From: (arfic-l-digest) To: Subject: arfic-l-digest V1 #12 Reply-To: arfic-l-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk arfic-l-digest Tuesday, March 13 2001 Volume 01 : Number 012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 09:08:38 -0500 From: "Michele Bumbarger" Subject: (arfic-l) ADMIN: Test This is only a test. Had this been real fan fiction, you would be reading it. ****** "You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe." -- Marcus Cole, Babylon 5, A Late Delivery from Avalon ******** a l t e r n a t e REALITIES Fan Fiction Archive ******** - - To unsubscribe to arfic-l, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe arfic-l" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 09:12:10 -0500 From: "Michele Bumbarger" Subject: (arfic-l) ADMIN: List Hiccup Apparently the mailing list had a hiccup. For those feeling confused, or thinking that 'I've read that story before,' you're absolutely correct. Just go ahead and delete and ignore any duplicate messages. ******** "You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe." -- Marcus Cole, Babylon 5, A Late Delivery from Avalon ******** a l t e r n a t e REALITIES Fan Fiction Archive ******** - - To unsubscribe to arfic-l, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe arfic-l" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 11:15:51 +1300 From: "The Olsen Family" Subject: (arfic-l) The Medusa Stone (3/19) This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_02EF_01C0ABAE.F68BF340 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable The Medusa Stone (3/19) by Anne Olsen Email : Fandom : Stargate SG1/ Highlander/ NS Tomorrow People Rating: PG Summary : SG1 finds a manuscript that Daniel has trouble deciphering. An = historian named Adam Pierson offers to help. Disclaimer :=20 The characters of Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Sam Carter, Teal'c, = General Hammond, Janet Frasier, Apophis and anybody else you recognise = from the SGC do not belong to me. Neither does the concept of the = Stargate, SGC, and the Goa'uld and any thing else related to the series = Stargate SG1. They belong to Stargate (II) Productions, Showtime/Viacom, = MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Products. The characters of Methos (a.k.a. Adam Pierson), Joe Dawson, Connor = MacLeod and Duncan MacLeod belong to Panzer/Davis, Rysher/Gaumont = Television. So do the concepts of Immortality, the Game and the = Watchers. Likewise the characters of Adam Newman, Megabyte Damon, General William = Damon, Ami Jackson, Jade Weston, Kevin Wilson or any names or events = linked to the Tomorrow People TV series do not belong to me either. They = are the property of Roger Damon Price, Thames/Tetra and ITV Television. - ------------------ Part Three "Well, are you going to share, or keep the good news all to yourself?" = asked O'Neill impatiently. Pierson had been reading for a good few = minutes now and so far hadn't said a word. He had the distinct = impression that the other man was just as interested, if not more so, in = the contents of the manuscript as they were. "Just about finished.." Daniel shot O'Neill an 'I told you so look'. He looked like a kid in a = candy store thought O'Neill. What if it is instructions for the stone? = How do I explain that to a civilian? Make that two civilians. He noticed = Dawson seemed to be hanging around waiting for the translation as well. = I don't remember giving him an invitation to the party. "A warning to the oldest of those who cannot die. This is my legacy to = you and those who helped destroy the one who served me. The tendrils of = the medusa will reach out and destroy those who 'mind speak' and you = will be unable to .." "Unable to what?" asked Daniel. Pierson had come to a halt and was = looking a bit pale. He repeated himself. "Unable to what?" "I don't know. That's as far as its goes. The rest of the writing has = been destroyed. Age, I suppose." Methos cursed to himself. He had hoped = he had seen the last of the mad Egyptian, Ramiis. He'd been enough = trouble while he was alive, now it looked like he was going to cause = trouble in the afterlife as well.=20 "Pierson, do you know what this is about?" asked O'Neill. He'd seen the = other man's reaction and knew damm well he did. Methos chose his words carefully. He knew that he would have to give = some sort of explanation, or they would keep asking until he gave one. "When I was working on my paper on Ancient Egypt I came across a strange = story. An Egyptian priest named Ramiis thought that he had a direct line = to the god Apophis. This guy was as mad as a hatter of course. He got it = into his mind to rid the planet of all of the god's enemies, all those = who could be a threat to him, all those who apposed him. Actually there = weren't too many, as most of the natives were scared witless, as I = remember," He added hastily "the story went. Ramiis got it into his = mind, or what was left of it, that the boy king Tutankhamun and some of = his friends were a threat to Apophis. He had the crazy idea that they = were telepathic or something similar, they called it mind speaking in = those days." "So what happened to Ramiis?" asked Joe "The kids had some help. Someone else who didn't agree with Ramiis' = activities. There was a fight and according to the legend the priest = lost his head. Literally. Just before he died Ramiis said that his god = Apophis would seek revenge on the kids, if not on them, then on those = like them." Daniel was curious. "How come I haven't heard of this legend before? I = thought I'd heard most of them." "It's not that well known. Legend has it that Apophis wasn't very happy = at the loss of his faithful follower and threatened death to those who = repeated the story. I found it in a very obscure set of chronicles. " O'Neill snorted. "Sounds a bit suspect to me. Telepathy and the like! = Next you're be telling me that they could disappear into thin air and = move objects with the power of their mind as well." "It's called teleportation and telekinesis, Jack" observed Daniel. "Not = as far fetched as you would think. There was a fair bit of documented = evidence of it in the 70's. A guy named Professor Cawston came up with = quite a lot of evidence to support that it wasn't as unlikely as you = would think." "Okay then but if this story is true, what's this rubbish about the = tendrils of a Medusa then?" This last question was pointed at Methos. "Pass." He seemed lost in thought as though trying to remember = something. "Was anything else found with the manuscript?" Daniel and O'Neill looked at each other. Pierson definitely knew a lot = more than he was letting on. "Well actually there was" "Daniel, this is classified. Need to know only." "Well, Jack, I need to know." Daniel ignored the look that the Colonel = was giving him. "It's not going to hurt to show him the stone. There = might be some more information he can give us from seeing it. Remember = that there were hieroglyphics on the box the stone came in, as well, = they were different again to those written on the manuscript. I couldn't = translate them at all. It sounds like he could." "Why do I feel like I've been ambushed again?" groused Jack. "I'd better = contact General Hammond and okay it with him first though" "Did you say General? Are you people military? " Pierson didn't look too = happy with that thought, and neither did Joe Dawson, O'Neill noticed. "Jack's military, but I'm a civilian doing research for them," explained = Daniel. 