From: (abolition-usa-digest) To: Subject: abolition-usa-digest V1 #178 Reply-To: abolition-usa-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk abolition-usa-digest Thursday, September 9 1999 Volume 01 : Number 178 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 06:52:57 -0400 From: peter weiss Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Standardized Logo for Abolition 2000 Dear Carah, As a trademark lawyer by profession, I feel obliged to caution that a sunflower logo has become identified with the Hague Appeal for Peace, so it would be nice if Aolition 2000 could come up with something that wouldn't cause confusion between the two organization. Regards, Peter Nuclear Age Peace Foundation wrote: > > Dear Friends and Activists, > > I am currently in the process of updating and revising letterhead and > brochures for Abolition 2000. To date, there is not a standardized logo > for Abolition 2000 and we would like to have one that incorporates the > sunflower. I would appreciate as many suggestions and submissions as > possible. I encourage you to be creative and use your imagination. I look > forward to receiving your submission and I thank you in advance for your > contribution to the Network. > > In Peace, > Carah > > Carah Lynn Ong > Coordinator, Abolition 2000 > Nuclear Age Peace Foundation > 1187 Coast Village Road PMB 121, Suite 1 > Santa Barbara CA 93108 > > Phone (805) 965 3443 FAX(805) 568 0466 > Email: > Website > > Join the Abolition-USA or Abolition-Global Caucus list serve to regularly > receive updates about the Abolition movement. Both caucus' also provide a > forum for conversation on nuclear-related issues as well as they are used > to post important articles and information pertaining to nuclear abolition. > > To subscribe to the Abolition-USA listerve, send a message (with no > subject) to: > > In the body of the message, write: > "subscribe abolition-usa" (do not include quotation marks) > > To post a message to the Abolition-USA list, mail your message to: > > > To subscribe to the International Abolition-caucus, send a message (with no > subject) to: > In the body of the message, write: > "subscribe abolition-caucus" (do not include quotation marks) > > To post a message to the International Abolition list, mail your message to: > > > - > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 00:08:34 -0700 (PDT) From: (marylia) Subject: (abolition-usa) 3 ACTIONS/de-alert, BMD, subcriticals Hi peace and enviro advocates. Here are three easy actions you can take, two without leaving home. All three are cosponsored by Tri-Valley CAREs with many allies across the country and around the globe. Working together we are making a difference! And by participating in one or more actions -- you are helping! Peace, Marylia T H R E E E A S Y A C T I O N S by Marylia Kelley and Sally Light from Tri-Valley CAREs' September 1999 newsletter, Citizen's Watch Just the fax: Concerned that Year 2000-related computer failures in nuclear systems could lead to nuclear war by accident or miscalculation? So are many experts. But, what can you do? Tri-Valley CAREs joins with groups around the world to ask you to fax Presidents Clinton and Yeltsin this month urging them to take nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alert. Your letter and both Presidents' fax numbers follow below. Please print, then sign the letter and fax it today. Phone-y defense: Think that abrogating the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty is a mistake? Dislike spending the national treasury on a faulty concept? Believe that Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) schemes won't work -- and should be relegated to the dust bin of history? Welcome to the club. Join your colleagues on Sept. 13, 14 and 15 in an international phone-in to protest BMD. Just call the White House comment line at (202) 456-1111 or your favorite Congressperson at (202) 224-3121. Rally 'round Bechtel: DOE says there will be another "subcritical" nuclear test detonated underground in Nevada this month (September 1999). The exact date, however, is still under wraps. Tri-Valley CAREs will sponsor a protest at Bechtel Headquarters at 50 Beale St., just off Market St., in San Francisco at noon on the day of the test. Bechtel manages the Nevada Test Site for DOE. Call our office to check for the test date and rally details. Here is the de-alerting letter mentioned in ACTION number one above. Please print it out, sign and send. Fax President Bill Clinton today: 1-202-456-2461 Fax President Boris Yeltsin today: 011-7-095-205-4330 Dear Presidents Clinton and Yeltsin: I am sending this letter to join with citizens around the world in conveying an urgent message: Take all nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alert. Thousands of nuclear weapons are kept by the U.S. and Russia in a state of high-alert. This "launch on warning" posture does not add to the security of either