From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #160 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Tuesday, June 24 1997 Volume 01 : Number 160 In this issue: BUFFY: ADMIN: More digest Re: BUFFY: SMG Dubba dance Re: BUFFY: Buffy/Musicals and Angel's soul Re: BUFFY: Uh...Stuff Re: BUFFY: Re:Fan Name BUFFY: buffy dubbabubbawookie wookie BUFFY: Slayeryte and Giles' car BUFFY: last question,thanks for help BUFFY: ADMIN: Housekeeping repost BUFFY: ADMIN: List rules repost BUFFY: ADMIN: Netiquette repost Re: BUFFY: Bite me! BUFFY: Charisma Answers Your Questions Re: BUFFY: Fan Name Re: BUFFY: Uh...Stuff BUFFY: that fan name thing Re: BUFFY: Uh...Stuff Re: BUFFY: Buffy: Newsletter Requests BUFFY: NKABOTFD BUFFY: Re: Theme song Re: BUFFY: Buffy: Newsletter Requests RE: BUFFY: Buffy Dubba Re: BUFFY: harvest Re: BUFFY: Re:Fan Name RE: BUFFY: A question from a newbie (a little off-topic) Re: BUFFY: Re: BtVS in Recent Magazine Re: BUFFY: harvest Re: BUFFY: Bite me! BUFFY: HUUUUUUGE Announcement!!! BUFFY: Angel's blood supply Re: BUFFY: HUUUUUUGE Announcement!!! Re: BUFFY: Closing Scene of Buffy Intro Re: BUFFY: harvest Re[2]: BUFFY: HUUUUUUGE Announcement!!! Re: BUFFY: Buffy: Newsletter Requests Re: BUFFY: Buffy Dubba Re: BUFFY: HUUUUUUGE Announcement!!! Re: BUFFY: HUUUUUUGE Announcement!!! BUFFY: Dubba Dance AVI & Wav Re: BUFFY: Giles Car Re: BUFFY: Giles Car Re: BUFFY: Giles Car See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 10:37:22 -0400 From: "" Subject: BUFFY: ADMIN: More digest OK, the problem that was supposed to be fixed seems to be getting worse. I've contacted XMission support, but I have to admit there's not a lot beyond that that I can do. I know it's frustrating for a lot of people (including myself). Again, if you go to the URL in my .sig, that will take you to a site that will get you to the XMission archive. The digests are intact there. I realize this is very inconvenient for a lot of people. If you are unable to do this, let me know--I'm becoming more and more tempted to set up the digest on a list run out of my account (I'll get a good copy when it drops in my box and send it out to a list of people). Please continue to contact me with problems and I will let XMission know the extent of this problem. And thanks to everyone for their patience. Sharon - -- Sharon * * Ask me about the Buffy the Vampire Slayer mailing list The Buffy Mailing List page: "Be a Nazi, be a hypocrite, be a dictator, be a kitten killer, just don't be a Republican." ---Alora ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 10:37:55 -0400 (EDT) From: Betsy Vera Subject: Re: BUFFY: SMG Dubba dance On Tue, 24 Jun 1997, William Jensen wrote: > I saw the WB promo with SMG in it! And she's featured almost right away! > The ad also showed Alyson and Nick dancing with other stars of WB shows. Any chance this one will run again? I forgot to check my tape and I ran out too soon. Thanks. Betsy -- - - "Why did you pull a gun on me, you SOB?" - - "You laughed at my frog." -- Nea Dodson ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997 08:14:38 -0700 From: Clint Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy/Musicals and Angel's soul Jodie Lee King wrote: > I think someone mentioned earlier that it would be a good idea to see the > Rocky Horror Picture Show if the discussion is confusing. It IS a great > idea if you are old enough. I don't know the ages of the folks on this > list but I'm pretty sure that some of the posters to The Bronz maybe > shouldn't see it for a few years. Spoken like a mother (of course my adult > children saw it a long time ago). I myself am a 16 y/o who first saw Rocky when I was 12. My parents didn't have any problems with me going to a midnight show then and now - and with as much sex as there is on T.V. These days... (e.g. Nudity on NYPD Blue) You have to give us kids a little more credit. I mean it's not like kids don't know whats going on. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 11:30:09 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Uh...Stuff In a message dated 97-06-24 09:17:42 EDT, Zornof writes: << BTW, I like Slayeryte. The only problem I have with it is its got too many y's. But that's cause I'm wierd. I think it should be THE name, if nobody objects. >> OK, this is good. Maybe "Slayerite" with an "i" instead of a "y" to appease those who try to conserve letters. Hey, it does away with the whole masculine/feminine - -ette thing that I brought up a while back. Trying really hard to keep the lid on the can of worms, Mike Keeper of Buffy's little white teddy bear "If the apocalypse comes, beep me." Buffy Summers ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 08:58:41 +0100 From: Alex Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re:Fan Name Gina wrote: > > On 24 Jun 97 at 0:12, Virginia Eveland wrote about Re: BUFFY: Re:Fan > Name: > > > I think we are establishing a miracle here. So far, no one has written > > in saying that that they *don't* like slayeryte. Quick, hold a vote > > *now* (g) But, seriously, does anyone have a strong dislike for this > > one? > > Actually, this is the first suggestion I've *really* liked! Okay that is it. Leave it to a WB rep to solve our problems! Go Scott! I agree with the general thoughts here, slayerte is very kewl. - -ALEX Keeper of Pike's Motorcycle ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 11:56:27 -0700 From: Michael Wilson Subject: BUFFY: buffy dubbabubbawookie wookie what is dubba dubba? Mike Keeper of Giles' scarf ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 09:10:00 -0700 (PDT) From: Patrick Lee Subject: BUFFY: Slayeryte and Giles' car Robert Huff said:L I'd be curious if anyone can place the type and vintage > of Giles car. > It's French - Citroen, or possibly Renault. I don't know >enough to place the exact model, though I have heard someone >mention the Deux Chevaux. It's got to be at least 15 years old. Not a Deux Chevausx -- that's small and black. I think it was a Peugeot. But that's just a guess. >Re: Fan Name >I think, as some of you have noticed (Lisa Rose and Mike, for example), >that Slayeryte is phonetically identical to Slayerite, which was a strong >contender during the first salvo of the Great Name Flame. As I've said >before I don't really care what we call ourselves (so long as there's >consensus within all >Buffy Fandom. Put me in the "Slayeryte" column. I like all those "y's". Looks very Gothic. Patrick ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 12:32:36 -0700 From: mike wilson Subject: BUFFY: last question,thanks for help Last question, thank for help mike keper ofgoiles's scarf ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 12:38:07 -0400 From: Sharon Himmanen (by way of "" ) Subject: BUFFY: ADMIN: Housekeeping repost >From time to time (and this depends largely on your ISP), we have to uns*bscribe people from the list. This is almost always due to some technical problem with your ISP. When it happens, we can't get a message to you to tell you what's happened; you'll just stop receiving list mail. It can be for one of the following reasons. MAILBOX FULL This affects AOL users more than anyone. If you are an AOL user, and you don't get to check your mailbox at least once a day, it fills up, and things start bouncing back to us. If it happens a lot, or you know you won't be able to check your email at least once a day please consider switching to digest. SERVICE UNAVAILABLE Sometimes ISPs go down for no reason. Hotmail was having problems with this, though not recently (knock wood). Juno also seems to go down from time to time, as does If we get a lot of bounces back saying there's a local configuration error or the service is unavailable, we uns*bscribe you. LOCAL CONFIGURATION PROBLEMS Some ISPs put in their machine name in the outgoing messages, even though it isn't part of your regular email address. This doesn't affect that many people, but it might affect someone if changes are made to their local ISP. Unlike a listserv which has a NO MAIL function, majordomo doesn't, which means that I don't know that there's any way around this problem right now. I'm checking into it. NOTE: I usually don't uns*bscribe someone unless I get at least three bounces from their address. ***YOU WILL NEVER BE UNSUBSCRIBED FOR VIOLATING LIST RULES WITHOUT BEING CONTACTED BY US. If you've been suddenly unsubscribed and haven't heard from either of us, it's due to a technical problem. ***** IF YOU STOP RECEIVING LISTMAIL 1. Contact me or Jill at or 2. Send a s*bscribe buffy command to 3. DO NOT send a test post to the list. MISCELLANEOUS Some of you might notice that your posts don't always go through. That could be for several reasons. 1. You had administrative words in your post, such as s*bscribe or h*lp. Those bounce to the administrative address, so try masking those words. 2. You tried to post from an address other than the one you have subscribed. We've got the list configured so that only members can post to prevent spamming and trolls from doing stupid things. 