From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #214 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Wednesday, July 30 1997 Volume 01 : Number 214 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: Invisible Marcie Re: BUFFY: BIG XANDER INFO SAD THOUGH Re: BUFFY: BIG XANDER INFO SAD THOUGH Re: BUFFY: Ms. Calendar's real name BUFFY: ATTENTION! NEED SM's ADDY! Re: BUFFY: Invisible Marcie BUFFY: Buffy and TFOS BUFFY: Has anyone noticed... BUFFY: Forget that Roswell Crap Re: BUFFY: Vamp Healing Re: BUFFY: Has anyone noticed... Re: BUFFY: Has anyone noticed... BUFFY: No SMG on MY local TV Guide cover???? Re: BUFFY: Has anyone noticed... BUFFY: Look what came in my mail... Re: BUFFY: Has anyone noticed... Re: BUFFY: Has anyone noticed... Re: BUFFY: Forget that Roswell Crap Re: BUFFY: Buffy Books BUFFY: Who else is waiting anxiously... Re: BUFFY: Who else is waiting anxiously... Re: BUFFY: Look what came in my mail... Re: BUFFY: Look what came in my mail... Re: BUFFY: Look what came in my mail... Re: BUFFY: NKABOTFD BUFFY: Vote for Hottest Actress on Web BUFFY: TV Guide-But No Buffy BUFFY: RE: TV Guide-But No Buffy BUFFY: hints from an extra...spoilers.... BUFFY: TVGuide Jeff Gordon/Buffy Re: BUFFY: RE: TV Guide-But No Buffy Re: BUFFY: hints from an extra...spoilers.... Re: BUFFY: Has anyone noticed... Re: BUFFY: Question and Killer Line Re: BUFFY: TV Guide-But No Buffy BUFFY: Nude Buffy :< Re: BUFFY: TV Guide!!! BUFFY: RE:TV Guide/Top 20 BUFFY: TVGuide Online Vote.. Buffy Pics BUFFY: Choking Vampire & other Urban Legends Re: BUFFY: ComicCon photos Re: BUFFY: NKABOTFD Re: BUFFY: Did you catch it? Re: BUFFY: hints from an extra...spoilers.... Re: BUFFY: Did you catch it? BUFFY: hints from extra...trying again...should be there... RE: BUFFY: Girljen New MASTER!!!!!! Re: BUFFY: Buffy Books BUFFY: SMG Re: BUFFY: TV Guide-But No Buffy Re: BUFFY: Look what came in my mail... BUFFY: FW: Comic Con Buffy panel transcript, pt 2 See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 18:49:56 -0700 From: Matthew Hammond Subject: Re: BUFFY: Invisible Marcie wrote: > > In a message dated 97-07-28 15:10:31 EDT, you write: > << This is going to sound crass or crude, but were all of the invisable girls > inWho's to say all the invisible people were girls I didn't see a sign saying Girls school of the invisibly gifted ot anything like that! - -- Keeper of Buffy's Quick Thinking and Ingenuity..........Matthew Hammond "Reality is a Crutch for People Who Can't Handle Science Fiction" Finaly my own page at P.S. My picture is on my page! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 19:05:57 -0700 From: Lawless Subject: Re: BUFFY: BIG XANDER INFO SAD THOUGH wrote: > NOOOO! How can Xander die?? He is why I watch the show! Xander is not going to die, Joss said this jokingly to Nick. If Xander was going to die, I don't think he wouldn't tell us about it. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 19:12:44 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: BIG XANDER INFO SAD THOUGH Thats just a nast lie ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 18:59:01 -0500 (CDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Ms. Calendar's real name On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, (JOSEPH NORTHCOTT) wrote: > I'm doubtful any family would keep using La Morte. Why wouldn't they? Maybe some far-off knightly ancestor was a really vicious fighter ("Having Sir Henri on your side is like having Death himself fighting for you."), got tagged "LaMorte", and the family kept it. There are lots of people out there with odd-sounding surnames. And most of them never think of changing them. Diane E Keeper of Buffy's red satin neck ribbon Keeper of Willow's Geek-Chic style # D Echelbarger # # WWW HomePage: # ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 20:24:54 -0400 From: Buff1f Subject: BUFFY: ATTENTION! NEED SM's ADDY! Sonja Marie- if you're there, I just need to ask you a favor- can you give me your addy real quick? ~Buff1f V. Pres of JASIOM (one of the coolest clubs around) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 20:48:38 -0400 (EDT) From: Robert Huff Subject: Re: BUFFY: Invisible Marcie > I guess it would be fairly easy to cut classes in the MiB classroom. Bet you they grade heavily on "class participation" .... Robert Huff ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 21:08:27 -0400 From: "Andrew Weitzman" Subject: BUFFY: Buffy and TFOS - ---------- > From: Robert Huff > > Snyder, however, could be what the Sunnydale High needs > > right now. > Especially compraed to Flutie. Poor Principal Flutie. A man whose humanity led to his unjust death. Flutie was a man who *cared* about his students--the moment when he remininsced about his youth with Buffy was demonstrated a willingness to reach out to a "troubled youth". Misguided, but kind. Unfortunately, the Hellmouth has a way of destroying the