From: David Kenison Subject: [SUD] Historia da Igreja no Brasil Date: 28 Sep 2000 11:50:18 -0600 (MDT) O Irm=E3o Marcus Martins, professor de religi=E3o na BYU-Hawaii e filho do Helv=E9cio Martins quem =E9 eis-autoridade geral, vai fazer apresenta=E7=E3= o este s=E1bado sobre a hist=F3ria da Igreja no Brasil. A KBYU vai fazer grava=E7= =E3o do discurso, e precisa de audi=EAncia. Come=E7ar=E1 la peles 12:30 horas no Edif=EDcio Joseph Smith na BYU. Se alguem tiver oportunidade de assistir, por favor faz reportagem para nos! Faz favor tambem de mandar esta mensagem aos amigos que talvez tenham interesse em assistir... David Kenison ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Hello: On Saturday of next week (Sept. 30th) I will present a paper at BYU's Sperry Symposium at 10am. However, after the symposium KBYU will videotape another of my presentations. And for this video I will need an audience. Therefore, I am inviting you to support me in this project and asking your help in announcing this second presentation after the symposium: Title (tentative) - "The Church in Brazil: Lessons from the Past for the Worldwide Church" Local: BYU - JSB Auditorium (religion building) Date: Saturday, September 30 Hour: 12:30pm The videotaping is scheduled to last about 30 minutes. However, technical problems (hopefully none) may extend the recording time. I know I am not giving much advance notice, but this recording was proposed and confirmed two days ago. So, I will not get upset if previous commitments prevent you from coming. But since now I thank you for your help. Marcus Marcus H. Martins, Ph.D. Brigham Young University-Hawaii Division of Religious Instruction Brasil-SUD - conversão e informação para os membros da Igreja SUD. Para desassinar da lista, envie e-mail a "" com as palavras "unsubscribe brasil-sud" na mensagem. Veja também nossa webpage: