From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #253 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Friday, August 22 1997 Volume 01 : Number 253 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: Note from Debbi Re: BUFFY: Note from Debbi Re: BUFFY: Buffy- FAVORITE EPISODES Re: BUFFY: Note from Debbi Re: BUFFY: Buffy- FAVORITE EPISODES Re: Little bitty fanfic (Was Re: BUFFY: Willow Locker Blooper?) Re: BUFFY: Note from Debbi BUFFY: Buffy Withdrawal Syndrome (BWS) BUFFY: AOL Rooms Re: BUFFY: Buffy Withdrawal Syndrome (BWS) BUFFY: tv guide BUFFY: Hello Re: BUFFY: Hello Re: BUFFY: BTVS Theme Song Guitar Tabs Re: BUFFY: Note from Debbi Re: BUFFY: Note from Debbi BUFFY: I love this Re: BUFFY: Note from Debbi BUFFY: Anthony Head not believed BUFFY: Willow Computer Products Re[2]: BUFFY: Note from Debbi Re: BUFFY: Note from Debbi BUFFY: The Pack stuff BUFFY: ....Xander hugging Willow... Re: BUFFY: The Pack stuff Re: BUFFY: News from Entertainment Weekly Re: BUFFY: #1 Again! BUFFY: Angel Keepers Page (and *unofficial* FAQ of keeping) Re: BUFFY: The Pack stuff Re: BUFFY: Webpage for Master's Undead Questions Re: BUFFY: The Pack stuff BUFFY: Website Update - New Urls, Vacation and OT: New Niece Re: BUFFY: Question SMG BUFFY: Xander in TEEN Magazine Re: BUFFY: American Cancer Society BUFFY: Xander in Teen Magazine. BUFFY: I know what you did last summer book Re: BUFFY: American Cancer Society Re: BUFFY: Xander/Pack Boy/Willow Theory Re: BUFFY: xander/buffy & mail Re: BUFFY: Buffy Re: BUFFY: Xander/Pack Boy/Willow Theory See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 12:25:14 -0300 (ADT) From: The Dark Knight Subject: Re: BUFFY: Note from Debbi Miss Hayse wrote: >> > Joss Whedon is close to signing a four-year >> > > deal with 20th Century Fox to produce all forms >> > > of content for Fox, including animation. The deal >> > > is worth $16 million to Whedon. > Anyone one else speculating that Buffy is going to end up on FOX in >the next year or so (unless WB is careful) >miss hayse *cocking an eyebrow* Very possible. However, WB is looking for any hit they can find, If I remember Buffy was 97th for the year which was head and shoulders above the rest of their line-up. I can see WB doing everything they can to keep Buffy if it continues to grow in popularity, but Mr. Whedon would probably enjoy greater exposure that FOX could provide. To the Batcave.... Batman ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 11:46:20 -0400 (EDT) From: jack welsh Subject: Re: BUFFY: Note from Debbi Buffy was 100th for the year and many of the WB's shows (Sister Siter; Unhappily Ever After) beat it. Buffy was even beat by 7th Heaven ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 11:46:31 -0400 (EDT) From: jack welsh Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy- FAVORITE EPISODES I hated Nightmares and Teacher's Pet (the she-mantis one) they both had such great ideas but ruined them with bad effects (those bees were so fake) and writing. The only thing that saved them was the great acting. My favorite episode is "the Pack" ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 12:16:56 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: Re: BUFFY: Note from Debbi At 12:25 PM -0300 8/21/97, The Dark Knight wrote: >I can see WB doing everything >they can to keep Buffy if it continues to grow in popularity, but Mr. Whedon >would probably enjoy greater exposure that FOX could provide. I would also fall into the camp of those who would be leery of Buffy moving to Fox (which of course, it isn't, but dammit, we're in the throes of wild speculation. Hurry, ides of September. Oh, please, hurry!). Fox is notorious for mismanaging the genre tv that comes its way (oh great moaning for the loss of Kindred). The WB is young and hungry and I think at present the better home despite its pitiful ratings (besides which, I'm sure there are legal contracts out the wazoo that bind Buffy to the WB tighter than a sorceress' girdle). JJ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 12:19:49 -0700 From: NAZARIAN@ORIX.COM Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy- FAVORITE EPISODES My favorite episode is "the Pack"> > I hated Nightmares and Teacher's Pet (the she-mantis one) they both had such > great ideas but ruined them with bad effects (those bees were so fake) and > writing. The only thing that saved them was the great acting. > > My favorite episode is "the Pack" Come on- let it be- give in to the camp. :-) Those episodes are awesome because they are so cheesy- And besides- they don't have the budget to hire good special effects people yet- miss hayse ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 11:42:24 -0700 From: Lee Daley Subject: Re: Little bitty fanfic (Was Re: BUFFY: Willow Locker Blooper?) wrote: > > THE LOCKER > by D. Ellis Dickerson > > Boy are we suffering