From: (abolition-usa-digest) To: Subject: abolition-usa-digest V1 #407 Reply-To: abolition-usa-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk abolition-usa-digest Thursday, December 21 2000 Volume 01 : Number 407 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 13:41:13 -0500 From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: ATRC December Update, Part 2 >Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 09:26:39 -0500 >Subject: ATRC December Update, Part 2 >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true >From: "" > >December 18, 2000 > >TO: FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES OF THE > ARMS TRADE RESOURCE CENTER > >FROM: FRIDA BERRIGAN, MICHELLE CIARROCCA, > DENA MONTAGUE, AND BILL HARTUNG > >RE: ATRC UPDATE >================================================================ > >IV. THE MILITARY-MOVIE-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX > >V. SHORT TAKES, CAMPAIGNS, AND UPCOMING EVENTS > >VI. RESOURCES > >================================================================ > >V. SHORT TAKES, CAMPAIGNS, UPCOMING EVENTS > >NMD POLL: > >If finding out that the Pentagon and Corporate America are both >cheating you of tax dollars is not your idea of sensational scoop, try >this. AMERICANS DON'T WANT MISSILE DEFENSE. It is official. According >to a new Zogby/Reuters poll, 47% of those polled prefer building a >system >that stays within our commitments to the Anti-Ballistic Missile >Treaty. > >The text of the questionnaire read: >``Thinking of national defense, which course of action is best for >America? >Statement A: Build an expansive missile defense system of land-, sea- >and space-based weapons to protect Americans from the threat of a >nuclear attack by a rogue nation. >Statement B: Build a limited defense system that would provide America >with some level of protection, but would also abide by the now defunct >Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.'' > >What is your answer? Okay, 47% is not an earth shattering majority, >but with Bush/Cheney calling for the expansive system described in >Statement A, it is an important step and needs to be trumpeted. > > >PENTAGON SWEATSHOPS: > >Truth is stranger than fiction. The Pentagon was recently caught >supporting sweatshops in Nicaragua. An arm of the Pentagon, which runs >1,400 stores on military bases around the world, has a huge contract >for apparel from the Nicaraguan based Chentex. Chentex recently fired >150 >union supporters who were organizing to change working conditions. >Workers complain of low pay, monitored bathroom breaks, mandatory >overtime, verbal and physical abuse. Workers are paid 20 cents per >pair of jeans that retail for at least $30. Workers are demanding 8 >cents >more per pair of jeans. The Pentagon's stores made $7 billion in sales >last year. The United States spent ten years and billions of dollars >to defeat the Sandinista revolution, one of the main aims of which, >was >to ensure decent and livable working conditions for the Nicaraguan >people. > >For more information on the Chentex Campaign visit the National Labor >Committee at > > >SCHOOL OF THE AMERICAS, NEW NAME SAME SHAME: > >You might have seen the headlines, "Controversial U.S. Army School to >Close." But do not be fooled by the finality of the tone. The SOA, >which has trained 63,000 Latin American soldiers and police in its 37 >year >history, will reopen in mid January with an innocuous new name-- the >Western Hemispheric Institute for Security Cooperation (WHISC)-- but >very few substantive changes. > >The School has graduated notorious human rights abusers Manuel Noriega >and Roberto D'Abussion as well as assassins and killers of every >stripe. School of the Americas Watch founder Roy Bourgeois describes >the >change as "taking a bottle of poison and labeling it penicillin. It is >still >deadly." > >For an analysis of the new WHISC, visit > Opponents of the SOA >are calling for an International Day of Action on January 17th, 2001 >to draw attention to the lack of REAL change at the School of the >Assassins. For more information email SOA Watch at > or call 202-234-3440. > > >HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH: >WORLD REPORT 2001 > >Human Rights Watch released its comprehensive World Report 2001 last >week to coincide with International Human Rights Day. The report >begins with a charge that, "The scope of today's global human rights >problems far exceed the capacity of global institutions to address >them." > >Along with its profiles of human rights conditions in 70 countries, >this report also tracks important thematic concerns like the Global >Economy, International Financial Institutions, and North-South >Collusion. The section on the Global Economy criticizes the current >system of global commerce regulation for leaving "little or no room >for human rights or other social values," pointing out that "a world >integrated on commercial lines does not necessarily lead to human >rights improvements." As examples HRW cites China, where increased >international trade has not lessened repression of political >opposition and the Sudan, where revenue from international investment >in oil >extraction has allowed the government to double its military budget, >all of which is being allocated to fighting a brutal civil war. > >In their section on Arms, HRW calls attention to U.S. foot dragging on >compliance with the Land Mine Ban Treaty and allocation of millions of >dollars for the development of "smart" land mine technology. > >It is impossible for us to give you a complete overview here, but as >this report is an invaluable resource for journalists, activists and >policy makers alike, please access it on the web at > or call 212-216-1813 to order your >very own copy. > > >THE GOOD NEWS: >WE, THE WOMEN CAMPAIGN > >"We, the women of the United States of America, representing 53% of >the population, share an increasing concern about our national >priorities >and the ongoing development and reliance on nuclear weapons. We >proclaim our resolve to end the nuclear shadow that continues to loom >over all of our lives." > >With this preamble, women from around the country gathered in >Washington, DC, December 2-3, 2000 for the Women for Responsible >National Security Conference organized under the auspices of Peace >Links. The conference was the catalyst for the "We, the Women" >campaign, a 2-year nationwide effort for public education about >nuclear weapons policy, which will include grassroots organizing, >regional conferences, and a Congressional lobbying effort. > >While Peace Links founder Betty Bumpers said, "you don't have to be an >expert to question public policy," and she's right-- there was no >shortage of dynamic women experts who spoke throughout the weekend. >Stand out presentations came from State Senator Susan Castillo of >Oregon, a member of WAND's legislative lobby who connected military >spending to lack of adequate health services for the women she >represents; Claudia Peterson, a down winder from Cedar City, Utah, who >reminded us of the suffering wrought by nuclear weapons-- she listed >more than 40 people from her town who have died of cancer in the last >few years. Only a few were over 60. Alice Slater, president of GRACE, >called for a Bronx project to clean up nuclear waste that would rival >the Manhattan Project in energy, resources, brain power and elbow >grease. The slogan of the Bronx Project would be, "shut it down, clean >it up, tell the truth!!!!" > >The highlight of the weekend was the panel, "Enlisting the >Younger Generation of Women," where five young women-- high school and >college aged-- gave their suggestions and critiques of how to give the >message of nuclear disarmament a broader hearing among young people. >Ali Fisher of the U.S. Student Association asked, "Why do you want to >engage young women? For cheap labor or a for different perspective? As > >paper filers or informed activists?" She went on to remind the greying >members of the audience that involving young women on a decision making >level >means changing the way decisions are made, meetings are facilitated >and resources are allocated. She also asked the mostly white audience >to >think about what they meant by "young women"-- did it mean college >students, women without children, women with the resources to afford >unpaid internships, or were they willing to take the extra steps >necessary to make opportunities more accessible? Those questions >deserve a conference unto themselves. > >Frida presented as part of the "Corporate Influence in U.S. Defense >and Foreign Policies" workshop along with TRW whistleblower Dr. Nira >Schwartz, and Pat Birnie from the GE Stockholders' Alliance for a >Sustainable Nuclear-Free Future. If you would like a copy of Frida's >remarks, entitled "Dick Cheney: The One Man Military Industrial >Machine," please email Frida was also >(unbeknownst to anyone) pictured in a slightly inaccurate but still >quite extraordinary article on nuclear weapons which appeared in the >January 2001 issue of Marie Claire, a high fashion magazine. Uma >Thurman is on the cover, but Frida is pictured on the highly coveted >page 84 of the magazine. Check it out > (no picture of Frida >on the website, you have to buy the magazine for that). > >For more information about the "We, the Women" campaign visit > > >UPCOMING EVENTS: > >SMALL ARMS PREPCOM > >The United Nations is holding its second Preparatory Committee for the >UN Conference on Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in all >its Aspects in New York, January 8-19, 2001. A third PrepCom will be >held March 19-30, followed by the main conference July 9-20. > >This is an opportunity for arms control activists to call attention to >U.S. weapons sale policy. HRW World Report 2001 