From: (aml-list-digest) To: Subject: aml-list-digest V1 #3 Reply-To: aml-list Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk aml-list-digest Thursday, March 11 2004 Volume 01 : Number 003 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 21:18:54 +0600 From: "Tamera Roach" Subject: Message subject - ----06478078849643526810 Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi please check out our fr-ee$ Via-gr-a offer. 4 FR*E*E tabs. Offer good thru this week. Limited quanties - first-come-first-served! Volume Trading House and international exporter of generic products direct= ly from Government licensed laboratories. Generic products are generally 60% to 70% less. We are shipping during the month of December, 4 *FR*EE* sample doses Super Vi-a-gra(Cial-is) is HERE: - ----06478078849643526810-- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 08 Mar 04 03:18:45 -0500 From: "Rubin Colvin" Subject: Set Up - --.9BEC2_9BA1D_E31B Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable One of your buddies hooked you up on a date with another buddy. Click here to accept the invitation: 983 A FREE dating web site CREATED BY WOMEN Click here if you do not wish to be invited again: 913 cliff - --.9BEC2_9BA1D_E31B-- ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2004 11:05:05 -0600 From: "Minerva Gore" Subject: Re: MSJ, that hes lost - ----468113656579257 Content-Type: text/html; Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit

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- ----468113656579257-- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 05 Mar 2004 14:41:54 +0000 From: "Corina Lockwood" Subject: =?iso-8859-1?b?QWZmb3JkYWJsZSBMZXZpdCpyYSAmIFZpYWdyXWEhIE92ZXJuaWdodCBEZWxpdmVyeSE=?= This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_04A4_39AF65AA.7861A740 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - ------=_NextPart_000_04A4_39AF65AA.7861A740 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
- ------=_NextPart_000_04A4_39AF65AA.7861A740-- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 22:33:20 +0600 From: "John Post" Subject: Re: MBGOS, after the legate - ----125791027851656166 Content-Type: text/html; Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit

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- ----125791027851656166-- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 09:48:41 -0700 From: Christopher Bigelow Subject: Anita Stanfield Novel This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. - ------_=_NextPart_001_01C402D1.B735BFF0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" LDS novel deemed too racy to publish By Travis Reed Associated Press Anita Stansfield considers herself a spiritual writer, and others have called her a pioneer of LDS fiction for her ability to construct chaste but romantic novels that have moralistic lessons that appeal to conservative readers. But her longtime publisher, Covenant Communications Inc., has refused to pick up her latest book, arguing "The Captain of Her Heart" includes offensive material inappropriate for a Christian audience. Covenant, which has published all 25 of her books, refused to back the romance novel because its protagonist has premarital sex, Stansfield said. And two major LDS book retailers have said they won't stock the book even though Stansfield created her own company to publish the book. Stansfield, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, says that's unfair because her books have always dealt with "real-life" issues - including adultery and rape. "I have dealt with these issues, but I've dealt with them in a way I felt was appropriate and non-offensive," she said. "All of a sudden, they just rejected this book based on the premise that the characters committed a sin." Deseret Book judges works by any author on an individual basis, said Keith Hunter, the company's vice president. "We're a retailer, not a library. We choose our inventory based on research from customers and purchase the ones they think people will want. "In the case of this particular book, there were concerns about the content," he said. Hunter emphasized that the store would special order the book for customers who requested it. Seagull Book & Tape also is not carrying the book. A spokesman for Covenant Communications did not immediately return a phone message left by The Associated Press seeking comment. Stansfield says she's convinced that only a fraction of her audience is offended by the work. However, she says it's an enthusiastic minority giving the impression that she has offended more readers than is actually the case. "In the world, sexual issues are discussed very lightly and very crudely. Some people are so offended by that they don't want to talk about it all, because they're afraid it will put them in the same category," she said. "It's something that's a part of our lives, and it's something that should be discussed appropriately." [And here's a press release from Stansfield:] STANSFIELD SAILS WITH NOVEL REJECTED ON MORAL GROUNDS The Captain of Her Heart by best-selling author Anita Stansfield In 1994, Utah girl, Anita Stansfield, came out of nowhere to take the LDS book market by storm. Her approach to romantic fiction took on a whole new twist-it was based in reality. While Stansfield's novels always center around a relationship, her characters face tough issues, and the storyline is always focused on a healthy resolve of those dilemmas. She began writing at the age of sixteen and her first novel was picked up for publication sixteen years later. First Love and Forever shattered the previously idealistic take on Mormon fiction by putting its protagonist, Emily Hall, into-of all things-an unhappy temple marriage. While Stansfield's approach is respectful and appropriate to her religious beliefs and the issues she tackles, it's become evident that not everybody wants to take off the rose-colored glasses of idealism. "It's impossible to make everybody happy," Stansfield points out frankly. "While there have been only a small number of complaints in less than ten years, they have complained loudly and caused a tremendous stir." Covenant Communications of American Fork, the publisher of Stansfield's first twenty-five books, has apparently changed their tune in regard to that stir. With their logo on Stansfield's earlier titles dealing with premarital sex, adultery, rape, and many levels of abuse-among other issues-any reader would assume that they stood behind a bold facing of topics in a suitable way that might validate and educate those readers living in the real world and faced with real problems. In 1997 Covenant presented Stansfield with a special award for "pioneering new ground in LDS fiction," and three years later they refused to publish The Captain of Her Heart, based solely on the fact that the main characters had premarital sex. "I'd written about such things before," Stansfield says, "even more boldly than it was handled in this book. What was alright then, suddenly wasn't alright anymore." While Stansfield's reputation through more than a dozen novels, at that point, had clearly become her ability to deal with sin and abuse in an appropriate, value-oriented way, with consequences and healing clearly in place, her work seemed to be suddenly cast out for the same reason it had previously been embraced. "There was no warning as to the change in policy," the author goes on to say, "and months of work became a big hole in my publishing schedule." Apparently the "stir" began with the novel The Gable Faces East, a book that Stansfield describes as, "A passionate story that addresses some sensitive issues with very defined boundaries, and a strong protagonist who sticks to her values." If knowing there's scandal attached to this book prompts you to go out and buy it, you might be disappointed to find absolutely no reference to body parts or any offensive love scenes. "While I was hearing rumors that the book was considered 'pornographic and highly offensive,'" Stansfield says, "I was getting letters from mothers of teenaged girls thanking me (in regard to the same book) for writing a clean historical romance their daughters could read. Obviously personal opinion dictates what is offensive." It doesn't take much effort to find die-hard, loyal Anita Stansfield fans, but you might find it difficult to actually locate one that's disgruntled for any reason. The Captain of Her Heart, Volume I of The Buchanan Saga, has been picked up by Crosswalk Books, a new, independent publisher, and the book is sailing off the shelves with a sequel on the not-so-distant horizon. Seagull Book and Tape, a sister company to Covenant, has refused to sell this new release, claiming it does not meet their standards. Deseret Book has taken the same stand, and will not carry the book in their stores, a fact that has Stansfield confused. "I was told many months ago that Deseret Book's stand included a willingness to carry books that dealt with sin and abuse, as long as it wasn't written offensively and the consequences were clearly in place. The Captain certainly fits that description, but they still won't carry it." Dianne Empey, sales manager for Crosswalk Books, feels confident that loyal readers will find a way to get their hands on the book. "We have stores calling us and begging to carry the book," she says. "It's a powerful story with some great messages. I'm certain the few who might be offended are far outnumbered by those who will be touched for good through these characters." The Captain of Her Heart can be found at Borders and Media Play, as well as a number of independent LDS bookstores. For a store near you, or to buy the book online, visit * * * * * More about the author: Anita Stansfield is by far one the most enterprising and prolific writers of her genre. While she is best known for her trail-blazing work in the LDS (Mormon) market, (with twenty-five published books to her credit) her general-market novels have been among her readers' favorites. Books like The Gable Faces East, and Towers of Brierley, have entranced many thousands of readers with their deep, intricate plots and multi-faceted characters that leap off the pages. Stansfield has shattered the stereotypes of romantic fiction by weaving relationships into social and emotional issues and powerful dilemmas that leave the reader thoroughly captivated and often enlightened. Anita was born and raised in Provo, Utah, the youngest of five children. Her vivid imagination and passion for music have served her well since she began writing at the age of sixteen, seeing her first novel in print sixteen years later. She continues to make her home in Utah, with her husband, Vince. They are the parents of five children. For more information or to purchase The Captain of Her Heart, visit - ------_=_NextPart_001_01C402D1.B735BFF0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Anita Stanfield Novel

LDS novel deemed too racy to publish
By Travis Reed
Associated Press

      Anita Stansfield = considers herself a spiritual writer, and others have called her a = pioneer of LDS fiction for her ability to construct chaste but romantic = novels that have moralistic lessons that appeal to conservative = readers.

