO SETTLE "CARSON v. DOE" >>> CONSISTENT WITH ITS "ZERO TOLERANCE FOR REPRISAL" POLICY >>> IT'S QUICK AND EASY AT THE WEBSITE BELOW >>> (and ask others to do the same!) >>> >>> Joseph P. Carson, P.E. >>> Safety Engineer and "Eight-Time Prevailing" Whistleblower >>> in the Department of Energy (DOE) >>> 865-300-5831; fax 865-966-1675; >>> "A Call for Accountability, Competency, and Ethics in DOE" >>> >>> >>> > > >To subscribe to the Abolition Global Caucus, send an email from the >account you wish to be subscribed to: >"" > > >Do not include a subject line or any text in the body of the message. > >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: [abolition-caucus] SIGN-ON, update Carson v. Dept. of Date: 14 May 2001 17:56:22 -0400 >Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 14:26:02 -0500 >Subject: [abolition-caucus] SIGN-ON, update Carson v. Dept. of Energy (DOE) >Priority: non-urgent >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true >To:,,, >From: "" > > > > Please SIGN [at bottom] and dissemenate widely to help this courageous >whistleblower. > > > -Bill Smirnow > > > >----- Original Message ----- >From: "Joseph Carson" >Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 10:14 AM >Subject: update Carson v. Dept. of Energy (DOE) > > >>> To - Friends and family of Joe Carson, P.E., and interested parties in >>> Carson v. DOE >>> >>> From - Joe Carson, P.E., DOE Safety Engineer and "Eight-Time Prevailing" >>> whistleblower >>> >>> Subject - Update on latest legal win and pending legal actions >>> >>> Date - May 9, 2001 >>> >>> On April 26, 2001 the Full Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) >>affirmed >>> Administrative Judge Richard Vitaris' October 2000 Recommendation that >>> found DOE in non-compliance with the Board's February 2000 Order. The >>> Board's eight page (double-spaced) decision is on my website >>> . The Board found that DOE has >>> implemented Judge Vitaris' recommendation. >>> >>> As a result, DOE is now liable for about another $20,000.00 in attorney >>> fees for my settlement attorney, Ron Zabel, for the work he performed >>> between February 2000 and April 26, 2001. He will file a fee petition >with >>> the Board in several weeks. By Board regulations, attorney fees can >>only >>> be awarded to "prevailing" appellants, so I have now "prevailed" an >>> *eighth* time in whistleblower related actions against the Department of >>> Energy. >>> >>> Currently, DOE has paid close to $400,000.00 in my attorney fees and >costs. >>> About $60,000 in attorney fees and about $50,000.00 in consequential >>> damages are under review at the Board, this is in addition to the >>> $20,000.00 DOE just became liable for. And I'm still incurring legal >bills >>> of thousands of dollars a month, bills DOE will also eventually be >>liable >>> for. >>> >>> Has everyone heard DOE oft-repeated pledge of "zero tolerance for >>> reprisal?" I think we all know it really means "zero tolerance for >>> concerned employees" in DOE. I have several pending legal actions that >>> will hopefully illustrate the moral and ethical bankruptcy of DOE's >>> representations about "zero tolerance." >>> >>> 1 On May 6, 2001, I filed a "stay" request with MSPB as part of my >>pending >>> whsitleblower appeal. If granted (and MSPB only grants about 1 percent >>of >>> stay requests made to it by whistleblowers), DOE will have to promote me >>> for pay purposes during the pendency of my current appeal. By the law >>and >>> MSPB regulations, a decision on the stay should be issued by May 18, >>2001. >>> >>> 2) On April 5, 2001 I filed a petition for enforcement (PFE) with MSPB, >>> based on DOE's failure to implement "zero tolerance for reprisal" in any >>> meaningful way in my case and its violation of a number of its own rules >in >>> its failure to process my January 2001 employee concern about a fearful, >>> repressive safety culture in DOE facilities. Instead of responding >>> meaningfully to my PFE, DOE merely argued that the Board should dismiss >>it >>> on jurisdictional grounds, underscoring the validity of my PFE. The PFE >is >>> now fully briefed, Judge Vitaris, the same MSPB Judge who found in favor >of >>> Jim Bailey, a DOE nuclear weapons courier, in a whistleblower appeal a >>few >>> years ago and who found DOE in non-compliance with the Board's February >>> 2000 Order, is assigned to the PFE. I anticipate he will issue a ruling >>> (or decide to hold a hearing) within a few weeks (or less.). >>> >>> 3) My pending whistleblower appeal is set for a hearing on June 5, 2001 >>in >>> Knoxville. At issue is whether Leah Dever, Steve Richardson, Bob Poe >>> and/or other top DOE officials in Oak Ridge Operations engaged in >>unlawful >>> reprisal against me in failing to offer me a reassignment opportunity to >>> Oak Ridge between August 1999 and October 2000, when MSPB found DOE in >>> non-compliance with its Order. Depositions for the case are scheduled >>to >>> start next week. >>> >>> Last week, in New York City, I was honored to receive the "Vanguard >>Award" >>> of the American Engineering Alliance (AEA). The citation reads, in >>part, >>> "for extraordinary courage, dedication, initiative and perseverance; >>> demonstrating at great personal risk a path toward elevating the >>> engineering profession and safeguarding the public interest." >>> >>> In my acceptance speech I discussed how the code of ethics for the >>safety >>> professions - "to hold paramount the health, safety and welfare of the >>> worker and public in the performance of professional duty" cannot be >>> reconciled with a statement contained in the President Clinton's >>December >>> 2000 Executive Order about the DOE workers' compensation bill, "these >>> workers were neither informed of nor protected from workplace hazards," >and >>> that to understand DOE environment, health and safety lapses, past and >>> present, one must start by understanding the fear DOE and its attorneys >>> have created for concerned employees in DOE, a fear that puts all >Americans >>> at increased risk of a nuclear catastrophe. >>> >>> I am hopeful that my and my family's ordeal will create a consensus in >>DOE >>> and its stakeholders that DOE and DOE contractor engineers who have >>> responsibility for workplace and/or public health and safety need to be >>> licensed and need to use their stamp on public documents they prepare or >>> approve. From having been in DOE for eleven years, I know the average >>> mentality of DOE and DOE contractor engineers - "it may be shaky >>> technically, but if I don't approve it, my employer might do bad things >>to >>> me while if I do approve it, nothing bad will happen to me within my >>> profession." That mentality needs to change to where DOE and DOE >>> contractor engineers face a credible deterrent of individual >>professional >>> accountability if their work is questionable (or worse). No law needs >>to >>> be passed for this to start happening, DOE can impose a requirement on >>> itself that its engineers need to be licensed and need to use their >>> engineering stamps on public documents dealing with health and safety. >>> There is no "statute of limitations" when an engineer uses his/her stamp >on >>> a document dealing with health and safety, something every engineer >>knows. >>> >>> PLEASE JOIN THE PETITION CALLING FOR DOE TO SETTLE "CARSON v. DOE" >>> CONSISTENT WITH ITS "ZERO TOLERANCE FOR REPRISAL" POLICY >>> IT'S QUICK AND EASY AT THE WEBSITE BELOW >>> (and ask others to do the same!) >>> >>> Joseph P. Carson, P.E. >>> Safety Engineer and "Eight-Time Prevailing" Whistleblower >>> in the Department of Energy (DOE) >>> 865-300-5831; fax 865-966-1675; >>> "A Call for Accountability, Competency, and Ethics in DOE" >>> >>> >>> > > >To subscribe to the Abolition Global Caucus, send an email from the >account you wish to be subscribed to: >"" > > >Do not include a subject line or any text in the body of the message. > >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: [abolition-caucus] CALL, FAX YOUR SENATORS & REPS RE Date: 15 May 2001 17:26:18 -0400 >Date: Tue, 15 May 2001 15:22:43 -0500 >Subject: [abolition-caucus] CALL, FAX YOUR SENATORS & REPS RE NMD/STAR WARS >Priority: non-urgent >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true >To:,,, >Cc: >From: "" > > > > Fellow Abolishonists, Friends, > I just got off the >phone >with my Rep & both Senators to express my strong opposition to NMD/Star >Wars >and the opening of Yucca Mountain. Yet again, when I asked whether they >were >getting much in the way of calls or faxes I was told that it was "RARE." At >least in my state [New York] there seems to be extremely little public >interest and/or lobbying of elected representatives. This makes each and >every one of our calls, faxes, letters and face to face meetings with our >Senators and Representatives all that much more important. Especially if >each of us can get just one or 2 other people to call/write/fax in >opposition to NMD/Star Wars and Yucca Mountain. I hope you take this >opportunity to call/fax/write/meet personally with your 3 Reps and tell >them >NO. Calls are usually received until 6PM to 7PM Eastern Time. Below is a >list of all Senators fax#s and other contact data[E-mails are virtually >worthless here in the USA] courtesy of Ellen Thomas: > > > Karl Grossman's new video on space weaponization and international law >can be gotten at: An airing with a Senatorial >& House Rep staff member can be approached. As can airings in your local >communitties and at local PBS [] affiliates and public >access outlets. > > > I'm including this list below (you can also find >it at > >U.S. Senate 2001 > >AK >R Murkowski, Frank > >202-224-5301 fax | 202-224-6665 ph >Legislative Aides: Colleen Deegan (Nuclear), John Broehm (Defense), Rob >Corbisier (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >AK >R Stevens, Ted > >202-224-2354 | fx |202-224-3004 ph >Legislative Aides: (send direct) 2/3/2000 > > >AL >R Sessions, Jeff > >202-224-3149 fx | 202-224-4124 ph >Legislative