From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Incredibly stupid beginner's question on fingers... Date: 30 Jan 2000 05:28:46 GMT The answer to the question is: The finger is called by whatever note sounds when that finger is raised. Right index finger which is on the middle hole on the front of the chanter is the D finger, etc. But, yes, get an instructor. You can do a lot of damage without one. Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) RE: Uillean pipes with plastic chanter reed? Date: 31 Jan 2000 21:20:49 GMT In a previous article, (MechaGumby) wrote: >I found a web site that's selling uillean pipes made by a Scottish manufacturer >named Bagpipes Gallore. It has a blackwood chanter in D, bag and bellows. I >know serious players would frown on something not made by a reputable maker, >but this seems like an economical solution for me. > >I'm mostly concerned that it comes with some sort of plastic reed, as I had >always thought it was the delicate cane reed that gave the pipes their unique >sound. Does anyone have first hand experience with these pipes? > >Jeff Rich do a search for David Daye + uilleann -- he has a site that will tell you whether anyone has made a decent plastic chanter reed (He used to post here fairly often -- maybe the flames drove him away.) I have heard of plastic reg. reeds (and ones made out of beer-can aluminum !), but no good news on plastic chanter reeds. Either way - they will be fragile - and that's your biggest problem - not whether it's plastic or wood. What you want is a WORKING chanter reed. Without a WORKING chanter reed, UP are just a bundle of firewood. If you don't fiddle with a WORKING chanter reed it will last years. My present reed is the original, ~12 yrs. Given a WORKING chanter reed, your next problem is leaks ... and more leaks ... ... good luck chris - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: aberdeen Subject: (bagpipe) Re: New look for "Green Book" Date: 31 Jan 2000 21:38:12 GMT No danger of that! Unlikely that Tutor 1 will have any new movements like "note bending" exercises either. I'd just hate teachers to panic when students start showing up with a "new" book. All the best, Jim In article <3895da0d_1@>, "John Mitchell" wrote: > > > aberdeen wrote in > > The College of Piping Tutor Book 1 is getting a "face lift". The next > > printing of the well-known "Green Book" will be sporting a new cover. > > As long as there's no knew content, that's ok! > > I sure wouldn't want to have to learn that book all over again! > > -----------== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News ==---------- > The Largest Usenet Servers in the World! > ------== Over 73,000 Newsgroups - Including Dedicated Binaries Servers ==----- > -- Jim Hudgins Aberdeen Bagpipe Supply Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ewan A. Macpherson" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Electric Pipes - music files Date: 31 Jan 2000 16:43:56 -0500 Stewart Paterson wrote: > > Is there a resource of music files for Electric Pipes? > I don't want softwaer to compose particularly but I like the notion of > having printable sheet music AND playable music files in the same > package. > I don't want to shell out 50 quid and find there are precious few EP > files about. Electric Pipes will read in BMW and BGP (Piob Mhor) files. The native format for Electric Pipes is a variant of abc, which is a nice "flat" (no fancy embellishment codes - every {grace}note explicit) ASCII format originally for folk music. See for examples. You can also convert BMW and BGP to abc using the abcMus program: -- Ewan Macpherson - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Maeve" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Somebody stop me again! Date: 31 Jan 2000 16:51:14 -0500 Ron Bowen wrote in message news:zDml4.9613$ > Kuranda is almost ash blonde or gray colored and would take > woodburned artwork very nicely. > > Now for the sound. Very soft sound, even softer than cocuswood. Not sure > about availability. I know at least one maker who makes practice chanters > out of it. Might be an idea to ask for a sample just to see for yourself. Dearest Ringo .. . again .. . you are SO bad for me! How could I have guessed that you would be the first person to jump into assisting me in my downfall?!??!?!? GEEZ, Hon!!!! Now .. . this IS the colour that I am looking for . .. and the grey-colour would be even nicer!!! I suppose that, if I can find the animal that I am seeking, I could use a stain to get the colour as long as the base colour is light enough. Now . . ya wanna e-mail me this person making the chanters so that I can see what this sounds like??? HORNBEAM!!!!!!! I was trying all day to remember the name of a really white wood that I turn!!! I remember it being very hard as well. Wonder how that would work???? I'll have to pull out my books on woods and take a look at the density or something. I don't have enough to do around here. Thanks, Ringo :) :) I knew I could count on you :) :) -- Love and Light be with you, Maeve . . . in rainy, miserable Florida "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." --- Oscar Wilde - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael New & Diane Rossmiller Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Opinions on Pipes (Naill, MacMurchie, Gibson, Shepherd) Date: 31 Jan 2000 13:45:15 -0900 aberdeen wrote: > Chris: > > Next time, I'm sure you'll be aware of the need to check with the > Politically Correct Police before you make any comparisons which could > step on toes. Now, if you'd compared it to the size of some of the > counties here in Texas..... :-) > Texas????...........??????????? Oh right, that SMALL state down there by Mexico. Big for a chanter hole, but not too big for a state...*\;^r Regards, Michael (from the really BIG know which one I mean). - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael New & Diane Rossmiller Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Looking for the scores of the Strathspey "Crann Tara"... Date: 31 Jan 2000 14:01:47 -0900 "Marc (N'Kerk a/d IJssel - The Netherlands - Europe)" wrote: > I've heard of a Strathspey called "Crann Tara" but I have never been > able to track the scores down. Could anyone help me getting the scores > of this Strathspey...??? I'd LOVE to learn to play this tune... > > Now we have a band magazine called the "Crann Tara" and I've learned > of an American pipe band with the same name as well... > The Moidart Collection of Bagpipe Music: A Cheud Ceud (The First Hundred), by Allan MacDonald. A lot of great tunes in this book; it's well worth the price. I limagine you could buy it from almost any piping supplies retailer. Regards, Michael - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matthew Wood" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipemaker in Forfar Date: 31 Jan 2000 23:09:46 GMT I always wondered on this as I have a set of pipes and the chanter is marked "McLeod, Forfar" I never did find out who made these pipes. G&M said they were not theirs. Maybe this explains it. Matt Andrew J. McIntosh wrote in article <>... > Gillanders and McLeod made pipes out of Forfar for many years. Ian > McLeod, former p/m of Edinburgh Police PB, had his headquarters in > Edinburgh, but the factory was always in Forfar. Bob (I think) > Gillanders was a pipe maker for many years in the Dundee/Forfar area, > and ran the factory there. I think he may have been a second generation > pipe maker - can't remember for sure. I believe he retired in the mid > to late 1980s. I'm not sure exactly when Gillanders & McLeod teamed up; > but from what I understand the factory in Forfar closed last year. > > Rick wrote: > > > > Hi Gang; > > I know there must a piper or two near Forfar, and perhaps some others of you > > could help as well. I would be interested in hearing from anyone that has a > > little knowledge of the history of the maker of 'McLeod' pipes in Forfar. > > Any info is welcome, on or off the NG. Much appreciated. > > > > Cheers, > > Rick McFarlane > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Thank God for Synth Stuff Date: 01 Feb 2000 00:35:08 GMT On Sat, 29 Jan 2000 22:27:17 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >Back in the old days this would have been impossible as it >would have taken about 3 to 4 days to bring a pipe up to >any kind of playing condition. Don't be silly John. Even with cane drone reeds, if you're a dry storage fanatic, letting them sit a couple days in the winter is all the longer they need to sit to completely dry both the reeds, the bag (hide bag) and seasoning. After that, months, years, not much difference. In any case, at least with a hide bag, elkhide/chrome tanned L&M variety, you can dump a few ounces of water or hooch or seasoning in, rub it around, and have it entirely remoisturized in a half hour or less. I'd almost say the same thing for sheepskin, but that may take a big more doing, not 3-4 days worth however. So, that leaves the reeds. The properties you inexplicably assign to the Ross cannister are in fact exactly opposite to what the thing actually does. What it actually does is suck every trace of moisture out of the breath and off the reeds. So if what you are trying to do is "moisturize" the reeds, the Ross cannister is the worst of all possible or certainly the most ignorantly credited elements in your boasted train of hardware. The fact is, the effect you describe, blowing moisture into the bag and loading up the cannister, then letting it sit for an hour, is one of the Ross system's most irritating characteristics. As long as you're blowing air through it, and it really is a moisture control situation, like raining on you for two days at the Worlds, and not the dry winter conditions you describe in your immediate situation, the system does indeed keep the excess moisture under control, until you set it down a moment. Then the reeds really load up on you, because the cannister is full of trapped water. You could have indeed, just dunked your chanter reed under the tap for a quick splash, let it drink it in a moment or two, and with a hide bag, or even a sloshed-up sheepskin, gone right at it and got the chanter reed at least rehydrated in ten or fifteen minutes of play and stable as hell. Which comes to the drone reeds. Cane reeds would have been problematic, but again, unless you were a wet player and wet storage guy, losing their moisture wouldn't have had a huge difference and it would just be a question of playing them back to pitch for an hour or so. Or at most, letting them settle in a moisturized bag overnight. But the real credit for the pick-and-play properties after all those months you attempt to give to the Ross system, deservedly belong to the synthetic drone reed, as these do solve about 90% of the restart problems when taking pipes out of storage. The bottom line is, you can put an entirely new set of reeds in, even cane reeds, balance them out and have them going surely in a few hours or a day can't you? The biggest problem I've ever had with letting my pipes sit for long periods, is the blowpipe or drone tenon wrappings shrinking a bit because they'd had moisture keeping them swelled a bit tighter than they do dry. In truth, the Ross cannister system is an extreme moisture control system that works counter to adding all the moisturization you claim you needed. So what has this cannister got to do with your observations? The Ross cannister in truth is fooking overkill in the current winter-forced air heat, 17% humidity indoor air situation above the Mason Dixon line. And for a lot of everyone else below the Mason Dixon line year 'round. > >Get rid of the sheepskin and hide bags folks as Ross canister >is the way to go! No fuss or muss, just pickup and play! I guess the less you understand about the instrument the more you enjoy it when it works, so I won't bore you any longer with reality. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Thank God for Synth Stuff Date: 01 Feb 2000 00:37:14 GMT On Sun, 30 Jan 2000 09:30:46 -0400, "dnimmo" wrote: >We have one Ross canister in our's not hard to >'s the piper who is always a few minutes late getting on the >floor at's the piper who seems to have consistant >truble striking's the piper who acts as a beacon for >stops, I didn't think you could bend over double like that and still keep >the pipes going............... BUT....the thing that really confuses me is >that they just love the Ross Canister bag................. And I'll bet that's the one piper about 9 months of the year or more when it isn't either cold or raining, who keeps going thinner and sharper the more they play, instead of filling out like the rest of the band. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bagpiip) Subject: (bagpipe) Advice needed on cane reeds Date: 01 Feb 2000 00:57:22 GMT We recently tried putting in our old set of cane reeds to listen to the difference in sound (Were now using EEzE's with zudu tongues) and the cane reeds took so much air we couldn't even keep the bag inflated for more than a few seconds. They've been packed away in a plastic bag for a few months and are probably very dry, So my question is: Is there a new "break-in period" again? Can we soak or wet them? Should we just close up the tongues with the bridles? They took so much air that even half of a short tune is not possible. Any help would be appreciated. TY Bill Mar a bha, mar a tha, mar a bhitheas gu brath, ri tra'ghadh's ri lionadh. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Opinions on Pipes (Naill, MacMurchie, Gibson, Shepherd) Date: 31 Jan 2000 21:05:54 -0500 On Tue, 01 Feb 2000 01:02:17 GMT, (Royce Lerwick) wrote: >On Sun, 30 Jan 2000 15:22:09 +0900, Paula & Takeshi > wrote: >>Royce, why NOT THE NEW MARK III? > >I've personally only had one sail by me, and it was a pretty good >chanter but did not take reeds well except the *old* Shepherd, but >those are now hard to get and the new Shepherds are not working well >in those or any other chanters. > >Chris H--pipe in here. Okay ... I've tried one Mark III a fair bit, and handled a few others. The one I had was really flat on the top hand and very high-pitched on the bottom, with a very shallow reed seat. The others were not quite so shallow in the seat, but still nothing like the ubiquitous and much-beloved Mark II. The solution? Cram the reed WAY down in to balance the top and bottom. But then you've got a real high pitch, higher than I for one like. So it didn't suit my fancy. Also, it really only accepts very narrow staple reeds. The newer model Shepherd reed, if you've seen it, works well in these chanters. It appears that Iain Macey and Duncan Soutar reeds go pretty well too. The new Shepherd reeds need a lot of hemping up to work well in the older Mark II chanters, but they work great as is in the new chanter. The Mark II, on the other hand, accepts just about anything and plays at a nice pitch, not too high and not too low. Gotta tape the top hand a lot, but ya can't have everything. A great chanter, one of the all-time greats I think. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bagpiip) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: L&M Hide Bag Problems Date: 01 Feb 2000 01:54:02 GMT > I also personally know Joe at L&M and am certain that he would very much >like to from you, or any customer unhappy with one of his products. As far >as I can tell you did not attempt to contact him, you owe him the common >courtesy to let him try to make good on a "defective" product. Especially >given the fact that you have introduced you displeasure in a public forum. >Please send him a note, see what he has to say.... > >Dan Dan, I've been watching for someone to print his email address, but so far no one has. I also feel strange contacting him when I bought the bag from a dealer and not him. Also at this point I've thrown out the bag and tied in our old Canmore, so I don't even have it anymore, and I'm sure he'd want to see it. But thanks for the info. Bill Mar a bha, mar a tha, mar a bhitheas gu brath, ri tra'ghadh's ri lionadh. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Opinions on Pipes (Naill, MacMurchie, Gibson, Shepherd) Date: 01 Feb 2000 01:00:04 GMT On Sun, 30 Jan 2000 17:04:55 GMT, "Robert Barker" wrote: >I prefer to think of it in terms of beginning to figure out what you want >out >of your pipes and finding a set that is more suited to your goals. Of >course, >your comments are probably quite true in some cases... ;-) You have to keep in mind I'm responding again to the thread started by Ron, in which the notion of buying plastic, or in your example, Pakistani or "cheapo" or whatever pipes is more or less presented as some sort of "trainer" pipes. If that's all you can afford, and you have to go cheap, fine. No problem. But the suggestion that you buy cheap as an option to see if you're going to get "serious" is ridiculous. That's almost like throwing the money away. At least if you spend the extra money on good pipes you can recover some of it. >> >I personally bought the cheapest set of pipes I could find at >> >the time since >> >I was not playing yet and knew nothing about pipes (Thank God it was the >> >British Shop I was dealing with and not some Paki retailer!!!). This >fall >> >with about 2 years playing experience I traded them in for a nicer >looking >> >and sounding set. >> >> And you found out it didn't cost very much more for a good set in the >> first place. > >About $600 US, allowing for a trade in on the old pipes. You'd have to throw actual figures at me, but I don't really want to get into a retailers bitch session. One thing for sure is, as you point out, and that's the input from a reputable retailer who will follow you through your piping exercises and be there if and when you start looking for the set your "ear" wants to lead you to, is a big advantage. Having said that, you're probably better off passing on the beginner specials to some even more desperate acolyte, rather than looking for a trade-in. > >> >I'm thinking that this >> >is probably pretty common among pipers and it would have a pretty big >impact >> >on how much money to spend on your first set of pipes. >> >> That and who cons them into thinking they can get by on cheapo pipes >> for a few years. It's a self-fullfilling prophecy. Of course you're >> going to trade-up in a few years. You've already assured that with the >> crap pipes you bought. The problem is, at that point all you can do is >> lose money in the trade, because the resale value is nil. A good set >> of pipes can at least hold their own over a few years on not lose >> much. > >Yes, well luckily Ian sold me a reputable brand of ABW "student" model >pipes >(plain turned, wood mounts etc.) and I was able to get within a few hundred >dollars of what I paid for them on a trade-in. They were playable and had >decent >sound for what I was able to produce. Sounds like a pretty good situation. But that just reinforces my point--not to just dump on Dunbar--but you were a complete moron who bought a pretty decent set of blackwood pipes and managed not to destroy them over the course of a few years, and they were in good enough shape to basically get back your money out of them. That's not the same idea as recommending every beginner to buy plastic pipes because the danger of brutally crushing blackwood pipes is so overwhelming its not worth the risk. Or, because you're a complete moron who isn't going to know the difference anyway. > >I agree with your point, Royce, and was not advocating the purchase of >"cheapo" >pipes to get you by for a few years. I only stated my particular situation >as an >illustration. Sorry for the confusion! I think the only confusion is on the definition of "cheapo" pipes. If you were going to get a set of good sounding delrin pipes for a few hundred dollars, I think everyone should have a set just for backup or cold-weather playing. I've personally had a set of Pakistani "party" pipes laying at station on the shelf for the last four or five years. If my own pipes are down, or if I'm playing out at the annual ship roast in the backyard and its 24 below zero, out they come. In other music circles this is known as a "shit rig" or in this case, a "shite rig." It's the playable, not too-bad crap you beat to death on the road. But if you're talking about paying 600 bucks or more for plastic pipes, well, you can get blackwood pipes from several makers for that or not too much more, so what's the point of going plastic? Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Opinions on Pipes (Naill, MacMurchie, Gibson, Shepherd) Date: 01 Feb 2000 01:02:17 GMT On Sun, 30 Jan 2000 15:22:09 +0900, Paula & Takeshi wrote: >This is a multi-part message in MIME format. >--------------ADDEC87AB7EF0F9F8A57E819 >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-2022-jp >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > >Royce, why NOT THE NEW MARK III? I've personally only had one sail by me, and it was a pretty good chanter but did not take reeds well except the *old* Shepherd, but those are now hard to get and the new Shepherds are not working well in those or any other chanters. Chris H--pipe in here. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Opinions on Pipes (Naill, MacMurchie, Gibson, Shepherd) Date: 01 Feb 2000 04:46:57 GMT On Sun, 30 Jan 2000 07:14:58 GMT, "Ron Bowen" wrote: >Bob, your experience and comments make a lot more sense than others who are >dancing and self-promoting on this thread. Like you Ron? You dance pretty good. >The first couple years on the >pipes is a time of exponential growth in understanding what the pipes are >all about. True, but entirely unrelated to either the thread you started or Bob's comments. > >A simple matter of hemping pipes properly can mean the difference between a >bagpipe that is comfortable to play and one that is impossible to play. It >can also mean the difference between stocks and drones splitting under the >pressure of swelling hemp or not. And of course, we have no idea what you mean by hemping properly because you neglected to explain it in your book. >In my workshops, I usually devote one >block of time to doing a thorough examination of everyone's bagpipe. It is >a real disappointment when I point out hairline cracks in stocks and drones >that have occurred because someone didn't know better. Obviously this is a >painful and expensive lesson. Truth of the matter is, nearly all pipes have hairline cracks in stocks. This is sometimes a question of swelling, but usually a question of forcing the tenon in too hard in the case of man-made accidents, and more commonly, shrinkage of the wood. >Those first couple of years are also a time when you start to understand the >sounds that a bagpipe makes and how they blend together to create those >beautiful rich harmonics that we all love. But of course, if you don't have a decent set of wood pipes you have no idea what you're talking about because nothing you can do will produce the beautiful rich harmonics that we all love. >I have said before that there are no answers on this NG, There are plenty of answers on this news group. Lots and lots of bagpipe stuff is simpleminded crap anyone could understand. >only clues to >answers. The only one who needs a clue is you. >I really have nothing at stake here and if someone feels that they >know better than me..... well, perhaps they do. What I am promoting here is >that newer pipers find out the answers for themselves. Now, how can that be when at the same time you're urging them to buy some plastic bangers and telling them they don't deserve to have "The Last Hendersons?" The only answer they're going to find out that was is they blew their money on plastic pipes and now they have to sell them to get the Hendersons. >Parting comment. It is interesting that some would chose to expose their >ignorance by trashing this instrument or that instrument or by slamming this >one's opinion or that one's opinion. Noel Slagle played a Dunbar polypenco >in Clan MacFarlane for many years, and no one knew. What? Chanter or drones? Was that during the "Dunbar/Eller" days or before? Are you telling me nobody knew? How do you know then? What sort of pipes do you play? It's not Dunbar. >In NRP, last summer we >played 4 sets of Dunbar polypenco drones (and one set of Dunbar blackwood >drones) at the worlds, in a downpour, and placed 2nd and 3rd in piping.... >as judged by Bob Shepherd and Iain MacLellan respectively (and we weren't >playing Shepherd chanters). And if all you ever plan to do is play in a grade 2 band and hide in the back you can get a great band sound with a couple of Dunbars drones in there alright. So, what drones do you play in your solo work in open professional? >It is somewhat curious that we have a regular >and vocal few (on this NG), who pretend to know more than those who are >actually on the competition field, standing in front of the best piping >judges in the world. It might be possible that these pretenders are doing >nothing more than indulging their fantasies. Bob, this comment obviously is >not directed at you. Ron, I've read your book. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw around words like "pretenders" or "self promoting." Royce (And nothing at all to do with Ron or any of his late great bands, but remember, this thread is about whether or not the beginner should get some decent blackwood pipes to start with, and the answer is still yes. I don't care if it's Naill, Shepherd, Pettigrew, Glen repros, or Dunfions, unless you're paying half what the wood sets are costing, for plastic, get the wood.) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Superbowl - Pipers - National Anthem Date: 01 Feb 2000 02:17:13 GMT > It seemed as if they were just playing one note or maybe doing >cords? That's what it seemed like to me. A lot of hiA for the first part of the song, then something else. Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Opinions on Pipes (Naill, MacMurchie, Gibson, Shepherd) Date: 01 Feb 2000 04:49:47 GMT On 30 Jan 2000 16:14:14 GMT, (Jesiharis) wrote: >The truth is, I would prefer to educate myself to the point that I could take >care of a really good set of wooden pipes, and I intend to do so. Again, nothing to do with Ron other than his absurd statements about plastic being the ticket for beginners, but there isn't that big a problem taking care or wood. Idiots just like you have been doing it for hundreds of years, and you have a good instructor. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Advice requested...Cool 4-part 6/8 marches?? Date: 01 Feb 2000 02:16:11 GMT > Any other killer 6/8s that aren't played that >much in mid-level solos? Lillie Long, a.k.a. Wade's Welcome to Inverness. An old R. Meldrum tune. First time I heard it played (on a John D. Burgess tape), i knew I had to learn it. You need good hee baw baws and taors from most notes, including D. G.S. MacLennan bagpipe book, long out of print, but I can send you the tune if you want. Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Opinions on Pipes (Naill, MacMurchie, Gibson, Shepherd) Date: 01 Feb 2000 05:10:46 GMT On Mon, 31 Jan 2000 21:05:54 -0500, Chris Hamilton wrote: >The new Shepherd reeds need a lot of hemping up to work well in the >older Mark II chanters, but they work great as is in the new chanter. But by that you mean if you shove them in and balance it out so the pitch is very very high? Royce (Which was my impression.) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Le Boeuf Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipemaker in Forfar Date: 01 Feb 2000 07:55:09 GMT I think Ian Murray is out that way, 6 William Street, Forfar. Angus Scotland He worked for Gillanders and Macleod for 18 years. Mike - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Somebody stop me again! Date: 01 Feb 2000 02:10:09 GMT In article <>, "Maeve" wrote: >... Madman, Jerry, someone out there who can help me > here???? I was thinking about the artwork on the dulcimers and my mind > wandered to artwork on bagpipe drones. Is there a LIGHT coloured wood that > drones can be turned in that would accept woodburned artwork? You might consider Pink Ivory. Get Dave, (madman), on the line and ask him about it. The lot of wood I saw had light streaks of pinks, pinkish/orange and off whites. It was hard to see real good through the wax coating. But, it sure did catch my eye. Wish I had some more money......... Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Le Boeuf Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Somebody stop me again! Date: 01 Feb 2000 07:59:46 GMT Hi Meave, I am an engraver, and the place that I work at has a Laser Machine. It can laser images of almost anything into, Glass, Wine bottles, Mugs, Plaques, Leather, plastics, and prety much all of the above. I wouldnt see why we couldnt do a set of drones. Mike - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Royce's really bad advice! Date: 01 Feb 2000 10:48:42 GMT John, thank god you wrote him back! I almost jumped out of my skin when I read: "You could have indeed, just dunked your chanter reed under the tap for a quick splash, let it drink it in a moment or two, and with a hide bag, or even a sloshed-up sheepskin, gone right at it and got the chanter reed at least rehydrated in ten or fifteen minutes of play and stable as hell." Please everyone, NEVER, I repeat, NEVER DO THIS! If anybody in any of the bands I have ever played with pulled this stunt, they would probably have had their chanter pulled on the spot and been sent packing. I have seen inexperienced people do this, and I have witnessed the results they achieve. A reed that is abused in this fashion will not perform anywhere close to where it should, not in ten or fifteen minutes, not in an hour, and not in a day. Yes, every chanter reed needs a bit of moisture, some more than others. MacAllister's reeds could handle a lot of moisture and still hold up. By comparison, Shepherd chanter reeds don't like moisture nearly as much, which makes them excellent in Ross Canister bags. Sudden changes in moisture content (either too wet or too dry) in your chanter reed will make setting up the bagpipe virtually impossible. You're "chasing" the sound all over the place as the reed either sheds or seeks moisture. A reed that is too wet (let alone one that has been held under a tap) will not achieve balance, pitch, trueness, sparkle, zip, bang, punch.... you get my drift. It will sound and behave like a reed that is.... wet. Now, if your chanter reed gets too wet through playing or otherwise, there is no "quick fix." If you dry the reed out too fast, you will collapse the blades and ruin the reed. Best to blot up as much moisture as possible, play some of the moisture off if you can, or otherwise store the reed for an hour or two where moisture will be removed from the reed gradually. And visit the sick patient often during this process. Stick the reed in a chanter and blow it just a bit to keep the blades from losing their shape. Last point and then I'll turn this over. With cane drone reeds 3 Days is a good rule of thumb when setting up a new bagpipe. (or bringing one back that has been neglected for too long) One day to jolt the bagpipe and reeds awake (reeds will take on moisture and then stabilize), one day to settle it down, and one day to fine tune it. Synthetic drone reeds don't need this, of course, however I've always found that they take a bit of fine tuning before I'm completely happy. John, I believe that this was the original point of your post. With a Ross Canister bag/synthetic drone reed set-up, you don't have the 3 days required to bring cane drone reeds back to life. Your comment about the chanter reed requiring a bit of moisture (which Royce seized and exploded into his usual egotistical rantings) is entirely correct, and despite Royce's comments, depending on what kind of blower you are, how you have the Ross bag set up, and the conditions in which you are playing the Ross bag, the "right" amount of moisture DOES reach your chanter reed. To further pound this across, you are playing a Shepherd chanter reed. As I mentioned above, although they require a bit of moisture, they can best be characterized as a "dry" chanter reed. I dare say that if you had been blowing a MacAllister, it would have taken longer (one or two days) to stabilize the chanter reed. Your account of bringing your bagpipe back to life was 100% appropriate and accurate. A chanter reed will require several days of "blowing-in" before it sounds or behaves as it should. Depending on the make of chanter reed, it can take several weeks before it will perform up to its full potential. The breaking in process can be shortened somewhat, however a lot depends on the reed and on the piper. BUT NOT BY HOLDING THE REED UNDER THE TAP! And after you get your bagpipe to where you want it, visit it at least every other day, just to make sure it's keeping well. Otherwise you'll be rebuilding it again, and again, and again. "Instant" bagpipes are a lot like instant pudding. Never as good as the stuff you bring to a slow boil over medium heat. Oh, and John, your comment "Anybody that plays a half decent set of pipes, doesn't use a hide bag anyway." may be a bit off the scale. Both of us have heard decent set-ups using a hide bag. I dare say that both of us have had decent bagpipes with a hide set-up. The whole thing about bags is moisture control, and it is possible to control moisture using a hide bag. Maybe not for the kind of piping that we do, but for someone doing much less piping, I believe that a good hide bag is not a bad thing. Good piping Ringo > John Mitchell wrote in message news:38967585_2@ > > Holy fuck! I always knew you were stupid, but to put it in print! > Christ I sure wouldn't want to hear or see your setup with this > kind of thinking, every good player knows that there's a curing time > to settle reeds down, and it ain't no 15 minutes. > > The next time you think you're going to teach us Onatrio boys > a thing or two about bagpipes you better think again! > > Anybody that plays a half decent set of pipes, doesn't use a hide bag > anyway! > Royce Lerwick wrote in > > > In any case, at least with a hide bag, elkhide/chrome tanned L&M > > variety, you can dump a few ounces of water or hooch or seasoning in, > > rub it around, and have it entirely remoisturized in a half hour or > > less. > > -----------== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News ==---------- > The Largest Usenet Servers in the World! > ------== Over 73,000 Newsgroups - Including Dedicated Binaries Servers ==----- - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Opinions on Pipes (Naill, MacMurchie, Gibson, Shepherd) Date: 01 Feb 2000 07:09:42 -0500 On Tue, 1 Feb 2000 01:47:09 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >Royce Lerwick wrote in >> ... > ... >> I think I already answered the "give away" element of this, but >> Aladair Gillies won his Krons at a competition in Oklahoma, and has >> said some very very good things about them. > >What forum has Alasdair ever said anything good about them, Alasdair >has no controll over what the prizes are, so this give away is just >an advertising stunt. It's bogus! I not trying to jump in here and take sides, and I'm not "speaking for Alasdair", but Alasdair has said very complimentary things about them to me personally. I have played a set of the pink ivory pipes as well, and I was really impressed by how nice they sounded. >Great tone was produced long before Lee Reeds ever showed up, >his reeds are not practical for the Amatuer players and with the new >Wygent Duatone out now, it makes his reeds obsolete! I'd have to disagree here - they're very practical and I could name many pipers, Open and Amateur, who are pleased with their reeds. As for the squealing and the shut-off problems, I've had no problem shutting them off, and some problems with the strike-in. By returning them to Mark for some adjustment, and finding just the right strike-in technique for my new bag and these reeds, it's pretty much a non-issue now. I doubt many Rocket users are going to switch to DuaTones anytime soon, especially since there's no price differential. Just my friendly tuppence worth. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Maeve" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Results of SM 90 playing! Date: 01 Feb 2000 11:42:20 -0500 Bruce White wrote in message > Could you let us know how LOUD they were because thats my recollection > of the original Shepherd... man those babies were loud even if you > backed them off to the edge. Did you get a chance to swap out the bass > (ie play your cane tenors but the Shepherd bass?) and see waht sort of > sound and/or balance resulted? Funny that you should mention this .. . it was the first experiment that I wanted to try!!!!! I haven't had the chance to do it yet, still mesmorized by the newness of the Shepherds. Since LOUD is a relative term, I'll try to define it a little. They are louder than my cane, louder than my Wygents, but NOT as "brassy" as the old Shepherds .. . a mellower sound to them. Rich, I guess is a good word but not as rich as my cane but louder but . . . see?!?!? I have some new direction coming this morning about them directly . .. I agreed to take "Second Fiddle" position in adjusting Shepherd reeds in exchange for this information :) :) :) :) But that's only words, right?!?!? I really shouldn't be here as the phone call will be coming any moment. I'll let you know when I get the cane tenors in with the bass. It should be an interesting blend although the balance in them now is great. With a good chanter reed, the sound is the best that *I* have ever gotten from Angus. I'm still questioning them for my solo playing . .. I'll probably go back to my cane for that. I have much better control (Yes, John . . I use the term loosely here!) over my pipe overall with them. Maybe I'm just used to the cane and will give these another week or so in Angus before I make up my mind. Now . . . I must free the phone line if I want this new information! And I DO!!!!! -- Love and Light be with you, Maeve . . . in sunny Florida authoring "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." --- Oscar Wilde - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "John and/or Lori Gaudet" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: LAMENT FOR THE HARP TREE Date: 02 Feb 2000 00:59:32 GMT Nope Jamie, its Megantic Outlaw....I was there when Livingstone delivered that performance..... magic really!! ;-)))) Lori Jamie Green wrote in message <877pt7$3he$>... >I'm saying this without checking the CD first but I have a feeling it is on >the 78th Fraser's Live In Ireland CD/Cassette. I'll double check. > >Cheers > >Jamie Green > >PiperJohn wrote in message > >> Does anyone know of a CD that has "Lament for the Harp Tree" on it. I >> have the cassette from the 1996 DRM Memorial, but the tape quality >> lacks. Thanks >> >> >> PiperJohn >> > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Royce's really bad advice! Date: 02 Feb 2000 03:08:31 GMT er... I think you DID agree with me, young fellow! But what the hell. Agree.. disagree... play some pipes... have a beer. I can do this! Good thread, John. Ringo John Mitchell wrote in message news:389710bf_4@ > Ron Bowen wrote in > > > > Oh, and John, your comment "Anybody that plays a half decent set of pipes, > > doesn't use a hide bag anyway." may be a bit off the scale. Both of us > have > > heard decent set-ups using a hide bag > > Have to disagree with you here Old man! > > In my life time, I've played various setups including 6 different > makers, and all the bags that have been introduced to the market place. > > The worst setup was with the canmore bags, not stable enough, > hide has no moisture control, and sheep skin with cane reeds > was about the best before the Ross bag came along. > > The thing is, any player that does alot of playing is either using a > sheepskin > or a Ross Canister. The Hide bag and the Canmore is suited more for the > occasional user. (one who plays from band practice to band practice) > > Just look at what the grade1 bands that achieve that great tone time after > time. > None of them use hide! > > > > > > -----------== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News ==---------- > The Largest Usenet Servers in the World! > ------== Over 73,000 Newsgroups - Including Dedicated Binaries Servers ==----- - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Maeve" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Somebody stop me again! Date: 02 Feb 2000 20:35:49 -0500 John Brock wrote in message news:87a69b$ > Bagpiip: > You are screaming at the choir. Don't. It pisses them off and then > they sing out of tune. This is the WRONG place to bitch. > John Brock > > "Maeve" wrote in message > > > Bagpiip wrote in message > > > > > >there is also Michael MacHarg. > > > > > > My brother uses his bags. Very well made, and have a natural bend in the > > > chanter neck, so it's far more comfortable to hold your chanter. > > > > This is NOT funny! I am missing messages all over the place! What was this > > one??? Sorry, John, but I won't let Bagpiip take the rap for this one when it was ME "b****ing" . . .but I really wasn't doing that. I was distressed that I was missing messages to my plea for a pipe maker. I'm confused about this "missing message" thing . . . my server has been as reliable as the rising sun for the last 7 years. This is the first time I am having problems and I know from private mails that others are experiencing it too. I have to wonder if it is the NG server. Sorry, Bill, that you had to take criticism intended for me. Please make sure that you are attacking the right person here. Notice the heading on the above clip. My name is first. That means I had the last word. I know I'm an idiot . . . that's my job here! -- Love and Light be with you, Maeve . . . in sunny Florida authoring "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." --- Oscar Wilde - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (JSLOANPR) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Advice needed on cane reeds Date: 01 Feb 2000 22:36:31 GMT > one and the very same Bill. Thank God for this newsgroup there is only one! - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: aberdeen Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Advice requested...Cool 4-part 6/8 marches?? Date: 01 Feb 2000 22:29:33 GMT > Here's a question for all you piping judges and Open class types out > there: > > I'm lookin' around for a cool tune for 6/8 solo competition that would > be appropriate in grades II and III (I'm trying to avoid P/M Donald > MacLean of Lewis...I now judges hear it all day). > > Any other suggestions? Any other killer 6/8s that aren't played that > much in mid-level solos? > I'm not a piping judge or Open class type like all the other respondents to your enquiry, but a couple of 6/8s you might wish to consider are The Braemar Gathering and Major John MacLennan. Not played all that much, but very nice tunes which should make playing them all the more fun IMHO. All the best, Jim -- Jim Hudgins Aberdeen Bagpipe Supply Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Opinions on Pipes (Naill, MacMurchie, Gibson, Shepherd) Date: 01 Feb 2000 05:30:11 GMT On Sun, 30 Jan 2000 12:12:03 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >Lets set the record straight here for everyone, first Willie McCallum >does not play Kron pipes. Well, I guess he bought a set at retail on his own initiative and he gave the maker a good review. Maybe that counts for something. >Personally I have nothing against Kron as >their just one of 20 new makers on the market, but they still have >not proven themselves in the maket place. I guess you could ask Ian Macey at the next Frasers practice how he likes his Kron drones and phenolic chanter, and why he became a dealer and find out how they're selling. I think Ian Donaldson moves some Kron merchandise as well. Maybe they could give a better idea how wel the product moves in the "marketplace," in your neck of the woods, but in California for instance, they can't sell them fast enough. >Oh sure they can send >or give away thier product to recognized names, but those players >are still playing their original setups. I think I already answered the "give away" element of this, but Aladair Gillies won his Krons at a competition in Oklahoma, and has said some very very good things about them. We've yet to see if he's played them in competition, but both he and Willie McCallum will be at the Queen Mary coming up, so somebody could aske them both while they're there for an honest evaluation. (I don't think anyone you know was invited unfortunately John.) >Beautiful sound! If they made that comment, they either don't >know what their talking about or thier just being nice to you, but >I think the latter is true. If your going around with a setup like >yours, your definetly not doing kron any favours. There is certainly a "Pearls Before Swine" element happening so far in the Kron user world, but a pearl is still a pearl. >To date, no one has given Kron a rave revue, Nobody you know personally John. But then, you don't really move in the higher circles. >there are still problems >with Lee reeds in terms of squealing and the difficulty of shutting them >off. Of course this is twaddle. What reeds shut off best John? I guess I'd rather not have mine shut off on me. The guys using Lee Rockets are well out of your class John. Just drop that one because it isn't even speculative any more. Nobody you know personally can get them anyway so I don't know how you can get any honest opinion on them. >Do you really think for a second that I would hand these guys my >money if they can't prove their data. I'm always on the look out >for anything that makes this games easier, but I haven't seen anything >from these guys that will do that. You actually haven't seen anything from these guys except in quick passing. And you're personally pretty much out of the games scene anyway. And like I say, you can't get any of their products so it's academic for you. Bill's a pain in the ass about it but at least he's got the article in question to evaluate. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Thank God for Synth Stuff Date: 01 Feb 2000 10:18:40 GMT Yeah, it was me.... Found out again.... Chris, when I first got my Ross (went from Sheepskin) I was going nuts with the cut-off. The bag almost seemed elastic. There was no way that I could lean on the bag hard enough to control my cut-off. So I started experimenting. The best I could come up with was that the harder the chanter reed you play, the harder it was to control the cut-off. With an easier chanter reed, no problem. But, as you know, you need something with a bit of backbone to stand up to the kind of playing that we do. So I went to see Lindsay Kirkwood. He had been playing a Ross for most of 1998 and loved it. He told me how some of the boys in the band had problems and how these rubber valves (Ross makes 'em) cured the problem! Well I tried his pipes and... no problem. So that night I made up some valves and installed them myself and have been playing them ever since. Now our entire band is playing them, and we never blow a cut-off. The odd attack, maybe. But never a cut-off. Chris Hamilton wrote in message > On Mon, 31 Jan 2000 06:44:26 GMT, "John and/or Lori Gaudet" > wrote: > > >Hmmmm, sounds like someone who doesn't know how to handle a Ross Bag is all > >It takes some practice for "novices" to get them down correctly without > >losing their tone > > I had no problem when I played mine, but another guy in my band > couldn't for the life of him get the cutoff. So I tried his pipes and > lo, neither could I. The only thing I could figure was he had very > heavy AB / silver / ivory pipes, while mine were featherweight ebony / > ivory pipes. Weird. > > >But experienced pipers have no problem....I read here awhile back that > >someone had valves that fit into your drone stocks that help stop this > >trailing drones trouble.... > >Does anyone else remember reading this? > > I think it was Ringo. > > Chris > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > Chris Hamilton -- > City of Washington Pipe Band > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Jginmd) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: John Mitchell is just straight up nuts Date: 02 Feb 2000 17:26:05 GMT >No, playing for the masses is just plain boring! How many times can you >play amazing Grace and the rest of the favourites. Shear dulldrum! > I don't agree with your opinion. I have played BIG gigs at Arlington National Cemetary and opened for Rod Stewart at the Patriot Center ( a crowd of 20 thousand) and those were far more interesting and rewarding than (no offense) playing for three judges at a highland games. >There's nothing like playing in a good pipeband and hitting a good attack >that just cracks the air, followed by a well done performance that leaves >your soul feeling good and getting the maximum fulfillment from that. > I agree. But my definition of maximum fulfillment is to make others feel the way you describe. If all you are interested in is what you list above why leave the house? I can get a good attack that cracks the air of my livingroom and render a set that makes my soul feel good without leaving the house. Hell I don't even have to put on a kilt. What you describe is a bit like ensamble musical masturbation. It makes you feel good but it's not productive. > >I don't believe your in a competitive pipeband, so it's hard for you to >relate. You are ill informed. >I imagine it's probably on the same lines as being a rock musician and >playing >to a crowd of some 20,000 people. Now that's a high I thought you were against playing for people. " Where would we be....." you said. Now your are advocating playing for masses? >No, playing for the masses is just plain boring! How many times can you >play amazing Grace and the rest of the favourites. Shear dulldrum! >I'm sorry my friend, but hacking through a tune so that it is recognizable >does not >constitute a piper in anyone's book. If some people just want to dress up in >a kilt >and play pipes on the weekend and call that fun, then I have some serious >issues with that. > First, I am not your friend. I don't know you. I have read a debate and am responding to it. Second, "hacking" through a tune may not be your definition but as I have stated it is mine. Your "does not constitute a piper in anyone's book" is sweeping and , on its face, wrong. Third, What I call fun may involve nun's habbits and pogo sticks it isn't within your pervue to take issue with it. What I call fun doesn't require your approval. >Maybe what your losing here is the understanding of a rigid, very >disciplined >training program that all pipers need to be trained by. If you don't have >the >basics, then how can you hopefully develop your own style of playing when >you get more advanced. Yes this method develops a bunch of trained monkeys >to a point, but the music starts to flow once they have achieved a good >understanding >of the basics. After that point, that's when they >get inventive and create >their own style >of playing and possibly writing some neat stuff. You might do well to listen to older recordings from the first third of the twentieth century. Specif. Canadian esp Cape Breton. >I'd say you haven't listened to enough good bands to make >that "musical latitude" call. You just listen to the 78th, Fieldmarshall, >Shotts, >Vale of Atholl & Polkemet in their hayday! These bands have more than pushed >the envelope of the traditional pipe music idiom! Sounds to me like all you listen to is Bagpipe music. Take a music appreciation course and watch your opinion change. >It's been drilled into >me since I was a youngster, but you should meet some of the really hardcore >players. I'm tame by their standards > I think tame is not what you mean. Even less myopic? Narrow? I mean the opinion you offer not you personaly. > >Are you kidding me, stand a Scotsman in front of a stone wall and see what >happens! > >I guarantee you, that an argument will break out! So true:) JGS - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Doug Campbell Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Advice requested...Cool 4-part 6/8 marches?? Date: 01 Feb 2000 18:21:42 -0500 > aberdeen wrote: > >> I'm not a piping judge or Open class type like all the other >> respondents >> to your enquiry > Uh oh - if I presented myself as one it could be no further from the truth! It was just a list of tunes I like. They're still good, even if I'm ... Doug C. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Rojo2G) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Never Again Date: 02 Feb 2000 01:40:37 GMT > Bagpiip vs Royce > Bagpiip vs Kron > Bagpiip vs MacLeod Pipes > Bagpiip vs Iain Sherwood > Bagpiip vs Andrew Hagen > Bagpipe vs Souter Pipes But how did he feel about Paki pipes? Remember, he did uncover that beeswax scam. Is he all that bad? Wait......i don't want to know. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: John Mitchell is just straight up nuts Date: 01 Feb 2000 21:31:02 -0500 On Wed, 02 Feb 2000 01:42:24 GMT, johngoff wrote: >> In fact me and one of the guys who won the world >> championships grade 2 last year have resigned ourselves >> to playing in a band that just does gigs for guess what? Fun. John, who are you talking about? One of the members of City of Washington? Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Jginmd) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: John Mitchell is just straight up nuts Date: 02 Feb 2000 16:53:36 GMT > >I think what Mitchell's trying to say I that this for all intensive >purposes Is a "Mans" game What are intensive purposes? Is that like intensive care? Intensive care is what is given to manly men suffering from testosterone poisoning of the brain. JGS - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bagpiip) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Somebody stop me again! Date: 02 Feb 2000 01:41:30 GMT >there is also Michael MacHarg. My brother uses his bags. Very well made, and have a natural bend in the chanter neck, so it's far more comfortable to hold your chanter. Bill Mar a bha, mar a tha, mar a bhitheas gu brath, ri tra'ghadh's ri lionadh. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Maeve" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Cane bass drone reeds!!!! Date: 31 Jan 2000 22:18:23 -0500 JOHN BROADWELL wrote in message > ....... know it all" Nice going set of 1936 Glens, named "The Wee Hamish" > (Maeve - your ideas and influence spread far and wide) so!! Yes :) :) Glad I am an influence here :) :) Remember, I PLAYED Wee Hamish!!! Nice but not my type. I'll keep Angus :) :) But then there is Fergus ... hmmmm.... :) :) He could come home with me anytime :) :) :) > thought I detected a coarsening in the tone of the bass drone, changed it > for a new reed, sounded great then after playing for half an hour,same thing > happens again, so changed it again, and again the same thing happens. OK, so > this is war, what the hell's going on here?? *I* AM in charge here, who's > kidding who? You are kidding YOU if you think for ONE second that YOU are in charge here! We are talking piping, are we not?!??!! GEEZ, Guy! Get a grip!!!!!! But I think you are facing a Cosmic convergence of some type. A number of us are experiencing the same shift in energies :) :) :) Mercury is in retrograde, Venus is aligned with Mars, and Jupiter is on the downside. All of this adds up to bass drones not working properly! On a serious note, I had to adjust my bass drone to get a good strike in this week for some reason. I spoke with Sandy this morning and he did the same thing yesterday only opposite of what I had to do. I had to move the middle section down from where it was last week, he had to move his up. My top section moved up, his down. Go figure. And I had to put my cane to rest for a while. I just couldn't keep them steady for some reason. Freud's definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". If you have three reeds doing the same thing with your drone in the same position, do something different ;) :) :) :) Try the opposite approach. Angus usually tunes on the lower section a distance of approximately 3 fingers (remember, my hands are small!). This week, two fingers is the limit and I have a bit of hemp showing on the top section. He sounds great like this . . . . THIS week! But as soon as the moon shifts and Venus aligns with Jupiter instead of Mars, things will change again ;) :) :) And stop being delusional . . . Control is only an illusion! -- Love and Light be with you, Maeve . . . in sunny Florida "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." --- Oscar Wilde - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Tuning Tips Date: 01 Feb 2000 17:54:13 -0400 Mark Wygent wrote in message <>... >You are invited to check out the recent tuning tips posted on >our web site at A new tuning tip is >posted each month Mark: After our "discussion" of a few months ago re your reeds, the need for a compressor to power them, and the "simplicity" of adjusting them, I feel this post is the right time to let you know that I just picked up a used set of your standard drone reeds....(they came with a used set of pipes).......... Not only do they sound good in the "new to me" plastic Dunbars, but I was able to slide the bridles back the tinyest wee bit to stop them cutting off when I blew a bit hard. (The beginner I got them from was probably using a very easy chanter reed). I was also able to balance my tenor heights very easily with the screws. The sound is good and they seem to be taking about the same amount of air as my very fine set of Iain Macey cane reeds do in my Hendersons. I cannot take credit for setting up this second set of your reeds, but if I had been able to get my first set percolating the way these ones are, I would probably still have them in my pipes. I checked your web site last week and was most pleased to see your tuning tips.......very informative and lots of application for drone reeds in general.........a very good site. I "criticized" your product publicly so I feel it only correct that I offer the plaudits publicaly as well. David PS: L&M does not have any of your double tongued reeds.........why? - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Advice requested...Cool 4-part 6/8 marches?? Date: 01 Feb 2000 15:39:26 GMT In article <8758lq$dtc$>, wrote: > I'm lookin' around for a cool tune for 6/8 solo competition How about these: -John McColl's Farewell to the Scottish Horse -Salute to Mr. Winston Churchill and a 'darker' 6/8 - The Banks of the Skiach Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Opinions on Pipes (Naill, MacMurchie, Gibson, Shepherd) Date: 01 Feb 2000 15:30:04 -0500 aberdeen wrote: snip > Best regards to our "frozen neighbors of the North". > > Jim Would that be Oklahoma. then , Jim? ;-) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: John Mitchell is just straight up nuts Date: 02 Feb 2000 08:26:10 -0500 On Wed, 02 Feb 2000 04:36:21 GMT, johngoff wrote: >Your just plain straight up a fuckin' idiot and am sorry to have subjected everyone >else on this newsgroup to this waste of space. This whole charade began when I got >on this newsgroup to ask a simple question and all I got was shit from this John >Mitchell guy for no apperent reason Well, what you did was criticize both John's playing and tone, and the Niagara Regional Police band. THAT was my problem with the whole thing. John may be controversial, but the mofo can flat-out play. Having just finished recording a CD, I know exactly how hard it is to get everything perfect. BTW, look for it in May or June ... Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tim Sullivan" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Royce's really bad advice! Date: 01 Feb 2000 16:41:14 GMT > Holding a reed under water may work for an experienced piper > like Royce Lerwick, but for me, falls into the category of ideas > like microwaving the reed to improve it. And yes, I tried that > also, and it ruins the reed. A *Particularly* bad idea with plastic drone reeds. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (SirJ1314) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Advice requested...Cool 4-part 6/8 marches?? Date: 02 Feb 2000 07:12:35 GMT How about "Farewell to the Creeks". Very nice tune.... but I'm not sure what grade level it would be.. mabey grade 3? It's not that beefy, but it's a very musical tune. Fun to march to. It's gets your kilt swinging. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Le Boeuf Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Customizing Pipe Chanter? Date: 01 Feb 2000 07:51:44 GMT Robert Barker wrote: > > Bruce; > > Thanks for a great informational post on the Brian Boru chanter. One of my > instructors > has purchased one of these and I will print this info out and forward it to > him. > > Would anyone know where he could get a Scottish (read: inexpensive ) reed > for > a four register chanter? > > Bob B. Well, I tweeked with a bunch of my reeds untill it sounded right, but im sure reeds can be made for it. Chris Bayley of england makes the Brian Boru pipes and chanters, but I sent him money for a Pastoral pipe about a year and 4 months ago, never heard back from him and he wont answer my e-mails. So I wouldnt deal with him. I am wrong about the 17 keys, but they were also made with up to 14 keys. I can get them from 4 keys to 10 keys if anyone is intrested, but they arent an easy instrument to play. Mike - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Somebody stop me again! Date: 01 Feb 2000 15:36:17 -0500 Maeve, for pete's sake! Whataever else you get into with your project mania DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT start tearing your log house apart to make custom turned and burned drones, Whew- somebody had to say it before it was too late. Ummm, that is, It isn't too late yet is it? ;-) Maeve wrote: > Derek Young wrote in message > > > Try -- Hughes bagpipes in > > Lubbock, TX. He makes pipes out of many different woods, and has quite a > > bit of information about color and tone qualities on his website. His > > prices are reasonable, and his work is very nice. Ray's a good guy, and I > > would recommend sending him some email. > > > > Also, you can try -- > > The Center for Wood Anatomy Research, which has tons of technical > > information about lots of different kinds of woods. > > Thanks Derek! Great reading on the wood page!!!! I've just spent the last > half hour there, blocking all phone calls to the house since I only have one > phone line :) :) :) Log home living, ya know! Will be great reading for my > late night stalking!!!!! I'll e-mail Ray this afternoon and see what we can > do!!!! I'm so VERY excited about this project! It's all I could talk about > last night!! I hate it when I get these ideas in my head! I'm like a pit > bull that has latched on to something and won't turn loose until the end!!!! > GEEZ! I'll keep you posted as to the progress that I'm making here. Just > KNOW that I will have a new set of pipes with artwork all over the drones :) > :) :) :) :) > -- > Love and Light be with you, > Maeve . . . in sunny Florida > > > authoring > "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." > --- Oscar Wilde - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kilt Length Date: 03 Feb 2000 13:35:29 -0400 Paul Mc. <> wrote in message <>... >I have always gone by the rule of what I was told by my first Pipe Major >an ex-Black Watch. To get the length of your kilt right Kneel on the >floor while wearing it, if the hem just touches the floor you have the >correct length. Yes, this was "traditional BUT I think you are dating yourself ........... Like our chanters, kilts have risen gradually............the "standard" now seems to be (when standing),ranging from halfway up the kneecap to the top of the kneecap. When kneeling this will give you between one and two inches off the floor. Unfortunately many of us err on the side of being too long to the point that none of the knee shows and, when combined with socks that are too high, looks totally rediculous. I have seen many pipe band members who show no bare leg ! As with the horshair sporrans, it also feels better when it is just that wee bit shorter. There is also a popular philosophy that if you are unsure of length, make it shorter rather than longer. Above is based on some research initiated by a past band argument started by a couple of us ex-military types who REFUSED to lower our kilts to the bottom of our kneecaps. David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 03 Feb 2000 11:28:11 -0500 Ahh, yes, luckily I was quick enough to put aside a case of the 1989 Mac Allister extra brut reeds in a secure, climate controlled booth. You remember them, an amusing little amber-colored reed with a bouquet of fresh bamboo shoots, a slightly acid start and a crisp finish. Goes very well in vintage Lawrie or with fish or veal. I'll be putting the whole case up on sotheby's next month, just before the Jake Watsons and the Beauloais nouveau debut. Ron Bowen wrote: > Rodger, I like your approach, however I personally think it has more to do > with the thinkness of the cane and the "cut" of the reed. Probably also has > something to do with a particular growing season and curing season. Some > years we get reeds that just don't perform up to typical standards of a > reed. Some years the cane is harder than other years. I think it was 1990 > or 1991 nobody had good cane to work with and the reeds were awful. We were > all scrambling to find someone with a box of reeds stashed in the fridge. > > Ringo > > Rodger A. Cotton wrote in message > > > >5. Different reeds react differently to moisture, and have > > >different tolerances for moisture > > > > On the why for side of things I am going to guess that reeds with a > rougher cut > > and finish react better when dry. Smooth cut, and finish react better wet, > > (perhaps even slip sloppery dripping wet) Macallister is the smoothest cut > & > > finished reed I have seen, so certainly this must hold true. > > > > Rodger - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Why horse hair sporrans? Date: 03 Feb 2000 10:58:36 -0500 Protection from cavalry? What, were the horses afraid of being tickled to death? Sporrans were at one time functional belt purses, back in the days before trouser pockets. Starting with the Walter Scott Orchestrated Royal Visit of his pompousness, King George and continuing through the Reign of his Glorious Daughter, Victoria ( no. really. she was OK. I mean for a royal and all, and gave George Peabody a spiify portrait which is stille displayed in the Public Library in amy old hometwn in a gold frame that weighs more even than she did-but I digress) "Highland Dress" became more and more, well., operatic is a term which comes to mind, and less practical through the mid 18th century. from a simple leather bag, sporrans evolved into a spectrum of various fur coverings, including several varieties of smal l mammals preserced inb their entirety- getting larger and less capaciaous, untill the horse-hair variety appeared providing the maximum in hairy display with tyhe added advantage of no catrrying capacity whatever. Of course, the extra length of the horse hair helped cover the gap in the kilt when sitting.... Zudupiper wrote: > >Does anyone know the origins of the horse hair sporran. > > I think it started out as something slightly functional, like protection for > the nether regions, and a place to put your oats. The feather bonnet started > out that way too, for protection from cavalry I think. > > >They seem utterly useless to me. > > Aye, but they look spiffy! > > Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Opinions on Pipes (Naill, MacMurchie, Gibson, Shepherd) Date: 03 Feb 2000 09:59:38 -0500 John Mitchell wrote: > Bob Cameron wrote snip > > > certainly "plug and play" doesn't fit the experience here. > > Sounds like the water build up swelled the chanter reed, making the reed > harder > and blowing out the drone reeds, but the conditions you describe aren't > exactley good conditions to be playing any musical instrument in. Quite so, but that's the way it goes when you're the hired gun, so to speak- different set of challenges from the comp. circle, but carries it's own cares and rewards. The reeds started choking within seconds once we started playing outside- hardly time for water build-up. > What bag was he using? I think it was a Ross canister bag. FWIW, I was using one of those Canmores that "nobody " uses. > > snip- cost comparison > > > I don't think any one make of reed or any one make of pipes is the be-all > and > > end-all for all of us > > Snip I think I need to point out that I'm not trying to trash the Duatones- they were probably not set up correctly for the conditions- he has them set for light pressure- that's his choice, but it didn't help him under the conditions. The point here is that you can't refer to something as plug-and-play in one breath, and then go on about adjust and tweaking in the next- seems to me Plug and play and tweaking are opposite terms, unless one means PLUG in now and PLAY eventually after adjusting/tweaking, getting somebody else to do it. > > > -----------== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News ==---------- > The Largest Usenet Servers in the World! > ------== Over 73,000 Newsgroups - Including Dedicated Binaries Servers ==----- - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Royce's really bad advice! Date: 03 Feb 2000 14:33:48 GMT In article <3898ac88_3@>, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: > Hey my business with my girlfriend is not open for public discussion, > but we all know that you suck at the pipes Patty! Just remember, you brought up the subject of your girlfriend first. I thought you had to "blow" on the pipes to get them to play. Not, "suck at them". So, which drone do I 'suck' on to get them to play???????? You realize that you and I are talking about the following three words: 'lick', 'suck', and 'blow'. Just where are you taking me with this conversation, John? Does your girlfriend know you talk to me like that? Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (ALIXGUNN) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Why horse hair sporrans? Date: 03 Feb 2000 13:11:12 GMT >They work so well because they have minute barbs so it vibrates the strings.< Hence the prickly sporran - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: All Heathens will Burn Date: 03 Feb 2000 03:10:04 GMT On Thu, 03 Feb 2000 01:24:54 GMT, wrote: >Classic. such a beautiful rendition! I like all American children was >told this story in grade scool, The words may change a bit but the >meaning is still the same. "Beware the evil Canadian, Oppress them >whenever possible and don't let them breed in large >numbers"(Atherton,24:7) Tim Wasn't that from the "Protocol of the Elders of Toronto?" Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Chris Hamilton's new CD (actually COW CD) ... Date: 02 Feb 2000 11:05:54 -0500 On Wed, 2 Feb 2000 23:03:03 +0800, "Richard Wilson" wrote: >> Having just finished recording a CD, I know exactly how hard it is to >> get everything perfect. >> >> BTW, look for it in May or June ... > >Whoa! Stop press! > >What type of CD is it? Pure Solo Piping or mixed with other instruments? >Classic or new style? Any of your own compositions? Oops, I didn't mean to be implied as a SOLO effort - it's the City of Washington Pipe Band, with Bonnie Rideout. I'm PLAYING on it, might even have a brief solo, but it's a band recording. P/M Mike Green will have at least one, perhaps two, BITCHIN' solos on it, you can be sure of that. You will not be disappointed. >This is great Chris, don't just plug your CD with little comments, tell us >about it. Many of us will want to know. After all, you are one of the more >knowledgable (but less opinionated and bombastic of the newsgroup). I'll club you and eat your bones! Oops, you said LESS bombastic. It'll have an MSR, a competition medley, a 9/8 set, several sets of reels, the obligatory Amazing Grace and Scotland the Brave, some Asturian music, and a few other goodies. Charlie Glendinning's haunting slow air, "Dunblane" will be there as well. I think it's a good mix of traditional pipe band and newer Celtic idioms. Enough hard-core band tracks, and some exciting and different selections with fiddle, guitar, rope tension drums, etc. The accompanying musicians are first-rate, including Bonnie Rideout, one of the best fiddle players you'll ever hear. >Give us a rundown of it, mate. Title, tunes, label. The whole caboodle (is >that a word?) It might be kaboodle, my mother uses the term a lot. The point of my original post was that it is an ordeal to record these things, let me tell ya!!!! Dropping dead from exhaustion doesn't even adequately describe it. And things can go wrong ... I was supposed to do the solo pipe on "Amazing Grace" but when it came time to roll the tape, my High A went skronky and I was unceremoniously dumped ... sniff sniff. Shite happens. At least they didn't put a pistol to back of my head while I knelt in front of a freshly-dug trench ... Should be released by June. The title, I believe, will be "Mist Covered Mountains". Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Opinions on Pipes (Naill, MacMurchie, Gibson, Shepherd) Date: 03 Feb 2000 07:56:50 GMT In article <3897ac55_3@>, "John Mitchell" wrote: > They seem to be alot of bother to setup, and sending them back > and forth to you until their right is just silly. But not as silly as pissing and moaning about a problem which is easily solved. > For the money and effort, you can get set of ezee's that > will be more than adequate for the average player. Or cane, or Wygents, or Hendersons.... > The new Duatone reeds look very promising, nice mellow tone, > steady as a rock and best of all thier plug and play. Quite nice when re-fitted with glass tongues - .015" works best. > When looking for drone reeds, ease of setup has to be a > major concideration for the Amatuer players. Even more consideration is given to steadiness. >The pros > know how to tweek thier reeds, but sending them back to the > manufacturer tells me that these reeds are not adjustable. A reed well-fitted to its drone will not require field adjustments. > Question for you Mark! > > You seem to be a little concerned about my knocking your reeds. > What do you care if any, I thought you were just doing this as a hobby > and were hoping that someone would eventually pickup the manufacturing > from you. I recall mentioning something like that to Ron Bowen. When you kids get together, it must be worse than a sewing-circle. > So what's at stake here, have you changed your mind? > Has this become a business now? Taking notes? Mark Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Maeve" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Somebody stop me again! Date: 02 Feb 2000 23:26:31 -0500 Paul Mc. <> wrote in message > There's a gent in my city named Norm Kyle. He's been making pipes for > years and is very easy to get along with. . . . > but I know he has one. Your idea sounds like great fun! Hope we get to > see the end results. Thanks, Paul .. . I'll try to contact him as well. I have a few things in the works right now, thanks to some of you here :) :) :) Looks like this fantasy might well come to fruition in a short time!!!!! I'm more than excited and YES! You WILL see the results of this endeavor! I promise to document the project and keep it posted on my web site. Right now I'm focused on getting these three dulcimers built by a week from Friday. . . the materials should be here tomorrow or Friday of this week. I'll be burning the midnight oil, the candle at both ends and in the middle, and a complete basket case by the 12th of Feb .. . the day they are to leave here! GEEZ! But then I can focus on the "pipe dream"!!!!! I'm thinking of dragons and knotwork on the drones. Seems to be my trademark here :) :) :) :) -- Love and Light be with you, Maeve . . . in sunny Florida authoring "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." --- Oscar Wilde > > > * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network * > The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free! > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Iain Sherwood" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: All Heathens will Burn Date: 02 Feb 2000 20:13:20 -0800 "madman" wrote in message > And in those days, a beast arose from the north and took the form a > giant > raven. It's raiment was dark and dull, it's beak was ever-soiled by the > blood if its victims and its armour was deceit. And it sread lies and > beguiled its court so that the whole of the land remained in ignorance. > And the people worshiped the beast saying, "Who is like unto thee Oh > great > and powerful one? The truth of your bagpiping genius is without peer." > > The influence of his deceitful power and might soon spread southward. > The > southern peoples were resistant at first, yet the raven prevailed...for > a > time. > > Another beast arose out of the south, more powerful than the first. It > took the form of an eagle who's raiment was as fine gold and it's talons > like pure sapphire. The eagle's armour was truth. The eagle should learn how to spell and take a course in grammar - whose, its. > > And the eagle took flight in search of mortal combat with the raven. > And > the eagle held a golden challis. Inside the challis was a great pipe > chanter of finest phenolic and a great pipe chanter stock of legendary > venturi design, and three chanter reeds of varying strengths. Huey, Dewey, and Louie? Oppos, no, that's from the Dead Sheep Scrolls... > > But the raven was forwarned of the eaqle's approaching and smote the > eagle > an hurtful blow. Now the eagle was resolute in his mission and withdrew > the chanter of renown, inserted the easiest reed and played a two-part > 6/8 > march. > If the eagle was so fucking great why couldn't he play four parts like a mensch? > The raven was shaken. Some of its followers began to question its > authority over them as the light of truth flickered through the shroud > of > darkness and ignorance. But the raven continued the attack. > > The eagle next inserted the medium reed and played a four-parted jig. > Great pustules appeared on the raven's stricken body and blood gushed > forth > from its ears. Now, many followers of the raven's were freed - no > longer > enslaved by their own ignorance. The light of truth shown brightly over > the land, yet there was life within the body of the raven and many of > its > followers were yet enslaved. > > The eagle then inserted the hardest reed, a Higgins perhaps, and fitted > the > venturi stock and sounded the chanter with a mighty blast. Right. Like those EnnZedd reeds that John sells are really good for something other than a cat toy. The raven's > body was split in twain as all of its internal organs were also > ruptured. > The eagle alighted upon the raven and wrent it's cursed body and > scattered > it on the four winds. All eyes were opened and the light of truth shown > 'round about. > > And the pipers from thence forth made a request of the eagle to remain > ever-watchful, lest there rise up amongst them another beast as hidious > and > full of lies and deceit as the raven. > > Here endeth the reading. That's here endeth the lesson. If you're going to pirate scriptural form, at least do it right! And lo, the Eagle, which is nothing more than a well-dressed Vulture, Alit before the stricken Raven's body, and, as he was feeding upon the dying foe's entrails, Failed to notice the black beak that thrust upward into his heart. As the vain raptor keeled over, the Raven spake his last: "Living well may be the best revenge, but dying well gets you better press." > HERE endeth the lesson! IS - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Carr Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Why horse hair sporrans? Date: 02 Feb 2000 20:45:53 GMT Hi Uhhhmm? Scratch? Try wearing it on the *outside* of your kilt :-) Bill Carr wrote: > Just curious. Does anyone know the origins of the horse hair sporran. > They seem utterly useless to me. They may look good but boy do they > scratch! > Thanks in advance for the info. > > Jmarie > > Sent via > Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Royce's really bad advice! Date: 02 Feb 2000 21:35:03 GMT In article <38984e3d$1_2@>, "John Mitchell" wrote: > You lick Lolly Pops, not reeds In that case. What do YOU suck? Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Iain Sherwood" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Gibson Bagpipe Question Date: 02 Feb 2000 20:18:14 -0800 John, are you sure he can count above ten? Or, well, I suppose he might be able to make it to 21 on a really GOOD day, sans drugs, sans steroids, or other recreational depressants. -- IS "JOhn Mitchell" wrote in message news:3898f9b4_3@ > > > > Beginnertunes wrote in > > >their opinions on Gibson. > > Aha ha ha ha ha ha > > Be a sucker and buy em... > > Please Bill, with your years of experience, tell us again > why you think Gibson is a bad buy? > > BTW Bill, how many different sets have you owned & played to > make any sort of intelligent comparison! > > I thought you agreed to listen to your instructor, and learn how > to play the pipes properly. Have you gotten to page 16 yet, or > are you still stuck on page 7 of the Green book? > > > > > > -----------== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News ==---------- > The Largest Usenet Servers in the World! > ------== Over 73,000 Newsgroups - Including Dedicated Binaries Servers ==----- - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Royce's really bad advice! Date: 02 Feb 2000 15:20:15 GMT In article <38970d87$1_4@>, "John Mitchell" wrote: > Washing a reed under tap water washes out all the natural sap > that is needed to cure the reed. If you are talking about licking a chanter reed, don't you also remove sap through contact with your lips or tongue? And, don't you also add enzymes of some sort into the equation? Isn't that counterproductive to a cane reed and the removal of sap you talk about? The curing process is part of > the blowing in procedure where saliva is mixed with the sap > and cures into a hard shell that gives you that crack that > you look for in a good reed. What about just not wetting it at all and subjecting it to the moisture present through blowing. If this is the method you are referring to, John, then it is not a saliva product that affects the reed. It's essentially moisture. No "washing" or saliva to remove sap. Washing the reed will destroy > all that work. The word "washing" doesn't seem to define what, I think, is written about here. An quick/momentary immersion into water is closer to what may be tried. I will agree that soaking them in water will shock the cane, and you can go oveboard on this and easily ruin a reed. Is this what you are talking about, John? Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Opinions on Pipes (Naill, MacMurchie, Gibson, Shepherd) Date: 02 Feb 2000 15:34:33 GMT In article <878ab6$km0$>, wrote: > ...I > wonder If there's a plausible connection with good piping and not > spending time on the newsgroup!Tim You might want to be careful about comparing John's current level of playing to his activity on the newsgroup. He might not like that reference. Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 03 Feb 2000 06:09:51 GMT Heh. I learned some things too!! :-) 1. It's bad for the bag to become too dry. 2. It's bad for the bag to become too wet. 3. If the bag is too dry, add moisture, but not too much or too fast. 4. If the bag is too wet, dry it some, but not too much. 5. Different bags react differently to moisture, and have different tolerances for moisture. 6. Mistreating a bag ruins it. --Or heck, insert "Maeve" or "Zu" in there . . . :-) Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 03 Feb 2000 13:48:59 GMT Rodger, I like your approach, however I personally think it has more to do with the thinkness of the cane and the "cut" of the reed. Probably also has something to do with a particular growing season and curing season. Some years we get reeds that just don't perform up to typical standards of a reed. Some years the cane is harder than other years. I think it was 1990 or 1991 nobody had good cane to work with and the reeds were awful. We were all scrambling to find someone with a box of reeds stashed in the fridge. Ringo Rodger A. Cotton wrote in message > >5. Different reeds react differently to moisture, and have > >different tolerances for moisture > > On the why for side of things I am going to guess that reeds with a rougher cut > and finish react better when dry. Smooth cut, and finish react better wet, > (perhaps even slip sloppery dripping wet) Macallister is the smoothest cut & > finished reed I have seen, so certainly this must hold true. > > Rodger - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 03 Feb 2000 13:49:34 GMT You got it! Now you know as much as any of us! Ringo Ccc31807 wrote in message > I've just spent about an hour carefully reading all the posts by > Ron, John, Royce, and others, and now I'm confused. I tried to > assimilate all of this together, and got even more confused. > This is what I come up with. > > 1. It's bad for the reed to become too dry. > > 2. It's bad for the reed to become too wet. > > 3. If the reed is too dry, add moisture, but not too much or too > fast. > > 4. If the reed is too wet, dry it some, but not too much. > > 5. Different reeds react differently to moisture, and have > different tolerances for moisture. > > 6. Mistreating a reed ruins it. > > This seems to be the sum of the debate. Did I miss anything? > > > * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network * > The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free! > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Do something that shows piper care. Not a joke or a scheme Date: 03 Feb 2000 11:21:50 -0500 They may indeed be harvesting email addresses, but they may not. If you clcick on that site, there are a bunch of ads an links to the advertisers- seems to me it's cheap advertisement for them, and good PR to boot- incentive enough, I would think for their participation. I'm sorry if Mr Davidson believes he's to poor to click on the site regularly, but I see no harm in clciking periodically to let some of those sponsors drop an occasional dollar for some rice going to third world countires. Oh, and Bill, Western Mass (or is it Central MA- I'm not sure where you hang out ) does not qualify as a third world country. People are hungry here too, I know, and we do what we can to support Project Bread and local food pantries in our area, too. I don't know how it is the Republicans that are keeping the BS artist formerly known as Bagpiip unemployed, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts- one of the most heavily-democratic states in the union. I'm no fan of the GOP, mind you, but fair's fair. FaughnanM wrote: > This is the type of response that keeps most people off this bloody news > group.. #1 I never mentioned on this email that I was a P/M of a band (I happen > to be a P/M of a competitive grade 2 band, what does that have to do with it) # > 2 I never mentioned a website for the band > ( ) & my name is indeed listed on that site. I am > not a republican. I was just passing on something that looked like something > decent in a moment of weakness. At least John Mitchell had a constructive point > in that they may be harvesting email addresses. I guess I was caught off guard > between a few tunes & a pint.... None the less you are indeed a poor > representative of the piping fraternity. But I guess thats what happens, > besides it was not piping related so I am probably off base and should leave it > to the like of you to patrol the borders with insightfull shite like your > response. I apologize. Yet agin I vow that this is my last time in this > format, when will I learn - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "paul draper" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Do something that shows piper care. Not a joke or a scheme Date: 03 Feb 2000 16:23:55 -0000 Beginnertunes wrote in message > >Have a look at the web-site. It seems pretty genuine enough. > > Paul, > That really means nothing at all. I can set up a website like that in 10mins. > Johns right, these are usually just a way to gather email address's. I meant to reassure you. I have looked at the web-site and so have many of my friends. No-one has complained of an increase in junk mail since. -- Paul Draper 0171 369 2754 - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Doug Campbell Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Why horse hair sporrans? Date: 03 Feb 2000 12:03:59 -0500 ALIXGUNN wrote: > Hence the prickly sporran Sounds like a children's book character. Hence, the Prickly Sporran. Doug C. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ed Via Subject: (bagpipe) Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 03 Feb 2000 12:12:17 -0500 Hey Ringo, I have a dozen Shepherds I bought about a year ago stashed in the fridge. I couldn't do much with 'em when I first got 'em, but they appear to be getting better with age. Maybe a little "green" when I first got them, eh? Ed Ron Bowen wrote: > > Rodger, I like your approach, however I personally think it has more to do > with the thinkness of the cane and the "cut" of the reed. Probably also has > something to do with a particular growing season and curing season. Some > years we get reeds that just don't perform up to typical standards of a > reed. Some years the cane is harder than other years. I think it was 1990 > or 1991 nobody had good cane to work with and the reeds were awful. We were > all scrambling to find someone with a box of reeds stashed in the fridge. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "paul draper" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Do something that shows piper care. Not a joke or a scheme Date: 03 Feb 2000 12:36:52 -0000 JOhn Mitchell wrote in message news:3898e923_5@ > > > > > > the world some hungry person gets a meal to eat, at no cost to you. The > food > > is paid for by corporate sponsors (who gain advertising in the process > because > > All their doing is harvesting E-mail Addy's!!! Have a look at the web-site. It seems pretty genuine enough. If you're really worried about it you can check out a few of their sponsors. -- Paul Draper 0171 369 2754 - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Opinions on Pipes (Naill, MacMurchie, Gibson, Shepherd) Date: 02 Feb 2000 23:29:02 GMT On Tue, 1 Feb 2000 23:00:17 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >Oh come on Dave, you guys are famous for sending out >samples, then invoicing them after 30 days. > >Just ask the British Shop, oops wasn't that the promo that >back fired on you after you claimed that a certain PS of >a famous GR1 band in Ontario here, just couldn't wait to pay you >for the $300 Phanolic Chanter that he didn't like so much. I don't know the entire story, and I'm sure Dave or Charlie will chime in, but as I understand it Dave was so eager to get out the prototype or at least first phenolics he shipped one out without billing for it as a favor in exchange for an evaluation and some pass-around comments. What apparently happened instead, is it vanished for some months without a mention, and then finally, you happened into the shop, gave it a blow, crapped all over it on the newsgroup, and the people supposed to have been seeing it and handling/reviewing it remained quiet, and that is the first and last time CE Kron will giveaway product, at least in your neighborhood. It doesn't do any maker any good to shop around prototypes for consumer feedback when the shop/persons involved just toss it in the corner. The whole point, good or bad, is to see what it comes off like to other ears. Royce >Yep, if it weren't for you three, the piping world would be lost! > >We need you to tell us how to make a bagpipe, Mark lee to show >us how to make reeds, and Royce to tell us how to setup reeds >by running them under the tap. Hey, I'm just a rip-off artist. If that's true, wonder who you're really calling a dumbass with that comment. (Since I obviously couldn't have come up with that myself.) Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Why horse hair sporrans? Date: 03 Feb 2000 13:19:10 -0400 EdASmith wrote in message <>... >>Just curious. Does anyone know the origins of the horse hair sporran. >>They seem utterly useless to me. They may look good but boy do they >>scratch! >>Thanks in advance for the info. Bloody all started when the first Highland Regiment got an Englishman posted in as the supply officer....................and we took seriously what was being poked at us in fun !.......................(and our wives have carried on the tradition). David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: John Mitchell is just straight up nuts Date: 03 Feb 2000 09:19:57 -0500 On 03 Feb 2000 03:32:24 GMT, (Jginmd) wrote: >Let me try to put this another way: > >>I've done my fair share of parades and openings, but they don't >>even compare to the competition circuit! >> > >I am glad you have found something you enjoy. You and Chris Hamilton both enjoy >going out and giving your all for competition. Some people share that taste. >Some don't. It doesn't make Chris any more right to agree with you than it >makes me wrong to not agree with you. It is a matter of personal taste. My own >tastes do not require your approval. True. Both Johns are right. As long as a person performing gives a good effort to play well, tunes their pipes and all, and knows the difference when they're not, I'm cool with it. I know both Johns are conscientious about that. > ... >This is interesting. Public appearance. I have a story: > > I was at the Alexandria games last year and after a very long, hot and >generaly unpleasant day, the second massed bands started. We all marched out >onto the field with the sun beating down on us and stood and stood while the >awards were given out. After some time had passed, a few of the City of >Washington pipers decided it was too much for them to stand while people were >being honored for their efforts during the day. So, they sat down on the grass >with their ties pulled away from their collars and their sox pulled down to >their ankles. Just two or three of them. The lower grade bands had the >character to stand in formation and not mill around too much. The COW clumped >badly having important high grade band stuff to debate I guess. > The reaction of the organizers was swift. They ran water bottles out to the >COW members first, then to the other bands. > In the public eye, I think you would have been proud to be represented by any >of the grade five bands that stood in the formation that day. Ah, but what you missed was the scene afterwards where those lazy lads were forced to dig shallow trenches, blindfolded and knelt before them, and summarily executed by a bass drone butt to the back o' the heid. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Chris Hamilton's new CD (actually COW CD) ... Date: 03 Feb 2000 06:49:49 -0500 On Wed, 2 Feb 2000 19:35:37 -0500, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: >Chris Hamilton wrote in >> >> Should be released by June. The title, I believe, will be "Mist >> >> Covered Mountains". > >Hey! >That's pretty close to "Out of the Mist" Should you sue for trademark infringement, I'll be represented by Cage & Fish ... or maybe Jackie Stiles. I'll be using the Wookie Defense. >Can't wait to critique it under the microscope! HeHeHe! Into thy hands I commend my album ... >Make sure you express a copy to John Gobb! It'll be available from Maggie's Music, and from the usual Scottish shops. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Chris Hamilton's new CD (actually COW CD) ... Date: 02 Feb 2000 15:09:58 -0500 On Wed, 02 Feb 2000 15:06:57 -0500, Doug Campbell wrote: > > >Chris Hamilton wrote: > >> Should be released by June. The title, I believe, will be "Mist >> Covered Mountains". >> >> Chris > >FWIW, there's an old album from the mid-60's by that title from the US Air >Force Band under Sandy Jones, too. I'm sure you know about that. Yes, actually the title of our album was chosen to reflect that heritage, since Sandy Jones taught many of the players in the band, and since the USAF band played the tune at JFK's funeral - a famous moment in US history. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: All Heathens will Burn Date: 02 Feb 2000 13:00:02 -0500 I think this is about the funniest post I've read in my five-plus years on this forum. The writing style hasn't been seen since the days of Joseph Smith. Hey Dave, is your shop lit by seven golden lampstands??? So who's The Beast, the False Prophet, and the Antichrist? Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Jginmd) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: John Mitchell is just straight up nuts Date: 03 Feb 2000 03:32:24 GMT Let me try to put this another way: >I've done my fair share of parades and openings, but they don't >even compare to the competition circuit! > I am glad you have found something you enjoy. You and Chris Hamilton both enjoy going out and giving your all for competition. Some people share that taste. Some don't. It doesn't make Chris any more right to agree with you than it makes me wrong to not agree with you. It is a matter of personal taste. My own tastes do not require your approval. >How can it not be productive if it forces you to be more inventive with >each passing year? You always have to come up with new material >to impress the judges. Judges don't make you inovative. A need to win at the worlds motivates you personaly maybe but I have been very inovative all by myself and nobody helped. I did it because it gave me pleasure. So, I don't share your motivation. No big deal. >> What I call fun doesn't require your approval. > >It does when you strap on that uniform and call yourself a piper. >You represent everyone of us when you appear in the public eye. This is interesting. Public appearance. I have a story: I was at the Alexandria games last year and after a very long, hot and generaly unpleasant day, the second massed bands started. We all marched out onto the field with the sun beating down on us and stood and stood while the awards were given out. After some time had passed, a few of the City of Washington pipers decided it was too much for them to stand while people were being honored for their efforts during the day. So, they sat down on the grass with their ties pulled away from their collars and their sox pulled down to their ankles. Just two or three of them. The lower grade bands had the character to stand in formation and not mill around too much. The COW clumped badly having important high grade band stuff to debate I guess. The reaction of the organizers was swift. They ran water bottles out to the COW members first, then to the other bands. In the public eye, I think you would have been proud to be represented by any of the grade five bands that stood in the formation that day. > Do you really think there's alot of narrow mindedness going on >in the competitive pipeband world. Yes. Yes I do think most bagpipers are narrow minded esp. in the competitive arena. >I suppose there is, but what about >the view that bagpipes are just a hobby or for fun. Isn't that a form >of Myopiac thinking! Yes. >After all, it is the competitive players that are pushing the development >of the music right now. I don't think of bagpipe music as developing. Sure it changes, but it doesn't really change into anything very new. It is a bagpipe after all and has so many limitations. > The hobbyists are still back on page 2 of >beginnertunes! Remind you of anyone in particular? No. JGS - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Why horse hair sporrans? Date: 03 Feb 2000 09:49:21 -0500 On 03 Feb 2000 02:44:00 GMT, (Beginnertunes) wrote: >>>Does anyone know the origins of the horse hair sporran. >> > >I thought it started out with the horse... I think in 18th century France they called them "merkens" ... then when that went out of fashion, some canny peddler sold them to the Scots and called them "sporrans". Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Providence Police Funeral Date: 03 Feb 2000 11:04:35 -0500 I can't seak to the provdence funeral, but there were several bands at Worcester for the firefighter's funeral- I did not recognize which bands- but the in the video shots it was claer that there were several different uniforms and a huge number of pipers. I suspect the police and Fire bands from Boston were there as well well as bands from New York, amybe even one from Chicago- anybody have a list ? Ryan Jones wrote: > It could have been RI Highlanders, Highland Light or Brian Boru, they are all > pretty active in the Providence area. > > BTW - I think that it was one of the Boston bands who played at the > Firefighter's funeral in Worcester. > > Ryan - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ed Via Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Gibson Bagpipe Question Date: 03 Feb 2000 11:59:51 -0500 Oh God, thanks a lot, John :*) OK, innocent reader, maybe you've noticed I don't post to this newsgroup much. I read it, more or less, because there's some good info here if you have the stamina to sift through it. I'm a Gr IV nobody, but I've worked real hard at learning a good sound and set up. When Ken Eller told us in a workshop that your pipe can have a Gr I sound even if you don't have Gr I fingers, I believed him and set out to achieve it. I have a vested interest in this, because my son is showing promise and I'm doing all I can to help him out. I'm going to tell you what my experience with Jerry Gibson has been, and still is, and when I'm done I'm really not interested in hearing what anyone else's experiences or theories about the man are, so you can save both yourself and me the bother. I take my son to Cleveland every month for piping lessons. We meet at Jerry's shop because it's convenient for both me and my son's teacher. We've been doing this for a little over a year now. When we first started, we were not playing Gibson bagpipes. Jerry worked with us a lot and taught us volumes about pipe set up and how to achieve a quality sound. He didn't try to sell me his bagpipes, but rather worked with me at getting the best sound possible out of the pipes we were playing. Over the months I've had an opportunity to hear some very fine players at Jerry's shop (Gr I & Open), and quite a few of them play Gibsons (not all!). I have learned how a bagpipe can, and should, sound. In time I came to realize that my own pipe was capable of producing a very good sound, but not THE sound I was hearing/learning at Jerry's shop. My boy and I both play Gibson bagpipes now, and it is a sheer joy to play them. And they are not the "glue-mores" some on this group have claimed they are. They are a well-made, good looking pipe whose sound I'd put up against anyones. Are they as beautiful to the eye as a set of McLellans? Nope. Do I care? Nope. It's the sound I'm after, and they have it. As for Jerry Gibson, the man, I know him pretty well now, I think. I can tell you he's absolutely dedicated to producing the very best sounding bagpipe available today, and that his pipes are not mass produced. I can tell you he is a great teacher, and gives unselfishly of his time and talents to those who want to learn. I can tell you that his interest in all of this goes well beyond his own pocketbook. If you want Gibson bagpipes, work through a dealer (that's how I got ours, in about 2 months, not years). My advice - don't call the man directly trying to get pipes. His phone rings constantly, and it's usually not Joe Shmoe from Camden, OH calling, if you get my drift. Joe Shmoe, Camden, OH JOhn Mitchell wrote: > > R131Rescue wrote in > > I am looking at purchasing a set of Gibson Bagpipes in the very near > future. > > Excellent choice, Gibson is one of the many new pipe makers that is > producing a good sounding product that will carry you into your > professional career! Both his Chanters and Drones are highly regarded > in the professional circles. > > Gibson dealers are well stocked, so availability is not a problem and > Jerry's staff are quite diligent when any probems occur. > Jerry has always been very helpful to new players when questions of > setup are asked. He personally takes the time out to discuss this > aspect of piping and he is more than willing to take that extra step > to make sure that each customer is guaranteed 100% satisfaction. > > I have been very happy with my set that I have now owned for 10 years. > > PM John B. Mitchell > > BTW, I think Ed Via might have something to kick in. > > Take it away Ed! > > -----------== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News ==---------- > The Largest Usenet Servers in the World! > ------== Over 73,000 Newsgroups - Including Dedicated Binaries Servers ==----- - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (ALIXGUNN) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: John Mitchell is just straight up nuts Date: 03 Feb 2000 13:44:25 GMT >... I have played BIG gigs at Arlington National Cemetary and opened for Rod Stewart at the Patriot Center ( a crowd of 20 thousand) and those were far more interesting and rewarding than (no offense) playing for three judges at a highland games.< No offense, but I find playing for 3 judges - - or for other pipers or piping eficianados - - more interesting. You play for a crowd of "tourists" and they love ya! You take all that time to set your reed, tune your drones, wrestle with perfecting your movements... and they love ya! They also love the guy with the nose-reed and wah-wah-peddle-drones, who just gutted Clumsy Lover - - grade 5 version. And then they want to hear Amazing Grace... Scotland the Brave.. That tune they played on the Titanic...... Try playing for someone who knows better and see how much you get away with. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Software tuning meter........... Date: 03 Feb 2000 13:07:52 -0400 Is there such an item as a piece of shareware that turns one's computer into a frequency meter? I leave my band chanter to the P/M to "adjust", but it would be nice to be able to blow my personal one into this wee microphone on my computer and have a number pop up, or some kind of display showing the note was higher or lower than the "centre frequency" that I could punch in. I know that hams (amateur radio operators) have very sharp software audio filters so the technology seems to be available............. David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Chris Hamilton's new CD (actually COW CD) ... Date: 03 Feb 2000 19:29:21 GMT In article , wrote: > Should you sue for trademark infringement, I'll be represented by Cage > & Fish ... or maybe Jackie Stiles. I'll be using the Wookie Defense. > I recommend either the firm of Howard, Howard & Fien or Begg, Barrow & Steale. -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Iain Sherwood" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Why horse hair sporrans? Date: 03 Feb 2000 12:03:55 -0800 Then of course, there is the "Warm Sporran" made famous by Jethro Tull! -- Iain Sherwood check out the new look of our website: see what's new at Pipey's Corner - - new column is at the bottom of the list! - for the latest news, views, and product reviews "ALIXGUNN" wrote in message > >Sounds like a children's book character. Hence, the Prickly Sporran.< > > LOL! > "Gladly, the Cross-Eyed Bear" > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Iain Sherwood" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kilt Length Date: 03 Feb 2000 12:02:45 -0800 you obviously haven't seen too many American pipe bands...'trollopy' is the correct term, I believe. -- Iain Sherwood check out the new look of our website: see what's new at Pipey's Corner - - new column is at the bottom of the list! - for the latest news, views, and product reviews "Jamie Green" wrote in message news:87ckk6$2rg$ > What was said originally IS correct. The kilt should be JUST touching the > floor when you kneel. It shouldn't be trailing on the floor or anything - > only just touching. What you talk about in the post below (about not > showing any leg) may be due to overly long kilts but it won't be due to > kilts measured this way. If a kilt is measure this way and the person isn't > showing any leg then it is due to their hose being pulled up to high. The > hose should be measured by putting your hand on your knee cap. Slide your > fingers down until your index finger is just below the knee cap (just on the > fleshy bit). Where your pinky finger is is where the top of your hose > should be. e.g. your hose should be 4 fingers down from your knee. > > Jamie Green > > dnimmo wrote in message > > > > > Paul Mc. <> wrote in message > > <>... > > >I have always gone by the rule of what I was told by my first Pipe Major > > >an ex-Black Watch. To get the length of your kilt right Kneel on the > > >floor while wearing it, if the hem just touches the floor you have the > > >correct length. > > > > > > Yes, this was "traditional BUT I think you are dating yourself ........... > > > > Like our chanters, kilts have risen gradually............the "standard" > now > > seems to be (when standing),ranging from halfway up the kneecap to the > top > > of the kneecap. When kneeling this will give you between one and two > inches > > off the floor. > > > > Unfortunately many of us err on the side of being too long to the point > that > > none of the knee shows and, when combined with socks that are too high, > > looks totally rediculous. I have seen many pipe band members who show no > > bare leg ! > > > > As with the horshair sporrans, it also feels better when it is just that > wee > > bit shorter. > > > > There is also a popular philosophy that if you are unsure of length, make > it > > shorter rather than longer. > > > > Above is based on some research initiated by a past band argument started > by > > a couple of us ex-military types who REFUSED to lower our kilts to the > > bottom of our kneecaps. > > David > > > > > > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Iain Sherwood" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Why horse hair sporrans? Date: 03 Feb 2000 12:04:28 -0800 Another Warm Sporran reference!!! -- Iain Sherwood check out the new look of our website: see what's new at Pipey's Corner - - new column is at the bottom of the list! - for the latest news, views, and product reviews "dnimmo" wrote in message > > EdASmith wrote in message <>... > >>Just curious. Does anyone know the origins of the horse hair sporran. > >>They seem utterly useless to me. They may look good but boy do they > >>scratch! > >>Thanks in advance for the info. > > > Bloody all started when the first Highland Regiment got an > Englishman posted in as the supply officer....................and we took > seriously what was being poked at us in fun !.......................(and our > wives have carried on the tradition). > David > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (ALIXGUNN) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: John Mitchell's goodbye Date: 03 Feb 2000 22:33:24 GMT >> "John Goff" wrote in > You don't know who the fuck I am, yet your making these assumptions.<< I know that you've been almost as disagreeable as John and Royce. And putting someone elses name to a posting is rather poor manners. > I've set myself up for real competitors like Puff Daddy and Ozzy Osbourne... In a hundred years is anybody seriously going to give a shit about you or your pipe band< About as big a shit as they'll give about Puffy and Ozzy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kilt Length Date: 03 Feb 2000 19:02:46 -0400 Iain Sherwood wrote in message ... >you obviously haven't seen too many American pipe bands...'trollopy' is the >correct term, I believe. I am solidly behind you on this one Iain ! Anything that doesn't show a minimum of the lower half of the kneecap should be more properly called a "skirt".........this "touching the floor" was the way it was done by the Sassenachs in Queen Victoria's Balmoral entourage, but it seemed to be on the way out just after WW 2, when I was wearing my very first kilt, aged 10 (in Scotland). I start the Canada pension later this year, and a lot of things have changed for the better........................including the height of a well worn kilt.....but never let it be said that pipers aren't sticklers for "tradition", no matter how trollopy it looks ! David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tim Sullivan" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: All Heathens will Burn Date: 03 Feb 2000 23:49:58 GMT You know,Dave, I've warned you time and again: Beer = Good. Malt Liquor = Bad. Once the effects wear off re-read you post and see if you agree. Furthermore, if this story is analagous to say, the news group; where are the turkeys? Oh yeah. Please send one phenolic chanter and one venturi stock. And have a nice day. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Gibson Bagpipe Question Date: 03 Feb 2000 19:22:27 -0500 I have played Gibson bagpipes since 1988. Jerry was my first teacher. I am biased, but the sound produced from every member in my band playing his pipes helped us place (top 6) a couple of times in both grade III and Grade II at the World Championships, as well as a couple of N.American Championships along the way. I was there when Jerry started developing his product. I sat in on a drunken recital given by Angus MacDonald in Jerry's living room during the 'development' years. Jerry is an amazingly talented individual. I hear his product support is weak to the end-user. I however have had few if any problems requiring support. The point is, unless your willing to pay top $ for some old MacDougall's (which Jerry mimicked in design) or Henderson's...forget it. There isn't a better sounding currently produced product on the market. Of course, it's all what you do with it. A moron with no sense of care or maintenance may as well buy paki's .. > I am looking at purchasing a set of Gibson Bagpipes in the very near future. I > am fairly new the the bagpipe world, and was wondering if anyone can give me > their opinions on this brand. I am also wondering if they are reputable, and > if they stand behind there products. Thanks in advance. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bobalewi) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: All Heathens will Burn Date: 04 Feb 2000 00:22:00 GMT Hey Dave You gotta wear a mask when you turn those phenolic chanters,that dust is potent. B. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Poly Pipes??? Cushing Brand Date: 04 Feb 2000 00:14:02 GMT >Is there any benifit >to plastic pipes at all? I played 2 funerals this week, and it was cold and windy for one, and ridiculously cold and bitter for the other (temps in the teens, with a big wind chill). I might have played my good pipes for one of the gigs, but definitely not for the other one. I hear what you're saying. I don't want to risk cracking my good pipes, so I have a set of plastic Dunbars for beater work. Heck, if you do 3-4 gigs with them, you've paid for them. Condensation is a lot more noticeable in plastic pipes, but you deal with it. Would AB pipes crack in cold weather? Temps in the 30s and below? I don't know, but this way I never have to find out. Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Why horse hair sporrans? Date: 04 Feb 2000 00:01:53 GMT >Protection from cavalry? What, were the horses afraid of being tickled to >death? Muuuhaha! Okay, I should have been more explicit. I meant "protection from downward saber blows", which would only come from cavalry in those days. Same reason as epaulettes/ shoulder scales, same rationale. Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kilt Length Date: 03 Feb 2000 21:57:35 -0400 Chris Eyre wrote in message <87d60l$g89$>... > >>| [snip] Where your pinky finger is is where the top of your hose >| should be. e.g. your hose should be 4 fingers down from your knee. >| >| Jamie Green > >The British Army regulation which we follow states, "When the >turn-over is in place, the top of the hose should be three fingers' width >below the fibia ball on the outside of the leg." That's effectively the same >as Jamie is saying here. > >Chris Eyre What does the army regs say re kilt hem Chris As you may recall, I did some research on this about 9 months ago....everything I got was heresay......I checked Canadian Army Dress Regulations and checked with a couple of Highland Regiments, but never did get a specific quote from any current authoritative publication or source..........the problem sort of "went away" in our band....a couple of kilts came down a wee bit and a few(not enough) were pulled up a wee bit... David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Royce's really bad advice! Date: 04 Feb 2000 04:20:13 GMT On Wed, 2 Feb 2000 21:31:09 -0500, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: >You've never had world class sound, so how would you know? Remember, it's the College of Piping Tutor that actually recommends soaking reeds in water for several days. Don't bother calling me a dumbshite, because you're have to piss on generations of "World Class" players just to get down to my level on that issue. I think you forget that the real reason for the Ross Cannister is because Shepherd makes a reed that can't handle moisture, not some grand design by geniuses in Ontario. The fact is, when Shepherd first came out with reeds, I don't know, maybe the late 70's or was it into the 80's already, they were complete shite that didn't last a weekend, and were so inconsistent you couldn't use them in a band at all because they all changed so radically as they played down, but in different directions and to different degrees. Since then they've found a better supply of cane I suppose. However, the current reed (well, until recently) put out a great tone but only bone dry. Any moisture at all and they go entirely bugshite and the F collapses, and the open up insanely. Mathieson in the official seminar I attended, in fact spent an entire hour doing exactly what Ringoboy claimed was stupidity and ignorance, that is, chasing Shepherd reeds, new ones, around with pitch by playing a bit, then squeezing them shut. In fact, his whole break-in, settle in procedure involves just monitoring them, literally running 'round the circle all practice chasing them down to pitch. The chanters are in fact set to the drones, which don't change, not vice-versa, and when the chanters play down to far, individually, in groups, or whatever, he just goes around and shuts them back down bringing them up to pitch--every tune. So, if you've got new reeds that go that nuts *even with Ross Cannisters* on them, In the middle of winter with dry indoor air, I can see how you can develop this myopic fixation, no fear of water. But that's just another sign your school is little more than a series of Pavlovian, conditioned responses, and not any understanding of what's really going on. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Iain Sherwood" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Gibson Bagpipe Question Date: 03 Feb 2000 19:51:35 -0800 "Beginnertunes" wrote in message > >John, are you sure he can count above ten? Or, well, I suppose he might be > >able to make it to 21 on a really GOOD day, sans drugs, sans steroids, or > >other recreational depressants. > > > >-- > > You know you both remind me of a bumper sticker I had as a kid, it said "are > you stoned, or just stupid?" So taking into consideration the clean life styles > you purport to live, I'm left with only one conclusion... what, that you're both? ROFL! - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 04 Feb 2000 04:23:40 GMT On Wed, 02 Feb 2000 21:11:15 -0800, Ccc31807 wrote: >I've just spent about an hour carefully reading all the posts by >Ron, John, Royce, and others, and now I'm confused. I tried to >assimilate all of this together, and got even more confused. >This is what I come up with. > >1. It's bad for the reed to become too dry. > >2. It's bad for the reed to become too wet. > >3. If the reed is too dry, add moisture, but not too much or too >fast. > >4. If the reed is too wet, dry it some, but not too much. > >5. Different reeds react differently to moisture, and have >different tolerances for moisture. > >6. Mistreating a reed ruins it. > >This seems to be the sum of the debate. Did I miss anything? Sounds like you got it. Now the problem is to learn that there's more than one kind of reed--not just different makes, but radically different designs and different material. So you have to look at each reed make in terms of how *it* responds in *your* setup and environment. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Opinions on Pipes (Naill, MacMurchie, Gibson, Shepherd) Date: 04 Feb 2000 02:09:18 GMT In article <>, Ccc31807 wrote: > Question: What is this "glass," how does it come, and who > manufactures it? High-pressure (1400 psi) glass fiber laminate. Same weave (or nearly so) as 1k carbon fiber composite laminate. I suppose you can request one resin system or another, same as carbon composite. There are several manufactures, to include International Paper, and General Electric. > It seems to me that the pitch of the chanter is also a major > consideration. I don't know what constitutes "field adjustments" > and what constitutes "tuning" by manipulation the tuning screw, > bridle, and setting of the reed, but I do know that whenever I > change chanters, I have to spend about an hour or so tuning the > drone reeds (I am currently playing Henderson's) to match the > pitch of the chanter. Seems to me that a drone reed will always > require these types of field adjustments in spite of the fact > that it may be well fitted to the drone. If a piper has taken the time to set-up his pipe to razor-fine perfection (and that's quite easy to do if the piper knows and maintains his pipes well and has installed very, very steady reeds which are not affected by temperatures and humidities encountered by the piper), any "field" adjustment will, necessarily, render his pipe other than perfect - whether he's turned a screw or moved a bridle. Mark Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 04 Feb 2000 04:30:17 GMT On Thu, 03 Feb 2000 13:49:34 GMT, "Ron Bowen" wrote: >You got it! Now you know as much as any of us! So, get some reeds, let them sit in the fridge for a few years, and that's the sum total of your wisdom? Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 04 Feb 2000 04:28:19 GMT On 03 Feb 2000 11:33:07 GMT, (Rodger A. Cotton) wrote: >>5. Different reeds react differently to moisture, and have >>different tolerances for moisture > >On the why for side of things I am going to guess that reeds with a rougher cut >and finish react better when dry. Smooth cut, and finish react better wet, >(perhaps even slip sloppery dripping wet) Macallister is the smoothest cut & >finished reed I have seen, so certainly this must hold true. > >Rodger That's a little bit convoluted, but that works because a rough finish indicates a wide grain and usually softer cane, while a smooth finish generall indicates hard tight grain. There are dunk tests and harness tests you can do when you make reeds to get just the right stiffness for your design, and that means even cane from the same field and season and country will vary from piece to piece, and to do a really constent job, you'd have to sort each length of cane for hardness etc to match your design. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Smith Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Software tuning meter........... Date: 04 Feb 2000 11:39:27 +0000 David , yes there is a great wee program, its shareware I registered and the owner set up a set of config files that makes it read bagpie scale it cost £30 and ist worth every penny. I have used it on two laptops one worked better than the other, an IBM560 was not very good, my Toshiba worked great. Here is the web site. have fun . Bob dnimmo wrote: > Is there such an item as a piece of shareware that turns one's computer into > a frequency meter? > I leave my band chanter to the P/M to "adjust", but it would be nice to be > able to blow my personal one into this wee microphone on my computer and > have a number pop up, or some kind of display showing the note was higher > or lower than the "centre frequency" that I could punch in. I know that > hams (amateur radio operators) have very sharp software audio filters so the > technology seems to be available............. > David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Anderson" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: busking Date: 04 Feb 2000 12:24:21 -0000 A friend of mine busked his way across Europe and paid for all his University fees. The popular places are France where in certain parts you will get mobbed and loads of money. Germany was very good apparently especially during the beer festival, in fact he made so much money from that it paid his air fare to Australia as well. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Royce's really bad advice! Date: 04 Feb 2000 04:07:01 GMT On Thu, 03 Feb 2000 18:10:14 GMT, "Ron Bowen" wrote: >Thank you for the book review. You probably said what Annie Grant and >Collin MacLellan wanted to say, but just couldn't. > >Ringo Thanks. With your permission I'll limber up my fingers this weekend and do a comprehensive review of you book when I have time. The easiest way to condense it in the meantime, would be to say there is more pertinent information on the back of a can of airtight. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Treachery & Betrayal!! Date: 04 Feb 2000 15:22:49 GMT In article <>, Paul Mc. <> wrote: > Now my young son has succumb to the dark side of her genetic pool and > announced that he would like to be a-a-a-a- DRUMMER!!! like his 2 > uncles and his cousin. > > Where have I gone wrong? how can I bear the shame? Oh the agony! Wrong, wrong, wrong! Pipers are a dime a dozen, god ones are less frequent but there always seem to be a steady supply of them coming along. Drummers are the hard ones to find, and good ones at that are less likely to be found. I can't tell you how many games i DIDN"T compete at this year because we couldn't get the drumline out for it. It irks the hell out of me to have to depend on 1 or 2 people in order to get out there and play. Face it, we need them, and more of them. Just be glad he wants to get involved. -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Opinions on Pipes (Naill, MacMurchie, Gibson, Shepherd) Date: 04 Feb 2000 15:37:18 GMT In article <>, John, Goff wrote: > Another shitty comment. > And yours isn't??? What a f*cking loser. -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 04 Feb 2000 13:10:26 GMT Still sticking your finger in my eye, eh Royce. Interesting that your response (only slightly out of context) was "Sounds like you got it." but that's O.K. because the great Oracle of Minnehaha has spoken! The application of the sum total of my wisdom put me in Grade 1 after 1 year of playing pipes (1973) and kept me there for many years. The last 3 years I've dropped down to Grade 2 with two North American Championships and three Champion Supreme plaques on the wall. But Royce is always in my face. I can only deduct that you are the consummate piping wannabe, so consumed with bitterness at having never achieved what you wanted to achieve, never gotten the respect that you so desperately seek, never been welcome inside the inner circle of piping, to the point where, in your waning years, you sit on this newsgroup as the self-appointed all knowing and always speaking Oracle from the centre of piping in Minnesota and take pot shots at anyone and everyone who ever made it to where you wanted to be. Are you really that insecure? or are you really that arrogant? or are you just plain ignorant? Personally I am fed up. You seize every microscopic opportunity and explode it into a major epic where Royce is King and we are all your adoring and ever so thankful, humble, and otherwise unworthy subjects. It's crap Royce, and you are King of Crap! Now leave me alone! If you want to slam me, send me private emails, or do you so enjoy waving your unwashed undies before this newsgroup that you can't resist? This is the last correspondence that you will ever receive from me, the last mention of you that I will ever post to this newsgroup or elsewhere and the last time that I will ever view one of your posts. I have ZERO interest in you or your neurosis. Ringo Royce Lerwick wrote in message > On Thu, 03 Feb 2000 13:49:34 GMT, "Ron Bowen" > wrote: > > >You got it! Now you know as much as any of us! > > So, get some reeds, let them sit in the fridge for a few years, and > that's the sum total of your wisdom? > > Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Providence Police Funeral Date: 04 Feb 2000 10:55:51 -0500 Thnks, Iain. I was working strictly from the video shots on the Boston Globe website the next day. I could tell there were several bands, from the varuiety of uniforms, but I could not tell which bands they were. Iain Massie wrote: > Bob, > I am pretty sure they were all fire department bands from all over the > country. As far as I am aware there was only one police band and that was > the Massachusetts State Police. This was because one of the firefighters was > an ex Trooper. Also included in this band were several other police pipers > from different departments. They attended even though they had no band to > play with and as such played with MSP. I know this because I was playing > with that particular band. > > Iain > > Bob Cameron wrote in message > > > I can't seak to the provdence funeral, but there were several bands at > > Worcester for the firefighter's funeral- I did not recognize which bands- > but > > the in the video shots it was claer that there were several different > uniforms > > and a huge number of pipers. I suspect the police and Fire bands from > Boston > > were there as well well as bands from New York, amybe even one from > Chicago- > > anybody have a list ? > > > > Ryan Jones wrote: > > > > > It could have been RI Highlanders, Highland Light or Brian Boru, they > are all > > > pretty active in the Providence area. > > > > > > BTW - I think that it was one of the Boston bands who played at the > > > Firefighter's funeral in Worcester. > > > > > > Ryan > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Anderson" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: busking Date: 04 Feb 2000 12:34:34 -0000 Here is story I was told, ok its off the thread but worth telling. Some time ago in Glasgow there was a man playing inside his own house at about midnight. The neighbour got very annoyed and fater knocking on the door and speaking to the man could not stop him from playing. I should mention that our piper in question had been taking part in Scotland's national pastime - drinking. Half and hour later a Police Sergent arrived and stood at the door with the neighbour. The police officer when he hear that bagpipes were involved said to our piper, "What were you playing", "bagpipes" says he. "No I asked WHAT were you playing, what tune were you playing". (I forgot the name of the tune, but is was very tricky one). "Play it for me", says the officer. The officer took the pipes away from our piper and said "No, no lad it goes like this". He then played the tune and sent the neighbour home. The officer continued for some time playing various tunes - he was a front rank piper from the Strathclyde Police Pipe Band. Don't you just love the Scottish sense of humour. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Maeve" Subject: (bagpipe) New convert! Date: 04 Feb 2000 10:45:58 -0500 YES!!!! :) :) :) Last night at band practice, one of the drummers approached me (whew, do I cringe when THIS happens anymore!) and told me that his DRUMMER son wants to learn to play the bagpipe! YES!!!! This is the GOOD news!!! So he wants me to help get him started and wants to find an inexpensive set for him. Ringo?? Ya listening, Loved One?!?!??! I JUST loaned out Fand so I only have Angus here . . and he's going no where soon! And I sold one of the dulcimers that is not yet finished to another one of the drummers! I hope the wood arrives today. Now the bad news . . . . the drummers are going to teach my husband to play drums !!! He plays the dulcimer and played drums in high school. I thought I had escaped this disaster!!! (Line break for Andrew!) I had the time of my life last night at practice . . . well, after the practice was over! The band left at 10 and the rest of us die-hards hung out to "play". There is this really nice, super piper who is down from Canada for the winter. He and I were the only pipers left with 4 of the drummers. Let me rephrase that .. . HE was the only piper there and allowed me to join in with him and the drummers :) :) :) :) And play we did!!! It was great practice for the drummers as we pulled the lesser-played tunes out of the hat and the drummers had to ad lib for a couple of hours! Have you ever heard a drummer try to drum to piobaireachd?!? ;) I don't think I have laughed this hard in a long while! Alex and I just had a great time playing together and vowed to do it more often!!! Everyone should have a time like this once in a while .. . to just let your hair down and play!!!!!! I thought Alex was going to die laughing when I started adding the "slides" and "slurs" to some of the tunes :) :) :) :) :) :) :) We had a recorder, a harmonica, a bodhran, and I don't know what else! It was midnight before I could finally drag myself away and I have no clue as to when the rest left. It was still going on as I walked out the door. MAEVE UNPLUGGED!!!!! It felt good! Try it, you'll like it! The Hudson Highland games should be a hoot this year as this same group will be there and MORE!!!! Don't miss it if you are in the area! -- Love and Light be with you, Maeve . . . still smiling from all of the fun! authoring "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." --- Oscar Wilde - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 04 Feb 2000 18:23:23 GMT Well put Ringo. I've pretty much had it with these brain farts myself. Others on my no read list: johngoff bagpiip beginnertunes All are a waste of time with nothing worth reading about. -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Sporran for piper? Date: 04 Feb 2000 11:41:31 -0500 Leather sporrans are a whole lot more useful- you can keep ypur wallet, keys, extra reeds, beer tickets- in short all kinds of goodies in a leather sporran. You can also get good useable sporans for not a hell of a lot of money. ( Ihave sevral, but I hand made all of them.) I also have a horsehair sporran I only wear when I wear a full doublet and plaid, etc. With that sporran I have to keep my essentials elsewhere- like in pockets under the front flaps of the doublet or in a separate pouch on my belt. A simple, but attractive leather sporran can go with any kilt or jacket except the full regimental style dress, where as a horsehair sporran would look out of place with anything but the full regimental rig, and with the added feayure on no luggage space. The Horse hair sporrans are quite a bit more expensive as well- so if you want an expensive, dazzling, but otherwise uselesss appendage to strp on in front of your kilt, Horsehair's the way to go. ALIXGUNN wrote: > >I was just wondering: should a piper wear a leather or horsehair sporran (just > for everyday use)?< > > Leather. Horsehair sporrans are usually nothing more tha decoration. Not > at all utilitarian. And usually a damned nuisance. > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 04 Feb 2000 11:28:03 -0500 FWIW, a reed makers' supply catalog I read once ( oboe, basson, all kinds of orchestral reeds , tools supplies,etc.) read french cane is the preferred material for music al instruments, spanish cane is suitable only for bagpipes- or so I remember ;-) Shawn Husk wrote: > Why some reeds are better wet/dry. > > My oppinion and a certain reedmaker friend of mine: > hard cane is less susceptable to moisture than soft > cane. So if you buy a Shepherd which is made from soft > French cane it will swell up and change on you as soon > as any little bit of moisture gets to it, on the other > hand a reed made from a harder cane (like Spanish cane) > will not respond to moisture so dramatically. If you > soak it with moisture it too will behave just like the > softer cane reeds, IE. tone goes to hell and gets all > mushy sounding, double toning F's, etc..... > > Rodger A. Cotton wrote: > > > > >5. Different reeds react differently to moisture, and have > > >different tolerances for moisture > > > > On the why for side of things I am going to guess that reeds with a rougher cut > > and finish react better when dry. Smooth cut, and finish react better wet, > > (perhaps even slip sloppery dripping wet) Macallister is the smoothest cut & > > finished reed I have seen, so certainly this must hold true. > > > > Rodger - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: John Mitchell's goodbye Date: 04 Feb 2000 10:48:16 -0500 John Goff wrote: > wrote: > > In a hundred years is anybody seriously going to give a shit about you or > your pipe band "They're just one of hundreds of bands that play the > bagpipes." Maybe if you're the Lees or Willie Ross, or Polkemet somebody > will remember you and, o, anonymous one, what makes you think in a hunred years anyone is going to give two dead flies and a rat dropping about Puff Daddy, Ozzy Oaborene et al, or you for that matter? What , please enlighten us is your contribution to piping , or to music? - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kyle Pipes Date: 04 Feb 2000 17:03:05 GMT I was in Edmonton recently and actually introduced myself to Norman Kyle. Quite the character. I played a set of his cocobolo pipes (in his kitchen) and they are respectable. He knows tone. Norm's plastic pipes are injection moulded. I didn't get to play a set, however Norm showed me his operation and methods and it was a real education into the manufacturing of injection moulded pipes. I know that Clan MacFarlane tried his injection molded chanter years ago. They had a problem with breakage, however I believe that Norman has worked that problem out. Norman Kyle is real. Specialty is injection molded plastic pipes. (ferules, mounts, etc are all injection molded pieces as well) Will build pipes to order in any wood requested. Has also patented a screw-in plastic drone reed. Norman is a gentleman and a character. I don't believe that he is set up to produce large quantitites of wood pipes, however I know that his inventory of plastic pipes is extensive. His bagpipe might not compete with those of greater reputation and distribution, however I don't think Norman wants to. It serves those markets that he sells into very well. Ringo Paul Mc. <> wrote in message > Just curious. What's the opinion on Kyle's pipes? He's been making > pipes nere in Edmonton for years & his chanters have been widely used > by bands in our area. How wide spread is the knowledge/use of his pipes. > > The most unique set I have ever seen of his was made of clear acrylic, > looked like glass. Sounded great. > > The reason I'm asking is I've never seen any comments about his pipes > here. How does he rate? > > > * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network * > The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free! > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tim Sullivan" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: John Mitchell's goodbye Date: 04 Feb 2000 18:52:12 GMT Alex Platt wrote in message news:87evll$edi$ > > : and, o, anonymous one, what makes you think in a hunred years anyone is going > : to give two dead flies and a rat dropping about Puff Daddy, Ozzy Oaborene et > : al, or you for that matter? > > Not that it's particularly relevant, but people are still making a big > deal out of stuff Ozzy did over thirty years ago, so he's already a third > of the way there. Point taken. And besides - name me even ONE Pipe Major that has bitten the head off a live bat! (Note: applies to the 'performance' end of things only - beer tent antics don't count.) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) EUSPBA Regrading for the 2000 Competition Season Date: 04 Feb 2000 21:15:57 GMT From the EUSPBA web site From Grade 2 to Grade 1 City of Washington From Grade 3 to Grade 4 City of Alexandria From Grade 4 to Grade 3 Manchester Tara Hall From Grade 4 to Grade 5 Steel Thistle Nassau County Police Emerald Society From Grade 5 to Grade 4 Manchester Mohawk Valley NYPD Rory O'Moore Na Fianna Mary Washington College Eagle Pipe Band -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 04 Feb 2000 21:39:50 GMT This NG isn't a competition about who knows more, or who's pipes are better or who's book is better, at least not for me. Frankly, anybody can say anything they like on this NG (and many do) and that's what is both good and bad about the NG. Without having to play a note, anybody can be a world authority... You're right. I snapped. Time to check myself in. Ringo Ccc31807 wrote in message > In article <6dAm4.6283$>, "Ron > Bowen" wrote: > >This is the last correspondence that you will ever receive from > me, the last > >mention of you that I will ever post to this newsgroup or > elsewhere and the > >last time that I will ever view one of your posts. I have ZERO > interest in > >you or your neurosis. > > > >Ringo > > Hey, Ringo - get a life. Don't take it personally. Royce Lerwick > is an asshole, and his posts are often inane, vacuous, and > scatological. But they also can be very funny, and Royce does > know what he is talking about when it comes to bagpipes > (although perhaps not about much else.) > > The post you objected to I found to be very funny, ROFLMAO > funny. Don't spoil the fun by being a stick in the mud. > > And as for your threat never to mention his name again, it just > so happens that the only neurosis you revealed is your own, and > now the flood gates will open, now that Royce and his minions > know what gets your goat. > > Besides, your book and his book are competitors in the same > market. It's possible that fifty years from now, only one of > them will be remembered. You have an iron judge that will > impartially decide whose book is better - the marketplace. If > you want to see who laughs now, compare the sales figures, and > then it won't matter WHAT Royce says about your book, or what > you say about his for that matter. > > > > * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network * > The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free! > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Gaelic Roots festival Date: 04 Feb 2000 14:56:03 -0500 The Boston College Gaelic Roots Festival will have a GHB course for the first time ever this year. This festival is a huge series of Concerts, celidhs and workshops at Boston College which has featured some of the best-known performers in Celtic Music. The Concerts, sessions and seminars usually sell out well in advance. This year we pipers finally have a seminar- on Gaelic Style piping, being given by Mike Kerr. The praticulars follow- I'll post this and other related material periodically until the festival happens in June. for more information, contact Mike Kerr at Five Ponds Music P.O. Box 621 Watertown, MA 02471-0621 Phone/Fax; (617 924-5117 Or the Gaelic Roots Festival at Gaelic-Style Piping Course GAELIC ROOTS, Boston College June 18-24, 2000 Details follow: * Course Synopsis Students will be taught how to use their ear and musical background to grasp the phrasings and technical executions of Gaelic music, while learning how these elements can be authentically incorporated into their own playing. Students will be shown some fundamental techniques to use in their piping and will gain invaluable experience in learning how to draw from old-style fiddlers and Gaelic singers the essence of a tune. The instructor will work with students from all levels and backgrounds and will accommodate, as far as possible the particular interests of each student. Full Course Description This course is designed to give students a good working knowledge of Gaelic-style piping. This will include ways in which the students can incorporate some of the musical phrasings and technical aspects of the style into their own playing. There is a difference in the way a fiddler or a Gaelic singer expresses a tune from the way a modern competition piper does. By listening to and analyzing the playing of some old-style fiddlers, and by examining the Gaelic language often associated with the older tunes, the student can learn to hear those differences and grasp the older, often more musical, style. Then, by applying some simple and deliberate techniques, the older-style music can be brought over to the pip chanter with great effect. In the end, students will have acquired the tools and confidence to link their own music, Irish or Scottish, with its ancient roots. the instructor will present several tunes as examples to illustrate and contrast playing styles. Likewise, the instructor will select a few candidate tunes to teach during the week’s sessions. He will record his playing of these tunes and forward a copy of the tape, along with any associated sheet music to the enrolled students well ahead of time This will allow the students to familiarize themselves with the course material so that they can get the most out of their week at Gaelic Roots. Teaching will be done using written and oral methods( including Gaelic language elements) with emphasis on learning to discern particular phrases and them mimicking them on the practice chanter. Specific finger techniques will be taught which will help the students to achieve this goal. This course will not be conducted in a rigid manner; rather, students’ own interests will be taken into account and accommodated. Indeed, the teacher is devoted to communicating this material patiently and effectively and will be as sensitive as possible to each student’s individual needs. -- Slan leat, Bob - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Gaelic Roots festival-OOPS Date: 04 Feb 2000 19:00:45 -0500 Bob Cameron wrote: > > The Boston College Gaelic Roots Festival will have a GHB course for the first time ever this year. Which is patently incorrect, as Alex Pratt informed me this afternoon- Ian MacDonald di dteach a piping course as part of Gaelic roots last year, with a focus on Gaelic style piping. My apologies to the Gnewsgroup, the Gaelic roots Festival, and especially to Ian MacDonald for my error. snip I'm just trying to help spread the word among the local Scottish scene, particularly among pipers. Bostom College's Gaelic Roots festival is very well known for its supoort of Irish music, perhaps less so for Scottish and Cape Breton music. thanks Alex , for the heads-up > The praticulars follow- I'll post this and other related material > periodically until the festival happens in June. for more information, > contact Mike Kerr at > > Five Ponds Music > P.O. Box 621 > Watertown, MA 02471-0621 > Phone/Fax; (617 924-5117 > Or the Gaelic Roots Festival at > > > Gaelic-Style Piping Course > GAELIC ROOTS, Boston College > June 18-24, 2000 > > Details follow: > * > > Course Synopsis > > Students will be taught how to use their ear and musical background to > grasp the phrasings and technical executions of Gaelic music, while > learning how these elements can be authentically incorporated into their > own playing. Students will be shown some fundamental techniques to use > in their piping and will gain invaluable experience in learning how to > draw from old-style fiddlers and Gaelic singers the essence of a tune. > The instructor will work with students from all levels and backgrounds > and will accommodate, as far as possible the particular interests of > each student. > > Full Course Description > > This course is designed to give students a good working knowledge of > Gaelic-style piping. This will include ways in which the students can > incorporate some of the musical phrasings and technical aspects of the > style into their own playing. > > There is a difference in the way a fiddler or a Gaelic singer expresses > a tune from the way a modern competition piper does. By listening to and > analyzing the playing of some old-style fiddlers, and by examining the > Gaelic language often associated with the older tunes, the student can > learn to hear those differences and grasp the older, often more musical, > style. Then, by applying some simple and deliberate techniques, the > older-style music can be brought over to the pip chanter with great > effect. In the end, students will have acquired the tools and confidence > to link their own music, Irish or Scottish, with its ancient roots. > > the instructor will present several tunes as examples to illustrate and > contrast playing styles. Likewise, the instructor will select a few > candidate tunes to teach during the week’s sessions. He will record his > playing of these tunes and forward a copy of the tape, along with any > associated sheet music to the enrolled students well ahead of time This > will allow the students to familiarize themselves with the course > material so that they can get the most out of their week at Gaelic > Roots. > > Teaching will be done using written and oral methods( including Gaelic > language elements) with emphasis on learning to discern particular > phrases and them mimicking them on the practice chanter. Specific finger > techniques will be taught which will help the students to achieve this > goal. This course will not be conducted in a rigid manner; rather, > students’ own interests will be taken into account and accommodated. > Indeed, the teacher is devoted to communicating this material patiently > and effectively and will be as sensitive as possible to each student’s > individual needs. > -- > Slan leat, Bob - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Gibson Bagpipe Question Date: 05 Feb 2000 04:20:46 GMT On 04 Feb 2000 13:02:57 GMT, (Beginnertunes) wrote: >John Mitchell wrote in another ridiculous post, that Gibson strives for 100% >complete customer satisfaction, and has made ALL his customers 100% satisfied. >That was just an outright lie. For Criminy Sakes William, just stop kicking a dead horse. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kyle Pipes Date: 05 Feb 2000 05:17:36 GMT On Fri, 04 Feb 2000 11:07:15 -0800, Paul Mc. <> wrote: >I own one of his chanters and have for several years. I personally >think they're great. I was just curious as to what others thought. I >know Malcom MacCrimmon has used or is using one. Anyone else? They were certainly very bright and projected well in their day, which for me would have been the mid 80's, but I don't know if they would be pitched up for modern band use now. The problem with breakage was at that time confined to the chanter neck right under the head, and was due to the way the injected beads of plastic left stress fractures ripe for faulting. The tended to snap unexpectedly off. Royce (And my, isn't Ron generous to those plastic pipe makers! I don't think his buddy John would be so kind.) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kilt Length Date: 05 Feb 2000 00:53:06 -0400 Jamie Green wrote in message <87fr27$2m7$>... >Why the hell is it that whenever I seem to enter into a discussion on this >NG about anything that makes sense - and with PEOPLE that make sense (even >if our opinions do differ) sort of sounds as if we are all saying the same thing............only saying it differently ! Does this mean we all agree to start a movement to get all these "skirts" lifted to the middle of the knee ? David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: New convert!/Line Break Date: 05 Feb 2000 05:53:31 GMT Thanks for the line break, Maeve. I figure the more "breaks" you use, the less there are around to get into your pipes . . . ;-) I have to say, after event activities---piping or otherwise---are usually a bunch of fun 'cuz there's no pressure, no expectations to meet, it's all PLAY. Cool. (I haven't had much of the chance yet for this in regard to piping, but maybe soon.) Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Royce's really bad advice! Date: 05 Feb 2000 04:52:58 GMT On Fri, 04 Feb 2000 07:36:04 GMT, John Goff wrote: >> BTW, that version of Mason's Apron is not Ken Ellers! Another shitty comment. Then I guess I'll have to scratch off his signature. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Ice Skater in a Kilt Date: 05 Feb 2000 06:15:45 GMT Flipping channels caught a French ice skater skating around in a kilt to little bits of canned piping (mostly non-piping) a la "Braveheart." (Face paint and everything.) The announcer at the end couldn't understand the unheard of numbers of young women (I guess it was in Japan) running up to the boards to throw flowers out at him. It's that kilt mystique. Andrew p.s. In slow-mo you could see he was wearing a black undergarment, but maybe we shouldn't tell the fans that . . . -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Opinions on Pipes (Naill, MacMurchie, Gibson, Shepherd) Date: 05 Feb 2000 05:11:32 GMT On Fri, 04 Feb 2000 07:36:59 GMT, John Goff wrote: >> Madman wrote in: >> > Heres the truth of the matter. >> > Ian had Mark Lees prototype,he placed an *order*,I sent him a bill. >> > As a matter of *fact*,after John Boy posted his "review", >> > I got on the al capone w/ Ian and asked if indeed any of this was true. >> > He told me that Johns comments are Johns comments and he wanted nothing >> > to do with Johns spontaneous bitching on any NG anywhere. >> >> What he was doing Dave was to politely tell you to fuckoff! And you may be right. You're the expert at discerning that I'm sure. >> You come on here,and pretend that your so knowledgeable about >> turning bagpipes by reciting manufacturing processes and calculations >> of surface areas and pitch. >> >> Well any door knob can get out the Machinist handbook and start typing. >> Christ, I could get a GR10 shop student to turn out the same crap that you >> do. >> Your a lathe turner Dave, nothing else! your not a business owner, a piper >> and >> your not even a good salesman. The theme continues: Only great pipers can make great pipes. Only Ron and I and Lindsay and Alasdair and Colin and Willie and all my close personal friends and other great players can have any say at all in pipe making or tone production. How could a mere machinist have anything to contribute to making good pipes? Here are a few: Les Cowell was a sewing machine repairman. RG Lawrie never played a note. Andrew Ross, of J&R Glen never played The entire Glen clan never played. Greg Sharpe appears in his own advert false fingering the chanter and does not play. And sharpe & Co,gets their labor thru the YOP (Youth Opportunity program) for 10 pence on the pound!! Alasdair Sinclair does not play. Jerry Gibson, well, even Dave Atherton could kick his ass. Bagpiip might even be able to kick his ass in grade 4 by now. Peter Henderson, well that's a bit of a guess how well or if he played much or at all. Jackie Dunbar does not play and has absolutely no use for pipers anywhere. Jimmy Tweedie did not play. George Kilgour and Charlie Kron incidentally were both open professionals. But you see, my point is, their personal piping credentials are no more or less defining "pipemaker" qualifications as are or were those of any of the rest. The more sober part of this NG might well ponder this: If they're spending their time playing, then they arent' spending their time making. Or more to the point,you can't do BOTH ,and you certainly can't do both well. You can either obsess at the lathe, or you can obsess in the practice room. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: coun ??? Date: 05 Feb 2000 06:03:25 GMT Some learning questions: TomandSuny wrote: > The Crunluath A Mach is a more complex and elaborate style of the Crunluath > movement. It usually is the last variation in a piobaireachd when this optional > movement is used. What EXACTLY constitutes the "Crunluath A Mach", other than being more complex than a typical one? > The Crunluath Doubling is a normal sequel of the primary Crunluath part. It is > characterized by having most of the ground notes preceded by a Crunluath and is > normally played at a slightly faster pace than the primary Crunluath. Doesn't a Crunluath always end on E? (This is the only way I've been taught so far.) If so, how can "most of the ground notes" be "preceded by a Crunluath"? Or is it Crunluath to E (which maybe should do without saying) followed by the ground note? Thanks, Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 04 Feb 2000 23:42:28 -0500 On Fri, 4 Feb 2000 19:02:00 -0500, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: >This summer when Niagara was competing against Washington, >I sent a complimentary copy of Royce's book to PM Mike Green hoping >he would follow many of the recommendations in it. > >Unfortunately for us, he didn't read it! >How can I foil them, Chris Hamilton didn't even glance at me when >I had that babe next to me while they were playing down in Bethlehem! LOL That old transvestite with the wooden leg? Pshaw, he/she seemed so happy with you I didn't dare make my move! Plus I was forewarned - I took saltpeter pills that weekend so your antics couldn't affect me. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Carr Subject: (bagpipe) Gilmour Chanter Reeds Date: 05 Feb 2000 10:08:41 GMT Hi All I have just received a new shipment of Gilmour reeds. Bill Carr - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Ron Bowen changes the topic to Himself instead of Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 05 Feb 2000 16:57:20 GMT Royce, you're right. I have been acting like a jerk. I still don't agree with a lot of what you say or how you say it, but then that's life. I also felt that you were taking shots at me at every opportunity, whether I was involved in a thread or not. But again, I guess I did as much to you. My apologies. I'm still going to avoid you, only because you're like poison to me. However, what I've said here is sincere and needed to be said. Ringo Royce Lerwick wrote in message > On Fri, 04 Feb 2000 13:10:26 GMT, "Ron Bowen" > wrote: > > >Still sticking your finger in my eye, eh Royce. Interesting that your > >response (only slightly out of context) was "Sounds like you got it." but > >that's O.K. because the great Oracle of Minnehaha has spoken! > > Always about you eh? I think that was a response agreeing to somebody > else and it had nothing to do with you. > > >The application of the sum total of my wisdom put me in Grade 1 after 1 year > >of playing pipes (1973) and kept me there for many years. The last 3 years > >I've dropped down to Grade 2 with two North American Championships and three > >Champion Supreme plaques on the wall. > > Yeah, and you've got the pictures to prove it. Page after page of > them. > > >But Royce is always in my face. > > I think you'll find what really happened is I responded to John > Mitchell about a moisture control management topic and you butted in > with a headed titled "Royce's Really Bad Advise," and proceeded to > tell everyone what a moron I was for suggesting that when a reed is > really really dry, adding some moisture might be called for. Pretty > selective memory. Always playing the victim Ron. > > >Personally I am fed up. You seize every microscopic opportunity and explode > >it into a major epic where Royce is King and we are all your adoring and > >ever so thankful, humble, and otherwise unworthy subjects. > > Again, you're the one who jumped in with both feet on this topic. Now, > either you're playing "Good Cop/Bad Cop" with John Mitchell, or you're > the reasoned, neutral, wise observer, but please stop jumping back and > forth between the roles. It confuses everyone, even yourself. > > >It's crap Royce, > >and you are King of Crap! Now leave me alone! > > The group should be reminded that Ron Bowen first entered the forum > some several months back, introducing himself as a bagpipe maintenance > and repair/restoration expert, then proceeded to advise a novice with > a cracked drone that "pinning" was a dangerous, possibly destructive > procedure that never worked. Again, I'll remind this NG that this is > something akin to a person presenting himself as a piano technician, > and then following up in the next sentence by advising the student > that he should not under any circumstances have the key tops replaced > because it will destroy the action of the instrument and what he > should really do instead is fill the cracks with linseed oil and > eggshells and burnish them really smooth again with a hot probe on the > end of a drill motor, and of course, if any of them are loose, make > sure you drill a channel under the top through the key, so you can > bind it in place with some stout, waxed white cord, which he asserts, > will be completely invisible. > > >If you want to slam me, send > >me private emails, or do you so enjoy waving your unwashed undies before > >this newsgroup that you can't resist? > > I have a policy Ron. People who claim to know better, who claim to be > experts, who should know better, are simply reviewed in the same > context in which they place themselves for review. And keep in mind, > if you weren't so instrinsically vested in your ideas or your claims > as simply a manifestation of your *person* your statements here could > be reviewed rationally without the martyrous intonations you keep > appealing to in your defense. > > You keep alluding to some great compilation of wisdom in one breath, > and in the next you simply admit that you have no answers, just clues > to answers. Oh, the coy Ronnie. Please please tell us your secrets. Is > that the response you demand of us? > > Let's just take this most recent example, the very header above us > which you hijacked into another one of your please for respect and > sympathy: Wet reeds, dry reeds. You have taken the position that > putting clean water on a reed at any time for any reason will actually > destroy the reed. Another contributor rightly quoted the COP tutor > which wholeheartedly recommends soaking reeds in gallons of water for > days as the primary method of breaking them in. So, in your opinion > Ron, considering your condemnation of my own very reasonable approach > to adding moisture, you must be saying the College of Piping, > particularly Seumas MacNeill, and really, a host of great master > pipers of all time who authorized and reviewed, and edited, and have > used that manual for generations as their primary text, are all a > bunch of dumbasses, far more ignorant than even I. > > I really don't respond to you at all. I don't write for you benefit at > all, because you're unteachable. I write for the guys who read the COP > tutor, and then have some stern old codger like you lecture them in > your "seminars" about the evils of wetting reeds, and then have to try > to reconcile your severe, unilateral, absolute BS against the COP's > entirely opposite, severe, unilateral, and absolute BS. Why you would > think anyone would waste any amount of time bickering with you in > private correspondence is telling. That's not what this NG is all > about. > > >This is the last correspondence that you will ever receive from me, the last > >mention of you that I will ever post to this newsgroup or elsewhere and the > >last time that I will ever view one of your posts. I have ZERO interest in > >you or your neurosis. > > What's that, about the 4th or 5th time you've said that? > > Royce > > > > > > >Ringo > > > >Royce Lerwick wrote in message > > > >> On Thu, 03 Feb 2000 13:49:34 GMT, "Ron Bowen" > >> wrote: > >> > >> >You got it! Now you know as much as any of us! > >> > >> So, get some reeds, let them sit in the fridge for a few years, and > >> that's the sum total of your wisdom? > >> > >> Royce > > > > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Anderson" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Ezeedrone advise, please! Date: 31 Jan 2000 18:05:56 -0000 Just in case my email fails to reach - come along to our band practice in Woking on Monday & Wednesday evenings and we will get you sorted out. We are at the Courtnay Free Church, Walton Road from 1900hrs to 2200hrs. Main band (pipers only) Monday night Beginers/novice pipers - Wednesday 1900 - 2045 full band 2100 - 2200 - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (ALIXGUNN) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Sporran for piper? Date: 04 Feb 2000 12:58:55 GMT >I was just wondering: should a piper wear a leather or horsehair sporran (just for everyday use)?< Leather. Horsehair sporrans are usually nothing more tha decoration. Not at all utilitarian. And usually a damned nuisance. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Ron Bowen changes the topic to Himself instead of Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 05 Feb 2000 18:57:57 GMT On Sat, 05 Feb 2000 07:16:12 -0800, Ccc31807 wrote: >Royce, you have a bad habit of putting words into other people's >mouths, when they in fact said the opposite. A habit we see you fail to illustrate in your following evidence. >You did it to me, >if you want to rehash old stuff, and you've done it to Seumas >MacNeill and Thomas Pearston. You'll find that my only fault was accepting at face value to summary ov the writings of MacNeill and Pearston by (name withheld because it's a tangent anyway) and the rather than being "opposite" to to position--the actual--position I have argued, they are in complete concord with me, and entirely opposite to the dire warnings of Ronald Bowen, and *his* position. So while I may be loose with a quote, I think you're letting past grudges influence you into and extra-contextual distortion of both my thesis and the COP position being argued. I am indeed guilty of unscholarly slop in paraphrasing one source of authority via trusting a third party. Your little contribution here while not niggling in itself on a strictly scholarly level, appears however to be primarily designed to find semantic fault with the person presenting the argument, not address the argument itself, much less answer it. We still find Mr. Bowen 180 degrees in oppostition to the COP postition, and entirely in my camp, so you fail as does Ron to answer the question; who indeed is the ignorant know-nothing: the authors of the COP or Ron Bowen? We are still left under Bowen's absolute condemnation of myself and the concept of directly moistening a reed, with the necessity of making that choice. >What they said, on page 41 of part 2 of their tutor is: "There >are several short-cuts which may be used in the blowing-in >process. Let us make it clear first of all that we believe it is >best not to use short-cuts - nothing is really quite so >effective as a good ignorant blow at the reed. And in the some 30 or 400 lines of clarification and expansion already posted as followup on my point, which you chose to ignore in favor of the one, anecdotal, throw-away comment you decided made or broke my argument, you will find this concept is entirely supported by my thesis, especially, if, as in this case, you're playing in Scotland in the rain 12 months out of the year. You will, with no "secret" knowlege passed down through generations, eventually put a good reed in a good chanter, and playing it long enough, it will both sound good and ease up. The big secret is, there is no big secret if you have the time and money to sort through reeds, find good ones, and play them in without dorking them up, certainly on a solo basis. >On the other hand >nothing is more likely to cause you overstrain physically than >blowing in a series of strong reeds. And of course, the *actual* topic was a dry, old reed that had sat around for three months or more, and the prospect of blowing it back into shape over the course of three days because of a water superstition. Not at all the same topic. But more to the point, the real core of that topic was the role a Ross cannister system has in rehydrating a dry old reed. So it's a double-pronged argument in which Bowen and Mitchell have tag-teamed themselves into supportingly ignorant, complemenarily self-incriminating absolute statements. John claims the Ross Cannister speeds up the rehydration of old dry pipes. Think about it. If I have to argue that one...well, why would anyone even imagine the most extreme system of moisture remove would in any way speed up the moisturisation of a dry old reed? Ron claims that putting tap water on a reed for any length of time will permanently destroy it. Furthermore he insinuates that I, or anyone would suggest this is a complete idiot who will never be accepted into the elite inner circles where all the wisdom lies, like where he and John reside. My response to both of them is simply, If these sorts of "magic saliva" arguments are what pass for understanding where they reside, you don't need to argue against me to make that clear, you can look at scores of even higher, more established, more elite, more "proven" authorities, like the COP. So choose. Are the authors, editors, users, sponsors, and supporters of the COP tutor all complete wannabees, outside the elite inner circle as well? Ron and John's contentions demand that you make that determination. >Used in moderation these >short-cuts speed the process and some of them probably do not >affect the final state of the reed very much. Yeah, I think you'll find that in the other 400 lines or so you chose not to count. You will also find it in my book, both the original edition published 20 years ago, and expanded in the updated version of two years ago. I think the question of moisture management is one of the most important things to understand particularly in a band situation. >The various dodges >used are (1) Wetting the reed. The reed is soaked in water for >several minutes before putting it in the pipe. Hmm. What I suggested was dipping it under the tap for a second and shaking out the water. Far less "extreme" and "damaging" in the opinion of Mr. Bowen than what you quote here from the COP. So the actual quote was "several minutes" rather than "several days," which, as I have made clear already, is still far more brutally destructive and ignorant according to Mssrs. Bowen and Mitchell than any quick dunk I suggested in this context. I will offer though, that I have heard from very respected players, the old timers if you will, from my early days of learning, all about the practice of soaking reeds for days, and though this is not in the COP tutor, it was for generations quite common. (Though totally unnecessary.) >The excess water >is blown out form the lower end of the reed. Yeah yeah, don't know if I made that blatantly obvious in the other pages and pages you ignored in your gleeful leap to victory over the Great Royce's mono-word goofup, but its in my book. (In places where >water is scarce the reed is wet by the mouth, which is better.) I'm not keen on that, but if you're stuck, you're stuck. Again actually licking up a reed has been intimated to be even more mindless than tap water by the Dynamic Duo. So what you're really adding to the debate is the tidbit here that suggests Mitchell is even wronger than I let slide, because the COP tutor seems to suggest licking reeds is better than using clean tap water, which I don't even buy. I mean, I *gave* John that point, it was never contested. >This probably only anticipates what is goin to happen to the >reed anyway, the ony difference being that the reed absorbs the >moisture quickly instead of gradually." What wisdom! You put water on a reed, it goes inside. See the other 400 lines, where I said the same thing in greater detail. > >What you said was: ">Another contributor rightly quoted the COP >tutor >>which wholeheartedly recommends soaking reeds in gallons of >water for >>days as the primary method of breaking them in>>> Royce > >I'm not taking sides in this debate as to wet/dry reeds, because >I admit to abject ignorance. > >I am taking sides as to your representation of the CoP tutor, >because I do know what that book says. First of all, I do appreciate your efforts RE the actual quote. The actual quote I haven't read in probably 25 years or more. I have however, sat in many a "Big Band" and "Big Solo" warmup/setup session and personally watched guys as good as or better than MacNeill lick'em up and drip'em up in the 25 years since. I know the very MacFarlane crowd Bowen claims would have excommunicated my for wetting a reed under any circumstance, for many years at its peak featured a PM, who carried a sealed pipe box around with a chanter sealed into a wet sheepskin bag, leaving the reed fully saturated 24 hours a day, playing or not, and who at many seminars gave a very good explanation of "wet storage" procedures and why this is an advantage given his playing environment and regularity, and somehow managed a "World Class tone" with soggy sheep and very wet reeds, and not a Ross Cannister in sight. I may even remember MacNeill himself haveing a good slobber, but my point is clearly off only by an overly emphatic estimation of the amount of water needed to get the reed wet, and of course, one word: "Days" which should have been "Minutes," but as you quote it, the COP tutor states that in these "minutes" the reed is probably going to absorb all the water its going to absorb anyway after these Bowen/Mitchellesque days and days of playing anyway, just faster, which, was my entire point. Please lets not place too much emphasis on making me and "offender for a word," and focus on the concept, the topic, the principle being debated here. At least, *I'm* debating a principle. If find if you come to understand line upon line, precept upon precept, you can soon apply the concepts in any given situation. If you simple shut up and play, and ape your masters in your local circle, this will achieve good results in that context, but when you find yourself at Long's Peak, 8500 feet above sealevel, 30 degrees F and 15% humidity, you and your Ross Cannister are going to be constantly blowing companions for several months before you magically play your chanter reed back into tsome moisture. And then it still won't be in tune. The tension might be arising in this thread, because I think the opposing corner is debating a mystically undefinable concept that involves magical saliva reactions with nonexistent sap that cures the reed into some supernatural substance. This is inherently religious in nature, and thus highly emotional for those making the proposal, when they find it contested on not treated with the reverence they deem fit. >You need to take more care in quoting others, I don't want to shame the individual, but my actual quote of the actual post contributor was pretty accurate. It was *his* paraphrase or interpretation of the COP tutor that was incorrect. The only thing I failed to do was dig out volume 2 (which I've never owned, so I'd have to borrow it again from somebody.) >if for no other >reason than misquotes render suspect the remainder of what you >say. After all, if you are 100 percent wrong on what I am >certain about, what kind of percentage is there that you are >wrong on what I do not know anything about? Well stated, but I think you'd have to admit that in the above analysis, I have been proven to be 100% correct in presenting the notion that the COP tutor had no dire cautions about adding water to reeds, and my own pontificating has indeed been in complete agreement with it even though I've not seen it in 25 years and only read it in passing. This isn't because I'm such a genius, it's because I found the COP's position to keep coming up "true" over and over again from source after source, and practical application. Then I took that additional step, the step B&M refuse to take because they've sanctioned themselves with total enlightenment already, and gone on to try to figure out *why* it was "true." Royce (And just so I can still be right, because you all know I have to be right, if you held a reed under a running tap for "several minutes," that would be "soaking it in gallons and gallons" of tap water. So that leaves the one word.) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kyle Pipes Date: 05 Feb 2000 19:08:00 GMT On Sat, 05 Feb 2000 06:38:50 -0800, Paul Mc. <> wrote: >I remember the first chanters our band got from him in about 1981 had a >bad habit of breaking as you describe but he corrected that problem >within a few months and replaced them all. I haven't been with that >band since 1985, but as far as I am aware the breakage problem was >solved. I don't remember any breaking after he changed his injection >procedure. I never had any trouble with mine, but then mine is one of >his earlier ones and was turned out on his lathe. My wife's Kyle is >injected and still going strong. 16 years and no problems. Yes, there's no inherent problem with the process so much as the type of beads or plastic being injected, which in the early cases tended to not bond or whatever. I think when you're buying plastic pipes it's important to remember that "plastic" is like saying "wood." I may have "wood" pipes, but that could be curly maple or knotty pine. Plastic could be anything, but if you find the right "plastic" you can have some pretty good sounding pipes. Of course money is the other thing. If they're cheap enough they start to have even more advantages. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Ron Bowen changes the topic to Himself instead of Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 05 Feb 2000 19:11:08 GMT On Sat, 05 Feb 2000 05:34:39 GMT, "Jim Price" wrote: > I have great respect for my elders and/or more experienced people. In this >case I am going to say " grow up both of you" and get back to piping when in >this venue. Take it off line if there is a "personal" nature developing. And thanks for reposting 130-some lines of the stuff you claim to be above. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Ron Bowen changes the topic to Himself instead of Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 05 Feb 2000 22:18:17 GMT On Sat, 05 Feb 2000 13:23:39 -0800, Ccc31807 wrote: >>First of all, I do appreciate your efforts > >Thank you, Royce. It's nice to be appreciated. > >I can't play with the big boys, and never will, but I try to be >helpful when I can in my own small way. Well, I've come to depend on the fine contributors of the NG to keep my facts absolutely straight, that way when I say something that sounds really outrageous and nobody jumps on my head, you can assume I probably got it pretty close to right even if it sounds wild, because if I was off even a little somebody would bite my heinie. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Opinions on Pipes (Naill, MacMurchie, Gibson, Shepherd) Date: 05 Feb 2000 22:00:04 GMT In article <87fnam$vvq$>, wrote: What a f*cking loser. > > Gee yours added so much to this forum too! > Better filter yourself out. > > Sent via > Before you buy. > Why don't you try replying when you have something intelligent to add. It might give you some credibility for a change. You've pretty much proven to be an opinionated newbie who doesn't now jack. Most of your posts contain one-line answers that add no substance to worth the discussion. People like you make me realize that a mouse click can be a tremendous waste of time. As for further discussion by me on this....there wont. I'm not wasting any more time on this than I already have. I got way more better things to do and worry about. -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kilt Length Date: 05 Feb 2000 22:53:26 GMT > As long as the kilt does not look too >unusual, it is probably fine, and you may find that you like it even better >than the longer kilt you were used to. I seems to swing a bit more free than my other (longer) kilts. I tried the kneeling-measurement thing and there was about 3/4" difference in kilt height between my longer ones and the shorter one. Must have done something wrong, or maybe my upper leg wasn't straight. I did the measurement myself, which probably distorted it. Anyhow, none of my kilts came anywhere close to touching the floor. 3" up for the longer kilts and 3.75" for the shorter one, but I distrust the accuracy of my measurements.... Thanks, Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: coun ??? Date: 05 Feb 2000 23:16:13 GMT >What is the difference between a Crounalouth Amack and a Crounalouth >Doubling ???? > A crunluath doubling is just a doubling variation that happens to be played with crunluaths. Doubling variations in general are ths same as singlings, except that cadences are replaced by crunluaths (pr taorluaths, if that's the variation we'r talking about). And doubling variations are usually played a little faster than the singlings. A crunluath a mach is, well, a fancy version of the crunluath, without getting into too many details. The most important difference between a normal crunluath and an a-mach is that in the crunluath, the melody note is played first, and the crunluath comes after it. In an a mach, the melody note preceding the (elaborate) crunluath a mach is shortened, and the emphasis gets shifted to the ending E of the a mach movement. A machs are only played on 3 notes: B,C,and D. >In the Kilberry book they show mostly Duubling not Amacks are they the >same???? No. Kilberry hardly shows any a machs at all, which is wrong. There are some rules that apply (like not playing an a-mach in a breabach tune) and some conventions and traditions as well. You have to look at the melodic structure of the tune. Do the rhythmic variations have a fair amount of melody B,C,and D's? Then an a-mach is probably warranted. If there are few B,C,and D's, then an a-mach would sound pretty much like the crunluath doubling and you wouldn't bother. You teacher would be the best guide, but I guess if you had a teacher you wouldn't be asking here. Good luck, Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Ramblings on tone Date: 05 Feb 2000 19:43:58 GMT On Sat, 05 Feb 2000 15:59:11 GMT, "Mark Scheen" wrote: >Just the humble rambling of a musician recently turned piper, And one with a good understanding of common English/musical terminology. You are quite correct. Most of the NG, particularly the big names, use the the word "tone" when they mean pitch. "Bright" means "high" usually, so a "bright tone" usually means a "high pitch." Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 05 Feb 2000 23:57:25 GMT Just stuck some last thoughts in here... Well, got the chores done, had a good sit-down, pork-chop, fries and baby peas to one side, nice cold bottle of diet Squirt in hand, and I'm ready for my book report assignment: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe by Ringo Bowen As reviewed by Pooper and Dummer. PART ONE GENERAL STATISTICAL, TOPICAL, OVERVIEW The work in question is 44 pages long, cover to cover, inclusive. It features full, 4-color photgraphs and line illustrations extensively. It is authored by Ron "Ringo" Bowen, and forwarded with high recommendation by Lindsay Kirkwood. Mr. Bowen has further credited himself as an expert in the restoration of damaged and old Highland pipes, and as evident in the booklet here examined been deeply involved with the "inner elite circle" of piping in the PPBSO. The subject of this review then, is essentially billed, both expressly and implicitly, as a long-needed repository of the combined maintenance, care, and tonal-setup wisdom of the entire Ontario piping establishment from the first Clan MacFarlane successes in the early 1960's to the present reign of the Frasers as the PPBSO's master band. How well it lives up to this promotion will be analysed in specific terms in the next two of three installments, this being the first. For the moment I'll simply present a very general overview of its contents, as I think that in itself says a lot. Of its 44 pages: 5.75 Pictures of Ron "Ringo" Bowen, his father, his bands, or his pipes, entirely irrelevant to subject matter. 6.5 Commercial advertisements. I've included the cover in this category rather than the previous one, as the strategic product placement classifies it as a blatant promotion of P&D, and the entire booklet could have been typeset and printed in that establishment based on the fonts, and general look and feel of it. 6 A credited reprint pulled off someone else's web site that talks about oiling recorders, having no particular significance to the GHB player, as will be dealt with in depth in later installments. 2.5 Uncredited Medieval art photos depicting ancient pipes of non-GHB varieties, which Bowen prefaces by admitting they have nothing to do with the GHB, and which seem to be described by uncredited stock cut-lines lifted right out of some sort of musical antiquities volume. .75 A rant published in the NG titled "The Last Hendersons" which has absolutely nothing to do with care and maintenance of the GHB in any conventional or certainly useable sense. 1.25 A description of woods, their acquisition, properties and whatnot, used in GHB production. This section is so anecdotal and internally admitted to be utter speculation, that it never in the end relates to the subject matter except for a few lines and the pictures, and then only as a matter of curiosity. 1 A forward by Lindsay Kirkwood bearing witness to Bowen's credibility, citing his membership in the 78th Frasers as a testament to his own credibility. 1 Table of contents 1 Author's page and introduction by Bowen, featuring full figure photo of himself with pipes and promotional copy. Total Pages Available: 44 Total Pages Off-Subject 23.25 Total Pages On-Subject 20.75 Percentage of total Off Topic: 52.77 Percentage of total devoted to personal photos, personal promotion and adverts: 32.386 Total paged devoted to personal photos, personal promotion and adverts: 14.75 Advertizers: Piper and Drummer (counting the cover placement) The British Shop (Ian Donaldson) Classical Bagpipes/Gibson Bagpipes Inc. (at least for this printing...) J Dunbar Bagpipe Maker Ltd. Kirkwood Bagpipe Repairs & Refinishing Watson & Sons Reedmakers Kilberry Bagpipes MacLellan Bagpipes Celtic Fire "The" Bagpipe Maker Bagpipes by Dunbar, J. Dunbar Bagpipe Maker (It should be noted that nearly all of the above have been stalwartly promoted by Bowen and his associates in the NG. And yes, Dunbar, recipient of some recent direct NG promotion by Bowen, bought two adverts in Bowen's booklet, so is listed twice above.) End Part One Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Ron Bowen changes the topic to Himself instead of Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 06 Feb 2000 00:01:20 GMT On Sat, 5 Feb 2000 17:30:42 -0500, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: >I guess he doesn't know that most people just ignore his posts, >but now we'll be forced to respond to them all! Pretty clever, eh? Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: rmmb joke Date: 06 Feb 2000 00:16:27 GMT On Sat, 05 Feb 2000 15:10:42 -0800, Ccc31807 wrote: >The third said, "Hey, I got you guys beat. You should operate on >Royce Lerwick. He's only got two funcioning parts, a mouth and >an asshole, and they are interchangeable!" Hey, I have one other functioning part. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Fletcher Date: 05 Feb 2000 19:27:20 -0500 On Sun, 06 Feb 2000 00:20:43 +0900, Paula & Takeshi wrote: >Does anyone know or have heard of Fletcher bagpipes? >Is that a modern pipe maker in Scotland? >Any dealer or distributer for Fletcher in US? They're made by Alastair Fletcher, P/M of the David Urquhart Travel Pipe Band, one of the Grade 1 finalists the last couple of years at The Worlds. I'm not sure who sells them in the US, but one of the New York / New Jersey suppliers like Coyne Celtic, Pipeline, or Piper's Cove probably has them. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kilt Length Date: 05 Feb 2000 21:40:42 -0400 Zudupiper wrote in message <>... >> >I tried the kneeling-measurement thing and there was about 3/4" difference in >kilt height between my longer ones and the shorter one. > >Must have done something wrong, or maybe my upper leg wasn't straight. I did >the measurement myself, which probably distorted it. Anyhow, none of my kilts >came anywhere close to touching the floor. 3" up for the longer kilts and >3.75" for the shorter one, but I distrust the accuracy of my measurements.... You are correct Zu.........the disadvantage of the kneeling on the floor method is that you can't really do it without assistance, soon as you try to look down to assess the measurement, the height changes........ David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Whats the Difference Date: 06 Feb 2000 00:14:59 GMT On Sat, 5 Feb 2000 17:23:49 -0500, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: > >jobrie wrote in message >news:0t3m4.26221$ >> As far as I know, there's really no difference between Irish and Scottish >> bagpipe music. > >Yikes, you just insulted 2 cultures with one blow. There are many >differences >between the two in terms of presentation and style. > >Irish jigs for instance are played very laid back and round where Scottish >jig playing is very aggressive and quick. You know that post a long time back where I explained how to play jigs? The one you claimed you were above needing? You should have read it. That's ass-backwards. In fact, until recently the "Scottish" jig (no such thing by the way, it's not a Scottish genre) was more like a quickstep of prancy march than anything else. And of this "Scottish" style (and I use the word "style" reluctantly) the Army/GHB pipe band attempts were the most awkward. What you're describing is the GHB recent adoption of the Irish style, verses, *perhaps* an Irish single jig or slide dance tempo, which is only one, the most "layed back" of the several Irish jig formats. Without dancers however, even single jigs and slides tend to start at a *base* of about 130 bpm and go well up from there in Irish session play, and often are plain blinding in professional Irish ceilidh bands. >Kind of like the difference between a Hornpipe and a Reel. >The hornpipe has a structure similar to that of the reel, but >it is played in a more deliberate fashion, with a well defined >accent on the first and third beats of each bar. That would be an *Irish* hornpipe, and the tempo would be quit a bit slower than a reel. In fact, the Scottish GHB style of HP until about 20 years ago was a lot faster and rounder, similar to an Irish reel style. The current GHB hornpipe/hornmarch/hornreel thing is just an odd fad taken over in your part of the GHB world, that actually comes from non-dance Irish styles or Shetland/Cape Breton style or maybe Northumberland rounder HP's. But the truth is, in your beloved "state of the art" GHB band play the only discernable difference between a reel and an HP a lot of times is how many bars you play in a part and how the phrases fall, which is quite a contrast between the Irish style of dance, and the prior "Scottish" HP style. >Three accented >crotchets is a feature of the closing bar of each part. The hornpipe >is of English origin, and it assumed its present form around 1760, >when it changed over from triple time (3/2) to common time. It was >introduced on the stage at the time, and was danced between the acts >and scenes of plays. The tune actually had the first part in 3/2 or 3/4, and the second part went into 4/4. Some of these still survive, but you have to put up with Morris dancing to hear them. >Personally I prefer the Irish style of music, as it has more flavour to it! Well, so do I, but then, I don't know why you'd call a 5 minute jig set in excess of 130 bpm "laid back." Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kilt Length Date: 06 Feb 2000 03:20:53 GMT >Regardless of all that has been said, it really comes down to one issue; >are you comfortable wearing a kilt of this length and do you feel it >looks good on you? I think it's going to take me some time to decide. I've worn it twice lately, checked myself in full-length mirrors a time or two, and I think the length is fine when stationary. It's probably fine when walking too, it's just that this kilt has more of a swing to it than my longer ones do. The net difference is no more than an inch at the bottom, but damn I felt half-naked the first time I put it on. I'm starting to get used to it I think. >If you're unsure how it looks and you are married, ask your wife for >her opinion. She says it looks fine, maybe I'm obsessing...although it does act a bit different when I sit down than my longer ones. That's probably the most noticeable thing to me. Now supposing I decide I like this length, what's the best way to shorten the longer kilts? Is a hem noticeable, or should the kilt be cut? Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: aberdeen Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Ron Bowen changes the topic to Himself instead of Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 06 Feb 2000 01:47:38 GMT In article <>, (Royce Lerwick) wrote: > Another contributor rightly quoted the COP tutor > which wholeheartedly recommends soaking reeds in gallons of water for > days as the primary method of breaking them in. So, in your opinion > Ron, considering your condemnation of my own very reasonable approach > to adding moisture, you must be saying the College of Piping, > particularly Seumas MacNeill, and really, a host of great master > pipers of all time who authorized and reviewed, and edited, and have > used that manual for generations as their primary text, are all a > bunch of dumbasses, far more ignorant than even I. > The College of Piping Tutor Book 2 contains a section entitled "Blowing-in a Chanter Reed" in which they speak specifically on the subject. As part of that section is a sub-section entitled "Short-cuts". They start out that sub-section by saying "Let us make it clear first of all that we believe it is best not to use short-cuts -- nothing is really quiet so effective as a good ignorant blow at the reed......Used in moderation these short-cuts speed the process, and some of them probably do not affect the final state of the reed very much." Then they go on to list 7 of these short-cuts, the first of which is called "Wetting the reed". They describe it as follows: "The reed is soaked in water for several minutes before putting it in the pipe. The excess water is blown out from the lower end of the reed. (In places where water is scarce the red is wet by the mouth, which is better.) "This probably only anticipates what is going to happen to the reed anyway, the only difference being that the reed absorbs the moisture quickly instead of gradually." That's it in its entirity. Hope this helps settle something.... although I'm no longer entirely sure what. I just don't want folks soaking their reeds for days in gallons of water because they think that's the primary method recommended by the C of P, although this may be one of the short-cuts which "probably do not affect the final state of the reed very much." All the best, Jim -- Jim Hudgins Aberdeen Bagpipe Supply Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Le Boeuf Subject: (bagpipe) Re: A440 Pipes Date: 06 Feb 2000 07:20:09 GMT Rodger A. Cotton wrote: > > I am interested in what people think of various makes of A440 Highland Pipes. I > have managed to find 3 makers, MacHarg, Mooney, and Moore. (Thats weird that > their names start with M isnt it?) Any thoughts on the various makes? Is there > someone else making 440's ?? > > Rodger > > P.S. I am looking for objective opinions, and comment only. Post's stating how > 'non proper' A440 is, or questions like "Why the *explative* ?! blah blah blah > " will not be accepted whatsoever. Hi Rodger, I have a set on order from Justin Pickford in Australia. I am getting a Highland pipe with thistle shaped drone tops (similar to alexander glens), but the chanter will be in A440. I figured since I already had a sinclair, I could use a A440 for fooling around. I am also getting a set of Uilleann Pipes from him and later smallpipes. Mike - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe Date: 06 Feb 2000 03:08:52 GMT >Percentage of total Off Topic: 52.77 > >Percentage of total devoted >to personal photos, personal >promotion and adverts: 32.386 > You must have been a Quality Engineer in a previous life. ; ) My only complaint with the book was that the covers were too close together. Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe Date: 05 Feb 2000 23:47:09 GMT Well, got the chores done, had a good sit-down, pork-chop, fries and baby peas to one side, nice cold bottle of diet Squirt in hand, and I'm ready for my book report assignment: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe by Ringo Bowen As reviewed by Pooper and Dummer. PART ONE GENERAL STATISTICAL, TOPICAL, OVERVIEW The work in question is 44 pages long, cover to cover, inclusive. It features full, 4-color photgraphs and line illustrations extensively. It is authored by Ron "Ringo" Bowen, and forwarded with high recommendation by Lindsay Kirkwood. Mr. Bowen has further credited himself as an expert in the restoration of damaged and old Highland pipes, and as evident in the booklet here examined been deeply involved with the "inner elite circle" of piping in the PPBSO. The subject of this review then, is essentially billed, both expressly and implicitly, as a long-needed repository of the combined maintenance, care, and tonal-setup wisdom of the entire Ontario piping establishment from the first Clan MacFarlane successes in the early 1960's to the present reign of the Frasers as the PPBSO's master band. How well it lives up to this promotion will be analysed in specific terms in the next two three installments, this being the first. For the moment I'll simply present a very general overview of its contents, as I think that in itself says a lot. Of its 44 pages: 5.75 Pictures of Ron "Ringo" Bowen, his father, his bands, or his pipes, entirely irrelevant to subject matter. 6.5 Commercial advertisements. I've included the cover in this category rather than the previous one, as the strategic product placement classifies it as a blatant promotion of P&D, and the entire booklet could have been typeset and printed in that establishment based on the fonts, and general look and feel of it. 6 A credited reprint pulled off someone else's web site that talks about oiling recorders, having no particular significance to the GHB player, as will be dealt with in depth in later installments. 2.5 Uncredited Medieval art photos depicting ancient pipes of non-GHB varieties, which Bowen prefaces by admitting they have nothing to do with the GHB, and which seem to be described by uncredited stock cut-lines lifted right out of some sort of musical antiquities volume. .75 A rant published in the NG titled "The Last Hendersons" which has absolutely nothing to do with care and maintenance of the GHB in any conventional or certainly useable sense. 1.25 A description of woods, their acquisition, properties and whatnot, used in GHB production. This section is so anecdotal and internally admitted to be utter speculation, that is never in the end relates to the subject matter except for a few lines and the pictures, and then only as a matter of curiosity. 1 A forward by Lindsay Kirkwood bearing witness to Bowen's credibility, citing his membership in the 78th Frasers as a testament to his own credibility. 1 Table of contents 1 Author's page and intoduction by Bowen, featuring full figure photo of himself with pipes and promotional copy. Total Pages Available: 44 Total Pages Off-Subject 23.25 Total Pages On-Subject 20.75 Percentage of total Off Topic: 52.77 Percentage of total devoted to personal photos, personal promotion and adverts: 32.386 Advertizers: Piper and Drummer (counting the cover placement) The British Shop (Ian Donaldson) Classical Bagpipes/Gibson Bagpipes Inc. (at least for this printing...) J Dunbar Bagpipe Maker Ltd. Kirkwood Bagpipe Repairs & Refinishing Watson & Sons Reedmakers Kilberry Bagpipes MacLellan Bagpipes Celtic Fire "The" Bagpipe Maker Bagpipes by Dunbar, J. Dunbar Bagpipe Maker (And yes, Dunbar bought two adverts so is listed twice.) End Part One Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Mystery Player Date: 06 Feb 2000 03:11:32 GMT >a story tomorrow night about an older women who teaches piping to local >people. > Having never seen or heard of this person nor of any of her students, I was >wondering if someone on the group could identify her. Nancy Tunnicliffe or maybe Catriona Hill come to mind, but I didn't see the promo and those are just guesses. Get back to us tomorrow after the show with the correct answer? Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 06 Feb 2000 17:17:33 GMT In article <389d1e3a_2@>, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: > Royce, you're trying to make us look like the bad guys, but in reality your > the one that's trying to polarize this NG into 2 sides for your own self > interests. And, you polarize the NG even more when you unwittingly spout your "shut up and play" and "adult learners suck" attitude. > Ron, myself and others should not have to defend ourselves from the > likes of you as we have already proven our piping skills on a world wide > basis. I don't believe your piping skills are at issue here, John. Only your condescending demeanor and attitude toward anyone who does not bow down and worship you in the manner you dicatate. Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: rmmb joke Date: 06 Feb 2000 16:04:24 GMT In article <>, Ccc31807 wrote: > Three surgeons were sitting around, talking about their favorite > patients, and who they liked to operate on. I heard this one years ago as being a Librarian, a Computer Repairman and a LAWYER as the third patient. Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kyle Pipes Date: 06 Feb 2000 17:19:54 GMT On Sat, 05 Feb 2000 16:44:09 -0800, Jonboy wrote: >Royce I don't want to step on your toes (God knows there are >enough people in this newsgroup doing it) ,but it wouldn't make >any difference what type of "beads" or plastic was used in the >process of making the chanters ,because the plastic is in a >molten state when it enters the mold. That of course is the theory, but you can't see the effect I'm talking about with your eyes. The fact is that all thermoset plastics have a melt point and various bonding characteristics. Melting enough to become "plastic" isn't necessarily melting enough to "bond." You can see the same effect when you get a bad mechanical bond putting one layer of paint over the previous layer, and you get peeling. Likewise, a certain amount of pressure is required to force a molecular bond, and if the heat/pressure isn't right you get a bond, but not enough to withstand the sort of rigorous leverage you have on a thin neck of a chanter and a little torque. So you can change the machinery to boost pressure and the heat to try to accomplish a better bond or you can find a plastic that bonds better, or bonds better and becomes truely liquid (not "plastic") at lower heat and bonds under lower pressure. Having said that, even give a "plastic" that is heated to "liquid" state and "bonds" and fully integrates itself, you can still have plastic that molds great and yet contains inherent "grain" or fault lines. You have to think of the "plastic" state like a big wad of bread dough. It looks like it's all one piece, it sticks together, you can run it through a pastry press and make it into anything you want, but when you cook it all up it's going to flake into distinct layers because the gluten or protien strings are inherently separated by the oil. There's a similar function in all polymers (plastics) in that a "plasticiser" is used in the mix like shortening in bread, to allow the little polymers, little round beads, to flow freely. That's how it's been explained to me, as I've considered going into the process myself and opted for CNC production because of the absolute tolerances you can maintain. > I can't personally say so >without seeing one , but I would have to guess that there was a >design flaw in the mold,that was causing either a weld line.Where >the plastic gets too cold to bond back to itself as it swirls >inside the mold. Well, if there was a design flaw in the mold causing a weld line, I suppose that would produce the same effect I'm describing. However, the guys who but them under stress analysis told me there were stress lines in general all over the neck area, rather than a single fault. I've examined one, reeded one, and played one of the era and there was certainly no trace of a weld line visible, and I'm certain there was a radius at the joint with the head/bulb, though this was not universally the place they failed. >There also could've been a sharp corner in the >mold itself that causes a natural stress point, which is easily >cured by adding a radius at that point. There's also shrink >factors and process changes that could be a factor also. Well, again, shrinkage would be a characteristic of the "plastic beads" used wouldn't it? If you wanted plastic that didn't shrink you'd have to change the kind of beads you injected no? >I've >been working in and out of the molding industry for 14 years,and >thought that I could throw my $.02 worth in. If you didn't have >to pay for the cost of the tooling (mold) you could easily make >injection molded pipes for under a $100 a set. It's making enough >of them to pay for a $250,000 that is the problem. Your first >lesson in "Injection molding theory" is now over.There will >however be a quiz next week. That's the bind alright, and though you can have molds made and milled by computer far cheaper than ever right now, and job out the production, you're still left with a massive startup investment, only to discover perhaps, that your chanters snap in two or something. I do know however, of somebody who's planning to CNC a complete set of plain Jane GHB out of Delrin that should market around 200 bucks US. Like you say, once you've got the programming done, it's just a matter of feeding in round stock and watching pieces spit out. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 07 Feb 2000 11:02:34 -0500 JOhn Mitchel(sic) wrote, oh a whole lot of stuf aboiut how Royce should buzz off, basically... > snip > > Royce, You are a #1 Humpty and should just be ignored! > I once caught a three pound brook trout on a #14 humpty- a #1 would be one hell of a big fly! ( and I'm not telling anyone where I caught it either) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 07 Feb 2000 15:56:13 GMT On Sun, 6 Feb 2000 23:14:32 -0500, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: >Royce Lerwick wrote > >> I didn't say that at all. I said give it a dunk under the tap. In any >> case, I think we've safely established that the COP tutor is the >> source of the quote you seek, and is in complete concurrence with my >> statement, in fact recommends *soaking* for several minutes. > >Yes, I'll agree that you are in complete concurrence whis that statement >as you openly admit. They wrote it, so you wrote it! Again John resorts to his charges of "plagiarism." However, he neglects the some hundred other pages I wrote that make it clear that I don't in fact recommend soaking reeds under the tap or anywhere else for any length of time. What I concur with is the idea that directly adding water is not particularly destructive to a reed, as you and Ron have grossly urged us to believe. >Is it any wonder why your pipes sound the way they do! > >That's what happens when *you* make recommendations without >completely understanding the mechanics of those recommendations >made by others. This is where you set yourself up John. > >At the time when that book was written, pitch was in the basement >of the spectrum. The book is still in current use and still used by "state of the art" instructors, including that bit of advice. It is in fact, still considered to be the best piping tutor of all time by many, and the advice as written remains sound and effective and well thought-out. >Everything was designed to be wet and very flat. And here's the payoff to your setup. If you really understood the mechanics of the matter, you wouldn't be concocting knuck-dragging alchemistic explanations from a Neanderthal world where you sacrifice a virgin (if you can find one in your neck of the woods) every time the moon eclipses the sun so the dragon won't eat it, about saliva combining with reed juice and forming magic tone. The procedure described, taking a bone dry reed in a bone dry set of pipes, and wetting it a bit, has an effect of about 5 or ten minutes tops, depending on the time of year and humidity. After that, the bag has taken some moisture and the reed has lost moisture, and you have exactly what even you accept as the desired item: a reed with "some" moisture but not too much. >Things have since changed from those days and you need to get updated! Actually John, physics remain unchanged since those days, and the COP advice is still basically sound. I thought you were the guy who didn't believe in trendy gimmicks? But maybe you could clarify something for me: You're obviously an advocate of the Ross Cannister system, and bone-dry play. What's your opinion on Jack Lees repeated condemnation of "rubber bags and plastic reeds?" I'd also like your thoughts on reconciling that philosophy with Mathieson's very effective use of "rubber bags and the very cheapest of plastic reeds." Once again it seems somebody is dated and full of crap. Now we've had you help me sort out the COP as ignorant and out of touch, perhaps you could just let me know whether Jack Lee falls into the same category, or if Rob Mathieson is a modern visionary, or just grasping at passing gimmicks. Thanks in advance, I know I can rely on your help to work out these seeming contradictions as always. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve White" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Flame Wars Date: 07 Feb 2000 00:20:59 -0000 Right behind you Jamie. Perhaps a moderated group is the way to go. Perhaps the offending parties will think twice for a little while? Perhaps I'll go to bed now....... Good night, Steve White Jamie Green wrote in message <87kgkd$hc$>... >Alright, I may be a drummer but I did actually think there may be something >worthwhile for me to read on the piper's NG - how wrong was I ? VERY !! A >lot of people seem to start worthwhile threads of discussion but it only >lasts for about 3 posts before it turns into a flame war - here's a typical >example: > >1 - Sensible person starts a thread of discussion >2 - Another sensible person replies to it >3 - Another sensible person has a view >4 - John Mitchell enters his views to the discussion (sometimes they make >sense, sometimes they don't) >5 - Royce posts something to say what nonsense John is talking and how he >doesn't know anything about piping >6 - John Mitchell posts to the list to critizise Royce and tell him HE >doesn't know anything about piping. >7 - The flame war continues until it starts up again in a new thread of >discussion. > >It really is pathetic - the two mentioned above as well as some guy posting >under the name 'beginnertunes' are always at it. They've obviously blocked >each other's e-mail accounts and so they have their pathetic arguements >here. I've tried telling them to cut it out but all I get is one of them >mailing me directly to say something along the lines of 'he started it - >it's not my fault' - I had such a post today from 'beginnertunes' saying >that he would just ignore what was said about him in future. I thought that >was progress until I realised that as I scrolled down the NG there were more >flame wars going on that involved him !! > >At the end of the day, the majority of us want to discuss piping and the >issues related to it - if any of the offending parties are bothering to read >this then get this - WE DON'T CARE IF YOU HAVE WON THE BLOODY CLASP AT >INVERNESS - IT DOESN'T GIVE YOU ANY MORE RIGHT TO AN OPINION THAN THE NEXT >PERSON !!! People's opinions differ - nobody is the same (thank god) so try >respecting people's opinions and if you disagree with it then trying posting >a reasonable reply to it stating why you disagree and try and do it in a >suitable manner. People have not subscribed to this newsgroup to listen to >you lot argueing and I know for a fact that I am not the only one sick of it >so why don't you start to listen to us - YOU ARE RUINING IT FOR ALL OF US >!!!!! Personally, I hope that I never come across any of you in person and >I'd like to say that you had better hope the same 'cos the three of you >really are pissing me off !! > >Jamie Green >Scotland > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Part II: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 07 Feb 2000 15:31:32 GMT On Sun, 6 Feb 2000 17:19:00 -0800, "Iain Sherwood" wrote: >So, Royce, because he said concisely in his book what you spent half a ream >on in yours, yours is better? Don't think so. > >After all your blathering, WHAT'S YOUR POINT? Other than slamming Ringo, >you've said nothing. As the purpose of the newsgroup is INFORMATION not >VITUPERATION, you've failed miserably. Again! > >Iain Sherwood Like our Mr. Findlater, you've obviously failed to read either post, because, like Findlater, you've offered a summary criticism on matters clearly set aside in both installments for the final analysis. A rather premature conclusion. Furthermore, you've ignored repeated explanations that my examination really has nothing at all to do with Ron Bowen or his per per-se, but his claims and work merely offer a case-study in the failure of the repeated bold assertions of those in his society, like Mitchell, Kirkwood, and others, on who's coat tails Bowen simply rides into this debate. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 06 Feb 2000 17:34:35 GMT On Sun, 6 Feb 2000 02:08:56 -0500, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: >Royce, you're trying to make us look like the bad guys, but in reality your >the one that's trying to polarize this NG into 2 sides for your own self >interests. Maybe your just not used to having players on here that know >what their talking about. Interstingly enough John, it was Ron Bowen who's last rant at me featured this notion of an innercircle or real pipers, a real piping society, an inner circle people like he could assure I would be banished from in retaliation for daring to say putting a splash of water on a chanter reed when you haven't played it in 3 months is evil and will destroy the minds of all the innocent young pipers who read such advice. >Ron, myself and others should not have to defend ourselves from the >likes of you as we have already proven our piping skills on a world wide >basis. If your not getting the recognition and respect that you think you >deserve, then it's your own dam fault. Get up off your ass and prove >you know what your talking about. Let your well setup instrument >and playing skills do the talking for a change, instead of your flapping >gums. Again John has this inability to discuss single-point issues on an intellectual basis, and again, he alludes to a "players only" society to which he claims membership. And again, he' arguing to the mechanic, that he should get his ass out of the garage and drive a few more races before he has the qualifications to tell little kids that race cars burn alcohol, and they shouldn't put gasoline into the tank no matter what John says about "racing fuel" being a combination of petroleum and spit, that combines with the metal sap of the tank to form a powerful liquid explosive. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe Date: 06 Feb 2000 17:25:54 GMT On 06 Feb 2000 16:34:22 GMT, (Beginnertunes) wrote: >>He is just massaging his third >>functioning part ... his ego. > >Are you sure that's the "third working part" he was referring too or massaging? > ;?)~ Ok, FOUR working parts, but those last two are part of the same unit. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (PYPPR) Subject: (bagpipe) Cushing GHB's Date: 07 Feb 2000 01:42:36 GMT Missed the posts earlier and would appreciate knowedgeable comments on Cushing GHB's. Have a student inquiring about them. Please respond by email. Stu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Part II: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 07 Feb 2000 14:13:17 GMT In article , "Iain Sherwood" wrote: > So, Royce, because he said concisely in his book what you spent half a ream > on in yours, yours is better? > ...Iain Sherwood I have say that the word "concise" does not come to mind when I read Ron's book. Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kilt Length Date: 06 Feb 2000 22:01:37 GMT >A folded hem won't look or hang right and if you cut along >the bottom, you will no longer have a finished edge and it will >unravel. I never realized there was so much to know about a kilt! >Why mess with >success? True, true. Thanks for the help, everybody! Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 07 Feb 2000 15:50:26 GMT Jimmy Findlater wrote: > royce, your a fool, read the book for what its worth overall. A book like Jimmy, Royce may be a fool, but your post might be less humorous if you were to call someone a fool while not doing something foolish yourself like using improper grammar! It's "you're" (short for "you are"), not "your" (possessive). Sorry, but I thought it ironic. bemused, Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Iain Sherwood" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Part II: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 06 Feb 2000 17:19:00 -0800 So, Royce, because he said concisely in his book what you spent half a ream on in yours, yours is better? Don't think so. After all your blathering, WHAT'S YOUR POINT? Other than slamming Ringo, you've said nothing. As the purpose of the newsgroup is INFORMATION not VITUPERATION, you've failed miserably. Again! Iain Sherwood - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Flame Wars Date: 07 Feb 2000 11:13:39 -0500 I don't think it was Jamie's post being referred to in regards to the coarse language thread, Steve. Most Americans haven't a cluetothe meaning and derivation of "bloody" and "blasted", so don't find them objectionable. there are several posters who regularly use shall we say less than appropriate language on this newsgroup- those *)(*&@))ers know who the(%%*&*(&)!! I'm talking about, eh? Steve White wrote: > Very patronising and not very constructive. Jamie's made a very worthwhile > post and if his frustrations spills over into a little bit of over emphasis > then who can blame him under the circumstances? > > Reading his post I only found one swear word - "bloody". If that's above > your threshold of tolerance you are definitely in the wrong place - not just > in this newsgroup but most others too. If I've missed some other swear word > in Jamie's post please forgive me but I can't be arsed to read it again. > > Steve White > > Paul Mc. <> wrote in message > <>... > Two things my late father used to say come to mind: a)It is better to > >keep your mouth shut and appear an fool, than to open it and remove all > >doubt. b) Any #%&$#@&* idiot can swear, it proves nothing but a lack of > >vocabulary and intelligence. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 07 Feb 2000 15:46:33 GMT Jimmy Findlater wrote: > royce, your a fool, read the book for what its worth overall. A book like Jimmy, Royce may be a fool, but your post might be less humorous if you were to call someone a fool while not doing something foolish yourself like using improper grammar! It's "you're" (short for "you are"), not "your" (possessive). Sorry, but I thought it ironic. bemused, Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 07 Feb 2000 15:46:35 GMT Jimmy Findlater wrote: > royce, your a fool, read the book for what its worth overall. A book like Jimmy, Royce may be a fool, but your post might be less humorous if you were to call someone a fool while not doing something foolish yourself like using improper grammar! It's "you're" (short for "you are"), not "your" (possessive). Sorry, but I thought it ironic. bemused, Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve White" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Flame Wars Date: 07 Feb 2000 00:12:11 -0000 Very patronising and not very constructive. Jamie's made a very worthwhile post and if his frustrations spills over into a little bit of over emphasis then who can blame him under the circumstances? Reading his post I only found one swear word - "bloody". If that's above your threshold of tolerance you are definitely in the wrong place - not just in this newsgroup but most others too. If I've missed some other swear word in Jamie's post please forgive me but I can't be arsed to read it again. Steve White Paul Mc. <> wrote in message <>... Two things my late father used to say come to mind: a)It is better to >keep your mouth shut and appear an fool, than to open it and remove all >doubt. b) Any #%&$#@&* idiot can swear, it proves nothing but a lack of >vocabulary and intelligence. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Part II: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 07 Feb 2000 16:31:06 GMT On Mon, 07 Feb 2000 15:31:32 GMT, (Royce Lerwick) wrote: >On Sun, 6 Feb 2000 17:19:00 -0800, "Iain Sherwood" >wrote: > >>So, Royce, because he said concisely in his book what you spent half a ream >>on in yours, yours is better? Don't think so. >> >>After all your blathering, WHAT'S YOUR POINT? I forgot to mention that I've got some research ready for the group on Mr. Sherwood and his web site, speaking of blathering. I'll post it in the next few days when I get a moment. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 07 Feb 2000 00:11:12 GMT On Sun, 6 Feb 2000 16:59:26 -0500, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: >>The key to good salesmanship is remembering the bullshit. >Royce, your story changes from week to week on every issue >you get involved with. You can't even remember you own crap. Note the following: > >You said to run a reed under the tap for a few minutes to let >the reed re-hydrate. Is it any wonder with mis-information >like this that anyone can honestly say that you know what your >talking about. I didn't say that at all. I said give it a dunk under the tap. In any case, I think we've safely established that the COP tutor is the source of the quote you seek, and is in complete concurrence with my statement, in fact recommends *soaking* for several minutes. Guess that makes you the guy unable to remember my own crap. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 06 Feb 2000 17:21:52 GMT On Sun, 06 Feb 2000 02:43:52 GMT, "Jimmy Findlater" wrote: >royce, your a fool, read the book for what its worth overall. A book like >this has not been written in years, its a fine fine tool for any level >piper, who the frick cares about its percentages and shit. what book does >not have adverts in it? its good for the instrument to see diff. >oppurtunities for purchasing products, i dont think it was rons intention to >put 100% of pure writing text, or who would read it? you have to show >pictures and NOTHING in that book is completely off topic, or it would NOT >have been put in.. > > >but hey royce, we know your the greatest piper around, and we should all >just splurge and buy your pipe majors handbook which i am sure is 100% on >topic and an absolutely perfect guide for all of us pipers, > >your an asshole royce, I think I'll satisfy your questions with the next two installments. Please note that I did mention this was just a statistical overview. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 06 Feb 2000 16:57:44 GMT In article <389ce9de_5@>, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: > This makes perfect sense in establishing credibility. Otherwise it wouldn't > be of any use if someone were to say that they were from Bumfuck, Utah. > Lindsay's credentials are well established, so it's not even an issue! Since you brought it up for discussion, John. I believe 'credentials' and 'credibility' are qualities within one's overall character. These qualities are evaluated on a continuing basis. These qualities run deeper than "where you are from", or bagpiping, or membership in a well know band. Character can be based on personal actions and ones observations of those actions. These qualities are not present as something to be shoved down anothers throat by decree. I make my own decisions on character and credibility. I would only add that filthy and threatening personal E-mails would only enhance the opportunity to evaluate ones character/credentials/credibility. Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Doug Campbell Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Flame Wars Date: 07 Feb 2000 11:51:01 -0500 This group is really very tame and civilized compared to much of usenet.  If you don't want to read somebody's posts, filter them out.  Maybe I could care less about the origin of the horsehair sporran.  I'm not duty bound to read about it simply because it appears here.  Same for any other thread - you learn to separate the wheat from the chaffe.

