From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #263 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Thursday, August 28 1997 Volume 01 : Number 263 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: Angel stuff Re: BUFFY: The Harvest-the book Re: BUFFY: YKYBWTMBTVSW's Re: BUFFY: Pictures of Charisma at Great America! Re: BUFFY: questions about "Angel" Re: BUFFY: Still more "Angel" questions! Re: BUFFY: Angel stuff Re: BUFFY: Promo ideas Re: BUFFY: Still more "Angel" questions! BUFFY: Digests Re: BUFFY: Still more "Angel" questions! BUFFY: Re: Digest request BUFFY: Download the Promo Re: BUFFY: season finale question BUFFY: Promo Re: BUFFY: YKYBWTMBTVSW's Re: BUFFY: Buffy Promo Re: BUFFY: Download the Promo Re: BUFFY: Buffy Promo Re: BUFFY: season finale question Re: BUFFY: Promo ideas Re: BUFFY: BtVS Trivia Re: BUFFY: BtVS Trivia Re: BUFFY: IKWYDLS/Buffy Promo Re: BUFFY:Flaggs site Re: BUFFY: Concerning Promos Re: BUFFY: Concerning Promos-STAT! BUFFY: Can the Crossbow? Re: BUFFY: Still more "Angel" questions! Re: BUFFY: the fetishistic way we dissect all things buffy. BUFFY: Buffy's Boyfriend?? Re: BUFFY: Buffy's Boyfriend?? BUFFY: Re: buffy Digest V1 #262 BUFFY: BABS Seeking Fresh Blood! BUFFY: Website Update - New GASPers Re: BUFFY: Pictures of Charisma at Great America! Re: BUFFY: Still more "Angel" questions! Re: BUFFY: Concerning Promos Re: BUFFY: Buffy's Boyfriend?? Re: BUFFY: Exorcising Angel's demons Re: BUFFY: Coincidences BUFFY: Angel, hyenas, and other thoughts BUFFY: VCR Alert !!! BUFFY: Apology Re: BUFFY: Still more "Angel" questions! Re: BUFFY: Angel, hyenas, and other thoughts Re: BUFFY: Frustration Re: BUFFY: Pictures of Charisma at Great America! BUFFY: OnSat Tv poll See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 09:48:08 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel stuff In a message dated 97-08-27 12:12:22 EDT, you write: << would his body begin to >rapidly become his true age? *cocking an eyebrow* This could explain why the bodies turn to dust when the vampire is destroyed. The body rapidly ages and turns to dust. >> It's a nice idea, but I'm afraid it doesn't quite work, if my memory serves. In "Welcome to the Hellmouth," Jesse had only been a vampire for a day or two, and didn't he get dustified? I at least remember that Thomas (the one who looked like DeBarge) turned to dust--if his fashion sense is as dated as he was, then he was an '80s vampire who had only been dead ten years. Would that be enough time for a body to turn to dust? (I'm not absolutely sure myself--merely a trifle dubious.) If clothing, by the way, is designed to serve as clues to how old a vampire is (which is admittedly a stretch, since there's no reason a vampire couldn't just slip into a Lycra unitard and look really happening), then I think it's only appropriate that Darla has/had that whole Catholic schoolgirl look--which I think dates back to the Baltimore Catechism of 1884. It would also explain why so many other vampires dress like members of a prehistoric rock band. (Okay, maybe I'm full of hot gas...) (David Ellis Dickerson) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 09:48:46 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: The Harvest-the book In a message dated 97-08-27 10:43:07 EDT, you write: << If you're the impatient sort (like me), and can't find it in your bookstore, and either don't want pay for/wait fora special order, you can order it through the on-line bookstore: point your browser to >> I live in Kansas City Missouri, and I just found it in my local *supermarket*--so it doesn't seem to be really craftily hidden. (Check near the Star Trek novels.) (David Ellis Dickerson) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 10:10:18 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: YKYBWTMBTVSW's I don't know if any of these have been mentioned, but....... You Know You've Been Watching Too Much Buffy the Vampire Slayer When.... *Whenever the word "angel" is mentioned in church your thoughts become all but holy thinking of our favorite vampire. *You begin humming the tunes of every song from every episode of BtVS at the most innapropriate of times (particularly the "I'll Remember You" song from Angel) *You break into a chorus of "Hark, The Hellmouth's Angel Sings" by mistake during Christmas mass. *You're scared to talk to anyone over the internet in case they turn out to be a demon. *All cheerleaders give you the creeps and you carry around your 12th century library book on reversing evil spells, just in case ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 10:16:07 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Pictures of Charisma at Great America! >>Yes, the pictures I took of Charisma while on our BABS (Bay Area Buffy Society) field trip to Great America are now on the web in a new page called the "Cyberpaws Buffy Photo Browsing Page":<< Forgive my complete and utter ignorance, but Where is Great America anyway? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 10:18:14 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: questions about "Angel" In a message dated 97-08-28 04:42:10 EDT, you write: << I guess she was too tired to change into pj's, but I can't imagine how comfortable her regular clothes (including bra....not at all comfy) were to sleep in. >> Buffy has slept in a bra, with no flimsy nightgown, since the very first episode. Please join me in writing encouraging letters to change this situation. :) (David Ellis Dickerson) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 10:21:42 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Still more "Angel" questions! In a message dated 97-08-28 08:33:09 EDT, you write: << It seemed odd to me that Buffy, who obviously is much stronger than Xander needs his help to slam the door shut. I'm going to justify it by saying that they needed a little leverage to shut it, though. >> I just saw it last night, and the thing that bothers me about that scene is that Xander doesn't even provide any leverage. He "helps" Buffy shove the door closed by pushing on the door NEXT to Buffy, down near the hinges! Obviously he should have been pushing on the edge of the door, over where Buffy was. I don't see how anything he did could have made a significant difference. My bogus rationale: Buffy was doing it to be nice, and to keep Xander busy because of the shock from seeing his friend vampirized. (And if you ask, "then why did they almost not get the door closed in time, and let all the vampires in?" I'm going to say that Xander helped more than she expected, or she had a burst of adrenalin. And then I'm going to walk off with my fingers in my ears, humming.) (David Ellis Dickerson) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 10:36:29 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel stuff >>only appropriate that Darla has/had that whole Catholic schoolgirl look--which I think dates back to the Baltimore Catechism of 1884. It would<< Yeah, but in Angel's apartment he says to her "last time I saw you it was kimonos" so vampires can in fact change their look if they desire to do so. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 10:55:36 -0700 From: NAZARIAN@ORIX.COM Subject: Re: BUFFY: Promo ideas > I for one don't expect any > drastic changes simply because all the scenes from the promo look like > they're from a single episode. but of course! That's what I said- that I thought there would be resolution (although I disagree about there not being long standing effects with Buffy- I think that Joss is going to be delving a little more deeply into the effects of being a slayer has on Buffy ) Anyhow- yes, it is withdrawal that is causing all the commotion- but we did end on a sort of strange note last season- and I'm as curious as everyone else to see where we are now. As for Angel- couldn't agree more- he's got to get some more depth besides "I'm a tortured, sexy soul" or I'm going to start yawning. that's all for now. miss hayse ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 11:10:52, -0500 From: (JOSEPH NORTHCOTT) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Still more "Angel" questions! >It seemed odd to me that Buffy, who obviously is much stronger than >Xander needs his help to slam the door shut. I'm going to justify it by >saying that they needed a little leverage to shut it, though. Let's take a trip back to high school physics class. It isn't odd. This is not just a question of strength. Buffy could be stronger than Lou Ferregno, but if she's wearing those Buffy heels, she's just going to skid if she pushes harder. What is needed is more weight, and Xander certainly weighs a lot more than Buffy. >the thing that bothers me about that scene is that Xander doesn't even >provide any leverage. He "helps" Buffy shove the door closed by >pushing on the door NEXT to Buffy, down near the hinges! Obviously he >should have been pushing on the edge of the door, over where Buffy was. Yes, he should, but the reason why Xander doesn't run around Buffy to the edge of the door is simple: if he does that, then all the camera sees is the back of Xander's shirt. The director needs Xander on the other side of Buffy, so they can frame that great shot (they put in the credits) where they close the door just as we