From: John Burroughs Subject: (abolition-usa) unilateralism vs. multilateralism - Dhanapala speech Date: 01 Jul 2001 10:02:12 -0400 Jayantha Dhanapala, UN Under-Secretary-General, Department of Disarmament Affairs, made an excellent speech re unilateralism vs. multilateralism, in relation to the role of law, in May. It can be found at Abolitionists should not hesitate to quote him liberally. Generally, the DDA website is a good resource. LCNP also put up on its website ( "relevant excerpts" from Dhanapala speeches, very quotable stuff. John Burroughs, Executive Director Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy 211 E. 43d St., Suite 1204, New York, NY 10017 USA tel: +1 212 818 1861; fax: 818 1857 e-mail:; website: Part of the Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Carah Lynn Ong Subject: (abolition-usa) New to the Abolition 2000 website Date: 03 Jul 2001 14:36:14 -0600 --============_-1217929919==_ma============ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" New to the Abolition 2000 website: Stop the New Arms Race! White House Rally Speech by Jackie Cabasso Ballistic Missile Defense Fact Sheet Produced by the Indian Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace (CNDP) Review and Strategy Meeting Report from Nagasaki, Japan Abolition 2000: A Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons ANNUAL REPORT 2000 Nagasaki Appeal Saffron Walden Declaration International Earth Charter Summit Septeber 29, 2001 The Corporate-Security State An international teach-in on the use of global police and militaries to protect corporate globalization against people and democratic dissent. -- Carah Lynn Ong Coordinator Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons PMB 121, 1187 Coast Village Road, Suite 1 Santa Barbara, California 93108-2794 USA Tel: 805-965-3443 Fax: 805-568-0466 Email: Http:// Join the Abolition Global Caucus, send a message to --============_-1217929919==_ma============ Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" New to the Abolition 2000 website
New to the Abolition 2000 website:

Stop the New Arms Race! White House Rally Speech by Jackie Cabasso

Ballistic Missile Defense Fact Sheet Produced by the Indian Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace (CNDP)

Review and Strategy Meeting Report from Nagasaki, Japan

Abolition 2000: A Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons

Nagasaki Appeal

Saffron Walden Declaration

International Earth Charter Summit
Septeber 29, 2001

The Corporate-Security State
An international teach-in on the use of global police and militaries to protect corporate globalization against people and democratic dissent.
Carah Lynn Ong

Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons
PMB 121, 1187 Coast Village Road, Suite 1
Santa Barbara, California  93108-2794  USA

Tel:  805-965-3443
Fax:  805-568-0466

Join the Abolition Global Caucus, send a message to
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Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ellen Thomas Subject: (abolition-usa) NucNews Briefs - 01/07/04 Date: 04 Jul 2001 07:51:14 -0400 NucNews archives are caught up to date and posted through July 1, 2001 at For your information, stories are collected and posted under the following headings (and others, when pertinent): Under "Nuclear" - asia australia britain canada china depleted uranium europe france germany india / pakistan israel japan korea missile defense russia treaties ukraine u.s. nuc weapons u.s. nuc facilities - by state, including (most frequently): california colorado idaho kentucky nevada new mexico new york ohio pennsylvania south carolina tennessee utah washington us nuc politics us nuc waste Under "Military" - africa asia arms sales balkans biological weapons business china colombia drug war iran iraq israel nato puerto rico space u.n. u.s. Under "Other" - alternative energy death penalty energy environment genetics health human rights imf / world bank police / prisoners spying terrorism Under "activists" - upcoming events reports on events by participants news stories from around the world Happy browsing - and for those who like to get into the U.S. patriotic frenzy with July 4th fireworks and picnics, happy Independence Day. Our prayer: may the U.S., and the world, learn to truly embrace and allow freedom.... Ellen Thomas ___________________________________________________ Today's News and Archives: Submit URL/Article: OneList Archives: (subscribe online) Other Excellent News-Collecting Sites - DOE Watch - Downwinders - Quick Route to U.S. Congress: (Senators' Websites) (Representatives' Websites) (Pending Legislation - Search) Online Petition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons - Subscribe to NucNews Briefs: Distributed without payment for research and educational purposes only, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Chomsky on Star Wars: Part II Date: 04 Jul 2001 13:19:13 -0400 Hegemony or Survival Part Two By Noam Chomsky European observers find it "a paradox" that "a country willing to spend more than $100bn on an unproven project to blow up incoming nuclear warheads as they enter the atmosphere would opt not to pay less than a thousandth of that amount to help prevent plutonium falling into the hands of `rogue states'," while knowing full well that "any `rogue bomb' is far more likely to arrive in a suitcase or by truck or boat than in a conspicuously launched missile that has a return address clearly marked on it" (Julian Borger, Guardian Weekly, May 24). The other current choices that enhance the threat to survival seem, on the surface, equally paradoxical. The paradox is resolved when the values of hegemony and survival are properly ranked, and other advantages of military programs to which we return are factored in. As Vijay Prashad pointed out in his recent commentary on SDI and BMD (June 18), the primary issue is not BMD but control of space, also a bipartisan program. These crucial facts reached general public awareness with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's announcement of overhaul of the Pentagon's space programs, "sharply increasing the importance of outer space in strategic planning." The new plans call for "developing weapons systems for outer space" a "power projection" from space, which means "putting offensive weapons into space" (NYT, May 8; Christian Science Monitor, May 3). The plans were outlined in the report of the second Rumsfeld panel, released in January (the first, in October 1998, warned of missile attack threats, apparently influencing Clinton's decision to accelerate BMD programs). The report of the second panel concludes that space warfare is "a virtual certainty," and calls for the development of anti-satellite weapons (ASATs) (in violation of the 1972 ABM treaty) and placing weapons in sp ace (in violation of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty). Reviewing these plans in Foreign Affairs (May 2001), Michael Krepon, former President of the Henry Stimson Center, notes that they contain an internal contradiction: ASATs are far easier to develop than BMD, and an adversary's ASATs will nullify any BMD program by disabling the satellites on which it relies. The contradiction can be overcome only "by utterly dominating space in the ways suggested by the Rumsfeld report," with offensive weapons and an escalating arms race in space as others inevitably take countermeasures. He recommends, instead, strengthening the existing treaties -- which have been observed, he notes. That would make good sense if the goal were survival rather than hegemony. The US Space Command holds that "In the future, being able to attack terrestrial targets from space may be critical to national defense. U.S. Space Command therefore is actively identifying potential roles, missions, and payloads for this probable new field of battle." The basic rationale was explained in its brochure "Vision for 2020." The primary goal is announced prominently on the front cover: "dominating the space dimension of military operations to protect US interests and investment." This is the next phase of the historic task of military forces. "During the westward expansion of the continental United States, military outposts and the cavalry emerged to protect our wagon trains, settlements, and railroads" -- acting solely in self-defense, we are to understand, perhaps pursuing the well-intentioned but failed efforts "to lead, guide and help Native Americans [among others] toward the right side of history" (Bacevich), America's historic mission for the world. And "nations built navies to protect and enhance their commercial interests." The next logical step is space forces to protect "U.S. National Interests [military and commercial] and Investments." The US role in space should be comparable to that of "navies protecting sea commerce," though now with a sole hegemon, far more overwhelming than the British Navy in centuries past. The Space Command is of course aware of Krepon's dilemma, and plans to overcome it by "Full Spectrum Dominance": overwhelming military dominance on land, sea, and air as well as space, so that the US will be "preeminent in any form of conflict," in peace or war. The need for such dominance will mount as a result of the increasing "globalization of the economy," which is expected to bring about "a widening between `haves' and `have-nots'," an assessment shared by US intelligence in its projections for 2015 (contrary to the underlying economic theories, but in accord with reality). The widening divide may lead to unrest among the have-nots, which the US must be ready to control by "using space systems and planning for precision strike from space" as a "counter to the worldwide proliferation of WMD" by unruly elements -- a predictable consequence of the recommended programs, just as the "widening divide" is an anticipated consequence of the preferred form of "globalization." The Space Command could have extended its analogy to "navies protecting sea commerce" and the military "defending" expanding interests. Navies, and the military generally, have played a prominent role in technological and industrial development throughout the modern era. Also to corporate consolidation: the noted pacifist Andrew Carnegie relied heavily on naval contracts in building the first $1 billion corporation, US Steel. Militarization of space offers similar opportunities for the current era. "In terms of international technological potential," economic historian Clive Trebilcock writes, "the ability to produce the largest gunmountings around 1910 was roughly equivalent to the ability to manufacture space vehicles around 1980." The task of constructing huge machines to fire projectiles from a moving platform at a moving target was one of the most complex engineering problems of the day, leading to major advances in metallurgy, electronics, machine tools and manufacturing processes. Quick-firing guns an d advanced rifle production also posed challenging tasks for engineering and manufacture, which could be undertaken by "civilian" industry thanks to government contracts, which "played a vital part in removing the risk barriers from mass production" and preliminary research and development (R&D). The results were transferred directly to the automotive and other major modern industries. These developments a century ago were a large step forward from earlier stages, when the "American system of Manufactures" astounded the world, based on 40 years of investment and R&D in the US Ordnance Department at the Springfield Armory and elsewhere, laying the basis for "a world revolution in mass production." Earlier, advances in guncasting from the mid-18th century laid the basis for iron production and use of steam engines, and were "instrumental in facilitating the rise of large-scale industry, indeed in creating the factory system." The same factors persisted after World War II, but with a qualitative leap forward, t his time primarily in the US, as the military provided a cover for creation of the core parts of the modern high tech economy. None of the beneficiaries want to see the closing of what Trebilcock calls "the military bank, spending through the public purse, [which] has proved a massive paymaster of scientific development," technological and industrial as well. Promoting advanced industry has been a leading objective of military planning since World War II, when it was recognized by business leaders that high-tech industry could not survive in a competitive "free enterprise" economy and that "the government is their only possible savior" (Fortune, Business Week). Reagan's SDI was peddled to the business world on these grounds. Maintaining "the defense industrial base" -- that is, high-tech industry -- was one of the factors brought to congressional attention by President Bush when he called for maintaining the Pentagon budget immediately after the fall of the Berlin Wall had eliminated the Russian pretext. Militarization of space is a natural next step, which will be propelled further by the anticipated arms race. Others too are well aware of its economic potential. Retreating from his earlier critical stance, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder stated in March that Germany would have a "vital economic interest" in developing BMD technology, and must be sure that " we are not excluded" from technological and scientific work in the field. Participation in BMD programs could strengthen domestic industrial bases generally in Europe, it is expected (see Defense Monitor, March 2001). For such reasons, the US has recently refused to join the rest of the world in reaffirming the Outer Space Treaty (joined in 1999 and 2000 by Israel, in 2000 by Micronesia), and has blocked negotations at the UN Conference on Disarmament since its current sessions opened in January. China and Russia have called for demilitarization of space; Russia proposed further moves, including reduction of warheads to 1500 and creation of nuclear-free zones. "The U.S. remains the only one of the 66 member states to oppose launching formal negotiations on outer space," Reuters reported in February; also reported in the Deseret News (Salt Lake City), in virtually the only coverage of the Conference in the US media. On June 7, China again called for banning of weapons in outer space, but the US refused, having "consistently blocked the start of negotiations in the UN disarmament conference on preventing an arms race in outer space" (Financial Times, June 8). Again, that makes good sense if hegemony, with its short-term benefits to elite interests, is ranked above survival in the scale of operative values. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Chomsky on Star Wars: Part II Date: 05 Jul 2001 12:51:36 EDT --part1_bb.1091c2ba.2875f518_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Where is Part One? Jonathan --part1_bb.1091c2ba.2875f518_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Where is Part One? Jonathan --part1_bb.1091c2ba.2875f518_boundary-- - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jackie Cabasso Subject: (abolition-usa) Livermore Lab lawsuit settled Date: 05 Jul 2001 16:15:14 -0700 --=====================_16510087==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id QAA23169 TRI-VALLLEY CARES * WESTERN STATES LEGAL FOUNDATION BAY AREA PHYSICANS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 5, 2001 CONTACT: Phyllis Olin, attorney, Western States Legal Foundation, at (510= ) 526-7217 Marylia Kelley, Executive Director, TriValley CAREs, at = (925) 4437148 =20 Robert Gould, MD President SF-Bay Area Chapter Physicians for So= cial Responsibility=20 at (408) 972-7299 =20 ENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS, STATE REGULATORS REACH AGREEMENT TO ENHANCE ENVIRON= MENTAL MONITORING AT LIVERMORE NUCLEAR WEAPONS LAB, BETTER PROTECT PUBLIC OAKLAND, CA On June 26, 2001, Alameda County Superior Court Judge J. Bar= anco signed a settlement agreement capping two years of negotiations between t= hree Bay Area environmental organizations and the State agency that regulates = toxic waste at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory . .=20 In December 1999, Western States Legal Foundation (WSLF), TriVal= ley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment (CAREs), and San Francisco = Bay Area Physicians for Social Responsibility (SF PSR) filed an environmental lawsuit against the State of California Department of Toxic Substances Co= ntrol (DTSC). =20 The lawsuit challenged DTSC=92s final permit for the Lawrence Liv= ermore National Laboratory (LLNL) to operate its large onsite hazardous waste treatment facility, on the grounds that the permit had violated the Calif= ornia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Included as Respondents in the lawsuit= were the United States Department of Energy (DOE), which operates the Livermor= e Laboratory, and its manager, the Regents of the University of California.= =20 WSLF, TriValley CAREs and SF PSR initiated the lawsuit in an effo= rt to ensure that DTSC did not allow the hazardous waste treatment facility to operate without certain environmental safeguards to protect the surroundi= ng communities. The environmental watchdog groups, located in Livermore, Oa= kland, and Berkeley, have monitored LLNL since the 1980s, concerned with both wo= rker and community health issues related to the Lab. =20 The settlement agreement includes modifications to the permit, additional environmental evaluation surveillance and enhanced reporting. =20 =93The Court Order entered today is good news for Livermore Lab w= orkers and the community alike,=94 said Marylia Kelley, Executive Director of th= e Livermorebased TriValley CAREs. =93The state Department of Toxics Substances Control has agreed to double the number o= f inspections it will conduct at Livermore Lab over the next three years. This increase in regu= latory attention to hazardous=20 waste practices at Livermore will help cut down on accidents spills and l= eaks,=94 Kelley continued. =93The=20 Lab=92s record has been atrocious, and the main reason we brought the law= suit was to protect people and the environment.=94 =20 DTSC agreed to increase its surveillance in the form of added inspections of the waste treatment facility in order to evaluate complian= ce with permit requirements pertaining to, among other things, emergency notification requirements, waste in =93hold=94 status requirements and =93unacceptable waste=94 requirements. The DTSC maintained its discretio= n to include additional review of other permit requirements if necessary.=20 As part of the settlement, DTSC agreed to establish, on its offic= ial website for LLNL, a new hazardous waste management facilities section. = The site will, for the first time, provide the public with information regard= ing LLNL violations, inspection reports, accident reports, waste minimization conditions, and notice of proposed permit modifications. =20 =93Livermore Lab=92s environmental impacts are of concern to the = six million people who live within the surrounding 50-mile radius,=94 said Jackie Cab= asso, Executive Director of WSLF. =93The new website provides a welcome and much-needed vehicle for public disclosure of LLNL=92s waste treatment activities. We urge the DTSC to provide timely and comprehensive informa= tion.=94 WSLF attorney Phyllis Olin is pleased that parties have finally r= eached an agreement after two years of negotiations. =93DTSC and Real Parties ha= ve finally recognized that such a complex project as a hazardous waste treat= ment facility at a nuclear weapons laboratory has the potential to cause signi= ficant environmental impacts and therefore merits a greater degree of scrutiny a= nd public reporting.=94 =20 =93The hopeful outcome of this settlement is to enable and requir= e DTSC to better protect the health and wellbeing of communities affected by ongoin= g dangerous activities at the Lab,=94 said Robert M. Gould, MD, President o= f SF-Bay Area PSR." =20 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is one of the U.S. Departm= ent of Energy=92s prime nuclear weapons research and design facilities. The Uni= versity of California operates LLNL pursuant to a contract with DOE. =20 Plaintiffs were represented by Michael Veiluva of Alborg, Veiluva= & Cannata in Walnut Creek, CA, Alan Ramo of the Environmental Law and Justi= ce Clinic, Golden Gate University School of Law in San Francisco, and Phylli= s Olin of Western States Legal Foundation in Oakland. =20 # # # Copies of the settlement agreement are available upon request.=20 --=====================_16510087==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id QAA23169

Phyllis Olin, attorney, Western States Legal Foundation, at (510) 526-7217
         &nbs= p;       Marylia Kelley, Executive Director, TriValley CAREs, at (925) 4437148=20
         Robert Gould, MD President SF-Bay Area Chapter Physicians for Social Responsibility
         = ;        at (408) 972-7299      


  On June 26, 2001, Alameda County Superior Court Judge J. Baranco signed a settlement agreement capping two years of negotiations between three Bay Area environmental organizations and the State agency that regulates toxic waste at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory .
        In December 1999,  Western States Legal Foundation (WSLF), TriValley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment (CAREs), and San Francisco Bay Area Physicians for Social Responsibility (SF PSR) filed an environmental lawsuit against the State of California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). 

        The lawsuit challenged DTSC=92s final permit for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) to operate its large onsite hazardous waste treatment facility, on the grounds that the permit had violated the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).  Included as Respondents in the lawsuit were the United States Department of Energy (DOE), which operates the Livermore Laboratory, and its manager, the Regents of the University of California. 

        WSLF, TriValley CAREs and SF PSR initiated the lawsuit in an effort to ensure that DTSC did not allow the hazardous waste treatment facility to operate without certain environmental safeguards to protect the surrounding communities.  The environmental watchdog groups, located in Livermore, Oakland, and Berkeley, have monitored LLNL since the 1980s, concerned with both worker and community health issues related to the Lab. 

        The settlement agreement includes modifications to the permit, additional environmental evaluation surveillance and enhanced reporting.
        =93The Cou= rt Order entered today is good news for Livermore Lab workers and the community alike,=94 said Marylia Kelley, Executive Director of the Livermorebased TriValley CAREs. =93The state
Department of Toxics Substances Control has agreed to double the number of inspections it will
conduct at Livermore Lab over the next three years. This increase in regulatory attention to hazardous
waste practices at Livermore will help cut down on accidents spills and leaks,=94 Kelley continued. =93The
Lab=92s record has been atrocious, and the main reason we brought the lawsuit was to protect people and the environment.=94
        DTSC agreed to increase its surveillance in the form of added inspections of the waste treatment facility in order to evaluate compliance with permit requirements pertaining to, among other things, emergency notification requirements, waste in =93hold=94 status requirements and =93unacceptable waste=94 requirements.  The DTSC maintained its discretion to includ= e additional review of other permit requirements if necessary.

        As part of the settlement, DTSC agreed to establish, on its official website for LLNL,  a new hazardous waste management facilities section.  The site will, for the first time, provide the public with information regarding LLNL violations, inspection reports, accident reports, waste minimization conditions, and notice of proposed permit modifications.  

        =93Livermo= re Lab=92s environmental impacts are of concern to the six million people wh= o live within the surrounding 50-mile radius,=94 said Jackie Cabasso, Executive Director of WSLF.  =93The new website provides a welcome a= nd much-needed vehicle for public disclosure of LLNL=92s waste treatment activities.  We urge the DTSC to provide timely and comprehensive information.=94

        WSLF attorney Phyllis Olin is pleased that parties have finally reached an agreement after two years of negotiations. =93DTSC and Real Parties have finally recognized that such a complex project as a hazardous waste treatment facility at a nuclear weapons laboratory has the potential to cause significant environmental impacts and therefore merits a greater degree of scrutiny and public reporting.=94
=93= The hopeful outcome of this settlement is to enable and require DTSC to better protect the health and wellbeing of communities affected by ongoing dangerous activities at the Lab,=94 said Robert M. Gould, MD, President of SF-Bay Area PSR."
        Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is one of the U.S. Department of Energy=92s prime nuclear weapons research and design facilities.  The University of California operates LLNL pursuant to a contract with DOE.  