      But her longtime = publisher, Covenant Communications Inc., has refused to pick up her = latest book, arguing "The Captain of Her Heart" includes = offensive material inappropriate for a Christian audience.

      Covenant, which has = published all 25 of her books, refused to back the romance novel = because its protagonist has premarital sex, Stansfield said. And two = major LDS book retailers have said they won't stock the book even = though Stansfield created her own company to publish the = book.

      Stansfield, a member = of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, says that's unfair = because her books have always dealt with "real-life" issues - = including adultery and rape.

      "I have dealt = with these issues, but I've dealt with them in a way I felt was = appropriate and non-offensive," she said. "All of a sudden, = they just rejected this book based on the premise that the characters = committed a sin."

      Deseret Book judges = works by any author on an individual basis, said Keith Hunter, the = company's vice president. "We're a retailer, not a library. We = choose our inventory based on research from customers and purchase the = ones they think people will want.

      "In the case of = this particular book, there were concerns about the content," he = said.
      Hunter emphasized = that the store would special order the book for customers who requested = it.
      Seagull Book & = Tape also is not carrying the book.
      A spokesman for = Covenant Communications did not immediately return a phone message left = by The Associated Press seeking comment.

      Stansfield says she's = convinced that only a fraction of her audience is offended by the work. = However, she says it's an enthusiastic minority giving the impression = that she has offended more readers than is actually the = case.

      "In the world, = sexual issues are discussed very lightly and very crudely. Some people = are so offended by that they don't want to talk about it all, because = they're afraid it will put them in the same category," she = said.

      "It's something = that's a part of our lives, and it's something that should be discussed = appropriately."

[And here's a press release from Stansfield:]

The Captain of Her Heart
by best-selling author
Anita Stansfield
        In 1994, = Utah girl, Anita Stansfield, came out of nowhere to take the LDS book = market by storm.  Her approach to romantic fiction took on a whole = new twist-it was based in reality.  While Stansfield's novels = always center around a relationship, her characters face tough issues, = and the storyline is always focused on a healthy resolve of those = dilemmas.  She began writing at the age of sixteen and her first = novel was picked up for publication sixteen years later.  First = Love and Forever shattered the previously idealistic take on Mormon = fiction by putting its protagonist, Emily Hall, into-of all things-an = unhappy temple marriage.  While Stansfield's approach is = respectful and appropriate to her religious beliefs and the issues she = tackles, it's become evident that not everybody wants to take off the = rose-colored glasses of idealism. "It's impossible to make = everybody happy," Stansfield points out frankly.  "While = there have been only a small number of complaints in less than ten = years, they have complained loudly and caused a tremendous = stir." 

        Covenant = Communications of American Fork, the publisher of Stansfield's first = twenty-five books, has apparently changed their tune in regard to that = stir. With their logo on Stansfield's earlier titles dealing with = premarital sex, adultery, rape, and many levels of abuse-among other = issues-any reader would assume that they stood behind a bold facing of = topics in a suitable way that might validate and educate those readers = living in the real world and faced with real problems. In 1997 Covenant = presented Stansfield with a special award for "pioneering new = ground in LDS fiction," and three years later they refused to = publish The Captain of Her Heart, based solely on the fact that the = main characters had premarital sex.  "I'd written about such = things before," Stansfield says, "even more boldly than it = was handled in this book. What was alright then, suddenly wasn't = alright anymore."  While Stansfield's reputation through more = than a dozen novels, at that point, had clearly become her ability to = deal with sin and abuse in an appropriate, value-oriented way, with = consequences and healing clearly in place, her work seemed to be = suddenly cast out for the same reason it had previously been = embraced.  "There was no warning as to the change in = policy," the author goes on to say, "and months of work = became a big hole in my publishing schedule." 

        Apparently = the "stir" began with the novel The Gable Faces East, a book = that Stansfield describes as, "A passionate story that addresses = some sensitive issues with very defined boundaries, and a strong = protagonist who sticks to her values."  If knowing there's = scandal attached to this book prompts you to go out and buy it, you = might be disappointed to find absolutely no reference to body parts or = any offensive love scenes.  "While I was hearing rumors that = the book was considered 'pornographic and highly offensive,'" = Stansfield says, "I was getting letters from mothers of teenaged = girls thanking me (in regard to the same book) for writing a clean = historical romance their daughters could read.  Obviously personal = opinion dictates what is offensive." 