Aides: Gerri Gilligan (Nuclear), Arch Galloway (Defense) >2/3/2000 > > >AL >R Shelby, Richard > >202-224-3416 fx | 202-224-5744 ph >Legislative Aides: Jim Hensler (Defense), Mark Oesterle (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >AR >R Hutchinson, Tim > >202-228-3973 fx | 202-224-2353 ph >Legislative Aide: Rhett Butler (Enviro), Michael Ralsky (Defense) 2/3/2000 > >AR >D Lincoln, Blanche > >202-228-1371 fx | 202-224-4843 ph >Legislative Aide: Chuck Barnett (Enviro), Mac Campbell (Defense) 2/3/2000 > > > >AZ >R Kyl, Jon > >202-224-2207 fx | 202-224-4521 ph >Legislative Aides: Kevin Moran (Enviro), John Rood (Defense) 2/3/2000 > > >AZ >R McCain, John > >202-228-2862 fx | 202-224-2235 ph >877-905-7700 (Campaign) fax 703-837-2001 (Policy Dept.) >Legislative Aides: Chris Paul (Defense), Jill Peters (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >CA >D Boxer, Barbara > >202-224-3553 ph 202-228-1338 fx >Legislative Aide: Sean Moore (Defense), Lisa Moore (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >CA >D Feinstein, Dianne > >202-228-3954 fx | 202-224-3841 ph >Legislative Aides: Matt Miller (Defense), Warren Weinstein (Enviro) >2/3/2000 > > >CO >R Allard, Wayne > >202-224-6471 fx | 202-224-5941 ph >Legislative Aides: Doug Flanders (Defense), Andy Collisimo (Enviro) >2/3/2000 > > >CO >R Campbell, Ben Nighthorse > >202-224-1933 fx | 202-224-5852 ph >Legislative Aides: Kevin Studer (Enviro), Larry Vigil (Defense) 2/3/2000 > > >CT >D Dodd, Christopher > >202-224-1083 fx | 202-224-2823 ph >Legislative Aides: Sheila Duffy (Enviro), Dominic Del Pozzo (Defense) >2/3/2000 > > >CT >D Lieberman, Joseph > >202-224-9750 fx | 202-224-4041 ph >Legislative Aides: Alys Campaigne ("Alees" - Enviro), Fred Downey (Defense) >2/3/2000 > > >DE >D Biden, Joe > >202-224-0139 fx | 202-224-5042 ph >Legislative Aide: Tony Russo (Enviro, Nuclear Energy) 2/3/2000 Foreign >Relations Committee - Ed Levine - 228-3612 fx | 224-3953 ph (Will fax all >Senators' aides/fax numbers for FRC) 2/3/2000 > > >DE >R Carper, Thomas (NEW) >email access through website >Dirksen B40-3 >202-228-2190 fx | 202-224-2441 ph > > >FL >D Graham, Bob > >202-224-2237 fx | 202-224-3041 ph >Legislative Aides: Tandy Barrett (Defense), Duane Wright (Enviro) 2/2000 > > >FL >R Nelson, Bill (NEW) >Hart 818 temp >202-228-2183 fx | 202-224-5274 ph > > >GA >D Cleland, Max > >202-224-0072 fx | 202-224-3521 ph >Legislative Aides: Simon Sargent (Nuclear), Scott Brady (Enviro), and Ike >Puzon >(Defense) 2/2000 > > >GA >R Miller, Zell (NEW) >email through website >Dirksen 257 >202-228-2090 fx | 202-224-3643 ph > > >HI >D Akaka, Daniel > >202-224-2126 fx | 202-224-6361 ph >Legislative Aides: Melissa Hampe (Enviro), Noe Kalipi (Defense) 2/2001 > > >HI >D Inouye, Daniel - fx 202-224-6747 - 202-224-3934 ph > >Legislative Aides: Frank Kelly (Defense), Kristina Kekuewa (Env) 2/3/2000 > > >IA >R Grassley, Charles > >202-228-1684 fx | 202-224-3744 ph >Legislative Aides: Julie Manes (Enviro), Richard Chriss, Charlie Murphy >(Defense) 2/3/2000 > > >IA >D Harkin, Tom > >202-224-9369 fx | 202-224-3254 ph >Legislative Aide: Lowell Ungar (Defense/Enviro/Nuclear) 2/3/2000 > > >ID >R Craig, Larry > >202-228-1067 fx | 202-224-2752 ph >Legislative Aide: Kristine Svinicki (Nuclear), Dan Whiting (Enviro), Mitch >Butikofer (Defense) 2/3/2000 > > >ID >R Crapo, Mike > >202-228-1375 fx | 202-224-6142 ph >Legislative Aide: Steve Dunn (nuclear) 2/3/2000 > > >IL >D Durbin, Richard > >202-228-0400 fx | 202-224-2152 ph >Legislative Aides: Jim Jepsen (Enviro), Sue Hardesty (Defense) 2/3/2000 > > >IL >R Fitzgerald, Peter > >202-228-1372 fx | 202-224-2854 ph >Legislative Aides: Joe Watson (Enviro), Greg Gross (Defense) 2/3/2000 > > >IN >D Bayh, Evan > >202-228-1377 fx | 202-224-5623 ph >Legislative Aides: Gen Cullen (Enviro), Desiree Filippone (Defense) >2/3/2000 > > >IN >R Lugar, Richard > >202-228-0360 fx | 202-224-4814 ph >Legislative Aide: Ken Myers (Foreign Policy) 2/3/2000 > > >KS >R Brownback, Sam - 202-228-1265 fx | 202-224-6521 ph > >Legislative Aides: Sarah Hassenflow (Enviro), Brian Henneberry (Defense) >2/3/2000 > > >KS >R Roberts, Pat > >202-224-3514 fx | 202-224-4774 ph >Legislative Aides: Alan McCurry (Defense), Ashleigh De La Torre (Enviro) >2/3/2000 > > >KY >R Bunning, Jim > >202-228-1373 fx | 202-224-4343 ph >Legislative Aides: Mike Haywoood (Enviro), David Young (Defense) 2/3/2000 > > >KY >R McConnell, Mitch > >202-224-2499 (main fx) or 202-228-3416 (press fx) | 224-2541 ph >Legislative Aides: Billy Piper (Defense), Scott O'Malia (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >LA >D Breaux, John > >202-228-2577 fx | 202-224-4623 ph >Legislative Aide: Andy Vermilye (Sr. Policy Advisor) 2/3/2000 > > >LA >D Landrieu, Mary > >202-224-9735 fx | 202-224-5824 ph >Legislative Aide: Jason Matthews (Defense), Jerald White (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >MA >D Kennedy, Ted > >202-224-2417 fx | 202-224-4543 ph >Legislative Aides: David Oliveira (Enviro), Menda Fise (Defense) 2/3/2000 > > >MA >D Kerry, John > >202-224-8525 fx | 202-224-2742 fx >Legislative Aides: Celes Hughes (Defense), George Abar (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >MD >D Mikulski, Barbara > >202-224-8858 fx | 202-224-4654 ph >Legislative Aides: Rebecca Bennett (Defense), Sean Smith (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >MD >D Sarbanes, Paul > >202-224-1651 - 202-224-4524 ph >Legislative Aides: Vince Sanfuentes, Jonathan Davidson 2/3/2000 > > >ME >R Collins, Susan > >202-224-2693 fx | 202-224-2523 ph >Legislative Aides: Krissi Fauser (Defense), John Nass (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >ME >R Snowe, Olympia > >202-224-1946 fx | 202-224-5344 ph >Legislative Aides: Tom Zecchiolla (Defense), Ginny Worrest (Env) 2/3/2000 > > >MI >D Levin, Carl > >202-224-1388 fx | 202-224-6221 ph >Legislative Aides: Kane Burns (Defense/Nuclear), Brennan Van Dyke (Enviro) >2/3/2000 > > >MI >Debbie Stabenow (NEW) > >476 Russell SOB; In March 2001 moving to 702 Hart >202-228-0325 fx | 202-224-4822 ph >Legislative Aides: 2/2001 > > >MN >Dayton, Mark (NEW) >No email yet >202-228-2186 fx | 202-224-3244 ph > > >MN D Wellstone, Paul > >202-224-8438 fx | 202-224-5641 ph >Legislative Aides: Brian Baenig (Enviro), Charlotte Oldham-Moore (Defense) >2/3/2000 > > >MO >R Bond, Christopher > >202-224-8149 fx | 202-224.5721 ph >Legislative Aides: Tracy Henke (enviro, Sr. Policy Advisor), Jim Pitchford >(Defense) 2/3/2000 > > >MO >Carnahan, Jean (NEW) > >480 Russell (temp) >202-228-0043 fx | 202-224-6154 ph > > >MS >R Cochran, Thad > >202-224-9450 fx | 202-224-5054 ph >Legislative Aides: Hunt Shipman (Enviro), James Lofton (Defense) 2/3/2000 > > >MS >R Lott, Trent > >202-224-2262 fx | 202-224-6253 ph >Legislative Aides: Eric Womble (Defense), Beth Spivey (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >MT >D Baucus, Max > >202-228-3687 fx | 202-224-2651 ph >Legislative Aides: Pat Bousliman (Defense), Brian Kuehl ("Keel" - >Enviro)2/3/2000 > > >MT >R Burns, Conrad > >202-224-8594 fx | 202-224-2644 ph >Legislative Aides: Stan Ullman (Defense), Ryan Thomas (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >NC >D Edwards, John > >202-228-1374 fx | 202-224-3154 ph >Legislative Aides: Tina Bennett (Defense), Kathryn Marks (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >NC >R Helms, Jesse > >202-228-1339 fx | 202-224-6342 ph >Legislative Aides: David Whitney (Defense), Wayne Boyles (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >ND >D Conrad, Kent > >202-224-7776 fx | 202-224-2043 ph >Legislative Aides: (Mr.) Dakota Rudesill (Defense), Kirk Johnson (Enviro) >2/3/2000 > > >ND >D Dorgan, Byron > >202-224-1193 fx | 202-224-2551 ph >Legislative Aides: Brian Moran (Defense), Curtis Jabs (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >NE >R Hagel, Chuck > >202-224-5213 fx | 202-224-4224 ph > >Legislative Aides: Mike Brairton (Enviro/Nuclear), Mike Coulter (Defense) >2/3/2000 > >NE >Nelson, Ben (NEW) >202-228-0012 fx | 202-224-6551 ph >Legislative Aide: 2/2001 >no email or website yet 2/2001 > >NH >R Gregg, Judd > >202-224-4952 fx | 202-224-3324 ph >Legislative Aides: Frank Barca (Defense), Luke Nachbar (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >NH >R Smith, Bob > >202-224-1353 fx | 202-224-2841 ph >Legislative Aides: Margaret Hemenway (Defense), Dave Conover (Enviro) >2/3/2000 > > >NJ >Corzine, Jon (NEW) >U.S. Senate (Dirksen SOB), Washington DC 20510 >202-228-2197 fx | 202-224-4744 ph >no email or website yet 2/2001 > >NJ >D Torricelli, Robert > >202-224-8567 fx | 202-224-3224 ph >Legislative Aides: Kyle Mulroy (Defense), Alfonso Lopez (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >NM >D Bingaman, Jeff > >202-224-2852 fx | 202-224-5521 ph >Legislative Aides: Wayne Glass (Defense), Mark Edwards (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >NM >R Domenici, Pete (unpublished fax) > >202-224-7371 fx | 202-224-6621 ph >Legislative Aides: Dr. Elizabeth Turpen (Defense), Anne Kathryn Viehe >("Vee" - >Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >NV >Ensign, John (NEW) > >Dirksen B34-1 20510 >202-228-2193 fx | 202-224-6244 ph > > >NV >D Reid, Harry > >202-224-7327 fx | 202-224-3542 ph >Legislative Aides: Kay Anderson (Enviro/Nuclear), Jerry Tao (Defense) >2/3/2000 > > >NY >D Clinton, Hillary (NEW) > >B40 Dirksen Suite 6 >202-228-0282 fx | 202-224-4451 ph > > >NY >D Schumer, Charles > >202-228-4562 fx or 202-228-0525 fx | >202-224-6542 ph >Legislative Aides: Roger Hollingsworth (Enviro/Nuclear), Polly Trottenberg >(Enviro/Nuclear), Brook Jamison (Enviro/Defense), Stuart Gottlieb (Defense) >2/3/2000 > > >OH >R Dewine, Michael > >202-224-6519 fx | 202-224-2315 ph >Legislative Aides: Joy Mulinex (Enviro), Robert Hoffman (Defense) 2/3/2000 > > >OH >R Voinovich, George > >202-228-1382 fx | 202-224-3353 ph >Legislative Aides: Catherine Walters (Nuclear), Aric Newhouse (Defense), >Kathleen Braun (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >OK >R Inhofe, James > >202-228-0380 fx | 202-224-4721 ph >Legislative Aides: Greg McCarthy (Defense), Chad Bradley (Nuclear/Enviro) >2/3/2000 > > >OK >R Nickles, Don > >202-224-6008 fx | 202-224-5754 ph >Legislative Aides: Steve Moffitt (Defense), McLane Layton (Enviro/Nuclear) >2/3/2000 > > >OR >R Smith, Gordon > >202-228-3997 fx | 202-224-3753 ph >Legislative Aides: Martha Cagle (Defense), Valerie West (Enviro/Energy) >2/3/2000 > > >OR >D Wyden, Ron > >202-228-2717 fx | 202-224-5244 ph >Legislative Aides: Jeff Michels (Defense), Joshua Sheinkman (Enviro) >2/3/2000 > > >PA >R Santorum, Rick > >202-228-0604 fx | 202-224-6324 ph >Legislative Aides: George Bernier (Defense/Nuclear), Jill Hershey (Enviro) >2/3/2000 > > >PA >R Specter, Arlen > >202-228-1229 fx | 202-224-4254 ph >Legislative Aides: Vicki Siegel (Defense/Nuclear), Anthony Pitagno (Enviro) >2/3/2000 > > >RI >R Chafee, Lincoln D. > >202-228-2853 fx | 202-224-2921 ph >Legislative Aides: John Seggerman (Defense), Dean Kawamoto (Enviro) >2/3/2000 > > >RI >D Reed, Jack > >202-224-4680 fx | 202-224-4642 ph >Legislative Aides: Elizabeth King (Defense), Steve Eichenauer >(Enviro/Nuclear) >2/3/2000 > > >SC >D Hollings, Ernest Fritz > >202-224-4293 fx | 202-224-6121 ph >Legislative Aides: Steve Hartell (Defense) Toby Short (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >SC >R Thurmond, Strom > >202-224-1300 fx | 202-224-5972 ph >Legislative Aides: Richard Lackey (Enviro/Energy), John Miller (Defense) >2/3/2000 > > >SD >D Daschle, Thomas > >202-224-7895 fx | 202-224-2321 ph >Legislative Aides: Brad Van Dam (Defense), Peter Hanson (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >SD >D Johnson, Tim > >202-228-5765 fx | 202-224-5842 ph >Legislative Aides: Ian Marquardt (Defense), Sarah Dahlin (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >TN >R Frist, M.D., Bill > >202-228-1264 fx | 202-224-3344 ph >Legislative Aides: Walker Barnett (Enviro), David Broome (Defense) 2/3/2000 > > >TN >R Thompson, Fred - 202-228-3679 fx | 202-224-4944 ph > >Legislative Aides: Mark Esper (Military), J.D. Liddell (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >TX >R Gramm, Phil > >202-228-2856 fx | 202-224-2934 ph >Legislative Aides: Pete Olson (Defense), Steve McMillin (Energy and Urban >Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >TX >R Hutchison, Kay > >202-224-0776 fx | 202-224-5922 ph >Legislative Aides: Dave Davis (Defense), Craig Felner (Enviro/Nuclear) >2/3/2000 > > >UT >R Bennett, Robert > >202-228-1168 fx | 202-224-5444 ph >Legislative Aides: Bill Triplett (Defense), Shaun Parkin (Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >UT >R Hatch, Orrin > >202-224-6331 fx | 202-224-5251 ph >Legislative Aides: J.J. Brown (Enviro), Bob Lockwood (Defense) 2/3/2000 > > >VA >Allen, George (NEW) > >202-224-5432 fx | 202-224-4024 ph >708 Hart SOB 20510 >no website yet 2/2001 > >VA >R Warner, John >Armed Services Chairman > >202-224-6295 fx | 202-224-2023 ph >Legislative Aides: Lincoln Gaffney (Defense/Nuc Weapons), Meredith Moseley >(Enviro/Nuc Waste) 2/3/2000 > > >VT >R Jeffords, Jim > >202-228-0776 fx | 202-224-5141 ph >Legislative Aides: Laurie Schultz Heim (Defense), Andrew Meyer (Enviro) >2/3/2000 > > >VT >D Leahy, Patrick > >202-224-3479 fx | 202-224-4242 ph >Legislative Aides: Susanne Fleek (Enviro), Daniel Ginsberg (Defense) >2/3/2000 > > >WA >Cantwell, Maria (NEW) > >464 Russell SB 20510 >202-228-0514 fx | 202-224-3441 ph >Legislative Aide: (Defense/Enviro) 2/2001 > > >WA >D Murray, Patty > >202-224-0238 fx | 202-224-2621 ph >Legislative Aides: Doug Clapp (Enviro/Nuclear), Ben McMakin (Defense) >2/3/2000 > > >WI >D Feingold, Russell > >202-224-2725 fx | 202-224-5323 ph >Legislative Aides: Michelle Gavin (Foreign Policy L.A.), Mary Frances Repko >(Enviro) 2/3/2000 > > >WI >D Kohl, Herbert > >202-224-9787 fx | 202-224-5653 ph >Legislative Aide: Chad Metzler (Defense/Enviro/Nuclear) 2/3/2000 > > >WV >D Byrd, Robert > >202-228-0002 fx | 202-224-3954 ph >Legislative Aides: Franz Wuerfmansdobler (Enviro), Terri Glaze (Enviro) >2/3/2000 > > >WV >D Rockefeller IV, John D. (Jay) > >202-224-7665 fx | 202-224-6472 ph >Legislative Aides: John Richards (Energy/Enviro), Rob Six (Defense) >2/3/2000 > > >WY >R Enzi, Michael > >202-228-0359 fx | 202-224-3424 ph >Legislative Aides: Dallas Scholes (Enviro), Randi Reid (Defense) 2/3/2000 > > >WY >R Thomas, Craig > >202-224-1724 fx | 202-224-6441 ph >Legislative Aides: Stephanie Sword (Defense), Celia Wallace >(Enviro/Energy/Nuclear) 2/3/2000 > > >Senators' Websites - >Pending Legislation - Search - > >Vice President Dick Cheney > > >224-2424 ph - scheduling office fax - 456-2971 - will call to confirm >Mail to Office of Vice President, EEOB, Washington DC 20501 > >President Bush > >The White House >1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW >Washington, DC 20500 > > >fax 202-456-2461, phone 202-456-1414 > > > > > > > > >To subscribe to the Abolition Global Caucus, send an email from the >account you wish to be subscribed to: >"" > > >Do not include a subject line or any text in the body of the message. > >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: (CMEP-list) RRR Action of the Month: DOE Woos Governors! Date: 16 May 2001 10:48:30 -0400 >Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 07:28:03 -0500 >Subject: (CMEP-list) RRR Action of the Month: DOE Woos Governors! >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true >From: "" > >***apologies for cross-postings*** > >RADIOACTIVE ROADS & RAILS ACTION OF THE MONTH - MAY 2001 > >Remind your Governor to consider transportation concerns when assessing >nuclear dump proposal! > >On May 4, the Department of Energy (DOE) sent letters to the Governors and >Legislatures of every state, inviting their comments on a possible >recommendation of Yucca Mountain, Nevada, for development as a nuclear >waste repository. > >The Yucca Mountain Project, if approved, would launch an unprecedented >nuclear transportation scheme, with 77,000 tons high-level radioactive >waste from commercial reactors and atomic weapons facilities passing >through 43 states, within half a mile of 50 million Americans. >Transporting high-level waste is risky business, but the DOE has not >detailed its plans for shipping waste to Yucca Mountain, and public >concerns have not been addressed. > >TAKE ACTION! > >Write to your Governor and ask him/her to raise transportation concerns >with the DOE. Urge your Governor to withhold support for the Yucca >Mountain repository proposal until these concerns have been addressed. >See sample letter following. > >Find the address of your Governor online at >,1169,C_GOV_ADDRESS,00.html. > >Copy letters to: > >Carol Hanlon >S&ER Products Manager >U. S. Department of Energy >Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Office >P.O. Box 30307 M/S 025 >North Las Vegas, NV 89036-0707 >or online at > >Your Congressmember >U.S. House of Representatives >Washington, DC 20515 >Find names and e-mail addresses at > > >Your Senators >U.S. Senate >Washington, DC 20510 >Find names and e-mail addresses at > > >SAMPLE LETTER > >The Honorable [Name of Governor] >Governor >The State of X >[Address] > >[Date] > > >Dear Governor X: > >The Department of Energy (DOE) has invited your comments on its >consideration of a possible recommendation of Yucca Mountain, Nevada, for >development as a permanent repository for high-level nuclear waste. I >urge to consider the many unanswered questions about the transportation >scenario for shipping waste from reactor sites across the country to >Nevada, and to raise these issues with the Secretary of Energy. > >The Yucca Mountain Project, if approved, would launch an unprecedented >nuclear transportation scheme, with 77,000 tons of high-level radioactive >waste shipments passing through 43 states, within half a mile of 50 >million Americans. Likely transportation routes through our state include >[see]. > >As the DOE rushes to recommend Yucca Mountain for development as a nuclear >repository, many concerns remain about the suitability of site itself. In >addition, many issues related to the large scale transportation of >high-level waste through our state have not been addressed. Approximately >11,000 comments - more than half related to transportation concerns - were >submitted on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Yucca >Mountain Project, but the DOE has yet to respond. > >Transporting high-level nuclear waste is inherently dangerous because it >elevates the risk of radiological release and disperses this risk along >transportation routes where our emergency response personnel may lack the >training and equipment necessary to respond effectively to a radiological >accident. Yet the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Yucca >Mountain Project deals inadequately with the transportation scenario. For >example, the DOE has not specified which routes would be used for Yucca >Mountain shipments or whether the waste would travel by train or by truck, >and has not identified a clear process for making these decisions. > >The canisters that would be used to transport nuclear waste to Yucca >Mountain have not been subjected to physical testing, and computer models >rely on outdated testing parameters. Unanswered questions remain about the >risk of sabotage and liability in the case of an accident. Even without >an accident, nuclear waste transportation canisters routinely emit the >equivalent of one chest x-ray per hour of harmful radiation. Also, >property values have been shown to decline along nuclear waste shipment >routes. > >Please ask the DOE to address these transportation issues before >finalizing a site recommendation. I urge you to withhold support for the >Yucca Mountain repository proposal until these concerns have been >addressed and the feasibility of transporting nuclear waste to Nevada has >been adequately assessed. > >Sincerely, > >[Your name & address] > >c.c. Carol Hanlon, DOE > U.S. Representative > U.S. Senators >____________________ >If you would like to be removed from the cmep-list, send an email to > with the words "unsubscribe