has a section on arms >sales policy highlighting the United States' inadequate efforts to >stem the proliferation of small arms. The report cites a GAO study as >finding that between 1996 and 1998, the U.S. authorized transfers or >delivered $3.7 billion in small arms, primarily to close allies (Turkey >was a >top recipient), and acknowledged that some of these weapons had ended >up on the black market. > >Media attention will be focused on the conference, and it is a great >opportunity for activists to write letters-to-the-editor and op-ed >pieces voicing their concern and raising public awareness about the >devastation wrought by small arms and light weapons. If you'd like to >co-author an op-ed for your local paper or need ideas or feedback >please contact us. > >The World Policy Institute will be hosting a panel discussion during >the PrepCom on Wednesday, January 10 at the UN - stay tuned for more >details about speakers and time. > >For more information visit the UN Department for Disarmament Affairs > and the International Action >Network on Small Arms for background, official country >statements, documents and reports on the 2001 conference. > > >PROTEST AT FORT BRAGG: >Peace Plan Colombia, a North Carolina-based network of concerned >citizens opposed to the Clinton administration's current "Plan >Colombia," is leading a national protest for a non-violent >solution to the Colombian Crisis at Fort Bragg, NC, February 10-11. >Fort Bragg, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, is the staging ground for >much of the military training component of the U.S. aid program. The >action is designed to attract the media to the overwhelming opposition >to this policy and to convince legislators to end a cynical, >non-effective, and immoral campaign of terror in Colombia. > >See for more information or contact Phil >Blank at, (919) 928-9828, 605 Old >Fayetteville Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27516 > >VI. RESOURCES: > >WPI PANEL: >For those of you who couldn't make it to our lively and informative >November 30 panel, LINGERING NUCLEAR DANGERS: A CRITIQUE OF U.S. >POLICY >AT THE DAWN OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM, with Gordon Mitchell and Natalie >Goldring, audio tapes are now available for $5 (to cover shipping and >handling). Please contact Frida if you'd like one: > > >STRATEGIC DECEPTION: >Gordon Mitchell's book Strategic Deception: Rhetoric, Science, and >Politics in Missile Defense Advocacy, is now available. To order call >Michigan State University Press at 517-355-9543 or order online at > > >Book review from MSU Press: >The Cold War's legacy has been characterized by a systematic pattern >of threat inflation, a relentless stream of surplus weapons >development, >and a predilection for a brand of secret science that lines the >pockets of defense contractors and swells the war chests of hawkish >politicians-things that fray the fabric of democracy. There is perhaps >no military project more representative of this legacy than ballistic >missile defense (BMD). Since Ronald Reagan's "Star Wars address" in >1983, taxpayers have spent more than $100 billion on BMD projects. >Close examination reveals that many of these programs were of dubious >value. > >Politically seductive but scientifically elusive, the notion of >missile defense has given rise to waves of runaway rhetoric featuring >technical claims that have outstripped supporting scientific data. > >Many expected that such instances of strategic deception would crumble >with the Berlin Wall, but interlocking military and industrial >interests have invented sophisticated new forms of deception to keep >BMD >projects alive. In this work, Gordon Mitchell examines the technical >and >political dimensions of the recurrent BMD controversies from a >rhetorical perspective. His analysis yields original insights into the >origins and dynamics of Reagan's Star Wars proposal, the postmodern >complexities of strategic deception on Patriot missile accuracy in the >1991 Persian Gulf War, as well as fresh perspectives on Theater High >Altitude Air Defense (THAAD) and National Missile Defense (NMD). > >Mitchell believes that, as the episodes of strategic deception in >missile defense advocacy recur perennially, the democratic pedigree of >American society erodes. > > >PRIVATE WARRIORS: > >We've been meaning to encourage you for some time to get a copy of Ken >Silverstein's excellent new book, Private Warriors (New York and >London: >Verso Press, 2000), a highly readable and informative profile of the >"generals, gunrunners, and national security staffers who were cast >adrift at the end of the Cold War and who now operate in the private >sector." Each chapter is built around a different person/institution >and a different aspect of the military lobby, from arms dealers, to >so-called "private military companies" (i.e., corporate mercenaries), >to >an excellent closing chapter, "Phantom Menace: Frank Gaffney and the >Star Wars Crusade." The Star Wars chapter hits on some connections >that >readers of ATRC will be familiar with, but it goes further, >particularly >in sketching out the historical ties between the 1970s ideologues of >the >Committee on the Present Danger who set the stage for Reagan's >military >buildup and the 1990s Star Wars boosters like Frank Gaffney of the >Center for Security Policy. > >Let's give a year end sales boost to Silverstein's book, which should >be available in fine book stores everywhere, or, in a pinch, on > > > > >Frida Berrigan >Research Associate, >World Policy Institute >66 Fifth Ave., 9th Floor >New York, NY 10011 >ph 212.229.5808 x112 >fax 212.229.5579 > - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 16:17:25 -0500 From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: YUCCA MOUNTAIN: Reid vows to block possible energy pick >Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 09:58:16 -0500 >Subject: YUCCA MOUNTAIN: Reid vows to block possible energy pick >Priority: non-urgent >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true >To:,,,,, >From: "" > > > >Wednesday, December 20, 2000 >Copyright =A9 Las Vegas Review-Journal > >YUCCA MOUNTAIN: Reid vows to block possible energy pick >Louisiana Democrat proponent of nuclear power industry > > >DONREY WASHINGTON BUREAU > > >WASHINGTON -- Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Tuesday he would try to block= =20 >Senate confirmation of J. Bennett Johnston, the former Louisiana senator >and=20 >nuclear power champion who is being mentioned as a possible energy >secretary=20 >under incoming President George W. Bush. > >When Reid saw Johnston mentioned in a newspaper report as a possible >member=20 >of the Bush Cabinet, "the name leaped out so hard I couldn't wait to get >to=20 >the office this morning to call him to see if this was a serious matter." > >"He told me he was thinking about it," Reid recalled. "I told him, `I like= =20 >you a lot, but I'm going to do everything I can to prevent it.' " > >Johnston, 68, a Democrat who served in the Senate from 1973 to 1996, was=20 >closely associated with energy interests and was the major booster of >plans=20 >to locate a nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, 100 miles >northwest=20 >of Nevada. > >As chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, he was=20 >considered the engine behind what came to be known as the 1987 "Screw=20 >Nevada" bill that designated Yucca Mountain as the only site the >government=20 >would study for a repository. > >Reid said he put his staff to work on the matter, put in calls to other=20 >lawmakers and began Tuesday to build a coalition of environmentalists who= =20 >share his view of Johnston. > >"We want to nip this one in the bud," Reid said. > >"I'm very distressed to hear that Bennett Johnston is a candidate for >energy=20 >secretary. It would be a declaration of war on the environment and=20 >environmentalists across the country," said Michael Mariotte, executive=20 >director of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service. > >Johnston is partner of a Washington lobbying firm, Johnston and >Associates,=20 >whose clients include the Nuclear Energy Institute, Entergy Corp., SBC=20 >Communications, Northrop Grumman and the University of New Orleans,=20 >according to Washington Representatives, a lobbyist guidebook. > >Johnston did not respond to calls for comment on Tuesday. > >Bush has said he plans to have Democrats in his Cabinet, and last week=20 >discussed the energy post with Sen. John Breaux, D-La. Breaux turned him=20 >down but recommended Johnston, according to the New Orleans Times-Picayune. > >"If (Bush) is responding by appointing Bennett Johnston, we should all be= =20 >afraid," Reid said. > >Others who have been mentioned as possible energy secretaries include Sen.= =20 >Slade Gorton, R-Wash., who was defeated for re-election last month, and=20 >Alaska Gov. Tony Knowles, a Democrat who supports drilling in the Arctic=20 >National Wildlife Refuge. > >But on a radio talk show on Tuesday, Knowles laughed at the idea and said >he=20 >has plenty of work to do in Alaska, according to his spokesman Bob King.