3. Sometimes xmission does weird things. I sometimes will post two things in quick succession, and only one will drop. The other will take hours or days to drop. If something hasn't dropped in a few hours and it's timely or important, check with either me or Jill for permission to repost it to the list. Sharon - -- Sharon A. Himmanen * * Ask me about the Buffy the Vampire Slayer mailing list "Her church is sarcastic." --Randomly generated ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 12:37:52 -0400 From: Sharon Himmanen (by way of "" ) Subject: BUFFY: ADMIN: List rules repost Here's the periodic posting of the list rules Please review, or make sure you have an updated copy of them saved on your hard drive. The Buffy Mailing List Page is located at There you can find the status, rules, archive, etc. It also has instructions for s*bscribing/uns*bscribing. As always, please direct any questions offlist to Jill and/or me. *** Welcome! This list is for discussion of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer," both the TV series and the movie. Because we want this list to be a great place to talk about "Buffy," we are setting up a few ground rules. If you've ever been involved in a discussion list, many of these rules will look familiar. Hopefully, they'll make list life more interesting (and more fun) for everyone. 1. Keep posts on topic. Topics should be related to Buffy the series, Buffy the movie, the actors involved in either project, etc.. Discussion of vampires in other universes is fine as long as they're being discussed in relation to the Buffy universe. 2. Please be careful with the use of strong imagery or language in consideration of younger list members. Think "rated PG." 3. No advertising of non-Buffy related items or services. If you want to post information about Buffy-related merchandise, conventions, etc., clear it through one of us first. Also, no binary files of any sort (including images, wavs, MOVs, etc) or attachments. 4. Please don't post fiction to this list. There will be a separate Buffy fic list set up soon. 5. If you get advance information on a new episode, or see an episode earlier than the national viewing time, and you want to post about it, please do the following: **Mark the post as a "spoiler" in the subject header. **Leave about twelve lines (with non-spoiler info blank or periods) at the top of the post. This ensures that anyone who doesn't like knowing about an episode ahead of time is "protected." :) The blank space is for people whose mailers automatically open up the next piece of mail, without giving them a chance to see "spoiler" in the header. Spoiler warnings are not necessary after the start of the episode's national viewing time, which is currently set at 9 p.m. Mondays, US Eastern Standard Time. Spoiler warnings are not necessary for reruns. Spoiler protection is required after the US airing and before the Canadian airing. Spoiler protection is also required for speculation, though some people include it out of courtesy. 6. Most importantly, there will be ABSOLUTELY NO FLAMING ONLIST. We have absolutely zero tolerance for this kind of behaviour. Flames can kill a list, permanently damage relationships, and make life a lot less fun for everyone. What's a flame? NOT A FLAME: "I don't think so-and-so is a very good actor." FLAME: "So-and-so is a twit who can't act and has no brain." Broadly defined, a flame is a personally derogatory, inflammatory comment about another list member, their progenitors, or about any of the actors, writers, directors, producers or crew of "Buffy." Disagreements-- even heated ones-- are expected. But the minute you start slamming someone personally, you will face the Wrath of Jill and Sharon. First offense: offender is uns*bscribed for one week. Second offense: offender is uns*bscribed to the Buffy list for a minimum of three months. If the offender returns and flames again, they're offlist permanently. And no, it doesn't matter that the actors, writers, etc. from "Buffy" aren't onlist; we won't put up with anyone flaming them anyway. There are slander laws against it. It's also common courtesy. Determination of what is (and what is not) a flame is made by the listowners, and their decisions are final. Determinations of any penalties associated with flames are also made by the listowners, and their decisions are final. 7. Related to #6, the listowners reserve the right to "kill" any discussion threads which either of the listowners deem offensive, or which appear to be degenerating into a flame war. If either one of us declares a topic "dead," it's dead. Anyone who continues the discussion thread, against our express wishes, will be immediately unsubbed for one week. 8. Quoted material (usually denoted by > for each line or >> << around the quoted bits) should be edited to FOUR LINES MAXIMUM for each point in the previous post you are addressing. Penalties for overquoting are as follows: First offense: You will receive an offlist warning message from the listowners (with "WARNING: Overquoting" as the subject). I include a return receipt so that I'm certain you've actually received the post. Second offense: You will be uns*bscribed from the list for one week. You will be notified that you are being uns*bscribed, and why you are being uns*bscribed. 