nation. Indeed, it makes the whole world less secure. Last year, the United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly passed a resolution calling on the nuclear-armed states to de-alert all nuclear weapons. The international Canberra Commission recommended de-alerting in 1996, as did subsequent international statements by scores of Generals, Admirals and civilian world leaders. The time has come to implement de-alerting. When January 1, 2000 arrives, we may find computer-related failures in the U.S. or Russian nuclear systems -- or in the systems of both nations. This raises the specter of nuclear war by accident or miscalculation. At the dawn of the new millennium, will the U.S. and Russia enter like two blind gunfighters, each with an itchy, nervous finger on the nuclear trigger? I ask you, instead, to remove all warheads from missiles and store them separately, or to employ other, similarly significant, measures to increase the time it would take to launch a nuclear attack from a matter of minutes to one or more days. This will provide a crucial margin of safety the world needs. De-alerting can be accomplished well before the year's end -- if you each exercise courageous leadership and begin now. Nuclear weapons can be removed from hair-trigger alert without treaty negotiation or ratification. This approach has worked before. In 1991 President George Bush removed hundreds of U.S. warheads from high-alert status, and, in response, Mikhail Gorbachev did the same with hundreds of Soviet weapons. I call upon you both to finish the job. Deactivate the 5,000 nuclear weapons still on hair-trigger alert. For the sake of all our children and grandchildren, please do it now! Sincerely, Name: Address & Country: Marylia Kelley Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) 2582 Old First Street Livermore, CA USA 94550 - is our web site, please visit us there! (925) 443-7148 - is our phone (925) 443-0177 - is our fax Working for peace, justice and a healthy environment since 1983, Tri-Valley CAREs has been a member of the nation-wide Alliance for Nuclear Accountability in the U.S. since 1989, and is a co-founding member of the international Abolition 2000 network for the elimination of nuclear weapons. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 09:58:39 -0400 (EDT) From: Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space Subject: (abolition-usa) Star Wars Call-In Days Reminder STAR WARS INTERNATIONAL CALL-IN DAYS SEPTEMBER 13-15, 1999 NO BMD! NO WEAPONS IN SPACE! Congress has voted to allow the Pentagon to move forward with the Ballistic= =20 Missile Defense (BMD) system as "soon as technically feasible". The Clinto= n=20 administration is now beginning negotiations with Russia in hopes of gettin= g=20 their "agreement" for the U.S. to circumvent the 1972 ABM Treaty that outla= ws=20 the development of weapons systems like the BMD. Clinton is scheduled to= =20 make a deployment decision on the BMD in June, 2000. U.S. military officia= ls=20 have been heard to remark that while the BMD is supposedly to be used for= =20 "defensive" purposes, it=92s "dual use for offensive purposes is clear." In order to immediately increase worldwide opposition to plans for the=20 weaponization of space the Global Network has called for the International= =20 Call-In Days on Star Wars. We picked the mid-September dates because the= =20 Pentagon is scheduled to perform a Star Wars test over the Pacific Ocean on September 29 from Vandenberg AFB. (The Global Network is organizing a protest at Vandenberg on September 25). =20 Please call the White House and Congress at the numbers listed below during= =20 our call-in days. For our friends outside the U.S. we ask you to contact t= he=20 U.S. Embassy in your country as well as send a message to President Clinton= =20 and V-P Al Gore. Demand an end to Star Wars and the waste of our tax=20 dollars! =20 White House Phone # (202) 456-1111 White House Fax # (202) 456-2461 President Clinton=92s E-Mail: V-P Al Gore=92s E-Mail: Congressional Switchboard: (202) 224-3121 Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space PO Box 90083 * Gainesville, Fl. 32607 * (352) 337-9274 * - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 17:21:58 EDT From: Subject: (abolition-usa) Re: ETAN Post-Vote Alert #2: U.S. Government Inaction Results in MoreDeath as... In a message dated 9/7/99 4:59:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << Subj: ETAN Post-Vote Alert #2: U.S. Government Inaction Results in MoreDeath as Wave After Wave of Violence Sweeps East Timor Date: 9/7/99 4:59:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: (Eric S. Piotrowski) East Timor Action Network (ETAN) URGENT ACTION ALERT Post-Vote Alert #2: U.S. Government Inaction Results in More Death as Wave After Wave of Violence Sweeps East Timor Call Today to Demand an End to the Killing. Your action can save lives! Less than 24 hours after the