Next time you're in a bar and 2 guys are arguing in the corner, go up to them, tell them they're ruining the ambience of the place and see how you're received.  You just made them allies, mate!

Personally, I find the brawls entertaining.  Nobody's having a go who doesn't want to, and nobody is getting hurt.

Doug C. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Bag sizes? Date: 07 Feb 2000 00:05:45 -0400 Gerald Griffith wrote in message ... >>Question - how does one select the appropriate size from the selection that is >available now? What are the advantages/disadvantages of larger than standard >bags? What a good question ! I look forward to a detailed response.....but please, leave the slanging at home................reply as if your Mum and your preteen sister are going to read it ! How should one judge whether the bag should be bigger (or smaller) ? David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve White" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Flame Wars Date: 07 Feb 2000 06:49:09 -0000 Hi Luramao, Very droll :-) Steve white Luramao wrote in message <>... umm, Steve, yep, I DO pay my own bills, - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: METRO CUP Date: 07 Feb 2000 16:06:31 GMT In article <>, (PIPERIRV) wrote: > I would like to know if anyone knows the exact date and place of the Metro Cup. > I was told it was 2-19? > Thanks > Eddie > Yes, it's 2/19/00 7:30 PM sharp. Holiday Inn North, Newark, New Jersey We are sponsoring Bruce Gandy for the event. We are also getting him for a seminar over the weekend. We'll be in piping heaven for 2 whole days! -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Part II: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 07 Feb 2000 00:50:11 GMT Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe by Ringo Bowen As reviewed by Pooper and Dummer. PART TWO PURPOSE, INTENT, MARKET, AND AUTHOR PROFILE It should be first noted that the purpose of this evaluation is quite honestly to teach Mr. Bowen how to better present what treasures of wisdom he apparently has. It is less a commentary on the contents of the book, than how the contents of the book got there, and why they got there, which all goes to the point of the Author's intentions or motivations for putting the book together. In his introduction, he states: "This book has been written with the average piper in mind, for those who wish to gain a better understanding of the mechanics of the Great Highand Bagpipe." What we've seen in part one of this treatise however, is over half the book is either advertizements for his personal busines and musical associates, associates for which he has taken very public promotional stands in this NG. Over a third of Bowen's booklet consists of personal photos or rants, leaving barely 20 pages all said and done to actually educate the "average piper" on the very wide topic of GHB mechanics. Though it must wait for the specific analysis of content in the third installment of my musings on his work, it must be said here that what Mr. Bowen's writings hold consistently to more than anything else, is something of a little scrapbook of personal musings on pet topics, mainly for the benefit of his students, friends, and those in his immediate environs who know of him and his bands, rather than any sort of in-depth attempt to provide the "average piper" or much less, the beginning piper, with a complete understanding of the basics of getting a set of pipes going in some reasonably musical fashion. As this is known by a very conventional name in the publishing industry, we can without prejudice describe the piece as "vanity press." The pertinence of this, again, will become clear in several major gaps in what should have been key, featured, and even central topics entirely omitted from Bowen's tome, likewise, the superficial manner in which other pivotal topics, though mentioned, were rather patronizingly skimmed over as if everyone knew what he was talking about anyway, and the inclusion thereof was intended only to add just that last little sparkle of his personal insight on the matter. This has also to be considered again, I apologise for the redundancey, in the context of the other 20 pages and more of full-color pictures of his bands etc., in which space there would sure have been ample room to cover the entire subject matter had that been his prime intention, or had he really had further knowledge to share. So we must conclude somewhat that, having 30 and more years to prepare this work, having obviously spent a lot of time and money to release it in the finest of formats and materials, this is either all he has to say, what he had to say about maintenance of the GHB was really only one of two or three main excuses for publishing the work. Mr. Kirkwood's forward states: "I was very pleased when asked to contribute to this much needed publication." The question arises: needed by whom? Mr. Bowen obviously needed to write it. The advertizers oddly enough present the sort of merchants who would be quite pleased to add another impulse, throw-away item to drop in the pipe case every time a new piper gets a set of GHB. Mr. Findlater of the NG has in response to part one, likewise claimed that such a work hadn't been published in years, and it was badly needed. The reality is, my work aside, John MacClellan's "A Piper's Handbook" covered the same subject matter and more in less space, and has been available for some 50 years? There are those of course who rightly assume that as a competitor in the market, I can hardly be fair to Mr. Bowen. I don't think however that my work and his in examination, actually are directed at the same market at all, and I was somewhat disappointed in this, as I expected once I dug into his work, based on his much indignant posturing about his credentials, to find far far more specific details, procedures, techniques, or in short, meat, substance, regarding the setup and maintenance of GHB. What I found instead was a very basic overview of a few topics, mainly seasoning, bags, and a hyperinflated emphasis on oiling debates, topics which are already interminable in the NG and general piping public. He also includes some helpful, but gapped, instructions on reeds, and so, in summary, I found I could only produce a comparative criticism of his work to mine, based on the many many things absent in the former, rather than offer any extended debate about specifics. In short, there were so few specifics in Bowen's treatise, that all the buildup and posturing about how such specifics might be applied better in his book because of his great experience, was a moot point. Kirkwood states: "I have always been impressed with his ability to consistently produce a first class instrument, day in and day out. This speaks to his knowledge and experience in knowing just when and how to employ the "tricks of the trade." There are bugger-all "tricks of the trade" exposed in Bowen's 20 pages, and I honestly expected to find some there. Indeed, Bowen and his proxies, have accused me of being a plagiarist, of stealing "secrets" or "tricks of the trade" from Ed Neigh, Ken Eller, others generally, of not having the actual band experience to apply them consistently. Colin MacLellan has downplayed my own work as containing some "just bad advice," a phrase which his friend, Ron Bowen has recently appropriated in a lengthy thread. The P&D review of my own work, by Neigh, included the suggestion that there were inconsistencies, and Bowen has picked this up with others to make the charge that this is again, due to my "parroting" off information without having actually applied it in a band. Bowen has been chief in insinuating, nay, outright condemning myself and any of my NG associates as "self-promoting" and called both my character and work into question because of several conspiratorial theories of my marketplace domination. What we see however, is that Mr. Bowen's own work only managed to squeeze in pertinent content into less than half its already slim volume, the remainder being entirely made up of all the self-promotion and gross marketing, flogging if you will, of commercial associates or himself personally. Furthermore, we see this effort being promoted by very substantial names as a truly meaningful, almost pioneer effort, when in fact it is merely a modest pipe-box filler featuring many many pages of scrapbook photos meaningful only to Bowen and his friends, like the Polynesian Cultural Center videos I was just forced to watch after a sauna over at my Dad's house, because the folks had just returned from Hawaii. (Albeit the Samoan video was far more entertaning than most such holiday-snap sessions.) So, as I say, now that I have a chance to examine Mr. Bowen's much touted "example" and "example" of how it should be done, backed apparently by the combined forces of the PPBSO, I was entirely let down. I was loaded for bear and a bunny came running out of the forest instead. I was in fact, reminded why I set out to write my own book in the first place. Any fault with this work has more to do with the sociological climate in which is was formulated than its contents, in fact, it is more to be criticized for what is not included than what was included. Bowen claims to have written for "the average piper" but it is evident he is so removed from the "average" piper that he has no conception of what information is valuable and what is not. He has condensed his 30 years of much touted experience and produced a souvenir circus program, rather than the in-depth manual on how to raise a tent and rig the trapeze and high wire he obviously thinks he's presented. So, when Lindsay Kirkwood has pulled up stakes and left your small town, the travelling show is just a dim memory, and you sit alone with the Bowen booklet he sold you as a remembrance of his visit, are you, the "average" piper, going to be able to sit down in the living room with a box of sticks, some hemp, wax, tie in cord and other suppies, and actually put together and maintain a set of GHB? The answer is a resounding "NO!" When your pipes crack in half are you actually going to look up how to fix them in Bowen's book? No. Unless of course, you want to send them to Bowen or Kirkwood for repair, and on that score as well, this write at least would certainly not send a vintage set of pipes to be brutalized in the manner Bowen describes as "restoration." In summary, had Bowen, Kirkwood, Mitchell, and a number of others not openly established the criteria for review by their criticism of my work, this book wouldn't even be worth a debate. The "Who the F' are you" defense for serious mistakes in the work however, without ever rising to my repeated offers to debate my own book in specific terms, has made the first two parts of this review mandatory, and frankly, thus far my commentary is almost longer than the pertinent text in the book being reviewed. Why? Bowen has made "credibility" or "experience" or "endorsement" by the "established experts" the primary issue. He and his supporters have presented the notion that such endorsement guarantees the supply of superior wisdom and information in Bowen's tome, or by principle, any other endeavor. Bowen and his partners have asserted that those like myself who would contest this assertion are ignorant self-promoters, and thus also assert that his sanction be the GHB establishment (at least in the PPBSO) insures he and his work must be entirely pure, pure, giving and selfless. We've already seen however, that in the latter case, Bowen's own work argues against him. In the next and final installment, we will see that his own work likewise proves beyond any doubt that all the respectability, good intention, and "sanction" in the world does not in fact guarantee that such great wisdom as Bowen or any other in his company might possess, will be evident in this or any other literature or seminar he or they might produce. This is not a criticism of Ron Bowen, his book, or even his associates. Ron Bown just happens to be something on an archetypal "piping great" in this case, deeply immersed in a self-adoring and self-respecting culture that has not only no idea how removed it is from the piper in the street, but has no idea how to offer the piper in the street much help, unless the piper in the street is already smart enough or insightful enough to ask the right question. End part II Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Richard Mao Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Bag sizes? Date: 06 Feb 2000 21:58:54 -0500 Hi Gerald... are you close to any other pipers... ask them the favor of playing their bags... and see if you can get your arm around it... Unless you are long armed... shirt sleeve size 36 or better... stay away from the larger size bags... they will pinch the nerves in your arm... Ideally when you squeeze... your arm should be squeezing into your body ... not down one the bag... ideally when you hold the bag... your left (high hand) arm should be able to take up position on the chanter with your forarm at a level...not crooked ...putting tunnel pressure on your wrist... Good Luck There is no real success unless they have the freedom to fail….Eric Hoffer Richard Mao, The Peking Piper ( ) Gerald Griffith wrote: > It being some years since I've used my pipes, I suspect the bag may > be due for replacement before I take it up again. Back when I was playing, > the size selection amounted to standard bag and oversized Beaton Swan-neck > (yep, that long ago.) > > Question - how does one select the appropriate size from the selection that is > available now? What are the advantages/disadvantages of larger than standard > bags? - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matt Buckley" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: easy club Date: 02 Feb 2000 08:35:00 -0500 Phillip Shields wrote in article <>... > can anyone tell me who wrote The Easy Club Reel? Jim Sutherland, of the band "Easy Club". Jim is not known as piper, but has written a number of great tunes suitable for the pipes, including the hornpipe "Sailor's Lass", also "The Back Man". Jim now produces recording, and plays cittern on many, including Gordon Duncan's "Just for Seamus". Easy Club consisted of Jack Evans (original Jock Tamson's Bairns), Norman Chalmers (Ossian, Cauld Blast Orchestra), Jim Sutherland and Rod Patterson (Ceolbeg). Great band - too bad they haven't been together in quite some time. Cheers. Matt - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matt Buckley" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: easy club Date: 04 Feb 2000 08:52:30 -0500 Basspipes wrote in article <>... > Grey Larson. [wrote Easy Club reel] Huh? I'm sure Jim Sutherland would be curious to know this, given that the tune is copywrited under Jim's name @Grian Music, and appears in his wonderful tune book. As I posted previously, Jim Sutherland, Norman Chalmers, Jack Evans and Rod Patterson constituted the amazing band Scottish band Easy Club in the 1980s. A few years back Greentrax put out a compiliation CD of their work. Grey Larson did write the well-known pipe tune Thunderhead. He had absolutely nothing to do with writing Easy Club. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matt Buckley" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Irish Rock Pipe Band Date: 04 Feb 2000 08:58:19 -0500 Adoyle33 wrote in article > well, it's hard to replace arguebaly the best piper in the world , not to > mention a master of the uilleen and smallpipes & tinwhistle Master of GHB and smallpipes, perhaps. Master of uillean pipes? He's flashy and fast on UP. Tasteful, with thoughtful traditional Irish ornamentation? I'm not so sure. I have yet to hear the likes of Paddy Keenan, Liam O'Flynn, Tim Britton et. al. refer to Neil as a "master" of UP. Cheers. Matt - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 07 Feb 2000 15:50:45 GMT Jimmy Findlater wrote: > royce, your a fool, read the book for what its worth overall. A book like Jimmy, Royce may be a fool, but your post might be less humorous if you were to call someone a fool while not doing something foolish yourself like using improper grammar! It's "you're" (short for "you are"), not "your" (possessive). Sorry, but I thought it ironic. bemused, Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matt Buckley" Subject: (bagpipe) Very Obscure Question Date: 07 Feb 2000 12:15:02 -0500 I recently spoke with a friend who makes uillean pipes, and we were talking about the period 1820-40 when the art of making UPs dramatically improved. He was told, anecdotally, that much of the fine steel used during the period in the making of UPs came from bayonets - British Army stationed in Cork/southwest Ireland. Anyone know who the manufacturer/country of origin for fine bayonets used by the British would be in this period? I know little or nothing about European arms manufacturers, but guessed it might be Krupp. Thanks. Matt - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Treachery & Betrayal!! Date: 07 Feb 2000 11:43:33 -0500 Seems tyo me there were a couple of bands like that in Cape Breton a few genarations ago... "Paul Mc." wrote: > Well I suppose with three pipers and 4 drummers in the family, we have > the beginnings of our own band. Maybe we should gang up and get the > rest involved. Has there ever been a pipe band comprised of the > siblings and parents of just 2 families? > > * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network * > The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free! - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (ALIXGUNN) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Ice Skater in a Kilt Date: 07 Feb 2000 18:16:57 GMT >Sorry to reconstruct the bubble, but I can tell you from personal experience, as I'm sure a lot from this newsgroup can, that it had a lot to do with the kilt.< Sorry - I've seen the women - especially the Japanese women - go crackers over Phillippe in his GodFather costume; his Musketeer costume, and his Saturday Night Fever costume. In this case - it ain't what's in the kilt.... Not that I don't think kilts aren't fetching on some people....I've just been around y'all waaaaay too long to buy that old saw about " The clothes make the man" .... I've seen Angus Longphee... Noel Slagle.... John Mitchell.... - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (ALIXGUNN) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 07 Feb 2000 18:20:18 GMT >Ok Mrs. Royce, here's some cheap advice for ya! Maybe you should lay your husband a little more often, he's feeling a great deal of pressure these days from the losing battle he's involved in here.< John - - Low. Very. Keep it civilized enough to keep the family out of it. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: METRO CUP Date: 07 Feb 2000 18:31:05 GMT In article <87mtst$qhu$>, Ray_zee wrote: > Brian > > According to the tickets it says 7:00pm. There is no time listed in The > Voice. > > Ray > Didn't have my ticket in front of me when I posted. Dooh! -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 07 Feb 2000 18:41:14 GMT In article <389eedf1_2@>, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: > Ken is experienced enough to first ask the amount of time you spend > playing during the week, then he would recommend the bag best > suited for your needs. > > Then as you develop and find your playing more often > and having reed problems, Lindsay would recommend > a Ross Bag for better moisture control and this would > save your reeds. So tell us what would Lindsay recommend after Ken throws a handfull of chanter reeds into a cupfull of water and lets 'em soak? Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Ron Bowen changes the topic to Himself instead of Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 05 Feb 2000 04:49:22 GMT On Fri, 04 Feb 2000 13:10:26 GMT, "Ron Bowen" wrote: >Still sticking your finger in my eye, eh Royce. Interesting that your >response (only slightly out of context) was "Sounds like you got it." but >that's O.K. because the great Oracle of Minnehaha has spoken! Always about you eh? I think that was a response agreeing to somebody else and it had nothing to do with you. >The application of the sum total of my wisdom put me in Grade 1 after 1 year >of playing pipes (1973) and kept me there for many years. The last 3 years >I've dropped down to Grade 2 with two North American Championships and three >Champion Supreme plaques on the wall. Yeah, and you've got the pictures to prove it. Page after page of them. >But Royce is always in my face. I think you'll find what really happened is I responded to John Mitchell about a moisture control management topic and you butted in with a headed titled "Royce's Really Bad Advise," and proceeded to tell everyone what a moron I was for suggesting that when a reed is really really dry, adding some moisture might be called for. Pretty selective memory. Always playing the victim Ron. >Personally I am fed up. You seize every microscopic opportunity and explode >it into a major epic where Royce is King and we are all your adoring and >ever so thankful, humble, and otherwise unworthy subjects. Again, you're the one who jumped in with both feet on this topic. Now, either you're playing "Good Cop/Bad Cop" with John Mitchell, or you're the reasoned, neutral, wise observer, but please stop jumping back and forth between the roles. It confuses everyone, even yourself. >It's crap Royce, >and you are King of Crap! Now leave me alone! The group should be reminded that Ron Bowen first entered the forum some several months back, introducing himself as a bagpipe maintenance and repair/restoration expert, then proceeded to advise a novice with a cracked drone that "pinning" was a dangerous, possibly destructive procedure that never worked. Again, I'll remind this NG that this is something akin to a person presenting himself as a piano technician, and then following up in the next sentence by advising the student that he should not under any circumstances have the key tops replaced because it will destroy the action of the instrument and what he should really do instead is fill the cracks with linseed oil and eggshells and burnish them really smooth again with a hot probe on the end of a drill motor, and of course, if any of them are loose, make sure you drill a channel under the top through the key, so you can bind it in place with some stout, waxed white cord, which he asserts, will be completely invisible. >If you want to slam me, send >me private emails, or do you so enjoy waving your unwashed undies before >this newsgroup that you can't resist? I have a policy Ron. People who claim to know better, who claim to be experts, who should know better, are simply reviewed in the same context in which they place themselves for review. And keep in mind, if you weren't so instrinsically vested in your ideas or your claims as simply a manifestation of your *person* your statements here could be reviewed rationally without the martyrous intonations you keep appealing to in your defense. You keep alluding to some great compilation of wisdom in one breath, and in the next you simply admit that you have no answers, just clues to answers. Oh, the coy Ronnie. Please please tell us your secrets. Is that the response you demand of us? Let's just take this most recent example, the very header above us which you hijacked into another one of your please for respect and sympathy: Wet reeds, dry reeds. You have taken the position that putting clean water on a reed at any time for any reason will actually destroy the reed. Another contributor rightly quoted the COP tutor which wholeheartedly recommends soaking reeds in gallons of water for days as the primary method of breaking them in. So, in your opinion Ron, considering your condemnation of my own very reasonable approach to adding moisture, you must be saying the College of Piping, particularly Seumas MacNeill, and really, a host of great master pipers of all time who authorized and reviewed, and edited, and have used that manual for generations as their primary text, are all a bunch of dumbasses, far more ignorant than even I. I really don't respond to you at all. I don't write for you benefit at all, because you're unteachable. I write for the guys who read the COP tutor, and then have some stern old codger like you lecture them in your "seminars" about the evils of wetting reeds, and then have to try to reconcile your severe, unilateral, absolute BS against the COP's entirely opposite, severe, unilateral, and absolute BS. Why you would think anyone would waste any amount of time bickering with you in private correspondence is telling. That's not what this NG is all about. >This is the last correspondence that you will ever receive from me, the last >mention of you that I will ever post to this newsgroup or elsewhere and the >last time that I will ever view one of your posts. I have ZERO interest in >you or your neurosis. What's that, about the 4th or 5th time you've said that? Royce > >Ringo > >Royce Lerwick wrote in message > >> On Thu, 03 Feb 2000 13:49:34 GMT, "Ron Bowen" >> wrote: >> >> >You got it! Now you know as much as any of us! >> >> So, get some reeds, let them sit in the fridge for a few years, and >> that's the sum total of your wisdom? >> >> Royce > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Iain Sherwood" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Part II: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 07 Feb 2000 10:53:31 -0800 So, Royce, now you're reduced to slagging anyone and everyone who disagrees with you. How positively jejeune. How unutterably fatuous of you. All Hail Royce the First, Grand Panjandrum of Piping Pomposity! Does your ego bite you on the ass when you reach for the soap? Or does it just tell you that you don't really measure up? Seems that if you spent more 'moments' piping and fewer 'moments' blathering, people might be able to get on with their lives sans the benefit of your Great Wisdom. BTW I understand your volume is going to be incorporated in the Book of Moron.... -- Iain Sherwood - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Flame Wars Date: 07 Feb 2000 18:49:43 GMT In article <87mnd7$lem$>, aberdeen wrote: > I know you asked John specifically, but maybe I can help shed a little > light on your problem. (Hope THIS doesn't start a flame war!) > > We recently started carrying Gilmour reeds and have found them to work > quite well in the new Shepherd chanters. They have good volume, are > well balanced, and are very consistent. Just be sure to take some of > the hemp loose from whatever reed you choose and seat the reed very > deeply into the seat. Thanks, Jim. I should be getting some Gilmours soon to try just what you recommend. Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: bdunsire@aol.comNOSPAM (Bob Dunsire) Subject: (bagpipe) BCPA Annual Gathering entry form Date: 07 Feb 2000 18:45:51 GMT And now for something really different (sorry - just kidding, but, ahh.. you know)... I've just posted the entry form for the 2000 Annual Gathering (a PDF) onto the BC Pipers' Events web page (The BC Pipers' Association Annual Gathering will be held April 21 & 22) Bob D. ------------- (having much fun with web pages, including: (Bagpipe Web Directory - 1000+ links) (BC Pipers' Association)) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Iain Sherwood" Subject: (bagpipe) COMPADA news Date: 07 Feb 2000 12:02:13 -0800 COMPADA is pleased to announce that Chris Hossack has been elected to the Presidency of the WUSPBA for a third term. The organisers of COMPADA have had a long-standing professional relationship with P/M Hossack, and feel that all issues between the two organisations can now be resolved amicably and bring relations forward in a positive manner. Many thanks to those who support COMPADA and its goals for the betterment of solo piping. Iain Sherwood Acting Secretary, COMPADA find out more about COMPADA at - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: rmmb joke Date: 07 Feb 2000 18:27:58 GMT In article <>, Ccc31807 wrote: > Never! My specialty is regurgitating garbage I have ingested > from others. Haven't you learned that by now? > > Cheers. You just dashed all my pre-conceived ideas about you. Besides, I'm a slow learner. Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Part III: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 07 Feb 2000 19:56:38 GMT Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe by Ringo Bowen As reviewed by Pooper and Dummer. PART THREE SPECIFIC CONTENT REVIEW Mr. Bowen has in this forum promoted a number of notions which ought to be strongly contested. The proof of the truth of these contentions are made evident he promises in his brochure: "Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe," in which he claims his credentials, and the piping elite who have sanctioned these credentials, will plainly manifest their superiority over any work not so sanctioned and blessed. Thus, the only point for examining his booklet at all, for the purposes of this review, is to see if he and his associates in his self-described "inner circle" are in fact correct in the assertions he makes, IE: 1 The endorsements of Bowen's society insure superior product and information. 2 Conversely, several specifically named contributors of the NG and in principle, any others, not so embraced and sanctioned by his society, must be by definition incapable of producing any adequate product or information. 3 Those who would contest any product or information so sanctioned by his society, add upon, correct, ammend, depart from or ignore same, are self-evidently ignorant self-promoters with various emotional or psychological illnesses, which can only be the source of any such disrespect, disagreement, or dismissal of said sanctioned producs or information. (To this point I believe it is successfully established in parts one and two of this writing, that Bowen's claims of "self promotion" by now falls into the category of "people who live in glass houses...") 4 Those who would debate on any level the validity of products or information sanctioned by Bowen's society represent a personal attack on the credibility and personal character of all, and in the words of John Mitchell, it is then "Time to close ranks," and in this regard, the proper course of action would be to retaliate within the competitive system and close social order they control, either with physical violence, or competitive ostracism. Bowen summarizes most of the above propositons here: "The application of the sum total of my wisdom put me in Grade 1 after 1 year of playing pipes (1973) and kept me there for many years. The last 3 years I've dropped down to Grade 2 with two North American Championships and three Champion Supreme plaques on the wall. But Royce is always in my face. I can only deduct that you are the consummate piping wannabe, so consumed with bitterness at having never achieved what you wanted to achieve, never gotten the respect that you so desperately seek, *never been welcome inside the inner circle of piping*, to the point where, in your waning years, you sit on this newsgroup as the self-appointed all knowing and always speaking Oracle from the centre of piping in Minnesota and take pot shots at anyone and everyone who ever made it to where you wanted to be. Are you really that insecure? or are you really that arrogant? or are you just plain ignorant?" [emphasis mine] We clearly see Bowen's self-aggrandizing allusion to this "inner circle." And this prompted by a simple and disagreement with John Mitchell regarding whether or not it was OK to put a little water on a reed. Regarding item 4 above, I will first concede that this is hardly unique to Ron or his society, and as with all social orders criticism of the "accepted" is always viewed as an attack on those who've made their positions based on the "accepted." For Bowen to claim to be above this defies human nature. SPECIFIC POINTS IN THE BOOK: pg1 The introduction states in its last line: "The intent is to inform, not impress." This ironically is positioned as a cut-line to an adjacent full-length photo of Ron Bowen in full formal dress, blowing his pipes. I was neither informed nor impressed, and all else apart I'm not the only one who cynically wonders immediately why anyone would presume such a caution would be necessary unless it was the author's belief that his work would be so overwhelmingly impressive that a preemptive warning was thus called for. Furthermore, the photo shows that Bowen plays his blowpipe off the corner of his mouth, left cheek severely distended ala Dizzy Gillespie, which my generation associates with Shrine players and other poorly-instructed old duffers, and the beginner should look across the page to the advert for the British shop to see a properly positioned blowpipe that makes the best ergonmic use of the facial muscles, making blowing easier and quicker to master, and in the long run give you a seal and facial tone capable of blowing the Big Noise with far less effort. pg5 The first section of the book "The Pipe Bag" actually is about blowpipe valves. The Li'l Mac, leather, and electrical tape valves are *mentioned* as types of valves, but no directions are given on how they can be made, or how to install them. In fact, a very serious oversight commences here, in that nowhere in this book does Bowen bother explaining how to wrap joints/tenons/slides, what hemp is, how it is used, where it goes, what wax is or where it goes etc. pg7 In a rather good section explaining bag types, Bowen explains the function of the Ross cannister system. Two items of note occur to me, one, that the Ross system is a plumbing nightmare that doesn't fit in a box and there should be some additional note that rather a lot of people don't connect up the chanter hose because it makes the bag very ungainly and hard to collapse, likewise, allows the chanter more moisture, and two, I strongly disagree with his assertion that adding water to the cannister can be used as a method of reversing the system application and adding moisture in a dry condition. The nature of the cannister is to always drop moisture out of the airflow as long as it is moving--even when the litter is pretty wet. It is not effective at all in transferring captured moisture back to the airstream because that's exactly what it is designed not to do. pg8 Advising in tying in stocks, he features a stick figure posed in an ergonomic nightmare of a position for the job that several people have pointed out to me. The other directions and illustrations are pretty clear, however, no illustrations are given for tying in the blowpipe and angling it, or tying in the chanter stock, which is rather a different operation entirely. pg 10 Here he discusses "tone" factors like tuning chambers. He again alludes to hemping, "poor" hemping, "re-hemping," and gives a tip: "...Always rosin the first twelve inches or so of a new hemping job." No where to this point or at this point for that matter, is it explained what hemp is, where it is used, how it is used, what a "poor" hemping job might be, or what "rosin" is. At this point, assuming the student guesses all the above, the intimation is that Bowen means dry hemp. pg11 Bowen asserts that "Every time a tool was sharpened, a small change occured in the finished product. Every time a maker retooled, there was the risk of small variances." While is is only true in the case of toolmaking Neanderthals, his general contention that the great makers were just hit-and-miss is wrong. He also describes a old piece with a round bore and an oval OD, and ascribes that to it being turned horribly off-center by accident, which is instead almost certainly the product of wood shrinkage, as turning an oval OD is rather a deliberate process. Here Bowen also begins a section I'm not going to tear apart because it's mostly an anecdotal history of how wood got from Africa to Scotland that I think somebody with more interest than myself can rip to shreds. The summary conclusion seems to be that a lot of "great" pipes of old were one-of accidents because of tool-wear or whatever, and they just had really good wood. (That's best I can make of his train of thought here.) pg12 In the same section, there is a picture of some billets of blackwood, that look closer to purpleheart or walnut and can't possible be very good pieces. Good blackwood looks that brownish/purplish color but so dark you can't discern any features in it. It might be the photograph, but if not, Bowen is correct about this wood, it is not as good as the old stock. He is wrong in saying however, the dense, black stuff is now unavailable, or that good ebony is no longer available either. Likewise, he lists on this page, cocus as an inferior wood used when ebony and blackwood were unavailable. Cocus is rather, debatably the best drone wood in the history of piping, and a classic set of cocus Glens or MacDougalls would be rather expensive. There is also some nonsense about pipe makers lining tuning slides to keep the worms from eating the wood. I don't think I even need to comment on that. He also mentions worms eating blackwood in the rough, and as far as I know, worms don't like blackwood, but they do burrow under the bark so the only damage would be to the sapwood, which is unuseable anyway. He makes an interesting comment on the Stradivarius violin, which was indeed discovered to owe most of its sound to the way the wood was delivered, via towing it and storing it and aging it in seawater, which produced a more resonant, lighter structure. This however, is exactly the opposite of what you want in a pipe material, so blackwood cords rotting away on a dock or in a hold for years would not contribute to better pipes. Again, as he suggests, the "modern practice" of harvesting immature trees and instant delivery without the years of aging, are the operating methods of not all pipe or instrument makers, they're just cheaper and faster, not all we have left. pg 13 Well, here Bowen makes his claim: "The wider the bore, the flatter the pitch." There really can't be any more proof that the sanction of Bowen's society of admittedly "great" pipers is no assurance that the "customer" will be protected from such *major* misunderstandings about the fundamental way pipes work. On this page Ron commenses a dissertation on his "restoration" technique. First of all, he describes fuzz, chatter, and other bore imperfections as something in need of correction. This is not necessarily the case, and in the example of classic instruments, "correcting" such "flaws" only bring the "classic" instrument down a peg in nearly all cases. Soaking pipes in linseed or any other oil is hysterical and entirely llunnecessary, and of all oils, linseed oil is the worst. Furthermore, Bowen burnishes the surface of both the bore and external surfaces, which again, not necessary or advisable, however shiny it looks. In fact, the procedure he uses of stripping or "cleaning" the exterior of a drone with a soft-copper brush in fact exaggerates the grain and knocks all the detail of the combing, which is further obscured by byt "burnish" and oiling he follows up with, so the end result is a pronounced grain and eroded workmanship. He then puts water-based urethane over the linseed finish, which again, is just more shiny slop to cover details and serve no particular purpose on blackwood. Furthermore, several local horror stories testify that this "soaking" procedure with old pipes is as likely to explode them as "save" them, and this from fans of the PPBSO masters like Ron. Again, he describes more difficult cases using chemical stripper, and if some few cases this may be necessary, but having cleaned to good wood, there is no reason to goo up the pipes immediately again with the same crap that ruined them in the first place. Contrary to his assertion on pg 14, the only reason the finish is such a trade secret, is that it hides bad wood, and so even though it is very difficult to get it to stay on and it serves no purpose but to come off again in flakes and chips, it is necessary to cover up flaws in the product. pg 14 Drone warpage has nothing to do with hanging the bass over your shoulder, and in fact, I've never seen the "common" warpage he describes. This may be due to his specific maintenance and "restoration" methods. pg14 "I am a strong believer in oiling the wood. (See Wood, Oil and Water on page 30) Once each year I tear my pipes apart and totally rebuild them, including new hemp, oiling, polishing and a fresh clear coat...." This is fanatically misguided. It should be noted that this constant linseed oil burnishing, including his promotion of sealing the bores and burnishing them by ramming a probe up them, spun by a hand drill motor, is essentially heat polymerizing a hard coat of resin on the wood, and the pipes are no longer blackwood, they are linoleum. If you read the section on page 30 noted, the material taken from the recorder web site given, gives clues that had Bowen actually read more from this source, he'd have not made the pg13 blunder about bore size and its relation to pitch, and he'd see that by radically altering the surface texture, material, and irregularities, he was significantly modifying the tone of the classic pipes he claims to be "restoring." Each application in fact, creates another permanent layer of linoleum inside each bore. This apart, again, the reference to hemping, but still no details on what this means or where it goes or how it's done. There is in fact, no reason to tear down a set of pipes for oiling or annual maintenance at all if they are properly set up in the first place. At most, once or twice a year some light swab of oil could pass through the bores, and the rest of the surfaces be lightly wiped with a cloth--however in Bowen's setup, the wood is entirely sealed with organic resin, and no oil is going to penetrate the linoleum. Continuing, there is no reason to jerk out drone reeds or pipe segments and swab them down after every play. Most of the "great" pipers even Bowen bows to, hardly ever oil or clean, inside or out, and if the reeds are working they never come out of the stocks, sometimes for months or years. pg15 Repairing a split drone. The method outlined is serviceable of an 18th century cattleman in the Highlands of Scotland with acces onlyto some tar, some flax, and a furniture lathe in the village, and to whom, the set of MacDougalls he's hacking up is at the moment no more "classic" than today's Korean Strat copy might be, and to whom, in its present condition, said drone would be useless otherwise. Get it professionally pinned. Don't screw up the combing. Don't slather it with linoleum. pg 17 I don't believe, if a drone, particularly a bass, is roaring, that shortening the tongue is the right direction to go. It needs to be longer, or flatter, to get the drone tuning down toward the mounting in the middle joint slide to clear up the strike in. The rest of this section on drone reeds is very good. pg20 "I have absolutely no doubt that someone will someday invent a synthetic drone reed with all of the best qualities that we seek, and none of the less desireable qualities of either cane or the prestent generation of synthetic products." As long as that someone apparently isn't some Okie kick with a watchmaker's lathe. pg22 He advises against tuning chanters via enlarging holes, "For noncompeting or lower grade bands...the minor changes that might otherwise be desireable ina competitive environment will be lost on other than the most sophisticates of pipers adnt the most discerning of listeners." Though valid on some level that escapes me, the truth is if you don't have a smack-on tuning in grade 4 you lose, and that means you can't just ignore the notes that are flat because Ron says you won't know the difference anyway, and neither will our judge, or people in general. When we speak of being "dated," this attitude is what is "dated." Even grade 5 can be well tuned and blow steady and at a bare minimum this should be expected even by a parade band, else, what would be the point of buying Ron's book or anyone else's, or inviting in people like Ron for weekend seminars, if basic tuning is given to be beyond you anyway. First rate tone, perhaps not, but basic tuning means control over sharp *and* flat and Bowen's book here not only tells people in grade 3 on down not to bother with half the tuning procedure, but doesn't give *anyone else* a system or instructions on how to tune or match chanters anyway. pg23 This is a good section on reeds and reedmaking, but Bowen, who recently ranted about the evils of soaking reeds in water, here exposes the reality that all GHB reeds are in fact made soaking wet. If he were totally informed, he would have said that some makers do in fact soak their blades in water for hours or days before tying them on the staple. He describes delicate lips, which is sometimes true, but the reality is, what he's showing and discussing is an acknowledgement of only one type of reed, which seems to be the "French-cut" reed or "Ridge-cut" reed. (The latter by the way, a term now in common usage in the GHB world, but in fact it is a dumbing-down invented work I made up when I published my own work in 1980, because nobody had any idea what "French-cut" meant in the GHB world and the other term was more descriptive.) The method of working a reed is consistent with this type of reed, but as I say, there are other kinds of reeds that would not respond to this approach which he does not mention. pg25 He has a good dry-storage procedure outlined, but insists on "visiting" your reed daily. This can't possibly do anything. If it explodes it explodes, looking at it all the time doesn't stop that. I've had almost no incidents of this sort of capping for storage resulting in damaging the reed, and peering into the pipe box every day won't change it one way or another. You should just get them out and play them every day instead. He also starts a section here on tuning a band which is no more in-depth than the sentence I just completed. What I deduce form it however, is that he's a proponent of the PPBSO crowd's "final tuning in the sun" theory: "Pipes should be stored in the cool shade when not being played, and pipers should avoid playing in the sun until the PM directs the entire band to do so." This and similar allusions suggest that at some point the band will move into the hot, sunny, final tuning mode before going on. This is something of a regional ritual. Most of the big bands however, stay in the shade, and dash out at the last minute, and the pipes have enough "memory" to hold tone for the few minutes of the contest before the sun wilts the reeds. pg27 Here finally appears in a marginal windowbox checklist, the only suggestion of instructions on how to hemp up and fit joints: "Are parts fitting into stocks hemped with waxed hemp to resist absorption and swelling? Are drones hemped snugly, butnot tootightly? Make sure hem does not turn on the pin." And of course, still no definition of what hemp is, what wax you'd use or how it would come, in the hemp, add it to the hemp, and its still unclear if this applies to the tuning slides or what, since it seems specific to just the stock joints. pg32 Following the two large sections having nothing to do with GHB, there is a photo of some "old Glens" showing the shiny, eroded combing and repair wrappings. In summary, or as it has been asked, what's you point? Thirty years 44 pages All the credentials in the world Testimonials And what's the *first thing* you're going to need to know as a beginner or "average" piper? New or old pipes? How to wrap up a tenon or tuning pin. What's the second thing you're probably going to have to know at the same time? How to install and/or make a flapper valve. Without these two very simple basic skills, nothing else Ron Bowen has to share with you about piping is useful, and yet, for some reason, in a book titled "Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe" he neglected to give you the *first two* necessary skills in accomplishing his stated mission. Rather than suggest conclusive reasons to justify or explain this massive oversight, if such justification or rationalization is to be had, I'll leave it to the group to explain how this could be, and how this apparently knowledgeable man, and all his sponsors, editors, contributors, and authoritative testimonialists, could continue to not notice this serious gap in the tutorial. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Part II: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 07 Feb 2000 20:07:59 GMT On Mon, 07 Feb 2000 18:56:51 GMT, "Jimmy Findlater" wrote: >when you get a moment? hell royce, you must have lots of time out there in >utah, it seems to me your last five or six posts have been way to long!!! >where did you find the time to post these? Hey Seumas, get up to date. I haven't lived in Utah for 15 years. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (ALIXGUNN) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Flame Wars Date: 07 Feb 2000 19:33:07 GMT << (Beginnertunes) wrote: Oh oh guys, we better go hide, the big bad Jamsie green shorts is going to get us! You know there's nothing more pathetic than a dipshit who takes this place so seriously that he'd make threats. Here again we have the perfect example of a newbie whiner who wants the NG conform to what HE thinks it should be, and that ain't gonna happen there scotty, so just go away.>> ...And in this corner we have a pathetic wannabe who doesn't do much besides incite and echo. How "Family Fued"-al of you... - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Part II: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 07 Feb 2000 20:07:11 GMT On Mon, 7 Feb 2000 10:53:31 -0800, "Iain Sherwood" wrote: >So, Royce, now you're reduced to slagging anyone and everyone who disagrees >with you. Look in the mirror. Ask not for whom the bell tolls. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Tune Search Date: 07 Feb 2000 20:48:25 GMT In article <>, (Bernard J. Bobinski) wrote: > I'm looking for a Hornpipe entitled "Thistledown". I've searched > all the usual avenues - Tune Indexes, On-Line Databases. No Luck. > If anyone happens to have it in BMW or Piob Mhor format, could > they please E-Mail me a copy. Bernard, I've never seen it in a book or tune index either, but several years ago I adapted a setting from a tape that had it. I don't know what the etiquette is for the posting of settings of tunes that aren't published anywhere... and I don't know either if this tune qualifies as "traditional" in which case it's fair game even if it is published elsewhere. My setting isn't in BMW or Piob Mhor format however. Anyone have any thoughts on this? It is a nice tune, and not very difficult as hornpipes go. Regards, Bruce C. Wright Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 07 Feb 2000 20:10:35 GMT On Mon, 07 Feb 2000 18:41:14 GMT, oshpiper wrote: >In article <389eedf1_2@>, > "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: > >> Ken is experienced enough to first ask the amount of time you spend >> playing during the week, then he would recommend the bag best >> suited for your needs. >> >> Then as you develop and find your playing more often >> and having reed problems, Lindsay would recommend >> a Ross Bag for better moisture control and this would >> save your reeds. > >So tell us what would Lindsay recommend after Ken throws a handfull of >chanter reeds into a cupfull of water and lets 'em soak? > >Pat Hey...I was savin' that for my coup-de-gras! Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Part II: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 07 Feb 2000 20:06:22 GMT On Mon, 07 Feb 2000 10:15:12 -0800, Brad Morrison wrote: >I have Ringo's Book. It's good. And interestingly, on a couple >subjects, if I had additional questions, when I asked him, Ron >provided me even more indepth information. By all means everone, by Ron's book. Ron has had so much free publicity now he's going to do quite well. And if you have any additional questions call him up and ask him to expand it, or see him personally. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael New & Diane Rossmiller Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Flame Wars Date: 07 Feb 2000 12:42:25 -0900 aberdeen wrote: > We recently started carrying Gilmour reeds and have found them to work > quite well in the new Shepherd chanters. They have good volume, are > well balanced, and are very consistent. Just be sure to take some of > the hemp loose from whatever reed you choose and seat the reed very > deeply into the seat. > Jim, I've been using the Gilmour reeds in my Sinclair chanter, and find them to be as good as you described. They are very much like the old MacAllister reeds in that I have to remove _most_ of the hemp at first, and seat them very deeply in the reed seat to get the top hand where it belongs. This usually improves after a few weeks of playing. Cheers, Michael - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bobalewi) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Any pipers in Russia? Date: 07 Feb 2000 21:06:45 GMT You might want to look up the St.Andrews Society in Moscow.Angus McDonald used to go there every year for Burn's night. B. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve White" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Flame Wars Date: 07 Feb 2000 23:37:27 -0000 Oops - sorry Paul. I can't do a smilie showing my foot in big mouth - if I could I would. Steve White Bob Cameron wrote in message <>... >I don't think it was Jamie's post being referred to in regards to the coarse >language thread, Steve. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve White" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Flame Wars Date: 07 Feb 2000 23:33:22 -0000 Jamie Green wrote in message <87mumj$spd$>... >. I rest my case. My nomination for the best post ever in this newsgroup. Calm, cool, succinct, to the point, a hint of wit, an absence of malice .... stick around Jamie - this place is already improving since you joined. Steve White - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: METRO CUP Date: 08 Feb 2000 01:30:28 GMT So who's playing, and is the format the same as last year (MSRHJ)? Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (JSLOANPR) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Part II: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 08 Feb 2000 00:21:11 GMT Just an observation and not an opinion. One of the pipers in our band has done some road work for Seven Nations in the past. He came into band practise one night and told us he had seen Neil ( ANTPIPYR ) soaking some reeds in a glass for quite some time. He said Neil told him " I get the strongest reeds I can possibly find and soak em " or something to that effect. Again, no opinion, Neil's type of playing is VERY different from a pipe bands or even a solo players and he must have found the best method for that grueling invironment. Cheers, Jim - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: uilleann pipes question Date: 07 Feb 2000 22:56:27 GMT On Mon, 7 Feb 2000 22:41:46 +0100, (Herbert Bartmann) wrote: >hello everybody, > >I was offered an uilleann pipeset made by "Wilkinson & McCarthy". >I am going to have a look at this set anyway in the next couple of days, >but maybe someone does know this maker and can give some comments or >does know, where I can get more infos about them in the net (quality, >pricing etc.) I saw a full set in the mid 80's while living in Utah, and made a few chanters based on measurements. The workmanship seemed typical, not outstanding but good, though unfortunately the owner had no reeds and the chanter was cracked and in short they were unplayable so I don't know how good they sounded. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Richard Mao Subject: (bagpipe) Re: McLellan pipes Date: 07 Feb 2000 22:52:13 -0500 try.. cheers There is no real success unless they have the freedom to fail….Eric Hoffer Richard Mao, The Peking Piper ( ) daithi wrote: > Does anyone know of a site I can go and see photos of pipes made by > McLellan. Also I saw a Video called Ladies From Hell , Instrument Of War > part one. In this tape a Gordon Highlander is piping one of the last > surviving pipers from WW1. Does anyone know what kind of pipes he is > playing? > > Dave. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Part III: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 07 Feb 2000 21:41:40 -0400 wrote in message <87nq3u$4rha$>... > >Royce > >I don't know who you are, but you obviously have way too much time on your >hands. This NG seems to respect you as a player...on that I cannot comment. Does the NG 'respect" Royce as a player ?............................I don't think I have read an interview with him in the P&D.............but maybe that's not fair......there aren't too many issues per year and there are a lot of world class pipers to be interviewed................. For we the unwashed, who haven't spent half our lives wandering across the continent to the various competitions............. I think we would like to associate Royce with the respect he is due..............just what is Royce's "curriculim vitae" ? Seriously.................David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: McLellan pipes Date: 07 Feb 2000 23:15:17 -0500 On Mon, 7 Feb 2000 17:46:51 -0600, "daithi" wrote: >Does anyone know of a site I can go and see photos of pipes made by >McLellan. This is Roddy's website, and has some nice photos of his work. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Fernetta Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Ramblings on tone Date: 08 Feb 2000 16:46:05 GMT Mark, Welcome into the topsy-turvy world of Bagpipe theory. Remember you have just stepped through the looking glass and everything is turned on it head. Beginning with terminology. Measures are bars and bars are measures. Seriously, I think that the greatest service this NG could do for the piping community would be to bring about a 'consensus' in theory and terminology with the outside musical world. The replys to your post have been very good so far. Keep it up! We need to talk about this. Fernetta ~~~You know you're a piper's wife if: He spends more time on RMMB than you do.~~~ Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: bdunsire@aol.comNOSPAM (Bob Dunsire) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: ? to open pipers Bill Caduell and alike Date: 08 Feb 2000 22:30:39 GMT Oh no.......Now I did it.... > judges were Alisdair >Gillies and And with a red face I remind myself that Alasdair's first name is spelt: ALASDAIR.. Oops... Bob (the poor speller) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Part II: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 08 Feb 2000 15:26:39 GMT In article , "Iain Sherwood" wrote: > So, Royce, now you're reduced to slagging anyone and everyone who disagrees > with you. Kinda like the pot calling the kettle black? You too seem to enjoy slagging people who disagree with you. Your incoherent ramblings and salgging of people in your "corner" tend to brand you that way. Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Lerwick's a Hen Date: 08 Feb 2000 19:03:53 GMT In article <87pkvu$rea$>, Fernetta wrote: > How about the College of Piping, Edinbourgh? Have they requested a copy > of Ringo's book to be added to their collection? They asked for > Royce's. Would you call that some kind of endorsment? Or do real world > class educators not stack up against seminar salesmen and magazine > writers. > > Fernetta > > ~~~You know you're a piper's wife if: > He spends more time on RMMB than you do.~~~ > > Sent via > Before you buy. > FWIW, if you've ever been to the museum in the piping center, they've got a set of paki's in the last bottom drawer display case from the infamous Salkiot Co. Not saying much is it. -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: McLellan pipes Date: 08 Feb 2000 15:31:59 GMT In article <87nl42$nt3$>, "daithi" wrote: > Does anyone know of a site I can go and see photos of pipes made by > McLellan. Also I saw a Video called Ladies From Hell , Instrument Of War > part one. In this tape a Gordon Highlander is piping one of the last > surviving pipers from WW1. Does anyone know what kind of pipes he is > playing? > > Dave. > > Since you've already gotten the link, I won't add it here but I will add in my $0.02 worth. I know Roddy personally, and he's not only a great guy, but a damned good pipemaker at that. 2 people in our band have purhcased his pipes so far, and they they have great sound to them. One of the purchasers also apprentices at his shop a few days a week. When I was considering the purchase of a new stand in '98, my choices narrowed down to his or McCallums. Pretty much a toss up at that point, but I chose to go with the McCallums (full silver) after talking with Michael Grey and Kenny McCleod at Don Bradfords party after the '98 worlds. about 9 months later Roddy was at our band dance tormenting me about the fact that I still hadn't received the pipes. "Well Brian if you had gone with me....." "And here you are still without....." "Don't come running to me when...." We actually had a good chuckle over it. -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Gibson Bagpipe Question Date: 08 Feb 2000 15:31:44 -0500 On 08 Feb 2000 20:24:39 GMT, (Beginnertunes) wrote: >>I think this is really disgusting....... > >The truth hurts. The truth is that Jerry's pipes and chanters have met with great success in the professional solo and band market. There've been other problems, obviously. I have seen misbores, cracks, and the like on nearly every manufacturer's pipes. If you haven't heard a well-setup Gibson pipe, don't knock it. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: aberdeen Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Lerwick's a Hen Date: 08 Feb 2000 21:47:35 GMT In article <87pkvu$rea$>, Fernetta wrote: > > How about the College of Piping, Edinbourgh? If you shipped it to Edinburgh it may take it a while to reach the C of P which was last sighted in Glasgow. :-) All the best, Jim -- Jim Hudgins Aberdeen Bagpipe Supply Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 08 Feb 2000 21:36:21 GMT In article <38a046b8_5@>, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: > Ken Eller being a very experienced player, would never > throw any chanter reed into a cup of water!!!! > > If you know otherwise Pat, let us all know and I'll ask > Ken myself at the next practice he's at!!! I do know otherwise and he did do it at a seminar I attended. I think it was done to show one way, (maybe not the correct way), to jump-start old dry reeds??? No need to go jumping all over Ken about it. My intent was to find out if you really knew what Ken and Lindsay do all the time. You assumed. Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Doug Campbell Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Lerwick's a Hen Date: 08 Feb 2000 09:34:52 -0500 All that aside, at least Royce signs his posts.  Hello.