kind. :/ [on Teenagers from Outer Space] > Hot damn, someone else who caught the Crosstown Expedience > Express! I can't wait for Willow to open up with the > Extra-dimensional Popcorn Cannon .... :-) Ahem. Buffy Summers Student ID Human (Slayer) Smarts:4 Bod: 6 RWP:2 Luck:3 Driving: 0 (hasn't got a licence) Looks: 5--heck, make it a 6! :) Cool: 4 Bonk: 6 Powers: Toughness, Super Strength, Spot the Vampire Knacks: Kick Mucho Vampire Butt (+6), Combat Banter (+3), Look Cool in Boots (+2), Traits: Brave, Sarcastic, Eternally seeking a measure of normality in the weirdness which is her life. Even creepier, consider the possibility of the FBI agents in "Invisible Girl" really being Alien Control Officers... _______ Andrew Weitzman Beware the Fluffy Threat(tm)! Get the truth at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 21:31:48 -0400 From: Allyson Kalea Boggess Subject: BUFFY: Has anyone noticed... I don't know if anyone has gotten the new Sarah McLachlan CD entitled "Surfacing" or not (this is related, don't crucify me), but the song "Building A Mystery" is like *perfect* for the series. I mean, it relates so well to the show on the whole: "You come out at night/ that's where the energy comes/ and the dark side's light/ and the vampires roam..." I was just wondering if anyone had noticed this or not... I also had a question about "The Puppet Show". When Xander has Sid, after Buffy leaves, he makes Sid say something like "Red Rob" (I'm probably totally botching this...). What does that mean? (or what is he really saying?) That part totally went over my head. - -- %^*^%^*^%^*^%^*^%^*^%^*^%^*^%^*^%^*^% Allyson Kalea Boggess - "I laugh in the face of danger, and then I hide until it goes away." -Xander =D %^*^%^*^%^*^%^*^%^*^%^*^%^*^%^*^%^*^% ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 18:28:56 -0700 From: Zornof Subject: BUFFY: Forget that Roswell Crap SUPER721 acted super: >If this is true wouldnt Giles be the last in his line? Although we know >almost nothing of his life before he appears in Sunnydale he hasn't mentioned >kids or a family of any sort besides his father. I think he doesn't have kids yet, but someone somewhere said we were going to see more of Ms. Calendar next season (wink, wink. nudge, nudge.) PepsiNext zihorganifed: >Also, I saw the high school that was used in 90210. It looks a lot like the >high school they used in BtVS. They both have the same railing on the >outside. (you know what Xander hit when he first saw Buffy) I read somewhere that it was the same school. Zornof Keeper of Buffy's Philosophy ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 21:33:43, -0500 From: (JOSEPH NORTHCOTT) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Vamp Healing Good points, Mike. Let me tackle a few. If you ever catch the novelization of Joss's original BtVS script (thanks Gail for sending me one), it answers a lot of this. Of course, that does not make it "Canon" for the tv show. :) Mike wrote: >I think Willow has the potential to be an excellent Watcher one day. I >don't know if she might not be too involved with Buffy already though. >Maybe the knowledge and experience she has gained thus far would be a >benefit, but then again she is currently in more of a subordinate role Well, we all grow up. :) Could Willow be a good Watcher not now, but in 40 years? I think eventually she could make a great Watcher. A related point, has Giles ever met a previous Slayer? I think he hasn't. I'll bet a lot of Watchers train but never do end up actually mentoring a Slayer. But knowing a previous Slayer might help a Watcher remember how serious the job is. >he's phoned his old friend (looney and incarcerated) in England, leading >me to think he hasn't been on this side of the pond for all that long, and >his father and grandmother were Watchers. Wouldn't this indicate that >previous heavy Vampire activity took place in England? I don't think it means there was special vampire activity in England. The Watchers are probably all like Giles: they travel to wherever prophecy sends them. >Also (insert monkey wrench here), in WTTH, wasn't there mention of Buffy's >old Watcher in LA? At the very least we know she was a Slayer in LA, so >she must have had a Watcher there. I know she did in the movie, but was >he mentioned in the show? (mind racing frantically here) Well, Merrick was never mentioned by name in the series, but WttHM had some references to her previous dealings with another Watcher. I'd be curious to find out what mechanism the Watchers use to tell a Watcher it's time to go. How did Giles know it was time to move to Sunnydale? Why hadn't he moved there 20 years ago and waited for her? I can see it now: Mr. Giles gets a package. He opens it and listens to the tape inside. It says "Your mission, should you chose to accept, is to move to Sunnydale, but never notice the scantily clad young females all around you. This tape will