from BWS (Buffy Withdrawal Syndrome). A little known illness, can be treated with massive doses of sedatives, only known cure is watching a NEW episode of BtVS. BTW when do the new episodes start? LeeD Keeper of the service contract on Willow's Computer ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 12:27:36 -0700 From: NAZARIAN@ORIX.COM Subject: Re: BUFFY: Note from Debbi > I would also fall into the camp of those who would be leery of Buffy moving > to Fox (which of course, it isn't, but dammit, we're in the throes of wild > speculation. Hurry, ides of September. Oh, please, hurry!). Fox is > notorious for mismanaging the genre tv that comes its way (oh great moaning > for the loss of Kindred). The WB is young and hungry and I think at > present the better home despite its pitiful ratings (besides which, I'm > sure there are legal contracts out the wazoo that bind Buffy to the WB > tighter than a sorceress' girdle). > > JJ Hmmm... well I would disagree a bit with you about FOX- I think that perhaps Kindred: The Embraced- failure had less to do with the network it was on than the paltry writing for the show. It is true that Fox has a terrible reputation- but then think of the Simpsons or Xfiles- these shows would probably been cut their first year- Fox gives new shows quite a chance. I just htought that maybe the whole contract thing with Joss would be a good ting- since Fox would be leaving him in charge- and that the time period of the contract would insure four more years of our little Slayer. ANyhow- I do agree that WB will keep Buffy at all costs- the cult following aspect of it is definately getting noticed- and it will realize that the Nielsen rating system is a bit askew- the amount of pages on the web devoted to Buffy alone will testify to that. That's all for now. (But don't be mean to Fox! However trashy it is, it has still pioneered a lot of interesting programing!) miss hayse ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 13:01:20 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: BUFFY: Buffy Withdrawal Syndrome (BWS) At 11:42 AM -0700 8/21/97, Lee Daley wrote: >Boy are we suffering from BWS (Buffy Withdrawal Syndrome). A little known >illness, can be treated with massive doses of sedatives, only known cure >is watching a NEW episode of BtVS. BTW when do the new episodes start? AMEN! New season begins Sept. 15 How to tell if you're going through BWS: 1) You begin humming "Macho Man" whenever you see a cheerleader, as if it were a vaguely remembered music box tune you once heard as a small child. 2) You carry around the world's tiniest fence post. 3) Every time someone calls your name, you look up, startled, and say, "Buffy?" 4) Bored out of your gourd by the postingboard, you Yahoo the word "Moloch" just to see what turns up. 5) Time and space become meaningless except when they are rendered in terms of Buffy units. 6) Every time you see a dummy, you automatically think, "Hi wouldja like to hear some off-color jokes?" 7) You are inordinately disturbed by "Touched by an Angel" jokes made in reference to David Boreanaz. That's all my brain can think of. Any others? Just remember: BWS, it's not your fault, but it is your problem. Let's conquer the shame. JJ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 12:55:38 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: AOL Rooms Hey all you aol people... Does anyone ever have a regular Buffy Chat on aol? If so could you please E-Mail me and let me know. Also...on the Xander/Willow issue on hugging.......I htink all good friends male/male, female/female, or male/female should be able to show signs of a platonic kind of love without people referring to it as an "invite"....It is just friendly love that is all. Now.on the other hand we are talking BuffyVerse here. It could mean something totally different in Joss' head. One last thing...The Hellmouth is closed right? Right! Well does that mean since it is we won't get to see all the weird things like before? Now I have watched Prophecy Girl amny times..In fact over and over again...But I did not hear anyone say it was destoyed..I am pretty sure Giles just said closed...Any ideas? Food for thought........ Jason Martinez Keeper of Buffy's Little Stake Keeper of Willow's Computer Keeper of Joyce's Jeep Cherokee "I am the Slayer and your not!"....Buffy...Btvs..The Harvest ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 13:16:15 -0700 From: NAZARIAN@ORIX.COM Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Withdrawal Syndrome (BWS) (to start- I have to tell you that Macho man has been stuck in my head for months now- you hit it on the head) - -You relate any clichish behavior to hyenas - -You identify clothes at Bloomingdales as "totally-Buffy" shirts, skirts, etc. - -You roundhouse to switch on the elevator button to your apartment building. (guilty) - -You defend the name Buffy to your friends with fervor (it isn't a bimbo's name!!!!) miss hayse : ) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 14:30:25 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: tv guide There is a small section in the Aug. 23-29 tv guide. It`s about the Past is Now. On page 44 it says Buffy: Upping the stakes in prime time. It reads: Thanks for your article on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Sarah Michelle Gellar ["Slay Belle", August. 