From: Ellen Thomas Subject: (abolition-usa) nuclear power poll Date: 04 Jun 2001 20:15:42 -0400 Take the poll. Should We Build More Nuclear Power Plants? Bill Braxton __________________________________________________ * Peace Through Reason - * Please sign the Online Petition! - NucNews - Today and Archives - __________________________________________________ - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (marylia) Subject: (abolition-usa) Hoya shipments for NIF have NOT RESUMED! Date: 05 Jun 2001 18:45:21 -0700 Dear peace and enviro colleagues: Here is an article I think you will find interesting on the international campaign to persuade the Japanese-based Hoya corporation to stop making glass for the National Ignition Facility (and by extension, for the French Laser Megajoule). Kudos to Gensuiken and to our own Issac Trotts who is "on the case" in Japan this week. Read on... Peace, Marylia Ex-lab worker stumps in Japan Trotts quit over nuclear research By Glenn Roberts Jr. STAFF WRITER LIVERMORE -- A former Lawrence Livermore Laboratory scientist, who renounced nuclear weapons work in favor of anti-nuclear activism, is touring Japan this week to speak with activists, politicians and business representatives. On Issac Trotts' itinerary is a meeting with officials at Hoya Corp., a Japan-based company with a shop in Fremont that is preparing high-tech glass slabs for the National Ignition Facility laser project at Livermore Lab. In February, Hoya officials announced that shipments of glass for the laser project were being withheld "for the time being." Public protests in Japan have questioned why Hoya managers would support the construction of NIF, a U.S. nuclear weapons research tool. Though the Japan Times reported in late March that Hoya managers planned to resume the shipments, officials at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory reportedly have not received a formal statement from the company about resumption of the shipments. Lab spokesman Susan Houghton said Monday that "nothing has changed in relation to Hoya." "We value our relationship with Hoya and are allowing them to handle this issue," Houghton said. Trotts, 25, who worked as a computer scientist and mathematical programmer at Livermore Lab from October 2000 to March of this year, has said he resigned after learning that lab scientists continue to develop new capabilities for nuclear weapons. Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment, a Livermore-based nuclear watchdog group, and Gensuikin, a Japanese anti-nuclear group, combined forces to send Trotts to Japan. In a paper he prepared for his trip, Trotts states that NIF is "an instrument for continuing U.S. nuclear weapons research and development." The paper also says, "As such, it would not be socially responsible for a Japanese business, or any business for that matter, to directly contribute to the NIF's construction. Hoya Corporation now has an opportunity to show its social responsibility to the people of Japan by ending its involvement with the National Ignition Facility." Houghton said Trotts "was never affiliated with the National Ignition Facility and his claims are not credible." Hoya Corp. is contracted to produce about half of the specialized laser glass needed for NIF and for a similar nuclear weapons research project in France called the Megajoule. Both projects are expected to generate nuclear weapons explosions on a miniature scale by blasting radioactive fuel pellets with high-power ultra-violet lasers. Marylia Kelley, executive director for Tri-Valley CAREs, said Trotts went to Japan "with a stack of documents to present to Hoya -- so that Hoya (officials) understand the NIF's role in enhancing and maintaining nuclear weapons." She said Trotts also is planning to travel to Hiroshima this week to meet with its mayor and to visit the atomic bomb museum there. c1999-2001 by MediaNews Group, Inc. and ANG Newspapers Marylia Kelley Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) 2582 Old First Street Livermore, CA USA 94550 - is our web site, please visit us there! (925) 443-7148 - is our phone (925) 443-0177 - is our fax Working for peace, justice and a healthy environment since 1983, Tri-Valley CAREs has been a member of the nation-wide Alliance for Nuclear Accountability in the U.S. since 1989, and is a co-founding member of the Abolition 2000 global network for the elimination of nuclear weapons, the U.S. Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and the Back From the Brink campaign to get nuclear weapons taken off hair-trigger alert. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "John E. Linker" Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Hoya shipments for NIF have NOT RESUMED! Date: 05 Jun 2001 18:37:52 -0700 Thanks sincerely, John E. Linker Sanitary Engineer California Department of Health Services Division of Drinking Water and Environmental Management Drinking Water Field Operations Branch Sonoma District Office Santa Rosa, CA (Please see my resume at ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 6:45 PM > Dear peace and enviro colleagues: > > Here is an article I think you will find interesting on the international > campaign to persuade the Japanese-based Hoya corporation to stop making > glass for the National Ignition Facility (and by extension, for the French > Laser Megajoule). Kudos to Gensuiken and to our own Issac Trotts who is "on > the case" in Japan this week. Read on... Peace, Marylia > > Ex-lab worker stumps in Japan > > Trotts quit over nuclear research > > By Glenn Roberts Jr. > STAFF WRITER > > LIVERMORE -- A former Lawrence Livermore Laboratory scientist, who > renounced nuclear weapons work in favor of anti-nuclear activism, is > touring Japan this week to speak with activists, politicians and business > representatives. > > On Issac Trotts' itinerary is a meeting with officials at Hoya Corp., a > Japan-based company with a shop in Fremont that is preparing high-tech > glass slabs for the National Ignition Facility laser project at Livermore > Lab. > > In February, Hoya officials announced that shipments of glass for the laser > project were being withheld "for the time being." Public protests in Japan > have questioned why Hoya managers would support the construction of NIF, a > U.S. nuclear weapons research tool. > > Though the Japan Times reported in late March that Hoya managers planned to > resume the shipments, officials at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory reportedly > have not received a formal statement from the company about resumption of > the shipments. > > Lab spokesman Susan Houghton said Monday that "nothing has changed in > relation to Hoya." > > "We value our relationship with Hoya and are allowing them to handle this > issue," Houghton said. > > Trotts, 25, who worked as a computer scientist and mathematical programmer > at Livermore Lab from October 2000 to March of this year, has said he > resigned after learning that lab scientists continue to develop new > capabilities for nuclear weapons. > > Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment, a Livermore-based > nuclear watchdog group, and Gensuikin, a Japanese anti-nuclear group, > combined forces to send Trotts to Japan. > > In a paper he prepared for his trip, Trotts states that NIF is "an > instrument for continuing U.S. nuclear weapons research and development." > > The paper also says, "As such, it would not be socially responsible for a > Japanese business, or any business for that matter, to directly contribute > to the NIF's construction. Hoya Corporation now has an opportunity to show > its social responsibility to the people of Japan by ending its involvement > with the National Ignition Facility." > > Houghton said Trotts "was never affiliated with the National Ignition > Facility and his claims are not credible." > > Hoya Corp. is contracted to produce about half of the specialized laser > glass needed for NIF and for a similar nuclear weapons research project in > France called the Megajoule. > > Both projects are expected to generate nuclear weapons explosions on a > miniature scale by blasting radioactive fuel pellets with high-power > ultra-violet lasers. > > Marylia Kelley, executive director for Tri-Valley CAREs, said Trotts went > to Japan "with a stack of documents to present to Hoya -- so that Hoya > (officials) understand the NIF's role in enhancing and maintaining nuclear > weapons." > > She said Trotts also is planning to travel to Hiroshima this week to meet > with its mayor and to visit the atomic bomb museum there. > > ------------------------------------------------------------ > > c1999-2001 by MediaNews Group, Inc. and ANG Newspapers > > Marylia Kelley > Tri-Valley CAREs > (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) > 2582 Old First Street > Livermore, CA USA 94550 > > - is our web site, please visit us there! > > (925) 443-7148 - is our phone > (925) 443-0177 - is our fax > > Working for peace, justice and a healthy environment since 1983, Tri-Valley > CAREs has been a member of the nation-wide Alliance for Nuclear > Accountability in the U.S. since 1989, and is a co-founding member of the > Abolition 2000 global network for the elimination of nuclear weapons, the > U.S. Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and the Back From the Brink > campaign to get nuclear weapons taken off hair-trigger alert. > > > > - > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Burroughs Subject: (abolition-usa) June 10 open meeting on disarmament campaign activities Date: 06 Jun 2001 07:18:17 -0400 On Sunday June 10, from 5-7 pm, in Washington, following the rally from 2-4 pm at Lafayette Park, the US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons will host an open meeting to discuss groups' plans for campaigning against missile defense and the weaponization of space and for the dealerting, reduction, and elimination of nuclear forces. The agenda is still being formed, but at a minimum the intent is to exchange information about upcoming events, actions, and campaigns, and to explore how to coordinate campaign activities. The meeting will be held at the Methodist Building, 100 Maryland Ave., NE, directly across the street from the Supreme Court. From the rally, take the red line from Farragut North to Union Station, exit onto Massachusetts, and head up 1st St. The building will be on your left just before you get to the Supreme Court. Contact John Burroughs (separate msg to, not by reply to this msg, or call 212 818 1861) for more information or to provide input into the meeting agenda. The meeting is being held in connection with the rally and congressional education days, June 10-12, organized by the Nuclear Disarmament Partnership and Project Abolition. For more information regarding June 10-12 activities (not the meeting), see or contact Kathy Crandall, Nuclear Disarmament Partnership, at John Burroughs, Executive Director Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy 211 E. 43d St., Suite 1204 New York, New York 10017 USA tel: +1 212 818 1861 fax: 818 1857 e-mail: website: Part of the Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jackie Cabasso Subject: (abolition-usa) US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Date: 07 Jun 2001 11:58:19 -0700 --=====================_76544557==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id LAA21037 US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS Part of the Abolition 2000 Global Network NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING and gathering of the movement for the abolition of nuclear weapons Friday July 13 in Santa Fe, New Mexico at the College of Santa Fe Please join us for our 2001 Annual General Meeting at the beautiful Colle= ge of Santa Fe campus in Santa Fe, New Mexico. In addition to taking care of n= etwork business, we=92ll be sharing our =93best practices=94 and discussing stra= tegies for the future. Immediately following our meeting, on Saturday and Sunday Ju= ly 14 and 15, we hope you=92ll stay for Peace Action New Mexico=92s =93LANL 200= 1 - Action for Abolition Conference.=94 On Monday July 16, the anniversary of the =93= Trinity=94 test, the US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons will join Peace Action N= ew Mexico for a rally, march and nonviolent protest at Los Alamos National Laboratory. We hope you=92ll be there! Newsflash! The Coordinating Committee of the US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLE= AR WEAPONS has endorsed the June 10 - 12, 2001 =93Stop the New Arms Race=94 = White House Rally & Congressional Education Days in Washington, DC. (See for more information.) We=92ll be hosting an OPEN MEE= TING SUNDAY, JUNE 10, from 5 - 7 pm, following the White House rally, at the Methodist Building, 100 Maryland Ave. NE, directly across the street from= the Supreme Court. (A short walk from Union Station; Red Line Metro stop.) JULY SCHEDULE OF EVENTS College of Santa Fe, Santa Fe New Mexico July 13: US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS Annual General Meeting July 14th & 15th: Peace Action New Mexico=92s LANL 2001 - Action for Abol= ition Conference July 16: Rally & Protest 11 am - 1 pm; March at 1 pm in Los Alamos; nonvi= olent direct action Low-cost housing and camping will be available in Santa Fe. A very limit= ed number of travel scholarships will be available from the US CAMPAIGN for low-income activists. See below for application and registration form.=20 REGISTRATION FORM Please complete and return by e-mail to or print out and mail to Western States Legal Foundation 1504 Franklin Street, Suite 202, Oakland, CA 94612 I/we plan to attend the US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS Annual G= eneral Meeting on Friday, July 13, 2001. Please send me/us more information. Name(s):_________________________________________________________________= _____ Organization:____________________________________________________________= ______ Address:_________________________________________________________________= _____ =20 ______________________________________________________________________ Phone(s) ________________________________________________________________= ______ E-mail: _________________________________ Website:______________________________ Enclosed is a voluntary registration fee of $______________ to help wi= th conference costs. =20 Please make check payable to US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS. = Your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. I/we also plan to attend the Peace Action New Mexico Conference and/or = July 16th rally. Please send me/us information about low-cost housing options in Santa F= e. I would need a travel subsidy to be able to attend. Please contact me = if funds are available. HELP US PLAN THE MEETING AGENDA! We want to create an opportunity for groups to inform, inspire and challe= nge each other by sharing=20 their creativity, skills, and =93best practices.=94 Have you been involve= d in a particularly innovative, useful or productive initiative -- at the local, regional, national or internati= onal level -- that you=92d like to share? This is your chance! I/we would l= ike to make a presentation on:_________________________ _________________________________________________________________________= _____ _________________________________________________________________________= _____. Does your organization have a proposal that it would like to present to t= he US CAMPAIGN? Let us know! We have a proposal for the US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLI= SH NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Please provide a written copy in advance, if at all possible. It really = helps things go more smoothly!=20 *The US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS is the US section of the Abol= ition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons. The US CAMPAIGN is mad= e up of organizations that endorse the US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS MISSION STATEMENT and SANTA BARBARA DECLARATION, the ABOLITION 2000 STATE= MENT and the MOOREA DECLARATION. Individuals are welcome to participate throu= gh working groups. The US CAMPAIGN is managed by a Coordinating Committee m= ade up or organizational representatives chosen at the Annual General Meeting.=20 Western States Legal Foundation serves as the interim clearinghouse for t= he US CAMPAIGN. For more information about the US CAMPAIGN please check out ou= r website: or call (510)839-5877. COORDINATING COMMITTEE: John Burroughs, Lawyers=92 Committee on Nuclear P= olicy; Jackie Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation; Anthony Guarisco, Allian= ce of Atomic Veterans; Alan Haber, Peace and Environmental Coalition for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons and Megiddo Peace Project; Odile Hugonot Hab= er, U.S. Section Womens International League for Peace and Freedom; Inga Olso= n, TriValley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment; Sally Light, Nev= ada Desert Experience; Pamela Meidell, Atomic Mirror and California Green Par= ty; Bal Pinguel, American Friends Service Committee; Ibrahim Ramey, Fellowshi= p of=20 Reconciliation; Frank Dworak, Pax Christi USA; Gilbert Sanchez, Tribal Environmental Watch Network; Susan Shaer, Womens Action for New Direction= s; Alice Slater, Global Resource Action Center for the Environment --=====================_76544557==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id LAA21037
Part of the Abolition 2000 Global Network
and gathering of the movement for the abolition of nuclear weapons
Friday July 13 in Santa Fe, New Mexico
at the College of Santa Fe

Please join us for our 2001 Annual General Meeting at the beautiful College of Santa Fe campus in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  In addition to taking care of network business, we=92ll be sharing our =93best practices= =94 and discussing strategies for the future.  Immediately following our meeting, on Saturday and Sunday July 14 and 15, we hope you=92ll stay for Peace Action New Mexico=92s =93LANL 2001 - Action for Abolition Conference.=94  On Monday July 16, the anniversary of the =93Trinity= =94 test, the US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons will join Peace Action New Mexico for a rally, march and nonviolent protest at Los Alamos National Laboratory. We hope you=92ll be there!

The Coordinating Committee of the US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS has endorsed the June 10 - 12, 2001 =93Stop the New Arms Race=94 White House Rally & Congressional Education Days in Washingto= n, DC.  (See www.disarmamen= for more information.) We=92ll be hosting an OPEN MEETING SUNDAY, JUN= E 10, from 5 - 7 pm, following the White House rally, at the Methodist Bu= ilding, 100 Maryland Ave. NE, directly across the street from the Supreme= Court.  (A short walk from Union Station; Red Line Metro stop.)

