From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #231 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Thursday, August 7 1997 Volume 01 : Number 231 In this issue: RE: BUFFY: "Top Ten" on Buffy list T's BUFFY: list moms Re: BUFFY: Chat Logs? Re: BUFFY: list moms RE: BUFFY: Puppet Show BUFFY: An (expanded) web page of sorts Re: BUFFY: Buffy's History Re: BUFFY: New Season/New School Year? (Was Emmy Awards) BUFFY: Vamp guy Re: BUFFY: Sunlight......... Re: BUFFY: SMG! BUFFY: Hello everyone... Re: BUFFY: SMG & SMG! BUFFY: Cordelia as a Vamp Re: BUFFY: An (expanded) web page of sorts Re: BUFFY: Chat Logs? Re: BUFFY: BUFFY: Vamp guy Re: BUFFY: Vamp guy Re: BUFFY: Sabrina, Angel, & Souls Re: BUFFY: CROSSES AND other fun methods of killing vampires Re: BUFFY: Sunlight......... Re: BUFFY: CROSSES AND other fun methods of killing vampires Re: BUFFY: CROSSES AND other fun methods of killing vampires Re: BUFFY: Heroine BUFFY: Buffy article on line Re: BUFFY: BUFFY and Xander Re: BUFFY: BIG XANDER INFO SAD THOUGH Re: BUFFY: 3 score years BUFFY: Re: BUFFY holidat special's Re: BUFFY: BUFFY and Xander Re: BUFFY: re crosses Re: BUFFY: BIG XANDER INFO SAD THOUGH Re: BUFFY: Another note from Dianne Re: BUFFY: Emmy Awards Re: BUFFY: Is she still our Buffy? See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 06:41:59 -0400 From: ryan harrington Subject: RE: BUFFY: "Top Ten" on Buffy list T's - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BCA2FD.E86B4120 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit hows about RED RUM!!! RED RUM!!!HELLO WILLOW HELLO BUFFY I AM COMPLETLY INANIMATE! >We already have #1, so can anyone else supply quotes for the #2 and >#3 How about - "You have fruit punch mouth" - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BCA2FD.E86B4120 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IhsKAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABQBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEMAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABidWZmeUB4bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AU01UUABidWZmeUB4bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AAB4AAjAB AAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAAHgADMAEAAAATAAAAYnVmZnlAeG1pc3Npb24uY29tAAADABUMAQAAAAMA /g8GAAAAHgABMAEAAAAVAAAAJ2J1ZmZ5QHhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbScAAAAAAgELMAEAAAAYAAAAU01U UDpCVUZGWUBYTUlTU0lPTi5DT00AAwAAOQAAAAALAEA6AQAAAAIB9g8BAAAABAAAAAAAAAMuMgEI gAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNyb3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQSAAQAnAAAAUkU6IEJVRkZZOiAiVG9w IFRlbiIgb24gQnVmZnkgbGlzdCBUJ3MAiAsBBYADAA4AAADNBwgABwAGACkAOwAEAFEBASCAAwAO AAAAzQcIAAcABgApAAQABAAaAQEJgAEAIQAAADI5QjFCNEI3RUYwRUQxMTFBODMxNDQ0NTUzNTQw MDAwAOMGAQOQBgDsAgAAEgAAAAsAIwAAAAAAAwAmAAAAAAALACkAAAAAAAMANgAAAAAAQAA5AIBJ dIgeo7wBHgBwAAEAAAAnAAAAUkU6IEJVRkZZOiAiVG9wIFRlbiIgb24gQnVmZnkgbGlzdCBUJ3MA AAIBcQABAAAAFgAAAAG8ox6Ia7e0sSoO7xHRqDFERVNUAAAAAB4AHgwBAAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAA HgAfDAEAAAAUAAAAcnlhbmhAcHJlZmVycmVkLmNvbQADAAYQPJlTyQMABxCYAAAAHgAIEAEAAABl AAAASE9XU0FCT1VUUkVEUlVNUkVEUlVNSEVMTE9XSUxMT1dIRUxMT0JVRkZZSUFNQ09NUExFVExZ SU5BTklNQVRFV0VBTFJFQURZSEFWRSMxLFNPQ0FOQU5ZT05FRUxTRVNVUFBMWQAAAAACAQkQAQAA AGQBAABgAQAAcAIAAExaRnVyYztv/wAKAQ8CFQKoBesCgwBQAvIJAgBjaArAc2V0MjcGAAbDAoMy A8UCAHByQnER4nN0ZW0CgzN3AuQHEwKAfQqACM8J2TvxFg8yNTUCgAqBDbELYOBuZzEwMxRQCwoU URUL8mMAQCAKhWhvd48EIAGgCGAFQFJFRAfwGFVNIRyAHAlIRUwgTE8gV0kdgVcgAR1kQlVGRlkg SQEUsE0gQ09NUEwIRVRMHtFOQU5JIE1BVEUhCotsacwzNg3wC1kxNhrmGX+vGowg/yO3E1BvE9Bj BUAoPldlG6BsFhBhZBJ5G1BhdicwIzEsYCBzbyBjA5EAcHkzAiAnMGVsEbAoUHVw8wtQJ7BxdSax BCACEAXAXHRoKAER4ABwZBrmPmwjMyKVIpVIG3AbpS04ICJZCGAnxANQdWnRBUBwdW4RcCAEYBvg /GgiLAwsDCT/Jg8ilRUxAgAz8AMAEBAAAAAAAwAREAAAAABAAAcwoBCVZx6jvAFAAAgwoBCVZx6j vAEeAD0AAQAAAAUAAABSRTogAAAAAFW1 - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BCA2FD.E86B4120-- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 06:49:18 -0400 From: ryan harrington Subject: BUFFY: list moms can i send an attachment if i put warning attachment in the title cuz i wanna send the buffy theme? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 07:00:25 -0400 From: Virginia Eveland Subject: Re: BUFFY: Chat Logs? Sage wrote: > > The chat was unmoderated. You can't get a transcript. The only proof > that a chat existed is the people that were there. Nothing really > happened there anyway. > SAGE What, no one turned on their option to save their buffer or something? Ah well...I suppose some of the words of Joss are doomed to be lost (g). - -- Virginia Eveland UIN 1517244 Pretender,Slayerette, Bab5, X-Phile SYX, AGML, LGW, BLA, OBSSE, GASP Keeper of Giles's Inner Child Keeper of Buffy's Three Gold Hoop Earrings Keeper of Little Buffy's Dogeared Copy of 'Horton Slew a Who' - -- Webmistress of the Buffy ICQ List and the B/G 'Shippers - -- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 06:47:00 -0500 (CDT) From: Jill Kirby Subject: Re: BUFFY: list moms At 06:49 AM 8/7/97 -0400, ryan harrington wrote: >can i send an attachment if i put warning attachment in the title cuz i wanna send the buffy theme? NO. Per the list rules, you cannot send attachments of kind to the list. You are welcome to post that you the Buffy theme, and ask people to e-mail you individually if they wish it sent to them directly. There are a number of reasons we do this-- many people's e-mail accounts won't accept attachments, so we get tons of bounced messages; viruses are often spread through attachments; and attachments are just generally clutter that most people don't want. So please do NOT send ANY attachments to the list. Thanks! Jill *** Jill Kirby ~~ ~~ NatPack ~~ ABotCoS ~~ NP4 ~~ Dreamer/Minstrel ~~ Cool HR Chick It's a big enough umbrella, but it's always me that ends up getting wet. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 08:00:43 +0000 From: "Amy Sheldon" Subject: RE: BUFFY: Puppet Show (Jessica) writes: > I'm figuring that Puppet Show takes place the day after > I Robot-You Jane. Which leads me to wonder, are all the > episodes suppose to be the day after the previous episode? Nope. To use the first example that springs to mind, one of the early scenes in "Witch" (the episode that immediately followed the pilot) has Buffy, Xander and Willow talking, and one of them says, "It's been a week since we've seen any vampires." Someone posted a tentative BtVS timeline for the first season a while back that made a *LOT* of sense, especially since he backed up his speculations with specific scenes from the episodes (for example, there are a couple of episodes where you get a glimpse of the calendar in Giles' office, and you can see which month it is). Basically, he theorized that the pilot took place sometime in the Fall after school had started (Buffy entered Sunnydale High sometime after the school year had begun, but from the evidence of "1996 Cheerleader Tryouts" and basketball games, it obviously wasn't too far into the school year), and the season finale took place the first week of June. If anyone has a copy of the orginal timeline posting, I'd appreciate it if you'd send it to me. I meant to keep it, but didn't. (OK, I admit it - I'm lazy and don't want to hunt through the 130+ digests at the ftp site.) - ------ Amy Sheldon Member GASP - Giles Appreciation Society Panters Keeper of The Accent ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 08:18:12 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: An (expanded) web page of sorts Hi all, Well, I went ahead and did it. I've expanded that little page I threw together with the "hand painted" images of Buffy and Co. There is one new Buffy pic and one each of Giles, Xander and Angel. I never intended this to be a full blown site, but now it's three pages long and has the potential for even more growth. OK, sure, it pales compared to the kind of thing Flagg did, or the Little Buffy Site (chuckle), or a bunch of others out there too numerous to name, but I think you'll agree it's different. I still need a better pic of Alyson, and I'd love one of Ms Calendar! I'm hoping that next season will provide us all with new images. Aw, shoot! I just had an idea about adding some bad guys to the site. Hmmm, could be fun. More work, but fun! Thanks for all the positive comments, I feel all warm and fuzzy now. Go see it at or click here---> "Painted" Buffy Image s ObBuffy: (just in case!) I had this sneaking suspicion all along that "Angel" and "Prophecy Girl" would immediately preceed the season premier. If "Angel" is scheduled for 9/1 and the premier is 9/15, that should mean "PG" on 9/8, right? Woo-hoo, I can hardly wait!!!! Mike Keeper of Buffy's little white teddy bear Keeper of Buffy's beeper Keeper of Little Buffy's Bubblegum Pink Bicycle (with handlebar streamers and automated stake dispenser) "The part that gets me though, is where Buffy is the Vampire Slayer. She's so little." --- Ms. Calendar ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 08:26:58 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy's History Ok, so Buffy's always studying History, and Xander's always studying Math. I wonder if every student has a different subject? Tracey Keeper of the Cluelessness of the Rest of the School ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 08:29:14 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: New Season/New School Year? (Was Emmy Awards) Anissa wrote: >I wonder how they'll set it up for the new season. Will Principal Snyder >see to it that The Three (the HUMAN Three, that is :), whom he sees as >"antisocial" troublemakers, are split up as much as possible? It seems > like something he would do. Will Buffy have to retake American History? >Will she get away with cutting so many classes this year? Will Giles be >able to cover for her? Am I just a little bit obsessive? Actually, I was thinking about this last night. I'm really curious to know where the new season will pick up! Will it be immediately following the death of the Master? Or will it be after an entire unseen summer? Will we ever get to see how Buffy et. al. spend their summers? Will Buffy and friends still be Sophmores? Or Juniors? If the show lasts long enough, are we going to see Buffy: The College Years? (Personally, I'll take BtVS any way I can get it as long as the writing stays fresh and the plots stay original! I could watch this show for years to come! :-) So many long to wait until they're answered! I hope we get to see the direct aftermath of the Master's death and the effect it has on Buffy. How has she changed? I don't want to miss an entire summer of reactions! I don't mind it when shows slow down time to keep a character young. I would much rather see Buffy be a sophmore for 2 seasons than see her fly through high school in just 3 seasons. Just a few thoughts. Beth (still trying to come up with a Keepership!) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 08:39:09 -0400 From: Kristy Garvey Subject: BUFFY: Vamp guy Does anyone remember the name of that Vamp that Alyson went with in "WttH"???? You know, the one with the Carbon dated outfit????? Kristy G. *Keeper of Angel's Biting Wit* *Keeper of Angel's Birth Certificate* *Keeper of Buffy's Secrets* ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 09:03:16 -0700 From: NAZARIAN@ORIX.COM Subject: Re: BUFFY: Sunlight......... > > I think Angel explained that in the "Angel" episode. Remember, he didn't > burn when Darla lifted the shade. He was stunned like when someone holds a > cross up to him. Anyway, he said, "I'm not exactly one of you either" to > Darla. Maybe with his soul returned, sunlight doesn't effect him like a > "regular" vampire. Does anyone remember the explanation in Vampire Hunter D- when he wasn't exactly a vampire, but he had a lot of the characteristics??? It was something like he was only half- on his father's side or something- Do we have anymore examples of vampires that are not full fledged???? Lets figure this out! * * * * "Who gave you permission to exist?" Cordelia- The Harvest ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 09:37:16 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: SMG! okay okay here is the response to SMG. I saw sarah in Atlanta while she was filming Scream 2. My cousin was one of the prop guys and I got to bring him some equipment he left to the set. I saw and waved to Sarah then. (I am ashamed to admit at the time I was only looking to meet Neve Campbell). I didnt actually meet Sarah then. About 2 weeks ago I was on vacation out in Cali for a fight tournament and ended up strolling around parts of LA. I started jogging because it was getting dark and as I came around a building I rammed into her by accident. I am 195 lbs and 6' tall with a compact build. I have fought with UFC alternates and some of the best kickboxers in the south and when i hit her (understand it was accidental) It was a solid shot. Instead of getting knocked on her cute tush, it pushed her backward. I mean she has a firm body (and no dont get the wrong idea from that statement). She was a little mad and spooked I guess. I apologized and said I was sorry. Sme big guy was trailing her and I dont know if its her bodyguard or what , but he looked pissed so I just headed on out. She is even better looking in person than on screen. PS: if anyone know of her having a public appearance I would appreciate an IM about it. I would like to send her a small bouquet to apologize once more. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 08:39:03 -0700 From: Allison Baxter Subject: BUFFY: Hello everyone... Hi everyone. I've been on this list for a day or so now, and boy do you guys post a lot! =) Anyway, I'm a huge Buffy fan (duh aren't we all?) because I love her character. The X-Files was my first love, but as I've seen it said on your list, the producers and people who work with the show have become so far removed from their fans that it just isn't any fun anymore! But, I'd like to volunteer myself to help with any XF related material or questions. I also watch La Femme Nikita; I'm a big fan of that too. I definitely go for the shows where the lead female character kicks ass! =) Well, that's a little mini bio of me. I just wanted to say hello before I start throwing posts out there. *G* ~Allison~ - -- Scullyists: "Smart is Sexy!" CinC of the SA-Keeper of the Pilot SAB-Keeper of the Journal MB/MDS-Keeper of the "I Want to Believe" poster GAGA-Genuine Admirers of Gillian Anderson OBSSE-Order of the Blessed St. Scully the Enigmatic LFN-"All she needs is a little kindness." "Yeah, leave it to Section One to hand out a little *kindness*." Buffy-"It's all part of the glamorous world of Vampire slayage!" ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 09:49:34 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: SMG & SMG! in response to lawless coment about the weight. no it isnt a talent. I have wrestled and fought in several weight classes over the last 6 years and i can tell approximately how heavy someone is from contact. You have to learn to do this so you know the proper way to throw someone or deliver enough power in your attack with out overextending you center of gravity and thus throwing you balance out of whack. Ask any experienced wrestler or jui jitsu practitionist and you will get the same response. Lets get ready for 9-15. Its going to be a great night!!!!!! anyone know if its a 2 hour episode? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 10:04:13 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Cordelia as a Vamp In a message dated 8/7/97 2:25:11 AM, wrote: >umm- anyone else think Cordelia would make a GREAT vamp??? >I've been waiting to see her 'drop fang' since the first time I laid >eyes on her!!! finally someone else spotted this!!! yes, i totally agree (and believe me this is in no way bashing cordelia) i think her face seems to render itself very easily to that of a vampire...i mean, in the Hellmouth eps, especially in the scene in the computer lab...maybe it's the way they have her lit, but the shadows on her face in that scene make her appear very similar to those vamped out fiends...don't misunderstand...this isn't some secret desire of mine to see cordelia turned into a vampire (or maybe it is...i don't know :)) i noticed it the first time i watched the ep and again the last time it was on (and i actually like cordelia better now than i did the first time around)...i'm so glad to see that i'm not the only one who thinks this....just go watch it again (with an open mind) and tell me if you don't agree... Vixen ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 09:06:04 -0500 (CDT) From: Tina Subject: Re: BUFFY: An (expanded) web page of sorts On Thu, 7 Aug 1997 wrote: > I still need a better pic of Alyson, and I'd love one of Ms > Calendar! I'm hoping that next season will provide us all with new images. Scott, maybe you can answer this one for us: when they were taking pictures for next season, was Robia included in at least some of the shots? I'd love some official pictures to go on my website (besides the screen captures that a friend did that I"m using. Let's see...I'm hoping that was relevant enough, but in case it wasn't: Ms. Calendar vs. Catherine Madison, who would win? Imo, it's gotta be Ms. Calendar. Tina ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 10:39:25 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Chat Logs? In a message dated 97-08-06 22:11:59 EDT, you write: << If anyone was lucky enough to be at the ichat with David and Joss(?) I >> what r there screen names and how do u know that they were on chatting come to mention it how does everyone know when these chats r??? obbuffy: if they kept buffy on MON and SUN the could rerun all the episodes in order Scott can ya put in a HINT HINT CLUE CLUE with the station???? - -Adriane ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 10:34:28 -0700 From: NAZARIAN@ORIX.COM Subject: Re: BUFFY: Okay, I take it back. Holiday episodes are not "very special episodes". I was just thinking of the cheesiness in general of those BH promos (which included very special holiday episodes)- but perhaps you are ALL right in regards to his meaning inthe article! :) miss hayse ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 11:00:20 -0400 From: Kristy Garvey Subject: BUFFY: Vamp guy Does anyone remember the name of that Vamp that Alyson went with in "WttH"???? You know, the one with the Carbon dated outfit????? Kristy G. *Keeper of Angel's Biting Wit* *Keeper of Angel's Birth Certificate* *Keeper of Buffy's Secrets* ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 11:06:40 -0400 (EDT) From: "Mike \"Nelson\"" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Vamp guy > Does anyone remember the name of that Vamp that Alyson went with in > "WttH"???? You know, the one with the Carbon dated outfit????? That was Thomas. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 11:09:01 -0700 From: NAZARIAN@ORIX.COM Subject: Re: BUFFY: Sabrina, Angel, & Souls Regarding demons having souls- and the references that are constantly made in these discussions- I think that soul and spirit can be used interchangably quite often- and while we might not like to think that a demon has a "soul"- I think what we really mean (by soul) is a sort of conscience- or an essentially good or holy part of ourselves that will never die. Or maybe we think soul indicates that (ala Christianity) eventually it will go to heaven or hell- thus our contradictions (demons and such) but I think that we all know that a demon is not "less" than a human- and therefore definately has or is a spirit/soul. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 11:37:03 -0700 From: NAZARIAN@ORIX.COM Subject: Re: BUFFY: CROSSES AND other fun methods of killing vampires > > > I see a cross as a symbol of something backing it. In the universe that > Buffy inhabits, which I see as way polytheistic, having the symbol means > tht the backer is there, whether you're worshipping Him or Her or not. I > guess that I just don't see how belief would make a difference, since > divinity is there whether or not the worshipper is around perhaps it just comes down to the damnable and the holy not being able to be together. That would also fit in nicely with the "wood" stake theory (because it is of the earth- dust to dust... versus the vampire's immortal self) an oil and vinegar type deal. isn't garlic a purifier? What's the 411 on that method? Also, I have a question regarding the killing of Moloch (my least favorite Buffy, I might add). If he was a demon, would electricution do it? Would that kill a vampire? miss hayse ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 11:55:06 -0400 (EDT) From: The Dark Knight Subject: Re: BUFFY: Sunlight......... NAZARIAN@ORIX.COM wrote: >Does anyone remember the explanation in Vampire Hunter D- when he wasn't >exactly a vampire, but he had a lot of the characteristics??? He was a "Dampyr" or "Dampire". He was a "freak spawn of a human mother and a vampire father". He wasn't undead either. >It was something like he was only half- on his father's side or >something- >Do we have anymore examples of vampires that are not full fledged???? >Lets figure this out! In Advanced Dungeons and Dragons from TSR Inc., there are some vampires that are not effected by sunlight. They are called "Greater Vampires". They have been around for centuries and have ability to go out in the day without their magical powers. As for any other examples of not full fledged vampires, Michael Morbious from Spider-Man is not a full vampire as he's still part human. Sunlight causes him to lose his vampire form and return to a human form. Thus, sunlight doesn't totally effect him either. I hope this helps. To the Batcave.... Batman ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 11:56:41 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: CROSSES AND other fun methods of killing vampires In a message dated 97-08-07 11:44:50 EDT, miss hayse wrote: << Also, I have a question regarding the killing of Moloch (my least favorite Buffy, I might add). If he was a demon, would electricution do it? Would that kill a vampire? >> I'd think yes, but with more amperage than required to kill a human. Specifically, the electric chair, as a means of execution, is intended to kill without literally burning the body to a crisp (Florida's Old Sparky notwithstanding). However, given enough juice you'd turn the little buggers into crispy critters alright. Problem is, you'd have to lure them into a powerplant or rig up a trap. The kind of current we're talking about is not something you'd want to play with at home. Leave it to the trained professionals. Buffy's better off with a steak or crossbow. Mike Keeper of Buffy's little white teddy bear Keeper of Buffy's beeper Keeper of Little Buffy's Bubblegum Pink Bicycle (with handlebar streamers and automated stake dispenser) "The part that gets me though, is where Buffy is the Vampire Slayer. She's so little." --- Ms. Calendar ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 09:05:38 -0700 From: Aliesha Wallach Subject: Re: BUFFY: CROSSES AND other fun methods of killing vampires NAZARIAN@ORIX.COM wrote: > > Also, I have a question regarding the killing of Moloch (my least > favorite Buffy, I might add). If he was a demon, would electricution do > it? Would that kill a vampire? My understanding of it was that Giles and Ms. C cast trapped him in the robot body, and then that body was electrocuted so that it no longer worked. Meaning that Moloch isn't necessarily dead, he's just trapped inside the pieces of the robot body that were left and there's no way to get him out. Or maybe there is a way, and one of his followers saved the important bits and has them in a little Moloch shrine in the closet of his apartment somewhere downtown until he can set the demon free to once more walk the earth. I'm sure there's weirder things in the closets of Sunnydale, so I wouldn't find it all that strange. -Aliesha