From: (abolition-usa-digest) To: Subject: abolition-usa-digest V1 #415 Reply-To: abolition-usa-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk abolition-usa-digest Thursday, January 25 2001 Volume 01 : Number 415 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 13:16:19 -0500 From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: War Crimes Against Koreans >Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 22:14:53 -0500 >Subject: War Crimes Against Koreans >To: >From: "" > >Dear friends: > >Below is an appeal from the Korea Truth Commission on U.S. Military >Massacres of Civilians. We are sending this to you because of your >endorsement of the ICPJ DECLARATION AND CALL TO ACTION FOR SOLIDARITY WITH >THE KOREAN PEOPLE,FOR REUNIFICATION OF KOREA, FOR REMOVAL OF U.S. TROOPS >AND >BASES FROM KOREA or because of concern you have otherwise expressed about >this issue. > >We urge you to endorse support the important initiative described in the >following Appeals. (Please respond and return to Among many >groups that have endorsed initially, are: International Center for Peace >and >Justice; International Peace Bureau; Pax Romana, Geneva; Austrian >Fellowship >of Reconciliation (FOR). > >The International Jurists so far include among others: Edith Ballantyne, >Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Swiss);Ismael >Guadalupe, >Committee for Rescue and Development of Vieques (Puerto Rico); Thomas >Gumbleton, Bishop, Detroit Diocese of the Catholic Church of USA; George >Hage MP, French National Parliament (France); Rigoberta Menchu, Nobel Peace >Laureate (Guatemala); Peter Shaw, Korean War Vet, Veterans for Peace (USA); >Elmar Schmaehling, former German Navy Admiral, PDS (Germany);Dr. Dave >Dellinger, Co-chair, Toward Freedom (USA); Ambassador Benjamin Dupuy, Haiti >Progres (Haiti); Chen Jifeng, Secretary General, Chinese People's >Association for Peace and Disarmament (China); Anselmo Lee, Secretary >General, Pax Romana (Korea); Angeles Maestro, Spanish National Parliament >(Spain); Michiel Maertens, Federal Parliament of Belgium Senate (Belgium); >Rae Street, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (England); Dr. Rosalie >Bertell, >Founder, Int'l Institute of Concern for Public Health (Canada); Eun Young >Chung, chairperson, Nogun Ri Massacre Task Force (South Korea);=20 >Henry Alleg, former co-editor of French Daily, Lumanite (Algerie); Karen >Talbot, International Center for Peace and Justice (USA); Lucius Walker, >Pastors for Peace (USA); Brian Willson, Veterans for Peace (USA); Suh Sung, >a South Korean long-term (20years) political prisoner, Professor of Law, >Ritsumeikan University in Japan (Korean-Japanese.=20 > >Sincerely, >Karen Talbot >International Center for Peace and Justice (ICPJ) >------------- > >Help the People's Investigation of U.S. War Crimes >Against Korea=20 > >Join International Grass Roots Groups Organizing for >War Crimes Tribunal,=20 >June 23rd, NEW YORK CITY > > LIST YOUR GROUP AS AN ENDORSER! > > Since September of 1999, evidences of more than 160 >instances of US-led military attacks on more than 2.5 >million Korean non-combatants (Washington Post, June >13, 2000 ) during the Korean War have surfaced.=20 >Hundreds of thousands of children, women, and elderly >people are believed to have been massacred as a result >of orders from the top U.S. military leadership. =20 >Because of the anti-communist/right wing atmosphere >whipped up during the McCarthy era, an anti-war >opposition in the United States never developed, and >the U.S mass media never revealed these horrific >crimes. Consequently, Washington and its long series >of south Korean client regimes have been able to >suppress the Korean people's cry for justice. > > On June 23rd, 2001 Koreans (including some who are >survivors of such attacks) from both north and south >Korea, and from Canada, Europe, Japan, the United >States and other Korean communities around the world, >will meet in New York City to take part in a war >crimes tribunal. The tribunal will be the culmination >of a people's investigation of the role of the US-led >military in massacres of civilians during the war. =20 > =20 > The investigation has included a series of >trips to south Korea during which activists visited >massacre sites, interviewed survivors, and saw >evidences that refuted the U.S. contention that the >numbers of Korean civilians killed by US-led troops >during the war have been exaggerated, and that any >killings were not due to commanders=92 orders but to >panic and inexperience of the troops. =20 > =20 > The investigation teams to south Korea also attended >demonstrations protesting the continued division of >Korea and the continued presence of 37,000 U.S. troops >who have committed more than 100,000 crimes against >civilians since 1953. Due to the notorious U.S.