College of Santa Fe, Santa Fe New Mexico

July 13: US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS Annual General Meeting July 14th & 15th: Peace Action New Mexico=92s L= ANL 2001 - Action for Abolition Conference
July 16: Rally & Protest 11 am - 1 pm; March at 1 pm in Los Alamos; n= onviolent direct action
Low-cost housing and camping will be available in Santa Fe.  A very = limited number of travel scholarships will be available from the US CAMPA= IGN for low-income activists.  See below for application and regi= stration form.


Please complete and return by e-mail to
or print out and mail to Western States Legal Foundation
1504 Franklin Street, Suite 202, Oakland, CA 94612

  I/we plan to attend the US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS Ann= ual General Meeting on Friday, July 13, 2001.  Please send me/us = more information.

Name(s):_________________________________________________________________= _____
Organization:____________________________________________________________= ______
Address:_________________________________________________________________= _____
            &= nbsp;  _____________________________________________________________= _________
Phone(s) ________________________________________________________________= ______
E-mail: _________________________________ Website:_______________________= _______
  Enclosed is a voluntary registration fee of  $______________ = to help with conference costs. 
   Please make check payable to US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLE= AR WEAPONS.  Your
   donation is tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law= .
  I/we also plan to attend the Peace Action New Mexico Conferenc= e and/or   July 16th rally.
  Please send me/us information about low-cost housing options in Sa= nta Fe.
  I would need a travel subsidy to be able to attend.  Pleas= e contact me if funds are available.
We want to create an opportunity for groups to inform, inspire and challe= nge each other by sharing
their creativity, skills, and =93best practices.=94 Have you been involve= d in a particularly innovative, useful
or productive initiative -- at the local, regional, national or internati= onal level -- that you=92d like to share? This is your chance!  = ; ; I/we would like to make a presentation on:___________________= ______
_____________________________________________________________________= _________
_________________________________________________________________________= _____.

Does your organization have a proposal that it would like to present to t= he US CAMPAIGN?  Let us know!   We have a proposal for = the US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS.
Please provide a written copy in advance, if at all possible. = ; It really helps things go more smoothly!

*The US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS is the US section of the Abol= ition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons.  The US CAMP= AIGN is made up of organizations that endorse the US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH = NUCLEAR WEAPONS MISSION STATEMENT and SANTA BARBARA DECLARATION, the ABOL= ITION 2000 STATEMENT and the MOOREA DECLARATION.  Individuals are we= lcome to participate through working groups.  The US CAMPAIGN is man= aged by a Coordinating Committee made up or organizational representative= s chosen  at the Annual General Meeting.  Western States Legal = Foundation serves as the interim clearinghouse for the US CAMPAIGN. = For more information about the US CAMPAIGN please check out our website:= or call (510)839-5877.=

COORDINATING COMMITTEE: John Burroughs, Lawyers=92 Committee on Nuclear P= olicy; Jackie Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation; Anthony Guarisco,= Alliance of Atomic Veterans; Alan Haber, Peace and Environmental Coaliti= on for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons and Megiddo Peace Project; Odile = Hugonot Haber, U.S. Section Womens International League for Peace and Fre= edom; Inga Olson, TriValley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment= ; Sally Light, Nevada Desert Experience; Pamela Meidell, Atomic Mirror an= d California Green Party; Bal Pinguel, American Friends Service Committee= ; Ibrahim Ramey, Fellowship of  Reconciliation; Frank Dworak, Pax Ch= risti USA; Gilbert Sanchez, Tribal Environmental Watch Network; Susan Sha= er, Womens Action for New Directions; Alice Slater, Global Resource Actio= n Center for the Environment
--=====================_76544557==_.ALT-- - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Rice on missile defense Date: 07 Jun 2001 18:09:16 -0400 - June 1, 2001 WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice defended the Bush administration's stance on missile defense Friday, saying the United States must be prepared for new kinds of threats in a dangerous new world. Rice said that while it is important for the United States to be involved in efforts to reduce nuclear weapons worldwide, such weaponry is widely accessible to other nations, both friends and enemies. "You can never put this genie back in the bottle," Rice said. "Somebody will always know how to make them. The fact is they are a part of deterrence for a number of countries in the world." Rice discussed missile defense and nuclear weaponry in answer to questions and comments from CNN founder Ted Turner at CNN's World Report conference, an annual meeting of international journalists. She also talked about a wide range of issues in a speech and in questions from journalists. Turner -- who backs the elimination of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction -- wanted to know whether the administration has considered ridding the world of weapons of mass destruction and supporting nuclear nonproliferation, rather than pursuing a missile defense program that would cost billions. Rice said the nonproliferation effort has had "some successes, but it has had some leakage and some failure," she said. One problem, she said, is that "ballistic missile technology is proliferating around the world" and is in the hands of states that haven't signed the nonproliferation treaty. "There is no one answer," she said, stressing that the U.S. strategy against weapons of mass destruction must be comprehensive -- on the diplomacy front as well as on testing. Ballistic missiles, she said, are "a particular type of problem." They are the "perfect terror weapon" and give "very little warning." "You might be able to catch that terrorist at the border. You can't catch that ballistic missile right now," she said. Rice said Bush would like to "deploy limited defenses that can handle the small attack." And he supports such protection for every "responsible state." She said the administration is constrained in testing and evaluating missile technology by the current anti-ballistic missile treaty. "The fact of the matter is we have to be realistic. In the time frame in which we're talking, the president has to defend against the reality, not the hope," Rice said. =A9 2001 Cable News Network LP, LLLP. ************************************** - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Boyle, Francis" Subject: RE: (abolition-usa) Rice on missile defense Date: 07 Jun 2001 17:13:22 -0500 it's worth than that. Yesterday, Rumsfeld publicly announced that he = was going forward with the testing of ABM systems and technologies that = will violate the ABM,and explicitly admitted as such. Under international = law, he has legal authority to speak for the United States government on such matters since they fall within his competence. Therefore, the United = States government is currently in anticipatory breach of the ABM Treaty. fab. Francis A. Boyle Law Building 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Champaign, IL 61820 USA 217-333-7954(voice) 217-244-1478(fax) =20 =20 -----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 5:09 PM - June 1, 2001 WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice defended the Bush administration's stance on missile defense Friday, saying the United States must be prepared for new kinds of threats in a dangerous new world. Rice said that while it is important for the United States to be involved in efforts to reduce nuclear weapons worldwide, such weaponry is widely accessible to other nations, both friends and enemies. "You can never put this genie back in the bottle," Rice said. "Somebody will always know how to make them. The fact is they are a part of deterrence for a number of countries in the world." Rice discussed missile defense and nuclear weaponry in answer to questions and comments from CNN founder Ted Turner at CNN's World Report conference, an annual meeting of international journalists. She also talked about a wide range of issues in a speech and in questions from journalists. Turner -- who backs the elimination of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction -- wanted to know whether the administration has considered ridding the world of weapons of mass destruction and supporting nuclear nonproliferation, rather than pursuing a missile defense program that would cost billions. Rice said the nonproliferation effort has had "some successes, but it has had some leakage and some failure," she said. One problem, she said, is that "ballistic missile technology is proliferating around the world" and is in the hands of states that haven't signed the nonproliferation treaty. "There is no one answer," she said, stressing that the U.S. strategy against weapons of mass destruction must be comprehensive -- on the diplomacy front as well as on testing. Ballistic missiles, she said, are "a particular type of problem." They are the "perfect terror weapon" and give "very little warning." "You might be able to catch that terrorist at the border. You can't catch that ballistic missile right now," she said. Rice said Bush would like to "deploy limited defenses that can handle the small attack." And he supports such protection for every "responsible state." She said the administration is constrained in testing and evaluating missile technology by the current anti-ballistic missile treaty. "The fact of the matter is we have to be realistic. In the time frame in which we're talking, the president has to defend against the reality, not the hope," Rice said. =A9 2001 Cable News Network LP, LLLP. ************************************** - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to = "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Boyle, Francis" Subject: PS: [globenet] RE: (abolition-usa) Rice on missile defense Date: 07 Jun 2001 17:15:36 -0500 those reports are on Reuters and AFP. fab. Francis A. Boyle Law Building 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Champaign, IL 61820 USA 217-333-7954(voice) 217-244-1478(fax) =20 =20 -----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 5:13 PM it's worth than that. Yesterday, Rumsfeld publicly announced that he = was going forward with the testing of ABM systems and technologies that = will violate the ABM,and explicitly admitted as such. Under international = law, he has legal authority to speak for the United States government on such matters since they fall within his competence. Therefore, the United = States government is currently in anticipatory breach of the ABM Treaty. fab. Francis A. Boyle Law Building 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Champaign, IL 61820 USA 217-333-7954(voice) 217-244-1478(fax) =20 =20 -----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 5:09 PM - June 1, 2001 WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice defended the Bush administration's stance on missile defense Friday, saying the United States must be prepared for new kinds of threats in a dangerous new world. Rice said that while it is important for the United States to be involved in efforts to reduce nuclear weapons worldwide, such weaponry is widely accessible to other nations, both friends and enemies. "You can never put this genie back in the bottle," Rice said. "Somebody will always know how to make them. The fact is they are a part of deterrence for a number of countries in the world." Rice discussed missile defense and nuclear weaponry in answer to questions and comments from CNN founder Ted Turner at CNN's World Report conference, an annual meeting of international journalists. She also talked about a wide range of issues in a speech and in questions from journalists. Turner -- who backs the elimination of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction -- wanted to know whether the administration has considered ridding the world of weapons of mass destruction and supporting nuclear nonproliferation, rather than pursuing a missile defense program that would cost billions. Rice said the nonproliferation effort has had "some successes, but it has had some leakage and some failure," she said. One problem, she said, is that "ballistic missile technology is proliferating around the world" and is in the hands of states that haven't signed the nonproliferation treaty. "There is no one answer," she said, stressing that the U.S. strategy against weapons of mass destruction must be comprehensive -- on the diplomacy front as well as on testing. Ballistic missiles, she said, are "a particular type of problem." They are the "perfect terror weapon" and give "very little warning." "You might be able to catch that terrorist at the border. You can't catch that ballistic missile right now," she said. Rice said Bush would like to "deploy limited defenses that can handle the small attack." And he supports such protection for every "responsible state." She said the administration is constrained in testing and evaluating missile technology by the current anti-ballistic missile treaty. "The fact of the matter is we have to be realistic. In the time frame in which we're talking, the president has to defend against the reality, not the hope," Rice said. =A9 2001 Cable News Network LP, LLLP. ************************************** - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to = "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: =20 Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to = - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) June 10 open meeting on disarmament Date: 07 Jun 2001 18:47:01 -0400 Hi John, For the Agenda on Sunday night, I'd like us to discuss working together on a missile ban and any amendments to the appropriations bill killing funds for missile defense, space weapons, etc. Alice At 05:18 AM 6/6/2001 -0500, wrote: >On Sunday June 10, from 5-7 pm, in Washington, following the rally from 2-4 >pm at Lafayette Park, the US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons will host >an open meeting to discuss groups' plans for campaigning against missile >defense and the weaponization of space and for the dealerting, reduction, >and elimination of nuclear forces. The agenda is still being formed, but at >a minimum the intent is to exchange information about upcoming events, >actions, and campaigns, and to explore how to coordinate campaign >activities. > >The meeting will be held at the Methodist Building, 100 Maryland Ave., NE, >directly across the street from the Supreme Court. From the rally, take >the red line from Farragut North to Union Station, exit onto Massachusetts, >and head up 1st St. The building will be on your left just before you get >to the Supreme Court. > >Contact John Burroughs (separate msg to, not by >reply to this msg, or call 212 818 1861) for more information or to provide >input into the meeting agenda. > >The meeting is being held in connection with the rally and congressional >education days, June 10-12, organized by the Nuclear Disarmament >Partnership and Project Abolition. For more information regarding June >10-12 activities (not the meeting), see or contact >Kathy Crandall, Nuclear Disarmament Partnership, at > > > John Burroughs, Executive Director > Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy > 211 E. 43d St., Suite 1204 > New York, New York 10017 USA > tel: +1 212 818 1861 fax: 818 1857 > e-mail: > website: > Part of the Abolition 2000 Global > Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons > > >- > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: Fw: Flouride Date: 07 Jun 2001 20:16:38 -0400 >Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2001 14:53:18 -0500 >Subject: Fw: Flouride >Priority: non-urgent >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true >To: >From: "" > > > Flouride and the Nuclear Industry > > > - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) June 10 open meeting on disarmament Date: 08 Jun 2001 04:04:54 GMT Dear John, I agree with Alice. 1) We should ask the Senate to reverse their "sense of the Senate" resolution of 1999 stating that the US is committed to a missile defense program. (I think it passed 98-2). 2) Also, lobby to remove the line item from the budget which supports research and development of missile defense. 3) John Lewallen of our Nuclear Peace Action Group stresses that we should confront Congressional Democrats with the weakness of their position in support of a limited, leaky missile shield, which is worse than useless- provocative and dangerous. Now is the time for the Democrats to identify themselves as the party of arms control, international cooperation, and a peaceful future without an arms race. 4) We should draft a "sense of the US Campaign to Abolish NWs" addressed to President Bush as he prepares for his summit with Putin on June 16th, urging him to reaffirm ABM, work for dealerting and reduction of warheads to 1000 apiece, etc. I look forward to meeting you. Peace, Carol > Hi John, > For the Agenda on Sunday night, I'd like us to discuss working together on a > missile ban and any amendments to the appropriations bill killing funds for > missile defense, space weapons, etc. Alice > > > At 05:18 AM 6/6/2001 -0500, wrote: > >On Sunday June 10, from 5-7 pm, in Washington, following the rally from 2-4 > >pm at Lafayette Park, the US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons will host > >an open meeting to discuss groups' plans for campaigning against missile > >defense and the weaponization of space and for the dealerting, reduction, > >and elimination of nuclear forces. The agenda is still being formed, but at > >a minimum the intent is to exchange information about upcoming events, > >actions, and campaigns, and to explore how to coordinate campaign > >activities. > > > >The meeting will be held at the Methodist Building, 100 Maryland Ave., NE, > >directly across the street from the Supreme Court. From the rally, take > >the red line from Farragut North to Union Station, exit onto Massachusetts, > >and head up 1st St. The building will be on your left just before you get > >to the Supreme Court. > > > >Contact John Burroughs (separate msg to, not by > >reply to this msg, or call 212 818 1861) for more information or to provide > >input into the meeting agenda. > > > >The meeting is being held in connection with the rally and congressional > >education days, June 10-12, organized by the Nuclear Disarmament > >Partnership and Project Abolition. For more information regarding June > >10-12 activities (not the meeting), see or contact > >Kathy Crandall, Nuclear Disarmament Partnership, at > > > > > > John Burroughs, Executive Director > > Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy > > 211 E. 43d St., Suite 1204 > > New York, New York 10017 USA > > tel: +1 212 818 1861 fax: 818 1857 > > e-mail: > > website: > > Part of the Abolition 2000 Global > > Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons > > > > > >- > > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > > > > - > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Burroughs Subject: (abolition-usa) nuclear review - letter to Rumsfeld Date: 08 Jun 2001 17:29:11 -0400 In anticipation of the June 11-12 congressional education days, I am posting= =20 FYI a letter the Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy sent to Rumsfeld=20 regarding the review of nuclear posture. The review reportedly will now not= =20 be done until "late fall", so there is still time to attempt to affect the= =20 review, or more plausibly, congressional reception of the review. May 10, 2001 Donald H. Rumsfeld Secretary of Defense 1000 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-1000 Re: Nuclear posture review Dear Secretary Rumsfeld: We write concerning the present review of United States nuclear weapons=20 policy ordered by President Bush, as well as the congressionally mandated=20 nuclear posture review. We also request a meeting with you or persons=20 responsible for these reviews. Indeed, the Lawyers=92 Committee on Nuclear= =20 Policy believes that civil society groups should have a formal role in this= =20 process, which after all deals with issues essential to the future of this= =20 country and the world. The Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy is a non-profit group based in New= =20 York which for twenty years has engaged in research and education concerning= =20 the international law framework for nuclear weapons policy as well as=20 security more generally. Enclosed is an article we authored in the spring 2001 World Policy Journal= =20 which sets out a range of factors that must be considered in reviewing U.S.= =20 nuclear policy. Foremost among them are commitments made by the United=20 States at the 2000 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference,= =20 including: =B7 =93An unequivocal undertaking by the nuclear-weapon States to= accomplish the=20 total elimination of their nuclear arsenals leading to nuclear disarmament= =20 to which all States parties are committed under Article VI=94 =B7 =93A diminishing role for nuclear weapons in security policies to minimize the risk that the weapons ever be used and to facilitate the process of=20 their total elimination=94 =B7 =93Concrete agreed measures to further reduce the operational= status of=20 nuclear weapons systems=94 =B7 =93Further efforts by the nuclear-weapon States to reduce their= nuclear=20 arsenals unilaterally=94 =B7 =93The early entry into force and full implementation of START II = and the=20 conclusion of START III as soon as possible while preserving and=20 strengthening the ABM Treaty as a cornerstone of strategic stability and as= =20 a basis for further reductions of strategic offensive weapons, in accordance= =20 with its provisions=94 =B7 "The further reduction of non-strategic nuclear weapons, based on= =20 unilateral initiatives and as an integral part of the nuclear arms reduction= =20 and disarmament process" =B7 =93The necessity of establishing in the Conference on Disarmament= an=20 appropriate subsidiary body with a mandate to deal with nuclear disarmament= =94 For further discussion of these and other commitments, we refer you to the= =20 enclosed article. Here we wish to focus on unilateral reductions and=20 missile defense. Unilateral reductions in US deployed or deployable strategic warheads would= =20 be welcome as a means of overcoming the current disarmament logjam. =20 However, they and parallel Russian reductions should be accompanied by=20 transparency, accounting, and verification measures, which are subsequently= =20 codified by treaty. Nothing less is called for by the principle of=20 irreversibility set forth in the 2000 NPT Review Conference agenda ("The=20 principle of irreversibility to apply to nuclear disarmament, nuclear and=20 other related arms control and reduction measures."), as well as the=20 expectation that reductions would be implemented through the START process. Regarding missile defense, from a narrowly =93strategic=94 point of view, it= =20 defies comprehension how increasing U.S. =93freedom of action=94 with= respect to=20 North Korea, Iraq, etc. by deploying anti-missile systems (assuming they are= =20 ever workable) could outweigh the negative consequences of such deployment.= =20 These include impeding further Russian arms reductions; stimulating or=20 reinforcing a Chinese buildup of its arsenal, with attendant ripple effects= =20 on India and Pakistan and perhaps even Japan; and at a minimum making=20 dealerting much more difficult to implement. >From a broader policy and legal perspective, the above highly foreseeable=20 consequences would cause at least the United States, Russia, and China to be= =20 in a state of apparently permanent breach of their Article VI disarmament=20 obligation under the NPT. This in turn would seriously erode the=20 nonproliferation regime. We also think the withdrawal provision in the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty= =20 deserves serious attention. It provides for withdrawal upon six months=20 notice to the other party of =93extraordinary events=94 that the withdrawing= =20 state =93regards as having jeopardizing its supreme national interests=94.= There=20 are no such extraordinary events. For example, especially against the=20 background of the risks faced by the United States during the nuclear age, a= =20 speculative future threat from North Korea comes nowhere close to making the= =20 grade. Should the United States nonetheless invoke this provision, it would= =20 act in a contemptuous manner towards obligations it solemnly assumed, and=20 set a precedent for itself and other states to cite parallel provisions in= =20 other important security treaties, among them the NPT, the Biological=20 Weapons Convention, the Chemical Weapons Convention, and (should it enter=20 into force) the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. Nobody likes the condition= =20 of mutual vulnerability to annihilation assumed by the ABM Treaty. The way= =20 to get beyond this condition is not to withdraw from the treaty, but rather= =20 to proceed expeditiously with reduction, dealerting, and elimination of=20 nuclear forces. Very truly yours, John Burroughs =20 Executive Director Jim Wurst Program Director cc: Colin L. Powell, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, National Security Advisor Paul D. Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State John Bolton, Undersecretary of State for International Security and Arms Control Stephen Cambone, nominee, Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for= Policy Daniel J. Dell'Orto, Acting General Counsel, Department of Defense =20 Avis T. Bohlen, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Arms Control, Department of State Robert J. Einhorn, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Nonproliferation, Department of State William Taft, Legal Advisor, Secretary of State Stephen J. Hadley, Deputy National Security Advisor Robert Joseph, staff member for nuclear weapons and arms control, National Security Council Senator Charles Schumer Senator Hillary Clinton John Burroughs, Executive Director=20 Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy=20 211 E. 43d St., Suite 1204=20 New York, New York 10017 USA=20 tel: +1 212 818 1861 fax: 818 1857=20 e-mail: website: Part of the Abolition 2000 Global=20 Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons=20 - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lisa Ledwidge / IEER Subject: (abolition-usa) some missile defense resources from IEER Date: 08 Jun 2001 16:52:22 -0500 --=====================_20363810==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed To those of you participating in the June 11-12 Star Wars congressional education days, I wish you success. One argument against BMD that I don't see mentioned often in news articles is: BMD can be used by the US as a key part of a first-strike strategy. "Nuclear Defense and Offense: An Analysis of US Policy," at , presents this argument. While it was published in February 2000, it is still relevant today, perhaps even more so. I hope it will be useful to you in your efforts. Here are two other IEER resources relevant to missile defense/ABM issues that may also be of use: Nuclear Weapons and the Rule of Law (Science for Democratic Action Volume 8, Number 2, February 2000): Law and the Nuclear Establishment (Science for Democratic Action Volume 9, Number 3, May 2001): _______________________________________________________________ Lisa Ledwidge Outreach Coordinator and Editor, Science for Democratic Action Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER) 2104 Stevens Ave. South | Minneapolis, MN 55404 USA phone: (612) 879-7517 | fax: (612) 879-7518 | --=====================_20363810==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" To those of you participating in the June 11-12 Star Wars congressional education days, I wish you success.

