From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #236 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Sunday, August 10 1997 Volume 01 : Number 236 In this issue: BUFFY: Xander Mailing List Re: BUFFY: going over pg w/a fine tooth comb Re: BUFFY: buffy songs Re: BUFFY: What makes crosses work Re: BUFFY: Pergamum Codex (was: TV Guide Customer Service BUFFY: fan club is growing BUFFY: Do you have articles on buffy??? BUFFY: Xander Mailing List BUFFY: American Cancer Society Re: BUFFY: Keeper Re: BUFFY: Keeper BUFFY: Keepers List & Webpages BUFFY: Re: YTV/Masters entrapment Re: BUFFY: going over pg w/a fine tooth comb Re: BUFFY: Keepers List & Webpages BUFFY: Links City/The Master's "Fruit Punch Mouth" :-) BUFFY: Re: Religion in the Buffyverse BUFFY: Read if your ...helpful/bored/masochistic Timeline (was RE: BUFFY: Puppet Show) Re: BUFFY: buffy songs Re: BUFFY: buffy songs BUFFY: Does anyone know the words to.......??? BUFFY: Yeah, Finally EN Gets BUFFY: From BtVS Grip Friend *SPOILERS AT END* (with warning space) BUFFY: Invisible Girl Re: BUFFY: going over pg w/a fine tooth comb BUFFY: Any New Web Sites? Re: BUFFY: Does anyone know the words to.......??? Re: BUFFY: What makes crosses work BUFFY:Fan club update Re: BUFFY:Fan club update Re: BUFFY:Fan club update Re: BUFFY:Fan club update Re: BUFFY:Fan club update Re: BUFFY: Yeah, Finally EN Gets BUFFY: Episodes on Video See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 14:57:17 -0700 (PDT) From: Xinlei Du Subject: BUFFY: Xander Mailing List I've started a Xander Mailing list, if anyone wants to join, please e-mail me at Thanks a bunch!! Xinlei Du Keeper of Xander's black jacket,Keeper of Willow's necklace and Shared keeper of Buffy's black leather jacket, Keeper of Giles' nunchucks! EEL, KCEB, CSIS, EDA, GASPer, Slayerette???? PLEASE VOTE FOR MY SITE In THE SITE FIGHTS!!! _____________________________________________________________________ Sent by RocketMail. Get your free e-mail at ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 18:13:44, -0500 From: (JOSEPH NORTHCOTT) Subject: Re: BUFFY: going over pg w/a fine tooth comb wrote: >buffy says she knows the drill when she finds out she's gonna die. >"one slayer dies, the next one's called..." but in the opening narrative, >or at least in giles's fave schpiel, it goes "into every generation a >slayer is born..." well, buffy's 16 and a generation is 20 or 25 years I don't think it's a matter of right or wrong, it's just a matter of how strictly you interpret it, kind of like reading the Book of Genesis. That scene in Prophecy Girl clearly calls into question what "into every generation" means. Later in that scene she asks Mr. Giles if he will get to train the next slayer. So there isn't some kind of Dalai Lama reincarnation thing going on here. The world doesn't have to wait 16 from one slayer's death for the next one to get to work. There is probably just an assumption that Buffy Summers won't die for a few years. :) Joss's original idea was to have only one slayer _at a time_, but if a slayer died and there was still a vampire "flare up" in progress, then the watchers would find the next slayer ASAP. Until I see something in an ep. disputing this, I'm going to figure Joss is sticking to this same mythology. I think this is all moot anyway. There is no chance that they will kill of Buffy, so there is no chance that we will see the passing to the next slayer. We could see an ep. with the last slayer, but that would really throw us a curve, since all the previous slayers should be dead. Joseph ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 18:34:30 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: buffy songs In a message dated 97-08-09 16:10:59 EDT, you write: << Speaking of songs, does anyone know the name of the song and the artist that performs it that appears at the very end of "Don't Kill A Boy On The First Date"? It is the one playing while Buffy is reluctantly turning down Owen. >> "Let the Sun Fall Down" by Kim Richey Miriam Keeper of Angel's Bloodlust and Fate, Keeper of LittleAngel's white baby shirts Keeper of Giles' water pitcher Proud GASPer and Slayerette "I laugh in the face of danger, and then i hide until it goes away!"