cmep" in the subject. > >Questions about the CMEP-list can be directed to > >To learn more about this and other issues Critical Mass Energy and >Environment Program works on, visit our website at . > >Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy and Environment Program > >Questions about the CMEP-list can be directed to > - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shundahai Network Subject: (abolition-usa) Free the 3 activists still in Jail for Mother's Day NTS Date: 16 May 2001 10:44:41 -0700 PHONE: 775-537-608 Three Western Shoshone supporters who used non-violent direct action to temporarily stop business as usual at the Nevada Test Site (NTS) have been in jail since the morning of Monday May 14th, 2001, and are currently being held in Tonopah, NV. THEY NEED YOUR HELP! Greg Geddy was arraigned on the afternoon of May 15th) and pled "not guilty" to the charge of public nuisance. His trial will be on May 29th at 2PM. Greg was arrested for stopping a Department of Energy (DOE) worker bus from entering the NTS. He put his life in jeopardy when he wrapped himself around the axle of the bus. Wackenhut Security and Nye County Sheriffs used pepper spray and physical force to remove him from the bus. Two women, Katrina Worthing, age 19, and Rosanna Hatch, age 18, were arrested for being a part of a soft blockade. They refused to accept this false arrest and left the holding pen by moving a porta potty next to the fence, climbing up on it, unraveling the barbed wire, and running into the desert. They were chased and captured by NTS security. The two women are being held, pending bail until their arraignment on May 22nd at 2pm. These three Western Shoshone supporters are trying to raise bail money that would allow for an earlier release. We have already raised some of it, and with $600 more they could be free. The charges are as follows: All 3 with Public Nuisance (NRS 202.470) a misdemeanor, $330 bail each The two women with the additional charge of "Escaped Prisoner" (NRS 212.090) a gross misdemeanor, additional $2000 bail each. The activists along with many others have permission from the Western Shoshone Nation to "Gather, Go and Come" in Western Shoshone territory. Nye County does not have jurisdiction over Western Shoshone land, which according to the 1863 Treaty of Ruby Valley includes NTS. The Western Shoshone Nation has never ceded their lands to the NTS and the Western Shoshone issued land use permits to the peace activists giving them the ability to move about freely on their land. The courts have not pursued charges in the past on charges of "suspected trespass on federal lands," which the present citations were issued for, possibly to avoid legal conflict with the treaty rights of the sovereign nation of the Shoshone peoples. The misdemeanor charges carry a maximum penalty of 6 months in jail, and/or $1,000 fine, with the possibility of community service. The women face the additional gross misdemeanor penalty, which could add up to an additional year in jail and $2,000 fine for each. Katrina and Roseanna's arraignment will be on May 22nd at 2pm. Unless bail or bond is posted, the three activists will remain in jail until their upcoming court dates. They are all being held in the Tonopah Jail, and would like to go home as soon as possible. If you can send them a donation of money or provide legal assistance, please contact Shundahai Network. The Nevada Test Site (NTS) is home to over a thousand nuclear weapons detonations and current "subcritical" nuclear weapons tests. These tests are being used by NTS, Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories as a means to develop new and "mini" nuclear weapons. NTS is also the site of two currently operating "low-level" radioactive waste dumps that receive shipments up to fifteen times per week. These activists wanted to prevent another day of destruction and took these nonviolent direct actions to achieve that end. Please help as soon as possible with any monetary or legal assistance in support of these non-violent peace activists. Contact us at or call 775 537 6088. There will also be continual updates posted on our web page at: Shundahai Network is assisting the activists legal support team at this time; we are not responsible for the individual actions taken by those moved to do so at the NTS. ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< SHUNDAHAI NETWORK "Peace and Harmony with all Creation" Po Box 6360, Pahrump, NV 89041 Phone:(775) 537-6088 Email: Shundahai Network is proud to be part of: US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Abolition 2000: A Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons People of Color/ Disenfranchised Communities Environmental Health Network and the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability >< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sally Light Subject: (abolition-usa) Nevada Desert Experience's Teach-In May 22-24 at San Francisco State University Date: 17 May 2001 07:59:47 +0100 Dear Colleagues, I am sending this message one more time, a reminder to you to come to our 3-day teach-in on May 22-24. I am very happy to say that we have now added two experts on the serious situation re: radioactive contamination at the Hunters Point Shipyard (San Francisco), Maurice Campbell and Dr. Ahimsa Sumchai (please see schedule below). This teach-in is now being hailed as a regional/national event. Hope to see you there. In peace.... Sally Light Executive Director Nevada Desert Experience Nevada Desert Experience=92s S. F. State University Teach-In Schedule ALL ARE WELCOME! Nevada Desert Experience is holding a 3-day teach-in, May 22, 23 & 24, on nuclear and =93Star Wars=94 issues, at San Francisco State University. Billed as =93Nuclear Teach-In Week,=94 the event is open to all, and is sponsored by the campus=92 Latino students group, MEChA. It features experts who will offer presentations in their respective areas of focus. Individual presenters include Isaac Trotts, the scientist who recently resigned from his position at Lawrence Livermore Lab. (one of the US=92 main nuclear weapons development labs), as well as other notables such as June Casey (well-known radiation survivor), Patricia Axlerod (expert on Uranium 238, also known as =93depleted uranium=94), Marylia Kelley (Exec. Director of Tri-Valley CAREs), Andreas Toupadakis (scientist who resigned last year from Livermore Lab), and others. Panels will be drawn from the following groups: Abolition 2000 Global Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, American Friends Service Committee, California Peace Action, Nevada Desert Experience, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment), and Western States Legal Foundation. A panel on Student Organizing will consist of youth who are active in the movement. Lynda Williams, a professor of physics at S.F. State, will present her =93Cosmi= c Cabaret,=94 and outstanding theater piece on =93Star Wars=94 that she per= forms at campuses throughout the US. For more details , call (510) 527-2057, or go to Nevada Desert Experience=92s web site, May 22 - Cesar Chavez Student Bldg. - Rosa Parks Room: 10 am - Welcome, overview of the 3-day event. Sally Light & Dolores Beliso, event organizers. 10:05 am - =93Nukes 101=94 - Brief history of nuclear weapons, nuclear cycle, Dept Of Energy=92s =93 Stockpile Stewardship Program=94, etc. Presenters drawn from WSLF, TVC, PSR, NDE*. 11 am =96 Chris Ney, War Resisters League 11:30 - Corbin Harney, Traditional Spiritual Leader of the Western Shoshone. 12:15 =96 Hunters Point Shipyard nuclear contamination - Maurice Campbell 12:30 pm - Nuclear Power - Ernie Goitein. 1:30 pm - Uranium 238 (aka =93Depleted Uranium=94) - Patricia Axlerod. 2:30 pm - Panel on Radiation & Health. PSR/TVC/WSLF*. 3:30 pm - End of day 1. May 23 -Cesar Chavez Student Bldg. - Jack Adams auditorium: 10 am - Sandra Schwartz of AFSC* facilitates film presentations by David Brown and Cade Bursell. 12 pm - June Casey, well-known radiation survivor. 1 pm - =93Star Wars 101=94 - Presenters drawn from NDE & WSLF*. 2 pm =96 Ward Young =96 Radioactive Waste dumping in California 2:30 pm pm - Lynda Williams=92 =93Cosmic Cabaret.=94 Lynda teaches physi= cs at S.F. State and performs her sensational cabaret piece about =93Star Wars=94 at campuses throughout the US. 3:30 pm - End of day 2. May 24 =96 Cesar Chavez Student Bldg. - Rosa Parks Room: 10 am - Personal witness - Presentations by long-time US anti-nuclear activists Fr. Bill O=92Donnell and Fr. Louie Vitale. 11 am - Lawrence Livermore National Lab - Marylia Kelley, Exec. Dir. of TVC. 11:30 am - Hiroshima & Nagasaki - Presentation by Chris Montesano of NDE. 12 noon - Student Organizing & Youth Outreach - Carah Ong of Abolition 2000 Global Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. 12:30 pm - Nuclear whistleblowers - presentation by Jeannie Shaterian on Mordechai Vannunu 1 pm - Nuclear whistleblowers, continued - presentation by Isaac Trotts, former Livermore Lab. scientist. 2 pm - Panel - Future Directions. Presenters drawn from WSLF, TVC, Calif. P.A., AFSC, NDE*, plus Dr. Ahimsa Sumchai. 