From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #127 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Saturday, June 7 1997 Volume 01 : Number 127 In this issue: BUFFY: Re: Angel and YTV Re: BUFFY: Re: Angel and YTV Re: BUFFY: Re: Angel and YTV Re: BUFFY: Anyone not like the finale? BUFFY: Re: ANGEL'S tattoo & "NEXT MASTER?" Re: BUFFY: can angel read? Re: BUFFY: JOSS BUFFY: Official "Little Buffy" Website! Re: BUFFY: Anyone not like the finale? Re: BUFFY: Re: ANGEL'S tattoo & "NEXT MASTER?" Re: BUFFY: Chat room responses between Willow and Malloch Re: BUFFY: question of picture from tv guide Re: BUFFY: can angel read? Re: BUFFY: Buffy keepers BUFFY:My thoughts on Prophecy Girl BUFFY: Sleeping Beauty Buffy (Re: Prophecy Girl) Re: BUFFY: question of picture from tv guide Re: BUFFY: Re: Angel and YTV BUFFY: Angel Acronyms Re: BUFFY: Angel Acronyms Re: BUFFY: keeper problems BUFFY: STYLE Re: BUFFY: can angel read? Re: BUFFY: can angel read? BUFFY: Buffy in Village Voice Re: BUFFY: Angel Acronyms BUFFY: Angel Owner of the BronzeRe: BUFFY: Angel Re: Owner of the BronzeRe: BUFFY: Angel BUFFY: Re: Slayer in a White Dress Re: BUFFY: Prophecy Girl (spoilers) Re: Owner of the BronzeRe: BUFFY: Angel See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 00:31:16 -0700 From: RAS Subject: BUFFY: Re: Angel and YTV Finally got to see the Prophecy Girl episode Did anyone notice that when Angel said to Xander "you love her" (about Buffy) and then Xander replied "don't you?", they cut to a new scene before Angel could answer. This makes me wonder does Angel love her like a brother or a protector or more? Why does it seem like the writers are leaving a loophole? Or am I being paranoid? BTW, here in Canada, on YTV the 2 hour pilot is being re-aired on Friday at a special time, back to back Buffy .... YES !!!! Rudy ( Keeper of the Darkness ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 07:41:05 GMT From: Julie Fundenberger Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: Angel and YTV >This makes me wonder does Angel love her like a brother or a >protector or more? Why does it seem like the writers are leaving a loophole? >Or am I being paranoid? >Rudy ( I'm hoping it's just you being paranoid. :) I haven't seen enough of the characters to make a decision yet. Julie Fundenberger FK * LYL * Slayerette ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 07 Jun 1997 01:20:13 -0700 From: Jennifer Hawthorne Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: Angel and YTV >>This makes me wonder does Angel love her like a brother or a >>protector or more? Or am I being paranoid? You are most definitely being paranoid. The dancing and kissing in "Angel" was *anything* but brotherly. Very hot indeed. Angel's definitely in love with Buffy in the "eros" sense of the word* (see note at the end). The question in my mind is exactly *when* he fell for her. Through most of the first episode he was pretty clearly just manipulating her to try to strike back at the Master, Darla, Luke and the rest. (He'd never seen her before the pilot -- remember him saying, after she flattened him, "You're littler than I thought you'd be"?) By the next time we see him in "Teacher's Pet," he's already to the point of going out of his way to warn her of danger, giving her his leather jacket, and gazine soulfully at her when she mocks him. Anyone want to try and pinpoint the moment when Angel started looking at Buffy as something more than "the Slayer"? I'm thinking it might have been the moment outside the crypt where Buffy says she's going down to rescue a potential friend, asks Angel if he has any friends, and then there's an awkward silence from Angel. (Followed by "That wasn't supposed to be a trick question" from Buffy.) Any other candidates? - -- Maytree [*The Greeks divided love into four categories: Filios: brotherly or familiar love; Agape: platonic love, like that of a protector; Charitas: Divine love (I think); Eros: Hubba-hubba! ] - ------------------------------------------------------- Jennifer Hawthorne :: [To reply to this message, remove DIESPAM from address] - ------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it's too much effort even to retreat in wild disorder. -- Ashleigh Brilliant ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 01:38:26 -0700 (PDT) From: (Jennifer Ottesen) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Anyone not like the finale? Diane said, talking about Prophecy Girl, > > > S > > P > > O > > I > > L > > > E > > R > > S > pace > > OK, I can't hold my tongue. I didn't like the season finale much. > Too maudlin, too rushed, didn't make sense, didn't like seeing the > Master die. When the demon critter came out I felt like I was > watching a USA "UP All Night" movie. > I can't say