-Xander ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 18:41:21 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: What makes crosses work I agree with Kimmie's comments on my comment. I DO think Joss is going to have to work out the details of the individual characters' religious beliefs and what "works" for them to ward off vampires. I guess what I meant in my original post is that I don't think we're going to see any of the characters having deep crises of faith that affect their ability to use their crosses or Magen Davids or whatever. I think the exploration the series will take will be a lightly cultural one--for example, we may well have (in fact, I'll even say we'll probably have) Willow fending off a vampire with a star of David, because she is coded as culturally (not religiously) Jewish. Ms. Calendar will have her own methods of dealing with vampires because she happens to have, almost by accident (i.e. not overtly assertively) a pagan world-view, not because of her profound belief in paganism as a superior religion to Christianity. I'd be very surprised if there was ever an episode where Buffy starts questioning her faith and finds that crosses stop working for her. (Not that it's not an interesting question that fanfic could address--goodness knows the teens are a great time for the testing of one's faith. I just don't think we'll see this on the show for fear of an advertiser freakout and because Buffy has never been overtly religious before.) By the way, I forget who said it, but someone pointed out that Xander might be read as Jewish because of his stated fear of Nazis. It's an interesting point, but of course Nazis are EVERYBODY's bad guys, having been co-opted by everything from Indiana Jones to The Sound of Music. A friend of mine has a deep-seated fear of werewolves because, he says, unlike a vampire, a werewolf is a totally mindless savage, and you can't reason with it! Whether you agree or not (goodness knows there are savage vampires too), I think this sort of uneasiness might explain Xander's reaction to Nazis --because Nazis are a corporate evil, there's not only no reasoning with them, but (depending on your nightmare) there's no legal recourse against them, no higher power to protect you, and there's no way to get rid of them all, AND in a way of course, they're people just like US. Now THAT's frightening, even if you're a gentile. But you're right. Xander could be Jewish. (David Ellis Dickerson) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 18:41:10 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Pergamum Codex (was: TV Guide Customer Service MHammond's point--that certain of the Master's minions could be younger than 60 years by virtue of being "turned" by another minion--is certainly valid. In fact, since Darla turned Angel and the Master seemed to have some sort of claim on him, it even makes sense in the context of the show. I was just trying to say that since no DIRECT (i.e. first-generation) minions of the Master seem to be younger than 60 years, it might follow that only the Master was around when the earthguake/church cataclysm trapped him, which is why only he was affected, and which is why he doesn't have any direct minions younger than 60 years. There was a further, slightly less obvious point I was getting to in my original post, but I forget what it was. :) It's also true that some of Giles's swords might be blessed, but they wouldn't need to be. The standard broadsword of your knights of old had a simple horizontal bar above the haft that forms a cross when you turn the sword upside down. That's why you see pictures and movies where knights stick their swords in the dirt and then make some solemn vow or other--they're swearing by the cross that the upside-down sword now forms. So given that crosses hurt vampires automatically, I suspect that a sword--in use as a cross and not a sword--would hurt a vampire. That is, it would hurt the vampire if, in context, it was clearly intended to be a cross and not a sword. It's an interesting question, though. At what point does a sword (which evidently CAN'T hurt a vampire, or at least some vampires) become a cross (which CAN)? It's been established that even if a cross is just hanging around with no one wielding it, it can still hurt a vamp. (See "Nightmares" and "Angel"--from which I think you can figure that even if a blind vampire stumbled against a cross, it'd get burned.) So is a sword upside down at a 60 degree angle to the ground sufficiently upright to qualify for crossdom? What about 75 degrees? if a sword was lying on the floor in a room between two opposite doors, could vampires enter from one door (the side where it looks like a sword sticking up) but not the other (where it looks like a cross)? Maybe Joss will do something with this. On second thought, this question seems so hair-splittingly boring that I think it's better addressed in some sort of fanfic. I hope the series never addresses itself to theories this obsessive. That's what fandom is for! (David Ellis Dickerson) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 18:46:12 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: fan club is growing that fan club i told you about the other day is growing. already i