'They're quite a decent bunch of people once you get to know = them. Don't panic, they won't try and shoot you or anything." "Adam, can I have a word please?" asked Joe. He was beginning to worry = about what exactly Methos had got himself into. "Excuse us, Daniel. This = won't take long" As soon as they were out of earshot Joe turned to the immortal. "What = the hell do you think you're doing? An immortal getting mixed up with = the military? You must be out of your mind. What if they find out about = you? What happens then?" "A bit louder, Joe. I don't think they quite heard you." Came the reply. = "I have to look into this. I owe my life to Tutankhamun and his friends. = I sort of promised I'd return the favour if needed. Besides I'm just a = historian, remember. I can look after myself if I need to. I have to = make sure that there isn't a threat to any of their kind, if they exist, = in the present day." "Okay but watch your head." Dawson leaned on his cane as he spoke, = Methos' words hadn't reassured him in the least. Being ex military = himself, he knew full well what could happen if the miliary found out = the truth about his friend. "I also want the full story about what = really happened with that priest Ramiis. That was you that took his = head, I take it?" Methos noticed that O'Neill was beckoning them over." We'll discuss this = later, Joe. I think he wants us." Dawson wondered if he would ever get = the full story of Ramiis and Apophis out of Methos. He wasn't usually = very forthcoming with these sorts of details. It must be one hell of a = story, he thought to himself, especially if Methos felt he owed = something to someone. That was one scenario he never thought he'd see. "I've cleared it with the General. You can come and look at the stone = but there will have to be someone with you at all times. We don't want = you wandering off. Got it? Daniel, I'm making you responsible for this, = seeing you're the one with the bright idea. Okay?" O'Neill still had his = reservations, but General Hammond thought it was important to find out = all the information they could. He thought about the rest of the = translation. "Tendrils of the Medusa. Maybe its some kind of energy = weapon?" "Oh, I don't think its anything as simple as that." Pierson replied = almost absentmindedly.=20 - ------------------------ The three men sat in O'Neill's car in relative silence during the drive = to Cheyenne Mountain. Daniel was scribbling furiously, noting down the = Ramiis legend that Pierson had told them. He went through the whole = story again in his mind, storing up the thousands of questions he wanted = to ask the historian. Obviously he had made the right decision asking = the other man to join them, Adam Pierson knew far more about the = manuscript than Daniel originally thought. As they approached the entrance to the Cheyenne Mountain complex, Methos = reflected again on how much the area had changed since he had been here = last. Mind you, he thought, one hundred years is a long time. At least = this time he wouldn't have a posse chasing him, that was one = consolation. He had heard there was a military base inside the mountain itself, NORAD = wasn't it? Didn't they watch the stars or something similar from here? = He remembered reading an article about it once; seeing it in the flesh, = though, was quite different. It was certainly very impressive, at least = from what he could see, from the entrance. He wondered how far = underground they would be going - the further underground, the less = places to run, he reminded himself. He was pleased he'd bought his = sword. At least he still had a weapon with him, if he needed to leave in = a hurry. He'd thought about leaving it behind, but after all these = years, he felt quite naked without it. The wording of the prophecy, if = that's what it was, worried him as well, and he wanted to be prepared = for any eventuality As they got out of the car, Methos turned to O'Neill. Speaking of = weapons, it was probably a good idea to mention his Ivanhoe before the = sentry on duty noticed it, or the metal detection alarms went off.=20 Making up an excuse for why he carried it, that would be the fun part. = He could hardly say "actually I'm an immortal and I need the sword in = case I need to take someone's head." "Jack," he hesitated before continuing. " I think I'd better tell you = about something before we go any further." "Is something the matter, Adam?" asked Daniel. "I told you, the military = types on this base are quite friendly, nothing to worry about." Apart = from the aliens that come through the Stargate he added to himself. "Maybe I'd better show you," came the reply. "I'm, er, carrying a sword = in my travel bag. Silly really, it's my lucky sword. I found it at a dig = a few years back and when I'm working on something a bit tricky, it = brings me good luck." He put on his best Adam Pierson look, and hoped = for the best.=20 Daniel gazed at the bronze sword in unveiled admiration. He lifted it, = using both hands, and was surprised at how heavy it was. "Whoa, that's a = beauty. It's an Ivanhoe, isn't it? I remember seeing one like that a few = years ago in an antique shop, haven't seen one like it since. Remember = Jack, I told you about it once." "Yeah, that was the sword you insisted in taking me to see, only to find = that once we got there the guy had shut up shop. What was the name of = the place again, Russell Nash Antiques or something similar." Methos stifled a laugh. What was it about MacLeods and antique shops? He = remembered reading on the watcher database that Connor had used that = alias for a time. No one had seen much of him since, hopefully the elder = Highlander was still around and hadn't lost his head yet. "I can't see that being a problem, can you Jack?" asked Daniel. "I mean = it's not as though he really knows how to use it or anything." "I'll check with the General. A lucky sword. Now I've heard everything." = O'Neill turned to Daniel. "Hey, maybe if ask nicely he'll let you have a play with it." - ----------------- End Part 3 - ------=_NextPart_000_02EF_01C0ABAE.F68BF340 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
The Medusa Stone (3/19)
by Anne Olsen
Email :
Fandom : Stargate SG1/ Highlander/ NS Tomorrow People
Rating: PG
Summary : SG1 finds a manuscript that Daniel has trouble = deciphering. An=20 historian named Adam Pierson offers to help.
Disclaimer :