3:30 pm - End of day 3. *********************** * Notes: AFSC =3D American Friends Services Committee Calif. P.A. =3D California Peace Action NDE =3D Nevada Desert Experience PSR =3D Physicians for Social Responsibility TVC =3D Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) WSLF =3D Western States Legal Foundation **************************************** For more information contact: Sally Light, Exec. Dir. of Nevada Desert Experience (510) 527-2057. Email: and/or see NDE=92s web site: - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sally Light Subject: (abolition-usa) [Fwd: Article on Yucca Mountain] Date: 19 May 2001 08:11:36 +0100 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------F7A5727833CDBD6646257751 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Friends, Here's an article on Yucca Mountain from the UK's Guardian, appearing Sat., May 19, 2001, by way of Janet Bloomfield. Sally Sally Light Executive Director Nevada Desert Experience --------------F7A5727833CDBD6646257751 Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline Return-Path: Received: from ([]) by merlin (EarthLink SMTP Server) with SMTP id tgcnv7.qm.37tiu4s for ; Sat, 19 May 2001 04:58:31 -0700 (PDT) Received: (qmail 9474 invoked from network); 19 May 2001 11:58:22 -0000 Received: from (HELO jbloomfieldgn) ( by with SMTP; 19 May 2001 11:58:22 -0000 Message-ID: <000d01c0e05b$6eac3840$> Cc: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2314.1300 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id IAA28545 Dear Sally, greetings, got your lovely card. Thank you. Thought you should see this article in today's Guardian. I am not on the US list so maybe you could forward it? Much love, Janet. Nevada: from viva Vegas to nuclear dump America's big new atomic waste site will be at Yucca mountain - unless a coalition of opponents can stop it Special report: George Bush's America Special report: global warming Duncan Campbell in Amargosa valley, southern Nevada Saturday May 19, 2001 The Guardian The only sound is the humming of desert flies, the only movement is of lizards and ground squirrels, but in the wake of George Bush's stated intention this week to increase nuclear power and found a big national dumpsite for the resulting waste, this patch of other-worldly beauty in t= he Nevada desert is set to become the focus for a battle. Its name is Yucca mountain - six miles of flat-top ridge and some of the land around - and the fight will not only be about the future of the nucl= ear industry and the environment but also about the legal rights of native Americans and the authority of individual states that decide to challenge the federal government. "My energy plan directs the department of energy and the environmental protection agency to move expeditiously to find a safe and permanent repository for nuclear waste," President Bush said in announcing his new energy policy on Thursday. No one in Nevada has any doubt where that repository will be. For more than a decade, Yucca mountain - where, 90 miles north of Las Veg= as, a smaller dump already exists - has been top choice for big storage site. Joe Colvin, president of the Nuclear Energy Institute, has said: "There i= s ample scientific basis for making a decision to dispose of used nuclear f= uel at Yucca mountain." Already $6.7bn (=A34.7bn) of government money has been spent on the Yucca mountain project. The plan is that within 10 or 12 years, the country's nuclear waste, currently stored near nuclear plants in 31 different state= s, will be buried at a greatly expanded facility there. The attraction of the site is that it is deep in the sparsely populated Nevada desert; the adjoining area has been used by the military for missi= le and weapons testing for the past half century. But there is a growing coalition against the dump, and it includes not ju= st environmentalists but everyone from the governor, Kenny Guinn, to local farmers, casino owners and tribal leaders. Legal fight John Wells is the southern representative of the Western Shoshone, a trib= e of around 10,000 who have lived for hundreds of years on the land under dispute. A carpenter by trade - and a former rugby player who has toured England and Wales with his side - Mr Wells sees the battle over the dump = as vital not only for the environmental but also as a test for Indian rights. He argues that because the Ruby valley peace treaty signed by the Shoshon= e and the US government in 1863 contains no nuclear reference, use of the a= rea for that purpose is disallowed. "The treaty states quite specifically what is allowed - and storing nucle= ar waste is not allowed. Our consent has never been forthcoming," Mr Wells s= aid over an iced tea at a grillhouse in Las Vegas where he lives. "This is ou= r land. Our people have lived here and are buried here so it is sacred land= ." The tribe has a long-running campaign for compensation for a big expanse = of the land it claims belonged to its ancestors - 23m acres, in which Yucca mountain occupies a corner. A settlement offer of more than $100m is on the table, and some in the tr= ibe want to accept. No resolution has been reached since a meeting of tribes last year, when Carrie Dann was among Western Shoshone activists speaking out against acceptance. This existing land and compensation issue has become entangled with the nuclear one. According to Mr Wells, the majority of the Shoshone are oppo= sed to the nuclear plan. He believes that the Indians have an unanswerable legal case when it come= s to the land in question, and that Nevada could benefit from that if the battle goes to the courts, as it inevitably will. Others in the area have different reasons to fight the plan. Ed Goedhart, whose Ponderosa dairy f= arm in Amargosa valley has one of the largest organic herds in the country an= d provides Nevada with 25% of its milk, is only a brief journey from the proposed site. Sitting in his office with his Blue Heeler dog dozing at his feet and som= e of his 6,200 Holstein cows are being milked on another cloudless Nevada d= ay, Mr Goedhart is deeply critical of the government's behaviour and its init= ial report on the economic impact of a nuclear-waste site in Nye county: it s= aid 120 worked in agriculture, forestry and fishing in the county, while the true number, he said, was about 550. He is the area's biggest employer, with 100 people on his farm and 700 workers in related industries dependant on it, but no one contacted him before producing these simple figures, he said: "The whole thing is a charade, a joke." The authorities "have not dealt fairly with us and I could be put out of business", Mr Goedhart said. All it would take, he said, would be for a competitor to point out that Ponderosa milk was being produced next to a nuclear dump. Last year, he questioned the accuracy of the government's study at a publ= ic meeting. The next day, he alleges, three government registered cars were cruising up and down outside his property but their occupans did not come= to talk to him. "I feel as an American that this is a justice issue. If a private company tried to do what the government's doing right now, the officers would be in prison." Contamination fear Kalynda Tilges, of the local Citizen Alert group, who pays many visits to the site in her ancient Dodge camper van, said that he group knew that as soon as Mr Bush became president the move towards the dump would accelera= te. "Now Bush is in, the corporations and utility companies feel they have bl= ank cheque but in the long run this may gal vanise the public on a national level. We're not saying 'not in Nevada' we're saying 'not anywhere'. As t= he Western Shoshone say, we all breathe the same air and walk the same earth. We need to phase out nuclear power." Judy Treichel of a campaign group called Nevada Nuclear Waste Task Force said that it was clear that Yucca mountain was the intended site, though = Mr Bush did not mention it in his speech: "They're only looking at one site.= I found his speech outrageous." She suspects that members of congress who g= et financial backing from the nuclear industry are "already be at work on drafting legislation". A national organisation founded by Ralph Nader in 1971, Public Citizen, h= as alleged in a report that "if this permanent storage facility is built, it= is certain to release radioactivity into the environment. No one can guarant= ee the integrity of waste storage casks for the 10,000-year period that thei= r contents would remain dangerously radioactive." It also believes that radioactive mater ial could leak into the groundwat= er and, since there is some seismic activity in Nevada, the safety of nuclea= r storage in the state is open to question. But some locals see benefits in the scheme. They expect the nuclear site = to bring work so that their children will not have be croupiers or lifeguard= s at the Las Vegas hotels. They also believe the project could increase the value of their property. Ed Goedhart is sceptical about a jobs windfall, saying that the project w= ork so far and the adjoining military base has put little into the local economy. "All that money has gone somewhere else. It's lined the pockets = of lobbyists and highly paid consultants who live in Denver, Colorado or som= e other yuppie place and the workers are flown in or shuttled in." In Shoshone lore, the Yucca mountain is a snake. If the government and th= e nuclear industry do press ahead with the waste dump scheme, as now seems inevitable, they could find that the mountain and its diverse supporters still carry a potent bite. For storage: 77,000 tons . Proportion of electricity in the US generated by nuclear power: 20% . Decision due on nation's main nuclear dump site: 2002 . When site could become operational: 2010 . Period that nuclear waste remains dangerously radioactive: 10,000 years . Estimated total cost of Yucca mountain nuclear dump project: $58bn. Mon= ey spent so far is $6.7m . Quantity of nuclear waste to be stored: 77,000 tons . Official Nevada state web- site on issue: Guardian Unlimited =A9 Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001 Janet Bloomfield 25 Farmadine Saffron Walden Essex CB11 3HR England Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1799 516189 e-mail: "Il futoro ha un cuore antico - the future has an ancient heart" Carlo Levi --------------F7A5727833CDBD6646257751-- - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (abolition-usa) Article from Common Dreams NewsCenter Date: 24 May 2001 11:23:00 -0400 (EDT) Hello, alice slater wanted to share an interesting article with you. It can be located at: alice slater also added these comments for you: ______________________________________________________________ Common Dreams NewsCenter - Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community Make us your internet 'start page' and get rid of that pre-loaded corporate 'start page' that your