From: (andina-digest) To: Subject: andina-digest V1 #5 Reply-To: andina-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk andina-digest Saturday, October 10 1998 Volume 01 : Number 005 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 08:33:54 -0700 From: "Erwin E. Villalva" Subject: RE: (andina) Ecuadorean music >did you try at Actually, didn't do a great job of sorting out their latin music section. They had (now removed) 50 "ecuadorean" albums, but most were regional northern mexican music. They do have a small Andes music section: - -south-america/andes/list/002-7619790-6636247 Saludos Cordiales, Erwin "un guayaco perdido en las selvas de west hollywood" - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 08:34:26 -0600 From: Manuel Navarro Subject: (andina) ANDES MANTA(ECUADOR)^S&TEMPLATE_PATH=/mb2/liv e/main^S&FS=MSNPLAZA go in that url,they have a Andes Manta cd,I have one and I like it. luck. Manuel. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 10:08:25 -0600 From: Manuel Navarro Subject: (andina) quenas Zapata.. Anyone know this craftman who make quenas in Paris I would like to make contact with him. thanks. Manuel. - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 00:58:12 +0200 From: Joel Flores Subject: Re: (andina) quenas Zapata.. creo que algo me dice ese nombre Zapatta, pero hace tiempo, creo tengo la franc=E9s o argentino, algo asi no? creo mismo que tengo una quena hecha por el (modelo "Facio SAntillan" segun lo que marca el constructor, jajjajaaja). bueno dejame unos diyitas y te mando la direccion ook? >Anyone know this craftman who make quenas in Paris >I would like to make contact with him. >thanks. >Manuel. > > >- ______________________________________________________ LC Music International LC Management & Consulting France 4, rue des Pretres Saint-Severin =46-75005 Paris, France phone : + 33 (0)6 606 581 46 fax : + 33 (0)1 432 581 46 fax : + 33 (0)1 432 504 37 - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 06:52:24 -0700 From: Joel Fentin Subject: Re: (andina) Ecuadorian music >Is there a place where music from Ecuador can be purchased? >Either in tape or CD would be fine. > >Sylvia Balinbin > I know this is a late reply, but I just got in from 6 weeks in Bolivia and Ecuador. And I brought back 20 CDs. The best record store I found (by far) for folk music and old music is: Pablo &/or Marcelo Idrovo Almacen y Relojeria Idrovo Guayaguil N6-48 y Olmedo Quito, ECUADOR If the LP is no longer out, they will make you a tape of it. They also have many CDs. They have indicated to me that they would love to sell and ship overseas. One of the brothers understands some English. I have a large collection of Ecuadorian music. If you know what you want, tell me. I will send you a copy if I have it. - -- Joel Fentin tel: 760-749-8863 FAX: 760-749-8864 email: web: - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 20:33:46 -0600 From: Manuel Navarro Subject: (andina) rondadores question: while ago some musician told me that if I can get a rondador in Bm he will buy rigth away,anyone know the tune order for different rondadors keys??? Thanks. Manuel. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 07:52:03 +0200 From: Stanojevic Stanislav Subject: Re: (andina) rondadores This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - --------------040D59859CC98876E98F7D30 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Manuel Navarro wrote: > question: > while ago some musician told me that if I can get a rondador in Bm > he will buy rigth away,anyone know the tune order for different > rondadors keys??? > Thanks. > Manuel. Hola Manuel, En la foto adjunta puedes ver dos diferentes tonalidades para rondador. Tu pregunta no es tan sencilla porque rondador es casi seguramente basado en un instrumento precolombino y pentatonico andino llamado antara. Y hoy en dia parece ser pentatonico en el fondo, con unas cuantas diferencias que le transforman a un instrumento diatonico. En la esquema adjunta los cinco tubos a la derecha representan una escala pentatonica. Se añaden cinco tubos mas (a la izquierda ) y representan una octava superior a la de los cinco primeros tubos. Entre los cinco tubos añadidos se intermeten otros tubos (aqui indicados con color negro). Su relacion con los tubos blancos es: cada negro representa una tercera abajo del blanco correspondiente El ejecutante, con la maxima de su abilidad tiene que ejecutar melodia a veces soplando dos, inclusive tres tubos a la vez. Con eso aumenta sonoridad y armonia. Por este razon rondadores se construyen de caña muy especial, fina y delgada. La afinacion I “corresponde” a la tonalidad de e-menor (G mayor) y II a la de a-menor (C-mayor). Esos tubos puedes derivar de la escala mayor paralela a la menor como III, V, VI, VIII y IX grado. Segun lo dicho para la escala de G mayor (= e menor) los tonos serian: h, d, e, g, a y para la escala de C mayor (= a menor) : e, g, a, c, d Ahora, como la escala de B-bemol mayor tiene notas : b bemol – c – d - e bemol – f – g – a , se puede concluir que las notas adecuadas (de los tubos principales) serian : d, f, g, b bemol, c. Los tubos negros serian : a, b bemol, d, e bemol, g. Si eso te parece un poco complicado, otro metodo es mirar en la esquema y hacer pura transposicion de la tonalidad. Casi siempre se intermete un tubo mas, añadido entre segundo y tercer tubo (blanco) a partir de la derecha. Este suena una octava mas arriba del tercer tubo (en el caso de la esquema - a, e / en el caso de tu Bbemol rondador - g). Saludos a todos de andina mailing list. Stanislav P.S. Hey, if you make some money of this, 10% to me, OK ? (ja ja ja). - --------------040D59859CC98876E98F7D30 Content-Type: image/gif; name="RONDADOR.gif" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="RONDADOR.gif" R0lGODlhSwEtAYAAAAAAAP///ywAAAAASwEtAQAC/oyPqcvtD6OctNqLs968+w+G4kiW5omm 6sq27gtLAHDM2ozbky7jfc57BB1AnxAYQR6Lx8TQyfw9ibRdbqnk8KbWaoC7ACt04pq3Ujaj z2Vy+5yEi4Ppr9uKN8zrli187cVnl1cnCNWzhvCmt0gxtKf4F3aHWDnYYBTid0MnOZZJpRh3 kYXpyfB0elnT5Cin+qi6qicFAfpFJYuxmQFaeIuq+0l61Wp5POp6aLrMTJwGnDvCu9uZRGsr DFV8PRtcOpnoCj5ZBPtqjIYt3cWtFaj9HZnNSC+ubCdr6Bathp/nL1gzgYDqsXP3Kd4/Qwnn tYKm0CC+fgGTVRz2Dxkk/ofOxkmUd3HbNHic2OiKEoqVvXEIMWo85ySdxY8uadbEhYUiI5Ps NJHsRQ2kTYy/7g0Nma6RTm8rj378VeUNT2N7IlpiuK1lQ6QJtTGMlYtcVxontWY1e7Eq2rHZ pmLB+U0sMa5SlubjGBZZU6aRUJryUdauOX3o/q492xavYbjl5MZ4DDmy5MmUK1u+jDmz5s2c O3v+DDq06NGkS5s+jTq16tWsW7t+DTu27Nm0a9u+jTu37t28e/v+DTy48OHEixtfYcPu8eXM 5ylvDr344Oh/QUB1jLhWW+zewJirS3hgdjXRnucT/D0serfvrKZc0ufnw0YAnfopq1i8d0/J /qc8t9ZTHPIJxVc17nUU4FXC8CPTXvuZgR9d3Z3CRX+S/MdeOR45tVN+QB3YWGIZMUYQhwUi 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I have seen rondadores like that made in Bolivia, but that is not how rondadores are made in Ecuador. When I was in my teens I got my first rondador and my dad said it was a simple instrument, he picked it up and started playing a song. I was thinking linearly and I found the instrument complex and could not play it. I looked for written information on it and could not find it. Years later (after I moved to the States) I found a diagram of the rondador in Sukay's first album (which never made it to CD). The diagram showed the musical notation of the rondador, yet it still did not match my rondador. Eventually I was able to find a whole bunch of rondadores, in Amin, Bmin, Dmin, and Emin. All of them made just=20 like my first rondador. I sat down with a tuner and proceded to=20 analyze them, and so I came out with the diagram below. Note that the diagram includes tunings not found in rondadores. 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __=20 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | = Key | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | = (minor) |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |E |G |C |E |B |D |A |C |F |A |E |G |C |E |B |D |C |A |A |G |E |E | = A |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |F#|A |D |F#|C#|E |B |D |G |B |F#|A |D |F#|C#|E |D |B |B |A |F#|F#| = B |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |G |Bb|Eb|G |D |F |C |Eb|Ab|C |G |Bb|Eb|G |D |F |Eb|C |C |Bb|G |G | = C |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |A |C |F |A |E |G |D |F |Bb|D |A |C |F |A |E |G |F |D |D |C |A |A | = D |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |B |D |G |B |F#|A |E |G |C |E |B |D |G |B |F#|A |G |E |E |D |B |B | E |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |C |E |Ab|C |G |Bb|F |Ab|Db|F |C |Eb|Ab|C |G |Bb|Ab|F |F |Eb|C |C | = F |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |D |F |Bb|D |A |C |G |Bb|Eb|G |D |F |B |D |A |C |Bb|G |G |F |D |D | = G |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| | |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| | | | |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| | | | |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| | |__| | | | | | | | |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| | |__| | | | | | | | | | | |__| | | | | | |__| | | |__| | | | | |__| | | | | | |__| | | | |__| | | | |__| =20 =20 Notes: 1. Rondadores are played with tube #1 on the left. I learned to play sikus as Bolivians do, with tube #1 on the right, and so I play the rondador in the same orientation. 2. The rondador is diatonic, and covers two octaves, though the second=20 octave is incomplete. A most peculiar instrument.=20 =20 3. Any references I have seen about the structure of the rondador say the tubes are arranged with the immediate third next to it so one can play a melody and its harmony. Not quite true. Looking at it in ascending order most neighboring notes are thirds, some are fourths, fifths, octaves and there is even a second. This means sometimes you blow one tube, others two, and maybe three. Most often you just slide over the tubes, which gives the rondador a most unique sound. 4. Tubes #1 and #4 are cut so an open ended part extends beyond the neighboring tubes. Just an aesthetic aspect. Bolivians omit these tubes as they are the octave for tubes #2 and #5. While playing one gets a nice effect by blowing a note with its immediate higher octave, an effect that is lost with Bolivian rondadores. =20 5. Note some notes in the second octave appear more than once (4, 13 & 16, 15 & 20, 19 & 22). Did I say this a most peculiar instrument? 6. A quick way to indentify the key of a rondador is to play tube #5. Since either or both #1 and #4 may be missing, look for the longest contiguous tubes and play the third one. Whew... Marcelo (V) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= ~~~~~~ El vuelo del condor abre de par en par = ////// las puertas del Tihawanacu por donde pasa la tempestad, = /<<<<< despierta mi pueblo andino y al despertar, /<<<<<< conmueve la luz del siglo su grito macho de libertad ___ /<<<<<<< A.T. Gomez __/ o = - -||-///////////////<<< = (--------||-\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\<<< aruskipasipxan~anakasakipunirakispawa \/ (estamos obligados a comunicarnos porque somos seres humanos) ^^^ - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 11:24:09 -0400 From: Jose Lezcano Subject: (andina) guitar tunings I have made several trips over the past few years to Ecuador and started doing some research on the various "scordatura" or alternate guitar tunings that are used in the Northern Interandean zone. I found an informant in Cayambe, where the aruchicos are well-known for using some of these alternate tunings, and he explained "Galindo" and at least six others that are used there. I know also that the bandolin uses some alternate tunings, as described in the books published by Carlos Coba Andrade. I'm interested in finding out if there are members of the list familiar with these tunings, and what the historical or cultural background is behind them. Are they used only for the Inti Raymi festival? Are they especially adapted to the playing of the "Coplas de Cayambe," or the type of sanjuanito typical of that town or zone? Where alternate tunings used in other towns before? I will be on sabbatical next semester and hope to be able to make a research trip and locate more informants for a study I am doing, but thought there might be some folks on the list who can help me here. Thanks Jose Lezcano, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Music Keene State College 603-358-2180 fax 603-358-2397 - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 09:46:26 -0600 From: Manuel Navarro Subject: (andina) window to the andes Someone got the last cd of Inkuyo "window to the andes" I am not happy with their last cd ANCIENT SUN,, Thanks. Manuel. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 14:08:10 -0500 (UTC -05:00) From: jsimmons@KUHUB.CC.UKANS.EDU Subject: (andina) Re: Bandolin music from Ecuador Regarding bandolin music from Ecuador... On Thu, 1 Oct 1998, Jose Lezcano wrote: > > I know also that the bandolin uses some alternate tunings, > as described in the books published by Carlos Coba Andrade. At the risk of getting a bit off track, I would like to mention that there is a beautiful new album of bandolin music available in Ecuador, the first new bandolin recording in over 40 years. You might find it worthwhile to contact the artist, Jose Q. Coloma. Jose Coloma is 75 years old, and "Recordando El Pasado" is his first recording. He financed it himself, and all profits go to support his Catholic charitable work. The tape and CD are available only through the Hyla shop in Quito. Sr. Coloma learned to play the bandolin as a child in Guaranda. You also might want to contact the artist who plays guitar and requinto on this album, Dr. Rodrigo Saltos E., a renown musicologist in Ecuador. I do not know Dr. Saltos, but I do know Sr. Coloma. You can contact him through the Hyla