I 'didn't like it'. I can say it wasn't anywhere in the league of The Pack, or Angel, or even NKABOTFD. Definitely maudlin - when Buffy threw her fit in the library, everyone in the room fell over laughing. You could really see SMG's background in daytime television. And this is a _BAD_ thing, for those who were wondering ;) Not because of anything innately evil about daytime television, but that sort of hystrionics just don't belong in Buffy. IMHO. Sorry. On the other hand, Xander was wonderful. In every scene. And this comes from someone who started the season wishing he'd get staked. The angst was so thick one could barely breathe through it. And his confrontation with Angel - I loved it. I even found myself sympathizing with Cordelia (no, its not cute. I'm angry.) Even the seemingly pointless scene with Mom had its high points, such as its references back to the movie (Where is it written you can't go to this dance?). To be honest, it was only the Buffy/Master plot that disappointed me. It just seemed... forced. The only part that really had me enthused was Buffy walking (or perhaps striding is a better term?) to the final confrontation, set to the kicking strains of the BuffyTheme. Yes, Buffy is probably depressed. Not for any big tragic reasons, but think about it. One of her best friends just asked her out, and when she had to turn him down, he handled the rejection very badly. The guy she wants to be going out with won't talk to her, but he will talk to her watcher. Willow is undergoing major emotional trauma. Her mom just doesn't understand. And on top of it all - she died. Harsh. No one was all that happy in the final scene. Sure, they just beat up the bad guy. But that didn't really solve any of the other things bothering them. To me, the value of the show is not in its plots, or even its subject matter. It lies in the juxtaposition of humor and horror in a uniquely Buffy fashion. In this, Prophecy Girl didn't do so badly. It's downfall was that it tried to pack too much plot on top of everything else. Jen ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 06 Jun 1997 15:29:02 EDT From: (Charles U. Farley) Subject: BUFFY: Re: ANGEL'S tattoo & "NEXT MASTER?" On Fri, 6 Jun 1997 14:11:03 -0400 (EDT) Mike Davignon writes: >Regarding the tatoo. I'm no expert, but I thought a tatoo isnt so much >a scar as it is a dye beneath the skin. If so, then that nullifies the >argument that he must have gotten it before vamping. If your skin gets >dyed, healing won't remove it. You've got a point, maybe my theory just fit in well with the context I like. But then again Angel is a Vampire, they're peculiar folks. Who knows how or on what basis they heal. >Regarding Angel's soul....we only take his word that he was ever >cursed in the first place. Sure, I like the idea of him being a good guy, but we >don't have any solid evidence. It all may have been a clever ploy to >get close to the slayer. Okay, he saved her, you say. Maybe he knew he >needed her to get rid of the Master, who was probably more powerful than >Angel. With the Master gone now, who knows what might happen? Whoa!! I like this!! Its Sends a "PARANOIA SHOCKWAVE!" Angel as the true "Bad Guy" acting like a "Good Guy", using Buffy to do his dirty work. The devious Mastermind with his beady little eyes on the domination of the World. Buffy Kills the Master. Angel kills Darla, with the presumption of saving Buffy. Wasn't Darla the one who brought Angel over. That would make her more powerful than him to. Even Luke, who got staked first EP, Angel helped Buffy (Though more discreetly) locate not only the Vampire nest but also gave her a clue about the Harvest. By killing Luke, the number two guy in power after the Master (Darla third?), the Master was stuck in the catacombs for awile longer, perhaps allowing Angel to formulate the next step in his ruthless plot. The Master did say that Angel was "the most viscious creature" he'd ever known. What could be more viscious and cruel than making the SLAYER, the one person in the World capable of destroying you, fall in LOVE with you. Getting her to trust you, care for you, LOVE YOU........then GRRR!!! ARGG!!! Two holes in your neck. OOOOOO! This is a tasty theory!!! I really like it. This is my second installment in the "ANGEL: NEXT MASTER?" theory. It's the middle of the afternoon and not many people are posting yet but I've got to know what people think........POST! POST! POST! Stirring the pot some more, THE ARCHANGEL KEEPER OF XANDER'S TENNIS BALL OF UNFULFILLED TEEN LOVE FOUNDER OF THE "ANGEL: NEXT MASTER" THEORY!!!!! ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 10:33:35, -0500 From: (MR THEODORE J MILLER) Subject: Re: BUFFY: can angel read? In the episode "Angel", Angel said he spent his time in Buffy's room thinking and reading (which Buffy misunderstood as reading her diary), so he's at least SAID he can read. Although he didn't say exactly what he was reading; while something intellectual and thoughtful would seem most appropriate, maybe it was just "The Cat in the Hat" and "Pat the Bunny", easy-to-read books left over from Buffy's childhood. Or was he reading the 100th anniversary edition of "Dracula" and laughing at all the bits about vampires that Bram Stoker got wrong? ____ Theodore Miller SCTQ91A@PRODIGY.COM TEDJMILLER@PRODIGY.COM ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 06 Jun 1997 15:23:43 -0400 From: Koch Subject: Re: BUFFY: JOSS >HOT OFF THE PRESSES!!!! > >again JOSS was on the "buffy" board >( here's a snippet: > >HYPHEMA: "JOSS, this may sound trivial, but at the end of "prophesy >girl" who said, "I'm really, really hungry"? it's driving the >buffy@xmission list batty!" > >JOSS: "HYPHEMA, Buffy said that." > > > Well, guess I was wrong. to quote Xander, "the polls are in, and it's time for my concession speech." Mad about Monkeys, - --Viashino-- > ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 1997 13:15:47 -0700 (PDT) From: Lisa Rose Subject: BUFFY: Official "Little Buffy" Website! Good news! (I think). The "Official" Little Buffy website is now up and running at: It is a text site at the moment (and all mark-up tags done by hand no less, Giles would be proud! well, maybe not), though I will add graphics if I can find any that seem to fit (but hey, it loads *really* quickly as it is). Right now it is based on the initial postings that I sent out on the topic, but I am open to incorporating other people's stuff who want to send it to me. I didn't just want to rifle through the lists and pages that have since incorporated Little Buffy stuff looking for new items, without knowing who wrote them or how they felt about them being "borrowed". There is also a *new* section, "Little Buffy's Childhood Books," which has not been previously posted. Check it out! Plus, the Rudolph song is funnier! Thanks to the loyal fans of Little Buffy who have incorporated her into their lists and websites, most especially () who has, without even being coerced, become the "Keeper of the Little Buffy List." I am amenable to the idea of people "keeping" items of Little Buffy's, for purely fun purposes. If you email me, I can post them to the page in a special section. Please don't request anything that belongs to "big" Buffy, or that has been shown on the program. Such "real" items should go through the normal keeper list handlers. Little Buffy items should solely from your imagination as Little Buffy is a purely hypothetical (fanfic type) character. The items should also be appropriate to a young girl. If more than one person conjures up and requests the same item, I will add each person's name behind it (probably in order of request). Enjoy the Page! Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 10:24:27 -0500 (CDT) From: Jill Kirby Subject: Re: BUFFY: Anyone not like the finale? Diane Westerfield wrote: > BTW, am I the only one who gets depression vibes from SMG? She often > seems sad. Or maybe it's just the Buffy character, I dunno. I realized last night that this is one of the things I love about this show-- it doesn't just play everything for laughs. When I first heard that Buffy was coming to TV, I thought "Oh great, a comedy!" And it is, often, hilarious. It's witty and inventive and surprising. But it also deals with the general pain of being a teenager (parents, friends, enemies, dating, classes) and the specific pain of being the Slayer. I wouldn't want to be the Slayer in a million years. What a terrible responsibility it is, especially when you're an intelligent person like Buffy and can fully understand the risks involved, for you and everyone around you. She "knew the risks when she signed on," (sorry, another fandom spilling over) and she lives with those risks every single day. Brrr. So I hope that the depression is intentional and comes from Buffy-- SMG seems to be a very upbeat person from everything I've read. I think she's just imbuing her character with a surprising amount of depth-- which undoubtedly is not due to just her acting ability, but to the terrific scripts and cast and crew she has to work with. Jill *** Jill Kirby / Ok, so we're collectively pathetic. Isn't that better than being individually pathetic? Or are we that, too? --Alora ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 11:28:00 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: ANGEL'S tattoo & "NEXT MASTER?" << On Fri, 6 Jun 1997 14:11:03 -0400 (EDT) Mike Davignon writes: >Regarding the tatoo. I'm no expert, but I thought a tatoo isnt so much >a scar as it is a dye beneath the skin. If so, then that nullifies the >argument that he must have gotten it before vamping. If your skin gets >dyed, healing won't remove it. >> actually based on my experience since I got a tatoo two years have to break the skin in order to get the dye in. It hurt a little, I was biting my thumb during the whole process. The lady that did it gave me big instructions what to do and what not to do. You couldn't get it wet for like a whole week and leave the bandage on for like two days. When I took it off there was a bloody imprint of the tatoo on the bandage. So basically, I still maintain that for Angel to get that tatoo he had to still be human. Wolfkazzy Keeper of Angel's Soul "I can walk like a man, but I'm not one."