UN announced that more than 78% of registered voters in East Timor voted to reject Indonesia's autonomy package, Indonesian military and paramilitary forces sharply escalated their campaign of terror. All observers from the International Federation for East Timor Observer Project (IFET-OP) have been forced to evacuate East Timor due to rampant violence by both paramilitary forces and TNI (Indonesian military forces), including the Kopassus Special Forces, known for its atrocious human rights abuses. Dili is burning; the streets are deserted and refugees are amassing in churches and other relief centers. Many children are among the dead. Paramilitary forces roam the streets of Dili unimpeded, while joint militia/army roadblocks block entrance to and exit from the capitol. The paramilitaries and TNI are systematically targeting buildings which house refugees. With the evacuation of UN staff and media from outlying towns, foreign observers are unable to confirm the extent of violence outside Dili, but it is believed to be severe. Hundreds of houses have been burned and dozens killed in Maliana alone. Reports have come in of mutilated bodies littering the road to West Timor. Thousands more East Timorese are now refugees, many of them forced onto trucks headed for unknown destinations. TNI must withdraw immediately from East Timor. The U.S. must offer full support for increased UN personnel and an expanded UN mission mandate. The UN must be granted control of administration and security in East Timor. The U.S. must cut off all military and financial assistance immediately! ** CALL Defense Secretary William Cohen at 703-692-7100 (fax: 703-697-9080). Demand that the United States cut off all remaining military aid to Indonesia until it removes its troops from East Timor and disbands the paramilitary groups roaming the streets. ** CALL World Bank President James Wolfensohn at 202-458-2907 (fax: 202-522-0355). Urge him to suspend financial assistance to Indonesia unless it complies immediately with UN demands to end the violence in East Timor. Also call the Executive Director for the United States to the World Bank, Ms. Jan Piercy at 202-458-0110 (fax: 202-477-2967). Demand that the U.S. support the suspension of assistance to Indonesia. ** CALL your senators and representative. Urge them to call Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, President Clinton, and Secretary of Defense William Cohen directly. The Congressional switchboard number is 202-224-3121 or check for contact information on individual offices. ** CALL Assistant Secretary of State Stanley Roth at 202-647-9596. Don't let the staff transfer you to the Indonesia desk. You want this message to reach Roth himself. The Indonesia desk officers are already doing what they can. For more information, contact Karen at the New York ETAN office at 914-428-7299 or, or Brad Simpson at IFET at 773-255-7949. END ____________________________________________________________________________ | Eric S. Piotrowski ____________________| "The oppressed cannot remain | | IFET-OP U.S. Interim Coordinator ______| oppressed forever. The urge for | | ____________________| freedom will eventually come." | | ________| - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. | |________________________________________|_________________________________| Support the International Federation for East Timor's Observer Project Phone: 831-728-4190 Fax: 831-761-1401 >> - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 18:01:22 -0400 From: Bob Tiller Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Nuclear War Terminology Questions That's a fair question. I don't have a set of words to describe such a scenario. I doubt that there will ever be a nuclear war in which only a few nuclear weapons are used, unless it is an attack by a nuclear power on a non-nuclear power (e.g. if the U.S. uses a few nuclear weapons against Libya or Sudan). In the unlikely event that only a "few" nuclear weapons were used in a war between nuclear states (e.g. China and Russia, or China and U.S.), perhaps we could use terms like "less-than-all-out" or "unexcessive" -- though I think I would find myself reluctant to use such terms to describe a war in which millions of people were killed and millions more were injured. I guess that "regional" might work to describe a nuclear war that is limited to India and Pakistan, but it would not be very descriptive. Shalom, Bob Tiller Timothy Bruening wrote: > At 04:55 PM 9/3/99 -0400, Bob Tiller wrote: > >There can be no such thing as "a small nuclear war." It is a mistaken idea, a > >false construct, and we should not be using it. > > What term should I use for a nuclear war in which only a few nuclear weapons > are used, as opposed to an all out nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia? > What term should I use for a "regional" nuclear war (like between India and > Pakistan)? > > - > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 