The characters of Daniel Jackson, Jack O’Neill, Sam Carter, = Teal’c, General=20 Hammond, Janet Frasier, Apophis and anybody else you recognise from the = SGC do=20 not belong to me. Neither does the concept of the Stargate, SGC, and the = Goa’uld=20 and any thing else related to the series Stargate SG1. They belong to = Stargate=20 (II) Productions, Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, = and Gekko=20 Products.

The characters of Methos (a.k.a. Adam Pierson), Joe Dawson, Connor = MacLeod=20 and Duncan MacLeod belong to Panzer/Davis, Rysher/Gaumont Television. So = do the=20 concepts of Immortality, the Game and the Watchers.

Likewise the characters of Adam Newman, Megabyte Damon, General = William=20 Damon, Ami Jackson, Jade Weston, Kevin Wilson or any names or events = linked to=20 the Tomorrow People TV series do not belong to me either. They are the = property=20 of Roger Damon Price, Thames/Tetra and ITV Television.


Part Three



"Well, are you going to share, or keep the good news all to = yourself?" asked=20 O’Neill impatiently. Pierson had been reading for a good few = minutes now and so=20 far hadn’t said a word. He had the distinct impression that the = other man was=20 just as interested, if not more so, in the contents of the manuscript as = they=20 were.

"Just about finished.."

Daniel shot O’Neill an ‘I told you so look’. He = looked like a kid in a candy=20 store thought O’Neill. What if it is instructions for the stone? = How do I=20 explain that to a civilian? Make that two civilians. He noticed Dawson = seemed to=20 be hanging around waiting for the translation as well. I don’t = remember giving=20 him an invitation to the party.

"A warning to the oldest of those who cannot die… This is my = legacy to you=20 and those who helped destroy the one who served me. The tendrils of the = medusa=20 will reach out and destroy those who ‘mind speak’ and you = will be unable to=20 ……"

"Unable to what?" asked Daniel. Pierson had come to a halt and was = looking a=20 bit pale. He repeated himself. "Unable to what?"

"I don’t know. That’s as far as its goes. The rest of the = writing has been=20 destroyed. Age, I suppose." Methos cursed to himself. He had hoped he = had seen=20 the last of the mad Egyptian, Ramiis. He’d been enough trouble = while he was=20 alive, now it looked like he was going to cause trouble in the afterlife = as=20 well.

"Pierson, do you know what this is about?" asked O’Neill. = He’d seen the other=20 man’s reaction and knew damm well he did.

Methos chose his words carefully. He knew that he would have to give = some=20 sort of explanation, or they would keep asking until he gave one.

"When I was working on my paper on Ancient Egypt I came across a = strange=20 story. An Egyptian priest named Ramiis thought that he had a direct line = to the=20 god Apophis. This guy was as mad as a hatter of course. He got it into = his mind=20 to rid the planet of all of the god’s enemies, all those who could = be a threat=20 to him, all those who apposed him. Actually there weren’t too = many, as most of=20 the natives were scared witless, as I remember," He added hastily "the = story=20 went. Ramiis got it into his mind, or what was left of it, that the boy = king=20 Tutankhamun and some of his friends were a threat to Apophis. He had the = crazy=20 idea that they were telepathic or something similar, they called it mind = speaking in those days."

"So what happened to Ramiis?" asked Joe

"The kids had some help. Someone else who didn’t agree with = Ramiis’=20 activities. There was a fight and according to the legend the priest = lost his=20 head. Literally. Just before he died Ramiis said that his god Apophis = would seek=20 revenge on the kids, if not on them, then on those like them."

Daniel was curious. "How come I haven’t heard of this legend = before? I=20 thought I’d heard most of them."

"It’s not that well known. Legend has it that Apophis = wasn’t very happy at=20 the loss of his faithful follower and threatened death to those who = repeated the=20 story. I found it in a very obscure set of chronicles. "

O’Neill snorted. "Sounds a bit suspect to me. Telepathy and the = like! Next=20 you’re be telling me that they could disappear into thin air and = move objects=20 with the power of their mind as well."

"It’s called teleportation and telekinesis, Jack" observed = Daniel. "Not as=20 far fetched as you would think. There was a fair bit of documented = evidence of=20 it in the 70’s. A guy named Professor Cawston came up with quite a = lot of=20 evidence to support that it wasn’t as unlikely as you would = think."

"Okay then but if this story is true, what’s this rubbish about = the tendrils=20 of a Medusa then?" This last question was pointed at Methos.

"Pass." He seemed lost in thought as though trying to remember = something.=20 "Was anything else found with the manuscript?"