2]. This show is cool, fun, campy, and interesting. My mom and I love to watch it. Conni Hendricks Hercules, Cal. It`s nice to see a fresh new program like Buffy that`s not pawning itself off as a historic piece (like Roar). The public deserves great programming like this, not just more mindless sitcoms. I`m buying more than one of your Buffy editions, and I eagerly await the next time you feature the show. Kevin Blanco Dallas Sarah Michelle Gellar can slay me anytime! Is there a chance we might see Buffy take on Mike "Iron Teeth" Tyson? Now there`s a Pay-Per-Chew worth waiting for. Vince Candy El Cajon, Cal. Blood Brother? I agree with David Boreanaz (Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer) that "a 242-year-old vampire with a concience" is "an amazing role". But fans of the soap Dark Shadows will recall that Jonathan Frid met that same challenge in playing the 200-year-old guiltridden vampire Barnabas Collins. Dale C. Uhlmann Massillon, Ohio \{^^^}/ Lorraine \{^^^}/ Keeper of Buffy`s Sunflower Poster Keeper of Little Buffy`s "DoomBox" Portable Stereo (with Graveyard Bass) Keeper of Darla`s Fangs Keeper of Little Darla`s Sunday School Outfits ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 15:08:18 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Hello ******Anyone****** Does anyone know how to contact stars or anything like that because that would be great for me. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 15:40:06 -0400 From: Anya Subject: Re: BUFFY: Hello You wrote: > Does anyone know how to contact stars or anything like that 'Actor's or Actress's name' c/o Buffy the Vampire Slayer c/o The Warner Brothers Television Network 4000 Warner Blvd. Burbank, CA 91522 The names being: Sarah Michelle Gellar Buffy Alyson Hannigan Willow Nicholas Brendon Xander David Boreanaz Angel Anthony S. Head Giles Charisma Carpenter Cordelia Toodles! - -Anya ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 13:01:10 -0700 From: (Chiara) Subject: Re: BUFFY: BTVS Theme Song Guitar Tabs >could somebody please try to get me the tabs but for the piano? >thanks! ****I know part of the piano part. I don't know how to write it on the computer but I know the keys. If u want it e-mail me at > >obbuffy: >does anybody know if buffy has a middle name? I don't think they are gonna show a middle name for her. - -Chiara- - A Xanderite--Keeper of Xander's phone - Keeper of Nick's sun glasses and Alyson's gold signing pen - ALS--AGA--Keeper of the electricity in Angel's apartment - Keeper of Willow's keyboard - A member of MCTP--Keeper of Ms. Calender's keyboard - A member of JASIOM - A GASPer - Keeper of Little Cordy's Slayhouse Pedal-Powered Miniature Mercedes (with little leather seats!) - "To read makes our speaking English good."---Xander Harris ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 13:50:05 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Note from Debbi From: "Okoniewski, Debbi" > Joss Whedon is close to signing a four-year > deal with 20th Century Fox to produce all forms > of content for Fox, including animation. The deal > is worth $16 million to Whedon. Good for Joss! From a selfish standpoint, I hope he doesn't overextend himself and stop writing the Buffy dialogue himself. "Nobody does it better..." Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 16:49:07 -0400 (EDT) From: Jill Gillham Subject: Re: BUFFY: Note from Debbi On Thu, 21 Aug 1997 NAZARIAN@ORIX.COM wrote: > > > Joss Whedon is close to signing a four-year > > > > deal with 20th Century Fox to produce all forms > Anyone one else speculating that Buffy is going to end up on FOX in > the next year or so (unless WB is careful) Nah. It probably couldn't happen for contractual reasons. What could theoretically happen though would be Joss leaving Buffy, and turning over the reins to someone else. I really hope that doesn't happen. Look at what happened to Sliders. Jill Gillham "Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies." ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 17:21:56 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: I love this ******This****** This is the coolest mailing list yet who agrees? I know I do some of my messages aren't going through though I don't understand that? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 17:07:09 -0700 From: Mark Safransky Subject: Re: BUFFY: Note from Debbi I very much fall into the camp of keep BtVS off FOX. FOX is not as genre friendly as it used to be when it was the outcast fighting the Big Three. And it still had problems while getting established. The one point in FOX's favor is that it continues to put genre programs on, even if they only last for a a season or half a season. Now that FOX is one of the Big Four, it's time for one of the hungry networks (WB or UPN) to go genre-happy. Unfortunately, UPN will only stand by it's hugely expensive Star Trek franchise for genre programming, otherwise they air inane sitcoms that leave a bad taste in the mouth. WB, on the other hand, has only BtVS for it's genre programming. It isn't that expensive due to the low budget, it's a cult favorite heading for mainstream approval if the critics are right (I might faint if they are, it'll be a first) and is the only hour-long drama getting any ratings. I mean, if they let a turkey like 7th Heaven continue, they HAVE to keep BtVS running. It scores better ratings, even in reruns. So let's all raise a rousing cheer for the WB and hope the rest of it's programing will rise from the slime pit it currently resides in. Mark aka The X-Lander ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 18:27:38 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: Anthony Head not believed I read Sonja Marie's little summation of her phone conversation with Anthony Head. It was interesting the part about Head coming online at the Bronze, chatting with fans and they DIDN'T BELIEVE him when he told them he was indeed the REAL Anthony Head. Reminded me of the story Lucy Lawless told of going online when she injured herself and was bored with nothing else to do. She went under an alias into one of the Xena chatrooms and said something that Hercules was better than Xena because Hercules was at least based on real mythology while Xena was totally concocted. The chatters not only called her an 'a_ _ hole', but froze her out, ignoring her for the rest of the time she was there. Lucy said it was funny cause the next day she received a 'Get Well' card from one of the people that had insulted her. >From what I hear, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Alison Hannigan are both jokers what with they way they pulled down Nicholas Brendon's pants on the set of BtVS. I wonder if they've gone online annonymously and experienced similar situations. funee ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 15:43:01 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: BUFFY: Willow Computer Products My credit card company just sent me an offer for $10 off any mail order I place with the "Willow Computer Products" company (I even have their tiny logo!). NtS, I cracked up. Normally I throw away all the offers enclosed with the bill, without looking at them. Something told me to look at this one. Something was right. Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 15:49:00 -0700 From: "SCOTT" Subject: Re[2]: BUFFY: Note from Debbi In reference to Joss's "new deal"... >Good for Joss! From a selfish standpoint, I hope he >doesn't overextend himself and stop writing the >Buffy dialogue himself. "Nobody does it better..." > >Lisa Joss writes two or three (maybe a few more) scripts per season. That means that as many as 8 to 10 of them are written by other people. Thus, Joss is not solely responsible for the awesome dialogue. Scott The WB Television Network ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 15:51:00 -0700 From: "SCOTT" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Note from Debbi >Nah. It probably couldn't happen for contractual reasons. What could >theoretically happen though would be Joss leaving Buffy, and turning over >the reins to someone else. I dunno' if that will happen anytime soon. Buffy is very much Joss's pet project. It's his baby! Scott The WB Television Network ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 18:58:05 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: The Pack stuff Hi, it's me back from my vacation in Mass., so thanks for all your help with the channel thing. I proudly got to see Welcome to H-Mouth and The Harvest for the first time. Anyway, I watched The Pack on Monday, and it was really, really, really great!!!!!! At the end when Giles talks to the back-to-normal Xander, he says something about not remembering anything about memory loss. I got a little confused...does this mean that Xander remembered everything he did as a hyena and he just didn't want to embarrass himself in front of Buffy and Willow? And also, in the (AWESOME) scene when they were playing kickball and Buffy was the only one left on her team, why did all of the "hyena people" throw their ball at that guy?? I forget his name, I hope you know who I'm talking about, the only one on the other team who wasn't a hyena person. And the gym teacher just stands there and says "They're so brutal! I love it." I felt soooooooo bad for Willow when Xander got her out. That was so bad. But Willow got back at Xander when he tried to steal the keys from her, but Willow jumps back out of his reach. "Now I know," she says smugly. Go Willow! As for my favorite episode, it might be The Pack, although they all were so great, and I still haven't seen Angel or Prophecy Girl. I hope they'll be airing Prophecy Girl the week before they air the season premiere. It's Angel next week I think. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 19:29:28 EDT From: (Shannon M Keane) Subject: BUFFY: ....Xander hugging Willow... Good grief! Friends can hug without it being a more than friend thing. Besides, I think Xander knew that he had to mend some major fences with Willow for hurting her the way he did. It was a hug to show that he still cared for her....but done in a playful/best friend type of way. Well...dinner calls and so does rock climbing...... Shannon Marie =) Don't hate me because I am cute and evil... I am unclean....I swallowed a bug..... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 16:52:09 -0700 (PDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: The Pack stuff > At the end when Giles talks to the back-to-normal Xander, he says >something about not remembering anything about memory loss. I got a little >confused...does this mean that Xander remembered everything he did as a hyena >and he just didn't want to embarrass himself in front of Buffy and Willow? Yep! You said it exactly. Considering the way he acted with Buffy, and how horrible he was to Willow, not to mention eating *sniff* Herbie, Xander didn't want to let anyone know that he remembered it...a lot less explaining that way. :) That's why you can also notice him kissing up to willow (well...hugging actually) during the scene where he asks about what he did during his possession. > And also, in the (AWESOME) scene when they were playing kickball and Buffy >was the only one left on her team, why did all of the "hyena people" throw >their ball at that guy?? I forget his name, I hope you >know who I'm talking about, the only one on the other team who wasn't a hyena >person. As far as I know that's exactly why they threw the ball at him, he wasn't one of them. The only reason they didn't get him sooner was because he was on the same side as them. That's why Buffy is the only one on the other side. My guess to why they didn't attack her was that they already knew she was too much of a match since she wasn't already out, but it could be that Xander knew of her secret so he told his possessed friends. Hummm...if that's true maybe they know her secret? >And the gym teacher just stands there and says "They're so brutal! > I love it." I felt soooooooo bad for Willow when Xander got her out. That >was so bad. But Willow got back at Xander when he tried to steal the keys >from her, but Willow jumps back out of his reach. "Now I know," she says >smugly. Go Willow! Oh, I just love that scene. Alyson really shows the character's depth and love for Xander with her facial expressions and the look in her eyes in that scene. Not to mention the look on her face when she said "Now I know." Just classic. :) Just my opinion, Kymberly *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Ultimate Buffy The Vampire Slayer Links Page - The Buffy RolePlaying Mailing List - *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* "Though I than he may longer live, He longer must than I, For I have but the art to kill - Without the power to die." - *Emily Dickinson* *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 20:35:56, -0500 From: (JOSEPH NORTHCOTT) Subject: Re: BUFFY: News from Entertainment Weekly vixen wrote: >page 55...a pic of sarah and costars jennifer love hewitt and ryan >phillippe from "i know what you did last summer" scheduled for october >release Yeah, I did a double take when I saw that. Did you notice how Sarah had _by far_ the lowest cut top in that pic. Don't get me wrong, I know sex sells and Sarah has a career to work on. I'm sure a lot of girls wish they had what Sarah shows off. ;) OTOH, I thought the Buffy outfits were pretty much at the limit (for tv). Seeing her wear something even _way_ more revealing makes me wonder if we're going to watch her act, or if we're just supposed to drool when she's in the scene. Which brings this back to Buffy: I wonder what Buffy's outfits are going to be like this season. Maybe they'll figure they've gotten all the mileage they can out of them, or maybe they'll figure we've gotten used to them and need to go even further. I, like every guy, am waiting for a vampires-at-the-water-slide bikini episode. BTW, concerning EW pictures, how many of you noticed that EW had a full page pic. of co-star JLH topless a few weeks back? I did a