From: (abolition-usa-digest) To: Subject: abolition-usa-digest V1 #270 Reply-To: abolition-usa-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk abolition-usa-digest Thursday, March 16 2000 Volume 01 : Number 270 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 16:15:07 -0800 From: Nuclear Age Peace Foundation Subject: (abolition-usa) Abolition 2000 Grassroots Newsletter (Apologies for any duplicate messages received due to crossovers lists.) Abolition 2000 Grassroots Newsletter March 2000 Vol. II Number 3 ************************************* In This Edition... ************************************* I. Introduction II. New Organizations IV. New Municipalities V. Articles VI. Abolition 2000 Organizations in the Year 2000 VII. Announcements VIII. Calendar Events IX. Resources X. Letter from the Editor ************************************* ************************************* ***************** Introduction ***************** ` WOW! With less than 40 days until the first day of the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference, we only need enroll 236 organizations or municipalities to reach our goal of 2000 endorsers by the time of the NPT Rev Con. The Network now has 1,522 organizations in 93 countries and 242 Municipalities have endorsed the Abolition 2000 Municipal Resolution. Let's keep the momentum going! Help us reach our goal by enrolling an organization this week. Please join me in wishing a warm welcome to the following organizations and municipalities which have recently endorsed the Abolition 2000 statement and joined the network. Thank you for your continued support. ************************ New Organizations ************************ African Students Union, Tmisoara/Romania Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church, Portland/Maine ANBM (Alliance for National Buddhist Movement), Seoul/ Republic of Korea Bangladesh People's Solidarity Center, Sao Miguel/Portugal Bay Area Campaign to Free Mordechai Vanunu, Oakland/California Brotherhood Link, Cantoments/Ghana Center for Peace, Orissa/India Children of the Manhattan Project, San Francisco/California Civic Alliance of Serbia (political party), Belgrade/Serbia Civil Solidarity for Open Society, Seoul/Republic of Korea ComSult International, Tallahassee/Florida Earth Matters, Ridgefield/Connecticut Fairfield County Coalition for Peace and Justice, Norwalk/Connecticut Falmouth Friends of the Earth, Kernow/UK Foundation for Universal Responsibility, New Dehli/India Free the Children International, Concord/Ontario Friedenszentrum Braunschweig, Braunschweig/Germany Global Youth for Peace & Environment, Kerala/India Good Friends: Centre for Peace, Human Rights and Refugees, Seoul/Republic of Korea Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, Poulsbo/Washington Heal Our Planet Earth Global Environment Organization, Vancouver/Canada I and We, Seoul/Republic of Korea Indigenous Environmental Network, Bemidji/Minnesota Interculture, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia International Association of Educators for World Peace, Huntsville/Alabama International Informatization Academy, Cape Coast/Ghana KIN (Korean International Network), Seoul/ Republic of Korea Korea Atomic Bomb Casualty Association, Seoul/Republic of Korea Korean Dentists' Association for Healthy Society, Seoul/ Republic of Korea Korean House for International Solidarity, Seoul/Republic of Korea Korean Federation for Environmental Movement (KFEM), Seoul/Republic of Korea KNCR (Korea National Congress for Reunification), Seoul/Republic of Korea LEAD, Concord/Ontario Maine Coalition for Food Security, Portland/Maine Maine Veterans for Peace, Winthrop/Maine Mothers Against War, Berlin/Germany Morningside Monthly Meeting, New York/New York National Campaign for the Eradication of Crime by US Troops in Korea , Seoul/ Republic of Korea Llanymddyfri Peace Group, Cynghordy/Llanymddyfri Natural Heritage Fund, Odessa/Germany NB21 Agenda 21 Community Environmental Programme, Bedsworth/UK Nordic Women Peace Network, Oslo/Norway Northeast District of the Unitarian Universalist Association, Portland/Maine Nuclear Free Future Award, Munich/Germany Orpington Women's Peace Group, Orpington/UK Pax Christi Maine, Portland/Maine Peace and Justice Center of Southern Maine, Portland/Maine PSPD (People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy), Seoul/Republic of Korea Physicians for Social Responsibility Maine, Portland/Maine Pittsburgh Area Pax Christi, Pittsburgh/Pennsylvania Plowshares Support Group of Portland, Portland/Maine Post Pessimists, A-Bolo Graz/Austria Raging Grannies, Subiaco/Western Australia Saffron Walden Friends Meeting, Saffron