        Plaintiffs were represented by Michael Veiluva of Alborg, Veiluva & Cannata in Walnut Creek, CA, Alan Ramo of the Environmental Law and Justice Clinic, Golden Gate University School of Law in San Francisco, and Phyllis Olin of Western States Legal Foundation in Oakland. 

# # #

Copies of the settlement agreement are available upon request.
--=====================_16510087==_.ALT-- - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Livermore Lab lawsuit settled Date: 06 Jul 2001 08:07:58 -0400 Jackie, Congratulations to you all who worked to achieve this result. Frank Dworak Jackie Cabasso wrote: >=20 > TRI-VALLLEY CARES * WESTERN STATES LEGAL FOUNDATION > BAY AREA PHYSICANS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY >=20 > FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 5, 2001 > CONTACT: Phyllis Olin, attorney, Western States Legal Foundation, at > (510) 526-7217 > Marylia Kelley, Executive Director, TriValley CAREs, > at (925) 4437148 >=20 > Robert Gould, MD President SF-Bay Area Chapter > Physicians for Social Responsibility >=20 > at (408) 972-7299 >=20 > ENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS, STATE REGULATORS REACH AGREEMENT TO ENHANCE > ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AT LIVERMORE NUCLEAR WEAPONS LAB, BETTER > PROTECT PUBLIC >=20 > OAKLAND, CA On June 26, 2001, Alameda County Superior Court Judge J. > Baranco signed a settlement agreement capping two years of > negotiations between three Bay Area environmental organizations and > the State agency that regulates toxic waste at the Lawrence Livermore > National Laboratory . > . > In December 1999, Western States Legal Foundation (WSLF), > TriValley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment (CAREs), and > San Francisco Bay Area Physicians for Social Responsibility (SF PSR) > filed an environmental lawsuit against the State of California > Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). >=20 > The lawsuit challenged DTSC=92s final permit for the Lawrence > Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) to operate its large onsite > hazardous waste treatment facility, on the grounds that the permit had > violated the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Included as > Respondents in the lawsuit were the United States Department of Energy > (DOE), which operates the Livermore Laboratory, and its manager, the > Regents of the University of California. >=20 > WSLF, TriValley CAREs and SF PSR initiated the lawsuit in an > effort to ensure that DTSC did not allow the hazardous waste treatment > facility to operate without certain environmental safeguards to > protect the surrounding communities. The environmental watchdog > groups, located in Livermore, Oakland, and Berkeley, have monitored > LLNL since the 1980s, concerned with both worker and community health > issues related to the Lab. >=20 > The settlement agreement includes modifications to the permit, > additional environmental evaluation surveillance and enhanced > reporting. >=20 > =93The Court Order entered today is good news for Livermore Lab > workers and the community alike,=94 said Marylia Kelley, Executive > Director of the Livermorebased TriValley CAREs. =93The state > Department of Toxics Substances Control has agreed to double the > number of inspections it will > conduct at Livermore Lab over the next three years. This increase in > regulatory attention to hazardous > waste practices at Livermore will help cut down on accidents spills > and leaks,=94 Kelley continued. =93The > Lab=92s record has been atrocious, and the main reason we brought the > lawsuit was to protect people and the environment.=94 >=20 > DTSC agreed to increase its surveillance in the form of added > inspections of the waste treatment facility in order to evaluate > compliance with permit requirements pertaining to, among other things, > emergency notification requirements, waste in =93hold=94 status > requirements and =93unacceptable waste=94 requirements. The DTSC > maintained its discretion to include additional review of other permit > requirements if necessary. >=20 > As part of the settlement, DTSC agreed to establish, on its > official website for LLNL, a new hazardous waste management > facilities section. The site will, for the first time, provide the > public with information regarding LLNL violations, inspection reports, > accident reports, waste minimization conditions, and notice of > proposed permit modifications. >=20 > =93Livermore Lab=92s environmental impacts are of concern to th= e > six million people who live within the surrounding 50-mile radius,=94 > said Jackie Cabasso, Executive Director of WSLF. =93The new website > provides a welcome and much-needed vehicle for public disclosure of > LLNL=92s waste treatment activities. We urge the DTSC to provide timel= y > and comprehensive information.=94 >=20 > WSLF attorney Phyllis Olin is pleased that parties have > finally reached an agreement after two years of negotiations. =93DTSC > and Real Parties have finally recognized that such a complex project > as a hazardous waste treatment facility at a nuclear weapons > laboratory has the potential to cause significant environmental > impacts and therefore merits a greater degree of scrutiny and public > reporting.=94 >=20 > =93The hopeful outcome of this settlement is to enable and > require DTSC to better protect the health and wellbeing of communities > affected by ongoing dangerous activities at the Lab,=94 said Robert M. > Gould, MD, President of SF-Bay Area PSR." >=20 > Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is one of the U.S. > Department of Energy=92s prime nuclear weapons research and design > facilities. The University of California operates LLNL pursuant to a > contract with DOE. >=20 > Plaintiffs were represented by Michael Veiluva of Alborg, > Veiluva & Cannata in Walnut Creek, CA, Alan Ramo of the Environmental > Law and Justice Clinic, Golden Gate University School of Law in San > Francisco, and Phyllis Olin of Western States Legal Foundation in > Oakland. >=20 > # # # >=20 > Copies of the settlement agreement are available upon request. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ellen Thomas Subject: (abolition-usa) NucNews Special Announcement re July 16 Date: 08 Jul 2001 17:14:07 -0400 SPECIAL BULLETIN - July 8, 2001 Good news for the U.S.! Subscribers from other countries, take heart, and help spread the word! Once again DC's Delegate to Congress, Eleanor Holmes Norton, will introduce her "Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act" on July 16th, the anniversary of the first official nuclear explosion at Alamogordo, NM (July 16, 1945). You can read more at, and last session's version of the bill at This will be the fifth time Congresswoman Norton has introduced the legislation since Washington D.C.'s voters voted for Initiative 37. I'll notify you when a number has been assigned to the bill. Various ideas for how to help (world citizens included) are listed at Meanwhile, if you get a chance please (1) thank Ms. Norton for introducing the legislation (1415 Longworth House Office Building, Washington D.C. 20015 - phone 202-225-8050 - fax 225-3002); (2) contact other U.S. Representatives asking that they co-sponsor, and (3) contact U.S. Senators asking that they introduce companion legislation in the Senate. Past co-sponsors have been U.S. Representatives Lynn Woolsey and Fortney Pete Stark (California), John Lewis and Cynthia McKinney (Georgia), David Minge and James Oberstar (Minnesota), Charles Rangel (New York), Al Wynn (Maryland), and Earl Hilliard (Alabama). NucNews archives are posted through July 5, 2001 at __________________________________________________ * Peace Through Reason - * Please sign the Online Petition! - NucNews - Today and Archives - __________________________________________________ - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (marylia) Subject: (abolition-usa) bcn wire story on lawsuit settlement Date: 08 Jul 2001 15:43:39 -0700 Hello -- FYI -- the Bay City News Service article that went out on the wire reporting on the lawsuit settlement. Please post others as you see them. Peace, Marylia LIVERMORE LAB, ENVIRONMENTALISTS REACH AGREEMENT ON PERMIT OAKLAND (BCN) Three environmental watchdog groups today announced that after two years of negotiation, they have reached a settlement with the state agency that regulates toxic waste at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Representatives for the Western States Legal Foundation, the Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment and the San Francisco Bay Area for Social Responsibility announced that an Alameda County judge in Oakland today signed a settlement agreement between them and the State of California's Department of Toxic Substances Control. The groups brought a lawsuit against the agency in 1999, claiming that the department had violated the California Environmental Quality Act by granting the Livermore lab a permit to operate an onsite treatment facility for hazardous waste. The parties agreed to end litigation on June 22. The agreement includes modifications to the permit, and enhanced environmental evaluation surveillance and reporting. Marylia Kelley, of the Tri-Valley CAREs group said that under the agreement, signed by Alameda County Superior Court Judge Gordon Baranco, the department of toxic substances control will double its number of inspections of the Livermore lab. "This increase in regulatory attention to hazardous waste practices at Livermore will help cut down on accident spills and leaks,'' Kelley said. "The lab's record has been atrocious, and the main reason we brought the lawsuit was to protect people and the environment.'' A spokeswoman for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory was not immediately available to comment. JoseALopez0639p07/05/01 CONTACT: Marylia Kelley, CAREs (925) 443-7148 Anne M. Stark, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (925) 422-9799 end of story - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Conti, Richard A." Subject: (abolition-usa) Bush's 1st Star Wars Test - Saturday, July 14 Date: 09 Jul 2001 17:28:45 -0400 Next Saturday, July 14 - NO STAR WARS: No Way No How! Bush's 1st Star Wars Test is Scheduled for Next Saturday, July 14. Protest at Lockheed Martin, one of the top 4 Star Wars contractors Noon to 1:30 PM, Saturday, July 14 (just two days before the anniversary of the 1st atomic test blast)- Lockheed Martin, Mall & Goddard Boulevards, Valley Forge, PA (off Route 76 on Mall Blvd., behind the King of Prussia Mall). Septa Buses #124 and 125 available from Philadelphia; #123 from Upper Darby Terminal. More info 610-544-1818. ***************************************************** This electronic mail transmission contains confidential information intended only for the person(s) named. Any use, distribution, copying or disclosure by another person is strictly prohibited. ***************************************************** - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (abolition-usa) Please Attend! Date: 10 Jul 2001 10:34:07 EDT --part1_23.e1f537d.287c6c5f_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Attached is an invitation to an interesting program scheduled for this Thursday morning on the subject of national missile defense. Confirmed speakers include Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Sen. Jon Kyl, and Rep. Curt Weldon. The program is sponsored by Frontiers of Freedom, a conservative organization founded by former Sen. Malcolm Wallop (R-WY) and headed by my friend, George Landrith. I hope that you will be able to attend. Also, please feel free to forward this invitation to your friends and colleagues as well. It should be interesting and a complementary lunch is also included. Regards, Larson R. Larson Frisby Legislative Counsel American Bar Association Governmental Affairs Office 740 15th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 662-1098 (telephone) ~ (202) 662-1762 (fax) e-mail: > -----Original Message----- > From: George Landrith [] > Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2001 10:43 AM > To: George C. Landrith > Subject: Nat'l Missile Defense -- Come meet with Sec'y Rumsfeld > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > Please share this invitation with friends and associates. > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Frontiers of Freedom Institute > > and > > U.S. Senator Malcolm Wallop (ret.) > > cordially invite you to attend a conference on > > > NATIONAL MISSILE DEFENSE -- NEW THREATS AND NEW FRONTIERS > > with DEFENSE SECRETARY DONALD RUMSFELD > > > Thursday, July 12, 2001 > > 8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. > United States Capitol, Room SC-5 > > Confirmed Speakers: Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Senator Jon Kyl, > Senator Malcolm Wallop (ret.), Rep. Curt Weldon, Frank Gaffney, > Baker Spring, and Sven Kraemer > > You may invite guests who share an interest in this important issue. > > RSVP Phone: 703-246-0110, Ext. 301 > Fax: 703-246-0129 EUR E-mail: > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > THIS CONFERENCE INCLUDES LUNCH. THERE IS NO COST TO ATTEND. > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > RSVP Form > > Please fax this form to Frontiers of Freedom at 703-246-0129 > > NATIONAL MISSILE DEFENSE NEW THREATS & NEW FRONTIERS > > YES, I will attend! Name:___________________________________________ > > Phone:_________________________ Fax:___________________________ > > Employer: _________________________________________________________ > > Number of Guests I will bring: ______ Their names: _______________ > > ___________________________________________________________________ > > ___________________________________________________________________ > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > ___________________________________________ > George C. Landrith, III > > Executive Director > Frontiers of Freedom > 12011 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway > Third Floor > Fairfax, Virginia 22033 > > Tel: 703-246-0110, Ext. 105 > Fax: 703-246-0129 > E-mail: > ___________________________________________ > A government that robs Peter to pay Paul > can always depend upon the support of Paul. > -George Bernard Shaw- > _______________________________ --part1_23.e1f537d.287c6c5f_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Attached is an invitation to an interesting program scheduled for this
Thursday morning on the subject of national missile defense.  Confirmed
speakers include Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Sen. Jon Kyl, and
Rep. Curt Weldon.  The program is sponsored by Frontiers of Freedom, a
conservative organization founded by former Sen. Malcolm Wallop (R-WY) and
headed by my friend, George Landrith.

I hope that you will be able to attend.  Also, please feel free to forward
this invitation to your friends and colleagues as well.  It should be
interesting and a complementary lunch is also included.



R. Larson Frisby
Legislative Counsel
American Bar Association
Governmental Affairs Office
740 15th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20005
(202) 662-1098 (telephone) ~ (202) 662-1762 (fax)

> -----Original Message-----
> From:    George Landrith []
> Sent:    Saturday, July 07, 2001 10:43 AM
> To:    George C. Landrith
> Subject:    Nat'l Missile Defense -- Come meet with Sec'y Rumsfeld
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Please share this invitation with friends and associates.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Frontiers of Freedom Institute
>              and
>                    U.S. Senator Malcolm Wallop (ret.)
>              cordially invite you to attend a conference on
>                        Thursday, July 12, 2001
>                        8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
>  United States Capitol, Room SC-5
>    Confirmed Speakers: Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Senator Jon Kyl,
>    Senator Malcolm Wallop (ret.), Rep. Curt Weldon, Frank Gaffney,
>    Baker Spring, and Sven Kraemer
>  You may invite guests who share an interest in this important issue.
>                RSVP  Phone: 703-246-0110, Ext. 301
>            Fax: 703-246-0129  EUR  E-mail:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  RSVP  Form
>       Please fax this form to Frontiers of Freedom at 703-246-0129
> YES, I will attend!  Name:___________________________________________
>   Phone:_________________________     Fax:___________________________
>   Employer: _________________________________________________________
>   Number of Guests I will bring: ______  Their names: _______________
>   ___________________________________________________________________
>   ___________________________________________________________________
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  ___________________________________________
>                  George C. Landrith, III
>                         Executive Director
>                        Frontiers of Freedom
>            12011 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway
>                            Third Floor
>                      Fairfax, Virginia  22033
>      Tel: 703-246-0110, Ext. 105
>                          Fax: 703-246-0129
>                      E-mail:
>      ___________________________________________
>              A government that robs Peter to pay Paul
>              can always depend upon the support of Paul.
>              -George Bernard Shaw-
>    _______________________________
--part1_23.e1f537d.287c6c5f_boundary-- - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (abolition-usa) Please Attend If Able Date: 10 Jul 2001 10:34:47 EDT --part1_93.cfb5522.287c6c87_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Attached is an invitation to an interesting program scheduled for this Thursday morning on the subject of national missile defense. Confirmed speakers include Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Sen. Jon Kyl, and Rep. Curt Weldon. The program is sponsored by Frontiers of Freedom, a conservative organization founded by former Sen. Malcolm Wallop (R-WY) and headed by my friend, George Landrith. I hope that you will be able to attend. Also, please feel free to forward this invitation to your friends and colleagues as well. It should be interesting and a complementary lunch is also included. Regards, Larson R. Larson Frisby Legislative Counsel American Bar Association Governmental Affairs Office 740 15th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 662-1098 (telephone) ~ (202) 662-1762 (fax) e-mail: > -----Original Message----- > From: George Landrith [] > Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2001 10:43 AM > To: George C. Landrith > Subject: Nat'l Missile Defense -- Come meet with Sec'y Rumsfeld > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > Please share this invitation with friends and associates. > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Frontiers of Freedom Institute > > and > > U.S. Senator Malcolm Wallop (ret.) > > cordially invite you to attend a conference on > > > NATIONAL MISSILE DEFENSE -- NEW THREATS AND NEW FRONTIERS > > with DEFENSE SECRETARY DONALD RUMSFELD > > > Thursday, July 12, 2001 > > 8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. > United States Capitol, Room SC-5 > > Confirmed Speakers: Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Senator Jon Kyl, > Senator Malcolm Wallop (ret.), Rep. Curt Weldon, Frank Gaffney, > Baker Spring, and Sven Kraemer > > You may invite guests who share an interest in this important issue. > > RSVP Phone: 703-246-0110, Ext. 301 > Fax: 703-246-0129 EUR E-mail: > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > THIS CONFERENCE INCLUDES LUNCH. THERE IS NO COST TO ATTEND. > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > RSVP Form > > Please fax this form to Frontiers of Freedom at 703-246-0129 > > NATIONAL MISSILE DEFENSE NEW THREATS & NEW FRONTIERS > > YES, I will attend! Name:___________________________________________ > > Phone:_________________________ Fax:___________________________ > > Employer: _________________________________________________________ > > Number of Guests I will bring: ______ Their names: _______________ > > ___________________________________________________________________ > > ___________________________________________________________________ > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > ___________________________________________ > George C. Landrith, III > > Executive Director > Frontiers of Freedom > 12011 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway > Third Floor > Fairfax, Virginia 22033 > > Tel: 703-246-0110, Ext. 105 > Fax: 703-246-0129 > E-mail: > ___________________________________________ > A government that robs Peter to pay Paul > can always depend upon the support of Paul. > -George Bernard Shaw- > _______________________________ --part1_93.cfb5522.287c6c87_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Attached is an invitation to an interesting program scheduled for this
Thursday morning on the subject of national missile defense.  Confirmed
speakers include Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Sen. Jon Kyl, and
Rep. Curt Weldon.  The program is sponsored by Frontiers of Freedom, a
conservative organization founded by former Sen. Malcolm Wallop (R-WY) and
headed by my friend, George Landrith.

I hope that you will be able to attend.  Also, please feel free to forward
this invitation to your friends and colleagues as well.  It should be
interesting and a complementary lunch is also included.