        It doesn't = take much effort to find die-hard, loyal Anita Stansfield fans, but you = might find it difficult to actually locate one that's disgruntled for = any reason. The Captain of Her Heart, Volume I of The Buchanan Saga, = has been picked up by Crosswalk Books, a new, independent publisher, = and the book is sailing off the shelves with a sequel on the = not-so-distant horizon.  Seagull Book and Tape, a sister company = to Covenant, has refused to sell this new release, claiming it does not = meet their standards.  Deseret Book has taken the same stand, and = will not carry the book in their stores, a fact that has Stansfield = confused.  "I was told many months ago that Deseret Book's = stand included a willingness to carry books that dealt with sin and = abuse, as long as it wasn't written offensively and the consequences = were clearly in place. The Captain certainly fits that description, but = they still won't carry it."  Dianne Empey, sales manager for = Crosswalk Books, feels confident that loyal readers will find a way to = get their hands on the book.  "We have stores calling us and = begging to carry the book," she says.  "It's a powerful = story with some great messages.  I'm certain the few who might be = offended are far outnumbered by those who will be touched for good = through these characters." 

        The = Captain of Her Heart can be found at Borders and Media Play, as well as = a number of independent LDS bookstores.  For a store near you, or = to buy the book online, visit 

* * * * *
        More = about the author: Anita Stansfield is by far one the most enterprising = and prolific writers of her genre.  While she is best known for = her trail-blazing work in the LDS (Mormon) market, (with twenty-five = published books to her credit) her general-market novels have been = among her readers' favorites.  Books like The Gable Faces East, = and Towers of Brierley, have entranced many thousands of readers with = their deep, intricate plots and multi-faceted characters that leap off = the pages.  Stansfield has shattered the stereotypes of romantic = fiction by weaving relationships into social and emotional issues and = powerful dilemmas that leave the reader thoroughly captivated and often = enlightened. 

        Anita was = born and raised in Provo, Utah, the youngest of five children.  = Her vivid imagination and passion for music have served her well since = she began writing at the age of sixteen, seeing her first novel in = print sixteen years later.  She continues to make her home in = Utah, with her husband, Vince.  They are the parents of five = children. 

For more information or to purchase The Captain of = Her Heart, visit

- ------_=_NextPart_001_01C402D1.B735BFF0-- ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2004 04:02:59 +1200 From: "nobuko parker" Subject: Feel Great " the next few minutes... regardless of your age, sex, or current health status, how this common element can change the way you experience the next half of your life."

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- -----original message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, February 4, 2004 5:33AM
To: dewayne;; linette; kai; loise
Subject: or not, PO 12 00 B , Oran ge sta d, A ruba

