From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #265 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Friday, August 29 1997 Volume 01 : Number 265 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: Concerning Promos Re: BUFFY: Can the Crossbow? Multiple responses and Lisa Rose-in-a-Box. BUFFY: ADMIN: Please read Re: BUFFY: Can the Crossbow? Multiple responses and Lisa Rose-in-a-Box. BUFFY: Re:Buffy: Stinky Comercial Re: BUFFY: Re:Buffy: Stinky Comercial BUFFY: A place called Home. was "Can the crossbow?" BUFFY: Thoughts on episodes and Charisma Re: BUFFY: IKWYDLS/Buffy Promo Re: BUFFY: Hi, I'm a newbie here.. Re: BUFFY: A smack from King James. was "A place called Home" Re: BUFFY: mistakes Re: BUFFY: Angel questions!! (Oh boy!!) Re: BUFFY: Can the Crossbow? Multiple responses and Lisa Rose-in-a-Box. Re: BUFFY: mistakes Re: BUFFY: Season premiere (WGN) Re: BUFFY: The Harvest Re: BUFFY: Sorry, forgot my addy! BUFFY: RE: the master Re: BUFFY: A smack from King James. was "A place called Home" Re: BUFFY: Can the Crossbow? Multiple responses and Lisa Re: BUFFY: Can the Crossbow? Multiple responses and Lisa Rose-in-a-Box. Re: BUFFY: mistakes BUFFY: Spenser: For Hire Re: BUFFY: RE: the master Re: BUFFY: Can the Crossbow? Multiple responses and Lisa Re: BUFFY: Spenser: For Hire Re: BUFFY: Can the Crossbow? Multiple responses and Lisa Re: BUFFY: Spenser: For Hire Re: BUFFY: Spenser: For Hire BUFFY: The Harvest Re: BUFFY: Spenser: For Hire Re: BUFFY: Can the Crossbow? Multiple responses and Lisa BUFFY: Guess What? BUFFY: Darla's taste in clothes Sacred Cows (was Re: BUFFY: Can the Crossbow? Multiple responses and Lisa Rose-in-a-Box.) BUFFY: New Buffy Site Re: BUFFY: Spenser: For Hire BUFFY: IKWYDLS commercial/Buffy Promo Re: BUFFY: Frustration Re: BUFFY: Angel questions!! (Oh boy!!) Re: BUFFY: mistakes Re: BUFFY: IKWYDLS/Buffy Promo See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 16:55:26 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Concerning Promos << Angel is kind of a downer--fascinating character, but he needs a sense of humor, stat!>> I like Angel's character as the dangerous, mysterious older man who is some what vulnerable and so gorgeous. I don't want him to have the sense of humor, as say, Xander. I think one of them is enough and that Angel's character is unique and adorable and......... OK, I'll shut up now :-). Sharon Ruth ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 13:51:50 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Can the Crossbow? Multiple responses and Lisa Rose-in-a-Box. At 12:05 PM 8/29/97 -0400, Jesse Jou wrote: >Lisa Rose also wrote: >>So I'm going with Chris C's theory that he was trying to grab her >>through the open door without intending to come all the way in the house. >This argument is really maddening. Where does personal, inviolable space >begin, I ask you? What qualifies as a "home" (would someone living in >their car be shielded from vampiric intrusion)? Really, the mind wobbles. This is the stuff of folklore, dearheart! We could launch into a rather lengthy discussion of how the human brain is hard-wired to perceive objects and boundaries where none truly exist (instead just gradients and shades of grey out there). But it just is. My gut may tell me that the door threshold is the "boundary" and the torso is the "object" which cannot pass it. And I may even believe I'm right ("right" and "wrong" being themselves illusory, though useful, dichotomies). And yes, within the realm of poetic license, I suspect that if someone were to *formally* declare their car to be their home, they would be protected. If you scrutize mythology too closely, it turns to dust before your very eyes (just like our beloved Darla, sniff!) and what's the fun in that? (so asks a quintessential nitpicker). >I wonder if female vampires lie about their age? Wasn't it brilliant how Joss played Darla's ancientness into Buffy's stereotypically female cattiness about mortal age? >I have this horrible image now in my mind of Darla as the Madonna of the >vampire set, every couple of years reinventing herself so she can lay >renewed seige on the public taste. Now *that's* an interesting comparison except that Darla flops like fashion flounder in her reinventions, as Buffy so cruelly observes ("that hair on *top* of that outfit?") whereas the Madonnameister reinvents fashion itself in her ponderous wake if need be. Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 16:59:05 -0400 From: sah Subject: BUFFY: ADMIN: Please read Well folks, RenFest beckons and both Jill and I will be offline for the next 24 hours. While we're gone Lisa Rose ( will be in charge of the list. She has the same authority Jill and I do to declare topics dead (for being off-topic and/or flame bait) and will be keeping an eye out for list rule violations. The list has been great lately so I don't expect there to be any trouble. If you have a wild party, just make sure you clean the place up before we g*t back. :-) Technical requests should still go to me, and I'll be back tomorrow night (Saturday) to take care of that stuff then. Have a good weekend, Buffiatrics, and thanks again, Lisa. - --sah - -- sah * * NatPack * BotCoS * JunglePatrol * Bishop * CartoonSharon * Bossy Dwarf The Buffy Mailing List page: "There was one dress she wore while dragging Sam Neill across the floor that I would for." ---JillK ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 17:01:53 -0400 (EDT) From: Jill Gillham Subject: Re: BUFFY: Can the Crossbow? Multiple responses and Lisa Rose-in-a-Box. On Fri, 29 Aug 1997, Christopher B. Castro wrote: > it wasn't taken into consideration. But it is interesting. Just what does > qualify as a home? Can a vampire not come into your cardboard box if you > don't invite it? How many days must you dwell in your car in order for it to > count as a "home"? What if your home is a small clearing in the woods and a On a related note, could a vampire milk a cow or would he go up in flames if he tried? (Yeah, the semiannual Holy Ground discussion on Highla-l is leaking over in my mind here.) Jill Gillham "Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies." ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 17:11:13 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Re:Buffy: Stinky Comercial I was watching the Beverly Hills 90210 on channel 52 and I saw a comercial for Alright Already. The point is that they said that Buffy needed to go to a teen help center or something like that and they asked Why does she have to slay all those vampires. I thought that was a really low thing for the producer of that show to do and I know I'm not going to watch it. Did anybody else see that comercial? ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 17:28:16 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re:Buffy: Stinky Comercial At 5:11 PM -0400 8/29/97, wrote: >for Alright Already. The point is that they said that Buffy needed to go to a >teen help center or something like that and they asked Why does she have to >slay all those vampires. I thought that was a really low thing for the >producer of that show to do and I know I'm not going to watch it. Be you not distressed, my friend. Alright Already is a new show for WB. What exactly happens in this promo is that two stereotypically annoying parents talk about their daughter whose new show is going to be on the WB whilst watching fine WB programming one night. The comment isn't that Buffy should go to a teen help center (i.e., she needs psychiatric help), but that she should stop worrying with the vampires and hang out at the teen center like a normal teenager (in parent speak, that means where all the adolescents go to have wholesome non-drug related fun). Really not a slam against Buffy at all, but rather a parental wish for that nice girl Buffy to have normal teenage life. Oy vey! JJ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 17:53:38 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: BUFFY: A place called Home. was "Can the crossbow?" At 1:15 PM -0700 8/29/97, Christopher B. Castro wrote: >Just what does >qualify as a home? Can a vampire not come into your cardboard box if you >don't invite it? How many days must you dwell in your car in order for it to >count as a "home"? I mean, if we treat the notion of "home" as protected space, would you be able to use your deed or mortage contract to ward off the undead? (Aargh! He bears the Paperwork of Mitchell Mortage Co.!!) Also, if crosses can ward off vampires, what about a Bible? Could you enhance damage to a vampire by smacking him/her/it with a copy of King James? And would more recent and progressive editions work too? Oh, Lisa Rose, a whole slew of undead questions, just for you.... :-) JJ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 15:11:12 -0700 (PDT) From: Nikki Alberto Subject: BUFFY: Thoughts on episodes and Charisma Thought on Nightmares: Remember in the hospital right after Billy awoke, everything went back to normal. How could Willow, Buffy, Xander, and Giles remember all the stuff about the nightmares because when everything went back to normal, everyone else in the hospital were acting like nothing even happened (meaning THEY couldn't remember). I know you're saying how in The Harvest, Giles says people forget things they can't believe, but I would at least be kind of standing around in a gaze thinking about the weird stuff that just happened. Thoughts on Welcome to the Hellmouth: Remember when they were in the Bronze and Giles was telling Buffy that even through the big crowd, she could spot a vampire. When she saw the one talking to the girl who happened to be Willow, she didn't try to chase after him until she found out the girl was Willow. So if it was some other girl taliking to the vampire, she wouldn't try to save her???