GASP - Keeper of the Hot Plate ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 12:21:56 -0700 From: NAZARIAN@ORIX.COM Subject: Re: BUFFY: Heroine > > Hmm...what role would Ms. Calendar play? Ms. Calandar is definately the outside ally- perhaps in the Hobbit she could be compared to the Eagles. They had their own reasons for fighting the Goblins- but they were working for the common good. Although after this season's finale she may be a part of the inner circle of Buffiness- and then her status could change. maybe concubine to the watcher??? :) miss hayse ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 00:26:24 -0700 From: JW Subject: BUFFY: Buffy article on line You can check out an article on Buffy at JW ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 12:32:56 -0400 From: "nancymot" Subject: Re: BUFFY: BUFFY and Xander the thing is, it makes much more sense for Buffy and Angel to be romantically linked because it adds more mystery to the show and keeps the dark undertone going. As much as I like the idea of Xander and Buffy being together, it really wouldn't be as interesting as her relationship with Angel. ******>>>magick glue<<<****** - ---------- > From: NAZARIAN@ORIX.COM > To: > Subject: BUFFY: BUFFY and Xander > Date: Wednesday, August 06, 1997 2:58 PM > > Buffy and Xander cannot be romantically linked, of course- because that > would dispel tension and make the whole show sappy (ala Moonlighting)- > and so it is unclear as to what will become of their friendship now that > he knows. Will the writers shrug it off with a short heart to heart > talk between them? Will it be an unspoken issue? (I doubt THAT) > I am hoping that Buffy will be a little psychotic for a few episodes- > unfeeling, a killing machine, etc. Rising from the dead is a little > crazy- I don't know how they will explain it- but it will definately > have aftershocks. > This show is amazing because it actually progresses- and lets change > happen. It is disconcerting to know that our comfortable Buffy may not > always be the happy pessimist that we love, but it does give the show a > definate depth. > miss hayse > ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 12:39:58 -0400 From: "nancymot" Subject: Re: BUFFY: BIG XANDER INFO SAD THOUGH noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! Xander is NOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOT (!!!!!!) allowed to DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOO!!!!!!!! - ---------- > From: Christopher B. Castro > To: > Subject: Re: BUFFY: BIG XANDER INFO SAD THOUGH > Date: Tuesday, August 05, 1997 4:55 PM > > At 12:45 PM 8/4/97 -0400, you wrote: > > > > > >On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, ryan harrington wrote: > > > >> spoiler space > >> > >> > >> * > >> > >> > >> * > >> > >> * > >> > >> > >> * > >> > >> > >> * > >> ok here is the bad news i just read at the interview with joss alyson > >and nick at the comic convention and they said that xander is going to DIE > >in the next season.BOOOOOOOOOOO thats what i said but i'm afriad > > its true =*( > >> oh well maybe they'll resurect him > > > >Well maybe he will be one of those new vampires...buffy has killed a lot > >of them...this would probably be for the better...i have to admit that he > >made an awsome bad guy in "The Pack"! > > > > > > ACK! No, it can't be true!!!!! SAY IT AIN'T SO!! ::heart stopping:: > Lisa...did you hear this???!!! > > }:)> Chris 2 > **Keeper of Xander's Cool** **Keeper of Xander's Right Hook** > "Just going to go home, lie down, and listen to country music. The music of > pain." -- Xander L. Harris > ===================================================================== > "No, no, listen, don't listen to me, listen. You can find them if you are > brave. They passed down all the roads long ago. And the Red Bull ran > close behind them and covered their footprints." > > -Peter S. Beagle, "The Last Unicorn" > ===================================================================== > **Personal Web Page**Electric Adventures Central**The Weasels' Lair** > > > > ===================================================================== > > ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 10:19:01 -0700 From: "Christopher B. Castro" Subject: Re: BUFFY: 3 score years At 02:09 PM 8/6/97 -0400, you wrote: >Sorry Chris...but isn't it more like 60 years? >I'm probably the nth person to nitpick this. But...would 60 years = >the San Francisco earthquake? My west coast history is lousy. > Anna, I think the S.F. earthquake was during either the first or the second decade of the 20th century (can't remember the exact year), which makes it either 70 or 80-something years ago, somewhat close to 60, but then again, not. }:)> Chris 2 **Keeper of Xander's Cool** **Keeper of Xander's Right