From: (abolition-usa-digest) To: Subject: abolition-usa-digest V1 #230 Reply-To: abolition-usa-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk abolition-usa-digest Thursday, December 9 1999 Volume 01 : Number 230 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1999 12:55:18 +1000 From: FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign Subject: (abolition-usa) Y2K and Nuclear Weapons de-Alerting Dear Mr Kirsch, Let me make one thing clear at the outset - No-one on our side of the de- alerting 'debate' (because there should be no debate - de-alerting is simply commonsense) - has ever stated nor would we ever state, that missiles can launch themselves. There are are number of other points you should bear in mind. De- alerting has been pressed for not merely because of the Y2K problem, which offers a particularly concentrated 'window' of possible computer glitches, but because there have been over the years a series of hair- raising near misses and false alerts, none of them obviously, Y2K- based. You will recall that there was an incident in 1980, and incidents in Russia in 1983 and 1995, that could well have resulted in accidental launches of all or a large part of their arsenal. Y2K merely presents an opportunity for more of these computer glitches. Of course, complete system blackout such as I understand occurred when your system was first tested in 1995, would be, paradoxically, perfectly safe. Nothing would work. What is of far more concern is the possibility of corrupted data or false alerts, possibly leading to what your senate has called 'unintended deadly consequences'. BASIC makes it perfectly clear that while much has been done in Y2K remediation in the US, much less has been done in Russia, and that even in the US it is in the very nature of the Y2K problem that one cannot be absolutely sure that everything will work perfectly, and concerns have been expressed over the possibility of blank screens, communications blackouts, corrupted data and false alerts. The creation of the Y2K strategic stability centre in Colorado is certainly a good, and indeed an essential, move. The centre should have started well before the late date of 27 Dec, (at least end of Nov), and should preferably be made permanent. I gather that there are plans for a centre in Moscow and this is good. However there is simply no getting around the fact that as long as there are 3,600Russian warheads and 2000 US warheads in land - based ICBMs ready for immediate launch, (not counting SLBMs and other warheads), the possibility exists, however small, for the ultimate catastrophe. This is so with or without Y2K. Y2K merely provides a specific period when we can recognise that this possibility is greater than at other times. And it is for that reason that de - alerting has been called for by the Canberra Commission of 1996, by the Tokyo Forum, by two resolutions in the United Nations general Asembly last year, by the same two resolutions this year (both passed by massive majorities), by the Australian Senate, (2 resolutions passed unanimously and 'without dissent') by the Markey Resolution (H.Con.Res 177), and by the European Parliament in a resolution that was passed unanimously. It's also for that reason that more that 460 NGOs worldwide have now signed a letter to the Presidents of Russia and the US and their respective secretaries/ministers for defence, asking for nuclear weapons to be taken off alert. It is worth your noting that the Canberra Commission stated quite clearly that in the event that one side was willing to de- alert and the other was not or in the event that it was not possible to negotiate adequate or timely verification proceedures, de- alerting SHOULD BE ACCOMPLISHED UNILATERALLY. The Canberra Commission, while it was clear that verification and mutuality was preferable, still considered a unilateral and non- verified de- alert to be preferable to not de- alerting. This in effect is what has been accomplished by the UK's change in the 'notice to fire' for its nuclear weapons from minutes to days. Others should do as the UK has done. I would like to point out that your statements re the 'Perimiter' system are not correct. Analyst Bruce Blair has described the system in some detail, and there is no doubt as to its existence, though there have been differeng accounts over its precise mode of operation. The November 1999 BASIC report also describes Perimiter in some detail. I am sending you in a separate email in case you don't have already a dozen versios of it, the current BASIC report. As you will see your paraphrase is not accurate. I urge you to read the BASIC report carefully, and to ask yourself honestly, why so many people and so many bodies ranging from Berkley Council through the Australian senate to the European Parliament to the Unted Nations General Assembly, think that de- alerting in general is a good idea and that it is an especially good idea over the Y2K rollover. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1999 14:59:04 +1000 From: FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign Subject: (abolition-usa) FSB/ex-KGB THREATENS ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISTS AGAIN From: "Vladimir Slivyak" To: Subject: FSB/ex-KGB THREATENS ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISTS AGAIN Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1999 03:15:47 +0300 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.71.1712.3 Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To: "Vladimir Slivyak" X-Rcpt-To: URGENT! HELP NEEDED! FSB/ex-KGB THREATENS ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISTS AGAIN Moscow, December 6 The efforts of the FSB to pin recent terrorist acts on environmentalists (anti-nuclear activists) have not ceased. Today, Dec. 6, the deputy director of the Anti-Nuclear Campaign of the Socio-Ecological Union, also campaigner for ECODEFENSE!, Elena (Alisa) Nikoulina, received a summons from FSB investigator Andreyev. The "date" is tomorrow at 5 p.m.. (2 pm GMT) Of course, at the Anti-Nuclear Campaign, hopes are still alive that all these "misunderstandings" with the FSB will end and these more than absurd suspicions will be dropped once and for all. The Anti-Nuclear Campaign always promoted only nonviolent forms of protest. Its workers have often appeared in the press and given lectures to that effect. Unfortunately, all hopes that "this, too, shall pass" are almost dead, mostly due to several months of provocational acts directed at environmentalists by the the special services, including directly against the workers of the Antinuclear Campaign in Moscow and Voronezh. It is interesting that in Moscow and Voronezh, as well as in Yekaterinburg, where local activists have also been victims, the special services have behaved identically - using investigation of terrorist acts as a pretext, they have questioned activists about foreign sources of financing and protest actions. What is more, everyone concerned practices nonviolence as a basic principle of environmental activity. It cannot be ruled out that a new provocation could be carried out in the form of Nikoulina's detainment. We would like to hope that this will not happen. I would like to ask everyone who realizeds the danger threatening the movement if the FSB builds up cases against environmentalists and calls them terrorists, and everyone who would simply like to help, to follow this case. Your support can have great influence. WHAT YOU CAN DO NOW: Find out tomorrow whether Nikoulina comes back from Lubyanka, the FSB headquarters. Keep in touch with Anti-nuclear campaign through e-mail: The phone number of the Anti-Nuclear Campaign in Moscow, where Alisa can be found, is +7 095 278 46 42. If no one answers, try 278 47 89 and ask for Nina Viktorovna (if you speak Russian). If the worst happens, call the FSB and send letters of protest, copying them to members of the media. The FSB Center for Public Relations can be reached at 224-4689, 224-5097 or fax 975-2470. Phone number of the FSB officer Dmitry Vadimovich Andreev, who ordered Alisa to come - 224-4340. Show them in any way possible that the public is following Nikoulina's case and it will not passed unnoticed. Publicity and our combined efforts still frighten the secret services. We won't last long alone. If it happens that you talk to FSB please use full name - Elena Leonidovna Nikoulina, otherwise they will tell you they never asked her to come and don't know who she is. For further information call our telephones (if you speak Russian) or write to: Thanks in advance, keep in touch. Vladimir Slivyak, on behalf of ECODEFENSE! and The SEU Anti-Nuclear Campaign - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 22:01:02 -0800 (PST) From: (marylia) Subject: (abolition-usa) NIF: Latest Problems for Nuclear Weapons Megalaser Megalaser's Technical Problems are Coming to Light by Marylia Kelley from Tri-Valley CAREs' December 1999 newsletter, Citizen's Watch "I look forward to...advice on how to put this project back on track," declared Department of Energy Secretary Bill Richardson in a Nov. 10, 1999 press release announcing the formation of a task force charged with reviewing the National Ignition Facility. The group will report directly to Richardson. The problem? For starters, NIF is a train wreck. All the hoists and pulleys at DOE's disposal cannot put it "back on track." Following a late August shake up in NIF management, Tri-Valley CAREs conducted interviews with scientists and others at the three key nuclear weapons labs, Livermore, Los Alamos and Sandia. As we reported in the September 1999 Citizen's