---Of all the people in the Bronze that the vampires could give to the Master, it happened to be close friends (Willow and Jesse). Thoughts on The Harvest: When Willow was looking up stuff in the computer and Cordelia was making fun of her, Willow told her to press deliver (delete) and she did so all of her program got deleted. But why was all of the program highlited? If it wasn't highlited, the worse the delete button could do is delete a letter. Thought on Angel: Right after Darla told the Master that Angel would kill Buffy to keep her from killing him, he stuck out his tongue in that girlish-gitty look some people do when they hear something good. It looks hilarious. Thoughts on Charisma(CORDELIA): GIVE CHARISMA MORE LINES!!! Charisma is a main character, but she doesn't have very much lines like the others. She was barely in Teacher's Pet and Angel. She had 5 or less lines in some other episodes, and she wasn't even IN The Pack or I Robot-You Jane. That's good she had lot's of lines in Out of Mind, Out of Sight. _____________________________________________________________________ Sent by RocketMail. Get your free e-mail at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 18:18:57 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: IKWYDLS/Buffy Promo In a message dated 97-08-29 00:36:22 EDT, you write: << The show is called "When She Was Bad". Maybe hurting Willow by kissing Xander is part of that. I'd hate to see that be true but the thought just popped into my head. >> I've been rewatching episodes like we all have been, and one thing that keeps surprising me the more I watch it is the incidences of outright cruelty the characters engage in, and the amount of emotional abuse our heroes undergo. (Xander to Willow in "The Pack," Cordelia to Willow in "Welcome to the Hellmouth," Buffy's "dad" in "Nightmares," etc.) I keep thinking this is a funny show when I describe it to people, and of course it is. But I've just recently noticed that the writing also raises emotional stakes more often than I consciously gave it credit for. In fact, I guess this simply underscores my point of a week or so ago, that the high school traumas are more important to the show in many ways than the actual physical dangers that the monsters represent. Just a thought. (David Ellis Dickerson) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 14:54:05 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Hi, I'm a newbie here.. At 02:58 PM 8/29/97 -0500, wrote: >and I think I've come up with another YKYBWTMBtVSW... >you see the word buffer on your e-mail and do a doubletake thinking it >says "Buffy". Speaking of which, when I first glanced at your post, I honestly thought you wrote "do a doublestake" And in your later post, I thought you wrote "I'd take a moment to slay hello" These may sound like puns folks, but I fear they are portents of impending Buffy madness. (Waddya mean "impending," Lisa?) Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 15:19:34 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: A smack from King James. was "A place called Home" At 05:53 PM 8/29/97 -0400, Jesse Jou wrote: >Also, if crosses can >ward off vampires, what about a Bible? Could you enhance damage to a >vampire by smacking him/her/it with a copy of King James? And would more >recent and progressive editions work too? And one of those "Strong's Concordance of the Bible" books. Have you ever seen one? They're huge! Flatten a vamp? I dare say you could seal the Hellmouth itself with the bulk of a single one. Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 18:20:34 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: mistakes In a message dated 97-08-29 01:20:36 EDT, you write: << Then when Xander and Buffy are in the tunnel he says it beats chem class. But in "Teacher's Pet" they take biology. I don't know about other schools but in my school you can't take chem and bio at the same time. >> This brings back my earlier point--this might not be an outright error so much as a sign that Sunnydale is about to lose its accreditation. (Now THAT would be a very special Buffy: WILLOW: "We've got to do well on the exams, or the school will close down and we'll all get split up!" GILES: "But the Harvest is tonight!" BUFFY: "Sorry, Giles. I can't get paid for slaying. So if it's a choice between opening the Hellmouth and getting into a good college, I'm going for the long-term benefits.") (David Ellis Dickerson) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 14:58:04 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel questions!! (Oh boy!!) At 04:19 PM 8/29/97 -0700, Sebastian Luberto wrote: >Since everyone is asking Angel questions, I have a couple of my own- >1. How on earth does Angel pay for his rent?? Where does he work?? >(Idea: Chippendales) Now there's an idea whose time has come! Angel as gigolo of the ages. And drat, there's no Chippendales near me! >2. How on earth did Xander know where Angel lived??? The Undead stir, hearing their Master's call... Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 15:11:00 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Can the Crossbow? Multiple responses and Lisa Rose-in-a-Box. At 05:01 PM 8/29/97 -0400, Jill Gillham wrote: >On a related note, could a vampire milk a cow or would he go up in flames >if he tried? (Yeah, the semiannual Holy Ground discussion on Highla-l is >leaking over in my mind here.) What?!!! What does milking a cow have to do with Holy Ground? Unless you mean "Holstein" Ground of course, notorious for repelling those hemophilic, lactophobic vamps. ObBuffy: Agggh, now I've got images of David B. in an American Red Cross ad with a glass of red fluid and a little red moustache saying "Got Blood?" Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 18:21:33 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: mistakes In a message dated 97-08-29 01:20:36 EDT, you write: << In the first episode willow says check out a book called theories in trig book from the library but they take geometry (it's seen in future episodes like "Pack"). >> I had geometry and trig in the same semester in high school. Which is probably why it's all just a nightmarish blur to me now. So that doesn't seem so strange to me. What does seem odd is the one time I can remember Willow helping Xander with math (in "The Pack") it was with geometry, AFTER he was presumably having trouble with TRIG in the pilot. Call me pedantic, but that seems like they're being taught in the wrong order. This isn't so much an error, though, as really bad pedagogy. I bet Sunnydale doesn't do so well on their SATs. (David Ellis Dickerson) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 19:24:56 -0300 (ADT) From: The Dark Knight Subject: Re: BUFFY: Season premiere (WGN) Steve wrote: >Does anyone know when the season premiere will >be appearing on WGN? (The Cubs have been among the walking dead all >season; if only Buffy could put officially put a stake through their >hearts and free up Monday nights for something worth watching!) Ummm, mostly likely it will be pushed back to Wednesday at 11pm EDT. You could try their website at or I can't remember which one it is. To the Batcave.... Batman ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 15:29:51 PDT From: "Beth Delahunty" Subject: Re: BUFFY: The Harvest If anyone is looking for the book, we were in K-Marts last week and they had five (at least) copies of The Harvest and I think they even give a discount. Beth™ ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 15:25:59 -0700 (PDT) From: Andrew Wagster Subject: Re: BUFFY: Sorry, forgot my addy! On Fri, 29 Aug 1997 wrote: > Since I forgot to add my addy I thought I'd take a moment to say hello > to everyone and I'm glad there's somewhere to discuss Buffy > intelligently. Do you ever notice how many weird looks you get when > you say you like Buffy: The Vampire Slayer? (At least until that > person(s) sees the series. > Thanks! YES! I was telling my cousin about it, and I had to keep reassuring her that it was a really good show. I'm not sure if she believes me... she's one of those haughty "Oh, I have a social life and places to be on Monday night" people... |Andrew Wagster| |---------------------------------------------------------------------- | "Oh, look at me! I'm making people happy! I'm the magical man, from | | Happyland, in a gumdrop house on Lollipop Laaane!" -H. Simpson | - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 18:35:42 EDT From: (Shannon M Keane) Subject: BUFFY: RE: the master Maybe someone has asked this question before....but here it goes.... What else has Mark Metcalf been in besides BtVS? I saw him playing