=20 >Knowles said on the radio program he had not been contacted by the Bush=20 >transition team. > >Reid said he believed Gorton is not interested in the job. > >Another person mentioned was Don Evans, a Bush friend, his presidential=20 >campaign manager and chief executive of Tom Brown Inc., a Denver-based oil= =20 >and gas company with an office in Midland, Texas. But Evans was expected >to=20 >be named head of the Commerce Department. > > > > >This story is located at: > > > >_________________________________________________________________ >Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at > =20 - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 16:26:36 -0500 From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) fighting back " is the largest independent community of Democratic activists - -- on the internet or anywhere else." No Surprises in Electoral College, But Get Ready for Fireworks on January 6 December 19, 2000 Despite eloquent appeals from Democratic activists, all 271 Republican Electors cast their votes today for W. But that's NOT all, folks! As Reuters reports, when Congress meets on January 6 to count the Electoral College votes, all it takes is 1 Representative and 1 Senator to challenge any state's Electors. And we at plan to spend the next 18 days exposing SEVERAL illegal and invalid slates and persuading Democrats to challenge and oppose them. We know we're taking on the mighty powers of the Republican Party and the corporate media, but we also know that truth is on our side, and you'll be there with us. So stay tuned for some awesome fireworks, because will not let W get away with the crime of the millenium! ___________________________________________________________ - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 16:26:36 -0500 From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) fighting back " is the largest independent community of Democratic activists - -- on the internet or anywhere else." No Surprises in Electoral College, But Get Ready for Fireworks on January 6 December 19, 2000 Despite eloquent appeals from Democratic activists, all 271 Republican Electors cast their votes today for W. But that's NOT all, folks! As Reuters reports, when Congress meets on January 6 to count the Electoral College votes, all it takes is 1 Representative and 1 Senator to challenge any state's Electors. And we at plan to spend the next 18 days exposing SEVERAL illegal and invalid slates and persuading Democrats to challenge and oppose them. We know we're taking on the mighty powers of the Republican Party and the corporate media, but we also know that truth is on our side, and you'll be there with us. So stay tuned for some awesome fireworks, because will not let W get away with the crime of the millenium! ___________________________________________________________ - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 21:18:48 -0800 From: "M.W. Stowell" Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) fighting back Wasn't it the Democrats that committed that war crime in Yugoslavia? From: ASlater Reply-To: To:,,,,,,,,,,, Subject: (abolition-usa) fighting back Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 16:26:36 -0500 " is the largest independent community of Democratic activists - -- on the internet or anywhere else." No Surprises in Electoral College, But Get Ready for Fireworks on January 6 December 19, 2000 Despite eloquent appeals from Democratic activists, all 271 Republican Electors cast their votes today for W. But that's NOT all, folks! As Reuters reports, when Congress meets on January 6 to count the Electoral College votes, all it takes is 1 Representative and 1 Senator to challenge any state's Electors. And we at plan to spend the next 18 days exposing SEVERAL illegal and invalid slates and persuading Democrats to challenge and oppose them. We know we're taking on the mighty powers of the Republican Party and the corporate media, but we also know that truth is on our side, and you'll be there with us. So stay tuned for some awesome fireworks, because will not let W get away with the crime of the millenium! ___________________________________________________________ - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 09:08:51 -0800 From: Lorraine Krofchok Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) fighting back Send your Time and Newsweek covers back to them! ASlater wrote: > > > " is the largest independent community of Democratic activists > -- on the internet or anywhere else." > > No Surprises in Electoral College, > But Get Ready for Fireworks on January 6 > December 19, 2000 > > Despite eloquent appeals from Democratic activists, all 271 Republican > Electors cast their votes today for W. But that's NOT all, folks! As > Reuters reports, when Congress meets on January 6 to count the > Electoral College votes, all it takes is 1 Representative and 1 Senator > to challenge any state's Electors. And we at plan to > spend the next 18 days exposing SEVERAL illegal and invalid slates and > persuading Democrats to challenge and oppose them. We know we're > taking on the mighty powers of the Republican Party and the corporate > media, but we also know that truth is on our side, and you'll be there > with us. So stay tuned for some awesome fireworks, because > will not let W get away with the crime of the millenium! > ___________________________________________________________ > > - > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 15:29:46 -0500 From: ASlater Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) fighting