double take on that one too. (Stop drooling, it was from the back.) Joseph ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 20:40:52 -0700 From: Matthew Hammond Subject: Re: BUFFY: #1 Again! Jerry Stephens wrote: > > Good work everyone, we succeeded in making SMG #1 for the 6th week in a row > on the Hottest actress on the web site. Just one more win to tie the record > and 2 to beat it. Dont forget to vote!Yes SMG was #1 again but she lost 33 votes. ON the other hand AH went from 32 votes up to 37 votes. Did they reair "the witch" or "the pack" this summer at all? - -- Keeper of Buffy's Quick Thinking and Ingenuity..........Matthew Hammond "Reality is a Crutch for People Who Can't Handle Science Fiction" Finaly my own page at P.S. My picture is on my page! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 17:47:00 PDT From: "Lori Wellborn" Subject: BUFFY: Angel Keepers Page (and *unofficial* FAQ of keeping) Well, it looks like I've been a bit lax on my keepers duties... So, here goes! I'm the Keeper of the Angel List. If you would like to claim something of Angel's, just go to my page, (the URL is in my sig) make sure that what you want isn't taken, then request it via email. It's all rather simple, really. For all you newbies out there, "keeping" is what we, the fans do, to show our support of the show, and our favorite characters. Every list is run differently, so what rules apply, depend on the person running the list. I don't allow people to claim Angel's love, body parts, or his Vamp/Human form. (FYI, Angel's leather jacket is now owned by Buffy, and has long since been claimed.) Please realize, that a claim made on the posting board, is not considered "official." You MUST claim an item by asking the list manager in order for it to become yours forever. If you have claimed an item, and no longer really want it, please email the list manager, and let them know. There are a lot of people out there who would gladly take over the "keeperships" of those claimed items. Everyone, please keep in mind that this is all in fun. We don't do this to create wars, fights, or other unpleasentness. This is all in support of the show, and there is no reason to create some fight over an item. You don't really own somthing, so there is no reason to get upset if someone else already claimed what you wanted. Just remember, that you may find something new, and infinately more exciting during the next episode. Be patient. You'll get something you really love, you just may have to look really hard, or wait a bit. The new season starts in a few short weekes, so get out your video tapes, and your VCR, and look hard! Happy hunting!!! Lori Wellborn ~*~ Keeper of the Angel List (Angel Keepers) (Fun With Freeze Frame) "I told you to eat BEFORE we left!" - ---Xander to Angel "Prophecy Girl" ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 18:26:29 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: The Pack stuff At 04:52 PM 8/21/97 -0700, wrote: >Yep! You said it exactly. Considering the way he acted with Buffy, and how >horrible he was to Willow, not to mention eating *sniff* Herbie, Xander >didn't want to let anyone know that he remembered it...a lot less explaining >that way. :) Plus, if he appears to not remember anything, then it seems more like some evil entity took over *complete* control of his body, not leaving even one scrap of the original Xander in there to inspire the evil entity toward fulfilling some of Xander's frustrated desires.... BTW, what about those guy friends of Xander's that the pack stole hot dogs from? The rest of the pack already have reps as jerks, but not Xander. Now he's in for some icy shoulders, if not outright hostility from old pals. How will he explain it away? Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 21:45:44 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Webpage for Master's Undead Questions In a message dated 97-08-21 07:25:44 EDT, you write: << For many of these questions, often there was no definitive answer and the string trailed off without ever being finalized.[...]So, for those of you out there who are cultivating answers to these very well-put questions, how do you plan on providing clear and finite answers? >> I think one of the reasons these ARE undead questions is preciesly because there are no definitive answers. If I were in charge of such an enterprise (and as I said, I'd like to be, only I haven't seen all the episodes), I think it'd be wise to summarize where the discussion DID go, why it never went anywhere, and why (therefore) it would be unwise to bring it up again without new helpful information. (David Ellis Dickerson) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 21:02:40 -0500 (CDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: The Pack stuff On Thu, 21 Aug 1997, Lisa Rose wrote: >BTW, what about those guy friends of