store, or if you contact me off-list, I will give you better contact information for him. If anyone is traveling in Ecuador, I highly recommend this album of 18 traditional songs played on bandolin, guitar, requinto, and bajo. It is a stirring and beautiful recollection of the romantic musical tradition of the Ecuadorian Andes. As far as I know, there is no distributor for the album outside of Quito. I should also mention that Sr. Coloma is quite knowledgeable about the bandolin, tunings, and its musical literature. - --John - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 11:26:10 -0700 From: Joel Fentin Subject: Re: (andina) window to the andes >Someone got the last cd of Inkuyo >"window to the andes" I am not happy >with their last cd ANCIENT SUN,, No, I was not aware of the existence of this CD. I will get it. I like all four Inkuyo CDs I have. I like the 1st one best; the 2nd one 2nd best, etc. - -- Joel Fentin tel: 760-749-8863 FAX: 760-749-8864 email: web: - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 18:35:21 -0700 From: Joel Fentin Subject: Re: (andina) Re: Bandolin music from Ecuador >Regarding bandolin music from Ecuador... Estudiantina Quito Bandolines cantan al Ecuador Granja PG-005 This CD is widely available in Ecuador. I also have a copy. - -- Joel Fentin tel: 760-749-8863 FAX: 760-749-8864 email: web: - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 22:52:46 -0600 From: Manuel Navarro Subject: (andina) condor....... Anyone have music of Condor Kanki(?) we can make exchanges. manuel. - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 09:44:22 +0200 From: Stanojevic Stanislav Subject: Re: (andina) rondadores Marcelo's explanaiton of rondador tuning is a very detailed and comprehensive one. Sincere congratulations Marcelo, but why did you wait all that time to let us know it? A question for the andina community. Can anybody recommend me some good recording of pure folk ecuadorian group ? (Something like Ñanda Mañachi, Los Corazas or Imbaya - with real native instruments not synthetic ones) Another question : Does anybody want to exchange music material ? Thanks in advance - Stanislav email: - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 13:03:42 +0200 From: "Inti" Subject: RE: (andina) rondadores >A question for the andina community. Can anybody recommend me some good >recording of pure folk ecuadorian group ? (Something like =D1anda Ma=F1a= chi, >Los Corazas or Imbaya - with real native instruments not synthetic ones) Hi Stanislav. I have a record by Karu =D1an called Chimbaloma... I like i= t. It has several San Juanitos and the instruments that are played in the recor= d are: bombo, rondadores, guitar, charango, violin, quenas, quenachos and chajchas. you may like this group. Inti - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 09:03:28 -0400 From: "David M. Sonntag" Subject: Re: (andina) rondadores At 09:44 AM 10/2/98 +0200, you wrote: >Marcelo's explanaiton of rondador tuning is a very detailed and >comprehensive one. Sincere congratulations Marcelo, but why did you wait >all that time to let us know it? > >A question for the andina community. Can anybody recommend me some good >recording of pure folk ecuadorian group ? (Something like =D1anda Ma=F1achi= , >Los Corazas or Imbaya - with real native instruments not synthetic ones) > >Another question : Does anybody want to exchange music material ? > >Thanks in advance - Stanislav > >email: When I played the "Misa Criolla" two years ago, the other musicians were all Ecuatorianos from the group Malkuri. They had a bandolin among their repetoire of instruments, and played a lot of sanjuanitos. They have several CDs and tapes available. The one sitting on my desk right now is their "Golden Condor," which is what "Malkuri" means. They travel around selling tapestries and other work from their native Otavalo artisans, as well as their tapes and CDs. They operate out of a beat up old station wagon, and last I heard, were based in Lima Ohio. As group members get older, married, etc, the composition of the group changes--younger, single members replace the "viejitos." Their CD is on the web, at - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 08:37:44 -0600 From: Manuel Navarro Subject: Re: (andina) rondadores Hi Ohiolime=F1o,,,el url de Malkuri is bad,do you know if their page is there. thanks cholito.. Manuel. >When I played the "Misa Criolla" two years ago, the other musicians >were all Ecuatorianos from the group Malkuri. > >They had a bandolin among their repetoire of instruments, and played >a lot of