Watch, NIF is not merely off-track, it is beset by serious, unresolved technical difficulties, particularly in the areas of optics (glass), target fabrication (radioactive pellets) and diagnostics As it became public that NIF is at least $300 million over budget and over a year behind schedule, three official investigations were launched into NIF problems. The General Accounting Office is conducting an investigation, likely to be the most comprehensive of the three, and expected to conclude around March. The University of California, which manages the Lab for DOE, published a cursory look at NIF's management issues (copies available on request), and, most recently, Richardson appointed a NIF task force. NIF Limited to Half-Energy Unresolved problems in the final optics mean that NIF will be able to run at only half its design energy, Edward Moses, the newly appointed NIF manager, admitted to the NIF task force. "We can run 4 to 5 joules per square centimeter," he told the DOE panel. "This is 50% of NIF's rating." In essence, as each of the laser's beams travels toward the radioactive fuel pellet -- at the key point where it must be converted to ultraviolet (called the third harmonic) -- the beam will cause damage spots on the optics to grow. This, in turn, will cause the lenses to shatter on very short order. Called "damage propagation," employees have been telling us of this problem for some time. This is the first time, however, that NIF management has openly acknowledged it. NIF Glass Fails to Meet Specs Another serious hurdle is with the manufacture of NIF's laser glass. The Lab has already spent an undisclosed amount of money building full-scale production facilities at 2 companies, Hoya and Schott. The NIF plan calls for them to make the glass via a "continuous pour" method, unlike the technique used for earlier lasers, wherein glass was produced in small batches. Scientists and vendors have said privately that NIF laser glass was supposed to have been delivered in January and June. To date, only a small portion of the order has been delivered, and it did not meet specifications. The glass slabs, intended for NIF's amplifiers, contain unacceptable stresses which make them "pop." The underlying problems are twofold: too much water in the finished product and a lack of "homogeneity," meaning there are serious imperfections at random locations inside the glass. The NIF's design calls for over 3,000 glass slabs with a combined weight of around 150 tons. Therefore, the Lab cannot resolve the problem by going back to the "tried and true" method used in the past to produce small quantities of laser glass. The simple truth is that no one knows how to make enough glass for NIF, and do it in a way that will meet the purity and other necessary specs. Our investigations have turned up many additional problems, from anti-reflection coatings to beam alignment inadequacies, to silver coating failures on the flashlamp mirrors, to target manufacture and loading uncertainties -- and the list goes on. NIF is Costly Aid Program for Weaponeers In essence, the key parts needed to make NIF run are still in a research and development mode, long after that phase was to have been completed. The NIF project has gobbled up close to $1 billion dollars so far. Researchers tell us that the acknowledged $300 million cost overrun is only the tip of the iceberg. NIF's costs could ultimately double, from $5 billion to ten, they say. And, the schedule delay may stretch from two to five years (to more). The Lab refuses to release its new "baseline" report for NIF, but it is believed to contain a proposal to cut NIF in half, reducing it from 192 to 96 beams. Such a move will not resolve the serious technical difficulties. It will, however, forego any pretense at reaching ignition, even if all other problems can be solved. Bigger than a football stadium, NIF is designed to train multiple laser beams on a radioactive fuel target sitting inside a reactor vessel. The scientific goal is to compress the target and initiate a thermonuclear, or fusion, explosion. The weaponeers' goal is to use it as a tool to advance nuclear weapons physics. This latter aim does not require ignition, and is the only purpose that will be served by building NIF. Like the Livermore Lab's "Star Wars" project before it, NIF runs counter to disarmament goals, is being over-hyped to Congress in order to obtain funding -- and won't work, to boot. Marylia Kelley Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) 2582 Old First Street Livermore, CA USA 94550 - is our web site, please visit us there! (925) 443-7148 - is our phone (925) 443-0177 - is our fax Working for peace, justice and a healthy environment since 1983, Tri-Valley CAREs has been a member of the nation-wide Alliance for Nuclear Accountability in the U.S. since 1989, and is a co-founding member of the international Abolition 2000 network for the elimination of nuclear weapons. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Dec 1999 16:27:04 -0500 From: Bob Tiller Subject: (abolition-usa) Change of venue Friends, It is with sadness that I will leave the PSR staff at the end of this year. I have enjoyed these three years, and I have appreciated working with you. Though there have been some setbacks, we have made valuable progress toward a world free of the scourge of nuclear weapons. Thank you for your commitment, your diligence and your friendship. I hope that our paths will cross again. Shalom, Bob Tiller - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Dec 1999 14:43:42 -0800 From: "Pamela S. Meidell" Subject: (abolition-usa) y2k nuclear power action alert >From: >Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1999 13:28:37 EST >Subject: y2k nuclear power action alert >To:,,, >,,, >, >X-Mailer: AOL for Macintosh sub 189 > >please send today: > >Y2K & NUCLEAR POWER > >URGENT=20 >ACTION ALERT: >for December 8th & 9th > >CALL: President Clinton (202) 456-1111 > Christopher Dodd (202) 224-5224 > (Senate Y2K committee) > John Koskinen (202) 456-7171 > (Chair Council on Year 2000) > > >TELL THEM: > > To support Y2K WASH (World Atomic Safety Holiday) > =95Temporarily shut down all US nuclear reactors in a phased procedure by =20 >December 30. > =95Ensure there are reliable backup generators and adequate fuel= supplies=20 >for=20 > 60 days > =95De-alert nuclear weapons systems=20 > =95Encourage other world leaders to undertake these initiatives > >FOR MORE INFORMATION CHECK OUT Y2K WASH WEBSITE: > > >Please call (415) 868-1900 for more information. Thanks for your help. We= =20 >have 23 more days! > >=20 > Pamela S. Meidell Director The Atomic Mirror P.O. Box 220 Port Hueneme, California USA 93044 Tel: 805/985 5073 Fax: 805/985 7563 Email: The Atomic Mirror is part of Abolition 2000: A Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Dec 1999 12:37:14 +1100 From: "Helen Caldicott" Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Change of venue Bob, Your'e the only one I can relate to! I'd love to know really why you are leaving, good luck and thanks for all your excellent work, I have enjoyed working with you, Helen Caldicott - ----- Original Message ----- From: Bob Tiller To: Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 1999 8:27 AM Subject: (abolition-usa) Change of venue > Friends, > > It is with sadness that I will leave the PSR staff at the end of this > year. I have enjoyed these three years, and I have appreciated working > with you. Though there have been some setbacks, we have made valuable > progress toward a world free of the scourge of nuclear weapons. Thank > you for your commitment, your diligence and your friendship. I hope > that our paths will cross again. > > Shalom, > Bob Tiller > > > - > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 15:00:12 +1000 From: FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign Subject: (abolition-usa) PLEASE DISTRIBUTE WIDELY - 22 DAYS AND GOING DOWN: 5,600 WARHEADS ON ALERT! 22 DAYS AND GOING DOWN: STILL 5,600 WARHEADS ON ALERT - PLEASE FAX FOR DE-ALERTING TODAY PLEASE SEND THIS EMAIL ON TO AS MANY OTHERS AS YOU CAN - Distribute far and Wide. Dear All who are concerned about the safety of our planet, As December 31 draws closer you'll get more of these. Time is getting short. As we move toward the crucial date of Dec31/Jan1, 2000, some 5,600 nuclear warheads controlled by the oldest and largest computer complexes in the world are on hairtrigger alert. We are asking people to write to US Defence Secretary Cohen, Clinton, and Russian defence minister Sergeyev, asking them to take these weapons off alert before Dec30. In particular, if you live in the US, if it is at all possible you should try to fax or ring the white house or defence secy Cohen at the Pantagon TODAY (Dec 9th). Cohen-Fax +1-703-695-1149, Ph(Clinton) (202) 456-1111 fax 456-2461. If you live in Europe (esp eastern europe), please send a fax to Russian defence minister Igor Sergeyev first, and then to US defence secy Cohen and Clinton. (+7-095-205-4330. Russian Govt General Fax) PLEASE don't just delete or write back asking me to take you off the list - this really is important and it really is something on which you can make a difference. If you have already sent a fax, then congratulations. You don't need to do any more - unless you'd like to distribute this email to as many other people as possible. If you faxed to Cohen or Clinton however, you might consider faxing Russian Defence Minister Igor Sergeyev. There are indications that your faxes *may* be making an impact on the Pentagon. We need to keep the momentum up! The Canberra Commission, the