self-destruct in 5 seconds." I'd like to think the Watchers have a better method than that. :) >Regardless, this would mean that there is more than one Watcher at any >given time, especially since Giles was told of his destiny at the age of >ten. Might there be Watchers at several locations, awaiting the arrival >of the one chosen Slayer when and if Vampire activity heightens? Bingo. That's how the novel handles it. The way the novel handles this is that there are several watchers and several _potential_ slayers. Which one is actually chosen depends on who's closest to the next ground swell of vampire activity. BTW, how many people reading this were here in April? The list had a thread then with really in depth discussion of how the novelization explains this. :) Joseph ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 20:46:57 -0500 From: Kristin Lang Subject: Re: BUFFY: Has anyone noticed... When Xander has Sid, >after Buffy leaves, he makes Sid say something like "Red Rob" (I'm >probably totally botching this...). What does that mean? (or what is he >really saying?) That part totally went over my head. > he was making Sid say "Redrum redrum" it's from the movie "The Shining" from Stephen Kings book. it is MURDER spelled backward and the kid in the movie says it really creepy like and it is very scary! - -Kristin Lang,,, (doesn't always work tho) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 21:41:29 -0400 From: (Samantha Martin) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Has anyone noticed... >I also had a question about "The Puppet Show". When Xander has Sid, >after Buffy leaves, he makes Sid say something like "Red Rob" (I'm >probably totally botching this...). What does that mean? (or what is >he really saying?) That part totally went over my head. > He was saying Red Rum and that is murder spelled backwards. Red Rum muR deR *************************************** Samantha Martin (You have fruit punch mouth- Buffy in 'Prophecy Girl') ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 19:59:53 -0500 From: "NicoleN" Subject: BUFFY: No SMG on MY local TV Guide cover???? I got jipped! Just got my TV Guide in the mail today (yes I'm a subscriber). I didn't think it was the issue with SMG since the cover isn't her! How very disappointing! On the Contents page, there is a halfpage pic of her with her hair up in a black, somewhat floral halter dress with a black feather boa. Is this what's on you lucky people's covers? Oh yeah, the cover on my issue is of the racecar driver Jeff Gordon, and the caption is "King of the Road." Nicole Neilan ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 22:07:49 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Has anyone noticed... In a message dated 97-07-29 21:38:33 EDT, Allyson Boggess wrote: << I also had a question about "The Puppet Show". When Xander has Sid, after Buffy leaves, he makes Sid say something like "Red Rob" (I'm probably totally botching this...). What does that mean? (or what is he really saying?) That part totally went over my head. >> Xander was saying Redrum, which is Murder spelled backwards. In "The Shining", by Stephen King, the word murder was spelled in blood, but seen through a mirror and therefore reversed to redrum. The little kid kept yelling "Redrum, redrum!". Creepy. Mike Keeper of Buffy's little white teddy bear Keeper of Buffy's beeper Keeper of Little Buffy's Bubblegum Pink Bicycle (with handlebar streamers and automated stake dispenser) "The part that gets me though, is where Buffy is the Vampire Slayer. She's so little." --- Ms. Calendar ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 22:23:54 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Look what came in my mail... - Content-ID: <> Content-type: text/plain This is the best day I've had since summer started. First I get my TV Guide with a huge Buffy article in it, then someone posts the comic con transcript, and then....heres the topper.... I check my mailbox(snailmail). And what do I find? A flyer adressed to me saying that I have been schedualed for a TV audition that will be hosted by one of four tv stars, one of them being who???? ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 22:23:30 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Has anyone noticed... In a message dated 7/29/97 8:38:33 PM, wrote: >and the vampires roam..." I was just wondering if anyone >had noticed this or not... yep...i noticed it...and the local radio station here is quite fond of Sarah (McLachlan)...and they play that song at least once every few hours...every time i hear that line i think of buffy and co. (okay, a certain vampire who shall remain nameless :)) >When Xander has Sid, after Buffy leaves, he makes Sid >say something like "Red Rob" I believe what Xander said was "REDRUM" (which is MURDER backwards)...a reference to "The Shining" by Stephen King...made even more amusing at the time