Immediately he began to rise into the airDon't worry about me! he called down to them
Good-by! MrsJoslyn, with a scream of terror, hid her face in her hands ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 11:26:37 -0700 From: "lynette jones" Subject: Joseph and Emma Smith Viggo Mortensen Liv Tyler These two people, very well chosen to play opposite each other, are the closest I have seen a casting director, in recent years, match a couple together that could play Joseph and Emma Smith. Anything less than the powers given these two people would minimize and gloss over the dynamic story of Joseph and Emma's lives. That is not to say that these to actors are qualified, personally to act the part. The powers we are each born with are listed in Isaiah 11:2. The Saviour, as stated, has all four. It is my hunch that in every marriage will be found all four. And to make that so, I am finding it is very likely that each person is given two of these powers. They are not gifts that are lost. They are the powers that our spirits hold in completeness. Our mortal bodies only allow two to be manifest. This creates some of the mathematics that allows Heavenly Father to be able to "know all things". The most powerful way these mathematics are manifest is on a pedigree chart and a family group sheet. I would be happy to share more of the small knowledge I am laboring to develop. It is my opinion that Joseph's powers were Counsel and Might(Valor) with Wisdom and Understanding. It is my opinion that Emma's were Truth with Fear of God. Isaiah calls them "the spirit of...". I think it is because these are powers which every spirit child of God has before birth and that the veil is drawn by the body denying two of those powers sometime during the period of 7-9 years of age. Lynette Jones ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2004 10:10:47 -0700 From: Subject: [none] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 09:25:58 -0800 From: Craig Mecham Subject: Re: [AML] Nothing but Spam I have received well over 100 spam messages since Tuesday morning. I have forwarded them to the folks at xmission along with complete headers and all the hidden information that you do not normally see on your screen. Here is the reply I received from xmission: "There we go. Although the spam did not originate from XMission's network, it appears it was broadcast through an existing mail list. We'll make the list's owner aware of the spammer. -Andy" The problem is that I am getting messges "from" several other lists that are hosted on the xmission server. I think it is definitely an xmission problem and needs to be addressed by them and not the individual list owners. Craig Mecham - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 10:26:30 -0700 From: "Eric SWEDIN" Subject: [AML] Re: how Spam works (NOT A SPAM MESSAGE) AML, This is the way that spam works. The goal is to get an e-mail to your desktop and have you read it. The spammer has no interest in you actually responding to them, but only in acting on the content in the e-mail. Because the Internet e-mail system has NO way of verifying that the From address line is accurate or authentic, spammers take advantage of this. In most circumstances, the From address in a spam message is false. The spammer knows that you are on the AML-List (probably from a virus or worm on a single AML user's desktop) and sends us messages because we trust the AML-List. The messages are sent directly to us all and the moderator of the AML-list does not receive them except as a normal user. In short, the spam is NOT coming from the AML-List. By the way, I teach Information Security at Weber State University. Eric Swedin - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 10:12:00 -0800 From: "BJ Rowley" Subject: Re: [AML] Spam >From what I understand of this virus/worm that's going around, it is not going THROUGH or FROM, but is simply using that domain name as a spoof. If you make the mistake of opening the attachment that comes with the e-mail, then it will send more of the same to the folks in your address book, leading them to believe that they're also receiving the stuff from xmission. I received several such emails with my own domain name tagged to the "senders" addresses, and in fact some of them were written to look like they'd come from the system administrator for my domain name, which of course is me. I haven't received a single spam or virus/worm e-mail "from", which just means that I'm not in the address books of the folks who inadvertently promulgated the spread of the virus. - -BJ - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 13:34:02 -0500 From: "Justin Halverson" Subject: [AML] Possible Solution to SPAM? I too have been getting lots of spam. What I did was to set up a rule = (an email filter) that shunts everything coming in from "xmission" to a = separate folder I've set up--unless that message from xmission has the letters = AML in the subject line. It's not 100% effective, but I'd say it's close to = 99%.=20 I know it's a pain, but maybe we could use some sort of tag in our = subject lines, like *AML* or something, that would make implementing such a rule effective and fairly easy--at least until a more permanent solution is devised.=20 That way I could tell my email program to send everything from = "xmission" or ""to the trash unless it also says *AML* or AML! or !%@!_AML (or whatever shibboleth we come up with--I've always wanted to = use that word!) in the subject line. I'm severely computer-impaired, though, so I don't know if it would work = or not.=20 Justin Halverson - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 13:20:15 -0700 From: "Bill Willson" Subject: Fw: [AML]My take: The Passion To me this movie meant one thing, more than anything else. It said one = thing to me that I needed to hear. Jesus loves me, and He loves all of = mankind enough to bless us all with the gift of the resurrection, but = over and above that He loves us enough to offer Himself as a sacrifice = and to live through unbelievable pain and suffering for our sins. Only = after He had suffered all, did He allow his soul to leave his body and = return to His father.