=92 >arbitrary agreement with its client south Korean >regimes on the status of U.S. troops, only less than 1 >% of those despicable crimes have been brought to >Korean legal systems. > > The participants from both Koreas and overseas Korean >communities will be joined by former US Attorney >General Ramsey Clark and other progressive and anti >war activists throughout the country. Representatives >from the 15 other countries that participated in the >war will also be present. They will put the U.S. >government, particularly the Washington DC war-makers, >on trial for their crimes against the Korean people. > > TO ENDORSE THE CALL for the June 23rd War Crimes >Tribunal=20 > e-mail KOREATRUTHCOMMISSION@YAHOO.COM > IACENTER@IACENTER.ORG (and type Korea War Crimes >Tribunal in the subject line.) > > >CALL TO ACTION > > =20 > In September of 1999, the Associated Press began >publishing a series of articles resulting from a long >investigation of a massacre that took place at the >south Korean village of NoGun-ri in July of 1950. =20 >Hundreds of villagers were pinned beneath a bridge for >3 days as US military forces strafed them from >aircraft, mowed them down with machine gun fire, and >fired mortars at them. It is believed that some 400 >villagers were massacred. This My Lai-like episode >was only the most prominent among many that were >brought out by the AP in the ensuing months. There is >evidence that the mass executions of perhaps 100,000 >prisoners by the south Korean regime were carried out >with the complicity of their commanders/sponsors in >Washington DC. What emerged in the AP series and >from other sources was not "mistakes by panic stricken >troops" as the current US investigation of NoGun-ri >implies - but rather a systematic campaign of >extermination that targeted the broad and progressive >Korean resistance movement. What happened in Korea is >scarcely different than the carnage at the Highway of >Death during the U.S. war against Iraq in 1991, the >U.S. bombing of a pharmaceutical factory in August of >1998 in Sudan, or the bombing of civilians in Panama >or Yugoslavia. >=20 > > The Korea Truth Commission, and International Action >Center to investigate U.S. War Crimes, have jointly >called for this important war crimes tribunal in order >to expose the true nature of the U.S. war against >Korea. However this call for action is not for the >sake of accusation regarding the past, but for a TRUE >RECONCILIATION which will be possible only after the >truth is fully told. >=20 > Only a people's campaign in solidarity with the >Korean fight for truth, self-determination and justice >can succeed in revealing the whole truth about the war >the U.S. illegally waged 50 years ago, and end the >division of Korea and the continued presence 37,000 >U.S. troop in south Korea. We invite your >organization to endorse this historic event and join >us in New York City, on June 23rd. > > > TO ENDORSE THE CALL for the June 23rd War Crimes >Tribunal=20 > e-mail : KOREATRUTHCOMMISSION@HOTMAIL.COM > IACENTER@IACENTER.ORG=20 > (and type Korea War Crimes >Tribunal in the subject line.) > > Or fill out the following form: > ___ Yes, add my name/my organization's name to >the endorsers' list for June 23rd. > Name: >_____________________________________________________ > Name of organization: >_____________________________________ > (* if for identification purposes only) > =20 > ____ Yes, I can contribute to help this >mobilization (suggested donation for endorsing >organizations: $100, $50, or $25 depending on ability; >donations can be sent to the KTC) > Korea Truth Commission > #255071981-27434129 > Chevy Chase Bank, 2351 > Randolp Road, Silver Spring > MD 20906, U.S.A > > ____ Yes, I can organize transportation to NYC >and be an organizing center for the mobilization. > ____ Please send me literature by mail to help >promote the June 23rd Tribunal. > > =20 > Yours in solidarity, >=20 > =20 > Rev. Kiyul Chung, Secretary General =20 > Korea Truth Commission > 733, 15th St. NW, Suite 515, Washington DC, 20005 > email: =20 > web: http:// =20 > (will be available by the end of Jan.) =20 > phone: 202-347-4666=20 > fax : 202-347-4994 =20 > > Mr. Ramsey Clark (former US Attorney General)=20 > International Action Center > 39 West 14th Street, Room 206=20 > New York, NY 10011 =20 > email: > web: > phone: 212 633-6646 =20 > fax: 212 633-2889 > >CALL TO ACTION >BY >KOREA TRUTH COMMISSION / INTERNATIONAL ACTION CENTER > =20 > >Help the People's Investigation of U.S. War Crimes >Against Korea=20 > >Join International Grass Roots Groups Organizing for >War Crimes Tribunal,=20 >June 23rd, NEW YORK CITY > >WE INVITE YOU/YOUR ORGANIZATION=92S DELEGATION TO JOIN >US IN THIS HISTORIC PEOPLE=92S TRIBUNAL > > Since September of 1999, evidences of more than 160 >instances of US-led military attacks on more than 2.5 >million Korean non-combatants (Washington Post, June >13, 2000 ) during the Korean War have surfaced.=20 >Hundreds of thousands of children, women, and elderly >people are believed to have been massacred as a result >of orders from the top U.S. military leadership. =20 >Because of the anti-communist/right wing atmosphere >whipped up during the McCarthy era, an anti-war >opposition in the United States never developed, and >the U.S mass media never revealed these horrific >crimes. Consequently, Washington and its long series >of south Korean client regimes have been able to >suppress the Korean people's cry for justice. > > On June 23rd, 2001 Koreans (including some who are >survivors of such attacks) from both north and south >Korea, and from Canada, Europe, Japan, the United >States and other Korean communities around the world, >will meet in New York City to take part in a war >crimes tribunal. The tribunal will be the culmination >of a people's investigation of the role of the US-led >military in massacres of civilians during the war.