From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #16 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Sunday, April 13 1997 Volume 01 : Number 016 In this issue: BUFFY: The Pack, My Thoughts & More things to Keep - Oh My BUFFY: Angel a vamp? Re: BUFFY: buffy/highlander correlation.. Dryads my vote Re: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation BUFFY: testing, with ObBuffy Re: BUFFY: buffy/highlander correlation.. Re: BUFFY: buffy/highlander correlation.. Re: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation Re: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation Re: BUFFY: testing, with ObBuffy BUFFY: Previous Vampire Slayers Re: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation Re: BUFFY: BtVS sites [including one NEW] / Apology BUFFY: Vampires: Buffy's evil vampires or the good vampires BUFFY: Buffy on Inside Edition? Re: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation Re: BUFFY: Previous Vampire Slayers Re: BUFFY: Angel Article (spoilers) Re: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation BUFFY: Website Update - Giles' Quotes Re: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation Re: BUFFY: Vampires: Buffy's evil vampires or the good vampires Re: BUFFY: BtVS sites [including one NEW] / Apology Re: BUFFY: Vampires: Buffy's evil vampires or the good vampires Re: BUFFY: Buffy on Inside Edition? Re: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation Re: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation Re: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation Re: BUFFY: buffy/highlander correlation.. BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 8 Apr 1997 10:33:42 -0700 From: "Sonja Marie" Subject: BUFFY: The Pack, My Thoughts & More things to Keep - Oh My (Note: this is my repost, I waited all night for it to show, and no go, so if someday it does show up, sorry, hey think of it this way, you'll get to read my comments again, now won't that be fun? :D ). Hi all, Someone wrote me that they thought my posts were witty, oh geez make me feel that I have to be witty in every post :P WHAT PRESSURE! But without with ado, here are my thoughts and views on tonite's ep. :D WARNING - LONG! Okay after reading everyone's views on this ep. before I actually saw it, I have admit I didn't think I was going to like it a whole heck of alot. Surprise, Surprise, Surprise I liked it more than I thought I would, but not as much as others, to date "Never Kill a Boy..." is my current fave, but that may change. Horror- I didn't think this ep was as horrific as some X-Files I've seen ("Home", "Grotesque", and a few others, which were in a foreign lang. that I can't remember the spelling of, come to mind). Bullies - I thought it was well done in some aspects, esp. the meaness of the high school bullies, before and after, it was *dead* on (sorry bad pun intended). I'm sure we all have high school horror stories, mine was so bad, I thought I wouldn't live to see past my teens, sad but true, I ended up going to a community college to finish up high school, so I could get away from the b%@^#*&#@ds. My heart just went out to Willow when Xander *turned* on her. Dodge Ball and Attempted Rape? - I remember dodge ball as well, I was good a dodging, I hated the thought of being hit with anything! Any thoughts to why they didn't pelt Buffy when they got a chance? I thought maybe it was because they knew she was different, and was afraid of what she might do in return. But when "Xander" tried to ummm attack her (do you think he would have raped her if he got a chance? She did refer to it as "felony sexaul assault", so I'm guessing yes), and then when the pack went after her after saving the family, that theory went out the window. The killing of animals, Herbert and Flutie - Okay I have to agree with Daniel on this part, we seemed to be desensitized to the death of humans, and sometimes it doesn't effect us as much as the death of animals do, maybe cause we consider animals to be innocent and can't defend themselves, at least when it comes to fluffy cute ones (cats and dogs , bunnies, deers, etc), and Herbert, while not fluffy, would fall into this category. I though get very emotional, and sometimes cry when I hear that a child or baby gets killed/murdered on the news, cause again they fall into the innocent category. As for the death of Flutie, what's with that? While I didn't particularly care about him, I liked the science teacher much more in the short time we saw him, I didn't think he desearved to die. It was definitely out of third base and totally unexpected, so I'll give them points for the shock effect and making sure we don't take anything for granted, everyone can be a target of