sanjuanitos. They have several CDs and tapes available. >The one sitting on my desk right now is their "Golden Condor," which >is what "Malkuri" means. > >They travel around selling tapestries and other work from their native >Otavalo artisans, as well as their tapes and CDs. They operate out of a >beat up old station wagon, and last I heard, were based in Lima >Ohio. As group members get older, married, etc, the composition of >the group changes--younger, single members replace the "viejitos." > >Their CD is on the web, at > >- > > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 08:59:19 -0700 From: Joel Fentin Subject: Re: (andina) rondadores >A question for the andina community. Can anybody recommend me some good >recording of pure folk ecuadorian group ? (Something like =D1anda Ma=F1achi, >Los Corazas or Imbaya - with real native instruments not synthetic ones) There was some Juan Cayambe and other "gritty" stuff out on Seeds/ASPIC CDs a few years ago but they are gone.=20 Musica de Ecuador (2 CDs), Caprice CAP 22031 (Sweden) is widely available. Many performers and is just what you want. - -- Joel Fentin tel: 760-749-8863 FAX: 760-749-8864 =20 email: web: - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 12:47:14 -0400 From: "David M. Sonntag" Subject: Re: (andina) rondadores At 08:37 AM 10/2/98 -0600, you wrote: >Hi Ohiolime=F1o,,,el url de Malkuri is bad,do you know if their >page is there. >thanks cholito.. >Manuel. Check with Xmission, because I don't have any problems with the URL. Just for kicks, here it is again: DS - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 19:48:46 -0700 From: ozzy henriquez Subject: Re: (andina) condor....... Oye compadre. Tenemos tiempo de no hablar!. Soy Osvaldo De Orem. Como anda todo? Piensas que me puedes conseguir los siguientes cd's: Kjarkas en vivo desde Japon Kjarkas Hermanos Kjarkas Pueblos perdidos Dejame saber?? OzzyH Manuel Navarro wrote: > Anyone have music of Condor Kanki(?) > we can make exchanges. > manuel. > > - - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 22:21:57 -0700 From: Joel Fentin Subject: Re: (andina) condor....... >Piensas que me puedes conseguir los siguientes cd's: >Kjarkas en vivo desde Japon >Kjarkas Hermanos >Kjarkas Pueblos perdidos Los Que tengo son: Kjarkas Instrumental Bolivia Lauro LCD 0050 Kjarkas Sin Palabras Lauro BO/LCD - 0005 - -- Joel Fentin tel: 760-749-8863 FAX: 760-749-8864 email: web: - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 04 Oct 1998 12:46:16 -0700 From: ozzy henriquez Subject: Re: (andina) condor....... Estos deben ser otros nuevos, porque nunca escuche habler de ellos. Me los puedes vender? O que tal si me los prestas para hacerles una grabacion? Esta es mi direccion: Ozzy Henriquez 155 South 1200 West #132 Orem, Ut 84058 801-225-3267 Joel Fentin wrote: > >Piensas que me puedes conseguir los siguientes cd's: > >Kjarkas en vivo desde Japon > >Kjarkas Hermanos > >Kjarkas Pueblos perdidos > > Los Que tengo son: > Kjarkas Instrumental Bolivia Lauro LCD 0050 > Kjarkas Sin Palabras Lauro BO/LCD - 0005 > > -- > Joel Fentin tel: 760-749-8863 FAX: 760-749-8864 > > email: web: > > - - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 07 Oct 1998 18:50:17 -0400 From: Russell McGinnis Subject: (andina) Where to get sheet music for native music? Hi, Where can I get sheet music for Andean wind and vocal music, particularly of traditional/native era suggesting/recollecting pre-Columbian/Inca era. Thanks in advance. Russ McGinnis St. Petersburg, Florida - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 07 Oct 1998 22:04:52 -0700 From: ozzy henriquez Subject: Re: (andina) condor....... Vives aqui en Utah? como podemos hacer para que podamos cambiar o talvez que me puedas prestar los discos para hacerle copia. Tengo una grabadora de Cd aqui en casa. Dejame saber si? Ozzy Henriquez 155 South 1200 West #132 Orem, Ut 84058 801-2253267 Joel Fentin wrote: > >Piensas que me puedes conseguir los siguientes cd's: > >Kjarkas en vivo desde Japon > >Kjarkas Hermanos > >Kjarkas Pueblos perdidos > > Los Que tengo son: > Kjarkas Instrumental Bolivia Lauro LCD 0050 > Kjarkas Sin Palabras Lauro BO/LCD - 0005 > > -- > Joel Fentin tel: 760-749-8863 FAX: 760-749-8864 > > email: web: > > - - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 04:50:36 -0700 From: "Stanislav Stanojevic" Subject: Re: (andina) Where to get sheet music for native music? - -- On Wed, 07 Oct 1998 18:50:17 Russell McGinnis wrote: > > > Hi, > > > Where can I get sheet music for Andean > wind and vocal music, particularly of > traditional/native