back Hey folks--I'm not supporting the Democrats. I worked for Ralph Nader and the Greens. But the group below is a group that is fighting the theft of an election, the murder of democracy, a fast track for star wars, an arms race with China and probably Russia, and an enormous block to nuclear abolition. After all the "nice-nice" talk from the Democratic "leadership" about harmony and unity, I thought y'all would like to know that there's some fight left against the outrage from the Court, Bush, Gore"s "gracious" concession, etc. Alice At 11:18 PM 12/20/2000 -0500, you wrote: >Wasn't it the Democrats that committed that war crime in Yugoslavia? > > >From: ASlater >Reply-To: >To:,, >,,, >,,, >,,, > >Subject: (abolition-usa) fighting back >Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 16:26:36 -0500 > > > >" is the largest independent community of Democratic activists >-- on the internet or anywhere else." > >No Surprises in Electoral College, >But Get Ready for Fireworks on January 6 >December 19, 2000 > >Despite eloquent appeals from Democratic activists, all 271 Republican >Electors cast their votes today for W. But that's NOT all, folks! As >Reuters reports, when Congress meets on January 6 to count the >Electoral College votes, all it takes is 1 Representative and 1 Senator >to challenge any state's Electors. And we at plan to >spend the next 18 days exposing SEVERAL illegal and invalid slates and >persuading Democrats to challenge and oppose them. We know we're >taking on the mighty powers of the Republican Party and the corporate >media, but we also know that truth is on our side, and you'll be there >with us. So stay tuned for some awesome fireworks, because > will not let W get away with the crime of the millenium! >___________________________________________________________ > > >- > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to >"" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > >_________________________________________________________________ >Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at > > >- > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 17:10:47 -0500 From: Ellen Thomas Subject: (abolition-usa) NucNews 00/12/21 - Petition to GE et al; DU International Actions; Happy holydays from NucNews crew! Dear friends, I've missed sending daily NucNews briefs during the epic restoration project that keeps me away from the computer, and hope you have too. We're blessed that Guin continues to collect stories (as do several of you -- thanks!), and that Troy helps to prepare them for loading on the website, so the NucNews archives can stay reasonably up-to-date. There are a couple of items sent our way which need action -- (1) petition to nuclear contractors -- GE, WESTINGHOUSE, HITACHI, TOSHIBA, MITSUBISHI, BNFL, SIEMENS, JNF, COGEMA AND ALL NUCLEAR RELATED COMPANIES, and (2) announcement about an international week of actions to ban depleted uranium weapons. (Someone reported hearing Dick Cheney say that "perhaps" depleted uranium weapons aren't such a good idea after all. Perhaps the new administration will address this issue, if people are vocal enough. The "inaugurauction" in D.C. on January 20 might be a good time to have some banners and creative signs.) (3) My holyday poem to you -- - ------------ (1) PETITION ADDRESSED TO GE, WESTINGHOUSE, HITACHI, TOSHIBA, MITSUBISHI, BNFL, SIEMENS, JNF, COGEMA AND ALL NUCLEAR RELATED COMPANIES We the undersigned organizations and individuals express our extreme concern that nuclear power related technologies and products are being manufactured and exported to countries in Asia, South America, and Africa. This, in spite of the fact that the trend in most advanced nations, which are also manufacturers of nuclear power, is to phase out this energy resource within their own boundaries. Even without mentioning Chernobyl, which was an unacceptable catastrophe under any circumstances, accidents happen. In fact, the number of accidents is increasing as more nuclear power plants are constructed all over the world and as older reactors age. We have to prevent future nuclear catastrophes by any and all means and this requires prompt and dramatic action. Moreover, it is contrary to the interests of nuclear related companies to continue with their current practices. Selling products might bring profits for a short-term period if no large accident happens in the near future, but considering the problems of waste, maintaining aging power plants, the constant release of deadly "low-level" radiation, decommissioning plants, and the possible occurrence of major accidents, this industry cannot bring benefits in the future. We believe that related companies are already well aware of this fact. Before it is too late, you should seriously address the problems immediately. It is also contrary to the interests of countries that require sustainable, clean, mostly