=20 > > The investigation has included a series of >trips to south Korea during which activists visited >massacre sites, interviewed survivors, and saw >evidences that refuted the U.S. contention that the >numbers of Korean civilians killed by US-led troops >during the war have been exaggerated, and that any >killings were not due to commanders=92 orders but to >panic and inexperience of the troops. =20 > =20 > The investigation teams to south Korea also attended >demonstrations protesting the continued division of >Korea and the continued presence of 37,000 U.S. troops >who have committed more than 100,000 crimes against >civilians since 1953. Due to the notorious U.S. >arbitrary agreement with its client south Korean >regimes on the status of U.S. troops, only less than 1 >% of those despicable crimes have been brought to >Korean legal systems. > > The participants from both Koreas and overseas Korean >communities will be joined by former US Attorney >General Ramsey Clark and other progressive and anti >war activists throughout the country. Representatives >from the 15 other countries that participated in the >war will also be present. They will put the U.S. >government, particularly the Washington DC war-makers, >on trial for their crimes against the Korean people. > >JOIN US IN THE HISTORIC EFFORT TO BRING TRUTH TO LIGHT! > =20 > In September of 1999, the Associated Press began >publishing a series of articles resulting from a long >investigation of a massacre that took place at the >south Korean village of NoGun-ri in July of 1950. =20 >Hundreds of villagers were pinned beneath a bridge for >3 days as US military forces strafed them from >aircraft, mowed them down with machine gun fire, and >fired mortars at them. It is believed that some 400 >villagers were massacred. This My Lai-like episode >was only the most prominent among many that were >brought out by the AP in the ensuing months. There is >evidence that the mass executions of perhaps 100,000 >prisoners by the south Korean regime were carried out >with the complicity of their commanders/sponsors in >Washington DC. What emerged in the AP series and >from other sources was not "mistakes by panic stricken >troops" as the current US investigation of NoGun-ri >implies - but rather a systematic campaign of >extermination that targeted the broad and progressive >Korean resistance movement. What happened in Korea is >scarcely different than the carnage at the Highway of >Death during the U.S. war against Iraq in 1991, the >U.S. bombing of a pharmaceutical factory in August of >1998 in Sudan, or the bombing of civilians in Panama >or Yugoslavia. >=20 > > The Korea Truth Commission, and International Action >Center to investigate U.S. War Crimes, have jointly >called for this important war crimes tribunal in order >to expose the true nature of the U.S. war against >Korea. However this call for action is not for the >sake of accusation regarding the past, but for a TRUE >RECONCILIATION which will be possible only after the >truth is fully told. >=20 > Only a people's campaign in solidarity with the >Korean fight for truth, self-determination and justice >can succeed in revealing the whole truth about the war >the U.S. illegally waged 50 years ago, and end the >division of Korea and the continued presence 37,000 >U.S. troop in south Korea. We invite your >organization to endorse this historic event and join >us in New York City, on June 23rd. > > > TO JOIN THE TRIBUNAL in the June 23rd War Crimes >Tribunal, Please let us know by email that you want >to join US:=20 > =20 > KOREATRUTHCOMMISSION@HOTMAIL.COM > Or > IACENTER@IACENTER.ORG=20 > (and type Korea War Crimes >Tribunal in the subject line.) > > Or fill out the following form: > ___ Yes, add my name/my organization's name to >the participant' list for June 23rd and Peace March >June 24th =AD 25th. > Name: >_____________________________________________________ > Name of organization: >_____________________________________ > (* if for identification purposes only) > =20 > ____ Yes, I can contribute to help this >mobilization (suggested donation for endorsing >organizations:$100, $50, or $25 depending on ability; >donations can be sent to the KTC) > Korea Truth Commission > #255071981-27434129 > Chevy Chase Bank, 2351 > Randolp Road, Silver Spring > MD 20906, U.S.A > ____ Yes, I can organize transportation to NYC >and be an organizing center for the mobilization. > ____ Please send me literature by mail to help >promote the June 23rd Tribunal. > > =20 > Yours in solidarity, >=20 > =20 > Rev. Kiyul Chung, Secretary General =20 > Korea Truth Commission > 733, 15th St. NW, Suite 515, Washington DC, 20005 > email: =20 > web: http:// =20 > (will be available by the end of Jan.) =20 > phone: 202-347-4666=20 > fax : 202-347-4994 =20 > > Mr. Ramsey Clark (former US Attorney General)=20 > International Action Center > 39 West 14th Street, Room 206=20 > New York, NY 10011 =20 > email: > web: > phone: 212 633-6646 =20 > fax: 212 633-2889 > > >As the No gun-ri massacre incident was unraveled via the Associated Press >in >September 1999, cries of victims, relatives and witnesses of U.S. soldier's >atrocities against Korean civilians exploded after fifty years of silence >and fear. =20 > =20 - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 13:39:20 -0500 From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: Ashcroft Filibuster Gains Ground - Call Your Senators Today!! >Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 00:22:07 -0500 >Subject: Ashcroft Filibuster Gains Ground - Call Your Senators Today!! >Priority: non-urgent >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true >To: >From: "" > >Dear Friend of, > >If