One argument against BMD that I don't see mentioned often in news articles is: BMD can be used by the US as a key part of a first-strike strategy.  "Nuclear Defense and Offense: An Analysis of US Policy," at , presents this argument.  While it was published in February 2000, it is still relevant today, perhaps even more so.  I hope it will be useful to you in your efforts.

Here are two other IEER resources relevant to missile defense/ABM issues that may also be of use:
Nuclear Weapons and the Rule of Law (Science for Democratic Action Volume 8, Number 2, February 2000):

Law and the Nuclear Establishment  (Science for Democratic Action Volume 9, Number 3, May 2001):

Lisa Ledwidge
Outreach Coordinator and Editor, Science for Democratic Action
Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER)
2104 Stevens Ave. South |  Minneapolis, MN 55404  USA
phone:  (612) 879-7517  |  fax:  (612) 879-7518  | --=====================_20363810==_.ALT-- - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thomas Subject: (abolition-usa) NucNews Briefs - 01/04/25 Date: 08 Jun 2001 23:14:40 -0400 NucNews archives are posted through June 3, 2001 at We're short-handed, so we're collecting but not posting stories for the next week or so. Meanwhile, here are some items of interest that won't wait: 1) Energy Dept seeks public input on research programs (June 12-26) 2) Some missile defense resources from IEER (June 10-12) 3) June 10 rally to Stop Star Wars - Speakers -- 1) Energy Dept seeks public input on research programs USA: June 8, 2001 WASHINGTON - The U.S. Energy Department said yesterday it will kick off next week a series of townhall-style meetings around the country to hear from the public, elected officials and energy experts on federal research programs= that promote energy efficiency and more use of renewable fuels.=20 "The public's input at these meetings will help us identify opportunities= for future research and investment while assessing our past effectiveness in= these areas," said Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham. The meetings are part of a comprehensive review of the department's multibillion-dollar research programs as called for in the Bush administration's new national energy plan. Environmental and consumers groups have opposed the administration's= proposed budget cuts in the research programs. The first two public meetings will take place on June 12 in Atlanta and Chicago, followed by June 19 meetings in Boston and Seattle, June 21= meetings in Denver and Philadelphia and a June 26 meeting in Washington. Each meeting will last from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. local time.=20 REUTERS=20 ---- 2) Some missile defense resources from IEER To those of you participating in the June 11-12 Star Wars congressional education days, I wish you success. One argument against BMD that I don't see mentioned often in news articles= is: BMD can be used by the US as a key part of a first-strike strategy. "Nuclear Defense and Offense: An Analysis of US Policy," at , presents this argument. While it was published in February 2000, it is still relevant today, perhaps even more so. I hope it will be useful to you in your efforts. Here are two other IEER resources relevant to missile defense/ABM issues= that may also be of use: Nuclear Weapons and the Rule of Law (Science for Democratic Action Volume 8, Number 2, February 2000): Law and the Nuclear Establishment (Science for Democratic Action Volume 9, Number 3, May 2001): --- 3) June 10 rally to Stop Star Wars - Speakers Speakers Schedule for June 10 rally=20 1:30 - 2:00 Israel - music=20 2:00 - 2:05 Susan and Ira intro=20 2:06 - 2:11 Tracy Moavero, Peace Action=20 2:12 - 2:17 Rev. John Dear, formerly of FOR=20 2:18 - 2:33 Barry Crimmins, political satirist/humorist=20 2:34 - 2:39 Gordon Clark, Greenpeace=20 2:40 - 2:50 Luci Murphy - singer=20 2:51 - 2:56 Jackie Cabasso, U.S. Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons= speaker=20 2:57 - 3:02 Jonathan Schell, The Nation Institute=20 3:03 - 3:08 Ibrahim Abdil-Mui=EDid Ramey, FOR=20 3:09 - 3:11 Kathleen Sullivan, Educators for Social Responsibility, singing her=20 satirical Star Wars song=20 3:12 - 3:17 Students from SANITY, New York youth group that works with Educators for=20 Social Responsibility=20 3:18 - 3:23 Bruce Gagnon, Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power= in Space=20 3:24 - 3:34 Ira Shorr Comedy Revue=20 3:35 - 3:40 Gwen Dubois, PSR=20 3:41 - 3:44 Laura Kriv, Don=EDt Blow banner with emails=20 3:45 - 3:50 Young women from STAND, Student Action for New Directions,= singing=20 3:51 - 3:56 Robert Bowman, Institute for Space and Security Studies=20 3:57 - 4:02 Bill Hartung, World Policy Institute=20 4:03 - 4:06 Present award to William Thomas, Peace Park Vigil, 20 years!!!!!= =20 4:07 - 4:12 Colman McCarthy=20 end with Israel -- music=20 ___________________________________________________ Today's News and Archives: Submit URL/Article: OneList Archives: (subscribe online) Other Excellent News-Collecting Sites - DOE Watch - Downwinders - Quick Route to U.S. Congress: (Senators' Websites) (Representatives' Websites) (Pending Legislation - Search) Online Petition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons - Subscribe to NucNews Briefs: Distributed without payment for research and educational=20 purposes only, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) nuclear review - letter to Rumsfeld Date: 10 Jun 2001 02:07:41 GMT Dear John, thanks for organizing the planning meeting tomorrow afternoon. some thoughts: 1) The Greens are natural allies of the peace movement. We should not allow the prejudice against Nader on The Hill to stop us from uniting with them. 2) Congressional Democrats need to understand that support for a limited missile shield is a recipe for disaster for the Democratic party. It's leaky, provocative and a cowardly kowtow to fear of appearing antidefense. It would be much better to take a firm stand against missile defense NOW, and become the party of international peace and cooperation. 3) Congress will only respond to grass roots pressure. Our Nuclear Peace Action Group in Mendocino, CA concentrates on local consciousness raising. We table at fairs, march in parades, appear on radio talk shows, conduct teachins, and send a steady stream of editorials and letters to our local papers. Our group meets every two weeks for indepth analysis of current events and planning our activities. There needs to be groups like this in every town in America. How do we make it happen? I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Peace, Carol > In anticipation of the June 11-12 congressional education days, I am posting > FYI a letter the Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy sent to Rumsfeld > regarding the review of nuclear posture. The review reportedly will now not > be done until "late fall", so there is still time to attempt to affect the > review, or more plausibly, congressional reception of the review. > > May 10, 2001 > Donald H. Rumsfeld > Secretary of Defense > 1000 Defense Pentagon > Washington, DC 20301-1000 > > Re: Nuclear posture review > > Dear Secretary Rumsfeld: > > We write concerning the present review of United States nuclear weapons > policy ordered by President Bush, as well as the congressionally mandated > nuclear posture review. We also request a meeting with you or persons > responsible for these reviews. Indeed, the Lawyers’ Committee on Nuclear > Policy believes that civil society groups should have a formal role in this > process, which after all deals with issues essential to the future of this > country and the world. > > The Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy is a non-profit group based in New > York which for twenty years has engaged in research and education concerning > the international law framework for nuclear weapons policy as well as > security more generally. > > Enclosed is an article we authored in the spring 2001 World Policy Journal > which sets out a range of factors that must be considered in reviewing U.S. > nuclear policy. Foremost among them are commitments made by the United > States at the 2000 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference, > including: > > · “An unequivocal undertaking by the nuclear-weapon States to accomplish > the > total elimination of their nuclear arsenals leading to nuclear disarmament > to which all States parties are committed under Article VI” > > · “A diminishing role for nuclear weapons in security policies to > minimize > > the risk that the weapons ever be used and to facilitate the process of > their total elimination” > > · “Concrete agreed measures to further reduce the operational status of > nuclear weapons systems” > > · “Further efforts by the nuclear-weapon States to reduce their nuclear > arsenals unilaterally” > > · “The early entry into force and full implementation of START II and > the > conclusion of START III as soon as possible while preserving and > strengthening the ABM Treaty as a cornerstone of strategic stability and as > a basis for further reductions of strategic offensive weapons, in accordance > with its provisions” > > · "The further reduction of non-strategic nuclear weapons, based on > unilateral initiatives and as an integral part of the nuclear arms reduction > and disarmament process" > > · “The necessity of establishing in the Conference on Disarmament an > appropriate subsidiary body with a mandate to deal with nuclear disarmament” > > For further discussion of these and other commitments, we refer you to the > enclosed article. Here we wish to focus on unilateral reductions and > missile defense. > > Unilateral reductions in US deployed or deployable strategic warheads would > be welcome as a means of overcoming the current disarmament logjam. > However, they and parallel Russian reductions should be accompanied by > transparency, accounting, and verification measures, which are subsequently > codified by treaty. Nothing less is called for by the principle of > irreversibility set forth in the 2000 NPT Review Conference agenda ("The > principle of irreversibility to apply to nuclear disarmament, nuclear and > other related arms control and reduction measures."), as well as the > expectation that reductions would be implemented through the START process. > > Regarding missile defense, from a narrowly “strategic” point of view, it > defies comprehension how increasing U.S. “freedom of action” with respect to > North Korea, Iraq, etc. by deploying anti-missile systems (assuming they are > ever workable) could outweigh the negative consequences of such deployment. > These include impeding further Russian arms reductions; stimulating or > reinforcing a Chinese buildup of its arsenal, with attendant ripple effects > on India and Pakistan and perhaps even Japan; and at a minimum making > dealerting much more difficult to implement. > > >From a broader policy and legal perspective, the above highly foreseeable > consequences would cause at least the United States, Russia, and China to be > in a state of apparently permanent breach of their Article VI disarmament > obligation under the NPT. This in turn would seriously erode the > nonproliferation regime. > > We also think the withdrawal provision in the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty > deserves serious attention. It provides for withdrawal upon six months > notice to the other party of “extraordinary events” that the withdrawing > state “regards as having jeopardizing its supreme national interests”. There > are no such extraordinary events. For example, especially against the > background of the risks faced by the United States during the nuclear age, a > speculative future threat from North Korea comes nowhere close to making the > grade. Should the United States nonetheless invoke this provision, it would > act in a contemptuous manner towards obligations it solemnly assumed, and > set a precedent for itself and other states to cite parallel provisions in > other important security treaties, among them the NPT, the Biological > Weapons Convention, the Chemical Weapons Convention, and (should it enter > into force) the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. Nobody likes the condition > of mutual vulnerability to annihilation assumed by the ABM Treaty. The way > to get beyond this condition is not to withdraw from the treaty, but rather > to proceed expeditiously with reduction, dealerting, and elimination of > nuclear forces. > Very truly yours, > John Burroughs > Executive Director > Jim Wurst > Program Director > > cc: Colin L. Powell, Secretary of State > Condoleeza Rice, National Security Advisor > Paul D. Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense > Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State > John Bolton, Undersecretary of State for International Security and > Arms > > Control > Stephen Cambone, nominee, Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Policy > Daniel J. Dell'Orto, Acting General Counsel, Department of Defense > > Avis T. Bohlen, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Arms Control, > Department of State > Robert J. Einhorn, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Nonproliferation, > Department of State > William Taft, Legal Advisor, Secretary of State > Stephen J. Hadley, Deputy National Security Advisor > Robert Joseph, staff member for nuclear weapons and arms control, > National Security Council > Senator Charles Schumer > Senator Hillary Clinton > > > John Burroughs, Executive Director > Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy > 211 E. 43d St., Suite 1204 > New York, New York 10017 USA > tel: +1 212 818 1861 fax: 818 1857 > e-mail: > website: > Part of the Abolition 2000 Global > Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons > > > - > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ellen Thomas Subject: (abolition-usa) Urgent-Invitation to share info. booth at Barbecue Battle Date: 13 Jun 2001 13:38:47 -0400 Hi! An invitation to you, personally, here. Proposition One Committee has been donated the use of a 10' by 10' tented pavilion / information booth at Barbecue Battle on Saturday and Sunday, June 23rd and 24th, on the Mall in Washington DC, from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday, 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Sunday (usually costs $l,500). This event draws many thousands of people, a good opportunity to educate. Would you like to table with us? Compatible issues: Free D.C./No Taxation Without Representation; facts and pending legislation or actions regarding missile defense/Star Wars, depleted uranium, and radiation victims; lobbying pointers. Please e-mail back and call us if you wish to participate, either with your own table, or helping us with ours (202-462-0757). Ellen Thomas PROPOSITION ONE COMMITTEE P.O. Box 27217, Washington, DC 20038 USA 202-462-0757 (phone) | 202-265-5389 (fax) | *** BAN ALL RADIOACTIVE BOMBS * depleted uranium, fission, neutron * Online Petition! - Write Letter to Congress - Depleted uranium keeps on killing! - NucNews - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sally Light Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Urgent-Invitation to share info. booth at Barbecue Battle Date: 13 Jun 2001 13:05:58 +0100 Ellen - Can't make it, but best wishes for a great event. Sally. p.s. Did I send my congrats earlier on your big anniversary? Sally Light Executive Director Nevada Desert Experience Ellen Thomas wrote: > Hi! An invitation to you, personally, here. > > Proposition One Committee has been donated the use of a 10' by 10' tented > pavilion / information booth at Barbecue Battle on Saturday and Sunday, > June 23rd and 24th, on the Mall in Washington DC, from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. > on Saturday, 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Sunday (usually costs $l,500). This > event draws many thousands of people, a good opportunity to educate. Would > you like to table with us? Compatible issues: Free D.C./No Taxation > Without Representation; facts and pending legislation or actions regarding > missile defense/Star Wars, depleted uranium, and radiation victims; > lobbying pointers. Please e-mail back and call us if you wish to > participate, either with your own table, or helping us with ours > (202-462-0757). > > Ellen Thomas > > PROPOSITION ONE COMMITTEE > P.O. Box 27217, Washington, DC 20038 USA > 202-462-0757 (phone) | 202-265-5389 (fax) > | > > *** > > BAN ALL RADIOACTIVE BOMBS > * depleted uranium, fission, neutron * > > Online Petition! - > Write Letter to Congress - > Depleted uranium keeps on killing! - > NucNews - > > > - > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sally Light Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Urgent-Invitation to share info. booth at Barbecue Battle Date: 13 Jun 2001 13:06:19 +0100 Ellen - Can't make it, but best wishes for a great event. Sally. p.s. Did I send my congrats earlier on your vigil's anniversary? Sally Light Executive Director Nevada Desert Experience Ellen Thomas wrote: > Hi! An invitation to you, personally, here. > > Proposition One Committee has been donated the use of a 10' by 10' tented > pavilion / information booth at Barbecue Battle on Saturday and Sunday, > June 23rd and 24th, on the Mall in Washington DC, from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. > on Saturday, 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Sunday (usually costs $l,500). This > event draws many thousands of people, a good opportunity to educate. Would > you like to table with us? Compatible issues: Free D.C./No Taxation > Without Representation; facts and pending legislation or actions regarding > missile defense/Star Wars, depleted uranium, and radiation victims; > lobbying pointers. Please e-mail back and call us if you wish to > participate, either with your own table, or helping us with ours > (202-462-0757). > > Ellen Thomas > > PROPOSITION ONE COMMITTEE > P.O. Box 27217, Washington, DC 20038 USA > 202-462-0757 (phone) | 202-265-5389 (fax) > | > > *** > > BAN ALL RADIOACTIVE BOMBS > * depleted uranium, fission, neutron * > > Online Petition! - > Write Letter to Congress - > Depleted uranium keeps on killing! - > NucNews - > > > - > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Urgent-Invitation to share info. booth at Barbecue Date: 13 Jun 2001 18:12:38 -0400 Ellen, Thanks for the invitation. I just spent 3 days in DC this weekend opposing nuclear arms, missile defense, and weapons in space, and I am unable to return so soon. I'll try to pass your note to Pax Christi people in DC. ---Frank Dworak, PCUSA Ellen Thomas wrote: > > Hi! An invitation to you, personally, here. > > Proposition One Committee has been donated the use of a 10' by 10' tented > pavilion / information booth at Barbecue Battle on Saturday and Sunday, > June 23rd and 24th, on the Mall in Washington DC, from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. > on Saturday, 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Sunday (usually costs $l,500). This > event draws many thousands of people, a good opportunity to educate. Would > you like to table with us? Compatible issues: Free D.C./No Taxation > Without Representation; facts and pending legislation or actions regarding > missile defense/Star Wars, depleted uranium, and radiation victims; > lobbying pointers. Please e-mail back and call us if you wish to > participate, either with your own table, or helping us with ours > (202-462-0757). > > Ellen Thomas > > PROPOSITION ONE COMMITTEE > P.O. Box 27217, Washington, DC 20038 USA > 202-462-0757 (phone) | 202-265-5389 (fax) > | > > *** > > BAN ALL RADIOACTIVE BOMBS > * depleted uranium, fission, neutron * > > Online Petition! - > Write Letter to Congress - > Depleted uranium keeps on killing! - > NucNews - > > > - > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: (radfood and stopirradiation-lists) URGENT ACTION ALERT!! Date: 13 Jun 2001 18:49:20 -0400 >Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 18:10:45 -0400 >Subject: (radfood and stopirradiation-lists) URGENT ACTION ALERT!! CONGRESSMAN CUNNINGHAM=20 >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true >From: "" > >Please post widely! > >Apologies for cross posting. > >URGENT ALERT!!! >CONGRESSMAN CUNNINGHAM TO OFFER AMENDMENT TO KILL IRRADIATION STUDY > >We have just learned that Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-CA) is >planning to offer an amendment to kill the study that will focus on the >harmful health effects of food irradiation that Public Citizen was >successful in adding to the 2002 Agriculture-Food and Drug Administration >Appropriations Bill. Cunningham is from San Diego, the home of the Titan >Corporation, one of the major promoters of food irradiation. The full >Appropriations Committee will be meeting on June 13, 2001 to consider this >bill. > >IT IS IMPORTANT THAT WE GET AS MANY PHONE CALLS AS POSSIBLE TO THE MEMBERS >OF THE HOUSE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE TO KILL THE CUNNINGHAM AMENDMENT. =20 >CALL (202) 225-5131 AND ASK TO SPEAK TO THE OFFICES OF THE FOLLOWING >MEMBERS OF CONGRESS TO URGE THEM TO KILL THE CUNNINGHAM AMENDMENT AND >LEAVE THE FOOD IRRADIATION STUDY IN THE BILL. Sample phone script below. > >C.W. Bill Young, Florida, Chairman > >Ralph Regula, Ohio > >David R. Obey, Wisconsin > >Jerry Lewis, California > >John P. Murtha, Pennsylvania > >Harold Rogers, Kentucky > >Norman D. Dicks, Washington > >Joe Skeen, New Mexico > >Martin Olav Sabo, Minnesota > >Frank R. Wolf, Virginia > >Steny H. Hoyer, Maryland > >Tom DeLay, Texas > >Alan B. Mollohan, West Virginia > >Jim Kolbe, Arizona > >Marcy Kaptur, Ohio > >Sonny Callahan, Alabama > >Nancy Pelosi, California > >James Walsh, New York > >Peter J. Visclosky, Indiana > >Charles H. Taylor, North Carolina > >Nita M. Lowey, New York > >David L. Hobson, Ohio > >Jos=E9 E. Serrano, New York > >Ernest J. Istook, Jr., Oklahoma > >Rosa L. DeLauro, Connecticut > >Henry Bonilla, Texas > >James P. Moran, Virginia > >Joe Knollenberg, Michigan > >John W. Olver, Massachusetts > >Dan Miller, Florida > >Ed Pastor, Arizona > >Jack Kingston, Georgia > >Carrie P. Meek, Florida > >Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, New Jersey > >David E. Price, North Carolina > >Roger F. Wicker, Mississippi > >Chet Edwards, Texas > >George R. Nethercutt, Jr., Washington > >Robert E. "Bud" Cramer, Jr., Alabama > >Randy "Duke" Cunningham, California > >Patrick J. Kennedy, Rhode Island > >Todd Tiahrt, Kansas > >James E. Clyburn, South Carolina > >Zach Wamp, Tennessee > >Maurice D. Hinchey, New York > >Tom Latham, Iowa > >Lucille Roybal-Allard, California > >Anne Northup, Kentucky > >Sam Farr, California > >Robert Aderholt, Alabama > >Jesse L. Jackson, Jr., Illinois > >Jo Ann Emerson, Missouri > >Carolyn C. Kilpatrick, Michigan > >John E. Sununu, New Hampshire > >Allen Boyd, Florida > >Kay Granger, Texas > >Chaka Fattah, Pennsylvania > >John E. Peterson, Pennsylvania > >Steven R. Rothman, New Jersey > >Virgil Goode, Virginia > >John Doolittle, California > >Ray LaHood, Illinois > >John Sweeney, New York > >David Vitter, Louisiana > >Don Sherwood, Pennsylvania > > >Sample phone script: > >Hello, my name is _______________________. I am calling about a section >of the Agriculture-Food and Drug Administration Appropriations Bill that >is being considered today by the House Appropriations Committee. At the >present time, the bill contains a provision that calls for a study to test >the safety of consuming irradiated foods. I have heard that there will be >an attempt to remove that study from the bill. I urge the >Congressman/Congresswoman to oppose the effort to remove the study from >the bill and to leave the funding for that study in tact. > =20 - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Conti, Richard A." Subject: (abolition-usa) U.S.-NATO MISSILE DEFENSE ON C-SPAN Date: 14 Jun 2001 18:37:26 -0400 FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2001 U.S.-NATO MISSILE DEFENSE Panels will focus on the nature and implications of a missile defense program, and possible alternatives. LIVE on C-SPAN 3 at 9am ET, then continuing on C-SPAN and C-SPAN Radio at 11am ET ***************************************************** This electronic mail transmission contains confidential information intended only for the person(s) named. Any use, distribution, copying or disclosure by another person is strictly prohibited. ***************************************************** - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) U.S.-NATO MISSILE DEFENSE ON C-SPAN Date: 14 Jun 2001 19:22:57 EDT --part1_13.1709cf6f.285aa151_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit who is speaking, jonathan granoff --part1_13.1709cf6f.285aa151_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit who is speaking, jonathan granoff --part1_13.1709cf6f.285aa151_boundary-- - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Burroughs Subject: (abolition-usa) NPT v. Bush - article in World Policy Journal Date: 14 Jun 2001 19:22:14 -0400 The spring 2001 issue of World Policy Journal includes an article that LCNP program director Jim Wurst and I did, "Ending the Nuclear Nightmare: A Strategy for the Bush Administration", available at The article assesses emerging Bush policies against the disarmament agenda adopted at the 2000 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference. Also available online at the same location is an article by Bill Hartung, "Eisenhower's Warning: The Military-Industrial Complex Forty Years Later". John Burroughs, Executive Director Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy 211 E. 43d St., Suite 1204 New York, New York 10017 USA tel: +1 212 818 1861 fax: 818 1857 e-mail: website: Part of the Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Manufacturing threats: Eur.Parl. condemns US posture on Date: 15 Jun 2001 18:17:40 -0400 Dear Friends, As we argue against the weaponization of space, let's be clear exactly where the threats are coming from!! Alice slater Thanks to Sharon Riggles for these notes and to Felicity Hill for circulating them. Centre for European Security and Disarmament - ISSUE UPDATE [Unofficial translation] Verbatim debate on the European Parliament resolution of 14 June 2001 on the Compliance Protocol for the Biological and Toxin Weapons=20 Convention (BTWC) MEP Bill NEWTON DUNN (Representing the Groupe du Parti Europ=E9en des=20 Lib=E9raux, D=E9mocrates et R=E9formateurs) Mr President, as everyone knows, the leaders of the EU and the=20 American President are meeting on G=F6teborg today. Obviously some of=20 the things they will air are their difference about e Kyoto Protocol=20 on the environment and global warming and about the Anti-Ballistic=20 Missile Treaty, which needs updating. But there is another important matter which has received very little=20 publicity and to which this debate is designed to draw attention. It=20 is the six-year negotiations that are nearing completion to update=20 the 1972 Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention. The problem with=20 the 1972 convention is that while it banned production of biological=20 weapons it contained no means of verifying whether they were being=20 produced on the quiet. Despite six years of negotiations, it now appears that the new US=20 Administration is backing off and is unwilling to support the terms=20 that have been negotiated to date, including by it own predecessors.=20 In the widespread opinion of this House, the presidential elections=20 last November did not suggest that the American people wanted a=20 wholesale change in government policy, but favoured a continuation of=20 the previous policy. Nevertheless, there are now very alarming=20 signals that the Americans may not support he work that has been done=20 so far. If that is the case, and if there is not final agreement on=20 containing biological and toxic weapons, what kind of message will it=20 send out to what President Bush calls the 'rogue' states of the world? We cannot get involved in the negotiations but the most important=20 thing we can do - and I hope the House will agree - is to give strong=20 support to the EU negotiating team and say to the Americans: 'come=20 on, sign up, we need this agreement'. MEP Bernd POSSELT (Representing the European Peoples' Party / Conservatives) Mr President, the 20th century began with the horrible use of=20 poisonous gas during WWI, that is, with chemical weapons. Then in=20 WWII came the use of nuclear weapons, and the last quarter of the=20 20th Century - starting with the Vietnam War - was particularly=20 marked by the development of biological weapons. It is clear that=20 advances in the biotechnology field currently offer horrendous=20 possibilities for killing. The human weakness of willingness to kill=20 constantly increases and is difficult to reverse, while the=20 international system of justice is not keeping pace. Many similar=20 ethical concepts, which are a necessary foundation of the=20 international justice system, are getting weaker rather than=20 stronger. The end result being an eroded social system, with even=20 more opportunities to kill. This demonstrates what a massive responsibility we have, and it is=20 therefore urgent that the international system of justice is=20 strengthened and that there be a multilateral approach to this=20 question. The USA has, of course, a great responsibility but so does=20 the EU. And we must watch that we act appropriately in our role - and=20 in this case justifiably and strongly protesting against the US - but=20 we are not willing to nor capable of stepping in as a major player in=20 the international power game. We easily criticise the leading role of the US, but I think this role=20 is too broad. However, that is not the fault of the US, it is the=20 fault of the weakness of the political - and especially security=20 policies - of the EU. I appeal to the Summit in G=F6theburg to finally=20 set out EU priorities and to put security policy in the centre of the=20 Summit, so that the EU finally can become an equal partner of the US.=20 This problem would then be solved. MEP Jan Marinus WIERSMA (Representing the Party of European Socialists) Mr President, the visit of President Bush to Europe is inter alia=20 dominated by his plans to build a National Missile Defense. They are=20 being developed to defend the US against attacks by so-called rogue=20 states. It would be an understatement to say that we are not very=20 enthusiastic about these plans and prefer a multilateral approach to=20 the threat the US refers to. Missile defense will, however, not be=20 able to defend the US against biological weapons, which can be spread=20 (or be proliferated) in a variety of ways. =20 It is both ironic and tragic that the US does not seem to want to=20 contribute to the strengthening of the biolgiocal weapons convention.=20 Biological weapons can be more easily developed and proliferated than=20 nuclear weapons and these weapons can only be effectively fought=20 through multilateral agreements and that should include a proper=20 control mechanism to trace violators. This mechanism must be=20 developed quickly. With an agreement on this issue, we can finally=20 mark a success in the fight against this weapon of mass destruction.