Doug C. wrote:

I think we're all in agreement, Youre nothing but an overweight,
loudmouthed,loser from Middlenowhere[aka.Minnesota]. You refuse to
accept that in [reality] you are'nt this pro you claim to be,and that
instead you're just another [enthusiast] [real world nobody]. You've
been stuck on hiG for 30 years,never quite hitting that high note, now
you start attacking a man who has written a book that is to put It
mildly [better than yours]and to put It truthfully, [barely comparable
It's so much better] than your pamphlet. This man you despise has
attained far greater stature than most can ever hope to achieve [least
of all you.]This man is of course Ron Bowen and his book is "Care and
Matinence of the Highland Bagpipe" but my opinion of the book is not
important when you have guys like  Lindsay Kirkwood,and Colin
MacClellan Giving rave reviews! What was that that Colin McLellan said
about your recycleable? tell us Royce we all want to know. I don't know
why you insist on playing make believe, we all know that you're some
slob sitting behind a computer  screen all day, trying to pick little
bit#h fights,and hen squabbles over the internet, saftey in the
knowledge that the nearest city with a pop over a million is about 1000
miles away, and the nearest piper isn't too much farther than that.
There, I think that was well said.
- To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: METRO CUP Date: 08 Feb 2000 21:55:44 GMT In article <87plsk$sai$>, Ray_zee wrote: > Brian, > > No problem I just didn't want you to be late. Looks like the talent > will be quite extraordinary. If Stuart Liddell plays like he did at > Carnegie Hall that's worth the price of admission alone. Hope to see > you there. > I wont be easy to miss, St C's shirt, goatee and a guinness in my left hand. -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (ALIXGUNN) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Adult Learners- revisited Date: 08 Feb 2000 13:17:01 GMT >Robert Barker wrote in:: > Kids who just do what they are told are in danger of just mimicking what they see. That's all well and good if the teacher will always be there to help them solve their problems.<< I was one of those mimicks. I did as I was told - followed directions without questioning why The P/M had a band to run - bodies to get on the street. I got to be one of those bodies, and that was what was important to me at that time. It was maybe four years into it when things finally started "clicking" into place, and things started making sense. If I had waited for that, I'd still have been on practice chanter, telling my P/M "I can't..." >> It is human nature to look for the easiest way. Those people that always do things the hard way are called masochists!<< But they get something out of it. You take the short path, you might end up in the same place the "mascochist" does, but he'll probably have a better understanding of the process of getting there than you will. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 08 Feb 2000 15:38:32 GMT In article <389f240e$1_3@>, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: > oshpiper wrote > > So tell us what would Lindsay recommend after Ken throws a handfull of > > chanter reeds into a cupfull of water and lets 'em soak? > > Completely stupid question!!! Really. Why is that? Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: RSPBA Re-Grading Date: 08 Feb 2000 15:37:59 -0500 On Tue, 08 Feb 2000 19:54:07 GMT, "Jimmy Findlater" wrote: >How does Everyone think the re graded bands will do at the worlds this year. > >First the Only Upgrade to garde 1--The City Of Washington >Downgrades to grade 2, i hope i get them all right > >Polkemmet >L&B >O'Toole >Grampian Police >Ravara St. Laurence O'Toole was downgraded??? I hadn't heard that. I think they were last in piping at The Worlds, but I'm sure that was due to the infamous Clamp That Wasn't. It was a fairly strong band not long ago. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael New & Diane Rossmiller Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Michael New's Question, blowing in reeds! Date: 07 Feb 2000 12:38:44 -0900 JOhn Mitchell wrote: Thanks, John, for the very helpful post. It seems that you agree with Ron that patience is a key ingredient in the process of breaking in a new reed. That hasn't been my strong point in the past when starting a new reed - playing with a flat top hand for 30 minutes is just too painful. I usually end up sinking the reed very deeply at first, then gradually bringing it up as the reed becomes broken in. In the future, I'll try to resist the temptation to weaken the reed until I've played it for at least a week or so. Regards, Michael p.s. A beer???? He should have bought you a new chanter! - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 08 Feb 2000 23:50:46 GMT On Tue, 08 Feb 2000 21:36:21 GMT, oshpiper wrote: >In article <38a046b8_5@>, > "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: > >> Ken Eller being a very experienced player, would never >> throw any chanter reed into a cup of water!!!! >> >> If you know otherwise Pat, let us all know and I'll ask >> Ken myself at the next practice he's at!!! > >I do know otherwise and he did do it at a seminar I attended. I think >it was done to show one way, (maybe not the correct way), to jump-start >old dry reeds??? No need to go jumping all over Ken about it. My >intent was to find out if you really knew what Ken and Lindsay do all >the time. You assumed. > >Pat No, he doesn't know anything about the people he claims he knows so wel, he hasn't been to the seminars, he's above that. He imagines anyone who doesn't share his belief system is a hack, Ken Eller is no hack, therefore Ken Eller must share his belief system. You'll note that John warned me/us/al to refrain from attaching names to these "ridiculous" examples, but the truth is, he's a provincial who's never bothered to wonder much less look and see what's going on around him in the great piping society he boasts about so much. Ken Eller has indeed past, present and future kicked of a sit-down and reed-up session either by a quick dunk in the tap or a cup of water, as have numerous other really great guys, who've also been known to wet down a pad of paper towels and let a row of reeds fold over to moisturize while picking out a band batch. If you attach Ken Eller's name to this notion of wetting new/old/reeds at all, then when he calls you a dumbass for presenting it, he's calling Ken Eller a dumbass. Naturally, he doesn't want the name attached. However, when we peons pay the big bucks so sit through a Eller, or Neigh, or Kirkwood, or Bowen seminar, we paid for the right to say, "Ken Eller says so." The bottom line is, there are any number of big names who's ghillies John and Ron and company are not worthy to lick clean after a day at the games, who have indeed made numerous recommendations John has called ridiculous. Just mention the Jim MacGillivray-sanctioned "little rubber band trick" on a pipe chanter reed, and watch Terry Tulley, or whoever, urgently condemn the notion entirely. John Mitchell claims I'm a parrot of his heros, then he bitches when I quote them. Even if I'm not crediting them, and he thinks I'm a parrot, by calling me a fool, he's really just calling one or more of his heroes a fool. John lives in a world of absolutes, and rather than accept the reality that there are radically different belief systems and approaches to this "world class tone" he claims to have perfected, and rather than swallow the idea that all these great names he worships don't agree on half the crap he's internalized as gospel and upon which "secret" knowledge he's hung his ego and self-worth, he's created an active filter system and elaborate line of apologetics to protect himself from anyone who would burst his bubble of insulation. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Lerwick's a Hen Date: 08 Feb 2000 23:59:17 GMT On Tue, 08 Feb 2000 21:47:35 GMT, aberdeen wrote: >In article <87pkvu$rea$>, > Fernetta wrote: > >> >> How about the College of Piping, Edinbourgh? > > >If you shipped it to Edinburgh it may take it a while to reach the C >of P which was last sighted in Glasgow. :-) I think she meant the Army School. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kyle Pipes Date: 09 Feb 2000 04:32:56 GMT On Tue, 8 Feb 2000 09:35:10 -0500, wrote: >There is a disrtinct possibility of the plastic part has been injected from >two injection ports opposing each other...this quite often causes a weld >line and will frarture very easily....i have seen this many times in >injection molding..and always have rectified it by only having one injection >port or multiple but all from the same end or area...its when you have >them going both ways that the material clashes ... > > >Another problem with injection of pipes is the thick sections this will c >ause many problems especially heatsinking...this can be helped by proper air >gas relieve or adding a foam agent maybe 1/2 % to 1 1/2 % to the base >material Like I keep saying, there is no weld line. This is not a weld line problem. What Jerry mentions about flow may figure into it somewhere. However here's my consultant's comments: You may want to mention that mold of this type would never have a weld line because the enire shiteree would be milled from a single block of mold-steel via CNC. Furthermore,any of the detailed shapes would probably be EDM'd, so there would be absolutely no sharp edges anywhere in the mold. Secondly,some plastics *will* be very brittle,and the product being molded would *have* to be prematurely yanked from the mold,because in the bagpipes business,no maker could afford to own multiple molds,or afford to have a gang -mold made,due to the cost, so you're walking a tightrope between quantity and quality. endquote Anyway, it would be neat to hear from Kyle himself and see what the problem was and how he fixed it. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Part II: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 09 Feb 2000 05:39:16 GMT On 09 Feb 2000 01:38:12 GMT, (Beginnertunes) wrote: >>Do you think it's reasonable for him to include all known bagpipe info in one >book? It would be as thick as my skull. There's no way any book about piping >can include all the available info on these matters, or be so complete as to >answer every conceivable question that every person can or would think of. I agree with Mitchell here. You're one of the guy's who's too stupid to know even what questions to ask. All the more reason to make sure you at least have some idea how a chanter stock is tied in, or what hemp is and where it goes. I think it's reasonable to include that. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Opinions on MacLeods/Identifying MacLeods Date: 09 Feb 2000 05:38:23 GMT This will be kind of goofy, but I -believe- my set of pipes is a vintage 1980 (or so) set of MacLeod's*. My PM says they are a very good sounding set and offered me $$ for them. If you're up on what a MacLeod set looks like and want to help identify my set take a gander: The first page has poor detail but gives an overview: The second page has excellent detail and shows just the drones. Best, Andrew *Based on the images posted to: -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Part II: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 09 Feb 2000 05:36:59 GMT On Tue, 08 Feb 2000 16:01:57 -0800, Paul Mc. <> wrote: >I know neither yourself or Mr. Bowen and I have not read either of you >publications. I am curious to see if mr Bowen would indulge us with a >critique of your work carried out in the same manner as you are >handling your review of his work. > >I must say in all fairness that although you admit to a biased point of >veiw, to this point you have used a clear and unemotional logic. > >It is often very difficult to 'go against the flow' and combat >emotional responses with logic. I notice many who are responding to you >are showing high loyalty and emotional attachment to Mr Bowen. > >While these are commendable qualities, they sometimes blind us to the >truth. As I have said I have read neither book, but I shall soon >purchase both. Then I can judge for myself if you review is fair > >I hope Mr. Bowen takes up your challenge. I would enjoy seeing his >professional review of your work. Since the readership turns over constantly, I will remind those just picking up this thread again, that our first introduction with Mr. Bowen was when he introduced himself as an expert in classic pipe repair and maintenance, announced the publication of his book on the subject, and then proceeded to state that "pinning" was a highly suspect and possibly dangerous procedure, that he'd only seen produce disasterous results on pipes. This again, was his *professional* advice to someone who'd posted a question about repairing his cracked drone. Dave Atherton responded. I responded. Several others responded. The unanimous exchange concluded that he had no idea what "pinning" was and therefore couldn't know very much at all about the repair of woodwind instruments. The "pinning" and blackwood repair threads have been manifold over the several months since Bowen's first appearance here, and many many professional woodwind repair masters have explained the procedure in depth. Bowen's response, perhaps goaded by Mr. Mitchell, was to nose in or jump in or engineer and immediate flurry of libellous claims against my person and the publication he soon found was in competiton with his. These included plagiarism, and simple ignorant parroting. This was expanded to claim that I didn't even play, I'd never had a band out of grade 5, etc. etc. He also assaulted or joined into the assault by his proxies, on Dave Atherton and CE Kron. This was expanded to similar claims against Mark Lee. In short, months of innumerable false and defamatory claims were issued or endorsed by Bowen and his companions all centered around the proposition that Bowen's endorsement by those "greats" he keeps listing, some of which have just been litanized again by Mitchel, Colin MacLellan, Lindsay Kirkwood, John Mitchell, all guaranteed that Lerwick, Atherton, and Lee had to be self-promoting wannabees with nothing to offer, their products, services, and wisdom should be scoffed at, and instead, the wise NG reader should hear and obey only Bowen and Mitchell. Sadly, the latter is not much of an overstatement, as they've spelled that out almost verbatim at times. Bowen and all his supporters have refused, even stated that it was beneath them to even respond with specific rebuttals to contents of my book in particular, and have resorted to repeating pathetic rumors and half-cocked reconstructions of rumors in order to "expose" my character. Truth is, however, an absolute defense, so I've finally put professional courtesy aside, Bowen's waved any right to that, and met his allegations and his claims point-by-point with the facts as I see them. The reader can draw whatever conclusions. It is Bowen and his associates who continuously frame this as a personal contest of some sort. Ron made it a game. Mitchell is his star player. He's had assists from Kirkwood and MacLellan. All great personalities. All glowing testimonialists. Buy Ron's book. They say so. Then go home try to put your pipes together with it. Have a phone handy, you'll need to call Ron, or his friends for help. That's the way it's supposed to work anyway. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Maeve" Subject: (bagpipe) What a day! Date: 09 Feb 2000 00:31:47 -0500 Whew .. . my place has suddenly become a local hang-out for wayward drummers!!! This evening was consumed with two of them ... one is a Drum Major for a hefty Canadian band and the other is here with a local band. What a riot it was this evening! Top that off with a gift from one of the NG members and I have to say that this was a really good day :) :) :) I received another Hamish Moore tape and a Liam O'Flynn tape in the mail !!! I have been in piping heaven all night! I was SO inspired that I called Sandy to find out if I could get a local small pipe teacher. I am ready to place an order. Matt, we need to talk, Hon :) :) :) :) I have been feverishly working on these dulcimers .. they should be ready to string and ship out of here by this weekend. Deadline met!!!!! Money's as good as in the bank :) :) The one drummer will be here later this week to help me string them and then they are out of my life. . . the dulcimers, not the drummers. They are too much fun. I'll keep them for a while. BTW . . . the log home is on the National Log Home Registry, registered officially as "Margaritaville" ... does that surprise anyone? Any one passing through this way is more than welcome to stop in and experience the fun :) Ask a few of those who have been here :) :) It looks like I can no longer avoid being a part of the local band here . . . they have adopted me as the "Tone Czarina" . .. watch it, Chris!!!!!! They had great comments paid to them at the last gig at which I tuned them. They were thrilled and I was able to listen without too much pain :) :) I'm not sure but it looks like St. Pat's day has about 6 gigs back-to-back that they are playing and I will be traveling all over the state that day with them! Anyone else booked to the max for that day??? Life is looking up at the moment and I am back to having a great time. I'm actually looking forward to band practice . .. well, the END of band practice when we have our "jam session". Never mind the competition stuff! I'm having too much fun with the other :) I've actually learned a couple of new tunes to play with Alex this week. Should be a great time! Hope everyone else is enjoying the piping life this way :) :) :) :) -- Love and Light be with you, Maeve . . . who believes that accepting reality is the first step towards insanity! authoring "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." --- Oscar Wilde - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Gibson Bagpipe Question Date: 09 Feb 2000 04:43:25 GMT On Tue, 8 Feb 2000 12:02:03 -0500, wrote: >How is it that a set of Blackwood Sinclair chanters played by the Glasgow >Police and won11 world championships and are now being played by the 78 th >frasers of is it they have lasted all this time Because they're carved all to hell and there is so little wood between the slots that there is scarcely anyplace to put the tape. > >A very recent set of pipes was demonstrated in the 78 th frasers for the >first time....with only one drone going...give me a break !! this is a top >piper ...cmon,.,,I have at least 2 sets of pipes in this same band. Both are >sounding great and have been in that same band for several years You could play anything in that or any other good band in lots of one or two. >Yes I will spend the time to discuss piping with pipers who come into my >shop I'm always willing to help I work 14 hours a day.....7 days a week you >guys try it...its not nice....for instance this email has taken me 4 hours >to write...thats 4 hours I should be answering or helping other people.or >making and designing products. > We are not Kmart. or Walmart....WE MAKE HIGH QUALITY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS >!!!! The sound speaks for itself.! and made in America too! We are proud >of what we make and the proof is in the playing.. Well, he's got that going for him, but Jerry, you're always a late-hitter on these rants. You really have to get on top of it. A few days, a week, two later and nobody even remembers who or why or if you were being slagged off. >Final note...I have received several emails form some of my past friends >that served with me as pipers in the 1st battalion Seaforth > nostaslic and great it was to hear from you..They even >remembered that i was personal piper to the regimental depot at Fort George >Inverness shire Scoltand ,quite an honour at that time > >Jerry Gibson You go girl. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: METRO CUP Date: 08 Feb 2000 21:05:54 -0500 On Tue, 08 Feb 2000 21:55:44 GMT, Brian Counihan wrote: > I wont be easy to miss, St C's shirt, goatee and a guinness in my left >hand. Gawd, Brian that could describe 3/4 of the folks in your band !!! Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 09 Feb 2000 05:14:27 GMT On Tue, 8 Feb 2000 20:00:33 -0500, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: >For another matter, lets get one thing straight, you may worship great >names, >but I'm in the business to beat them. > >Did it constantly in the City of Guelph Pipe Band, when Clan MacFarland >was in their prime under the direction of P/M Ken Eller. Now that was fun >and we sure as hell didn't soak the big MacAlisters in any water back then! I thought Guelph was playing Hardies and Warnock reeds when Clan MacFarlane was in its prime, and was taking thirds and fourths. Ken didn't need to soak reeds and neither did anyone else, because most of them were playing hide bags and never took the chanters out of the stocks. > >Did it again with the Metro Police when we kicked the 78th Fraser's asses up >and down the field for 4 years before the band busted up in 96. I thought Mike Grey had something to do with that. And I also thought Metro Police sounded high and thin, as did the judges at the Worlds. > >I will admit, I had no idea that Ken Eller is going around the country >teaching >players to soak their reeds in water! I will make it a point to ask him what >the real demonstration was all about when I see him at the next practice. Why do you make such a huge deal out of wetting a reed a bit? What a sheltered exposure you've had! > >I will report back to the group. In any case I have no intentions of >starting >to soak reeds in water, we all know what that does to a reed and that's >a proven fact. What does it do John? Tell us specifically. > >BTW Royce, when's the last time you ever attended a piping seminar? I think the question being asked was, when was the last time *you* attended a piping seminar? You obviously haven't attended any of Ken Eller's, even though you preach like you're some kindred soul. In any case, I think the last was probably Mathieson/MacGillivray in 97 or 98, and of course you're predictably going to tell me that's hopelessly outdated. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Richard Mao Subject: (bagpipe) Do Drones change tone? Date: 09 Feb 2000 00:50:02 -0500 Hi all... Do newly made ABW drones.... tend to mellow out (kind of like being blown in) in tone after being played for a while (btw, I think the answer is yes)... If so, how long does it take to settle down (weeks, months, years?) say with about an hour of play a day, at least 5 out of 7 days. Does the mellowing out affect only tone... only pitch.... both? Is the change generally an improvement or deterioration in quality of sound? If you do think drones change in tone over time... what do you think is changing? the interior dimensions... the inside surface... changes within the wood itself? Do you think oiling newly made drone pipe bores is desirable, undesirable? Wouldn't you think oiling bores would also change the tone of the pipes... I'd like to hear from pipers and makers both, please... --------------- Associated question... if you lay the pipes down for, say weeks, do the drones change tone?...or maybe better questions... do they have to be blown back in to tone. How long of a layoff would it take to affect tone... how long to blow back in... ----- If you've stored the pipes in a cold area (like while winter driving)... do the drones have to be blown back into tone? ------- Do new plastic/delrin pipes change in tone after being blown for a while after they are newly made? thanks in advance There is no real success unless they have the freedom to fail….Eric Hoffer Richard Mao, The Peking Piper ( ) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 09 Feb 2000 07:51:03 -0500 On Wed, 09 Feb 2000 05:14:27 GMT, (Royce Lerwick) wrote: >On Tue, 8 Feb 2000 20:00:33 -0500, "JOhn Mitchell" > wrote: >>Did it constantly in the City of Guelph Pipe Band, when Clan MacFarland >>was in their prime under the direction of P/M Ken Eller. Now that was fun >>and we sure as hell didn't soak the big MacAlisters in any water back then! > >I thought Guelph was playing Hardies and Warnock reeds when Clan >MacFarlane was in its prime, and was taking thirds and fourths. Ken >didn't need to soak reeds and neither did anyone else, because most of >them were playing hide bags and never took the chanters out of the >stocks. As an avid student of band history, I'll toss my tupence in here. The Clan's "prime" was, let's say from 1975 - 1981 more or less. During that time I know Guelph beat them at the CNE (and Maxville?) in 1976 and possibly 1977, and I'm sure other venues as well over the years. I've got a tremendous recording I made at Montreal in 1979 of Guelph smokin' the Clan in a horrendous windstorm (anyone remember that one?). A truly great sound from both bands that day. Poor Erskine had to play in the worst of it. Some Guelph guys were losing their feather bonnets by the end of the MSR. In 1981 they switched to Kyle chanters (briefly) and then the Clan's old Sinclairs, hoisting them on their own petard at Maxville that year. During that period, Guelph was among the top 3 consistently along with the Clan and St. Thomas / MacNish Distillery (who I believe won Maxville in 1978). Other than them, I don't who would have consistently beaten Guelph during that time, as the other bands (City of Toronto, Erskine, General Motors, Waterloo Police, Toronto & District / 400 Sqn) had their moments were not consistent at that time. >>Did it again with the Metro Police when we kicked the 78th Fraser's asses up >>and down the field for 4 years before the band busted up in 96. > >I thought Mike Grey had something to do with that. And I also thought >Metro Police sounded high and thin, as did the judges at the Worlds. What would Mike have had to do with that? He was with the Frasers at least through 1995, when he left to lead Peel after the season. In 1995 Metro was placed 2nd in pipng in the MSR at The Worlds. They didn't fare too well the next year however, perhaps it was the pitch thing. But I heard them at Maxville playing those Gibbers in '95 and it was a thing o' beauty. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Osh piper question- pitch control??? Date: 09 Feb 2000 04:35:27 GMT On Tue, 08 Feb 2000 15:08:44 GMT, oshpiper wrote: >In article <389f1d08_3@>, > "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: >> ----- Original Message ----- > >> The Mark III has a pretty flat top hand. Your probably driving >> those reeds right down into the reed seat to get any type of balance >> out of these chanters. Either carve the top hand or get rid of them, >> as Niagara did. If you want a sharper top hand don't use Shepherd reeds, new or old. Try Megarity, or Caldwell, and you don't want hard reeds, you want whiney, nose-blowers. Royce (Yeah yeah yeah world class tone bla bla bla saved you a post John.) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Part II: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 09 Feb 2000 05:40:35 GMT On Tue, 8 Feb 2000 20:13:51 -0500, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: >Should be interesting, I'm sure you won't find a word in Roycy babie's >book about himself and the rest of his products? I was waiting for you to go back on that fishing trip. Findlater already gave that a shot and came up with and empty creel as well. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Carr Subject: (bagpipe) Celebrity Pipers? Date: 09 Feb 2000 15:25:13 GMT A useless but perhaps fun topic.......? Does anyone know of any actors/celebrities who play the GHB? There's a guy in Alley MacBeal (sp?) I think his name is MacNicol? (He's the short, curly haired lawyer). I saw one episode where he played the pipes at the funeral of his pet frog. He actually did seem to be playing. Otherwise I've heard Phil Collins play Amazing Grace, bloody awful, but the audience went wild. Anyone know of any more? Bill Carr - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Gannaway bags Date: 09 Feb 2000 07:57:56 -0500 On Tue, 8 Feb 2000 21:09:21 -0800, "Scot Kortegaard" wrote: > Gannaway bags, any thoughts? I've heard some good things, thinking of >trying one. I play an L&M hide right now, and I like it, but, may be time to >try something new. Great product. Pre-cut holes makes tie-in easier. Flat glued seam makes chanter tie-in as easy as a drone. Does a good job of moisture absorbency, provided you use their own glycerine-based seasoning. It is NOT elk-tanned. Doesn't need a lot of seasoning, only a bit every few months in dry US climate. Good price ($70 US). Good shape - chanter comes straight down into a natural position. About as airtight a bag as I've ever seen. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: ? to open pipers Bill Caduell and alike Date: 09 Feb 2000 11:13:55 -0500 Like me- damn good thing we have a name that's spelled the same way backawrds and forewards Bob Dunsire wrote: > Oh no.......Now I did it.... > > > judges were Alisdair > >Gillies and > > And with a red face I remind myself that Alasdair's first name is spelt: > ALASDAIR.. > > Oops... > > Bob (the poor speller) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Carr Subject: (bagpipe) Gilmour Agents in North America? Date: 09 Feb 2000 10:27:02 GMT Can anyone tell me if there are any agents for Mike Gilmours Chanter Reeds? Thanks Bill Carr - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: A challenge to OSH!!!!!! Date: 09 Feb 2000 15:44:57 GMT In article <38a07afc_5@>, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: > Pat, it sounds like your band might be in the market for > some new chanters soon! Sorry, PM won't budge on this one. A gracious offer on your part, I'm sure. I know the band's answer to switching out chanters. With that in mind, I couldn't even consider your personal offer of time and effort. But, thank you all the same. Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Lerwick's a Hen Date: 09 Feb 2000 11:01:12 -0500 But of course, it dawns on me now- the signature is not made of the letter o, it really represents two zeroes with nothing at all in the intervening space- just a bit more, actuually than the sum your contribution here oh anonymous, would be judge of all he surveys. wrote: > In article <87p9ai$nlu$>, > "Andrew Morrison" wrote: > > I would never believe anything which was posted by a person who can > tear a > > guy to bits, & then not have the self respect to append their own > name. Are > > you ashamed of your name, or is it the case that you don't have the > > knowledge to back up your statement. How can anyone be such a coward > as to > > hide behind a pseudonym of o_______o. I'm pretty sure that no matter > how > > much Ron Bowen or John Mitchell agree with you, that none of the two > would > > care to be associated with your ramblings, > > In much the same way I don't want 'my name' associated with this > stupid f^@^ING NEWSGROUP! Nothing but a bunch of stupid, overconfident > newbies, trying to tell pro's how to play! If you dont like It you can > kiss my anonymous ass! > > as both of them, & Royce, are > > upfront no matter what the subject. > > No one will ever agree with everyone, > > but when we post an opposite view to someone, let's give them the > respect of > > at least knowing the name of the person who disagrees with their view. > > > > Cheers, > > > > Andy Morrison. > > > > wrote in message > > news:87ocon$u24$ > > > Royce, > > > I think we're all in agreement, Youre nothing but an overweight, > > > loudmouthed,loser from Middlenowhere[aka.Minnesota]. You refuse to > > > accept that in [reality] you are'nt this pro you claim to be,and > that > > > instead you're just another [enthusiast] [real world nobody]. You've > > > been stuck on hiG for 30 years,never quite hitting that high note, > now > > > you start attacking a man who has written a book that is to put It > > > mildly [better than yours]and to put It truthfully, [barely > comparable > > > It's so much better] than your pamphlet. This man you despise has > > > attained far greater stature than most can ever hope to achieve > [least > > > of all you.]This man is of course Ron Bowen and his book is "Care > and > > > Matinence of the Highland Bagpipe" but my opinion of the book is not > > > important when you have guys like Lindsay Kirkwood,and Colin > > > MacClellan Giving rave reviews! What was that that Colin McLellan > said > > > about your recycleable? tell us Royce we all want to know. I don't > know > > > why you insist on playing make believe, we all know that you're some > > > slob sitting behind a computer screen all day, trying to pick > little > > > bit#h fights,and hen squabbles over the internet, saftey in the > > > knowledge that the nearest city with a pop over a million is about > 1000 > > > miles away, and the nearest piper isn't too much farther than that. > > > There, I think that was well said. > > > > > > > > > Sent via > > > Before you buy. > > > > > > Sent via > Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Opinions on MacLeods/Identifying MacLeods Date: 09 Feb 2000 11:30:33 -0500 That would make them of an age with my own G&M's how are they holding up? "Paul Mc." wrote: > The drones look very similar to my Gillanders, but the chanter doesn't > resemble my MacLeod. I bought mine in mid 1979, and took delivery at > about the end of November that year. > > Don't know if this helps or not. Best of luck. > > * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network * > The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free! - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bill Tubbs" Subject: (bagpipe) Military Doublet Source? Date: 09 Feb 2000 08:31:31 -0800 I'm looking for a dark blue military piper's doublet, something similar to what the Air Force Reserve Pipe Band wears. I thought I'd look for a good used one before I started pricing new. Anyone seen one in about a 46-48? Thanks... Bill Tubbs US Coast Guard Reserve Piper - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Uillean Practice Chanter Date: 09 Feb 2000 11:11:34 -0500 It's a whistle, not a UP practice chanter, so it'll sound like a whistle, not a chanter at all. Why is there a practice chanter for the GHB ( which works to learn on any of the Scottish system pipes, BTW) and not for the Uillean pipes? For one thing the GHB is too loud for practicing and learning on in small enclosed areas- not so the UP. The student piper needs to leartmn to blow steadily- theuillean piper may as well sing or smoke a cigarette while he plays - that's waht his bellows is forThe Highland pipe takes a good deal of breath/strength of wind (note, i don't mean strong breath) to play ( again, not the case with UP), and lastly, the GHB does not have a switch or set of switches to turn drones on or off, as most UPs have. Most Uillean pipers learn on a "practice set" which includes a chanter, bag and bellows- may as well be learning bellows technique right from the beginning. SGS wrote: > They do but the sound samples dont sound real good - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Gannaway bags Date: 09 Feb 2000 09:21:25 -0500 On Wed, 09 Feb 2000 05:32:54 -0800, Ccc31807 wrote: >In article , Chris >Hamilton wrote: >>Does a good job of moisture absorbency, provided you use their >own >>glycerine-based seasoning. It is NOT elk-tanned. >>Doesn't need a lot of seasoning, only a bit every few months in >dry US >>climate. > >Is there any recipe for homemade glycerine-based seasoning? > >What, if anything, would you have to add to store-bought >glycerine to render it suitable for seasoning? FFS, just go the easy route and plunk down the $7 they charge for their seasoning. It works and a bottle will last a long time, maybe six months to a year I guess, maybe more. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: aberdeen Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Setting the tone... Date: 09 Feb 2000 17:29:11 GMT In article <>, wrote: > Could someone please re-post the URL for the results from the setting > the tone experiment that was conducted a while back? I seem to have > misplaced it. Chris Eyre was the gentleman who put that together, Bob Dunsire tabulated the votes, and several people to went through the effort to record their setups. The results are still up at: All the best, Jim -- Jim Hudgins Aberdeen Bagpipe Supply Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matt Buckley" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Celebrity Pipers? Date: 09 Feb 2000 12:18:38 -0500 Bill Carr wrote in article > Does anyone know of any actors/celebrities who play the GHB? Years ago I saw Glen Campbell (as in - Rhinestone Cowboy) play GHB on his television show. He played them surprising well. Cheers. Matt - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: aberdeen Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Very Obscure Question Date: 09 Feb 2000 18:59:38 GMT When did Sheffield become famous for the fine steel blades they produced? When did Wilkinson begin to make a real name for themselves in the same line? I'm not sure if these pointers will provide any guidance at all, but maybe they will help. All the best, Jim In article <01bf718d$a78fa680$2b025bd1@default>, "Matt Buckley" wrote: > I recently spoke with a friend who makes uillean pipes, and we > were talking about the period 1820-40 when the art of making > UPs dramatically improved. He was told, anecdotally, that much of the fine > steel used during the period in the making of UPs > came from bayonets - British Army stationed in Cork/southwest > Ireland. Anyone know who the manufacturer/country of origin > for fine bayonets used by the British would be in this period? > I know little or nothing about European arms manufacturers, > but guessed it might be Krupp. > > Thanks. Matt > -- Jim Hudgins Aberdeen Bagpipe Supply Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: aberdeen Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Gilmour Agents in North America? Date: 09 Feb 2000 17:31:17 GMT In article <>, Bill Carr wrote: > Can anyone tell me if there are any agents for Mike Gilmours Chanter > Reeds? I don't know who all carries Gilmour reeds besides us, but put Aberdeen Bagpipe Supply down on your list as one company who does offer them. All the best, Jim -- Jim Hudgins Aberdeen Bagpipe Supply Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) RE: tune search Date: 09 Feb 2000 17:05:15 GMT In a previous article, "Uwe Frank" wrote: >Hello everybody ! > >I already tried to get the sheet music to a tune called "Tale Of Shyn" - but >didnŽt find it in any search machines. So the NG is my last hope ;-) > >Has anybody got it, is anybody willing to forward it to me, is anybody >willing to give my a hint, where I could get it - or will I still be alone >at home in Germany with my problem :-)) > > >Tschüß, >Uwe > ... ok all you tune writers out there -- here's a market -- get to work! chris - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Celebrity Pipers? Date: 09 Feb 2000 10:49:22 -0500 On Wed, 09 Feb 2000 15:25:13 GMT, Bill Carr wrote: >A useless but perhaps fun topic.......? > >Does anyone know of any actors/celebrities who play the GHB? There's a >guy in Alley MacBeal (sp?) I think his name is MacNicol? (He's the >short, curly haired lawyer). I saw one episode where he played the pipes >at the funeral of his pet frog. He actually did seem to be playing. Peter MacNicol ... website is He's a talend and funny guy. He was playing. He's pretty candid about his level of talent, but he seemed to be making a fair effort. >Otherwise I've heard Phil Collins play Amazing Grace, bloody awful, but >the audience went wild. > >Anyone know of any more? Glen Campbell (the country singer) used to play. Rowdy Roddy Piper (the wrestler) as well. Bill Barr, former US Attorney General, was a piper with Scottish & Irish Imports (now COWPB) for quite a few years before job constraints forced him to give it up. Good player too, not a hack. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Gannaway bags Date: 09 Feb 2000 11:37:59 -0500 Chris Hamilton wrote: > On Tue, 8 Feb 2000 21:09:21 -0800, "Scot Kortegaard" > wrote: > > > Gannaway bags, any thoughts? I've heard some good things, thinking of > >trying one. I play an L&M hide right now, and I like it, but, may be time to > >try something new. > > Great product. > > Pre-cut holes makes tie-in easier. This may not be an advantage for people who aren't in the one-size-fits-all category , though- but then Canmore and Ross bags have the same feature/fault depending on your perspective. > > Flat glued seam makes chanter tie-in as easy as a drone. > Does a good job of moisture absorbency, provided you use their own > glycerine-based seasoning. It is NOT elk-tanned. > Doesn't need a lot of seasoning, only a bit every few months in dry US > climate. > Good price ($70 US). > Good shape - chanter comes straight down into a natural position. > About as airtight a bag as I've ever seen. > > Chris > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > Chris Hamilton -- > City of Washington Pipe Band > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Celebrity Pipers? Date: 09 Feb 2000 20:28:52 GMT In article , wrote: > > Glen Campbell (the country singer) used to play. > Rowdy Roddy Piper (the wrestler) as well. > > Bill Barr, former US Attorney General, was a piper with Scottish & > Irish Imports (now COWPB) for quite a few years before job constraints > forced him to give it up. Good player too, not a hack. > > Chris > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > Chris Hamilton -- > City of Washington Pipe Band > > Don't forget our recently withdrawn GOP presidential candidate Steve Forbes. -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Lerwick's a Hen Date: 09 Feb 2000 20:22:16 GMT In article <87r7il$v5i$>, wrote: If you dont like It you can > kiss my anonymous ass! > Ok, another one added to my "do not read list". Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Part II: Care and Maintenance of the Great Highland Bagpipe! Date: 09 Feb 2000 23:26:34 GMT On 09 Feb 2000 07:31:58 GMT, (Beginnertunes) wrote: >>I agree with Mitchell here. > >Brain death has finally set in? > >> You're one of the guy's who's too stupid >>to know even what questions to ask. > >But smart enough to know that no book can answer every conceivable question. > >>All the more reason to make sure >>you at least have some idea how a chanter stock is tied in, or what >>hemp is and where it goes. > >Sorry, but if you knew what you were talking about, you'd know I can now say >"I've been there, done that!". So even the raw beginner is already beyond Ron's book, and if he wasn't, you wouldn't be able to find that in there anyway. > >>I think it's reasonable to include that. > >And I think it's reasonable to point out that your talking out your ass again, >and are making stupid and erroneous assumptions on my experience. Your experience Bill, is irrelevant, although the more you have the more indicting it is of your inane argument. Your rebuttal includes equating expecting a book about repairing and maintaining bagpipes to include how to wax up some hemp and wrap up a tenon or two, with "every conceivable question." I thought even you could comprehend that the degree of "anticipation" required to "anticipate" someone needing to maintain a tuning slide or blowpipe tenon, or make and install a flapper valve, is significantly nonexistent that even you should understand the point and not quibble over it. And again, if you're beyond that now, you've already outgrown the book so what's the point having it? Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: A challenge to OSH!!!!!! Date: 09 Feb 2000 23:16:04 GMT On Wed, 9 Feb 2000 00:38:59 -0000, "Chris Eyre" wrote: > >JOhn Mitchell wrote in message >news:38a07afc_5@ >| I'll even throw in my new book, >| Wee tunes for Big pipers, by the Big-yin! That's me. >| > >Oh aye.... what's this? >Come on, John. Tell us more. > >Is it out yet? > >Chris Eyre Didn't you know? John announced a few weeks ago he'd updated his web site with his entire product line. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: ok, The Gibson Challenge is now Open! Date: 09 Feb 2000 18:13:08 -0500 On Wed, 9 Feb 2000 15:19:56 -0500, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: >BTW, Chris Hamilton. > >I'll even offer to set your band up on the day of the games, >just as long as your band is on before our band. >Would you be happy at say, 488! LOL Last time you handled my reeds they had tobacco juice all over 'em ... no Skoal for you! Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Simpsons Alert Date: 09 Feb 2000 18:08:48 -0500 On 09 Feb 2000 19:41:08 GMT, (Rodger A. Cotton) wrote: >Knowing Ned Diddly Flanders, the Tune will be a selection from "The Church >Piper" >Colection. I can see Flanders asking for the Tune that goes "Dee diddly doodle >doodle dee dee da diddly etc" and having quite the argument with Willy. P/M Willy would tell Piper Ned, "Ya cannae blow tone with a reed like that, ya pansie!" and hand him a golf tee. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Simpsons Alert Date: 09 Feb 2000 21:35:49 GMT In article <>, (Rodger A. Cotton) wrote: > Knowing Ned Diddly Flanders, the Tune will be a selection from "The Church > Piper" > Colection. I can see Flanders asking for the Tune that goes "Dee diddly doodle > doodle dee dee da diddly etc" and having quite the argument with Willy. > > Rodger > Och! Nae, Nae Nae! It's "Dee diddly doodle doodle dee dee da DOODLE DIE etc" ! -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What now, Ringo? Date: 09 Feb 2000 22:33:33 GMT In article , "Ron Bowen" wrote: > I'd like to re-introduce a topic to the NG. Drugs and piping. ...> We all had little tricks that we used to play. Mind games to calm > ourselves. A couple of beers to take the edge off. A little quiet time > before the comp. But now, many top competitors are turning to prescription > drugs to get past the fear. Pop a tab a couple of hours before contest time > and just relax. > > How do you feel about this? Let's make sure we are all on the same page here. I assume we are NOT talking about someone seeking or currently in an on-going medical treatment program prescribed by a licensed physician. We are talking about the recreational use with regard to your question, are we not, Ron? I feel the recreational use of drugs or alcohol for the sole purpose of coping with the fear and anxiety associated with piping should be discouraged. Managing your own fears and feelings is a constant daily challenge. The use of drugs to "help" you 'get by' or 'calm down' is only doing youself a disservice. 'Nerves and piping' are very similar to 'nerves and public speaking'. Would you want to listen to a drunk give a speech? Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Doug Campbell Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What now, Ringo? Date: 09 Feb 2000 18:08:37 -0500 It's ironic that we should get so worked up about something that is so utterly peripheral to mainstream human activity.  I'm having a Stage 1 Panic Attack at the games while the family 6 feet away, oblivious to the fact that there are any bagpipes at all nearby, meanders past the judge on their way to the meat pies.  It's a question of focus, but all the rationalizing in the world seems to do no good - in fact I think it makes it worse!

I haven't tried drugs yet.  In that context.

Doug C. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What now, Ringo? Date: 09 Feb 2000 21:53:23 GMT Excelent subject Ron! I've experienced this myself on a number of occasions, but not all the time. That's what has me so preplexed about the whole thing. Some times my knees are shaking so hard I can't beleive it. At the same time I'm thinking in my head 'what the hell are you so nervouse about???'. It's like the body has a mind of its' own. Other times I'm as cool as ice. I've never used drugs, had a couple of nips at the flask on a few occasions and it semed to help. A buudy of mine in our band said he went to a hypnotherapist and got very good results. I'm considering the same thing some time this spring. -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: A challenge to OSH!!!!!! Date: 09 Feb 2000 22:04:36 GMT In article <>, (Rodger A. Cotton) wrote: > Thats a pretty fookin good deal. > > Rodger Fookin 'eh. I don't believe I said anything to the contrary. In fact I thought both John and I were pretty civil towards each other. Hmmmmm. What's wrong with this picture? Or, should I say what's right about it? Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Gannaway bags Date: 09 Feb 2000 11:57:54 -0500 On Wed, 09 Feb 2000 06:19:16 -0800, tannish1 wrote: >Chris are you or any of the COWheads playing these bags? If so >how do they compare to the L&M's and a sheepskin? The price sure >looks good. Also how are they with the airtight seasoning, have >you tried it? Looking forward to your response. Also, how long >have you been in Eatontown? >Jimmy Bell Hi Jimmy, long time no see! I'm playing one (since November) - I LOVE it. A couple other guys are trying them out. We're using tube watertraps with them. So far, I've found it works great. Tight, absorbent, comfortable. Very little maintenance required. I seasoned it initially in early November when I tied it on, and again last week. That's pretty good considering it was in a very dry house most of the time. Compared to L&M elkhide -- there is no comparison - much better moisture control than an elk-tanned bag. Tight as can be too. Compared to sheepskin -- pretty good, close even. I've played through several long-warmup time gigs, and some very very long recording sessions with minimal problems. Close enough that the ease of maintenance outweighs any additional slight moisture control advantage from a sheepskin. I haven't put any "Airtight" seasoning in them, they strongly recommend their own "Highlander" brand, which has worked excellently - no heating, no fuss, easy. I've heard from one guy who used regular "Airtight" that it doesn't work as well in these bags. More expensive too. Eatontown? Hmm, let's see -- just Spring / Summer 1997. I've been back in Maryland since then! I loved the area, though. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) What now, Ringo? Date: 09 Feb 2000 20:32:49 GMT Despite that which has dominated the NG over the past week or so, I just want to re-confirm my commitment to the NG and to all those who are here to share and learn. I believe that deeds speak louder than words. I also believe that a person provides many clues as to his or her character. 'nuff said. I'd like to re-introduce a topic to the NG. Drugs and piping. Anybody that has every been in front of an audience or judge knows that feeling... "Oh my God, what comes next! My hands are shaking! My knees are shaking! Is he looking at me? My face is flushed. I'm gonna faint!" To varying degrees it happens to all of us. There was an incident in Ontario years ago where one piper dashed out of the circle. The weekend warriors of the piping world go out contest after contest and face down their biggest fears. Others don't. I have known very good pipers that put the pipes away, permanently, because of their fear of playing publicly, let alone playing in front of a critic or judge. Pipers that I play with even now admit that they hate band chanter practice because their peers are watching and listening. We all had little tricks that we used to play. Mind games to calm ourselves. A couple of beers to take the edge off. A little quiet time before the comp. But now, many top competitors are turning to prescription drugs to get past the fear. Pop a tab a couple of hours before contest time and just relax. How do you feel about this? Is this something that should be encouraged, discouraged, ignored, regulated, or outlawed? What is your own experience with "the jitters" and how do you cope? Those of you who play both solo and in band competition, which is worse for nerves? What is your best advice. Ringo - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: bdunsire@aol.comNOSPAM (Bob Dunsire) Subject: (bagpipe) BC Pipers' home page - 10,000 visits and counting.. Date: 09 Feb 2000 21:57:26 GMT I want to share some visit numbers that I think are pretty neat. Not quite one year old, and the BC Pipers' Association home page has had more than 10,000 visits (as of yesterday!). I have also put counters on a few of the other pages of the site and to date there have been: more than 2600 visits to the Events page, more than 2400 visits to the Photos page, nearly 250 visits to the history page, and more the 7000 visits to the Results page (over the past 12 months - that was an older web page of mine) 10,000 is a nice round number.. and great (I think) for our association's home page in its' first year. Yaaa hooo.. Bob D. ------------- (having much fun with web pages, including: (Bagpipe Web Directory - 1000+ links) (BC Pipers' Association)) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What now, Ringo? Date: 09 Feb 2000 23:57:04 GMT The only butt you're going to be kicking is your own when you get to that point where you realize what a numpty you've been for so long! ;) Kiddin' aside, I'd like to revisit this with you AFTER you've been up in front of a judge for half a dozen times or so. ...True story. We had one piper refuse to get off the bus at the world's one year! And he was/is an excellent piper! This fear thing can be very debilitating. Beginnertunes wrote in message > >I'd like to re-introduce a topic to the NG. Drugs and piping. > > Good subject Ron! > Coming from a guy whose going to be facing these very fears when I enter AND > KICK SOME BUTT this summer in grade4 (thats a secret though, so don't tell > anyone Ron ) I think it should be outlawed. They don't allow this in > athletic competitions because it can give an unfair advantage to some, and I > think coping with these fears sober is part of seperating the men from the > boys. Personally your going to see the urine running down my legs and splashing > around from my knees knocking, but I don't think drugs should figure into the > equation. > Of course then we get to the question of alcohol... would it be considered an > illegal substance? Heck, that would sure thin out the field for me LOL! And of > course then theres enforcement, which would be impossible. > But interesting food for thought. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What now, Ringo? Date: 09 Feb 2000 23:49:24 GMT No, No, No my friend, if I may be so bold! This is not recreation use of drugs. The drugs I'm referring to are prescribed by a doctor to help keep anxiety and nerves under control. Commonly called "Beta Blockers". oshpiper wrote in message news:87spvt$3qs$ > In article , > "Ron Bowen" wrote: > > > I'd like to re-introduce a topic to the NG. Drugs and piping. > ...> We all had little tricks that we used to play. Mind games to calm > > ourselves. A couple of beers to take the edge off. A little quiet > time > > before the comp. But now, many top competitors are turning to > prescription > > drugs to get past the fear. Pop a tab a couple of hours before > contest time > > and just relax. > > > > How do you feel about this? > > > Let's make sure we are all on the same page here. I assume we are NOT > talking about someone seeking or currently in an on-going medical > treatment program prescribed by a licensed physician. > > We are talking about the recreational use with regard to your question, > are we not, Ron? > > I feel the recreational use of drugs or alcohol for the sole purpose of > coping with the fear and anxiety associated with piping should be > discouraged. Managing your own fears and feelings is a constant daily > challenge. The use of drugs to "help" you 'get by' or 'calm down' is > only doing youself a disservice. 'Nerves and piping' are very similar > to 'nerves and public speaking'. Would you want to listen to a drunk > give a speech? > > Pat > > > Sent via > Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Ron Bowen changes the topic to Himself instead of Re: wet reeds/dry reeds Date: 05 Feb 2000 18:59:13 GMT On Sat, 05 Feb 2000 15:25:24 GMT, "Mark Scheen" wrote: >Agreed. I'm sure I speak for most when I say I usually quit reading the >thread once the verbal fisticuffs commence. So, why did you reposte a 158 line quote of material you claim you didn't read only to lead it with this comment? Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What's your opinion? Date: 09 Feb 2000 21:32:41 GMT I Very dangerous queston to ask on this NG. You'll get a whole bunch of different answers on this one. Disregard Ccc's previous post, he's pulling you leg big time. Stay away from pakis & lark. Buy Blackwood. As to model,you might consider listening to the pipes of your fellow bandmembers. Ask what they have and how they feel about them. Be prepared to spend a minimun of $800. A decent new pipe will cost $1100 - 1500. Depends on the maker. The more crap you add onto it, ie silver, the higher the price. Do some homework first. There are plenty of dealers out on the web, check out their prices. See what they offer. You might consider going for a lower cost/model rather than the high end models until you become more educated with your piping. Maybe by that time you'll be able to tell the differances on tone and have a preferance. Same goes for vintage. Remember, you're just starting out, you can always trade up at a later date. Good Luck, -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What now, Ringo? Date: 10 Feb 2000 00:44:33 GMT On Wed, 09 Feb 2000 22:33:33 GMT, oshpiper wrote: >I feel the recreational use of drugs or alcohol for the sole purpose of >coping with the fear and anxiety associated with piping should be >discouraged. Managing your own fears and feelings is a constant daily >challenge. The use of drugs to "help" you 'get by' or 'calm down' is >only doing youself a disservice. 'Nerves and piping' are very similar >to 'nerves and public speaking'. Would you want to listen to a drunk >give a speech? > >Pat We've got at least one "poster child" locally in the fight to keep piping clean and sober. It ain't pretty. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 10 Feb 2000 00:31:08 GMT On Wed, 9 Feb 2000 12:17:41 -0500, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: >You thought wrong as usual and MacGilllivary can back me up on this! >Sheepskin Bags, MacAlister reeds, and Sinclair Chanters that Kenny >had sold to us himself! The boys in his band never let him down about that >one. Guess you never heard the Clan in their "heyday" then. I thought you meant two chanter sets before that, in the *Clan's* "heyday," not the last season before they fell apart. But you're right, Jim's around. > >> I thought Mike Grey had something to do with that. And I also thought >> Metro Police sounded high and thin, as did the judges at the Worlds. > >You thought wrong again! What you could here the World's thru >your lap top. Maybe you shoudl explain you thoughts to Jake Watson. >I'll just stand back under cover of a plastic window to avoid the >blood splatter. Yes, I read your post date wrong as already covered for Chris. However, my point being, where did *you* fit into this? Are you suggesting Jake Watson is going to beat me up for insulting *your* magnificent job of running the band's tone program? Everyone heard those chanters and so far *you're* the only one in disagreement with me on that matter. > Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: A challenge to OSH!!!!!! Date: 10 Feb 2000 00:45:00 GMT On 09 Feb 2000 20:05:00 GMT, (Rodger A. Cotton) wrote: >>Pat, you have my condolences! I hope your PM knows what he's doing. > >Somehow, I dont think they know what time it is. John comes to town for the >price of a plane ticket, put him up at your house, and feed him a couple >times... Spend a Sat. afternoon with his box of spank'in new Gibson Chanters, >and him setting up the band, giving tips, and pointers etc. Learning you things >that you might not know, pointing out things that only a fresh perspective >would even notice. And at the end of the day, if you are not 1000% satisfied, >he takes the chanters back. > >Thats a pretty fookin good deal. And that it is. But John goes home at the end of the day. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 10 Feb 2000 00:13:51 GMT On Wed, 09 Feb 2000 07:57:24 GMT, wrote: >In article <>, > (Royce Lerwick) wrote: >> On Tue, 8 Feb 2000 20:00:33 -0500, "JOhn Mitchell" >> wrote: >> >> >For another matter, lets get one thing straight, you may worship >great >> >names, >> >but I'm in the business to beat them. >> > >> >Did it constantly in the City of Guelph Pipe Band, when Clan >MacFarland >> >was in their prime under the direction of P/M Ken Eller. Now that >was fun >> >and we sure as hell didn't soak the big MacAlisters in any water >back then! >> >> I thought Guelph was playing Hardies and Warnock reeds when Clan >> MacFarlane was in its prime, and was taking thirds and fourths. Ken >> didn't need to soak reeds and neither did anyone else, because most of >> them were playing hide bags and never took the chanters out of the >> stocks. >> > >> >Did it again with the Metro Police when we kicked the 78th Fraser's >asses up >> >and down the field for 4 years before the band busted up in 96. >> >> I thought Mike Grey had something to do with that. And I also thought >> Metro Police sounded high and thin, as did the judges at the Worlds. > >Yeah and just what did they say about 'your' 'top' band Lerwick? Oh >thats right you never stood in a grade 1 circle in your entire life! Odd, that answer doesn't have anything to do with Guelph's setup, which I should also remind you, had nothing to do with you, and everything to do with Ed Neigh and Jim MacGillivray. Lot's guys stand in the circle. You're just one of the guys in the circle. Which reminds me, since Guelph wasn't playing Ross system, and I'd pretty much bet was on L&M elkhide, or at least a lot of the band, and blew late-60's early 70's Hardies, doesn't that mean in your own evaluation, they were fundamentally incapable of blowing a "world class sound?" >Hack! Judges at the worlds also said Shotts was better than FMM! Oh and >from that tone contest you 'never' should of entered I'd say your the >last guy who should talk about anything even slightly related to tone! Actually, it wasn't billed as a contest at all. It was specifically billed as a showcase to put different setups out as examples of tone. I'm sure you'll agree that the Dunfion setup that they spent the day in the studio with multiple mikes and many takes and a nose-blower solo reed getting it just right (except for the high A that was 10 cents sharp of an octave) is the setup you'll be switching over to immediately. >> >I will admit, I had no idea that Ken Eller is going around the >country >> >teaching >> >players to soak their reeds in water! Kinda says a lot about a guy who's been shooting his mouth off for a year or more about how well connected he is with the Ontario scene, when he doesn't have any idea what the man right in your backyard, who created the "Big Noise" and put the area on the map actually has been teaching all these years. >I will make it a point to ask >him what >> >the real demonstration was all about when I see him at the next >practice. >> >> Why do you make such a huge deal out of wetting a reed a bit? What a >> sheltered exposure you've had! > >It makes the reed weak/squeal,dull and crappy not to mention the >infinate variables that come into play with the addition of >water /pitch rising/ flattening uncertainty and heartache. Well, no it doesn't. With the MacAllisters it first made them hard and flattish but blew through and actually, when they got really really wet from playing a long time, they'd often ease up. Warnocks, Caldwells, Megarity, Apps, Higgins, and most of them cup up nicely, the top hand fills out and comes back down to pitch where you left it and settles within a few minutes of play if you get it right. Of course, we're talking about a dry reed. If you overshoot it takes longer to rise back up and the upperhand is flattish for a while. If you undershoot, it just takes longer to play down to pitch again. >> >I will report back to the group. In any case I have no intentions of >> >starting >> >to soak reeds in water, we all know what that does to a reed and >that's >> >a proven fact. >> >> What does it do John? Tell us specifically. > >Hmm. It gets in the grain of the wood causing It to expand and soften, >[and sound shitty] then later when the water exits It has about 0% >chance of getting back to It's original shape. No, what it actually does almost invariably is swell the fibers and cup the reed open to increase the fullness of the top hand in far less time than it would take you to blow the same moisture in for hours with your dry bag and cannister setup. But then, you're the one who keeps talking about "soaking," not me. I'll remind everyone that the debate started right here, with John claiming that it was a new and marvelous situation due to the Ross cannister that allowed you to play your pipes back into shape in a day, instead of three. It was John who suggested somehow the drying system helped the reed recover faster. >[like trying to take a >dent out of metal] Well John, the reed takes in moisture in your approach as well and can only hold all it can hold, it swells up, cups out, gives you the mysterious magic you care to credit to salivating on sap, and then dries out overnight again as well. A dry reed sounds like crap--you said it yourself. You said you had to let the reed sit in the bag for an hour and soak up moisture. >Why don't you try It yourself Lerwick? take a reed >thats been soaked and compare It to one in a dry system you'll see that >the lips of the wet one are all f#@!^ed up,this is why soaking is >wrong, this goes back to the 'hydrochaos' principle I pointed out >earlier. No, you listed magic sap reactions with saliva, and the water washing away this magic coating made the reed sound bad. There is no "dry" system by the way, just systems that prevent excess moisture or control the oversupply of moisture. Not even the Ross system is "dry" because as you point out, the reed sounds like thin little crap dry. >Oh and as If everchanging tunning Isn't enough, Well, the tuning, if water is *overshot* is too flat and doesn't sound good for a few minutes. But since you've just dunked it and blown or shaken off the big droppies what really happens it you cut of a wasted half hour or more (an hour in your example) trying to catch up moisture into the bag and reed just by blowing and blowing and blowing. Again, in the majority of climates in NA, some, most or all of the year will involve periods where a Ross is just overkill, where even hide is bone dry overnight as well as the reed, and the three-month layoff you described happend every evening in effect. What you suggest is we ought to just add that extra hour and a half to our playing schedule every time the pipes come out of the box because water is evil. Tuning is actually helped with a judicious application of direct moisture, because you actually settle out at optimum moisture withing half and hour or less. > when the water >exits It'll take some natural oils with It[think of chapped lips] so >when It drys It'll actually be harder than before only this time with >less volume! Well, again there is no sap, there is no oil in the cane. This is more of your moon-howling, alchemy. >Hack! Now It's your turn to take what I said, put It into >jargon and argue that thats what you were saying all along! Hack! Oddly enough John, half your posts lately could have been paraphrases from a book I wrote 20 years ago. But not this nonsense about water. Reeds are tied in soaking wet. They already been destroyed in you opinion, before you blow a note on them. The cane has already been swelled and expanded and exploded and collapsed as they come to you--in your theory. > >BTW Royce, when's the last time you ever attended a piping seminar? >> >> I think the question being asked was, when was the last time *you* >> attended a piping seminar? You obviously haven't attended any of Ken >> Eller's, even though you preach like you're some kindred soul. > >Mitchell doesn't need Ken's seminar, those are only for hacks like you! By the way, you never commented on the paradox of Jack Lee's condemnation (or Ian Whitelaw's for that matter) of "rubber bags and plastic reeds" or I might add "plastic chanters." I assume you dislike Mathieson for achieving a comparable level of "world class tone" in your beloved "worlds" using rubber bags, plastic reeds *and* plastic chanters. As a "hack" I'm wondering which of these "greats" you would suggest is the ignorant dolt, and which I should listen to. >> In any case, I think the last was probably Mathieson/MacGillivray in >> 97 or 98, and of course you're predictably going to tell me that's >> hopelessly outdated. Oh yeah, you never gave me an opinion on MacGillivray's "little rubber band." He never plays without one he says. It seems to work well. Mathieson goes around the circle squeezing reeds nonstop to match base pitch. (The constantly changing pitch problem you claim prevents "world class tone.") That seems to work well. Ken Eller seemed to just let the reeds open all they wanted to and adjusted pitch mostly with seating, tape, carving, or learning how to "blow tone" and monitor notes that start drifting out. Terry Tulley was more similar to Eller, and really came out against either pinching shut or worst of all the little rubber band. (But he just got downgraded to grade II, so maybe that answers his portion of the question eh?) All these approaches systems seem to work, but I'm an idiot, somebody must be stupid and evil here, so, tell me, who's right? > > >> Royce >Hack! You should do something about that cough. Royce (Looks like I'll be out to SFU in Provo in March as well.) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 10 Feb 2000 00:32:22 GMT On Wed, 9 Feb 2000 14:49:12 -0500, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: >Here's one for ya Roycy! >What do you know about the Power of Scotland PB >and the up coming Worlds contest this year? You won't be playing with them. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 10 Feb 2000 00:25:19 GMT On Wed, 09 Feb 2000 07:51:03 -0500, Chris Hamilton wrote: >On Wed, 09 Feb 2000 05:14:27 GMT, (Royce >Lerwick) wrote: > >>On Tue, 8 Feb 2000 20:00:33 -0500, "JOhn Mitchell" >> wrote: > >>>Did it constantly in the City of Guelph Pipe Band, when Clan MacFarland >>>was in their prime under the direction of P/M Ken Eller. Now that was fun >>>and we sure as hell didn't soak the big MacAlisters in any water back then! >> >>I thought Guelph was playing Hardies and Warnock reeds when Clan >>MacFarlane was in its prime, and was taking thirds and fourths. Ken >>didn't need to soak reeds and neither did anyone else, because most of >>them were playing hide bags and never took the chanters out of the >>stocks. > >As an avid student of band history, I'll toss my tupence in here. > >The Clan's "prime" was, let's say from 1975 - 1981 more or less. I'd agree with that. >During that time I know Guelph beat them at the CNE (and Maxville?) in >1976 and possibly 1977, and I'm sure other venues as well over the >years. I've got a tremendous recording I made at Montreal in 1979 of >Guelph smokin' the Clan in a horrendous windstorm (anyone remember >that one?). A truly great sound from both bands that day. The thing about Guelph though, was they were very musical and very innovative, but not noted as a "powerhouse" band in the tone department. It was a pretty tone, but often blowing or upperhand sharpness was present, and if you listen to their LP you can here the same sorts of problem. This is actually a credit to the leadership however, because what they were doing was taking a bunch of punk kids not really up to that level and getting the sound and performance working in spite of themselves. >Poor >Erskine had to play in the worst of it. Some Guelph guys were losing >their feather bonnets by the end of the MSR. Whatever happened to Erskin? > >In 1981 they switched to Kyle chanters (briefly) and then the Clan's >old Sinclairs, hoisting them on their own petard at Maxville that >year. Yeah, by then they pretty well needed a bigger sound but 1981 was pretty much the waning year of the Clan I think, something of a "last hurrah." > >During that period, Guelph was among the top 3 consistently along with >the Clan and St. Thomas / MacNish Distillery (who I believe won >Maxville in 1978). Other than them, I don't who would have >consistently beaten Guelph during that time, as the other bands (City >of Toronto, Erskine, General Motors, Waterloo Police, Toronto & >District / 400 Sqn) had their moments were not consistent at that >time. > >>>Did it again with the Metro Police when we kicked the 78th Fraser's asses up >>>and down the field for 4 years before the band busted up in 96. >> >>I thought Mike Grey had something to do with that. And I also thought >>Metro Police sounded high and thin, as did the judges at the Worlds. > >What would Mike have had to do with that? He was with the Frasers at >least through 1995, when he left to lead Peel after the season. No, you're right, I got the date read wrong, he's talking about *before* 96. I was thinking Grey took over that year. I heard Metro in 95, 96, 97 at Alma, though I think they didn't return in 98. Maybe I'm a year off there somewhere, but I did hear the dogwhistle Gibsons, but that was before I knew what they were playing so it couldn't have just been prejudice. It was very noticeably high and thin. >In >1995 Metro was placed 2nd in pipng in the MSR at The Worlds. They >didn't fare too well the next year however, perhaps it was the pitch >thing. But I heard them at Maxville playing those Gibbers in '95 and >it was a thing o' beauty. But you haven't answered the question at hand, which is, how many of those bands had John Mitchell as their PM/PS/Toneboy? He wasn't clear on his role in any of them, though is read as if he was personally responsible. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) EUSPBA upgradings: ? Date: 10 Feb 2000 02:26:47 GMT I checked out the solo piping upgrades on the website. Wow. What a difference from this time last year. Easily twice as many pipers moved up from grade to grade, compared to the '99 regradings. Last year nobody moved from 1 to Open; this year about 8 or 10. Last year about 40 moved from 4 (senior and jr) to 3, and maybe 5 or 6 moved out of 3 to 2. This year there were almost 40 people who moved up from 4-senior alone, and at least 20 jr's. Looks like grade 3 is going to be really crowded this year. Wondering what's going on here.... Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: RSPBA Re-Grading Date: 09 Feb 2000 20:48:41 -0500 On Thu, 10 Feb 2000 00:01:03 -0000, "Jamie Green" wrote: re: St. Laurence O'Toole ... >No - they weren't - someone has it wrong. They are still very much grade 1. Glad to hear that. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Polishing bores Date: 10 Feb 2000 00:38:42 GMT On Wed, 09 Feb 2000 20:43:48 -0800, Paul Gretton wrote: > wrote: >> mine are mirror finished and I have >> had nothing but good comments on their tone. > >[[SNIP]] >> >> So......from this I come to the conclusion that the smoother the drone >> bore the better the sound. >> > >Definitely not! The smoothness (or otherwise) of the bore is only one of the factors >influencing the tone. > >If I can give a personal example: my 1918 Lawries used to belong to P/M Angus MacDonald. >Nobody has ever had a better sound. The bores are smooth but NOT polished. (If I >remember rightly, the same applies to Roddy McLeod's Lawries.) > >Cheers, > >Paul Gretton So, Paul, would you have any interest in having them sent out to be soaked in linseed oil for a day or so, and then have a hot probe with steel wool on the end rammed up and down and up and down till the oil is heat-catalysed into a mirror-smooth sealed surface of highly polished resin? Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: ? to open pipers Bill Caduell and alike Date: 10 Feb 2000 02:17:48 GMT >If one were to use the Kilberry Book, no a >mach is written, but in the Piobaireachd Society Book it says one can >be played. The SG2 setting of Glangarry's shows an a-mach...Kilberry doesn't (I think) but then Kilberry doesn't show a machs very much in general. I don't have the PS setting of the tune. One well-known piob teacher said the a-mach isn't necessary in this tune...another one said it would be OK to play it if you can. I guess I didn't realize how subjective the a-mach is. It's there in Alasdair Dearg, but without it the tune would hardly be 5 minutes long. Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: EUSPBA upgradings: ? Date: 10 Feb 2000 03:34:17 GMT >A lot >of excellent young players ready to make the jump. And a certain Piobaireachd Babe too! Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Harmonics and Tuning Date: 10 Feb 2000 02:45:26 GMT I've been working with a set of Zu reeds with the normal screws replaced by carriage bolts. Takes less air, and produces what I thought was a louder drone sound. Definitely a better drone tone. After listening to my pipes being played by other people, I don't think it's a louder sound, but a more "dense" or complex one, with better harmonics. Now that I've gotten used to playing this setup, and I'm getting to know what "tone" is....I'm realizing it's a pain in the butt. Once you have everything locked into tune, and it stays that way for a good's great when you get there. But my ear seems to be getting more particular about noticing less-than-perfect tuning and any unsteadiness. Crisp harmonics (if that's the right term) make a wonderful sound, but they also make it very easy to tell when anything's out of tune. How long should you be able to maintain "perfect" tuning? I've achieved moments of that, here and there, but never for more than about one piob or 5-7 minutes. It's superb when it happens, but in a 45-minute practice I spend 15 minutes getting it, possibly 5-7 minutes enjoying it, and then I take a break and I can never find it exactly again. But it's a start anyway. Up until a couple weeks ago I had never heard that sound coming from my pipes. Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 09 Feb 2000 20:47:13 -0500 On Thu, 10 Feb 2000 00:25:19 GMT, (Royce Lerwick) wrote: >On Wed, 09 Feb 2000 07:51:03 -0500, Chris Hamilton > wrote: > ... >>Poor Erskine had to play in the worst of it. Some Guelph guys were losing >>their feather bonnets by the end of the MSR. > >Whatever happened to Erskin? Their drum corps "left" or "was fired" after the 1979 season, depending on whose story you hear. Most went to The Clan. So they had a pipe corps and no drum corps in 1980. They managed to scrape together a pickup drum corps under Jim Agnew and play at Santa Rosa in 1980. Played quite well, in fact beating Triumph Street (one year removed from 5th in the Worlds) two out of three contests in piping. The other big band at Santa Rosa that year was the Innes Tartan from NZ. The final results were Triumph Street, Erskine, and Innes Tartan. I remember this all vividly 'cuz I was a front-rank ringer for Erskine on that trip. A great time and great experience for me as an 18-yo punk. Sandy Keith - now that man could set up a band! (still can I hear). Hide bags, no watertraps, cane everything of course in WarMac chanters. Standard for the era. Unfortunately, that was the last hurrah and they never played again. >>In 1981 they switched to Kyle chanters (briefly) and then the Clan's >>old Sinclairs, hoisting them on their own petard at Maxville that >>year. > >Yeah, by then they pretty well needed a bigger sound but 1981 was >pretty much the waning year of the Clan I think, something of a "last >hurrah." Probably the Clan's last "great" year. The next year General Motors morphed into 78th Fraser and began to dominate. Of course, SFU came out to Maxville in '82 and blew 'em all out of the park. Biggest sound I've ever heard. >But you haven't answered the question at hand, which is, how many of >those bands had John Mitchell as their PM/PS/Toneboy? He wasn't clear >on his role in any of them, though is read as if he was personally >responsible. Well he WAS there certainly, which counts for a lot, and I'll not comment on the rest of it since I don't know the details. But I'll tell ya, Niagara had some great sound last year, and I know John had a big hand in that. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 09 Feb 2000 22:17:02 -0500 On Wed, 9 Feb 2000 21:23:25 -0500, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: >Yea, I was personally responsible for thier sound, everyone in a >GR1 band is responsible for the sound, We make it or break it! > >When you walk into a GR1 Circle, you better have the knowledge >and ability to setup a bagpipe, else you won't be their for 10 seconds. >I'm still there after 30 years, probably got another 15. Gotta agree with this ... it doesn't take much uneven blowing or many unsteady pipes to ruin the sound on the day. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Maeve" Subject: (bagpipe) YES!!!!!!!! YES!!!!! YES!!!!! Date: 09 Feb 2000 23:39:20 -0500 This is IT!!!!!!!! I found a pipe maker who is willing to work with me on this "project" that I have in mind and have ordered my "new" set from him! I'm too excited! They will be made from Rock Maple (not a word! This is an experiment!) so that the woodburning will show up well. No beading, no combing, no finish, no bag . . .nothing but the raw sticks!!!! WHEW!!!!! I can't wait! Now . . . you ALL have to help me make up my mind on the last item here. .. . the mounts. Picture the light Maple with . . . . Cocobolo / Pernambuco / Bloodwood or Imitation Horn. As I was working on the artwork for the dulcimers, I dreamed up several schemes for the new pipe. Dragons keep coming to my mind. . . . I'll have to let this develop a little more in my mind! I can't stand it!!!!! I'm leaning towards the Bloodwood mounts . . . . what do you all think?!??!?!?! I'm sure I have a few more days to make up my mind here and I will get an estimated time of arrival soon!!!!! Can't you just envision a dragon's tail wrapping around the chanter . . . or maybe flames .. . . oh . . the possibilities are endless! If this works out . . . . shoot . .. . never mind. I won't go there now! But knowing me as some of you do, you can all just imagine what's going through my mind right now :) :) :) :) -- Love and Light be with you, Maeve . . . knowing she will not sleep tonight!! authoring "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." --- Oscar Wilde - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Adult Learners- revisited Date: 10 Feb 2000 03:02:42 GMT >to sit there week after week >and go thru the pain staking task of teaching. Every week? Really? Is that the way most people learned the pipes? I went every other week for lessons, and that's the way I teach my students. That's still the way I learn, because it takes me a good couple of weeks to assimilate what I learned last lesson. That, plus my teachers are about 1.5 hours away (each way) and somewhat hard to get to see. Every week? Yuck. Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Web Update / Interview Date: 11 Feb 2000 06:53:22 -0500 On Thu, 10 Feb 2000 19:12:24 -0500, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: >Hey Chris! > >That bit about being on a deserted island with >your band mates and 1 case of beeeeeer!!!!!! > >If that were me, when rescue team finally came, >I'd be telling them, >"it was a sad thing that no one survived the crash" Remind me to book a separate flight from you, ya cannibal !!! Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: EUSPBA upgradings: ? Date: 09 Feb 2000 22:25:18 -0500 On 10 Feb 2000 02:26:47 GMT, (Zudupiper) wrote: >I checked out the solo piping upgrades on the website. Wow. What a difference >from this time last year. Easily twice as many pipers moved up from grade to >grade, compared to the '99 regradings. > >Last year nobody moved from 1 to Open; this year about 8 or 10. > ... >Wondering what's going on here.... Grade 1 has been very very strong in EUSPBA the last few years. A lot of excellent young players ready to make the jump. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What's your opinion? Date: 10 Feb 2000 07:10:35 GMT My two cents, Don Robertson wrote: > Some good advice here. I think it was in one of the College of Piping tutors > that I read many years ago on how to pick out your pipes. The basic advice > was to get a range of several makers and prices, then throw out the top and > the bottom and go for a decent set from the middle. Yes, that's what they said. Good advice. > I would also suggest staying with a leather bag and cane reeds for the time > being, just an opinion here though. I'd say go with synthetics for the drones, as cane can be a bit of a trick for beginners. I'd go leather bag too. Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Web Update / Interview Date: 10 Feb 2000 21:56:55 -0500 On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 01:36:44 GMT, aberdeen wrote: > Very nice interview. I'm looking forward to your next interview >hopefully on network television. Nice photos too. Funny you should mention that ... Immediately after we played at The Worlds, I WAS interviewed by the BBC. They asked me how I thought we played and how we compared to the other bands, etc. Don't know if it ever made it on the air, though. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 10 Feb 2000 21:10:35 -0500 On Thu, 10 Feb 2000 10:22:36 -0500, "Lindsay Kirkwood" wrote: >> On Wed, 09 Feb 2000 07:51:03 -0500, Chris Hamilton >> wrote: >> >As an avid student of band history, I'll toss my tupence in here. >> > >> >The Clan's "prime" was, let's say from 1975 - 1981 more or less. > >The Clan's was dominant long before 1975...try 62-63 . The band took the >1971 season off. >1972 was a tremdous year .We beat the Edinburgh Polis(World Champions) at >Fergus. Thanks for that clarification Lindsay. My first recording of the Clan is from 1975, and it is spectacular - from Maxville and the CNE. I remember now reading that 1971 they were off and Kenny took over following that. That Fergus win must have been awesome - I have a recording of Edinburgh Police (about 1/3 of their medley) at the CNE in 1972 and they're absolutely first-class. Bright rock steady tone, crisp drumming, etc. I wasn't sure what the Clan's record was during the 60s (under Jim Greig, right?). The other big bands of that era would have been Worcester and maybe the 48th ??? >Chanters were rarely taken out of the pipes...This was long before >Chant.protectors became really popular. I never saw a chanter cap until the mid-1980s. Prior to that I either kept the chanter and reed in the pipes. Prior to that as a teenager I took the reed out and put it in a bottle (bad idea - you have to reset it every time) Anyway, thanks for the info - it's great to hear the vets tell it like it was. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tim Sullivan" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Irish Rock Pipe Band Date: 10 Feb 2000 23:38:54 GMT JOhn Mitchell wrote in message news:38a254ef_2@ > antipypr wrote > > few tunes) those guys are masters- I am not, and don't pretend to be, I > just > > know how to put on a fun show > > That's not an easy task to be able to put on a show > for as long as you do. Not many can do it! > > The cornerstone of a true entertainer is creativity, > passion and presentation, all of which you posses Well John! Heartfelt kind words, and true as well. I am impressed ! (SEE Bagpiip - he CAN do it!!!) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What now, Ringo? Date: 10 Feb 2000 15:24:52 GMT In article <82no4.19514$>, "Ron Bowen" wrote: > No, No, No my friend, if I may be so bold! This is not recreation use of > drugs. The drugs I'm referring to are prescribed by a doctor to help keep > anxiety and nerves under control. Commonly called "Beta Blockers". O.K. Now we are on the same page. I believe people who SOLELY RELY upon the affects of a drug in order to relax or allay anxiety simply are on the wrong track and are fooling themselves in the long run. Notice I said, "SOLEY". Shouldn't a prescribed course of therapy also accompany the drug use? If that's the case, then maybe the users 'issues' go deeper than nervousnes before a piping event. Boy we can go off in many different directions on this one. Where are the doctors?????? Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Gannaway bags Date: 10 Feb 2000 14:53:09 GMT In article , wrote: > Good price ($70 US). > Good shape - chanter comes straight down into a natural position. > About as airtight a bag as I've ever seen. > > Chris How do the bag sizes/dimensions of the Gannaway compare to say the sizes L&M puts out? Any major differences? Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Web Update / Interview Date: 10 Feb 2000 14:45:01 -0500 On Thu, 10 Feb 2000 17:49:50 GMT, Brian wrote: >Chris, > >Don't know if the problem is on my end or yours, but all I get when I go >to your URL is a banner and no content. Freeservers was hosed up for a while - they're back online now. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 11 Feb 2000 05:25:21 GMT On Thu, 10 Feb 2000 21:10:35 -0500, Chris Hamilton wrote: >>Chanters were rarely taken out of the pipes...This was long before >>Chant.protectors became really popular. > >I never saw a chanter cap until the mid-1980s. Prior to that I either >kept the chanter and reed in the pipes. Prior to that as a teenager I >took the reed out and put it in a bottle (bad idea - you have to reset >it every time) I think Donald Lindsay was one of the big spreaders of the dry-storage capping gospel. It's been a while but he was probably one of or even 8the* first guys who went around and did *maintenance* oriented or band-setup oriented seminars. He's the guy for sure that showed me about cobblers waxed hemp/beeswaxed hemp etc. I couldn't swear he was the cap guy, but if he was that would have been about 1972-3. I think John MacLellan in his Seattle school may have taught about capping the chanter and that would have been about 74-75. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Silver Drone Cords?? Date: 10 Feb 2000 18:00:51 -0800 Me, Me, Me. Or you could send cash. (just kidding here folks) Mike Le Boeuf wrote: > Who did I owe a set of Silver color drone cords to? > > Mike - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Re: ok, The Gibson Challenge is now Open! Date: 10 Feb 2000 04:56:33 GMT In article <38a1ccb8_5@>, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: > Would you be happy at say, 488! LOL Tough to make a drone reed suit a dog-whistle, but then I guess the maker could decrease the overall length of the drone by an inch, or open the bores and bushes by .030". I'm certain there are many ways of making the tail wag the dog. Keep me posted, John. Oh yeah, "thanks in advance." Mark Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Leslie Thomson" Subject: (bagpipe) RE: Web Update / Interview Date: 10 Feb 2000 21:02:07 +0100 Wow, it wasn't raining !!!!!! > > I was recently interviewed by "Highland Gathering", the International > Monthly Magazine of Celtic Culture, about the COW band. > > The full text and photos from the interview are at > > > It's a really cool magazine - lots of piping, drumming, highland > dancing info, etc. Willie MacCallum is also interviewed in the same > issue (talk about a tough act to follow !!!). > > Chris > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > Chris Hamilton -- > City of Washington Pipe Band > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tim Sullivan" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Simpsons Alert Date: 10 Feb 2000 23:43:27 GMT Chris Hamilton wrote in message > On 09 Feb 2000 19:41:08 GMT, (Rodger A. Cotton) > wrote: > > >Knowing Ned Diddly Flanders, the Tune will be a selection from "The Church > >Piper" > >Colection. I can see Flanders asking for the Tune that goes "Dee diddly doodle > >doodle dee dee da diddly etc" and having quite the argument with Willy. > > P/M Willy would tell Piper Ned, > > "Ya cannae blow tone with a reed like that, ya pansie!" and hand him a > golf tee. > > Chris HEY - WAIT A FREAKIN' MINUTE! Chris - aren't YOU the 'piper-double' for Willie?????? Tell us what tune you played. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Maeve" Subject: (bagpipe) Life is good!!!!! Date: 11 Feb 2000 00:58:32 -0500 I can't believe what is happening here!!!! Life is never boring at Maeve's Place! My husband took the dulcimers to his meeting tonight to show off the artwork before they left the state. For some reason (I don't know what it is yet!), there was a Fox TV news crew there .. . and they fell in love with my dulcimers and the artwork, and spent over an hour filming the dulcimers and the group playing them!!! Most of the time was spent focused on my husband's dulcimer and the new ones he had brought!!! His is really very special as I made it for myself when I gave up piping last year. It's decorated with faeries, wood nymphs, water sprites, and unicorns. Yes, he has a strong self-image :) :) :) :) But the greatest news is that this will be shown nationwide on Fox sometime this year! We are hoping to be able to find out when so that we can tape the show!!!! Now if I could just get my pipes done and get the news crew to shoot them as well . .. . oh .. with the cameras, not a gun ;) :) :) HOW NEAT!!! :) I'll let you all know if I find out anything more on this event! -- Love and Light be with you, Maeve . . . in sunny Florida authoring "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." --- Oscar Wilde - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (JSLOANPR) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: YES!!!!!!!! YES!!!!! YES!!!!! Date: 10 Feb 2000 11:40:08 GMT >you can all just imagine what's going through my mind right now :) Well, I can Imagine whats going through Angus's mind right now. Something like " I bet rock maple burns real good ". Keep an eye on him! Jim - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (ALIXGUNN) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Adult Learners- revisited Date: 10 Feb 2000 13:13:50 GMT >Every week? Yuck.< Once a week? Jeez! I had it twice a week. Thought that was normal.... - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What now, Ringo? Date: 10 Feb 2000 14:48:20 -0500 On 10 Feb 2000 19:19:47 GMT, (SaltyPiper) wrote: > I've always thought of competition itself as a drug. There was a time, >not too many years ago, that I craved it. Went out of my way to seek it. >I’m talking several states and almost every weekend. Probably the same way a >hard core mountain climber or sky diver crave their sport. I had to have that >nervous feeling. Ain't nuthin' like it. > The funny thing for me was that I always seemed to get more nervous >competing with the band as I felt that if I screwed up, in that setting, I >screwed up the whole band but if I were competing solo I only screwed up me. I'm the opposite. I'm very nervous in solos, but in the band, I'm very confident. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Gannaway bags Date: 10 Feb 2000 10:32:15 -0500 On Thu, 10 Feb 2000 14:53:09 GMT, oshpiper wrote: >In article , > wrote: > >> Good price ($70 US). >> Good shape - chanter comes straight down into a natural position. >> About as airtight a bag as I've ever seen. >> >> Chris > >How do the bag sizes/dimensions of the Gannaway compare to say the sizes >L&M puts out? Any major differences? I haven't played an L&M since 1995, so I can't recall enough to compare. A medium Gannaway is akin to a small Ross cannister bag (which is not really small at all). I'd imagine it's similar to a medium L&M too. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What now, Ringo? Date: 11 Feb 2000 09:30:10 -0500 Reeds, JOhn, reeds- he's talking about carving chanter reeds- none of which I've ever seen cost $200. JOhn Mitchell wrote: > > chanter reeds to finally feel like I know what I'm doing. This supports > my > > view that set-up should be taught early-on in the learning process, > > contrary to the "shut-up-and-play-let-the-PM-do-it" attitude. > > You better know what your doing before you start carving up a $200 chanter! > > -----------== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News ==---------- > The Largest Usenet Servers in the World! > ------== Over 73,000 Newsgroups - Including Dedicated Binaries Servers ==----- - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: A challenge to OSH!!!!!! Date: 11 Feb 2000 01:15:52 GMT In article <>, (Beginnertunes) wrote: > Ok who are you, and what have you done with the real Pat??? Ever hear of multiple personalities. And, my names not Pat. It's Bert. Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tim Sullivan" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What's your opinion? Date: 10 Feb 2000 23:34:22 GMT I'm having the most intense sense of Deja Vu. But then, it strikes every other week when this same question - or one of the several variants - is posted. D. Bruce Etherington wrote in message news:1Mho4.425$ > I'm relatively new at piping; have been on the chanter for just over a year. > At practice on Monday I was told to get ready and start to seriously look to > buy my pipes. I have been looking for a decent used set for a few months > now, without luck. Here's the question: > > For a newbie like me what would you recommend? New or Used? What make? > African Blackwood or polyoenco? > > As usual cost does come into the equation - how much would you recommend > spending? (I'm positive that I will continue with piping - I've got the bug) > > I'm sure there will be a differing of opinion, but the more information the > better. > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What now, Ringo? Date: 10 Feb 2000 15:27:46 GMT Ringo not dog.... Ringo only pawn in game of life. (borrowed from Blazing Saddles, with a small change) Ron, excellent validation for what many of us have experienced at one time or another. Actually, many good posts in this thread and a ton of value for everyone. Someone once told me, prior to actually going out on the field, to visualize the entire event from beginning to end. Then when it comes time to actually compete, since you've already done it, in your mind, it's really no big deal. This made sense to me and I try to do this the night before a contest, just before I fall asleep. I let my brain play with the scenario while I sleep and, generally speaking, I have felt very few nerves since I started doing this. Case in point... At Bethlehem last year, neither COW or NRP were very pleased with our first performances. Too many nerves. Too uptight. Having gotten the first contest behind us, the following three performances by both bands were good enough to win any contest anywhere! Same thing happens at Maxville each year. The second performance is usually better than the first performance. Ron, how's The Harp? Still singing? Ringo RonTeague wrote in message > Well, Well. finally a thread I am competent to respond to. Dispite the fact > that I am a cheezy piobaireachd player, I have been in fact a graduate > professor of clinical psychology and psychiatry for thirty years. > > Prof. Ronald Teague, PhD, ABPP, FAClinP > > P.S. Ringo, you dog, you knew how to get me to respond to this list!! - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve White" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Where is Bagpiip? Date: 11 Feb 2000 07:28:22 -0000 Try this - think about the characteristics you described then see which poster with a new name fits the "bill". It surely can't be that difficult to work out. Steve White Beginnertunes wrote in message <>... >I heard a story recently that he was attending some local games, when a gang >consisting of people from the NG and Kenton Adlers list ganged up on him, beat >him sensless, and lynched him. Poor guy, I miss him too! - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 11 Feb 2000 05:16:42 GMT On Wed, 9 Feb 2000 21:23:25 -0500, "JOhn Mitchell" wrote: > >Royce Lerwick wrote in >> >> But you haven't answered the question at hand, which is, how many of >> those bands had John Mitchell as their PM/PS/Toneboy? He wasn't clear >> on his role in any of them, though is read as if he was personally >> responsible. >> >> Royce > >Here's another fact for your wee notebook, make sure you >write it down properly, as I see you don't take accurate notes! > >Yea, I was personally responsible for thier sound, everyone in a >GR1 band is responsible for the sound, We make it or break it! Well John, that's as obfuscatory as usual. Yeah, we all know the pep rally as follows as well: >When you walk into a GR1 Circle, you better have the knowledge >and ability to setup a bagpipe, else you won't be their for 10 seconds. >I'm still there after 30 years, probably got another 15. Well, as far as I know you've been in many many bands over that period but nobody's questioning your personal ability to make your pipes sound good. This is not the same as being PM or setting up a band. And even more perplexing is the notion that you apparently aren't a solo player either, so it's just hard to keep straight what you're taking credit for when you keep citing all these bands and their great tone. >Let me ask you a fair question Royce, we all know you have never >played with a good band, but do you think you could have ever >qualified for a GR1 band if you had been given the chance?. I was actually in a grade 1 band for about 4 months or so when I graduated high school in '75 and moved back to Seattle for a bit. The entire area was in a depression so I ended up in Minnesota again. I know I wasn't good enough yet for Triumph Street, because I had something like an audition and I just wasn't ready to play with a band that was #4 in the world. But I do have a couple of grade 1 solo prizes somewhere if I knew where to find them. No big deal. You well know I don't claim to be a solo player. You know exactly what my credentials are. I put three bands in grade 2, including (at least in Manitoba) that "Brian Boru 'Highlander'" band you keep mocking. I made any career or reputation I might claim working with F'-ups like me in "Bum-fook" Utah and "Minnehaha," doing some unexpected moving up in the ranks from various areas I openly admit are not piping Meccas. We've been over this. >Did you think you have the talent or the nerve that it takes to do it? Yes, you're quite the lad, you've played in grade one bands. Is it possible for you to get beyond the testoterone level argument and speak in musical terms? I've really had so many of your type--guys however who can actually play in solo contests and win big medals--who are so happy to give me crap about being a grade II PM, but somehow they never end up as a grade 1 PM. They remain, just one of the boys in the band. Then eventually, they're just one of the boys in a grade II band. This area and bands in this area have literally spent tens of thousands of dollars bringing anyone you can name John, for the *past 30 years unceasingly.* At the end of the weekend they all go home. And in the end, apart from providing about three bands worth of grade 1 and 2 pipers who all move away and play with somebody else, these consultants have done *nothing* in the final analysis to improve the level of piping in the area. Because like you, and Ringo (by the latter's own admission) they went straight to grade 1 in a year and have been there ever since, and really know diddly about the sort of problems we have out here in Minnebumfook, much less, how to correct them, because, you guys have never had any problems. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "JOhn Mitchell" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Michael Grey to Lothian? Date: 11 Feb 2000 10:21:32 -0500 stew wrote in > What do yoy know! I'm sure this is a move to help get them reinstated to > grade1. Hardly!!!!! I think the best move for the band is to stay in GR2 for a year so they get a chance to develop and prove that their are ready for GR1 There are already too many bands in gr1 taking up space. If a band is consistantly coming in 16th, 19th, or 22nd each year at the worlds, then why bother going?. I beleive unless your a serious contender for the top 10, then do us all a favour and skip that weekend. If there wasn't so much fill, then it would be easier to manage. Could you imagine the size of the Olympics if it was open to anyone? - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Fernetta Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What's your opinion? Date: 11 Feb 2000 18:37:18 GMT Oh, I forgot to add that I keep the pakis for St. Patty's and other sub-zero gigs. Haveing a set of inexpensive plastic or whatever pipes is a good idea. You can start that way and then be better able to decide what you need for your particular situation after a few months to a year of playing. Fernetta ~~~You know you're a piper's wife if: He spends more time on RMMB than you do.~~~ Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Fernetta Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What's your opinion? Date: 11 Feb 2000 18:25:38 GMT In article <>, (Beginnertunes) wrote: > > On the > >other hand, why not learn from the very beginning on how to manage a good set > >of > >cane reeds. > > Our reasons for going to artificials as beginners was simple. We were spending > far more time screwing around with our cane reeds, just trying to get them to > sound at all, and almost no time actually practicing. One day they were too far > closed, another too open, it was just a daily struggle that we didn't need to > deal with. The cane also took far more air, and it seems to make sense to build > up our lungs first, then switch over to cane somewhere down the road. The sound > isn't as good as cane, but at this stage were just getting around to steady > blowing, and sound isn't actually a concern. Your thinking about so many things > in your first few months of learning, that removing the worry of messing with > cane drone reeds makes it far easier to concentrate on your fingers and > technique, instead of if/when your reeds are going to shut down, or if they're > going to work at all that day. > Hope that makes a little sense, and sheds some light on why we are using them. I am with you on this Bill. Your first set of pipes should be as fullproof as you and a good PS or instructor can make them. You shouldn't have to chace your tuneing around while you are trying to get control of your fingers on the chanter. You can't learn steady blowing if your pipes don't cooperate. I started out with a set of good pakis (yes there are reasonably good ones once they are modified by someone who knows what bore dimentions to use)then moved to a nice set of Krons.(good price,nice workmanship,no waiting time,sound great) Hide, synth. drones,Kron chanter. Care free and easy to play. After a year on the chanter and a year on the pipes I have two bands urging me to compete with them this year. Well I have to go practice now so I don't embarrass myself at rehearsal. Fernetta ~~~You know you're a piper's wife if: He spends more time on RMMB than you do.~~~ Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What's your opinion? Date: 11 Feb 2000 19:47:28 GMT In article <>, Don Robertson wrote: > Some good advice here. Thanks! > My suggestions, > Kron > Hardies > Nail > Sinclair (I think there's a bit of a wait though) I'd also like to add McCallum to the list. -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matt Buckley" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: YES!!!!!!!! YES!!!!! YES!!!!! Date: 11 Feb 2000 08:35:51 -0500 Don Robertson wrote in article > Hi Maeve, I think the only problem you would have, would be having wood as > Maeve wrote: > > This is IT!!!!!!!! I found a pipe maker who is willing to work with me on > > this "project" that I have in mind and have ordered my "new" set from him! > > can't wait! Now . . . you ALL have to help me make up my mind on the last > > item here. .. . the mounts. Picture the light Maple with . . . Cocobolo I'm not so sure, Don. My Hamish Moore Bb GHBs have boxwood mounts, with no hint of trouble. My Hamish Moore A440 GHBs have cocobola mounts, and silver ferrules, with no hint of trouble, and the A440s have now cycled through two winters with no trouble. There are differing opinions on the entire issue of wood mounts - some makers believe wood mounts to be superior for a number of reasons. We can debate the particulars if you would like, but Hamish is so amateur at pipe making. Go for it Maeve! Cheers. Matt - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Anderson" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Gannaway bags Date: 11 Feb 2000 15:43:59 -0000 I am convinced. I live in the UK, so where can I buy one? - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Where is Bagpiip? Date: 11 Feb 2000 09:59:01 -0500 Beginnertunes wrote: > >I check out this board from time to time and I used to see his > >messages-usually > >responding to every post that was made. A bit inane, but I miss him. Anybody > >agree with me? Where is he? > > > > I heard a story recently that he was attending some local games, when a gang > consisting of people from the NG and Kenton Adlers list ganged up on him, beat > him sensless, and lynched him. Poor guy, I miss him too! Miss him? Did you break your mirror again, Bill. BTW the people on the Pipers-L list never beat you up You were welcomed in and found it not to your liking- no problem ther, but then you couldn't figure out how to unsubscribe, as I remember, and took the tatctic of posting the most offensive, profnaity-laden stuff you could to see if you could get thrown out. Perhaps you recall it differently. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Anderson" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Polishing bores Date: 11 Feb 2000 16:10:31 -0000 > > [[SNIP]] > > > > So......from this I come to the conclusion that the smoother the drone > > bore the better the sound. > > > > Definitely not! The smoothness (or otherwise) of the bore is only one of the factors > influencing the tone. > > If I can give a personal example: my 1918 Lawries used to belong to P/M Angus MacDonald. > Nobody has ever had a better sound. The bores are smooth but NOT polished. (If I > remember rightly, the same applies to Roddy McLeod's Lawries.) > > Cheers, > > Paul Gretton > I spoke at some length about this to Willie McCallum when a similar thread occured a while back. He told me that his bores as described i.e. not polished. He thinks the sound is better than polished and the condensation is better controlled than polished bores where it poors down like a drain pipe onto your reeds. The same goes for Roddy McLeod and Andrew Wright's pipes. FWIW my 1930's Lawries are also the same and likewise 4 of our band who have 1916 Henderson's. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "JOhn Mitchell" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Michael Grey to Lothian? Date: 11 Feb 2000 17:31:08 -0500 Iain Speirs wrote in > delighted that he's going to play - but he better not nick my spot. > I'll speak to Colin about sticking him on tenor. What, there's a competition to see whose going to be waterboy. BTW Iain! When you fetch my pie, I like it with no peas and a dash of HP. And be quick about it! - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: bdunsire@aol.comNOSPAM (Bob Dunsire) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: BC Pipers' home page - 10,000 visits and counting.. Date: 11 Feb 2000 23:31:43 GMT Hi Michael, I wrote to respond privately, then I saw your nospam@nospam email.. so.. public.. Thanks very much for the kind words. My web page activities are lot of fun for me, even more so knowing that others find them useful. Yes, lots of (wonderful) noise in our house every evening.. daughters Alison and Liz are pipers, and wife Diana is a (tenor) drummer. Nearly every evening includes a jam session (?) in addition to their individual practises. We still get along really well with the neighbours (we live on an island - not in a city), and they tell us they like the pipes.. (whew)... >Hi Bob, > >As a complete novice, I've got to say that your Bagpipe Web Directory is one >of the most useful resources I've come across -- online or offline. Nice >work...and thanks! > >Out of interest, I surfed over to your BC Piper's Association site >which...surprise, surprise! also excellent. An outstanding example of a >how to use the web for organizational purposes and promotion. I haven't >visited BC in a few years (good friends in Vancouver)..It seems you've got >quite an active piping scene in your spectacular province. > > the that your daughter I noticed pictured getting an >award? (Alison) If so, I can imagine the noise levels around your house at >times > >Great work on the sites...especially the directory. Quite useful, even to >someone up here on the Massachusetts coast. > >Slàinte! > >Michael McWilliams >Cohasset, MA Bob D. ------------- (having much fun with web pages, including: (Bagpipe Web Directory - 1000+ links) (BC Pipers' Association)) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matthew Wood" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Ross Zippered Bag? Date: 12 Feb 2000 00:17:03 GMT My personal opinion is that the zippered style gives the "feel" of a standard hide bag. I think the clamp distorted the shape of the bag and made the bag "back heavy" when I converted I felt extremely comfortable with the shape of the bag. I also did not seem to notice the hoses and canister as much. The zipper also makes it easier to store since there is no more clamp. Matt Bill Carr wrote in article <>... > Hi all > > Have any of you upgraded from the Ross bag with the clamp to the new > zippered model? > > If so...then I'm interested to hear you thoughts about it. > > I played the clamp style bag for a while and although I could put up > with the canister and tubing in the bag I really hated the clamp. I > guess I tried the Ross bag too early eh? > > Otherwise the moisture control available through using the Ross bag was > just great. > > > Bill Carr > > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matthew Wood" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What's your opinion? Date: 12 Feb 2000 00:21:46 GMT Hey Brian, don't forget about MacLellans. Matt BTW I was picking up two sets for customers and saw his Millenium pipes...what a sight! Brian Counihan wrote in article <881p0e$nqd$>... > In article <>, > Don Robertson wrote: > > Some good advice here. > > Thanks! > > > My suggestions, > > Kron > > Hardies > > Nail > > Sinclair (I think there's a bit of a wait though) > > I'd also like to add McCallum to the list. > > -- > Brian C. > > "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it > makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy > > > Sent via > Before you buy. > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Le Boeuf Subject: (bagpipe) Re: My "new" ebony piobaireachd lawries Date: 12 Feb 2000 02:14:29 GMT Chris Hamilton wrote: > > On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 03:30:11 GMT, Mike Le Boeuf > wrote: > > >Chris Hamilton wrote: > >> My MacDougall pipes are ebony ... apart from some cracking, it's a > >> great wood for instruments. Unique sound I'd say. > > >I still have yet to see an ebony set of mine, or of anyone in my band > >have an ebony set that cracked. > > >MacDougalls have been played, Hendersons, Lawaries (one of my sets), and > >varius other unkown old pipes. > >It must just depend on the climate that you live in. > > And that mine are nigh on 90 - 100 years old, and they sat for years > and years unplayed before I bought them. > > Chris > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > Chris Hamilton -- > City of Washington Pipe Band > Thats a good reason for them to crack. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: This makes me ashamed to say I'm Scottish. Date: 11 Feb 2000 23:20:20 -0400 Beginnertunes wrote in message <>... >This will be my new signature, to prevent any future confusion. >Scotia Aye! >Bill Not being a computer wizard, I am not totally sure just what happened to your 'signature', your internet address, or whatever it is that somebody hacked from you Bill............but the one thing I am sure of is that none of us needed your attachment on your previous post....... Complain all you want,........ but we don't need that stuff...............we won't need it in the future................and we didn't need it in the past............. all you had to say was that "somebody had stolen your identity and used it to send gross posts, and here is my new signature block"....................... and our kids and other young pipers would have been able to read it.........david - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: YES!!!!!!!! YES!!!!! YES!!!!! Date: 11 Feb 2000 19:59:23 -0800 You do have a good point there, Matt. However, not wanting to debate, I would say though that the boxwood you mention and the mesquite wood mentioned from the other posting are all far more stable than purple heart or blood wood. Although cocobolo is related to rosewood and is a hard wood it isn't as dense as the others. Boxwood and mesquite are as tough as nails. I know you can get different opinions on the "whys" of mounts, just like anything else in woodworking or piping. I have seen problems with pipes that have lost the drone tops and weren't replaced. Also, I have seen Hamish Moores work I knew what you meant in the typo. Cheers Don > > > I'm not so sure, Don. My Hamish Moore Bb GHBs have > boxwood mounts, with no hint of trouble. My Hamish Moore A440 GHBs have > cocobola mounts, and silver ferrules, with no hint of trouble, and the > A440s have now cycled through two winters with no trouble. There are > differing opinions on the entire issue of wood mounts - some makers believe > wood mounts to be superior for a number of reasons. We can debate the > particulars if you would like, but Hamish is so amateur at > pipe making. > > Go for it Maeve! > > Cheers. Matt > > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 12 Feb 2000 04:45:12 GMT On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 08:12:51 -0500, Chris Hamilton wrote: >On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 04:58:49 GMT, (Royce >Lerwick) wrote: > >>On Wed, 09 Feb 2000 20:47:13 -0500, Chris Hamilton >> wrote: > >re: Erskine ... > >>>Their drum corps "left" or "was fired" after the 1979 season, >>>depending on whose story you hear. Most went to The Clan. So they had >>>a pipe corps and no drum corps in 1980. They managed to scrape >>>together a pickup drum corps under Jim Agnew and play at Santa Rosa in >>>1980. Played quite well, in fact beating Triumph Street (one year >>>removed from 5th in the Worlds) two out of three contests in piping. >> >>I think that was also the year Hal Senyk retired to go to law school >>or something and left TS. > >Hal was definitely there leading the band in 1980. I met him ... >sheez I practically fell at his feet and chanted "I'm not worthy". I know he was there in '80 for the end of that season, which would have been Santa Rosa. I'm not sure if he was there after. Scott Robinson took over the drum corps about that year as well, and I'm not sure who followed up about a year later as PM. > >TS played 16 pipes there, at a time when 10-12 was a good sized band. >What a sound. Yeah, they were so big they barely fit in the performance area, which was surrounded on 3 sides by tight bleachers. Royce > >>>I remember this all vividly 'cuz I was a front-rank ringer for Erskine >>>on that trip. A great time and great experience for me as an 18-yo >>>punk. >> >>I better sue the WUSPBA! You cheat you! Then I heard you guys and >>didn't even know it. > >Retain Jackie Childs, and make sure you use the Wookie Defense. > >>>Sandy Keith - now that man could set up a band! (still can I hear). >>> >>>Hide bags, no watertraps, cane everything of course in WarMac >>>chanters. Standard for the era. >> >>That era! The pitch as Santa Rosa was probably in excess of 478! You >>didn't need watertraps out there. (Hey, I was in Utah at the time, it >>was positively *moist* in comparison.) It was all you could do to keep >>*any* moisture on the reeds anyway! > >It was hot and dry for sure. Didn't have a meter then so I don't know. >When COW (aka Denny & Dunipace) played there in 1992, they were off >the scale of the meter, which went up to 480. Won the piping though! > >Chris >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >Chris Hamilton -- >City of Washington Pipe Band > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 12 Feb 2000 04:52:52 GMT On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 01:28:17 -0500, "Lindsay Kirkwood" wrote: >>Ever heard of P/M Chris Anderson,L/D Jim Kirkwood 50's ,60's and 70'sL/D's >T.Orr L/D Alex Walker,- Caber Feidh/City of Toronto...-5th at the 66 >World's There's a picture of Caber Feidh/City of Toronty in Ron's book that looks from the late 60's or so, with a guy who looks like Earl Jackson, a much younger one, the bass drummer I had in Utah, who also said he was from that band. Anyone know if it's the same? Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Silver Drone Cords?? Date: 11 Feb 2000 20:11:16 -0800 --------------F137C1088A2CAFC0D8A41D33 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NO!!! Me, Me, Me....YOU SAID I COULD HAVE THEM, AND YOUR ICE SKATES TOO!!!!!!!!! LMILLER160 wrote: > Re Cords > Me!!!! One set of Sterling Silver Cords with 24k Gold Tassels and it was 6 > sets not one. --------------F137C1088A2CAFC0D8A41D33 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NO!!! Me, Me, Me....YOU SAID I COULD HAVE THEM, AND YOUR ICE SKATES TOO!!!!!!!!!