--Angel. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 08 Jun 1996 11:57:41 -0400 From: Philip Seto Subject: Re: BUFFY: Chat room responses between Willow and Malloch Luminar wrote: > > When Willow and Malloch were chatting over > the computer were the responses going a wee bit too fast. I have been in > chatrooms and the > shortest interval I have seen is 45 seconds. > This was going at the speed of a normal > conversation. > > You figure you have to read the response then > come up with your own and type it in this process does not go anywhere > near the speed > of conversations. > > Did anyone else notice that this was weird. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > I don't know about wierd...I've been in private rooms that can move pretty fast. It all depends on whether you can think and type at the same time or not. Bes > > ...Luminar Its not weird if she was using IRC or some other chat servers which are real time (very few of the WEB based ones are, except for those running JAVA applets) AOL chats are also instantaneous. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 13:39:48 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: question of picture from tv guide In a message dated 6/7/97 3:04:05 AM, you wrote: <> What Tv Guide is the picture of the cast on bed in? Raininfire Keeper of Buffy's Photo Album of Memories "A vampire in love with a slayer. It's rather poetic... In a maudlin sort of way." -- Giles, BtVS ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 11:34:18 -0700 (PDT) From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: can angel read? At 10:33 AM 6/7/97 -0500, MR THEODORE J MILLER wrote: >In the episode "Angel", Angel said he spent his time in Buffy's >room thinking and reading...maybe it was just "The Cat in the Hat" >and "Pat the Bunny", easy-to-read books left over from Buffy's >childhood. Speaking of which, be sure to check out the titles of some of Buffy's childhood books at the "Little Buffy" site: "Pat the Bunny" is listed (or Little Buffy's version of that title at least). L. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 14:37:43 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy keepers ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 07 Jun 1997 11:39:45 PDT From: "Lady Elendil" Subject: BUFFY:My thoughts on Prophecy Girl IMHO, the reason Buffy came back stronger is because before she died, part of her was still fighting the fact she was the Slayer. She was in partial denial, I guess. Now, having faced the Master, she realizes her full Slayer potential. Umm, I think that makes sense. I also think that the Master just got cocky and didn't finish the job (if you want to look at it that way). He assumed that because he was so powerful, she would die anyway, with the help of the prophecy. I don't think the thought ever entered his mind that she wouldn't die. I don't think he dropped her in the water on purpose. That just happened to be the way she fell. Well, that's just my $0.02. Lady Elendil Keeper of Xander's Clown-Downing Right hook, Cordy's Good side, and Dr. Gregory's Lab coat - --------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at - --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 11:34:16 -0700 (PDT) From: Lisa Rose Subject: BUFFY: Sleeping Beauty Buffy (Re: Prophecy Girl) At 06:47 AM 6/7/97 GMT, Julie Fundenberger wrote: > After Xander gives Buffy CPR, Buffy suddenly wakes up. Now I don't >know if I'm just seeing things, but the way I saw it, there was a special >effect put in at that point. Isn't it interesting how much it was like Sleeping Beauty? She is lifeless. Xander, as the prince, presses his lips to hers (and blows and pumps a few times) and she awakens from her sleep of death. Is this what was needed to break the Master's spell? A kiss? The touch of a person who loves her? Did Master figure nobody would be able to get down into the lair to do that? (not counting on Xander's passion, combined with Angel's knowledge?). Lisa Keeper of Buffy's diary (full of Angel fantasies) Keeper of Angel's