=20 The political conclusion of an agreement should be that international=20 alternatives to unilateral action in the security domain do exist. MEP Patricia MCKENNA (Representing the Green Group) Mr President, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction poses=20 a major threat to the world. The misuse of biotechnology for hostile=20 purposes must be addressed straight away. The use of biological and=20 toxic weapons has to be tackled. It is disgraceful that there is not=20 mechanism in place today to verify compliance with the Biological and=20 Toxin Weapons Convention. A legally binding protocol to strengthen compliance with the BTWC is=20 a matter of the utmost urgency. We would urge the States Parties to=20 show maximum flexibility and readiness to compromise, so that a short=20 deadline can be met and a protocol adopted before the Fifth=20 Convention Review Conference in November/December of this year. We would also like to see States create a stronger possible=20 verification regime in order to curb the hostile misuse of biological=20 technologies. This means maintaining at the very least the measure=20 currently outlined in the chairman's draft text. We would recommend=20 that the final version of the compliance protocol establish a modern=20 and open verification regime capable of adjusting to changes in=20 political climate and in technological capabilities. David BYRNE (EU Health and Consumer Protection Commissioner) Mr President, the Commission fully supports the resolutions tabled by=20 the different groups in the European Parliament. It is indeed=20 critical at present that effective progress be achieved by the=20 international community in the field of non-proliferation and=20 disarmament. As regards the specific case of the BTWC signed in 1972,=20 the lack of a verification protocol has been a major flaw vis-=E0-vis=20 non-proliferation in the international community. The Ad Hoc Group=20 was created to resolve this issue. After five years of difficult=20 negotiations at the Disarmament Conference in Geneva, the time has=20 now come to conclude such a protocol. The EU praises the commitment of Ambassador T=F3th, Chairman of the Ad=20 Hoc Group, to achieve effective progress in time for adoption of the=20 verification protocol during the BTWC Conference a the end of this=20 year. The Commission hopes that all States Parties will accept the=20 composite paper as a good starting point towards enabling the task of=20 drafting and agreeing on the protocol to be finalised in time for the=20 BTWC Conference. MEP James PROVAN (Vice-President of the European Parliament, Chair of=20 the Session) The joint debate is closed. --=20 ******* =20 Alice Slater Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE) 15 East 26th Street, Room 915 New York, NY 10010 tel: (212) 726-9161 fax: (212) 726-9160 email: GRACE is a member of Abolition 2000, a global network for the elimination nuclear weapons. =20 - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: UCS ACTION ALERT - Support DOE Renewables & Efficiency Date: 15 Jun 2001 17:38:31 -0400 >Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 15:14:13 -0400 >Subject: UCS ACTION ALERT - Support DOE Renewables & Efficiency Programs >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true >From: "" > >**************************** UCS ACTION ALERT >******************************* > >Tell the Department of Energy that increased research and development >(R&D) on energy efficiency and renewable energy is a critical first step >toward a balanced national energy policy! DOE should also support strong >energy efficiency and renewable energy standards, tax credits, and >matching federal funds for state efficiency and renewables programs. > >ISSUE:=20 >In April President Bush proposed 50% cuts in DOE's fiscal year 2002 budget >for R&D on solar, wind, and geothermal energy, and 13% cuts to overall >efficiency and renewables funding. > >Last week, UCS President Howard (Bud) Ris and three other environmental >CEOs met with Vice-President Cheney and his energy task force. The >Vice-President seemed open to increasing support for efficiency and >renewables.=20 > >DOE also announced last week it would be review the current funding and >historic performance of its clean energy programs. Senior DOE officials >will be receive oral and written comments at a series of public meetings >this month. > >ACTION: >This is your opportunity to tell the Administration to place top priority >on clean energy technologies! Please send DOE a statement of support for >increased funding for their efficiency and renewables programs. And if a >public meeting is held in your area, please consider attending and >speaking out.=20 > >NOTE: Brief talking points can be found in the MESSAGE section below. If >you are interested in crafting more detailed oral or written comments or >simply learning more about this issue, please visit the UCS action center >at where you'll find helpful resources.=20 >You can also find a new UCS report-Clean Energy Blueprint-on how energy >efficiency and renewables can save money and protect the environment at > > >LOGISTICS: >Public meetings are scheduled from 9:00AM to 9:00PM in the following >locations: > >June 19 Boston, MA - Location: John A. Volpe National= Transportation >Systems Center, 55 Broadway, Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA 02142-1093 > >June 19 Seattle, WA - Location: Bell Harbor International Conference >Center, >International Promenade Room, Pier 66, 2211 Alaskan Way, Seattle, WA >98121-1604 > >June 21 Denver, CO - Location: Adam's Mark Hotel Denver, 1550 Court Place, >Denver, CO 80202 > >June 21 Philadelphia, PA - Location: University of Pennsylvania, Meyerson >Auditorium, 210 South 34th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 > >June 26 Washington, DC - Location: Hilton Washington and Towers, 1919 >Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20009 > >To accommodate as many individuals as possible, speakers will be limited >to five minutes. Written comments must be received no later than 5:00 >p.m. EDT, June 29, 2001. Comments may be sent to:=20 > >Ms. Bonny Overton >U.S. Department of Energy >Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, EE 3.1 >1000 Independence Avenue, SW >Washington, DC 20585 > >Or via e-mail to > >MESSAGE: >=B7 DOE is a cornerstone in U.S. research, development, and demonstration >activities in the energy field. Their programs provide alternatives to >polluting energy sources and are vital for the commercialization of >renewable energy and energy efficient technologies. =20 > >=B7 DOE's clean energy programs continue to make significant contributions >toward a clean energy future by increasing energy efficiency and renewable >energy throughout the United States. For example: >=B7=20 >- The cost of renewable energy technologies has declined dramatically over >the past twenty years. Solar and wind prices have dropped over 80% and >geothermal has declined by over 50%. > >- A recent DOE report documenting twenty of its most successful energy >efficiency projects indicated that the nation saved 5.5 quadrillion BTUs >of energy over the past two decades, worth about $30 billion in avoided >energy costs. The cost to taxpayers for those activities was $712 million >during the 1990s, less than three percent of the savings. These savings >continue to increase every year. > >=B7 Continued investment in DOE's research and development programs is a >critical step in a series of policies-including tax credits, strong >standards, and state matching funds for clean energy technologies-that >will reduce our need to add new supplies of polluting energy sources. > >=B7 A new UCS research report - Clean Energy Blueprint - found that, >combined with energy efficiency, the US could meet a standard of 20% >renewable energy by 2020, and save consumers money. =20 > >************************************* >CHANGE OF EMAIL ADDRESS: Help us keep you posted! If your email address >will soon change, or if you'd like us to use a different address, please >let us know by sending a message to with your new address.= =20 >Thanks! > =20 - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (marylia) Subject: (abolition-usa) CA - DOE public mtg on sick worker compensation Date: 18 Jun 2001 08:59:53 -0700 Dear peace and environmental colleagues: I thought this information (below) from DOE on the Oakland, CA public meeting Tuesday, June 19 on the compensation program for sick workers would be of interest. If you are in California, you are urged to attend. Tri-Valley CAREs will have a table there. If you want to send me a statement to bring on your behalf, please email me today or early tomorrow morning -- and I will do so. Sorry for the late notice, but DOE did not informa us about the meeting until AFTER we had completed our June newsletter. Peace, Marylia NEWS MEDIA CONTACT: Charlene D. Pugh, Oakland Operations Office Media Hotline: 510/637-1818 DOL/DOE PUBLIC MEETING ON ENERGY EMPLOYEES OCCUPATIONAL ILLNESS COMPENSATION PROGRAM ACT WHO: U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Department of Energy WHAT: Public meeting regarding the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act WHERE: Oakland Marriott City Center, 1001 Broadway, Oakland, CA. Contact the hotel at (510) 451-4000 or 800-228-9290 for directions. WHEN: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 Afternoon session - 1:00 p.m. Evening session - 7:00 p.m. WHY: The purpose of the public meeting is to present information on the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Program and give workers and concerned citizens the opportunity to ask questions about the program and the application/claims process. Here is little background, provided by Charlene Pugh (DOE): On December 7, 2000, former President Bill Clinton issued an Executive Order titled "Nuclear Weapons Worker Compensation", which ordered the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Energy to develop and implement actions under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act. The purpose of the Act is to compensate workers and their families who have developed disabling or fatal illnesses as a result of exposure to beryllium, ionizing radiation, and other hazards unique to nuclear weapons production and testing. In response to this Executive Order, DOL and DOE officials will be conducting Town Hall Meetings throughout the country. Oakland has been selected to host the only meeting being held in California. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, June 19, at the Oakland Marriott City Center. The first meeting will be held at 1 p.m. and the second at 7 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to afford workers and family members the opportunity to ask questions about the program and receive answers from DOL officials. For example, did you know that children of nuclear weapons workers are disqualified from the $150,000 in compensation if they turned 18 before the parent died, even though they were underage at the time the parent got sick? These and other questions of this nature will be answered during the meeting. Please share this information with your employees, contractors, unions, family, neighbors and friends who may be affected by this new law. We are trying to ensure the word gets to current and former employees so if you have space, please also include this information in your newsletter and post it on your web site. Again, the Town Hall Meeting with DOL and DOE officials will be held on Tuesday, June 19 at the Oakland Marriott City Center. The first meeting will be held at 1 p.m. and the second at 7 p.m. Please contact me if you plan to attend so I can get an estimated attendance count. DOL/DOE has reserved the ballrooms at the Marriott, which seats 300 comfortably so the more the merrier. My goal is to make everyone who can benefit from this program aware of their rights. Also, contact me if you require special accommodations. Charlene end Marylia Kelley Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) 2582 Old First Street Livermore, CA USA 94550 - is our web site, please visit us there! (925) 443-7148 - is our phone (925) 443-0177 - is our fax Working for peace, justice and a healthy environment since 1983, Tri-Valley CAREs has been a member of the nation-wide Alliance for Nuclear Accountability in the U.S. since 1989, and is a co-founding member of the Abolition 2000 global network for the elimination of nuclear weapons, the U.S. Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and the Back From the Brink campaign to get nuclear weapons taken off hair-trigger alert. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sally Light Subject: (abolition-usa) [Fwd: [abolition-caucus] CHERNOBYL SCIENTIST/POLITICAL PRISONER BANDAZHEVSKY CONDEMNED TO 8 YEARS OF PRISON] Date: 18 Jun 2001 09:37:53 +0100 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------A2127E94DEC0CE815AA3FD80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit --------------A2127E94DEC0CE815AA3FD80 Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Return-Path: Received: from ([]) by merlin (EarthLink SMTP Server) with SMTP id for ; Mon, 18 Jun 2001 09:14:17 -0700 (PDT) X-eGroups-Return: Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 18 Jun 2001 16:10:55 -0000 X-Sender: X-Apparently-To: Received: (EGP: mail-7_1_3); 18 Jun 2001 16:09:38 -0000 Received: (qmail 33115 invoked from network); 18 Jun 2001 16:04:01 -0000 Received: from unknown ( by with QMQP; 18 Jun 2001 16:04:01 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by mta1 with SMTP; 18 Jun 2001 16:04:01 -0000 Received: from BILLSNEWCOMPUTER ( []) by (8.9.3/8.8.5) with SMTP id MAA25152; Mon, 18 Jun 2001 12:01:59 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: <00b801c0f810$42e3bb80$4018f7a5@BILLSNEWCOMPUTER> X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2919.6700 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2919.6700 MIME-Version: 1.0 Mailing-List: list; contact Delivered-To: mailing list Precedence: bulk List-Unsubscribe: Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_00B3_01C0F7EE.77E494C0" ------=_NextPart_000_00B3_01C0F7EE.77E494C0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable FW: Bandazhevsky condemned to 8 years of prison ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 9:38 AM Dear Friend, can you spread this news, also to the press ? thanks, we are so worried, and demand immediately adequate detention condit= ions and health care for Bandazhevsky who is very ill. Last time they nearl= y killed him when he was kept in isolation. Yours in Peace Solange Fernex, WILPF France Michel Fernex PSR/IPPNW Switzerland ---------- De : solange Date : Mon, 18 Jun 2001 16:07:46 +0300 Objet : Bandazhevsky condemned to 8 years of prison Dear Colleagues The Military Court in Gomel has, a few moments ago, condemned Professor Yur= i, I. Bandazhevsky, former Dean of the Medical Institute in Gomel to 8 year= s of prison. There is no possible appeal against a verdict of the Military Court, only t= he Presidential Grace an international solidarity campaign will be launched= soon. This verdict was issued, although Bandazhevsky has always denied the corrup= tion charges raised against him, and the accusers have declared to the Cour= t that they had testified against him under constraint (menaces against the= ir families, against them, drugs in their beverage).=20 Prof. Bandazhevsky showed the organic, anatomic and histological health dam= ages caused by incorporated Cs137 in the Chernobyl victims, especially chi= ldren living in the contaminated zones.=20 As the UNSCEAR maintains (May 2000) that the only consequences of Chernobyl= are 1800 thyro=EFd cancers in children and teenagers, Bandazhevsky's findi= ngs were not politically correct and he had to be suppressed. Chernobyl hap= pens to revive the Galileo Galilei tragedy We are very sorry, Please, spread the news and help ! Michel Fernex, PSR/IPPNW Switzerland solange Fernex, WILPF France=20 ------=_NextPart_000_00B3_01C0F7EE.77E494C0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable FW: Bandazhevsky condemned to 8 years of prison
----- Original Message -----=20
From: solange= =20
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 9:38 AM
Subject: FW: Bandazhevsky condemned to 8 years of prison
<= /DIV>

