From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #161 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Wednesday, June 25 1997 Volume 01 : Number 161 In this issue: BUFFY: Change in theme song Re: BUFFY: Bite me! BUFFY: Slayerette issue Re: BUFFY: Buffy: Newsletter Requests Re: Re[2]: BUFFY: HUUUUUUGE Announcement!!! BUFFY: Giles' car BUFFY: nick and angel Re: BUFFY: Fan Name BUFFY: nick and angel BUFFY: Thing's Buffy's Mom said to Little Buffy BUFFY: REPOST Everything You Need to Know.... Re: BUFFY: nick and angel BUFFY: Best line yet... Re: BUFFY: HUUUUUUGE Announcement!!! BUFFY: Survey Results - Who Do You Prefer? Re: BUFFY: Mission: Successful! BUFFY: Keepers? (Newbie Question) Re: BUFFY: nick and angel BUFFY: Nicholas Re: BUFFY: Buffalicious Re: BUFFY: NKABOTFD Re: BUFFY: Fan Name RE: BUFFY: A question from a newbie (a little off-topic) Re: BUFFY: Fan Name Re: BUFFY: Re: Theme song Re: BUFFY: Fan Name Re: BUFFY: Fan Name Re[2]: BUFFY: HUUUUUUGE Announcement!!! BUFFY: Re: songs BUFFY: Re: Buffy Name Re: BUFFY: A question from a newbie Re: BUFFY: HUUUUUUGE Announcement!!! BUFFY: Re: songs Re: BUFFY: ADMIN: Housekeeping repost BUFFY: The Buffy Theme See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 24 Jun 97 20:48:28 PDT From: "Barb Baugher" Subject: BUFFY: Change in theme song Are they going to change the theme music. NO!! I love the theme music it is BUFFY!!!!! So what it doesn't have lyrics its cool!!! The wolf howl and the bubbling cauldron. Come on how can you not love the theme!!! Don't take the theme away. I might just die. well I did say might. barb keeper of Angel's velvet jacket keeper of Buffy's cross GASPer-keeper of Giles' pencil holder keeper of Little Willow's Cat in the Hat book ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 20:59:06 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Bite me! In a message dated 97-06-24 15:52:57 EDT, Jen wrote: > Wonderful, wonderful body language. It says so much more than the > dialogue ever could. And no, contrary to popular belief, I'm not just > saying this because Angel is part of it. Absolutely fantastic body language :) As a dog trainer, I'm tuned in on body language to help solve various owners problems and as a deaf person I'm tuned in on human body language to help me figure out what a person is saying (along with lip reading and hearing aids). This scene was a delight to one like me, I've rewatched it hundreds of time. I read Angel's attitude from a vampire's point of view--"what are you doing with her? You're only a feeble mortal being" type of attitude towards Owen. I'm beginning to think that both Angel and Buffy were beginning to fall for each other during that scene...When Buffy ran back in, plops a kiss on Owen's lips and runs back out---I can see the wheels turning in Angel's head..(like in the Angel ep, he said: "...all I can think about is how badly I want to kiss you..." ) He saw her kiss Owen and he was probably wishing that it was him. I have to admit I'm a bit confused by Xander's "What's he doing here?" about Angel. Which ep was it that Willow said, "That must be Angel." And Xander said, "The weird guy who's been telling her about all the vampires?" That was shown as a snippet thingy prior to the ep of Angel. In NKABOTFD, I thought Xander and Willow didn't know what Angel looked like yet. Wolfkazzy Keeper of Angel's Soul "I can walk like a man, but I'm not one."--Angel. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 97 20:57:16 PDT From: "Barb Baugher" Subject: BUFFY: Slayerette issue I think we should all be happy little slayerettes. no one has really complained and I think we should drop it. kay? barb keeper of Angel's velvet jacket keeper of Buffy's cross GASPer-keeper of Giles' pencil holder keeper of Little Willow's Cat in the Hat book Happy Slayerette ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 21:02:37 -0400 From: Peter Sursi Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy: Newsletter Requests Could you please sign me up for the buffy newsletter >Name: Peter Sursi >Age: 24 >State/Country: Vienna, VA >E-mail address: Thanks Peter ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 18:33:21 PDT From: "~*Violet Starr*~" Subject: Re: Re[2]: BUFFY: HUUUUUUGE Announcement!!! does anyone know which days (1 or all) the cast will be there?? I can only go one they so I would like to see them - -VIOLET- Member of GASPer Adopter of colin keeper of: The Masters Children ,Giles Dreams & Cordelia's MayQueen Dress&Everyones dreams & nigtmares!!:) Cordelia's list is on my