of the first airing of the episode due to the fact that the remake of "The Shining" was playing on one of those other channels :) Bren ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 21:59:34 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Has anyone noticed... .... Xander says something with puppet as Buffy leaves.... In the puppet show he says REDRUM..... spell it backwards.... MURDER!!! ~Dagwood Tx Lax ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 22:29:12 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Forget that Roswell Crap I live in Torrance, California and I know that they have tapped at Torrance High because I'v seen them. They just recently (actually last Firday the 25) tapped a football scene at West High in Torrance near my school. We saw a "GO SUNNYDALE" sign and cheerleaders with the same uniforms as the ones on the show, but we didn't actually realize it WAS the show until the next day when somebody told us. So we only drove past it and didn't stop because we didn't "suspect the obvious". ( that it was BtVS) We feel sooo stupid now!!! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 22:28:58 +0000 From: "Robin Carroll-Mann" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Books And it came to pass on 29 Jul 97, that wrote: > I was just wondering if there are any BtVS books that have been > written (or are going to be written). Thanks! I *knew* there was something I wanted to post. I saw a brief article in "Publishers Weekly" (trade journal for the book industry) that said 2 titles were coming out this fall. November, I think. I'll post the details if I can find it again. Harper *** Robin Carroll-Mann "Mostly Harmless" -- Douglas Adams Harper's Bread Basket ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 21:14:26 -0600 From: "Jason L. Rasmussen" Subject: BUFFY: Who else is waiting anxiously... For those few words... And now the previews of a NEW Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Can't the new season be here yet, PLEASE! ... Jason Keeper of Giles perch at The Bronze ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 20:20:23 -0700 From: (Guadalupe Mejia) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Who else is waiting anxiously... hey, i'm waiting very anxiously too, i can't wait to hear that too, but is going to be until september or maybe even october. so we will have to wait :~(. Lupe Keeper of: Buffy's Snowball Buffy's stuffed animal tiger Willow's Phone Cordelia's Car Vote for Cordelia Chase for may queen posters ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 20:21:17 -0700 From: Sage Subject: Re: BUFFY: Look what came in my mail... > This is the best day I've had since summer started. First I get my > TV Guide with a huge Buffy article in it, then someone posts the comic > con transcript, and then....heres the topper.... Me too. I had TONS of e-mail this morning. Later in the day I found out that I had won a limited collector's edition Buffy The Vampire Slayer shirt from Ultimate Tv, and then when I went to the store, they had about 50 copies of the newest TVG, so I just took 5... obBUFFY: I hope that in at least one episode we see a MAJOR change in Willow (I'm looking forward to seeing her attiutde in the "leather" episode). SAGE (BTW, sorry for sending out that e-mail that had nothing in it- It was an accident -obviously-) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 20:30:11 -0700 From: (Guadalupe Mejia) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Look what came in my mail... yes, i hope to see a change in willow, just not too major, and where did you hear of the leather thing? p.s, everybody don't forget to vote for either Sarah Michelle Gellar Alyson Hannigan or Charisma Carpenter on the top 20 site! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 20:37:38 -0700 From: Mary Subject: Re: BUFFY: Look what came in my mail... > And what do I find? A flyer adressed to me saying that I have been > schedualed for a TV audition that will be hosted by one of four tv stars, one > of them being who???? Our very own Nick. I got the same thing in the mail only it was for the 27th. I met Marne Patterson instead. I got called back, though, and I am meeting Jose Solano from Baywatch this time. I think that if I get called back enough I'll meet Nick.I wonder what I'll say if I do... ObBuffy: I saw NKABOTFD last night and it was so hilarious watching it for the second time! I loved the scene where Angel comes to the Bronze to find Buffy. Also, when she said "Bite me" it was so funny now that I know what he is. And, another thing I noticed, the prophecy was that 5 would die and from their ashes one would rise, so why did that other guy turn into a vamp? Dawn Secretary of Willites Keeper of Angel's Window Shades Fan of BtVS Fan of Jewel Fan of Celine Dion ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 23:52:17 -0400 From: (Nicole Williams) Subject: Re: BUFFY: NKABOTFD >Hey guys, > I just noticed this about NKABOTFD ...Did anyone notice how Angel's face kinda got a jumpy shocked look when Buffy came back to kiss Owen? >> I noticed that, and I thought it was soooooo cool. I was probably too busy sighing last time this episode came on the notice Angel's face when he saw that Buffy was on a date and later when she kissed Owen! Nic :-) Keeper of Angel's fearlessness and protectiveness of Buffy Keeper of Buffy's sarcasm, hot pants , and go-go boots ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 01:07:45 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Vote for Hottest Actress on Web (Guadalupe Mejia) said: >p.s, everybody don't forget to vote for either Sarah Michelle Gellar >Alyson Hannigan >or >Charisma Carpenter >on the top 20 site! Vote for SMG! She's the only one who can break/set all those records! - --Isaac ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 01:07:30 -0400 From: Judy Gracey Subject: BUFFY: TV Guide-But No Buffy I had been anxiously awaiting the arrival of TV Guide with SMG on the cover, but opened my mail box on Monday to find...JEFF GORDON?!?!?! (The racecar driver) What gives?! Every retail store around me has the Jeff Gordon cover...I even saw a commercial for it on TV. I've been to the website, so I know the SMG cover is out there. Did this happen to anyone else? Is it just because I live in Florida? Please help me understand! Does anyone know of an alternative way to get the Buffy cover? (I'm assuming the article inside is the same, but who knows) I hate to think that Buffy is not penetrating a corner of the market that she should be...can anyone shed some light on this bizarre cosmic event? What am near a hellmouth? (Well, I guess Disney World is the next best thing) Thanks! John G. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 22:20:41 PDT From: "Maddy :)" Subject: BUFFY: RE: TV Guide-But No Buffy > I had been anxiously awaiting the arrival of TV Guide with SMG on the >cover, but opened my mail box on Monday to find...JEFF GORDON?!?!?! I ended up with the same problem, I can't seem to fins the SMG cover ANYWHERE. I have called all family & friends in other states but it has been useless. I know this cover exists but I have no idea where!! >can anyone shed some light on this bizarre cosmic event? Can anyone (in an area that is actually being graced with the RIGHT cover) contact me, if they would be so kind as to help me, with arrangements to get this copy. PLEASE!!! I will pay ALL COSTS for this cover. Ok I am obsessed but I am also disappointed, does Minnesota HAVE to be such a pain all the time?? Thanks, Maddy =) ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 01:42:00 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: hints from an extra...spoilers.... the following is something I heard from an extra who worked on what is probably the season premier...I dont know if it is true, but the source is pretty reliable so.....And its pretty detailed (although Im working from memory, and its a little scrambeld) Just one scene though. S P O I L E R S P A C E H E R E ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 22:43:14 -0700 From: Sage Subject: BUFFY: TVGuide Jeff Gordon/Buffy < < I had been anxiously awaiting the arrival of TV Guide with SMG on the cover, but opened my mail box on Monday to find...JEFF GORDON?!?!?! > > Yep. Us posting boarders have been discussing that very issue. My TVGuide is graced wit the SMG cover...but someone on the board managed to get this info. Call this number (1-800-866-1400) and ask for customer service. Then explain your problem and they'll send you a copy (the person who wrote in said that TV Guide was going to give it to her FREE). Good Luck!!! SAGE ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 22:48:58 -0700 From: (Guadalupe Mejia) Subject: Re: BUFFY: RE: TV Guide-But No Buffy to it may concern, just call tv guide and tell them how upset you are and they might send you a free copy, ask for customer service, i don't know the # but call the toll free operator they have the #. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 22:50:22 -0700 From: (Guadalupe Mejia) Subject: Re: BUFFY: hints from an extra...spoilers.... what was the hint? i didn't get the whole message? ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 02:03:04 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Has anyone noticed... In a message dated 97-07-29 21:38:33 EDT, writes: << I also had a question about "The Puppet Show". When Xander has Sid, after Buffy leaves, he makes Sid say something like "Red Rob" (I'm probably totally botching this...). What does that mean? (or what is he really saying?) That part totally went over my head. >> Xander is saying "RED RUM", which you'll recognize if you've either read or seen "The Shining." RED RUM is murder spelled backwards. The kid in the movie says this, like all psycho's pretty creepy... Cheers, Chris >=) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 02:27:38 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Question and Killer Line In a message dated 97-07-30 02:09:11 EDT, you write: << My impression was that the wind was present to show that she was paying attention to the very miniscule things in her environment. If you are completely still, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to sense a change in your environment by the change in the air pattern on your skin. >> Exactly right... there have been some cases I've read about where a person was able to detect someone entering the room -- not by sound, sight, or smell, but by the air pressure on there forearm hair. Hmm. Perhaps the hair on the back of the neck would have worked in Buffy's case? - --Isaac ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 02:29:44 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: TV Guide-But No Buffy For those of you who didn't get the Buffy one... you should be able to get it for free by calling: 1-800-866-1400 "Good luck, and Happy Hunting..." My God, I am quoting my old Western Civilization teacher... help! - --Isaac ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 00:25:06 -0700 From: RAS Subject: BUFFY: Nude Buffy :< Due to the recent comments and questions if there is or is not, nude Buffy (SMG) pic's still out there. I'm very sad and disappointed to say there are. It concerns me that certain individuals feel it nesscesary to demean famous people. The site at least had the courtesy to admit that the pictures were fakes. Unfortunatly there was no protection to keep minors out of the site, and if Buffy and Co. are to be role models then their images should be kept clean. On a somewhat more positive note, Its a sort of interesting right of passage that Buffy (SMG) is gaining such attention. Gillian Anderson of the X-Files and others didn't get "honored" in this way until their 2nd or 3rd season. Again I feel that to create these pictures is wrong, and a massive invasion of privacy. I'm glad to see that Sarah can rise above it and joke about the pictures. Although the jokes could be a mask against pain or embarassment, I hope that no other BtVS stars or any others fall victim to this. (I know it will continue to happen, but we can still hope) much later .... Rudy ( Official Slayerette (and proud) Keeper of the Darkness (there's a lot of it!) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 00:38:17 -0700 From: (Guadalupe Mejia) Subject: Re: BUFFY: TV Guide!!! ok now! let's all agree for this week who are we going to vote for and for who next week, let's all agre ok? ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 00:53:56 PDT From: "Maddy :)" Subject: BUFFY: RE:TV Guide/Top 20 >ok now! let's all agree for this week who are we going to vote for >and for who next week, let's all agre ok? > Well we got Alyson and Sarah in there, but have we forgotten about Charisma? She made it up there this past week. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 02:52:52 -0700 From: Subject: BUFFY: TVGuide Online Vote.. Buffy Pics Hey All. Was roaming around TVGuide and found a url that I thought I should share. Well, thats all... I don't post much, mainly just read :-) Catchya'll Next Sunday - -Oldman Stauf ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 02:59:38 -0700 (PDT) From: Lisa Rose Subject: BUFFY: Choking Vampire & other Urban Legends As I watched NKABOTFD being televised for the THIRD TIME, I noticed something odd. When the Master grabs the one vampire by the throat in anger for another vampire getting killed by Buffy, the Master definitely seems to be choking the guy (ala Darth Vadar, but w/o The Force). How could a vampire be choked if they don't breathe? The Master threw him across the room, but didn't stake him or behead him, etc.... Yet we don't see him again. Is he presumed dead? How? Why did the Master attack him for the indiscretion of another? Because they were all members of the Order of Aurelius and thus their brothers' keepers? And if the Order was such an old and venerated sect as Giles claimed, why did their members (esp. the Master's victim) look like such bungling gits? And earlier on Fox, I noticed a Coke commercial that plays upon "King Lear" by having "Cordelia" (Lear's only truly loving daughter) offer her father a Coke. This is just weeks after I and others pointed out the Buffy/Shakespeare connection of Cordy having the same name as Lear's good daughter. You figure there are spies from Coke on this list? Show yourselves! Maybe Joss jockeying for some major corporate ad tie-ins, now that he's blown the tobacco industry's support with those "Smoking Kills" signs? The truth is in there, Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 03:22:08 -0700 (PDT) From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: ComicCon photos At 10:35 AM 