R. Larson Frisby
Legislative Counsel
American Bar Association
Governmental Affairs Office
740 15th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20005
(202) 662-1098 (telephone) ~ (202) 662-1762 (fax)

> -----Original Message-----
> From:    George Landrith []
> Sent:    Saturday, July 07, 2001 10:43 AM
> To:    George C. Landrith
> Subject:    Nat'l Missile Defense -- Come meet with Sec'y Rumsfeld
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Please share this invitation with friends and associates.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Frontiers of Freedom Institute
>              and
>                    U.S. Senator Malcolm Wallop (ret.)
>              cordially invite you to attend a conference on
>                        Thursday, July 12, 2001
>                        8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
>  United States Capitol, Room SC-5
>    Confirmed Speakers: Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Senator Jon Kyl,
>    Senator Malcolm Wallop (ret.), Rep. Curt Weldon, Frank Gaffney,
>    Baker Spring, and Sven Kraemer
>  You may invite guests who share an interest in this important issue.
>                RSVP  Phone: 703-246-0110, Ext. 301
>            Fax: 703-246-0129  EUR  E-mail:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  RSVP  Form
>       Please fax this form to Frontiers of Freedom at 703-246-0129
> YES, I will attend!  Name:___________________________________________
>   Phone:_________________________     Fax:___________________________
>   Employer: _________________________________________________________
>   Number of Guests I will bring: ______  Their names: _______________
>   ___________________________________________________________________
>   ___________________________________________________________________
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  ___________________________________________
>                  George C. Landrith, III
>                         Executive Director
>                        Frontiers of Freedom
>            12011 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway
>                            Third Floor
>                      Fairfax, Virginia  22033
>      Tel: 703-246-0110, Ext. 105
>                          Fax: 703-246-0129
>                      E-mail:
>      ___________________________________________
>              A government that robs Peter to pay Paul
>              can always depend upon the support of Paul.
>              -George Bernard Shaw-
>    _______________________________
--part1_93.cfb5522.287c6c87_boundary-- - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (marylia) Subject: (abolition-usa) Military and the Planet Conf. Aug 3-4 in SF Date: 10 Jul 2001 18:20:52 -0700 Dear Peace and Environmental colleagues: Please find info and a registration form for a two day conference and a one day workshop by Joanna Macy. The conference and workshop are to be held in San Francisco. They are sponsored by our friends at Physicians for Social Responsibility and other good folks. Interested? Read on ... THE MILITARY AND THE PLANET: Redefining Security from Global Militarism to Earth Justice August 3-4, Presidio Alliance, San Francisco, California A community dialogue with councils, theater, ceremony, and workshops about the impact of Militarism on our lives and the planet, and actions to establish true security rooted in social and economic justice, and environmental sanity. Advance registration required. Register below, or visit Limited to 125 participants, so register soon! "...we must recognize that the standards of the industrial economy lead inevitably to war against humans just as they lead inevitably to war against nature"~Wendell Berry Sponsored by: The Institute for Deep Ecology, Physicians for Social Responsibility, The Cultural Conservancy, New College, Global Exchange, Youth for Environmental Sanity (YES!), Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Youth Alliance (INIYA), Agape Foundation, and the Presidio Alliance AUGUST 3...ORIGINS AND CONSEQUENCES OF MILITARISM ..."I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle-man for big business, Wall Street and for the bankers, In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism"~former Marine Corps Gen. Smedley E. Butler 9:00-12:15 Morning Council Dialogue Sandra Alvarez, Plan Colombia activist, Global Exchange Michael Coffey, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation Jose Palofax, Producer, "New World Border" video Kathleen Sullivan, nuclear awareness educator Facilitated by Joanna Macy, author and deep ecologist 12:15-1:00 Theater Presentation by Youth for Environmental Sanity's Art and Action Camp* 2:00-3:30 Workshop Session A US Imperialism in the Americas Melissa Nelson, Ojibwe activist Sandra Alvarez, Plan Colombia activist, Global Exchange Zulma Oliverez, Comite 98, Puerto Rico Human Rights Network Military Space Based Initiatives and their Corporate Ties Robert Gould, Physicians for Social Responsibility Michael Coffey, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation Fran Macy, environmental activist Military and Social Justice: The military's role in perpetuating racism and sexism Valerie Z. Alipio Jocson, GABRIELA Network Mario Hardy, A.W.O.L magazine, CCCO 3:45-5:15 Workshop Session B Militarization of the Mexico-US Border Jose Palofax, and his video "New World Border" The Ecological Consequences of Militarism Kathleen Sullivan, nuclear awareness educator Marylia Kelley, Tri-Valley CAREs Domestic Militarization Schools not Jails* 5:30-7:30 Truth Mandala: A ritual for facing pain and speaking truth Facilitated by Joanna Macy AUGUST 4...REDEFINING SECURITY 9:00- 12:15 Morning Council Dialogue Queuhtemoc (Gino) Mendoza, Mexica activist and land steward Pamela Miedell, The Atomic Mirror Jejuana Johnson, Community Self Determination Institute Anne-Marie Sayers, Costanaon Elder Facilitated by Sarah Ghiorse*, Community Action Now, Sokoni Project 12:15-1:00 Theater Presentation by Art and Revolution 2:00-3:30 Workshop Session A Truth and Reconciliation: Group Work to Transform Conflict Bonnie Mansdorf*, Foundation for a Healing Among Nations Adeela Khalid*, Peace Revival Association of Youth, Pakistan Gitana Martinez, Universal Synergy Productions Agricultural and Economic Alternatives to Militarism Tim Savage, Nautilis Institute Non-Violence Movements Alli Star*, Art and Revolution Drew Dellinger, poet, rap artist, teacher 3:30-5:15 Workshop Session B Security as if People and the Earth Mattered: deep ecology, place, and democracy Pamela Miedell, The Atomic Mirror Alternatives to Incarceration and Retaliation Jejuana Johnson, Community Self Determination Institute Decolonization and Alliance Building Queuhtemoc (Gino) Mendoza, Mexica activist and land steward Puma Quispe Singona*, Peruvian Quechua activist, INIYA Raymundo Galindo, Mexica artist, INIYA Sarah Ghiorse*, Community Action Now, INIYA Levana Saxon, IDE, INIYA a nation cannot hope to live at peace without a domestic economy that is...democratic, locally adapted, ecologicaly responsible, and reasonably self-sufficient" ~Wendell Berry 5:30-7:30 Closing Ceremony: Planting the Spirit of Security Phyllis Bala, Indigenous doctor and seer Portions of this conference will be aired on KPFA and the National Radio Project. Food provided by Food Not Bombs *invited not confirmed EARTH WARRIORS I Post-conference Workshop with Joanna Macy August 5, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Presidio Alliance There are powers for the healing of our world, and they have nothing to do with military might or military technology. These powers arise directly from the life-generating relationships of Earth. In this day-long training we will work with fundamental concepts and practices for applying the power of our deep ecology to guide and sustain us in our work for the world. Limited to 60 participants (Priority registration for those who attend the conference) REGISTRATION you can either: print and send with a check or credit card info go to the website or email the form below to Name: Address: Phone: Email: Group/Affiliation: ( ) Please share my phone and email address for ride sharing ( ) The Military and the Planet Conference, Aug 3-4 The actual cost per person is approximately $250. We are using a sliding scale in order to make the conference more accessible. ( ) $15 student or low income (we can afford only a limited number of registrations at this price) ( ) $35-$250 sliding scale based on income (see chart below) : ( ) I would like to sponsor ____ low-income participants at $35 each: ( ) I am interested in a work-exchange scholarship, please contact me. ( ) Earth Warriors I, Aug. 5 Priority registration for those who attend the conference ( ) $35-$150 sliding scale (see chart below): ( ) I am interested in a work-exchange scholarship, please contact me ( ) Tax deductible donation to support the work of IDE: Total Sent: (total amount is due with registration) Check # and amount: Credit card #: Exp. Date: Name on card: Billing address if different from above: Send to IDE, P.O. Box 1050, Occidental, CA 95465 for questions about registration, contact Alicia (707) 874-2347, fax (707) 874-2367 email:, or register online: for questions about program, contact Levana (510) 547-2270 Computing your SLIDING SCALE fee Ranges to assist you in estimating your sliding scale fee: Income Conference Earth Warriors I Under $15,000 $35-50 $35 $15-25,000 $50-75 $50 $25-35,000 $75-125 $75 $35-45,000 $125-175 $100 $45-55,000 $175-225 $125 $55,000 & up $250+ $150+ See the Website for more information about these other programs offered by the Institute for Deep Ecology: Building Bridges - a multicultural, intergenerational retreat for activists (invitational) August 16-19, Morning Star Tloque Nauaque, Lake County, Mendocino National Forest Council of All Beings Oct. 13-14 - Pepperwood, Sonoma County Earth Warriors II - a continuation of the August Earth Warriors I training with Joanna Macy Dec. 8 & 9, San Francisco Bay Area end Marylia Kelley Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) 2582 Old First Street Livermore, CA USA 94550 - is our web site, please visit us there! (925) 443-7148 - is our phone (925) 443-0177 - is our fax Working for peace, justice and a healthy environment since 1983, Tri-Valley CAREs has been a member of the nation-wide Alliance for Nuclear Accountability in the U.S. since 1989, and is a co-founding member of the Abolition 2000 global network for the elimination of nuclear weapons, the U.S. Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and the Back From the Brink campaign to get nuclear weapons taken off hair-trigger alert. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Carah Lynn Ong Subject: (abolition-usa) Controversy and Protest Surround Missile Test Date: 12 Jul 2001 15:57:08 -0600 --============_-1217147466==_ma============ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 14 July 2001 CONTACT: Carah Ong Research and Publications Director, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation Tel: (805) 965-3443 Fax: (805) 568-0466 Email: Carol Gregory, Greenpeace Media Office - (805) 291-1747 (cell), (805) 740-1430 (Communications Center) Controversy and Protest Surround Missile Test The Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) has scheduled the fourth national missile defense (NMD) intercept flight test for 14 July 2001. The last test, which failed, was conducted on 7 July 2000. The test will include a target missile, carrying a warhead and a decoy, and will be launched from Vandenberg AFB, California. After the target missile lifts off, an interceptor missile carrying a model "kill vehicle" will launch from Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific Ocean and be directed toward the target, using data collected from the system's radars. Some 50 people are expected to attend a protest vigil that will be held at the main gate of Vandenberg Air Force Base on Saturday, 14 July 2001 from 4pm until the time of the launch which is scheduled to take place between 6pm and 10pm. A Press Conference will be held at 4 pm. The non-violent, peaceful demonstration is being co-organized by the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and Greenpeace. The stated purpose of the proposed National Missile Defense (NMD) is to intercept incoming ICBMs, which can carry nuclear warheads or other weapons of mass destruction. ICBMs are capable of reaching the territory of countries separated by oceans or continents in a matter of minutes. The proposed NMD system is a space and missile tracking system that includes ground-based, sea-based, air-based and space-based components. Current and past US administrations have argued that an NMD system is needed to counter missile threats from "rogue" states such as Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea and Syria. However, if these so-called "rogue" states, or terrorist groups sponsored by them, wanted to attack the US, there are much cheaper and more efficient means to deliver a weapon of mass destruction, such as by suitcase, ship, truck or rail, all of which render an NMD system useless. There are many policy and scientific experts who claim that the proposed NMD system will not work and use this as an argument against deployment. While it is true that the system has faced testing failures and many technological setbacks, a missile defense system does not need to work to be destablizing. If the US claims that it is deploying such a system, other countries must assume that the system will work. Therefore, whether or not the system would actually work, other countries will respond as though it would. In addition, the continued development of missile defense systems and their components provides funding for defense researchers and contractors to advance technologies for their future use such as in space-based weapons systems. Ballistic missile defenses are part of a broader strategy for US control and domination of outer space. The continued technological development of Theater Missile Defense (TMD) and NMD system components will be applied to furthering US warfighting capabilities in and through outer space. On 11 January 2001, US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld issued the final report of the "Commission to Assess United States National Security Space Management and Organization." The report declares, "In the coming period the United States will conduct operations to, from, in and through space in support of its national interests both on the Earth and in space." As a means to obtain space dominance, the report calls for the US to develop a "deterrence strategy for space" and to deploy "capabilities for space, including weapons systems that operate in space and that can defend assets in orbit and augment air, land and sea forces." The report is the most recent in a series of military reports. In 1998, the US Space Command issued its "Vision for 2020" and "Long Range Plan." The "Vision for 2020" document states that because of the corporate "globalization of the world economy" there will be a widening gap between the "haves and the have-nots" and the US Space Command intends to "control and dominate" space in order to protect US "interests and investments." The "Long Range Plan" identifies how components of the planned NMD as well as components of existing and future TMD systems will be integrated to achieve "full spectrum dominance" as envisioned in the "Vision for 2020" document. Russia and China have repeatedly warned that US deployment of an NMD system will initiate new arms races, including in outer space. Russia and China, along with many other countries, are adamantly against the US unilaterally abrogating the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty which prohibits certain types of missile defense systems, including the proposed NMD. A joint statement issued in July 2000 by the Presidents of the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation stated, "To undermine the ABM Treaty will trigger off another round of arms race[s] and subsequently reverse the positive trend [that] emerged in world politics after the end of the Cold War." Additionally, many US Allies have expressed concerns about deploying a missile defense system because of its destabilizing effects on global security. Carah Ong, Research and Publications Director at the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation stated, "While the stated purpose of missile defense systems is to defend against missile attacks, it is ever-apparent that such systems are really a Trojan horse for the US to control and dominate both the Earth and outer space. Even if the systems were meant to counter proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, a much better option for the US would be to take the lead on negotiations for the abolition of nuclear weapons and all weapons of mass destruction. Ballistic missile defense systems perpetuate a high technology-driven military system based on fear and oppression. We will continue to oppose the development and deployment of any missile defense system and work for an alternative approach to security based on human and environmental needs rather than on military superiority." "Star Wars is the spark that will start a new nuclear arms race," said Gordon S. Clark, National Disarmament Coordinator for Greenpeace USA. "By pushing ahead with this system, President Bush is ignoring the deep concerns of millions of Americans who oppose it, as well as the community of nations which stands in almost unanimous opposition to Star Wars. Greenpeace will represent them by doing everything possible to stop this program." -30- --============_-1217147466==_ma============ Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Controversy and Protest Surround Missile Test

14 July 2001

Carah Ong
Research and Publications Director, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
Tel:  (805) 965-3443 Fax:  (805) 568-0466 Email:

Carol  Gregory, Greenpeace Media Office - (805) 291-1747 (cell), (805) 740-1430 (Communications Center)

Controversy and Protest Surround Missile Test

       The Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) has scheduled the fourth national missile defense (NMD) intercept flight test for 14 July 2001.  The last test, which failed, was conducted on 7 July 2000.

The test will include a target missile, carrying a warhead and a decoy, and will be launched from Vandenberg AFB, California.  After the target missile lifts off, an interceptor missile carrying a model "kill vehicle" will launch from Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific Ocean
and be directed toward the target, using data collected from the system's radars.

   Some 50 people are expected to attend a protest vigil that will be held at the main gate of Vandenberg Air Force Base on Saturday, 14 July 2001 from 4pm until the time of the launch which is scheduled to take place between 6pm and 10pm.  A Press Conference
will be held at 4 pm.  The non-violent, peaceful demonstration is being co-organized by the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and Greenpeace. 

       The stated purpose of the proposed National Missile Defense (NMD) is to intercept incoming ICBMs, which can carry nuclear warheads or other weapons of mass destruction.  ICBMs are capable of reaching the territory of countries separated by oceans or continents
in a matter of minutes. The proposed NMD system is a space and missile tracking system that includes ground-based, sea-based, air-based and space-based components.  Current and past US administrations have argued that an NMD system is needed to counter missile threats from "rogue" states such as Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea and Syria.  However, if these so-called "rogue" states, or terrorist groups sponsored by them, wanted to attack the US, there are much cheaper and more efficient means to deliver a weapon of mass destruction, such as by suitcase, ship, truck or rail, all of which render an NMD system useless.

       There are many policy and scientific experts who claim that the proposed NMD system will not work and use this as an argument against deployment.  While it is true that the system has faced testing failures and many technological setbacks, a missile defense
system does not need to work to be destablizing.  If the US claims that it is deploying such a system, other countries must assume that the system will work.  Therefore, whether or not the system would actually work, other countries will respond as though it would.  In addition, the continued development of missile defense systems and their components provides funding for defense researchers and contractors to advance technologies for their future use such as in space-based weapons systems.

        Ballistic missile defenses are part of a broader strategy for US control and domination of outer space. The continued technological development of Theater Missile Defense (TMD) and NMD system components will be applied to furthering US warfighting capabilities in and through outer space.  On 11 January 2001, US Secretary of
Defense Donald Rumsfeld issued the final report of the "Commission to Assess United States National Security Space Management and Organization."  The report declares, "In the coming period the United States will conduct operations to, from, in and through space in support of its national interests both on the Earth and in space."  As a means to obtain space dominance, the report calls for the US to develop a "deterrence strategy for space" and to deploy "capabilities for space, including weapons systems that operate in space and that can defend assets in orbit and augment air, land and sea forces."

      The report is the most recent in a series of military reports.  In 1998, the US Space Command issued its "Vision for 2020" and "Long Range Plan."  The "Vision for 2020" document states that because of the corporate "globalization of the world economy" there
will be a widening gap between the "haves and the have-nots" and the US Space Command intends to "control and dominate" space in order to protect US "interests and investments."   The "Long Range Plan" identifies how components of the planned NMD as well as components of existing and future TMD systems will be integrated to achieve "full spectrum dominance" as envisioned in the "Vision for 2020" document.

        Russia and China have repeatedly warned that US deployment of an NMD system will initiate new arms races, including in outer space.  Russia and China, along with many other countries, are adamantly against the US unilaterally abrogating the 1972 Anti-Ballistic
Missile (ABM) Treaty which prohibits certain types of missile defense systems, including the proposed NMD.  A joint statement issued in July 2000 by the Presidents of the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation stated, "To undermine the ABM Treaty will trigger off another round of arms race[s] and subsequently reverse the positive trend [that] emerged in world politics after the end of the Cold War." Additionally, many US Allies have expressed concerns about deploying a missile defense system because of its destabilizing effects on global security.

    Carah Ong, Research and Publications Director at the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation stated, "While the stated purpose of missile defense systems is to defend against missile attacks, it is ever-apparent that such systems are really a Trojan horse for the US to control and dominate both the Earth and outer space.  Even if the systems were meant to counter proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, a much better option for the US would be to take the lead on negotiations for the abolition of
nuclear weapons and all weapons of mass destruction.  Ballistic missile defense systems perpetuate a high technology-driven military system based on fear and oppression.  We will continue to oppose the development and deployment of any missile defense system and work for an alternative approach to security based on human and environmental needs rather than on military superiority."

"Star Wars is the spark that will start a new nuclear arms race," said Gordon S. Clark, National Disarmament Coordinator for Greenpeace USA. "By pushing ahead with this system, President Bush is ignoring the deep concerns of millions of Americans who
oppose it, as well as the community of nations which stands in almost unanimous opposition to Star Wars. Greenpeace will represent them by doing everything possible to stop this program."

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We have the right to stand on our tribal relations federation enterprise. Immediately we want them to release the elders! We are 3000 people here demanding the release. Arrestees Ruth Benally, Pauline Whitesinger, Elivira Horseherder, Louise Benally, and Dan Asheki. Express concern to the Hopi government. 520 738-2233 Friday Morning 6:30 am - Democracy Now ( has done an interview which should be available later today Thursday 11:15 AM PST Five Elders arrested at the Anna Mae Sundance have been released on their Own Recognizance... Ruth Benally (85 yrs. old) and a medicine woman Pauline Whitesinger (in her 8o's) Elvira Horsehearder (62) Louise Benally Jan Askie They were charged with Trespassing and No Permit. Louise Benally will issue a statement Tomorrow BMIS received this message Thursday morning, July 12th Dear Supporters of the Dine at Big Mountain, My name is Eve Schaeffer. I am writing to let you know about an emergency situation going on right now (7/12) at Anna Mae Camp at Big Mountain Yesterday the Hopi Tribal Police confronted several hundred unarmed men,women and children who are taking part in an intertribal Sundance hosted by Dine elder Ruth Benally and led by Joe Chasing Horse. Five grandmothers were arrested and the Hopi police threatened to arrest everyone else if the Sundance were to proceed. Two hours before dawn this morning, the tree was raised to start the Sundance (in violation of the police directive). My father was at the Sundance and just left this morning to help spread the word from Flagstaff. Eve Schaeffer Thursday AM Robert Dorman received a phone call from Grace Smith. Five Dineh elders have been arrested at the sundance. I have five of their names Ruth Benally (85 yrs. old) and a medicine woman Pauline Whitesinger (in her 8o's) Elvira Horsehearder (62) Louise Benally Joella Askie This info came to Grace from Louise Benally's sister, Sally Tsosie Grace Smith is very upset that elders sent to jail. This won't solve the problem, she says. These people must be released. for more information: Here is the Info that Black Mesa Indigenous support has learned: A phone call Wed Evening was recieved from Anna Mae Sundance at Big Mountain (miraculously someone atSundance had a cell phone with enough juice and reception to place a call). The Sundance grounds, Camp Anna Mae, has been surrounded by police. They are attempting to prevent the Tree of Life from entering the Sundance grounds by threatening to raid the camp and retrieve it from the arbor! There were at least twenty officers in the vicinity of Anna Mae Camp today (Wednesday),with the promise of an increased presence tommorrow (Thursday). The people are in prayer and have placed an urgent call for support. Wednesday the Hopi Tribal Police confronted several hundred unarmed men,women and children who are taking part in an intertribal Sundance hosted by Dine elder Ruth Benaly and led by Joe Chasing Horse. Five gandmothers were arrested (not sure if this was Wensday ) and the Hopi police threatened to arrest everyone else if the Sundance were to proceed. Two hours before dawn this morning, the tree was raised to start the Sundance (in violation of the police directive). The Dine Elders were charged with Trespassing and No Permit (for the cermony). Louis Benally will issue a statement tomorrow The photo enclosed is from the 1999 Sundance in which there were seven different police agency involved in the harrasment of folks. There was not a Sundance in 2000. Documentarians (of all kinds), to document police presence, and their refusal to allow Sundance to take place areneeded immediately, as well as human rights and legal observers. Of course, this is a time for all of us to pray, but also to take action. I'm sure many of us are aware of the significance of Sundance to the Big Mountain and other communities. To prevent this ceremony from happening is a violation of their religious freedom, denying them their right to pray. In order to help prevent violence, please call the Hopi Tribal Government Office as soon as possible: 520-734-3000. or 520 738-2233 Express your concern for the welfare of the people at Big Mountain, be polite, and tell them which state you're calling from. Statement from Corbin Harney, Western Shoshone Elder & Spiritual Leader: I would say that I'm making a statement against what the tribal government, the Bureau of Indian Affairs have done to the Indian people. This is something that we have done for thousands of years before you people have made a law. This is something in our tradition, this is the way that we, the people survived for probably a million years on this earth of ours because that's working with the nature. The nature is providing us with all kinds of healing from different kinds of sickness. Then you people have come along and interrupted our traditional way of life. This is what we are going to have to do from now on and before you people would really understand you should be understanding our ways because the law came upon this part of the continent not too many years ago and you took it upon yourself to interrupt our way of life. Our way of life is very important, just like your life but I wish you people would never interfere in our ceremonies, our spiritual ceremonies because this is the way we have healed each other and we are going to have to continue. This is the way our forefathers have taught us, this is what the nature have taught them, not only as a human but all the living things that provide us with all the nature way of life. I hope you understand that you are doing the wrong thing by interfering in our ways. We, the nature people have never interfered with your religion, never have and never will cause that's your way of life, so leave the people alone. This is a sad thing that you people have been doing since 1492. You have put this against us and this is something that we don't want to deal with. We have never harassed your people in your way of life, that's your religious way of life so I would say this is the way it's going to have to be. I hope you understand what you're doing and what I'm trying to say to you. FRIENDS OF NANISH SHONTIE, HOLLAND We are not indigenous to the United States of America, we are from Holland and we agree with the statement Corbin Harney , of the Western Shoshone has made above. We totally disagree with the actions you have 'followed on your laws. We feel that the native peoples as much as the white peoples are one and have as much right to act on their religion as us. It's as important to them as is our religion to us. Religion is a way of life and you cannot take away or harass a way of life. We ask to put a stop to this constant harassment of the Dineh peoples day to day life and their attempts to stay on their homeland. We cannot understand why you prohibit the native people to have a sundance which is a religious act, on their own land. In Holland we have the freedom of the religion act. We were under the assumption that people in the United States of America had the same freedom. This should apply to the native peoples as well also according to the Native American Freedom Of Religions Act. Thank you for your support. ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< SHUNDAHAI NETWORK "Peace and Harmony with all Creation" Po Box 6360, Pahrump, NV 89041 Phone:(775) 537-6088 Email: Shundahai Network is proud to be part of: US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Abolition 2000: A Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons People of Color/ Disenfranchised Communities Environmental Health Network and the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability >< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ellen Thomas Subject: (abolition-usa) Come Monday! Nuclear Free Future Award to Arjun Makhijani Date: 14 Jul 2001 13:04:57 -0400 --=====================_97041770==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Monday, 7:00 p.m. - COME HONOR ARJUN MAKHIJANI! -=20 What: Presenting 2001 =93Josephine Butler Nuclear Free Future Award=94 to= Laureate: Arjun Makhijani, founder, Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER) - Monday, July 16th, 7:00PM, Jo Butler Community Center,=20 2437 15th St. NW, Washington DC =95 Tribute to Josephine Butler- Tim Cooper =95 Honorable Eleanor Holmes Norton (invited) =95 Music- Peter Jones =95 Introduction Of Arjun Makhijani - Robert Alvarez =95 Presentation of Award- Louise Franklin-Ramirez & = =20 John Steinbach =95 Speech - Arjun Makhijani About the Award: =20 Josephine Butler, co-founder of the the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Committee= of the National Capital area, dedicated her entire being to the struggle for Peace, Justice and Nuclear Abolition. Her example was an inspiration to thousands here in the national capital area, nationally, and world-wide, and her memory lives on in the work of her many prot=E9g=E9s. Arjun Makhijani exemplifies the spirit and substance of Josephine Butler=92= s memory. From his early years working with the poor in India=92s villages, to= his current status as one of the world=92s foremost experts on environmental= issues, Arjun has never lost sight of the importance of informed activism in pursuit= of Peace and Justice. Although a serious scientist and academic, as President= of the Institute for Energy & Environmental Research Arjun dedicates much of his energy to working with activists on the front lines of resistance to nuclear and environmental madness. We hope you will be able to attend. =20 Hiroshima-Nagasaki Peace Committee P.S., If you can't attend, you can pay your respects to Arjun Makhijani by writing to him at __________________________________________________ * Peace Through Reason - * Please sign the Online Petition! - NucNews - Today and Archives - =20 __________________________________________________ --=====================_97041770==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Monday, 7:00 p.m. - COME HONOR ARJUN MAKHIJANI! -

What: Presenting 2001 =93Josephine Butler Nuclear Free Future Award=94 to Laureate: Arjun Makhijani, founder, Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER) -
Monday, July 16th, 7:00PM, Jo Butler Community Center,
2437 15th St. NW, Washington DC

        =95 Tribute to Josephine Butler- Tim Cooper
        =95 Honorable Eleanor Holmes Norton (invited)
        =95 Music- Peter Jones
        =95 Introduction Of Arjun Makhijani - Robert Alvarez
        =95 Presentation of Award- Louise Franklin-Ramirez &          =           &= nbsp;          John Steinbach
        =95 Speech - Arjun Makhijani

About the Award: 

Josephine Butler, co-founder of the the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Committee of the National Capital area, dedicated her entire being to the struggle for Peace, Justice and Nuclear Abolition. Her example was an inspiration to thousands here in the national capital area, nationally, and world-wide, and her memory lives on in the work of her many prot=E9g=E9s.

Arjun Makhijani  exemplifies the spirit and substance of Josephine Butler=92s memory. From his early years working with the poor in India=92s villages, to his current status as one of the world=92s foremost experts on environmental issues, Arjun has never lost sight of the importance of informed activism in pursuit of Peace and Justice. Although a serious scientist and academic, as President of the Institute for Energy &
Environmental Research Arjun dedicates much of his energy to working with activists on the front lines of resistance to nuclear and environmental madness.

We hope you will be able to attend. 

        Hiroshima-Nag= asaki Peace Committee

P.S., If you can't attend, you can pay your respects to Arjun Makhijani by writing to him at