era suggesting/recollecting > pre-Columbian/Inca era. > > Thanks in advance. > > Russ McGinnis > St. Petersburg, Florida Sorry if I am a bit late, I had and still have server problems. Here it is again: ************************************* That is a crucial question. There are not many as far as I know. I can recommend you the essential work: 1. "Musica de los Incas y sus supervivencias" by Marguerite and Raoul d'Harcourt. The version I have is Cuzco Municipaliy edition (issued 1992 or something). The original is in french ("La musique des Incas et ses surveillances" - edition de Musee de l'Homme - Paris, 1912 I think). They offer more than 100 musical notations, pictures of native instruments, lyrics and harmony analysis. The others are : 2. "Antologia de musica cuzqueña". A detailed collection of XIX and XX century music written in modern musical notation. The authors are classical composers and there are such names as Armando Guevarra Ochoa,Leandro A. Miranda ..... This is quite a collection about 600 pages. You can recognize many songs performed by various andean groups. For example'Urupampa' performed by Rumillajta is there. 3. I recommend you the works of Max Peter Baumann, although they are intended to be used by professional ethnomusicologists. I have "sojta chunca quechua taki" - 60 pieces of music, bolivian edition (Cochabamba - - 1982). This is quechua music, with simlified music notation, but it is said to be covered with live recordings 'in situ'. If you don't find in Bolivia, try to contact Museum of Nations' Folk Arts in Berlin, perhaps Mr. Baumann personaly. 4. There is a litlle book of Marcelo Thorres Lopez called "Huayño en Bolivia" (Edicion La Paz, year ?). He offers about forty and something simplified notations, with harmony analysis in Mr. Baumann's style. 5. "El huayño cuzqueño" - Cuzco municipality edition - very similar to 1. but offers different material. 6. Inclan R. R. : Recueille des melodies des Andes - editions Paul Bescher - Paris (1972). It has only 15 - 20 pages but with some good examples of peruvian traditionals in modern notation. 7. There is some booklet of classical "Los Incas" repertory (french edition). If you are musician this one would best suite. A lot of notes with piano harmonization, good for musical group arrangements. 8. If you are musicologist, then any work by Carlos Vega, Isabel Aretz or Henry Stobart would suite. Try to find the first two in some good library. As for the third, I know that he is a professor of ethnomusicology in England (Oxford), colaborates in British Journal of Ethnomusicology, and plays in 'Sirinu' ensemble medieval and renaissance music - excelent musicians). Try to search on WEB, I found them once. If you are interested in some of the titles, contact me to check them in detail, because I am writing it down from my head. Some names or years may differ. Regards Stanislav ************************************** new emails: pachamama@beotel.yu (suspicious reliability) (better) web: Free web-based email, Forever, From anywhere! - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 10:33:02 -0400 From: "David M. Sonntag" Subject: Re: (andina) Where to get sheet music for native music? The only additions I would make to Stanislav's impressive list are two: 1) Raymond Thevenot has several workbooks for quena available. He is a Swiss traditionally-trained flute player who became a naturalized Peruvian, and made his living playin the quena. There are at least three books that he has in press, but I don't recall the titles. I do recall that I found them through inter-library loan, and you can probably find them in the Library of Congress, or another large library's card catalog. 2) The Sukay workbooks have a few songs. Manuel can send you the workbook. Dave - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 10:28:44 -0600 From: Manuel Navarro Subject: Re: (andina) Where to get sheet music for native music? EEEEHHHH!!!! cholito,,,the Sukay book coming with about 26 songs,liric and partitura(?) Later Manuel. At 10:33 AM 10/9/98 -0400, you wrote: >The only additions I would make to Stanislav's impressive list are two: > >1) Raymond Thevenot has several workbooks for quena available. He is >a Swiss traditionally-trained flute player who became a naturalized >Peruvian, and made his living playin the quena. There are at least >three books that he has in press, but I don't recall the titles. >I do recall that I found them through inter-library loan, and you >can probably find them in the Library of Congress, or another large >library's card