evil (though if they TOUCH (as in kill) Giles I'll scream bloody murder and revolt against the show, I swear! cross my heart. *cough* Umm I think I'm getting into this a just a *bit* to much :D ). As for why they focused on the picture, beats me. Giles (this might be rather long)- (This is mainly towards Daniel) Having ASH on the show is a definate plus for me and his fans, I would have probably watched the show whether he was on it or not, but he is not the only reason I watch the show. I loved the movie, and I liked the concept, hence I wanted to watch the show. Yes he wasn't shown as much as in previous eps, but the parts he was in were *classic* Giles! The scene in the library after training Buffy "You just run along to class...while I wait for the feeling to return to my arms" - great expressions, great quote. And who could forget when Buffy tells Giles about Xander - Giles - "It's devasting, he's turned in to a 16-year old boy. Of course you'll have to kill him" - Buffy: "Giles, I'm serious" - Giles: "So am I. Except for the part about kiling him." And as an X-Phile (since ep 1, I might add) I was just thrilled with the "I cannot believe that you, of all people, are trying to "Scully" me!" - Buffy. Since when did "Scully" become a verb? At the Zoo - I recognize the guy who played the zookeeper but can't place him yet, it will probably come to me in the middle of the night. Nothing like waking up and saying "AHA!" I was once heard singing "Don't Cry for me Argentina" from "Evita" in my sleep, but that's another story, which I'm sure you aren't *dying* to hear! Giles is a bit to trusty (definitely a change from ASH's "Oliver" character), walking into the trap the way he did, "Oliver" would (going back to a previous post) have had "Sydney" call the guy, invade his mind with VR and find out what he was up to, if anything :D. But Giles did wisen up pretty fast, but not soon enough. Call me a crazy GASPer but I didn't like seeing Giles being hit with the staff :PPPP AGAIN he is knocked unconscious during the major *fight* scene, is it just me or does this seem to be an ungoing thing - Giles - "Uhh...Did I miss anything?" - YES!! LET THE GUY REMAIN CONCIOUS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! :D I wasn't *crying* over the death of the zookeeper, nope not one bit! (Hey GASPers! I watched the show the second time with Closed Captioning and In the scene where the zookeeper startles Giles, they actually have [GASPS] as the captioning for ASH's response :D) Coat and Ties (and Shirts and Scarfs) - Okay the tie he wore in most of the scenes was nice I have to admit! It actually went with the red striped shirt and red vest. But UGH alert! - He wore the "butt-ugly" checkered green shirt again and I think the same ugly tie from before with it! Well at least he (as in "Giles" and maybe ASH as well) shows that he doesn't have an extensive budget for his clothes, and is *forced* to wear the same things over again. Loved the scarf! I would keep it myself, but I already have the Coats and Ties, and since I am the Pres. of the GASPers (now) it wouldn't look good that I take tons of stuff for myself and leave nothing good for anyone else, anyhoo trying to figure out where to added the extra stuff in my sig and keep it six lines would be next to impossible! (play "Mission: Impossible" theme here if you have it) :D More to Keep - Added tonight: Giles' Cage Keys Clipboard Scarf - (though I think someone said they were interested in this a few days ago based on the picture, but since we hadn't seen it yet, I didn't put it on the list, so if that was you (Cagey do you remember who it was?), please email me or I'll *give* it to someone else.) Things still left: Pen Vests Tea Cup shoulder bag Plants (new - seen in "Teacher's Pet" and "Never Kill a Boy...") (Someone has already claimed the pads Giles was using during the fight practicing with Buffy - sorry). Okay I think this is long enough, and I'm sure I've put a few of you to sleep, if you even made it this far"Lullaby and goodnight" - And to the guy who said I was witty - did I meet your expectations? :D Till the mood strikes me again to write more mindless drivel ;D I'll bid you all adieu. Till next time Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the JFIFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey Mailing List & The Paul Wylie Mailing List Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles' Coats&Ties ASH Appreciation Society Member - Watch Buffy: the Vampire Slayer - Series! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 15:57:28 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Angel a vamp? I just joined the list and am hearing all this stuff about Angel being a vampire. But I swear on the premier I saw Angel in the daylight when Buffy returns to the crypt to rescue Jesse. I suppose it's possible that Angel's a dhampire (half vampire half human) which would be one reason for his hatred for vampires. Any thoughts? Mara ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 19:51:01 -0500 From: (Sharon Jacobs) Subject: Re: BUFFY: buffy/highlander correlation.. Okay, I as a longtime highlander fan I feel I must come to the defense of the Clan Mcloud. Even though Buffy has amazing vampire slaying abilities, Duncan Mcloud has four hundred years experience defending himself from every kind of weirdo with a sword all out for his head. I think if these two ever got into a battle it would be a pretty even fight. O f course, they may decide not to fight! ( now there's a bit of fan fiction waiting to happen). If it's any consolation to you , Andrew I think Xena could kick Mclouds butt, but then Xena could kick anybody's butt. Battle on Xena !! Oops! I guess this is not the place for that. My sincerest apologies. Sharon ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 18:17:26 -0400 From: (Daniel Tropea) Subject: Dryads my vote Re: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation I want to throw my vote in for Dryads. I think it is very appropriate. Although i would back Waifs as a second although a Waif sounds so weak when she has such inner strength. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 16:20:59 -0500 (CDT) From: Bast Subject: BUFFY: testing, with ObBuffy ObBuffy: Ok, so, if Buffy were ever to meet up with Randi and Ian from She-Wolf of London, would she try to slay Randi or ask Giles to find a cure? - --Bast *NatPack *CoS *Dryad *Duchovnik *Broom Brigade *CF *Siamese Twin "Thou shalt not commit acts of Jerry Lewis!" --Tippi ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 16:00:34 -0700 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: buffy/highlander correlation.. andrew stellman wrote: > > On Sun, 13 Apr 1997, David Ko wrote: > > forgive me if this has been brought up before, but has anyone noticed > > that there are watchers in Highlander as well? hmmmm.. always wanted to > > see an immortal duke it out with a vampire.. > > there's a great example of someone whose butt Buffy could kick. if Buffy > got in a fight with Duncan McCloud (either from the series or the movie), > she would kick his butt back to Scotland. i mean, all he can do is use a > sword. she has super vampire-ass-kicking powers. no match whatsoever, not > even close. > > andrew Sorry Andrew, I just gotta disagree. Obviously you havent watched enough of Highlander to know that Duncan, aside from being a master swordsman was also trained in the aspects of martial arts. If she actually did disarm him, which would be problem #1 for her, she would have to contend with his mastery over the martial arts. For 420 years, he's perfected his skill in hand to hand combat and Buffy, as much as I love her character, has been practicing for what...two years? The Highlander has been trained by a samurai, a master of Kung Fu, etc., etc., the list goes on. He also has the combined power and strength of the immortals he has vanquished..some whose experiences are as old as 3000 years...warrior mongols, dictators, self made warlords and the like. So, could Buffy stand up to the likes of Duncan Macleod...little less than maybe, but one thing is guaranteed..she'd probably be overwhelmed by his dark and handsom good looks as every other woman is who enters his life. And by that right she could never really win, at least in a fight. Hope I didn't step on your toes with this too much. I love both shows and I'm just trying to be fair to both great characters. Try watching more of Highlander next might not be so quick to judge. Peace - Norman C. Lao Watchers - Northeast Sector ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 21:45:38 -0400 From: Sharon Himmanen Subject: Re: BUFFY: buffy/highlander correlation.. At 07:51 PM 4/13/97 -0500, Sharon wrote: >If it's any consolation to you , Andrew >I think Xena could kick Mclouds butt, >but then Xena could kick anybody's butt. >Battle on Xena !! >Oops! I guess this is not the place for that. Hey, as long as it's in reference to Buffy, Xena is *always* welcome on any list I run! FYI, You can get back issues of the buffy-digest via anonymous ftp at They're stored by date in pub/lists/buffy/archive. Sharon - -- Sharon A. Himmanen * * Ask me about the Buffy the Vampire Slayer mailing list "There was no reason for him to act silly when he said hello unless poultry was involved." --Vivian, Sabu, Eastway (a.k.a. Easter), Emily, and Nigel (a.k.a. Kitty Nunkies) Rutledge as pantomimed to Bonnie Rutledge ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 21:51:44 -0400 (EDT) From: "David H. Yu" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation Okay, ListMommy Jill, it's Sunday night. What do you have in the way of a good name for the Willow Watchers? I'm looking to cap off a very good day on which my lacrosse team won the conference championship. WorstWitch wrote: > > If nobody likes my suggestion or has a better one, I'd go with Dryads > I guess ... has the ring of a Celtic warrior maiden about it, and the > tree spirit is appropriate. > Umm, IIRC, "dryad" is Greek in origin. Yes, it does mean "tree spirit," or "tree fairy," though. I don't think the male Willow Watchers would appreciate being called "tree fairies." To bring things back on-topic, I just saw an ad for Monday night's ep, and I think I heard a gunshot in there. Any implications? -- in my lurker's lair, licking my wounds after being crushed by a Tennesee player the other day, Oom ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 21:09:30 -0500 (CDT) From: Jill Kirby Subject: Re: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation At 09:51 PM 4/13/97 -0400, David H. Yu wrote: >Okay, ListMommy Jill, it's Sunday night. What do you have in the way of a >good name for the Willow Watchers? Can I please be a ListMommy? Please? I don't like that title. :) List Mom is OK. Mommy sets my teeth on edge for some reason... Not all of these are my suggestions, obviously, but here's the list. Willies (don't like this one) Dryads (if you have to explain it, perhaps it's not the one ) Wilites Waifs (ick-- she's not frail) Here are some other possibilities Wills (good one if you're a Brit ) Won'ts (opposite of Wills-- yeah, kinda dumb) FOWs (Friends of Willow) This is actually my favorite. It's simple. It's short. You could also do WOWs-- _______ of Willow-- but I can't think of an appropriate W to start it off with. Ideas? WOW would be a great acronym, if anyone could come up with that first w... Off to walk the dog! Jill *** Jill Kirby / That would be Methos. But, then, everything's Methos. --unattributed quote from MI Faire weekend, 1996 I am Figment. Hear me roar. Send money for therapist. --KG ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 22:06:20 -0400 From: Sharon Himmanen Subject: Re: BUFFY: testing, with ObBuffy At 04:20 PM 4/13/97 -0500, you wrote: >ObBuffy: Ok, so, if Buffy were ever to meet up with Randi and Ian from >She-Wolf of London, would she try to slay Randi or ask Giles to find a >cure? Good question. To be more general, what would Our Gang do if/when they encounter one of the supposed Baddies who's really somewhat sympathetic? Buffy doesn't seem to question that she has to whack them. Also, I'm kind of happy the vampires in Buffy are, for the most part, pretty nasty. I'm a little sick of the "good-guy vampire" concept that's been so popular for a while now. It's nice to see them as the evil, undead, blood-sucking, murdering cannibals they really are. Sharon - -- Sharon A. Himmanen * * Ask me about the Buffy the Vampire Slayer mailing list "There was no reason for him to act silly when he said hello unless poultry was involved." --Vivian, Sabu, Eastway (a.k.a. Easter), Emily, and Nigel (a.k.a. Kitty Nunkies) Rutledge as pantomimed to Bonnie Rutledge ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 22:24:39 -0400 From: (Daniel Tropea) Subject: BUFFY: Previous Vampire Slayers Hi, I have a question about the frequency of vampire slayers. If i am correct a vampire slayer appears once a generation. If we figure that a generation is 25 years the previous V-Slayer is in her early to midforties. Why does Giles or Buffy use her for help would it not make sense that the previous one would help the next one. Or does is a vampire slayer born only when the previous one dies. Which would throw the 25 year theory out the window. Which means is this soul transferce. The soul of one vampire slayer goes into the next one. Which would mean that the memories of all the previous vampire slayers should somehow be locked away inside Buffy. Sort of like Dax from Star Trek: DS9. Anyways i am confused about this issue of how and when a new v slayer appears. Is it once every 25 years which would mean that vampire slayers lives would presumambly be running cuncurrently or is it based on the death of a vampire slayer. Or it is something completely dfferent. Thank you. I hope i did not confuse anyone else with my questions. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 22:37:21 -0400 (EDT) From: Susan Cho Yuk Subject: Re: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation On Sun, 13 Apr 1997, Jill Kirby wrote: > > You could also do WOWs-- _______ of Willow-- but I can't think of an > appropriate W to start it off with. Ideas? WOW would be a great acronym, > if anyone could come up with that first w... I'm new, but has anyone suggested "Watchers of Willow"? Susan ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 22:41:07 -0400 (EDT) From: "David H. Yu" Subject: Re: BUFFY: BtVS sites [including one NEW] / Apology Elaine wrote: > > Sorry about the fic to the list faux pas [or, as we Midwesterners pronounce it, > 'fawx paw']. I goofed. It won't happen again. In apology, here are some > BUFFY LINKS [buffy links snipped] *Bad* Elaine. You'll have to do penance. Apology accepted, though. Since ListMommy Jill is coming w/ a good name for the Willow Watchers as her penance, yours will be to figure out exactly what Angel's tattoo is. And if we find out in Monday's ep, I'll have to come up w/ another one. You won't get off the hook that easily. -- just keeping an eye out on things from under my rock, Oom ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 22:40:13 -0400 From: (Daniel Tropea) Subject: BUFFY: Vampires: Buffy's evil vampires or the good vampires A couple of people have commented about being tired of the "good" vampires. For argument sake lets call them the Rice Vampire after the mother of the poor misunderstood vampire Anne Rice. I believe like people there are good vampires, evil vampires and the Rice Vampires. Vampires were once people so i believe that being a vampire should not automatically make you evil. I personally hope that next season a couple of good Rice type vampires appear. It is highly probable in fact that Giles knows about their existance. I think that making a vampire immediately evil is a bit hokey i would hope that there previous mortal side would make a difference. Remember all the vampires we have seen have been the followers of the master it is more then likely there are other vampires who are good. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 19:26:08 -0700 From: Subject: BUFFY: Buffy on Inside Edition? Hi all, I was just at the posting board when I came across the news and saw that Inside Edition was going to spotlight the show. I live in the southern New Jersey Area and i was wondering if anyoune knows what time it's going to be on. Also, is Sarah going to be on Rosie O' Donnell? I've heard yes and know. Could somebody help me out with this? Thanks - Norm ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 21:42:13 -0500 (CDT) From: Jill Kirby Subject: Re: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation At 10:37 PM 4/13/97 -0400, Susan Cho Yuk wrote: >On Sun, 13 Apr 1997, Jill Kirby wrote: >> >> You could also do WOWs-- _______ of Willow-- but I can't think of an >> appropriate W to start it off with. Ideas? WOW would be a great acronym, >> if anyone could come up with that first w... > > >I'm new, but has anyone suggested "Watchers of Willow"? Susan, you're good! What do people think? I like it! Why shouldn't Willow have Watchers, too? Jill *** Jill Kirby / That would be Methos. But, then, everything's Methos. --unattributed quote from MI Faire weekend, 1996 I am Figment. Hear me roar. Send money for therapist. --KG ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 21:43:41 -0500 (CDT) From: Jill Kirby Subject: Re: BUFFY: Previous Vampire Slayers At 10:24 PM 4/13/97 -0400, Daniel Tropea wrote: >I have a question about the frequency of >vampire slayers. If i am correct a vampire slayer >appears once a generation. > >If we figure that a generation is 25 years the >previous V-Slayer is in her early to midforties. (snip) >Or does is a vampire slayer born only when the >previous one dies. Good question! Until we get more evidence, I have to think that there can only be one Slayer living at a time. Which means once one Slayer is dead, the next one either 1) comes along right away (soul transference) or 2) has to wait a certain amount of time to maintain that "one a generation" thing. Based on the pictures, which suggest a resemblance (in the eyes, at least) it looks like some kind of legacy-- if not whole soul transference, at least a spiritual passing-on. After all, didn't the Buffy in the movie dream about past Slayers? The one positive is that it's apparent that vampires can't figure out who's a Slayer until she comes forward. Otherwise, I could see them hunting down the baby Slayer and taking her out of the picture early. Now, if there be more than one Slayer, what would happen if a Slayer absolutely refused her duties? Would another one be born, or identified? Jill *** Jill Kirby / That would be Methos. But, then, everything's Methos. --unattributed quote from MI Faire weekend, 1996 I am Figment. Hear me roar. Send money for therapist. --KG ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 