Daniel and O’Neill looked at each other. Pierson definitely = knew a lot more=20 than he was letting on. "Well actually there was"

"Daniel, this is classified. Need to know only."

"Well, Jack, I need to know." Daniel ignored the look that the = Colonel was=20 giving him. "It’s not going to hurt to show him the stone. There = might be some=20 more information he can give us from seeing it. Remember that there were = hieroglyphics on the box the stone came in, as well, they were different = again=20 to those written on the manuscript. I couldn’t translate them at = all. It sounds=20 like he could."

"Why do I feel like I’ve been ambushed again?" groused Jack. = "I’d better=20 contact General Hammond and okay it with him first though"

"Did you say General? Are you people military? " Pierson didn’t = look too=20 happy with that thought, and neither did Joe Dawson, O’Neill = noticed.

"Jack’s military, but I’m a civilian doing research for = them," explained=20 Daniel. ‘They’re quite a decent bunch of people once you get = to know them. Don’t=20 panic, they won’t try and shoot you or anything."

"Adam, can I have a word please?" asked Joe. He was beginning to = worry about=20 what exactly Methos had got himself into. "Excuse us, Daniel. This = won’t take=20 long"

As soon as they were out of earshot Joe turned to the immortal. "What = the=20 hell do you think you’re doing? An immortal getting mixed up with = the military?=20 You must be out of your mind. What if they find out about you? What = happens=20 then?"

"A bit louder, Joe. I don’t think they quite heard you." Came = the reply. "I=20 have to look into this. I owe my life to Tutankhamun and his friends. I = sort of=20 promised I’d return the favour if needed. Besides I’m just a = historian,=20 remember. I can look after myself if I need to. I have to make sure that = there=20 isn’t a threat to any of their kind, if they exist, in the present = day."

"Okay but watch your head." Dawson leaned on his cane as he spoke, = Methos’=20 words hadn’t reassured him in the least. Being ex military = himself, he knew full=20 well what could happen if the miliary found out the truth about his = friend. "I=20 also want the full story about what really happened with that priest = Ramiis.=20 That was you that took his head, I take it?"

Methos noticed that O’Neill was beckoning them over." = We’ll discuss this=20 later, Joe. I think he wants us." Dawson wondered if he would ever get = the full=20 story of Ramiis and Apophis out of Methos. He wasn’t usually very = forthcoming=20 with these sorts of details. It must be one hell of a story, he thought = to=20 himself, especially if Methos felt he owed something to someone. That = was one=20 scenario he never thought he’d see.

"I’ve cleared it with the General. You can come and look at the = stone but=20 there will have to be someone with you at all times. We don’t want = you wandering=20 off. Got it? Daniel, I’m making you responsible for this, seeing = you’re the one=20 with the bright idea. Okay?" O’Neill still had his reservations, = but General=20 Hammond thought it was important to find out all the information they = could. He=20 thought about the rest of the translation. "Tendrils of the Medusa. = Maybe its=20 some kind of energy weapon?"

"Oh, I don’t think its anything as simple as that." Pierson = replied almost=20 absentmindedly.


The three men sat in O’Neill’s car in relative = silence during the drive=20 to Cheyenne Mountain. Daniel was scribbling furiously, noting down the = Ramiis=20 legend that Pierson had told them. He went through the whole story again = in his=20 mind, storing up the thousands of questions he wanted to ask the = historian.=20 Obviously he had made the right decision asking the other man to join = them, Adam=20 Pierson knew far more about the manuscript than Daniel originally = thought.

As they approached the entrance to the Cheyenne Mountain complex, = Methos=20 reflected again on how much the area had changed since he had been here = last.=20 Mind you, he thought, one hundred years is a long time. At least this = time he=20 wouldn’t have a posse chasing him, that was one consolation.

He had heard there was a military base inside the mountain itself, = NORAD=20 wasn’t it? Didn’t they watch the stars or something similar = from here? He=20 remembered reading an article about it once; seeing it in the flesh, = though, was=20 quite different. It was certainly very impressive, at least from what he = could=20 see, from the entrance. He wondered how far underground they would be = going -=20 the further underground, the less places to run, he reminded himself. He = was=20 pleased he’d bought his sword. At least he still had a weapon with = him, if he=20 needed to leave in a hurry. He’d thought about leaving it behind, = but after all=20 these years, he felt quite naked without it. The wording of the = prophecy, if=20 that’s what it was, worried him as well, and he wanted to be = prepared for any=20 eventuality

As they got out of the car, Methos turned to O’Neill. Speaking = of weapons, it=20 was probably a good idea to mention his Ivanhoe before the sentry on = duty=20 noticed it, or the metal detection alarms went off.

Making up an excuse for why he carried it, that would be the fun = part. He=20 could hardly say "actually I’m an immortal and I need the sword in = case I need=20 to take someone’s head."

"Jack," he hesitated before continuing. " I think I’d better = tell you about=20 something before we go any further."

"Is something the matter, Adam?" asked Daniel. "I told you, the = military=20 types on this base are quite friendly, nothing to worry about." Apart = from the=20 aliens that come through the Stargate he added to himself.

"Maybe I’d better show you," came the reply. "I’m, er, = carrying a sword in my=20 travel bag. Silly really, it’s my lucky sword. I found it at a dig = a few years=20 back and when I’m working on something a bit tricky, it brings me = good luck." He=20 put on his best Adam Pierson look, and hoped for the best.