13:23:31 +1000 From: FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign Subject: (abolition-usa) DE-ALERT RESOLUTION IN EUROPEAN PARLT - 24 HOURS TO LOBBY (MIDDAY THURS) Dear people, The Greens, Green-Left Coalition, and the Socialists are sponsoring a resolution on de-alerting nuke weapons over Y2K in the European Parliament. It comes up for the first debate on Thursday at roughly midday Brussells time. The Christian Democrats and other more righ- wing groups are likely to resists its being listed as an urgancy motion at that time. If it's not listed we will have to wait till october. Ernst Gulcher (as per these emails below) tells me there is roughly 24 hours left to lobby the EP. I suggest the way to do it is to email the EP list that I have, with SHORT messages, expressing support for the EP resolution. (list is below at the very end of this email) You could also FAX THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS: MAJ -BRITT THEORIN: 32 2 284 96 61 and in Strasbourg 33 3 88 17 96 61. ELIZABETH SCHROEDTER: BRUSSELLS 32-2-284-9234 STRASBOURG 33-3-881-79234 HEIDI HAUTALA BRUSSELLS 32-2-284-9446 STRASBOURG 33-3-881-79446. The suggested message is as follows. "Dear Member of the European Parliament, I have heard that a resolution on taking nuclear weapons off alert over the Y2K rollover period is being considered for submission as as urgency motion on Thursday. My group considers this motion to be of very highest importance. Considerable concern has recently been expressed by a number of respected analysts in the Brookings Institute, the British-American Security Information Council, and the Federation of American Scientists, over the possibility of accidental launches of nuclear missiles based on misinformation from malfunctioning computer systems over the Y2K rollover period. If nuclear weapons are taken off hairtrigger alert over the Y2K rollover period, it will ensure positively that accidental nuclear missile launches, whose consequences are at least potentially disastrous for the entire planet, are not possible. In any case, the taking of nuclear forces off alert, or standing down, was strongly reccommended by the Canberra Commission in 1996, and by subsequent resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, as essential steps toward the abolition of nuclear weapons. With or without the Y2K problem, taking nuclear forces off alert is a good idea. In the face of possible Y2K computer glitches, it is sheer commonsense, costs nothing, and makes the world a safer place. We urge you to support this essential and comonsense resolution being listed as an urgency motion on thursday, and to vote in favour of it. John Hallam, Nuclear Campaigner, Friends of the Earth Sydney, Next comes a 'pruned' list of some 40% of the EP. it is largely the Socialist greenleft and green factions. If anyone has fax or email adresses for any other factions please use them and please send them to me! Dear Member of the European Parliament, I have heard that a resolution on taking nuclear weapons off alert over the Y2K rollover period is being considered for submission as as urgency motion on Thursday. My group considers this motion to be of very highest importance. Considerable concern has recently been expressed by a number of respected analysts in the Brookings Institute, the British-American Security Information Council, and the Federation of American Scientists, over the possibility of accidental launches of nuclear missiles based on misinformation from malfunctioning computer systems over the Y2K rollover period. If nuclear weapons are taken off hairtrigger alert over the Y2K rollover period, it will ensure positively that accidental nuclear missile launches, whose consequences are at least potentially disastrous for the entire planet, are not possible. In any case, the taking of nuclear forces off alert, or standing down, was strongly reccommended by the Canberra Commission in 1996, and by subsequent resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, as essential steps toward the abolition of nuclear weapons. With or without the Y2K problem, taking nuclear forces off alert is a good idea. In the face of possible Y2K computer glitches, it is sheer commonsense, costs nothing, and makes the world a safer place. We urge you to support this essential and comonsense resolution being listed as an urgency motion on thursday, and to vote in favour of it." (Signed etc...) G.SCHMID@LINK-R.DE - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 19:54:19 +1000 From: FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign Subject: (abolition-usa) Get This message to This list within 24 hours John Hallam Friends of the Earth Sydney, 17 Lord street, Newtown, NSW, Australia, Fax(61)(2)9517-3902 ph (61)(2)9517-3903 DEAR PEOPLE IF YOU POSSIBLY CAN, BY EMAIL AND FAX, GET THIS MESSAGE OUT (BELOW) TO THE LIST BELOW THAT. YOU HAVE 24 HOURS. (Noon