21:53:51 -0600 From: "Gina (aka Gee)" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel Article (spoilers) On 13 Apr 97 at 14:36, Paul, Maria Aspan wrote about BUFFY: Angel Article (spoilers): > Think I finally got it right...hoping third time's the charm... > S > > P > > O > > I > > L > > E > > R > > All Angel fans, be ready to drool!! > On Wednesday, my local paper, the Philadelphia Inquirer, ran a short news > article on David Boreanaz (Angel.) Here are the major factoids: I think my local newspaper ran this same article - I didn't have time to read it yet, but I did notice the HUGE picture with Angel (shirtless) and Buffy. If I can get a scan of this, does anyone want it for a website? Just let me know. It's black & white, but hey, so's my scanner! : ) If there's anything different in this article, I'll post... Gee =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Gee  {{>AGA<}} Archangel Copresident of the JFIFC  <*>  DFW & DFWGPADC "Destructo girl - that's me." =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 22:52:13 -0400 From: Hendu Subject: Re: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation Worstwitch sez: > might sound better. I *cannot* be a Wiff anything I agree, Wiffow just doesn't toot my whistle like a well-placed Willow would. (wood?) > How about WAM - Willow's Admiring Masses? Wallflowers Willies and > WAIFs don't sound like we respect Willow very much. WHAM -- Willow's Heuristic Abilities Melt-me! seems more like a State of Mind and a Philosophy of Being rather than a real group name. But its such a relaxing state of mind... for daydreaming, and salivating, and... eh? WilloWisp -- another British/Germanic Mythos alliteration (and its unisex! what's cuter than a little fuzzy ball of light? esp. one that sneaks up on you in dank dark forests ;) David H. Yu sez: > Umm, IIRC, "dryad" is Greek in origin. Yes, it does mean > "tree spirit," or "tree fairy," though. I don't think the > male Willow Watchers would appreciate being called "tree fairies." Or how about "Brownie"? Like those two short brown faery dudes in the movie "Willow" (wow she has her own movie!) Faery * male = Brownie, but I suppose we'd have to explain this to people too. If any of you with tapes can scour them for any 'nickname'-like references to Willow, e.g. FK's Natalie = Nat => NatPackers, post yer findings! - -- | Hendu | | | |------------------Watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer!-------------------| | Ask me about >BAST!< & WHAM! | Keeper of Buffy's Black Boots! | | "A suspicious heart will see imaginary ghosts." -- Chinese Proverb | ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 20:12:28 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Website Update - Giles' Quotes Hi all, There is a new page up - Words of Wisdom from the Watcher - Giles' Quotes I would like to thank Maureen Wynn for letting me use her quote list and Robin White for coming up with the page idea and the title. It's at: Visit my other pages as well, they are linked at the bottom of all pages. *plead mode on* Can you please sign my guestbook, pretty please?!*plead mode off* Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey Mailing List & The Paul Wylie Mailing List Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles' Coats&Ties ASH Appreciation Society Member - Watch Buffy: the Vampire Slayer - Series! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 23:10:35 -0400 (EDT) From: "David H. Yu" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation _ListMom_ Jill wrote: > Can I please be a ListMommy? Please? I don't like that title. :) > List Mom is OK. Mommy sets my teeth on edge for some reason... Just so long we can still call Sharon "ListMommy". [poor suggestions snipped] > Wilites Not bad. Sounds kinda silly though... > Here are some other possibilities > > Wills (good one if you're a Brit ) This one I really like. An abbreviation of her name, she has a strong will, etc. > FOWs (Friends of Willow) This is actually my favorite. It's simple. It's > short. It's also another one of those darned acronyms. Plus, it sounds like one of thosepreservation societies (eg: Friends of Historical Podunk, Friends of UpDok Forest, etc.). Not as good as your suggestion below... > You could also do WOWs-- _______ of Willow-- but I can't think of an > appropriate W to start it off with. Ideas? WOW would be a great acronym, > if anyone could come up with that first w... The obvious first "W" would be "Watchers". A possible extension of this one is the "WOW-IEs": Watchers of Willow, Intellectual Enchantress. -- ack, too much light, going back underground, Oom ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 22:10:42 -0500 From: (Sharon Jacobs) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Vampires: Buffy's evil vampires or the good vampires I think I prefer the pure evil vampires. It's so much more fun watching Buffy demolish them! This is more fun than the 30 minutes I just spent in an x files chat room with people who only wanted to talk about their love lives. At least here everybody actually wants to talk about the show. Sharon ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 20:17:57 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: Re: BUFFY: BtVS sites [including one NEW] / Apology On Sun, 13 Apr 1997, David H. Yu wrote: > Elaine wrote: > > Sorry about the fic to the list faux pas [or, as we Midwesterners pronounce it, > > 'fawx paw']. I goofed. It won't happen again. In apology, here are some > > BUFFY LINKS > > *Bad* Elaine. You'll have to do penance. Apology accepted, though. > Since ListMommy Jill is coming w/ a good name for the Willow Watchers as > her penance, yours will be to figure out exactly what Angel's tattoo is. > And if we find out in Monday's ep, I'll have to come up w/ another one. > You won't get off the hook that easily. > Oom Since Elaine is probably still asleep (she's in Hungary) I'll send a reply, she probably love to figure out what the tattoo is, but she hasn't seen one ep yet! She is a fan of the show only cause ASH is on it, she won't be able to see any eps till May :( Poor deprived GASPer! Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey Mailing List & The Paul Wylie Mailing List Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles' Coats&Ties ASH Appreciation Society Member - Watch Buffy: the Vampire Slayer - Series! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 23:13:57 -0400 From: Sharon Himmanen Subject: Re: BUFFY: Vampires: Buffy's evil vampires or the good vampires At 10:40 PM 4/13/97 -0400, Daniel wrote: >I believe like people there are good vampires, evil vampires and the >Rice Vampires. Vampires >were once people so i believe that being a vampire should not >automatically make you evil. The thing about vampires is that they're predators. I don't think predators by definition are evil, but I certainly wouldn't stick my head in the mouth of one as a show of good faith. :-) As far as Buffyverse vampires, they established in the pilot that they are a form of demon, or a combination of sorts. Which is a very Rician concept--I'm thinking of that dreadful book Queen of the Damned. Only, of course, Anne Rice probably didn't invent it but "borrowed" it as she did much of her vampire lore. She didn't really reinvent the vampire mythos either--movies had been doing that for quite some time, presenting vampires as charasmatic, seductive and erotic despite their inherent evil. But the trend lately is to do Rician vampires. Forever Knight borrowed heavily from the Anne Rice concept of vampires. The Kindred borrowed to a lesser extent, but the White Wolf game it's based on certainly derives heavily from the movie/Rician version of vampires. I find Buffy refreshing because the vampires *aren't* good. They are a corruption--look at the transformation Jesse underwent in the first episode. He went from a nice schmuck to Mr. Mysogeny. I *like* this presentation of vampires for a change. It's sort of getting back to the roots of the mythology--evil, undead things that preyed on the living. >I personally hope that next season a couple of >good Rice type vampires appear. It is highly probable in fact that Giles >knows about their >existance. It might happen. IMO, it would compromise Buffy too much, and I think Giles would take great pains to make sure she *doesn't* find out about "good-guy vampires." Part of her advantage as a Slayer is to kill quickly. If she starts to second guess herself or hesitate, she's dead. Neither she nor Giles can afford to have any sympathy or compassion for vampires. Sharon - -- Sharon A. Himmanen * * Ask me about the Buffy the Vampire Slayer mailing list "There was no reason for him to act silly when he said hello unless poultry was involved." --Vivian, Sabu, Eastway (a.k.a. Easter), Emily, and Nigel (a.k.a. Kitty Nunkies) Rutledge as pantomimed to Bonnie Rutledge ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 20:22:05 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy on Inside Edition? Inside Edition- Check local listings, if it's not on Monday probably Tues. Cause it will air Tues in Ny and DC. Rosie- It's looking like no at this point. On Mon, 14 Apr 1997 wrote: > Hi all, I was just at the posting board when I came across the news and > saw that Inside Edition was going to spotlight the show. I live in the > southern New Jersey Area and i was wondering if anyoune knows what time > it's going to be on. Also, is Sarah going to be on Rosie O' Donnell? > I've heard yes and know. Could somebody help me out with this? > Thanks - Norm Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey Mailing List & The Paul Wylie Mailing List Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles' Coats&Ties ASH Appreciation Society Member - Watch Buffy: the Vampire Slayer - Series! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 23:27:13 -0400 (EDT) From: "David H. Yu" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation Y'know, we could just stick w/ "Willow Watchers". It's been used so often (mostly by me) that I think it's beginning to catch on (*totally* unintended). Other acceptable (to me, anyways) suggestions are: the Wills the WOWs (Watchers of Willow) the WOW-IEs (Watchers of Willow, Intellectual Enchantress) However, if we do go w/ my original suggestion of "Willow Watchers", ListMom Jill will have to do another penance -- *she* didn't come up w/ a good name. -- re-entering isolation to work on other potential penances, Oom ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 23:29:34 -0400 From: Hendu Subject: Re: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation WAATM: Willow Affiliations At The Moment: Wiffow (canned) Willies (canned) WAIFs (canned) Dryad (freeze-dried) WAM - Willow Admiring Masses (on the produce stand) Brownie (on the produce stand) WOW - Watchers Of Willow (on the produce stand) WOW! - Willow Observing Watchers! (my interpretation, FreshOfftheBoat) FOW - Friends of Willow (on the produce stand) AWACSer - Alyson & Willow Adoration Club Salivater (FOB) David Yu sez: > "WOW-IEs": Watchers of Willow, Intellectual Enchantress.< (FOB) Yes! I *like* this one *highfive David* Afflictions: (not Affiliation!) WHAM - Willow's Heuristic Abilities Melt-me - -- | Hendu | | | |------------------Watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer!-------------------| | Ask me about >BAST!< & WHAM! | Keeper of Buffy's Black Boots! | | "A suspicious heart will see imaginary ghosts." -- Chinese Proverb | ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 22:37:47 -0500 (CDT) From: Jill Kirby Subject: Re: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation At 11:27 PM 4/13/97 -0400, David H. Yu wrote: >However, if we do go w/ my original suggestion of "Willow Watchers", >ListMom Jill will have to do another penance -- *she* didn't come up w/ a >good name. One of the benefits of being ListMom: No double jeopardy on the whole penance issue. :) Once served, done. A reminder to anyone who's relatively new to the list, and doesn't realize this: we DO have a digest option!! You need to unsubscribe to the buffy list, and then send another subscribe notice that says: subscribe buffy-digest to the address. If you have problems, email me or Sharon ( for assistance. Jill *** Jill Kirby / Where are the songs I used to know, Where are the notes I used to sing? I have forgotten everything I used to know so long ago... --Christina Rossetti ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 16:47:57 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: buffy/highlander correlation.. In a message dated 97-04-13 15:07:12 EDT, you write: << there's a great example of someone whose butt Buffy could kick. if Buffy got in a fight with Duncan McCloud (either from the series or the movie), she would kick his butt back to Scotland. i mean, all he can do is use a sword. she has super vampire-ass-kicking powers. no match whatsoever, not even close. >> It's true that Buffy could kick Duncan's butt...but the character in the Highlander movies in "Connor MacCleod." He's so wonderful that the show could only afford to have him for the first episode of the show. He's a better swordfighter than Adrian Paul (Duncan.) Duncan is bent on protecting his honor (bleh!) Connor is, in AD&D terms, "chaotic good." That means he's a Robin Hood-type character. Anyway, the point is that maybe SMG could best Duncan...but probably not Connor. Joanne P.S. You gotta love the name's SO much better than Kiki or Binky the Vamire Slayer. :-) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 22:43:46 -0600 From: "Gina (aka Gee)" Subject: BUFFY: Official Name on Willow Affiliation A suggestion from the peanut gallery Yes, it's another damn acronym... but... WYLD or WYLDs Willow's Young Literate Devotees Just a thought... Gee =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Gee  {{>AGA<}} Archangel Copresident of the JFIFC  <*>  DFW & DFWGPADC "Destructo girl - that's me." =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #16 ************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". 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