Walden/UK Saffron Walden Green Party, Walden/UK SOFA Action (People's Action for Reform of the Unjust ROK-US SOFA Agreement), Seoul/ Republic of Korea Solidarity for World Peace & Human Rights (SPR), Seoul/Republic of Korea SOS Hotline and Center for Girls, Belgrade/Serbia Tabitha Community, Kyonggi-Do/Republic of Korea The Millennium Visioneer, Madina/Ghana The Participatory Autonomy Forum for 21st Century, Kwangju/Republic of Korea The Victoria Peace Project, Ontario/Canada Tottenham and Wood Green Friends of the Earth, London/UK Uniting Church, Sydney/Australia Veterans for Peace Chapter 18, Ridgefield/Connecticut Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation, Seattle/Washington Womenlink, Seoul/Republic of Korea Women Making Peace, Seoul/Republic of Korea WILPF Maine, Portland/Maine Zelenyi Svit Environmental Association, Dnipropetrovsk/Ukraine ************************ New Municipalities ************************ Clackmannanshire Council, Central Scotland Salzburg Municipal Council, Salzburg/Austria Stevenage Borough Council, Hertfordshire/UK ************************ Articles ************************ Global Abolition Days in Japan To celebrate Global Abolition Days, organizations in Japan hosted a series of events to educate and advocate nuclear abolition. On 26 February, a public meeting was held in Kawasaki City to celebrate the annual general assembly of the Peace Depot. The evening also included a speech by Rebecca Johnson on the NPT Review Conference. The speech was used as an educational tool and was circulated among activists and journalists. In a forum organized by Japanase women's groups, Angie Zelter spoke in Tokyo on 3 March. Angie Zelter was recently acquitted by a Scottish judge on four accounts of maliciously and willfully damaging a floating laboratory that provides operational support for Trident Submarines. On March 4, a one day program in Tokyo featured "Our Abolition Day! Symposium on Northeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone." Angie Zelter inspired those in attendance by recounting her non-violent direct action. A panel discussion on establishing a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone in North East Asia followed in the afternoon. In Shinjuku, Tokyo, there is a street which prohibits automobile traffic on Sundays. Young ant-nuclear activists, also called Nuclear Abolition Beni-Tengu, used this opportunity on 5 March to present "Sunflower Operation -- A Street Performance." Activists also made a Sunflower "objet d'art" and had a live music performance. On March 11, the first pre-assembly of the Global Citizens Assembly to Abolish Nuclear weapons held a panel discussion on "Nuclear Abolition and the Citizens' Role." The discussion took place in Nagasaki and featured Robert Green (Middle Powers Initiative), Kate Dewes (Disarmament & Security Centre), Angie Zelter (Trident Plowshare), Hideo TSUCHIYAMA (Former President, Nagasaki University) and Masao TOMONAGA (Professor, Nagasaki University). In addition to the activities mentioned above, there were many other activities commemorating Bikini Day during the week of February 29 to March 3 in Shizuoka and Tokyo. ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< Global Abolition Days in Hawai'i On March 1 (Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day), Richard Salvador, a member of the Abolition 2000 Coordination Committee, collaborated with the Student Peace Action Network (SPAN/Peace Action) and hosted a Appeal for Peace Pacific Forum at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa. Abolition 2000 and Hague Appeal for Peace each had a table with information in a central location of the university. The Abolition 2000 table was quite successful and solicited signatures for the International Petition during the entire Global Abolition week. Richard Salvador also spoke about Abolition 2000 at a rally to Free Mumia Abu Jamal. Follow-up activities for Global Abolition Days in Hawai'i will include introducing a Nuclear Free Resolution to the presidents of the undergraduate student government and the graduate student organization for implementation at the University of Hawai'i. Future plans also include lobbying the Honolulu City Council to pass an Abolition 2000 Resolution. In addition, Hague Appeal for Peace presentations will be given during the whole month of March in hopes of educating both students and the community. Air time will also be requested from the public access channel to show the Hague Appeal for Peace and Back from the Brink videos. For more information, please contact: Richard Salvador Tel: +1 (808) 956-8537 Fax: +1 (808) 956-6877 Email: ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< Year 2000 Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons in Japan On December 22, 1999, "The Year 2000 Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons" was officially launched at a press conference in Tokyo. The campaign is being coordinated by citizen groups in Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Tokyo/Yokohama. The vision of these organizations is to revitalize a nation-wide voice for nuclear abolition in the year 2000. The Campaign is organizing a unified demand to the Government of Japan with broad popularity across the political tendencies and organizations. The pillar of this campaign is the "The 2000 People's Appeal: Toward the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons -- Japan's Mission." Campaign organizers have set a goal of gathering at least 2000 signatures from opinion leaders and prominent individuals from various professions. At the time of press conference, the campaign had already received 619 signatories. As of 25 February, 974 individuals, including actors, actresses, singers, writers, artists, cartoonists, scholars, lawyers, presidents of organizations, businessmen and campaigners, have signed the Appeal. The campaign hopes to attain 2000 signatories by the end of June. The Appeal will then be sent to the Prime Minister and heads of major political parties for actions and to implement people's demands. The Year 2000 Campaign is playing an important role in Japan to outreach to new people and encourage new approaches to nuclear abolition. Activities of the Campaign include: 1. Organize "The 2000 People's Appeal: Toward the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons -- Japan's Mission" and a delegate to present the Appeal to the Government of Japan and Parliamentarians. 2. Maintain a web-site to publicize abolition activities of various organizations and groups all around Japan, including traditional national organizations and local citizen groups. 3. Introduce overseas activities related to nuclear abolition to the Japanese audience and relate Japanese activities to audiences overseas. 4. Support the Nagasaki NGO International Assembly in November and help plan, advertise and mobilize for its success. If you would like further information, please contact: Hiro Umebayashi International Coordinator, PCDS President, Peace Depot 3-3-1 Minowa-cho, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, 223-0051 Japan Tel: +81-45-563-5101 Fax: +81-45-563-9907 Email: ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< Australia Follows Example of Aotearoa (New Zealand) In a vote on 9 March 2000, the Australian Senate passed (33 to 27) a resolution concerning the upcoming Non Proliferation Treaty Review Conference in New York. The Australian resolution follows a recent decision made by the NZ Parliament to adopt a resolution moved by the Prime Minister, Helen Clark. The NZ motion marks the year 2000 with a call on all countries to implement the NPT nuclear disarmament obligation by concluding negotiations on complete nuclear disarmament. Laurie Brereton, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, welcomed the motion adopted by the Australian Senate. Brereton commented on the importance of the upcoming NPT conference and stated, "This year will be critical for progress towards nuclear disarmament and strengthening international prohibitions on weapons of mass destruction. The NPT Review Conference is likely to be very difficult. United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan last month rightly highlighted the parlous state of nuclear disarmament efforts. The failure to make progress on disarmament increases the risks of nuclear proliferation with adverse consequences for Australia's national security." Brereton also stated, "Leadership from non-nuclear middle powers, especially Australia, is vital to help rebuild momentum towards nuclear disarmament. We should be putting all our efforts into breaking the impasse on nuclear disarmament, not sitting on the sidelines apologising for the nuclear weapon states. It is a matter of great regret that the Howard Government has effectively abandoned Australia's previous leading role on nuclear disarmament issues and risks becoming little more than an apologist for the nuclear weapons states." ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< Peace Builds, Bombs Destroy: Making Asia Nuclear Free From 18-20 February, activists and scholars from around the world attended "Peace Builds, Bombs Destroy: Let's Make Asia Nuclear Free" in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The conference was initiated by Community Development Library (Dhaka) and Focus on the Global South (Bangkok and Mumbai) and sponsored by Bangladeshi, Indian and Pakistani peace, development and justice organizations. The anti-nuclear conference was the first to be held in the Asian region since the nuclear weapons tests conducted by India and Pakistan in May 1998. The conference issued a declaration calling upon India and Pakistan to "immediately dismantle these programmes (nuclear weapons programmes) and sign the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and other restraint measures as steps towards nuclear disarmament, and as part of their return to the global disarmament agenda." In addition, the Dhaka Declaration called upon the 5 declared Nuclear Weapons States (NWS) to honor their disarmament obligations under Article 6 of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the 1996 opinion of the International Court of Justice. Furthermore, the Declaration called upon the NWS to ratify Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, de-alert nuclear forces, halt deployment of ballistic missile defense systems and work towards a nuclear weapons convention. A Plan of Action was adopted by the Conference and appealed to South Asian activists to support global nuclear disarmament and urged activists to work towards a South Asia Nuclear Weapons Free Zone. Additionally, the Plan of Action called for the launching of a "South Asian Peace Coalition" to create "broad base alliance" and link the South Asian movement with other anti-nuclear and peace organizations around the world. For more information, please visit: The Dhaka declaration is available on the world wide web at: The Plan of Action is available at: Http:// or contact: John Burroughs Lawyer's Committee on Nuclear Policy Email: Http:// Dr. Joseph Gerson American Friends Service Committee Email: Related speeches, resources, and web site links are available on the American Friends Service Committee webiste: Http:// ****************************************************** Abolition 2000 Organizations in the Year 2000 ****************************************************** The "Abolition 2000 Organizations in the Year 2000" highlights the activities of and statements from various organizations in Abolition 2000. If you would like to share your past, current or future activities and plans with other members of the Abolition 2000 Global Network, please email your statement to Carah Ong, the Abolition 2000 Grassroots News editor, at Switzerland Roland Schutzbach and David Schmitter Global Initiative Allmendstr. 75, 4500 Solothurn, Switzerland Tel: (41) 32 622 4191 Email: Http:// The People's Walk for Peace in Switzerland 2000 At the Peace Walk 1999 350 people walked from different regions of Switzerland to Berne for world-wide, total disarmament. This event has a bigger potential. In July 2000 there will be another Peace Walk, which will be twice as long. Plans for the event include: - -Sunday 2 - Friday 7 July walking communities will make their way to Berne. On Saturday July 8, all the groups will meet in Bern for a festive-revolutionary peace demonstration. It will be the final celebration for the participants of the first part and the starting point for the participants of the second part. Hard-core activists will walk during both weeks. - -Sunday July 9, the same or other walking communities will leave Bern, spreading the message of peace to their regions until Saturday 15 July. The peace walk 2000 is another opportunity to walk together, to get in contact with nature, to celebrate, to discuss peace themes and to express the will to live in a world without weapons and violence. People willing to participate can found their own walking community or join an existing one. It is also possible to join the walk for only a part of the way. Each route of the Peace Walk 2000 has a theme. Organizations and engaged individuals walk their own route. The Peace Walk is also meant to show the connection between the efforts of the different initiatives. It can be incorporated into schools as a project week and the classes can prepare by working on peace themes at school and exchange with other classes at the peace walk. Join us to put an end to apathy and resignation! ************************ Announcements ************************ Abolition Global Caucus Update The Abolition Global Caucus now has 415 subscribers from around the world. If you are not already a member, then I encourage you to join. The Global Caucus is an excellent international forum for discussion of nuclear issues. In addition, the listserv offers current articles and insight to keep members informed about the anti-nuclear movement and current events related to nuclear issues. If you are already a member of the Abolition Global Caucus, then please help expand our list by including the following advertisement in your email signature: "Join the Abolition-Global Caucus listserv to receive regular updates about the Abolition movement. The caucus provides an international forum for conversation on nuclear-related issues. Important articles and information relating to nuclear issues are also circulated to keep interested individuals and activists informed about nuclear issues. To subscribe to the Abolition Global Caucus send an e-mail to: (leave the subject line and body of the message blank)." ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< New Abolition 2000 UK Coordinator Please join me in welcoming Claire Poyner as the new Abolition 2000 UK Coordinator. Claire previously worked at the National Peace Council as membership and publications worker. Claire is also a member of the Campaign Against Arms Trade. There will be an Abolition 2000 UK meeting on 30 March and plans will be made for a public meeting to raise awareness in the UK. If you would like more information about Abolition 2000 UK activities or if you would like to send Claire a welcome message, please contact: Claire Poyner Abolition 2000 UK 601 Holloway Road London N19 4DJ Tel 020 7 281 4281 Fax 020 7 281 6281 Email: ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< ><>< Message from Peace Action: LANL 2000 Protest Help us continue to work for the abolition of nuclear weapons. On 9th August 1999, over 400 people confronted the nuclear weapons machine at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), the belly of the nuclear beast. More than 70 people committed civil disobedience and were arrested on LANL property. This year on August 9th, the 55th anniversary of the destruction of Nagasaki, we need more protesters at Ashley Pond in Los Alamos bringing even greater pressure to end the production of these illegal nuclear weapons of mass destruction. WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are dedicated to ending the Nuclear Age. But, we need YOU and many hundreds of other people to stand with New Mexico communities who suffer the consequences of nuclear weapons production. WHAT YOU CAN DO: Contact: Peace Action New Mexico 505.989.4812 or at COMMIT to joining us in Los Alamos on August 9th Please tell your friends and pass the word! THANK YOU ************************ Calendar of Events ************************ April 1-2 Nuclear Weapons Abolition Days Network (A-days) will host an international meeting to discuss effective common action and lobbying campaigns in Europe and to prepare for the NPT. For more information or to register, please contact: Hanna Jarvinen Katri Silvonen e-mail: Fax: +32-9-242.87.51 13 The UK and Irish Local Authorities announce the third annual conference on nuclear hazards. Themes for the conference include: - - "Getting to Zero: Implementation of the OSPAR agreement to cut radioactive discharges from nuclear plants to the marine environment" - - "Polluter or Remediator?: Can the Sellafield nuclear complex convert to clean up?" - - "Protecting the Public: Controlling the circulation of radioactive scrap and preventing its incorporation into consumer goods." - - "Managing Nuclear Waste: Review of progress with the rundown of highly active liquid wastes at Sellafield and the outlook for UK policy." For detailed information about the conference, please contact the Nuclear Free Local Authorities Secretariat at: Town Hall Manchester, M60 2LA, UK Email: URL: Http:// 16 Demonstration against the Laser Megajoule and tests in labs at Le Barp, near Bordeaux France at 12 noon. The event will be hosted by the French Peace Movement and other Abolition groups. For more information, please contact: Lysiane Alezard Le Mouvement de la Paix 139 BD VICTOR HUGO - F-93400 SAINT-OUEN Email: URL: Http:// 14-17 Keep Space for Peace! Join activists from around the world in Washington, D.C for four days of protesting plans to weaponize space. For more information please contact: Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space P.O. Box 90083 Gainsville, Florida 32607 Tel: +1 (352) 337-9274 Email: URL: 16-23 Holy Week Walk from Las Vegas to the Nevada Test Site. For more information, contact: Cindy Pile Nevada Desert Experience Tel: 702/646-4814 Email: 21-26 The Chernobyl Project is hosting a conferecen on on energy sources of the future devoted to the scheduled closing of Chernobyl nuclear power station and will be held in Kiev, Ukraine. For more information, please contact: CHERNOBYL PROJECT 107 Avenue Parmentier F - 75011 PARIS FRANCE Phone : +33 1 43 55 44 05 Fax : +33 1 43 55 44 05 Email : 22 Earth Day 2000 events and activities will take place around the world. 