Thursday Brussels time) (it should take about 20 minutes). NO problem if you want to improve on the message just do it. Dear Member of the European Parliament, I have heard that a resolution on taking nuclear weapons off alert over the Y2K rollover period is being considered for submission as as urgency motion on Thursday. My group considers this motion to be of the very highest importance. Considerable concern has recently been expressed by a number of respected analysts in the Brookings Institute, the British-American Security Information Council, and the Federation of American Scientists, over the possibility of accidental launches of nuclear missiles based on misinformation from malfunctioning computer systems over the Y2K rollover period. If nuclear weapons are taken off hairtrigger alert over the Y2K rollover period, it will ensure positively that accidental nuclear missile launches, whose consequences are at least potentially disastrous for the entire planet, are not possible. In any case, the taking of nuclear forces off alert, or standing down, was strongly reccommended by the Canberra Commission in 1996, and by subsequent resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, as essential steps toward the abolition of nuclear weapons. With or without the Y2K problem, taking nuclear forces off alert is a good idea. In the face of possible Y2K computer glitches, it is sheer commonsense, costs nothing, and makes the world a safer place. The UK has already altered its 'notice to fire' from seconds to days. This is undoubtedly a move in the right direction. A resolution on Y2k and nuclear weapons was passed unanimopusly in the Australian Senate recently, and I understand that one is being prepared for the US Congress. We urge you to support this essential and comonsense resolution being listed as an urgency motion on thursday, and to vote in favour of it. ....TO THIS LIST (EMAILS HERE FAX NUMBERS RIGHT AT THE BOTTOM) G.SCHMID@LINK-R.DE You could also FAX THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS: MAJ -BRITT THEORIN: 32 2 284 96 61 and in Strasbourg 33 3 88 17 96 61. ELIZABETH SCHROEDTER: BRUSSELLS 32-2-284-9234 STRASBOURG 33-3-881-79234 HEIDI HAUTALA BRUSSELLS 32-2-284-9446 STRASBOURG 33-3-881-79446. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 21:54:09 EDT From: Subject: (abolition-usa) Re: East Timor information and action This is a discouraging post. I'm glad Alyn noted the sources for information and I hope people follow up on it. But this is a replay of what we had during the Kosova war. And it is a replay of the Hauge Appeal - "let's discuss any war but the one in front of us". My take may be desperately off base, but the exclusion of serious political discussion from the Abolition list (and the many very minor posts which do appear on it) makes it increasingly less useful. I sense my days on this list will soon end as too much of the material bears absolutely no relationship to the real world most of us live in. More later. Peace, David McReynolds NYC << Subj: East Timor information and action Date: 9/8/99 9:40:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: (Alyn Ware) Sender: To: (abolition caucus) Dear Abolitionists, Many of you are probably shocked about the horrific events in East Timor and want to know more information or what you can do about it. The Abolition 2000 Coordinating Committee today affirmed that the abolition caucus list-serve should be used as intended as a forum for the abolition of nuclear weapons, and not as a forum for other issues of peace or violence. For those of you who want information on East Timor and what you can do, contact: East Timor Action Network, 110 Maryland Avenue NE #30, Washington DC 20002. Phone (1) 202-544-6911, or (1) 914 428 7299 Email: Website: International Federation for East Timor, Phone: (1) 831-728-4190 Fax: (1) 831-761-1401 Email: Website: Peace Brigades International East Timor Project, 76 Virginia Road, Wanganui, Aotearoa-New Zealand. Phone (64) 6 345 0634 Email:, or, Website: - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 13:37:03 +1000 From: FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign Subject: (abolition-usa) EMAIL THESE PEOPLE TO SUPPORT DE-ALERTING RESOLUTION DEAR DE-ALERTERS, THESE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO MOST NEED TO BE EMAILED RE- THE DE-ALERTING RESOLUTION COMING UP TODAY. THERE'S ABOUT 8 HOURS TO DO IT IN. I'LL GET FAX NOS ASS SOON AS I CAN. JOHN H. Patrick COX Chairman of the Parliamentary Group of the European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party in the European Parliament. Herrn Hans-Gert POETTERING Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group), Chairman Dear Patrick Cox and Hans-Gert Poettering, I have heard that a resolution on taking nuclear weapons off alert over the Y2K rollover period is being considered for submission as as urgency motion on Thursday. My group considers this