Tokyo Forum, four resolutions in the United Nations General Assembly (two last year two this year), two motions in the Australian Senate, and a resolution carried on Thursday 18th Nov by the European Parliament have all called for nuclear weapons to be taken off alert. Please write to US defence secretary William Cohen, President Clinton, and to Russian Defence Minister Igor Sergeyev, asking them to take nuclear weapons off hairtrigger alert at least over the Y2K 'rollover' period. Defence Secretary Cohen's fax number is +1-703-695-1149 President Clintons fax number is +1-202-456-2461 Yeltsin/Sergeyev's fax number is +7-095-205-4330. Faxing a single A4 page should not cost you more than a dollar. You can fax for free on (But the best fax is HANDWRITTEN). *If you are an organisation* and want to sign a large sign- on letter, please sign the letter to Presidents Yeltsin and Clinton that is being periodicaly faxed to them on Sample letters to Cohen/Clinton and to Sergeyev are below. Do please customise and abbreviate. And have fun while saving the planet from (possibly) the apocalypse! 1)SAMPLE LETTER TO COHEN/CLINTON (This is for individuals to sent to Us Secretary for Defence Cohen and President Clinton. You can also post it to The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC.) TO: WILLIAM COHEN, US SECRETARY OF DEFENCE, +1-703-695-1149, PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON, WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, US, +1-202-456-2461, +1-202-456-2883. Dear President Clinton and Secretary for Defence Cohen, I am writing to urge your administration to take US nuclear forces off 'hairtrigger alert' even if only during the Y2K rollover period. As you will be aware, the European Parliament recently voted to ask you and President Yeltsin to do as the UK has already done, and de-alert nuclear weapons. It is particularly disturbing that Secretary Cohen has been reported as having stated in Moscow some time ago that de-alerting of nuclear forces is 'off the table' as a stability building measure. You have also been quoted as saying that 'The better course is reduction, limiting the number of weapons, and establishing shared early warning centers'. The recent Europarliament vote clearly puts de- alerting back on the table. De-alerting of nuclear forces was strongly recommended by the Canberra Commission in 1996 and then by the Tokyo Forum, as a way to develop strategic stability and build trust between the US and Russia. It has also been incorporated into last year's and this years text of the New Agenda Resolution in the UN General Assembly. It has also been reccommended by a resolution specifically on the subject passed by last years General Assembly and by this years First Committee on Reduction of Nuclear Dangers. In addition it has been the subject of two resolutions passed by the Australian Senate on 12 August and 20September, and finally it has been clearly requested by the European Parliament. It is also the subject of congressional resolution H.Con Res177 put by Edward Markey, and most recently, the City of Berkley has asked for it. These measures are not in competition with each other. All of them - reductions in the number of weapons, the establishment of shared early warning centers and de-alerting - are vital to the reduction of tension and the establishment of strategic stability. This is particularly the case in view of the uncertainties posed by the millennium date change (Y2K). As you are well aware, the largest and oldest computer system complexes in the world are those that control nuclear weapons systems. The very nature of the Y2K problem makes it impossible to be sure everything has been fixed until well into the new year. Russia has, until recently, made little effort to even acknowledge the Y2K problem, let alone fix it. It is therefore quite possible that Russian computerized control systems are not Y2K compliant and that they will experience widespread failures during the Y2K rollover period. Even more disquieting is the fact that that the Russians have constructed the system known as 'Perimeter', or the 'dead hand'. This system seems to include additional ways in which Y2K failure might lead to an accidental launch. The establishment of a Y2K strategic stability center in Colorado is certainly an advantageous move and an absolutely essential one. However, it does not entirely remove the danger of an accidental launch of nuclear weapons. The fact that the Center is scheduled, as far as we the public are aware, to come into operation only on December 27th, four days prior to the rollover, is far from reassuring. A four day delay will render it useless. Similarly, the center itself will depend on the availability of ultra-reliable hotlines between it and Moscow. The Y2K vulnerabilities recently