page! †CHOSEN1† - --------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at - --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 21:43:11 -0400 From: BalloJ Subject: BUFFY: Giles' car A Citroen D20. In production from ~1955 to ~1975. much loved my all frenchmen and, generally, much hated by everybody else. very Gallic (read idiosyncratic): e.g. one spoked steering wheel, headlights that had a very wide spill ('they see around corners') so as to better blind both pedestrians and oncoming drivers, able to drive on only three wheels (sorta), and the crowning glory of the gaulic mind - in a world where EVERYBODY makes cars with a brake PEDAL, this trooper had a brake BUTTON (on the floor). To drive one in 1997 betrays a mind free of fear and sensibility. Just right for a Brit Watcher. drjoe - -- ____________________________________________________________________ * __/> 8 * ic If you’re going to get _ / ,\ 8 * eic eice into a titanic fight, \/ o ,\ /\8 8 icei cei ceicei * be sure you get to * \ ,o / / / 8 ceiceiceiceiceicei be the iceberg , \ o\/ / /\8 ceiceiceiceiceiceic ___________________________,___\__o\/__/_/___eiceiceiceiceiceiceice_ ,. .,. .. drjoe ,.. ,. ., .. , ____________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 21:43:54 -0400 (EDT) From: Shelley Durocher u Subject: BUFFY: nick and angel On Tue, 24 Jun 1997, Kalaya Karrington wrote: > How do you think Angel and Nick got the blood?? > Kalaya =o) On Forever Knight, Nick usually bought his I think, and he also had Natalie to help him if he needed it. As for Angel, who knows? I'm not sure I picture him "stealing" the blood, but so far we haven't seen any of his "connections" to a black market blood supply. Forever Knight also had one character who lived underground and sucked on rats, but I don't picture Angel doing that either. No, I think his blood is human. Shelley ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 21:15:40 -0600 From: "Gina" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Fan Name On 23 Jun 97 at 23:41, Lisa Rose wrote about Re: BUFFY: Fan Name: > Are we being biased by the fact that Scott, WB demigod, suggested > this name? Speaking for me and me only - no, I don't *think* so. But that's not to say I've never been affected by greatness... (nope, no kiss-up there)! : ) Seriously, I don't think so. I thought slayerette was on the right track, but it just didn't do anything for me. Slayeryte is gender neutral, more suggestive of a dedicated group (to me, anyway), and I *like* the way it looks. And the slayeryte/acolyte comparison is clever, too. just my .02! Gina ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  a usual suspect  <*>  Woo hoo? DFW & DFWGPADC  Member, Innerpeace  Jonesing for Angel AGA - Keeper of Angel's Pillows  Adopter of Luke (BtVS) JFIFC Co-pres  List Goddess, JFFIC-L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 22:13:17 -0400 From: <> Subject: BUFFY: nick and angel > How do you think Angel and Nick got the blood?? > Kalaya =3Do) On Forever Knight, Nick usually bought his I think, and he also had = Natalie to help him if he needed it. As for Angel, who knows? I'm not = On forever knight. Nick drank cow's blood, which he probably got from slaughterhouses. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Firestorm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ask me about the "Things Buffy's Mom said to Little Buffy" list. Keeper of Buffy's Weapons Keeper of Giles' Desk Keeper of Xander's love for Buffy Keeper of Little Buffy's Starter Cross (from the Junior League of the "Ou= r Lady of Demonic Assassinations" Order) Keeper of Little Buffy's Practice Crossbow with Suction Cup Arrows (from the Slayskool Toy Company) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 22:13:22 -0400 From: <> Subject: BUFFY: Thing's Buffy's Mom said to Little Buffy This is a repost of the original list that first origionated about a mont= h ago on the same board. I have decided to repost it in hopes thta people will add to it. all additions are welcome, but I reserve the right to change, modify, or tweak any addition I add if I decide to use it at all.= Please E-mail them to me PRIVATELY insetad of to the xmission list. And now to the list: Things Buffy's Mom might have said to Buffy when Buffy was little, if she'd known about her daughter's = skills and if they had moved to Sunnydale a few years = earlier: 1. Honey, why don't you go out and slay in the yard for awhile? = 2. Did you have fun slaying with your friends after school today? = 3. Your report card says that you "slay well with others." = 4. When will you introduce me to all your little slaymates? = 5. Your teacher says you had a lot to share at "Slay and Tell." = 6. We're shopping for weapons, dear. We buy now and slay later. = 7. Your crafts teacher says you make interesting "slay figures." = 8. Never be afraid to slay what's on your mind, Buffy. = 9. Mr. Giles tells me you landed the starring role in the school slay!