=20 As I watched the movie, I thought to myself, How much physical abuse and = blunt force trauma can the human body endure? This is just too much. Any = human would have been dead long before Christ reached Golgotha. Then It = came to me. No mere mortal or even a mob or an army of mere mortals, not = even Satan's hosts could take the life of Jesus from Him. He had power = over life and death. His life was forfeited voluntarily and He laid it = down and gave up the ghost deliberately, as a willful act of obedience = to His father in Heaven. He did this for the sole purpose of paying the = debt for the sins of the world and to satisfy His father's law of = justice. The resurrection is a free gift which Jesus gives to all who have lived, = are now living, or will ever live. The atonement or payment for our sins = is a conditional gift offered freely to all who will accept it, and = offer obedience to His commandment, that we love one another even as He = loves us. It is just as simple as that. The simplicity is the real = beauty of the film.=20 Experiencing this film has made me better. It has made me stronger in = resistence to the temptations of the world. It has made me more thankful = for the light and knowledge that I have been blessed to receive. Above = all it has made me more spiritually aware of the pure love of Christ = which He gave to all the earth, in His great passion for life. In the Holy Scriptures it tells us that if we do not repent of our sins = we will have to pay for them ourselves. Our suffering will in no way be = the same in magnitude as Christ's, -"Which suffering caused myself, even = God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at = every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit-and would that I might = not drink the bitter cup, and shrink"-(Doctrine and Covenants 19:18.) = However, we will suffer for our own sins if we do not repent. It is = painful to me to think that my sins were responsible for any of Christ's = pain and suffering. But I am thankful that I can be forgiven, sheltered = from the suffering for my sins, and that He loved us enough to pay our = debt. Regards, Bill Willson - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 13:09:54 -0800 From: Paula Goodfellow Subject: Re: [AML] Spam I tried to unsubscribe with majordomo, and it says that this address is not a subscribed to aml-list-- but I do seem to still be here. Paula On Wednesday, March 10, 2004, at 08:35 AM, Paula Goodfellow wrote: > I've probably had 50-60 spam messages in the last two days addressed > to the aml list address or another xmission address. I think it's > coming through xmission somehow, not just from someone with a virus. > I'm going to unsubscribe to see if it stops. Paula > > [MOD: Good idea (though under most circumstances I hate to see someone > unsubscribe from AML-List!). Let us know what happens.] > > > > -- > AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature > > - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 16:29:52 -0700 From: Marny Parkin Subject: [AML] BYU Library Exhibit on Women's History A series of lectures by scholars of Latter-day Saint women's history will illuminate different aspects of the library exhibit _"To Tell the Tale": Preserving the Lives of Mormon Women_ (which runs through June 4). All events will be held in the Lee Library auditorium. Thursday, March 18, 7 p.m. Claudia L. Bushman, "Writing Our History" Wednesday, April 14, 7 p.m. Sherilyn Cox Bennion, "Public and Private: What Their Newspapers Reveal about Utah's Early Women Editors" A dramatic/musical performance will also be held in conjunction with the library exhibit: Saturday, March 20, 7:30 p.m. _Discoveries: Two Centuries of Poems by Mormon Women_ Editors Susan Elizabeth Howe and Sheree Maxwell Bench have selected poems from the works of more than two dozen Latter-day Saint women that will be performed on stage and accompanied by an original score composed by Harriet Petheric Bushman. The director is Char Nelson. The poems chosen for the performance, with a few others, will be published in a book by the same title. Marny Parkin - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 20:55:32 -0700 From: "Scott Parkin" Subject: Re: [AML] Nothing but Spam In the for what it's worth category... Chances are that the aml-list and aml-digest email addresses are all but permanently messed up. One of the effects of the recent spate of viruses is that a lot of email addresses have been mined from peoples' individual address books and added to spam lists, as we've all seen recently. **This spate of spam is not the result of any action by AML-List, xmission, or any of their personnel.** It's an artifact of a virus that someone (perhaps several someones) on AML-List is infected with. The virus picks a name out of the victim's email address book and sends random messages out to other people in the address book using the first name as cover. Basically, the virus vectors off of names in your address book to hide where it's really coming from. A couple of notes about how to deal with the spam you're getting from AML-List. * Just delete it. * Don't acknowledge receipt in any way. * Don't visit any Web links inside the message. * Don't open any attachments. * Don't follow the "remove" link; it's a fake designed to verify your email address, not take you off the mailing list. If you try to remove yourself from one of these spams, you're only going to validate that you're a real, live target and the spam will never stop. Sadly, I know this one from experience. Only legitimate mass mailers actually honor "remove" links; the bad guys exploit them. ===== That I know of, there are only three real options at this point: * Wait it out. Spam lists get old and eventually AML-List will fall off the active list if no one responds. * Get xmission to implement some sort of spam filter. This can be a problem, as most spammers use rotating (often false) send addresses so traditional kill files don't work. Some text-based filters can skim a lot of the spam, but mass emailers are wont to intentionally misspell words do avoid screening. Sadly, spammers can adapt faster than ISPs in most cases. * Shut down the list and try it again elsewhere with a new email address. - ----- Again, the key thing is that you have to just ignore the spam that does come. It's obnoxious and often offensive (I got a porn spam today with full-color explicit pictures), but the only possible way to make unsolicited emails stop is to act as though they never arrived. I know this is all old hat for veteran email users, but it never hurts to review sound policy. I would happily participate in the class action suit against the virus maker(s) should s/he/they ever be caught. Scott Parkin - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ End of aml-list-digest V1 #3 ****************************