have gotten emails from 20 people interested. i have found a VP and a secretary. i still need a name for the club. the first newsletter will go out in about a week or so. im thinking about sedning them out each saturday. you can still apply to me for membership. anyone who knows how to make a web page, please email me and tell me how. thanx. all emailing about the club should be done PRIVATELY. we dont want to upset the list moms. also you can vote on the names we have come up with so far or send me your are the names: 1. Buffy Lovers 2. Slayerettes Online 3. Buffaholics Anonymous email me privately with your choice! Miriam Keeper of Angel's Bloodlust and Fate, Keeper of LittleAngel's white baby shirts Keeper of Giles' water pitcher Proud GASPer and Slayerette "I laugh in the face of danger, and then i hide until it goes away!"-Xander ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 16:31:40 -0700 (PDT) From: nikki Alberto Subject: BUFFY: Do you have articles on buffy??? If anyone has any articles from magazines on any of the actors or actresses on buffy, e-mail me them at _____________________________________________________________________ Sent by RocketMail. Get your free e-mail at ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 14:57:11 -0700 (PDT) From: Xinlei Du Subject: BUFFY: Xander Mailing List I've started a Xander Mailing list, if anyone wants to join, please e-mail me at Thanks a bunch!! Xinlei Du Keeper of Xander's black jacket,Keeper of Willow's necklace and Shared keeper of Buffy's black leather jacket, Keeper of Giles' nunchucks! EEL, KCEB, CSIS, EDA, GASPer, Slayerette???? PLEASE VOTE FOR MY SITE In THE SITE FIGHTS!!! _____________________________________________________________________ Sent by RocketMail. Get your free e-mail at ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 16:23:03 -0700 From: (Chiara) Subject: BUFFY: American Cancer Society Guess who will be at the American Cancer Society Take A Chance With The Stars? David Boreanaz and ASH!!! Guess who is singing there? ASH! It's October 18 in L.A. Go check out who else is coming and to know more go to Also Armin Shimerman (Principal Snyder) and Robin Riker who was Catherine the Great are going to be there. Those are the only names that stuck out in my mind for Buffy people. There might be more. - -Chiara- - A Xanderite--Keeper of Xander's phone - Keeper of Nick's sun glasses and Alyson's gold signing pen - ALS--AGA--Keeper of the electricity in Angel's apartment - Keeper of Willow's keyboard - A member of MCTP - A member of JASIOM - A GASPer - Keeper of Little Cordy's Slayhouse Pedal-Powered Miniature Mercedes (with little leather seats!) - "To read makes our speaking English good."---Xander Harris ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 20:19:33 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Keeper what list? ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 20:32:38 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Keeper Deos anyone know of Buffy posters or Sarah michelle gellar Posters? ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 09 Aug 1997 17:32:52 PDT From: "Maddy :\)" Subject: BUFFY: Keepers List & Webpages Hi, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone that has been supportive and patient with the Keeper's List master page. It is back up and you can see it at sorry the addy keeps changing it has to do with the server it will be in a few hours. Thanks. Make sure you check out Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan Club Home Page Also my other pages are up now too. Buffy Summers' Homepage Sarah's World NEW The Willow Zone Thanks! ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 09 Aug 1997 22:33:08 -0600 From: Jodie King Subject: BUFFY: Re: YTV/Masters entrapment Rudy asked: > > P.S. - Does anyone know if YTV picked up Buffy for next season and if > any scheduling changes are occuring? > I have been in contact with YTV and they said that Buffy was renewed for next season. There was not info a starting date. Northcat: > There is a possibility that they date from after his entrapment. He might not be able to get out but he might be able to draw them in mentally. In Invisible Girl, Giles refers to the master as "the Vampire King". It seems to me that that would give him the special power you mention and could be the reason that the others rally around him. BTW someone mentioned that Darla was over 200 years old...She was at least 400 according to the Master in "Angel". He says that for 400 years she was his favorite. Jodie the Arctic Lurker Proud Buffyatric Keeper of Angel's wisdom and intelligence Keeper of the tragic little "no" Angel cries as he realizes he's turning into a vamp while kissing Buffy ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 22:01:39 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: going over pg w/a fine tooth comb In a message dated 97-08-09 21:17:31 EDT, you write: << We could see an ep. with the last slayer, but that would really throw us a curve, since all the previous slayers should be dead >> Well, actually I've wondered about that...what if a slayer lives to be majorly old? Does that mean that she's 104 years old still slaying the evil little vamps? Do they get a chance to retire or are they stuck trying to explain to their families what grandma was doing in the "Bad part of town" in the middle of the night... Ooh what a quandry Later Dudes ~Tina~ ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 22:02:28 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Keepers List & Webpages In a message dated 97-08-09 21:41:41 EDT, you write: > etc etc you give a lot of sites and I tried to go to them and it said no html or something else similar to that did I miss something here?? ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 09 Aug 1997 22:42:50 -0700 From: Kimberly Subject: BUFFY: Links City/The Master's "Fruit Punch Mouth" :-) Hey Everyone! I was wondering if any of you have any Buffy or vampire or horror related homepages...if so could you send the address to me? I am updating my Links City page at I would love to put some new links up there among with my old ones. Please e-mail me PRIVATELY with your address. Sorry to get a little off topic and I hope the list mom's forgive me... ObBuffy: I just loved the scene in PG where Buffy tells the Master he has "Fruit punch mouth".....I laughed so hard at that scene the first time I saw it and my parents looked at me as if I had grown a second head! It just made me imagine a could be scene of Buffy with three or more vampires being scolded by the Master once too many times and he turns his back and the vampires laugh. He turns around and asks "What's so funny?". They shake their heads and bow them. The Master turns back around and the trio grins. There are a couple of notes posted on his back: "Slay me..."/"Kick me"/etc...Just kidding....the Master is a good character. Gosh, I am starting to ramble...I need sleep :-) I am getting really excited about the upcoming second season! Sincerely, Kimberly Keeper of Darla's Outfits Keeper of Darla's Hairbursh Keeper of Darla's Lip Gloss Keeper of Darla's Good Taste In Men I laugh in the face of danger and then hide until it goes away--sweet Xander-- ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 09 Aug 1997 22:55:22 EDT From: (ANGELS' FURY) Subject: BUFFY: Re: Religion in the Buffyverse Just wanted to add a comment to the Great Religion Discussion. Joss pokes fun at another OR(organized religion) the Jehovah Witnesses' by the comment when Buffy is trying to decide what to wear to her first night out at the Bronze, "Hi would you like a copy of the Watchtower?" while she holds up a conservative floral dress. IMHO Joss will continue to have religion on the periphery of the show, as it is for a growing segment of the American population; not a major routine part of everybody's life but just being raised with a general belief in a christian god. (Alright the sociologist in me is showing). However, Joss may have one of the Slayerettes probably Willow or perhaps even Giles be someone who regularly attends Church with her family, in fact I can see one ep w/ a plot concerning that person's church in danger from something supernatural which Buffy will have to combat w/ help from her friends of course. Peace all ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 09 Aug 1997 22:12:16 -0700 (PDT) From: Rose Subject: BUFFY: Read if your ...helpful/bored/masochistic Hello! Obviously this is not a fan-fic....but what an interesting title that would be , huh ? No , I've come to beg , yes beg , for help . If you have a little time to spare please read on *snif* . This is a story about a poor young lady . Things were looking up for her . She had a decent fan-fic , a decent proofreader , and she had just applied for a submission to Mutant Comics . Then * wail,sob* the worst happened ! She stupidly broke her elbow . Not only did she only have one hand , she was so doped up , she wrote this *gasp* ! Now , her proofreader (BLESS HIS LITTLE HEART !!!!!) was willing to do all this work . EVEN if it killed him .*SOB*. So , I ask you , please write me back and say you'll help . All you Tom , Dick , and Harrietas , just by typing on your keyboards , can help . Yes , You !! I'm not looking for a proofreader . I'm just looking for someone who has some knowledge on the aliens in the Marvel universe . And also someone who will do a little reasearch for me on Mutant Comics so I'll have a little continuity . Thank you .