discovered in six of the seven hotlines on which US/Russian communications depends, are also cause for deep concern. If nuclear weapons are removed from a status in which they can be launched within minutes, and placed in one which would require at least days to launch, the risk of an accidental missile launch induced by Y2K or other errors in command and control systems will be virtually eliminated. This has been done by the UK, which has moved the 'notice to fire' for its missile forces from minutes to days. In taking De-alerting 'off the table', the United States is making a serious error. Failure to take nuclear forces off hairtrigger alert over the Y2K 'rollover' period is an error that has the potential of causing unthinkable consequences. The probability of this may be low, but it will never be zero as long as nuclear forces remain on hair-trigger alert. In a previous administration, President Bush took strategic bomber forces off alert. We urge you to do this with all US nuclear forces. (SIGNED) etc. 2)SAMPLE LETTER TO YELTSIN/DEFENCE MINISTER SERGEYEV THIS SAMPLE LETTER IS FOR YOU PERSONALLY TO FAX, CUSTOMIZED AS YOU FEEL BEST, TO YELTSIN AND DEFENCE MINISTER SERGEYEV. PLEASE DO FAX IT AND SEND IT NOW. You can also post it to Boris Yeltsin, C/O The Kremlin, Moscow - but its really too slow. A single A4 page fax will cost you about a dollar. PRESIDENT BORIS YELTSIN, IGOR SERGEYEV, RUSSIAN DEFENCE MINISTER, +7-095-205-4330, 'Dear Defence Minister Sergeyev and President Yeltsin, I am writing to convey my deep concern that Y2K-related computer failures in the command and control systems for nuclear weapons may lead to an accidental nuclear war. I am aware that both Russia and the US have taken this problem seriously enough to establish a joint strategic stability center in Colorado. However, I am very much concerned that this facility will come into operation only by 27th December 1999, so that a delay of just four days will make it useless. I am also very much concerned that Y2K problems have been found recently in six out of seven of the 'hotlines' that would be used if a crisis of any sort arose over the Y2K rollover period. I am aware that there have been a number of occasions when either the US or Russia have mistakenly believed that the other nation was in the process of launching a nuclear attack. With 3,600 Russian warheads on 700 missiles and 2,000 US warheads on 500 missiles, with each side capable to launch within roughly 20 minutes, this must never be allowed to happen, either over the Y2K 'rollover', or at any other time. The use of 5,600 warheads would certainly mean the end of what we call civilization, would likely mean the end of the human race and could possibly mean the end of all life. I therefore urge both you and the United States, to place all your nuclear forces in a status in which at least days not minutes, would be required to launch . The United Kingdom has, I understand, already done this. The European Parliament has recently called on both the US and Russia to de-alert nuclear weapons and to place them in a state similar to that in which the UK has placed its weapons. The recent Europarliament vote clearly puts de- alerting back on the table. De-alerting of nuclear forces was strongly recommended by the Canberra Commission in 1996 and then by the Tokyo Forum, as a way to develop strategic stability and build trust between the US and Russia. It has also been incorporated into last year's and this years text of the New Agenda Resolution in the UN General Assembly. It has also been reccommended by a resolution specifically on the subject passed by last years General Assembly and by this years First Committee on Reduction of Nuclear Dangers. In addition it has been the subject of two resolutions passed by the Australian Senate on 12 August and 20September, and finally it has been clearly requested by the European Parliament. It is also the subject of congressional resolution H.Con Res177 put by Edward Markey, and most recently, the City of Berkley has asked for it. The immediate stakes are so high and the potential for global catastrophe is so great, that mutually verified de-alerting of nuclear forces in the face of the Y2K computer problem must take precedence over all other considerations of political and national security.' (Signed) etc. John Hallam Friends of the Earth Sydney, 17 Lord street, Newtown, NSW, Australia, Fax(61)(2)9517-3902 ph (61)(2)9517-3903 - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 11:27:40 -0800 From: "David Crockett Williams" Subject: (abolition-usa) Nuclear Waste Remediation Latest efforts to gain acceptance for new process to neutralize radioacti= ve wastes onsite rather than ship them across country and bury them, ie, antidote to "Mobile Chernobyl" plans. From: Gary Vesperman To: Subject: NRC hearing on cask safety issues Date: Thursday, December 09, 1999 9:06 AM Hello Everybody! Last night the Nuclear Regulatory Commission held a hearing here in Henderson, Nevada on safety issues involved with transporting on trucks highly radioactive waste nuclear fuel rods inside casks. The casks are extremely heavy dumb-bell shaped containers built to withstand falls, fire, collisions at 60 mph, etc. They have a layer of water all around to provide neutron shielding, stainless steel to shield against gamma rays, thick rigid steel shells, etc. Below is a copy of my testimony. A. Roy MacMillan is a good friend of mine who I met last year. He is a former member of the Board of Directors of the World Bank during the early 1970's. He is actively pursuing several other innovative widely beneficial projects besides a new cask design and the truck-mounted portable nuclear fuel neutralizer that I mentioned in my testimony. I did some networking among the NRC officials and attendees from the public. I focused on promoting the theme that geologic storage of radioactive nuclear fuel has been made obsolete by the development of low-energy nuclear transmutation by Hal Fox and his associates of Trenergy, Inc., Salt Lake City. As a marketing prop, so to speak, I would show them a color printout of the flake of copper from which used to be radioactive thorium. And if they still don't believe that transmuting radioactive fuel to non-radioactive isotopes can be done, I would tell them to go to Trenergy's lab so they can see for themselves a demonstration of transmuting radioactive thorium into non-radioactive copper, etc so that the radioactivity drops by 90% in one hour or so. More than one NRC official told me that all NRC does is regulate. For research funding, go talk to the DOE. I would then tell them that the Salt Lake City people have been talking to the DOE for at least a couple of years. Yet Trenergy still hasn't been able to secure the research funding that they deserve. I was introduced to Patricia Eng who is some kind of a chief of the NRC section on casks. She said she knows of Roy MacMillan's Containment Systems company I mentioned in my testimony. She also has for a while posted in her office a printout of the same copper flake downloaded from She is a good example of why a better Web site on low-energy nuclear transmutation would help sell the technology. I tried to explain to one NRC official in simple terms how low-energy nuclear transmutation neutralizes radioactive materials. My explanation was essentially the paragraph below in my testimony about the difference between 9,000,000 volts versus less than 5,000 volts. He admitted I was going over his head. I didn't think of it at the time, but I could have then tried on him my analogy using ping pong balls for electrons and bowling balls for protons. I had the same difficulty with someone else involved with a private company in the cask business. My guess is if they don't understand what is a volt, they can't begin to comprehend even in simple terms the theory of low-energy nuclear transmutation. My actual testimony was much shorter and without the theatrics I wrote in the letter below. I have mixed feelings about publicly accusin= g the DOE and NRC of possible corruption with respect to Yucca Mountain. After talking with the NRC officials last night, while admittedly a statistically insignificant sample, I am leaning more towards just plain technical incompetence and lazy bureaucratic thinking and inertia among DOE people as to why they have ignored low-energy nuclear transmutation as a demonstrable alternative to geologic storage of waste nuclear fuel. Gary (Below is the text of my testimony that was submitted in WRITTEN form. I passed out 20 copies of my testimony.) Gary C. Vesperman 3123 Trueno Road Henderson, NV 89014-3142 (702) 435-7947 December 8, 1999 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Spent Fuel Project Office Washington, DC 20555-0001 To whom it may concern: Please include the following comments in the record of the December 8, 19= 99 public meeting at the Henderson Convention Center on transportation of sp= ent nuclear fuel safety: Roy MacMillan is the President of Containment Systems, Inc. His company h= as developed a new type of cask for transporting high-level radioactive wast= e which is much cheaper yet stronger and safer than casks currently being used. When I first met Mr. MacMillan last year, his company also had the engineering nearly completed for a portable truck-mounted spent nuclear f= uel neutralizer. The spent nuclear fuel rods would be processed so that their radioactivity would be eliminated. However, the company did not have the technology for actually transmuting the radioactive waste. Since then I h= ave brought to his attention one proven method