*   Peace Through Reason -  *
    Please sign the Online Petition! -
     NucNews - Today and Archives -
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Perhaps we could use this three-week time period to harness our energies more intensively for nuclear abolition given the current administration's initiatives in the opposite direction. In peace, Pamela Meidell Dear Abolition Friends, Monday, July 16 is "Trinity Day," the 56th anniversary of the first nuclear test in history, and the fiery birth of the Nuclear Age on Mescalero Apache land in southern New Mexico. Many nuclear abolition advocates are gathered in Santa Fe, New Mexico for five days, educating and energizing each other for the task ahead of us. We are participating in the US Network (formerly Campaign) to Abolish Nuclear Weapons annual general meeting, and the Peace Action New Mexico conference and rally. We invite you to pause and join us, wherever you are on Monday, to remember the beginning of the Nuclear Age, and to recommit yourselves to our mutual work of nuclear abolition. We offer this litany of remembrance for your reflection and use. Last year, members of the US Campaign (now Network) to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, read out this litany in our nation's capital in a downpour. We will do so again this year in Los Alamos, rain or shine. We hope you will join us. (Please feel free to circulate widely. Apologies for duplicate postings, if you are on several lists. We would appreciate hearing from you any observances you organize on this day, or other ways you use the litany.) Thank you! Litany of Remembrance for the Nuclear Age July 16, 2001 In the year 2001, the people of the earth remember the beginning of the Nuclear Age on July 16, 1945. We remember each child born since the dawn of the Nuclear Age, the miracle and sacredness of each living being. We remember the image of the first mushroom cloud of the Trinity atomic test, rising above the earth near Alamogordo, New Mexico. We remember the words of Robert Oppenheimer, director of the Manhattan Project, "I am become Death, the Shatterer of Worlds." We remember "Little Boy," and "Fat Man," the atomic bombs that destroyed the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945. Today, we remember the terrible destructive power and violence latent within us, and made manifest in the bomb. We look into our hearts and draw from the deep wells of beauty, creativity, and humanity's spiritual traditions, to nurture a culture of peace and health. We remember the visionaries who have come before us, calling us to our best selves. We give thanks for their witness and their commitment to life. We remember the cost to all life of our commitment to death. We remember the Indigenous peoples of the Earth, on whose lands we mine for uranium, test our nuclear weapons, and fill with our nuclear waste. We remember the Hibakusha, the Downwinders, the Atomic Veterans, the children of Chernobyl and Three Mile Island, knowing that in a global community, we are all Hibakusha, we are all Downwinders. We remember the deserts of New Mexico, Nevada, Lop Nor, Maralinga, Algeria, Rajasthan, and Kazakhstan, where the atomic violence creates deserts in our hearts and souls. We remember the islands of Bikini, Christmas, Eniwetok, Fangataufa, Johnston, Monte Bello, Moruroa, and Novaya Zemlya, where the atomic destruction makes us islands unto ourselves. We remember the plants and animals of the earth, whose waters, soil, and air, we contaminate in the name of "national security." We remember our children and grandchildren and all beings of the future, and ask their forgiveness for the radioactive legacy we leave to them. Today, we remember our nuclear history so that we will not repeat it. Copyright 2000 by the Atomic Mirror. Permission to use or reprint is freely granted. Pamela Meidell Director The Atomic Mirror "Reflecting and Transforming our Nuclear World through the Arts" P.O. Box 220 Port Hueneme, CA 93044 tel: 805 985 5073 fax: 805 985 7563 email: "Politics is the art of the possible, Creativity is the art of the impossible." Ben Okri - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pamela Meidell Subject: (abolition-usa) ALERT: Bush II and International Treaties Date: 17 Jul 2001 15:00:04 -0700 Dear Friends, A British activist colleague who has worked for years on nuclear issues has the following article printed in the Guardian today. Definite food for thought and seeds for creative action. Please consider how you can get involved and speak out if you haven't already! In peace, Pamela Meidell Doomsday=20 Bush Has Been Ditching Treaties Since He Came To Power.=20 He Must Be Stopped Before It's Too Late.=20 by Rebecca Johnson=20 They pulled out of the Kyoto treaty, and I did not speak out, because I thought global warming wouldn't affect me personally. Then they trashed the anti-ballistic-missile treaty, but I did not speak out, because it was an old, bilateral agreement from 30 years ago.=20 Then they put private, commercial interests above implementing and verifying the treaties banning chemical, biological and toxin weapons, but I did not speak out because such weapons are too complicated for media coverage. Then they threatened the nuclear test ban treaty, and I did not speak out, because the United States is a major ally that I did not want to offend.=20 Then the international arms control and non-proliferation regimes collapsed. Americans weren't bothered at first, for hadn't the government promised a super-sophisticated force field round the whole nation that no terrorist or missile would ever penetrate? So nuclear testing resumed in Nevada for new warheads to improve the kill prospects of missile interceptors and to penetrate deep into enemies' bunkers.=20 India had been waiting for just such a go-ahead, and Pakistan soon followed; both raced to test warheads to fit on to missiles, upping the tension in Kashmir and along the borders with China. Free now to resume its own testing, China boosted its program to modernize and increase the size of its small nuclear arsenal. Somewhat reluctantly, Russia followed. Moscow suspended all further reductions and cooperative security and safety programs for its still-large nuclear arsenal and facilities.=20 Within a few short years, the nuclear nonproliferation treaty was just another discarded agreement. Many governments with nuclear power programs developed nuclear weapons as well, while others fitted anthrax or sarin on to weapons, just in case. Most hadn't wanted to, but fearful that their neighbors would, all felt compelled.=20 Regional rivalries grew quickly into major international problems. Alliances collapsed amid suspicion and recriminations. The burgeoning arms races even spread into outer space, threatening military surveillance, as well as public communication, entertainment and navigation. No one knew who had what.=20 Deterrence was empty, as defense analysts calculated the advantages of the pre-emptive strike. In that terrified atmosphere of insecurity and mistrust, someone launched first. And then it was too late to speak out. The Republicans hadn't yet managed to get missile defense to work.=20 Such a doomsday scenario is not so fanciful. On July 7, the New York Times announced that President Bush wants to ditch the comprehensive test ban treaty. A week before, the administration asked nuclear laboratories to work out how quickly the US could resume testing after its nine-year moratorium.=20 If Bush were to back out of the test ban treaty or break the moratorium on nuclear testing - undertaken with China, Russia, Britain and France - he would also explicitly breach agreements made last May, when 187 countries negotiated measures to strengthen and implement the non- proliferation treaty.=20 The test ban is no outdated cold war instrument, but a fundamental tool to prevent new, destabilizing developments in nuclear weapons. Over several decades, from the Arctic to the Pacific, from the capitals of Europe to the deserts of Nevada, people have marched, petitioned, demonstrated and even sailed or hiked into test sites. Many have been imprisoned, and some even lost their lives trying to stop the nuclear weapons governments from polluting our oceans and earth with radioactivity from nuclear explosions, conducted for one purpose only - to make "better" nuclear bombs.=20 It took three arduous years to complete negotiations on the comprehensive test ban treaty. It isn't perfect. No product of compromise ever is. The verification system is very thorough, but it also had to be affordable, financially and politically.=20 The treaty stopped short of closing and dismantling the known test sites or banning laboratory testing, which the weapon states said they needed to assure the safety and reliability of weapons in the stockpiles (pending achievement of their other treaty obligations to eliminate the nuclear arsenals completely). But it does ban all nuclear test explosions in all environments.=20 India panicked, because the treaty would close off its nuclear options. It refused to sign, and then let off a string of nuclear explosions in May 1998. Pakistan followed, to prove it could. Even so, the treaty held. Neither government has felt able to keep testing, which means their options for further developments were curbed.=20 Bush has embarked on a very slippery slope that could potentially put at risk the future of the citizens of even the most advanced military nation. Mumbling and grumbling won't keep us safe. It is time to speak out.=20 Rebecca Johnson is executive director=20 of the Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy=20 Published on Tuesday, July 17, 2001 in the Guardian of London=20 =A9 Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001 =20 Pamela Meidell=20 Director The Atomic Mirror "Reflecting and Transforming our Nuclear World through the Arts" P.O. Box 220 Port Hueneme, CA 93044 tel: 805 985 5073 fax: 805 985 7563 email: "Politics is the art of the possible, Creativity is the art of the impossible." Ben Okri - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Culp Subject: (abolition-usa) Good news from Congress on nuclear testing Date: 19 Jul 2001 08:45:45 -0400 1. Nevada Test Site Readiness Request Denied. Currently it would take the Energy Department two to three years of preparations to conduct a nuclear test at the Nevada Test Site. The Bush administration had proposed that the readiness period be shortened to six months. However, the Appropriations Committees have rejected the request. The Republican-controlled House Appropriations Committee barred any funds "to increase the readiness for underground nuclear testing" in its energy and water appropriations bill. The strong language from the subcommittee chairman, Rep. Sonny Callahan (AL), is at the bottom of this message. The Senate Appropriations Committee also rejected the administration's request in its version of the bill. 2. Full Funding for Nuclear Testing Monitoring Organization. The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) was created as an international body to monitor compliance with the nuclear testing moratorium. The Bush administration budget request for fiscal year 2002 includes the U.S. dues payment to the CTBTO of $20 million, similar to previous requests. Some Senators have been urging that the U.S. terminate its payments to the organization. In a March 12 letter to the State Department, Sen. Jesse Helms stated: "I believe that it is time ... to terminate funding to CTBT organizations." However, Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee this week provided full funding for the CTBTO in the foreign operations appropriations bill. Credit goes to Rep. Jim Kolbe (AZ), the foreign operations appropriations subcommittee chairman. Sen. Patrick Leahy (VT), a strong supporter of arms control, chairs the Senate Appropriations subcommittee that handles the foreign operations bill. Thus CTBTO funding is secure for fiscal year 2002. However, the Bush administration is currently reviewing whether the U.S. should continue payments to the CTBTO and may decide not to request further funds for the organization in the fiscal year 2003 budget, which will be submitted in February 2003. Thanks to those of you of that contributed to these victories. We can expect both issues to be back next year. David Culp, Legislative Representative Friends Committee on National Legislation (Quakers) 245 Second Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002-5795 Tel: (202) 547-6000, ext. 146 Fax: (202) 546-6019 E-mail: Website: Report on the House Energy and Water Appropriations Bill, FY 2002 House Report 107-112, pp. 125-126. Underground Nuclear Testing.--The Department of Energy was slow to provide detailed justification for its supplemental appropriations funding request for fiscal year 2001 to the Committee. The information it provided to the Committee was informal and on an ad-hoc rather than a formal basis. After the Committee had made its funding recommendations for the bill, DOE submitted formal justification material to justify its request. The formal material mentions funding to increase the state of readiness of underground nuclear testing. If the Nation were to decide to invest funds to restore underground nuclear testing to a higher level than presently, this could only be done: (1) once the Secretary of Defense concluded his strategic review; (2) once the President made a recommendation to the Congress; (3) once it was approved by the Armed Services Committees of the House and the Senate; and (4) only if it were subsequently approved by Congress. None of these activities has occurred. It is not the Committee's intent to provide funding in this Act, the supplemental appropriations Act for fiscal year 2001, or any prior Act for activities to increase the readiness for underground nuclear testing. None of the funds in such Acts may be used for that purpose. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Crockett Williams" Subject: (abolition-usa) will Aboliton 2000 movement target 2000th Christmas 12/25/01 date for nuclear abolition? Date: 22 Jul 2001 10:41:55 +0800 On Friday, July 13th, I visited with David Krieger at the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation in Santa Barbara to report that his and the Abolition 2000 messages submitted last year to the Global Peace Walk 2000 had been delivered, along with many other global peace messages in Washington DC and to the United Nations last October, and to suggest a resetting of the Abolition 2000 Coalition's nuclear abolition target date for December 25th this year, the traditionally recognized "2000th Christmas" birth anniversary of Jesus. When I explained that I was organizing a peace walk from Bethlehem to Jerusalem for that day to end with a "Jerusalem Peace Council" to present messages for global peace accumulated between now and then on the internet, and suggested that "nuclear abolition would be a great 2000th birthday present to offer Jesus" his eyes lit up with a twinkle and he said "it sure would be". He explained that the Abolition 2000 theme had been changed before the end of last year from getting a nuclear abolition framework established by the end of last year to the achieved goal of enrolling over 2000 organizations endorsing nuclear abolition. If each of these organizations and their networks are alerted to this idea of a new target date goal to obtain a nuclear abolition framework by the 2000th Christmas, this could capture the imagination and cooperation at deep levels among the public and leaders around the world, especially the United States, and perhaps more tangible and immediate progress towards this goal could be thereby achieved. This could also add impetus and greater support for the bill again submitted to Congress last week by DC Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, the Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act which needs additional Congressional co-sponsors to have any hope of making it to a vote in Congress. Before December 25th this year would be an inspirational target date by which such Congressional floor vote might take place Please forward this idea to your networks for their consideration and request for their submissions of messages along these lines to the Jerusalem Peace Council list website Financial support for this project and the Bethlehem to Jerusalem Global Peace Walk may be sent to David Crockett Williams (661-822-3309) PO Box 147 Tehachapi, CA 93581 - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sally Light Subject: (abolition-usa) [Fwd: [abolition-caucus] Serge Levillayer trial] Date: 23 Jul 2001 08:21:44 +0100 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------10912D9BAB32081AA7FF4FC5 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit --------------10912D9BAB32081AA7FF4FC5 Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Return-Path: Received: from ([]) by merlin (EarthLink SMTP Server) with SMTP id tlnltt.42q.37tiu4s.1 for ; Mon, 23 Jul 2001 00:52:29 -0700 (PDT) X-eGroups-Return: Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 23 Jul 2001 07:51:59 -0000 X-Sender: X-Apparently-To: Received: (EGP: mail-7_2_0); 23 Jul 2001 07:51:58 -0000 Received: (qmail 25546 invoked from network); 23 Jul 2001 07:51:57 -0000 Received: from unknown ( by with QMQP; 23 Jul 2001 07:51:57 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by mta3 with SMTP; 23 Jul 2001 07:51:57 -0000 Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.1) with ESMTP id JAA1089501; Mon, 23 Jul 2001 09:51:55 +0200 (CEST) Cc: Serge Levillayer Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Mailing-List: list; contact Delivered-To: mailing list Precedence: bulk List-Unsubscribe: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Dear friends, Serge Levillayer, a well-known french activist against nuclear weapons is brought to trial this tuesday, July 24th in France. His crime: painting on the ground in front of the Cherbourg arsenal and basis of nuclear submarines in Britany (Brest, France) the statement of the International Court of Justice of The Hague against the use or threat of nuclear weapons. For sure, letters to the Court will be helpfull to show the international support to his action. See below a proposal of letter, in french, to send by fax to the number: 33 2 33 01 61 74 Thank you for your support, Dominique lalanne, Stop-Essais/Abolition of nuclear weapons Affaire Serge Levillayer Audience du 24 juillet, 16 h Monsieur le Pr=E9sident du Tribunal 15, rue des Tribunaux 50100 CHERBOURG Monsieur le Pr=E9sident, Serge Levillayer est appel=E9 =E0 compara=EEtre devant votre tribunal, le 2= 4 juillet prochain =E0 16 heures pour y r=E9pondre de ses actes. Le pr=E9venu est poursuivi pour avoir inscrit sur la chaussee et le parking de l'arsenal de Cherbourg l'Avis de la Cour internationale de Justice de La Haye (CIJ) sur la lic=E9it=E9 des armes nucl=E9aires. M. Serge Levillayer rappelle que la France commet une infraction=20 caract=E9ris=E9e au droit international en poursuivant la modernisation de = son=20 armement nucl=E9aire. En effet, le 8 juillet 1996, la Cour de La Haye affir= ma=20 en toute ind=E9pendance, et ce malgr=E9 les pressions exerc=E9es sur elle p= ar les 5=20 grandes puissances, que "la menace et de l'usage des armes atomiques sont e= n=20 g=E9n=E9ral contraires aux r=E8gles qui r=E9gissent les conflits arm=E9s". Par cette action, Monsieur Levillayer a voulu rappeler que des activit=E9s illicites contredisent l'Avis de la plus haute juridiction internationale. En effet, la Direction des constructions navales (DCN) de Cherbourg a la ma=EEtrise d'oeuvre des sous-marins nucl=E9aires fran=E7a= is de la nouvelle g=E9n=E9ration (SNLE-NG) qui constituent l'essentiel du dispositif de frappe nucleaire de la France. Les sous-marins nucl=E9aires strat=E9giques sont arm=E9s de 288 ogives nucl=E9aires sur les 350 en servi= ce. Or, le 28 juillet 2000, le ministre francais de la D=E9fense a annonc=E9 la construction d'un 4=E8me SNLE-NG =E0 Cherbourg. Ce nouveau programme sera r=E9parti entre une dizaine d'=E9tablissements d=E9pendant de la DCN et va impliquer environ 4.000 entreprises sous-traitantes mais pour 50% de sa valeur, ce programme sera assur=E9 par la DCN de Cherbourg. En inscrivant l'extrait de l'Avis de la CIJ sur la chaussee et le parking de l'arsenal, Monsieur Levillayer n'a fait qu'attirer l'attention sur le necessaire respect du droit international. Cette course au d=E9veloppement qualitatif et non plus quantitatif - comme durant la p=E9riode de la "guerre froide" -, jette le discr=E9dit sur l'adh=E9sion de la France au Trait=E9 sur la non prolif=E9ration nucl=E9air= e ratifi=E9, le 1er juillet 1992. De ce fait la France infirme sa volont=E9 manifest=E9e =E0 New York en mai 2000, lors de la Conf=E9rence de r=E9visio= n du TNP, de s'engager "sans =E9quivoque =E0 r=E9aliser l'=E9limination totale d= e ses arsenaux nucl=E9aires". Par les poursuites engag=E9es contre Serge Levillayer, on stigmatise un citoyen profond=E9ment attach=E9 au caract=E8re sacr=E9 =E0 toute vie humai= ne et dont l'existence toute enti=E8re t=E9moigne de ses convictions non-violentes, et on omet d'incriminer les dirigeants politiques qui portent la responsabilit=E9 de cette situation qui menace la paix mondiale. Nous osons croire, Monsieur le Pr=E9sident, qu'au del=E0 du caract=E8re tr= =E8s peu "d=E9lictueux" des faits retenus, vous saurez reconna=EEtre la l=E9gitimit=E9 de l'expression de Monsieur Levillayer. Depuis longtemps Serge Levillayer - instituteur retrait=E9 et membre de l'association Stop Essais ! et donc membre du reseau Abolition 2000- a choisi son camp, celui des abolitionnistes qui condamnent la peine de mort inflig=E9e sans discrimination aux non-combattants comme aux militaires par le jeu des repr=E9sailles nucl=E9aires, le camp du "seul combat qui vaille la peine d'=EAtre men=E9" selon Albert Camus, celui de la raison contre l'enfer. Vous remerciant de votre compr=E9hension et de votre cl=E9mence, nous vous= =20 assurons, Monsieur le Pr=E9sident, de notre haute consid=E9ration et de nos= =20 salutations distingu=E9es. Name, adresse, institution To subscribe to the Abolition Global Caucus, send an email from the account= you wish to be subscribed to: "" Do not include a subject line or any text in the body of the message.=20 Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to --------------10912D9BAB32081AA7FF4FC5-- - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (marylia) Subject: (abolition-usa) Action at Livermore Lab Aug. 6 Date: 26 Jul 2001 09:48:31 -0700 You are invited to Livermore! We look forward to seeing you! Here is the basic info you need about the action. Please come, and please publicize the Aug. 6 action through your contacts. Cool fliers are available from us on request. (Additionally, if you are interested in bicycling on Aug 6 from UC Berkeley to Livermore, let me know and I will send you David Weddingdress' email for that event.) Peace, Marylia What: Rally and Nonviolent Direct Action Title: "Peace on Earth and in Space" When: Monday, August 6, 2001, beginning at 7 AM Why: Commemorating the 56th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan Where: Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab, corner of East Ave. & Vasco Rd., Livermore (directions, below) Speakers: Dr. Robert M. Bowman, President of the Institute for Space and Security Studies, on weapons in space Dial Keju of the Marshall Islands, where Livermore and Los Alamos Labs conducted above-ground nuclear testing Music: Members of the La Pena Chorus Memorial: to honor local activists who have died in 2000-2001 Maylie Scott * Pauline Thompson * Judy Foster * Robert Heifetz Abe Zwickel * Dorothy Brownhold * Marie Pastrick * Jane Hutchins Following the rally and commemoration: There will be a procession to the gates of the Livermore Lab for a nonviolent, risk arrest action Bring: Banners, signs, origami, musical instruments and friends Directions: Take I-580 to the Vasco Road exit in Livermore. Go south on Vasco about two miles to East Ave. For further information: Livermore Conversion Project (510) 663-8065 Cosponsored by Northern California peac groups including Tri-Valley CAREs (925) 443-7148 Marylia Kelley Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) 2582 Old First Street Livermore, CA USA 94550 - is our web site, please visit us there! (925) 443-7148 - is our phone (925) 443-0177 - is our fax Working for peace, justice and a healthy environment since 1983, Tri-Valley CAREs has been a member of the nation-wide Alliance for Nuclear Accountability in the U.S. since 1989, and is a co-founding member of the Abolition 2000 global network for the elimination of nuclear weapons, the U.S. Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and the Back From the Brink campaign to get nuclear weapons taken off hair-trigger alert. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (marylia) Subject: (abolition-usa) Aug 6 eve Benefit with Jesse Colin Young Date: 26 Jul 2001 10:34:56 -0700 BENEFIT CONCERT -- GREAT MUSIC, FOOD, BEER, WINE AND NO NUKES For Immediate Release Contact: Tom Campbell, Guacamole Fund, 310-374-4837 Danny Kennedy , Greenpeace, 415-512-9110 Marylia Kelley, Tri-Valley CAREs, 925-443-7148 John Hadder, Citizen Alert, 775-827-4200 JESSE COLIN YOUNG AND NO NUKES AT DOWNTOWN Singer-songwriter Jesse Colin Young will be appearing at a "No Nukes" evening at the Berkeley restaurant and bar, "downtown," on August 6th. This special evening of food, libations and music featuring Jesse Colin Young and Sons will be sponsored by Greenpeace with the proceeds going to Tri-Valley CAREs and Citizen Alert. The event will commemorate the 56th anniversary of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Tickets are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law and are $100, which includes the show with complimentary beer and wine and the artists party following, with gourmet light fare. There are a limited number of $250 tickets, which include a gourmet dinner and the show and party. Tickets may be purchased at downtown, located at 2102 Shattuck Avenue or at C'esar at 1515 Shattuck Avenue in Berkeley. To order by phone, call 800-728-6223. The show begins at 7:00 PM. The founder of the sixties hit group, The Youngbloods, Jesse Colin Young went on to a successful solo career and is touring with his son and godson. The trio will perform at downtown on Monday, August 6, 2001, playing a mix of old songs and material from their new album, "Walk the Talk," which was released in May. Tri-Valley CAREs promotes global nuclear disarmament and seeks to transform the Livermore Lab from nuclear weapons design to peaceful pursuits, ensure the cleanup of toxic and radioactive pollution coming from the weapons lab, and safeguard the Bay Area from the additional threats posed by the lab's new nuclear weapons programs. A major focus of the organization is stopping the construction of the controversial National Ignition Facility, a football stadium-sized nuclear fusion machine being built at Livermore Lab to blast radioactive fuel pellets with 192 laser beams. "We are deeply appreciative that Jesse Colin Young is bringing his stellar talent to the Bay Area to stop new nuclear weapons programs," said Marylia Kelley, Tri-Valley CAREs' executive director. "The benefit at 'downtown' promises to satisfy not only the ears and palates of its patrons, but also their hearts' aspirations for a more peaceful world." Visit the group's website at Citizen Alert is a 26 year old grassroots Nevada-based organization that has been informing the public and organizing around nuclear issues since its inception. The Department of Energy (DOE) is planning to recommend Yucca Mountain, NV to the president this year as the appropriate place to store the nations high-level radioactive waste. The current proposal is to transport, by rail and truck, 77,000 tons of this waste through 43 states -- potentially impacting millions of people. Yucca Mountain is located 90 miles northwest of Las Vegas. Yucca Mountain is a poor choice, lying within the highest earthquake class zone and on top of a freshwater aquifer. There is still great uncertainty about the site and the transportation of the waste. Even the DOE admits the site will leak; it's just a matter of when and how much. "We need to readdress the national policy on nuclear waste for now and for our future generations," explained John Hadder of Citizen Alert. The group's website is Greenpeace's "Clean Energy Now Campaign," in conjunction with local and state-based groups, is working to reduce California's impact on the local and global environment by helping to forge the world's largest clean energy economy replete with good jobs and export opportunities. Greenpeace supports the struggle for clean and affordable electricity -- which means no nukes and no more fossil fools. Greenpeace will expose corporate profiteering at consumers' expense, as well as use non-violent direct action to push utilities, politicians and other decision-makers to make choices which advance clean energy technology and protect the climate and future generations from global warming. Go to for more information. "downtown" is a recently opened restaurant and bar in Berkeley, operated by Richard Mazzera, who managed the seminal California eatery, "Chez Panisse" for over 25 years. According to Richard, "We are pleased to be able to continue the same kinds of commitment and community involvement that we experienced with 'Chez Panisse' at 'C'esar' and 'downtown'. We are looking forward to a great evening of music with Jesse, his boys and No Nukes." ### THE GUACAMOLE FUND CULTURAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL CHANGE AND SERVICE EVENTS PH: 310/374-4837 * FX: 310/374-0878 440-B PIER AVENUE, HERMOSA BEACH, CA 90254 Marylia Kelley Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) 2582 Old First Street Livermore, CA USA 94550 - is our web site, please visit us there! (925) 443-7148 - is our phone (925) 443-0177 - is our fax Working for peace, justice and a healthy environment since 1983, Tri-Valley CAREs has been a member of the nation-wide Alliance for Nuclear Accountability in the U.S. since 1989, and is a co-founding member of the Abolition 2000 global network for the elimination of nuclear weapons, the U.S. Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and the Back From the Brink campaign to get nuclear weapons taken off hair-trigger alert. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Culp Subject: (abolition-usa) Action Alert on Missile Defense Date: 26 Jul 2001 18:47:13 -0400 Dear Friends -- Below is FCNL's recent action alert on missile defense. Links to background material and to sample letters to Congress are in the alert. Feel free to use, modify or adapt the alert for your own use. Sincerely, David Culp Friends Committee on National Legislation FCNL LEGISLATIVE ACTION MESSAGE - July 26th, 2001 The following action items from the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) focus on federal policy issues currently before Congress or the Administration as of July 26th, 2001. TOPICS: MISSILE DEFENSE MISSILE DEFENSE: Next week, the House Armed Services Committee is expected to consider the 2002 Defense Authorization bill which includes authorization for missile defense program activities. The bill is likely to include provisions authorizing activities which would violate the terms of the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty with Russia and accelerate research, development and deployment of a missile defense system. The Bush administration has announced its intention to either terminate the ABM treaty with Russia's consent or, barring this, unilaterally withdraw from the treaty sometime over the next several months. The President has also proposed a dramatic 57% ($3 billion) increase in spending on missile defense research, development and deployment for FY2002, which, if enacted would raise total missile defense spending to $8.3 billion. The Senate will consider the Defense Authorization bill in September. ACTION: Please contact your legislators today, especially if they serve on the House or Senate Armed Services Committee. Urge them to oppose any provisions in the Defense Department Authorization bill which would authorize missile defense program activities that violate the ABM treaty. The U.S. should not rush to deploy a missile defense system that would undermine international arms control and disarmament efforts. Please contact your senators or organize delegations to meet with your senators to discuss these concerns over the August and Labor Day recess. You can use FCNL's web site to find out if your senators or representative are on the Senate or House Armed Services Committees. Click on the link below, enter your zip code in the appropriate box, and click . Scroll down to the bottom of the page and find your senators and representative. Under their names, click on . Committee information is listed under the heading . Here is the link: . You can also contact Peter Morscheck at FCNL, via email at or via telephone at (202) 547-6000 x 115. USE FCNL'S WEB SITE TO MAKE LETTER-WRITING EASIER: Start with the sample letter posted in our Legislative Action Center, personalize the language, then send your message as an email directly from our site or print it out and mail it. To view a sample letter, click on the link below. Then enter your zip code and click in the box. Here is the link . BACKGROUND: Last week, the Bush Administration announced that U.S. missile defense research and development (R&D) activities over the next several months will likely bring the U.S. out of compliance with the ABM treaty. This week, the Administration indicated that it hopes the Russians will agree to abandon the treaty with the U.S., but that the Administration plans to move ahead aggressively with its missile defense program whether the Russians agree or not. The Administration wants to complete construction of a missile defense interceptor site at Fort Greeley, Alaska by 2004. It plans to begin clearing trees at the site this fall (which would not violate the ABM treaty), and it would begin pouring concrete next spring (which would violate the treaty). The treaty requires that the U.S. or Russia give 6 months formal notice to the other party before withdrawing from the treaty. However, the Bush Administration has not yet given this notice to the Russians. It is uncertain how the Russians will respond. Last week, following the meeting between Presidents Bush and Putin, the Russians indicated they would be willing to negotiate a new agreement on missile defenses. However, the Bush Administration indicated that it had no interest in revising the treaty or negotiating a new formal agreement. Instead, the Administration is seeking to continue high level consultations with Russia through which they hope to achieve informal agreement that both countries will simply withdraw from the treaty. The Administration is proposing to expedite deployment of a missile defense system and expand R&D despite serious questions about the justification, efficacy, cost, and reliability of such a system. For example: * There is little credible threat of a ballistic missile attack from countries such as North Korea, Iraq, or Iran, and these improbable threats can be reduced further and at much less cost through bilateral and multilateral diplomatic initiatives and verifiable arms control agreements. * Governments around the world, especially in Europe and East Asia are concerned that U.S. missile defense plans will undermine global arms control and disarmament efforts. * An accelerated missile defense program is virtually certain to lead China to increase the number of nuclear weapons pointed at U.S. cities and may discourage Russia from making deep cuts in its arsenal. * After over thirty years and over $100 billion of research and development, engineers have yet to design a missile defense system that will work under realistic conditions. * Finally, the Bush administration has yet to provide full details to Congress or the American people about what it is they plan to build, how much it will cost, or how they will pay for it. Expensive, high-tech weapons are no substitute for effective diplomacy, arms control, disarmament, and international cooperation. Cooperative international arms control and disarmament agreements will be far more effective in advancing peace and security in the years ahead and will cost far less than a missile shield. The Bush Administration has tried to present missile defense as a moral imperative for the country. However, we at FCNL believe that the true moral imperative is not to build yet another expensive, provocative, new weapon system, but to reduce the threat of nuclear war and accidental catastrophe through arms control, disarmament, and international cooperation. U.S. leadership is needed now to stop another arms race before it begins. Toward that end, the U.S. should: * immediately de-alert U.S. nuclear weapons and encourage Russia to do the same; * sharply reduce the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile; * provide assistance and incentives to Russia and others to safely dispose of weapons of mass destruction, to halt the export of related technologies and weapons, and to redirect weapons industries to peaceful purposes; * provide positive incentives to North Korea to permanently halt its ballistic missile program; and * vigorously pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures to rapidly reduce and eliminate nuclear weapons stockpiles and other weapons of mass destruction. For more background information on missile defense, please see FCNL's web site . CONTACTING LEGISLATORS Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 Sen. ________ U.S. Senate Washington, DC 20510 Rep. ________ U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Information on your members is available on FCNL's web site: CONTACTING THE ADMINISTRATION White House Comment Desk: 202-456-1111 FAX: 202-456-2461 E-MAIL: WEB PAGE: President George W. Bush The White House Washington, DC 20500 This message supplements other FCNL materials and does not reflect FCNL's complete policy position on any issue. For further information, please contact FCNL. Mail: 245 Second Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-5795 Email: Phone: (202) 547-6000 Toll Free: (800) 630-1330 Fax: (202) 547-6019 Web: Your contributions sustain our Quaker witness in Washington. We welcome your gifts to FCNL, or, if you need a tax deduction, to the FCNL Education Fund. You can use your credit card to donate money securely to FCNL through a special page on FCNL's web site FCNL also accepts credit card donations over the phone. For more information about donating, please contact the Development Team directly at Thank you. This message may be found regularly on FCNL's web site where a printer-friendly version is available and on PeaceNet in the fcnl.updates conference. This message is distributed regularly via the fcnl-news mailing list. To subscribe to this list, send an e-mail message to Leave the subject line blank. The message should read subscribe fcnl-news Please Note: Make sure that you are sending this message from the e-mail address to which you would like fcnl-news materials to be sent. If you currently receive this message via the fcnl-news mailing list and are no longer interested in receiving messages from this list, send an e-mail message to The message should read unsubscribe fcnl-news We seek a world free of war and the threat of war We seek a society with equity and justice for all We seek a community where every person's potential may be fulfilled We seek an earth restored... - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (marylia) Subject: (abolition-usa) NIF "Soaring Cost" report on web Date: 26 Jul 2001 18:27:23 -0700 AND IT'S AVAILABLE ON TRI-VALLEY CAREs' WEB SITE. READ ON... The Department of Energy (DOE) is keeping the full cost of its largest construction project from Congress and the American people. Tri-Valley CAREs latest report reveals $1.5 billion in hidden costs of building the National Ignition Facility (NIF) mega-laser. That increases its price tag from DOE's current estimate of $3.5 billion to $5 billion. DOE originally told Congress the facility would be built for just $1.1 billion. The report titled, "Soaring Cost, Shrinking Performance: The Status of the National Ignition Facility" was written by Dr. Robert Civiak, who spent 10 years as the federal Office of Management and Budget Program Examiner for DOE's nuclear weapons programs, including the NIF. * THE FULL REPORT CAN BE DOWNLOADED FROM OUR WEB SITE AT * OR, YOU MAY ORDER A PAPER COPY FROM OUR OFFICE. Construction spending is just the tip of the NIF iceberg. The study reveals that a full account of the cost to build and operate NIF would come to $32 billion -- six times DOE's original estimate. Even at that price, the NIF is not assured of ever meeting its design specifications. The report documents several serious technical problems, which DOE has yet to resolve, despite years of effort. The report was commissioned by Tri-Valley CAREs, a citizens group located in Livermore, California, where the NIF is being built at DOE's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Tri-Valley CAREs funded the study after DOE ignored numerous calls for an independent assessment of the NIF. The soaring cost and shrinking performance of the NIF reduces its cost effectiveness by a factor of nine and strengthens the argument that the facility is not worth its huge price tag. We request your help to stop this financially wasteful and proliferation-provocative new nuclear weapons project. Contact us for more information. And, enjoy our report! Peace, Marylia Kelley To order: Marylia Kelley Executive Director, Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) 2582 Old First Street Livermore, CA 94550 Phone: 1-925-443-7148 Fax: 1-925-443-0177 Web site: - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (abolition-usa) Re: [abolition-caucus] Fwd: New Article: Democracy on its Date: 26 Jul 2001 22:16:58 EDT --part1_95.df4252f.2892291a_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit It is absolute rubbish to think that this analysis is correct in the USA. Their is a huge difference on numerous social policy issues between parties. There is a huge difference on support of treaties, international institutions, social security, health care, public education, the role of religion and environmental responsibility. Clinton did not have the support of the Congress or the military. Yet, progress in many areas of our society was made. The "left" has been decimated. It is not in touch with the concerns of working people, especially on values issues. And working people are not sensitized to security and environmental issues at all. That is clearly because of the dominance of the media of economic interests. But, look how the right organized in and through the churches on numerous social policy issues. They learned this from the progressive organizing in the churches during the civil rights movements. Statistically 7 out of 10 regular church going people voted for Bush. Is he so moral? Is he so spiritual? Why? Did he represent their economic interests? Did he appeal to their class identity? These issues must be soberly answered. Nader's policies were much more in sync with the interests of working people, yet, he did not stimulate their passions. Why? Was Bush so charismatic? Certainly both parties support corporate dominance of the market place and thus disproportionate adherence to the desires of a small group in political decision making. However, the Democrats currently still put other values into the equation and those values are worth keeping. Jonathan Granoff --part1_95.df4252f.2892291a_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit It is absolute rubbish to think that this analysis is correct in the USA.
Their is a huge difference on numerous social policy issues between parties.
There is a huge difference on support of treaties, international
institutions, social security, health care, public education, the role of
religion and environmental responsibility. Clinton did not have the support
of the Congress or the military. Yet, progress in many areas of our society
was made.