decentralized, low-cost energy systems, adapted both to their needs and their use of capital, resources and labor. Also it is feared that all the importing countries, due to limitations of structural and technical capabilities that exist to various degrees, cannot handle nuclear facilities in a proper manner. This is also the case of advanced nations. Nuclear power is also contrary to global environmental issues such as global warming and pollution problems []. The vast amount of waste hot water from nuclear power plants is raising the temperature of rivers, lakes and seas in areas near nuclear facilities. Radioactive emissions from facilities, even under permissible levels, have and will continue to accumulate in the environment world wide. There is no safe level of any ionizing radiation. Dr. John Gofman, world reknown nuclear health expert states that there is no safe level of ionizing radiation: Dr.Gofman has testified in court in the USA that "acceptable" radiation levels constitute "planned deaths" by the nuclear industry. There are a number of cases of nuclear facility workers exposed to radiation, and some experts even state that the rate of children who develop eukemia [] went up around some of these facilities. In particular Joseph Mangano of "The Radiation and Public Health Project has discovered a sharp decrease in infant mortality around 5 reactors shortly after these reactors ceased operating. See: & At the same time, there is no concrete measure established for controlling high-level nuclear waste in any country in the world. Geological disposal is a possible option right now but many geologists have great doubts whether highly toxic radioactive material could be contained for more than tens of thousands of years. Even if they can the radioactivity of much of this nuclear waste will be lethal for more than one million years. Additionally, earthquake prone countries and their neighboring area might see an irreversible catastrophe caused either by the geological disposal/storage of nuclear waste, transportation of fuels/waste or normal operation of nuclear power plants in conjunction with violent seismic activity. The impact of radiation contamination goes beyond generational and national boundaries, and can bring eternal suffering and damage to all living creatures and the environment. Shortsighted economic interests or business aspirations should not supercede the chain of life on Earth, which is unrecoverable once damaged by a radioactive catastrophe or catastrophes. Therefore, we the undersigned organizations and individuals call upon all nuclear related industries and companies to immediately stop operating, transporting and manufacturing their products and halt exporting these technologies and products to other nations. NAME: ORGANISATION: FULL ADDRESS: E-MAIL ADDRESS: Again, please send Sign-Ons to: Please dissemenate widely. Thanks! - --------- (2) International Week of Actions calling for a BAN on Depleted Uranium Weapons, planned for the week of January 15th through 21st, 2001 December 7, 2000 Dear Friends, I am writing today in the hopes that your organization can participate in MTP's International Week of Actions calling for a BAN on Depleted Uranium Weapons, planned for the week of January 15th through 21st, 2001. This week marks the tenth anniversary of the Persian Gulf War. As many of you know, there are many veterans and civilians suffering from mysterious ailments, which have been dubbed "Gulf War Syndrome". The Gulf War also marks the first time depleted uranium weapons, which are both radioactive and toxic, were used in warfare by the U.S. and the United Kingdom. Most recently, NATO used depleted uranium munitions in Yugoslavia. MTP believes depleted uranium may be one of the sources responsible for Gulf War Illnesses and the increased rates of cancers (especially in children) in southern Iraq and we are calling for an International Ban on DU weaponry. The U.S. Department of Defense estimates approximately 315 tons (630,000 pounds) of DU were fired in the Gulf in 1991. This firing resulted in the release of large amounts of DU dust, which contaminated thousands of tanks, vehicles and land. Depleted uranium dust can be transported by wind or water or can enter the body via wound contamination or injection (as in fragments), inhalation or ingestion. Depleted uranium has a half-life of 4 1/2 billion years. Among the short and long term health effects of inhaled or ingested depleted uranium particles are kidney and liver problems, immune system dysfunction, reproductive problems, birth defects and cancer. DU weapons may impose on a nation a burden of health care and environmental cleanup costs that is expensive to address. In the United States, not only are veterans suffering from the impacts of DU weapons, but the health and environment of communities and workers are being compromised by exposure to