From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V1 #5 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Wednesday, October 29 1997 Volume 01 : Number 005 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 15:26:24, -0500 From: (MR MARK A WENTWORTH) Subject: BUFFY: "Ripper Giles" What's the deal? "Ripper Giles"? The obvious answer is that Giles is "Jack the Ripper" reincarnate. I wish to put forth an alternate theory: Rupert Giles was a member of an East London Skinhead street gang during a misspent youth. "Ripper" could merely be a nickname. I am having a problem with the fact that if Giles is sooooooo "Bad", as in the way he tortured, yes, it was torture, Ethan, why does he look like a buffoon when sparing with Buffy? Has he been deliberately holding back? Or is Buffy really that good and strong? After Giles broke the mask, and the spell, Buffy easily beat Spike. Even if children were present, letting an enemy live could be one's undoing. Just a mo'; the show is called "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", I think we all know how this is going to end. Vote for Michael with your "Taster's Choice" coupon! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 12:30:14 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Accents slipping and Sarah and the wig At 01:22 PM 10/28/97 -0500, Jesse Jou wrote (on planetx): >The goal of the >switch was to contrast simpering, helpless PseudoBuffy with Thoroughly >Modern Buffy, and not for SMG to portray a realistic example of 18th >century Womanhood. I also do not find fault with Sarah for not maintaining a convincing 18th century accent. I would imagine that a majority of competent actress can affect and maintain entertaining period accents and manners, and I'm sure Sarah is no exception (she did a little of it with Xander for fun when he first saw her costume in the house). To my mind, she was told by the director to downplay the accent and manners because they weren't to the point of the character (though they may have been quite amusing!). Stereotypically feminine vulnerability was (IMHO) the point of the character, a quality that Buffy may have (wrongly) felt inadequate about not possessing enough of. >please, someone pull my butt off this ledge >and back me up with examples of progressive female role models from the >18th century!) I too am at a loss, without going to one of those "Women's History Month" books. I'm sure they were out there. IMHO, strong independent- minded people of any gender, race, caste, etc... will find some form of expression in any age, even amid repression. However, historians may not deem them worthy to write about. No doubt there were women who dressed as men and fought in the Colonial War (there are such women in nearly every war), but I don't know their names. So let's go back a century or two further and look at Elizabeth I, the godmother of all period female role models... Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 12:35:40 PST From: "Ximenita Gonzalez" Subject: BUFFY: Halloween I thought this episode was great. I don't know if anyone else noticed but the ep was directed by Michael Seth Green. Is this our same Seth as Oz? If it is he did a great job directing it. GOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!SETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll post more later :) Ximenita Gonzalez Keeper of Willow's nightmare about singing on stage and nothing coming out Member of the DC/East coast Buffy Crew ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 15:52:16 -0500 (EST) From: Carrie Subject: BUFFY: Angel & Buffy (fwd) - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 15:51:08 -0500 (EST) From: Carrie To: Subject: BUFFY: Angel & Buffy (fwd) I had the same thought...It was so hard for him to controlin Angel (or atleast they implied that it was) what happened to that demonic lack of self control? Just wondering.... Speaking of which, how do I become the Keeper of Angel's "Demonic lack of Self control"? thanx- - -carrie :-) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 14:45:01 -0600 From: Kathryn Johnston Subject: BUFFY: Charisma interview Hello, all! Here is the interview with Charisma Carpenter from the Chicago Tribune and its website. Enjoy! Kathryn KidNews - Stories from the latest print edition CORDELIA, YOU SLAY US! By Amanda Vogt, Tribune Staff Writer Web-posted Tuesday, October 28, 1997; 6:03 a.m. CST Charisma Carpenter, who plays the deliciously nasty Cordelia Chase on WB`s "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," says she gets a lot of fan mail demanding that her character be a little less, well, nasty. "People ask me when am I going to be nicer to Willow and Buffy," Charisma says of her character. Cordelia is a way stuckup Sunnydale High cheerleader who vampire slayer Buffy and her buds love to hate, but always end up rescuing from vampires and assorted ghouls. "I`m victimized a lot so Buffy can save me," she says. Charisma is OK with her character`s basic meanness because, she says, a softer, gentler Cordelia wouldn`t be funny. "She`s insulting, but she`s also very entertaining." Charisma, who was named for "a real tacky Avon perfume," actually kind of likes playing Cordelia because it has given her an opportunity to shine. She credits her success and the show`s popularity with teens to producer Joss Whedon. "It`s amazing how well he knows his characters. He has Willow, Buffy, all the cast, inside of him," she says. "And he`s a genius at finding new and interesting ways to say things teens can pick up on and relate to." And when it comes to one-liners, Cordelia gets some of the best. Especially wicked are the verbal arrows she slings at Buffy and her guy sidekick, Xander. Maybe you caught this zinger in a recent rerun: Cordelia`s thanking them for saving her life when a popular guy walks by and asks if she`s now hanging with them. Her reply: "You think I felt like joining that social leper party?" Ouch. Wonder if the tension between Cordelia and Xander could lead to romance? Charisma says she doesn`t know. But there`s definitely no romantic interest in Charisma`s real life. "I`m free," she admits. Well, not entirely. She`s very attached to her two golden retrievers, Hobie and Sidney. "They follow me around and hey`re very sweet," she says."They`re my companions." Like in a Hollywood fairy tale, Charisma was discovered while working as a waitress in an L.A. restaurant. "I was studying to be a teacher, but this very persistent guy persuaded me to hook up with a commercial agent," she says. Although that connection resulted in her making more than 20 TV commercials, she prefers the steady job of a TV series and hopes the success of the show leads to other offers. In the meantime, she`s happy being hated - as Cordelia, that is. Whether she`s scheming to get Angel, Buffy`s vampire boyfriend, or flitting off to get her legs waxed, Cordelia is one of a kind. "Actually, I think she`s misunderstood," Charisma says with a laugh. We hope she stays that way. ---------- Maybe you`ll love her. Maybe you`ll hate her. But you have to watch her. Catch Cordelia and the rest of the "Buffy" crew at 8 p.m. Central Time Mondays ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V1 #5 *************************