Dear Friend, can you spread this news, also to the press=20 ?
thanks, we are so worried, and demand immediately adequate detention=20 conditions and health care for Bandazhevsky who is very ill. Last time they= =20 nearly killed him when he was kept in isolation.
Yours in Peace
Solan= ge=20 Fernex, WILPF France
Michel Fernex
PSR/IPPNW=20 Switzerland

De : solange=20 <>
Date : Mon, 18 Jun 2001 16:07:= 46=20 +0300
Objet : Bandazhevsky condemned to 8 years of=20 prison

Dear Colleagues

The Military Court in Gomel has, a few= =20 moments ago, condemned Professor Yuri, I. Bandazhevsky, former Dean of the= =20 Medical Institute in Gomel to 8 years of prison.

There is no possibl= e=20 appeal against a verdict of the Military Court, only the Presidential Grace= an=20 international solidarity campaign will be launched soon.

This verdic= t was=20 issued, although Bandazhevsky has always denied the corruption charges rais= ed=20 against him, and the accusers have declared to the Court that they had test= ified=20 against him under constraint (menaces against their families, against them,= =20 drugs in their beverage).

Prof. Bandazhevsky showed the organic,=20 anatomic and histological health damages caused by  incorporated Cs137= in=20 the Chernobyl victims, especially children living in the contaminated zones= .=20

As the UNSCEAR maintains (May 2000) that the only consequences of=20 Chernobyl are 1800 thyro=EFd cancers in children and teenagers, Bandazhevsk= y's=20 findings were not politically correct and he had to be suppre= ssed.=20 Chernobyl happens to revive the Galileo Galilei tragedy

We are very= =20 sorry, Please, spread the news and help !

Michel Fernex, PSR/IPPNW=20 Switzerland
solange Fernex, WILPF France=20
Yahoo! Groups Spons= or

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Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
------=_NextPart_000_00B3_01C0F7EE.77E494C0-- --------------A2127E94DEC0CE815AA3FD80-- - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jackie Cabasso Subject: (abolition-usa) URGENT REMINDER: US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS ANNUAL Date: 18 Jun 2001 18:27:56 -0700 --=====================_16171970==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id SAA05483 URGENT REMINDER: The Annual General Meeting of the US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons is coming up fast! July 13, to be precise, in Santa Fe Ne= w Mexico. If you haven't done so already, PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN YOUR REGISTRATION FORM, by regular mail, e-mail or fax. (Invitations were=20 snail-mailed to nearly 600 US Abolition 2000 groups). Another copy of th= e invitation and registration form follows. You can also access it at the U= S Campaign website: If you're thinki= ng about coming and expecting to find low-cost housing, PLEASE NOTE THAT RESERVATIONS AT THE SANTA FE HOSTEL ARE REQUIRED 2 WEEKS IN ADVANCE! Als= o, if you want to help shape the agenda, we need to hear from you soon. Be sur= e to read all the way through the registration form. We hope to hear from you soon. Yours in peace, Jackie Cabasso, Coordinating Committee, US Campaig= n to Abolish Nuclear Weapons *************************************************************************= *** ********************* US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS Part of the Abolition 2000 Global Network NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING and gathering of the movement for the abolition of nuclear weapons Friday July 13 in Santa Fe, New Mexico at the College of Santa Fe Please join us for our 2001 Annual General Meeting at the beautiful Colle= ge of Santa Fe campus in Santa Fe, New Mexico. In addition to taking care of n= etwork business, we=92ll be sharing our =93best practices=94 and discussing stra= tegies for the future. Immediately following our meeting, on Saturday and Sunday Ju= ly 14 and 15, we hope you=92ll stay for Peace Action New Mexico=92s =93LANL 200= 1 - Action for Abolition Conference.=94 On Monday July 16, the anniversary of the =93= Trinity=94 test, the US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons will join Peace Action N= ew Mexico for a rally, march and nonviolent protest at Los Alamos National Laboratory. We hope you=92ll be there! JULY SCHEDULE OF EVENTS College of Santa Fe, Santa Fe New Mexico July 13: US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS Annual General Meeting July 14th & 15th: Peace Action New Mexico=92s LANL 2001 - Action for Abol= ition Conference July 16: Rally & Protest 11 am - 1 pm; March at 1 pm in Los Alamos; nonvi= olent direct action Low-cost housing and camping will be available in Santa Fe. (NOTE: 2 WEE= KS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR THE SANTE FE HOSTEL.) A very limited number o= f travel scholarships will be available from the US CAMPAIGN for low-income activists. See below for application and registration form.=20 REGISTRATION FORM Please complete and return by e-mail to or print out and fax or mail to Western States Legal Foundation fax: (510) 839-5397 1504 Franklin Street, Suite 202, Oakland, CA 94612 I/we plan to attend the US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS Annual G= eneral Meeting on Friday, July 13, 2001. Please send me/us more information. Name(s):_________________________________________________________________= _____ Organization:____________________________________________________________= ______ Address:_________________________________________________________________= _____ =20 ______________________________________________________________________ Phone(s) ________________________________________________________________= ______ E-mail: _________________________________ Website:______________________________ Enclosed is a voluntary registration fee of $______________ to help wi= th conference costs. =20 Please make check payable to US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS. = Your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. I/we also plan to attend the Peace Action New Mexico Conference and/or = July 16th rally. Please send me/us information about low-cost housing options in Santa F= e. I would need a travel subsidy to be able to attend. Please contact me = if funds are available. HELP US PLAN THE MEETING AGENDA! We want to create an opportunity for groups to inform, inspire and challe= nge each other by sharing=20 their creativity, skills, and =93best practices.=94 Have you been involve= d in a particularly innovative, useful or productive initiative -- at the local, regional, national or internati= onal level -- that you=92d like to share? This is your chance! I/we would l= ike to make a presentation on:_________________________ _________________________________________________________________________= _____ _________________________________________________________________________= _____. Does your organization have a proposal that it would like to present to t= he US CAMPAIGN? Let us know! We have a proposal for the US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLI= SH NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Please provide a written copy in advance, if at all possible. It really = helps things go more smoothly!=20 *The US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS is the US section of the Abol= ition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons. The US CAMPAIGN is mad= e up of organizations that endorse the US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS MISSION STATEMENT and SANTA BARBARA DECLARATION, the ABOLITION 2000 STATE= MENT and the MOOREA DECLARATION. Individuals are welcome to participate throu= gh working groups. The US CAMPAIGN is managed by a Coordinating Committee m= ade up or organizational representatives chosen at the Annual General Meeting.=20 Western States Legal Foundation serves as the interim clearinghouse for t= he US CAMPAIGN. For more information about the US CAMPAIGN please check out ou= r website: or call (510)839-5877. COORDINATING COMMITTEE: John Burroughs, Lawyers=92 Committee on Nuclear P= olicy; Jackie Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation; Anthony Guarisco, Allian= ce of Atomic Veterans; Alan Haber, Peace and Environmental Coalition for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons and Megiddo Peace Project; Odile Hugonot Hab= er, U.S. Section Womens International League for Peace and Freedom; Inga Olso= n, TriValley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment; Sally Light, Nev= ada Desert Experience; Pamela Meidell, Atomic Mirror and California Green Par= ty; Bal Pinguel, American Friends Service Committee; Ibrahim Ramey, Fellowshi= p of=20 Reconciliation; Frank Dworak, Pax Christi USA; Gilbert Sanchez, Tribal Environmental Watch Network; Susan Shaer, Womens Action for New Direction= s; Alice Slater, Global Resource Action Center for the Environment --=====================_16171970==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable URGENT REMINDER: The Annual General Meeting of the US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons is coming up fast! July 13, to be precise, in Santa Fe New Mexico.  If you haven't done so already, PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN YOUR REGISTRATION FORM, by regular mail, e-mail or fax.  (Invitations were  snail-mailed to nearly 600 US Abolition 2000 groups).  Another copy of the invitation and registration form follows. You can also access it at the US Campaign website: tion/uscamp.htm.  If you're thinking about coming and expecting to find low-cost housing, PLEASE NOTE THAT RESERVATIONS AT THE SANTA FE HOSTEL ARE REQUIRED 2 WEEKS IN ADVANCE!  Also, if you want to help shape the agenda, we need to hear from you soon.  Be sure to read all the way through the registration form.  We hope to hear from you soon.  Yours in peace, Jackie Cabasso, Coordinating Committee, US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
****************************************************************************= *********************
Part of the Abolition 2000 Global Network
and gathering of the movement for the abolition of nuclear weapons
Friday July 13 in Santa Fe, New Mexico
at the College of Santa Fe

Please join us for our 2001 Annual General Meeting at the beautiful College of Santa Fe campus in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  In addition to taking care of network business, we=92ll be sharing our =93best practices=94 and discussing strategies for the future.  Immediately following our meeting, on Saturday and Sunday July 14 and 15, we hope you=92ll stay for Peace Action New Mexico=92s =93LANL 2001 - Action for Abolition Conference.=94  On Monday July 16, the anniversary of the =93Trinity=94 test, the US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons will join Peace Action New Mexico for a rally, march and nonviolent protest at Los Alamos National Laboratory. We hope you=92ll be there!

College of Santa Fe, Santa Fe New Mexico

July 14th & 15th: Peace Action New Mexico=92s LANL 2001 - Action for Abolition Conference
July 16: Rally & Protest 11 am - 1 pm; March at 1 pm in Los Alamos; nonviolent direct action

Low-cost housing and camping will be available in Santa Fe.  (NOTE: 2 WEEKS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR THE SANTE FE HOSTEL.) A very limited number of travel scholarships will be available from the US CAMPAIGN for low-income activists.  See below for application and registration form.


Please complete and return by e-mail to
or print out and fax or mail to Western States Legal Foundation
fax: (510) 839-5397
1504 Franklin Street, Suite 202, Oakland, CA 94612

  I/we plan to attend the US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS Annual General Meeting on Friday, July 13, 2001.  Please send me/us more information.

Name(s):____________________________________________________________________= __
Organization:_______________________________________________________________= ___
Address:____________________________________________________________________= __
            &nbs= p;  ______________________________________________________________________
Phone(s) ______________________________________________________________________
E-mail: _________________________________ Website:______________________________
  Enclosed is a voluntary registration fee of  $______________ to help with conference costs. 
   Please make check payable to US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS.  Your
   donation is tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
  I/we also plan to attend the Peace Action New Mexico Conference and/or   July 16th rally.
  Please send me/us information about low-cost housing options in Santa Fe.
  I would need a travel subsidy to be able to attend.  Please contact me if funds are available.
We want to create an opportunity for groups to inform, inspire and challenge each other by sharing
their creativity, skills, and =93best practices.=94 Have you been involved i= n a particularly innovative, useful
or productive initiative -- at the local, regional, national or international level -- that you=92d like to share? This is your chance!    I/we would like to make a presentation on:_________________________
________________________________________________________________________= ______
____________________________________________________________________________= __.

Does your organization have a proposal that it would like to present to the US CAMPAIGN?  Let us know!   We have a proposal for the US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS.
Please provide a written copy in advance, if at all possible.  It really helps things go more smoothly!

*The US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS is the US section of the Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons.  The US CAMPAIGN is made up of organizations that endorse the US CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS MISSION STATEMENT and SANTA BARBARA DECLARATION, the ABOLITION 2000 STATEMENT and the MOOREA DECLARATION.  Individuals are welcome to participate through working groups.  The US CAMPAIGN is managed by a Coordinating Committee made up or organizational representatives chosen  at the Annual General Meeting.  Western States Legal Foundation serves as the interim clearinghouse for the US CAMPAIGN.  For more information about the US CAMPAIGN please check out our website: <= u> or call (510)839-5877.