Daniel gazed at the bronze sword in unveiled admiration. He lifted = it, using=20 both hands, and was surprised at how heavy it was. "Whoa, that’s a = beauty. It’s=20 an Ivanhoe, isn’t it? I remember seeing one like that a few years = ago in an=20 antique shop, haven’t seen one like it since. Remember Jack, I = told you about it=20 once."

"Yeah, that was the sword you insisted in taking me to see, only to = find that=20 once we got there the guy had shut up shop. What was the name of the = place=20 again, Russell Nash Antiques or something similar."

Methos stifled a laugh. What was it about MacLeods and antique shops? = He=20 remembered reading on the watcher database that Connor had used that = alias for a=20 time. No one had seen much of him since, hopefully the elder Highlander = was=20 still around and hadn’t lost his head yet.

"I can’t see that being a problem, can you Jack?" asked Daniel. = "I mean it’s=20 not as though he really knows how to use it or anything."

"I’ll check with the General. A lucky sword. Now I’ve = heard everything."=20 O’Neill turned to Daniel.

"Hey, maybe if ask nicely he’ll let you have a play with = it."


End Part 3

- ------=_NextPart_000_02EF_01C0ABAE.F68BF340-- - - To unsubscribe to arfic-l, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe arfic-l" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 12:58:30 +1300 From: "The Olsen Family" Subject: (arfic-l) The Medusa Stone (4/19) This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_01EF_01C0AC86.77FC6A40 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable The Medusa Stone (4/19) by Anne Olsen Email : Fandom : Stargate SG1/ Highlander/ NS Tomorrow People Rating: PG Summary : SG1 finds a manuscript that Daniel has trouble deciphering. An = historian named Adam Pierson offers to help. Disclaimer :=20 The characters of Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Sam Carter, Teal'c, = General Hammond, Janet Frasier, Apophis and anybody else you recognise = from the SGC do not belong to me. Neither does the concept of the = Stargate, SGC, and the Goa'uld and any thing else related to the series = Stargate SG1. They belong to Stargate (II) Productions, Showtime/Viacom, = MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Products. The characters of Methos (a.k.a. Adam Pierson), Joe Dawson, Connor = MacLeod and Duncan MacLeod belong to Panzer/Davis, Rysher/Gaumont = Television. So do the concepts of Immortality, the Game and the = Watchers. Likewise the characters of Adam Newman, Megabyte Damon, General William = Damon, Ami Jackson, Jade Weston, Kevin Wilson or any names or events = linked to the Tomorrow People TV series do not belong to me either. They = are the property of Roger Damon Price, Thames/Tetra and ITV Television. - ------------------ Part Four "Daniel, go and get Adam his visitors pass and meet us in the debriefing = room. I just want to check something out with the General. I'll meet you = there." O'Neill was still wondering how he was going to tell Hammond = about Pierson's sword as he left the reception area. Methos looked around the Cheyenne Mountain complex with interest. As far = as he could see, it looked like your typical military base, well what he = could remember of the little he had seen of them during the last World = War, anyway. He tended to avoid the military as much as he could, = usually. This manuscript had better be worth the risks he was taking. He wondered what the chances were of actually running into any others = like Tutankhamun; after all, he hadn't seen any since the days of = ancient Egypt. There had been rumours of the existence of powerful = telepaths about twenty years ago, but never any solid proof. He wondered = what Joe and Mac would think if they knew that he tried to keep up to = date with all the research done in the field of physic powers. A = Professor Galt had tried to publish a paper about some new proof he had = discovered about seven years ago, but the man had been dismissed as a = bit of a nutcase. As they approached reception he noticed a boy arguing with one of the = security guards. The boy, he looked as though he was in his late teens, = maybe a fraction older, was trying his best to sound indignant. "Hey, last time I looked it wasn't a crime to try and find the = bathroom." "It is when you're trying to find it through a door marked restricted = access." The guard didn't seem to be buying the story. " Don't worry, = young man. Your father is coming to get you. You can try and explain it = to him" "What's going on here?" "Oh, good morning Doctor Jackson. It's all under control, sir. This kid = wandered away from the main tour group. We found him heading for the = restricted area." "I told you, I was looking for the bathroom."=20 Methos moved in a bit closer. This sounded like it was going to be fun. = He wanted to see what would happen when the boy's father showed up. He = was probably some bigwig or something, the kid would get really chewed = out. Megabyte stopped his train of thought suddenly. He felt the presence of = someone else in the room. Someone who's psychic aura felt different, = very different. As a Tomorrow Person he was aware of the faint mental = auras of the other people in the room. He was used to that. He and the = others referred to it as "background noise". This aura was decidedly = different, stronger, almost overpowering. He noticed a man watching the = conversation. He seemed almost amused by it.=20 Megabyte moved closer to the man and was surprised at the strong mental = images that assailed his mind. Images of men on horseback he could = handle, but when one of them swung a sword and Megabyte saw that he was = going to behead the other, he started to feel ill. He involuntarily took = a step back. This was weird, way too weird.=20 "Don't worry, I don't bite." The other man was looking at him curiously. = Megabyte wondered if he'd noticed his reaction.=20 [Adam, where are you?] he 'pathed. [Just coming round the corner with your dad. He's not very impressed. He = thinks.] Adam stopped suddenly Megabyte could feel the confusion coming from his friend. So Adam could = feel it as well. He saw General Damon and Adam approaching. Adam looked = a bit pale. [It's this guy here. I got really strange mental images from him when I = got close. His aura feels strong too, unnaturally strong.] "Are you feeling okay?" asked Daniel. The red headed boy had suddenly = turned a shade paler. He noticed a dark haired man approaching with = another boy, about the same age as the red head, in tow. Must be the = boy's father, he surmised. I'd feel like that too if I'd been caught = doing something I shouldn't, he thought.