slashed t-shirt (full of Angel blood) Keeper of Giles' stutter (cute little thing that it is) After turning pro, Buffy became "The Umpire Slayer" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 07 Jun 1997 15:14:37 -0700 From: Lawless Subject: Re: BUFFY: question of picture from tv guide Guadalupe Mejia wrote: > > hello everyone i just was wondering if anybody knew the url for the > picture of the cast on the bed from the tv guide, in a larger size, like > the one of buffy alone. anyone? - -Lawless ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 11:34:20 -0700 (PDT) From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: Angel and YTV At 01:20 AM 6/7/97 -0700, Jennifer Hawthorne wrote: > >>>This makes me wonder does Angel love her like a brother or a >>>protector or more? Or am I being paranoid? > >You are most definitely being paranoid. The dancing and kissing in "Angel" >was *anything* but brotherly. Very hot indeed. Agreed. Angel is so hot for her he couldn't keep his primal vampire passions from emerging when they kissed in her bedroom. He played second fiddle in Prophecy Girl I think to allow Xander to be a soloist, and maybe to contrast Angel's worldly timeless passion with Xander's young cocky passion. But Angel's definitely got passion for her and I for one want to see lots more of it real soon! Lisa Keeper of Buffy's diary (full of Angel fantasies) Keeper of Angel's slashed t-shirt (full of Angel blood) Keeper of Giles' stutter (cute little thing that it is) "A" doesn't even stand for Angel, for that matter. It stands for "Achmed," a charming foreign exchange student! -- Buffy, "Angel" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 12:38:09 -0700 (PDT) From: Lisa Rose Subject: BUFFY: Angel Acronyms I remember recently someone saying that we should jazz up the acronym for Angel followers. I don't know if we really need to do that or not. But ever since that suggestion I can't stop occasionally thinking of new Angel fan acronyms. Here are a few of them: ALLTHAT Angel's Loyal Legion Thinkin' He's All That! AMAZE Angel's Many Adoring Zealous Enthusiasts HALO Heroic Angel's Loyal Order (or *Hunky* Angel's Loyal Order!) AGAPE Angel's Guardian Angels Protecting [him] Eternally (probably more like "mouth hanging AGAPE drooling" than Greek brotherly love, but I like the double possibility). I'll stop now and go get a life. In fact, I'm off to CD Warehouse to buy the new Sophie Zelmani CD that has that song Buffy and Angel were kissing to at the Bronze. Resistance is futile.... Lisa Keeper of Buffy's diary (full of Angel fantasies) Keeper of Angel's slashed t-shirt (full of Angel blood) Keeper of Giles' stutter (cute little thing that it is) Xander: Buffy, c'mon, wake up and smell the seduction. It's the oldest trick in the book! Buffy: What, saving my life, getting slashed in the ribs? Xander: Duh! ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 15:11:17 -0600 From: "Gina" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel Acronyms On 7 Jun 97 at 12:38, Lisa Rose wrote about BUFFY: Angel Acronyms: > I remember recently someone saying that we should jazz > up the acronym for Angel followers. I don't know if we > really need to do that or not. But ever since that > suggestion I can't stop occasionally thinking Well, since what you think of usually brilliant (!), think away! You know, I've been using AGA since I signed on, but I've gotta admit, I *really* like this one: > HALO Heroic Angel's Loyal Order (or *Hunky* Angel's > Loyal Order!) But I like Heroic better than Hunky.... Good thinkin', Lisa! Anybody else? Gina ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  a usual suspect  <*>  Woo hoo? DFW & DFWGPADC  Member, Innerpeace  Jonesing for Angel AGA - Keeper of Angel's Pillows  Adopter of Luke (BtVS) JFIFC Co-pres  List Goddess, JFFIC-L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 13:34:51 -0700 From: Terrie Subject: Re: BUFFY: keeper problems On Fri, 6 Jun 1997, (MR THEODORE J MILLER) wrote: >There's an idea for a new rule: to Keep something you can't just >claim it, >you have to specifically identify it. Does the Keeper of Angel's >refrigerator know what brand of refrigerator it is, etc.? No, the Keeper of Angel's Fridge does not know what brand it is. Nor does she want to. That's just a little to close to obsessive for me. (I obsess to easily to let myself start doing things like that. It's too dangerous). - -Terrie Keeper of Anegl's Fridge "Grrr, Argh" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 15:39:45 -0500 From: Subject: BUFFY: STYLE remember girls: if you're ever doomed by prophecy to go toe-to-toe with an evil, red-nosed vampire, be sure to wear the longest dadgum dress and the chunkiest durn pumps you can find. verrrrry practical. (not). hyphema:-[ ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 16:29:08 -0500 From: "Kristy" Subject: Re: BUFFY: can angel read? :dictionary?), but do you think he can even read regular english? i don't :know where he would have gotten the education from. just some of my :thoughts, and i would like to hear some of yours... : That's an interesting point. It would make sense if Angel can't read, because he is a vampire, and why would a vampire want to learn the human way of gathering info? After all, in Buffy Land they look upon us mere mortals with such disdain. On the other hand, he has tried to "humanize" himself as possible, so maybe he did learn to read, just to fit in more... Who knows? Kristy ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 16:36:09 -0500 From: "Kristy" Subject: Re: BUFFY: can angel read? -:Come on! Angel is 'only' 240 years old - that puts him in the 18th :century, and literacy while not as wide spread as today, was certainly :not a great rarity then, depending upon one's socio/economic class. :Isn't Angel Irish? We really don't have much info about his family If Angel is indeed Irish, then the chances of his reading are very low. The English persucuted the Irish for a considerable amount of time over there, and the majority of Irish were "peasant, working stock" therefore would not have much of an education. Kristy Keeper of Angel's Secrets ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 17:57:59, -0500 From: (MR THEODORE J MILLER) Subject: BUFFY: Buffy in Village Voice Here's the article on "Buffy" from this week's Village article: So-Called Vampires Buffy Battles Teendom's Demons by Tom Carson Just before Sunnydale High's annual talent show, the ballerina turns up murdered, her heart torn out by the demon who needs it to retain his human guise - and a fellow student grouses: "I hate this school." That throwaway line is actually one of the broadest jokes I've heard on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", whose special, tricky tone depends on not juggling but fusing the discordant ingredients of at least three lesser shows - clique satire a la Square Pegs, Gothic fantasy a la Millennium, and sensitive-teen angstfest a la you name it. Still, "I hate this school" should have clued in any viewers who hadn't yet caught on. Corpses, vampires, and ghouls are the useful exaggerations that let "Buffy" be more hilariously accurate about high school's ... horrors, I believe we used to call them, than any less fanciful version could. The real thrill, though, is that the series isn't content to be way- cool clever. Instead, it's empathetic, putting its own preposterousness to emotionally expressive use. Keep your parties of five and your so-called lives to yourselves; I can't think of a TV show that better captures how adolescence feels - and in ways that aren't true of adulthood, or anyhow shouldn't be, how adolescence feels is what adolescence is. Granted, the first time I tuned in, I was hoping for camp silliness, and couldn't see for the life of me why the series seemed to be taking all this foofaraw so seriously. But camp silliness we all already know, and for a show called "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" to treat its foofaraw in earnest, or at any rate let its characters do so, is a terrific stroke - not to mention an act of wondrous compassion toward the youth audience. If there's a distinctive new note in '90s TV and movies, it's the discovery that earnestness in explicitly silly contexts can have the same kind of impact that irony in implicitly serious ones once did, and for the same reason: it gets at something true. What that might be was certainly no concern of the amiable but purposeless 1992 movie from which this series derives. Even as entertainment, the big- screen "Buffy" ran out of inventiveness fast. But Josh Whedon, who wrote the movie's screenplay, must have figured out that he'd latched on to an idea potentially deeper than farce when he invented a typical teen who glumly learns that it's her destiny to fight vampires in between homework assignments. As creator-cum-exec producer of the TV version, he's turned the story into the fable it deserves to be. To be singled out for some inscrutable purpose that estranges them from their peers probably describes the sensations - and so what if it's not the literal experience? - of half the teens alive. Buffy's main advantage over her puzzled real-life counterparts is that at least she's been instructed on her mission - by Giles, the "Watcher" deputized to train and mentor her, whose day job is running Sunnydale High's surreally gloomy if believably empty library. Yet while high schoolers of both sexes can presumably identify, the nifty resonances the show gets out of its premise would be