COORDINATING COMMITTEE: John Burroughs, Lawyers=92 Committee on Nuclear= Policy; Jackie Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation; Anthony Guarisco,= Alliance of Atomic Veterans; Alan Haber, Peace and Environmental Coalition= for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons and Megiddo Peace Project; Odile= Hugonot Haber, U.S. Section Womens International League for Peace and= Freedom; Inga Olson, TriValley Communities Against a Radioactive= Environment; Sally Light, Nevada Desert Experience; Pamela Meidell, Atomic= Mirror and California Green Party; Bal Pinguel, American Friends Service= Committee; Ibrahim Ramey, Fellowship of  Reconciliation; Frank Dworak,= Pax Christi USA; Gilbert Sanchez, Tribal Environmental Watch Network; Susan= Shaer, Womens Action for New Directions; Alice Slater, Global Resource= Action Center for the Environment
--=====================_16171970==_.ALT-- - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: Fw: UCS ACTION ALERT - Support DOE Renewables & Date: 20 Jun 2001 11:18:02 -0400 --=====================_167078355==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable >Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 12:30:51 -0400 >Subject: Fwd: Fw: UCS ACTION ALERT - Support DOE Renewables & EfficiencyPrograms >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true >From: "" > >The DOE is offering a public meeting to hear and record public comment on= =20 >our energy policy. It will be a rare opportunity to directly tell the DOE= =20 >what you think about our energy policy. Not only can you tell them that it= =20 >is a disaster but you can tell them where our energy policy should be=20 >headed and that the time is past due for truly clean and sustainable >energy=20 >programs. . >Little george and big dick have their own idea of where our energy policy= =20 >should go. Everyone has heard about it and everyone knows that it is=20 >business as usual. What is also known by most everyone on the planet is=20 >that we are at a critical point in history as far as environmental=20 >destruction and the wide spread belief that the pace and degree of this=20 >destruction is literally killing more and more people at a faster rate.=20 >There is a general feeling that we have gone to far and we must turn the=20 >destruction around and start the healing if we want clean air and water >for=20 >our children and theirs. > >The oil,gas and nuke industry have the ear of the DOE as often as they=20 >like. They also have sickening amounts of money to buy influence through=20 >our diseased and rotting system of lopsided democracy. >To be heard and counted over the roar of big business , we must be united= =20 >with many others. Attend one of these meetings if you can and bring >others.=20 >Spread this e-mail far and wide. Lets not be mistaken in our message to >the=20 >DOE! > >I will be going to the meeting in Boston on Tuesday the 19th and if anyone= =20 >would like to car pool that would be great. Give me a call at 860-345-257. >Sal >$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ > >>>X-Originating-IP: [] >>>From: "Tom McCormick" >>> >>>Subject: Fw: UCS ACTION ALERT - Support DOE Renewables & >>EfficiencyPrograms >>>Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 19:57:04 -0400 >>>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200 >>>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 16 Jun 2001 23:59:20.0980 (UTC)=20 >>>FILETIME=3D[5C580540:01C0F6C0] >>> >>>Please forward. >>>Renewables and Efficiciency Programs will be the topic of the September >>>meeting of the Hartford Sierra Club. Thanks, Tom McCormick >>>----- Original Message ----- >>>From: Jeff Deyette >>>Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 3:14 PM >>>Subject: UCS ACTION ALERT - Support DOE Renewables & EfficiencyPrograms >>> >>> >>>**************************** UCS ACTION ALERT >>>******************************* >>> >>>Tell the Department of Energy that increased research and development >>(R&D) >>>on energy efficiency and renewable energy is a critical first step >>toward a >>>balanced national energy policy! DOE should also support strong energy >>>efficiency and renewable energy standards, tax credits, and matching >>federal >>>funds for state efficiency and renewables programs. >>> >>>ISSUE: >>>In April President Bush proposed 50% cuts in DOE's fiscal year 2002 >>budget >>>for R&D on solar, wind, and geothermal energy, and 13% cuts to overall >>>efficiency and renewables funding. >>> >>>Last week, UCS President Howard (Bud) Ris and three other environmental >>CEOs >>>met with Vice-President Cheney and his energy task force. The >>Vice-President >>>seemed open to increasing support for efficiency and renewables. >>> >>>DOE also announced last week it would be review the current funding and >>>historic performance of its clean energy programs. Senior DOE officials >>will >>>be receive oral and written comments at a series of public meetings this >>>month. >>> >>>ACTION: >>>This is your opportunity to tell the Administration to place top >>priority on >>>clean energy technologies! Please send DOE a statement of support for >>>increased funding for their efficiency and renewables programs. And if a >>>public meeting is held in your area, please consider attending and >>speaking >>>out. >>> >>>NOTE: Brief talking points can be found in the MESSAGE section below. If >>>you are interested in crafting more detailed oral or written comments or >>>simply learning more about this issue, please visit the UCS action >>center at >>> where you'll find helpful resources.=20 >>You >>>can also find a new UCS report-Clean Energy Blueprint-on how energy >>>efficiency and renewables can save money and protect the environment at >>> >>> >>>LOGISTICS: >>>Public meetings are scheduled from 9:00AM to 9:00PM in the following >>>locations: >>> >>>June 19 Boston, MA - Location: John A. Volpe National Transportation >>>Systems Center, 55 Broadway, Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA 02142-1093 >>> >>>June 19 Seattle, WA - Location: Bell Harbor International Conference >>Center, >>>International Promenade Room, Pier 66, 2211 Alaskan Way, Seattle, WA >>>98121-1604 >>> >>>June 21 Denver, CO - Location: Adam's Mark Hotel Denver, 1550 Court >>Place, >>>Denver, CO 80202 >>> >>>June 21 Philadelphia, PA - Location: University of Pennsylvania, Meyerson >>>Auditorium, 210 South 34th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 >>> >>>June 26 Washington, DC - Location: Hilton Washington and Towers, 1919 >>>Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20009 >>> >>>To accommodate as many individuals as possible, speakers will be limited >>to >>>five minutes. Written comments must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. >>>EDT, June 29, 2001. Comments may be sent to: >>> >>>Ms. Bonny Overton >>>U.S. Department of Energy >>>Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, EE 3.1 >>>1000 Independence Avenue, SW >>>Washington, DC 20585 >>> >>>Or via e-mail to >>> >>>MESSAGE: >>>=B7 DOE is a cornerstone in U.S. research, development, and demonstration >>>activities in the energy field. Their programs provide alternatives to >>>polluting energy sources and are vital for the commercialization of >>>renewable energy and energy efficient technologies. >>> >>>=B7 DOE's clean energy programs continue to make significant= contributions >>>toward a clean energy future by increasing energy efficiency and >>renewable >>>energy throughout the United States. For example: >>>=B7 >>>- The cost of renewable energy technologies has declined dramatically >>over >>>the past twenty years. Solar and wind prices have dropped over 80% and >>>geothermal has declined by over 50%. >>> >>>- A recent DOE report documenting twenty of its most successful energy >>>efficiency projects indicated that the nation saved 5.5 quadrillion BTUs >>of >>>energy over the past two decades, worth about $30 billion in avoided >>energy >>>costs. The cost to taxpayers for those activities was $712 million >>during >>>the 1990s, less than three percent of the savings. These savings >>continue >>>to increase every year. >>> >>>=B7 Continued investment in DOE's research and development programs is a >>>critical step in a series of policies-including tax credits, strong >>>standards, and state matching funds for clean energy technologies-that >>will >>>reduce our need to add new supplies of polluting energy sources. >>> >>>=B7 A new UCS research report - Clean Energy Blueprint - found that, >>combined >>>with energy efficiency, the US could meet a standard of 20% renewable >>energy >>>by 2020, and save consumers money. >>> >>>************************************* >>>CHANGE OF EMAIL ADDRESS: Help us keep you posted! If your email address >>>will soon change, or if you'd like us to use a different address, please >>let >>>us know by sending a message to with your new address. >>>Thanks! > >Rosemary Bassilakis & Sal Mangiagli >Citizens Awareness Network >54 Old Turnpike Road >Haddam, CT 06438 > >Ph/fax 860 345-2157 > > > > > =20 --=====================_167078355==_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="body534.htm" The DOE is offering a public meeting to hear and record public comment on our energy policy. It will be a rare opportunity to directly tell the DOE what you think about our energy policy. Not only can you tell them that it is a disaster but you can tell them where our energy policy should be headed and that the time is past due for truly clean and sustainable energy programs. .
Little george and big dick have their own idea of where our energy policy should go. Everyone has heard about it and everyone knows that it is business as usual. What is also known by most everyone on the planet is that we are at a critical point in history as far as environmental destruction and the wide spread belief  that the pace and degree of this destruction is literally killing more and more people at a faster rate. There is a general feeling that we have gone to far and we must turn the destruction around and start the healing if we want clean air and water for our children and theirs.

The oil,gas and nuke industry have the ear  of the DOE as often as they like. They also have sickening amounts of money to buy influence through our diseased and rotting system of lopsided democracy.
To be  heard and counted over the roar of big business , we must be united with many others. Attend one of these meetings if you can and bring others. Spread this e-mail far and wide. Lets not be mistaken in our message to the DOE!

I will be going to the meeting in Boston on Tuesday the 19th and if anyone would like to car pool that would be great. Give me a call at 860-345-257.

X-Originating-IP: []

X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 16 Jun 2001 23:59:20.0980 (UTC) FILETIME=3D[5C580540:01C0F6C0]

Please forward.
Renewables and Efficiciency Programs will be the topic of the September
meeting of the Hartford Sierra Club.  Thanks, Tom McCormick
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 3:14 PM

**************************** UCS ACTION ALERT

Tell the Department of Energy that increased research and development (R&D)
on energy efficiency and renewable energy is a critical first step toward a
balanced national energy policy! DOE should also support strong energy
efficiency and renewable energy standards, tax credits, and matching federal
funds for state efficiency and renewables programs.

In April President Bush proposed 50% cuts in DOE's fiscal year 2002 budget
for R&D on solar, wind, and geothermal energy, and 13% cuts to overall
efficiency and renewables funding.

Last week, UCS President Howard (Bud) Ris and three other environmental CEOs
met with Vice-President Cheney and his energy task force. The Vice-President
seemed open to increasing support for efficiency and renewables.

DOE also announced last week it would be review the current funding and
historic performance of its clean energy programs. Senior DOE officials will
be receive oral and written comments at a series of public meetings this

This is your opportunity to tell the Administration to place top priority on
clean energy technologies!  Please send DOE a statement of support for
increased funding for their efficiency and renewables programs. And if a
public meeting is held in your area, please consider attending and speaking

NOTE: Brief talking points can be found in the MESSAGE section below.  If
you are interested in crafting more detailed oral or written comments or
simply learning more about this issue, please visit the UCS action center at where you'll find helpful resources.  You
can also find a new UCS report-Clean Energy Blueprint-on how energy
efficiency and renewables can save money and protect the environment at

Public meetings are scheduled from 9:00AM to 9:00PM in the following

June 19 Boston, MA - Location: John A. Volpe National Transportation
Systems Center, 55 Broadway, Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA 02142-1093

June 19 Seattle, WA - Location: Bell Harbor International Conference= Center,
International Promenade Room, Pier 66, 2211 Alaskan Way, Seattle, WA

June 21 Denver, CO - Location: Adam's Mark Hotel Denver, 1550 Court= Place,
Denver, CO 80202

June 21 Philadelphia, PA - Location: University of Pennsylvania,= Meyerson
Auditorium, 210 South 34th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104

June 26 Washington, DC - Location: Hilton Washington and Towers, 1919
Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20009

To accommodate as many individuals as possible, speakers will be limited= to
five minutes.  Written comments must be received no later than 5:00= p.m.
EDT, June 29, 2001.  Comments may be sent to:

Ms. Bonny Overton
U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, EE 3.1
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20585

Or via e-mail to

=B7 DOE is a cornerstone in U.S. research, development, and= demonstration
activities in the energy field. Their programs provide alternatives to
polluting energy sources and are vital for the commercialization of
renewable energy and energy efficient technologies.

=B7 DOE's clean energy programs continue to make significant= contributions
toward a clean energy future by increasing energy efficiency and= renewable
energy throughout the United States.  For example:
- The cost of renewable energy technologies has declined dramatically= over
the past twenty years.  Solar and wind prices have dropped over 80%= and
geothermal has declined by over 50%.

- A recent DOE report documenting twenty of its most successful energy
efficiency projects indicated that the nation saved 5.5 quadrillion BTUs= of
energy over the past two decades, worth about $30 billion in avoided= energy
costs.  The cost to taxpayers for those activities was $712 million= during
the 1990s, less than three percent of the savings.  These savings= continue
to increase every year.

=B7 Continued investment in DOE's research and development programs is a
critical step in a series of policies-including tax credits, strong
standards, and state matching funds for clean energy technologies-that= will
reduce our need to add new supplies of polluting energy sources.

=B7 A new UCS research report - Clean Energy Blueprint - found that,= combined
with energy efficiency, the US could meet a standard of 20% renewable= energy
by 2020, and save consumers money.

CHANGE OF EMAIL ADDRESS: Help us keep you posted!  If your email= address
will soon change, or if you'd like us to use a different address, please= let
us know by sending a message to with your new address.

Rosemary Bassilakis & Sal Mangiagli
Citizens Awareness= Network
54 Old Turnpike Road
Haddam, CT 06438