=20 " Megabyte, can't I take my eyes off you for one minute without you = getting into trouble? What did I tell you about leaving the tour group?" = "I was only going to find the bathroom." "And I'm the toothfairy," came the reply. "Are you alright, Adam?" The = last question was directed to the dark haired boy next to him who had = suddenly come over with a fit of coughing. "Sorry, General. Just lost my breath for a minute" Methos noticed he = spoke with an Australian accent. This was getting more fun by the = minute. "Megabyte.. Never mind. I'd better go and have a word with General = Hammond and apologise for your behaviour." Damon looked at the two boys = suspiciously. He had the feeling he was missing something. He'd talk to = them later, in private. "Wait here." The man at reception spoke up. "Doctor Jackson, Colonel O'Neill says to = come down. They're waiting for you and Mr Pierson, sir." Methos lent over to the redheaded boy on his way past. "Hope you find = the bathroom Megabyte." Both boys looked at him. He felt a shiver go = down his spine. Something about them was familiar, some look about them. = He couldn't put his finger on it. They weren't pre immortal, he would = have known if they were. There was something though. "Come on, Adam" The sound of Daniel's voice broke his train of thought. Right, he = thought. Concentrate on the business at hand. Let's see what this stone = is about. The two Tomorrow People watched the two men enter the lift. Megabyte = turned to Adam. [That was weird] he 'pathed. [Did you see those images = too? Men on horseback, villages burning. Looked liked something out of = the Middle Ages. I thought I was going to loose my lunch when I saw the = sword cutting someone's head off.] [Major weird,] agreed Adam. [I think we'd better find out some more = about this guy. He was looking at us strangely as well. I don't think he = knows about the Tomorrow People. At least I hope not.] He thought for a = minute and added, [And next time your dad says something, don't send me = a mental picture of it, okay?] - -------------------- "Adam Pierson, this is General Hammond, the man in command of this base. = General Hammond, this is Adam Pierson, the man who has been helping = Daniel with the manuscript." "Pleased to meet you, Mr Pierson. Colonel O'Neill has told me a lot = about you. I wanted to thank you for offering to help us out with this = matter." Hammond held out his hand to the historian.=20 " My pleasure, General. I'm wondering why the military is interested in = an old manuscript though. It's not as though it would be vital for = national defence or anything."=20 If only you knew, Hammond thought to himself. " I'm sorry, Mr Pierson, = but that information is classified. We can tell you what you need to = know to decipher the manuscript, but I'm afraid that's all."=20 "General Hammond," interrupted Corporal Young. "Sorry to disturb you, = sir but there's a man to see you. He says he is an old friend. His name = is Damon. General William Damon." "Sorry, Mr Pierson. I'll have to talk to you later. Colonel O'Neill will = fill you in on what you need to know." Curiouser and curiouser thought Methos. Hammond knows Megabyte's father. = Maybe Joe was right. Maybe I should leave while I still can. Oh, well at = least on the bright side, the General hasn't mentioned the sword. They = probably think it's still in my travel bag. He mentally shrugged. What = they don't know won't hurt them. O'Neill opened the door to his right and ushered him into a room. Daniel = had gone on ahead while they had been talking to Hammond, and was = already spreading his papers out over the oval table in the middle of = the room. Obviously it was some type of conference room, Methos guessed = correctly. There were two other people in the room besides Daniel: a = woman and a tall, dark, well built man. "I'll just introduce the rest of the team. This is Major Carter," = O'Neill nodded towards the very pretty blond woman. "Daniel, you already = know of course, and this is Teal'c."=20 Teal'c inclined his head, his way of a greeting, Methos surmised. He = noticed the strange symbol on the other man's forehead. I've seen that = somewhere before, he thought to himself. Now where was it?=20 "I believe you can help us with our investigation, Mr Pierson. We are = very grateful for your help." "Hope, I can help, Major. Call me Adam if you like. Seeing that we're = going to be working together." "My name's Sam. Short for Samantha." O'Neill groaned to himself. The guy was trying to hit on Carter. He'd = noticed the way he had looked at her when they had been introduced. = "Okay, kids. Let's get down to business shall we. You can make friends = later." Daniel put a small box on the table. "This is what was found with the = manuscript. We don't know what it's for, that's what we're hoping you = can help us with. There's hieroglyphs on the box as well as the = manuscript, but they're quite different to those you deciphered = earlier." Methos picked up the box for a closer look. "It feels quite heavy," he = commented. "Have you had a look at what's inside yet?" Sam Carter answered him. " It seems to be lined with some sort of = material, similar in make up to lead. The box itself seems to be a = combination of several elements, we're not sure exactly what yet, I've = still got some more tests to run to be certain. Something that acts like = a shield maybe, but we're not sure why. All that was in the box when we = found it was the manuscript, and a stone. Open it and have a look if you = like." Methos opened the box, and saw to his surprise a small smooth stone = inside. "Why would anyone need to put shielding on a box because of a = stone?" he asked. As he bent down to examine the stone, it began to = pulsate, emitting a strange green glow as it did so.=20 "That's odd," O'Neill noticed. "It didn't do that last time we looked at = it." Okay, the stone wasn't as ordinary as they had first thought. Maybe = it was some sort of weapon after all, but if so, what had activated it? "Maybe it has found some sort of power source, O'Neill. A power source = that wasn't available to it last time the box was opened." Teal'c looked = at Methos, who shrugged. "Don't look at me. I don't know. I'm just an historian, remember." - -------------------------- - ------=_NextPart_000_01EF_01C0AC86.77FC6A40 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
The Medusa Stone (4/19)
by Anne Olsen
Email :
Fandom : Stargate SG1/ Highlander/ NS Tomorrow People
Rating: PG
Summary : SG1 finds a manuscript that Daniel has trouble = deciphering. An=20 historian named Adam Pierson offers to help.
Disclaimer :