uranium throughout the whole life cycle of DU weapons production. The mining and milling of uranium, the enrichment of uranium, the production and manufacturing of DU weapons, and DU weapons testing are all activities which have caused widespread contamination and health problems. The price of clean up of 152,000 pounds of depleted uranium fragments and dust on 500 acres at Jefferson Proving Ground in Indiana (where DU rounds were tested) has been estimated at $4 to $5 billion dollars. The costs to human health are incalculable. Depleted Uranium weaponry should be an international concern as the proliferation of these weapons continues. At least 16 countries including the U.S., the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, Iran, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Pakistan, Thailand, and Taiwan now have depleted uranium penetrators in their arsenal. Other sources assert that the weaponry has proliferated to Iraq, Oman, Jordan, Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates. The United Nations Human Rights Commission has taken up the issue of depleted uranium weaponry through its Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities. The Sub-Commission adopted resolutions in 1996 and 1997 (resolution 1996/16 and 1997/36), which included depleted uranium weaponry among "weapons of mass or indiscriminate destruction", incompatible with international humanitarian or human rights law. MTP organized with two other groups, the LAKA Foundation of the Netherlands and the Campaign Against Depleted Uranium of England, a workshop on depleted uranium at the Hague Appeal for Peace Conference in May of 1999. It was there that the International Campaign to Ban Depleted Uranium Weaponry was launched. One of the most important aspects of the international campaign was for each group to develop a national strategy to get their perspective governments to support the ban. As we know with nuclear issues, the Campaign to Ban Landmines, and other very important issues, the United States is the most difficult government to get to do the right thing. We need your help and the help of every major organization fighting for justice in the United States to be on board in support of the ban. There are several ways your organization can get involved in the efforts to ban DU: Participate in and get the word out about the International Week of Actions from January 15 through January 21, 2001, marking the tenth anniversary of the Persian Gulf War. We would greatly appreciate any support your organization can give us to make this week of actions a success. We would also like your organization to take a position in support of an international ban on depleted uranium weaponry. Your organization can pass a resolution calling for a ban, participate in the petition drive to ban DU, and write letters to the editor and your members of Congress in support of the ban. I am enclosing MTP's Call to Action packet, which includes; a flyer on the International Week of Actions, a blank petition, sample resolutions and a map of the US which highlights some of the most egregious examples of how DU adversely impacted the health and environment. Please let us know if your organization supports the ban and if you will be participating in the International Week of Actions. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call toll free 1-877-783-5091 or visit MTP's Website at Sincerely, Tara Thornton, National Organizer Military Toxics Project - --- For inquiries regarding Depleted Uranium testing and the Uranium Medical Project see the website at or email mailto:ump - ---------- (3) My holiday poem to you: I can't just settle for store-bought thoughts, no time to conjure a finely-wrought poem of praise or a flan flambe. I must scrape windows and paint today. Yesterday I sanded, too -- much of the time, my thoughts on you. I know it's Christmas - I hear the tunes on radio in the afternoons as I putty glass in old wood frames and think of trees and lights and games. What can I offer with so little time besides my thoughts, and this silly rhyme? Well, a wise old man had a few things to say which might lift your spirits this wintry day..... Remember, I love you, and always will. And now I'll go scrape the windowsill. May 2001 be surprisingly peaceful for all.... Ellen Thomas ___________________________________________________ Today's News and Archives: Submit URL/Article: OneList Archives: (subscribe online) Other Excellent News-Collecting Sites - DOE Watch - Downwinders - Quick Route to U.S. Congress: (Senators' Websites) (Representatives' Websites) (Pending Legislation - Search) Online Petition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons - Subscribe to NucNews Briefs: Distributed without payment for research and educational purposes only, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. 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