you listen to the media reports on the Ashcroft nomination, you would >conclude that he emerged from four days of hearings without a scratch, and >will sail through his confirmation vote by the Senate. > >We assure you - nothing could be further from the truth! > >Here is just one indication: today, the New York Times joined us in urging >Senate Democrats to filibuster Ashcroft. > >Sensing that the tide is turning against Ashcroft, Republicans on the >Judiciary Committee - led by anti-choice zealot Orrin Hatch - are trying >to force a quick vote to send Ashcroft's nomination to the full Senate. > >But the Democrats have just submitted a list of detailed questions that >are crucial to consider before voting. Ashcroft will not have time to >answer these questions before Wednesday. Moreover, Ashcroft's answers are >bound to raise further questions, because his testimony has been full of >contradictions - and worse. > >During the hearings, Senators were given important new information about >Ashcroft's extreme positions on the issues. And they were also exposed >directly to Ashcroft's repeated evasions and outright lies - yes, the same >actions that caused the Republican Congress (led prominently by Ashcroft) >to impeach our last elected President, Bill Clinton. > >The Attorney General of the United States is the nation's chief law >enforcer, civil rights officer and government ethics watchdog. The >Attorney General should be someone who is distinguished by his or her >ethics, integrity, and impartiality. But as the hearings proved, John >Ashcroft meets NONE of these qualifications. He is a die-hard and >cutthroat partisan, a rabid ideologue, and - worst of all - a serial liar. > >In the final analysis, we believe the single most important reason >Ashcroft should be defeated is because of his lies, as we have documented >in detail at: > > >1. John Ashcroft lied to the Senate about Judge Ronnie White when he >blocked his nomination to the Federal judiciary, and lied again to the >Senate about his reasons for doing so > >2. John Ashcroft lied to the Senate about his reasons for opposing James >Hormel for Ambassador to Luxembourg > >3. John Ashcroft lied to the Senate about his reasons for opposing David >Satcher for Surgeon General > >4. John Ashcroft lied to the Senate four times about his role in >Missouri's school desegregation struggle > >5. John Ashcroft lied to the American people when he said he didn't know >the teachings and practices of Bob Jones University > >6. John Ashcroft lied to the people of Missouri about his misuse of his >government employees for his re-election campaigns > >These lies were not simple misstatements of facts. They were calculated >lies, intended to punish individuals who disagreed with him on his core >ideological issues, namely opposition to abortion rights, gay rights, and >civil rights. John Ashcroft has no integrity - he will do anything to >defeat his chosen enemies. > >With your help, we have been gathering feedback on the positions of the 50 >Democratic Senators. At this point, here is how the votes look. If you >have a Democratic Senator or two, see where they stand - and take >appropriate action. > >We cannot believe that any Democrats are even considering voting for >Ashcroft. The reasons for rejecting him are so overwhelming that there is >absolutely no reason why any Democrat should support him. > >We have identified 12 Democrats who are solidly opposed to Ashcroft. They >should be thanked by their constituents. > >All of the other Democrats - as well as the five pro-choice Republicans - >should be called EVERY DAY by their constituents. While they should be >urged to vote against Ashcroft on principle, they should also be persuaded >of the crucial POLITICAL reasons for voting against Ashcroft. > >None of these Senators would have been elected - or will be re-elected - >without the support of key Democratic constituencies in their own states. >In particular, that means women, blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, >Asian Americans, gays, environmentalists, gun control supporters, >liberals, and progressives. ALL of these groups are united in their solid >opposition to Ashcroft. It is time for these Senators to recognize and >honor their obligations to these groups. > >If you are a local leader in one of these groups, please remind your >Senator of the important constituency you represent, and get your members >to make calls. If you know the leaders of these groups, make sure they are >making calls, and urging their members to do so. > >If you see an * before a name, that means they are up for re-election in >2002. These individuals will need every ounce of support from progressive >activists, and should be especially responsive to our appeals. Similarly, >an ^ indicates a Senator who has been mentioned as a potential >Presidential candidate in 2004. > >1. Democrats Opposed to Ashcroft > >If they represent you, call them to thank them. > >CA: Barbara Boxer 202-224-3553 415-403-0100 >*^DE: Joseph Biden 202-224-5042 302-573-6345 >*IL: Richard Durbin 202-224-215 2217-492-4062 >IN: B. Evan Bayh 202-224-562 3317-554-0750 >MA: Edward M. Kennedy 202-224-4543 617-565-3170 >MD: Barbara Mikulski 202-224-4654 301-263-1805 >*MI: Carl Levin 202-224-6221 313-226-6020 >NJ: Jon Corzine 202-224-4744 >NY: Hillary Clinton 202-224-4451 >*RI: John F. 