drastically reduced it its title were "Biff the Vampire Slayer"; you bet we're talking a female-empowerment saga, and so far as telling kids home truths goes, the show's clear-eyed recognition that autonomy can be one hard row to hoe (Buffy's reluctance to take up her calling seems sensible to me) puts it miles ahead of upbeat ads about girl Little Leaguers. Whedon's been lucky in his casting here, which wasn't true of the movie. There, the Watcher was a sheepish-looking Donald Sutherland, giving a great performance as a guy who hoped Kiefer wouldn't buy a ticket; the Giles of the TV version, Anthony Stewart Head, has the right scrupulously measured combination of weary wisdom and attentive concern. (Unlike Sutherland, Head's not one to hedge the conviction he brings to a role; he's been playing the male half of the Taster's Choice couple for years - and darned well too, don't you think?) Sarah Michelle Gellar's improvement on the movie Buffy starts with the physical contrast, since Kristy Swanson was one of those vigorous California blondes who look perfectly capable of decking most men with one punch. Her TV successor is petite and prepossessing, which gives an exhilarating extra charge to Buffy's whirligigs of martial-arts derring-do. Gellar's mingled determination and regret - Buffy turns pensive whenever she pauses - is also very affecting. Her expressions keep reminding you that being a vampire slayer is a pretty lonely life - you know, just like the ones lots of normal teenagers have, only Buffy can't see it that way. Another nice touch is the way she and the two friends she's entrusted with her secret - reliable, good-hearted Xander (Nicholas Brendon) and brainy Willow (Alyson Hannigan) - double as the school's smart-kid misfits, whose chumminess with Giles annoys students and faculty alike. (teacher's pets they're not; by high school, the smart kids have pet teachers - a nuance the series captures very well.) Being a child of divorce with an MIA father also adds a dimension to Buffy's connection with Giles that no doubt works as wish fulfillment for teen viewers whose home lives fit the profile, but the show's real shrewdness is in how the freakish context stops these undercurrents from cloying. Instead, the premise puts fresh spins on teendom's every banality. For instance, Buffy's mother is a pleasant woman who can't understand why her daughter's so moody and withdrawn. But we do: she's got to go out and slay vampires, and her mom doesn't even know they exist. Although Buffy herself has no special powers - she's just staunch - the show's supernatural frame gives it room to delve into the stuff that's routinized on its mundane counterparts at often startling levels of satiric cunning and spooky beauty. You can't help but be aware of how the series affects to ignore teen sexuality (Buffy's calling sure louses up her dating life) while sublimating its terrors; the monsters our heroine faces are plenty creepy looking, but most of the time they're also identifiably male - and certainly adult. Still, not all the threats are outside. In one of the best recent episodes, everyone's bad dreams came true in real life, with results ranging from corny (Xander showing up for school in his underwear) to unsettlingly suggestive (our heroine becoming a vampire herself) to, I swear, poignant: gazing down at a tombstone with Buffy's name on it, Xander wondered aloud whose nightmare this was, and reserved Giles muttered, "Mine." The show's elaborate visuals live up to the premise's ingenuity. There's always something going on - like the school's walls showing up unexpectedly shrouded in plastic, as if Christo had just signed on as janitor. Clearly, Rod Serling was hired long ago as guidance counselor; last week, the school's socialite contingent, including Buffy's foil Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter), got stalked by a vengeful, unseen marauder, finally identified as a classmate so often overlooked that she'd literally turned invisible. (At one point, a briefly chastened Cordelia confessed that being popular didn't make her feel any less alone, leading an incredulous Buffy to wonder why she still worked so hard at it. "It's better than being alone all by yourself," Cordelia answered - tartly, not plaintively.) In the coda, the stalker, spirited away by X-Files-ish government agents, wound up in a classroom filled with her fellow invisibles from other schools - all of them opening FBI manuals at their apparently empty desks to study their new careers as assassins. It was splendidly scary; sad, too. No doubt, a lot of the show's appeal depend on how you remember high school. Me, I never went wild over "Room 222". But I watch Buffy and her cohorts holding their feverish confabs before they charge off to