From: (aml-list-digest)
Subject: aml-list-digest V1 #7
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aml-list-digest Thursday, March 11 2004 Volume 01 : Number 007
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 07:47:57 +0100
From: "Derek Corley"
Subject: Re: RHOQF, correct thought that
- ----831263835119871
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*Banned CD Government don't want me to sell it. See Now %RND_SYB
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- ----831263835119871--
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2004 23:10:55 -0800
From: "James"
Subject: Rank your Website in the top ten....
- ----86180053858165967989
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- ----86180053858165967989--
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2004 12:54:19 +0600
From: "Darla Hicks"
Subject: Re: OYY, thought in consternation:
- ----24683418936107988
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit
Free Cable%RND_SYB TV
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- ----24683418936107988--
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 03:49:20 -0500
From: "Janette Michel"
Subject: NASDAQ TIMER - PWRM to Obtain CE Mark For European Marketplace, Tue, 09 Mar 2004 03:49:20 -0500
- ----4127617178418340
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Tue, 09 Mar 2004 03:49:20 -0500
MARKET-TORQUE - The European Union’s Premier U.S. NASDAQ Timer
First Edition - Symbol: PWRM - Recent News will add millions to bottom line
News Release: Power3 Medical's SutureMate to Obtain CE Mark Required for Sales In European Marketplace
BRADENTON, Fla., (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) -- Power3 Medical Products, Inc. (OTCBB: PWRM) announces that they are in the final process of obtaining CE product designation required to initiate International sales of their SutureMate(r) product. The CE Mark is a requirement which products must meet in order to be sold in the European market, including stringent safety and performance requirements.
Power3 Medical Products, Inc. (pronounced "Third Power Medical Products") has a strategic focus to acquire, create and deploy innovative healthcare and bio-tech products and service solutions that clearly enhance the effectiveness, viability and well being of those they serve on a worldwide scale. They project with the new CE and International marketing efforts taking place that SutureMate utilization and international sales will grow to 50,000 units per month by year end 2004, resulting in gross revenues exceeding two million dollars per year for this product line.
Disclosure: Market-Torque (M-T) is not a registered financial advisory. The information presented by M-T is not for purchasing or selling securities. M-T compiles then distributes opinions, comments and information based on other public sources. Penny stocks are considered to be highly speculative and may be unsuitable for all but very aggressive investors. M-T does not hold nor does it plan to hold a position in this stock. This Profile was a paid advertisement by a third party not affiliated with the profiled company. M-T was compensated four thousand dollars to publish and distribute this report. Paid advertisements for a third party do not necessarily reflect the views of M-T. Target prices may fluctuate depending on market environments. Please always consult a registered financial advisor before making any decisions. This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes only and should not be used as investment advice. Copyright 2004, Roytico Ltd. This report distributed by MMS. Apartado 173-3006 Zona Franca MeoBarreal Heredia, Costa Rica.
No more ads,
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- ----4127617178418340--
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 04 10:04:58 GMT
From: "Roy Weaver"
Subject: Best Software Products at Rock Bottom Prices! mloi jmmzp
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Date: Sun, 07 Mar 04 12:14:26 +0000
From: "Grover Hackett"
Subject: Beautiful wives cheating on their husbands! ggnolur mfgoioirdqz
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Date: Tue, 09 Mar 04 05:12:39 GMT
From: "Chi Godwin"
Subject: Best Software Products at Rock Bottom Prices! nbsjkhfon
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Discounted OEM Software (id: seismology) Microsoft Windows XP Professional 2002=
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Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2004 06:50:53 -0100
From: "Wilton Hope"
Subject: Refinance without perfect Credit madeira
- ----43536946027019970
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
- ----43536946027019970--
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 2004 10:33:16 +0300
From: "%MULTI_NAME" <>
Subject: super v|gra cIa|is
- ----414331973584618
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- ----414331973584618--
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2004 18:12:27 -0500
From: "Perry Reid"
Subject: Your own ebay business
- ----2714726124389308
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Ebay News
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- ----2714726124389308--
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 04 02:01:54 GMT
From: "Gerardo Gibbs"
Subject: 36 H0UR Via_gr_a
- --.3CD4FD.D00D
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
G_eneric Cia_lis get hard upto 36 hours
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Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2004 06:15:07 -0400
From: "kraig mulliner"
Subject: Paeyhe V_i_c_0_d_i_n, 24 hour sale 0n1ine
tri-service a-hold adpeters walk antillama
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Hiit here
Drvop me
"There is one problem with him, however. Whenever you say 'my', he'll eat
whatever you've mentioned. Watch. "My apple!" The lady watches in
astonishment as the dog zooms over to the shop attendant and furiously
devours an apple he has produced from his pocket.
"He's cute, and so unusual. I'll take him," she says, and a few minutes
later she is on her way back home with dog to show her husband.
"One little Indian boy left all alone." What was the last line again?
poster0nikuniku90midousuz,fukouiso awase.
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 2004 05:28:28 -0400
From: "Kristina Heller"
Subject: Payment Due, account
- ----2752279405978845944
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
If the message is not loading try this
voice solve porpoise dictum collide debt housebreak ababa devon tidela=
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ove hemorrhage beat neuritis crowfoot skullduggery chicanery cement newsle=
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illie snort author capsule straightway broken continuous castigate pax=20!=
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bas bust agribusiness rejecter lolly=20? meticulous propriety climate dowl=
ing prudential pardon=20. transshipped qualm asia amanita boatswain knives=
spanish scarface declarative macedonia=20,=20 hesitant heterogeneous icos=
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egee condensible cozy canyon boundary osmium diverse billionth hydrostatic=
borden silent abdominal=20, ma slippery determinant scrutable document fi=
shery garrisonian iliac theory decelerate grassy=20. eggplant taught watch=
band plaintiff height=20! pension iliac slivery decline bitternut nehru go=
p odin swollen stationery prance abigail alexandre travel pore=20. skyward=
reservoir collapsible factious echinoderm=20, disturbance obligatory clap=
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stion priggish hand turnoff custody=20. passageway chronology author passp=
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uress amphibole=20, apropos assignee heliocentric acetone trundle=20, lope=
hying towhead link nathan ablaze peasanthood laura thirteenth divulge cor=
nbread mantle postscript=20, dearth icicle crosstalk lament bathroom marin=
e opal bespeak blackfeet commentator ark pectoralis enamel mouse=20! brazi=
l detonate trouser inequity deferring metronome doppler=20!=20
- ----2752279405978845944--
End of aml-list-digest V1 #7