'Jack' Reed 202-224-4642 401-943-3100 >VT: Patrick Leahy 202-224-4242 802-863-2525 > >2. Nervous Democrats > >These Senators should be solidly in the "opposed" column, but they are not >there yet so we need to convince them to do the right thing. In addition >to Ashcroft's lies, we must also stress his grotesque unfairness to James >Hormel, Judge Ronnie White, and Clinton judicial nominee Alex Bartlett, >who Ashcroft admitted he blocked for reasons having nothing to do with >Bartlett's qualifications for the job. The important argument is >Ashcroft's inability and refusal to see and do what is right and just. >Ashcroft used his post as a Senator to take positions - such as his >virulent opposition to Hormel simply because he was gay - that in a normal >hiring process wouldn't even be legal. Finally, these Senators should be >questioned about Ashcroft's crazy attempt to reconcile Roe v. Wade with >his anti-abortion record and agenda. > >CA: Dianne Feinstein 202-224-3841 619-231-9712 >*MN: Paul David Wellstone 202-224-5641 651-645-0323 >WI: Russ Feingold 202-224-5323 608-828-1200 > >3. Silent Democrats > >These Senators have not sent signals either way. That means these are the >most important Senators for us to reach, because they are the swing votes. >They should vote against Ashcroft both on principle and on politics - >namely, they need our support to win. > >AR: Blanche Lambert Lincoln 202-224-4843 501-375-2993 >CT: Christopher Dodd 202-224-2823 860-240-3470 >CT: Joseph Lieberman 202-224-4041 860-549-8463 >DE: Tom Carper 202-224-2441 >FL: Bob Graham 202-224-3041 305-536-7293 >FL: Bill Nelson 202-224-5274 >*GA: Joseph Maxwell Cleland 202-224-3521 404-331-4811 >HI: Daniel Inouye 202-224-3934 808-541-2542 >HI: Daniel Kahikina Akaka 202-224-6361 808-522-8970 >*IA: Tom Harkin 202-224-3254 515-284-4574 >LA: John Breaux 202-224-4623 504-589-2531 >*LA: Mary Landrieu 202-224-5824 504-589-2427 >*^MA: John Forbes Kerry 202-224-2742 617-565-8519 >MD: Paul Sarbanes 202-224-4524 410-962-4436 >MI: Debbie Stabenow 202-224-4822 >MN: Mark Dayton 202-224-3244 >MO: Jean Carnahan 202-224-6154 314-531-2006 >*MT: Max Baucus 202-224-2651 406-329-3123 >NC: John Edwards 202-224-3154 919-856-4245 >NE: Ben Nelson 202-224-6551 >*NJ: Robert Torricelli 202-224-3224 973-624-5555 >NM: Jeff Bingaman 202-224-5521 505-988-6647 >NV: Harry Reid 202-224-3542 775-885-9111 >NY: Charles Schumer 202-224-6542 212-486-4430 >OR: Ron Wyden 202-224-5244 503-326-7525 >SC: Ernest Hollings 202-224-6121 803-765-5731 >SD: Thomas Daschle 202-224-2321 605-225-8823 >*SD: Tim P. Johnson 202-224-5842 605-332-8896 >WA: Patty Murray 202-224-2621 206-553-5545 >WA: Maria Cantwell 202-224-3441 >WI: Herbert Kohl 202-224-5653 414-297-4451 >*WV: Jay Rockefeller 202-224-6472 304-347-5372 > >4. Lost Democrats > >These Democrats have announced their support for Ashcroft. That suggests >that these Senators are have lost their way. Perhaps their constituents >can help them find their way back to the side of Truth, Justice, and the >American Way. > >GA: Zell Miller 202-224-3643 404-347-2202 >ND: Kent Conrad 202-224-2043 701-232-8030 >ND: Byron Dorgan 202-224-2551 701-250-4618 >WV: Robert Byrd 202-224-3954 304-342-5855 > >5. Pro-choice Republicans > >These Republicans ran as strong supporters of a woman's right to choose >and as environmentalists. They received key support and funding from pro- >choice PACs, such as WISH List and NARAL, and environmental groups like >the Sierra Club. Ashcroft lied under oath when he swore that he would not >look for opportunities to outlaw abortions - it's the first thing he will >do every morning, and the last thing he will do at night. It is the single >most important goal in his life, as he stated repeatedly during his >career. No Republican who votes for Ashcroft can continue to call >themselves "pro-choice" - and future pro-choice Democrats will use a pro- >Ashcroft vote as Exhibit A in their campaigns. This argument should be >especially persuasive with Susan Collins, who is up for re-election in >2002. > >ME: Sen. Olympia Snowe (R) 202-224-5344 207-780-3575 >*ME: Sen. Susan M. Collins (R) 202-224-2523 207-945-0417 >PA: Sen. Arlen Specter (R) 202-224-4254 215-597-7200 >RI: Sen. Lincoln D. Chafee (R) 202-224-2921 401-528-5294 >VT: Sen. Jim Jeffords (R) 202-224-5141 802-658-6001 > > >We urge you to do four things: > >1. CALL your Senators, especially if they are on one of the above lists. >If you can, visit their district offices and leave them a hand written >note. Keep trying until you reach a human being who appears to be paid to >listen to you. > >2. FORWARD this message to other Democratic activists, especially people >active in African American, pro-choice and gay/lesbian advocacy. But do >not leave this to others to do your work for you. We ALL have a stake in >this. > >3. SIGN-UP for our daily newsletter by sending a blank e-mail message to > > >4. STOP BELIEVING TOM BROKAW. And that goes for Dan Rather and Peter >Jennings, too. Those guys will be the last people in America to know when >Ashcroft is toast. Remember, their job is not to get it right. Their job >is to attract eyeballs to sell laxatives, drugs and automobiles - and to >maximize profits for their Republican corporate owners. We can make the >news. They're entertainers and Republican flaks. > >We are convinced like never before that we can win this battle and turn >back the forces of reaction. We can make it very, very difficult for the >Republicans to secure the support of 10 Democratic Senators. Far more than >Bush's inauguration, this vote is the start of the new government. If