LMILLER160 wrote:

Re Cords
  Me!!!!  One set of Sterling Silver Cords with 24k Gold Tassels and it was 6
sets not one.
--------------F137C1088A2CAFC0D8A41D33-- - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Maeve" Subject: (bagpipe) The decision is final! Date: 12 Feb 2000 00:04:05 -0500 Believe it or not, I have made up my mind!!! The money has traded hands and my new pipe is now in progress :) :) :) I spoke with the pipe maker by phone today and I was able to finally put things together in my mind as to what I wanted/needed. No, we are not using Maple .. . . but I'm not telling another thing until I have these in my hands!!!!!! This feels like a real group effort! I LOVE IT!!!!! Thanks for all who contributed to this adventure. I'm going to document it from the get-go. I'm just VERY afraid of what 12 weeks can do to my brain! -- Love and Light be with you, Maeve . . . cleaning up after the dulcimer frenzy in preparation for the new project! authoring "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." --- Oscar Wilde - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: YES!!!!!!!! YES!!!!! YES!!!!! Date: 11 Feb 2000 20:08:22 -0800 Hi Maeve: Finishes, just like anything else in woodworking, as you may well know being a turner, is strongly rooted in opinion's. I want say first off, that with the thickness of the walls of the drones you'll probably never even be able to tell the diffence in the tone because of the burning. You should talk to your pipe maker about the chanter though. As for a finish I use a simple spray laquer like Deft anything else is too expensive or just too much bother. It's also a good finish, crystal clear and doesn't yellow over time. Cheers Don Hey are we becoming rec.musicmaker.bagpipe.woodworking ? Maeve wrote: > Don Robertson wrote in message > > > You might want to seek out info on what type of > > finish your going to use too. The better the finish the less reaction > you'll get > > from the wood. > > By the way, I do wood turning and furniture building to supplement my > income > > so I can speak with at least a bit of confidence here. I think. > > I do need to do need some help here as I've been pondering finishes myself > over the last few days. I love woodworking, turning specificially, and mixed > my own finishes (French polishes). I also use hand-rubbed lacquer on the > dulcimers. But I know these finishes would not be good for the pipe so I'll > have to come up with something different. Unfortunately, I can't do much > woodworking since I developed severe wood allergies that the doctors claimed > could kill me!!! I chose not to test their claims. Suggestions??? About > finishes .. . not the allergies! > > As I was working on the dulcimers the other day, another thought came to me. > . .. the burning that I do in the wood gets rather deep at times. I was > wondering if this would have any effect on the sound of the drones as I > really intend to do some extensive artwork on them. I also use a water-based > stain to enhance the design. I know it has some affect on the wood itself > but doubt if it change the sound. It's going to take about 12 weeks for it > to get here which is VERY dangerous for me! It lends more time for the > creative juices to flow! I have some gorgeous inlay that I use for the > dulicmers and the thought this morning as my feet hit the floor???? > "Wouldn't this look GREAT on the drone caps!!!!!" GEEZ!!!!!! It might be > that the Maple will not be seen if enough time passes!! > -- > Love and Light be with you, > Maeve . . . wondering if there is a drug to calm thoughts! > > > authoring > "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." > --- Oscar Wilde - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Ontario Elite???? Date: 12 Feb 2000 04:47:39 GMT On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 07:08:24 -0500, Chris Hamilton wrote: >On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 05:25:21 GMT, (Royce >Lerwick) wrote: > >>I think Donald Lindsay was one of the big spreaders of the dry-storage >>capping gospel. > >The first tube watertrap (as opposed to those barely useful little >copper things that stuck in the blowpipe stock) that I ever saw was >made by Donald Lindsay. That was around 1985. I got one soon after. That reminds me, Lindsay showed us all how to put those little copper tubes into the stocks in the early 70's, but it was wider pen-top tubes and whatnot to avoid constriction, not the copper little crappy guys, and the only catch with that style is remembering to empty it. They to a very good job as they don't let the water get into the bag at all if you keep them empty. (Usually by dropping the blowpipe inbetween tunes and having it dribble down the front of you kit. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Maeve" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Bag Pipe Music Writer Date: 12 Feb 2000 05:39:59 -0500 Ccc31807 wrote in message > it's glory and majesty. But we just don't seem to care. (I > pissed off Maeve by telling her that her package was a toy, and > she hasn't spoken to me since.) Not true at all! I don't get upset with much in life!!!!! I just don't have much to say on this subject as I am very limited in what music programs I have experienced!! Bob Cameron sent me a tune that he did using another music writing program . . Lime, I believe? . . . and it was, indeed, very nice. And it's not MY package . .. it belongs to my Boss and I'm using his to write these tunes!!! I don't personally own one! Now if you want me to talk to you . . . give me a topic and I fill volumes for you with my praddle :) :) :) -- Love and Light be with you, Maeve . . . heading back to bed . . . . I'M ALONE AGAIN!!! authoring "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." --- Oscar Wilde - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: METRO CUP Date: 12 Feb 2000 16:09:42 GMT >I wonder if anyone will be playing your classic "Charlene's Mashed >Potatoes" ; ) Perhaps next year; rumor has it that the format is going to be changed to "cheesy slow air, left-handed hornpipe and slip jig" Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Boring out of chanters Date: 12 Feb 2000 10:19:01 -0500 Jerry, I purchased one of your chanters a couple of years ago and it's done nothing but win me prizes. Thank you for your high quality! I was wondering when would be a good time to get it bored out and who in the NYC area you would trust to do that. Bill Burt - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve White" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: This makes me ashamed to say I'm Scottish. Date: 12 Feb 2000 18:54:22 -0000 Same old crap. Another small part of all of our lives wasted. Sad. Steve White Beginnertunes wrote in message <>... - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Boring out of chanters Date: 13 Feb 2000 10:24:19 -0400 Rodger A. Cotton wrote in message <>... >Personaly, I would send the Chanter to the maker for remedial boring/throat >reaming. Who better to trust than the guy who made the chanter?? > >Rodger this just for wooden chanters?....or should I have my two plastic chanters re-bored as well ?...........they are 5 or 6 years old and I've been playing them every day almost......................... David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: JOHN MITCHELL Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Moving Out Date: 13 Feb 2000 20:53:35 GMT The PipersL list!!!! Isn't that the forum that Bob Warrall had to leave? He was on there for some time, why did he feel he had to leave it? Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Richard Mao Subject: (bagpipe) Drone reed positioning? Date: 13 Feb 2000 17:03:53 -0500 Hi... If you have two tenor drone reeds.... both seemingly good... but one is louder than the other.... Would you keep looking for a different tenor drone reed until you had a volume match? (only if were canes) (if the reeds were synthetic ... would you try adjusting one or the other... which, towards what effect, and why?) If you had to stick with these two tenor drone reeds at least for a while... Would you put the louder one in the outside tenor position or the inside tenor position... and why? is the issue more important for a solo piper than a band piper? Thanks in advance for your input. There is no real success unless they have the freedom to fail….Eric Hoffer Richard Mao, The Peking Piper ( ) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Rojo2G) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Boring out of chanters Date: 12 Feb 2000 18:09:38 GMT >I'd agree with that - he certainly bores me ;-) Certainly puts a spin on it. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matthew Wood" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Moving Out Date: 13 Feb 2000 14:00:32 GMT Good Luck Bill. I agree wholeheartedly, but I read for the real content that appears once in a while. Matt Bill Carr wrote in article <>... > > > Bill Carr wrote: > > > I'm unsubscribing to RMBB as of today. > > > > OOpps...Of course I meant RMMB...... sorry :-) > > Bill > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Tunes for a Wedding! Date: 12 Feb 2000 19:20:59 -0800 I have Be Thou My Vision for GHB's. It's not the greatest piece of music and I'm not sure where I got it but it works. I have it on Piob Mohr if you want it or I could make a gif. I was going to suggest "Behind The Bush In The Garden", but perhaps not. Cheers Don Ccc31807 wrote: > Scott - With the exeption of "Be Thou My Vision," the others are > not TUNE names, but HYMN names, and hymns can be sung to > different tunes. Ask the minister which TUNES he wants, and I > can help you. Most likely, he will be using the tune the hymn is > set to in the hymnal used by his church, and you can look there > and the name of the tune should be with the name of the hymn. > > BTW, the tune used for "Be Thou My Vision" will not fit the pipe > chanter. > > Let me know the tune names, and I will put them in MIDI format > and email them to you, so you can hear how they sound. > > Another good one for weddings is "I Need Thee Every Hour" tune > name "Need." > > * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network * > The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free! - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Carr Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Moving Out Date: 13 Feb 2000 09:49:06 GMT Bill Carr wrote: > I'm unsubscribing to RMBB as of today. > OOpps...Of course I meant RMMB...... sorry :-) Bill - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matt Buckley" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: last!!! Date: 14 Feb 2000 08:00:19 -0500 Rodger A. Cotton wrote > > Fiddlers, flute players, > >button accordian players, mandolinists, etc. achieve > >great heights in traditional music without one bit of > >formal competition. > >Cheers. Matt > So what you are saying is that being somewhere else on Games day, and realizing > a Positive Cash Flow is good or desirable in any way or something?? This is an > especialy bad scenario...especialy if the check is for $50 more Because of > playing a wee bit fast fast, too round, too legato, and otherwise > non-mechanical. Very bad indeed... > Rodger Where, anywhere in my post, did I mention money? I'm was simply addressing the issue of competition. I take lessons from a piper now competing in Open, and I attend, and host, piping schools. Those schools are sufficient, in my experience, to address issues of "wee bit fast, too round, too legato" etc. Lastly, surely you aren't suggesting playing in a "non-mechanical" manner is a problem. God forbid pipers not in the competition scene should play in a "non-mechanical" fashion. "Very bad indeed" Cheers. Matt > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matt Buckley" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: GREENSLEEVES? Date: 14 Feb 2000 07:52:41 -0500 Chris Eyre wrote > There are two notes on the bottom hand in Greensleeves that you cannot > achieve on the GHB, whatever fingering you use. It might be possible on a > smallpipe or borderpipe - (I haven't tried). They use a much weaker chanter > reed which allows you to get many of the extra semitones through using > alternative fingering that won't work on a GHB because of the strength of > the reed. Yes and no, Chris. You cannot use alternative fingering on a smallpipe to achieve semitones. Just can't be done. The only alternative is half-holing or sliding a particular note. Borderpipes do allow alternative fingering, as do most GHBs I've played. Matt - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: well now i have gone and done it Date: 13 Feb 2000 20:29:36 -0800 Free booze made me the piper I am today Cheers Don Jimmy Findlater wrote: > This post is from John Mitchell as his server is down. > > Well, signed up with a wee GR4 band last night! > > I went down to the usual Fri. night Pipers Society Meeting, > where the Hamilton Police PB were the featured band. > > It all happened after we went back to the Pub, I got talking > to a few of the lads and then some major pressure from > Graham Kirkwood. I buckled after a few Guinesses later. > > Well this should be a hoot for the summer, think I'll even > try some solo playing again! > > Now that I think about it, I sold out too cheap. > I should have held out for one more Guinness. > > John Mitchell > When bands have free tabs at the bar, there is no choice! - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Tunes for a Wedding! Date: 14 Feb 2000 10:18:03 -0500 It's true that the Bride's Father is footing the bill- for the Reception, most of all- but the clergyman is in charge of the church service. Playing at the service and at the reception are two different issues, IMHO. some tunes which are perfectly OK at the weeding feast are out of place in a church service. Having said that- I beleieve there are other tunes which the couple could choose which would be liturgically appropraite in most Christian churches and which are better suited to the pipes than Crimond (NOT Mac Crimmond,) CLANMAP wrote: > Since the Bride or the Bride's Father is the one footing the bill for this > March wedding, I would consider what THE BRIDE & GROOM wants played since it's > their wedding and NOT the minister's. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Oshkosh Fix /St. John the Contradictory Date: 13 Feb 2000 23:38:13 -0500 On Sun, 13 Feb 2000 02:57:18 GMT, (Royce Lerwick) wrote: > ... >2 Pat from Oshkosh has a problem with the new Shepherd mark III >being flat on the upperhand, and this in spite of the band's Ross >cannister bags. John tells him to lose the Ross cannister bags because >hide or sheepskin is better for the occasional player, who only gets >the pipes out once a week for band practice. He also urges Pat to lose >the chanters, or carve the upperhand up "like COW." > ... > B--DITCH THE CHANTERS: Since his appearance in the NG John has >consistently promoted the superiority of "proven" or "established" or >"respected" gear that can be relied upon by virtue of its own >"record." As the maker of debatably the most "prove" or "successful" >chanter in the history of the instrument, RT Shepherd, in John's own >world-view, must know far more than John Mitchell about chanters. Far >more than Mike Green or Chris Hamilton or anyone playing them for that >matter, certainly more than Pat or his PM. Why then, would John >without a second thought recommend the savage mutilation of RT >Shepherd's state-of-the-art new release? Just for the record, COW plays Shepherd Mark II (not Mark III) chanters ... I wanted to clarify that. I agree wholeheartedly that this (Mark II) is the most successful chanter, at least in my era, in the band world. Nothing beats its ubiquitousness and all-around versatility and utility in all grades, with the War-Mac of the late 70s - early 80s the only contender. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Simpsons Alert Date: 09 Feb 2000 11:26:14 -0500 On the Simpsons, it'll probably be either "Do You Think I'm Sexy" or something worse. "Paul Mc." wrote: > I wonder if we'll be able to play 'name that tune' afterwards. Do think > it might be something along the lines of, oh, say maybe Amazing Grace? > Or do think they might have a bit more imagination and use Flowers of > the Forrest? > > * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network * > The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free! - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Drone reed positioning? Date: 13 Feb 2000 23:53:10 -0500 On Sun, 13 Feb 2000 17:03:53 -0500, Richard Mao wrote: >If you have two tenor drone reeds.... both seemingly good... >but one is louder than the other.... > >Would you keep looking for a different tenor drone reed >until you had a volume match? (only if were canes) Pitch match and timbre match is more important. >(if the reeds were synthetic ... would you try adjusting one >or the other... which, towards what effect, and why?) Tone down the nasty boy. >If you had to stick with these two tenor drone reeds at >least for a while... > >Would you put the louder one in the outside tenor position >or the inside tenor position... and why? Loud in the outside ... away from my heid ... >is the issue more important for a solo piper than a band >piper? Drone balance is just plain important ... I'd say slightly more important for solo, but I don't like unbalance in the band either. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Worlds In North America Date: 14 Feb 2000 09:08:39 -0400 Jimmy Findlater wrote in message <_7Mp4.6128$>... >>How many scottish or any foreign bands would you think would actually spend >the 30 grand that most bands spend to go to scotland, and actuallly come to North America? "Damn few....and they're a deid" For the Aussies it's six of one, half a dozen of the other............. For Scots/Euro's.....very slim pickins......and probably only those secure that they are in the top 5 or 6 would even consider it..............IMHO..........david - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Odd competition experiences Date: 14 Feb 2000 10:51:50 -0500 Ahhh, Ron, Ron... Actually I saw the same thing once in Antigonish- there's this stream that runs along the field where they hold the games , and I saw this nice, fat brookie- Oh, about two pounds, I think, and probably a salt -run trout to boot- luckily I wasn't playing at the time myself- I was thinking about streamers, muddlers and nymphs oinstead of taorluaths- could have been fatal ( for me, not the trout). RonTeague wrote:snip The judge who had been smiling now looked very alarmed. I finished > limply. the judge said" You were doing just fine, but I don't think you know > how to play the brebach. I didn't tell him I had just been screwed by a big > fish. I went home and started to learn Scarce of Fishing. I hate thoes trout. > Where are the two Bobs when you really need them > Out on Loch na Gar with Jock Scott and the Royal Coachman. > > Ron Teague - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Boring out of chanters Date: 14 Feb 2000 10:42:54 -0500 If you're not kidding, No. Don't have the plastic re-bored. Wood chanters may swell over time from absorbing moistrure, dust and other detritus. A plastic chanter can be washed out with warm soapy water and then swabbed out to be retuyrned to it's original pristine condition (in most cases). dnimmo wrote: > Rodger A. Cotton wrote in message > <>... > >Personaly, I would send the Chanter to the maker for remedial boring/throat > >reaming. Who better to trust than the guy who made the chanter?? > > > >Rodger > > this just for wooden chanters?....or should I have my two > plastic chanters re-bored as well ?...........they are 5 or 6 years old and > I've been playing them every day almost......................... > > David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: GREENSLEEVES? Date: 14 Feb 2000 10:57:51 -0500 Maybe on a borderpipe- the parallel bore on a Scottish Smallpipe pretty much precliudes any effective cross-fingering. The conical bore on bordepipes (generally) allows crossfingering foir some accidentals and "pinching" a high B( even a high C# for some chanters) Actually many GHB chanters can achieve the same cross-fingerings (and pinched High B) as borderpipes, but it depends on the chanter. If the weker reed were the determining factor, you'd be able to play chromatic scales on a practice chanter- 'T ain't so, Magee. Chris Eyre wrote: > There are two notes on the bottom hand in Greensleeves that you cannot > achieve on the GHB, whatever fingering you use. It might be possible on a > smallpipe or borderpipe - (I haven't tried). They use a much weaker chanter > reed which allows you to get many of the extra semitones through using > alternative fingering that won't work on a GHB because of the strength of > the reed. > > Chris Eyre > > Steve White wrote in message > news:88679c$2tn3$ > | Forgive me for being a stupid drummer (and guitarist) but I'm a bit > | surprised by this statement given the scale the GHB uses. Do you have to > | "compromise" on some notes from the original or can you get some of those > | "chromatic" notes with special fingering? I'm intrigued. > | > | Cheers, > | Steve White > | > | > | Don Robertson wrote in message <>... > | >Yes it can and is. > | >Cheers > | >Don > | > > | >Pipeboy3 wrote: > | > > | >> Would anybody know if the tune "Greensleeves" can or is set to the GHB? > | >> Thanks, > | >> Paul R. > | > > | > > | > > | > | - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Maeve" Subject: (bagpipe) Baton Rouge Date: 13 Feb 2000 23:09:50 -0500 If there are any pipers in Baton Rouge who would like to meet up briefly this weekend, please e-mail me privately. I'm flying out on Friday morning for a tartan weaving workshop with Norman Kennedy .. . a master tartan weaver from Aberdeen :) :) :) He's a neat fellow who sings Gaelic and tells great stories! Should be a fun weekend!! Angus, as always, will be traveling with me. There won't be a lot of time but I'm sure I can work out something while I'm there if anyone is interested! :) I'll be home on Tuesday and then will leave for Orlando on Wed. for a few days . . . anyone?? Then it's off to Jacksonville for the Games!!!! I'm looking forward to seeing the Jacksonville gang again! -- Love and Light be with you, Maeve . . . in 70 degree Florida! authoring "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." --- Oscar Wilde - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael New & Diane Rossmiller Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What now, Ringo? Date: 09 Feb 2000 21:14:13 -0900 Gregoire wrote: > I > have very negative feelings about taking drugs before any type of > performance so I've done an extensive search for something other than drugs. > > I feel I have found an incredible alternative that works better than drugs > because there are no side effects. You'll find this product at the local > health store. When you get there, ask for "Tranquility, by Nature's Plus". > The primary ingredients are Valerian Root and Calcium among a string of > other natural herbs and minerals. Valerian Root comes from the Valerian > plant root which is ground up into a fine powder and pressed into a pill > with other ingredients. The Valerian plant is the same plant in which Valium > is made only Valium is concocted from the leaves with a few human additives. > you have very strong negative feelings about taking drugs, but you get around those negative feelings by taking roots and minerals? Is there a difference? I mean, you're still using a substance to allay your anxieties. It's just a "kinder, friendlier" drug. In that context, would you consider it acceptable to smoke a couple cigarettes (you know, just plant material, totally natural...) *\;^r I've often wondered about beta blockers, and I may try them at some point. Probably not. Well, if I ever actually vomit on a judge's shoes, I'll have to do something, won't I? Cheers, Michael - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Win a kilt - Celtic Flair website Date: 14 Feb 2000 19:57:19 GMT - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Moving Out Date: 14 Feb 2000 11:07:14 -0500 Nope, not that list, John. I don't recall Bob Worrall being on Pipers-L, and I've been there almost from the beginning. It's awfully chatty for some folks, but the people on it like it that way. Flaming and profanity are actively discourraged on Pipers-L. It's definitely not for everyone. JOHN MITCHELL wrote: > The PipersL list!!!! > > Isn't that the forum that Bob Warrall had to leave? > He was on there for some time, why did he feel he had to leave it? > > Sent via > Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: last!!! Date: 14 Feb 2000 10:29:24 -0500 Rick wrote: > As far a tradition goes, there is as much of it in competitive piping as > there is in the instrument and the music. It's just another aspect of the > whole spectrum. snip- ah, but there' sthe rub- there are a lot of pipers to whom the competition traditionIS the piping tradition- the sum and total of all piping. That the piper's of King Charles's day would have none of the competition serves to point out that the comprtition scene is a fairly recent innovation in piping. For the recors, I'm not knocking competitions or competimng pipers- just pointing out that it's not the only raod to travel for pipers. As for piping competitions at the olympic games, or whatever- that's really irelevant to Highland piping traditions. > I don't think competing is for everyone, of course. It is just another > aspect that is drawn from the traditions of this "sacred trust". You can > also play without wearing a kilt, just depends on what you want to put into > it - and get out of it. > > Best regards, > Rick McFarlane > > Matt Buckley wrote in message > news:01bf7635$edcf6700$cf035bd1@default... > > > > > > JOHN BROADWELL wrote > > > Do I have to do this??? > > > > No. > > > Why do we insist on forgetting that GHBs are a traditional folk > instrument? > > Fiddlers, flute players, > > button accordian players, mandolinists, etc. achieve > > great heights in traditional music without one bit of > > formal competition. > > > > And FWIW, many of my piping heroes reject the > > competition scene entirely. > > > > Cheers. Matt - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) RE: wylde mountain thyme Date: 14 Feb 2000 22:22:02 GMT In a previous article, mkniffin wrote: >Does any one have the music to "Wylde Mountain Thyme" for bagpipe, and >or perhaps what the proper calls and signals are for the pipe major for >marching. We are a newly formed band are are seeking any hits we can >get. thank you. maxine > > >* Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network * >The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free! > There is just enough range for this if you play it in G -- like: C A |G A C C|C E G| a a a G |E G | ... etc. but sounds pretty strange against an A drone. chris - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Bag Pipe Music Writer Date: 14 Feb 2000 11:39:46 -0500 Ccc31807 wrote: > snip > I think that Bob does use Lime, and Lime presents a very nice > fact to the world. yes, I use Lime, despite the fact that I work at a Music ccollege where finale and Overture are the supported packages- mainly because of the thrtee it's the cheapest to get ( free download, $65 registration fee- yes my copy is regitered- that way I get support and upgradability) and is easier to learn. One drawback in Lime is the "curly " flags on gracenotes, but Ewen Mac pherson has a Lime GHB Marl font which put sstaringht flags on if you prefer them- the curvy flags don't bother me at all. I also write music for other instruments on occasion, so having one package which can serve all my notation needs at a good price is a real boon. I also do almost all of my work on MacOS, which eleiminates many of the bagpipe-only notation packages. Lime works quite well on PC, as David Williams can attest. As an illustration, thuis weekend I composed a tune for my wife's mother, who is terminally ill- probably days only remaining with us. I thought up the tune, playing on my smallpipes, then notated in Lime and printed it on high quality paper- all within two hours. The notation part took only a half- hour, because I'v ehad plenty of practice with the package. Most pipetunes are made up of s few repeating sections with variations mixxed in, mine no exception, so a lot of the work of notating is reduced to copying and pasting little two or four bar phrases into a tune- a few secons work in a package like Lime. You can make up littlle templates with gracenots combinations , but I don't bother- it moves along wquickly enough forme as it is. As with so many things YMMV BTW my mother in law was very pleased with the tune. > > > snip > But I make no claim to know which products are best, just a > claim that there are many products on the market, and that we > should try several before claiming that a particular one is the > best. > > * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network * > The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free! - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) RE: Good Pipes Bad Pipes Date: 14 Feb 2000 21:45:45 GMT In a previous article, "Radway" wrote: >Hello all. I am a student piper who has become quite good with a practice >chanter, and I feel that I really can't go much further without an actual >set of pipes, so I have definately decided to purchase one. I am not looking >for something to use in competitions or anything professional. I am just >looking for the cheapest possible set of full-sized Great Highland Bagpipes >that sounds good when played well. An ideal price would be in the vicinity >of $400 (American dollars). Does anyone have any suggestions? >Thank you. > > Yes - if you don't have an instructor ... which seems to be the case (reading between the lines)-- then buy paki pipes -- you are not liable to become good anyway ,so why waste your money. Lark in the Morning has them - so I gather. And some paki pipes are properly made (except for the light wood, and the chanter). Or Kyle pipes (Edmonton ?) ... but seems to me I tried to make a set of those work about 15 yr ago- and gave up on the drones ...but they may have improved since then. To make a set of pipes sound good - you have to know how to make them sound good - the pipes are not the major factor here. chris - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: aberdeen Subject: (bagpipe) Re: My "new" ebony piobaireachd lawries Date: 14 Feb 2000 17:31:48 GMT In article <>, (RonTeague) wrote: Congratulations on your success with the Lawries!! They tend to be very nice sounding pipes. I received a set as trade-in recently and I'm currently offering them for sale at Nancy Tunnicliffe performed "An Orkney Wedding at Sunrise" a few years ago. I don't remember exactly when it was, but I'm sure if you contacted her she should be able to help with the score she used. I think I remember Zudupiper saying that she was his teacher so if you contact him he should be able to get you in touch with her. All the best, Jim > > Full of excitement I emailed Ringo Bowen for his opinion. He emailed back > saying that he had two old sets of ebony lawries circa 1910-1920. they were > flat combed with nickel silver and french ivory and black wood mounts. After a > lot of emails and much anguish I decided to try Ringo's set. > waited on pins and needles for two weeks. > > then they came. > > I reeded them according to Ringo's suggestions: Wyngent duetone drones and the > Monster Bass of ez drone. The pipes had been perfectly resored, hemping > impecable, every thing done first rate. I played these ebony beauties and could > not beleive my good luck. I started out easy using the sinclair chanterwith > the urlar from Lament for the Old Sword as it uses every note but low G. Then > I played the whole thing. then I played a Flame of Wrath for Swinting Patrick > as it uses a lot of low G's. WELL, for the first time piobaireachd made more > sense to me. The harmonics of the ebony lawries fit in with the tune. There > was a ballance and melding of all of the sounds together. these pipes were > fantastic. One would have to pry them out of my dead hands. > > so for a week I played the sinclair and the lawries almost weeping for the joy > of the sound. I told Ringo to cash the damned cheque. they were MINE do you > hear me MINE. And played This Glen Is Mine to stress the point. > > I was in heaven, then I tried the old Hardie chanter. Oh my God, it is harder > to reed but once done it is impecable for ceol mor. I played lament for > Patrick Og, Too Long in this Condition, the Earl of Seaforth, the Birds Fight > and all the other of my 20 tunes. Each time the sould of the ebony lawries > opened up the tunein ways which I had not heard before. > > I then played before the head of our Philharmonic orchestra. I gave a wee > lecture on ceol mor to the musicians. I played the hendersons and then the > lawries. My wife said is was the difference between the best duck call and an > oboe. The head of the philarmonic said that it sounded like an english horn > and a basson. They even wanted to do An Orkney Wedding with me puffing away. > Talk about stage fright. > > I have decided to call these beauties MacCrimmons Harp as they are truely the > sweetist drones and combination I have heard. They are too good for me but > NEENER, NEENER, NEENER I am keeping them. > > If you all get the chance try out ebony pipes. Not good for band music but > unbeatable for the old stuff. > > Ringo, Thanks alot they have a good home. > > Ronald Teague > -- Jim Hudgins Aberdeen Bagpipe Supply Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Boring out of chanters Date: 13 Feb 2000 21:35:04 -0500 Okay, okay... noises off please. I meant to send this one off to Jerry and instead, I sent it to the flame-pack. Mea culpa. But thank you, Rodger, since I spoke with Chris Hamilton on Sat. evening and he said the same thing. Bill dnimmo wrote in message <>... > >Rodger A. Cotton wrote in message ><>... >>Personaly, I would send the Chanter to the maker for remedial boring/throat >>reaming. Who better to trust than the guy who made the chanter?? >> >>Rodger > > this just for wooden chanters?....or should I have my two >plastic chanters re-bored as well ?...........they are 5 or 6 years old and >I've been playing them every day almost......................... > >David > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: last!!! Date: 14 Feb 2000 10:23:48 -0500 Ccc31807 wrote: > Watching this competition thread develop has been interesting. > We seem to have drifted somewhat from the initial post, although. > > It goes without saying that there are as many reasons for > competing as there are competitors, and as many reasons for not > competing as there are non-competitors. My take on competition > is that it is a tool that we can use to improve our playing. > It's not the competing that is improtant, nor the winning, but > the practice. If we need the spur of competition to drive us to > practice, then competition serves a useful purpose. We are not > professional musicians. Well, then again , maybe some of us are. (snip) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: lookin for a couple tunes Date: 14 Feb 2000 10:39:05 -0500 FWIW, that should proabably be "Vive Le Candien "or "Vive La Canadienne". or even .. Les Candiens/Canadiennes- the French are very particular about grammar. Bryan and Jennifer Robinson wrote: > I am looking for the written music for "MacKay's Farewell to the 74ths" and > "Viva La Canadian". If you can help, please send to the following: > . - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Worlds In North America Date: 14 Feb 2000 19:52:53 -0500 Toronto seems like a venue that is long overdue for hosting a World's Championship! > Where in North American? > US or Canada? > I think the big bands will go to the big Contests no matter where they are held > but I am certain some locations would make it an easier decision than others. > J Korber - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Worlds In North America Date: 14 Feb 2000 19:59:07 -0500 > If 30 grand is the ball park cost, then I would have to say that > as most bands here in the UK run on a shoe string , the answer > would be very few . They just could not afford it . And N.American bands don't run on a shoestring budget? What do you think...that because we have Wall Street that corporations are pouring money down our throats?! Guess again. > Perhaps the North American Bands would consider adopting a UK band > to help with accomodation transport , stay with a sister band Yeah, as soon as we get that offer from a band in the UK! > > Just an idea . Sam Strathclyde . > Nice idea but very telling of your limited perspective. UK bands are not the victims in this issue. It is long overdue that a Championship was held elswhere. In fact...It should mirror the Olympics by changing venues as a rule! Perhaps one in four should be held outside of the UK. Australia should be considered as should the US, Canada, Ireland, and I'm sure I'm missing others. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Andrew Berthoff" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Worlds In North America Date: 14 Feb 2000 20:07:39 -0500 It's perhaps interesting to note that on February 21, 1972, the Glasgow Skye Association Pipe Band (Grade 2 then) held a concert to raise funds to travel to the Intercontinental Pipe Band Championships in Toronto. The concert was a great success, and the band finished 6th in the Grade 2 event. By the way, the Grade 2 result was 1st Paisley, 2nd Dysart & Dundonald, 3rd General Motors, 4th Dumbarton, 5th St. Andrew's. Edinburgh City Police won Grade 1. Over 600 UK and Irish pipers and drummers made the trip to the CNE that year -- and for the next seven years, actually. Andrew Berthoff Toronto, Canada "DOC2PPR" wrote in message > >actually spend > >the 30 grand that most bands spend to go to scotland, and actuallly come to > >North America? > > Good question although it may not necessarily cost 30 grand for a band to go > to Scotland. Where in North American? > US or Canada? > I think the big bands will go to the big Contests no matter where they are held > but I am certain some locations would make it an easier decision than others. > J Korber - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Odd competition experiences Date: 14 Feb 2000 20:24:34 -0500 On Mon, 14 Feb 2000 20:08:40 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: > >I was playing in front of Ken Eller just a few years ago, when a hornet >started buzzing around in the last 2 parts of the reel. > >I thought to myself, I've come too far and played well up to this point, >I'm not going to let this bug ruin my performance! > >That bug won me the performance, else I would have probably >started thinking towards the end that everything's gone >too well and I'd blow it right at the end. I played a H&J for Sandy Jones once - had the same hornet problem - the bugger landed on my face and caused me to go completely awry for one bar (only) in the HP. Got right back on the tune and continued. Joked to Sandy about it afterwards. I told my mother about this incident afterwards. The next day she said she told Sandy, and he said, "Yeah, Chris said that to me too, but I didn't believe him." d'oh ! Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Iain Sherwood" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: COMPANA losers Date: 14 Feb 2000 18:56:16 -0800 interesting. You don't sign your name. Afraid of being exposed as just another WUSS? -- Iain Sherwood wrote in message news:88a3vn$b4c$ > > > > > > > Sent via > Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Richard Mao Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Good Pipes Bad Pipes Date: 14 Feb 2000 22:44:36 -0500 Hi... For the level of piping and goals you have stated... I agree with Shawn's recommendation... when you go to this site... remember that the prices are quoted in Canadian dollars... so you will benefit from the exchange rate. Buy some extra chanter reeds so you can scrape them and ease them up... (Radway, short of Pakistani made pipes of problematic musical quality...$400 is otherwise unrealistic) The advice about tagging base with an instructor given elswhere is good, too... My expectation is that a self-taught student at your level would have started many bad habits..... Good Luck There is no real success unless they have the freedom to fail….Eric Hoffer Richard Mao, The Peking Piper ( ) Shawn Husk wrote: > Since your email was phony I'll post this here. Buy > Dunbar plastic pipes. > > > > Shawn > > Radway wrote: > > > > Hello all. I am a student piper - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: I am Looking for Amazing Grace Date: 15 Feb 2000 05:09:31 GMT Captain Dunsell wrote: > there is a version currently posted in alt.binaries.sounds.mp3 > it is by "Edinburgh Military Tattoo" > . It is posted under the header > Bagpipe Military Music by Req: > it sounds like a live recording at a march. > you can do a search for Bagpipe or the poster: Fusilier Question #1: Is there a site/folder with JUST piping mp3's? Question #2: Is there a way through the web to "alt.binaries.sounds.mp3" or does one have to go though a newsgroup reader or variant? (Netscape Communicator's "Subscribe to Folders and Newsgroups" says there's 160,000 messages/files for alt.binaries.sounds.mp3 !!) Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Maeve" Subject: (bagpipe) Question and artwork Date: 15 Feb 2000 01:11:57 -0500 Question first. . .how does one get bag seasoning off of the floor, cabinets, clothing, furniture. .. .yes, Ringo .. it happened! Seems like anything I try works temporarily but, when it dries, everything is sticky again!!! Something has GOT to cut through this stuff! I put up a web page with some of the dulcimer artwork as a preview for what I am going to do on my new pipes :) :) I enjoy working smaller so the drones will be much more fun than the sound boards of the dulcimers. There are no links to this page yet so the direct address is: Back to cleaning the floors, etc.!!! -- Love and Light be with you, Maeve . . . in rainy (does that make you feel better, Bill?) Florida authoring "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." --- Oscar Wilde - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Moving Out Date: 15 Feb 2000 06:22:43 GMT On Sun, 13 Feb 2000 20:53:35 GMT, JOHN MITCHELL wrote: > > >The PipersL list!!!! > >Isn't that the forum that Bob Warrall had to leave? >He was on there for some time, why did he feel he had to leave it? Because he couldn't handle over 100 posts a day from about 3-4 women cyberloafing at work, discussing the fine points of fried Mars bars and jam tarts. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matt Buckley" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: GREENSLEEVES? Date: 15 Feb 2000 08:20:28 -0500 paul draper wrote in article > wrote in message > > Greensleeves is an ENGLISH tune written by King Hendry the VIII > > and under no circumstances to be played on the PIPES . > Nonsense. _Henry_ merely added a fourth part to the harmony. In addition, Henry also wrote his own set of lyrics. The tune is commonly believed to be much older, and Henry himself claimed no credit for writing the tune. Cheers. Matt > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "paul draper" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: GREENSLEEVES? Date: 15 Feb 2000 12:39:26 -0000 wrote in message news:88alce$n3s$ > > > Greensleeves is an ENGLISH tune written by King Hendry the VIII > and under no circumstances to be played on the PIPES . > Nonsense. _Henry_ merely added a fourth part to the harmony. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Doug Campbell Subject: (bagpipe) Re: wylde mountain thyme Date: 15 Feb 2000 11:36:02 -0500  

Beginnertunes wrote:

>Will you go Lassie go.

urged Timmy impatiently, late for school again, plastic baggie at the ready.
  - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Richard Mao Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Man alive, I can't give this Canmore away!!! Date: 15 Feb 2000 11:10:19 -0500 Sell it to me... at the usual address Rich Shawn Husk wrote: > $10, brand new, medium size. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matt Buckley" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: TRAD IRISH TUNES Date: 15 Feb 2000 08:22:19 -0500 PIPERIRV wrote in article > Hello NG, I am looking for tune settings to some trad. Irish tunes such as, > When Irish Eyes Are Smiling / Macnamaras Band. I think you mean "trad. Irish tunes" written in America, as popular music, around the turn of the century. Cheers. Matt - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Good Pipes Bad Pipes Date: 15 Feb 2000 16:27:32 GMT What he's trying to say is..."Get thee to an instructor". -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What Grade do I compete in? Date: 15 Feb 2000 08:26:26 -0400 John Mitchell wrote in message <38a8dbec_1@>... > > >This thread is very confusing! > >First, you have a guy asking about grades, cause he's >not well informed as he's stuck in the middle >of Las Vegas! > >Then recites rules from both EUSPBA & WUSPBA. > >Then his buddy Fred jumps in and tells us that he can >kick ass in grade 4 then move to grade 3. Oh.... I don't know John.........there's only nine hard can it be...............whip thru the green tutor for two and a half months.......give yourself a week perfecting each note (nine weeks)...............he'll be ready for the summer season up north.................specially if he got a GOOD SET of pipes from Lark in the Morning...........(but buy an extra reed just in case the first one gets tired) david - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Iain Sherwood" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: COMPANA losers Date: 15 Feb 2000 09:14:31 -0800 as I have said many times, there are those of us who WORK on weekends - those of us who work, anyway! And there are those of us who can't afford a $500-$1000 trip to Vegas in February - or ever, for that matter. In addition, the issues haven't changed. The new President of WUSPBA has agreed to work WITH COMPADA on the issues at hand. The previous administration stonewalled the issues, claimed they were already being taken care of, or flat denied them. There are no 'personal agendas' involved here. Only fair play and much-needed clarification of constitution and bylaws are necessary to improve conditions. if you lived out here, PLAYED at all, and knew some of the crap that goes on regarding membership and sanctioning, you MIGHT have a clue! -- Iain Sherwood check out the new look of our website: see what's new at Pipey's Corner - - new column is at the bottom of the list! - for the latest news, views, and product reviews "Beginnertunes" wrote in message > >interesting. You don't sign your name. Afraid of being exposed as just > >another WUSS? > > > > People who live in glass houses... Well you know the rest ol' boy! > Take a look at yourself (Not even SHOWING UP????) before you cast stones. > Scotia Aye! > Bill - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Doug Campbell Subject: (bagpipe) Wedding job in PA 9/02 Date: 15 Feb 2000 16:39:54 -0500 Hello,

I've had a call from a woman looking for a piper for her sister's wedding on September 2 (Labor Day wknd), in Honesdale, PA, which I understand is about 45 miles NE of Scranton.  The sister (and I) live in Maine, so it's not really practical for me to do the job (although she did offer to get me there & put me up).  Anyway, she seems very nice and is a real live musician (an oboist - we bonded over reed woes).  In the course of our conversation I explained that most people never hear the pipes played well & musically - so I'd like to find somebody for her who will do just that.

You can e-mail me and I'll put you into contact with her.  Thanks.

Doug C. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Moving Back Date: 15 Feb 2000 13:04:29 -0500 On Tue, 15 Feb 2000 17:53:03 GMT, Bill Carr wrote: >This place is like a bad habit. Methadone not working for you? Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Carr Subject: (bagpipe) Moving Back Date: 15 Feb 2000 17:53:03 GMT This place is like a bad habit. Bill Carr - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: TRAD IRISH TUNES Date: 15 Feb 2000 17:54:47 GMT On 15 Feb 2000 08:22:19 -0500, "Matt Buckley" wrote: > > >PIPERIRV wrote in article > >> Hello NG, I am looking for tune settings to some trad. Irish tunes such >as, >> When Irish Eyes Are Smiling / Macnamaras Band. > >I think you mean "trad. Irish tunes" written in America, >as popular music, around the turn of the century. > >Cheers. Matt > I think you mean Vaudville pop tunes with an Irish immigrant theme. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Doug Campbell Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Moving Back Date: 15 Feb 2000 13:09:08 -0500  

Bill Carr wrote:

This place is like a bad habit.