= = 10. As they say on the commercials, dear: "Life is short, slay hard!" = 11. All work and no slay makes Buffy a dull girl... = 12. Slay what you will, I'm *not* changing my mind! = 13. Make slay while the sun doesn't shine. = 14. Someday you'll grow up and move away from Sunnydale. You're here to= slay, gone tomorrow. = 15. Don't commit to any one vampire too early, baby. It's OK to slay = the field. = 16. I have a headache. Would you please slay something a little more = soothing? = 17. Rumor has it you're quite the hit on the school slayground! = 18. I'm going to a gallery convention this weekend. But I'm concerned = that "while the cat's away, the mice will slay..." = 19. I hardly see you anymore. Invite your friend Darla over and slay = at home tonight! = 20. What a sense of humor. Oh Buffy, you slay me! = 21. I've never seen another child work as creatively as you do with = Slaydoh. = 22. Now Buffy, don't feel you have to kill every single vampire as soon= as we get to Sunnydale. Just imagine it's a "slay as you go" plan. = 23. Don't worry honey, you'll develop a rhythm for killing vampires soo= n enough. For now, just relax and slay along in time to the music. = 24. This is church, sweetie. Kneel down, close your eyes, touch your = cross, then slay really hard for what you believe in. = 25. Cordelia may be the May Queen, Buffy, but you'll always be my = little Slay Queen! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Firestorm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ask me about the "Things Buffy's Mom said to Little Buffy" list. Keeper of Buffy's Weapons Keeper of Giles' Desk Keeper of Xander's love for Buffy Keeper of Little Buffy's Starter Cross (from the Junior League of the "Ou= r Lady of Demonic Assassinations" Order) Keeper of Little Buffy's Practice Crossbow with Suction Cup Arrows (from the Slayskool Toy Company) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 19:28:24 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: REPOST Everything You Need to Know.... Hi all, I'm reposting this, and want to see if we can come up with more. Someday I plan to make a website to house them. Out of all of them, only the "Never say "Bite Me" in front of a vampire no matter how cute he is" is mine. Props to Jenn Ottesen and Leslie for the main putting together of the list. - ----- Here's what we have so far - keep it coming! Everything I Needed to Know I Learned From Watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer Something's coming. // Sieze the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead. // We may, in fact, stand between the Earth and its total destruction. // Those who can, do; those who can't laugh at those who can do. // We all need help with our feelings. // Needs should definitely be met, as long as it doesn't require ointments the next day. // Whatever you do, it had better be sudden and swift. // Recording bat sonar is something soothingly akin to having one's teeth drilled. // It should simply be plunge and move on, plunge and.... // A cranky Slayer is a careless Slayer. // Everyone forgets that knowledge is the ultimate weapon. // Testosterone is a great equalizer; it turns all men into morons. // For us to have a conversation about a guy, there'd have to be a guy for us to have a conversation about. // Good dogs don't bite. // 'Hunk' can mean a lot of things, bad things! // No speaking up, that way leads to madness and sweaty palms. // If you're not jacked in, you're not alive. // We're doomed. Get your books. Look stuff up. // Friends like to share. // Cheap knock-offs happen when you sign those free trade agreements. // There's nothing better than a natural disaster. // You don't need to watch if you are secure. // When the dead rise, you should at least have an assembly. // Wasn't here, didn't see it, couldn't have stopped you. // Secrets are _not_ allowed. There's a rule. // If it's to last, then the getting of knowledge should be tangible. It should be smelly. // When you've been around since Columbus, you're bound to pile up a few exes. // Never say "Bite Me" in front of a vampire no matter how cute he is. // Watch. And mock. And laugh. But not in front of the principal. // Touchy-feely relating nonsense is the kind of wooly-headed