we >support one another and light a fire under our Senators, then we can set >the stage for some very significant progressive victories on the crucial >battles to come. > >-- Bob Fertik and David Lytel > > The Aggressive Progressives > > > >THE INTERNET IS TRANSFORMING POLITICS. Every Democratic official, >candidate, and advocacy group should maintain a campaign web site and >e-mail list to build a powerful network for change. Let show >you the way! Visit or > > > > >To subscribe, send an email to: > > >To unsubscribe, send an email to: > > >To switch to the weekly edition, unsubscribe from this list and send an >email to: > > >To switch to the monthly edition, unsubscribe from this list and send an >email to: > > - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 12:22:42 -0700 From: Carah Lynn Ong Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: List of Top 100 Defense Contractors Now Available >X-Remote-Host: >X-Remote-Ident: unknown >Approved-By: dladvisories_sender@DTIC.MIL >Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 14:55:01 -0500 >Reply-To: dodadvisories-l-request@DTIC.MIL >Sender: DOD PRESS ADVISORIES LIST >From: dladvisories_sender@DTIC.MIL >Subject: List of Top 100 Defense Contractors Now Available >To: DODADVISORIES-L@DTIC.MIL > >PRESS ADVISORY from the United States Department of Defense > >No. 025-P >PRESS ADVISORY January 24, 2001 >The Department of Defense announced today that the fiscal year 2000 >listing of the 100 companies receiving the largest dollar volume of >prime contract awards is now available on the Web at href=""> >. >The top ten defense contractors for fiscal year 2000 and the dollar >value (in billions) of their prime contracts are as follows: >Lockheed Martin Corp. ($15.1) >The Boeing Co. ($12.0) >Raytheon Corp. ($6.3) >General Dynamics Corp. ($4.1) >Northrop Grumman Corp. ($3.1) >Litton Industries Inc. ($2.7) >United Technologies Corp. ($2.1) >TRW Inc. ($2.0) >General Electric Co. ($1.6) >Science Applications International Corp. ($1.5) >-END- >page 1 > >-- Press Advisories: >-- Defense News: >-- Subscribe/Unsubscribe: >-- Today in DoD: - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 09:51:07 -0500 From: Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Fwd: Ashcroft Filibuster Gains Ground - Call Your SenatorsToday!! I am disturbed that the abolition-usa e-mail list is being used to promote partisan political positions and, in particular, to promote the pro-choice agenda. Pax Christi USA, which I represent in the nuclear abolition movement, takes no position on the election or selection of particular political candidates, so I won't comment on the Ashcroft appointment here. Let me remind you that the nuclear abolition movement includes a whole sub-network called the Seamless Garment Network, composed of many organizations and individuals of different religious traditions and some with no religious tradition. Pax Christi is a member of that network, which supports a consistent ethic of life that opposes war, preparations for war, capital punishment, abortion, and other evils that threaten human life. When you promulgate your pro-choice views on the abortion-usa list, you offend pro-life progressives like me and my friends. More importantly, if our common cause of nuclear abolition is to succeed, I submit that we need to avoid divisive actions. We need to be welcoming to people who disagree with us on other issues. That means accepting and not offending both pro-choice and pro-life people; Democrats, Republicans, Greens; liberals, conservatives, and progressives; gays and straights; and folks of different religions or no religion. In short, all of humanity is threatened by weapons of mass destruction and need to rally together to abolish those weapons. Respectfully, Frank Dworak Pax Christi USA Representative ASlater wrote: > > >Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 00:22:07 -0500 > >Subject: Ashcroft Filibuster Gains Ground - Call Your Senators Today!! > >Priority: non-urgent > >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true > >To: > >From: "" > > > >Dear Friend of, > > > >If you listen to the media reports on the Ashcroft nomination, you would > >conclude that he emerged from four days of hearings without a scratch, and > >will sail through his confirmation vote by the Senate. > > > >We assure you - nothing could be further from the truth! > > > >Here is just one indication: today, the New York Times joined us in urging > >Senate Democrats to filibuster Ashcroft. > > > >Sensing that the tide is turning against Ashcroft, Republicans on the > >Judiciary Committee - led by anti-choice zealot Orrin Hatch - are trying > >to force a quick vote to send Ashcroft's nomination to the full Senate. > > > >But the Democrats have just submitted a list of detailed questions that > >are crucial to consider before voting. Ashcroft will not have time to > >answer these questions before Wednesday. Moreover, Ashcroft's answers are > >bound to raise further questions, because his testimony has been full of > >contradictions - and worse. > > > >During the hearings, Senators were given important new information about > >Ashcroft's extreme positions on the issues. And they were also exposed > >directly to Ashcroft's repeated evasions and outright lies - yes, the same > >actions that caused the Republican Congress (led prominently by Ashcroft) > >to impeach our last elected President, Bill Clinton. > > > >The Attorney General of the United