Bill Carr


Doug C. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Moving Out Date: 15 Feb 2000 17:51:41 GMT On 15 Feb 2000 14:14:29 GMT, (Beginnertunes) wrote: >>Because he couldn't handle over 100 posts a day from about 3-4 women >>cyberloafing at work, discussing the fine points of fried Mars bars >>and jam tarts. > >Amen! >Him and a few hundred others!! >Scotia Aye! >Bill I think that was *band* tarts now that I think about it. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipe Authentication Certificates Date: 15 Feb 2000 21:34:14 GMT WOW! Hot topic or what. I recently looked at a set of pipes that made me want to cry (for the purchaser). Without giving away too much, they were not what they were purported to be, the ivory was mismatched, the various parts were mismatched, the silver was mismatched and ill-fitted and the wood was rife with surface cracks. I was asked for an opinion of value, which I placed at far below what the purchaser paid. The ivory could be re-turned to match, however considering the condition of the wood, it (the ivory) was probably worth more on the open market apart from the pipes. I did not verify assay office or other identifying marks on the silver, however the silver looked to have been made by someone not familiar with bagpipes or bagpipe silver. It was not proportionate to the size of wood at all and, as it was a retro-fit, it did not conform to that which it was mounted over. Unfinished wood was exposed over the ferule bead. Also, the design was very suspect. I would probably take the silver to a silversmith and learn what my options were in that regard. Bottom line, in my opinion, the parts (ivory, silver) were worth more "re-claimed" than the pipe was worth as a whole. Considering the price that the person paid, I believe that there was misrepresentation of the goods and that someone took advantage of the buyer's limited knowledge. Pretty sobering and pretty awful. I wouldn't wish it on anybody. Written opinions of value or appraisals and pictures are helpful if not necessary when filing an insurance claim. Absolute identification of some pipes is sometimes difficult, even by those the greatest experience. Just yesterday a very well known and respected piper was relating a story concerning a MacDougall bagpipe that was wrongly identified by another "expert" as a set made by Glen. I don't blame the expert, as there were many similarities between the two makers, from time to time. At other times, they looked distinctively different. This also exists between other makes i.e. Sinclair, MacPherson, Tweedie. They all worked with one another from time to time and some influence is seen. This is just one example of many. Although not absolute, dealers like Jimmy McIntosh, or others (Ringo included) who have been around lots of older pipes are your best bet for authentication and appraisal. And if the owner wants to make doubly sure, seek another opinion. It never hurts. Last point, John. You can get a phoney diamond ring appraisal too. Also the new synthetic diamonds are so good that even the experts can't spot 'em. Such is the world we live in. Ringo John Mitchell wrote in message news:38a98eb4_4@ > With more players buying sets of pipes at the $3000 dollar mark, > isn't it about time there was a system for Authenticating the maker > and year. > > There have been cases now where folks are dishing out 5 to 7 grand > and then finding replacement parts, rework jobs on the silver and > also the claim of the year and make are wrong too. > > I mean think about it, if you buy a lousy diamond ring for as little as > $600 bucks, it still comes with an appraisal certificate. > > Personally I don't like any metal on my pipes as it makes > them dam heavy, but if I were going to dole out this kind of > money, I sure as hell would want to know what I was buying. > > You should be able to go back to the seller and get a discount > if any of the claims are not factual! > > > > > -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- > - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! > -----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =----- - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipe Authentication Certificates Date: 15 Feb 2000 13:04:21 -0500 On Tue, 15 Feb 2000 12:35:22 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >With more players buying sets of pipes at the $3000 dollar mark, >isn't it about time there was a system for Authenticating the maker >and year. >There have been cases now where folks are dishing out 5 to 7 grand >and then finding replacement parts, rework jobs on the silver and >also the claim of the year and make are wrong too. > >I mean think about it, if you buy a lousy diamond ring for as little as >$600 bucks, it still comes with an appraisal certificate. Sources tell me you get yours out of Cracker Jack boxes! >Personally I don't like any metal on my pipes as it makes >them dam heavy, but if I were going to dole out this kind of >money, I sure as hell would want to know what I was buying. > >You should be able to go back to the seller and get a discount >if any of the claims are not factual! Yes, I'm in complete agreement here. It would be tough to get things absolutely verified though - not many people are that skilled at identification. But they're out there. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Good Pipes Bad Pipes Date: 15 Feb 2000 17:20:57 -0500 In fact, Mr. "What makes you think etc>" Radway- if you'd tell us where you are, chances are someone here could steer you to an instructor. Brian Counihan wrote: > What he's trying to say is..."Get thee to an instructor". > -- > Brian C. > > "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it > makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy > > Sent via > Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: GREENSLEEVES? Date: 15 Feb 2000 17:10:16 -0500 perhaps one should point out that the particular King Harry in question was know to play the pipes himself. bagpipes at that time had not become a uniquely Scottish instrument in most peoples perspective. wrote: > Greensleeves is an ENGLISH tune written by King Hendry the VIII > and under no circumstances to be played on the PIPES . > > Sam S > > Sent via > Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Carr Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipe Authentication Certificates Date: 15 Feb 2000 20:16:27 GMT Chris Hamilton wrote: > Yes, I'm in complete agreement here. It would be tough to get things > absolutely verified though - not many people are that skilled at > identification. But they're out there. > > Chris Jimmy McIntosh does (or did) a pretty reliable appraisal and verification. At least as far as it is possible to verify older, unstamped drones. He charges around $20. I think Jimmy's word carries as much weight as anyone's. Bill Carr - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Worlds In North America Date: 15 Feb 2000 21:52:53 GMT Shoestring in UK is different than Shoestring in NA. Most bands in North American operate on a budget where earnings from parades, games, and other performances cover operating costs. When is the last time a UK band won $3,000 at a contest, or received $1,500 for a parade? The closest thing to a World Championship outside of Scotland was The Scottish World Festival at the CNE in Toronto - 1972 through to 1975. The first one was the best, however it was a tremendous undertaking. There were many corporate sponsors of the event, which was probably a cultural success and a financial failure. Ringo wrote in message news:88a8ge$2pbi$ > > > > > If 30 grand is the ball park cost, then I would have to say that > > as most bands here in the UK run on a shoe string , the answer > > would be very few . They just could not afford it . > > And N.American bands don't run on a shoestring budget? What do you > think...that because we have Wall Street that corporations are pouring money > down our throats?! Guess again. > > > Perhaps the North American Bands would consider adopting a UK band > > to help with accomodation transport , stay with a sister band > > Yeah, as soon as we get that offer from a band in the UK! > > > > > Just an idea . Sam Strathclyde . > > > > Nice idea but very telling of your limited perspective. UK bands are not > the victims in this issue. It is long overdue that a Championship was held > elswhere. In fact...It should mirror the Olympics by changing venues as a > rule! Perhaps one in four should be held outside of the UK. Australia > should be considered as should the US, Canada, Ireland, and I'm sure I'm > missing others. > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tim Sullivan" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Moving Back Date: 15 Feb 2000 22:33:52 GMT Bill Carr wrote in message > Oh........ It's Methadone I was supposed to use. > > I found something called MethaDrone but it didn't work for me Chris :-) > > Bill > Damn! New brands of synthetic drone reeds are popping up like mushrooms after a spring rain. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Carr Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Moving Back Date: 15 Feb 2000 20:16:28 GMT Oh........ It's Methadone I was supposed to use. I found something called MethaDrone but it didn't work for me Chris :-) Bill Chris Hamilton wrote: > Methadone not working for you? > > Chris - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve White" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Moving Back Date: 15 Feb 2000 22:33:13 -0000 Bill Carr wrote in message <>... >This place is like a bad habit. >Bill Carr But Bill - how do we know its you and not someone who's stolen your password? Steve White - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tim Sullivan" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Canmore for sale cheap Date: 15 Feb 2000 22:42:43 GMT Radway wrote in message news:mpkq4.46310$ > Please forgive my ignorance, but what is a canmore? Like a Canless, only bigger. (OK, it is a pipe bag that is made of Gore-Tex. I just pass up a straight line like that.) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tim Sullivan" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipe Authentication Certificates Date: 15 Feb 2000 22:40:17 GMT John Mitchell wrote in message news:38a98eb4_4@ > With more players buying sets of pipes at the $3000 dollar mark, > isn't it about time there was a system for Authenticating the maker > and year. While I am in favor of the concept, I fear for the execution. Consider, for example, the numerous complaints that have been posted regarding judging. Judges are purported to be 'in the pocket' of a given manufacturer on the group every other week. We have seen flame wars abound regarding the administration of the various piping bodies (EUSPBA, WUSPBA, RSPBA - name your own). Who would have the broad base of credibility that as cynical a group as ours would take seriously? - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Question and artwork Date: 15 Feb 2000 17:43:06 -0500 Did you try Murphy's Oil Soap? what finish is on the floors, and what wood are the floors amde of? ( if worse comes to worse , maybe one of your wee birds could be added to f the floor to disguidse the spot.... Seriuosly, lovely work on the dulicmers, Maeve- is there anything you turn your hand to that you don't do well.? oops, other than the saesoning incident, I mean. Maeve wrote: > Question first. . .how does one get bag seasoning off of the floor, > cabinets, clothing, furniture. .. .yes, Ringo .. it happened! Seems like > anything I try works temporarily but, when it dries, everything is sticky > again!!! Something has GOT to cut through this stuff! > > I put up a web page with some of the dulcimer artwork as a preview for what > I am going to do on my new pipes :) :) I enjoy working smaller so the drones > will be much more fun than the sound boards of the dulcimers. There are no > links to this page yet so the direct address is: > > > Back to cleaning the floors, etc.!!! > -- > Love and Light be with you, > Maeve . . . in rainy (does that make you feel better, Bill?) Florida > > > authoring > "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." > --- Oscar Wilde - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Worlds In North America Date: 15 Feb 2000 18:04:12 -0500 On Tue, 15 Feb 2000 21:52:53 GMT, "Ron Bowen" wrote: >Shoestring in UK is different than Shoestring in NA. Most bands in North >American operate on a budget where earnings from parades, games, and other >performances cover operating costs. When is the last time a UK band won >$3,000 at a contest, or received $1,500 for a parade? Right. >The closest thing to a World Championship outside of Scotland was The >Scottish World Festival at the CNE in Toronto - 1972 through to 1975. The >first one was the best, however it was a tremendous undertaking. There were >many corporate sponsors of the event, which was probably a cultural success >and a financial failure. Actually the "Intercontinental Highland Gathering" portion of the CNE ran until 1978. In 1972 and 1976 a lot of Grade 2 bands from Scotland came over as well. In 1976 very few UK Grade 1's, none of the "big names", came over. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Alma - Western Australian Pipeband Date: 15 Feb 2000 18:14:12 -0500 On Tue, 15 Feb 2000 14:29:16 -0800, Brad Morrison wrote: >Apparently this year, at Alma, The Western Australian Pipeband >will be playing the concert on Friday night (last year it was >78th >Frasers). Is anybody familiar with them (grade, etc) - do they >have a web site. The band is called the Western Australia Police Pipe Band. They do not have a website to my knowledge. I'm quite familiar with them, as they inched out COW for the Grade 2 World Championship in 1998. They also played at the Edinburgh Tattoo in 1997 and won a number of other Grade 2 contests in Scotland in 97 and 98. They're now in Grade 1. They have a CD release of one of their concerts, called "Music of the Gael", which I reviewed for The Voice ... the article is at Definitely a must-have recording. They put on a good show. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipe Authentication Certificates Date: 15 Feb 2000 18:06:55 -0500 On Tue, 15 Feb 2000 20:16:27 GMT, Bill Carr wrote: >Chris Hamilton wrote: > >> Yes, I'm in complete agreement here. It would be tough to get things >> absolutely verified though - not many people are that skilled at >> identification. But they're out there. >Jimmy McIntosh does (or did) a pretty reliable appraisal and verification. >At least as far as it is possible to verify older, unstamped drones. He >charges around $20. I think Jimmy's word carries as much weight as anyone's. True. I got my MacD's from Jimmy. He knows pipes. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Moving Back Date: 15 Feb 2000 18:09:04 -0500 On Tue, 15 Feb 2000 20:16:28 GMT, Bill Carr wrote: >Oh........ It's Methadone I was supposed to use. > >I found something called MethaDrone but it didn't work for me Chris :-) ba-domp !!! You are GOOD !!! >Chris Hamilton wrote: > >> Methadone not working for you? >> >> Chris > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Moving Back Date: 16 Feb 2000 00:20:58 GMT Naw, Bill. It's like an itch. Sometimes you have to scratch it. Other times you have to leave it alone. Interestingly, when you scratch it, the relief is temporary, usually turns red and ugly, and later you wish you'd left it alone. Ringo Bill Carr wrote in message > This place is like a bad habit. > > Bill Carr > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Maeve" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Question and artwork Date: 15 Feb 2000 19:51:22 -0500 Bob Cameron wrote in message > Seriuosly, lovely work on the dulicmers, Maeve- is there anything you turn your > hand to that you don't do well.? oops, other than the saesoning incident, I > mean. Yeah . .. . bagpiping!!!!!!!!!! I'll try the Murphy's tonight . . . along with a few other remedies. There is nothing I hate more than walking through the kitchen and leaving my shoes behind ... ripped off of my feet! Thanks, Bob! Got one more dulcimer I'm doing tonight and I'll get picks of that one too. I'm doing a castle ruin in the background, framed by thistles . . . where did that inspiration come from, I wonder?!?!? -- Love and Light be with you, Maeve . . . in sunny Florida authoring "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." --- Oscar Wilde - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Maeve" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Question and artwork Date: 15 Feb 2000 19:59:43 -0500 Rick wrote in message > Maeve; > I shudder to imagine the story of the seasoning and can't offer any help > there, sorry. :-( ROTFLOL!!!!!! Okay . .. I'll tell you the "Idiot Girl" story if you promise to NEVER try this at home!!!!! This is to be performed by only idiots and professional winos . .. guess where I come in? I pulled Angus apart and corked all of the stocks .. using REAL corks since I have been unable to find nice rubber ones. Worked most of the day getting Angus air-tight and finally achieved the ultimate air-tight bag. Went to remove the cork from the chanter stock, only to have it break off flush with the opening. Undaunted, I casually strolled over to the silverware drawer and pulled out one of my MANY wine bottle cork removers ... the kind with the two thin blades that slide down the edges of the cork and the bottle?? Everything worked like a dream . . until the cork was SLIGHTLY loosened . . . ever seen champangne bottles coming uncorked?? This is what the scene looked like at my house . .. .only instead of that lovely foam, it was this yucky, smelly brown stuff spewing everywhere! I didn't know I could blow so much pressure into a bag! > BUT, your artwork is marvelous!!! When you run out of dulcimers and drones, > I'd sure like to let you have your way with my wood pipe case. . . like you > need another project, eh? Thank you . . . let me live through March and I'll see what's up . . . I have never learned the word "NO" . . :) -- Love and Light be with you, Maeve . . . in sunny Florida authoring "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." --- Oscar Wilde - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Moving Back Date: 15 Feb 2000 16:18:06 -0800 > > like??? > > Doug C. Self abuse ?!?! ;-} Don - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Metro Cup results? Date: 15 Feb 2000 18:10:19 -0500 On Tue, 15 Feb 2000 22:23:10 GMT, wrote: >Well, my lurker's patience has run out! > >Is anyone going to post the results of the Metro Cup? I'd rather not >wait until the next issue of "The Voice" comes out ... I can guarantee that I didn't win it ... The Metro Cup is February 19 ... Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Man alive, I can't give this Canmore away!!! Date: 16 Feb 2000 01:28:23 GMT >Shipping $45, that's $10 for the bag and $45 for >shipping, totaling $55. > Hold it till the Ohio games and I'll pick it up and pay you $10 or a shirt. Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Metro Cup, who are the competitors? Date: 15 Feb 2000 20:47:27 -0500 On Tue, 15 Feb 2000 23:55:38 GMT, Shawn Husk wrote: >Okay, let's take a poll. > >First of all, who's competing at the Metro this year? I've heard ... John Patrick Stuart Liddell Bruce Gandy Mike Green Mike Rogers Scot Walker Ann Gray and 4 or 5 others, can't recall offhand. >Then who does everyone think will win, place and show? I'll let you know on Sunday :-) Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) T-shirts Date: 16 Feb 2000 01:41:25 GMT Springtime's coming, and I'm thinking of having more shirts made. I know there is definite demand for more of certain shirts. OTOH, some were just not very popular. I plan to sell some at piping school this summer and I only want to order them one time this time. Shirts are the usual good-quality 100% cotton Hanes Beefy-Tees. Neutral color, bagpipe logo on front left chest, wording on the back. Sorry, no photo or website. Like usual, they'll sell for $17 or $18 incl shipping in the US. Just about any size is available, but above 2X the color choices dwindle. Here are the 7 previously-offered varieties. If you want one, email me privately with the shirt selection and size. I'll put you on the list. 1. Eat/Sleep/Pipe...what else is there? 2. Junior Varsity Pipe Band 3. Piobaireachd: if you can't SAY it, you can't PLAY it! 4. Zudupiper "pipe shop" 5. Bagpipes: Putting the "fun" back in Funeral 6. "I'm married to a piper....Someone has to wear the pants in the family!" 7. "I'm married to a piper...Can you speak a little louder?" Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: well now i have gone and done it Date: 15 Feb 2000 20:19:41 -0800 Free booze made me the piper I am today Don Jimmy Findlater wrote: > This post is from John Mitchell as his server is down. > > Well, signed up with a wee GR4 band last night! > > I went down to the usual Fri. night Pipers Society Meeting, > where the Hamilton Police PB were the featured band. > > It all happened after we went back to the Pub, I got talking > to a few of the lads and then some major pressure from > Graham Kirkwood. I buckled after a few Guinesses later. > > Well this should be a hoot for the summer, think I'll even > try some solo playing again! > > Now that I think about it, I sold out too cheap. > I should have held out for one more Guinness. > > John Mitchell > When bands have free tabs at the bar, there is no choice! - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Good Pipes Bad Pipes Date: 15 Feb 2000 23:29:57 -0400 Radway wrote in message ... >Thanks for your advice. >About these Dunbar plastic pipes - How does the sound compare with that of >blackwood? Are you trying to start a fight? How does the lengths of two pieces of string compare ? Reeds, reed set-up, some people think the type of bag effects the sound................then introduce the variable of "personal taste"..........! Very long and heated debates ensued when plastic first introduced, but the fury seems to have abated a bit..........used plastic Dunbars never seem to stay on sale for very long.....that speaks for itself. Buy a set of P2's or P3's and half the pipers in your band won't notice that they are plastic...........My P/M much prefers I play my Hendersons, but she hasn't threatened to kick me out if I play my plastic Dunbars........... David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: I am Looking for Amazing Grace Date: 16 Feb 2000 05:49:49 GMT Thanks! And, yes, I agree Bob Dunshire's link directory is excellent, have had that one bookmarked for quite a while! Captain Dunsell wrote: > There is also a web page I like that has tons of Bagpipe links. > Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Metro Cup, who are the competitors? Date: 16 Feb 2000 00:14:56 -0500 On Wed, 16 Feb 2000 02:18:11 GMT, Shawn Husk wrote: >> John Patrick >> Stuart Liddell >> Bruce Gandy >> Mike Green >> Mike Rogers >> Scot Walker >> Ann Gray Andrew Hayes should be there as well. >Hmmm....from this so far I'd put Stuart or Bruce in >1st. I don't know - everyone in this list can play extremely well. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipe Authentication Certificates Date: 16 Feb 2000 06:30:57 GMT What I think would be great is an end all/be all website (or heck, book) to assist in pipes identification. There was a site started a while back but nothing ever happened with it beyond a certain point. There are definite characteristics that these experts look for to I.D. a set of pipes. It's just a matter of writing this stuff down and taking sample photos. What about future generations after these folks are dead? I think this information should be passed on somehow. Some pipes are may never be identified beyond any doubt (a lot of inbreeding), but at least you could narrow the possibilities a bit. I've got a set of pipes (not even really that old, only 20 years or so) that I've been having a heck of a time getting identified. I've received all kinds of opinions off of my web pages I set up for my set: Tweedies, McLeods, Sinclairs, MacPhersons, Robertsons, Gillanders. I'd be nice to have a reference to eliminate some possibilities. Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Iain Richardson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: SSP recordings Date: 16 Feb 2000 08:48:46 +0000 Iain MacInnes, "Tryst", Greentrax Grand Concert of Scottish Piping, Greentrax Margaret Stewart & Allan MacDonald, "Fhuair mi Pog", Greentrax - these all include Small Pipes and GHB. There have been some recent postings on with more recordings. Matt Seattle has recently released a CD (possibly Border rather than SSP ?) but I don't have the details to hand. Cheers Iain Richardson Duane Colley wrote: > Hi All > > Any good Scottish Small pipe recording out there? > > duane - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Richard Mao Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Good Pipes Bad Pipes Date: 16 Feb 2000 00:40:19 -0500 Hi... I've owned and played two sets of Dunbars (successfully placed with other pipers [one with a student whose parents wanted an indestructible set... one, at first loaned to a piper for a cold weather gig...who then wanted to keep them permanently])... and my current adverse weather set is a set of Crisler delrins. The plastic Dunbars sound louder than equivalent wooden drones... But... they are indestructible... they are great for adverse weather gigs... OK for parades... can be reeded/adjusted (Ezee drones worked best for me) almost as quiet as wood... OK for bands, either on the street on in band competition. Will be ok for low level solo competition... Casual audiences won't notice a a matter of fact several unsophisticated listeners who heard me play both my solo wooden set and my Dunbars liked the Dunbar's "bolder, fuller" sound better. On net, competent sounding. (btw, I am another who would have preferred to e-mail you on this subject direct) Hope this helps... There is no real success unless they have the freedom to fail….Eric Hoffer Richard Mao, The Peking Piper ( ) Radway wrote: > Thanks for your advice. > About these Dunbar plastic pipes - How does the sound compare with that of > blackwood? > > Sorry about the phony e-mail; I can't stand receiving unsolicited > advertisments. > > Thanks again. > > -Radway > > Shawn Husk wrote in message <>... > >Since your email was phony I'll post this here. Buy > >Dunbar plastic pipes. > > > > > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: aberdeen Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Canmore for sale cheap Date: 16 Feb 2000 15:00:01 GMT In article , "Tim Sullivan" wrote: > > Radway wrote in message > news:mpkq4.46310$ > > Please forgive my ignorance, but what is a canmore? > > Like a Canless, only bigger. > > (OK, it is a pipe bag that is made of Gore-Tex. So, does the Canless come from Gore-R.I.) ? Jim -- Jim Hudgins Aberdeen Bagpipe Supply Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: aberdeen Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipe Authentication Certificates Date: 16 Feb 2000 15:53:30 GMT I know getting authentification certificates as far as maker can be had from Jimmy McIntosh and probably a few others. Trying to determine the year of manufacture has got to be a lot tougher. Maybe a range of years into which they were made is possible, but I'd bet that being able to say definitively that a set was made in 1920 and not 1921 has got to be difficult, to say the least. Even using hallmarks on silver can be misleading. The date stamp on silver identifies when the silver was assayed, not when the silver was attached to pipes. The date stamp is based on the Assay Office's fiscal year, rather than a Jan 1 to Dec 31 year. As a result silver can give indications of when the pipes were made. But it can't be used to positively say the year the pipes were made. As for the buyer finding out that what he bought isn't what he had been told it was, most states have passed a form of Deceptive Trade Practices laws. Although it varies somewhat from state to state, it goes a long way to protecting the consumer allowing for collection of treble damages in many cases and covering a wide range of deceptive practices which include misleading or false statements about the goods, disparagement, etc. It generally doesn't just apply to businesses conducting the practices but casts a pretty wide net to cover individuals selling to individuals. Of course, just having the law in place doesn't in itself stop the practices, but perhaps lessens them. It at least gives an avenue of recourse to the abused. It would be nice if there were an authorative book which listed distinguishing points of recognition for various makes and rough years of mamufacture. I think John Recknagel, who has a few books such as "Piper's Helper", is working on something along that line. All the best, Jim In article <38a98eb4_4@>, "John Mitchell" wrote: > With more players buying sets of pipes at the $3000 dollar mark, > isn't it about time there was a system for Authenticating the maker > and year. > > There have been cases now where folks are dishing out 5 to 7 grand > and then finding replacement parts, rework jobs on the silver and > also the claim of the year and make are wrong too. > > I mean think about it, if you buy a lousy diamond ring for as little as > $600 bucks, it still comes with an appraisal certificate. > > Personally I don't like any metal on my pipes as it makes > them dam heavy, but if I were going to dole out this kind of > money, I sure as hell would want to know what I was buying. > > You should be able to go back to the seller and get a discount > if any of the claims are not factual! > > -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- > - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! > -----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =----- > -- Jim Hudgins Aberdeen Bagpipe Supply Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Question and artwork Date: 16 Feb 2000 09:49:04 -0500 Maeve wrote:snip Thank you . . . let me live through March and I'll see what's up . . . I > have never learned the word "NO" . . :) > -- Boy does that bring visions to mind... - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Canmore for sale cheap Date: 16 Feb 2000 09:45:53 -0500 Well, there are really two definitions here. A) from Ceann Mor Gaelic for Big Head- several of this description post regulrlarly on this NG, oddly enough. often in disparagement of those who uitilize Definiyion B (see below) B) brand Name of a GoreTex pipe bag made by the Scottish division of the Gore company. Radway wrote: > Please forgive my ignorance, but what is a canmore? > > Shawn Husk wrote in message <>... > >Medium, airtight, like new $50 - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Canmore for sale cheap Date: 16 Feb 2000 10:59:11 -0500 aberdeen wrote:snip > > Like a Canless, only bigger. > > > > (OK, it is a pipe bag that is made of Gore-Tex. > > So, does the Canless come from Gore-R.I.) ? > > Jim > -- If it does, I suspect Zu is up to some more retro-fitting... - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Worlds In North America Date: 16 Feb 2000 13:25:13 GMT 1) I could be wrong, John, but I believe that Bethlehem paid that kind of money. And NRP has a couple parades lined up that are paying close to $1,500. But hey John, don't hang me for being a dollar or two out of whack! The point is that bands here have the ability to earn money on the field and in the street. Bands in the UK don't. And I think you're way off with the $15,000 - minimum 12 games - 1st place !!! I'll find out for sure and you buy the oatmeal beer next time out!!! Ringo John Mitchell wrote in message news:38a9ee31_4@ > > Shoestring in UK is different than Shoestring in NA. Most bands in North > > American operate on a budget where earnings from parades, games, and other > > performances cover operating costs. When is the last time a UK band won > > $3,000 at a contest, or received $1,500 for a parade? > > Ron, when is the last time any North American Bands received this sum. > > The Average parade is about $800 or less and top prize in the > past is around $1200. > > The average operating budget for a GR1 band is around $15,000 generated > from attending a minimum of 12 games and taking first place at all of them. > They probably do a couple of parades on the side to pay for reeds and > chanters. > > Each member of the 78th Frasers has been paying close to full fare for > their trip to Scotland each year, so the question is why can't the Scottish > bands fork out some dosh of their own. > > The Scottish Economy is doing very well, It's not like it used to be! > > I'm pretty sure if you ask the players in the Scottish bands too, that > they wouldn't mind having a trip abroad to get away from the routine > circuit of the Scottish games. > > York University saw some pretty heavy duty parties when the Scottish > bands stayed here in the 70's. I could tell you some stories, but I can't > remember them as it was all a blur after the second day at it. > > > > > > -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- > - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! > -----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =----- - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: aberdeen Subject: (bagpipe) Clearance Priced Hose FS Date: 16 Feb 2000 17:32:03 GMT We special ordered a half-dozen wheat-colored hose in shoe size 13, and have held them for him long enough with no reply from the customer. So I'm offering them for sale at a discounted price to clear them out. They are brand new and very nice hose. They are made in Scotland and are 80% wool and 20% nylon. We don't really carry highland attire, except for special order or for bands so I don't have any other sizes or styles in stock - only these 6 pair. The normal suggested retail price on them is $19.95/pr., but I'll sell them to the first buyers at $13.50/pr. + shipping. That's a little over 32% discount. Phone or email if your interested. All the best, -- Jim Hudgins Aberdeen Bagpipe Supply Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Highland Cathedral Date: 16 Feb 2000 10:00:30 -0500 I have been asked to play this tune with organ acccompniment for a wedding in June. does anyone know where to purchase the sheet music with accompaniment. The bride and her organist have heard the tune on the 48th Highlanders' "Abide With Me..." album, and have requested it specifically. I am not interested in debating the musical merits of the tune, or in obtaining pirated copies.- only in obtaing legal copies of the full arrangement. If any one can point me to a publisher I'd be grateful. Thanks. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Anderson" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipe Authentication Certificates Date: 16 Feb 2000 19:26:09 -0000 "Ron Bowen" wrote in message news:qDjq4.40206$ > WOW! Hot topic or what. snip>> Just yesterday a very well known and respected piper was relating a story > concerning a MacDougall bagpipe that was wrongly identified by another > "expert" as a set made by Glen. I don't blame the expert, as there were > many similarities between the two makers, from time to time. At other > times, they looked distinctively different. This also exists between other > makes i.e. Sinclair, MacPherson, Tweedie. They all worked with one another > from time to time and some influence is seen. This is just one example of > many. > I have shipped many sets of pipes which have been appraised (I am sure that is an American term when applied to pipes) by P/M Roger Huth. Roger is very good at this sort. He has pointed out mentioned in Ron's that they worked with one another from time to time. I think is was even worse than this - I have heard of one turner who would do Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with one maker and then go to another on Thursdays and Fridays, he even did the odd evening strint with another for extra cash. Needless to say his trademark can be seen on certain makes of 'classic' pipes (not many, just a few). - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve White" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Trouble for the Worlds? Date: 16 Feb 2000 21:26:17 -0000 No, but it might account for some weird behaviour from certain spectators & participants. However I'd be fairly sure that judges are immune through natural selection. And I thought the glow coming from the toilets was from all the "curry & chips" :-) Steve White GMcC wrote in message ... >I was listening to Radio1 today and this story came up about the pop band >Oasis. >< >festival scheduled for August headline, say it will go ahead. But that's despite the discovery of >chemicals were dumped on Glasgow moved when a swimming pool was to be built there, but the money < >Do you think this would affect the running of the Worlds at this venue? > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: T-shirts Date: 17 Feb 2000 00:29:17 GMT >and on the back: "Yes that's correct your Honour, I want the Divorce!" How's about I change it to "I *WAS* married to a piper...Can you speak a little louder?" Get one for each of your ex'es, and I'm halfway to the minimum order quantity! Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Metro Cup, who are the competitors? Date: 17 Feb 2000 00:27:05 GMT >I don't know - everyone in this list can play extremely well. And how well they handle the unexpected. Last year there were quite a few breakdowns due to a big difference in tuning-room temp vs performance temp. What's the Vegas line on the metro cup? Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Canmore for sale cheap Date: 17 Feb 2000 00:37:23 GMT >If it does, I suspect Zu is up to some more retro-fitting... Yes, my latest version Zu reeds take so little air that I had to add an auxiliary bag with a bleeder valve so the extra air can escape conveniently. Gore-Tex...Texas....hmmmm Can-less...RI, smallest state in the union...hmmm Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (SirJ1314) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Chanter Reed Storage Question Date: 17 Feb 2000 01:53:15 GMT I'm no reed expert, but stick the reed that has seperated in a glass of water for a while. Mabey 15 minutes, or as long as it takes depending on how seperated it is. It will expand as it absorbs the water. It will probably save the reed, not always though depending on how bad it is. That happens a lot when the reed gets too dry. Mostly in desert climates. Take my words for what they are worth... not a great deal, but If it doesn't work, oh well, it was no good to you anyway. But that usually works for me. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: wylde mountain thyme Date: 16 Feb 2000 19:50:27 -0800 Hi Maxine, If you contact me off list I can give you what I know on PM's calls for bands. It would take too much for it here and I'm just a bit pressed for time now, however, I am willing to pass on what I know if you need it. Cheers Don mkniffin wrote: > Does any one have the music to "Wylde Mountain Thyme" for bagpipe, and > or perhaps what the proper calls and signals are for the pipe major for > marching. We are a newly formed band are are seeking any hits we can > get. thank you. maxine > > * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network * > The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free! - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Worlds CD Date: 17 Feb 2000 07:27:58 -0500 On Wed, 16 Feb 2000 22:17:45 -0800, PipingHot wrote: >I don't think the Shotts Selection was "Cheesy", it was just >"Mathieson", enough said. Personally, I like his style, but too much >of the same thing might be bad. 80% of the tunes in the medley were >his own compositions, so I can understand how it may seem cheesy if you >don't like his style. Personally, I think Field Marshall should have >placed second. Wow, they sure can rip through those jigs. I really >loved the "Spice of Life", great tune, does anyone know where it's >published? FMM rocks, but I don't think "Moving Cloud" was a real powerful medley opener. Same thing a few years ago when they played a HP version of "The Goatherd and the Sheepherd". Just didn't reach out and grab ya. MSR was excellent. The "First Hundred", Shotts medley opener, kind of grew on me. I hated it when I first heard it, but it's not too bad. "Spice of Life" is not published, as yet. Don Bradford (the author) is allegedly compiling a book of his tunes. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Worlds CD Date: 17 Feb 2000 07:32:47 -0500 On Thu, 17 Feb 2000 04:14:20 GMT, "stew" wrote: >Just heard the Worlds CD, and boy did they mess up the results. 78's had a >brilliant Medley which should have bumped them up a few spots. Yah, that one has been debated here rather heatedly a while back. Oddly they finished higher in their MSR, which by their own admission they were not pleased with. The medley result will remain one of pipings great mysteries, along with why Angus MacKay jumped over the hedge and into the river to drown himself. Maybe he was prescient. > Shotts was >very ordinary(bad drones, cheesy tunes in their Medley) and they should have >been placed lower in the rankings. L.A Scots played better than the 11th >place they recieved....... Well at least they picked the right champion, >I'll give them credit for that one. Pretty clear cut 1st place for sure. LA Scots had brilliant drones and good chanters and really impressed me. A band on the move. I felt New Zealand Police should have been higher placed as well. Oh well, Monday morning quarterbacking is one of the fun parts of this game! Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Chanter Reed Storage Question Date: 17 Feb 2000 13:41:09 GMT Believe it or not, your story is very common. When I first started out, I would go through a reed a week! At today's prices I'd have been in the poorhouse in no time. Like you, I'd go into my box and retrieve a reed that seemed fine just a few weeks ago only to find that it was no longer playable. In my opinion, all of the advice (except perhaps dousing the reed in water) you're received so far is good. The only thing that I would add is to "visit" your stored reeds every few days. Just take a minute to place each one in the chanter and give it a blow up and down the scale. This way you'll be aware of how your reeds are keeping, you'll learn what adjustments are necessary to keep them better, and you'll have no surprises when caught in that emergency situation. The key to extending the life of your chanter reed: 1. select a reed with a bit of backbone 2. avoid over-pinching the reed (there is a right and wrong technique) 3. avoid letting it get too wet or too dry 4. break-in the reed slowly (over a few weeks) 5. visit your reeds often - keep them stable Regardless of the climate you play in, or the amount of piping that you do, you should be able to keep your number 1 reed in good playing condition for several months. I'm playing the same Shepherd reed that I put in last April and it still has "bite & kick." Back-up reeds should be good indefinitely, provided they are kept stable. In my experience, the only way to ensure this is to visit them often. Good luck Ringo montyp34 wrote in message news:88f1mf$12eg$ > I am learning the pipes on my own as there is no instructor in my area. > > I have 4 chanter reeds broken in but I have a favorite that I use all the > time. > > I hadn't switched reeds for about one month and when I opened my box > of spare reeds: one of them seemed fine, one sounded terrible and the > last one, which used to be my "good" reed, the cane had "separated" so I > think it's useless now. > > I have them stored in a cardboard box in a ziplock bag in the fridge. > > Should I play these reeds once in a while to keep them "in shape"? > > I found when I was switching them around daily that I spent all of my practice > time fiddling & tuning and not much time actually practicing. > > Thanks for any advice. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Carr Subject: (bagpipe) Bass Tuning Date: 17 Feb 2000 14:54:59 GMT I've got a very old set of ebony Lawries (pre 1910) and there are a couple of subjects where I need some good advice. What are the options for getting the bass drone to tune a bit higher? The mid joint is way down almost on the mount. I know reed selection is one method of rectifying this but what else can be done? The tenor bottom bores are a slightly different diameters. Well... 1.2 millimeters to be exact. Can anyone suggest what can be done with this? The obvious answer would be to ream the narrow bore out to match. It's not that simple though as both bores a quite weathered and reaming the narrow one out would result in one smooth bore and one original, weathered bore. The tenors sound just great but the bore differences have an effect on the way the reeds behave. Any suggestions from pipe makers (Dave?) would also be appreciated. Cheers Bill Carr - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Anderson" Subject: (bagpipe) Piobaireachd Society (New) Web Site Date: 17 Feb 2000 15:28:37 -0000 The Piobaireachd Society now has a web site and is in an early stage of development. The URL is:- I have had a look at the new site - not bad, but a bit slow to load. I suspect that many would like to be able to download the tunes, that was discussed at a committee meeting last year. The fear was that the Society would loose the sale of books (which is it's main and almost only source of income). If you have any suggestions please let me know and I will take them along to the General Committe meeting to be held in March. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Bass Tuning Date: 17 Feb 2000 12:58:08 -0500 On Thu, 17 Feb 2000 14:54:59 GMT, Bill Carr wrote: >I've got a very old set of ebony Lawries (pre 1910) and there are a >couple of subjects where I need some good advice. > >What are the options for getting the bass drone to tune a bit higher? >The mid joint is way down almost on the mount. I know reed selection is >one method of rectifying this but what else can be done? Enlarge the bore diameter of the bottom joint. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Highland Cathedral Date: 17 Feb 2000 14:49:22 -0500 Thanks for your input, Victor, but II am not relying on an as yet to me unknown organist's abilities, nor do I want to write up my own arrangement. I have already had some helpful responses directly. Victor Anderson wrote: > If your organist is worth his or her salt, they can transcribe the organ > part from their recording. I wrote my own organ accompaniment for > Highland Cathedral, but i'm not giving it out! (sorry) Make sure your > chanter is tuned down to a true Bb for this one. :-) > -- > Victor J. Anderson - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Richard Mao Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Drone reed positioning? Date: 17 Feb 2000 17:59:15 -0500 Hi... Wouldn't this drone reed approach work like fuses... if the increase of pressure was gradual enough... wouldn't there always be one fuse/drone always cutting out/shutting down first? I suspect if you goosed/boosted the pressure up in a big enough "burst" and held to that higher pressure is when you would get two or more drones shutting down at once... but when you are playing/performing and are trying to keep steady worse than minor changes in pressure... you'd always be in danger of shutting down one drone... if you adjusted them "too close to the vest" so to speak... Not a criticism... just.. I only think you can get close to the "same/simultaneous" shutdown pressure...not achieve it. There is no real success unless they have the freedom to fail….Eric Hoffer Richard Mao, The Peking Piper ( ) wrote: > I asked Ken Eller about drone balance at a piping workshop this last > weekend. > > He pulled his chanter out, put a rubber stopper in the stock, and struck > in his drones. He then showed that by increasing the pressure, the > drone reeds would shut off. > > Starting with the last reed to shut off, the bridles were closed down > slightly, until all reeds would shut off simultaneously. > > He stated that balanced reeds would all shut off together as pressure > was increased. > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matt Buckley" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Highland Cathedral Date: 17 Feb 2000 17:12:31 -0500 Victor J. Anderson wrote in > Using someone's freely available arrangement of a tune is the same as writing > your own arrangement. The copyright is on the tune, not the arrangement. This brings up a question I've been curious about for years. Hamish Moore wrote, and copywrited, parts 3 and 4 of the traditional tune Moving Cloud as it is generally heard in Scotland today. The most recent recording of all four parts I've heard of it is on the Black Watch "Ladies from Hell" CD. Some folks may be aware of Mathieson's attempt several years ago to claim authorship of parts 3 and 4, and his publisher, in subsequent tune books, had to change "written by" RM to "arranged by" RM. The Black Watch CD notes do not credit Hamish with the final two parts. Those notes say "traditional, arr. by P. Mather, Grian Music." I've been aware of additional examples of this kind of thing. Is the Black Watch's failure to credit simply an oversight? The Black Watch recording of Moving Cloud is very straightforward, i.e. the traditional first two parts, and then Hamish's parts 3 and 4. So what "arrangement" took place? Can small changes in tempo etc. constitute an "arrangement"? What is the dividing line between "writing" and "arranging" new parts to a traditional tune? Cheers. Matt Cheers. Matt - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Highland Cathedral Date: 17 Feb 2000 14:50:47 -0500 If the copyright of the tune is still valid, which is my understanding, BTW, then there's no such thing as a copyright-free midi version. Victor Anderson wrote: > Another idea on Highland Cathedral. I've done this before. Download a > royalty free MIDI file of the tune. Open it in any decent sequencing or > notation software, (Cakewalk / Finale), select the tracks you want to > print, and you're there baby. > (some minor formating of the printout may be required) > -- > Victor J. Anderson - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipe Authentication Certificates Date: 18 Feb 2000 06:18:16 GMT On Tue, 15 Feb 2000 18:06:55 -0500, Chris Hamilton wrote: >On Tue, 15 Feb 2000 20:16:27 GMT, Bill Carr >wrote: > >>Chris Hamilton wrote: >> >>> Yes, I'm in complete agreement here. It would be tough to get things >>> absolutely verified though - not many people are that skilled at >>> identification. But they're out there. > > >>Jimmy McIntosh does (or did) a pretty reliable appraisal and verification. >>At least as far as it is possible to verify older, unstamped drones. He >>charges around $20. I think Jimmy's word carries as much weight as anyone's. > >True. I got my MacD's from Jimmy. He knows pipes. Well, the important thing is you *think* they're MacDougalls, and as long as you're convinced of that that's all that matters. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Carr Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Bass Tuning Date: 17 Feb 2000 20:47:47 GMT Hi Edward. Given two drone reeds of equal strength, one of tenor shuts down long before the other. Swap the reeds from one to the other and....same thing.... same tenor shuts down much easier. I suspect one tenor is louder than the other too but this is of minor concern. It's true I'm still in the set up stage with these pipes so I haven't come to any final conclusions yet. Asking about it is just my way of gathering ideas. Bill EdASmith wrote: > >The tenor bottom bores are a slightly different diameters. Well... 1.2 > >millimeters to be exact. Can anyone suggest what can be done with this? > >The tenors sound just great but the bore differences > >have an effect on the way the reeds behave. > > > What kind of differences do you notice, and with what type of reeds? Under > what conditions? I'm not doubting that there is a difference, but I'm curious > as to what you are hearing. I have a very old set of Glens (pre-1900), and the > diameters are similar, but not exact. The differences I hear in mine seem to > be related to getting it reeded up - once I get the right reeds in, there is > very little to distinguish in tone. It'd have to be pretty severe to bother > with reaming it out, in my opinion. > > Edward Smith - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: And the whales sang! Date: 18 Feb 2000 14:58:46 GMT In article <38ac38d9_3@>, "John Mitchell" wrote: > I'm just wondering what they would have done if a pipeband where playing! > I could maybe see them doing a couple of Flings for starters. :-) I thought 'whale talk' for bagpipe music was, "Orcas approaching!" Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipe Authentication Certificates Date: 17 Feb 2000 14:46:39 -0500 Might I suggest that the value of the pipes is different in different markets- there is a player's market and a collector's market, maybe more- I would think an ancient, rare set would be more vacluable to the collector, and a newer,infinitely mor eplayable would be more valuable to a player. There is some overlap betweenthe two markets, of course. John Mitchell wrote: > ccc31807 wrote in > > never forget that purchasing a pipe for investment and > > purchasing a pipe for playing may be two totally different > > things, and reliance on a certificate for something it was never > > meant to certify is as foolish an undertaking as there is. > > The only thing a certificate does is identify the origin of the pipes. > I would imagine that Sound should be the most important criteria > that one shoudl concider before purchasing. > > As for value or worth of a pipe, that's strictly dictated by the market > forces. > What makes things like a Uilleann pipe chanter worth 500 bucks anyway? > > -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- > - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! > -----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =----- - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipe Authentication Certificates Date: 18 Feb 2000 07:43:10 -0500 On Fri, 18 Feb 2000 06:18:16 GMT, (Royce Lerwick) wrote: >On Tue, 15 Feb 2000 18:06:55 -0500, Chris Hamilton > wrote: > >>>Chris Hamilton wrote: >>True. I got my MacD's from Jimmy. He knows pipes. > >Well, the important thing is you *think* they're MacDougalls, and as >long as you're convinced of that that's all that matters. Alright, truth be known, they're "Imperials" from Lark In the Morning ... open a can o' black Rustoleum and MacDougalls they be !!! Is it April 1 yet? Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ed Via Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Drone reed positioning? Date: 18 Feb 2000 09:51:11 -0500 :*) A word of caution for my fellow newbies out there: You do want to have your drone reeds "thinned" down to where they're not taking any more air than necessary; this will make your pipe easier and help you learn to blow steady. But, you don't want to get carried away with it and have them adjusted to too fine an edge, where they'll shut down on you with just a moderate increase in pressure, otherwise the adrenalin/nerves of competing or performing solo in public will almost surely cause you to lose one or more drones until you become comfortable in those situations. Or so I've heard, anyway :*) Ed John Mitchell wrote: > True story! > I was opening a concert with a nice slow piece as a > tribute to the Dunblane disaster, when in the middle > of the selection I could hear the middle tenor start to waiver. > > I thought I would try to shut it off by giving the bag a quick > hitch and all three drones cut off. > > After, A gentleman came up and asked me where > the switch was for cutting off the background noise. > > He thought it was quite effective! - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: aberdeen Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Music for Cave of Gold Date: 18 Feb 2000 13:35:10 GMT Look in the Piobaireachd Simon Fraser collection. I think that this is the setting Murray Henderson plays on the CD. I think that the setting published not long ago in the Voice is a different one. All the best, Jim In article <88hfrn$>, wrote: > In article <> > piobre@aol.comseeQall (Piobre) writes: > > > Hi: does anyonehave the music for this tune. It is suppose to be MacCrimmon > > based. the Piobaireachd Society doesn't publish it and it is not in Kilberry. > > any one know the story of it? thanks ron T > > It appeared in an obscure publication by an Australian around the turn > of the last century. Jimmy McIntosh also published it in the EUSPBA > Voice about four years ago. Murray Henderson plays it on his tape. Good > tune. Cheers,WES > -- Jim Hudgins Aberdeen Bagpipe Supply Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Tune Search: Butterfingers @ Banjo Breakdown Date: 18 Feb 2000 13:23:34 -0500 On Fri, 18 Feb 2000 11:43:29 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >Chris Hamilton wrote in >> I've got an LP of it, but no record player anymore. Hopefully Lismor >> will release some of this music as a re-issue like they did with some >> old Shotts and Dysart music. > >Ah yes, The old Shotts & Dysart PB! ;-) > >That would be interesting to hear! A cacophony of opposing philosophies ... the wiley old veterans with their big broad sound versus the cocky young punks with the high-pitched jazzy music. Hmm - Godzilla versus Mecha-Godzilla ... I'll bet on the MacAllisters. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: aberdeen Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Shortening blowpipe Date: 18 Feb 2000 21:02:21 GMT The assembly is made up of two parts - the blowpipe itself and the mouthpiece which is attached to the top. Mouthpieces generally come in several lengths 3" to 6" in one inch increments. If you are already using a 3" mouthpiece, then you'll need to have the blowpipe shortened which requires a machinist or pipe maker although it's an easy task. If you are using a longer mouthpiece than the 3" one, you can either buy a shorter one for about $15 or cut the one you've got down. If you cut it down, you can use a hacksaw or a tube cutter and finish off with 400 sandpaper. By the way, I'm assuming the title of your request is misleading and you're not talking about making a blowpipe out of Crisco or other shortening which makes a poor substitute for polypenco. :-) All the best, Jim In article <88im0q$bm4$>, wrote: > Does anyone have any advice, horror or success stories about shortening > the GHP blowpipe. I have a relatively new set of pipes (5 months) and > the only annoyance is that the blowpipe seems to be about 1/2 to 3/4 > inches too long. It is made out of the hard plastic and would seem to > be easy to shorten. Any advice? > Thanks in advance for any constructive advice given! > > Sent via > Before you buy. > -- Jim Hudgins Aberdeen Bagpipe Supply Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Worlds CD Date: 18 Feb 2000 15:49:33 GMT In article <38ac1c1b_5@>, "John Mitchell" wrote: > Donny has Written many good tunes and the book will also > feature original compositions from Stevie Young and other > composers. > And he can throw a great party to! -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Anderson" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Bass Tuning Date: 18 Feb 2000 16:40:14 -0000 "Chris Hamilton" wrote in message > On Thu, 17 Feb 2000 14:54:59 GMT, Bill Carr > wrote: > > >I've got a very old set of ebony Lawries (pre 1910) and there are a > >couple of subjects where I need some good advice. > > > >What are the options for getting the bass drone to tune a bit higher? > >The mid joint is way down almost on the mount. I know reed selection is > >one method of rectifying this but what else can be done? > > Enlarge the bore diameter of the bottom joint. > Before you cut wood, try and borrow the bottom joint from a set of Hendersons - this was an old trick, I 'think' I have heard someone say you can use a Hardie bottom section. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Anderson" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Piobaireachd Society (New) Web Site Date: 18 Feb 2000 16:27:21 -0000 "ccc31807" wrote in message > Two things that the PS could (and should) do to further its aims > and to promote the sale of its books: > > 1. Feature one tune a month, or quarter, with analyses by noted > pibrocologists discussing the tune in detail, its > interpretation, history, notable performances, etc.; together > with > > 2. The ground in MP3 format illustrating certain points of > interpretation. > > The greatest obstacle for the sale of the books and the > appreciation of piobaireachd is the inaccessability of the > music, and the PS could address this problem through its web > site. (By inaccessibility, I mean the difficulty in properly > playing a piece from the written score - a problem you don't > have with guitar, vocal, or piano music.) > > I do agree with you and that was why I tried to get the Piobaireachd recording project under way. I did make some headway and got a donation from Sandy Grant Gordon. This money is now with The Piping Centre and Roddy MacLeod & Willie McCallum have put down 40 McCrimmon tunes on mini-disc and have started a library. Having just come back from and Andrew Wright course I would like the tunes to be sung rather than played. I will however pass on your suggestion at the March committee meeting. Many thanks - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Anderson" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Looking for Tune Date: 18 Feb 2000 16:20:07 -0000 > George's Music wrote: > > > Anyone have the tune Good Drying? or know where to find it? > > George - Hi, This tune is not in print and is copyright. Roddy (R.S.MacDonald) is on this Ng perhaps you could ask him. I have the only 'official' manuscript which I typeset for him. If he says it's ok then I will send it to you, otherwise you will have to look out for his new book which will be published in due course. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jim McGill Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipe Restoration Date: 18 Feb 2000 09:10:17 -0800 Pretty cool Bill. Yes, more before and after would be interesting. Perhaps also some durings when you're doing a complex repair like replacing a tenon. Might give us wood butchers out here in cyberspace some exemplars to strive for. Just out of curiosity, what kind of turning gear are you using? And any pointers about turning Ivory? I've never tried it (or horn or bone for that matter) Jim - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael New & Diane Rossmiller Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Shortening blowpipe Date: 18 Feb 2000 09:53:49 -0900 wrote: > Does anyone have any advice, horror or success stories about shortening > the GHP blowpipe. I have a relatively new set of pipes (5 months) and > the only annoyance is that the blowpipe seems to be about 1/2 to 3/4 > inches too long. It is made out of the hard plastic and would seem to > be easy to shorten. Any advice? > Thanks in advance for any constructive advice given! > > Sent via > Before you buy. I cut mine to length with a hacksaw. Crude, but effective. Michael - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Tune Search: Butterfingers @ Banjo Breakdown Date: 18 Feb 2000 09:07:40 -0500 On 18 Feb 2000 12:54:31 GMT, (Dontonton) wrote: >A few years ago, I got an album (before CDs!) by the Edinborough City Police >Pipe Band. It had a tune combo of the above two tunes-that has been playing in >my head ever since. > >Now that I am back into piping, I figured I would give these a shot. Anyone >have access to them? If so, I would really appreciate it if you could e-mail me >these tunes. I believe the album is titled "The Piper's Parade" or something like that. It was released by Lismor in 1967. Good album, from the Iain MacLeod era. The Edinburgh City Police Pipe Band is now known as the Lothian and Borders Police Pipe Band. I've got an LP of it, but no record player anymore. Hopefully Lismor will release some of this music as a re-issue like they did with some old Shotts and Dysart music. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Carr Subject: (bagpipe) Pipe Restoration Date: 18 Feb 2000 15:45:35 GMT Hi Check out the "Before and After" images of a tenor bottom from an old set of ebony Lawries that I've just had restored. The top projecting mount on the "After" scan is turned from fossil Wholly Mammoth Tusk. The original mount was broken in two. Came up pretty good eh? If anyone is interested I'll put up a whole page of before and after shots (when I get the time). Bill Carr - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: sdon Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Looking for Tune Date: 17 Feb 2000 17:41:39 -0700 I do, Don Smith George's Music wrote: > Anyone have the tune Good Drying? or know where to find it? > > thanks, George > > -- > George's Music > > 7098 Guleph Crescent > Prince George, B.C. > Canada > V2N 3P1 > Phone/Fax 250-964-7035 -- PIPER AT LARGE ( White Peaks Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Trouble for the Worlds? Date: 19 Feb 2000 00:12:51 GMT On Fri, 18 Feb 2000 11:39:00 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: > wrote >> I wouldn't think it would affect anyone any more than usual... judges in >> particular! > >Hmmmmm!, maybe this is what happened to the 78th's result! > >The Judges were obviously dilutional!!! By that, you must mean heavily diluted. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Ivory substitute Date: 18 Feb 2000 17:28:00 -0800 Hi Burl, Here is the link to Craft Supplies USA. They have an Ivory substitute that is very easy to work with and still looks good. Good company to do business with too. Cheers Don Burl Updyke wrote: > I am in the process of making a set of Small Pipes and would like > information on a substitute for ivory, and possibly a source. > Thanks in advance. > > Burl Updyke - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Synthetic Chanter and Drone Reeds Date: 18 Feb 2000 21:37:37 -0400 Bob Smith wrote in message <>... >A url would be helpfull >> The address is - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Gibson Challenge update! Date: 19 Feb 2000 00:51:25 GMT On Fri, 18 Feb 2000 16:13:49 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >A number of bands have expressed interest in this unique offer, >but all cannot take advantage due to financial problems. Just out of curiosity, where are you getting the chanters, how much are they going to cost, and how many can you get? Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipe Restoration Date: 18 Feb 2000 17:42:38 -0800 Yea Bill, cough up the details. That's some nice work there. Also, I take it the mounts were totally replaced and not just cleaned. Also, how did you fit the silver on the tenon without turning it down, or did you turn it. More details is what we want, more more more. Oh, what kind of finish did you use too? cheers Don Jim McGill wrote: > Pretty cool Bill. Yes, more before and after would be interesting. > Perhaps also some durings when you're doing a complex repair like > replacing a tenon. Might give us wood butchers out here in cyberspace > some exemplars to strive for. > > Just out of curiosity, what kind of turning gear are you using? And any > pointers about turning Ivory? I've never tried it (or horn or bone for > that matter) > > Jim - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: sdon Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Shortening blowpipe Date: 18 Feb 2000 18:57:19 -0700 I can sell you a really nice adjustable blowpipe for $68.00 and then you can make it any length you want. You can also change it if you don't get it right the first time. Don aberdeen wrote: > The assembly is made up of two parts - the blowpipe itself and the > mouthpiece which is attached to the top. Mouthpieces generally come in > several lengths 3" to 6" in one inch increments. > > If you are already using a 3" mouthpiece, then you'll need to have the > blowpipe shortened which requires a machinist or pipe maker although > it's an easy task. > > If you are using a longer mouthpiece than the 3" one, you can either buy > a shorter one for about $15 or cut the one you've got down. If you cut > it down, you can use a hacksaw or a tube cutter and finish off with 400 > sandpaper. > > By the way, I'm assuming the title of your request is misleading and > you're not talking about making a blowpipe out of Crisco or other > shortening which makes a poor substitute for polypenco. :-) > > All the best, > > Jim > > In article <88im0q$bm4$>, > wrote: > > Does anyone have any advice, horror or success stories about > shortening > > the GHP blowpipe. I have a relatively new set of pipes (5 months) and > > the only annoyance is that the blowpipe seems to be about 1/2 to 3/4 > > inches too long. It is made out of the hard plastic and would seem to > > be easy to shorten. Any advice? > > Thanks in advance for any constructive advice given! > > > > Sent via > > Before you buy. > > > > -- > Jim Hudgins > Aberdeen Bagpipe Supply > > > Sent via > Before you buy. -- PIPER AT LARGE ( White Peaks Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Raistlin88) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: John & Ron's Excellent Weekend Adventure! Date: 19 Feb 2000 04:51:39 GMT Do you know who will be competing there, or who competed there last year? I might be interested. Casey >Ringo and I were tossing around the idea of hosting >a weekend trip up here that would be for anyone that >wanted to come and see one of the best solo contests of the year. >The William Livingstone Sr. Invitational > > > >It's not always easy to fly into a strange unknown area and >find your way around town. If there's enough interest we >can arrange the hotels, transportation and site seeing tours. > >Niagara Falls is a nice place to see in the spring too! > >The participants would be responsible for paying their >own hotel. We can arrange to rent a van or vans for >everyone to get around in. > >Let us know if there is any interest, and we'll take it from there. > >cheers > >John & Ron >Party on dudes! > > > > > > > > >-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- > - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! >-----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =----- > > > > > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Carr Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipe Restoration Date: 19 Feb 2000 06:38:42 GMT Don Robertson wrote: > Yea Bill, cough up the details. That's some nice work there. Also, I take > it the mounts were totally replaced and not just cleaned. No...the bottom mount was just cleaned. The top mount was missing a huge chunk so it was replaced with "legal" fossil ivory. One thing that stayed almost the same though is the smell. These pipes had been sitting in an old wooden box in a damp cellar for more than 50 years. There was a whole mushroom farm growing in the bores. Hey Dave, if you reed this, the pipes smell just like that old box that I let you keep. Did you ever manage to get the smell out? Bill - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Carr Subject: (bagpipe) Re: certification of bagpipes.... Date: 19 Feb 2000 06:38:44 GMT I think a certificate/appraisal from an expert is also a way of keeping the prices more reasonable. I just sold a set of 1926 Lawries for a few hundred dollars under the appraised value.....but.....I was fully aware that I could have never mentioned any appraisal and sold them on Ebay for at least $500 more. I'd never pay big money for a classic set without some kind of expert opinion. Just take a look at this. Here you have an odd selection of bits and pieces witch amounts to 2 non matching tenors and a bass drone, plus one bass stock and an crappy old Lawrie Chanter. However, the seller makes it out to be a set of R.G Lawries.........and look at the bidding! Bill Carr - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Stupid newbie ?s Date: 18 Feb 2000 21:16:12 -0800 Dare I, without a thought to cause insult to my piping brother, I will translate. "Ahem" A beneficial way to dry ones mouth before playing, is to take a small portion of Whiskey and swish it about your mouth. Being careful not to spill, I would suggest swallowing the amber liquid and not spitting, as is the foul way of the Frenchies. ;-) Cheers Don "Rodger A. Cotton" wrote: > >Q1. How the heck do I deal with all the drooling? > > One way to dry your mouth out is a Wee Dram of Uisge, and I mean a wee dram, > swish it around your mouth a bit like one of those wine testers. > > Rodger - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Shortening blowpipe Date: 19 Feb 2000 08:16:43 -0500 If you go to a hardware store and get a small pipe cutter, the job can be done at home in about 3 minutes. You might still want to bore out the center of the top part, as the Scottish made blowpipes seem to be too narrow. The ideal inner width would be about 3/8". However, you may want to consider anyone's offer for an adjustable one (Gibson makes a superb one), or for a "universal" which I use. Either are terrific. Bill Burt wrote in message <88im0q$bm4$>... >Does anyone have any advice, horror or success stories about shortening >the GHP blowpipe. I have a relatively new set of pipes (5 months) and >the only annoyance is that the blowpipe seems to be about 1/2 to 3/4 >inches too long. It is made out of the hard plastic and would seem to >be easy to shorten. Any advice? >Thanks in advance for any constructive advice given! > > >Sent via >Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Shortening blowpipe Date: 19 Feb 2000 10:34:48 -0400 wrote in message <88m5ne$26f$>... >. You might still want to bore out the >center of the top part, as the Scottish made blowpipes seem to be too >narrow. The ideal inner width would be about 3/8". However, you may want >to consider anyone's offer for an adjustable one (Gibson makes a superb >one), or for a "universal" which I use. Either are terrific. For "big bore" blowpipes, I only have experience with the "Airstream" with the built in valve......I just love it......... the eliptical mouthpiece is a joy as well, and can be bought separately if you wish..........(I have no connection to airstream other than being a user). I am very surprised that blowpipe design(ie. small bore with lots of "resistance"), in the hands of most pipemakers, remains so archaic...........this does not provide strong testament to the more technical aspects of their instruments ! David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: John & Ron's Excellent Weekend Adventure! Date: 19 Feb 2000 10:47:49 -0400 John Mitchell wrote in message <38ae2eda_2@>... > >Raistlin88 wrote in >> Do you know who will be competing there, or who competed there last year? >I >> might be interested. >> Casey > >Hey, I just go there for the Beer dude! Invitations are sent out to about 30 or 35 pipers of which 24 to 28 usually accept........usually 2 or 3 Americans, the rest Canadian with all Cdn piping areas being represented..........they are usually the youngsters who are currently 'setting the boards on fire" in their particular areas.............morning and afternoon devoted to everybody playing and selecting top 8(no rankings published) who play in the evening.............evening 8 are ranked and they all win a prize of some's a long day with a lot of great piping.......... first prize includes a bottle of single malt, which is traditionally poured into the silver cup and everybody gets a drink, then the kitchen party begins.......(unless you're a winner from SFUPB, then you just slide the bottle in your pocket, give a nod to the most available groupie in the mess, and screw off back to your hotel room).............. David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipe Authentication Certificates Date: 19 Feb 2000 16:34:03 GMT In article <>, Andrew & Kristen Lenz wrote: > There are definite characteristics that these experts look for to I.D. a > set of pipes. It's just a matter of writing this stuff down and taking > sample photos. Trouble is, you can't always reference a photo. For example, makers used combing tools with 24, 25, 26, etc..., threads per inch. So even though a bass bottom joint might have the same look as another, you won't be able to identify with 100% confidence until you lay a thread- gage onto the combing. Same goes for beading. Unless you lay tooling, which is known to have come out of a certain maker's shop, onto the piece, you're just speculating. Here's one more thing to consider. Let's say you send your pipes in for restoration. The person doing the work had better have tooling which duplicates the original. If he does, in fact, have the same tooling which was used to turn the original, any attempt to prove the part was a replacement would prove futile. What I'm trying to say is, if a service center has the tooling and a skilled craftsman, you won't be able to tell a replaced part from the original. Those pipes would still earn a certification as "original" even though one would not be merited. Take a look at the larger bore of the bass bottom of pre-WWI Lawries to the narrower bore of Lawries made between the wars. If I had a set of the older pipes I wanted to sell, and I needed a bass bottom joint, do you think I would search for one made before WWI, or simply get a newer one and have the bore opened to original spec.? Ultimately, you have to ask yourself if you'd rather own and play an instrument which is all original (earing a certificate), yet pinned to smithereens, or have new pieces made to original spec. Either way, you'll have to find a craftsman qualified to do the work. If you play and buy an instrument which speaks for itself, a certificate is just one more useless scrap. I've got a "Rolex" (we call 'em "fool-exs") I purchased in Po'hang, S. Korea for $20. It's got a certificate though. That makes it a real Rolex, doesn't it? Mark Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipe Restoration Date: 19 Feb 2000 10:53:17 -0400 Bill Carr wrote in message <>... > >>No...the bottom mount was just cleaned. The top mount was missing a huge chunk >so it was replaced with "legal" fossil ivory. OK do you clean the ivory.........or should I be checking Ringos book ? David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipe Authentication Certificates Date: 19 Feb 2000 19:07:47 GMT All excellent points, Markalee. When I do an appraisal, I write statements like "appears to be a replacement part" or "all parts appear to be original". I try to pay very close attention to "clues 'n hints" like inconsistencies in combing, beads, wood, design, mounts, etc. At the end of the day, it is possible for an appraisal to be faulty or for appraisers to disagree on make and value. But this is very consistent with appraisals of all sorts. A certificate is a piece of paper. As always, the proof is in the pipe (bagpipe that is). Ringo wrote in message news:88mgls$tch$ > In article <>, > Andrew & Kristen Lenz wrote: > > > There are definite characteristics that these experts look for to > I.D. a > > set of pipes. It's just a matter of writing this stuff down and taking > > sample photos. > > Trouble is, you can't always reference a photo. For example, makers > used combing tools with 24, 25, 26, etc..., threads per inch. So even > though a bass bottom joint might have the same look as another, you > won't be able to identify with 100% confidence until you lay a thread- > gage onto the combing. > > Same goes for beading. Unless you lay tooling, which is known to have > come out of a certain maker's shop, onto the piece, you're just > speculating. > > Here's one more thing to consider. Let's say you send your pipes in > for restoration. The person doing the work had better have tooling > which duplicates the original. If he does, in fact, have the same > tooling which was used to turn the original, any attempt to prove the > part was a replacement would prove futile. What I'm trying to say is, > if a service center has the tooling and a skilled craftsman, you won't > be able to tell a replaced part from the original. Those pipes would > still earn a certification as "original" even though one would not be > merited. > > Take a look at the larger bore of the bass bottom of pre-WWI Lawries to > the narrower bore of Lawries made between the wars. If I had a set of > the older pipes I wanted to sell, and I needed a bass bottom joint, do > you think I would search for one made before WWI, or simply get a newer > one and have the bore opened to original spec.? > > Ultimately, you have to ask yourself if you'd rather own and play an > instrument which is all original (earing a certificate), yet pinned to > smithereens, or have new pieces made to original spec. Either way, > you'll have to find a craftsman qualified to do the work. > > If you play and buy an instrument which speaks for itself, a > certificate is just one more useless scrap. > > I've got a "Rolex" (we call 'em "fool-exs") I purchased in Po'hang, S. > Korea for $20. It's got a certificate though. That makes it a real > Rolex, doesn't it? > > Mark > > > Sent via > Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Rojo2G) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: certification of bagpipes.... Date: 19 Feb 2000 19:07:29 GMT >Does it come without stocks and a blowstick, or am I missing >something? The color of the tassels can add lots of $$$ too! - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Gibson Challenge update! Date: 19 Feb 2000 23:38:37 GMT On Fri, 18 Feb 2000 20:09:06 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: > >Royce Lerwick wrote >> >> Just out of curiosity, where are you getting the chanters, how much >> are they going to cost, and how many can you get? > >The cost of the chanter is $225 US funds. >Standard retail pricing for a blackwood chanter! > >Chanters are directly from Gibson on this experiment! > >So Royce, How are your 25 dogwhistles doing? I wouldn't call Sinclairs dogwhistles. Or the Warmac GenIII's. I was just curious because Jerry just told me personally that selling a whole set of chanters to a band directly would be unfair to his established outlets, so I wondered what established outlet you were using and what the cost to the band was going to be. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) toasting Date: 19 Feb 2000 16:37:43 -0800 Does anyone know the toast that is given in Gaelic that starts with, "Slainte......''. I had it once and lost it. Also, if you reply, could you put the thing not only in Gaelic but also the way it's pronounced. Phonetically I guess is what I'm trying to say. Cheers Don - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipe bag tying AND making Date: 19 Feb 2000 18:02:47 -0800 I'm no expert on this, but are you roughing the smooth side ( which is where you should be gluing ) ? My Dad used to make saddles and always ran a sanding block on the leather before gluing. He used Barg cement which held like nothing else. The split side doesn't glue up very well. I have a bag from John Pederson (UP's) I'm not sure if he makes them or gets them from McHarg, but they are glued and riveted. A Harley Davidson look I suppose. My personal preference for tying in is the third book from College of Piping and their instructions. I guess they are pretty much what your using. When you get all of this sorted out, how about putting up a posting on your findings. Cheers Don sdon wrote: > First question. I have been making pipe bags that better fit my pipers > so that they can be more comfortable playing their pipes. I have really > been looking to bagpipe ergonomics after a couple of discussions with > Bill Livingston who is a big proponent of this idea. Things are going > very well except we can't get the seam to stop leaking. (can't find a > machine that pulls big enough thread.) We have tried many different > things to solve the problem, but are still having the problem. Thus the > following questions > > 1. Do any of you have any knowledge on possible solutions to this > problem? Possibly other seam techniques? What kind of glue is Gannaway > using on their bags? I notice that they are all glued without stitching > which would solve my problem. I have tried BARG'S and various rubber > cements used for gluing leather without much luck. (I glue the seam > first them sew it. Just gluing doesn't hold it) Any help or insight > from people making their own bags or knowledge on the subject would be > appreciated. > > 2. Can anyone share any bag tying in techniques that work well? I.e. > measurements etc. I have used: tenor in middle, bass down from middle 3" > ,forward 1/2". End tenor down from the middle 3" and back 1/2". Blowpipe > stock 1/4 way in from chanter end of the bag down 1/2" and angled > toward the piper. These are the measurements included with tie in kits > sold at the highland games. They have worked ok for generic bag tie ins, > but I am looking for something better. I have heard of moving the > measurements forward of this for small pipers for kids, but am looking > for other ideas for a more comfortable "ergonomic" tie in. > > Thanks in advance for the useful advise. > > Don Smith > > -- > PIPER AT LARGE ( > White Peaks Pipe Band > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Re: John & Ron's Excellent Weekend Adventure! Date: 20 Feb 2000 03:37:59 GMT OUCH.... In article <>, "dnimmo" wrote: > > John Mitchell wrote in message <38ae2eda_2@>... > > > >Raistlin88 wrote in > >> Do you know who will be competing there, or who competed there last year? > >I > >> might be interested. > >> Casey > > > >Hey, I just go there for the Beer dude! > > Invitations are sent out to about 30 or 35 pipers of which 24 to 28 usually > accept........usually 2 or 3 Americans, the rest Canadian with all Cdn > piping areas being represented..........they are usually the youngsters who > are currently 'setting the boards on fire" in their particular > areas.............morning and afternoon devoted to everybody playing and > selecting top 8(no rankings published) who play in the > evening.............evening 8 are ranked and they all win a prize of some >'s a long day with a lot of great piping.......... > > first prize includes a bottle of single malt, which is traditionally poured > into the silver cup and everybody gets a drink, then the kitchen party > begins.......(unless you're a winner from SFUPB, then you just slide the > bottle in your pocket, give a nod to the most available groupie in the mess, > and screw off back to your hotel room).............. > > David > > Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Sharpe as Hell 2000 Date: 20 Feb 2000 02:32:12 GMT More wisdom from Iain Sherwood's web site: quote: More words of wisdom from JP: "I have recently been sent a Kintail 2000 Pipe Chanter to evaluate. My first impressions are very good. Excellent craftsmanship in this piece of wood. So how does it stack up to my Naill? Well the Naill is taped a bit on the High A, High G, and D. Same reed set in the Kintail 2000 required no tape. There is considerably more volume on the upper notes with the Kintail 2000. The Kintail 2000 has a wider bore, and this is where the extra volume comes from. With the Megarity-Ross reeds, which I normally use, the Kintail 2000 is very good. With Apps and Higgins reeds, also very good. It is my opinion that the Kintail 2000 is excellent for bands, where the extra volume on the upper notes can be a real blessing. For solo work, the extra volume may allow a slightly easier reed, while still delivering great tone, and again could be a blessing when performing some of the longer Piobaireachds. Serious players should have a go at this chanter." -John Eric Partanen endquote Well, I know I've been out of it. But is John P partners with Sherwood or what? Who the hell is John P that he should be so authoritative? I only knew John 15 years ago, and well, I think he was the PM of a grade 4 band in Arizona or something. In any case, Sharpe does have a decent chanter, the wood model is so thin walled it's actually fragile, it doesn't have a wide bore, just an extra reamer used to flare out the bell. It also is the highest pitched chanter in current production, even higher than the Gibson dogwhistle model. That may be fine with some fat Shepherds in there in a downpour in Scotland, but with Megarity/Ross in Utah at 5000 feet it's hypersonic. Think about it. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: sdon Subject: (bagpipe) Pipe bag tying AND making Date: 19 Feb 2000 18:22:43 -0700 First question. I have been making pipe bags that better fit my pipers so that they can be more comfortable playing their pipes. I have really been looking to bagpipe ergonomics after a couple of discussions with Bill Livingston who is a big proponent of this idea. Things are going very well except we can't get the seam to stop leaking. (can't find a machine that pulls big enough thread.) We have tried many different things to solve the problem, but are still having the problem. Thus the following questions 1. Do any of you have any knowledge on possible solutions to this problem? Possibly other seam techniques? What kind of glue is Gannaway using on their bags? I notice that they are all glued without stitching which would solve my problem. I have tried BARG'S and various rubber cements used for gluing leather without much luck. (I glue the seam first them sew it. Just gluing doesn't hold it) Any help or insight from people making their own bags or knowledge on the subject would be appreciated. 2. Can anyone share any bag tying in techniques that work well? I.e. measurements etc. I have used: tenor in middle, bass down from middle 3" ,forward 1/2". End tenor down from the middle 3" and back 1/2". Blowpipe stock 1/4 way in from chanter end of the bag down 1/2" and angled toward the piper. These are the measurements included with tie in kits sold at the highland games. They have worked ok for generic bag tie ins, but I am looking for something better. I have heard of moving the measurements forward of this for small pipers for kids, but am looking for other ideas for a more comfortable "ergonomic" tie in. Thanks in advance for the useful advise. Don Smith -- PIPER AT LARGE ( White Peaks Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Richard Mao Subject: (bagpipe) Ooold Caldwell reeds Date: 19 Feb 2000 20:21:31 -0500 Hi... May I ask for some input before I do something wrong.. I bought about a dozen Caldwell reeds (ridge cut type) a little more than a year ago. By mouth blowing.... they were all reasonably responsive... I found two that were the best... most responsive... most vibrant... and have been babying them for more than a year in my solo pipes.... but they are getting to the point where they are blown out... sounding thin... and I want to replace them with new reeds. When I looked at my remaining stock of Caldwells... to my disappointment... the sides of the reeds had separated from each other... creating an air-losing slit up the side of all the reeds (probably the blades have dried out and shrunken a bit). How do I proceed from here? ... my tendency would be to dip the reeds in water for ... how long?????... to get the cane to swell back shut ... and hopefully I could proceed as before when they were newly made.. BUT... we've been talking about soaking...yea's and nay's .... so I ask if alternatives should be used? Retying the reeds tighter... Blowing them in slowly so natural moisturization from the breath rehydrates the reed fibers? Any other approaches? Thanks in advance There is no real success unless they have the freedom to fail….Eric Hoffer Richard Mao, The Peking Piper ( ) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: CD's Date: 20 Feb 2000 05:14:26 GMT ranald wrote: > If your looking for a great selection of Piping or other Celtic music CD's > try there's one of the largest selections available and > the price is fantanstic! $17.75 for a CD delivered to your door in the U.S. from Canada. I guess that's not bad, but you could always pop down to the corner shop and get it for about the same, no? Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Ooold Caldwell reeds Date: 20 Feb 2000 04:34:39 GMT Richard Sorry about your luck. It's happened to all of us. Bringing a reed "back from the dead" is tricky at best. So many variables to consider. Too many to list here. My advice is to accept all the input that you can.... and then experiment! You've got nothing to lose and maybe, just maybe you'll save one or some of your reeds. Start with the less radical remedies. Sight unseen, I'd probably blow just a bit of moisture through the reed (use your saliva) and store it for a day in a capped pill bottle. Don't leave any visible dew (wetness) on the surface of the reed. The little moisture that is there will be drawn into the reed, hopefully restoring the reed to it's original shape and playability. You might want to repeat this over a few days until you get that familiar "craw" when the reed is mouth blown. This doesn't do you much good at this point, however your experience is exactly why I'm such a proponent of visiting your reeds every few days. Good luck and let us know what happens. Ringo Richard Mao wrote in message > > Hi... > > May I ask for some input before I do something wrong.. > > I bought about a dozen Caldwell reeds (ridge cut type) a > little more than a year ago. By mouth blowing.... they were > all reasonably responsive... > > I found two that were the best... most responsive... most > vibrant... and have been babying them for more than a year > in my solo pipes.... but they are getting to the point where > they are blown out... sounding thin... and I want to replace > them with new reeds. > > When I looked at my remaining stock of Caldwells... to my > disappointment... the sides of the reeds had separated from > each other... creating an air-losing slit up the side of all > the reeds (probably the blades have dried out and shrunken a > bit). > > How do I proceed from here? ... my tendency would be to dip > the reeds in water for ... how long?????... to get the cane > to swell back shut ... > > and hopefully I could proceed as before when they were newly > made.. > > BUT... we've been talking about soaking...yea's and nay's > .... so I ask if alternatives should be used? Retying the > reeds tighter... Blowing them in slowly so natural > moisturization from the breath rehydrates the reed fibers? > Any other approaches? > > Thanks in advance > > There is no real success unless > they have the freedom to fail..Eric Hoffer > > Richard Mao, The Peking Piper ( ) > > > > > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Wish I was in Winnipeg Date: 20 Feb 2000 02:26:02 GMT Ceilidh's just kicking off. Damn! Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Pipe Authentication Certificates Date: 20 Feb 2000 04:58:38 GMT Mark, Yes, very, very good points. Goes to show there is more to identifying a set of pipes than meets the (untrained) eye. I definitely learned something! :-) Nonetheless, you can write down the process to undertake to identify a set of pipes, an algorithm, if you will. Even if it says: "After doing A, B, C, D and E, having eliminated 97% of possible makers, get your lay tooling known to have come from shop X and lay it on the piece to verify or discredit your deduction." Even if such a tool is unavailable, there are ways to describe a physical object such as a pipe making tool---granted, it's potentially a lot of work, but it's not like you are trying to describe the shape of a cloud. If you want to get really fancy, you use a 3D digital scanner. Realistically, until these things come down in price, it's not like appraisers/pipe experts can afford these things when only charging $20 to identify/appraise a set of pipes. This, of course, is not going to tell you if a part has been replaced by an expert craftsman or not. But, it will allow someone to perhaps identify the maker of a set of pipes, as I have been unable to do so far with my 20-year-old set. It looks closest to a "MacLeod" set I've seen posted on the Internet, but the combing doesn't match (7 grooves vs. 10 grooves). Anyway, my two cents. Maybe just a pipe dream . . . ;-) Andrew wrote: > Trouble is, you can't always reference a photo. For example, makers > used combing tools with 24, 25, 26, etc..., threads per inch. So even > though a bass bottom joint might have the same look as another, you > won't be able to identify with 100% confidence until you lay a thread- > gage onto the combing. > > Same goes for beading. Unless you lay tooling, which is known to have > come out of a certain maker's shop, onto the piece, you're just > speculating. > > Mark -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) The Velvet Buffoon Date: 20 Feb 2000 02:10:17 GMT I've tried for some time now to figure out just where Iain Sherwood is coming from, what his underlying allegiances are, what his personal, or as it turns out, professional agenda is. You will recall some nonsense last month I respoonded to on his web site about George Kilgour, a matter I will sort out again in a moment, but I am now taken up-side the head by his latest babbling on the same web site, so I'll make a few comments on that just in the hopes that someone apart from Iain has any frigging idea what he's on about: Quote: By the time you read this, the fur will be flying. Black Part, the Scourge of the Scottish Main (California Division) filed a motion in Federal Court against WUSPBA on the 18th of last month, for an Ex Parte Protection Order halting the band association elections on the 5th of this month. The judge in Federal Court in Reno denied the order without prejudice because of insufficient time before the elections. The order may be resubmitted later, along with a formal complaint. John is serious about this, kids. And mean to boot. ...... COMPANA's supporters now number P/M Bill Livingstone, of the 78th Frasers, Ringo Bowen, of the Niagara Police, and P/M Brian Donaldson of the Scots Guards. Brian is the new VP of the Competing Pipers Association of Scotland, upon which the organisation and philosophy of COMPANA is based. Endquote Could it be he means "Black *Bart*?" Or is that "Black *Fart*?" Who is this Mr. "Fart" and why is he so eager to become the second most hated sue-happy bastard in the WUSPBA since the Salt Lake Scots? I hope that's not John Partenan, the guy I knew when I was PM of the Utah Pipe band or SCERA Scottish out there! What is the point of this litigious prickiness, other than to rushing to be the final nail in the coffin that buries the WUSPBA in 6' of earthy bullshite, and all but insures that nobody in their right mind would expose their own local associations to this petty level of weasely war-pissing on the whim of every prima-donna PM or solo-board peckerwood in North America, by joining up with a continental unification movement? You people are smothering yourselves with legal briefs. Pull your head out of your briefs will you please! I think I speak fairly universally for the MWPBA and the PPBA, the midwestern US and prairie provinces of Canada, when I suggest that any such proposal that includes leaving *our* frozen northern arses exposed to the likes of the feeble, legalistic, snivelling little toadies as we see so populating the WUSPBA, is going to receive only the standard, pipeband, "one-digit salute." And anyone championing such a proposal, such as Mr. Sherwood, can sit on it and swivel, except however, I imagine he would enjoy that far to much for it to be an effective insult. And furthermore, I know I haven't been following this, but what the hell have "P/M Bill Livingstone, of the 78th Frasers, Ringo Bowen, of the Niagara Police, and P/M Brian Donaldson of the Scots Guards" got to do with band piping in the western US? For that matter, who gives a flying pig what Ringo Bowen thinks about it in San Diego? I mean, why would anyone cite two guys in Ontario and a Scottish PM as some sort of "mandate" for the WUSPBA? I hope nobody in BC is stupid enough to run out and sign away their inherent right to self-determination to Ringo Bowen and Brian Donaldson, or for that matter, Bill Livingstone. Those guys DON'T LIVE THERE!* And neither does Ian Sherwood. I think there are enough pipers in BC or Seattle, or SanFrancisco, or Denver, or Salt Lake, Mesa, Tuscon, wherever, who know enough about the Scottish parent organization to know that's got its share or problems as well, so the idea of slaving yourself to a cheap North American copy of it is humorous. And then after a plug for a particular reed, Sherwood goes into this: quote: The NRPPB has placed consistantly in the top six in Grade II at the World Championships for the last several years, and the new reed may put them over the top in August. Once again - the proof is in the playing! endquote Without wishing any insult to the band at all, or the reed for that matter, I believe our last conversation just after the Worlds this year with our Mr. Mitchell, established that this was the first year Viagara has broken into the top 10. Likewise, with ST. Lawrence O'Toole, Polkemmet and others dropping down they'll need every boost they can get to stay in the top ten this year. (Although if Mitchell isn't playing any more they may have a chance now.) And now for a followup on last month's "Poopie's Corner": I know he thinks he's being witty. I know he thinks he's falling into a longstanding tradition of journalistic, chatty-gossipy, blatheriness. But part of that little "social column" tradition include there being some thread, some scrap, some central core of truth in all the hyperbole. Regarding Sherwood's drivelling of last month regarding CE Kron and particularly former partner in that firm, George Kilgour, Sherwood has apparently just lied his arse off and made up an entire interview with same, rather than even bother give the man a ring to maintain any presense of honorable intent. Mr. Sherwood claimed last month that Kilgour has been essentially going from home-to-home in Scotland in his retirement, spreading the word what rubbish all American pipe makers turn out, including his former partner, Charlie Kron and company. To believe Mr. Sherwood's assertions, Kilgour even apologised for the crap he personally turned out when he was over here. Now, George Kilgour has spent his entire life making pipes, and never made the sort of money certain makers can now command in the current piping renaissance. He certainly doesn't deserve now, to have some corpulent Scotawannabe from Northern California slagging off his life's work and then pretending it came from his own lips. The entire contents of Sherwood's website has in the interim been downloaded and read by George Kilgour. Kilgour assures us that he's never heard of Sherwood, and certainly never made any comments anything like those credited to him by Sherwood, to Sherwood or anyone else. In Kilgour's words, Ian Sherwood is a "jobbie jabber." George of course, would be entirely unaware of Sherwood's actual nickname, which is, "The Velvet Buffoon." And then there are the other bizarre little tidbits on his website.... Airtight made from drain cleaner? Get a clue. Blackwood cures in a year? You turn year-old blackwood and you can take the chips, wad them into a mudpie, and sling them at the wall and watch the patty stick. He's complained indignantly to the NG about Bill Davidson sending him porno, and yet he's got a picture of his "wife" in a rather provocative pose on his web site. His information about the wood used on Sharpe products is, well, crap. Sharpe and Co. use a govenmentally subsidized labor scheme to put trainees on the lathes so he can crank out over a thousand sets of pipes per year. That's an amazing feat and as I've put my head on the block repeatedly to say, the Glen reproductions have a great tone. But they are cheap pipes that look good and slick and not by any means family heirlooms or examples of master-pipemaking. I have no idea why he's so central in taking the WUSPBA to court or what his interest in Compana et al might be, as he's yet to provide anyone with a .wav file, or offer any suggestion that he can play at any level, much less played the boards or even slogged it out in a grade 4 band. One rumor has it however, that when asked he charges 350 US to play a wedding, so he must be able to make some noise on the pipes and I suppose I'll concede that much without proof. He also makes an embarassing claim to royalty on his web site, and claims to have written a book I'd like to read sometime. Maybe it would make a good review.... He's claimed to have hung around the J&R Glen shop in the late 60's and early 70's, when Andrew Ross was working there, but when pictures of Davey Glen were posted here, he identified Davey Glen as Andrew Ross, apparently just making a guess. His web site makes him out to be a machinist, yet when someone on the NG asked why Naill chanters have machining artifacts in the bore, he claimed the marks were caused by leaving a hot reamer in the bore too long. (As opposed to obvious chatter made by a flimsy reamer, which is part of the Naill production method. Reamers don't get "hot," and even if they did, they wouldn't put chatter marks in a bore.) To quote Sherwood's own challenge recently made to me regarding a review of our Mr. Bowen's book: quote: After all your blathering, WHAT'S YOUR POINT? Other than slamming Ringo, you've said nothing. As the purpose of the newsgroup is INFORMATION not VITUPERATION, you've failed miserably. Again! Iain Sherwood endquote As per the "informative" content of the post being challenged, had Sherwood waited to claim victory for the final installment, he might have preferred to shut his mouth and just wait to see how it ended. As for his own efforts on his web site, responding via own criteria, as we see he set above: My point is, Iain Sherwood completely fabricates lengthy interviews with people he's never met, and who don't in fact even support his contentions. People who call him names. My point is, Iain Sherwood doesn't know anything about the products he sells, or piping in general, and probably just likes to dress up. That latter of which, is grossly evident by his own promotion on his web site. My point is, Iain Sherwood is a vendor of pipes who's been entirely motivated by his falling profit margins, and thus has chosen to attack and slander his chief competitor, CE Kron, and to blatantly rally himself into the NG company of a circle of similarly motivated characters. To be blunt: Lynne Miller at House of Bagpipes has basically stole all his business by selling Kron gear. Lynne also sells Naills ,so Sherwood is out of luck when it comes to selling anything on the high end of the market. So, in Ian's local patch, you can either buy pipes you'll be playing as long as you want and as high as you want to go, from Lynne Miller at a good price and killer service, or you can buy the load of rubbish on Sherwood's website, and get a nice, cheap set of beginner pipes. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: certification of bagpipes.... Date: 19 Feb 2000 16:11:30 -0800 Hey ! Come on guys, he did include a picture of the bottom of the chanter, and how about that bacon, I mean bag. Rojo2G wrote: > >Does it come without stocks and a blowstick, or am I missing > >something? > > The color of the tassels can add lots of $$$ too! - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Trouble for the Worlds? Date: 19 Feb 2000 08:20:16 -0500 Well, John, I COULD say something to that, but I'll pass! Bill Burt John Mitchell wrote in message <38ad75d9_4@>... > wrote >> I wouldn't think it would affect anyone any more than usual... judges in >> particular! > >Hmmmmm!, maybe this is what happened to the 78th's result! > >The Judges were obviously dilutional!!! > > > >-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- > - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! >-----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =----- - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Velvet Goofoon Partenen II Date: 20 Feb 2000 02:22:20 GMT Also from Sherwood's web site: IN ADDITION we hear that the EUSPBA is trying to adopt an amendment that would prevent members or member bands from suing the association. Hmmm - wonder how they thought this one up? And just exactly how many constitutional amendments does it violate? Oops, better read up on Con Law, guys. You can't sign away your rights, under any circumstances, in this country. Wake up and smell the parchement. You'll find it's quite Constitutional to make such provisional membership requirements in voluntary organizations. You can sue anybody and at any time for any reason anyway. What you'll forfeit, is your membership. Then sue all you want. You will anyway. The EUSPBA wouldn't feel the need for such provisions were it not for pioneer legal harassers like Sherwood and friends. I just recalled that Partenen and company are actualy suing to get him elected, and the court papers were designed to delay things long enough to jam through changes in the bylaws to allow proxy votes or whatever, basic legal manouvering. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Metro Cup: Huh??? Date: 22 Feb 2000 23:17:52 -0400 wrote in message <88soj3$gr$>... > >I thought Ann Gray should of done alot better, her tone was >magnificent, It's too bad Mike Green used the Sheperd, couldn't even >compare with the brightness of the rest, his playing was good though, I >don't know what you're talking about with Gandy , His reel was the only >one expressed great the whole night everything else was expressed well >too,. Walker and Bell had a bad night Bell's fingers just weren't >there,Strathspey was very awkward not the norm for him, I really wish >he blew the crow away.Walker should of never went out with those pipes >I was embaressed for him! Andrew Hayes was awesome. He will be the best >piper in the world I have no doubt in my mind. Wish he had a catchier >name though, that might cost him some fame later on! I was impressed by >Gray,Hayes,and Gandy in that order. Everyone else was run of the mill >playing that night,someone actually messed up Jimmy Blue! almost forgot. >I want to know what Chris Hamilton thought, I saw him talking to Anne >Grey as I was getting more beer, any bad blood about the >review? "drones noticably out of tune" If I remeber right.I honestly >didn't know what to expect:) >Ann Gray had the brightest most resonate tone of the night,Anne If >you're reading, how do you get that sound!! no one came close! >Tim TIM ! Ann has read your post ...and passes along her thanks for the compliments (she doesn't subscribe to the NG, but I pass 'significant posts" along to her !) She also wants to assure you that there is absoluitely no bad blood between her and Chris fact, they have become good friends..........even been invited to his wedding !....... David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Setting the record straight Date: 23 Feb 2000 04:08:54 GMT On Mon, 21 Feb 2000 23:51:55 -0900, Michael New & Diane Rossmiller wrote: >Royce Lerwick wrote: > >> What that has to do with >> you being used as a role model for...John Cusak... > >Yeah, great piper, and he can act too! > >Michael > | Can't believe you're the only one who caught that. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Seasoning on Hide Bags-How Often? Date: 23 Feb 2000 00:42:41 GMT >I agree with this one. You season your bag when it won't hold >air when you cork the stocks and blow it up. This is the only >rule you need. I think that means your bag is shot. Seasoning might let it limp along for a little longer, but a hide bag doesn't need seasoning to be airtight. Seasoning is mostly for water absorption. Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Metro Cup: Huh??? Date: 21 Feb 2000 23:08:08 GMT Went to the Metro Cup and heard some great piping. Also heard a big variety of pipe sounds, and musical presentations, and styles of playing. I'd like to hear some intelligent discussion, hopefully from some knowledgeable pipers who were there. I picked 3 of the top 5 finishers, but I didn't have Bruce Gandy in the prize list at all. He seemed to play a different style of expression, which was foreign to me and honestly didn't appeal to me at all. It seemed a much rounder style than most other folks played. The fact that almost none of his tunes were traditional didn't help, so there was no recognition factor. I didn't hear a lot of good strathspey playing. Maybe 3 of 10. When I say "good", I mean with a strong rhythm that's danceable and full of lift. Most of the strathspeys were played rounder than I would have expected. Or is this a different style of piping? About half the pipers had excellent transitions into the next tune type, and about half just seemed to run one tune into another. Again, is this a different style? I enjoyed the performers who were a little more deliberate in their approach and got more expression into the music. FWIW, I thought Scot Walker played the most musically, but unfortunately on problem pipes. Michael Rogers also played musically, and was in the prize list. Michael Rogers and Rob Crabtree should have traded bag covers. Rob's fringe was so long it was almost in the way of his hiA, and Mike has such a long, exposed swan neck on his sheepskin that if it isn't covered for decency's sake,it should be adorned with either a blue ribbon or a condom ; ) So how do you score these things? 10 competitors. A couple of them have obvious pipe problems and/or mistakes and/or unconventional pipe sounds that put them out of the prize list. So you're left with 7 pipers. With pipe sounds from mellow (Michael Green) to electric (Andrew Hayes) and everything in between. Lots of pipes were louder than I liked. Some of the adjectives that describe the pipes I heard (in no particular order) were: good, good, loud, shrill, borrowed, mellow, electric, and like honey. My top 5 were Andrew Hayes, Michael Green, Rob Crabtree, Mike Rogers. and Stuart Liddell. Other things being equal, I like a mellower pipe sound and a musical presentation of the material. I didn't hear a lot of either Saturday night. I saw technique and lots of it, though. Or is that what Open piping is all about? Somebody tell me I'm wrong. Or maybe I'm writing a minority opinion. Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: chanter reeds Date: 21 Feb 2000 14:31:04 GMT In article <>, wrote: > Iain Macey's reeds are full and vibrant and don't take much air to > blow. Customer service is excellent. Very nice reeds. And, I believe Iain also finishes and tests every reed he sends out. Customer service is great and he answers every question put to him. Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: How to filter Date: 20 Feb 2000 09:28:01 -0400 Don Robertson wrote in message < >"Play bagpipes, don't fight." ? ? ? I thought the two were synonemous ! ! ! The very first page of my first copy of The Piping Times was some Scotsman (Seamus MacN.) giving another one a real going over.........I came to expect similar editorials in future issues ! I wrote him a letter once and his private reply was another generous heap of the same........and he went to his grave "still swinging"................. BTW...thanks for the info Don...... David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Setting the record straight Date: 22 Feb 2000 05:58:30 GMT On Mon, 21 Feb 2000 03:06:27 GMT, "Ron Bowen" wrote: >Ian Sherwood's quote: > >The NRPPB has placed consistently in the top six in Grade II at the World >Championships for the last several years, and the new reed may put them over >the top in August. Once again - the proof is in the playing! > >Royces's comment: > >Without wishing any insult to the band at all, or the reed for that matter, >I believe our last conversation just after the Worlds this year with our Mr. >Mitchell, established that this was the first year Viagara has broken into >the top 10. Likewise, with ST. Lawrence O'Toole, Polkemmet and others >dropping down they'll need every boost they can get to stay in the top ten >this year. (Although if Mitchell isn't playing any more they may have a >chance now.) > >Ringo's response: > >Niagara Regional Police PB has made two trips to The Worlds; 1998 and 1999. >The band did not finish in the top 10 in 1998. The intended insult >(Viagara) is taken to be more in reference to age than virility, And just for the record that's a pretty jovial regional nick-name in any case. >as >admittedly, we have more than a few pipers between the ages of 40 and 60, >but only because... we can play. And I should remind readers that with John >Mitchell on corner left, NRP ranked 2nd and 3rd in piping at the worlds and >beat World Champion City of Washington across the board at Montreal. NRP >was also narrowly beaten out by COW at Bethlehem, actually leading the 4 >contest event by one point going into the final MSR contest. We have the >utmost respect for COW and other competing bands. We don't pre-judge any >contest or take any contest for granted. We play pipes and let the judges >judge. And that's all well and good, but the point is that Iain Sherwood (Who somehow only shows up on a Yahoo search as "Ian Sherwood") is using your band's name to promote his main (and only) reed line, claiming to people 3000 miles away who've never heard of you that your record is just a big fatter than it really is. As tough as playing against one or two really good bands like COW may be at Bethlehem or Maxville or wherever, those contests are meaningless to people in Santa Rosa Califormia or Everette Washington, so Sherwood apparently just put you in the top six in the Worlds for the past "several years" for convenience. >The goals of COMPADA seem very worthwhile to me: Fine. At least that part of it is accurate. What that has to do with you being used as a role model for Jack and Terry Lee, Ian Whitelaw, Aladair Gillies, John Cusak, or any of the other perfectly capable players Sherwood might have latched onto for credibility, is beyond me. It just strikes me as odd that out of all of N America he comes up with a couple of names, one of which has apparently denied the endorsement, from Ontario, 3000 miles away, who play no role whatsoever in the WUSPBA, or really, anything to do with piping outside of the northeast US/ southeastern Canadian scene. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Metro Cup: Huh??? Date: 23 Feb 2000 00:24:12 GMT >I thought Ann Gray should of done alot better, her tone was >magnificent, I would call her tone "distinctive" me, shrill and nasal. >I >don't know what you're talking about with Gandy , His reel was the only >one expressed great the whole night everything else was expressed well >too, He played unfamiliar tunes, and I didn't like the style that he played. It's a style that's foreign to me and maybe I didn't understand it, but I still didn't like it. I think he won because he's Bruce Gandy. >Walker and Bell had a bad night Bell was using a borrowed chanter and reed. >Walker should of never went out with those pipes >I was embaressed for him! Me too. I felt so bad for him, especially since he broke down last year. Then again, several folks broke down last year. I think Scot just wanted to finish, more on principle, rather than break down 2 years running. I hated watching him play the H/J though...thought he wasn't going to make it. Funny, some people settled their pipes in 2 or 3 minutes, some never quite got them settled after 5 or 7. That must be a nerve-wracking experience...competing for real $, in front of 3 judges and a room full of pipers. Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Metro Cup: Huh??? Date: 23 Feb 2000 00:27:03 GMT >I, unfortunately, was sitting >next to the git who let out a loud rebel yell during Andy's jig. Several of >us wanted to physically eject him from the planet. What was up with that? All i could figure is that Hayes was playing a multi-part jig (6 or 8 parts) and the rebel yell coincided more or less with where the 4th part would have ended. Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael New & Diane Rossmiller Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Metro Cup: Huh??? Date: 22 Feb 2000 20:16:41 -0900 Zudupiper wrote: > He played unfamiliar tunes, and I didn't like the style that he played. It's a > style that's foreign to me and maybe I didn't understand it, but I still didn't > like it. I think he won because he's Bruce Gandy. > Whoever the judges were, Zu, you owe them an apology the next time you see them for making such an absurd remark in an international forum. I'm sure the judges that night picked the performance they felt was the best. Get a grip. Michael. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: GA-10 Korg Tuner Date: 22 Feb 2000 21:07:00 -0800 Is it a GA-10 or a CA-10 ? The CA-10 won't go to Bb like the bigger CA-20 so you can't really tune GHB's with it. At least from what I've been able to get from it. I use it for my guitar and UP's though. Cheers Don Anthony Lyle wrote: > I was recently given a GA-10 tuner but without any instructions. Does > someone have the directions they could copy and forward to me????? - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Beginner Tuning Question Date: 21 Feb 2000 14:43:04 GMT In article <38b080ea_1@>, "John Mitchell" wrote: > Yea, I liked the first instruction! > Turn on the power by hitting the power on button. Chris must have forgotten one instruction. Under "Little Known Operations": speak softly into the three slots, located under the word "MIC", to record secret 'notes'. Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael New & Diane Rossmiller Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Setting the record straight Date: 21 Feb 2000 23:51:55 -0900 Royce Lerwick wrote: > What that has to do with > you being used as a role model for...John Cusak... Yeah, great piper, and he can act too! Michael - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Carr Subject: (bagpipe) Re: chanter reeds Date: 20 Feb 2000 14:08:29 GMT GILMOUR REEDS! Bill Carr Denny Andrews wrote: > Our band needs to expand our inventory of chanter reeds. I would like to try > something different than we are useing now. Warnok, shepard, higgens, caldwell > hardies and a few other's, any suggestions? the band is made up of grade 3&4 > players > Thanks, > Denny - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Adjusting PC reed Sharp/Flatness? Date: 20 Feb 2000 21:23:04 GMT I should now this by now but here's my question: If on your chanter your top hand is on pitch and your bottom hand sounds flat, what's the proper thing to do to adjust it? (Or vise versa?) I know pushing the reed in makes it sharper, but doesn't it affect the top or bottom hand more typically? A bridle is usually going to affect the bottom or top hand more? Thanks, Andrew p.s. My 18-month-old busted my PC reed I've been using for 2-1/4 years, since I started! :-( It was all set perfect. But, alas, I left my PC out and she got it and put it in her toy box . . . -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Anderson" Subject: (bagpipe) Info needed on Gannaway Bags Date: 22 Feb 2000 15:32:19 -0000 I have just upgraded to MS Office 2000 and the dam thing has re set my Ng to deleate messages after 7 days, so I have lost all the info on these bags. I have to address prices etc but my question is about the sizes and how they compare to say a Canmore - many thanks. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Beginner Tuning Question Date: 20 Feb 2000 18:21:50 -0500 On Sun, 20 Feb 2000 17:08:20 +1100, Lawrie Silverberg wrote: > I've just gotten a lovely set of Tweedies from Ron Bowen. I'm >trying to understand how one tunes his (or her) own pipes if one can't >do it by ear. I take them to my instructor and it appears to me that >he is tuning the first tenor drone to the chanter and then the other >drones to the first tenor and the chanter. Since I can't do this >myself, I've decided to investigate the Korg tuners. I've read a >couple of things on the Korg CA-20 and there is no mention of tuning >the meter to the chanter so you can tune the drones to the chanter. >The discussion is just on tuning the drones to the meter. What am I >missing here. I've got a webpage on the CA-20. But ... it would be much much better to learn to tune your own drones. The Korg is a supplemental aid for a pipe band. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Velvet Goofoon Partenen II Date: 23 Feb 2000 05:36:23 GMT On Tue, 22 Feb 2000 09:25:15 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >What would you propose, that we drop the solo contests on >the day of the games. Think of the poor parents that are already >giving up 90% of their summer weekends to take their youngster >to the existing games now. You're the guy supposed to be modelling yourself after the Scottish system. You're the guy supposed to have "been there and done that." You tell me. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Maeve" Subject: (bagpipe) Back and what a surprise!!!!!! Date: 21 Feb 2000 22:15:20 -0500 Well, with a miracle, I got home late tonight and what a weekend I had in Louisiana!!!!! The miracle came while flying into Memphis .. . yeah, I know, Florida to Memphis, to Louisiana . . makes sense to me too! The landing in Memphis for the best of flyers was horrendous! Wind sheer problems, dropping plane, bouncing all of the way to the ground! One of the passengers seated next to me was an off-duty flight attendant who told me that this was the most dangerous landing she had experienced in her entire career!!!! For a fearful flyer on drugs (moi), it was enough for me to call my friend in Louisiana and tell her to come and get me. Another Xanax and a beer got me on the next flight and I was SOOOOO glad that I did! I have never experienced such a glorious weekend! Now this fellow, Norman Kennedy, was staying at my friend's house along with myself and another girl friend of mine. I had taken Angus out to the back yard and was practicing (sounded good while the Xanax was still in effect!!!!!!). When I came in, my friend told me that Norman had been singing to my piping. I looked surprised and said, "I was playing piobaireachd and he was singing??" Seems as though not only was he singing piobaireachd, but he was singing it in Gaelic!!!!!! I grabbed him as quickly as I could and we commenced to spending the entire weekend talking about old pipe tunes, piobaireachd, interpretations of the Gaelic words and everything! He asked me if I knew "The Cave of Gold" and my mouth fell open to the ground! I told him that I had JUST printed out the music to it the day before and that this must be a message from the Piping Gods to hear about it twice in 24 hours! Norman told me the story behind the tune and then sang it in Gaelic for me and THEN interpreted the words for me . . . . ON TAPE! He also did this with another piobaireachd. We talked about all of the great old pipers that he had grown up with, knew, partied with, sang with, etc. etc. etc. Never mind the tartan weaving . . I got more out of this workshop than I could have ever imagined! Last night we sat in the living room of my friends house and I listened, roaring with laughter, as he told tales of his youth, growing up in Glasgow, blowing up frogs and seagulls, bringing drunk ducks into the house, teaching Gaelic songs at many of the schools around everywhere . . . .whew . . . what an education I received!!!! I am still flying high from all of this learning experience!!!! I thanked him a million times for taping these songs for me and he told me that he was more than thrilled to do it for someone he knew would really appreciate it! I only wish that all of you here could have joined in the marvelous, once-in-a-life-time experience that I had over the last few days! Yes, I learned some about tartan weaving but I got so much more out of the rest of it!!!!! Norman promised that he would come down to my house some day and spend hours on Maeve's Magic Porch, singing piobaireachd to me :) :) :) :) :) :) Whew. More than I can digest for the moment. I had no idea that there were actually songs that went with these piobaireachds and it makes it SO much more special when you are playing and knowing the words to the song!!!!!!! Can you tell I'm still high on life right now?!?!? What an experience! Oh .. he did sing some of the light music tunes as well but that didn't mean near as much to me . . . . . sorry! -- Love and Light be with you, Maeve . . . back in sunny Florida authoring "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." --- Oscar Wilde - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Beginner Tuning Question Date: 21 Feb 2000 10:12:59 -0500 On Mon, 21 Feb 2000 14:43:04 GMT, oshpiper wrote: >In article <38b080ea_1@>, > "John Mitchell" wrote: > >> Yea, I liked the first instruction! >> Turn on the power by hitting the power on button. > >Chris must have forgotten one instruction. > >Under "Little Known Operations": speak softly into the three slots, >located under the word "MIC", to record secret 'notes'. What's the frequency Kenneth? Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Info needed on Gannaway Bags Date: 22 Feb 2000 11:57:51 -0500 On Tue, 22 Feb 2000 15:32:19 -0000, "Peter Anderson" wrote: >I have just upgraded to MS Office 2000 and the dam thing has re set my Ng to >deleate messages after 7 days, so I have lost all the info on these bags. I >have to address prices etc but my question is about the sizes and how they >compare to say a Canmore - many thanks. Medium is like a small Ross. Probably smaller than a medium Canmore. Shorter and fatter perhaps. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: chanter reeds Date: 20 Feb 2000 18:23:23 -0500 On 20 Feb 2000 13:42:17 GMT, (Denny Andrews) wrote: > Our band needs to expand our inventory of chanter reeds. I would like to try >something different than we are useing now. Warnok, shepard, higgens, caldwell >hardies and a few other's, any suggestions? the band is made up of grade 3&4 >player Iain Macey's reeds are full and vibrant and don't take much air to blow. Customer service is excellent. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matthew Wood" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Metro Cup? Date: 20 Feb 2000 15:48:51 GMT Don't forget dress and deportment! John Patrick Matt Wood Lloyd Bragg wrote in article <>... > 5. Rob Crabtree > 4. John Patrick > 3. Mike Rogers > 2. Andrew Hayes > 1. Bruce Gandy > > It was a great time. Some Great music. > > Lloyd > > Brian wrote in message > > > Anyone have results from last night's Metro Cup? > > > > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Seasoning on Hide Bags-How Often? Date: 21 Feb 2000 06:30:36 GMT Hmmmmm. dnimmo wrote: > It should be seasoned immediately upon installation, and two > to four times a year depending on your environment, type of blower you I haven't seasoned my bag for over a year. I am on the California coast, so maybe it's not as dry as other places. Do most folks season their bags 2-4 times a year? Maybe mine's a-leakin' and I don't even know it . . . Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: toasting Date: 20 Feb 2000 16:46:09 -0800 Yahoo!! That's the one Rick. From the Royal Scots, is the one I've been looking for. Thanks to all who replied, there are some good ones. Thanks Again Cheers Don Rick wrote: > Slainte mhath, h-huile latha, na chi 'snach fhaic. Slainte! > Regimental toast (Royal Scots) > (good health, every day, whether I see you or not. Health!) > . . . and I'm not going near the pronuciation ;-) > > Deoch slainte ne bhan Righ. > (Scots Guards) > (God's health to the King) > > Slan agus seaghal agat. . . don't know where that one came from, or the > translation. > > Cheers, > Rick > > Don Robertson wrote in message > > > Does anyone know the toast that is given in Gaelic that starts with, > > "Slainte......''. I had it once and lost it. Also, if you reply, could > > you put the thing not only in Gaelic but also the way it's pronounced. > > Phonetically I guess is what I'm trying to say. > > Cheers > > Don > > > > > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Metro Cup: Huh??? Date: 23 Feb 2000 06:58:31 -0500 On 23 Feb 2000 00:24:12 GMT, (Zudupiper) wrote: >He played unfamiliar tunes, and I didn't like the style that he played. It's a >style that's foreign to me and maybe I didn't understand it, but I still didn't >like it. I think he won because he's Bruce Gandy. I think he won because he PLAYED like Bruce Gandy ... Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Metro Cup: Huh??? Date: 23 Feb 2000 08:22:38 -0500 >He played unfamiliar tunes, and I didn't like the style that he played. It's a >style that's foreign to me and maybe I didn't understand it, but I still didn't >like it. I think he won because he's Bruce Gandy. As a matter of fact, Gandy played ALL Gandy tunes and he did it to see how it would go over with the judges. Apparently, they like them. Bill> > >>Walker and Bell had a bad night > Mild understatement! > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Metro Cup: Huh??? Date: 23 Feb 2000 08:24:18 -0500 >Wasn't that a woman, and an Atlantic Watch stewart to boot. The noise >from the bar area was intolerable throughout.... No, it was just a drunken post-teenager with no concert manners. I sat near Jock Nisbet and the two of us wanted desperately to make him a permanent part of the floor. > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (ALIXGUNN) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: rob Date: 23 Feb 2000 15:42:38 GMT >This is not true. Tony MacLachlan of A.T.MacLachlan Highland Supplies spoke with Robert this morning and he said that reports of his demise had been greatly exaggerated. < Well, that's a relief. Now what newspaper was Jimmy Findlanter reading? - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Metro Cup: Huh??? Date: 23 Feb 2000 08:25:56 -0500 Zudupiper wrote in message <>... >>I, unfortunately, was sitting >>next to the git who let out a loud rebel yell during Andy's jig. Several of >>us wanted to physically eject him from the planet. > >What was up with that? All i could figure is that Hayes was playing a >multi-part jig (6 or 8 parts) and the rebel yell coincided more or less with >where the 4th part would have ended. > >Zu The kid was an ignorant a**hole. What more can I say? Bill - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jim McGill Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Making smallpipes? Date: 23 Feb 2000 08:45:44 -0800 There was considerable discussion a while back about making small pipes from the brass tubing you can buy at model making stores and plastic plumbing pipe. You don't need a lathe and you can make all the bits cheaply. There is a good discussion on Eric Reiswig's homepage, If you're a reasonable scrounger, it probably will cost you less than $50. The tough part is the reed making, but keep on it, it's a very useful skill to learn. Jim - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Carr Subject: (bagpipe) Fifteen ways Date: 23 Feb 2000 16:48:27 GMT Just got this from a piping friend in Sweden. 15 WAYS TO KNOW IF YOU'VE BEEN IN A PIPE BAND WAAAAAAY TOO LONG. 15. You actually like marching in parades and would kill to do it all year long. 14. The drummers are starting to make sense to you. 13. You wonder what life would be like if you weren't in the band. 12. You start seriously listening to the cartoon music backgrounds because one, kinda, sounded like a bagpipe... once... you think...pretty sure anyway. 11. You start screaming "LEFT! LEFT! LEFT!" at the people who are walking in front of you. 10. You think "band humor" jokes are funny. 9. The drummers are starting to make sense to you. 8. Now that you've dated everyone in the band, you fear you'll never date again. 7. You think Pipe Majors have a right to be egotistical. 6. You don't think side drummers have a slight attitude problem. 5. You hum tunes and sets which match your walking speed. 4. You used to play a pretty mean bass guitar and switched to bagpipes... for the chicks. 3. You get into heated, even bitter discussions over whether that 32nd note in the 12th part of the tune, no one can play anyway, should be a 'G' or a 'C'. 2. The drummers are starting to make sense to you. 1. And finally... The number one sign that you've been in a pipe band waaaaaay too long... You've read more than three of these and said to yourself "Well, what's wrong with that?" Bill Carr - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Carr Subject: (bagpipe) PC Reeds wanted. Date: 23 Feb 2000 16:48:29 GMT Hi I'm looking for a source of cane practice chanter reeds. Anyone know of a supplier? Also....I need a few of those yellow PC type reeds that used to be in the Walsh Shuttle Pipes drones before they changed to the new style. Thanks Bill Carr - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: JOHN MITCHELL Subject: (bagpipe) Re: rob Date: 23 Feb 2000 17:23:45 GMT Chris Apps wrote: > This is not true. Tony MacLachlan of A.T.MacLachlan Highland Supplies > spoke with Robert this morning and he said that reports of his demise > had been greatly exaggerated. > -- > Chris Apps Yep same result here! So Jimmy, if you're living in BC, what local paper are you reading? Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Back and what a surprise!!!!!! Date: 23 Feb 2000 13:22:30 -0500 I first heard Normal Kennedy about 15 years ago when I was a fairly new piper. He was among the performers at a folk music festival in Salem MA, along with Jean Redpath , The Gloucester Hornpipe & Clog society ( an excellent local band of the time) some other performers who I don't recall at the moment, and me on pipes. He was there as a weaver/storyteller as I recall, But what I remember most is the singing. Matt Buckley wrote: > Maeve wrote in article > > > Now this fellow, Norman Kennedy, was > > staying at my friend's house along with myself and another girl friend of > > mine. I had taken Angus out to the back yard and was practicing (sounded > > good while the Xanax was still in effect!!!!!!). When I came in, my > friend > > told me that Norman had been singing to my piping. I looked surprised and > > said, "I was playing piobaireachd and he was singing??" Seems as though > not > > only was he singing piobaireachd, but he was singing it in Gaelic!!!!!! I > > I had no idea that > > there were actually songs that went with these piobaireachds and it makes > it > > SO much more special when you are playing and knowing the words to the > > song!!!!!!! > > Maeve - You must find the Alan MacDonald/Margaret > Stewart recording. Alan has done extensive research > regarding the pibroch/gaelic song connection, and > he has presented some fascinating theories to the > piping world regarding how we have lost the essence > of the pibroch/song connection. Anna Murray (two > recordings, although not pibroch), native Gaelic speaker/singer, born and > raised on Lewis, is a > wonderful piper who also has researched the connec- > tion. Essentially, their view is that the songs came > first, not the pibrochs. Further, the ornamentation > of the pipes arises out of, and directly mimics, the > Gaelic language. Its all fascinating stuff. > > By the way, Norman lives about 40 minutes from my > house in Vermont. I've been listening to him for years. > He's a bit of a "local legend". > > Cheers. Matt - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The "Beck" valve & water trap. Date: 23 Feb 2000 12:50:26 -0400 JOHN BROADWELL wrote in message <>... >David, I guess the best insurance would be a Little Mac in your pocket. :-) Funny you should say that !............I kept a Little Mac in my pipe box just for that purpose(left over from my Gibson days).................but when the valve started to act up on my Henderson blowpipe, I reached for the Little Mac to discover that it was too big ! or more importantly, the bore on the Henderson blowstick was SO SMALL !....that set me thinking............and I ended up buying an Airstream blowstick that has such a drop in air restriction that I THOUGHT I HAD DIED AND GONE TO BAGPIPE HEAVEN....! David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Back and what a surprise!!!!!! Date: 23 Feb 2000 18:55:08 GMT I attended the John Patrick/Stuart Liddel recital at the Scotts American Club in Kearny, NJ on Monday night and was treated to John Patrick singing Piobaireachd during the after. He was reviewing some tunes with Brian May. Quite interesting. -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) SEASONING--Storage/Corrosion? Date: 23 Feb 2000 22:02:53 GMT I'd like to hear from folks about how they store their seasoning, particularly those that just leave the stuff in the can in the refrigerator. Has anyone had problems with that? Mine, aside from some black stuff around the lip of the can under the lid, looks/smells fine after a year or so since I last used it. Others (some more experienced than I) claim the seasoning "eats" the can over time and therefore put it into glass or plastic containers instead. The inside of my bag looks likes it's been sprinkled with an off-white powder---it hasn't, but that's the visual effect. When I last seasoned my bag, I rinsed it out first with a small amount of warm water to remove a bunch of old black sludge (10-year-old seasoning). So I'm wondering about the old black bag sludge vs. the black sludge on the can lip. Any thoughts? Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Back and what a surprise!!!!!! Date: 23 Feb 2000 18:55:01 GMT I attended the John Patrick/Stuart Liddel recital at the Scotts American Club in Kearny, NJ on Monday night and was treated to John Patrick singing Piobaireachd during the after. He was reviewing some tunes with Brian May. Quitre interesting. -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Culloden Highland Games/ P&D competition Date: 23 Feb 2000 13:36:57 -0500 Gee, some of my ancestors got too close to a place called Culloden one April and.... Ccc31807 wrote: > The Culloden (Georgia, USA) Highland Games are Saturday, April 8, 2000, in > Culloden, Georgia. Culloden is located about an hour south of Atlanta. For > details, and a registration form, check our web site at > > > > We offer both solo and band competition, and cordially invite you to come to > Culloden to compete and spend the weekend with us. Our judges this year are > Alasdair Gillies, Bill Caudill, and Dave Armit, and our host band is the > Atlanta Pipe Band. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Kronies Unite Date: 24 Feb 2000 01:23:16 GMT I understand Alasdair played the pink Krons at the QM, also the phenolic Kron chanter. Guess there was quite the buzz around him afterward trying to see what the big tone was coming from. Anyone there to hear? Royce (I've got a couple of the new phenolics and they're great, but I was really taken by surprized by the sound of the newly tweaked woodie. Those of you who were unhappy with the old pitch will also find that Kron's new policy is to just have you tell them where you want the things to play, but this wood one hits the sweet spot without having to go into the stratosphere and plays right in with a Shepherd/Sinclair, at about A# plus 25-30 cents. No, I'm not guessing, I just played with Shepherd last week just fine. I'll have to translate that to HZ when I get through this plate of shrimp vindaloo.) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Partaned/Sharp2000 Date: 24 Feb 2000 01:08:24 GMT I've got some problem with getting private emails that look like they *probably* were dittoed from the NG, but then they either take days to show up on my server, or I miss them entirely. In any case, some, like Mitchell's Gibson allusions, which just showed up on the NG, I've already responded privately days ago. I don't know for sure now where John Partenan's post went, but I think it pertinent to mention that in response to my review of the Sharp 2000 pipe chanter from Iain Sherwood's web site, I at least got an indignant private email from Partenan telling me I should at least wait to play the chanter before I criticize it. I have in fact played every Sharp chanter since 1995 nd if Partanen really wants me to take apart every issue, I can do that. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: rob Date: 23 Feb 2000 17:55:20 -0800 Most people know who Rob Mathieson is, but why post a message about Rob Matheson who we don't know? Just one of those things that make you go Hmmmmmmm! Cheers Don Jimmy Findlater wrote: > vancouver sun, a rob matheson was killed in a car crash in rural b.c. i > said rob matheson, not rob mathieson!!!! geez guys, i said nothing about > the pipe major of shotts, god people, go reading into things so darn > soon!!!!! > > jimmy > John Mitchell wrote in message > news:38b43492_2@ > > wrote in message > news:8916bt$4rk$ > > > > > > >he said that reports of his demise > > > > had been greatly exaggerated. > > > > > > > > > How exactly do you exaggerate a death? > > > > Jimmy, I think you have a bit of explaining to do!!! > > > > > > > > > > -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- > > - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! > > -----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =----- - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: SEASONING--Storage/Corrosion? Date: 23 Feb 2000 17:51:59 -0800 I had the same results. I wonder if it's the same reason food goes bad quickly when left in the can in the fridge. Perhaps it's the can reacting with the stuff some how ???? Me not know. Don > > Every time I left my excess seasoning in the can it turned to > crud .... even when refrigerated. You may have been luckier > *this* time. > > The old black sludge in your bag can whip the old black sludge > in the can any day. At least that's my opinion. ;-) > > Lloyd > ***** > > In article <>, Andrew & Kristen Lenz > wrote: > > > I'd like to hear from folks about how they store their seasoning, > > particularly those that just leave the stuff in the can in the refrigerator. > > > > Has anyone had problems with that? Mine, aside from some black stuff > > around the lip of the can under the lid, looks/smells fine after a year > > or so since I last used it. > > > > Others (some more experienced than I) claim the seasoning "eats" the can > > over time and therefore put it into glass or plastic containers instead. > > > > The inside of my bag looks likes it's been sprinkled with an off-white > > powder---it hasn't, but that's the visual effect. When I last seasoned > > my bag, I rinsed it out first with a small amount of warm water to > > remove a bunch of old black sludge (10-year-old seasoning). So I'm > > wondering about the old black bag sludge vs. the black sludge on the can lip. > > > > Any thoughts? > > > > Andrew > > -- > > Andrew & Kristen Lenz > > > > Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Richard Mao Subject: (bagpipe) Re: GA-10 Korg Tuner Date: 23 Feb 2000 22:56:21 -0500 Hi... my understanding is that the GA-10 means its a GUITAR tuner... preset for the guitar strings... won't work for bagpipes The CA-10 is the predecessor to the CA-20 ...CA means Chromatic/Automatic... I think... The differences that I see between the CA-10 and the CA-20 (I own both) are: The CA-10 is a slightly larger box... cigarette pack size versus the CA-20 which is about half as thick. The CA-10 takes a 9 volt battery, the CA-20 takes two AAA's The CA-10 registers/displays the bagpipe A as Chromatic A sharp. The CA-20 registers the bagpipe A as Chromatic Bflat (the same note)... If you change the calibration away from Chromatic A=440 hz (the range can be set to 430 through 449) in order to change where the zero point green shows up (as opposed to tuning to a displacement)... The CA-10, when turned off, will forget this recalibration and when powered up is calibrated again to default A=440. The CA-20 remembers the difference in calibration and when powered off and on will come up the same as when it was turned off. Otherwise the two have similar features... a LCD needle system + and - 50 cents from each chromatic note.... regular quarter inch jack for input from a mike or other direct mode and manual mode.. green light flanked by two red lights for easy spotting when a note is tuned right on with the chromatic note (plus or minus calibration displacements) The CA-10 is actually more stable sitting on a shelf... Price for the CA-20 at discount music supply stores is under $18... Hope this helps... There is no real success unless they have the freedom to fail….Eric Hoffer Richard Mao, The Peking Piper ( ) Don Robertson wrote: > Is it a GA-10 or a CA-10 ? The CA-10 won't go to Bb like the bigger CA-20 > so you can't really tune GHB's with it. At least from what I've been able > to get from it. I use it for my guitar and UP's though. > Cheers > Don > > Anthony Lyle wrote: > > > I was recently given a GA-10 tuner but without any instructions. Does > > someone have the directions they could copy and forward to me????? - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Price of Sheep Skin Bags! Date: 24 Feb 2000 00:06:34 -0500 On Wed, 23 Feb 2000 22:49:38 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >Has Sheep Skin become a rare commodity these days? > >I just looked at a site quoting $220.00 for a S.S. Bag. >This Beggs the question, Why is it so dam exspensive. > >Are SS bags going to cost $300 dollars soon? I paid $70 USofA for my Gannaway, and it's working like a champ. And I've gone through about $4 of seasoning in 4 months. And it works! Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kronies Unite Date: 24 Feb 2000 00:31:16 -0500 On Thu, 24 Feb 2000 05:16:47 GMT, (Royce Lerwick) wrote: >On Wed, 23 Feb 2000 22:01:59 -0500, "John Mitchell" > wrote: > >>BTW, Are you not the guy that wrote in your book that >>all chanters in a band should be set a few cents off of each other. > >Actually, what I said was it didn't matter straining all day on every >note or even overall pitch if you were withing a few cents ... > ... You can't in fact get the GHB more than within few >cents of one another. All the fine music you hear from the >orchestra or piano or guitar or brass, none of those >even more finely crafted, more easily controlled instruments >play within less than few cents of one-another. The manual for my Korg AT-120 tuner says: "since 1 cent is an extremely small unit, a pitch difference of +/- 3 cents will not be a real problem" Hertz, that's different. A few Hz off would be horrendous! Cents, not so big a deal. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: SEASONING--Storage/Corrosion? Date: 23 Feb 2000 19:47:56 -0400 Andrew & Kristen Lenz wrote in message <>... >I'd like to hear from folks about how they store their seasoning, >particularly those that just leave the stuff in the can in the refrigerator. Apparently it is better to store the excess in a glass bottle in the fridge, not in the the experts told me................. I only use the can/jar about three times and then throw the remainder ten bucks a can, used twice a year, I figure I can afford $11CAN every eighteen months as a "seasoning expense"........... David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: sdon Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The "Beck" valve & water trap. Date: 23 Feb 2000 20:12:58 -0700 I have a blowpipe I sell that has less resistance than Airstream and is alot nicer looking and much more sturdy, Don JOHN BROADWELL wrote: > Dave, I remember Maeve saying how a 20 year old Li'l Mac gave out on her in > a competition, nothing, but absolutely nothing is 100% proof against > incident, the Beck fits in the base of the blowpipe stock on three graduated > neoprene rings, I suppose to fit any size stock. I found you can actually > firm up the fitting into the stock by pressure from underneath the deflated > bag. I too have a Henderson pipe, sorry Mauve, "Fergus" and would love to > try an airstream but the Henderson blowstick is Blackwood, silver and > imitation ivory bulb (less susceptible to cracking from moisture then Ivory) > and looks very pretty, so I am reluctant to get one, BUT if Airstreams are > that good then I may change my mind, any suggestions???? (Bagpipe heaven > sounds a cool place to be) > > Slainte > > John B > > "dnimmo" wrote in message > > > > > JOHN BROADWELL wrote in message <>... > > >David, I guess the best insurance would be a Little Mac in your pocket. > :-) > > > > > > Funny you should say that !............I kept a Little Mac in my pipe box > > just for that purpose(left over from my Gibson days).................but > > when the valve started to act up on my Henderson blowpipe, I reached for > the > > Little Mac to discover that it was too big ! or more importantly, the > > bore on the Henderson blowstick was SO SMALL !....that set me > > thinking............and I ended up buying an Airstream blowstick that has > > such a drop in air restriction that I THOUGHT I HAD DIED AND GONE TO > > BAGPIPE HEAVEN....! > > > > David > > > > > > > > -- PIPER AT LARGE ( White Peaks Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Re: hem in a kilt Date: 24 Feb 2000 12:11:52 GMT I saw it a few weeks ago myself. The same thought crossed my mind. I wonder why advertisers don't do a little more research. Whenever I see the LYCOS commercial with the piper in the cotton/nylon kilt that is blowing in the wind, I cringe. If he was in a 16 oz. wool kilt like he should be, he wouldn't have so much of a problem. Of course that would destroy the ad. And where did they get that background sound!!?? I sure hope not out of a real set of pipes! Or maybe they used Pakis! OH well, artisic liscense, I suppose, has its place. Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Carr Subject: (bagpipe) Stuff for sale Date: 24 Feb 2000 14:35:36 GMT --------------1288579ED94A37C888ABAD46 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I've got some stuff to clear out if anyone is interested.. 1 set tartan cover & cords. MacAlpine Tartan (I have a jpg of it) with matching green cords. Never used. $30 1 set of EZ Drone reeds. New, still in the box. $45. 3 x MacMurchie Delrin practice chanters. Standard size with countersunk holes. The holes spacing is very close to that of the pipe chanter. $38 each. I seem to be accumulating Pipe Chanters again. I've got 2 MacFarlanes (1 plastic, 1 deadwood) plus a Soutar plastic and a Kron Phenolic. I'd like to keep them all but I'd never play them all. I'm only going to keep one of them, when I make up my mind which. So..if you are looking for a good chanter then let me know. Bill Carr --------------1288579ED94A37C888ABAD46 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I've got some stuff to clear out if anyone is interested..