motion to be of the very highest importance. Considerable concern has recently been expressed by a number of respected analysts in the Brookings Institute, the British-American Security Information Council, and the Federation of American Scientists, over the possibility of accidental launches of nuclear missiles based on misinformation from malfunctioning computer systems over the Y2K rollover period. If nuclear weapons are taken off hairtrigger alert over the Y2K rollover period, it will ensure positively that accidental nuclear missile launches, whose consequences are at least potentially disastrous for the entire planet, are not possible. In any case, the taking of nuclear forces off alert, or standing down, was strongly reccommended by the Canberra Commission in 1996, and by subsequent resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, as essential steps toward the abolition of nuclear weapons. With or without the Y2K problem, taking nuclear forces off alert is a good idea. In the face of possible Y2K computer glitches, it is sheer commonsense, costs nothing, and makes the world a safer place. The UK has already altered its 'notice to fire' from seconds to days. This is undoubtedly a move in the right direction. A resolution on Y2k and nuclear weapons was passed unanimopusly in the Australian Senate recently, and I understand that one is being prepared for the US Congress. A similar resolution was introduced the day before yesterday in the Canadian Senate, by Senator Doug Roche. We urge you to support this essential and comonsense resolution being listed as an urgency motion on thursday, and to vote in favour of it. John Hallam Nuclear Campaigner Friends of the earth Sydney Australia. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 18:13:51 +1000 From: FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign Subject: (abolition-usa) DE-ALERTING RESOLUTION TO BE DEBATED FOR EP AGENDA IN FOUR HOURS DEAR DE-ALERTERS, DECISION TIME ON EP RESOLUTION IN FOUR HOURS At Noon Strasbourg time (ie four hours from now), the EP will decide whether to accept the resolution on de-alerting of nuclear weapons over Y2K as an 'urgency motion'. if it does it wil then be voted on today week. THESE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO MOST NEED TO BE FAXED/EMAILED RE- THE DE-ALERTING RESOLUTION COMING UP TODAY. JOHN H. Patrick COX Chairman of the Parliamentary Group of the European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party in the European Parliament. FAX 33-3-8817-9363 Herrn Hans-Gert POETTERING Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group), Chairman FAX 33-3-8817-9311. Dear Patrick Cox and Hans-Gert Poettering, I have heard that a resolution on taking nuclear weapons off alert over the Y2K rollover period is being considered for submission as as urgency motion on Thursday. This motion is of the very highest importance. Considerable concern has recently been expressed by a number of respected analysts in the Brookings Institute, the British-American Security Information Council, and the Federation of American Scientists, over the possibility of accidental launches of nuclear missiles based on misinformation from malfunctioning computer systems over the Y2K rollover period. If nuclear weapons are taken off hairtrigger alert over the Y2K rollover period, it will ensure positively that accidental nuclear missile launches, whose consequences are at least potentially disastrous for the entire planet, are not possible. In any case, the taking of nuclear forces off alert, or standing down, was strongly reccommended by the Canberra Commission in 1996, and by subsequent resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, as essential steps toward the abolition of nuclear weapons. With or without the Y2K problem, taking nuclear forces off alert is a good idea. In the face of possible Y2K computer glitches, it is sheer commonsense, costs nothing, and makes the world a safer place. The UK has already altered its 'notice to fire' from seconds to days. This is undoubtedly a move in the right direction. A resolution on Y2k and nuclear weapons was passed unanimopusly in the Australian Senate recently, and I understand that one is being prepared for the US Congress. A similar resolution was introduced the day before yesterday in the Canadian Senate, by Senator Doug Roche. We urge you to support this essential and comonsense resolution being listed as an urgency motion on thursday, and to vote in favour of it. (signed) etc. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 19:36:25 +1000 From: FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign Subject: (abolition-usa) FAXED TO DOUG ROCHE RE CANADIAN DE-ALERTING RESOLUTION FRIENDS OF THE EARTH AUSTRALIA / AUSTRALIAN PEACE COMMITTEE ATTN SENATOR DOUG ROCHE 1-613 943-9561 Dear Senator Doug Roche, I am writing to you to congratuate you on your submitting of a de-alerting resolution to the Canadian Senate on 7 Sept. It is surely no coincidence that the European Parliament will debate whether to put a de-alerting resolution on the agenda for next week in roughly four hours. As you have signed the De-alerting sign on letter to Yeltsin and Clinton, it is also entirely appropriate that those in the European Parliament who have signed the same letter are also in the forefront of getting it on the agenda there. These initiatives are essential for the security of the whole world. Taking nuclear weapons off hairtriggger alert in the face of possible misinformation and miscalculation resulting from the Y2K problem is simple comonsense. Yet the fact is that some people continue to resist the idea and claim that we are saying that the sky is falling. Friends of the Earth Australia and the Australian Peace Committee completely supports you in this endeavour. Furthermore, it is clear that all those who have signed the De-Alerting letter to Yeltsin and Clinton, which now amounts to some 380 organisations worldwide, support the idea of taking nuclear forces off alert. I urge you to use the De-Alerting letter to demonstrate the global support that exists for your initiative. Parliamentarians, trade-unions, NGOs, Church groups, and Peace and Environment groups accross the planet have shown that they believe that nuclear forces should be stood down. The Canberra Commission and at least two resolutions of the UNGA have urged that this be done. Commonsense demands it be done. Sheer survival demands that it be done. Canada has a good record in this area, and a resolution to this effect would definitely be helpful in urging Yeltsin and Clinton to do as we suggest and stand down nuclear forces. I urge you to proceed with this excellent initiative and wish you complete success with it. John Hallam Nuclear Campaigner Friends of the Earth Sydney, Coordinator, De-Alerting Letter. Irene Gale A.M., Australian Peace Committee, Adelaide. >Roche, Douglas: SEN wrote: >Press Release > A Motion calling on the Government of Canada to urge all nuclear powers to de-alert their nuclear weapons as soon as possible was introduced in the Senate of Canada September 7, 1999 by Senator Douglas Roche. > There are currently 5,000 nuclear weapons on hair-trigger alert, meaning they could be fired within minutes. Taking these weapons off alert status would be done by physically separating the warheads from the >delivery vehicles. > The motion is aimed at the five declared nuclear weapons States, the United States, Russia, the U.K., France and China and the three nuclear weapons capable States, India, Pakistan and Israel. > "These powerful States could make a great gift to humanity for the new Millennium by removing the possibility of nuclear accidents," Senator Roche said. > Senator Roche noted growing concern that the failure of computers to recognize the year 2000 date change could infect command, control, communication and intelligence systems of nuclear forces. However, he said, "the Motion is not directly dependent on the Y2K problem. The year 2000 date change highlights the existing danger to the world because of the ongoing alert status of nuclear forces." Several incidents of false signals of missile attacks have triggered a process in which national leaders had to decide in only a few minutes whether to fire nuclear weapons. Russia and the United States are now discussing a proposed joint center in the U.S. which would seat a handful of U.S. and Russian officers side-by-side for a few days during the 2000 date switch to monitor blips on nuclear screens. The officers would be in direct touch with their respective national command authorities to alleviate any concern about blips that may occur on the date change. "This shows that the U.S. and Russia are concerned about a possible problem," Senator Roche said, "but their response is inadequate. The world needs the safety that de-alerting would ensure -- not just on New Year's Eve but throughout every day of every year." Senator Roche noted that the U.K. government has relaxed the notice to fire its nuclear weapons from minutes to days. Also, the Government of Canada, following the recommendations of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, supports the concept of de-alerting and other measures which contribute to the safety and security of nuclear arsenals and the stability of U.S.-Russian strategic nuclear relations. Senator Roche's Motion reads: "That the Senate recommends that the Government of Canada urge the nuclear weapons States plus India, Pakistan and Israel to take all of their nuclear forces off alert status as soon as possible." >-30- - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ End of abolition-usa-digest V1 #178 *********************************** - To unsubscribe to $LIST, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe $LIST" in the body of the message. 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