The "left" has been decimated. It is not in touch with the concerns of
working people, especially on values issues. And working people are not
sensitized to security and environmental issues at all. That is clearly
because of the dominance of the media of economic interests. But, look how
the right organized in and through the churches on numerous social policy
issues. They learned this from the progressive organizing in the churches
during the civil rights movements. Statistically 7 out of 10 regular church
going people voted for Bush. Is he so moral? Is he so spiritual? Why? Did he
represent their economic interests? Did he appeal to their class identity?
These issues must be soberly answered. Nader's policies were much more in
sync with the interests of working people, yet, he did not stimulate their
passions. Why? Was Bush so charismatic?

Certainly both parties support corporate dominance of the market place and
thus disproportionate adherence to the desires of a small group in political
decision making. However, the Democrats currently still put other values into
the equation and those values are worth keeping.

Jonathan Granoff
--part1_95.df4252f.2892291a_boundary-- - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space" Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Action Alert on Missile Defense Date: 26 Jul 2001 22:48:37 -0400 My question is about Theatre Missile Defense? It is my understanding that TMD is not banned by the ABM Treaty. Instead of only asking Congress to withhold support for weapons technologies that would violate the ABM Treaty, we need to be opposing all of it. Just because something does not violate the ABM Treaty does not make it ok. The ABM Treaty was a limited vehicle -- it does not cover all these systems. We need to oppose the whole $8.3 billion package Bush is requesting for BMDO. We need to oppose all research and development for every part of Star Wars. TMD systems will be just as provacative as NMD in the end. China will be surrounded by TMD systems and will be forced to escalate their nuclear arsenal and the peace movement will be scratching their heads wondering how it all happened. TMD must be opposed as well. How come few in the U.S. mention it? Peace movements in the Middle East and Asian Pacific region seem to understand the importance of TMD. Please talk with your local groups about this ignoring of TMD in the suggested legislative strategy for Washington lobbying. Bruce K. Gagnon Coordinator Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space PO Box 90083 Gainesville, FL. 32607 (352) 337-9274 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 6:47 PM > Dear Friends -- > > Below is FCNL's recent action alert on missile defense. Links to background > material and to sample letters to Congress are in the alert. > > Feel free to use, modify or adapt the alert for your own use. > > Sincerely, > > David Culp > Friends Committee on National Legislation > > ----------------------------------------- > > > FCNL LEGISLATIVE ACTION MESSAGE - July 26th, 2001 > > The following action items from the Friends Committee on National > Legislation (FCNL) focus on federal policy issues currently before Congress > or the Administration as of July 26th, 2001. > > TOPICS: MISSILE DEFENSE > > MISSILE DEFENSE: Next week, the House Armed Services Committee is expected > to consider the 2002 Defense Authorization bill which includes authorization > for missile defense program activities. The bill is likely to include > provisions authorizing activities which would violate the terms of the > Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty with Russia and accelerate research, > development and deployment of a missile defense system. The Bush > administration has announced its intention to either terminate the ABM > treaty with Russia's consent or, barring this, unilaterally withdraw from > the treaty sometime over the next several months. The President has also > proposed a dramatic 57% ($3 billion) increase in spending on missile defense > research, development and deployment for FY2002, which, if enacted would > raise total missile defense spending to $8.3 billion. The Senate will > consider the Defense Authorization bill in September. > > ACTION: Please contact your legislators today, especially if they serve on > the House or Senate Armed Services Committee. Urge them to oppose any > provisions in the Defense Department Authorization bill which would > authorize missile defense program activities that violate the ABM treaty. > The U.S. should not rush to deploy a missile defense system that would > undermine international arms control and disarmament efforts. Please > contact your senators or organize delegations to meet with your senators to > discuss these concerns over the August and Labor Day recess. > > You can use FCNL's web site to find out if your senators or representative > are on the Senate or House Armed Services Committees. Click on the link > below, enter your zip code in the appropriate box, and click . Scroll > down to the bottom of the page and find your senators and representative. > Under their names, click on . Committee information is listed under > the heading . Here is the link: > . You can also contact Peter > Morscheck at FCNL, via email at or via telephone at (202) > 547-6000 x 115. > > USE FCNL'S WEB SITE TO MAKE LETTER-WRITING EASIER: Start with the sample > letter posted in our Legislative Action Center, personalize the language, > then send your message as an email directly from our site or print it out > and mail it. To view a sample letter, click on the link below. Then enter > your zip code and click in the box. Here is the > link . > > BACKGROUND: Last week, the Bush Administration announced that U.S. missile > defense research and development (R&D) activities over the next several > months will likely bring the U.S. out of compliance with the ABM treaty. > This week, the Administration indicated that it hopes the Russians will > agree to abandon the treaty with the U.S., but that the Administration plans > to move ahead aggressively with its missile defense program whether the > Russians agree or not. The Administration wants to complete construction > of a missile defense interceptor site at Fort Greeley, Alaska by 2004. It > plans to begin clearing trees at the site this fall (which would not violate > the ABM treaty), and it would begin pouring concrete next spring (which > would violate the treaty). The treaty requires that the U.S. or Russia give > 6 months formal notice to the other party before withdrawing from the > treaty. However, the Bush Administration has not yet given this notice to > the Russians. > > It is uncertain how the Russians will respond. Last week, following the > meeting between Presidents Bush and Putin, the Russians indicated they would > be willing to negotiate a new agreement on missile defenses. However, the > Bush Administration indicated that it had no interest in revising the treaty > or negotiating a new formal agreement. Instead, the Administration is > seeking to continue high level consultations with Russia through which they > hope to achieve informal agreement that both countries will simply withdraw > from the treaty. > > The Administration is proposing to expedite deployment of a missile defense > system and expand R&D despite serious questions about the justification, > efficacy, cost, and reliability of such a system. For example: > > * There is little credible threat of a ballistic missile attack from > countries such as North Korea, Iraq, or Iran, and these improbable threats > can be reduced further and at much less cost through bilateral and > multilateral diplomatic initiatives and verifiable arms control agreements. > > * Governments around the world, especially in Europe and East Asia are > concerned that U.S. missile defense plans will undermine global arms control > and disarmament efforts. > > * An accelerated missile defense program is virtually certain to lead China > to increase the number of nuclear weapons pointed at U.S. cities and may > discourage Russia from making deep cuts in its arsenal. > > * After over thirty years and over $100 billion of research and development, > engineers have yet to design a missile defense system that will work under > realistic conditions. > > * Finally, the Bush administration has yet to provide full details to > Congress or the American people about what it is they plan to build, how > much it will cost, or how they will pay for it. > > Expensive, high-tech weapons are no substitute for effective diplomacy, arms > control, disarmament, and international cooperation. Cooperative > international arms control and disarmament agreements will be far more > effective in advancing peace and security in the years ahead and will cost > far less than a missile shield. > > The Bush Administration has tried to present missile defense as a moral > imperative for the country. However, we at FCNL believe that the true moral > imperative is not to build yet another expensive, provocative, new weapon > system, but to reduce the threat of nuclear war and accidental catastrophe > through arms control, disarmament, and international cooperation. U.S. > leadership is needed now to stop another arms race before it begins. > > Toward that end, the U.S. should: > * immediately de-alert U.S. nuclear weapons and encourage Russia to do the > same; > * sharply reduce the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile; > * provide assistance and incentives to Russia and others to safely dispose > of weapons of mass destruction, to halt the export of related technologies > and weapons, and to redirect weapons industries to peaceful purposes; > * provide positive incentives to North Korea to permanently halt its > ballistic missile program; and > * vigorously pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures to > rapidly reduce and eliminate nuclear weapons stockpiles and other weapons of > mass destruction. > > For more background information on missile defense, please see FCNL's web > site . > > CONTACTING LEGISLATORS > > Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 > > Sen. ________ > U.S. Senate > Washington, DC 20510 > > Rep. ________ > U.S. House of Representatives > Washington, DC 20515 > > Information on your members is available on FCNL's web site: > > > CONTACTING THE ADMINISTRATION > > White House Comment Desk: 202-456-1111 > FAX: 202-456-2461 > E-MAIL: > WEB PAGE: > > President George W. Bush > The White House > Washington, DC 20500 > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > This message supplements other FCNL materials and does not reflect FCNL's > complete policy position on any issue. For further information, please > contact FCNL. > > Mail: 245 Second Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-5795 > Email: > Phone: (202) 547-6000 > Toll Free: (800) 630-1330 > Fax: (202) 547-6019 > Web: > > Your contributions sustain our Quaker witness in Washington. We welcome > your gifts to FCNL, or, if you need a tax deduction, to the FCNL Education > Fund. You can use your credit card to donate money securely to FCNL through > a special page on FCNL's web site > FCNL also accepts credit card donations over the phone. For more > information about donating, please contact the Development Team directly at > Thank you. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > This message may be found regularly on FCNL's web site > where a printer-friendly version is available and on PeaceNet in the > fcnl.updates conference. > > This message is distributed regularly via the fcnl-news mailing list. To > subscribe to this list, send an e-mail message to > > > > Leave the subject line blank. The message should read > > subscribe fcnl-news > > Please Note: Make sure that you are sending this message from the e-mail > address to which you would like fcnl-news materials to be sent. > > If you currently receive this message via the fcnl-news mailing list and are > no longer interested in receiving messages from this list, send an e-mail > message to > > > > The message should read > > unsubscribe fcnl-news > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > We seek a world free of war and the threat of war > We seek a society with equity and justice for all > We seek a community where every person's potential may be fulfilled > We seek an earth restored... > > - > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASlater Subject: Re: [globenet] Re: (abolition-usa) Action Alert on Missile Date: 27 Jul 2001 11:12:43 -0400 Dear Friends, In addition to opposing the whole $8.3 billion package Bush is requesting for Star Wars and all the research and development for every part of it, we also need to push for negotiations on a treaty to ban every type of missile and to keep space for peace. Unless we present a positive alternative, we will have a hard time arguing "just say no." There is a new Abolition Working Group and a Beyond Missile Defense Study Group formed by INESAP and the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation to work on the technical requirements for monitoring and verifying a missile ban. Keep an eye out for reports that we can use to propose positive alternatives. In the meantime, I refer you to articles by Jurgen Scheffran on a missile ban at and by Andrew Lichterman on a missile ban at Regards, Alice At 10:48 PM 7/26/2001 -0400, wrote: >My question is about Theatre Missile Defense? It is my understanding that >TMD is not banned by the ABM Treaty. Instead of only asking Congress to >withhold support for weapons technologies that would violate the ABM >Treaty, >we need to be opposing all of it. Just because something does not violate >the ABM Treaty does not make it ok. The ABM Treaty was a limited vehicle >-- >it does not cover all these systems. > >We need to oppose the whole $8.3 billion package Bush is requesting for >BMDO. We need to oppose all research and development for every part of >Star >Wars. TMD systems will be just as provacative as NMD in the end. China >will be surrounded by TMD systems and will be forced to escalate their >nuclear arsenal and the peace movement will be scratching their heads >wondering how it all happened. TMD must be opposed as well. How come few >in the U.S. mention it? > >Peace movements in the Middle East and Asian Pacific region seem to >understand the importance of TMD. Please talk with your local groups about >this ignoring of TMD in the suggested legislative strategy for Washington >lobbying. > >Bruce K. Gagnon >Coordinator >Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space >PO Box 90083 >Gainesville, FL. 32607 >(352) 337-9274 > > > > >----- Original Message ----- >From: David Culp >To: Abolition USA (E-mail) >Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 6:47 PM >Subject: (abolition-usa) Action Alert on Missile Defense > > >>> Dear Friends -- >>> >>> Below is FCNL's recent action alert on missile defense. Links to >background >>> material and to sample letters to Congress are in the alert. >>> >>> Feel free to use, modify or adapt the alert for your own use. >>> >>> Sincerely, >>> >>> David Culp >>> Friends Committee on National Legislation >>> >>> ----------------------------------------- >>> >>> >>> FCNL LEGISLATIVE ACTION MESSAGE - July 26th, 2001 >>> >>> The following action items from the Friends Committee on National >>> Legislation (FCNL) focus on federal policy issues currently before >Congress >>> or the Administration as of July 26th, 2001. >>> >>> TOPICS: MISSILE DEFENSE >>> >>> MISSILE DEFENSE: Next week, the House Armed Services Committee is >>expected >>> to consider the 2002 Defense Authorization bill which includes >authorization >>> for missile defense program activities. The bill is likely to include >>> provisions authorizing activities which would violate the terms of the >>> Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty with Russia and accelerate research, >>> development and deployment of a missile defense system. The Bush >>> administration has announced its intention to either terminate the ABM >>> treaty with Russia's consent or, barring this, unilaterally withdraw >>from >>> the treaty sometime over the next several months. The President has >>also >>> proposed a dramatic 57% ($3 billion) increase in spending on missile >defense >>> research, development and deployment for FY2002, which, if enacted would >>> raise total missile defense spending to $8.3 billion. The Senate will >>> consider the Defense Authorization bill in September. >>> >>> ACTION: Please contact your legislators today, especially if they serve >>on >>> the House or Senate Armed Services Committee. Urge them to oppose any >>> provisions in the Defense Department Authorization bill which would >>> authorize missile defense program activities that violate the ABM >>treaty. >>> The U.S. should not rush to deploy a missile defense system that would >>> undermine international arms control and disarmament efforts. Please >>> contact your senators or organize delegations to meet with your senators >to >>> discuss these concerns over the August and Labor Day recess. >>> >>> You can use FCNL's web site to find out if your senators or >>representative >>> are on the Senate or House Armed Services Committees. Click on the link >>> below, enter your zip code in the appropriate box, and click . >>Scroll >>> down to the bottom of the page and find your senators and >>representative. >>> Under their names, click on . Committee information is listed >>under >>> the heading . Here is the link: >>> . You can also contact Peter >>> Morscheck at FCNL, via email at or via telephone at (202) >>> 547-6000 x 115. >>> >>> USE FCNL'S WEB SITE TO MAKE LETTER-WRITING EASIER: Start with the >>sample >>> letter posted in our Legislative Action Center, personalize the >>language, >>> then send your message as an email directly from our site or print it >>out >>> and mail it. To view a sample letter, click on the link below. Then >>enter >>> your zip code and click in the box. Here is the >>> link >>. >>> >>> BACKGROUND: Last week, the Bush Administration announced that U.S. >missile >>> defense research and development (R&D) activities over the next several >>> months will likely bring the U.S. out of compliance with the ABM treaty. >>> This week, the Administration indicated that it hopes the Russians will >>> agree to abandon the treaty with the U.S., but that the Administration >plans >>> to move ahead aggressively with its missile defense program whether the >>> Russians agree or not. The Administration wants to complete >>construction >>> of a missile defense interceptor site at Fort Greeley, Alaska by 2004. >>It >>> plans to begin clearing trees at the site this fall (which would not >violate >>> the ABM treaty), and it would begin pouring concrete next spring (which >>> would violate the treaty). The treaty requires that the U.S. or Russia >give >>> 6 months formal notice to the other party before withdrawing from the >>> treaty. However, the Bush Administration has not yet given this notice >to >>> the Russians. >>> >>> It is uncertain how the Russians will respond. Last week, following the >>> meeting between Presidents Bush and Putin, the Russians indicated they >would >>> be willing to negotiate a new agreement on missile defenses. However, >>the >>> Bush Administration indicated that it had no interest in revising the >treaty >>> or negotiating a new formal agreement. Instead, the Administration is >>> seeking to continue high level consultations with Russia through which >they >>> hope to achieve informal agreement that both countries will simply >withdraw >>> from the treaty. >>> >>> The Administration is proposing to expedite deployment of a missile >defense >>> system and expand R&D despite serious questions about the justification, >>> efficacy, cost, and reliability of such a system. For example: >>> >>> * There is little credible threat of a ballistic missile attack from >>> countries such as North Korea, Iraq, or Iran, and these improbable >>threats >>> can be reduced further and at much less cost through bilateral and >>> multilateral diplomatic initiatives and verifiable arms control >agreements. >>> >>> * Governments around the world, especially in Europe and East Asia are >>> concerned that U.S. missile defense plans will undermine global arms >control >>> and disarmament efforts. >>> >>> * An accelerated missile defense program is virtually certain to lead >China >>> to increase the number of nuclear weapons pointed at U.S. cities and may >>> discourage Russia from making deep cuts in its arsenal. >>> >>> * After over thirty years and over $100 billion of research and >development, >>> engineers have yet to design a missile defense system that will work >>under >>> realistic conditions. >>> >>> * Finally, the Bush administration has yet to provide full details to >>> Congress or the American people about what it is they plan to build, how >>> much it will cost, or how they will pay for it. >>> >>> Expensive, high-tech weapons are no substitute for effective diplomacy, >arms >>> control, disarmament, and international cooperation. Cooperative >>> international arms control and disarmament agreements will be far more >>> effective in advancing peace and security in the years ahead and will >>cost >>> far less than a missile shield. >>> >>> The Bush Administration has tried to present missile defense as a moral >>> imperative for the country. However, we at FCNL believe that the true >moral >>> imperative is not to build yet another expensive, provocative, new >>weapon >>> system, but to reduce the threat of nuclear war and accidental >>catastrophe >>> through arms control, disarmament, and international cooperation. U.S. >>> leadership is needed now to stop another arms race before it begins. >>> >>> Toward that end, the U.S. should: >>> * immediately de-alert U.S. nuclear weapons and encourage Russia to do >>the >>> same; >>> * sharply reduce the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile; >>> * provide assistance and incentives to Russia and others to safely >>dispose >>> of weapons of mass destruction, to halt the export of related >>technologies >>> and weapons, and to redirect weapons industries to peaceful purposes; >>> * provide positive incentives to North Korea to permanently halt its >>> ballistic missile program; and >>> * vigorously pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures to >>> rapidly reduce and eliminate nuclear weapons stockpiles and other >>weapons >of >>> mass destruction. >>> >>> For more background information on missile defense, please see FCNL's >>web >>> site . >>> >>> CONTACTING LEGISLATORS >>> >>> Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 >>> >>> Sen. ________ >>> U.S. Senate >>> Washington, DC 20510 >>> >>> Rep. ________ >>> U.S. House of Representatives >>> Washington, DC 20515 >>> >>> Information on your members is available on FCNL's web site: >>> >>> >>> CONTACTING THE ADMINISTRATION >>> >>> White House Comment Desk: 202-456-1111 >>> FAX: 202-456-2461 >>> E-MAIL: >>> WEB PAGE: >>> >>> President George W. Bush >>> The White House >>> Washington, DC 20500 >>> ----------------------------------------------------------------- >>> This message supplements other FCNL materials and does not reflect >>FCNL's >>> complete policy position on any issue. For further information, please >>> contact FCNL. >>> >>> Mail: 245 Second Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-5795 >>> Email: >>> Phone: (202) 547-6000 >>> Toll Free: (800) 630-1330 >>> Fax: (202) 547-6019 >>> Web: >>> >>> Your contributions sustain our Quaker witness in Washington. We welcome >>> your gifts to FCNL, or, if you need a tax deduction, to the FCNL >>Education >>> Fund. You can use your credit card to donate money securely to FCNL >through >>> a special page on FCNL's web site >>> FCNL also accepts credit card donations over the phone. For more >>> information about donating, please contact the Development Team directly >at >>> Thank you. >>> ----------------------------------------------------------------- >>> This message may be found regularly on FCNL's web site >> >>> where a printer-friendly version is available and on PeaceNet in the >>> fcnl.updates conference. >>> >>> This message is distributed regularly via the fcnl-news mailing list. >>To >>> subscribe to this list, send an e-mail message to >>> >>> >>> >>> Leave the subject line blank. The message should read >>> >>> subscribe fcnl-news >>> >>> Please Note: Make sure that you are sending this message from the e-mail >>> address to which you would like fcnl-news materials to be sent. >>> >>> If you currently receive this message via the fcnl-news mailing list and >are >>> no longer interested in receiving messages from this list, send an >>e-mail >>> message to >>> >>> >>> >>> The message should read >>> >>> unsubscribe fcnl-news >>> ----------------------------------------------------------------- >>> We seek a world free of war and the threat of war >>> We seek a society with equity and justice for all >>> We seek a community where every person's potential may be fulfilled >>> We seek an earth restored... >>> >>> - >>> To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to >"" >>> with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. >>> For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send >>> "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. >>> > > >------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~--> >Small business owners... >Tell us what you think! > >---------------------------------------------------------------------~-> > >To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > Alice Slater Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE) 15 East 26th Street, Room 915 New York, NY 10010 tel: (212) 726-9161 fax: (212) 726-9160 email: GRACE is a member of Abolition 2000, a global network for the elimination nuclear weapons. - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Bruening Subject: (abolition-usa) Star Wars Sample Letters Date: 28 Jul 2001 00:20:52 -0700 Dear Abolition Caucus: Do you have any sample letters on the Star Wars Lobby, or just on Star Wars? Below is my sample letter. How can I improve it? The Bush Administration is hell-bent on deploying a missile defense system, and has requested a $3 billion increase in the missile defense budget to $8.3 billion, in spite of the following facts: I. Only two of the past five tests have been successful, and the tests have involved only one simple decoy, as opposed to the multiple decoys in a real life attack. II. It would cost over $100 billion over the next 20 years. III. The Russians and Chinese have repeatedly warned that the deployment of a U.S. missile defense system would prompt them to increase their nuclear arsenals, thus triggering a renewed nuclear arms race. I call on the great reporters of the great Sacramento Bee to investigate the people who are lobbying for a missile defense system. Are they manipulating U.S. defense policy for their personal gain? Below are some of the leaders of the "Star Wars Lobby": Frank Gaffney: He is the founder and Executive Director of the Center for Security Policy, founded in 1988. The center pours out a steady steam of propaganda designed to convince Americans that A) The Chinese are about to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) attack on the U.S. (The Chinese have only 20 intercontinental missiles) and that B) The North Koreans are about to do the same (They don't have any nuclear missiles!) and that C) Only a missile defense system can defend us, and such a system is affordable and dependable (Actually, it is still far from proven effective). Among its funders are defense contractors McDonnell Douglas, Northrop Grumman, TRW, Lockheed Martin; right-wing foundations such as the Smith Foundation, Sara Scaife, and the Coors foundations, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld: Formally the Chairman of the Commission on the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States (Rumsfeld Commission I), and the Chairman of the Commission to Assess United States National Security Space Management and Organization (Rumsfeld II). After the CIA concluded in 1997 that there was no imminent threat of a ballistic missile attack against the U.S., Congress set up the first Rumsfeld commission. In 1998, the Rumsfeld Commission, by assessing the ballistic missile threat in terms of worst case scenarios, and by giving no weight at all to the considerable difficulties in deploying ICBMs, was able to conclude in 1998 that the ballistic missile "threat to the U.S. is broader, more mature, and evolving more rapidly" than the CIA had estimated, and that such third tier powers as North Korea and Iran could develop ICBMs within 5 years of a decision to do so. For more information, please contact Sacramento-Yolo Peace Action (909 12th Street #118, Sacramento, CA 95814; 916-448-7157;, and the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space ( Sincerely, Timothy Bruening 1439 Brown Drive Davis, CA 95616 - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Carol Wolman Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Star Wars Sample Letters Date: 28 Jul 2001 09:09:02 +0000 --------------B63B326C54C470E91F843ACB Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id f6SGD8L14125 Dear Tim, The first objection to Star Wars is that it violates the ABM = and Outer Space treaties, and undermines the international arms control treat= y structure that has successfully prevented nuclear war for the past 30 yea= rs. It takes away our security, and provides no replacement. Our group has been using a short letter to Congress, with 12 liines at th= e bottom for signatures, addresses, and email addresses (for our mailing li= st). We have collected hundreds of signatures and FAX them in to our Senators = and Representatives at crucial times- just before a hearing or a vote. You a= re welcome to use it. Peace, Carol Here it is: To all members of Congress- Please cancel all funding for a national missile defense program and oppo= se any bills that would further the development and deployment of a missile shie= ld or weapons in space. These schemes would violate the ABM treaty, destabiliz= e the international arms control structure that has prevented nuclear war for t= he past 40 years, and lead to a dangerous new arms race. They would make us= less secure, not more! At best, missile defense would be a leaky umbrella. It can never be 100% effective, and since even one nuclear strike against the US is unacceptab= le, it is useless, a boondoggle for the military industrial complex that Eisenho= wer warned us against. It does not address the real terrorist threat of a su= itcase bomb. Advocacy of missile defense by the Bush administration has already raised international tensions significantly and cost us our seat on the UN Human Rights Commission This talk is leading to alliances among other nuclear nations against us. Missile defense would increase the danger that =93rogue nations=94 will g= et nuclear capability, by undermining the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Very likely, it= would lead to a new arms race with Russia, China or both united. It might even provoke a pre-emptive first strike against us before a missile shield is = in place. Please do everything you can to stop this nefarious scheme. Name Address email ---------------------____________________________________________________= ___________ Tim Bruening wrote: > Dear Abolition Caucus: > > Do you have any sample letters on the Star Wars Lobby, or just on Star > Wars? Below is my sample letter. How can I improve it? > > The Bush Administration is hell-bent on deploying a missile defense > system, > and has requested a $3 billion increase in the missile defense budget t= o > > $8.3 billion, in spite of the following facts: > > I. Only two of the past five tests have been successful, and the tests > have involved only one simple decoy, as opposed to the multiple decoys > in a real life attack. > > II. It would cost over $100 billion over the next 20 years. > > III. The Russians and Chinese have repeatedly warned that the deploymen= t > > of a U.S. missile defense system would prompt them to increase their > nuclear arsenals, thus triggering a renewed nuclear arms race. > > I call on the great reporters of the great Sacramento Bee to investigat= e > > the people who are lobbying for a missile defense system. Are they > manipulating U.S. defense policy for their personal gain? Below are > some of the leaders of the "Star Wars Lobby": > > Frank Gaffney: He is the founder and Executive Director of the Center > for Security Policy, founded in 1988. The center pours out a steady > steam of propaganda designed to convince Americans that A) The Chinese > are about to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) attack > on the U.S. (The Chinese have only 20 intercontinental missiles) and > that B) The North Koreans are about to do the same (They don't have any > nuclear missiles!) and that C) Only a missile defense system can defend > us, and such a system is affordable and dependable (Actually, it is > still far from proven effective). Among its funders are defense > contractors McDonnell Douglas, Northrop Grumman, TRW, Lockheed Martin; > right-wing foundations such as the Smith Foundation, Sara Scaife, and > the Coors foundations, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. > > Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld: Formally the Chairman of the > Commission on the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States > (Rumsfeld Commission I), and the Chairman of the Commission to Assess > United States National Security Space Management and Organization > (Rumsfeld II). After the CIA concluded in 1997 that there was no > imminent threat of a ballistic missile attack against the U.S., Congres= s > > set up the first Rumsfeld commission. In 1998, the Rumsfeld Commission= , > > by assessing the ballistic missile threat in terms of worst case > scenarios, and by giving no weight at all to the considerable > difficulties in deploying ICBMs, was able to conclude in 1998 that the > ballistic missile "threat to the U.S. is broader, more mature, and > evolving more rapidly" than the CIA had estimated, and that such third > tier powers as North Korea and Iran could develop ICBMs within 5 years > of a decision to do so. > > For more information, please contact Sacramento-Yolo Peace Action (909 > 12th Street #118, Sacramento, CA 95814; 916-448-7157; >, > and the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space > ( > > Sincerely, > > Timothy Bruening > 1439 Brown Drive > Davis, CA 95616 > > - > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "majordomo@xmission.= com" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. --------------B63B326C54C470E91F843ACB Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id f6SGD8L14125 Dear Tim,   The first objection to Star Wars is that it violate= s the ABM and Outer Space treaties, and undermines the international arms control treaty structure that has successfully prevented nuclear war for the past 30 years.  It takes away our security, and provides no repl= acement.