9. Your .sig may be up to 6 lines, but must not exceed that length. Penalties for violations are the same as for #8. 10. And last, but not least, we reserve the right to deny subscription (new, renewed, or continued) to the list for any individual(s). IF YOU'RE S*BSCRIBED TO THE REGULAR BUFFY LIST AND WISH TO CHANGE TO DIGEST: You need to uns*bscribe from the Buffy list, and res*bscribe to the digest. (In all the examples below, please replace the character "*" with a "u"-- majordomo will bounce this post if I don't mask that word; it'll read it as an administrative request). Send a message to In the body of the message, put uns*bscribe buffy Then, send a second message to In the body of the message, put s*bscribe buffy-digest You'll go through the same approval process that you got when you subbed to the regular Buffy list. If you're s*bscribed to the digest version, and want to change to regular mail, do the opposite-- unsub from buffy-digest, and resub to buffy. Again, welcome! If you have any questions about these rules, please contact either one of us offlist. If you have subscription problems or questions, the fastest way to get help is to e-mail one of us at the addresses below, at the addy which is the "official" e-mail owner of the list. Jill Kirby ( & Sharon Himmanen ( Listowners, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Discussion List - -- Sharon A. Himmanen * * Ask me about the Buffy the Vampire Slayer mailing list "Her church is sarcastic." --Randomly generated ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 12:38:00 -0400 From: Sharon Himmanen (by way of "" ) Subject: BUFFY: ADMIN: Netiquette repost Please save this post for future reference. In addition to the list rules, here are a few suggestions that are established netiquette. These aren't rules per se, but Jill and I would like listmembers to observe them anyway. Basically, the common theme of all these suggestions involve wasted bandwidth. Most of you I think will agree that keeping that to a minimum is a necessary thing on the buffy list due to the high traffic. NETIQUETTE 1. When in doubt, and particularly when something is off topic, take it to private email. Since the reply to on the list is set up to automatically go to Buffy, Jill and I are well aware that mistakes will happen from time to time. If it does, you'll probably get a note from one of us about it. If you do happen to make a mistake, there's no need to post to the list apologizing, since that also is a waste of bandwidth. Going to private should be your first choice. If you do post something off topic to the list please include an ObBuffy in your post. 2. Please, no one line "this is a test" posts. If you think there's a problem with the list, please take one or more of the following steps. a. Write to either me or Jill ( or and tell us what you think the problem is. We'll answer you ASAP. b. Send a s*bscribe note to since you may have been uns*bscribed due to bouncing. If you aren't s*bscribed, that'll resub you; if you are s*bscribed, you'll get a note back saying you're still on the list. c. If you *must* send a test post (and this should only be as a last resort) please make it a post relating to buffy. 3. No "me too" posts. Those should go private, or should include more discussion. 4. At a bare minimum, please sign and place your email address at the end of each post if you don't have a .sig. This makes it easier for people to contact you privately if they need to. Some people's mailers strip out the headers with this information which is why you should include it in the body of your email. 