Hook** "Just going to go home, lie down, and listen to country music. The music of pain." -- Xander L. Harris ===================================================================== "No, no, listen, don't listen to me, listen. You can find them if you are brave. They passed down all the roads long ago. And the Red Bull ran close behind them and covered their footprints." - -Peter S. Beagle, "The Last Unicorn" ===================================================================== **Personal Web Page**Electric Adventures Central**The Weasels' Lair** ===================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 13:29:59 -0700 From: Matthew Hammond Subject: BUFFY: Re: BUFFY holidat special's Ok I admit! I don't want to see a holiday special during the regular season. BUT after I saw the season ender. I was thinking/hoping that BTVS is on long enough to make it so in the distant future they will have one of those reunion shows. Maybe a All Hallow's eve special where there all grown up Miss C. cast a spell on Angel to be imune to light who is now a HISTORY professor at the local school as Buffy's info sorce to strange happenings at the school. While Xander and Willow did get together and now have kids ad they still help Buffy Buy traviling to places where strange things have poped up in the news. And if there's trouble along comes good OLD Buffy maybe with Her Kid "Next Slayer To Be ;)" to solve the curent problem. Well the reunion could bring them all back to there high school cause there have been wierd things happening again and it looks like maybe someone is trying to open the hellmouth from the other side. And so haloween will never be the same again. Maybe they even bump into Cordy and her Hubby! But Oh well that's my 2 cents worth on holiday ep's NAZARIAN@ORIX.COM wrote: > > Okay, I take it back. Holiday episodes are not "very special > episodes". > I was just thinking of the cheesiness in general of those BH promos > (which included very special holiday episodes)- but perhaps you are ALL > right in regards to his meaning inthe article! > :) > miss hayse - -- Keeper of Buffy's Quick Thinking and Ingenuity..........Matthew Hammond "Reality is a Crutch for People Who Can't Handle Science Fiction" Finaly my own page at P.S. My picture is on my page! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 10:26:49 -0700 From: "Christopher B. Castro" Subject: Re: BUFFY: BUFFY and Xander At 11:58 AM 8/6/97 -0700, you wrote: >Buffy and Xander cannot be romantically linked, of course- because that >would dispel tension and make the whole show sappy (ala Moonlighting)- I think they'd be able to work it out somehow within the show. I don't think their romance has to go to as full an extent as Moonlighting, after all, they *are* teenagers. Even 'going out' for a little bit, under the right circumstances, wouldn't hurt the show at all. >I am hoping that Buffy will be a little psychotic for a few episodes- >unfeeling, a killing machine, etc. Rising from the dead is a little >crazy- I don't know how they will explain it- but it will definately >have aftershocks. I want to make something clear here, because I'm not sure what certain people believe surrounding the circumstances of Buffy's death and revival. *Yes*, Buffy died, but she was also only dead for a few minutes, like many drown or cardiac arrest victims. She was given mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and her heart started beating again. I don't think there was anything supernatural about that. This, of course, has nothing to do with the fact that her powers may have become augmented because she drowned in the Master's pool. I'm not contesting that. What I want to know is, are there some people out there who believe that she came back to life for other reasons than merely expert first aid via Xander? }:)> Chris 2 **Keeper of Xander's Cool** **Keeper of Xander's Right Hook** "Just going to go home, lie down, and listen to country music. The music of pain." -- Xander L. Harris ===================================================================== "No, no, listen, don't listen to me, listen. You can find them if you are brave. They passed down all the roads long ago. And the Red Bull ran close behind them and covered their footprints." - -Peter S. Beagle, "The Last Unicorn" ===================================================================== **Personal Web Page**Electric Adventures Central**The Weasels' Lair** ===================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 10:32:33 -0700 From: "Christopher B. Castro" Subject: Re: BUFFY: re crosses At 01:34 PM 8/6/97 -0700, you wrote: >> >> Well I'd say that there need be no belief to use a cross. > >I don't know if I fully agree- I guess I am cross referencing "The >Exorcist" and the fact that only a believer had any