see the vampire hand stick through the crack. It is fiction after all. This isn't "Bill Nye the Science Guy." :) Joseph ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 11:17:36 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Digests Can anyone send me digest 260? I did not get it ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 11:33:20 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: Re: BUFFY: Still more "Angel" questions! At 11:10 AM -0500 8/28/97, JOSEPH NORTHCOTT wrote: >It is fiction after all. We are circling this show like a pack of rabid teenagers. Joss is before us, wheezing, "What are you doing? Are you crazy?!" In one seamless motion, we're on him! Tearing him into little pieces. Later, LostBoy and other PTB will blame it all on wild dogs that snuck into his office at the Fox Studios. God, this show is brutal. I love it. JJ :-) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 11:57:43 -0400 From: Michael Clarke Subject: BUFFY: Re: Digest request >Can anyone send me digest 260? I did not get it > I forwarded the requested digest to Artemis Mike ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ -- "I know the disposition of women: when you will, they won't; when you won't, they set their hearts upon you of their own inclination." - - Terence. " . . . then I came home to a woman that I could not recognize. When I pressed her for a reason, she refused to even answer . . ." - - B. Joel "Don't be sorry, be smart." - - Dr. Gregory ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 12:16:51 -0400 From: Virginia Eveland Subject: BUFFY: Download the Promo That's right, thanks to Flagg's website, you can now have your very own avi of the promo. In two convenient sizes! Enjoy. - -- Virginia Eveland UIN 1517244 Pretender,Slayerette, Bab5, X-Phile SYX, AGML, LGW, BLA, OBSSE, GASP Keeper of Giles's Inner Child Keeper of Buffy's Three Gold Hoop Earrings Keeper of Little Buffy's Dogeared Copy of 'Horton Slew a Who' - -- Webmistress of the Buffy ICQ List, B/G 'Shippers, BTVS Tape Trade - -- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 12:34:28 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: season finale question In a message dated 97-08-28 02:57:31 EDT, you write: > hi, i'm kinda confused about the season finale cuz when the master bit > buffy's neck, and later xander gave her CPR, how come buffy didn't turn > into a vampire? and then when she went up to fight the master, she said 'i > may be dead, but i'm still pretty.' if anyone can clear it up please let > me know. thanks. does anyone have most or all of the episodes on tape? if > so, please email me. > > anne marie > aka: duppy > Since the biting has to be a two way street ("they suck your blood, you suck their blood, it's this whole big sucking thing.") Buffy is not a vampire, but she seems to have gained from the expience ("I fell stronger."). So, she is changed, but not necessarily for the worse. Napoleon Http:// (Defenders of the Night) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 12:51:35 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Promo Every one keeps talking about how Buffy appeared different in the WSWB promo, but like someone else pointed out, these are all frames of the same ep, so maybe she is just having a bad day? I have to say though, if they turn Buffy into this militant, all work no play, vampire slayer, it is gonna irk me. One of the things I loved about this show was the quirky sense of humor that everyone shows. And of course I love the friendship she has with Willow and Xander, so I hope that they don't have Buffy do something stupid to ruin that, because I agree that both Willow and Xander look in the previews. N E way....just another person who has dissected the promo endlessly in a futile attempt to gain some insight into next season. One more thing, when I was at the official buffy sight, I saw the sign in for the bulliten board, and I saw where you can look at the previous weeks posting, but how do you see what is currently being posted, and how do you know if Alyson, Joss, or Lost Boy are posting? Thanks for the help. Later ya'll Brittany ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 10:01:06 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: YKYBWTMBTVSW's At 10:10 AM 8/28/97 -0400, wrote: >*You break into a chorus of "Hark, The Hellmouth's Angel Sings" by mistake >during Christmas mass. In case anyone is confused by this reference, you can link to those song lyrics directly at: Thanks for mentioning it! Shamelessly pluggin' to the bitter end, Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 13:35:11 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Promo In a message dated 97-08-28 07:28:26 EDT, you write: << does anyone on aol know how to make an email link? i dunno but could someone tell meeh please?!!! it would really help!! >> Do you mean in the email? Highlight the text you want to be a link and then click on your right mouse button and choose create hyperlink and type in the URL and click ok. Hope that helps. 