of transmuting radioactive substances so that they would be no longer radioactive. Earlier this year I asked Mr. MacMillan when he expects to have the servi= ce for neutralizing radioactive fuel. He told me no more than five years. Si= nce we already have a proven method of neutralizing radioactivity on site at nuclear power plants, we can immediately abandon Yucca Mountain as a radioactive waste dump. There will not be any waste nuclear fuel to transport and store. The proven method of transmuting radioactive waste is low-energy nuclear transmutation. A new design has also been developed which is believed to = be at least one million times more powerful than low-energy nuclear transmutation. This is a drawing of a reactor which you can buy right now for $2,500 for demonstrating low-energy nuclear transmutation. Inside the reactor are a pair of electrodes which are positively and negatively charged. Protons require 9,000,000 volts to be accelerated to a velocity high enough to penetrate nuclei. Within this reactor, protons are embedded in high-densi= ty clusters of electrons. Protons have 1836 times the mass of electrons. 9,000,000 volts divided by 1836 is a little less than 5,000 volts. So therefore, in order to penetrate nuclei and to transmute elements, only a little less than 5,000 volts is required to accelerate protons to the sam= e high enough velocity as 9,000,000 volts. That is the reason for the term =93low-energy nuclear transmutation=94. This is a photograph of a flake of non-radioactive copper that used to be radioactive thorium. Look at that copper flake. This photograph is visual proof that low-energy nuclear transmutation of radioactive waste can be done. (See If you still don=92t believe me, you can see for yourself in Salt Lake Ci= ty demonstrations of reducing radioactive thorium by 90% in an hour. The record shows so far that the Department of Energy and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission have not been paying any attention to eliminating radioactivity using low-energy nuclear transmutation. I think the DOE and the NRC have fallen short in their responsibilities t= o Congress and the public about the need for a Yucca Mountain repository. T= hey know that there are alternatives to Yucca Mountain. Yet the DOE and the N= RC have been adamant about not spending any money investigating low-energy nuclear transmutation. I have heard it suggested that these two agencies = and their contractors just don=92t want to give up on over one hundred billio= n dollars of profitable contracts involved in reprocessing, transporting, a= nd geologic storage of radioactive waste. I have even heard it suggested tha= t there must be corruption somewhere within the DOE and NRC which would explain why they have not shown any interest in cheap and safe low-energy nuclear transmutation of radioactive waste. I ask the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to stop wasting money on studying Yucca Mountain for dumping radioactive waste and such auxiliary topics as transportation safety issues. Neutralization of waste nuclear fuel on-sit= e at nuclear power plants is a proven technology which can be demonstrated = up in Salt Lake City. I also ask the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to finance and stage here in Henderson a public demonstration of neutralizing radioactive materials us= ing low-energy nuclear transmutation. Those in the audience who want to see t= he demonstration, would you all please stand up? The DOE has projected the life-cycle cost of Yucca Mountain to be $150 billion. Look again at this copper flake which used to be radioactive thorium. Radioactivity can be eliminated. Do you really think it is necessary to squander $150 billion = on Yucca Mountain? I want to hear from the audience a loud NO! Thank you, Gary C. Vesperman =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D Above new science and related discoveries of new energy technologies to replace nuclear and fossil fuel power as per Hal Fox and others will be carried= by Global Peace Walk 2000 from San Francisco (Jan15) to Washington DC to the United Nations for its 55th anniversary October 24, 2000. Hal Fox has agreed to be available for a presentation on LENT and these new energy technologies in Las Vegas NV during third week in February after the walk passes through Ward Valley and by the Nevada Nuclear Test Site. Anyone interested in helping with this project can contact: David Crockett Williams 661-822-3309 Global Emergency Alert Response Global Peace Walk 2000 - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ End of abolition-usa-digest V1 #230 *********************************** - To unsubscribe to $LIST, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe $LIST" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.