Our group has been using a short letter to Congress, with 12 liines at the bottom for signatures, addresses, and email addresses (for our mai= ling list).  We have collected hundreds of signatures and FAX them in to our Senators and Representatives at crucial times- just before a hearing or a vote.  You are welcome to use it.
           &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;     Peace,  Carol
Here it is:

To all members of Congress-

Please cancel all funding for a nati= onal missile defense program and oppose any bills that would further the devel= opment and deployment of a missile shield or weapons in space.  These schem= es would violate the ABM treaty, destabilize the international arms control structure that has prevented nuclear war for the past 40 years, and lead to a dangerous new arms race.  They would make us less secure, not more!

At best, missile defense would be a leaky umbrella.  It can never be 100% effective, and since even one nuclear strike against the US is unacceptable, it is useless, a boondoggl= e for the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us against.&nb= sp; It does not address the real terrorist threat of a suitcase bomb.<= /b>

Advocacy of missile defense by the B= ush administration has already raised international tensions significantly and cost us our seat on the UN Human Rights Commission   This talk is leading to alliances among other nuclear nations against us.

Missile defense would increase the d= anger that =93rogue nations=94 will get nuclear capability, by undermining the = Non-Proliferation Treaty.  Very likely, it would lead to a new arms race with Russia, China or both united.  It might even provoke a pre-emptive first str= ike against us before a missile shield is in place.

Please do everything you can to stop this nefarious scheme.

Name     &n= bsp;           &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;        Address           =             &= nbsp;           &n= bsp;          email

---------------------_______________= ________________________________________________

Tim Bruening wrote:

Dear Abolition Caucus:

Do you have any sample letters on the Star Wars Lobby, or just on Star
Wars?  Below is my sample letter.  How can I improve it?

The Bush Administration is hell-bent on deploying a missile defense
and has requested a $3 billion increase in the missile defense budget to

$8.3 billion, in spite of the following facts:

I. Only two of the past five tests have been successful, and the tests
have involved only one simple decoy, as opposed to the multiple decoy= s
in a real life attack.

II. It would cost over $100 billion over the next 20 years.

III. The Russians and Chinese have repeatedly warned that the deployme= nt

of a U.S. missile defense system would prompt them to increase their
nuclear arsenals, thus triggering a renewed nuclear arms race.

I call on the great reporters of the great Sacramento Bee to investiga= te

the people who are lobbying for a missile defense system.  Are they
manipulating U.S. defense policy for their personal gain?  Below are
some of the leaders of the "Star Wars Lobby":

Frank Gaffney:  He is the founder and Executive Director of the Center
for Security Policy, founded in 1988.  The center pours out a steady
steam of propaganda designed to convince Americans that A) The Chines= e
are about to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) atta= ck
on the U.S. (The Chinese have only 20 intercontinental missiles) and
that B) The North Koreans are about to do the same (They don't have any
nuclear missiles!) and that C) Only a missile defense system can defe= nd
us, and such a system is affordable and dependable (Actually, it is
still far from proven effective).  Among its funders are defense
contractors McDonnell Douglas, Northrop Grumman, TRW, Lockheed Martin= ;
right-wing foundations such as the Smith Foundation, Sara Scaife, and
the Coors foundations, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld: Formally the Chairman of the
Commission on the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States
(Rumsfeld Commission I), and the Chairman of the Commission to Assess
United States National Security Space Management and Organization
(Rumsfeld II).  After the CIA concluded in 1997 that there was no
imminent threat of a ballistic missile attack against the U.S., Congr= ess

set up the first Rumsfeld commission.  In 1998, the Rumsfeld Comm= ission,

by assessing the ballistic missile threat in terms of worst case
scenarios, and by giving no weight at all to the considerable
difficulties in deploying ICBMs, was able to conclude in 1998 that the
ballistic missile "threat to the U.S. is broader, more mature, and
evolving more rapidly" than the CIA had estimated, and that such thir= d
tier powers as North Korea and Iran could develop ICBMs within 5 year= s
of a decision to do so.

For more information, please contact Sacramento-Yolo Peace Action (909
12th Street #118, Sacramento, CA 95814; 916-448-7157;,
and the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space


Timothy Bruening
1439 Brown Drive
Davis, CA 95616

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 with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message.
 For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send
 "help" to the same address.  Do not use quotes in your mes= sage.