browser came programmed with. To change your browser settings, please go here: Subscribe to our e-mail list and receive weekly updates: Worried about spam? Read our privacy policy: - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: HOME Subject: (abolition-usa) Sign-on letter to George W. Bush Date: 24 May 2001 19:46:46 -0700 This letter is from SLO CO (San Luis Obispo County) Grandmothers for Peace to be sent as a sign-on letter. Anyone, whether as a group or as an individual may sign on just by replying to and saying, "Sign me on!" It is very important that we, the people, stop the insane plan to build more nuclear reactors in the US. Our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and thousands of generations down the line need our protection!!! Please feel free to forward it to others you might think would like to sign-on. In peace, Molly Johnson May 24, 2001 President George W. Bush The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear President Bush, “The issue of radioactive pollution—from nuclear testing fallout, from the routine emissions of nuclear (commercial or military) reactors, from the billions of tons of uranium tailings left exposed at sites around the globe, from the massive amounts of low-level and high-level radioactive waste generated every years for decades from hundreds of commercial, military and research reactors around the globe—far from being the passé story the industry’s PR hacks and media assets constantly present it as, is the number-one problem our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, ad infinitum, will have to deal with for at least the next 240,000 years. The damage to the integrity of the gene pool is still being assessed as well as increased. All of this has happened in less than the past fifty years! The challenge is paramount. Denial promises extinction of all our relations.” --David Thompson Ratcliffe Now a push is being made to build new nuclear reactors in the United States. This idea is complete insanity! It has been proven by Dr. Ernest Sternglass, Dr. Jay M Gould, Dr. Joseph J. Mangano, Dr. Rosalie Bertell and others that nuclear power is slowly killing the people of the United States in increased infant mortality, childhood cancers, breast cancer, and other types of cancer. It is not even yet known what kind of damage is being done genetically, although the studies regarding the children of people that were exposed in Chernobyl show that mutations do occur. In light of all of this information all nuclear power plants in the United States should be shut down immediately! It is time for the United States to move forward into the 21st century. Advances in technology in renewable energy sources have made the use of oil, gas and uranium essentially obsolete. It is time for decisions about energy to be made based on the health, safety and welfare of the people of this country, especially the children and unborn generations, not on the bank accounts of the corporations. We, the people, ask that the government of the United States adopt a program of converting this great nation into one using predominantly renewable energy sources. The time for change is now! In the words of President John F. Kennedy in June of 1963: "…the number of children and grandchildren with cancer in their bones, with leukemia in their blood, or with poison in their lungs might seem statistically small to some, in comparison with natural health hazards, but this is not a natural health hazard—and it is not a statistical issue. The loss of even one human life, or the malformation of even one baby—who may be born long after we are gone—should be of concern to us all. Our children and grandchildren are not merely statistics toward which we can be indifferent.” Sincerely, ===== - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jackie Cabasso Subject: (abolition-usa) The Senate: Looking Ahead Date: 25 May 2001 10:34:42 -0700 --=====================_2820409==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Institute for Public Accuracy 915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045 (202) 3470020 * * Friday, May 25, 2001 Interviews Available: The Senate: Looking Ahead The following policy analysts are available for interviews about implications of the Senate shakeup: LARRY AGRAN, (949) 7246233, (949) 7863976 Agran is the mayor of Irvine, California. He said today: "It's unwise to expect too much from the national Democratic Party. Instead of organizing nationwide against Bush's outrageous $1.6 trillion taxcut bonanza for the rich, the Democrats folded like a tent and agreed to a $1.35 trillion tax giveaway. With Jeffords' switch and the Democrats in control of the Senate, we'll soon see if the Democratic Party actually is prepared to do something about campaign finance reform, prescription drug benefits for seniors and the national scandal of persistent child poverty in America." CLARENCE LUSANE, (202) 8851674, Professor of political science at the School of International Service at American University, Lusane said today: "Jeffords has been a moderate Republican, so he's going to line up with the moderate, not the liberal, Democrats. There will be limits on how much it changes the politics of the Senate, but it will change in a flash who is in control of the Senate. This will have an effect on judicial appointments, budget issues, foreign policy. Jesse Helms is no longer chair of the Foreign Relations Committee." JACQUELINE CABASSO, (510) 8395877,, Cabasso, executive director of Western States Legal Foundation, said today: "The new Democratic leadership should mobilize support for the ABM Treaty and take action to oppose dangerous and destabilizing missile defense schemes. They should reinvigorate support for the Kyoto protocol, the Biological Weapons Convention and a sustainable energy policy. And they should aggressively challenge plans to develop 'mininukes,' proposals for oil drilling in the Alaskan wilderness and the renewed drive for nuclear power." TED GLICK, (973) 3385398,, National coordinator of the Independent Progressive Politics Network, Glick said today: "While this might slow down parts of the Republican offensive, it's inevitable that we will see a continuation, by and large, of the same types of policies that we have had since the Reagan Revolution, whether under Reagan, Bush, Clinton and now Bush II.... A high military budget was continued despite the end of the Cold War... More people were incarcerated under Clinton than under any other administration in U.S. history..." WILLIAM GROVER, (802) 6542463, (802) 8791474, Professor and chair of the political science department at St. Michael's College in Vermont and author of "The President As Prisoner," Grover said today: "Certainly, having Democrats in control of certain key Senate committees Labor, Environment, Judiciary will help smooth the more draconian edges of rightwing Republican policies in these areas in the short term. Government policy possibly may be marginally less destructive. But let's not take leave of our senses. The Democrats have been partners with the GOP in dismantling the welfare state, remilitarizing our economy, and foisting antidemocratic trade policy (NAFTA, WTO) on the American public and, indeed, the world..." For further information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy: Sam Husseini, (202) 3470020 or (202) 3325055; David Zupan, (541) 4849167 --=====================_2820409==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"
Institute for Public Accuracy
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
(202) 3470020 * *

Friday, May 25, 2001

Interviews Available: The Senate: Looking Ahead

The following policy analysts are available for interviews about  implications of the Senate shakeup:

LARRY AGRAN, (949) 7246233, (949) 7863976
Agran is the mayor of Irvine, California. He said today: "It's unwise to expect too much from the national Democratic Party. Instead of organizing  nationwide against Bush's outrageous $1.6 trillion taxcut bonanza for the rich, the Democrats folded like a tent and agreed to a $1.35 trillion tax  giveaway. With Jeffords' switch and the Democrats in control of the Senate, we'll soon see if the Democratic Party actually is prepared to do something about campaign finance reform, prescription drug benefits for seniors and the national scandal of persistent child poverty in America."

CLARENCE LUSANE, (202) 8851674,
Professor of political science at the School of International Service at American University, Lusane said today: "Jeffords has been a moderate Republican, so he's going to line up with the moderate, not the liberal, Democrats. There will be limits on how much it changes the politics of the Senate, but it will change in a flash who is in control of the Senate. This will have an effect on judicial appointments, budget issues, foreign policy. Jesse Helms is no longer chair of the Foreign Relations Committee."

JACQUELINE CABASSO, (510) 8395877,,
Cabasso, executive director of Western States Legal Foundation, said today: "The new Democratic leadership should mobilize support for the ABM Treaty and take action to oppose dangerous and destabilizing missile defense schemes. They should reinvigorate support for the Kyoto protocol, the Biological Weapons Convention and a sustainable energy policy. And they should aggressively challenge plans to develop 'mininukes,'  proposals for oil drilling in the Alaskan wilderness and the renewed drive for nuclear power."

TED GLICK, (973) 3385398,, National coordinator of the Independent Progressive Politics Network,  Glick said today: "While this might slow down parts of the Republican offensive, it's inevitable that we will see a continuation, by and large, of the same types of policies that we have had since the Reagan Revolution, whether under Reagan, Bush, Clinton and now Bush II.... A high military budget was continued despite the end of the Cold War... More people were incarcerated under Clinton than under any other administration  in U.S. history..."