Neidermeyer in Animal House, but I was wondering if he has done anything else between now and then....... Well...I have o.d. on my email right now...thanks!!! Smiles to everyone =) Shannon Marie "Thank you sir....may I have another!?!" ....Neidermeyer during his pledge pinning ceremony in Animal House ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 15:32:57 -0700 From: "Christopher B. Castro" Subject: Re: BUFFY: A smack from King James. was "A place called Home" Lisa Rose spoke thus: >And one of those "Strong's Concordance of the Bible" books. >Have you ever seen one? They're huge! Flatten a vamp? >I dare say you could seal the Hellmouth itself with >the bulk of a single one. > >Lisa > I remember someone, a while back, mentioning the use of a Torah against a vampire. I know it would be awfully sacreligious, but think about the torture a vampire would experience were someone to wrap the 'Tree of Life' around its body! "Oy gavault! It feels as if hundreds of Hebrew characters are scorching my flesh!" }:)> Chris 2 **Keeper of Xander's Cool** **BABS Loremaster** ========================================================================= BABS Homepage: ========================================================================= "No, no, listen, don't listen to me, listen. You can find them if you are brave. They passed down all the roads long ago. And the Red Bull ran close behind them and covered their footprints." - -Peter S. Beagle, "The Last Unicorn" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 15:42:47 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Can the Crossbow? Multiple responses and Lisa You know you've got BWS when you start replying to your own Buffy list posts: At 04:59 PM 8/29/97 -0400, Lisa Rose wrote: >We could launch into a rather lengthy discussion of how the >human brain is hard-wired to perceive objects and boundaries >where none truly exist (instead just gradients and shades of >grey out there). But it just is. My gut may tell me that the >door threshold is the "boundary" and the torso is the "object" >which cannot pass it. I forgot to mention that without this object and boundary formin' mental tendency on our part, sports as we know it would cease to exist! ObBuffy: And then Mitch would have had nothing to impress Cordelia with. But then he might not have gotten beaten up by Marcie. So woe unto Mitch is our cognitive structure (Or perhaps his lack thereof? Ouch, even Marcie didn't aim *that* low!). Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 15:40:33 -0700 From: "Christopher B. Castro" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Can the Crossbow? Multiple responses and Lisa Rose-in-a-Box. >What?!!! What does milking a cow have to do with Holy Ground? >Unless you mean "Holstein" Ground of course, notorious for >repelling those hemophilic, lactophobic vamps. > Yeah, this one made me do a "doublestake" too (sorry, had to), but I thought I'd just missed something, or wasn't paying enough attention. Perhaps I have, but, Jill, perhaps you can enlighten us? What sort of ill effects do milk have on the undead? I know vampires are lactose intolerant, hell, they're *food* intolerant, but unless the milk's been blessed (by who, the Amish?), then what's it going to do? >ObBuffy: Agggh, now I've got images of David B. in an American >Red Cross ad with a glass of red fluid and a little red >moustache saying "Got Blood?" > Or, "Blood, it does a supernaturally-animated body good." }:)> Chris 2 **Keeper of Xander's Cool** **BABS Loremaster** ========================================================================= BABS Homepage: ========================================================================= "No, no, listen, don't listen to me, listen. You can find them if you are brave. They passed down all the roads long ago. And the Red Bull ran close behind them and covered their footprints." - -Peter S. Beagle, "The Last Unicorn" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 15:55:23 -0700 (PDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: mistakes ><< In the first episode willow says check out a book called theories in trig > book from the library but they take geometry (it's seen in future episodes > like "Pack"). >> In most high schools in Cali. they are or have integrated all math classes. So even if you're in Algebra I you're already learning some Algebra II, and if you're in Algebra II you're still being reviewed with Geometry. Trig is no longer even a class at my school, it's integrated mostly into Geometry and Pre-Cal. So...Trig is taught in Geometry in some schools. :) Always, Kymberly ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 15:56:33 -0700 From: Mary Subject: BUFFY: Spenser: For Hire Okay, who all either watched or taped Spenser for hire this morning? I just watched the tape this morning and I just thought SMG was so adorable! How old was she then? Anyone know? Also, this Monday, I converted one of my friends to watching BtVS! Of course, as we all know, this was the Angel episode, which, IMHO, is one of the best episodes of the first season. My friend had also seen The Witch before, but she didn't really like it much. IMO, that was one of the worst of the first season. NEway, I just thought I'd share that with y'all. 17 days to go, Dawn Secretary of Buffaholics Anonymous Secretary of Willites Keeper of Angel's Window Shades Fan of LeAnn Rimes Fan of Jewel ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 16:00:30 -0700 (PDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: RE: the master >Maybe someone has asked this question before....but here it goes.... >What else has Mark Metcalf been in besides BtVS? Check out the Mark Metcalf Homepage at: For everything you want to know about The Master and more! :) Always, Kymberly ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 15:59:07 -0700 From: "Christopher B. Castro" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Can the Crossbow? Multiple responses and Lisa >I forgot to mention that without this object and boundary >formin' mental tendency on our part, sports as we know it >would cease to exist! > This is starting to get way off topic, but isn't this an extension of the core philosophy of Berkeleianism, which states that "material objects have no independent being but to exist only as concepts of a human or divine mind"? What about the undead mind? Are object truly real when viewed by a vampire? }:)> Chris 2 **Keeper of Xander's Cool** **BABS Loremaster** ========================================================================= BABS Homepage: ========================================================================= "No, no, listen, don't listen to me, listen. You can find them if you are brave. They passed down all the roads long ago. And the Red Bull ran close behind them and covered their footprints." - -Peter S. Beagle, "The Last Unicorn" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 16:28:21 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spenser: For Hire At 03:56 PM 8/29/97 -0700, you wrote: >Okay, who all either watched or taped Spenser for hire this morning? I >just watched the tape this morning and I just thought SMG was so >adorable! I tuned into TNT at 11:00 and was greeted with some silly movie called "Christmas in Connecticut" with Tony Curtis and Dyan Cannon. What was up with that? I hope that you screen grab and avi gurus will post a piece of it so I can see her. SfH is a movie right, not a TV show? >How old was she then? Anyone know? Lawless knows everything about the career of SMG. Tell us, Lawless! Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 17:22:15 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Can the Crossbow? Multiple responses and Lisa At 07:07 PM 8/29/97 -0400, Christopher B. Castro wrote: >This is starting to get way off topic, but isn't this an extension of the >core philosophy of Berkeleianism, which states that "material objects have >no independent being but to exist only as concepts of a human or divine >mind"? What about the undead mind? Are objects truly real when viewed by a >vampire? Only when viewed by a vampire with a soul restored by Gypsies. If Darla were to view them, they would dissolve. Relatedly, Descartes walks into a bar. Bartender says "Rene, can I get you a beer?" Descartes says "I think not" And he disappears. Really, the argument I was making was just a neurological observation of how the brain processes continuous ambient stimulation into discrete objects, not a philosophical treatise on solipsism and the nature of reality. ObBuffy: Can you imagine this conversation taking place between Rupert and his haughty brother Cedric (played by Anthony Hopkins) who visits him from England? Buffy would have to place the statement "I think I speak for everyone here when I say huh?" on a tape loop and just leave it running. Lisa P.S. Ahhh, Friday nights... when the people with social lives go out and party and the rest of us have the whole Internet to ourselves! Yay! No busy signals at the old ISP tonight, no sir! ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 17:25:53 -0700 (PDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spenser: For Hire >I tuned into TNT at 11:00 and was greeted with some silly >movie called "Christmas in Connecticut" with Tony Curtis >and Dyan Cannon. What was up with that? >Lisa You're here on the West Coast, right? "Spenser: For Hire" was on at 8 am here. :) Sorry you missed it. It's just a small part that SMG was in though so hopefully someone can put it on the net, anyone?? :) Always, Kymberly ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 20:48:14 -0700 From: Lawless Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spenser: For Hire Lisa Rose wrote: > >How old was she then? Anyone know? > > Lawless knows everything about the career of SMG. > Tell us, Lawless! She was eight at the time. I haven't watched that episode in a few months so my memory on it is vague but when I first saw it (about 4 years ago), I couldn't tell who SMG was, until I noticed her eyes. Did anyone else notice the resemblance? If you go back and look at some appearances when she was younger, like around 4, you'll notice that her eyes stand out a lot there too. Lawless ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 22:12:35 -0300 From: Aida Abreu Subject: BUFFY: The Harvest Do you still have a copy of the book (The Harvest)? ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 18:36:03 -0700 From: Mary Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spenser: For Hire Lawless wrote: > She was eight at the time. I haven't watched that episode in a few > months so my memory on it is vague but when I first saw it (about 4 > years ago), I couldn't tell who SMG was, until I noticed her eyes. >Did anyone else notice the resemblance? I couldn't tell until she smiled, because I'd know her smile anywhere. It kinda stands out, y'know? Although I knew it was her right away because I was looking for her. I never really thought about the eyes. But there is a large resemblance there, too. Dawn Secretary of Buffaholics Anonymous Secretary of Willites Keeper of Angel's Window Shades Fan of LeAnn Rimes Fan of Jewel ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 18:30:49 -0700 From: "Christopher B. Castro" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Can the Crossbow? Multiple responses and Lisa >Really, the argument I was making was just a neurological >observation of how the brain processes continuous ambient >stimulation into discrete objects, not a philosophical treatise >on solipsism and the nature of reality. > Well, naturally, philosophy *had* to come into the picture once you mention such processes as that, but I can see what you were trying to get at. Of course, we're both completely overanalyzing and deconstructing this "home" theory a little too much. I think it's time to condemn this discussion and diagnose ourselves as fanatically infected with BWS. >ObBuffy: Can you imagine this conversation taking place between >Rupert and his haughty brother Cedric (played by Anthony Hopkins) >who visits him from England? Buffy would have to place the statement >"I think I speak for everyone here when I say huh?" on a tape >loop and just leave it running. > Although Ms. Calendar would be having a ball. She'd get to insult two good-looking British men at the same time. ;-) }:)> Chris 2 **Keeper of Xander's Cool** **BABS Loremaster** ========================================================================= BABS Homepage: ========================================================================= "No, no, listen, don't listen to me, listen. You can find them if you are brave. They passed down all the roads long ago. And the Red Bull ran close behind them and covered their footprints." - -Peter S. Beagle, "The Last Unicorn" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 21:43:28 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Guess What? Hey! Today i saw the movie Excess Baggage (with Alicia Silverstone) and (i've been soooo into BtVS lately) guess what? There's this one scene where there in a hotel/motel room and there is something on the t.v. showing hyenas tearing at a piece of meat and to my surprise it looked exactely like the 'video' about hyenas Willow was watching on her comp. in "The Pack". Ah, well, the things you notice.... Sabri ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 21:08:19 -0500 (CDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Darla's taste in clothes Chris Castro wrote: >Angel said, "Last time I saw you it was komonos.", which suggests >that Darla may be rather whimsical, or just change her clothing >regularly.. Or does, or used to, keep up with human fashion. Kimonos were very "in" in the 20's, about a decade before the earthquake. Mostly thrown over something else (the way we'd add a cardigan), but one of the major