Xander's that the pack stole >hot dogs from? The rest of the pack already have reps as jerks, >but not Xander. Now he's in for some icy shoulders, if not outright >hostility from old pals. How will he explain it away? I can see him walking up to his buds and saying, "Hey, guys, I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted yesterday. I cannot *believe* I was actually hanging out with those jerks. I don't know what got into me! It's like I was posessed!" Then they all laugh at his "joke", he offers to treat them to pizza after school, and all is forgiven. Diane E Keeper of Buffy's red satin neck ribbon Keeper of Willow's Geek-Chic style # D Echelbarger # # WWW HomePage: # ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 19:36:14 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Website Update - New Urls, Vacation and OT: New Niece Hi all, I have added 5 more URLS to my Buffy Links Page at: There is now 231 pages listed! I've removed 1 dead links. And if you are so inclined, PLEASE sign my guestbook! If you have a page for the show or cast members and IT IS NOT LISTED already, please send me the URLS and I will add them next update. I decide if a page gets added or not, based on content and if I can actually view the page or not. Me know like Java or GPF's! - --- I'm leaving tonight for Missiouri, to visit Elaine, The GASP VP, for a week, so there will not be an update for my links site till next Thurs. But I'll still take submissions of sites. - --- Aug 20th at 1:30am my sister gave birth to an 6lb 8oz baby girl, Aug 20th is also her oldest son's birthday, what a present. Coming so close after getting to talk to Tony about the club, it was a wonderful two days! (actually all within 12hrs). Missouri here I come! Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey, Paul Wylie, Anthony S. Head, & Buffy Beta Lists Pres. of ASH/Giles' Appreciation Society Panters - Keeper of Coats & Ties "Hi,Sonja, it's uh, Tony Head..." Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) To Me! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 23:24:17 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Question SMG I hope someone can help me out. I saw a picture,2 actually on Domain of the Slain today and it had two new pics of SMG. what are they from? They weren't from the t.v. guide becouse I have it so what were they from? Could someone help me out please? Keeper of Alyson's smile, Xander's sheos, and and Angel's charm. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 23:42:12 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Xander in TEEN Magazine TEEN Magazine September 1997 issue Page 62 - under Who's That Babe? Nicholas Brendan is (for those who says he has been avoiding the question of age) is 26, single, an aries and residing in Los Angeles. Wanna see Nicholas buy the issue. It should be hitting the newstand sometime soon. WARNING: He has somewhat of a beard. He does not look like the clean-shaved Xander we are used to!!!!! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 21:25:44 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: American Cancer Society At 04:23 PM 8/9/97 -0700, Chiara wrote: >Guess who will be at the American Cancer Society Take A Chance With The >Stars? David Boreanaz and ASH!!! Guess who is singing there? ASH! It's >October 18 in L.A. Go check out who else is coming and to know more go to > Also Armin Shimerman (Principal Snyder) I just checked the site and saw that David B., is out and Nick B. is in. ASH is still in, of course (perhaps doing his classic ballad "I'm just a sweet slayer watcher, from clueless Sunnydale, California"?) Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 00:48:30 -0400 (EDT) From: Marcus Baker Subject: BUFFY: Xander in Teen Magazine. Dunno whether or not this has been mentioned, I've just gotten subscribed recently, but Nicholas Brendan is featured on page 62 of Teen Magazine. - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 22:10:28 -0700 (PDT) From: Nikki Alberto Subject: BUFFY: I know what you did last summer book ObBuffy: Just in case any of you want to know, "I Know What You Did Last Summer" (the movie SMG will be in) is a book written by Lois Duncan. If any of you want to read it, it is available by Archway Paperbacks and published by Pocket Books. _____________________________________________________________________ Sent by RocketMail. Get your free e-mail at ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 22:35:50 -0700 (PDT) From: Nikki Alberto Subject: Re: BUFFY: American Cancer Society Where is the American Cancer Society thing taking place and when??? _____________________________________________________________________ Sent by RocketMail. Get your free e-mail at ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 22:53:37 -0700 (PDT) From: Nikki Alberto Subject: Re: BUFFY: Xander/Pack