catalog. > >2) The Sukay workbooks have a few songs. Manuel can send you the >workbook. > >Dave > > >- > > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 12:51:41 -0400 From: Jose Lezcano Subject: Re: (andina) Where to get sheet music for native music? I would also add two books by Americo Valencia Chacon. When I was last in Peru, which was a few years ago, you could buy these from many of the traditional instrument vendors. I have heard that the Casa Mozart closed some years ago, they used to sell many valuable titles as well. Americo Valencia Chacon. El Siku o Zampo=F1a. 1989. Lima: Auspicia,= Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnolog=EDa. Edicion bilingue (espa=F1ol e ingl=E9s) Americo Valencia Chacon. Metodo del Siku o Zampo=F1a. 1985. Lima, Artext Editores. Both of these books contain transcriptions on two staves of sikuri, or tunes for panpipe bands (with drums). These are the traditional tunes divided hocket style between pairs of panpipes. Chacon collected them as part of his fieldwork in the Peruvian altiplano. Jose Lezcano, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Music Keene State College 603-358-2180 fax 603-358-2397 Ameri ;At 10:33 AM 09/10/1998 -0400, you wrote: >The only additions I would make to Stanislav's impressive list are two: > >1) Raymond Thevenot has several workbooks for quena available. He is >a Swiss traditionally-trained flute player who became a naturalized=20 >Peruvian, and made his living playin the quena. There are at least >three books that he has in press, but I don't recall the titles. >I do recall that I found them through inter-library loan, and you >can probably find them in the Library of Congress, or another large >library's card catalog. > >2) The Sukay workbooks have a few songs. Manuel can send you the >workbook. > >Dave >=20 > >- > > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 14:35:26 -0400 From: "David M. Sonntag" Subject: Re: (andina) Where to get sheet music for native music? I know we've had this discussion before, but I believe it was before Stanislav joined the list. So I'm raising the point again. I just listened to "Pandilla Pune~a," and it reminded me how much I enjoy violin in the Andean repetoire. So what are some of your favorite andean styles or pieces that use violin? When I lived in Ancash Peru, I heard a lot of violin and harp. I also heard a lot of violin in the sanjuanitos we played when Malkuri was in town (Ecuadorean, Otavalo region). I was a Suzuki kid on violin, and see a lot of parallels to how the Japanese method of "listen and play" works, and how many andean musicans learn the same way. My musings on the subject were printed in a story last year in the American Suzuki journal. See web page for a link to So Stanislav--who plays the vioin in Pachamama? DS - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 01:43:59 -0700 From: "Stanislav Stanojevic" Subject: (andina) sheet music_suzuki method The pandilla puneña is an example of collaboration between "Pachamama" and "Orthodox Celts". This is the group from Belgrade that performs celtic music, mostly irish an scottish folk. Three years ago we had a common concert in Novi Sad divided in three parts. We had to play one part, they had another by themselves and at the end we had to play something together. We have chosen three pieces from Peru and Ecuador and three pieces from Ireland. The examples from this concert are "pandilla puneña"and "my litlle boat" (originally for celtic harp, but here the main melody is played on charango). So I have to disapoint David. The violin heard in pandilla is played by "Orthodox Celts" member. She (Ana Djokic) terminated her studies of violin in the Academy of Novi Sad but uses a lot of 'catching by ear' system. That's exactly how she picked the pandilla main line. In both groups 'picking by ear' is quite a common thing. Of course it's much better if you have written music. The problem is that usually you don't have. So you have to pick by ear the main melody, harmonization and then 2nd , 3rd voice etc. We usually put all that in some sort of very simplified notation, just to be on the safe side of not forgetting it. I personally like very much violin incorporated in peruvian and ecuadorian folk. There is a very nice CD with a lot of harp and violin - music from Ayacucho (Ayllu Sulca is called, Ronald Wright collection.). I am pretty shure it is available in the States. Regards - Stanislav Free web-based email, Forever, From anywhere! - - ------------------------------ End of andina-digest V1 #5 **************************