The characters of Daniel Jackson, Jack O’Neill, Sam Carter, = Teal’c, General=20 Hammond, Janet Frasier, Apophis and anybody else you recognise from the = SGC do=20 not belong to me. Neither does the concept of the Stargate, SGC, and the = Goa’uld=20 and any thing else related to the series Stargate SG1. They belong to = Stargate=20 (II) Productions, Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, = and Gekko=20 Products.

The characters of Methos (a.k.a. Adam Pierson), Joe Dawson, Connor = MacLeod=20 and Duncan MacLeod belong to Panzer/Davis, Rysher/Gaumont Television. So = do the=20 concepts of Immortality, the Game and the Watchers.

Likewise the characters of Adam Newman, Megabyte Damon, General = William=20 Damon, Ami Jackson, Jade Weston, Kevin Wilson or any names or events = linked to=20 the Tomorrow People TV series do not belong to me either. They are the = property=20 of Roger Damon Price, Thames/Tetra and ITV Television.


Part Four


"Daniel, go and get Adam his visitors pass and meet us in the = debriefing=20 room. I just want to check something out with the General. I’ll = meet you there."=20 O’Neill was still wondering how he was going to tell Hammond about = Pierson’s=20 sword as he left the reception area.

Methos looked around the Cheyenne Mountain complex with interest. As = far as=20 he could see, it looked like your typical military base, well what he = could=20 remember of the little he had seen of them during the last World War, = anyway. He=20 tended to avoid the military as much as he could, usually. This = manuscript had=20 better be worth the risks he was taking.

He wondered what the chances were of actually running into any others = like=20 Tutankhamun; after all, he hadn’t seen any since the days of = ancient Egypt.=20 There had been rumours of the existence of powerful telepaths about = twenty years=20 ago, but never any solid proof. He wondered what Joe and Mac would think = if they=20 knew that he tried to keep up to date with all the research done in the = field of=20 physic powers. A Professor Galt had tried to publish a paper about some = new=20 proof he had discovered about seven years ago, but the man had been = dismissed as=20 a bit of a nutcase.

As they approached reception he noticed a boy arguing with one of the = security guards. The boy, he looked as though he was in his late teens, = maybe a=20 fraction older, was trying his best to sound indignant.

"Hey, last time I looked it wasn’t a crime to try and find the = bathroom…"

"It is when you’re trying to find it through a door marked = restricted=20 access." The guard didn’t seem to be buying the story. " = Don’t worry, young man.=20 Your father is coming to get you. You can try and explain it to him"

"What’s going on here?"

"Oh, good morning Doctor Jackson. It’s all under control, sir. = This kid=20 wandered away from the main tour group. We found him heading for the = restricted=20 area."

"I told you, I was looking for the bathroom."

Methos moved in a bit closer. This sounded like it was going to be = fun. He=20 wanted to see what would happen when the boy’s father showed up. = He was probably=20 some bigwig or something, the kid would get really chewed out.

Megabyte stopped his train of thought suddenly. He felt the presence = of=20 someone else in the room. Someone who’s psychic aura felt = different, very=20 different. As a Tomorrow Person he was aware of the faint mental auras = of the=20 other people in the room. He was used to that. He and the others = referred to it=20 as "background noise". This aura was decidedly different, stronger, = almost=20 overpowering. He noticed a man watching the conversation. He seemed = almost=20 amused by it.

Megabyte moved closer to the man and was surprised at the strong = mental=20 images that assailed his mind. Images of men on horseback he could = handle, but=20 when one of them swung a sword and Megabyte saw that he was going to = behead the=20 other, he started to feel ill. He involuntarily took a step back. This = was=20 weird, way too weird.

"Don’t worry, I don’t bite." The other man was looking at = him curiously.=20 Megabyte wondered if he’d noticed his reaction.

[Adam, where are you?] he ‘pathed.

[Just coming round the corner with your dad. He’s not very = impressed. He=20 thinks…]

Adam stopped suddenly

Megabyte could feel the confusion coming from his friend. So Adam = could feel=20 it as well. He saw General Damon and Adam approaching. Adam looked a bit = pale.

[It’s this guy here. I got really strange mental images from = him when I got=20 close. His aura feels strong too, unnaturally strong.]

"Are you feeling okay?" asked Daniel. The red headed boy had suddenly = turned=20 a shade paler. He noticed a dark haired man approaching with another = boy, about=20 the same age as the red head, in tow. Must be the boy’s father, he = surmised. I’d=20 feel like that too if I’d been caught doing something I = shouldn’t, he thought.=20

" Megabyte, can’t I take my eyes off you for one minute without = you getting=20 into trouble? What did I tell you about leaving the tour group?"

"I was only going to find the bathroom."

"And I’m the toothfairy," came the reply. "Are you alright, = Adam?" The last=20 question was directed to the dark haired boy next to him who had = suddenly come=20 over with a fit of coughing.

"Sorry, General. Just lost my breath for a minute" Methos noticed he = spoke=20 with an Australian accent. This was getting more fun by the minute.