24-May 19 Mark your Calendars! The 2000 NPT Review Conference will be held at the UN in New York. Stay tuned for forthcoming information on action you can take to demand disarmament from the nuclear weapons states. Daily meetings of Abolition 2000 will take place from 8am-9am at 777 UN Plaza, 2nd floor. 25 Abolition 2000 will have a large demonstration honoring Hibakusha, Downwinders, Indigenous Peoples and Affected Communities at Dag Hammarsjold Plaza, 47th Street and First Avenue 26 Chernobyl Day (Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident, 1986) 28 Dance Party celebrating the Fifth Anniversary of Abolition 2000 at 611 Broadway, 9th Floor. 24-28 Auckland, New Zealand College of Humanities and Social Sciences Massey University (at Albany) is holding a conference entitled "Enhancing the prospect of peace within pluralistic societies and the pluralistic global body, across the realms of Community, Nationality, International Relations, and Individuality". For further information on conference themes and registration, please visit the website at: or contact: Dr. Warwick Tie (conference convenor), School of Sociology and Women's Studies Massey University, Private Bag & Helli, North Shore Mail Centre, New Zealand. Fax +64 09 443 9716 Email: 30 Abolition 2000 Annual General Meeting (business meeting); location and time TBA May 1-15 International Call-In-Days to White House & Congress on Star Wars No BMD! These two weeks will be a crucial time for activists around the world to help create massive pressure on Clinton and Congress to back away from dangerous, costly, and destabilizing plans to allow "early deployment" of the Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) system. 7-10 Alliance for Nuclear Accountability will host "2000 DC Days: Nuclear Accountability for the New Millennium" -- 4 days of training, education and political advocacy. Registration deadline: April 11, 2000 Form more information, contact: Tel: +1 (202) 833-4668 URL: 7-13 Shoshone Walk and Run for the Damaged Land, Warm Springs to Mercury. Please call Johnnie Bobb of the Western Shoshone Nation, Yomba Tribe at (775) 964-2210 11 and 28 Proliferation Days (India and Pakistan conduct nuclear tests, 1998) 22-26 The Millennium Forum at the UN will be an important opportunity for Abolition 2000 organizations to interact with the rest of the NGO community. The Millennium Forum is part of the preparations for the Millennium Summit of the UN General Assembly that will take place in September 2000. For more information, visit: Http:// or 22-27 "Visions of Peace" International Conference in Dublin, Ireland is now accepting proposals for papers and presentations as part of the UNESCO's International Year for a Culture of Peace. The Conference is sponsored by the Free University of Ireland. Contact: Sean English 55 Prussia Street, Dublin 7, Ireland Tel: 353-1-8683368 Email: June 1 Sunflower Celebration Day (US Russian and Ukrainian defense ministers plant sunflowers to celebrate Ukraine becoming nuclear weapons free) 4-30 Peace Power 2000! Global Peace Services-USA invites anyone concerned with active peacemaking to participate in a series of four week-long education and training courses at Centro Maria in Washington, D.C. For more information, please contact: Clara Doyle P.O. Box 27922 Washington, D.C. 27922 Tel: +1 (703) 356-8023 Email: URL: Http:// 11 Action and demonstration at Crozon near Ile Longue (French nuclear submarine base) : "for a nuclear weapon free Brittany and world" at 12 noon. For more information, please contact: Lysiane Alezard Le Mouvement de la Paix 139 BD VICTOR HUGO - F-93400 SAINT-OUEN Email: URL: Http:// 14-18 International Network of Engineers and Scientists (INES) announces an International Conference entitled "Challenges for Science and Engineering in the 21st Century" in Stockholm, Sweden. For more information, contact the INES 2000 Conference Secretariat at: Gutenbergstr. 