'later =Pam "I used to have a handle on reality...but it broke" ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 13:47:16 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Download the Promo it cannot recive it when i try to connect to it what do i do ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 13:52:22 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Promo i didnt ask sorry u sent to the wrong person ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 13:52:48 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: season finale question Do u happen to know what the begging of the second sesions show is going to be ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 14:23:15 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Promo ideas At the begining of the promo I thought I saw Buffy leave the Bronze angry like she had just broken up with Xander and Willow. Could anybody clear this up? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 14:50:03 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: BtVS Trivia In a message dated 97-08-28 00:27:09 EDT, writes: << >QUESTION: Buffy lives at _ _ _ _ Ribello Drive. FYI, in case anyone out there doesn't already know, the answer is in the BtVS FAQ. >> Where's the actual trivia contest? - - Allison of Big:Cordy's Cell Phone + Sparkle Purse (WttH), X's Tweety Bird Watch (NKABOTFD),B's purple pink lamp, Joyce's Earrings + "Effective Parenting" Tapes (WttH), Lance's notebook, the SHS lockers. Little: X's Superman Pajamas w/ Matching Cape (+ Padded Feet), C's "Baby Prom Queen" Make-up Set, W's Lonely Ken Doll (after Little X stole Barbie), Master's Blood-Flavored Toothpaste (he can't wait to brush his fangs at night!) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 14:48:59 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: BtVS Trivia In a message dated 97-08-28 00:25:58 EDT, writes: << >>QUESTION: Buffy lives at 1630 Ribello Drive. >> How is that a question? I don't get it! Someone please explain! Also, I went to my high school orientation today, where they had a club fair, where you signed up if you were interested in joining high school clubs. I almost signed up for a club, but when I asked when meetings were, the guy told me, "Every other Monday, about an hour and a half to 2 hours, starting @ 8." I told him I wasn't interested, and when he asked why, I just told him, "I can't miss Buffy!" I felt really stupid, but I'm happy that I didn't sign up. Will power! - - Allison of Big:Cordy's Cell Phone + Sparkle Purse (WttH), X's Tweety Bird Watch (NKABOTFD),B's purple pink lamp, Joyce's Earrings + "Effective Parenting" Tapes (WttH), Lance's notebook, the SHS lockers. Little: X's Superman Pajamas w/ Matching Cape (+ Padded Feet), C's "Baby Prom Queen" Make-up Set, W's Lonely Ken Doll (after Little X stole Barbie), Master's Blood-Flavored Toothpaste (he can't wait to brush his fangs at night!) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 14:52:32 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: IKWYDLS/Buffy Promo In a message dated 97-08-28 01:06:53 EDT, (Angela Mach) writes: << What was the movie Alyson was gonna be in again? >> Dead Man On Campus. - - Allison of Big:Cordy's Cell Phone + Sparkle Purse (WttH), X's Tweety Bird Watch (NKABOTFD),B's purple pink lamp, Joyce's Earrings + "Effective Parenting" Tapes (WttH), Lance's notebook, the SHS lockers. Little: X's Superman Pajamas w/ Matching Cape (+ Padded Feet), C's "Baby Prom Queen" Make-up Set, W's Lonely Ken Doll (after Little X stole Barbie), Master's Blood-Flavored Toothpaste (he can't wait to brush his fangs at night!) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 15:05:51 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY:Flaggs site What's the deal with flagg's site you need a special compresser. Could someone send me the compresser you need. thankyou. Keeper of Angel's charm,Alyson's smile Proud meber of Buffaholics Anonymous "Would you like to hear an off color joke" - Xander PS ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 15:13:27 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Concerning Promos In a message dated 97-08-28 10:02:01 EDT, writes: << Angel is kind of a downer--fascinating character, but he needs a sense of humor, stat!