effect on the demon. >Of course I don't think Buffy is secretly attending mass when we're not >looking either. Not that I'd be using "Exorcist" itself as the sole evidence to back me up, but I still believe it's the faith of the wielder of the holy item that fuels the repulsion of the demon, rather than the item itself. And let me reiterate, it is not necessarily 'faith in God', just a strong faith that the cross, or whatever holy item is used, will work against the vampire. With respect to wielding a salmon to fend off vampires, it's a humorous notion, but I don't think that anyone could *believe* enough in a fish's power to repel demons. I know I wouldn't. }:)> Chris 2 **Keeper of Xander's Cool** **Keeper of Xander's Right Hook** "Just going to go home, lie down, and listen to country music. The music of pain." -- Xander L. Harris ===================================================================== "No, no, listen, don't listen to me, listen. You can find them if you are brave. They passed down all the roads long ago. And the Red Bull ran close behind them and covered their footprints." - -Peter S. Beagle, "The Last Unicorn" ===================================================================== **Personal Web Page**Electric Adventures Central**The Weasels' Lair** ===================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 13:47:05 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: BIG XANDER INFO SAD THOUGH if xander dies he better be a vampire and be a recurring character it won't be the same without him somewhere in the show ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 13:48:04 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Another note from Dianne who's pike? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 10:47:29 -0700 From: "Christopher B. Castro" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Emmy Awards >Ob Buffy: I love seeing how the Slayer and her loyal Slayerettes stick >together during non-slaying school hours (read: boring class time). Doesn't anyone think it's just a *little* strange that they have so many classes together? If my memory serves me correctly, I never got to choose my class schedule in High School, well, I got to choose certain classes, but I never knew which period they would occur, of if I would necessarily get the electives I chose. Anyway, Xander and Willow might have been able to work something out so that they would be in so many classes together. Scratch that, Willow could have hacked into the school computer and prearranged schedules, but that still doesn't explain how Buffy is in so many of the same classes as those two, either. My theory is that the school is actually a lot smaller than it appears. Perhaps the students that we see are always the same students, walking across our view, then doubling back, changing positions as they do so, and traversing the tube in the opposite direction, and so on, and so forth, thus giving us the illusion that there are more kids at that high school than we thought. Ok, it's a lousy theory, but it might explain a lot. > >Of course, those who have class together, cut class together! This partly >motivates Principal Snyder's punishment of forcing them to join the >talentless show - according to him, they thought their "afternoon classes >were optional". ("Puppet Show") > You know, I'd like to see more episodes involving Principal Snyder. I really enjoy his character (not to mention I'm a huge fan of DS9's Quark), and I think there's a lot of bundled up potential in that cynical, paranoid package. }:)> C2 **Keeper of Xander's Cool** **Keeper of Xander's Right Hook** "Just going to go home, lie down, and listen to country music. The music of pain." -- Xander L. Harris ===================================================================== "No, no, listen, don't listen to me, listen. You can find them if you are brave. They passed down all the roads long ago. And the Red Bull ran close behind them and covered their footprints." - -Peter S. Beagle, "The Last Unicorn" ===================================================================== **Personal Web Page**Electric Adventures Central**The Weasels' Lair** ===================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 13:59:03 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Is she still our Buffy? buffy really did die didn't she? And then she came back to life and now she's gonna have problems with that whole thing I read it in tv guide ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #231 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-buffy": subscribe buffy-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "buffy-digest" in the commands above with "buffy". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/buffy/archive. These are organized by date.