1 set tartan cover & cords. MacAlpine Tartan (I have a jpg of it) with matching green cords. Never used. $30

1 set of EZ Drone reeds. New, still in the box. $45.

3 x MacMurchie Delrin practice chanters. Standard size with countersunk holes. The holes spacing is very close to that of the pipe chanter. $38 each.

I seem to be accumulating Pipe Chanters again. I've got 2 MacFarlanes (1 plastic, 1 deadwood) plus a Soutar plastic and a Kron Phenolic. I'd like to keep them all but I'd never play them all. I'm only going to keep one of them, when I make up my mind which. So..if you are looking for a good chanter then let me know.

Bill Carr --------------1288579ED94A37C888ABAD46-- - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: PC Reeds wanted. Date: 24 Feb 2000 10:00:34 -0500 Celtic Fire has Harkness cane PC reeds ( or did , last time i was in- about three weeks ago) Mare wrote: > Bill Carr wrote in message > > > Hi > > > > I'm looking for a source of cane practice chanter reeds. Anyone know of > > a supplier? > > > > Tartan Thistle has cane pc is . > Webpage is > > Mare - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Info needed on Gannaway Bags Date: 24 Feb 2000 15:01:47 GMT In article <>, Fred wrote: > Yesterday I replaced a small Ross cannister with a Gannaway medium. Someone mentioned the price of Gannaway's bags went up from $70 U.S. Has it? Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Metro Cup: Huh??? Date: 24 Feb 2000 16:30:16 GMT Hey Zu, Was there myself and was also kind of surprised by the results, I thought he was up there but maybe not in the top spot. Goes to show you what I know. This was a subject of much discussion in our band last night after practice. The "Learned One", was telling us that yes his style is different and that technically there were a few others who may have played better. The point he won the contest on was that he played flawlessly and MUSICALLY. Big type to stress the point. Yeah, Andrew Hayes ripped off a wonderful set, Cameronian Rant is probably on of the hardest jigs to play. Flawless playing with not one mistake, but not the musical expression that Bruce had. Personally I thought Andrew was going to win it myself. -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kronies Unite Date: 24 Feb 2000 05:16:47 GMT On Wed, 23 Feb 2000 22:01:59 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >BTW, Are you not the guy that wrote in your book that >all chanters in a band should be set a few cents off of each other. Actually, what I said was it didn't matter straining all day on every note or even overall pitch if you were withing a few cents, but explaining the "chorus" effect of the principles of deliberate "detuning" in your case would be explaining the fine points of a Swiss watch movement to chimpanzee with hammer. > >That's supposed to give depth to a band's sound you say. Hmmmmm! >Not Bloody likely!!!!!!!!! I love it when you set yourself up like this. You can't in fact get the GHB more than within few cents of one another. All the fine music you hear from the orchestra or piano or guitar or brass, none of those even more finely crafted, more easily controlled instruments play within less than few cents of one-another. Indeed, the range on some fine orchestral instruments may differ as much as 10 cents on various notes. >Ever hear a massed band and wonder why you can't hear all >those pipes just over the hill? Well, I've played with more than 200 pipers and heard them fine. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Info needed on Gannaway Bags Date: 24 Feb 2000 14:56:12 -0500 On Thu, 24 Feb 2000 13:39:11 -0500, kingfisher wrote: >is it much more comfortable than L&M bag? does it use same type of >seasoning (airtight)? Haven't played an L&M hide for a while, can't remember. Plus comfort is such an individual thing. DON'T use Airtight seasoning on the Gannaway bags - their own "Highlander" dressing is key to the moisture absorption. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Leslie Thomson" Subject: (bagpipe) RE: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 24 Feb 2000 21:05:53 +0100 the moment I saw the heading (no pun) I knew this was going to get out of hand (still no pun) Paul Gretton escribió en el mensaje de noticias > Can anyone help me date a Sinclair chanter? It's marked AWS 1538 and has > a small artificial ivory sole. Any information about the date or type > would be gratefully received. > > Also, does anyone have a phone number for Sinclair? > > Cheers, > > Paul Gretton > > *****Present mirth hath present laughter.(Twelfth Night)***** - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: SEASONING--Storage/Corrosion? Date: 24 Feb 2000 09:11:40 -0800 My Pipemajor told me about a guy who some years ago made pipe bags in Montana that were virtually leak proof. They were a golden color and would almost never need seasoning. When he died he took all of his skills with him, his wife tried to copy the bags and even had a bag maker try to keep the business going. They just weren't the same. Andrew & Kristen Lenz wrote: > Lloyd Bogart wrote: > > FWIW, if you have 10-year old seasoning in your bag, there's > > a good chance you have a 10-year old bag. Isn't it time? > > Yeah, my instructor was surprised the bag was workable also. It's a > golden cowhide? bag that may even be 20-years-old! It sat unplayed for > about 10 years. (Overseasoned, we figure.) I do have an L&M bag waiting > in the wings however. > > > Of course, *never* put any seasoning that > > drips out of the bag back into that container, or it becomes > > a science project. (mycology?) > > Darn! That explains it! (NOT! ;-) That's a no-brainer, but it probably > wouldn't surprise me if someone did it! > > > Every time I left my excess seasoning in the can it turned to > > crud .... even when refrigerated. You may have been luckier > > *this* time. > > I usually have pretty good fortune . . . but I like to hedge my bets. > Next time the seasoning's going into something else. > > > The old black sludge in your bag can whip the old black sludge > > in the can any day. At least that's my opinion. ;-) > > It's that "mycology" thing, isn't it? ;-) You wouldn't believe the > amount of black sludge I rinsed out of that bag before I seasoned it > last year. > > Thanks Lloyd. > > Andrew > -- > Andrew & Kristen Lenz > > Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Metro Cup: Huh??? Date: 24 Feb 2000 05:18:34 GMT On Wed, 23 Feb 2000 21:51:34 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >It wasn't that long ago that the reel "Browned Haired Maiden" was unique. >Just about every 4th band plays it now! Yup. Just 25 years back that reel was pretty rare. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Anderson" Subject: (bagpipe) What is the SFU Chanter setup? Date: 24 Feb 2000 16:54:14 -0000 I was told the SFU are using Sinclair wooden chanters - is this correct. What reeds are they using? Just curious - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (JSLOANPR) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 24 Feb 2000 20:52:03 GMT >Can anyone help me date a Sinclair chanter? Should be no problem if you have some dough and a nice car. Mine is marked AWS1749 and was bought new in early 99 Cheers , Jim - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: New Shep. chanter reeds? Date: 24 Feb 2000 14:45:57 GMT In article <38b4a8af$1_1@>, "John Mitchell" wrote: > Now Gilmour, there's a nice Reed. > Also Henderson puts out a nice solo reed too! And, we are having some luck with Iain Macey's chanter reed in this chanter. Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 24 Feb 2000 21:31:07 GMT In article <>, Paul Gretton wrote: > Can anyone help me date a Sinclair chanter? > Paul Gretton Just make sure you check for squirrels first and everything should go O.K. for ya Paul. Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (JSLOANPR) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 25 Feb 2000 01:46:16 GMT >Michael (celebrating my 10th anniversary of monogamous Sinclair dating this >spring...) I cheat on my Sinclair with a Shepherd Mark 11 at least twice a week. Jim - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Leslie Thomson" Subject: (bagpipe) RE: Blackwatch Kilt Date: 24 Feb 2000 23:59:21 +0100 Hey, is that you Bill ??? at last I get to see yon mug ;-) All youse out there, if Bill says his kilt is ok IT IS OK got it, Cheers, Leslie The Gaucho Piper Bill Carr escribió en el mensaje de noticias > > In case anyone is looking for a good kilt. I have put mine on Ebay. I'm > buying a new, larger sized one. > > > > > Cheers > > > Bill Carr > > > > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Gibson Challenge update! Date: 24 Feb 2000 21:21:19 GMT In article <8943k6$8qt$>, wrote: > I was informed that his new reeds only go well in his new chanters. > Did anyone else hear this??? > > Sean Trouble is, they don't seem to go well in his chanter either. Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Price of Sheep Skin Bags! Date: 24 Feb 2000 22:18:37 -0400 John Mitchell wrote in message <38b4d355$1_1@>... >> I paid $70 USofA for my Gannaway, and it's working like a champ. > >I remember the days when $40 bucks was expensive for a SS Bag! :-( Good Lord John......That must have been before the earth started to cool ! David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 24 Feb 2000 23:13:13 GMT On Thu, 24 Feb 2000 21:07:10 GMT, Brian Counihan wrote: > > > I've got a warmac at home that loves to be fingered. I've got an old Kennedy that loves to get really drunk and drive off bridges and, sorry. Wrong joke string. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: SEASONING--Storage/Corrosion? Date: 24 Feb 2000 21:45:29 -0500 On Thu, 24 Feb 2000 17:17:43 -0800, Paul Mc. <> wrote: >I buy seasoning from a shop in Edmonton, AB called Scottish Imports. >It's called 'SILSEAL'. It works great and only costs $9.50 per bottle. >Lasts a long time, doesent need refrigerating. Oh boy ... I tried Sil-Seal once -- about 17-18 years ago. I seasoned my bag, rubbed it all in well, drained the excess. A few hours later went off to play. After a few minutes playing, globs of the stuff came oozing out of the holes in my chanter. The globs hit the tile floor and became like mercury when I tried to clean them up. 'Twas the end of that chanter reed. I don't know, maybe it's better now, maybe I did something wrong, but once was enough for me. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: aberdeen Subject: (bagpipe) Web Site Update Update Date: 24 Feb 2000 18:12:36 GMT I think the problems have now been ironed out on our new updated web site. (I know it's been a couple of sleepless nights for John because of the anticipation. Sorry about that John.) The site has features which should make it easier for our customers to order from us. We have a secured site for your confidence in making credit card purchases. We also have a shopping-cart type of ordering system which should make it a bit easier as well. Thanks to all our customers for their help in directing how to organize the site. Hope you enjoy the photos and the sound files. Sorry if the title of the message sounds over-redundant . All the best, Jim -- Jim Hudgins Aberdeen Bagpipe Supply Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kronies Unite Date: 24 Feb 2000 23:01:32 GMT On Thu, 24 Feb 2000 00:31:16 -0500, Chris Hamilton wrote: >The manual for my Korg AT-120 tuner says: > >"since 1 cent is an extremely small unit, a pitch difference of +/- 3 >cents will not be a real problem" > >Hertz, that's different. A few Hz off would be horrendous! Cents, not >so big a deal. Three HZ would be something around 30 cents for instance. Or one HZ would be around 10. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael New & Diane Rossmiller Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 24 Feb 2000 16:14:27 -0900 Paul Gretton wrote: > Can anyone help me date a Sinclair chanter? It's marked AWS 1538 and has > a small artificial ivory sole. I have a 1990 Sinclair chanter marked AWS457, with a small art ivory sole. Sounds like yours may be a pretty recent model. Cheers, Michael (celebrating my 10th anniversary of monogamous Sinclair dating this spring...) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What is the SFU Chanter setup? Date: 24 Feb 2000 14:58:04 -0500 On Thu, 24 Feb 2000 16:54:14 -0000, "Peter Anderson" wrote: >I was told the SFU are using Sinclair wooden chanters - is this correct. >What reeds are they using? Correct - they've been Sinclair as long as I've seen them - going back to 1982. I believe they now play Megarity-Ross reeds. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Leslie Thomson" Subject: (bagpipe) RE: Fifteen ways Date: 25 Feb 2000 00:18:38 +0100 One that lives in Gotheborg ?? Bill Carr escribió en el mensaje de noticias > Just got this from a piping friend in Sweden. > > 15 WAYS TO KNOW IF YOU'VE BEEN IN A PIPE BAND WAAAAAAY TOO LONG. > > 15. You actually like marching in parades and would kill to do it all > year long. > 14. The drummers are starting to make sense to you. > 13. You wonder what life would be like if you weren't in the band. > 12. You start seriously listening to the cartoon music backgrounds > because one, kinda, sounded like a bagpipe... once... you think...pretty > sure anyway. > 11. You start screaming "LEFT! LEFT! LEFT!" at the people who are > walking in front of you. > 10. You think "band humor" jokes are funny. > 9. The drummers are starting to make sense to you. > 8. Now that you've dated everyone in the band, you fear you'll never > date again. > 7. You think Pipe Majors have a right to be egotistical. > 6. You don't think side drummers have a slight attitude problem. > 5. You hum tunes and sets which match your walking speed. > 4. You used to play a pretty mean bass guitar and switched to > bagpipes... for the chicks. > 3. You get into heated, even bitter discussions over whether that > 32nd note in the 12th part of the tune, no one can play anyway, should > be a 'G' or a 'C'. > 2. The drummers are starting to make sense to you. > 1. And finally... The number one sign that you've been in a pipe band > waaaaaay too long... You've read more than three of these and said to > yourself "Well, what's wrong with that?" > > > Bill Carr > > > > > > > > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: COMPANA losers Date: 24 Feb 2000 23:09:02 GMT On Thu, 24 Feb 2000 01:03:59 -0700, "Drew McPheeters" wrote: >> as I have said many times, there are those of us who WORK on weekends - >> those of us who work, anyway! And there are those of us who can't afford a >> $500-$1000 trip to Vegas in February - or ever, for that matter. > >You know....I've tried to keep out of this, but having read this a few dozen >times, and after a really bad day, I can't stand it any more. > >There are many people in the association who incur great personal expense >and make huge sacrifices of themselves. I should know, I am one of them. I >took three days away from work to prepare for and attend the AGM. I spent >close to $650 out of pocket. Over the year, I probably put in about 300 >hours of work. If you can't make the effort required to do this one little >thing, how do you expect to do all of the things you are promising to do in >COMPADA? Or do you figure that since it's your orgainzation you can run it >in a way that it's convenient for you? Uh, you know, it occurs to me that the WUSPBA exists. Isn't just "COMPADA" the figment of Iain Sherwood and John Partenan's imagination so far? Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Counihan Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 24 Feb 2000 21:07:10 GMT I've got a warmac at home that loves to be fingered. -- Brian C. "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose." - Deep Thought, Jack Handy Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael New & Diane Rossmiller Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Metro Cup: Huh??? Date: 24 Feb 2000 15:06:07 -0900 Zudupiper wrote: > >Whoever the judges were, Zu, you owe them an apology the next time you see > >them for > >making such an absurd remark in an international forum. > > No, I don't. > > I think I see what you mean, though. And that's not *exactly* what I was > implying. What you seemed to be implying (or what came across rather clearly, ans which you reiterated in this last post) was that Bruce had the prize under his belt before he even showed up. You criticized his playing as bland and round, then stated that he won simply _because_ he's Bruce Gandy. If you and CCCwhatever have trouble seeing how this casts aspersions on the integrity of the judges, I can't understand why. Personally, I'm pretty sure the judges are not as overawed as all that by Bruce's reputation. > But how else do you explain the rewarding of (my opinions only) blandish, > roundish interpretations of a complete set of non-traditional tunes (an > all-Gandy set I think) with a first prize? Because Bruce Gandy played them. > And since he's Bruce Gandy, well, he must be right. Or perhaps, just possibly, you were wrong? See comments above re. judges swooning at the mention of Bruce's mighty name. > Other pipers played much more musically and entertainingly and recognizably. In your opinion. Which is fine, but is not grounds for questioning the judges' integrity. They, based on their experience and what they felt was the best performance of the evening, came to a different conclusion than you. That's all. As Chris so admirably put it, they placed Bruce Gandy first because he _played_ like Bruce Gandy. > > But apparently that's not entirely what Open competition is all about. > > But what the heck do I know. At the risk of being flamed, nowhere near as much as the judges presiding at the Metro Cup. They were asked to judge because _their_ opinion and experience has gained them the respect of their peers. Incidentally, I don't have any problem with your questioning the prize list based on the performances - Monday morning quarterbacking is one of the great joys of attending any competition - it was the "Bruce Gandy won because he's Bruce Gandy" statement that got me riled. Judges have a hell of a difficult job, which the vast majority of them approach with great seriousness and the utmost integrity. Your comment was, in my opinion, an unneccesarily cheap shot. Regards, Michael p.s. I'm sure your grips are dandy *\:^r - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Carr Subject: (bagpipe) Blackwatch Kilt Date: 24 Feb 2000 20:13:09 GMT In case anyone is looking for a good kilt. I have put mine on Ebay. I'm buying a new, larger sized one. Cheers Bill Carr - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: SEASONING--Storage/Corrosion? Date: 24 Feb 2000 05:39:39 GMT Lloyd Bogart wrote: > FWIW, if you have 10-year old seasoning in your bag, there's > a good chance you have a 10-year old bag. Isn't it time? Yeah, my instructor was surprised the bag was workable also. It's a golden cowhide? bag that may even be 20-years-old! It sat unplayed for about 10 years. (Overseasoned, we figure.) I do have an L&M bag waiting in the wings however. > Of course, *never* put any seasoning that > drips out of the bag back into that container, or it becomes > a science project. (mycology?) Darn! That explains it! (NOT! ;-) That's a no-brainer, but it probably wouldn't surprise me if someone did it! > Every time I left my excess seasoning in the can it turned to > crud .... even when refrigerated. You may have been luckier > *this* time. I usually have pretty good fortune . . . but I like to hedge my bets. Next time the seasoning's going into something else. > The old black sludge in your bag can whip the old black sludge > in the can any day. At least that's my opinion. ;-) It's that "mycology" thing, isn't it? ;-) You wouldn't believe the amount of black sludge I rinsed out of that bag before I seasoned it last year. Thanks Lloyd. Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kronies Unite Date: 24 Feb 2000 23:03:11 GMT On Thu, 24 Feb 2000 01:48:49 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >Tell you what Royce, I'll even wear a pair of mittens and >I'll sound better than you do. Yeah, really enjoyed your contribution to "Setting the Tone." Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Raistlin88) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 25 Feb 2000 04:40:45 GMT This is probably going to far, but... Watch out, I hear you can get your finger stuck in the A-hole >Brian Counihan wrote in >> >> >> I've got a warmac at home that loves to be fingered. > >Oh Yea Brian! > >Next time in town, I wouldn't mind Nailling it! > > > > >-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- > - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! >-----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =----- > > > > > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 24 Feb 2000 21:52:43 -0500 On 25 Feb 2000 01:46:16 GMT, (JSLOANPR) wrote: >>Michael (celebrating my 10th anniversary of monogamous Sinclair dating this >>spring...) > >I cheat on my Sinclair with a Shepherd Mark 11 at least twice a week. Damn, I've got NINE chanters in my pipe case, SEVEN of them reeded up and ready to rock 'n' roll, even as we speak. To number, in chronological order, 1985 Sinclair blackwood 1993 Shepherd Mark 2 plastic 1997 Gibson blackwood 1998 Shepherd Mark 2 plastic 1999 Shepherd Mark 3 plastic 2000 Kron blackwood 2000 Kron phenolic 2000 Soutar plastic 2000 Naill blackwood 2000 McCallum plastic Christopher the Polyamorous Chanter-Lover ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Metro Cup: Huh??? Date: 24 Feb 2000 01:17:06 GMT >Whoever the judges were, Zu, you owe them an apology the next time you see >them for >making such an absurd remark in an international forum. No, I don't. I think I see what you mean, though. And that's not *exactly* what I was implying. But how else do you explain the rewarding of (my opinions only) blandish, roundish interpretations of a complete set of non-traditional tunes (an all-Gandy set I think) with a first prize? Because Bruce Gandy played them. And since he's Bruce Gandy, well, he must be right. Other pipers played much more musically and entertainingly and recognizably. But apparently that's not entirely what Open competition is all about. But what the heck do I know. Zu Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Carr Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 24 Feb 2000 19:39:59 GMT Paul. You must have known that was cumming... ehhhmmm..... coming? :-) Bill Mike Phillips wrote: > "Paul Gretton" wrote: > > > Can anyone help me date a Sinclair chanter? > > You're not ready to date a Sinclair chanter. Maybe start by double-dating > some matched Gibsons. Perhaps a blind date with a Hardie. Or I can set you > up with a fun little Naill with a great personality. Of course, I hear > Shepherd really puts out. Then maybe you'll be ready to date a Sinclair. > But for goodness sakes, play the field! Why get tied down to one chanter > when there are plenty of fish in the sea? > > Just here to help. > > Mike > --- > When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl. > 668: The Neighbor Of The Beast - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: contact for Jimmy McColl Date: 25 Feb 2000 05:23:54 GMT I'd be surprised if he has e-mail. I took a seminar from him once, quite the player---should be, former World Champion and all that. My instructor knows him fairly well, but I don't have contact information for Jimmy. If you don't get what you need in the next couple weeks, remind me and I'll try to get it from my instructor when classes resume in early March. Best, Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Blackwatch Kilt Date: 25 Feb 2000 05:40:04 GMT Leslie Thomson wrote: > All youse out there, if Bill says his kilt is ok > > IT IS OK Yes, but is Bill's waist ok? "Aye, a wee bit too much o' the brew." ;-) Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Rubber Tubing onto Mouthpiece? Date: 25 Feb 2000 05:37:56 GMT I'm considering getting some clear tubing to slip over my mouth piece to help out with blowing. A) Where does one get the stuff in a very small quantity (1"-2")? B) What have people run up against after putting one one the mouth piece? Thanks, Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (JSLOANPR) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 25 Feb 2000 11:10:02 GMT >1985 Sinclair blackwood >1993 Shepherd Mark 2 plastic >1997 Gibson blackwood >1998 Shepherd Mark 2 plastic >1999 Shepherd Mark 3 plastic >2000 Kron blackwood >2000 Kron phenolic >2000 Soutar plastic >2000 Naill blackwood >2000 McCallum plastic > >Christopher the Polyamorous Chanter-Lover >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >Chris Hamilton Blonds, brunettes, redheads, Nails, Sinclairs, Shepherds, whats a guy to do? Jim - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 25 Feb 2000 08:13:01 -0500 On 25 Feb 2000 11:10:02 GMT, (JSLOANPR) wrote: >>1985 Sinclair blackwood >>1993 Shepherd Mark 2 plastic >>1997 Gibson blackwood >>1998 Shepherd Mark 2 plastic >>1999 Shepherd Mark 3 plastic >>2000 Kron blackwood >>2000 Kron phenolic >>2000 Soutar plastic >>2000 Naill blackwood >>2000 McCallum plastic >> >>Christopher the Polyamorous Chanter-Lover >>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>Chris Hamilton > >Blonds, brunettes, redheads, Nails, Sinclairs, Shepherds, whats a guy to do? When you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with. Isely Brothers? Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Rubber Tubing onto Mouthpiece? Date: 25 Feb 2000 09:20:24 -0400 Andrew & Kristen Lenz wrote in message <>... >I'm considering getting some clear tubing to slip over my mouth piece to >help out with blowing. > >A) Where does one get the stuff in a very small quantity (1"-2")? > >B) What have people run up against after putting one one the mouth piece? I am going to sound like a "broken record", but the Airstream blowpipe comes with both an elliptical mouthpiece and a short piece of what appears to be soft surgical tubing installed..................the combination of shape and rubber tubing is a real plus (and a real help if you are having "lip seal" muscular problems). I have also installed a piece on my other blowsticks (round) and find it a bit more comfortable. Airstream packages the "replacement" rubber tips (2 for $2.50 CAN),,,, but it appears to be just generic soft surgical hose...... the significant point is that it initially appears to be far too small for the, if you buy a size that seems to fit it will probably be too large........................I immerse the hose in very hot tap water for a couple of minutes and use my needle nose pliers (out of my electronics toolbox) to pull it over the blowstick.(I tried lubricating it, but it was too slippy to handle !) Checking my pipebox......... my spare, from Little Mac, suggests "Lubricate both inside of LATEX SLEEVE and outside of mouthpiece to install".........I guess it's made out of latex..........outside diameter is 12 millimeters, inside diameter is about 8 millimeters.....length is 37 millimeters (inch and a half).............that is long enough that once you have bitten a hole in the end of it, you can use an exacto knife to cut off the chewed piece and slide the remainder up a wee bit. David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 25 Feb 2000 09:23:12 -0400 David Williams wrote in message <>... > > >David Williams wrote: >> >> John Mitchell wrote: >> > >> > Brian Counihan wrote in >> > > >> > > >> > > I've got a warmac at home that loves to be fingered. >> > >> > Oh Yea Brian! >> > >> > Next time in town, I wouldn't mind Nailling it! >> >> this thread has given me a Hardie. > >... and makes me want to touch my glens. Sounds to me like youse guys have not been following all of the 15 recommendations above ! david - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kronies Unite Date: 25 Feb 2000 14:44:11 GMT In article <>, (Royce Lerwick) wrote: > Three HZ would be something around 30 cents for instance. Or one HZ > would be around 10. > > Royce You may want to check your math again. I believe somewhere in between 3 and 4 cents is nearly equivalent to 1Hz. So 3Hz would be about 10 or 11 cents. Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matt Buckley" Subject: (bagpipe) Tune Arrangement Date: 25 Feb 2000 08:39:49 -0500 I had a question regarding tune arrangement vs. tune composition under the previous heading a week or so ago of Highland Cathedral. Didn't get any response, so I thought I would try again. I'm confused regarding what constitutes an "arrangement". The example I gave was one I am familiar with, but I have wondered about the issue in many other contexts as well: Around 1985, Hamish composed parts 3 and 4 of Moving Cloud reel, and copywrited the parts. Rob Mathieson then claimed authorship of parts 3 and 4, and the initial printing of his tune book had to be recalled to correct the mis- information (I understand a solicitor had to write a letter or two, hence Alan MacDonald's tune "The Plagiarist"). The newer tune book then indicated Moving Cloud as "arranged" by R. Mathieson, even though all 4 parts appeared. Recently, I purchased the Black Watch "Ladies from Hell" CD. They recorded all four parts of Moving Cloud, crediting no one for parts 3 and 4. What did appear on the liner notes was "arranged P. Mather, Grian Music". The setting of the tune was pretty much note-for-note as played by Mathieson, and as composed (parts 3 and 4) by Hamish. So what gives? What is an "arrangement"? Does the slightest variation in tempo/ornamentation/emphasis constitute a separate "arrangement"? And since were talking traditional music here, except for newly- composed parts, what does it matter? Inquiring minds need to know. Cheers. Matt - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Rubber Tubing onto Mouthpiece? Date: 25 Feb 2000 15:02:12 GMT In article <>, Andrew & Kristen Lenz wrote: > I'm considering getting some clear tubing to slip over my mouth piece to > help out with blowing. > > A) Where does one get the stuff in a very small quantity (1"-2")? Tell you what I use. Pipe stem protectors. You can buy them at smoke shops. They are made to fit over the stem of a tobacco pipe. They are some sort of black rubber and are made to combat the "gnawing" that takes place on the stem of a pipe. Pat (No, Chris..."We don't gnaw on our kitty".) Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) RE: Oiling Pipes Date: 25 Feb 2000 16:00:57 GMT In a previous article, jesse wrote: >I will soon be getting my pipes in August and I wanted to read a few >opinions on oiling the pipes. > >Specifically, > >1. How often should the outside and the inside of the drones be oiled? >2. When I first get the pipes should they be oiled before I start > playing? >3. What is good type of oil to use and why? > > >Thanks, >Jesse Bellavance This subject was worn out years ago -- don't we have a faq? chris - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Rubber Tubing onto Mouthpiece? Date: 25 Feb 2000 11:19:51 -0500 Sounds like you got the clear Vinyl tubing they sell in most hardware stores You'd probably have better results from surgical rubber tubing, availablke from most piping supply vendors- at least the ones I deal with, or from your local tobacconist- they're also used for smoking pipes- for guys like me who chem the stems to death over the years. CONNOR2345 wrote: > Hi, I did that 4 few months, and it helped me build up some strength. took my > blowpipe 2 the hardware store and got a piece of clear tubing[had 2 buy 1 > foot].The downside is that the mouthpiece is tapered but the hose is not,also I > positioned the mouthpiece little slantwise in my mouth when blowing[this gave > my lips more of an oval shape 2 seal on,not as small as the blowpipe itself] > After about 6 months I took it off and it took about 2 weeks to get used to not > having the tubing, and by this time my lips had some sealing strength. > good luck > cha dean a' phluic a' phiobaireachd > puffing won't make piping - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: SEASONING--Storage/Corrosion? Date: 25 Feb 2000 11:26:43 -0500 I wouldn't be surprised to find out that the golden colored bags were brain-tanned and smoked in the old Native Americcan method. That's how westyen buckskins, reall elk-tanned hides and even bison hides wer emade pliable, soft and rain-resistant. The best moccasin leather supposedly came from the vent flaps at th eto pof the hide Tipi, which had been hanging in the smoke for months or even years. I never could get may hands on a piece of it to try out, tougm back when i used to dabble in that kind of leatherwork. Don Robertson wrote: > My Pipemajor told me about a guy who some years ago made pipe bags in > Montana that were virtually leak proof. They were a golden color and would > almost never need seasoning. When he died he took all of his skills with > him, his wife tried to copy the bags and even had a bag maker try to keep > the business going. They just weren't the same. > > Andrew & Kristen Lenz wrote: > > > Lloyd Bogart wrote: > > > FWIW, if you have 10-year old seasoning in your bag, there's > > > a good chance you have a 10-year old bag. Isn't it time? > > > > Yeah, my instructor was surprised the bag was workable also. It's a > > golden cowhide? bag that may even be 20-years-old! It sat unplayed for > > about 10 years. (Overseasoned, we figure.) I do have an L&M bag waiting > > in the wings however. > > > > > Of course, *never* put any seasoning that > > > drips out of the bag back into that container, or it becomes > > > a science project. (mycology?) > > > > Darn! That explains it! (NOT! ;-) That's a no-brainer, but it probably > > wouldn't surprise me if someone did it! > > > > > Every time I left my excess seasoning in the can it turned to > > > crud .... even when refrigerated. You may have been luckier > > > *this* time. > > > > I usually have pretty good fortune . . . but I like to hedge my bets. > > Next time the seasoning's going into something else. > > > > > The old black sludge in your bag can whip the old black sludge > > > in the can any day. At least that's my opinion. ;-) > > > > It's that "mycology" thing, isn't it? ;-) You wouldn't believe the > > amount of black sludge I rinsed out of that bag before I seasoned it > > last year. > > > > Thanks Lloyd. > > > > Andrew > > -- > > Andrew & Kristen Lenz > > > > Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Tune Arrangement Date: 25 Feb 2000 11:36:48 -0500 An arangemnet should mean that the one has taken an existing tune and put it in a hnew setting- most often that means "orchestrating" it- setting it up for various instruments and/or voices, with different parts, often th elead shifts fronm one voice./instrument to others etc. That's what "arranging" is all about. At it's simplest, it could mean taking a fiddle tune in C and notating it for GHB, but to me that's really a "transcription" or "setting" rather than an arrangement. I suspect it's also a term used by a lot of hacks to mean "no Ididn't really compose this, but I'll be damned if somebody else is going to get royalties for it" or something like that. Matt Buckley wrote: > I had a question regarding tune arrangement vs. tune > composition under the previous heading a week or so > ago of Highland Cathedral. Didn't get any response, > so I thought I would try again. > > I'm confused regarding what constitutes an "arrangement". The example I > gave was one I am > familiar with, but I have wondered about the issue in > many other contexts as well: Around 1985, Hamish > composed parts 3 and 4 of Moving Cloud reel, and > copywrited the parts. Rob Mathieson then claimed > authorship of parts 3 and 4, and the initial printing of > his tune book had to be recalled to correct the mis- > information (I understand a solicitor had to write a > letter or two, hence Alan MacDonald's tune "The Plagiarist"). The newer > tune book then indicated > Moving Cloud as "arranged" by R. Mathieson, even > though all 4 parts appeared. Recently, I purchased the Black Watch "Ladies > from Hell" CD. They recorded all four parts of Moving Cloud, crediting no > one for parts 3 and 4. What did appear on the liner > notes was "arranged P. Mather, Grian Music". The > setting of the tune was pretty much note-for-note as played by Mathieson, > and as composed (parts 3 and 4) by Hamish. > > So what gives? What is an "arrangement"? Does the > slightest variation in tempo/ornamentation/emphasis constitute a separate > "arrangement"? And since > were talking traditional music here, except for newly- > composed parts, what does it matter? > > Inquiring minds need to know. > > Cheers. Matt - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Doug Campbell Subject: (bagpipe) Re: 4/2 NJ Piping Competition? Date: 25 Feb 2000 11:47:06 -0500 > > (Zudupiper) wrote: > > I just heard about this one. With Palmer being cancelled, this looks > like a > > good way to open the season. But I didn't get a registration form, > because I'm > > not in the Metro branch. > > > > Can somebody post the details for a contact person for this > competition? > > > > Thanks, > > > > Zu Zu - Just in case you want a REALLY busy weekend, there's also a competition the day before, on April 1st in Manchester NH, run by the New Hampshire School of Scottish Arts. Judges will be Michael Grey, Jake Watson & Gordon Webster. Here's the link: Also, don't forget Shrewsbury, MA on the 15th. Doug C. -- "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea" - Robert A. Heinlein - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kronies Unite Date: 25 Feb 2000 16:49:09 GMT In article <>, wrote: > Actually it is completely dependent on the range. > the range we are talking about ,say,466 to 476, > it would be closer to 4-5 cents per cycle(HZ). > The higher you go in pitch,the less amount of cents per Hz. > ..and vice-versa for the low-end. You are correct in your first sentence. I can't with your estimate. As a pipe maker you might need be more exacting than me. Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tim Sullivan" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kronies Unite Date: 25 Feb 2000 20:12:07 GMT oshpiper wrote in message news:8964fq$o26$ > In article <>, > (Royce Lerwick) wrote: > > > Three HZ would be something around 30 cents for instance. Or one HZ > > would be around 10. > > > > Royce > > You may want to check your math again. I believe somewhere in between 3 > and 4 cents is nearly equivalent to 1Hz. So 3Hz would be about 10 or 11 > cents. I'm just back from Mexico where ONE Hertz rental cost over 6,000 pesos. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kronies Unite Date: 25 Feb 2000 11:14:05 -0500 All cents are not created equal. A cent is on on hundredth of a semitone ( or is it of a whole tone, I forget), thus will have diffferent vaklues at different pitch ranges. For example if A=440 and B-Flat , a semitone higher ,is at 466, then then each cent is at 26/100 Hz- or almost 4 cents to a hz difference ( if I have it wrong and a cent is 1/100 of a whole tone, then tit would be 26/50- almost two cents to one HZ. At an octave higher, A=880, B-flat =932, the difference is the same in cents, but twice as large in Hz- so the relation ship betwen them is a curve, not a linear proportion. Royce Lerwick wrote: > On Thu, 24 Feb 2000 00:31:16 -0500, Chris Hamilton > wrote: > > >The manual for my Korg AT-120 tuner says: > > > >"since 1 cent is an extremely small unit, a pitch difference of +/- 3 > >cents will not be a real problem" > > > >Hertz, that's different. A few Hz off would be horrendous! Cents, not > >so big a deal. > > Three HZ would be something around 30 cents for instance. Or one HZ > would be around 10. > > Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: What is the SFU Chanter setup? Date: 25 Feb 2000 14:24:25 -0500 On Fri, 25 Feb 2000 18:59:26 GMT, "Robert N MacLeod" wrote: >Just to confirm... The band currently is playing Sinclair wooden chanter... >however we didn't start playing them until 1984-85 season. > >1982-83 the band was playing a mix-match set of MacLeod chanters. Hi Robert, Thanks for the correction on the chanters. Was this pre-1984 set by "Gillanders & MacLeod". If I recall, Triumph Street played "MacLeod" also when I heard them at Santa Rosa in 1980. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kronies Unite Date: 25 Feb 2000 16:51:23 GMT Sorry. I left out one word in my previous response to Dave. It should read: ...I can't DISAGREE with your estimate... Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kronies Unite Date: 25 Feb 2000 23:21:52 GMT On Fri, 25 Feb 2000 14:44:11 GMT, oshpiper wrote: >In article <>, > (Royce Lerwick) wrote: > >> Three HZ would be something around 30 cents for instance. Or one HZ >> would be around 10. >> >> Royce > >You may want to check your math again. I believe somewhere in between 3 >and 4 cents is nearly equivalent to 1Hz. So 3Hz would be about 10 or 11 >cents. Actually I just looked at my meter which has something of a converson thing on it. Depends on the frequency, so if you're talking about drones for instance, which we were I guess now I think about it, you get more cents-HZ than on the chanter, or the high A. Did I say that right? At a low frequency, a few HZ raise the percentage of the tone more than at a high frequency. For instance, a tone at 1 HZ that goes up only 1 HZ, has gone up an octave. Or, a gazillion cents. Math is evil anyway. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve White" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Our dirty little secret.... Date: 25 Feb 2000 22:42:00 -0000 Like father like son - I bet you're a closet drummer yourself. :-) Steve White Proud to be a drummer Brian wrote in message <>... >Yesterday my two oldest sons (11 and 9) came to me and announced that >they wanted to join the pipe band. I was elated. My sons would follow >in my footsteps and become pipers! Yes, boys, of course you can join. > >They look at each other nervously. Something is wrong. WHAT? > >"Dad, (long pause) we want to be drummers......" > >My world crumbles around me. Why, oh why is this cruel fate befalling >me? What have I done to deserve this? > >Of course, I tell myself that there is nothing that my wife or I could >have done to prevent this. They were probably just....born that way. >And they ARE my sons. I have to try to accept them. > >Pray for us. We head into unchartered waters..... > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kronies Unite Date: 25 Feb 2000 23:16:36 GMT On Fri, 25 Feb 2000 00:40:45 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >Well I'm working on stage3 of my sound experiment with reeds? >Remember, I'm the guy that did all that recording stuff a year before >the tone contest was even a concept. > >Should be out in in a couple of weeks. That's my contribution to the NG. >BTW, I'm a fair guy, it wouldn't have been a contest had I entered. Well, again, I thought what this "contest" was decided to be was, everyone would whip open their pipe boxes and blow up whatever they had on hand, send it in, and we could all have a listen to each other's setups. Granted, you were obviously in a 3 month retirement period, but I think you keep missing the point. For a guy who's so obsessively competitive, why is it you don't play solos? For that matter, why would you be interested in COMPADA for that matter? Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Stewart Nimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Rubber Tubing onto Mouthpiece? Date: 25 Feb 2000 20:56:24 GMT I've used both the surgical tubing and the PVC tubing. I've used tubing on both a round blowpipe and on Airstream blowpipe. Surgical is softer and a little friendlier to mouth, but it is easier to bite through and so you do have to rotate and then shorten as time passes. I've had pieces last less than a week -- must have been stressed about something! The normal tan colour looks like hell on a blowpipe. The PVC (or is it vinyl?) that I've used is tougher, harder and so lasts much longer. I haven't bitten through one yet. It's much tougher to install, since it is less flexible, but very hot water helps. The stuff I've used is clear and colourless, so is almost invisible on the blowstick. Both tubings are also a little tougher to put on Airstream than on round blowpipe -- larger, odder shape. I'm using the PVC stuff, although it did take a little getting used to...... My 2¢ worth......... Stewart Nimmo, Maitland, ON, Canada. See my website, Canadian Bagpipe Links, at / O/// <|o> /_\ | \ - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael New & Diane Rossmiller Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 25 Feb 2000 12:11:31 -0900 Chris Hamilton wrote: > On 25 Feb 2000 11:10:02 GMT, (JSLOANPR) wrote: > > >>1985 Sinclair blackwood > >>1993 Shepherd Mark 2 plastic > >>1997 Gibson blackwood > >>1998 Shepherd Mark 2 plastic > >>1999 Shepherd Mark 3 plastic > >>2000 Kron blackwood > >>2000 Kron phenolic > >>2000 Soutar plastic > >>2000 Naill blackwood > >>2000 McCallum plastic > >> > >>Christopher the Polyamorous Chanter-Lover > >>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > >>Chris Hamilton > > > >Blonds, brunettes, redheads, Nails, Sinclairs, Shepherds, whats a guy to do? > > When you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with. > > Isely Brothers? > Stephen Stills. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 25 Feb 2000 23:39:32 GMT On 25 Feb 2000 04:40:45 GMT, (Raistlin88) wrote: >This is probably going to far, but... >Watch out, I hear you can get your finger stuck in the A-hole That really was pretty low, Gee. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 25 Feb 2000 23:43:26 GMT On Fri, 25 Feb 2000 01:15:37 -0500, David Williams wrote: > > >David Williams wrote: >> >> John Mitchell wrote: >> > >> > Brian Counihan wrote in >> > > >> > > >> > > I've got a warmac at home that loves to be fingered. >> > >> > Oh Yea Brian! >> > >> > Next time in town, I wouldn't mind Nailling it! >> >> this thread has given me a Hardie. > >... and makes me want to touch my glens. I think that Jim ought to be spanked for leading the NG into this turgid direction. Since he came on the NG has really gone downhill. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kronies Unite Date: 26 Feb 2000 02:58:45 GMT In article , "Tim Sullivan" wrote: > I'm just back from Mexico where ONE Hertz rental cost over 6,000 pesos. Is that the one with the Nacho Cheese Sauce on the front seat? Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kronies Unite Date: 25 Feb 2000 23:27:56 GMT On Fri, 25 Feb 2000 16:49:09 GMT, oshpiper wrote: >In article <>, > wrote: > >> Actually it is completely dependent on the range. >> the range we are talking about ,say,466 to 476, >> it would be closer to 4-5 cents per cycle(HZ). >> The higher you go in pitch,the less amount of cents per Hz. >> ..and vice-versa for the low-end. > >You are correct in your first sentence. I can't with your estimate. As >a pipe maker you might need be more exacting than me. > >Pat Well, completely off the point now I see, but HZ/cents whatever, when two tones are only slightly out of tune, the effect is *chorusing* not *dissonance* and *chorusing* is a very pleasant, valuable acoustic/psychoacoustic effect that tells the human ear and mind how mand things it is listening to, and how big it is, or how "spread out" it is. Thus, it is the slightly imperfect tuning overall and note-to-note between chanters and drones that cause the various phasing effects that make a dozen pipers sound like a dozen pipers, all spread before you, instead of just one really loud piper right in the middle. The anti-quote being brutalized from the "Pipe Major's Handbook" is directed to PM's or pipers who spend literally hours tuning up and down and up and down trying to either whittle or tape each note exactly to a drone, all around the circle and make each chanter exactly dead on, up and down, up and down, till they basically play themselves into last place on tuning phrases in the car park. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 25 Feb 2000 23:30:50 GMT On 25 Feb 2000 01:46:16 GMT, (JSLOANPR) wrote: >>Michael (celebrating my 10th anniversary of monogamous Sinclair dating this >>spring...) > >I cheat on my Sinclair with a Shepherd Mark 11 at least twice a week. Wow! And I thought the Mark II sucked! That Mark 11 must be really bad if he's gone through 9 model changes in the last few months that never even saw the light of day! Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 26 Feb 2000 03:08:48 GMT In article <>, Paul Gretton wrote: > This one I DON'T get! You ever heard the one about the ... oh never mind. You obviously didn't grow up on a farm. Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 25 Feb 2000 23:32:44 GMT On 25 Feb 2000 11:10:02 GMT, (JSLOANPR) wrote: >Blonds, brunettes, redheads, Nails, Sinclairs, Shepherds, whats a guy to do? At my time of life, it's more a question of who's a guy to do it with, than what. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: sdon Subject: (bagpipe) Re: The Price of Sheep Skin Bags! Date: 25 Feb 2000 17:44:43 -0700 They have to pay for all those cloning experiments some how. ;-) Don John Mitchell wrote: > > I paid $70 USofA for my Gannaway, and it's working like a champ. > > I remember the days when $40 bucks was expensive for a SS Bag! :-( > > -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- > - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! > -----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =----- -- PIPER AT LARGE ( White Peaks Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 26 Feb 2000 03:06:17 GMT In article <>, ccc31807 wrote: > Must be an example of Wisconsin humor. My dad always said they > were squirrely. It is and I am. Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Leslie Thomson" Subject: (bagpipe) RE: Blackwatch Kilt Date: 26 Feb 2000 02:59:00 +0100 > >> Yes, but is Bill's waist ok? and remember: what doesn't go to waste goes to waist - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Metro Cup: Huh??? Date: 23 Feb 2000 11:42:03 -0500 On Wed, 23 Feb 2000 15:03:33 GMT, wrote: >> Mike and Bruce both played Naill chanters. >> >> Chris > >For some reason, I wrote "playing Sinclair chanter" next to Bruce's >entry on the tally sheet. The chanter seemed to have that familiar >Sinclair knob at its base/sole. I'm always excited to see folks trying >chanters other than Naill, even though I love my Naill. Guess I was >wrong! Thanks, Thom Now don't be hasty - I could be wrong !!!! I didn't actually ask Bruce ... I guess I just assumed, and you know what happens then! Mike though I know for sure played Naill. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton -- City of Washington Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Rubber Tubing onto Mouthpiece? Date: 26 Feb 2000 00:13:37 -0400 JOHN BROADWELL wrote in message <>... >Andrew, as Dnimmo says, Little Mac not only produce a latex rubber >mouthpiece protector, but they sell the replacements in packs of two for >something like $2-3 (CA) I have used them for three years on all kinds of >different blowsticks and mainly because of a well filled and VERY sensitive >tooth right where I place my blowpipe. The resultant comfort and shock >absorbing qualities of the latex have saved me many an unnecessary trip to >the dentist. The only problem I have encountered is that if the blowpipe is >narrow, then the seal, where the latex protector ends, sometimes leaks air. >In fairness to Little Mac they were designed for medium to large blowpipes, >and the problem is soon cured with a small collar of self amalgamating >rubber tape, (or something similar) I have always slipped the latex onto the......etc.....etc...... Another slant on this..........a possibility...........Canadian Tire sells 'liquid electrical tape" in a small can (stocked in the marine electrical section).......I have used it on outdoor electrical brush it on, several times, and it cures to a soft rubbery consistancy......comes in several colours................poisonous ?....... I don't know...........withstand aggressive teeth action ? I don't know.................nice tight fot to any shape and size though................ David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Mitchell on Solo vs Band Playing Date: 26 Feb 2000 04:49:04 GMT John and Royce are having an exchange that I thought was worthy of it's own thread. My comments follow John's. Royce Lerwick wrote "Granted, you were obviously in a 3 month retirement period, but I think you keep missing the point. For a guy who's so obsessively competitive, why is it you don't play solos? For that matter, why would you be interested in COMPADA for that matter? John Mitchell responded "Quite frankly, Solo competitions bore me, but I do feel for the soloists as conditions at the games are pretty horrendous. In comparison with band competitions, solo competitions just don't hold the same excitement for me. There's nothing like a good cracking Medley, filled with exciting music and added harmonies, to really bring out the tone of a well setup pipeband. Am I good enough to be a contender with the likes of Gillies, Lee, McCallum, Gandy, I truly don't know. I haven't got the 3 to 4 hours a day that it would take to be in their league. They have an added advantage of piping for a living, but I am good enough to play with any band in the world. That's not saying that "GOOD" band players are any less talented. There are many excellent players in the ranks of the GR1 bands. They just don't get the recognition like the Soloists do as the PM is usually the only recited name when referencing a band. I've always wondered why that is? PM's of good bands don't teach their players, select or write the music, and they rarely setup the band. I think Ed Neigh, along with the efforts of Jim MacGillivary have been the only ones to actually teach players from a very low standard and bring them into a GR1 band environment! When is the last time a GR1 PM asked a young soloist from a GR4 band to come and play with the band. That doesn't happen with any GR1 bands today! It's the players in the band that make the band good or bad. If a soloist breaks down, then he has only let himself down. In a band situation you just let down 30 people, that's where the pressure comes in. The ability to play well with 12 other musicians is not an easy task. When the tone gets crystal clear and a slight variation in blowing can be the difference between winning and being put right out of the prize list. Oh and no mistakes either! Basically, I just enjoy the band environment more! It's better to drink with people than to drink alone! ;-) Ringo's comments I love the solo events and wish that I had started my piping career early enough to have allowed me a shot at that game. Starting so late, and making the jump to Grade 1 so quickly, meant that I was playing lots of "catch up." Not playing solo will be one "regret" that I'm not likely to erase. From my perspective, the solo game isn't necessarily less difficult (by any stretch) but it certainly is different. I do know that in band playing, being able to blow tone and play a full bagpipe is a necessity. I have seen many very good solo players wash out or struggle simply because they couldn't blow band tone. The sad thing is that blowing tone is one of those things that almost can't be taught. A piper either has it or he / she doesn't. A PM can overlook a bit of roughness in the hands if the piper can lock in and blow good tone. On the other hand, a piper can have great hands, but if he / she can't blow tone, well not much can be done. Another big challenge (in playing with a band) is the discipline. I don't mean the hours of practice. I mean adjusting your particular style to match the style demanded by the PM. This is very difficult. It's almost like teaching yourself to behave in a way that isn't "natural" for you. We all have little variances in the way we interpret the music and the way it flows off our fingers. Personally I like playing slightly in back of the beat. I really wait for the beat and allow the drummers to carry the tempo. Playing in the middle of the beat isn't too hard for me, however playing at the front of the beat is something I just hate. But, I've played for PM's who played that style and it was necessary to conform. Some players have trouble with jigs, or round reels. Of all the little music, bands seem to fail at strathspeys most often. Again, pipers are struggling to adjust their styles within the style of the band. The last thing that I will say is that there is lots of pressure on the field. What we hear inside the circle is very different than what is heard outside. Sometimes, you can hear each individual piper around the circle. The concentration is intense. Jake Watson told me that when the Frasers won the worlds, he lost his concentration in the reels and almost lost his hands! Being a true professional, he caught himself and no one else knew, until now! Each of us is one the edge. I don't mean back a few inches. I mean right on the edge. It can be a pretty scary place at times. If you get the chance to play a few tunes with a top rated band, you'll soon realize what I mean. Good piping! The season is soon upon us. Ringo - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael New & Diane Rossmiller Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Our dirty little secret.... Date: 25 Feb 2000 20:07:29 -0900 Brian wrote: > Yesterday my two oldest sons (11 and 9) came to me and announced that > they wanted to join the pipe band. I was elated. My sons would follow > in my footsteps and become pipers! Yes, boys, of course you can join. > > They look at each other nervously. Something is wrong. WHAT? > > "Dad, (long pause) we want to be drummers......" > > My world crumbles around me. Why, oh why is this cruel fate befalling > me? What have I done to deserve this? > > Of course, I tell myself that there is nothing that my wife or I could > have done to prevent this. They were probably just....born that way. > And they ARE my sons. I have to try to accept them. > > Pray for us. We head into unchartered waters..... Oh, I dunno...think how much a couple of side drummers could spice up your practice sessions! Plus they'll never kick your butt in competition without even breaking a sweat... I say roll with the punches. At least they don't want to play tuba. Michael - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael New & Diane Rossmiller Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 25 Feb 2000 20:14:44 -0900 Royce Lerwick wrote: > At my time of life, it's more a question of who's a guy to do it with, > than what. > > Do you mean who is a guy that you can do it with, or who is it that a guy can do it _with_? In other words, is this a midlife crisis, or a lonely hearts sort of a thing? Confused, Michael - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Mitchell on Solo vs Band Playing Date: 26 Feb 2000 06:00:09 GMT (Bruce) HATHABODHRAN wrote: > >Each of us is one the edge. I don't mean back a few inches. I > >mean right on the edge. It can be a pretty scary place at times. > > I have to remind our drum corps, when you can't hear yourself playing, you have > got it right. Kind of a nice place to be. I've competed solo at three events (messed up most of them to various degrees), and I have to admit I have some of the hardest times piping ensemble in a group of just 4 pipers. My instructor is gently pushing to get three of us (piping 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 years) into the local band and that's something I will have to get used to. When I can't hear myself play, part of me gets freaked out---feels like driving blind. Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Which is the most popular practice chanter? Date: 26 Feb 2000 05:47:46 GMT I don't have any figures, and I don't believe that makers would be releasing that information. My guess is that the best selling ones are those cheesy models you see sold in a kit with a tape at the various highland games that parents pick up for their kids for, what?, $30? I don't recall the make, but maybe someone can help . . . Andrew p.s. Yes, I'm sure they sound relatively hideous. -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: More Dis On The Drummers Date: 26 Feb 2000 06:43:09 -0500 On 26 Feb 2000 04:56:33 GMT, (HATHABODHRAN) wrote: >Oh the horror of being a piper and seeing your children wanting to play the >drums. ... I see pipe bands begging for drummers. Offering a >thousand dollars to a drummer who will commit for one year. Yes, it sucks to >be a drummer. How disappointing it must be to my father and my pipe major that >I am JUST a drummer. I agree, Bruce. I don't understand the whole concept of drummer jokes. I have great admiration and respect for drummers, and I've seen many bands fall apart for want of a drum corps. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Le Boeuf Subject: (bagpipe) Re: McDeura "playable" Jr. Bagpipes Date: 26 Feb 2000 07:05:42 GMT Lawrie Silverberg wrote: > > A friend of mine was given two sets of McDeura "playable" Junior > Bagpipes for her kids and they aren't interested in them. All I know > is that they were bought in Scotland. Does anyone have any idea of > their value? > TIA > Lawrie LoL,, McDeura, They are a company in Pakistan. The real name is M. Sanaullah & Sons. They recieved an award by the Sialkot Chamber of commerce called the McDeura Award for selling the most products (To Lark), so they call themselves McDeura and M. Sanaullah. They are still kinda junky (ok, really Junky). Mike - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: bdunsire@aol.comNOSPAM (Bob Dunsire) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Our dirty little secret.... Date: 26 Feb 2000 15:39:20 GMT Hi Brian, Don't give up hope quite yet - When my (10 year old at the time) daughter started playing the pipes, her sister (8 at the time) decided to be a drummer - I'm certain it was in no small part an effort to be different. By the time she reached 10, Liz had started playing the pipes as well as the drums, and she is now (at 13) only playing the pipes, and quite well.. she plays in a Grade 3 / Juvenile band (her sister is the PM) the Robert Malcolm Memorial PB. >"Dad, (long pause) we want to be drummers......" I have some great memories from Liz's short career as a drummer. Her sister and I playing to accompany her in solo contests is one of those wonderful events that I will always remember. So, it is not too bad (my wife is 'still' a tenor drummer)... we can win 'em back... sometimes.. Bob D. ------------- (having much fun with web pages, including: (Bagpipe Web Directory - 1000+ links) (BC Pipers' Association)) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Which is the most popular practice chanter? Date: 26 Feb 2000 17:57:47 GMT On Sat, 26 Feb 2000 09:27:44 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: > >David & Mary wrote > >> Unfortunately, my financial means are extremely limited right now with >> 4 kids in college (between myself and my wife). It is for this reason >> that I seek a "safety in numbers" approach to my first purchase. I >> probably don't want the cheapest one, but I surely can't afford the > >David. the best way to go, is call any highland dealer and order >a full-size plastic practice chanter. You can get one for 60 to 80 bucks. >Any brand, any model, it doesn't matter they all sound the same. Not true at all. Since I've designed my own long-scale PC I'm going to take exception to that. Likewise, CE Kron has a long-scale PC I think is superior. And--don't beat me up for this Mr. Atherton Sir--Kintail/Drumran/Sharp whoever they call themselves today make a very nice PC. These (and I'm sure some others) not only play with good intonate, but the *tone* is actually pretty tolerable, or at least as tolerable as a PC gets. There are however, some name-brand PC's, and especially some apparently very very very popular short scale models flooding the planet, that just are far far worse than a bad Pakistani one. I'm not exaggerating. I mean this literally, as I've had numerous occasion to try to set them up side-by-side and get something even a student can stand to play going. And many of the very expensive ones are not that great sounding. >Practice chanters doen't have any tone so it's not a critical issue. Again, they do have a tone, and it can be good bad or painful even in a PC context. But they also have *intonation* which is very important. I think there are generations of knuckle-dragging deafies who daily crucify us with their GHB chanter tuning based on this notion that a PC doesn't have to sound musical in any fashion, and since their entire formative opinion of the music and instrument was based on their continued years of PC play, they are unredeemable on the pipes. > >> May I also make the same inquiry for Uilleann pipe practice chanters? > >Here you can try out a tin-whistle. It's the same fingering principle as >a Uilleann pipe, but it will only set you back maybe 8 bucks. It's not entirely the same, but it serves at the PC of the UP world for the most part, and if you can't get a load of tunes off a whistle in a year, don't bother with the pipes. > >If your any good at it, then purchase a practice set and be prepared >to spend a minimum of 800 bucks. That's just for the bag setup and chanter. >BTW the waiting period is just under 2 years for Uilleann pipes!!!! Oddly enough I have a practice set or two available. I'm thinking of putting them on ebay, but the above is about right. I'd recommend Seth Gallagher in NY though, he's got new apprentices in the shop and geared up for faster delivery, and turns out incredible instruments that really get the job done for you. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: More Dis On The Drummers Date: 26 Feb 2000 18:14:31 GMT On Sat, 26 Feb 2000 06:43:09 -0500, Chris Hamilton wrote: >I agree, Bruce. I don't understand the whole concept of drummer jokes. >I have great admiration and respect for drummers, and I've seen many >bands fall apart for want of a drum corps. Speaking of which, the drum-impoverished Stirling Pipe Band of Winnipeg and environs has recently collapsed for lack of same. It's nearly heart-rendering to see a good stand of pipers shuffling around with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other, pipes crooked on the arm, scuffing their toes in puzzlement in a corner, while lesser bands proudly march by taking trophies. "Hey yeah," they mutter, "we could kick their asses--if we had some drummers..." Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Solo playing vs Band playing Date: 26 Feb 2000 07:36:52 GMT On Fri, 25 Feb 2000 21:32:43 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >Quite frankly, Solo competitions bore me, but I do feel for the soloists >as conditions at the games are pretty horrendous. But that's only because the games feature three biggies: The heavies, the dancers, the bands--primarily the massed bands, but in the last 20 years band competition has actually gained an audience. The only reason a solo contest is taking place at all is because a whole lot of bands happen to be in the vicinity. No busloads of solo players would be driving 16 hours nonstop at 80mph to places like Maxville or Alma or Pleasanton to play in a grade 4 solo contest. Only a few pipers in all of the US, professional players, would really have any motivation to drive more than half a day to stand in front of a judge and a hadful of fellow soloists. > >In comparison with band competitions, solo competitions just don't hold >the same excitement for me. There's nothing like a good cracking Medley, >filled with exciting music and added harmonies, to really bring out the tone >of a well setup pipeband. Absolutely. And this leaves just that much more of a mystery when some fictional "union" at best calling itself "COMPADA" trying to muscle its way into a band or piping association, making noises like it wants to cut itself loose from the "dead weight" of all the band-oriented promotion and regulation, or the "horrendous" conditions for soloists at a typical NA games. Conditions at rough for the solo player at the games, because they're not the drawing attraction. They are in fact, a distraction of time, energy, and organization from band contests. For a guy who keeps talking about band play and band consideration, your contention that no band is ever held up because some player is still doing solos is incorrect for one, and flawed in that, all those players in the solo events have pissed away all morining beating themselves up in solo play, then have to pound through a massed bands, and then warm up with the band, and then do the band contest. That's why its rough for the solo player at an NA games. And it doesn't matter whether the player makes it "in time" to march on with the band or not. Unless he's got a different set of pipes, he's the one you keep on about being all soggy, and of course, shagged-out, and who isn't going to be "Mr. Tone" or "Mr. Corp Player" unless he's superhuman. So, bad as it may be in the NA system, the alternative is that there are no solo events where there are band events, or any other events for that matter. Thus, only a few solo contests period, appealing to a pretty small, closed, and self-selecting little group of loyalists, both players and listeners. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: sdon Subject: (bagpipe) Great set of pipes for sale! Date: 26 Feb 2000 13:24:51 -0700 Great sets of pipes for sale with LOADS of gear thrown in. (All brand new) The price is $965.00 . For that price you get: 1 Set of Booth, African Black wood pipes MADE IN SCOTLAND (These are excellent pipes). They are mounted in 1/2 imitation ivory and chrome with chrome tuning pin covers. The chrome looks about 1,0000 times better than the nickel silver that is being put on pipes these days! They are really an eye catcher. Often after hearing and seeing a set of these pipes, people will chase down one of my pipers dying to find out where they got their pipes. Anyway.... You also get a heavy duty pipe case, elk hide bag, very nice custom zippered bag cover, silk cords, Shepherd reeds, drone brushes, rubber stoppers, pipers third hand, seasoning, hemp, cobblers wax, pipe teachers assistant CD volume one, Companion book of music for CD volume one WARNOCK pipe chanter , and Bore Mhor Valve.The pipes themselves are worth more than the sale price, and the drones are good enough to take you all the way to the top. As I said before, they will hold their own against Naill drones anytime The Booths sound just like a sweet set of Hendersons (Seriously!). The Warnock chanter has plenty of great reputation behind it what more can you say? I have a hard time keeping sets around because every time a buyer sees a set of these pipes, what they come with, and hear how they sound they buy them on the spot. They way they act, you would think they had hit the mother load. I could go on and on about these pipes, but the best thing I say is I am so pleased with them I use them my self, as a matter of fact, I set my whole band up with them, and man can we get a sweet sound with these pipes. The tone of the drones is superb, the wood of the pipes is excellent, the included gear is top quality, and the chanter is great!! You are not going to beat this deal ANYWHERE. You can see pics. at: Don Smith -- PIPER AT LARGE ( White Peaks Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) RMMB Cap Badge Estimate Date: 26 Feb 2000 19:14:44 GMT Well, we have an estimate for the RMMB cap badges. Unfortunately it's quite a bit higher than the $25-$30 figure we were working from initially. With setup charge and per-badge costs, and shipping, each badge is going to cost about $50. I wanted to let everybody know, before we start ordering any badges, about the new price. If you don't want a badge after all, that's fine. What we're trying to do is get a good idea of the quantities. Please let me know if you want a badge. If you've forgotten what it looks like, go here... Thanks, Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Le Boeuf Subject: (bagpipe) Charley Ford Date: 26 Feb 2000 21:38:23 GMT Does anyone have Charley Fords Phone Number? Thanks, Mike - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: oshpiper Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 26 Feb 2000 22:39:43 GMT In article <>, (ramsey miller) wrote: > Well, I'm getting a bit up there in years, and I'm not really interested > in dating a young Sinclair chickie. At my age, you're looking for > depth, expressiveness and feeling. So, since we are now running a > dating service - could somone please set me up with, say a nice > Henderson, date of birth around 1910 or so? Let her know that I'm a > poor boy and can't afford a lot of money for her, but I'll make up for > my lack of money with love. All she has to do is come to me... > > R.M. Yes, but: Do you deserve her? Are your "love" credentials honed to a high technical degree? Are you able to use what she has to offer and maintain her to a high standard? (It will take more than love). She does not recognize a 'come hither' glance. She will not come willingly. If you say, "Nay" to any of these queries, then you shall not seek or attempt to covet her. Pat Sent via Before you buy. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Dispecta est Thule Date: 26 Feb 2000 18:10:45 GMT Well there, Mr. Gretten. You're the product of the English Public School system are you not? I wonder if you could give me both a literal and interpretive translation of the Lerwick family motto, as there seems to be some debate on the matter: Dispecta est Thule But of course, this is on a coat of arms alleged to be the family's but probably it is the Earl of Lerwick's, the guy who moved in when we moved out. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ewan A. Macpherson" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Bag Pipe Music Writer Date: 26 Feb 2000 18:17:49 -0500 ccc31807 wrote: > Two side notes: (1) I've never used PipeLime because I could > never get it to work. I can't conceive how PipeLime could make > Lime work easier, and I would suggest that you learn to use Lime > before you try to learn PipeLime. Yes, you definitely need to know how Lime works first. All PipeLime does is let you enter notes into Lime more quickly - it doesn't make it do anything new. I find PL quicker because: a) melody notes and single gracenotes can be entered with a single mouse click - no need to select duration and pitch in two stages; b) multi-gracenote embellishments require two mouse clicks max; c) the pitch-clicking is done on a vertical staff rather than on the useful 10% of the tweeny-weeny horizontal piano keyboard. I can certainly go faster with PL, but I suppose if you get good, there might not be much advantage over plain Lime. > (2) I most certainly would try > some of the bagpipe programs as well. If all you are doing is > bagpipe music, you probably would be better off using one of > them instead of Lime. Indeed. Unless one expects people to pay for the scores, in which case I think we agree that they deserve the finest notation that can be mustered. -- Ewan Macpherson - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "John and/or Lori Gaudet" Subject: (bagpipe) Mitchell on Solo vs Band Playing Date: 26 Feb 2000 23:43:05 GMT John Mitchell wrote: PM's of good bands don't teach their players, select or write the music, and they rarely setup the band. I think Ed Neigh, along with the efforts of Jim MacGillivary have been the only ones to actually teach players from a very low standard and bring them into a GR1 band environment! Just a little interjection here... Sometimes you guys in Ontario have blinders on.... but we in the Maritimes...particularly in New Brunswick Sandy Gordon and myself to speak of two have taught rank beginners and speaking on my own merits, have taught them to play in an award winning grade 2 band in 2 yrs....and not just playing the odd competition, but actually contributing! I teach everyone!! And I set up the band. Mike Grey once said...." I wouldn't want your job for all the tea in China" It's hard work and dedication...but there are LOTS of P/M's earning that little bit of recognition when the band's name is called at the Worlds!! Lori Wilson-Gaudet - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Andrew Berthoff" Subject: (bagpipe) World Solo Drumming Date: 26 Feb 2000 16:11:45 -0500 In case anyone is interested, the results of the World Solo Drumming Championship are available at Cheers, Andrew Berthoff Toronto, Canada - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew & Kristen Lenz Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Charley Ford Date: 27 Feb 2000 02:24:26 GMT HATHABODHRAN wrote: > > I have dealt with Charlie Ford for years and have always found his service > outstanding. He understands customer service. Yeah, I've never had any problems. I was going to return an unused L&M bag after 6 months since it turned out I didn't need it and he offered to take it back. Good guy. Andrew -- Andrew & Kristen Lenz Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Le Boeuf Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Charley Ford Date: 27 Feb 2000 03:22:01 GMT Andrew & Kristen Lenz wrote: > > HATHABODHRAN wrote: > > > > I have dealt with Charlie Ford for years and have always found his service > > outstanding. He understands customer service. > > Yeah, I've never had any problems. I was going to return an unused L&M > bag after 6 months since it turned out I didn't need it and he offered > to take it back. Good guy. > > Andrew > -- > Andrew & Kristen Lenz > > Santa Cruz, California U.S.A. Our band (Irish Heritage) has delt with him for many years, and I have met him a few times. I just didnt know how to get ahold of him. Thanks for the help everyone, Mike - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Le Boeuf Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Great set of pipes for sale! Date: 27 Feb 2000 03:23:38 GMT IRSH PIPER wrote: > > Hi Don, > Amen on the Booths, > Most of our band plays Booths. > Good looking and a sweet sound. > We get them from Sandy St. James. > Ya seem to get a lot for the price. > God Bless > JAY Murray > > >Booth, African Black wood pipes MADE > >IN SCOTLAND (These are excellent pipes). They are mounted in 1/2 > >imitation ivory and chrome with chrome tuning pin covers. The chrome > >looks about 1,0000 times better than the nickel silver that is being put > >on pipes these days! They are really an eye catcher. Often after > >hearing and seeing a set of these pipes, people will chase down one of > >my pipers dying to find out where they got their pipes. Anyway.... You > >also get a heavy duty pipe case, elk hide bag, very nice custom zippered > >bag cover, silk cords, Shepherd reeds, drone brushes, rubber stoppers, > >pipers third hand, seasoning, hemp, cobblers wax, > >pipe teachers assistant CD volume one, Companion book of music for CD > >volume > >one WARNOCK pipe chanter , and Bore Mhor Valve.The pipes themselves are > >worth > >more than the sale price, and the drones are good enough to take you all > >the > >way to the top. As I said before, they will hold their own against Naill > > > >drones anytime The Booths sound just like a sweet set of Hendersons Most of the pipers in our band have Booth sets, about 6 pipers have booths. All from Sandy, Mike - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Our dirty little secret.... Date: 26 Feb 2000 20:55:10 -0800 I confess, I too have drummed, a little, in times past. It's hard to admit, and I often times worried what would people think if I got caught drumming by myself. "sigh" But I have moved on from that time of my life, and, although it was a shameful time for me, I can at least hold my head up proudly as a piper and not carry the burden of shame with me. All the best Don Steve White wrote: > Like father like son - I bet you're a closet drummer yourself. > :-) > Steve White > Proud to be a drummer > > Brian wrote in message <>... > >Yesterday my two oldest sons (11 and 9) came to me and announced that > >they wanted to join the pipe band. I was elated. My sons would follow > >in my footsteps and become pipers! Yes, boys, of course you can join. > > > >They look at each other nervously. Something is wrong. WHAT? > > > >"Dad, (long pause) we want to be drummers......" > > > >My world crumbles around me. Why, oh why is this cruel fate befalling > >me? What have I done to deserve this? > > > >Of course, I tell myself that there is nothing that my wife or I could > >have done to prevent this. They were probably just....born that way. > >And they ARE my sons. I have to try to accept them. > > > >Pray for us. We head into unchartered waters..... > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Rojo2G) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 27 Feb 2000 05:46:03 GMT >looking for depth, expressiveness and feeling. I lost my nerve in even touching Sinclair when testing the reed it squaked ''cheap' 'cheap' .....uncanny. I returned to my age impaired Grainger. How did the reed know? - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Rojo2G) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: SEASONING--Storage/Corrosion? Date: 27 Feb 2000 06:04:35 GMT >I wouldn't be surprised to find out that the golden colored bags were >brain-tanned and smoked in the old Native Americcan method. Its a vague memory but it seems that brain tanned hides come out blue or white. It may just be that way with buckskin - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Rojo2G) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: SEASONING--Storage/Corrosion? Date: 27 Feb 2000 06:07:43 GMT >The inside of my bag looks likes it's been sprinkled with an off-white >powder That does it, I'm never looking in there again, not even for the lost drone reed(s) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Solo/Band competition Date: 27 Feb 2000 13:45:05 GMT Excellent comments, and I couldn't agree with you more. The goal should be to play well and make music. Winning is both "circumstantial and coincidental" which is to say that, at the best of times, winning is a "result" of playing well and making music. However playing well does not guarantee winning, so take it all in stride. The quest to win, however, can be a powerful motivator to practice and perfect our music, which is a good thing, provided it does not become all consuming. Again, only my opinion. Ringo ccc31807 wrote in message > I've watched this general thread by Mitchell-Lerwick-Bowen. We > can, and do, have different opinions about this, and we will > never settle this in a million years. Which is not a bad thing, > as this is way down on the list in order of importance. Some > people do, however, have very strong feelings about this, and > the approach we take tells about our musical priorities. > > Al McMullin made a comment yesterday at the SE workshop in > Atlanta, to the effect that the purpose of the competitor should > be to WIN, WIN, WIN. "Kick ass" is his exact quote. He stated > that the competitor has no business on the boards unless he > intended to go for the jugular (not an exact quote). > > I disagree with this. In my view, the event itself is an > irrelevancy. The competitor has already won by stepping on the > boards. The outcome does not matter in the least. First place, > last place, it's all the same. > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (JSLOANPR) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 27 Feb 2000 16:48:41 GMT >Shepherd Mark 11 at least twice a week. > >Wow! And I thought the Mark II sucked! That Mark 11 must be really bad >if he's gone through 9 model changes in the last few months that never >even saw the light of day! The Mark 11 ( eleven ) has a self adjusting throat that powers the reed up or down automatically to keep the pitch from rising or falling. It also has an automatic pre- set reed pinch device that keeps the reed at perfect strength for the chanter's owner. Options include safety devices to prevent overblowing E on the attack and flashing red light to warn of moisture problems. I actually don't own one of these wonders, my original post was a double typo, I cheat on my Sinclair with a Mark I. Jim - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael New & Diane Rossmiller Subject: (bagpipe) Re: SEASONING--Storage/Corrosion? Date: 27 Feb 2000 09:26:03 -0900 Bob Cameron wrote: > I wouldn't be surprised to find out that the golden colored bags were > brain-tanned and smoked in the old Native Americcan method. That's how > westyen buckskins, reall elk-tanned hides and even bison hides wer emade > pliable, soft and rain-resistant. All he brain-tanned hides I've seen were a beautiful, clean white in color, very soft and supple, even the moose hide. Perhaps too soft for pipe bags... As the old timers say, God gave every animal just enough brains to tan its hide. Cheers, Michael - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Rojo2G) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: SEASONING--Storage/Corrosion? Date: 27 Feb 2000 22:07:47 GMT >whaddaya see? Look like Petri dish. Maybe Mitchell can do and experiement with a before look and after he's blown in the eau de vie? - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael New & Diane Rossmiller Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Must have piobaireachd books? Date: 27 Feb 2000 17:07:37 -0900 RonTeague wrote: > I don't know about MacFarland's Gathering but Kilberry has the other two. My > Kilberry is at the office and I am at home. Leave a little piobaireachd where > ever you go. Like a dog senting a tree. Ron T The MacFarlanes Gathering is in Kilberry as well. Michael - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael New & Diane Rossmiller Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Great set of pipes for sale! Date: 27 Feb 2000 17:10:38 -0900 ferraridrones wrote: > Our band has six sets and counting... try them... once you do, you too > will know how to beat the SFU sound. > Wow. BYU Pipe Band beat SFU????? When? Where? Inquiring minds want to know. Michael - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Solo/Band competition Date: 28 Feb 2000 02:52:21 GMT >The quest to win, however, can be a powerful motivator to practice and >perfect our music Agreed. And I'm coming from a solo standpoint, where my goal is to be in the prize list somewhere (1st,2nd,3rd,or 4th) if I can do that, and if not,to have played the best I could. I did a lot of the latter last season. For solos, it's not just the "winning" of first place, but getting into the prize lists. And once you can do that, you eventually move to another grade where you're no longer in the prize lists, etc. Solo competition has done a lot for keeping the standard of piping where it is, I think. Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: RMMB Cap Badge Estimate Date: 28 Feb 2000 02:56:00 GMT >Will there be a secret handshake accompanying this badge so when we >meet we can identify the bearer as a bonifide lurker of this news group? Yes, but it costs extra. Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Re: 4/2 NJ Piping Competition? Date: 27 Feb 2000 23:05:57 -0500 Is there any truth to the rumors I heard Saturday evening that this contest might be canceled? Bill Doug Campbell wrote in message <>... > > >> >> (Zudupiper) wrote: >> > I just heard about this one. With Palmer being cancelled, this looks >> like a >> > good way to open the season. But I didn't get a registration form, >> because I'm >> > not in the Metro branch. >> > >> > Can somebody post the details for a contact person for this >> competition? >> > >> > Thanks, >> > >> > Zu > >Zu - Just in case you want a REALLY busy weekend, there's also a >competition the day before, on April 1st in Manchester NH, run by the New >Hampshire School of Scottish Arts. Judges will be Michael Grey, Jake >Watson & Gordon Webster. Here's the link: > >Also, don't forget Shrewsbury, MA on the 15th. > >Doug C. > >-- >----------------------------------- >"Women and cats will do as they please, >and men and dogs should relax and get >used to the idea" - Robert A. Heinlein > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dating a Sinclair chanter Date: 27 Feb 2000 23:10:27 -0500 Gentlemen (and I use the term advisedly): All this suggestive talk... shame on you all. The good gentleman simply wants to DATE this chanter... certainly nothing so lurid in an innocent DATE now, is there? Bill - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Great set of pipes for sale! Date: 27 Feb 2000 23:23:48 -0500 On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 21:57:42 -0500, madman wrote: >ferraridrones wrote: >> Kron uses one of the Glenn's, > >Wrong...for the love of God,pull out a vernier caliper, and take some >measurements. Dave, you're as subtle as a 155mm howitzer ... :-) Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Great set of pipes for sale! Date: 28 Feb 2000 05:09:41 GMT On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 17:10:38 -0900, Michael New & Diane Rossmiller wrote: >ferraridrones wrote: > >> Our band has six sets and counting... try them... once you do, you too >> will know how to beat the SFU sound. >> > >Wow. > > >BYU Pipe Band beat SFU????? > >When? They plan to make the assault in three weeks time. > >Where? During a concert in the Marriot Center in Provo, on campus. > >Inquiring minds want to know. The question you neglected to ask was, "how?" They plan to ambush them as they exit the concert, exhausted, and beat the SFU players severely about the head and shoulders until they submit. That is how you beat the SFU sound with Booth pipes. Royce (The most effective way that is.) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Bribery In Pipe Band Judging? Date: 28 Feb 2000 05:25:28 GMT On Sat, 26 Feb 2000 23:27:29 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >Maybe all comments should be made a matter of public record, >so that the competing bands can at least see what that judge liked >about a winning band. They could probably learn from it too! About 6 months back you were telling me I was a moron for giving scoresheets andy credibility at all, you said they were worthless, and wouldn't tell you anything about the band's performance. Now I see where this is coming from. At that time however, you and a certain other band were completely refusing to reveal scoresheets, on the grounds essentiall that it was none of anybody's business. So, now you've come full circle, why don't we just cough up those comments and we can all see what the judges had to say? What do you say everyone? All you bands at the World's--just type'em in right now and we'll see who got robbed and why. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Mitchell on Solo vs Band Playing Date: 28 Feb 2000 05:17:34 GMT On Sat, 26 Feb 2000 23:43:05 GMT, "John and/or Lori Gaudet" wrote: >John Mitchell wrote: PM's of good bands don't teach their players, select or >write >the music, and they rarely setup the band. I think Ed Neigh, along with the >efforts of Jim MacGillivary have been the only ones to actually teach >players from a very low standard and bring them into a GR1 band environment! And Gordon Tuck, and I'm sure a few others. > >Just a little interjection here... >Sometimes you guys in Ontario have blinders on.... Sometimes? But then, I'm finally figuring out that John may accurately represent the prevaling attitudes those blinders cause, but he doesn't necessarily represent any specific point of view but his own, no matter how many names or band associations he drops as credentials. >but we in the Maritimes...particularly in New Brunswick >Sandy Gordon and myself to speak of two have taught rank beginners and >speaking on my own merits, have taught them to play in an award winning >grade 2 band in 2 yrs....and not just playing the odd competition, but >actually contributing! The best band in Canada of course, is not in Ontario and they have a multi-band feeder/training system that does in fact recruit and bring up raw beginners en masse and SFU's "really good" PM is directly involved in this effort at the ground level, as well as *every other "really good piper* in the band. Which again, makes me wonder as you have, just how smokey the bubble must be that some people in John's part of the world live in, to be completely out of sync with the philosphy or systems that have actually produced not just Canada's best band, but the World's best band. Just for clarity sake, the 78 Frasers is really only a model for the 78th Frasers and is not typical of "really good bands" anywhere. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Solo/Band competition Date: 28 Feb 2000 05:27:57 GMT On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 13:45:05 GMT, "Ron Bowen" wrote: >Excellent comments, and I couldn't agree with you more. The goal should be >to play well and make music. Winning is both "circumstantial and >coincidental" which is to say that, at the best of times, winning is a >"result" of playing well and making music. And that's why the whole institution of "competitive" playing is inbred and obsolete. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Solo/Band competition Date: 28 Feb 2000 05:30:17 GMT On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 22:15:55 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >It spond the evolution of Kitchen piping, which broke us away from the >standard and mundane MSR presentation. Not really. Kitchen piping has been around for centuries, and it was played by pipers--sitting down--in kitchens. A few crazy North American bands just started farting around with Irish/Cape Breton styles in the band medly. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Mitchell on Solo vs Band Playing Date: 28 Feb 2000 05:19:41 GMT On Sat, 26 Feb 2000 23:57:53 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >My point is this, it's the bandsman of these top bands that make the bands >what they are. The days of the one man show are over, and I think >we should somehow reflect that for the times we live in. Then why don't you take Bill aside and tell him so. Better you than me. Royce (Maybe send Rob a note as well while you're at it.) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Smith Subject: (bagpipe) Radio Scotland Let US Down Date: 28 Feb 2000 07:59:17 +0000 I again asked radio scotland if they could let us hear Pipeline via the web, they broadcast news etc just now. Here is their respopnse Dear Mr Smith Thank you for your e-mail, currently you can listen to BBC Scotland news and sports programmes on the web. For contractural and "rights" reasons we are not able at present to add music programmes, including "Pipeline" to the service. Hopefully more programmes will become available in the future. Yours sincerely Sheila Hardie BBC Information scotland - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matt Buckley" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Solo/Band competition Date: 28 Feb 2000 08:10:20 -0500 John Mitchell wrote in > It spond [spawned?] the evolution of Kitchen piping, > which broke us away from the standard and > mundane MSR presentation. Huh? Jesus H. ... , John. "Kitchen piping" has been around since long before band competitions. Why do you insist upon believing that the pipes have only been played in one context? Only a very few still cling to the notion that dance piping, Gaelic piping, pibroch along the lines of Allan MacDonald, etc. are, somehow, crazy new theories with little basis in fact. Cheers. Matt - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Great set of pipes for sale! Date: 28 Feb 2000 07:46:41 -0500 On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 01:00:04 -0800, ferraridrones wrote: > ... >Madman... I admire your work, however, every set of new Kron's look and >sound like Glenn's... thought you learnt from a guy that made Robertson >copies... anyway, your pipes are well made and good sounding so please >don't mix the issues here; I don't think they look like Glen's at all. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matt Buckley" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Great set of pipes for sale! Date: 28 Feb 2000 08:16:50 -0500 ferraridrones The real issue is that Booth pipes are dead ringers for Henderson's > from the 1913-1917 era; they even have the tone of Henderson's. If you > are looking to match that tone you can either try in vane to find > Henderson's or buy a set of BOOTH pipes and end the quest. OR you can purchase a set of Hamish Moore's GHBs. Hamish's drone measurements were taken from a set of 1914 Hendersons. Check it out. The tone is the same, and is magnificent. I know - I have heard my Moore Bbs played back-to-back with a set of Hendersons from the 1913-1917 era. The owner of the Hendersons was astounded. Cheers. Matt - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Maeve" Subject: (bagpipe) Catching up! Date: 28 Feb 2000 09:13:33 -0500 Having returned home late last night from this trade show in Orlando, I am desperately trying to catch up on so many things! I don't like lumping everything together but it seems to be my only choice this morning so here goes! Trade show: Would it reveal all to say that I was able to get about 8 hours of practice in each day while doing this trade show??? I have never seen such a bad one in all of my years of doing them but it did wonders for my piping :) :) :) :) I spent about 4 hours outside with Angus practicing and another 4 hours in the booth with my practice chanter! What a riot!!!!! 250 vendors fighting over the 20 attendees on Sunday morning! But Angus was with me to divert the inevitable gloom and depression. We went outside the convention center and I practiced in a somewhat isolated place! I say somewhat because people always manage to find Angus and me. I had MANY positive comments from the passers-by which was good for me, considering the funk I have just been through. JIM!!!!!!! IT WORKED! On Friday, the boredom inside the convention center became overwhelming. Being in a rather playful mood, I looked at my husband and casually said, "I'll bet that I can make more money on the streets than you can in here with your captive audience" . . the bet was on and I headed out with Angus in one hand and my pipe case in the other. I "seeded" the case with a couple of dollars and some change, joked with one of the vendors that, while my back is turned, someone will take the money and I would be the only piper in the world returning from the streets with a deficit, and I set up near the doors of the convention center. Fifteen minutes later, I returned to the booth with $7.25!!!!!!!! ROTFLOL!!!!!!!! It was, indeed, more than he had made so I won!!!!! He not-so-politely asked me if I would take off my booth-name-badge the next time I pulled such a stunt :) :) :) Jacksonville Games: GREAT games until I fell off of my platform shoes, twisted my ankle and had to make a painful exit!!! The Peanut Gallery (a.k.a. Dave's Cheering Section) arrived in fine voice just in time for Dave's march competition. Dave . .. . that was a VERY creative move, having that bomber do his fly-by and touch and go while you were playing your piobaireachd! NICE diversionary tactic! I give you a lot of credit for that one, Hon!!!! How did you arrange that one? We couldn't hear a note of your variations!!!!! Angus was passed around, demonstrating his new SM-90 Shepherd drone reeds. They were well received by many! There was one tense moment when Dave took Angus, I held his pipe, and we both stood with our eyes locked in mistrust, waiting for the first move by the other. All worked out well as Jim took Dave's pipe from me (I think he's on my side for the moment . . again!) and I was able to guard Angus! I hope that magic I was teaching you, Jim, worked this time! Lindsey brought out his small pipes and we had a great time. Mine are ordered and I'm eagerly awaiting their delivery! 7 Nations was great, spent too much money, a few Guinness, a not-so-graceful move by me, and the day was over. Sorry for the quick exit, guys! The bands were good, lots of vendors, good food and a great day. I would recommend these games for anyone looking for a fun day in the gorgeous Florida sun!!!!! Cave of Gold: I'll try, in the next few days, to get the translation of the words to this that Norman Kennedy did for me off of the tape and into typing. As the story was told to me, MacCrimmon was given this gift by the faeries, who told him that they (the faeries) would be needed again in the near future. MacCrimmon did need their help and went to the Cave of Gold to seek their assistance. He disappeared for a number of days (weeks) and the piobaireachd tells of what he saw while in the cave. Sorry, Andrew :) :) :) I tried! I managed four for you! -- Love and Light be with you, Maeve . . . resting comfortably before the next round! authoring "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." --- Oscar Wilde - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Our dirty little secret.... Date: 28 Feb 2000 10:07:30 -0500 Michael New & Diane Rossmiller wrote: > snip > > Oh, I dunno...think how much a couple of side drummers could spice up your > practice sessions! > > Plus they'll never kick your butt in competition without even breaking a > sweat... > > I say roll with the punches. At least they don't want to play tuba. > > Michael Don't be so hasty- at least if they wnated top play tuba their school would probably provide the horns and instruction, and there are lots of opprtunities for good tuba players. Heck, I paid for college with my wages as a tuba player, played on the radio, TV, made records-- all before3 i fell in with evil companions playing bagpipes...( andhad the time of my life, as the old song goes) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dispecta est Thule Date: 28 Feb 2000 09:28:25 -0500 Whereas Thule is both a real placename and a mythical Northernmost outpost of human habitation, (Ultima Thule), it could mean This place looks like the frozen wasteland we left. Than agin, as Prince Valliant 's home was also Thule, it could simply mean "get a load of that Haircut!" I always worry aboy the juxtaposition of Norse and Latin terms... Paul Gretton wrote: > Royce Lerwick wrote: > > > >>Well there, Mr. Gretten. You're the product of the English Public > >>School system are you not? > > No, I'm certainly NOT! You don't need to be quite THAT insulting. > > >>I wonder if you could give me both a > >>literal and interpretive translation of the Lerwick family motto, as > >>there seems to be some debate on the matter: > >> > >>Dispecta est Thule > > Not as a pubic school product but as a survivor of twelve years of Latin (most of it > with the Christian Brothers), and a professional translator: > > LITERAL: > > dispecta: past participle passive of the verb dispicere. This verb can have a very wide > range of meanings: to look at, perceive, see clearly, gaze upon, investigate, discover, > consider, reflect on. They all have the same core meaning, though. > > est: third person singular of the verb esse, meaning "to be". > > Thule: I don't need to tell YOU what this means. > > The combination of the past participle passive and the third person singular implies "x > must be y-ed" or "one has to y x" or "x is worthy of being y-ed" (where x is the subject > and y is the verb). Cato famously said "Delenda est Carthago", meaning "Carthage has to > be destroyed" or "We (Romans) have to put a stop to (the ambitions of) Carthage". > > INTERPRETATIVE: > > All in all, I would suggest the following interpretative translation, which I hope you > won't find too free: > > "CHECK OUT THE AMERICAN AIRBASE IN NORTHERN GREENLAND SOMETIME!" > > Now about the best kind of tape for bagpipe chanters……. > > Cheers, > > Paul Gretton > > *****Present mirth hath present laughter.(Twelfth Night)***** - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: SEASONING--Storage/Corrosion? Date: 28 Feb 2000 10:12:29 -0500 The golden color , as i stated my have come from the smoking portion of the process... Michael New & Diane Rossmiller wrote: > Bob Cameron wrote: > > > I wouldn't be surprised to find out that the golden colored bags were > > brain-tanned and smoked in the old Native Americcan method. That's how > > westyen buckskins, reall elk-tanned hides and even bison hides wer emade > > pliable, soft and rain-resistant. > > All he brain-tanned hides I've seen were a beautiful, clean white in color, very > soft and supple, even the moose hide. Perhaps too soft for pipe bags... > > As the old timers say, God gave every animal just enough brains to tan its hide. > > Cheers, > > Michael - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Which is the most popular practice chanter? Date: 28 Feb 2000 10:32:47 -0500 There is no such creature as an uillean pipe practice chanter. There is a tinwhitlke & drone combination which song of the sea offers- and which may be a good idea for a learner,but it's not a chanter. Most uillean pipers strart with a practice set- beloows, bag and chanter. There's not much of a purpose to having a mouth-blown uillean pipe chanter , for unlike a new learner with aGHB practice chanter, the Uillean p[iper does not need to develop good breathing techniques, doe not need to learn as extensive and hierachical a syatem of ornamentation, but DOES need to develop smooth bellows technique, including "Popping" and squeezing out the upper octaves- these last two are good reasons NOT to use a mputh blown practice chanter - it would work againt developing some of the UP piper's basic skills. Having said that, if you're determined to get th echeapest practice set up for UP, check out David Daye's penny chanter- but yiy'd stiill be better off cooupling it with a bag and bellows, IMHO. David & Mary wrote: > On Sat, 26 Feb 2000 05:47:46 GMT, Andrew & Kristen Lenz > wrote: > > >My guess is that the best selling ones are those cheesy models you see > >sold in a kit with a tape at the various highland games that parents > >pick up for their kids for, what?, $30? I don't recall the make, but > >maybe someone can help . . . > > >p.s. Yes, I'm sure they sound relatively hideous. > > Ha! :-) Not what I had in mind... Let me rephrase as follows: > > Can anyone tell me which are the most popular GHB practice chanters > for serious adults... in this case for one wishing to test his musical > aptitude before making a major financial & time commitment. I am > seeking specific makers & model numbers. > > I have been a lurker here for a long time and have investigated all > previously related recommendations only to come to the conclusion > that: 1) there is little consensus, 2) anything from Pakistan is crap, > and 3) more money can always buy a better instrument. > > Unfortunately, my financial means are extremely limited right now with > 4 kids in college (between myself and my wife). It is for this reason > that I seek a "safety in numbers" approach to my first purchase. I > probably don't want the cheapest one, but I surely can't afford the > best one either! I am looking for that "best value" point on the > curve. :-) Any ideas? > > May I also make the same inquiry for Uilleann pipe practice chanters? > > Thanks again, > David M. :-) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matt Buckley" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Which is the most popular practice chanter? Date: 28 Feb 2000 11:09:16 -0500 ccc31807 wrote > Finally, my evaluation of the difficulty of the pipes. > Technique - one of the easier instruments, much, much easier > than the piano. You can learn to play every note in five minutes > and achieve reasonable proficiency in six months. My god! - What is your definition of "proficiency". Pipers take years learning and perfecting Highland ornamentation, and years working through the Grades. I doubt even Gordon Duncan would have referred to himself as "proficient" after only six months. I have yet to hear other NGs like Mitchell, Hamilton, Bowen, McGillivray et. al. talk about the "easy" technique of GHB. FWIW, I have 12 years' study on string bass, and 10 years study on piano. Other, more casual, instruments include guitar and cittern. All of these instruments were piece of cake compared to the technique of GHB. Are you talking Grade 5 / STB / AG standard? Cheers. Matt - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matt Buckley" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Dispecta est Thule Date: 28 Feb 2000 11:13:21 -0500 In Vermont it means: "To look at the yuppie ski rack on my Jeep Cherokee". - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "John and/or Lori Gaudet" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Mitchell on Solo vs Band Playing Date: 28 Feb 2000 16:43:37 GMT I can't believe I am about to say this,.....but Royce may not be far off the mark, when he says, the "Ontario" way is not the norm...It got me to thinking about Grade 1 circuits elsewhere...Northern Ireland, Scotland, the West and East coasts....Alot is homegrown....seems Ontario is just about the only place that doesn't "typically" grow a band from grade 4 up through the ranks....It's too bad Gail Brown and Milton Optimists couldn't keep it together longer....they might have done just that. I remember taking my band to the Toronto Indoors one year...the year fails me right now, but suffice it to say it was around the early '90s and she had a bunch of kids playing in a miniband contest, (didn't even have drummers yet) but obviously wanted to get them started experiencing playing together in front of judges. I was so impressed! But you know as well as I do what happened to Milton....Anybody that was any good in that band...even her sons were lured off to one of the "grade 1 bands" and so it goes in Ontario... Here, we grow our own, work with what we have and over a lifetime go up and down the grades, depending on who we have for talent. There is a loyalty here to organizations that I find deeply lacking on the Ontario circuit. God...its hard to keep up with all the band hopping people do! Lori John Mitchell wrote in message <38ba0c6b_4@>... >Royce Lerwick wrote in >> >> Sometimes? But then, I'm finally figuring out that John may accurately >> represent the prevaling attitudes those blinders cause, but he doesn't >> necessarily represent any specific point of view but his own, no >> matter how many names or band associations he drops as credentials. > >I pride myself with developing some meaningful dialog for this >NG to debate. At times it maybe quite controversial, but at least >it beats reading tune searches and other FAQ threads. > >My posts are my own, that's why I identify my name to them. >I don't pertain to speak for any organization, but my views have >been developed by a lifetime of experiences in the GR1 band circuit. >If my views are inaccurate or have been distorted over time, >then anyone is free to jump in and dispute them. > >Ever notice how that has never happened! > > > > > >-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- > - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! >-----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =----- - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Doug Campbell Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Bribery In Pipe Band Judging? Date: 28 Feb 2000 13:01:50 -0500 You must be talking about the crook with the horny ewe. Doug C. Beginnertunes wrote: > >How do you go about bribing a judge? > > >What's the going rate? > > Your first born. (Ewe that is...) Some judges prefer young male sheep, so it's > best to ask ahead to prevent any more confusion than they already have in their > daily lives. > Bill - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Which is the most popular practice chanter? Date: 28 Feb 2000 14:24:09 -0500 On 28 Feb 2000 11:09:16 -0500, "Matt Buckley" wrote: >ccc31807 wrote > >> Finally, my evaluation of the difficulty of the pipes. >> Technique - one of the easier instruments, much, much easier >> than the piano. You can learn to play every note in five minutes >> and achieve reasonable proficiency in six months. > >My god! - What is your definition of "proficiency". Pipers take years >learning and perfecting Highland ornamentation, and years working through >the Grades. I doubt even Gordon Duncan would have referred to himself as >"proficient" after only six months. I have yet to hear other NGs like >Mitchell, Hamilton, Bowen, McGillivray et. al. talk about the "easy" >technique of GHB. Hmm, well I only play the pipes so I can't compare it to another instrument. But ... I started at about 10-1/2 years old. My first few months of lessons were wasted, as when he moved away and I got a different instructor at age 11, I had to be de-programmed and re-taught because I had not learned the rudiments properly. Sloppy execution and unrecognizable music. I made rapid progress on the finger stuff, but was really careless about musicality and tuning. And especially about maintenance. Lazy typical kid I guess. But I was taught very well and the right way was drummed into me repeatedly. No slack. Now I'm one of those maintenance fanatics whose pipe is ALWAYS going well and I cut little slack to the lazybones too. In my mid-to-late teens it was pretty easy for me to pick up new tunes, play any execution, etc. Just picked up the chanter and learned it note-perfect. I imagine most of the really good players who started as youngsters had a similar experience. I still pick up tunes easily, sight read well, and all that. Tuning did not come easily to me at first, but eventually I got it and have made it a strength. But I know I'm a long long way from the Donald MacPhersons of the world !!! And I know other people for whom everything is ridiculously easy, and others for whom every bar of music is an uphill struggle. Chris -- solo CD soon to be released - Vol 1 of the Lizmoor "World's Pretty Good Pipers" series ... ;-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Doug Campbell Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Which is the most popular practice chanter? Date: 28 Feb 2000 13:51:01 -0500 GHB technique seems to me like an endless - if not hopeless - struggle against crossing noises, uneven grips, taorluaths & crunluaths, flubbed birls, missed doublings and uncooperative fingers in general. I've played guitar for 30 years and to me there's no comparison - the pipes are much more difficult fingerwise. This in addition to unsteady blowing and constant maintenance! A perverse choice for an instrument in all! I love it. Doug C. -- "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea" - Robert A. Heinlein ccc31807 wrote: > To restate what I said, and this is just my opinion, if you take > the component parts of piping and rate them as compared with > other instruments, this is how I would do it: > > fingering technique - easy > winding the pipe, inc. steadiness - extremely difficult > instrument maintenance - excessively difficult > making music - extremely easy > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) brigadoon Date: 28 Feb 2000 20:33:23 GMT In a previous article, "Iain Massie" wrote: >Has anyone out there done Brigadoon. If so, is there any specific music or >is it just something slow. > >Thanks >Iain > > No , I haven't ... but seems to me someone told me once that a tune I play - Piper in the heather- was used in Brigadoon. I think I got it from an old (1960s) KOSB record. but haven't seen it in print anywhere -- basically (you can fill in your own g-notes; when there's doubt, the dot means longer note): A BA F. | E DE F.| A BA a. F | E. E. | " | " | a FD F. E | D. D. | :|| F EF a. | E DE F.| A BA a. F | E. E. | " | " | a FD F. E | D. D. | :|| (sorry I don't kmow abc ! it would come in handy right now). Very nice, albeit simple, tune. chris - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Iain Sherwood" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Radio Scotland Let US Down Date: 28 Feb 2000 12:28:53 -0800 I think it has to do with the fact that they don't have the money for the internet setup; otherwise I'm sure they'd put every programme out on the web. The Beeb, especially BBCScotland, is particularly strapped for money. Hopefully they'll be able to do it in a year or two - remember about Celtic Standard Time.... Iain Sherwood "Jamie Green" wrote in message news:89ejn5$219$ > I think Ms Hardie is talking nonsense to be honest - the BBC currently > broadcast Radio 1 over the net and if that isn't a music station then what > is. I think you should write back to her saying just that Bob. > > Bob Smith wrote in message > > > I again asked radio scotland if they could let us hear Pipeline via the > > web, they broadcast news etc just now. Here is their respopnse > > > > Dear Mr Smith > > > > Thank you for your e-mail, currently you can listen to BBC Scotland news > > and > > sports programmes on the web. > > For contractural and "rights" reasons we are not able at present to add > > music programmes, including "Pipeline" to the service. > > Hopefully more programmes will become available in the future. > > Yours sincerely > > Sheila Hardie > > BBC Information scotland > > > > > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael New & Diane Rossmiller Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Our dirty little secret.... Date: 28 Feb 2000 12:28:07 -0900 Bob Cameron wrote: > Don't be so hasty- at least if they wnated top play tuba their school would > probably provide the horns and instruction, and there are lots of > opprtunities for good tuba players. Heck, I paid for college with my wages > as a tuba player, played on the radio, TV, made records-- all before3 i fell > in with evil companions playing bagpipes...( andhad the time of my life, as > the old song goes) Right, sorry - my tuba comment is probably due to psychic scars from a bad experience at an eatery called "The Traveller's Club and Tuba Museum". I'm dead serious. If you're interested, I can tell you where to find it. It's...fascinating... Michael - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (JSLOANPR) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Bribery In Pipe Band Judging? Date: 28 Feb 2000 21:16:18 GMT >How do you go about bribing a judge? >Which ones take bribes? >What's the going rate? After our bands poor showing in Jacksonville this weekend we have got to get the lowdown on this one! Jim ( Howling Bass Drone ) Sloan Damn thing has never done it before and I can't get it to do it again now. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Solo/Band competition Date: 29 Feb 2000 00:34:28 GMT > which broke us away from the >standard and mundane MSR presentation. Jeeze. "standard and mundane" MSR??? I've been at this for 5 years now and I'm only *beginning* to be able to play a solo MSR. It'll be another year or 2 before I'm comfortable and up to tempo, and probably a number of years after that until I could consider the MSR "standard and mundane". IE solo grade 2 at a minimum. An MSR is a piece of work, all right. And an appalling number of pipers don't even know what an MSR is, let alone how to pronounce "strathspey" or God forbid try to play one. Art thou a snob, Sir John? ; ) Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: 4/2 NJ Piping Competition? Date: 29 Feb 2000 00:37:10 GMT >Is there any truth to the rumors I heard Saturday evening that this contest >might be canceled? I don't know about that, but I recently got a flyer from Lezlie Webster about a competition on 4/1 in Manchester, NH and 4/15 in Shrewsbury MA. Both sanctioned. 2 hours away, and sanctioned, vs 4 hours away and not. Tough decision... Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bo Møller-Nielsen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Iain Macey Date: 28 Feb 2000 23:47:18 +0100 Try this 517-531-8207 -- Bo Moeller-Nielsen Iain Massie skrev i meddelelsen >Anyone have Iain Macey's phone number. > >Iain > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: sdon Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Great set of pipes for sale! Date: 28 Feb 2000 19:47:08 -0700 I sell them for a good friend. Don Beginnertunes wrote: > >Great sets of pipes for sale with LOADS of gear thrown in. (All brand > >new) The price is > >$965.00 > > Don, > Are you a dealer for these pipes? > Bill > What do playing the bagpipes, and throwing a Javelin while blindfolded have in > common? > You don't have to be good at either one to get peoples attention! -- PIPER AT LARGE ( White Peaks Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Why horse hair sporrans? Date: 28 Feb 2000 22:39:40 -0400 Bill & Kathy Collins wrote in message <38b9b08e$0$>... >Coming in late on this one, but >> Just curious. Does anyone know the origins of the horse hair sporran. >> They seem utterly useless to me. They may look good but boy do they >> scratch! Funny I never thought of it before but the origin of the horse hair sporan is probably an offshoot from the Scottish requirement to "use everything" when a horse ended up in the "knackers yard" and turned into various products, glue, etc......they had to find some market for the horsehair.............these enterprising Scots........why not sell it to these stupid Englishmen as part of the "Scottish dress" these idiots love to wear ! David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: sdon Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Great set of pipes for sale! Date: 28 Feb 2000 20:15:29 -0700 Very witty, but I beleive he said the SFU sound not the actual band. I think they are friends anyway and get along quite well. Don Royce Lerwick wrote: > On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 17:10:38 -0900, Michael New & Diane Rossmiller > wrote: > > >ferraridrones wrote: > > > >> Our band has six sets and counting... try them... once you do, you too > >> will know how to beat the SFU sound. > >> > > > >Wow. > > > > > >BYU Pipe Band beat SFU????? > > > >When? > > They plan to make the assault in three weeks time. > > > >Where? > > During a concert in the Marriot Center in Provo, on campus. > > > >Inquiring minds want to know. > > The question you neglected to ask was, "how?" They plan to ambush them > as they exit the concert, exhausted, and beat the SFU players severely > about the head and shoulders until they submit. That is how you beat > the SFU sound with Booth pipes. > > Royce > > (The most effective way that is.) -- PIPER AT LARGE ( White Peaks Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Radio Scotland Let US Down Date: 28 Feb 2000 23:26:29 -0500 On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 00:05:37 +0000, Richard Evans wrote: >2. UK listeners can listen for free if they have a TV license (about 120 >pounds pa- I can't remember exactly.) > >3. If we use the Internet for this ( in the UK) we are charged by the >minute for the phone. Make sure you don't get nicked by the Cat Detector Van from the Ministry of Housinge ... Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Great set of pipes for sale! Date: 29 Feb 2000 05:30:46 GMT On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 01:00:04 -0800, ferraridrones wrote: >Royce, don't quit your day job... better yet, keep up the ggod humor. > >Cheers all, > >Ian Just remember the next time you can't get to the top of the Wilkinson Center to play your pipes, it's because 23 years ago I was there first, and the crowds were getting to be a nuisance. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Great set of pipes for sale! Date: 29 Feb 2000 05:31:44 GMT On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 07:46:41 -0500, Chris Hamilton wrote: >On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 01:00:04 -0800, ferraridrones > wrote: > >> ... > >>Madman... I admire your work, however, every set of new Kron's look and >>sound like Glenn's... thought you learnt from a guy that made Robertson >>copies... anyway, your pipes are well made and good sounding so please >>don't mix the issues here; > >I don't think they look like Glen's at all. They don't look like Robertsons either, and they don't sound like either. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Solo/Band competition Date: 29 Feb 2000 05:35:46 GMT On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 22:40:07 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >Jim MacGillivray wrote an article in the P&D once addressing this issue. >He said some people just don't get it. I thought to myself, "what is there >to get?". Piobaireachd: Audio anesthesia. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Solo/Band competition Date: 29 Feb 2000 05:36:45 GMT On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 01:01:38 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >So what's your solution! Stay at home and make up MIDI files! Who presumes there to be a problem? Play music. Let people listen to it. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Mitchell on Solo vs Band Playing Date: 29 Feb 2000 05:39:45 GMT On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 13:28:31 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >Ok, What knowledgeable player has ever disputed any of my remarks? Or read them? Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Mitchell on Solo vs Band Playing Date: 29 Feb 2000 05:38:38 GMT On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 00:56:49 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >What is the percentage of players in these GR1 bands >were the PM's personally responsible for teaching? 100%. Otherwise it's just a committee. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Which is the most popular practice chanter? Date: 29 Feb 2000 06:00:07 GMT On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 06:14:14 -0800, ccc31807 wrote: >I, too, had an extensive musical background - college minor in >music, keyboard, wind, guitar, voice, and have played as an >amateur with orchestras. I spent a year by myself with a pc and >Sandy Jones' Tutor, and then the next two year unlearning what I >had taught myself. Hey, Iain Sherwood is claiming on his web site to have written the first piping tutor written in America. I thought the Sandy Jones tutor did that some 15 or 20 years ago? I think there are some others as well. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Mitchell on Solo vs Band Playing Date: 29 Feb 2000 05:48:46 GMT On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 16:43:37 GMT, "John and/or Lori Gaudet" wrote: >I can't believe I am about to say this,.....but Royce may not be far off the >mark, when he says, the "Ontario" way is not the norm...It got me to >thinking about Grade 1 circuits elsewhere...Northern Ireland, Scotland, the >West and East coasts....Alot is homegrown....seems Ontario is just about the >only place that doesn't "typically" grow a band from grade 4 up through the >ranks....It's too bad Gail Brown and Milton Optimists couldn't keep it >together longer....they might have done just that. I remember taking my >band to the Toronto Indoors one year...the year fails me right now, but >suffice it to say it was around the early '90s and she had a bunch of kids >playing in a miniband contest, (didn't even have drummers yet) but obviously >wanted to get them started experiencing playing together in front of judges. >I was so impressed! >But you know as well as I do what happened to Milton....Anybody that was any >good in that band...even her sons were lured off to one of the "grade 1 >bands" and so it goes in Ontario... And you can repeat that experience for every good piper in my area or any area connected with the Ontario circuit. It's pretty hard to take a lot of crap about how easy it is for "Canada," meaning "Ontario" to turn out all these grade 1 bands from the P&D and Mitchell or whoever in that community is speaking at the moment, when you know personally that one big reason it's so easy for them and so hard for you, is, all your good players are there. In any case, good as those players and those bands may be in Ontario, they don't really represent the typical scenario *you* will likely find yourself in. John's right in *his* context. Every member of the band makes the "tone." Every member of the band is "PM." Every member of the band makes it look easy. But all he's really saying is you just get a lot of really good players together and that's a good band--no fuss, no muss, no tricks, no unpleasant bending, shut up and play. So fine, just get a dozen open level pipers and drummer together. Go ahead. Go get them. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "paul draper" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Radio Scotland Let US Down Date: 29 Feb 2000 11:31:59 -0000 Iain Sherwood wrote in message > Hopefully they'll be able to do it in a year or two - remember about Celtic > Standard Time.... I'm told that in Gaelic there is no word that quite conveys the urgency of manyana. -- Paul Draper 0171 369 2754 - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matt Buckley" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Solo/Band competition Date: 29 Feb 2000 07:55:41 -0500 Zudupiper wrote in article > Jeeze. "standard and mundane" MSR??? I've been at this for 5 years now and > I'm only *beginning* to be able to play a solo MSR. It'll be another year or 2 > before I'm comfortable and up to tempo, and probably a number of years after > that until I could consider the MSR "standard and mundane". Hey Zu - You must be terribly behind the rest of us. After all, according to Charles, "proficiency" can be attained in six easy months, especially given that the GHB is technically the easiest musical instrument anywhere. I would just give it up altogether if I were you. Cheers. Matt - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Matt Buckley" Subject: (bagpipe) Vermont Cauld Wind Pipes School Date: 29 Feb 2000 08:13:53 -0500 Hi folks: I just confirmed with Hamish details for the 12th annual Vermont Cauld Wind Pipes School. Hamish (Moore) will be coming over, and again bringing with him Gary West, who will be the principal instructor. For those not familiar with Gary, he competed with Vale of Atholl for over ten years, is an Open player, is currently the piper for Ceolbeg, and he teaches Scottish history at University of Edinburgh. Dates for the School are August 21st through August 25th, 2000. The dates are designed to complement the North Hero weekend, beginning the 25th. The School takes place in Richmond, Vermont, located about ten miles southeast of Burlington. Camping is available on site for those wanting to camp,and nearby accomodations can be had in local B&Bs, motels, hotels, etc. For the past several years, our limit of 16 pipers has been filled early. This year, Hamish and Gary have agreed to take on an additional four, but the new limit of 20 will be strictly observed. We had a few late cancellations last year which created a bit of uncertainty for some folks, so this year we will be requiring a small deposit of $50.00. Contact me for further details. Cheers. Matt - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dnimmo" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Who do you think you are! Date: 29 Feb 2000 08:41:27 -0400 John Mitchell wrote in message <38bb7ad0_3@>... >You know, I get really tired of reading the E-mails that challenge >me to play them on the boards because they think their good. ..........etc..........etc.......... Well said John..............but that's the price of rising to the top, or even close to the top...........whether it's in horseshoes, gunslinging or beer chugging.............if you get to the point that you are envied, there will always be somebody looking for a "shortcut" upward...................... these challenges speak for's when they stop coming.....when they stop chucking shit.....that's when the real message is being sent.....................meanwhile just bask in the glory of being "wanted"............... David - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Brigadoon Date: 29 Feb 2000 08:37:32 -0500 You come onto the stage playing Lord Lovat's Lament in slow, dirge time. Mind you, not the ceol mor Lord Lovats, the march Lord Lovats. Bill Burt Iain Massie wrote in message <3DAu4.11188$>... >Has anyone out there done Brigadoon. If so, is there any specific music or >is it just something slow. > >Thanks >Iain > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Cameron Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Which is the most popular practice chanter? Date: 29 Feb 2000 09:50:56 -0500 Contact Dave Keenan at Celtic Fire in Plymouth Mass, or at He can get you set up with both GHB and uillean pipes and help you get a teacher as well, i think- David & Mary wrote: > I wish to thank you all for taking the time to help answer my > questions. I was told to expect much diversity of opinion... and you > have not let me down! > > At this time I have located one reasonably local instructor of the > GHB, but no one at all who teaches the Uilleann pipes. If anyone > knows of an instructor (of either or both instruments) willing to take > on an adult beginner student in Eastern Massachusetts or Northern > Rhode Island (USA), I would be most grateful for the reference. Also, > if anyone knows of a bagpipe dealer closer to Boston, MA then > Plymouth, MA or Mystic, Connecticut, please advise. My real e-mail > address is: dr "at" 110 "dot" net > > Thanks again, > David M :-) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Doug Campbell Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Which is the most popular practice chanter? Date: 29 Feb 2000 09:37:58 -0500 C&C Bagpipes are in Gloucester. You can contact them at (978) 281-1191 or the website is: Doug C. David & Mary wrote: > Also, > if anyone knows of a bagpipe dealer closer to Boston, MA then > Plymouth, MA or Mystic, Connecticut, please advise. My real e-mail > address is: dr "at" 110 "dot" net - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Mitchell on Solo vs Band Playing Date: 29 Feb 2000 05:50:24 GMT On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 13:24:58 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >So how does he know anything? Hey John, remember, the question was directed to you. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Iain Sherwood" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Radio Scotland Let US Down Date: 29 Feb 2000 08:34:33 -0800 true; but I do believe it was an Irishman who invented the slogan. "You want it when?" -- Iain Sherwood "paul draper" wrote in message news:S6Ou4.2641$ > Iain Sherwood wrote in message > > > Hopefully they'll be able to do it in a year or two - remember about > Celtic > > Standard Time.... > > I'm told that in Gaelic there is no word that quite conveys the urgency of > manyana. > > > > -- > Paul Draper > > 0171 369 2754 > > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: New Shepherd reeds? Date: 29 Feb 2000 12:46:21 -0500 On 29 Feb 2000 16:54:23 GMT, (Piobair) wrote: >I purchased five Shepherd reeds from J Higgins and when I received them, I had >to call to ensure that they were indeed Shepherds. They were significantly >different in appearance. J Higgins stated that they were Shepherds and I have >no reason to doubt. Have any of you had experience with these? Shepherd has radically changed his design. It's now made to suit the Shepherd Mark 3 chanter. Duncan Soutar and Iain Macey make alternatives that are more like the old Shepherds. Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Carr Subject: (bagpipe) Phenolic Chanter for sale Date: 29 Feb 2000 20:00:15 GMT I'm slowly managing to whittle down my collection of pipe chanters and now the last one to go (unfortunately) is a brand new Kron Phenolic. It's a "Kick Ass" chanter that you can play a very easy reed in and still get a big sound. Nicely balanced and pitching at over 473+hz with a Gilmour reed. I've put a scan of it here:$file/phenolic.JPG They retail at around $US300. I'm open to any reasonable offer. It's gotta go....... Bill Carr - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: bdunsire@aol.comNOSPAM (Bob Dunsire) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Mitchell on Solo vs Band Playing Date: 29 Feb 2000 19:04:20 GMT Hey Robert, I know who ya are... <> But, that could that be because you teach my daughters' band twice a week.. (Robert and Terry Lee are the piping instructors for the Grade 3 RMM PB - and both my daughters play in that band. We drive two hours each way for band practise - twice a week, and don't really mind - for the obvious reason!) Or perhaps it is because you were PM when wife Diana made her Bass drumming debut - (RMM kids band 4B last year needed a Bass drummer, Diana did it.. whew - it was fun for her..) I think my point is.. Robert is one of the (many) amazingly hard workers who live the SFUPB life style - piping, piping bands, piping kids, piping friends.. etc... It is truly amazing, the support from within the organization.. And, as a parent (and as Terry might say:) ..It is a beautiful thing... Bob D. ------------- (having much fun with web pages, including: (Bagpipe Web Directory - 1000+ links) (BC Pipers' Association)) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (JSLOANPR) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: John Lee Rockets Date: 01 Mar 2000 00:04:41 GMT John, last week I didn't know what a smallpipe was. Now at least I know the difference between mouth blown and bellows. I want to buy a set. I will never play them with a band and am leaning toward mouth blown. What key, what brand, what type? What do you think? Jim - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: a good 2/4 march Date: 01 Mar 2000 00:49:04 GMT >OK I hear ya!! look at Macphersons Lament then, nice tune!!! >I did give the guy some GOOD 2/4 tunes though LOL!!! > Siege of Delhi, and Mrs MacDOnald of Dunach, and I guess 79th's Farewell to Gibraltar. They're more doable than the original list of 6... I think it's bad luck to play a tune in competition that has lyrics to it, so I wouldn't recommend MacPherson's Lament. What about Piper's Polka? Too light for a beginning 2/4 march? Any opinions? Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zudupiper) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Solo/Band competition Date: 01 Mar 2000 00:42:00 GMT >Really Dave, The MSR is old hat for most bands at the GR1 level. > Okay, I'll buy that. But for the other 90% of us, I think we'd be doing good to play a decent MSR before getting into all this kitchenpiping. >Whats wrong with wanting to play something new? Nothing at all. Maybe my point was that there is PLENTY of challenge in learning to play a good MSR. Once we can all master that, then branch out. To you, it's old hat because you've been playing it for 30 years and you learned how to play it well. Maybe it's like STB for folks like me... Zu - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: sdon Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Great set of pipes for sale! Date: 29 Feb 2000 17:53:55 -0700 Firstly, I sent one add, the other posts were completely unsolicited. I had nothing to do with them . Secondly, I sell them because I AM a satisfied customer. I make next to nothing on the deal. The only reason I promote them is because I think its a great deal on an excellent pipes. My friend sells lots of stuff I don't help sell for him. Not that his other stuff is not good quality, but because pipes are my thing, and after all the years I and my students have had to pay through the nose for pipes, I am really glad to see some really good prices on the market. I am more than happy to spread the word. If you don't believe what I have stated about the pipes, find some one who has a recent set check them out for your self. They speak for themselves. Don Beginnertunes wrote: > >I sell them for a good friend. > > > >Don > > Thanks Don. I have no objections to your spamming us occasionally (you layed it > on a wee bit heavy) with those ads, but I think it's important for everyone > whose new here, to know that your not just a satisfied customer, but someone > with a personal interest in that brand. > Scotia Aye! > Bill > What do playing the bagpipes, and throwing a Javelin while blindfolded have in > common? > You don't have to be good at either one to get peoples attention! -- PIPER AT LARGE ( White Peaks Pipe Band - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Bowen" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Mitchell on Solo vs Band Playing Date: 01 Mar 2000 01:51:54 GMT Robert, I'm on the road right now and should probably be using this time more productively, however I couldn't resist a peak at the ole NG. Your post was (is) a gem! The only thing that I could add is that your leaders (and I do believe that there are many leaders in your organization) possess two qualities that are uncommon; vision and conviction. In a world where short-sighted people seek instant gratification, SFU has had the courage to set lofty goals and to stay the course! Well done. Whatever the future may hold, in my mind, your organization and members deserve thunderous applause for what you have accomplished and what you have given the rest of the piping world. Ringo Robert N MacLeod wrote in message news:QEKu4.127065$ > I'm going to jump in here.... > > I don't want to get into things here but I would like to point out some > facts : > > SFUs' success at teaching is not a 'new' thing and we by no way invented it. > In fact it is my belief that we got the idea from seeing the Boghall machine > in action ( a band in every grade if I'm not mistaken ). The Robert Malcolm > Memorial Pipe Band is named after Robert Barbulak and Malcolm Bokenfohr, two > dedicated members of our band, who were killed in an automobile accident not > of their cause in November 1993. The RMM band was formed in January 1994 to > continue the development of talented and dedicated players, as Rob and > Malcolm were. > > The success of our organization is the result of great leadership. Period. > > Good, bad and ugly we have been blessed with the longest reigning Grade One > P/M in Pipe Band history. Terry is a respected by every member of the band. > We may not always agree with him or like him, but we all respect him. The > BEST thing he EVER did (besides becoming P/M) was get J. Reid Maxwell to > come out west. Period. > > I first joined the band in the fall of 1982 traveled and played with the > band on their first trip to Scotland in 1983. Now in 1999 I have won my 3rd > World Pipe Band Championship with them. I am one of four members remaining > players from that original group of people from 1983 (Terry Lee, Jack Lee, > Andrew Bonar & Me). The first three name will most likely sound familiar, > unless you have been living under a rock, but do you know who I am ? Solo > vs. Band playing... > > It doesn't matter, because unlike some people who boast about 'being able to > play in any band' or 'have played in such 'n such a band'.. me I've played > in just three bands : Maple Ridge Legion Gr. 3, Kelowna Legion Gr. 3 & SFU > Gr. 1. Why am I saying this...because I was one of SFU's first 'kids' and it > relates to the reason why SFU is successful at recruiting young people... > Terry. Great leadership. > > Why else do you think you have guys from around the world wanting to play > with the band ? Look at Stuart he comes all the way from Scotland to play > with the band... why is that ? Leadership, guidance and to see Jack hyped on > coffee and chocolate...and to learn. > > Every practice it is my honest opinion that we all gather together to > learn... something about music, bagpipes, each other, ourselves...something. > And in return we try to give that back to our students...not just to RMMPB > kids but anyone who wants to know. We currently, in the band have a > 'special' mix of characters that have come together to play, compete at an > extremely high expectation... our own. > > So how do we get the kids...after all when we first starting the RMMPB we > had 35 kids in the organization... this year the numbers look to be about > 120+ and we have kids coming from as far south as Portland USA and as far > east as Penticton. Don't get me wrong we don't just teach kids, we also > teach adult students as well...people who want to lean and who are willing > to work at being the best that you can a Marine (sorry wrong > jingle). > > We have a great word of mouth campaign going on and it the kids themselves > that do the selling... they are the ones that get more kids to come out... > sometimes siblings, cousins, friends. Its great leadership, tremendous > enthusiasm and a lot of fun that make them come back get more kids. If your > kids aren't getting new people to come out to the band then your JR. program > is destined to fail. > > Enthusiastic, knowledgeable instructors and the biggest key to success make > it fun and affordable... for the whole family. We have fun all year round > with the RMMPB organization and we put on a great school through Piping Hot > Summer Drummer. > > Don't turn 'em away...just teach 'em to play and above all else have > FUN, because once it stops being fun...they don't come back no more... > > I could go on and on... but I have done that already... > > Cheers, > > Robert N. MacLeod > sfupb > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: IPBD Magazine, Volume 5, Issue 2, Jan/Feb 2000 Date: 29 Feb 2000 17:15:25 -0800 Is ther a web page for that magazine ? Also, how do I find out how to get it ? Cheers Don A R Hoinacki II wrote: > Hello everyone, > > The latest issue of the IPBD Magazine is in the mail as we speak. The > following is a summary of what you'll find inside. > > Cheers, > Andrew Hoinacki > IPBD Magazine > Internet Relations > =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- > International Pipe Band Drummer Magazine > Volume 5, Issue 2, January/February 2000 > > Articles: > A Conversation With "Hoss" > - Interview with Craig Calquhoun, bass > drummer for the 78th Frasers of Canada > SFU For The Third Time > - A summary about the 1999 Worlds > IPBD Drumming Weekend (info and forms) > - Information regarding the staff as well > as all the necessary forms > The Drummer > - A wonderful poem from a now-deceased > Scottish drummer about the world of > pipe band drumming > Sound Review > - A review of the LA Scots' new CD "At > The Beach" by correspondant Mike Cole > > Results: > Scottish Championships > South African Championships > Danish Championships > Scandanavian Championships > All Ireland Championships > World Championships > Cowal Championships > > Scores/Exercises: > Drummers Beat: 3/4 March by David Brown, Jr > The Drag (exercise) > > Columns: > From the Editor > The Finishing Roll > Letters to the Editor - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Beginner question Double G, half double F Date: 29 Feb 2000 17:14:05 -0800 Doesn't the College of Piping tutor tape go through all that ? Cheers Don Ed from Rhode Island wrote: > Would anyone have a wav recording of these ? > Double G, > half double F - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Velvet Goofoon Partenen II Date: 24 Feb 2000 00:34:12 GMT On Wed, 23 Feb 2000 01:02:49 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: > >Royce Lerwick wrote in > >> You're the guy supposed to be modelling yourself after the Scottish > >Right, what are you on about now Humpty? > >> system. You're the guy supposed to have "been there and done that." >> You tell me. > >There's no supposing about it, I have done it!!! So then John, who won the World's solo Open Piobaireachd while you were there? Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Brigadoon Date: 29 Feb 2000 22:34:08 -0500 The second part is in 6/8, but the dirge is a slow 4/4 James Stewart wrote in message ... > > wrote in message >news:89gis0$mfq$ >> As an aside to that, "Lord Lovat's Lament" was written in by Lerner & Lowe >> as what they specifically wanted > >Are you saying that Lerner and Lowe specified Lor Lovat? I seem to recall >that the tune in the piano score was a 6/8, but I haven't seen it for years. > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Robertson Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Hemping Bass Drone Date: 29 Feb 2000 20:09:01 -0800 Hi Lawrie, How old are your pipes? Without knowing that off hand, I would venture a guess that your set has a few years behind it. If that is the case not to worry,and, even if they are a new set don't worry. The inside of the bore will become slightly "bulb" shaped over time when it is in contact with the hemp. The hemp picks up moisture, the wood draws it from the hemp and swells. Blackwood being what it is, does not shrink back and will hold a bit of that shape. If it's too drastic of a difference, a repair facility can ream the drone bore to make it straight. Now, should you do that ? I would say no. It usually takes quite a bit to be really bad. The "trick" is to find the spot kind of in between tight and loose. This isn't rocket science so it may take a little experimenting with adding and removing hemp. Cheers Don Lawrie Silverberg wrote: > My instructor has me hemping the lower joint on my bass drone. The > first time I did it, the middle section wobbled when it was high on > the pin and he said it wasn't good. I was thinking about this (after > I rehemped it and had the same thing) and it has to be that way. The > inside of the drone is tapered so if you push the pin in, the upper > end of the hemp must be compressed more than the lower end and when > you pull it out a bit, the upper part will wobble a bit. My > instructor is away so I can't ask him and I don't want to do it a > third time. Am I right? Hope I'm making sense. - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Boring Piobaireachd Date: 01 Mar 2000 04:46:30 GMT On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 22:15:04 -0500, Jim McGillivray wrote: >> Piobaireachd: Audio anesthesia. >> Royce > >Actually, Royce, you're right. Most piobairached players, myself included, >consider it a compliment to look out into the audience and see eyes closed and >heads nodding. When good piobaireachd is being played I often find myself >closing my eyes and slipping into this bizarre sort of trance-like state where >I'm almost asleep but completely aware of the tune and the bagpipe and >everything around me. It's a rare and wonderful musical buzz. Maybe it's just me, listening to the drones and all the little harmonic effects going on in the melody notes and then the embellishments building up, it nearly always puts me dead into some sort of hypnotic state. It's been embarassing a couple of times, because I've also gone into this state in the front row of a pub--uh--just recently in fact, listening to a screaming stream of Irish traditional tunes. I start nodding and closing my eyes following the line, something like in the great UP tune Colonel Frasers, and I actually start to lean over. Last night I fell asleep *playing* the low D whistle trying to figure out what the guy I dozed of on Saturday night was playing, and my wife woke me up laughing her backside off at me. She said it was the weirdest thing watching me still playing away, till I'm just sort of short of making sense anymore, and then jerking awake. Royce (At least there wasn't a stream of druel down the corner of my mouth. That only happens in church.) - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Maeve" Subject: (bagpipe) Re: SM 90 Shepherd Drone Reeds Date: 29 Feb 2000 23:30:05 -0500 Chris Eyre wrote in message news:89ho13$8kr$ > I have been testing out a set for the last couple of weeks. I found the > general effect is very smooth but rather quiet - too quiet for my taste, > perhaps. I also thought there wasn't enough richness in the sound. They are > certainly very steady but they do still tend to shut down fairly easily when > wet, even after you've opened them up a bit as the directions tell you. > Having said that, I'm blowing a fairly stiff reed just now (about 38 inches > of water on a manometer), and I do tend to be a rather wet blower, so > perhaps I'm asking more of them than I should. Chris, I'm amazed by this! I have been playing these Shepherds for well over a month and have had every one in the world try them! They are a little quieter but I find that the balance between the bass and the tenors is great! It only took about 2 hours for them to settle down. They did get richer sounding as I continued playing them . . .maybe give them a little more time? I'm not doubting that what you are saying is true, I just haven't had the problems yet. Sandy Keith has them in his pipe along with a number of the band members. We were talking this morning and he mentioned a SLIGHT double toning problem ... . one strike in out of twenty? (GEEZ! If *I* had that problem, I'd be thrilled!). He fixed it by adjusting the bridle with the smallest of increments. Angus was passed around the Jacksonville Games last weekend so that everyone could try the new reeds. There was a couple of people that couldn't play my chanter reed (too strong?!?!?!?! Big suprise to me as I thought it was weak!) but the drones stayed as steady as a rock while the chanter reed was cutting in and out. Everyone who tried them (from piping "Hot Shots" to beginners) tried dozens of different things to test them. Not one person could blow them out. The most often heard comment was "They take so little air!". I'm really curious about yours .. . .but that's my job! Playing with drone reeds! I love this part of piping! Anyway, I'm a very dry blower so I can't comment on the rest of that part. I have to cork my bag when I am finished to keep enough moisture in it to keep it right. Now, with THAT said, I have to be excited about something!!!!!!! I passed a MILESTONE today!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!! Something I thought would NEVER happen to me in my whole life happened today!!!!! Something happened suddenly to my chanter reed today and I had to replace it. I didn't have a reed that I was breaking in as a backup so I just grabbed one from my box of new reeds and plugged it in .. . and PLAYED it!!!!!! No kidding! Right out of the box (Shepherd in a Shepherd Mark II), no tweaking, no scraping, NOTHING!!! I couldn't believe it!!!! A "Rite of Passage"?!??!??! WHEW!!!! It was stiffer than the last reed but, even with this, I didn't blow out a single drone! I was also amazed with that since I usually have to readjust my drone reeds when I strenghten my chanter reeds. The stars must be aligned right at the moment .. things are going well for a change! Keep me posted about your drone reeds, Chris. You have my curiousity piqued! -- Love and Light be with you, Maeve . . . in sunny, gorgeous, 80 degree Florida authoring "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." --- Oscar Wilde > > Chris Eyre > > - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Hamilton Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Willie from the Simpsons. Date: 29 Feb 2000 23:49:42 -0500 On 29 Feb 2000 23:30:14 GMT, (Beginnertunes) wrote: >I just saw Willie relaxing in his "shack" and before he dozed off he scanned >several good tunes and bands on his old 1940's era radio, and I swear I heard >in this order: 1st channel, NRP. Which he quickly scanned past, then a solo >piper that sounded like Chris Hamilton, he then went one more station and >settled on SFU playing an old classic. Hmm, he should have stopped on channel #2 - that guy rocks! Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Hamilton - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Solo/Band competition Date: 01 Mar 2000 04:55:23 GMT On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 21:45:35 -0000, "JOHN BROADWELL" wrote: >Royce, have you never stood near a top Piobaireachd competitor and just >drifted off with the faeries as you got lost in the music, or is that what >you really meant when you said "Audio anaesthesia" ??? That's the problem. I go right out. Not in an unpleasant way. Happens at parties as well. Somebody strikes up a good piobaireachd and I start losing snatches of consciousness in about 3 minutes. It's like driving at night toward dawn, and watching the white lines zip at you. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Which is the most popular practice chanter? Date: 01 Mar 2000 05:14:41 GMT On 29 Feb 2000 12:46:07 GMT, (Beginnertunes) wrote: >>Hey, Iain Sherwood is claiming on his web site to have written the >>first piping tutor written in America. > >LOLOL You must be the only one left reading or visiting his website at all. I >assume you just go there to gather ammo, so I guess it's ok... No, I just have a good memory and went through it once really good. I never stop being dumbfounded by the weirdness that erupted there some months back. Until then, it was just a bit goofy. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Mitchell on Solo vs Band Playing Date: 01 Mar 2000 05:10:40 GMT On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 03:31:54 -0500, "John Mitchell" wrote: >It's a concept foreign to pipebands, but >standard >in the music industry. How do you think studio musicians make a living? Not because George Martin leans over to the board engineer and says, "Hey, let's get that arsehole Mitchell in here to tell us how to do this CD right. He can come in and play with anyone he wants you know." Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: Kronies Unite Date: 01 Mar 2000 05:24:40 GMT On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 15:22:00 -0500, "Richard Thomas" wrote: >A tone that is an octave above another tone differs from it by 1200 cents, >which is a whole lot of cents, but still quite a bit smaller than a >gazillion. > >That's because > >cents = 1200 x log(Freq2/Freq1, 2) > >where log(Freq2/Freq1, 2) means the logarithm of the ratio of the two >frequencies to the base 2. Etc etc etc, proving, as I said, math is evil. Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Royce Lerwick) Subject: (bagpipe) Re: John Lee Rockets Date: 01 Mar 2000 05:26:27 GMT On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 23:37:45 -0000, "Chris Eyre" wrote: >Don't mind John, Ross..... he's in his funny mood tonight..... (-: > >The man you want is Mark Lee and you can contact him at Isn't there a John Lee Hooker? What are his drone reeds like? Royce - To unsubscribe to bagpipe, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe bagpipe" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.