do battle in the night, and chortle with delight at the verisimilitude; damn, that's exactly how it was. I also think the show's title, which looked pretty dopey on theater marquees, is pure television poetry - even if I instantly turn geezer every time, to my dismay, I catch myself humming it to the tune of an ancient Warren Zevon song. ____ Theodore Miller SCTQ91A@PRODIGY.COM TEDJMILLER@PRODIGY.COM ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 18:49:29 -0400 (EDT) From: Hendricks Ng Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel Acronyms Lisa said this, while drooling about Angel: > AGAPE Angel's Guardian Angels Protecting [him] Eternally > (probably more like "mouth hanging AGAPE drooling" > than Greek brotherly love, but I like the double > possibility). Mmmm. sounds like a worthy successor to WHAM! Willow's Heuristic Abilities Melt-me! - -- Hendu * * Willo'Wisp * WHAM! * GASP Morning Star Keeper * Buffy FAQ helper Keeper of Buffy's Black Boots *_Buffy The Vampire Slayer_* WB Mon 9pm Buffy FAQ: "If you wanna dance with the Devil, you need a really long spoon." -- Mercy (aka Jack Palance) "Cyborg 2" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 07 Jun 1997 15:59:43 -0400 From: Michael Krow Subject: BUFFY: Angel Someone in a Previous post said tht Angel might be the owner of the Bronze. But Cordelia said that the Bronze wouldn't let them use there sound system. Wouldn't you think that if Angel was the owner he would let them use it thinking if he didn't, maybe they would have the dance elsewhere and he would't get to see buffy? Just curious. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 19:33:43 -0400 From: Subject: Owner of the BronzeRe: BUFFY: Angel I also tend to think that Angel could own the Bronze. He is around so much. But since he does keep to himself. Even at the Bronze he tends to just watch people. He could very easily own it and let humans manage it ie a silent partner. Apartments are not cheap and he does need to make money owning a business and being a silent partner does make sense. Any thoughts? Dan T Fan of Buffy, the Vampire Slayer Fan of Celine Dion "Love Doesn't Ask Why" (Celine Dion) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 19:49:33 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: Owner of the BronzeRe: BUFFY: Angel I like that idea a lot. Having Angel more involved with the environment would make the show more interesting. The Bronze could double as a hideout or a training center for Buffy. It's sounds plausable. Tryst! Keeper of Cordelias Black 1997 Dodge Stratus "Getaway Car". ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 20:27:49 -0500 (CDT) From: Surya Sen Subject: BUFFY: Re: Slayer in a White Dress With regard to wearing a long white dress and pumps to fight the Master: Buffy felt that she was fated to perish in her fight with the Master. Normally, Buffy wears her slaying togs on such occasions, but when she believed it would be her last "dance" she donned her best dress. Wouldn't you like to look your best on the last day? Besides, it was great symbolism, when she left with a beautiful long white dress to her supposed death it symbolized her lost youth. Her life as a Slayer destroyed all her chances of a happy normal life, no more dances, no more dates. Her dress expressed the tragedy of what might have been. Surge Keeper of Buffy's Shadow P.S. Didn't her shadow look great with the outline of her white dress? ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 22:04:54 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Prophecy Girl (spoilers) In a message dated 97-06-07 08:06:58 EDT, Lily wrote: << xander knows where angel lives, giles knows angel's phone number, >> Actually as far as the phone number, Angel might be listed in Sunnydale, cuz it sounded like on Giles's end that Angel was momentarily confused by the call cuz Giles had to repeat his name. Wolfkazzy Keeper of Angel's Soul "I can walk like a man, but I'm not one."--Angel. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 22:10:09 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: Owner of the BronzeRe: BUFFY: Angel In a message dated 97-06-07 19:43:43 EDT, you write: << Apartments are not cheap and he does need to make money owning a business and being a silent partner does make sense. >> Angel has been around for hundreds of years, i am sure that he could have saved a bit of money throughout that time. He could have(before the spel) bitten rich people and gotten the money from them. my 2cents which i will gladly give to the Angel's housing fund - -Adriane keeper of Angel's missing accent ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #127 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". 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