States is the nation's chief law > >enforcer, civil rights officer and government ethics watchdog. The > >Attorney General should be someone who is distinguished by his or her > >ethics, integrity, and impartiality. But as the hearings proved, John > >Ashcroft meets NONE of these qualifications. He is a die-hard and > >cutthroat partisan, a rabid ideologue, and - worst of all - a serial liar. > > > >In the final analysis, we believe the single most important reason > >Ashcroft should be defeated is because of his lies, as we have documented > >in detail at: > > > > > >1. John Ashcroft lied to the Senate about Judge Ronnie White when he > >blocked his nomination to the Federal judiciary, and lied again to the > >Senate about his reasons for doing so > > > >2. John Ashcroft lied to the Senate about his reasons for opposing James > >Hormel for Ambassador to Luxembourg > > > >3. John Ashcroft lied to the Senate about his reasons for opposing David > >Satcher for Surgeon General > > > >4. John Ashcroft lied to the Senate four times about his role in > >Missouri's school desegregation struggle > > > >5. John Ashcroft lied to the American people when he said he didn't know > >the teachings and practices of Bob Jones University > > > >6. John Ashcroft lied to the people of Missouri about his misuse of his > >government employees for his re-election campaigns > > > >These lies were not simple misstatements of facts. They were calculated > >lies, intended to punish individuals who disagreed with him on his core > >ideological issues, namely opposition to abortion rights, gay rights, and > >civil rights. John Ashcroft has no integrity - he will do anything to > >defeat his chosen enemies. > > > >With your help, we have been gathering feedback on the positions of the 50 > >Democratic Senators. At this point, here is how the votes look. If you > >have a Democratic Senator or two, see where they stand - and take > >appropriate action. > > > >We cannot believe that any Democrats are even considering voting for > >Ashcroft. The reasons for rejecting him are so overwhelming that there is > >absolutely no reason why any Democrat should support him. > > > >We have identified 12 Democrats who are solidly opposed to Ashcroft. They > >should be thanked by their constituents. > > > >All of the other Democrats - as well as the five pro-choice Republicans - > >should be called EVERY DAY by their constituents. While they should be > >urged to vote against Ashcroft on principle, they should also be persuaded > >of the crucial POLITICAL reasons for voting against Ashcroft. > > > >None of these Senators would have been elected - or will be re-elected - > >without the support of key Democratic constituencies in their own states. > >In particular, that means women, blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, > >Asian Americans, gays, environmentalists, gun control supporters, > >liberals, and progressives. ALL of these groups are united in their solid > >opposition to Ashcroft. It is time for these Senators to recognize and > >honor their obligations to these groups. > > > >If you are a local leader in one of these groups, please remind your > >Senator of the important constituency you represent, and get your members > >to make calls. If you know the leaders of these groups, make sure they are > >making calls, and urging their members to do so. > > > >If you see an * before a name, that means they are up for re-election in > >2002. These individuals will need every ounce of support from progressive > >activists, and should be especially responsive to our appeals. Similarly, > >an ^ indicates a Senator who has been mentioned as a potential > >Presidential candidate in 2004. > > > >1. Democrats Opposed to Ashcroft > > > >If they represent you, call them to thank them. > > > >CA: Barbara Boxer 202-224-3553 415-403-0100 > >*^DE: Joseph Biden 202-224-5042 302-573-6345 > >*IL: Richard Durbin 202-224-215 2217-492-4062 > >IN: B. Evan Bayh 202-224-562 3317-554-0750 > >MA: Edward M. Kennedy 202-224-4543 617-565-3170 > >MD: Barbara Mikulski 202-224-4654 301-263-1805 > >*MI: Carl Levin 202-224-6221 313-226-6020 > >NJ: Jon Corzine 202-224-4744 > >NY: Hillary Clinton 202-224-4451 > >*RI: John F. 'Jack' Reed 202-224-4642 401-943-3100 > >VT: Patrick Leahy 202-224-4242 802-863-2525 > > > >2. Nervous Democrats > > > >These Senators should be solidly in the "opposed" column, but they are not > >there yet so we need to convince them to do the right thing. In addition > >to Ashcroft's lies, we must also stress his grotesque unfairness to James > >Hormel, Judge Ronnie White, and Clinton judicial nominee Alex Bartlett, > >who Ashcroft admitted he blocked for reasons having nothing to do with > >Bartlett's qualifications for the job. The important argument is > >Ashcroft's inability and refusal to see and do what is right and just. > >Ashcroft used his post as a Senator to take positions - such as his > >virulent opposition to Hormel simply because he was gay - that in a normal > >hiring process wouldn't even be legal. Finally, these Senators should be > >questioned about Ashcroft's crazy attempt to reconcile Roe v. Wade with > >his anti-abortion record and agenda. > > > >CA: Dianne Feinstein 202-224-3841 619-231-9712 > >*MN: Paul David Wellstone 202-224-5641 651-645-0323 > >WI: Russ Feingold 202-224-5323 608-828-1200 > > > >3. Silent Democrats > > > >These Senators have not sent signals either way. That means these are the > >most important