liberal thinking that leads to being eaten. // To read makes your speaking English good. // Everyone can make a giraffe. // Someone else's loss is your chocolatey goodness. // Laugh in the face of danger. Then hide until it goes away. Contributors: Sonja Marie Leslie Jen Ottesen Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey Mailing List & The Paul Wylie Mailing List Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles' Coats&Ties "Because I'm English, I'm Strange Anyway" - Anthony Stewart Head (Giles - BTVS) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 20:31:19 -0600 From: "Jodie King" Subject: Re: BUFFY: nick and angel - ---------- > From: Shelley Durocher u > Subject: BUFFY: nick and angel > Date: June 24, 1997 19:43 PM > On Forever Knight, Nick usually bought his I think, and he also had > Natalie to help him if he needed it. As for Angel, who knows? I'm not > sure I picture him "stealing" the blood, Thanks Shelley. I couldn't remember how Nick got his blood supply and only have a couple of eps on tape, neither of which mention it. I also can't picture Angel stealing blood or sucking rats. Glad I'm not completely alone in that thought. In a message dated 97-06-24 15:52:57 EDT, Jen wrote: > Wonderful, wonderful body language. It says so much more than the > dialogue ever could. And no, contrary to popular belief, I'm not just > saying this because Angel is part of it. Have to agree with both Jen and Wolfkazzy on this one. There was a lot of silent conversation in that scene and to watch it again, after finding out about Angel's *condition*, is a delight. I am always amazed at how witty this show truly is. Jodie Defender of Angel's integrity---he would not steal blood! Keeper of Angel's intelligence and wisdom Keeper of Angel's tragic little "naw" which he cried out when he realized that he was turning into a vamp as he kissed Buffy for the first time. Proud Member of Buffyatrics ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 21:14:47 -0600 From: "Jason L. Rasmussen" Subject: BUFFY: Best line yet... So far my favorite line was I believe by Willow - "He can brood for 40 minutes straight, I timed him." (about Owen and his lack of social skills)... Jason Keeper of Giles perch at the Bronze ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 21:22:21 -0700 (PDT) From: The DarkScorpion Subject: Re: BUFFY: HUUUUUUGE Announcement!!! On Tue, 24 Jun 1997, ~*Violet Starr*~ wrote: > > does anyone know which days (1 or all) the cast will > be there?? > I can only go one they so I would like to see them > > -VIOLET- Hello again everybody, Well to answer your question, Joss and crew are going to be at the convention July 19 (saturday). I posted a message to alyson begging her and all the crew to come the whole 4 days, so I could see them. But, no response or no reply. Bummers. Hey Scott, you said Joss was going to do a presentation. What kind of presentation? The ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 22:16:18 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Survey Results - Who Do You Prefer? Hi all, I asked the following places: Buffy List at Xmission Buffy List at Planetx Anthony Stewart Head List Buffy Beta Fanfic List Buffy Posting Board Who on the show they prefered in both gender catagories, men and women, here are the results: 90 ppl voted, 81 followed the rules and voted for one person in each catagory, 9 did not. 85 Vote for the Men, the break down is as follows: Giles - 32 Angel - 27 Xander - 26 As you can see the results are very close but I was surprised that Giles still beat out Angel as favourite among those who voted. 87 Votes for the Women, the break down is as follows: Buffy - 58 Willow - 26 Cordelia - 3 Well among those who voted, Buffy was the main choice. Willow ties with Xander and Cordelia well she barely got any. I think I will continue this poll to let others vote who didn't get a chance this time around. I suspect that the men's positions might change but I doubt the women's will. So I will say if you wish to vote email me your chose for favourite character in each gender (MEN and WOMEN - One Each!) PRIVATELY. And I'll repost the new results next Tues. Later! Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey Mailing List & The Paul Wylie Mailing List Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles Coats&Ties "Because I'm English, I'm Strange Anyway" - Anthony Stewart Head (Giles - BTVS) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 23:38:28 -0500 From: David Daniel Anderson Subject: Re: BUFFY: Mission: Successful! >I might be the only one who feels this way, but you made your point about >this angel girl.......we all know what she did was wrong, but can we >please stop talking about it. Flaming her any further won't do any good, Geez! People on this list sure have a low tolerance for any thread that exceeds five messages or 48 hours. If a thread bores you, just skip it -- don't prolong it by cursing at the people who still have something to say. >when someone copies you it is a form of flattery, and she might not have >thought of it as wrong she might have just liked your ideas. So you know >just chill and think of it that way instead. Flattery? If that is the reason AngelGrl copied the ideas, then why did she lie about it? The worst thing that AngelGrl did wasn't to "steal" the material, but to LIE about stealing it. Web pages get copied every day, but at least most people are honest enough to give proper credit when asked to do so. There are dozens of Buffy sites, duplication is to be expected. But there was no need for AngelGrl to lie about the source of her material. Think of it this way, if it helps: there are dozens, maybe hundreds of vampire legends. Joss has built his vampires using elements from some of them. If he used something that was unique to Ann Rice or some other author, the worst thing he could do would be to claim that it he came up with the idea on his own. Homage is fine, lying is inexcusable. DDA ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 00:02:49 -0300 From: Michael Thomas Subject: BUFFY: Keepers? (Newbie Question) Could someone explain this "Keeper" thing to me, and how I would become one? Thanx. Mike. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 00:15:56 -0700 (PDT) From: Kalaya Karringten Subject: Re: BUFFY: nick and angel At 10:13 PM 6/24/97 -0400, you wrote: >On forever knight. Nick drank cow's blood, which he probably got from >slaughterhouses. YUCK! But I doubt Nick does. Anyone? Kalaya :o) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 00:17:20 -0700 (PDT) From: Kalaya Karringten Subject: BUFFY: Nicholas Anyone knows how old Nicholas, who plays Xander, is? Kalaya =o) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 07:02:14 -0500 From: Stephanie and Peter Janett Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffalicious Hey all. Katie wrote: >Okay, Dave spoke on this point from a high scool MALE point of view. I'm >her to give you the FEMALE side of the story. > >Girls like guys who are popular, cute, athletic and have sporty cars. It's >always been that way. Always will be. But that's just what attracts us at >first. If a girl knows a guy for a long enough time, she might start to >like him. I think that Buffy might have fallen for Xander at first if he >had been all of the above, but it wouldn't have lasted long and then they >wouldn't have had this great friendship. I think that in time Xander will >get over Buffy and learn to value what they have. If he's smart, anyway. Uhm. I'm not sure what high school you went to, but I definitely know it wasn't mine. I think stereotyping girls into a one category is a bad, bad thing. Xander, IMHO, was lookin' for a hunka hunka burnin' love waaaaay before Buffy ever came to town. I saw it as more of a "she's new" thing then I did a "she's hot" thing. There was mystery surrounding her, and mystery is exciting. Love and Exciting Vomit, Steph <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> "If you don't know the basic facts about Alanis Morissette, I hope the flight from Mars was pleasant." -- Paul Cantin "I know the beautiful spirits I would connect with the most, that are listening to my music just for the sake of listening to music. It makes them think. They don't come up to me. They are not very verbal. They are the ones that watch the show and go, wow, cool, and then go home and kiss their dog." -- Alanis Morissette Is Alanis dead? Alanis had an overdose.;) Yes, Alanis is dead. Oh. What did she OD on? Tic-tacs. ROTFL!!!! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 08:57:16 -0500 From: Tracey Newton Subject: Re: BUFFY: NKABOTFD Kristy wrote (Re: NKABOTFD): > He (Owen) didn't hesitate to jump into the unknown to protect her > -- and this while he barely knew her! I just can't see why they >made this great guy, who would actually risk himself instantly for Buffy, >and then drop him... The point was that Owen didn't really jump into the unknown...he thought this was just like a bar fight...He called the vamp a wuss for trying to bite him. He didn't have any sort of healthy respect for the danger they were all in. Yes, he definately gets points for being adorable, intelligent, intense, and for leaping to Buffy's aid, but Buffy was right at the end of the episode: it was only a matter of time before he got himself or someone else killed. Mike wrote (Re: Giles's Car): > I noticed it too, and it struck me as quite odd indeed that a proper > Englishman would be driving a (roughly) 20 year old French made Citroen. And > a station wagon on top of it! I thought it made sense, actually. It's something that's reliable (which the majority of British cars are not, IMHO), practical, about 20 years out of date, anti-sporty...all the things which seem to typify Giles himself! I can't see him zipping around in an MG at all. Actually, from what my British friends have told me, French cars are fairly popular in England. Also, my Buffy-watching group here had a debate after the show: how many trips back and forth between here and England did it take Giles to bring his car over, piece by piece in his suitcase? More pennies in the pot... Tracey Keeper of the Cluelessness of the Rest of the School ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 07:25:47 -0500 From: Stephanie and Peter Janett Subject: Re: BUFFY: Fan Name Hey all. *Steph waves. Scott: >>"Slayeryte"? Kinda like an "acolyte, which means "one who attends or >assists: FOLLOWER." > >>Its close to "Slayerette" which a lot of people like, but has a harder, >cooler edge to it... Jodie: >Slayeryte....I like that idea. The ending *ette* is, gramatically >speaking, the *feminine diminutive* of a word and, as such, is not >particularly flattering. I'm in total agreement. Also, the -ette ending would do no good to, well, men, who are not normally -etteish in design.:P Love and Ending Vomit, Steph <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> "If you don't know the basic facts about Alanis Morissette, I hope the flight from Mars was pleasant." -- Paul Cantin "I know the beautiful spirits I would connect with the most, that are listening to my music just for the sake of listening to music. It makes them think. They don't come up to me. They are not very verbal. They are the ones that watch the show and go, wow, cool, and then go home and kiss their dog." -- Alanis Morissette Is Alanis dead? Alanis had an overdose.;) Yes, Alanis is dead. Oh. What did she OD on? Tic-tacs. ROTFL!!!! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 09:28:24 -0400 (EDT) From: Robin Carroll-Mann Subject: RE: BUFFY: A question from a newbie (a little off-topic) On Tue, 24 Jun 1997, Kalaya Karrington wrote: > >He keeps blood in his fridge (as did Nick on Forever > >Knight) and I would assume that he gets it at the bloodbank or hospital. > > How do you think Angel and Nick got the blood?? > > Kalaya =o) On FK, it was specified many times that Nick drank cow blood. He kept it in wines bottles, and presumably had some kind of contact at a slaughterhouse. Angel, on the other hand, keeps his blood in what looks like standard hospital IV bags; I think we can assume that it *isn't* cow. Perhaps Angel is being careful to steal only those bags which have been rejected for medical use because testing revealed the blood was infected with HIV, hepatitis, etc. In most versions of the vampire mythos, the undead are immune to human illnesses, so contaminated blood shouldn't affect them. Harper *** Robin Carroll-Mann (formerly "Mostly Harmless" --Douglas Adams ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 10:20:12 -0400 (EDT) From: Robin Carroll-Mann Subject: Re: BUFFY: Fan Name On Tue, 24 Jun 1997, Mike Davignon wrote: > > So change it to an "i". > Slayerite. For me, the jury is still out on "Slayeryte". However, I definitely don't like it with an "i". Sounds odd. I can just see the scene now... Interior, SHS Library. Buffy and Xander enter to find Willow seated at the computer, while Giles looks over her shoulder. Buffy: Hey guys, what's up? Giles: (solemnly) We have made a discovery of incalculable significance. Willow: I just happened to be inside the US Geological Survey computer system-- Giles: (interrupting) --The mystical implications are simply staggering! Willow: And I was kinda just looking around and I found an old report they did on this area and-- Xander: (funny accent) Thar's gold in them thar hills! Buffy: (face brightens) Really? Cool! Giles: (a touch annoyed) NOT gold. Something far rarer and more interesting. Xander: Chocolate? (Giles frowns at him) Sorry. Willow: Anyway, they did this mineralogical evaluation, and it definitely showed very high concentrations-- Giles: Especially near the school. This may even explain the existence of the