5. Please make sure you properly attribute quotes when replying to previous posts. HOUSEKEEPING We're coming to the end of the academic year, and I just want to remind those of you with school accounts that you won't have access to over the summer to uns*bscribe from buffy. Mailboxes and disk quotas fill up and messages start bouncing. When that happens, Jill or I will unsubscribe you from the list, but doing it yourself before you go away makes our job a lot easier. Also, since it's not clear, the address for the list is, whether you're on the regular list or on digest. I think that's about it. Back to your regularly scheduled Buffy discussion. :-) Sharon & Jill - -- Sharon A. Himmanen * * Ask me about the Buffy the Vampire Slayer mailing list "Her church is sarcastic." --Randomly generated ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 10:28:15 -0700 (PDT) From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Bite me! >"Pick up the phone, call 911. That boy is going to need >some *serious* oxygen after I'm through with him." > - Cordy, NKABOTFD After I mailed the above quote off just now in my sig line, I realized, isn't this an interesting irony? Angel will state later in Invisible Girl that he doesn't need oxygen at all. I wonder if Joss designed these two statements to connect to each other humorously? Lisa "Oh yeah, well, we knew it would happen eventually, so we figured 'Hey, why fight it?'" - Willow, NKABOTFD ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 14:03:03 -0400 From: William Jensen Subject: BUFFY: Charisma Answers Your Questions Hey, Gang: TVGuide online has Charisma Carpenter answering fan questions. Go to and you can post questions and conduct discussions on their BB. If I remember right, TVGuide takes the best questions and the star answers it...or something like that. So go now and ask Ms. Carpenter what you've always wanted know! TVGuide online is located at: William Jensen Have you experienced the Edge yet? ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 14:01:50 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Fan Name On Mon, 23 Jun 1997 23:41:09 -0700 (PDT) Lisa Rose writes: >At 01:00 PM 6/23/97 -0700, SCOTT wrote: > >>...I was wondering if anyone has suggested "Slayeryte"? >>Kinda like an "acolyte, which means "one who attends or assists: FOLLOWER." > >So far, all list reactions to this name have been favorable. >Am I to be the lone voice of dissent? Well, actually, since Scott backed up his suggestion with some bonafide research into the suffix 'lyte' being part of the word 'acolyte' which means 'follower', I like the idea. I like a person who takes an intelligent approach. He gave a suggestion, explained why he liked his idea, and did so with some logical reasoning. I don't think anyone did that with their fan name proposal before. You have to respect a person with such an approach, not because they are part of a studio organization such as Warner Brother, but because of the person themself. The fact that he happens to be a member of WB is just coincidental...or maybe, Scott is in that position because he just demonstrated one of the many skills, intelligent approaches, creativity that landed him the job in the first place. However, since we're dealing with such a trivial subject, and any tv show with a hero and funny name like 'Buffy' in it, shouldn't get too serious about itself, I think 'Slayeryte' is just as good a name for a fan of BtVS as 'Buffy Fan' is. I'm a fan of BtVS, a Buffy Fan, a Slayeryte, a Slayerette, a Slayerite, a Slayer, a rose by any other name... funee (: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 14:16:29 -0400 From: mahogohney Subject: Re: BUFFY: Uh...Stuff >I think I speak for all my fellow Canadians when I say "AVI clip, please!". >Besides paying for WB or the illegal way, its the only way I'll get to see >it. Hear Hear, oh wise one *snicker* but really, i didn't see that because i live in canada and don't have a "super station" does anyone from the offical buffy page intend on making an AVI of that and putting it up?? because it would be cool if someone did. Mahogohney ( *The Queen of all idiots (yes you have permission to use that agenst me if i say something stuped :^) ) "i'm a slayer, ask me how" ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 13:22:13 -0500 (CDT) From: "Grace M. Lee" Subject: BUFFY: that fan name thing didn't like the "-ette" kinda liked the "-yte" or "-ite" But just a question -- why can't the name just be "Slayer"? (Like Trek to Trekker.) Or is that name just reserved for "the One" in a lifetime -- Buffy? glee - ------ I laugh in the face of danger! ...And then I hide until it goes away. - Xander Harris from "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer" ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 14:44:43 -0400 From: Anya Subject: Re: BUFFY: Uh...Stuff wrote: > > >I think I speak for all my fellow Canadians when I say "AVI clip, please!". > >Besides paying for WB or the illegal way, its the only way I'll get to see > >it. > > Hear Hear, oh wise one *snicker* but really, i didn't see > that because i live in canada and don't have a "super station" > does anyone from the offical buffy page intend on making > an AVI of that and putting it up?? because it would be cool if someone > did. Umm. Before we totally give up on Canadian stations, has anyone asked YTV or whomever if this clip will be shown during the rerun season? Is it a certain fact we won't see this clip in Canada? I personally watch Buffy via YTV, or Global, and I also never saw the alleged "Dubba dance" last night. (Woe is me!) BUT, I'd still like to have a little faith in Canadian tv networks, I mean...they are carrying Buffy, so they're doing something right! Cheers! Anya ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 15:18:24 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy: Newsletter Requests Not sure if I was supposed to send this and to whom, but: Allison 14 New York/USA Keeper of Cordelia's Cell Phone and some Little Buffy things but they're not quite set yet! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 15:33:21 -0500 From: "Titania" Subject: BUFFY: NKABOTFD Ah, just say Never Kill A Boy on The First Date and was wowed with Owen! Talk about a viable love intrest for Buffy. He didn't hesitate to jump into the unknown to protect her -- and this while he barely knew her! As much as I love Angel (and I do love Angel & Buffy; so tragic), and as much as Xander amuses me (and he does) I just can't see why they made this great guy, who would actually risk himself instantly for Buffy, and then drop him... Disappointed, Kristy GASPer: Keeper of Giles's chin stubble Keeper of Little Buffy's Slayer Barbie (with retractable stake action) & Vampire Ken (with replacable soul) "Ah, yes. The feeble banter portion of the fight." ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 17:36:27 -0400 (EDT) From: Anna Taylor-Web Curator Subject: BUFFY: Re: Theme song I really like the opening sequence. It's a good start for the show. If you only saw the credits you could pick up a lot about the show. It's fast-paced, lots of action, and has a dark ambiance. The fast/short cuts keep you guessing at what you're really seeing. The rock is loud and raucous, but I think it fits the overall show demographics...and its catchy. I'm fond of it. That doesn't mean I wouldn't like a redone version, but I'm not begging for one. - -Anna from Madison House ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 14:53:03 -0700 (PDT) From: Kalaya Karrington Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy: Newsletter Requests At 04:01 PM 6/23/97 -0600, you wrote: >My computer wiped out all requsts for the Buffy Newsletter. If you wrote >to me AT ALL about getting it, please send me another request with the >following information > >Name >Age >State/Country >E-mail address >Web Page address >What you are the Keeper of > >I'm sorry for all inconvininces (sp?). The newsletter usually goes out on >Saturdays. > Name: Kalaya Karringten Age: 20 State/Country: British Columbia, Canada E-mail address: What you are the Keeper of: Not yet. Kalaya :o) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 14:58:24 -0700 (PDT) From: Kalaya Karrington Subject: RE: BUFFY: Buffy Dubba At 02:47 AM 6/24/97 UT, you wrote: >I saw it, it was cool, SMG had a big part and if you watch carefully you can >see the cast doin the Dubba-Dance. Dubba-Dance? Kalaya =o) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 14:59:18 -0700 (PDT) From: Kalaya Karrington Subject: Re: BUFFY: harvest At 12:01 AM 6/24/97 -0400, you wrote: >On Mon, 23 Jun 1997 wrote: >> All Vampires you are welcomed to the harvest !!! >> if you know what place N.S. stands for then you may be close enough to come! > >The Harvest is in Nova Scotia?? Watch out for those Acadian vampires! >Do they have Bluenoses? Does anybody know what the hell I'm talking about? Yeah, I do know what you're talking about. Kalaya :o) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 15:00:05 -0700 (PDT) From: Kalaya Karrington Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re:Fan Name At 12:12 AM 6/24/97 -0400, you wrote: >I think we are establishing a miracle here. So far, no one has written >in saying that that they *don't* like slayeryte. Quick, hold a vote >*now* (g) But, seriously, does anyone have a strong dislike for this >one? I don't really like the name. It's kinda a hard name to spell out. Kalaya =o) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 15:01:06 -0700 (PDT) From: Kalaya Karrington Subject: RE: BUFFY: A question from a newbie (a little off-topic) At 12:19 AM 6/24/97 -0400, you wrote: >In many vampire stories the question of income is explained by having the >vampire owning amassed wealth over time. When you live more than one >lifetime you have more time to save your