From: (aml-list-digest) To: Subject: aml-list-digest V1 #931 Reply-To: aml-list Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk aml-list-digest Monday, December 23 2002 Volume 01 : Number 931 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 18:11:08 +0900 From: "Kari Heber" Subject: RE: [AML] R-Rated Movies Susan Malmrose wrote: [snip] And once I stopped watching them, I lost my tolerance for a lot of what they contain--graphic violence, swearing, sex scenes. Every once in awhile someone would praise a rated R movie to me and convince me it was ok to see--"It just has some swearing in it"--but people who are used to seeing rated R movies have a tolerance built up that I now lack. My s-i-l talked me into renting Good Will Hunting once--there's only swearing in it, right? So much swearing that it ruined the entire movie for me. And there is also a graphically violent scene where someone gets beat up. That alone was enough to ruin it for me. I don't even remember too much of what happened in the movie--but I still remember the image of a bloodied face. [snip] How much of this is environmental do you think? What I mean is, if you live and work in a place where you don't hear these words every day, then they often come as a shock to you. But in my case, I am in the Navy, and the phrase "cuss like a sailor" has significant meaning (but Marines swear more). I have been able to get the guys around me to tone it down, but I still hear the f-word and others on a daily basis. So hearing them in a movie isn't such a big deal, I've learned to tune it out (or been dulled to it). What about the context of the language? For example I have seen _Good Will Hunting_ and _The Usual Suspects_, both of which use the f-word and other vulgarities liberally. However, I can't imagine either of these movies without that language because I can't imagine a "Southies" or a bunch of hardened felons speaking without using the f-word. I like both of these movies, and they would have seemed false to me if the language was clean, because of the context. And, had the language been clean, _Good Will Hunting_ might have made PG-13, but the thematic element of violence (as Eric Samuelsen speaks of in his post of _The Ring_) would have kept _The Usual Suspects_ at an R. IMO, there is a time and place and context for language in movies that is an integral part of the story, and the same is true for literary endeavors. As many others have mentioned, there are many PG-13 movies that are full of gratuitous partial nudity, sexual elements, and vulgar comedy that are worthless, while there are R rated movies with appropriate adult themes (i.e. themes not for children) that are worthwhile. Kari Heber Okinawa, Japan - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 07:34:25 -0800 From: "Jeff Needle" Subject: Re: [AML] Free Books on Friday (My Christmas Present to AML) You cannot know how angry I am right now that I don't live in Utah! I hope many of you find some wonderful things there. - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 09:36:28 -0700 From: "Elizabeth Walters" Subject: RE: [AML] R-Rated Movies "Lots of people have told me that The Ring is rated PG-13, which kinda negates the whole point of my post. Ah well. In my defense, let me say the following: > >I never pay attention to the ratings of films. When I saw The Ring, I did pay attention, because we were having this thread. As I walked into the theatre, I looked up at the marquee and it said it was rated R. I swear on my mother's ironing board that this really happened. " It is very likely that The Ring was originally given an R rating, but changed either due to the director re-editing the movie to get under the radar or the producers appealing the ruling to the MPAA. The latter has happened with films like Poltergiest which were threatened with an R rating, but the producers appealed to ratings board their case on why it deserved a PG rating and they got their wish. Of course this was before PG-13 existed which likely would've been that movie's rating today. The Ring is actually based on a Japanese horror movie called, "Ringu" thought I don't know what that movie was rated, not that it matters. [Elizabeth Walters] - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 10:33:22 -0700 From: Christopher Bigelow Subject: [AML] Irreantum proofers needed The next issue of Irreantum will be ready for final proofing on about December 30. As always, we are looking for some volunteers to proofread a PDF file and e-mail back any corrections. The deadline will be 7 days from when you receive the file. If you are interested and available the first week of January, e-mail Chris Bigelow directly at Remember, if you are trying to build any kind of editing career, you can claim this volunteer service as real editing experience, and the AML will give employment references on request for volunteers who do a competent job. Chris Bigelow - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002 13:40:07 -0700 From: Christopher Bigelow Subject: [AML] Return of Polygamy? (was: Church Discipline Articles) [MOD: In keeping with AML-List focus, please focus any responses on the literary dimension/connection of Chris's comments.] <<< FWIW, I haven't read Whelan's book either; however, I read a post on ZLMB recently by a Mormon bookseller who said that the book advocated a return to legal polygamy. The bookseller posted that in response to the quote in the DesNews article that Whelan said he "does not advocate the practice of polygamy." >>> I heard the Whelans speak at Sunstone, and from what I gather, their position is that people should never practice polygamy unless both the law and the prophet authorize it. On the other hand, the Whelans claim polygamy MUST be restored again before the Second Coming, and we should all be actively praying for its return. (I suppose I should be using past tense when talking about the Whelans, since Sister Whelan has now repudiated the project.) I would love to read a speculative novel about the return of polygamy to the LDS Church--and no, not through "Brother Brigham" appearing to some yahoo (with regards to D. Michael Martindale's novel). In many ways it could be the ultimate Mormon novel. Chris Bigelow - ------_=_NextPart_001_01C2A60C.7C352030 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable RE: [AML] Church Discipline Articles

FWIW, I haven't read Whelan's book either; however, = I read a post on
ZLMB recently by a Mormon bookseller who said that = the book advocated a
return to legal polygamy.  The bookseller = posted that in response to the
quote in the DesNews article that Whelan said he = "does not advocate the
practice of polygamy."

I heard the Whelans speak at Sunstone, and from what = I gather, their position is that people should never practice polygamy = unless both the law and the prophet authorize it. On the other hand, = the Whelans claim polygamy MUST be restored again before the Second = Coming, and we should all be actively praying for its return. (I = suppose I should be using past tense when talking about the Whelans, = since Sister Whelan has now repudiated the project.)

I would love to read a speculative novel about the = return of polygamy to the LDS Church--and no, not through "Brother = Brigham" appearing to some yahoo (with regards to D. Michael = Martindale's novel). In many ways it could be the ultimate Mormon = novel.

Chris Bigelow

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