* Also , if you could just send 25 cents a day to help other fan-fic writers stuck in third world apartements ..... wait a minute , I think thats the codeine taking . I had better go before I pass out . Rose ( thank you to everyone who wrote sympathy notes !! Love Ya !! ) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 22:39:07 -0500 (CDT) From: Subject: Timeline (was RE: BUFFY: Puppet Show) I know this is an old thread; I'm about 3 days behind in my mail at the moment. On Thu, 7 Aug 1997, "Amy Sheldon" wrote: >Someone posted a tentative BtVS timeline for the first season > Basically, he theorized that the >pilot took place sometime in the Fall after school had started Sorry, but I was just re-watching the Harvest today with some friends, and that won't work. Giles specifically said the Harvest takes place on the crescent moon (which roughly correlates with the new moon) after the solstice. The solstices are in June (midsummer day) and December (midwinter day) so the *latest* she could start in a conventional school year would be late January, and the earliest would be the first day of second semester, if the Harvest happened her third day in school. Based on that, I'd say Buffy started very early in second semester, but after classes had actually started. > but from the evidence of "1996 Cheerleader Tryouts" >and basketball games, it obviously wasn't too far into the school >year), When I was in school, long, long ago cheerleader tryouts were in the spring. And basketball's a winter sport. Football's the game early in the school year. So that's actually more evidence for a second-semester start date for Buffy's entry into Sunnydale. Diane E Keeper of Buffy's red satin neck ribbon Keeper of Willow's Geek-Chic style # D Echelbarger # # WWW HomePage: # ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 00:05:41 -0400 (EDT) From: The Dark Knight Subject: Re: BUFFY: buffy songs Miriam wrote: >"Let the Sun Fall Down" by Kim Richey Thanks, eh? I've been trying to find out for weeks. :-) To the Batcave.... Batman ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 23:10:59 -0500 (CDT) From: Jill Kirby Subject: Re: BUFFY: buffy songs If anyone has questions about the music on the show, please check out the FAQ: Leslie has researched the music in nearly every episode and put the information in the FAQ. It's very thorough and well worth checking out. This public service announcement was brought to you by the letter "M" and the number "1." Jill *** Jill Kirby ~~ ~~ NatPack ~~ ABotCoS ~~ NP4 ~~ Dreamer/Minstrel ~~ Cool HR Chick It's a big enough umbrella, but it's always me that ends up getting wet. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 22:31:16 -0700 (PDT) From: nikki Alberto Subject: BUFFY: Does anyone know the words to.......??? Does anyone know the words to the songs "Reluctant Man" by Sprung Monkey from "Swirl" and the song "Job's Eyes" by Far from "Tin Cans and Strings for You"??? They were both from the episode "The Pack" in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. If you know the words, e-mail me at _____________________________________________________________________ Sent by RocketMail. Get your free e-mail at ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 23:51:54 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Yeah, Finally EN Gets I haven't checked my newsgrps in a long time, but I did tonite, and was very happy to finally find that the Buffy nesgrp made it to Eskimo. Only 11 msgs tonite, but hopefully that will change. Before anyone asks me, no I don't know how you can get it on your server if it isn't there. Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey, Paul Wylie, Anthony S. Head, & Buffy-Beta Lists Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles Coats&Ties "Because I'm English, I'm Strange Anyway" - Anthony Stewart Head (Giles - BTVS) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 03:41:49 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: BUFFY: From BtVS Grip Friend *SPOILERS AT END* (with warning space) Well, I finally met up with my grip friend and his family from LA (they were moving their daughter up here to attend SF State). He has worked on BtVS since the beginning and had a few interesting things to say. Because he's a grip (specializing in putting together sets and lighting), he does not work directly with the actors, so he doesn't have a lot of juicy gossip about their personal lives (boo hoo!). But I did learn a lot about the sets, where they shoot many of those familiar locations, and a few tidbits about the cast and plot: 1. It's very grueling for the crew & cast of this show because they often shoot round the clock, right through the early hours of the morning. This is because so much of the action takes place at night and most of non-school exteriors (though on the studio lot) are nonetheless outdoors. 