31,44139 Dortmund, Germany Tel: +49 231 575218, Fax: +49 231 575210, E-mail: URL: Http:// July 1-9 August The People's Campaign for Nonviolence will lead peace and justice groups from around the United States in prayerful vigil and peaceful protest at either the Pentagon, White House, or the Capitol Building. Each day, a different group from around the country will maintain this call for peace and justice. For more information, please contact the Fellowship of Reconciliation at: Tel: +1 (914) 358-4601. Email: INFO: 6-9 The "International Conference on War Tax Issues" will be held in Washington, D.C. The conference will be sponsored by the National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund. For more information, contact the Peace Tax Fund at: Tel: +1 (202) 483-3751 Email: URL: Http:// 8 International Court of Justice Opinion Day (International Court of Justice rules nuclear weapons generally illegal and there exists an obligation for complete nuclear disarmament) 8-13 The Sixth World Congress of Educators for Peace will be held in Paris, France. For more information, contact: IAEP 13 Allee M. Robespierre 92290 Chatenay-Malabrie, France Tel: +33 1 4630 6126 Email: August 6 Abolition and Peace Rally for Hiroshima Day in Britany, France will include a peace walk on the Menez Hom, a small mountain near the nuclear submarine base of Ile Longue. For more information, please contact: Lysiane Alezard Le Mouvement de la Paix 139 BD VICTOR HUGO - F-93400 SAINT-OUEN Email: URL: Http:// October 7 International Day of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space 9 Nuremberg Day (Leaders held to account for crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity, 1946) 19 Indigenous Peoples' Day (Indigenous peoples have suffered disproportionate effects of nuclear mining and testing) 20-21 Asia-Europe Meeting III (ASEM III) will be held in Seoul, South Korea. For more information, please contact: Gyung-Lan Jung 24 Disarmament Week 24 United Nations Day ************************ Resources ************************ Websites If you haven't visited the Abolition 2000 website recently, you are missing out! In February, the Abolition 2000 website received an award from Encyclopedia Britannica online as one of the best sites on the internet. In addition, Infoseek/ recently ranked Abolition 2000 as the #4 Watchdog Organization on the World Wide Web! Http:// Reaching Critical Will, a project of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, contains current information on the forth-coming NPT Review Conference. Visit the website to learn about the history of NPT and issues surrounding the upcoming conference. Http:// The Nuclear Files has many documents and extensive information on the history of the NPT. The site also includes four new nuclear proliferation research portals for North Korea, Russia, China and Germany. Http:// Alice Slater has written an article about nuclear disarmament entitled "Where's our Treaty?" The article can be viewed at the Abolition 2000 website or copies can be requested from Carah Ong at The 24-page Plutonium Investigation Special issue on the USA is now on the web: Http:// **************************** Letter from the Editor **************************** "On the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the NPT's entry into force, the Secretary-General would like to stress that in order to achieve the ultimate objective of a world free of nuclear weapons, the international community should immediately start taking new and effective measures to achieve the inherently linked goals of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. Efforts to seek the elimination of all nuclear weapons must remain a high priority." Spokesperson for Kofi Annan Secretary-General of the United Nations 3 March 2000 Dear Friends and Activists, As you know, the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review and Extension Conference is just around the corner. In light of its importance to global disarmament efforts, Abolition 2000 plans on having a large and visible presence at the NPT. Abolition 2000 has put together a packet of information that you and your organization will find useful to prepare for the NPT. You will receive this packet very shortly. Look for its arrival by mail. Abolition 2000 needs the support and participation of all its members! Even if you are unable to attend the NPT Review Conference in New York, you can help the Global Network to achieve its goal of global nuclear disarmament by taking these simple steps: 1) Enroll a new organization or have the Abolition 2000 Municipal Resolution passed in your local government council. Our goal is to have at least 2000 endorsers by the NPT Review Conference in April. 2) Write to your Head of State and Foreign Minister: Urge them to make the NPT Review Conference a top priority and to personally attend; ask that they open all sessions of the conference to civil society. A sample letter is available at the Abolition 2000 website: Http:// 3) Honor the Hibakusha, Downwinders and Indigenous Peoples directly injured by the Nuclear Age. We need your help to gather the names of Downwinders, Hibakusha, and affected Indigenous Peoples from all over the world for our demonstration. Photos are also welcome. Please send the names and city, country, date of exposure, death, or accident, of nuclear victims and the nature of their injuries, by e-mail to:; or by snail mail or fax to: Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE), 15 East 26th Street, Room 915, New York, NY 10010; tel: (212) 726-9161; fax: (212) 726-9160. 