Ph/fax 860 345-2157 --=====================_167078355==_-- - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (marylia) Subject: (abolition-usa) Participate - CUT NIF CALL-IN DAY THIS THURSDAY Date: 20 Jun 2001 09:49:34 -0700 Dear peace and environmental coleagues: Call your Senators and Representative June 21st and ask them to oppose funding for the National Ignition Facility, the biggest boondoggle in the nuclear weapons complex. You can find the alert (and two PDF versions) on the ANA website at IT IS ALSO ALSO PASTED IN BELOW... CUT NIF CALL-IN DAY Thursday, June 21st Call your U.S. Senators and Representative to oppose funding for the National Ignition Facility, the biggest boondoggle in the U.S. nuclear weapons complex. Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121 On June 21st, tell your legislators: =D8 The NIF is plagued by technical problems and is wasting billions o= f taxpayer dollars. =D8 The NIF undermines U.S. obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty and may provoke nuclear proliferation around the globe. =D8 The National Ignition Facility is not needed for the safety and reliability of the U.S. nuclear arsenal. Want to do more? =D8 Share this alert with other groups and local activists =D8 Organize a call-in campaign for your local group =D8 Send letters to the editor of your local paper pointing out the NI= F=92s nuclear proliferation dangers and its massive waste of taxpayer dollars. =46or more information, contact the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability in Washington, DC at (202) 833-4668 This action alert is cosponsored by a wide range of national and grassroots organizations. Background: The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is a massive experimental laser fusion facility being built with billions of taxpayer dollars at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California as the centerpiece of the Department of Energy=92s (DOE) Stockpile Stewardship Program, the endeav= or to continue nuclear weapons development even without full-scale nuclear testing. The NIF=92s goal is to create very brief, contained thermonuclear explosions. The DOE claims the NIF is necessary to maintain the safety and reliability of U.S. nuclear weapons, but the physics experiments planned for the NIF have nothing to do with safety--preventing accidental explosions or leaks in nuclear weapons--and very little to do with how reliably the weapons perform. Safety and reliability are already ensured through ongoing, and much less expensive, DOE operations. In truth, the NIF is slated to be used for a wide range of applications from training nuclear weapons designers to studying the effects of radiation, heat and blast on weapons components, sensors, communication satellites, and underground structures. NIF weapons effect experiments, including =93laser/fireball=94 tests, may be used in connection with development of low-yield nuclear weapons and missile defense concepts. The mini-fusion explosions planned for NIF, and its capacity for new nuclear weapons design, undermine U.S. obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, and may provoke nuclear proliferation around the globe. The NIF has been plagued with technical problems and cost overruns. Over a billion dollars has already been wasted on the NIF. Further, if completed, it could cost over $32 billion, according to a new study commissioned by the Livermore-based group Tri-Valley CAREs ( The DOE has requested $245 million for NIF construction in 2002 and the Congress will likely be voting on this funding in late June as part of the Energy & Water Appropriations bills in both the House and the Senate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jim Bridgman Program Director Alliance for Nuclear Accountability 1801 18th Street, Suite 9-2 Washington, DC 20009 202-833-4668 202-234-9536 (fax) Marylia Kelley Executive Director, Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) 2582 Old First Street Livermore, CA 94550 Phone: 1-925-443-7148 =46ax: 1-925-443-0177 Web site: - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Butler advising Bush Date: 21 Jun 2001 14:23:56 -0400 Bush stunned by U.S. nuclear arsenal size Japan Today Japan News - News - Monday, June 18, 2001 at 09:30 JST WASHINGTON — President George W. Bush was stunned last month when told of the extent of the U.S. nuclear arsenal, Newsweek magazine reported in its June 25 edition, released on Sunday. "I had no idea we had so many weapons," Bush was quoted as saying by an unidentified "White House insider." "What do we need them for?" the president was said to have asked at a briefing, according to the Newsweek report. But that was not a dumb question, the magazine noted in detailing the vast U.S. nuclear arsenal, which includes 5,400 warheads on intercontinental ballistic missiles, 1,750 nuclear bombs and cruise missiles ready to be launched from B-2 and B-52 bombers, 1,670 "tactical" nuclear weapons and another 10,000 warheads in bunkers around the United States. That potential for nuclear overkill may be reined in, however, as Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld prepares at the Pentagon to implement Bush's stated goal of streamlining and downsizing the arsenal. Rumsfeld has brought back retired Gen. George (Lee) Butler and former Reagan administration national security guru Richard Perle to spearhead an effort to reduce the arsenal to safer, more manageable and more cost efficient levels, Newsweek said. "I see no reason why we can't go well below 1,000" warheads, Perle told the magazine. "I want the lowest number possible under the tightest control possible." "The truth is we are never going to use them," Perle added. "The Russians aren't going to use theirs either." (Reuters News) Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e31' [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Butler advising Bush Date: 21 Jun 2001 14:23:56 -0400 Bush stunned by U.S. nuclear arsenal size Japan Today Japan News - News - Monday, June 18, 2001 at 09:30 JST WASHINGTON — President George W. Bush was stunned last month when told of the extent of the U.S. nuclear arsenal, Newsweek magazine reported in its June 25 edition, released on Sunday. "I had no idea we had so many weapons," Bush was quoted as saying by an unidentified "White House insider." "What do we need them for?" the president was said to have asked at a briefing, according to the Newsweek report. But that was not a dumb question, the magazine noted in detailing the vast U.S. nuclear arsenal, which includes 5,400 warheads on intercontinental ballistic missiles, 1,750 nuclear bombs and cruise missiles ready to be launched from B-2 and B-52 bombers, 1,670 "tactical" nuclear weapons and another 10,000 warheads in bunkers around the United States. That potential for nuclear overkill may be reined in, however, as Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld prepares at the Pentagon to implement Bush's stated goal of streamlining and downsizing the arsenal. Rumsfeld has brought back retired Gen. George (Lee) Butler and former Reagan administration national security guru Richard Perle to spearhead an effort to reduce the arsenal to safer, more manageable and more cost efficient levels, Newsweek said. "I see no reason why we can't go well below 1,000" warheads, Perle told the magazine. "I want the lowest number possible under the tightest control possible." "The truth is we are never going to use them," Perle added. "The Russians aren't going to use theirs either." (Reuters News) Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e31' [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: (radfood-list) Action Alert! Send a fax to the Senate Date: 22 Jun 2001 13:51:39 -0400 >Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 13:04:52 -0400 >Subject: (radfood-list) Action Alert! Send a fax to the Senate Subcommittee on Ag. and FD >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true >From: "" > >Action Alert! Send a fax to the Senate Subcommittee on Agricultural and >Food and Drug Administration Appropriations! > >Apologies for cross postings. > >Please circulate widely! > >Action Alert! > > > >Urge the Senate Subcommittee on Agricultural and Food and Drug >Administration Appropriations provide clear and honest labeling of >irradiated food! > >The Senate Subcommittee on Agricultural and Food and Drug Administration >Appropriations is on the verge of writing the appropriations bill for >fiscal year 2002. Irradiation will be included. We need to urge them to >stop the FDA's efforts to weaken labeling of irradiated food! > >Please send a fax to the Senate Subcommittee on Agricultural and Food and >Drug Administration Appropriations from this URL: > > > > >______________________ > >If you would like to be removed from the radfood list, send an email to > with the words "unsubscribe radfood" in the subject. > >To learn more about food irradiation, visit our website at > . > >Questions about the radfood list can be directed to . > >In addition to the radfood email list we have a stopirradiation email >list. The stopirradiation list is our irradiated food discussion group >list. This list allows participants discuss food irradiation through >their postings to other subscribers to the list. It is moderated so there >will be no excess of non-irradiated food related material. Subscribers >to this list can expect frequent postings. To subscribe to the >stopirradiation list send and email to with the words >"subscribe stopirradiation" in the subject. To unsubscribe send an email >to with the words "unsubscribe stopirradiation" in the >subject. > - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jim Holdom" Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Fwd: (radfood-list) Action Alert! Send a fax to the Senate Subcommittee on Ag. and FD Date: 23 Jun 2001 20:13:49 +1200 Your message/s was/were one of the messages in a batch I received on June 23 which had a virus; I don't know which one, for my Norton virus protection saved me a copy and deleted the culprit. I thought I should tell you. Jim Holdom ----- Original Message ----- ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Cc: Sent: Saturday, 23 June 2001 05:51 Senate Subcommittee on Ag. and FD > >Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 13:04:52 -0400 > >Subject: (radfood-list) Action Alert! Send a fax to the Senate Subcommittee > on Ag. and FD > >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true > >From: "" > > > >Action Alert! Send a fax to the Senate Subcommittee on Agricultural and > >Food and Drug Administration Appropriations! > > > >Apologies for cross postings. > > > >Please circulate widely! > > > >Action Alert! > > > > > > > >Urge the Senate Subcommittee on Agricultural and Food and Drug > >Administration Appropriations provide clear and honest labeling of > >irradiated food! > > > >The Senate Subcommittee on Agricultural and Food and Drug Administration > >Appropriations is on the verge of writing the appropriations bill for > >fiscal year 2002. Irradiation will be included. We need to urge them to > >stop the FDA's efforts to weaken labeling of irradiated food! > > > >Please send a fax to the Senate Subcommittee on Agricultural and Food and > >Drug Administration Appropriations from this URL: > > > > > > > > > >______________________ > > > >If you would like to be removed from the radfood list, send an email to > > with the words "unsubscribe radfood" in the subject. > > > >To learn more about food irradiation, visit our website at > > . > > > >Questions about the radfood list can be directed to . > > > >In addition to the radfood email list we have a stopirradiation email > >list. The stopirradiation list is our irradiated food discussion group > >list. This list allows participants discuss food irradiation through > >their postings to other subscribers to the list. It is moderated so there > >will be no excess of non-irradiated food related material. Subscribers > >to this list can expect frequent postings. To subscribe to the > >stopirradiation list send and email to with the words > >"subscribe stopirradiation" in the subject. To unsubscribe send an email > >to with the words "unsubscribe stopirradiation" in the > >subject. > > > > - > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > > - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: NucNews Subject: (abolition-usa) NucNews Briefs - 01/06/25 Date: 25 Jun 2001 17:19:03 -0400 NucNews archives are caught up to date and posted through June 22, 2001 at, thanks to the Herculean efforts of Tantara. Some of the stories are REALLY bizarre. If you'd like to develop special-interest lists similar to the depleted uranium archives at, we'll be glad to help you. Write Ellen Thomas ___________________________________________________ Today's News and Archives: Submit URL/Article: OneList Archives: (subscribe online) Other Excellent News-Collecting Sites - DOE Watch - Downwinders - Quick Route to U.S. Congress: (Senators' Websites) (Representatives' Websites) (Pending Legislation - Search) Online Petition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons - Subscribe to NucNews Briefs: Distributed without payment for research and educational purposes only, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Andrew Lichterman" Subject: (abolition-usa) US Campaign Santa Fe flights Date: 25 Jun 2001 16:20:00 -0700 Greetings- I have heard that people are having difficulty obtaining affordable flights to Albuquerque from the East Coast for the US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Meeting in July. You might take a look at the Southwest Airlines web site, They have flights from a number of smaller East Coast and Midwest airports-Providence, RI. Long Island/Islip, NY, Chicago Midway, Baltimore, Md, Manchester, New Hampshire, Hartford, CT., Albany, NY, Columbus and Cleveland, OH and a number of others-to Albuquerque. There are flights to Albuquerque from these cities in the $300-400 range with 7 or 14 day advance purchase. I don't know about current availability, but it's worth checking. A. Andrew Lichterman Program Director Western States Legal Foundation 1504 Franklin St. Suite 202 Oakland, CA 94612 USA phone: +1 (510) 839-5877 fax: +1 (510) 839-5397 web site: - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (marylia) Subject: (abolition-usa) ALERT: NIF amendment to be offered tomorrow!!! Date: 26 Jun 2001 19:14:42 -0700 ACTION ALERT - PLEASE FORWARD - ACTION ALERT - PLEASE FORWARD We have just learned that the Energy & Water Appropriations bill will go to the House floor tomorrow (Wednesday, sooner than expected). Please make the call requested, below, and then pass this action alert on to any email lists or networks of friends that you maintain. Thank you. Reps. Kucinich (D-OH) and Ryan (R-WI) will offer an amendment to cut about half of the construction funding for the National Ignition Facility and transfer the funds to DOE nonproliferation programs, including immobilization of US plutonium. Since NIF undermines US obligations to the Non-Proliferation Treaty, a cut and transfer to nonproliferation programs is a boost to nonproliferation. Some of the funds would also be returned to the Treasury for debt reduction. Please call your Representative today!! (or Wednesday morning) and urge them to support the Ryan-Kucinich amendment to cut NIF and transfer to nonproliferation programs. Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jim Bridgman Program Director Alliance for Nuclear Accountability 1801 18th Street, Suite 9-2 Washington, DC 20009 202-833-4668 202-234-9536 (fax) "Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe." -- H.G. Wells ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (marylia) Subject: (abolition-usa) Calls needed! NIF cut vote will be today-Thursday Date: 27 Jun 2001 22:44:49 -0700 Good News -- Rep. Dennis Kucinich and Rep. Barbara Lee introduced an amendment to cut construction funding for the National Ignition Facility, a new nuclear weapons facility under construction at Livermore Lab. The vote will be today, Thursday. Every Representative will vote. We still have a little more time to put pressure on Representatives to vote for the cut amendmant. The amendment is to the Energy & Water Appropriations bill (HR2311). Please call your Representative THIS MORNING if you have not yet done so. Pass this alert on to other email lists you maintain. Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 Here is some background: Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) has obtained the rule to move forward with a recorded vote on the House floor on his amendment with Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) to cut half of the NIF construction funding ($122.5 million of $245 million) and transfer $66 million to DOE nonproliferation programs and the rest to the Treasury for debt reduction. The vote would have taken place this evening (Wed.), except that the GOP has scheduled a large fundraiser for this evening, cutting time available for votes. Those who spoke on the floor Wed. in favor of the amendment were Rep. Kucinich (D-OH), Rep. Ryan (R-WI), Rep. Lee (D-CA) and Rep. Olver (D-MA). Those who spoke on the floor in opposition to the amendment were Rep. Thornberry (R-TX), Rep. Tauscher (D-CA), Rep. Wamp (R-TN), and Rep. Calvert (R-CA). The speeches will probably be on Thomas ( later this evening (Wed). If your Rep. spoke for the amendment, please thank him or her. If your Rep. spoke against -- or did not speak -- give him/her a call now and ask him/her to support the cut. Thanks!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jim Bridgman Program Director Alliance for Nuclear Accountability 1801 18th Street, Suite 9-2 Washington, DC 20009 202-833-4668 202-234-9536 (fax) - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sally Light Subject: (abolition-usa) Return to full testing? IMPORTANT ARTICLE Date: 28 Jun 2001 09:27:36 +0100 Dear Friends, For some time, Jesse Helms & friends have been advocating a return to full-blown nuclear testing at NTS (as part of the US' program to develop "mini" nuclear weapons). The article below indicates that Bush & cronies want to do just that. Please pass this on to others - we need to get the word out. FYI - there will be a UN conference on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, in New York on Sept. 25-27, 2001, about speeding up the Treaty's ratification process. NDE plans to be there. Sally Light Executive Director Nevada Desert Experience 20 years of faith-based nuclear resistance "Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service" June 28, 2001, Thursday "Bush asks scientists for input on resumption of nuclear tests" By Jonathan S. Landay WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration has asked U.S. nuclear weapons scientists to examine ways that nuclear test explosions beneath the Nevada desert could resume more quickly if the government decides to end a nine-year moratorium on nuclear testing. It would now take one to three years to prepare a test, and a recent study concluded that such long lead times could allow political opponents to block any resumption of nuclear testing. Nuclear weapons scientists are looking at "what it would take to do various kinds of tests on various time scales," C. Bruce Tarter, the director of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, said in an interview with Knight Ridder. Tarter and others said the administration hasn't decided to resume testing. Nevertheless, the review is likely to add to fears that President Bush might end the nuclear testing moratorium and push for developing new "low yield" nuclear warheads that some weapons scientists and conservative lawmakers advocate. Bush has said he has no plans to end the U.S. moratorium. But Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld have argued that the safety and potency of the American arsenal can be assured only by periodically detonating randomly selected warheads underground. "This is all part of a well-coordinated effort inside and outside the government to basically resume production of nuclear weapons," charged Stephen Schwartz, the publisher of the Chicago-based Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, an arms control journal. "If you are going to do that, you are going to need to test, and this is what this exercise is all about." Schwartz said the readiness review of the Nevada Test Site could provide "cover to China and Russia, and maybe even India and Pakistan," to begin preparations to resume their own nuclear tests if the United States abandons its self-imposed moratorium on testing. Tarter dismissed such concerns. "Understanding the state of readiness, I think, is a non-provocative activity," he said. The test site-readiness study comes as the Pentagon is conducting a separate review of U.S. nuclear strategy and forces ordered by Bush. The issues being examined include radical cuts in America's nuclear arsenal and the future of the testing moratorium. Bush supported the Senate's 1999 rejection of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, saying a permanent global ban on nuclear testing would be unverifiable. His refusal to call for a new Senate vote on the treaty provoked a rare diplomatic protest by the European Union. Britain, France and Russia are among 76 nations that have ratified the 1996 treaty. Like the United States, China has signed but not ratified the pact, and is observing a test moratorium. Many experts say returning to underground tests is unnecessary and could undermine the international nuclear arms-control system and provoke a new nuclear arms race. These experts contend that the United States can continue to rely on the so-called Stockpile Stewardship Program to ensure that its estimated 10,500 warheads remain defect-free. The program uses experiments, computer simulations, warhead inspections and tests of non-nuclear components. The Nevada Test Site readiness review was requested by retired Air Force Gen. John Gordon, the head of the National Nuclear Security Administration, the Energy Department agency that manages U.S. nuclear weapons programs. "During this year, we will look hard again at improving test site readiness, and will review whether an appropriate level of resources is being applied to this vital element of Stockpile Stewardship," Gordon said Wednesday in testimony submitted to a House of Representatives subcommittee. The Nevada Test Site is spread across 1,350 square miles of desert northwest of Las Vegas. The main U.S. nuclear proving ground, it conducted 100 atmospheric and 828 underground tests between 1951 and 1992. It still conducts "subcritical" tests of nuclear components, and must remain prepared to resume full-scale testing if required. Darwin Morgan, a spokesman for the Nevada Test Site, said the thrust of the examination is determining the most valuable test to conduct if the United States decides to resume testing. "The question is . . . what information do you want back from the test?" he said. "If it were to rattle a sword, we could do that fairly quickly. If you need to get good diagnostic information . . . that's where you get the time." Tarter said the examination of the site's readiness to resume full-scale tests involves experts from the site, the Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos national laboratories and a commission Congress appointed in 1999 to examine the nation's ability to maintain safe and reliable nuclear warheads without test explosions. In a Feb. 1 report, the commission expressed grave concern about insufficient funding, crumbling infrastructure, low morale and other problems at the nuclear laboratories, nuclear weapons-production plants and the Nevada Test Site. The panel, headed by John S. Foster Jr., a former weapons designer, found that it would take the test site 12 to 36 months to prepare a test. "It is the panel's view that such lead times are unacceptable," the report said. "It seems prudent to take cost-effective steps to reduce lead times for testing to give future presidents a practical set of options for sustaining confidence in the stockpile. The panel believes that the NNSA should investigate a range of options to reduce lead times to, say, three to four months from the president's making a decision to proceed." "It seemed to us that three years kind of tied the president's hands," Foster said in an interview. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.