7/29/97 -0700, Sage wrote: >I was wondering if there is anyone here who has ComicCon pictures on >their site besides Lisa Rose (BTW LR, thanks). If you know of any more, >please e-mail privately or publicly. Thank you... and, At 02:49 PM 7/28/97 -0700, RAS wrote: >Considering that more than just one of you went to the ComicCon I expected >to see more than one persons pic's of the event. (by the way Marcie ... Cool, >and thanks!!) I'm hoping that the delay is just a minor internet demon and >not something more ominous. so, Actually it's Lisa, not Marcie. "Marcie" was a reference to the Invisible Girl (and her yearbook signatures which I asked the cast to do for me), though you are probably now realizing this with some embarassment. I don't really aspire to be Marcie. It would be so awkward at the movie theater with people constantly trying to sit in my lap (though I could always get in for free; and it wouldn't be so bad if *certain* people wanted to sit in my lap; for example, does David B. go to the movies very often?). If it's any consolation, I will be posting *even more* of my ComicCon pictures (including a few "outtakes") in the next few days. :> (I now have a new negative scanner! yay!) Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 07:48:16 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: NKABOTFD i have to totally agree with all those of you who say you can't notice things in detail untill the second time around. this was my third time seeing NKABOTFD and the expressions on Angel's face were priceless. he played the jealous boyfriend so well. ?Especially the look on his face when Buffy introduced Owen to him. Angel is sooooo BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! Miriam Keeper of Angels bloodlust and fate Keeper of little Angels white baby osh kosh shirts (est. Dublin 1710) Keeper of Giles" water pitcher Proud GASPer and Slayerette "Giles, unto every generation is born one who must run the anual talentless show. You cannot escape your destiny."-Buffy ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 09:26:01 -0500 From: Tracey Newton Subject: Re: BUFFY: Did you catch it? >In a message dated 97-07-29 16:32:01 EDT, writes: > ><< In the TV Guide article on SMG, they called her eyes BLUE...but when she > was in TV Guide as one of the 20 best faces on TV, they called her eyes > GREEN...hmmmmmmm... >> > Well, actually, I have friends whose eyes do that. If they put on a blue shirt, their eyes are blue, green shirt = green eyes, and even grey shirt = grey eyes. Sometimes eye color does funny things like that. Tracey Keeper of the Cluelessness of the Rest of the School ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 09:55:41 -0400 From: (alan convis) Subject: Re: BUFFY: hints from an extra...spoilers.... CRUEL ACCIDENT! Girljen, post the hints! They didn't come thru. >the following is something I heard from an extra who worked on what is >probably the season premier...I dont know if it is true, but the source is >pretty reliable so.....And its pretty detailed (although Im working from >memory, and its a little scrambeld) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alan Convis ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 11:26:59 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Did you catch it? In a message dated 97-07-30 11:22:13 EDT, you write: << Well, actually, I have friends whose eyes do that. If they put on a blue shirt, their eyes are blue, green shirt = green eyes, and even grey shirt = grey eyes. Sometimes eye color does funny things like that. >> my friends eye's turn diffrent colors at diffren times of the day like in the morning there green at the afternoon thet are blue. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 11:38:13 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: hints from extra...trying again...should be there... Oaky, I dont know what happened with this the first time, I did post the whole thing, but AOL loves to play games with me, so thats probably what it is....if it doesnt work this time..... the following is something I heard from an extra who worked on what is probably the season premier...I dont know if it is true, but the source is pretty reliable so.....And its pretty detailed (although Im working from memory, and its a little scrambeld) Just one scene though. S P O I L E R S P A C E H E R E ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 12:00:22 EDT From: (The Archangel Gabriel) Subject: RE: BUFFY: Girljen New MASTER!!!!!! On Wed, 30 Jul 1997 11:38:13 -0400 (EDT) writes: >Okay, I dont know what happened with this the first time, I did post the >whole thing, but AOL loves to play games with me, so thats probably >what it is....if it doesnt work this time..... I just read the last passage of the CODEX. It claims GIRLJEN is the NEW MASTER!!!! For only a being of TRUE EVIL would promise such knowledge only to snatch it away so cruely!!!! Oh woe is me!!!! It's getting dark!!!! (cack! cack!) I can't see!!!! Off my medication again and watching Masterpiece Theater, THE ARCHANGEL KEEPER OF XANDER'S TENNIS BALL OF UNFULFILLED TEEN LOVE "LIFE IS TOUGH....SLAY HARD!!" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 09:17:36 -0700 From: Aliesha Wallach Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Books Robin Carroll-Mann wrote: > > I *knew* there was something I wanted to post. I saw a brief article > in "Publishers Weekly" (trade journal for the book industry) that > said 2 titles were coming out this fall. November, I think. I'll > post the details if I can find it again. > I don't want this to sound like a brazen marketing ploy or anything, but I work for Books and this is what we list for the two new Buffy books that are coming out in the next few months. The Harvest (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) by Richie Tankersley Cusick Paperback Published by Archway Publication date: September 1, 1997 ISBN: 0671017128 List: $3.99 ~ Our Price: $3.19 ~ You Save: $0.80 (20%) Not Yet Available: You may still order this book. We will ship it to you when it is released by the publisher. and Halloween Rain (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) by Nancy Holder Mass Market Paperback, 176 pages Published by Archway Publication date: November 1, 1997 ISBN: 0671017136 List: $3.99 ~ Our Price: $3.19 ~ You Save: $0.80 (20%) Not Yet Available: You may still order this book. We will ship it to you when it is released by the publisher. There's no synopsis for either of them, and for some reason they seem to be listed as "Children's and Young Adult" titles, as is the novelization of the movie. I hope the new ones aren't just Goosebumps books with Buffy in them. Anyway, that's all the info I have for now. I'll let you know if I hear anything else. -Aliesha GASP! - Keeper of the Hot Plate ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 12:28:50 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: SMG I heard that SMG real name is Sarah. Not Sarah Michelle. Is this true? Lorraine ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 12:32:51 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: TV Guide-But No Buffy All of our TV guides have Jeff Gordon on them too...what gives?? ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 12:37:47 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Look what came in my mail... How did you guys get tv auditions? I'm new here so sorry if it's a dumb question. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 09:41:23 -0700 From: Mia Romano Subject: BUFFY: FW: Comic Con Buffy panel transcript, pt 2 I've been told that parts 2 & 6 never got posted, and since I'm on the digest, I won't find out until later. So, I am reposting these parts. If it turns out that they DID get on the list, please forgive me. Mia Skywalker (Elara), Jedi Knight, Superhero Extraordinaire, all-around omnipotent being and supreme ruler of the universe (who will maintain a healthy amount of skepticism when I capture the handsome rebel and he claims he is attracted to my power and beauty and will gladly betray his companions if I just let him in on my plans.) > -----Original Message----- > > Someone asked him to do the "Grr Argh" > Joss: God, that's so embarrassing. Grr. Argh. (cheers) I drew > that, too. > Audience: Will Angel be back? > Joss: Oh, with a vengeance > Nick: But Xander dies. > Audience: Are we going to see the return of the cheerleader from > hell? > Nick: Are we going to see the return of the cheerleader from hell. > Joss: You mean, the one with the mother? We don't know. We've got > it on tap, though. Every now and then we want to do a shot that goes > past the trophy case where the mother's trapped and see her go "Mmmrh" > (high-pitched). > Audience: (unintelligible) > Nick: Any problems concerning getting new teachers considering the > turnover rate. We're actually gonna be getting teachers from L.A. > unified. > Audience: Are you going to tie everything up this season like you did > last season? > Joss: Pretty much, pretty much. I mean, we've got the whole year > pretty mapped out, basically, and we hope that we'll make more years, > but just in case we don't, we'd like to wrap things up with a bow. > Audience: Are the invisible assassins going to come back again. You > know, that one invisible girl that's running around? > Joss: That's another thing where we're like, we can do something like > that, someday, but, we don't know yet. They're really cheap to hire, > though. > Audience: Since we've got a third of Americas favorite love triangle > on stage, can you kind of tell us where we're going as far as the trio > goes next year? > Joss: Nnnoooo! > ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #214 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". 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