4) Circulate the Abolition 2000 Petition! The Chairman of the NPT Review Conference has agreed to receive our signed petitions this spring at the United Nations in New York. Thank you for your support of Abolition 2000. If you would like to share information about what your organization or community is doing to help rid the world of nuclear weapons, please contact me! I would love to hear from you. In Peace and Solidarity, Carah Carah Lynn Ong Coordinator, Abolition 2000 1187 Coast Village Road PMB 121, Suite 1 Santa Barbara CA 93108 Phone (805) 965 3443 FAX(805) 568 0466 Email: Website Join the Abolition-Global Caucus listserv to receive regular updates about the Abolition movement. The caucus provides an international forum for conversation on nuclear-related issues. Important articles and information relating to nuclear issues are also circulated to keep interested individuals and activists informed about nuclear issues. To subscribe to the Abolition Global Caucus, please do one of the following: 1. Send a message to the list moderator at 2. Visit the Abolition-caucus website at: Http:// and submit a membership form. 3. Visit the Abolition 2000 website and submit a membership form. 4. Send an e-mail to: (leave the subject line and body of the message blank). To post a message to the Abolition Global Caucus, send your message to: To subscribe to the Abolition-USA listerve, send a message (with no subject) to: In the body of the message, write: "subscribe abolition-usa" (do not include quotation marks) To post a message to the Abolition-USA list, mail your message to: - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 06:01:52 -0500 From: Ellen Thomas Subject: (abolition-usa) NucNews 03/16/2000 - Today on Capitol Hill - --=====================_2144499==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Today in DC - HOUSE COMMITTEES=20 10 a.m. =97 Armed Services' special oversight panel on Energy Department reorganization holds a hearing on the national Nuclear Security= Administration. Location: 2216 Rayburn House Office Building. Contact: 202/225-4151. GENERAL=20 Nonproliferation conference =97 all day =97 The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace holds the annual Carnegie Non-Proliferation Conference.= =20 The speakers include Gen. John Shalikashvili, former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, and Energy Secretary Bill Richardson. Location: Washington= Marriott, 1221 22nd St. NW. Contact: 202/939-2294 or 202/261-9812. Energy Information Administration news conference =97 9:30 a.m. =97 The= Energy Information Administration holds a news conference to releases international energy projections to 2020. Location: Room 8E-089, 1000 Independence Ave.= SW. Contact: 202/586-8800. ___________________________________________________ NucNews Archives: Today's Newspapers: Submit Letter/Notice/Article: (NucNews-Editor) About NucNews: E-Mail Archive: Subscribe: (NucNews-Subscribe) Here are excellent e-mail news resources (free, by subscription, for educational purposes, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107.): DOE Watch - | Downwinders - | EnviroNews -| =20 Planet Ark -| Radbull (Radiation Bulletin for Activists) - Distributed without payment for research and educational=20 purposes only, by subscription, and archived for the use of all, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107. - --=====================_2144499==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Today in DC -


10 a.m. =97 Armed Services' special oversight panel on Energy Department reorganization holds a hearing on the national Nuclear Security Administration. Location: 2216 Rayburn House Office Building. Contact: 202/225-4151.


Nonproliferation conference  =97 all day =97 The Carnegie Endowmen= t for International Peace holds the annual Carnegie Non-Proliferation Conference.  The speakers include Gen. John Shalikashvili, former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, and Energy Secretary Bill Richardson. Location: Washington Marriott, 1221 22nd St. NW. Contact: 202/939-2294 or 202/261-9812.

Energy Information Administration news conference =97 9:30 a.m. =97 The Energy Information Administration holds a news conference to releases international energy projections  to 2020. Location: Room 8E-089, 1000 Independence Ave. SW. Contact: 202/586-8800.


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