money (unless your me). I like >your suggestion that he could own the Bronze; that would be a nice detail >of his life. He keeps blood in his fridge (as did Nick on Forever >Knight) and I would assume that he gets it at the bloodbank or hospital. >I hope he's not preying on little kitties or anything like that. I hope >I'm not offending the Angel fans by even suggesting such a horrible thing. How do you think Angel and Nick got the blood?? Kalaya =o) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 15:02:07 -0700 (PDT) From: Kalaya Karrington Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: BtVS in Recent Magazine At 10:50 PM 6/23/97 -0700, you wrote: >>You said: so if you want one, send a >>couple of bucks to: >>Apollo Slayerette >>POB 1700 >>Buffalo,NY 14213-1700 >>(please, U.S. orders only) > >Is there any way we could get the magazine in Canada????? Nope but you can send U.S. Order to the above address. But unfortunately, it costs more money (the fee, etc..) Kalaya :o) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 15:03:00 -0700 (PDT) From: Kalaya Karrington Subject: Re: BUFFY: harvest At 10:54 PM 6/23/97 -0700, you wrote: >I also would like more info What kind of info? Maybe I can be able to help you out. Kalaya =o) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 15:04:04 -0700 (PDT) From: Kalaya Karrington Subject: Re: BUFFY: Bite me! At 12:41 AM 6/24/97 -0700, you wrote: >Plus, weren't Willow & Xander so cute in pretending >to be a couple then? I wish they would stop >pretending. You seems to forget that even through Willow is in love with Xander, Xander is in love with Buffy... Kalaya :o) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 15:03:00 -0700 From: "SCOTT" Subject: BUFFY: HUUUUUUGE Announcement!!! I was just visiting the San Diego ComicCon site and I noticed the following: Just Announced! June 24 Several cast members from the WB show Buffy the Vampire Slayer: David Boreanaz (Angel), Nicholas Brendan (Zander), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia), and Alyson Hannigan (Willow). Plus, of course, Joss Whedon! Let's make sure they're greeted with an enormous and enthusiastic crowd! Scott The WB Television Network ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 18:06:37 -0400 From: luminar Subject: BUFFY: Angel's blood supply Someone suggested that Angel drinks the blood of rats, which is very = interesting, but as a guy I could see that turning off the girls a whole = lot faster. I'd feel really sorry for Buffy if that was the case. Also, = wasn't there the name of a hospital or an insignia (sp?) on the 'blood = bags' in his fridge. I haven't checked yet, but I'm guessing that he = probably swiped it. He might have a soul and a conscience, but there is = a breaking point. I'd steal blood any day before I'd suck on a rat! ...Luminar =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D "Illuminations of Sarah Michelle Gellar" "There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly = what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear = and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There = is another theory which states that this has already happened." =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 15:18:28 -0700 From: Terrie Subject: Re: BUFFY: HUUUUUUGE Announcement!!! Augh! I would KILL to live in California. Well, maybe not *kill*, but you get the idea. I'd love a chance to meet them all. Excuse me, while I go sulk. - -Terrie Keeper of Angel's Fridge "Grr, Argh" ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 16:35:55 -0600 (MDT) From: C Qin Subject: Re: BUFFY: Closing Scene of Buffy Intro On Mon, 23 Jun 1997, Robert Huff wrote: > > > "For her, the fair and debonair, that now so lowly lies, > > The life upon her yellow hair but not within her eyes What is this all about? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- = = Due to a mix-up in urology, |^^^^^| orange juice will not be served this morning... |^^^^^| |_____| - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 19:39:10 -0300 From: Michael Thomas Subject: Re: BUFFY: harvest > >On Mon, 23 Jun 1997 wrote: > >> All Vampires you are welcomed to the harvest !!! > >> if you know what place N.S. stands for then you may be close enough to come! > >The Harvest is in Nova Scotia?? Watch out for those Acadian vampires! > >Do they have Bluenoses? Does anybody know what the hell I'm talking about? I just joined the group, and this my first post, why was nova scotia mentioned (just curious cuz i live there!) Mike. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 15:49:00 -0700 From: "SCOTT" Subject: Re[2]: BUFFY: HUUUUUUGE Announcement!!! >What days will the gods of our lives be at the Con? I decided to go as >soon as I found out Alyson and Joss would be there, now that everyone >(well, almost everyone) will be there, I want to be sure I am there on >the same days. Any info you can give me is great!! =) > >-ALEX It doesn't say, but you may want to check out the official Comic-Con website: I'm looking forward to seeing you all there! Scott The WB Television Network ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 19:10:01 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy: Newsletter Requests In a message dated 97-06-24 10:57:43 EDT, you write: Name: Shelley Martin Age 27 State/Country: Richmond VA E-mail address : Web Page address What you are the Keeper of:: Keeper of Angel's soul >> ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 16:17:44 -0700 From: (Chiara) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Dubba >What about the one that's already been seen with Alyson and Nick and >whoever else? any idea when it will be aired again? > >--Flagg The WB always airs someone from Buffy talking about the show right before 7th Heaven starts. Last night it was Nick and David. - -Chiara- "To read makes our speaking English good."---Xander Harris ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 19:45:30 -0300 From: Michael Thomas Subject: Re: BUFFY: HUUUUUUGE Announcement!!! Any chance that anything like that will ever come to Canada? (Nova Scotia to be specific :) Man, I wish I lived where the action was! Mike. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 18:31:58 -0500 From: "Titania" Subject: Re: BUFFY: HUUUUUUGE Announcement!!! Ah, me, the moron, had to move from CA to TX... No one ever has HUGE conventions here. *pouting* Kristy GASPer: Keeper of Giles's chin stubble Keeper of Little Buffy's Slayer Barbie (with retractable stake action) & Vampire Ken (with replacable soul) "Ah, yes. The feeble banter portion of the fight." ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 19:55:11 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: Dubba Dance AVI & Wav Is someone going to make a Wav and AVI file of the Dubba dance featuring Sarah, and the gang? If so tell me what website it will be available at. Thanks. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 20:06:12 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Giles Car In a message dated 97-06-24 14:24:10 EDT, Anna writes: << I'd be curious if anyone can place the type and vintage of Giles car. It's distinctive...and made me giggle. >> I noticed it too, and it struck me as quite odd indeed that a proper Englishman would be driving a (roughly) 20 year old French made Citroen. And a station wagon on top of it! I'd much sooner see Giles in an Austin Mini, or perhaps an older Triumph or MG. You know, a proper British car, electical problems included! He just seems too conservative for a Jaguar or Aston Martin, IMHO. Mike Keeper of Buffy's little white teddy bear "If the apocalypse comes, beep me." Buffy Summers ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 20:30:03 -0400 (EDT) From: Robert Huff Subject: Re: BUFFY: Giles Car > I noticed it too, and it struck me as quite odd indeed that a proper > Englishman would be driving a (roughly) 20 year old French made Citroen. Speculation: 1) Giles worked at the British Museum. London has a subway system. He may not have driven regularly for 20 years. 2) Giles drove a Citroen in England and wanted something he was familiar with. 3) What ever car he had in England, he didn't bring to the US. THe shipping fees would have been outrageous. 4) It's easier to find non-luxury French cars - especially used - in the US that it is British cars. (I know someone who owns a Peugot; don't know any Jaguar owners.) Robert Huff ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 16:05:10 -0700 From: Lee Daley Subject: Re: BUFFY: Giles Car mike writes > > I noticed it too, and it struck me as quite odd indeed that a proper > Englishman would be driving a (roughly) 20 year old French made > Citroen. I noticed it a it struck me as the perfect Giles vehicle. >I'd much sooner see Giles in an Austin Mini, > or perhaps an older Triumph or MG. You know, a proper British car, >electical problems included! A TR or MG would be too frivolous and a flying brick (Mini) doesn't look so obviously bookwormish. I'd just love to know how they found one. Lee D Keeper of the service contract on Willow's computer ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #160 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". 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