Boy/Willow Theory - wrote: > You're assuming that Xander watches every word and gesture like a hawk > when Willow is around. I'm not. Sorry, you're right, I really don't mean those stuff about how it is weird that Xander hugged Willow, etc. things I said. I just can't deal with the fact that Xander knows about Willow's feelings so I keep posting things to support that he doesn't know about her feelings. I mean, wouldn't it be so wonderful if Xander didn't know and then finds out and then figures out that he likes Willow back. Who knows, maybe I am right that he doesn't know about Willow's feelings, because it is not like anybody said STRAIGHTFORWARD that Xander knew about her feelings. Also, maybe that thing about the sniffing. Maybe he knew about her feelings cause of the pheremones, so when he went back to normal, he might be thinking why he ever thought that Willow liked him(cause he doesn't know about pheremones). _____________________________________________________________________ Sent by RocketMail. Get your free e-mail at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 18:07:36 +1200 From: alex Subject: Re: BUFFY: xander/buffy & mail slb wrote: > > At 9:29 AM 8/17/97 -0700, Ivy Snitzer wrote: > >ok i saw nightmares like a million times and i'm sorry but i just think > >that they should have more episodes with xander naked anyone share that > >opinion? > > Well, he wasn't exactly *naked;* he was wearing boxer shorts, but I share > your opinion ;-) > > Sheryl > > > -- "I will make you shorter by the head." Elizabeth I (1533-1603) > -- "The more I see of the representatives of the people, the more I > admire my dogs." -- A. de Lamartine > > On the subject of partial Nudity, i think it was in NKABOTFD or teachers pet, buffy was getting changed out of her tanktop and Xander and Willow were in the room, buffy told them to turn around or something and Xander looked in the mirror, you saw the reflection but it was very blurred and at some point xander got too excited and knocked over the mirror, what was Buffy wearing at that point, was it lingerie? My friend told me about it and i was so mad that i missed it. oh and also i want to send a letter to Sarah, i want to know whether she actually reads them, has she said anything about that, does she respond personally or does her manager just sends a picture of her. Any feedback would be very Appreciated (PS im new so forgive me if I dont know that much) Thanx Alex keeper of a major crush on Buffy ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 02:49:15 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy In a message dated 8/22/97 6:13:11 AM !!!First Boot!!!, you write: << I think that the best episode of season of 97 was the one with the she-mantis >> that one was called Teachers Pet ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 00:01:52 -0700 (PDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Xander/Pack Boy/Willow Theory >Sorry, you're right, I really don't mean those stuff about how it is >weird that Xander hugged Willow, etc. things I said. I just can't deal >with the fact that Xander knows about Willow's feelings so I keep >posting things to support that he doesn't know about her feelings. I >mean, wouldn't it be so wonderful if Xander didn't know and then finds >out and then figures out that he likes Willow back. Who knows, maybe I >am right that he doesn't know about Willow's feelings, because it is >not like anybody said STRAIGHTFORWARD that Xander knew about her >feelings. Also, maybe that thing about the sniffing. Maybe he knew >about her feelings cause of the pheremones, so when he went back to >normal, he might be thinking why he ever thought that Willow liked >him(cause he doesn't know about pheremones). Actually it's not that bad in my opinion even if Xander does have quite a hint that Willow likes him. The writers could use that so that (like in 'I Robot, You Jane') Willow eventually gives up on Xander and falls in love with someone else. Xander is so secure that Willow loves him since it has been that way so long that he doesn't have a fear of losing her. Once it's there maybe he'll discover his own feelings for her. It's that classic love curse, falling in love with someone right after they stopped being in love with you. I'd love to see the roles reversed, Xander wont realize what he has until he's lost it. Hummm... Always, Kymberly *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Ultimate Buffy The Vampire Slayer Links Page - The Buffy RolePlaying Mailing List - *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* "To wait an hour is long, If love be just beyond; To wait eternity is short, If love be at the end." - *Emily Dickinson* *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #253 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". 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