WILLIAM GROVER, (802) 6542463, (802) 8791474, Professor and chair of the political science department at St. Michael's  College in Vermont and author of "The President As Prisoner," Grover said today: "Certainly, having Democrats in control of certain key Senate committees  Labor, Environment, Judiciary  will help smooth the more draconian edges of rightwing Republican policies in these areas in the short term. Government policy possibly may be marginally less destructive. But let's not take leave of our senses. The Democrats have been partners  with the GOP in dismantling the welfare state, remilitarizing our economy,  and foisting antidemocratic trade policy (NAFTA, WTO) on the American  public and, indeed, the world..."

For further information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy: Sam Husseini, (202) 3470020 or (202) 3325055; David Zupan, (541) 4849167
--=====================_2820409==_.ALT-- - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sally Light Subject: (abolition-usa) NDE's Teach-In to be available on videotape Date: 25 May 2001 16:39:19 +0100 May 25, 2001 NEVADA DESERT EXPERIENCE=92S TEACH-IN TO BE AVAILABLE ON VIDEOTAPE Friends, The May 22-24, 2001, teach-in held by Nevada Desert Experience at San Francisco State University on the nuclear cycle and on =93Star Wars,=94 w= ill be available on videotape in several weeks. Featuring well-known experts who spoke on the full range of nuclear issues as well as on missile defense and =93Star Wars,=94 the teach-in wa= s sponsored on campus by the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA) and Students for a Better Environment. Speakers included Isaac Trotts (scientist who recently resigned from Livermore Lab), Jackie Cabasso (Executive Director of Western States Legal Foundation), Patrice Sutton (Western States Legal Foundation and medical researcher), Dr. Kathryn Smick (Physicians for Social Responsibility), Marylia Kelley (Executive Director of Tri-Valley CAREs), Inga Olson (Nuclear Weapons & Waste Program Associate with Tri-Valley CAREs), Christopher Ney (Disarmament Coordinator of War Resisters League), June Stark Casey (renowned radiation survivor and Bay Area Liaison for Peace Links), Andrew Page (California Peace Action), Fr. Louie Vitale & Fr. Bill O=92Donnell (long-time faith-based activists)= , Ernest Goitein (retired engineer and expert on nuclear power plants), David Brown (maker of, =93Bound By the Wind=94 and other films), Cade Bursell (internationally award-winning film maker and cancer survivor), Carah Ong (Coordinator of Abolition 2000 Global Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons), Maurice Campbell & Dr. Ahimsa Sumchai (Hunters Point Shipyard activists), Patricia Axlerod (expert on Uranium 238, also known as =93depleted uranium=94), Jeanie Shaterian (Mordechai Vanunnu Campaign)= , Ward Young (BAN Waste, expert on radioactive waste), Sandra Schwartz (American Friends Service Committee), Chris Montesano (Board Chair of Nevada Desert Experience) and Sally Light (Executive Director of Nevada Desert Experience). Lynda Williams (Professor of Physics at S.F. State) performed her =93Cosmic Cabaret=94 theater piece on =93Star Wars.=94 The videotapes are an excellent education & outreach tool, and will be available in several weeks. Those wanting information about getting copies of the videotapes can contact Sally Light, Executive Director of Nevada Desert Experience by email at or by =91phone at (510) 849-1540. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (marylia) Subject: (abolition-usa) Pollution & Cleanup at Livermore Lab-invitation Date: 29 May 2001 00:01:33 -0700 Greetings: Here is information about an upcoming public meeting on cleanup of toxic and radioactive pollution at Livermore Lab's site 300 high explosives testing range. The meeting is sponsored by Tri-Valley CAREs and TRAQ. If you are in Northern California -- you are cordially invited to attend. All others on my email lists -- this is FYI. Read on... for further information, contact Marylia Kelley, Executive Director, Tri-Valley CAREs, (925) 443-7148 Inga Olson, Program Associate, Tri-Valley CAREs, (925) 443-7148 Peter Strauss, Environmental Scientist, (415) 647-4404 * Media Advisory * COMMUNITY MEETING TO ADDRESS PROPOSED FUNDING CUTS, OTHER THREATS TO CLEANUP OF RADIOACTIVE AND TOXIC POLLUTION AT LAWRENCE LIVERMORE LAB'S SITE 300 HIGH EXPLOSIVES TESTING RANGE WHAT: Public Meeting, "Site 300 - Pollution, Cleanup and the Role of the Community," jointly sponsored by Tri-Valley CAREs and Tracy Regional Alliance for a Quality Environment (TRAQ) WHEN: Thursday, May 31, 2001 from 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM WHERE: Tracy Community Center, 300 East 10th Street, Tracy WHO: * Peter Strauss of PM Strauss and Associates, technical advisor to Tri-Valley CAREs for over a decade and author of the "Community Guide to the Site 300 Cleanup," will discuss the on-site and off-site contaminated groundwater plumes and their potential impact on human health and the environment. * Marylia Kelley, the Executive Director of Tri-Valley CAREs, will outline solutions, including various types of soil and groundwater treatment technologies, and will discuss the need for long-term, stable funding for the Superfund cleanup effort at site 300. * Inga Olson, Tri-Valley CAREs' Program Associate will be joined by Tracy community members to initiate a call to action, and will outline several effective measures that citizens can employ to help assure the cleanup of radioactive and toxic pollutants at site 300. WHY: Contaminants in soil and groundwater near Tracy could be left in place and allowed to migrate unchecked because of reductions in the Department of Energy's Fiscal Year 2002 Budget Request for cleanup at the site. Livermore Lab's environmental restoration budget is slated to be cut from its current $21.7 million to $11.3 million, a 48% decrease. Site 300 was designated as a Superfund site, requiring priority cleanup, by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1990. Since 1955, site 300 has been used by Livermore Lab to test high explosives and components of nuclear weapons. Underground plumes of water contain high concentrations of uranium, tritium (radioactive hydrogen), volatile organic compounds (including TCE), high explosives and other toxic chemicals. -30- Marylia Kelley Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) 2582 Old First Street Livermore, CA USA 94550 - is our web site, please visit us there! (925) 443-7148 - is our phone (925) 443-0177 - is our fax Working for peace, justice and a healthy environment since 1983, Tri-Valley CAREs has been a member of the nation-wide Alliance for Nuclear Accountability in the U.S. since 1989, and is a co-founding member of the Abolition 2000 global network for the elimination of nuclear weapons, the U.S. Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and the Back From the Brink campaign to get nuclear weapons taken off hair-trigger alert. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "" (by way of ASlater ) Subject: (abolition-usa) [abolition-caucus] COORDINATOR TRIP REPORT Date: 29 May 2001 12:43:29 -0400 Friends, Just back from three weeks away to England, Ireland, and Germany. The Global Network's (GN) membership conference in Leeds, England was a great success (see Karl Grossman's recent article that we mailed out for details). For the first time we had folks come from places like Alaska, Egypt, South Korea, Australia, Norway, Sweden, France, and Belgium. In all we had over 200 people from 20 countries represented. As Karl said in his article we expanded the GN Board of Directors (BOD). We have added several new people including: Alla Yaroshinskaya (Russia), Cheong Wooksik (South Korea), Loring Wirbel (Colorado), Sally Light (California) and we have asked activists in Australia to suggest a woman to be added to the BOD. We expect this to be done very soon. We also approved Dave Knight, the chairperson of CND in the United Kingdom, to be the new chair of our advisory board. We'd like the advisory board to take a greater role in 2001-2002 in helping us do long-range planning. With consultation with our BOD, Dave will be working to expand the advisory committee in the coming months. After a few days off in Ireland I went to Germany for a speaking tour that took me to Berlin, Hamburg, Bonn, Trier, Munich, Kornwestheim, Darmstadt, and Frankfurt. I went by train to each stop and our advisory board member Wolfgang Schlupp-Hauck (Mutlangen) coordinated the tour. GN board member Regina Hagen and Wolfgang joined me in Berlin where we spent 2 1/2 days holding a news conference, held public meetings with several different peace groups, and held sessions with members of parliament (MP) and their staffs. We met with two MP's from the ruling SPD party, one of whom extended an invitation to Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) to come to Berlin to speak to German members of the Bundestag. I carried home a hand written invitation and have sent it to Rep. Kucinich. We also met with 14 leaders in the PDS party (former East Germans) who have recently been working to gather anti-Star Wars signatures of parliamentarians from around the world. They were particularly pleased to develop relationships with the GN. We were supposed to meet with two MP's from the Green Party but instead they sent four of their aides. The German Greens are being heavily criticized by the peace movement for their support of the NATO war on Yugoslavia and for recent weak statements on Bush's plan for "missile defense." Several news articles came out of our Berlin news conference as well as radio coverage. Hamburg was my biggest meeting, with representatives from many different groups in attendance. In Bonn I did a radio interview that was broadcast nationally and in Trier the local newspaper covered my talk. Prior to the event in Munich, local activists took me to a local radio station for an interview. Munich was a very important meeting because it is very near the U.S. signals intelligence base at Bad Aibling. We have not had alot of work done around Bad Aibling in the past and it was my hope that we could get folks in Munich to agree to focus more attention on the base. The people at the meeting enthusiastically agreed to hold an action there in conjunction with our October 13 international day of protest. While in Munich I stayed at the home of the renowned nuclear physicist Hans Peter Duerr. We had a wonderful breakfast discussion on the Star Wars issue and I feel certain that he will become more involved in the campaign to keep space for peace. He has tremendous influence inside and outside of Germany. I am confident that several key German cities (including Berlin) will hold actions on October 13 as a result of this trip. There was tremendous interest in the issue, several people in Berlin followed us from meeting to meeting. Both in England and Germany it is clear that people view the Bush administration as a significant threat to global peace and stability and will respond with increased activity on the issue. In both these countries there is always talk about the "special relationship" their government has with the U.S. and it was important for an American citizen to be publicly saying that they do not need to "follow" the U.S. on this issue. Much thanks to all those who made the events in England and Germany such a success. Immediately upon our return Dr. Michio Kaku, one of our GN board members, had Karl Grossman and me on his radio show (Science for the People) to talk about our trip to Europe. Michio regularly keeps the work of the GN before the public on his national radio program. I think it important that people understand that the recent return of the U.S. Senate to Democratic party control will only marginally help us stop Star Wars. While it is likely to help slow down any early deployment of "missile defense", Democratic Senate leader Tom Dsachle (D-SD) said just this morning on TV that his party still supports "missile defense" but only wants to be sure that it works properly before deploying. He said clearly that research and development (wasting hundreds of billions of dollars) should continue. It has always been my opinion that if you give the Pentagon enough money and enough time that they will come up with some technology that will work. So please don't be fooled into thinking that the Democrats will save us -- they won't. We have much work to do. Bruce K. Gagnon Coordinator Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space PO Box 90083 Gainesville, FL. 32607 (352) 337-9274 To subscribe to the Abolition Global Caucus, send an email from the account you wish to be subscribed to: "" Do not include a subject line or any text in the body of the message. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Russian citizens oppose waste dump Date: 29 May 2001 14:49:00 -0400 X-FC-MachineGenerated: true : : Russians Said to Oppose Waste Bill .c The Associated Press MOSCOW (AP) - A leading Russian environmentalist said Saturday that legislation to allow the import of nuclear waste could face an uphill battle if lawmakers listen to their constituents. Russia's lower house of parliament, the State Duma, is to vote June 7 on a third and final reading of the legislation, which passed by a wide margin in its second reading last month. Alexei Yablokov, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a leading anti-nuclear campaigner, said recent opinion surveys, including a poll by Greenpeace on Friday, showed that 90 percent of voters are against the plan. ``I think that it will make the deputies think (twice) about passing this law,'' Yablokov said. If it passes the Duma, the bill will face a vote in the upper parliament house, the Federation Council. Yablokov said the chamber's chairman, Yegor Stroyev, was opposed the project and had branded it as a plan ``designed either for madmen or the mafia.'' Russia's new energy minister, Alexander Rumyantsev, has pushed for the legislation allowing the import of spent nuclear fuel rods from other nations since his appointment in March, saying it was essential for Russia to be able to export new nuclear fuel. Russia's Nuclear Power Ministry has also lobbied for the plan. The ministry says Russia would earn up to $20 billion by importing 22,000 tons of spent nuclear fuel over a 10-year period. Nuclear power stations around the world have about 200,000 tons of waste in temporary storage Officials have said spent fuel would be sent by armored train to a facility near Chelyabinsk in the Ural Mountains for reprocessing. The recycling process extracts useable nuclear material from the spent rods while reducing their potential to be used in weapons, the Nuclear Power Ministry has said. A 1992 law forbids importing nuclear materials from countries other than former East Bloc nations with existing contracts. Russia now imports spent fuel rods from Ukraine, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Hungary for reprocessing, a system established during Soviet times. AP-NY-05-26-01 0637EDT Copyright 2001 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL. Global Deactivation of Radiation Feel free to forward this report onto a friend, or another mailing list. Please encourage everyone who shares our interest in Global Deactivation to visit our website for further information at GDR ( If you have any information that might help in the Deactivation of Radiation, please send to: To Subscribe to our free reports, Send your request with the words "Subscribe GDR" in the subject area to Subscribe GDR. Or go directly to the sign up section on GDR.. at Global Deactivation of Radiation Web Site EMAIL List Signup Help spread the need to finding ways to deactivate radiation. GDR needs: researchers, volunteers, web designers and funds. HREF=",">, (GDR Researcher Steven L. 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Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sally Light Subject: (abolition-usa) [Fwd: [abolition-caucus] ACTION ALERT: Bush at NATO HQ 13/6/01] Date: 30 May 2001 09:58:18 +0100 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------3D0D9A02B4DBB85373F00173 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit --------------3D0D9A02B4DBB85373F00173 Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Return-Path: Received: from ([]) by emu (EarthLink SMTP Server) with SMTP id tha6ed.8bn.37tiu8v.1 for ; Wed, 30 May 2001 09:03:25 -0700 (PDT) X-eGroups-Return: Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 30 May 2001 16:00:55 -0000 X-Sender: X-Apparently-To: Received: (EGP: mail-7_1_3); 30 May 2001 16:00:54 -0000 Received: (qmail 94882 invoked from network); 30 May 2001 16:00:21 -0000 Received: from unknown ( by with QMQP; 30 May 2001 16:00:21 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by mta2 with SMTP; 30 May 2001 16:00:18 -0000 Received: (from apache@localhost) by (8.11.0/8.11.0) id f4UFx9U30511; Wed, 30 May 2001 17:59:09 +0200 Message-Id: <> X-Authentication-Warning: apache set sender to using -f X-Mailer: NeoMail 1.23 X-IPAddress: MIME-Version: 1.0 Mailing-List: list; contact Delivered-To: mailing list Precedence: bulk List-Unsubscribe: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear friends, On 13 June George W. Bush will visit the NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, to meet with all NATO heads of state/government. This is a unique opportunity to make your feelings known on NATO nuclear policy, Star Wars, ... Please spread this message to any individuals and organisations that you know, and come to Brussels yourself! Love, David Heller Katri Silvonen For Mother Earth International ************************************************************************* MANIFESTATION WEDNESDAY JUNE 13TH NATO headquarters BRUSSELS Dear Friends Over the past months everybody has been shocked by the disastrous policy decisions of US President Bush. It is obvious by now he doesn't give a damn about international agreements, he only follows the dictates from the oil and weapon industry. On Wednesday June 13th George Bush is visiting the NATO headquarters at Brussels, where he will meet the heads of state of the Western alliance. The development of Star Wars will be the major item on his agenda. Demonstration We cannot let this summit pass without making our feelings known. Under the common idea 'respect international agreements' a group of Belgian and international NGO's calls for a non-violent demonstration. At this moment the group consists of 11..11.11, Attac (against financial speculation), Bond Beter Leefmilieu (Flemish environmental umbrella organisation), War Resisters International, Greenpeace, Inter Environment Wallonie (Walloon environmental group), Oxfam Solidariteit and For Mother Earth. We plan a short march to NATO headquarters with a clear message to the Heads of state and for President Bush. All organisations and participants are invited to make signs concerning the themes of the international agreements that Bush is violating (e.g. nuclear disarmament, human rights, climate). We also have a 'Wanted Poster" that reminds people of the international crimes against Humanity and the Planet that Bush is committing. This poster can be downloaded from the website ;; and adapted to suit your needs. We expect some counterdemonstrations of the financial world, the oil industry and the military industrial complex which will see their welcome party for the President disturbed. The participants to the action will be invited to sign a "non-violence engagement declaration", and we expect everyone on the demonstration to take a non-violent attitude (verbal as well as physical). There will be legal support for anyone arrested. The meeting point for the demonstration is 8:30 am at Metro Station "Bordet" in Brussels. The demonstration will leave for NATO headquaters at 9am promptly. We hope to make a maximum use of the internet to make this action successful. Please spread this acton alert and the 'Wanted' poster as widely as possible. Updates can be obtained on our website You can e-mail to : On Tuesday evening, June 12th there will be a protest vigil in front of the US embassy. More information about this vigil is available on the website. ******************************************************************************* For Mother Earth Maria Hendrikaplein 5-6 9000 Gent, Belgium tel: +32-9-242.87.52 fax: +32-9-242.87.51 E-mail: International postal account: #000-1618561-19 To subscribe to the Abolition Global Caucus, send an email from the account you wish to be subscribed to: "" Do not include a subject line or any text in the body of the message. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to --------------3D0D9A02B4DBB85373F00173-- - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lisa Ledwidge / IEER Subject: (abolition-usa) Nuclear power debate on TV this weekend Date: 31 May 2001 13:26:19 -0500 Friends and colleagues in the U.S., Between now and Wednesday at various times across the country, PBS will=20 broadcast a debate on nuclear power between Arjun Makhijani, president of=20 the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, and Eileen Supko,=20 nuclear engineer and senior consultant with Energy Resources=20 International. More information about the show follows. The show also has= =20 a web site: Lisa Ledwidge, IEER >THIS WEEK THINK TANK ASKS...Is Nuclear Power Making a Comeback? > >(#923 PBS feed 5/31/2001) > >President George W. Bush=B9s energy plan is reviving nuclear power, an >industry long out of public favor. Once again, the atom is being hailed= as >a cheap and clean source of energy. Recent polls show that 50 percent of >Americans now support the construction of new nuclear power plants, a= figure >that includes 59 percent of energy-strapped Californians. But critics >remain skeptical. Some 40,000 tons of nuclear waste await final disposal, >while plans for a permanent repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, remain >bogged down in a political ground war. Is the nuclear industry poised to >make a comeback? Or is the issue still too hot to handle? > >To find out, Think Tank is joined by two experts: > >Arjun Makhijani, president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental >Research, and coauthor of The Nuclear Power Deception: U.S. Nuclear >Mythology from Electricity "Too Cheap to Meter" to "Inherently Safe" >Reactors. > >And Eileen Supko, nuclear engineer and senior consultant with Energy >Resources International, and author of numerous research papers on nuclear >power. > >For more information or to report carriage of Think Tank, contact Greg >Erken at (202) 862-4882 or via email at "Think Tank" air times for Washington, D.C., and some major markets (visit= =20 to find out about others): >New York: Saturday, WNET, 9 AM >Los Angeles: Saturday, KCET, 1:30 PM >Chicago: Thursday, WYCC, 10:30 PM >Washington, DC: Saturday, WETA (Ch. 26), 1:30 PM and Monday, WETA, 1 AM >Washington, DC: Sunday, WHUT (Ch. 32), 11 AM and Tuesday, WHUT, 9 AM - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.