2. The "graveyard" is a studio parking lot covered with sod (and fake tombstones of course) and surrounded with black walls. 3. My friend thinks Nick is cool. He turned Nick onto some really potent type of beer (drat, I have forgotten the name!) that Nick now swears by. 4. Male members of the crew were collectively *very* hot for Julie Benz (Darla) whom they thought was incredibly attractive and cool off camera (and on too) ("hearts would stop as she passed"). 5. Much of the "talentless show" stuff in Puppet Show was shot in the school auditorium of Torrance H.S. (where they shoot the exteriors). BUT, much of the finale fight between Buffy, demon, Sid, etc... was actually shot on the *Bronze's* stage, and quite carefully at that because the Bronze's stage is only 1/3 the size of the school's stage (a truly random factoid). 6. They have been trying to get away from depending on Torrance H.S. exteriors by building their own faux school exteriors, but it hasn't quite worked yet. 7. My friend laughs at the Sunnydale mentality. As the father of a teenager, he would *never* let his daughter go to The Bronze (that's where kids go to die!). 8. (OT) He once took a boat ride from Manila to Bataan and Corregidor along with Adrian Paul of 'Highlander' when they were on location for an A.P. direct-to-video film. Even on obscure small islands where the locals spoke little or no English, they would still shout "Highlander, Highlander!" to each other whenever they met Adrian. SPOILER SPACE for next season: (Do NOT discuss any of the following topics on the lists without including 12 blank lines above them and a SPOILER warning in the subject field) 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 With 3 episodes in the can now: 9. Angel has been in every episode filmed so far. 10. Giles and Ms. Calendar are definitely becoming romantically involved next season (uh, duh!). 11. Master isn't really coming back. He made a brief appearance to offer advice to Colin or something. But he seems basically gone. 12. Colin is the bad guy so far. But the new bad guy, "Spike," has just been introduced. Rumor on the set has it Spike will kill the Anointed One and take his place (though this ep hasn't been filmed yet, and my friend has yet to see the script). Buffy Be with You, Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 10:41:24 -0400 From: Steve Slesinger Subject: BUFFY: Invisible Girl "Where were they in the "surgeon" scene? I don't think they were above the ceiling because when the MIBs came in, there was a door. The door seemed to lead to the street..." Sorry if this was answered weeks ago, I'm cleaning out old posts. I believe they were somewhere in the Bronze... Sarah Michelle S. Keeper of Buffy's mirror Keeper of BtVS billboard (in Orlando, FL) Member of the Xander Club hopeful Slayerette Member of some other unofficial clubs Willow look-alike (so my friends say...) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 10:44:12 -0400 (EDT) From: Jill Gillham Subject: Re: BUFFY: going over pg w/a fine tooth comb On Sat, 9 Aug 1997, JOSEPH NORTHCOTT wrote: > I think this is all moot anyway. There is no chance that they will kill of > Buffy, so there is no chance that we will see the passing to the next > slayer. We could see an ep. with the last slayer, but that would really > throw us a curve, since all the previous slayers should be dead. Well, you never know. Hollyweird has a history of replacing major characters in shows, for good or bad. (Sinclair/Sheridan in B5, the two Darins in Bewitched, the mess at the end of Beauty and the Beast.) It's not probable, but if there was a point where SMG wouldn't/couldn't do the show any more, and the ratings of the show were good, they could very well recast the Slayer role. (or even use someone already on the show.) Jill Gillham "Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies." ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 08:41:46 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Any New Web Sites? Hi all, I'll be updating my Buffy Links Page tomorrow and wanted to see if there were any of you with pages that wanted to be listed then (otherwise the next upddate is Thursday). So if you have a page and IT'S NOT ALREADY LISTED please email me the URL PRIVATELY and I'll add it to the links page at: This can be: Pages for the Show (duh! :D) Pages for the actors/characters Pages for sounds from the show Pages for fanfic about the show My site lists them all! Danke! Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey, Paul Wylie, Anthony S. Head, & Buffy-Beta Lists Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles Coats&Ties "Because I'm English, I'm Strange Anyway" - Anthony Stewart Head (Giles - BTVS) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 12:19:33 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Does anyone know the words to.......??? There's a web site called Domain of the Slain at the following address: It lists quite a few of the songs along with the words. A song that isn't listed on there that I've been wondering about is in The Harvest when Darla and the other vampires are walking towards the Bronze. Does anyone know who sings that?? Thanks! Beth ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 12:35:42 -0400 From: "Kim Sefcik" Subject: Re: BUFFY: What makes crosses work David Dickerson said: >and what "works" for them to ward off vampires. I guess what I meant in my >original post is that I don't think we're going to see any of the characters >having deep crises of faith that affect their ability to use their crosses or >Magen Davids or whatever. I think the exploration the series will take will If this was any other show I'd totally agree with you. But this *is* Joss we're talking about - Mr. Shake 'n' Shock. While I agree that it's highly unlikely that we're going to see faith crises, it's possible. That *would* be one way to deal with the "is belief backing the cross, or does the cross have an inherent power" debate. One thing I've learned - *never* underestimate Joss. :-) >say we'll probably have) Willow fending off a vampire with a star of David, >because she is coded as culturally (not religiously) Jewish. Ms. Calendar >will have her own methods of dealing with vampires because she happens to >have, almost by accident (i.e. not overtly assertively) a pagan world-view, Which is interesting b/c with paganism, it's not usually a "cultural" thing. (I'm talking Neo-pagans and Wiccans here, not Native American theology, which clearly *is* cultural). Paganism, being a "new" ancient religion (in that it's had a major revival in recent years), doesn't have the same cultural connotations to it like Judism does. Pagans/Wiccans, therefore, wouldn't have a "cultural" reason backing their particular emblems (the pentagram, etc) so the symbol's power to ward off unholy creatures of the night would have to spring from either the user's faith or a genuine power. >not because of her profound belief in paganism as a superior religion to >Christianity. I'd be very surprised if there was ever an episode where Buffy >starts questioning her faith and finds that crosses stop working for her. > (Not that it's not an interesting question that fanfic could >address--goodness knows the teens are a great time for the testing of one's One thing I've noticed about Buffy, however, is that unlike other shows in it's "genre," it tends to have a more "fanfic" feel to it. So far Joss has done things with it that other shows like X-Files or Highlander wouldn't *dream* of doing. HL, especially, is notorious for not exploring it's own canon - so far, Buffy has pushed the limits of how to battle vampires and demons (Ms. C's "circle" is a good example.) >faith. I just don't think we'll see this on the show for fear of an >advertiser freakout and because Buffy has never been overtly religious >before.) Maybe, maybe not. The meer fact that the WB got advertisers to *back* a show *called* Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a major achievement. :-) After its recent success, Joss might be able to get away with more than we would otherwise. *And* after seeing what Joss has done with the show in the past (he's broken stereotypes - ie, trying to make Cordelia somewhat "likeable," not making the Master too melodramatic, etc) I don't think Joss is going to turn PC on us without warning. >everything from Indiana Jones to The Sound of Music. A friend of mine has a >deep-seated fear of werewolves because, he says, unlike a vampire, a werewolf >is a totally mindless savage, and you can't reason with it! Whether you Interesting point (that has nothing to do with the Nazi stuff (which I agree with) but I'd like to throw out anyway): The line between werewolf and vampire, at times, is somewhat fuzzy. In the original Dracula, he turned into a wolf as well as a bat. Both werewolves and vamps had similar mythical beginnings - eating the flesh of the undead in a cemetery was a common cause for transformation. In fact, in some of the more ancient Eastern European myths, vampires were mindless savages (there's an excellent A&E show on vampires that addresses this). The reverse is also true for werewolves (ever seen the movie "Wolf"?) It's only because of Bela Lugousi and Anne Rice that vampires are viewed in a more "romantic" sense. kimmie (Vampire Slaying for Dummies: 101 Do's and Don'ts)(Don't #36: Never question your faith. That way leads to confusion and sweaty palms) ________ Kim Sefcik, Richie Reservist (Clan Denial) ~ MFWC & PWFC ~ Wombat Extraordinare ~ Chancer ~ Cousin ~ Early Edition Lover and Yet Another Bleepin' X-Phile Keeper of Giles' Past / Keeper of Angel's Lower Undergarments Secretary of the GASPers / Maintainer of the "Strange Luck" FAQ "I am Richie Ryan of the Clan... wait, can we try that again?" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 13:28:05 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY:Fan club update hi guys...well we have picked a name: Buffaholics Anonymous and we already have our website up, thanx to Kimberly BLiss. it is beautiful, so check it out ~~~~>click here Buffyanon.html at and check it out, iof you applied to me to be in the club and your name is not on the list, just email me PRIVATELY and reapply. or it is because you applied after the page was finished and it will be out up soon, but email me anyways to make sure. we are still accepting new members. just email me at to join. our first newsletter will be sent out on Saturday August 16, 1997 MissMiriam President of Buffaholics Anonymous ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 13:38:42 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY:Fan club update okay I clicked on the link and it said"Failed to Parse HTTP.Your request does not appear to be properly formed" What gives? ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 13:41:53 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY:Fan club update In a message dated 97-08-10 13:41:18 EDT, writes: << okay I clicked on the link and it said"Failed to Parse HTTP.Your request does not appear to be properly formed" What gives? >> Same thing here!!!!! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 13:59:32 -0700 From: Kimberly Subject: Re: BUFFY:Fan club update At 01:38 PM 8/10/97 -0400, you wrote: >okay I clicked on the link and it said"Failed to Parse HTTP.Your request does >not appear to be properly formed" What gives? > Hope that works out okay! Sincerely, Kimberly ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 14:00:16 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY:Fan club update there must something wrong with my link so i am going to give you guys the actual address....http// try this again...maybe it will work Buffyanon.html at and in the future, plif you have a prob connecting, please email me PRIVATELY as so we dont wat to upset our list mommies.thanx Miriam President of Buffaholics Anonymous ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 14:32:59 -0700 From: Lawless Subject: Re: BUFFY: Yeah, Finally EN Gets Sonja Marie wrote: > > I haven't checked my newsgrps in a long time, but I did tonite, and was > very happy to finally find that the Buffy nesgrp made it to Eskimo. Only > 11 msgs tonite, but hopefully that will change. > > Before anyone asks me, no I don't know how you can get it on your server > if it isn't there. I'm pretty sure you can get it through dejanews at Or just try using Eskimo. I think it's ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 11:37:05 -0700 (PDT) From: Travis Illig Subject: BUFFY: Episodes on Video Hi! I'm (unfortunately) a fairly recent jump-on to the Buffy bandwagon, and thus haven't seen all the episodes. Ack! Not to mention that, in the area I live in, WB comes in about as well as HBO when you haven't paid for it. (That is, it doesn't, except for RARE occurrences). Anyway, I'd like to appeal to a listmember out there who might have all the episodes on tape in a better quality than I can get so that I can actually WATCH them. I'm willing to buy/trade for them, so if you have the first season on tape, let me know and we'll work something out. Also, I have a question on the continuity of the current TV show vs. the movie (and, after reading the FAQ, it still wasn't answered): The show supposedly picks up after the movie, but in the movie, wasn't Buffy a senior in high school? Wouldn't that, at best, make her a senior on TV? If that's the case, what happens after she graduates? Also, in the movie when a vampire got staked, they just died like normal people. In the TV show (from the one episode I've seen), it looks like they just vaporize, stake and all. Are these a different class of vampires or something? Again, thanks to anyone who can help with the videos! - -Travis /*-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Travis Illig MHS Vortex: - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-*/ ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #236 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". 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