--I >> I remember Buffy telling Giles in WttH that he needed a personality -- stat! Is that a derivative of a word that means quicly, or now, or what? Can somone clarify? - - Allison of Big:Cordy's Cell Phone + Sparkle Purse (WttH), X's Tweety Bird Watch (NKABOTFD),B's purple pink lamp, Joyce's Earrings + "Effective Parenting" Tapes (WttH), Lance's notebook, the SHS lockers. Little: X's Superman Pajamas w/ Matching Cape (+ Padded Feet), C's "Baby Prom Queen" Make-up Set, W's Lonely Ken Doll (after Little X stole Barbie), Master's Blood-Flavored Toothpaste (he can't wait to brush his fangs at night!) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 15:49:09 -0700 From: NAZARIAN@ORIX.COM Subject: Re: BUFFY: Concerning Promos-STAT! definition: Main Entry: stat Function: abbreviation L statim- immediately; statute FYI (or in a Sidney Sheldon book, when he comments on the sexism towards women doctors- its: Shake That Ass Toots. not nice, I know. miss hayse ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 13:11:49 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: BUFFY: Can the Crossbow? Unless I'm forgetting something, the crossbow isn't turning out to be the ultimate "flying fatality" weapon that Buffy was hoping it would be. By my count, Buffy is 0 for 2 with it. She hit Darla in the abdomen, and Master caught her bolt in midair. So can the crossbow and stick (so to speak) with trusty stakes? Lisa P.S. Check out the new Great America photos: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 13:39:05 -0700 From: "Christopher B. Castro" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Still more "Angel" questions! >I think the "Vampires can't enter your house unless you invite them" >thing is sorta like a police line at a crime scene. You cross the line, >then realize what you've done, and get kicked out by the police. Not >*totally* unlike the one of the Three who stuck his arm inside, then >pulled it out a few seconds later. I was also thinking that this rule comes into effect much like the use of a holy symbol against a vampire. The vampire can tolerate it for a little bit, it's just uncomfortable for him/her. So even though I believe that a vampire doesn't truly 'enter' your home until the vampire actually steps inside, it's quite possible that one of the Three was merely making a desperate grab (no pun intended) for Buffy. }:)> Chris 2 **Keeper of Xander's Cool** **BABS Loremaster** ========================================================================= BABS Homepage: ========================================================================= "No, no, listen, don't listen to me, listen. You can find them if you are brave. They passed down all the roads long ago. And the Red Bull ran close behind them and covered their footprints." - -Peter S. Beagle, "The Last Unicorn" ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 16:50:04, -0500 From: (JOSEPH NORTHCOTT) Subject: Re: BUFFY: the fetishistic way we dissect all things buffy. Jesse Jou wrote: >I remember in the early days on the Bronze Postingboard when everyone was >wondering what/who Angel was and then the promo for Angel was released and >someone on the board freeze-framed the whole thing and discovered major >clues of Angel's identity. Yes, I remember it well. I think I still have that day's postingboard saved. Someone went through frame by frame, and found that the preview included frames of someone opening a refrigerator and it had blood bags inside. That did turn out to be a pretty big giveaway. :) We take our slaying much too seriously. :) Joseph ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 14:36:14 -0700 (PDT) From: Dave-Fu Master Subject: BUFFY: Buffy's Boyfriend?? ob Buffy: I know that we've discussed this on the list before about leaving the personal lives of the actors/actresses alone (that little fiasco about fans knowing the address of SMG) But in the recent little snippet in People Magazine, which features SMG as one 40 most interesting ppl, if you look closely at the article, you see a quote: 'Right now, my job is my significant other' Does anyone know if SMG is seeing anyone? Is it an famous actor? And if so, would this hinder her ability to act through scenes that involver her to be romantic (ie with Angel) in the upcoming season? The full page People article can be seen on Lisa Rose's page at: Dave N. - - Get busy living or get busy dying. - - "He doesn't sound like a person who would have a hairy back." - Willow, BtVS ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 17:48:34 -0700 From: NAZARIAN@ORIX.COM Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy's Boyfriend?? > 'Right now, my job is my significant other' personally, I would take this comment to imply that she has no time for a relationship right now (isn't that kind of the point of the statement??) - and even if she was dating, I think she's a good enough actor to separate reality and her work. miss hayse ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 18:10:07 -0400 From: Judy Gracey Subject: BUFFY: Re: buffy Digest V1 #262 Regarding "the anointed one" being in Dante's Peak...I just happened to see it last night, and it is not the anointed one, but the kid from "Nightmares" He plays Linda Hamilton's son, took me a few minutes to figure out where I had seen him before... John G. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 15:22:33 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: BUFFY: BABS Seeking Fresh Blood! The Bay Area Buffy Society (BABS) is now seeking new Buffy addicts in the SF Bay Area (San Jose to San Francisco, Milpitas to Berkeley) to join our obsessive ranks! We had our first official event, a field trip to San Jose's Great America to meet Charisma Carpenter and collect Buffy merchandise booty last Saturday (see picture link below). We are looking forward to marathon all-day Buffy watching sessions and perhaps even a season premiere party (with plenty of snack foods onhand in honor of Xander)! Plus, excursions to local graveyards and funeral homes (well, maaaybe...). If you are interested and a Bay Area denizen (or interested and willing to drive long distances), then please contact our Membership Mage and Keeper of the Holy BABS Scrolls, Chris Castro ( or myself, Lisa Rose ( Please also check out our nascent BABS homepage, created by our Loremaster, Chris Castro: And photos from our most recent "BABS at Great America" (with Charisma) Day: May Buffy be with You! Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 15:40:17 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Website Update - New GASPers Hi all, I have added more New GASPers to the GASPer Home Page at: They are denoted by "NEW" I have also added a new picture to the page. There are also pictures of Anthony as "Dr. Frank-N-Furter" From a stage production of "Rocky Horror Show"!!!!!! If you wish to join the GASPers aka the official Keepers of Giles' stuff, please email me PRIVATELY and I'll send you the info. Info regarding joining the Offline Official Anthony Stewart Head Fan Club will be coming soon. This club, unlike the GASPers, will cost money. Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey, Paul Wylie, Anthony S. Head & Buffy-Beta Lists Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles Coats&Ties "Hi, Sonja, it's uh, Tony Head.." Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) to Me! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 15:52:53 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Pictures of Charisma at Great America! In a message dated 97-08-28 10:32:17 EDT, writes: << Forgive my complete and utter ignorance, but Where is Great America anyway? >> Just off Highway 101 in Northern Cali...Santa Clara, to be exact(I think)... L8r Chris >=) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 15:58:28 -0700 (PDT) From: Andrew Wagster Subject: Re: BUFFY: Still more "Angel" questions! On Thu, 28 Aug 1997 wrote: > expected, or she had a burst of adrenalin. And then I'm going to walk off > with my fingers in my ears, humming.) Good plan. Me too. |Andrew Wagster| |---------------------------------------------------------------------- | "Oh, look at me! I'm making people happy! I'm the magical man, from | | Happyland, in a gumdrop house on Lollipop Laaane!" -H. Simpson | - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 16:03:19 -0700 (PDT) From: Andrew Wagster Subject: Re: BUFFY: Concerning Promos On Thu, 28 Aug 1997 wrote: > In a message dated 97-08-28 10:02:01 EDT, writes: > > << Angel is kind of a downer--fascinating character, but he needs a sense of > humor, stat!--I >> > > I remember Buffy telling Giles in WttH that he needed a personality -- stat! > Is that a derivative of a word that means quicly, or now, or what? Can somone > clarify? Yep. It's Emergency Room-speak for quickly. |Andrew Wagster| |---------------------------------------------------------------------- | "Oh, look at me! I'm making people happy! I'm the magical man, from | | Happyland, in a gumdrop house on Lollipop Laaane!" -H. Simpson | - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 16:16:53 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy's Boyfriend?? At 02:36 PM 8/28/97 -0700, Dave-Fu Master wrote: >The full page People article can be seen on Lisa Rose's page at: > Actually, there's no "e" in my "cybrpaws" name (so it would fit Unix login specs). That's always surprising people. What the honorable Dave-Fu Master meant to write was: for the Sarah article in People. Buffy be with you, Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 16:18:26 PDT From: "noname 7" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Exorcising Angel's demons <> Angel is 240, I remember Buffy said that he was 224 years older than her & she's 16. Math Lesson: what's 224 + 16 =? Well, it's... 240. & in Angel I also believe that Giles read in a book that he was 240. NOT 242, but he'll be 241 this year. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 20:20:52 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Coincidences In a message dated 97-08-28 20:13:16 EDT, (Nikki Alberto) writes: << Here are some coincidences: >> How 'bout some more! (S'mores!)........(yum) SMG will be appearing on the Tonight Show along w/ Jason Priestley, who was on 90210, @ the same school, also w/ Luke Perry, who was in the movie.......... SMG plays a Helen in IKWYDLS and Scream 2. (Right? I think so!) (I think someone else pointed that out already.) Ummmmmm..........I think I had some more before, but the Po5 one was already mentioned, and I can't remember the rest, and {I'm here} to tell you {that I don't care}, so..............bye! - -- Allison of Big:Cordy's Cell Phone + Sparkle Purse (WttH), X's Tweety Bird Watch (NKABOTFD),B's purple pink lamp, Joyce's Earrings + "Effective Parenting" Tapes (WttH), Lance's notebook, the SHS lockers. Little: X's Superman Pajamas w/ Matching Cape (+ Padded Feet), C's "Baby Prom Queen" Make-up Set, W's Lonely Ken Doll (after Little X stole Barbie), Master's Blood-Flavored Toothpaste (he can't wait to brush his fangs at night!) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 18:27:32 -0600 (MDT) From: Peg Carr Subject: BUFFY: Angel, hyenas, and other thoughts Hello all, I'm usually a deep, deep, lurker, but I had a crisis Monday--I was out of town and missed the rerun of "Angel"!! Aaaack! If anyone could make a copy for me, I would be eternally grateful, and willing to pay postage, cost of the tape, etc. I have all the other eps, but sadly, only one VCR. Please e-mail me privately. I've been listening to all the hyena discussion from a while ago. This is only my opinion and please don't flame me for not being politically correct! Thanks. IMHO, hyenas are pretty nasty creatures. I don't know anything about the mythology or calling people's names, but I do know they are cannibals. Ugh. On the same note, one of the reasons I like Buffy so much is because all vampires are evil, pretty much. I don't like all the recent "it's cool to be a vampire" mania, like from the Anne Rice books, or the role-playing games. Of course, I have to make an exception for Angel. He's not totally evil anymore, and doesn't hurt anyone to stay alive. Although I wonder how he gets away with stealing so much of the bottled stuff? You would think they'd notice if someone was stealing 10 pints a week or whatever it takes. I think Angel is a hunka-hunka-burnin' love, but that's probably because I'm female and have eyes! But I don't have a lot of respect for him. He admits in "The Harvest" that he's scared of fighting the nasty vampires. Compared to Buffy he is pretty wimpy. You know he has to be tough because he's undead and all that, but he doesn't really do much to help. Because of "Prophecy Girl" I think he might be turning around, and I hope that keeps up this season. BTW, I think his punishment is wonderfully fair--he has to remember everything he's done, and actually have a conscience about it. Wow. It reminds me of "The Shadow", if anyone else has seen that movie? It's one of my favorites. Anyway, thanks for listening to a lurker! Peg Aztecs stole my sidekick!! Peg Carr carrm@ucsu.Colorado.EDU Keeper of Giles' Broadsword ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 17:39:20 -0700 From: Sai Wong Subject: BUFFY: VCR Alert !!! Hi, If my cable guide is correct the episode of "Spencer for Hire" with a young SMG in it will air tomorrow (29th August) See your local listings for the broadcast time in your area. Sai Keeper of Buffy's red lipstick Keeper of Buffy's Dubba Dubba dance script Keeper of Willows Microsoft software collection Keeper of Xanders love for pork/school mascot Keeper of Xanders Dubba Dubba dance skills Keeper of Gile's coffee beans (GASP) Keeper of Cordelia's drivers licence Keeper of Grrr Arrg end credit mutant ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 20:50:42 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Apology