--------------B63B326C54C470E91F843ACB-- - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Carol Wolman Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Action Alert on Missile Defense Date: 28 Jul 2001 13:57:16 +0000 --------------A725DE59430919DE9EAE35DE Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear Bruce, NMD is too expensive, doesn't work, violates the treaty, etc. Could you give us a succinct list of arguments against TMD? Thanks, Carol Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space wrote: > My question is about Theatre Missile Defense? It is my understanding that > TMD is not banned by the ABM Treaty. Instead of only asking Congress to > withhold support for weapons technologies that would violate the ABM Treaty, > we need to be opposing all of it. Just because something does not violate > the ABM Treaty does not make it ok. The ABM Treaty was a limited vehicle -- > it does not cover all these systems. > > We need to oppose the whole $8.3 billion package Bush is requesting for > BMDO. We need to oppose all research and development for every part of Star > Wars. TMD systems will be just as provacative as NMD in the end. China > will be surrounded by TMD systems and will be forced to escalate their > nuclear arsenal and the peace movement will be scratching their heads > wondering how it all happened. TMD must be opposed as well. How come few > in the U.S. mention it? > > Peace movements in the Middle East and Asian Pacific region seem to > understand the importance of TMD. Please talk with your local groups about > this ignoring of TMD in the suggested legislative strategy for Washington > lobbying. > > Bruce K. Gagnon > Coordinator > Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space > PO Box 90083 > Gainesville, FL. 32607 > (352) 337-9274 > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: David Culp > To: Abolition USA (E-mail) > Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 6:47 PM > Subject: (abolition-usa) Action Alert on Missile Defense > > > Dear Friends -- > > > > Below is FCNL's recent action alert on missile defense. Links to > background > > material and to sample letters to Congress are in the alert. > > > > Feel free to use, modify or adapt the alert for your own use. > > > > Sincerely, > > > > David Culp > > Friends Committee on National Legislation > > > > ----------------------------------------- > > > > > > FCNL LEGISLATIVE ACTION MESSAGE - July 26th, 2001 > > > > The following action items from the Friends Committee on National > > Legislation (FCNL) focus on federal policy issues currently before > Congress > > or the Administration as of July 26th, 2001. > > > > TOPICS: MISSILE DEFENSE > > > > MISSILE DEFENSE: Next week, the House Armed Services Committee is expected > > to consider the 2002 Defense Authorization bill which includes > authorization > > for missile defense program activities. The bill is likely to include > > provisions authorizing activities which would violate the terms of the > > Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty with Russia and accelerate research, > > development and deployment of a missile defense system. The Bush > > administration has announced its intention to either terminate the ABM > > treaty with Russia's consent or, barring this, unilaterally withdraw from > > the treaty sometime over the next several months. The President has also > > proposed a dramatic 57% ($3 billion) increase in spending on missile > defense > > research, development and deployment for FY2002, which, if enacted would > > raise total missile defense spending to $8.3 billion. The Senate will > > consider the Defense Authorization bill in September. > > > > ACTION: Please contact your legislators today, especially if they serve on > > the House or Senate Armed Services Committee. Urge them to oppose any > > provisions in the Defense Department Authorization bill which would > > authorize missile defense program activities that violate the ABM treaty. > > The U.S. should not rush to deploy a missile defense system that would > > undermine international arms control and disarmament efforts. Please > > contact your senators or organize delegations to meet with your senators > to > > discuss these concerns over the August and Labor Day recess. > > > > You can use FCNL's web site to find out if your senators or representative > > are on the Senate or House Armed Services Committees. Click on the link > > below, enter your zip code in the appropriate box, and click . Scroll > > down to the bottom of the page and find your senators and representative. > > Under their names, click on . Committee information is listed under > > the heading . Here is the link: > > . You can also contact Peter > > Morscheck at FCNL, via email at or via telephone at (202) > > 547-6000 x 115. > > > > USE FCNL'S WEB SITE TO MAKE LETTER-WRITING EASIER: Start with the sample > > letter posted in our Legislative Action Center, personalize the language, > > then send your message as an email directly from our site or print it out > > and mail it. To view a sample letter, click on the link below. Then enter > > your zip code and click in the box. Here is the > > link . > > > > BACKGROUND: Last week, the Bush Administration announced that U.S. > missile > > defense research and development (R&D) activities over the next several > > months will likely bring the U.S. out of compliance with the ABM treaty. > > This week, the Administration indicated that it hopes the Russians will > > agree to abandon the treaty with the U.S., but that the Administration > plans > > to move ahead aggressively with its missile defense program whether the > > Russians agree or not. The Administration wants to complete construction > > of a missile defense interceptor site at Fort Greeley, Alaska by 2004. It > > plans to begin clearing trees at the site this fall (which would not > violate > > the ABM treaty), and it would begin pouring concrete next spring (which > > would violate the treaty). The treaty requires that the U.S. or Russia > give > > 6 months formal notice to the other party before withdrawing from the > > treaty. However, the Bush Administration has not yet given this notice > to > > the Russians. > > > > It is uncertain how the Russians will respond. Last week, following the > > meeting between Presidents Bush and Putin, the Russians indicated they > would > > be willing to negotiate a new agreement on missile defenses. However, the > > Bush Administration indicated that it had no interest in revising the > treaty > > or negotiating a new formal agreement. Instead, the Administration is > > seeking to continue high level consultations with Russia through which > they > > hope to achieve informal agreement that both countries will simply > withdraw > > from the treaty. > > > > The Administration is proposing to expedite deployment of a missile > defense > > system and expand R&D despite serious questions about the justification, > > efficacy, cost, and reliability of such a system. For example: > > > > * There is little credible threat of a ballistic missile attack from > > countries such as North Korea, Iraq, or Iran, and these improbable threats > > can be reduced further and at much less cost through bilateral and > > multilateral diplomatic initiatives and verifiable arms control > agreements. > > > > * Governments around the world, especially in Europe and East Asia are > > concerned that U.S. missile defense plans will undermine global arms > control > > and disarmament efforts. > > > > * An accelerated missile defense program is virtually certain to lead > China > > to increase the number of nuclear weapons pointed at U.S. cities and may > > discourage Russia from making deep cuts in its arsenal. > > > > * After over thirty years and over $100 billion of research and > development, > > engineers have yet to design a missile defense system that will work under > > realistic conditions. > > > > * Finally, the Bush administration has yet to provide full details to > > Congress or the American people about what it is they plan to build, how > > much it will cost, or how they will pay for it. > > > > Expensive, high-tech weapons are no substitute for effective diplomacy, > arms > > control, disarmament, and international cooperation. Cooperative > > international arms control and disarmament agreements will be far more > > effective in advancing peace and security in the years ahead and will cost > > far less than a missile shield. > > > > The Bush Administration has tried to present missile defense as a moral > > imperative for the country. However, we at FCNL believe that the true > moral > > imperative is not to build yet another expensive, provocative, new weapon > > system, but to reduce the threat of nuclear war and accidental catastrophe > > through arms control, disarmament, and international cooperation. U.S. > > leadership is needed now to stop another arms race before it begins. > > > > Toward that end, the U.S. should: > > * immediately de-alert U.S. nuclear weapons and encourage Russia to do the > > same; > > * sharply reduce the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile; > > * provide assistance and incentives to Russia and others to safely dispose > > of weapons of mass destruction, to halt the export of related technologies > > and weapons, and to redirect weapons industries to peaceful purposes; > > * provide positive incentives to North Korea to permanently halt its > > ballistic missile program; and > > * vigorously pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures to > > rapidly reduce and eliminate nuclear weapons stockpiles and other weapons > of > > mass destruction. > > > > For more background information on missile defense, please see FCNL's web > > site . > > > > CONTACTING LEGISLATORS > > > > Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 > > > > Sen. ________ > > U.S. Senate > > Washington, DC 20510 > > > > Rep. ________ > > U.S. House of Representatives > > Washington, DC 20515 > > > > Information on your members is available on FCNL's web site: > > > > > > CONTACTING THE ADMINISTRATION > > > > White House Comment Desk: 202-456-1111 > > FAX: 202-456-2461 > > E-MAIL: > > WEB PAGE: > > > > President George W. Bush > > The White House > > Washington, DC 20500 > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > This message supplements other FCNL materials and does not reflect FCNL's > > complete policy position on any issue. For further information, please > > contact FCNL. > > > > Mail: 245 Second Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-5795 > > Email: > > Phone: (202) 547-6000 > > Toll Free: (800) 630-1330 > > Fax: (202) 547-6019 > > Web: > > > > Your contributions sustain our Quaker witness in Washington. We welcome > > your gifts to FCNL, or, if you need a tax deduction, to the FCNL Education > > Fund. You can use your credit card to donate money securely to FCNL > through > > a special page on FCNL's web site > > FCNL also accepts credit card donations over the phone. For more > > information about donating, please contact the Development Team directly > at > > Thank you. > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > This message may be found regularly on FCNL's web site > > where a printer-friendly version is available and on PeaceNet in the > > fcnl.updates conference. > > > > This message is distributed regularly via the fcnl-news mailing list. To > > subscribe to this list, send an e-mail message to > > > > > > > > Leave the subject line blank. The message should read > > > > subscribe fcnl-news > > > > Please Note: Make sure that you are sending this message from the e-mail > > address to which you would like fcnl-news materials to be sent. > > > > If you currently receive this message via the fcnl-news mailing list and > are > > no longer interested in receiving messages from this list, send an e-mail > > message to > > > > > > > > The message should read > > > > unsubscribe fcnl-news > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > We seek a world free of war and the threat of war > > We seek a society with equity and justice for all > > We seek a community where every person's potential may be fulfilled > > We seek an earth restored... > > > > - > > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to > "" > > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > > > > - > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. --------------A725DE59430919DE9EAE35DE Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear Bruce,

NMD is too expensive, doesn't work, violates the treaty, etc.  Could you give us a succinct list of arguments against TMD?    Thanks,  Carol

Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space wrote:

My question is about Theatre Missile Defense?  It is my understanding that
TMD is not banned by the ABM Treaty.  Instead of only asking Congress to
withhold support for weapons technologies that would violate the ABM Treaty,
we need to be opposing all of it.  Just because something does not violate
the ABM Treaty does not make it ok.  The ABM Treaty was a limited vehicle --
it does not cover all these systems.

We need to oppose the whole $8.3 billion package Bush is requesting for
BMDO.  We need to oppose all research and development for every part of Star
Wars.  TMD systems will be just as provacative as NMD in the end.  China
will be surrounded by TMD systems and will be forced to escalate their
nuclear arsenal and the peace movement will be scratching their heads
wondering how it all happened.  TMD must be opposed as well.  How come few
in the U.S. mention it?

Peace movements in the Middle East and Asian Pacific region seem to
understand the importance of TMD.  Please talk with your local groups about
this ignoring of TMD in the suggested legislative strategy for Washington

Bruce K. Gagnon
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 90083
Gainesville, FL. 32607
(352) 337-9274

----- Original Message -----
From: David Culp <>
To: Abolition USA (E-mail) <>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 6:47 PM
Subject: (abolition-usa) Action Alert on Missile Defense

> Dear Friends --
> Below is FCNL's recent action alert on missile defense. Links to
> material and to sample letters to Congress are in the alert.
> Feel free to use, modify or adapt the alert for your own use.
> Sincerely,
> David Culp
> Friends Committee on National Legislation
> -----------------------------------------
> The following action items from the Friends Committee on National
> Legislation (FCNL) focus on federal policy issues currently before
> or the Administration as of July 26th, 2001.
> MISSILE DEFENSE: Next week, the House Armed Services Committee is expected
> to consider the 2002 Defense Authorization bill which includes
> for missile defense program activities.  The bill is likely to include
> provisions authorizing activities which would violate the terms of the
> Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty with Russia and accelerate research,
> development and deployment of a missile defense system.  The Bush
> administration has announced its intention to either terminate the ABM
> treaty with Russia's consent or, barring this, unilaterally withdraw from
> the treaty sometime over the next several months.  The President has also
> proposed a dramatic 57% ($3 billion) increase in spending on missile
> research, development and deployment for FY2002, which, if enacted would
> raise total missile defense spending to $8.3 billion. The Senate will
> consider the Defense Authorization bill in September.
> ACTION: Please contact your legislators today, especially if they serve on
> the House or Senate Armed Services Committee.  Urge them to oppose any
> provisions in the Defense Department Authorization bill which would
> authorize missile defense program activities that violate the ABM treaty.
> The U.S. should not rush to deploy a missile defense system that would
> undermine international arms control and disarmament efforts.  Please
> contact your senators or organize delegations to meet with your senators
> discuss these concerns over the August and Labor Day recess.
> You can use FCNL's web site to find out if your senators or representative
> are on the Senate or House Armed Services Committees.  Click on the link
> below, enter your zip code in the appropriate box, and click <Go>.  Scroll
> down to the bottom of the page and find your senators and representative.
> Under their names, click on <Info>.  Committee information is listed under
> the heading <Other Information>.  Here is the link:
> <>.  You can also contact Peter
> Morscheck at FCNL, via email at or via telephone at (202)
> 547-6000 x 115.
> letter posted in our Legislative Action Center, personalize the language,
> then send your message as an email directly from our site or print it out
> and mail it. To view a sample letter, click on the link below.  Then enter
> your zip code and click <Go> in the <Take Action Now> box.   Here is the
> link <>.
> BACKGROUND:  Last week, the Bush Administration announced that U.S.
> defense research and development (R&D) activities over the next several
> months will likely bring the U.S. out of compliance with the ABM treaty.
> This week, the Administration indicated that it hopes the Russians will
> agree to abandon the treaty with the U.S., but that the Administration
> to move ahead aggressively with its missile defense program whether the
> Russians agree or not.   The Administration wants to complete construction
> of a missile defense interceptor site at Fort Greeley, Alaska by 2004.  It
> plans to begin clearing trees at the site this fall (which would not
> the ABM treaty), and it would begin pouring concrete next spring (which
> would violate the treaty).  The treaty requires that the U.S. or Russia
> 6 months formal notice to the other party before withdrawing from the
> treaty.   However, the Bush Administration has not yet given this notice
> the Russians.
> It is uncertain how the Russians will respond.  Last week, following the
> meeting between Presidents Bush and Putin, the Russians indicated they
> be willing to negotiate a new agreement on missile defenses.  However, the
> Bush Administration indicated that it had no interest in revising the
> or negotiating a new formal agreement. Instead, the Administration is
> seeking to continue high level consultations with Russia through which
> hope to achieve informal agreement that both countries will simply
> from the treaty.
> The Administration is proposing to expedite deployment of a missile
> system and expand R&D despite serious questions about the justification,
> efficacy, cost, and reliability of such a  system.  For example:
> * There is little credible threat of a ballistic missile attack from
> countries such as North Korea, Iraq, or Iran, and these improbable threats
> can be reduced further and at much less cost through bilateral and
> multilateral diplomatic initiatives and verifiable arms control
> * Governments around the world, especially in Europe and East Asia are
> concerned that U.S. missile defense plans will undermine global arms
> and disarmament efforts.
> * An accelerated missile defense program is virtually certain to lead
> to increase the number of nuclear weapons pointed at U.S. cities and may
> discourage Russia from making deep cuts in its arsenal.
> * After over thirty years and over $100 billion of research and
> engineers have yet to design a missile defense system that will work under
> realistic conditions.
> * Finally, the Bush administration has yet to provide full details to
> Congress or the American people about what it is they plan to build, how
> much it will cost, or how they will pay for it.
> Expensive, high-tech weapons are no substitute for effective diplomacy,
> control, disarmament, and international cooperation.  Cooperative
> international arms control and disarmament agreements will be far more
> effective in advancing peace and security in the years ahead and will cost
> far less than a missile shield.
> The Bush Administration has tried to present missile defense as a moral
> imperative for the country.  However, we at FCNL believe that the true
> imperative is not to build yet another expensive, provocative, new weapon
> system, but to reduce the threat of nuclear war and accidental catastrophe
> through arms control, disarmament, and international cooperation.  U.S.
> leadership is needed now to stop another arms race before it begins.
> Toward that end, the U.S. should:
> * immediately de-alert U.S. nuclear weapons and encourage Russia to do the
> same;
> * sharply reduce the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile;
> * provide assistance and incentives to Russia and others to safely dispose
> of weapons of mass destruction, to halt the export of related technologies
> and weapons, and to redirect weapons industries to peaceful purposes;
> * provide positive incentives to North Korea to permanently halt its
> ballistic missile program; and
> * vigorously pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures to
> rapidly reduce and eliminate nuclear weapons stockpiles and other weapons
> mass destruction.
> For more background information on missile defense, please see FCNL's web
> site <>.
> Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
> Sen. ________
> U.S. Senate
> Washington, DC 20510
> Rep. ________
> U.S. House of Representatives
> Washington, DC 20515
> Information on your members is available on FCNL's web site:
> White House Comment Desk: 202-456-1111
> FAX: 202-456-2461
> President George W. Bush
> The White House
> Washington, DC 20500
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> This message supplements other FCNL materials and does not reflect FCNL's
> complete policy position on any issue.  For further information, please
> contact FCNL.
> Mail: 245 Second Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-5795
> Email:
> Phone: (202) 547-6000
> Toll Free: (800) 630-1330
> Fax: (202) 547-6019
> Web:
> Your contributions sustain our Quaker witness in Washington.  We welcome
> your gifts to FCNL, or, if you need a tax deduction, to the FCNL Education
> Fund.  You can use your credit card to donate money securely to FCNL
> a special page on FCNL's web site
> FCNL also accepts credit card donations over the phone.  For more
> information about donating, please contact the Development Team directly
> Thank you.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> This message may be found regularly on FCNL's web site
> where a printer-friendly version is available and on PeaceNet in the
> fcnl.updates conference.
> This message is distributed regularly via the fcnl-news mailing list.  To
> subscribe to this list, send an e-mail message to
> Leave the subject line blank.  The message should read
> subscribe fcnl-news
> Please Note: Make sure that you are sending this message from the e-mail
> address to which you would like fcnl-news materials to be sent.
> If you currently receive this message via the fcnl-news mailing list and
> no longer interested in receiving messages from this list, send an e-mail
> message to
> The message should read
> unsubscribe fcnl-news
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> We seek a world free of war and the threat of war
> We seek a society with equity and justice for all
> We seek a community where every person's potential may be fulfilled
> We seek an earth restored...
> -
>  To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to
>  with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message.
>  For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send
>  "help" to the same address.  Do not use quotes in your message.

 To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to ""
 with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message.
 For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send
 "help" to the same address.  Do not use quotes in your message.

--------------A725DE59430919DE9EAE35DE-- - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Carol Wolman Subject: (abolition-usa) Re: Democracy on its- we must reclaim the churches Date: 28 Jul 2001 15:34:34 +0000 --------------14255CF99B90895601FC118D Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear Jonathan, You wrote: This battle we are fighting is mainly spiritual, although it appears political in nature. As Noam Chomsky so aptly put it, this regime is choosing hegemony over survival. Basically, our planet is being hijacked by a small elite, owners and managers of the aerospace industry. They are ruthless, although they try to preserve the forms of democracy- the last election being a prime example. They also try to preserve the forms of Christianity, but clearly it is not Christian to seek to dominate the planet by way of nuclear weapons. Luke 21:8 He replied: "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, `The time is near.' Do not follow them." Many Christian voters are deceived by the Bush people's appearance of piety. We must reclaim them with scriptural references to Jesus as the Prince of peace, the friend of the poor, etc. Many Christians believe that nuclear war is inevitable, and that the Bush policies are part of God's plan- 2 Peter 3: 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare." 1 Thessalonians 4:17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. This picture of the future underlies the lack of reaction of many Christians to the missile defense and Star Wars schemes. If we are to win back the voters before 2004, we must address this view with other Bible quotes: Some suggestions: Deuteronomy 30:19 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. God is the God of all beings, not just humans- Psalm 148:7 Praise the LORD from the earth, you great sea creatures and all ocean depths and of course: Micah 4:3 He will judge between many peoples and will settle disputes for strong nations far and wide. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. Peace, Carol wrote: > It is absolute rubbish to think that this analysis is correct in the > USA. > Their is a huge difference on numerous social policy issues between > parties. > There is a huge difference on support of treaties, international > institutions, social security, health care, public education, the role > of > religion and environmental responsibility. Clinton did not have the > support > of the Congress or the military. Yet, progress in many areas of our > society > was made. > > The "left" has been decimated. It is not in touch with the concerns of > > working people, especially on values issues. And working people are > not > sensitized to security and environmental issues at all. That is > clearly > because of the dominance of the media of economic interests. But, look > how > the right organized in and through the churches on numerous social > policy > issues. They learned this from the progressive organizing in the > churches > during the civil rights movements. Statistically 7 out of 10 regular > church > going people voted for Bush. Is he so moral? Is he so spiritual? Why? > Did he > represent their economic interests? Did he appeal to their class > identity? > These issues must be soberly answered. Nader's policies were much more > in > sync with the interests of working people, yet, he did not stimulate > their > passions. Why? Was Bush so charismatic? > > Certainly both parties support corporate dominance of the market place > and > thus disproportionate adherence to the desires of a small group in > political > decision making. However, the Democrats currently still put other > values into > the equation and those values are worth keeping. > > Jonathan Granoff > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ADVERTISEMENT [Lose 20 lbs by September 24th!] > > To subscribe to the Abolition Global Caucus, send an email from the > account you wish to be subscribed to: > "" > > > Do not include a subject line or any text in the body of the message. > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. --------------14255CF99B90895601FC118D Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="------------2FC9AEAE970D9C9FA622522D" --------------2FC9AEAE970D9C9FA622522D Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear Jonathan,  You wrote: <But, look how the right organized in and through the churches on numerous social policy issues. They learned this from the progressive organizing in the churches during the civil rights movements. Statistically 7 out of 10 regular church going people voted for Bush. Is he so moral? Is he so spiritual? Why?>

This battle we are fighting is mainly spiritual, although it appears political in nature.  As Noam Chomsky so aptly put it, this regime is choosing hegemony over survival.  Basically, our planet is being hijacked by a small elite, owners and managers of the aerospace industry.  They are ruthless, although they try to preserve the forms of democracy- the last election being a prime example.

They also try to preserve the forms of Christianity, but clearly it is not Christian to seek to dominate the planet by way of nuclear weapons.  Luke 21:8  He replied: "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming,   `The time is near.' Do not follow them."

Many Christian voters are deceived by the Bush people's appearance of piety.  We must reclaim them with scriptural references to Jesus as the Prince of peace, the friend of the poor, etc.

Many Christians believe that nuclear war is inevitable, and that the Bush policies are part of God's plan-  2 Peter 3: 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare."   1 Thessalonians 4:17  After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the  Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.

This picture of the future underlies the lack of reaction of many Christians to the missile defense and Star Wars schemes.  If we are to win back the voters before 2004, we must address this view with other Bible quotes:

Some suggestions:
Deuteronomy 30:19  This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.

God is the God of all beings, not just humans- Psalm 148:7 Praise the LORD from the earth, you great sea creatures and all ocean depths

and of course:
Micah 4:3 He will judge between many peoples and will settle
disputes for strong nations far and wide. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they  train for war anymore.

Peace,  Carol wrote:

It is absolute rubbish to think that this analysis is correct in the USA.
Their is a huge difference on numerous social policy issues between parties.
There is a huge difference on support of treaties, international
institutions, social security, health care, public education, the role of
religion and environmental responsibility. Clinton did not have the support
of the Congress or the military. Yet, progress in many areas of our society
was made.

The "left" has been decimated. It is not in touch with the concerns of
working people, especially on values issues. And working people are not
sensitized to security and environmental issues at all. That is clearly
because of the dominance of the media of economic interests. But, look how
the right organized in and through the churches on numerous social policy
issues. They learned this from the progressive organizing in the churches
during the civil rights movements. Statistically 7 out of 10 regular church
going people voted for Bush. Is he so moral? Is he so spiritual? Why? Did he
represent their economic interests? Did he appeal to their class identity?
These issues must be soberly answered. Nader's policies were much more in
sync with the interests of working people, yet, he did not stimulate their
passions. Why? Was Bush so charismatic?

Certainly both parties support corporate dominance of the market place and
thus disproportionate adherence to the desires of a small group in political
decision making. However, the Democrats currently still put other values into
the equation and those values are worth keeping.

Jonathan Granoff
Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
Lose 20 lbs by September 24th!

To subscribe to the Abolition Global Caucus, send an email from the account you wish to be subscribed to: ""

Do not include a subject line or any text in the body of the message.

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

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For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.