Senators for us to reach, because they are the swing votes. > >They should vote against Ashcroft both on principle and on politics - > >namely, they need our support to win. > > > >AR: Blanche Lambert Lincoln 202-224-4843 501-375-2993 > >CT: Christopher Dodd 202-224-2823 860-240-3470 > >CT: Joseph Lieberman 202-224-4041 860-549-8463 > >DE: Tom Carper 202-224-2441 > >FL: Bob Graham 202-224-3041 305-536-7293 > >FL: Bill Nelson 202-224-5274 > >*GA: Joseph Maxwell Cleland 202-224-3521 404-331-4811 > >HI: Daniel Inouye 202-224-3934 808-541-2542 > >HI: Daniel Kahikina Akaka 202-224-6361 808-522-8970 > >*IA: Tom Harkin 202-224-3254 515-284-4574 > >LA: John Breaux 202-224-4623 504-589-2531 > >*LA: Mary Landrieu 202-224-5824 504-589-2427 > >*^MA: John Forbes Kerry 202-224-2742 617-565-8519 > >MD: Paul Sarbanes 202-224-4524 410-962-4436 > >MI: Debbie Stabenow 202-224-4822 > >MN: Mark Dayton 202-224-3244 > >MO: Jean Carnahan 202-224-6154 314-531-2006 > >*MT: Max Baucus 202-224-2651 406-329-3123 > >NC: John Edwards 202-224-3154 919-856-4245 > >NE: Ben Nelson 202-224-6551 > >*NJ: Robert Torricelli 202-224-3224 973-624-5555 > >NM: Jeff Bingaman 202-224-5521 505-988-6647 > >NV: Harry Reid 202-224-3542 775-885-9111 > >NY: Charles Schumer 202-224-6542 212-486-4430 > >OR: Ron Wyden 202-224-5244 503-326-7525 > >SC: Ernest Hollings 202-224-6121 803-765-5731 > >SD: Thomas Daschle 202-224-2321 605-225-8823 > >*SD: Tim P. Johnson 202-224-5842 605-332-8896 > >WA: Patty Murray 202-224-2621 206-553-5545 > >WA: Maria Cantwell 202-224-3441 > >WI: Herbert Kohl 202-224-5653 414-297-4451 > >*WV: Jay Rockefeller 202-224-6472 304-347-5372 > > > >4. Lost Democrats > > > >These Democrats have announced their support for Ashcroft. That suggests > >that these Senators are have lost their way. Perhaps their constituents > >can help them find their way back to the side of Truth, Justice, and the > >American Way. > > > >GA: Zell Miller 202-224-3643 404-347-2202 > >ND: Kent Conrad 202-224-2043 701-232-8030 > >ND: Byron Dorgan 202-224-2551 701-250-4618 > >WV: Robert Byrd 202-224-3954 304-342-5855 > > > >5. Pro-choice Republicans > > > >These Republicans ran as strong supporters of a woman's right to choose > >and as environmentalists. They received key support and funding from pro- > >choice PACs, such as WISH List and NARAL, and environmental groups like > >the Sierra Club. Ashcroft lied under oath when he swore that he would not > >look for opportunities to outlaw abortions - it's the first thing he will > >do every morning, and the last thing he will do at night. It is the single > >most important goal in his life, as he stated repeatedly during his > >career. No Republican who votes for Ashcroft can continue to call > >themselves "pro-choice" - and future pro-choice Democrats will use a pro- > >Ashcroft vote as Exhibit A in their campaigns. This argument should be > >especially persuasive with Susan Collins, who is up for re-election in > >2002. > > > >ME: Sen. Olympia Snowe (R) 202-224-5344 207-780-3575 > >*ME: Sen. Susan M. Collins (R) 202-224-2523 207-945-0417 > >PA: Sen. Arlen Specter (R) 202-224-4254 215-597-7200 > >RI: Sen. Lincoln D. Chafee (R) 202-224-2921 401-528-5294 > >VT: Sen. Jim Jeffords (R) 202-224-5141 802-658-6001 > > > > > >We urge you to do four things: > > > >1. CALL your Senators, especially if they are on one of the above lists. > >If you can, visit their district offices and leave them a hand written > >note. Keep trying until you reach a human being who appears to be paid to > >listen to you. > > > >2. FORWARD this message to other Democratic activists, especially people > >active in African American, pro-choice and gay/lesbian advocacy. But do > >not leave this to others to do your work for you. We ALL have a stake in > >this. > > > >3. SIGN-UP for our daily newsletter by sending a blank e-mail message to > > > > > >4. STOP BELIEVING TOM BROKAW. And that goes for Dan Rather and Peter > >Jennings, too. Those guys will be the last people in America to know when > >Ashcroft is toast. Remember, their job is not to get it right. Their job > >is to attract eyeballs to sell laxatives, drugs and automobiles - and to > >maximize profits for their Republican corporate owners. We can make the > >news. They're entertainers and Republican flaks. > > > >We are convinced like never before that we can win this battle and turn > >back the forces of reaction. We can make it very, very difficult for the > >Republicans to secure the support of 10 Democratic Senators. Far more than > >Bush's inauguration, this vote is the start of the new government. If we > >support one another and light a fire under our Senators, then we can set > >the stage for some very significant progressive victories on the crucial > >battles to come. > > > >-- Bob Fertik and David Lytel > > > > The Aggressive Progressives > > > > > > > >THE INTERNET IS TRANSFORMING POLITICS. Every Democratic official, > >candidate, and advocacy group should maintain a campaign web site and > >e-mail list to build a powerful network for change. Let show > >you the way! Visit or > > > > > > > > > >To subscribe, send an email to: > > > > > >To unsubscribe, send an email to: > > > > > >To switch to the weekly edition, unsubscribe from this list and send an > >email to: > > > > > >To switch to the monthly edition, unsubscribe from this list and send an > >email to: > > > > > > - > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. 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