Sorry for that weird e-mail I sent before, where it said "wsq'" or something like that. I don't know what happened. Thanks, and sorry again! - Toby ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 17:52:56 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Still more "Angel" questions! On Wed, 27 Aug 1997, Mohamed Haddadi wrote: > 2) If a vampire can't come into a home where it's not invited, > > a) Why was one of the Three able to stick his arm through the door? Doesn't > that count as a part of him? Perhaps that vampire was construing the open door as his invitation. And Buffy was trying to revoke the invitation fast! But no, that wouldn't explain why Darla waited for Mrs. Summers to invite her in, even though the door had been opened. So I'm going with Chris C's theory that he was trying to grab her through the open door without intending to come all the way in the house. She wasn't certain he couldn't come in (Angel had to remind her of the invitation thing). So she desperately tried to close the door, an act probably more dangerous than just stepping way back into the house and leaving the door open. Savoring yet another chunk of flesh from Joss's bones, Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 18:18:56 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel, hyenas, and other thoughts At 06:27 PM 8/28/97 -0600, Peg Carr wrote: > I think Angel is a hunka-hunka-burnin' love, but that's probably >because I'm female and have eyes! But I don't have a lot of respect for >him. He admits in "The Harvest" that he's scared of fighting the nasty >vampires. Compared to Buffy he is pretty wimpy. So have you seen "Angel" yet (even though you missed the rerun)? Angel takes on three vicious warrior vampires, and almost dies, to save Buffy's life in it. Nobody asked him too. He volunteered. Buffy was also afraid of dying at the Master's hands and quit being the Slayer (in PG), until Willow (unintentionally) talked her back into facing him. Angel agreed to risk facing the Master too after Xander talked him into it. I'm always perplexed when people imply that Angel is a coward. Only a fool wouldn't be afraid of the Master forces. So if *Xander* really wasn't afraid of the Master at all (which I doubt, though some have suggested it), then IMHO Xander would either be a fool or have a death wish. Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 18:23:37 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Frustration At 10:20 PM 8/26/97 -0700, Dave-Fu Master wrote: >Question: In the final parts of the show, when Buffy, Angel, and Darla >were in the Bronze...Darla revealed that she and Angel were involved a >long time ago. And when Buffy said that Darla was from the days of >Columbus (which makes Darla over 400 yrs old), does this mean that Darla >was the one who made Angel into a vampire? Actually I think Darla tells Buffy directly that she "made" Angel (and I don't think she means just that old euphemism for sex either!). Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 18:28:41 -0700 From: "Christopher B. Castro" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Pictures of Charisma at Great America! At 12:18 AM 8/28/97 -0700, you wrote: >Yes, the pictures I took of Charisma while on our >BABS (Bay Area Buffy Society) field trip to Great >America are now on the web in a new page called >the "Cyberpaws Buffy Photo Browsing Page": > > > These pictures are also now conveniently located at the BABS Home Page at: I just recently (today) updated the BABS web page. Come check it out for other information on the Charisma Carpenter Great America day as well. ;-) }:)> Chris 2 **Keeper of Xander's Cool** **BABS Loremaster** ========================================================================= BABS Homepage: ========================================================================= "No, no, listen, don't listen to me, listen. You can find them if you are brave. They passed down all the roads long ago. And the Red Bull ran close behind them and covered their footprints." - -Peter S. Beagle, "The Last Unicorn" ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 20:40:02 -0500 From: "Jerry Stephens" Subject: BUFFY: OnSat Tv poll Well I just got the new OnSat and in next weeks issue is their annual TV survey. Buffy is listed as one of the most original and unique shows of the year! As far as I see this is the only WB show that even got mentioned. I think its pretty cool that fav show made it. Jerry S ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #263 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". 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