"Megabyte…. Never mind. I’d better go and have a word = with General Hammond=20 and apologise for your behaviour." Damon looked at the two boys = suspiciously. He=20 had the feeling he was missing something. He’d talk to them later, = in private.=20 "Wait here."

The man at reception spoke up. "Doctor Jackson, Colonel O’Neill = says to come=20 down. They’re waiting for you and Mr Pierson, sir."

Methos lent over to the redheaded boy on his way past. "Hope you find = the=20 bathroom Megabyte." Both boys looked at him. He felt a shiver go down = his spine.=20 Something about them was familiar, some look about them. He = couldn’t put his=20 finger on it. They weren’t pre immortal, he would have known if = they were. There=20 was something though.

"Come on, Adam"

The sound of Daniel’s voice broke his train of thought. Right, = he thought.=20 Concentrate on the business at hand. Let’s see what this stone is = about.

The two Tomorrow People watched the two men enter the lift. Megabyte = turned=20 to Adam. [That was weird] he ‘pathed. [Did you see those images = too? Men on=20 horseback, villages burning. Looked liked something out of the Middle = Ages. I=20 thought I was going to loose my lunch when I saw the sword cutting = someone’s=20 head off.]

[Major weird,] agreed Adam. [I think we’d better find out some = more about=20 this guy. He was looking at us strangely as well. I don’t think he = knows about=20 the Tomorrow People. At least I hope not.] He thought for a minute and = added,=20 [And next time your dad says something, don’t send me a mental = picture of it,=20 okay?]



"Adam Pierson, this is General Hammond, the man in command of this = base.=20 General Hammond, this is Adam Pierson, the man who has been helping = Daniel with=20 the manuscript."

"Pleased to meet you, Mr Pierson. Colonel O’Neill has told me a = lot about=20 you. I wanted to thank you for offering to help us out with this = matter."=20 Hammond held out his hand to the historian.

" My pleasure, General. I’m wondering why the military is = interested in an=20 old manuscript though. It’s not as though it would be vital for = national defence=20 or anything."

If only you knew, Hammond thought to himself. " I’m sorry, Mr = Pierson, but=20 that information is classified. We can tell you what you need to know to = decipher the manuscript, but I’m afraid that’s all."

"General Hammond," interrupted Corporal Young. "Sorry to disturb you, = sir but=20 there’s a man to see you. He says he is an old friend. His name is = Damon.=20 General William Damon."

"Sorry, Mr Pierson. I’ll have to talk to you later. Colonel = O’Neill will fill=20 you in on what you need to know."

Curiouser and curiouser thought Methos. Hammond knows = Megabyte’s father.=20 Maybe Joe was right. Maybe I should leave while I still can. Oh, well at = least=20 on the bright side, the General hasn’t mentioned the sword. They = probably think=20 it’s still in my travel bag. He mentally shrugged. What they = don’t know won’t=20 hurt them.


O’Neill opened the door to his right and ushered him into a = room. Daniel had=20 gone on ahead while they had been talking to Hammond, and was already = spreading=20 his papers out over the oval table in the middle of the room. Obviously = it was=20 some type of conference room, Methos guessed correctly. There were two = other=20 people in the room besides Daniel: a woman and a tall, dark, well built = man.

"I’ll just introduce the rest of the team. This is Major = Carter," O’Neill=20 nodded towards the very pretty blond woman. "Daniel, you already know of = course,=20 and this is Teal’c."

Teal’c inclined his head, his way of a greeting, Methos = surmised. He noticed=20 the strange symbol on the other man’s forehead. I’ve seen = that somewhere before,=20 he thought to himself. Now where was it?

"I believe you can help us with our investigation, Mr Pierson. We are = very=20 grateful for your help."

"Hope, I can help, Major. Call me Adam if you like. Seeing that = we’re going=20 to be working together."

"My name’s Sam. Short for Samantha."

O’Neill groaned to himself. The guy was trying to hit on = Carter. He’d noticed=20 the way he had looked at her when they had been introduced. "Okay, kids. = Let’s=20 get down to business shall we. You can make friends later."

Daniel put a small box on the table. "This is what was found with the = manuscript. We don’t know what it’s for, that’s what = we’re hoping you can help=20 us with. There’s hieroglyphs on the box as well as the manuscript, = but they’re=20 quite different to those you deciphered earlier."

Methos picked up the box for a closer look. "It feels quite heavy," = he=20 commented. "Have you had a look at what’s inside yet?"

Sam Carter answered him. " It seems to be lined with some sort of = material,=20 similar in make up to lead. The box itself seems to be a combination of = several=20 elements, we’re not sure exactly what yet, I’ve still got = some more tests to run=20 to be certain. Something that acts like a shield maybe, but we’re = not sure why.=20 All that was in the box when we found it was the manuscript, and a = stone. Open=20 it and have a look if you like."

Methos opened the box, and saw to his surprise a small smooth stone = inside.=20 "Why would anyone need to put shielding on a box because of a stone?" he = asked.=20 As he bent down to examine the stone, it began to pulsate, emitting a = strange=20 green glow as it did so.

"That’s odd," O’Neill noticed. "It didn’t do that = last time we looked at it."=20 Okay, the stone wasn’t as ordinary as they had first thought. = Maybe it was some=20 sort of weapon after all, but if so, what had activated it?

"Maybe it has found some sort of power source, O’Neill. A power = source that=20 wasn’t available to it last time the box was opened." Teal’c = looked at Methos,=20 who shrugged.

"Don’t look at me. I don’t know. I’m just an = historian, remember."



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