Hellmouth. If you cross-corelate all known deposits with magnetic field densities-- Willow: (proudly) I charted their locations on this map. (She holds up a very complicated chart.) Xander: (snickering) Looks like the time you tried to color with your mom's mascara. (Willow shoots him A LOOK) Sorry. Buffy: (holding up her hands like a traffic cop) Guys? Guys! Will somebody please just tell me, what is this stuff that's got you so worked up? Giles: (in his lecturing voice) The geological records that Willow has-- Xander: (helpfully) Unearthed? (Buffy and Giles glare at him) Sorry. Giles: The geological records that Willow has *discovered* show clearly that this town contains the largest deposit in the country... (he takes a deep breath) the largest deposit of... slayerite. Harper *** Robin Carroll-Mann (formerly "Mostly Harmless" -- Douglas Adams ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 10:36:02 -0400 From: Erika Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: Theme song Hah!!! Hi anna :) you are a buffy love too, eh? :) - -erika (cbn erika, that is) Anna Taylor-Web Curator wrote: > > I really like the opening sequence. It's a good start for the show. > If you only saw the credits you could pick up a lot about the show. > It's fast-paced, lots of action, and has a dark ambiance. > The fast/short cuts keep you guessing at what you're really seeing. > The rock is loud and raucous, but I think it fits the overall show > demographics...and its catchy. > > I'm fond of it. That doesn't mean I wouldn't like a redone version, > but I'm not begging for one. > > -Anna > from Madison House ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 10:43:26 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: Re: BUFFY: Fan Name At 10:20 AM -0400 6/25/97, Robin Carroll-Mann wrote: >Giles: The geological records that Willow has *discovered* show clearly >that this town contains the largest deposit in the country... (he takes a >deep breath) the largest deposit of... slayerite. LOL! Good one Robin! Let's take this to the next logical step. Buffy: What's slayerite? Giles: It's the only substance known to man that can weaken the slayer. Prolonged exposure can cripple you permanently. You can tell slayerite by its color, which is similar to vamp nail polish. Buffy (under her breath): So over. (Meanwhile, in the Anointed One's Lair...) A1: Bring forth the remains of the Moloch robot! (Crony Vamps bring forth the Moloch Robot. A1 opens a panel on the front while taking out a large chunk of black/blood red/dark purple rock. He places it inside and closes the panel. The Robot's eyes glow an eerie red.) A1: Powered by the slayerite, the Moloch robot will surely succeed in destroying the Slayer! Go forth, and bring me the head of Buffy Summers! BWAHAHAHAHA! (Fade to commercial) I'm gonna reiterate Lisa Rose's suggestion for calling ourselves OLODA (Order of Our Lady of Demonic Assassinations). We could appropriate many of the tropes of both the Catholic and Anglican Church. Go and say 15 "Hail, Buffys" and 10 "Our Giles" and sin no more!!! Can you say 'cult'? I knew you could. ;-) Or we could be the Slayketeers, or Buffketeers. JJ, chugging a big can of silly. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 11:46:08 -0400 (EDT) From: Gail Celio Subject: Re: BUFFY: Fan Name On Wed, 25 Jun 1997, Jesse Jou wrote: > At 10:20 AM -0400 6/25/97, Robin Carroll-Mann wrote: > >Giles: The geological records that Willow has *discovered* show clearly > >that this town contains the largest deposit in the country... (he takes a > >deep breath) the largest deposit of... slayerite. [snip amusing extension of this thread] > I'm gonna reiterate Lisa Rose's suggestion for calling ourselves OLODA > (Order of Our Lady of Demonic Assassinations). So would that be a "mother OLODA" of slayerite? - --Gail ObBVSQ: "The earflaps will bring out your eyes." - Xander, NKABOTFD ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 8:53:00 -0700 From: "SCOTT" Subject: Re[2]: BUFFY: HUUUUUUGE Announcement!!! > Well to answer your question, Joss and crew are going to be at the >convention July 19 (saturday). (snip) > Hey Scott, you said Joss was going to do a presentation. What >kind of presentation? Unless they're just going to do an autograph session, I'm assuming they will be doing a panel of some sort, maybe showing clips, talking about the upcoming season, etc. Understand that the arrangments for this appearance were made via 20th Century Fox Television, not us... I don't know what's on their agenda at this point. Scott The WB Television Network ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 08:56:06 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Re: songs Hmm interesting question, depends on what kind you mean. Angel killed Darla, Luke killed a few ppl, some fashion crimes were commited as well. Miss a "G" and it changes the whole meaning of the question. LOL! On Wed, 25 Jun 1997 wrote: > does anyone know who sins at the Bronze?? Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey Mailing List & The Paul Wylie Mailing List Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles Coats&Ties "Because I'm English, I'm Strange Anyway" - Anthony Stewart Head (Giles - BTVS) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 12:20:02 -0400 From: Subject: BUFFY: Re: Buffy Name Silly or not, JJ, I LOVE Buffketeers. It suits the goofy mood I'm currently in. "Hey look mom, it's the Buffketeers! Do you think they stake anyone today? Can we watch?" "No, Billy. We can't stay and watch. You have little league." replies gore-conscious Mom. "AHHH, geez. Please, Mom, PLEASSEE!" Hehehehehe. Hey, who slipped a mickey in my coffee? :) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 12:13:13 -0400 (EDT) From: Robin Carroll-Mann Subject: Re: BUFFY: A question from a newbie On Mon, 23 Jun 1997, Jodie King wrote: > I'm not sure that Angel would steal his blood since he has a conscience. > I'm wondering if you can buy it in Sunnydale. It may seem like a dumb > question but don't people get paid for donating blood in the US. We don't > up here in the land to the north. AFAIK, most U.S. blood banks rely on free donations collected during blood drives. Some places will buy blood, or used to -- the cliche, perhaps not accurate, is of bums selling a pint to get money for booze. With the increased need to screen out HIV and other dangerous things, I don't know if this is done much anymore. OTOH, maybe Angel has been paying street people directly to keep himself supplied. Harper *** Robin Carroll-Mann (formerly "Mostly Harmless" -- Douglas Adams ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 14:50:41, -0500 From: (JOSEPH NORTHCOTT) Subject: Re: BUFFY: HUUUUUUGE Announcement!!! said: >Well to answer your question, Joss and crew are going to be at the >convention July 19 (saturday). I posted a message to alyson begging her >and all the crew to come the whole 4 days, so I could see them. But, no >response or no reply. Bummers. The show goes back into production before then, so cast and crew will be pretty busy on the weekdays. I'm sure they really can't spare more than one day. JN --- ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 13:39:49 -0400 (EDT) From: Robert Huff Subject: BUFFY: Re: songs > > does anyone know who sins at the Bronze?? > > Hmm interesting question, depends on what kind you mean. Angel killed > Darla, Luke killed a few ppl, some fashion crimes were commited as well. > Miss a "G" and it changes the whole meaning of the question. LOL! And there's enough Lust to give St. Paul a coronary. Hubris; probably not much Gluttony; definately Sloth; little Avarice, at least of the financial variety. Robert Huff ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 15:29:51 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: ADMIN: Housekeeping repost I'll be at camp for about a month starting this Saturday, so I won't be able to read all of my mail. My mailbox will fill up in about 2 days, probably. Any suggestions? Contact me b/c I still want to recieve things on this mailing list, but my mailbox will fill and things will bounce back, or whatever. Thanks a bunch! - --Allison Keeper of Cordelia's Cell Phone Little Xander's Superman Pajamas with Matching Cape (and Padded Feet) Little Cordy's "Baby Prom Queen" Make-up Set Darla: "Do you know what the saddest thing in the world is?" Buffy: "Bad hair on top of that outfit?" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 15:51:27 -0400 From: Virginia Eveland Subject: BUFFY: The Buffy Theme Hey guys, according to Lostboy (from the Official Site Posting Board) they aren't planning on changing the theme. BTW, if you are on right now, he's still posting... ______________________________________________ |Virginia Eveland UIN 1517244| |Keeper of Giles' Inner Child | |Keeper of Buffy's Three Gold Hoop Earrings | |Pretender,*Slayeryte*, Bab5, XF Fanatic | |SYX, AGML, LGW, BLA, OBSSE, GASP | |----------------------------------------------| |Visit the Buffy ICQ List | | | ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #161 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". 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