designers of the '20s was obsessed with 'Oriental' styles, and a lot of the clothes of that era reflected it. And when you think about it a minute, that "wholesome Catholic girl" getup Darla wears is *perfect* for convincing the guys you're probably harmless, inexperienced, and (if he's slime) ripe for the picking. Did *anybody* expect Darla to be the baddie in the opening scene last season? Or did you expect the guy to try something and one or both of them to buy it in approved horror-movie fashion? Diane E # "Hydrogen. A light, colorless, odorless gas which, given # # enough time, turns into people." _The Astronomers_ # # D Echelbarger # # WWW HomePage: # ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 21:15:09 -0500 (CDT) From: Subject: Sacred Cows (was Re: BUFFY: Can the Crossbow? Multiple responses and Lisa Rose-in-a-Box.) On Fri, 29 Aug 1997, "Christopher B. Castro" wrote: >>What?!!! What does milking a cow have to do with Holy Ground? >Jill, perhaps you can enlighten us? What sort of ill effects do >milk have on the undead? Cows are sacred to the Hindu god Krishna, IIRC. One of the Hindu male dieties, anyway. I suspect that's what Jill meant. As in, if a vampire grabbed a sacred cow by-- well, by what makes it a *cow* and not a *bull*, would it go up in smoke as if it had grasped a cross? Of course, on that basis, they'd also have to avoid cobras (Kali), some species of monkey, cats (Bast), ravens (Odin), coyotes (asst Native American cultures) and many, *many* other creatures. Could make a midnight trip to the zoo rather... trying, for a vamp. ;) Diane E # "Hydrogen. A light, colorless, odorless gas which, given # # enough time, turns into people." _The Astronomers_ # # D Echelbarger # # WWW HomePage: # ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 22:16:50 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: New Buffy Site My nephew just put up a page focusing on SMG. It's called Buffy at her Best ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Aug 1997 02:14:11 GMT From: (Flagg) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spenser: For Hire On Fri, 29 Aug 1997 16:28:21 -0700, Lisa Rose wrote: >I tuned into TNT at 11:00 and was greeted with some silly >movie called "Christmas in Connecticut" with Tony Curtis >and Dyan Cannon. What was up with that? I hope that >you screen grab and avi gurus will post a piece of it >so I can see her. SfH is a movie right, not a TV show? > Well, don't look at me. I had wanted to tape it to grab a couple AVIs, but I forgot to turn on the timer on my VCR. I set the darn thing, but never turned it on. Oh well... So no AVIs unless somebody feels like mailing me a tape, - --Flagg ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 Aug 1997 05:18:00 +0100 From: Subject: BUFFY: IKWYDLS commercial/Buffy Promo Hi I just saw the IKWYDLS commercial cuz i watched Mimic and Kull The Conquerer. The question about who is Sarah Michelle Gellar's in the movie is Ryan Phillippe. Freddie Prinze Jr. is Jennifer Love Hewitt's boyfriend in the movie. I saw the buffy promo finally!!!! Buffy looked like she was really dancing with xander there. or am i seeing things? there's this one part where it's in slow motion, is it her really dancing down with Xander?!!! Angela Mach Keeper of Buffy's taste in men(as in Angela) Keeper of Angel's sweet sensitive side, strength and power Keeper of little Angel's first sweet baby smile(while he was teething) Keeper of Xander's sense of humor ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 22:44:40 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Frustration in reference to the last paragragh, why didn't i see that? ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 20:02:14 PDT From: "Ivy Snitzer" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel questions!! (Oh boy!!) ok mabey this isn't really about Angel but how come nobody calls him Dave B i mean they call David duchovney Dave just curiouse ok i'll stop typing now I have a photographic memory I'm just out of film! IVY: keeper of xanders english text book ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 23:07:30 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: mistakes ummmmm im part of this science program at my school that had me taking bio and chem during my freshman year. yea, i survived, i passed, and i had no idea that taking bio and chem was part of the program. i took psychics and science computering last year (sophmore year) and i have yet to take A.P. bio this year (AUGHHHHHH) which was not my choice. but anyways.... GO BUFFY!!!!!! ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 20:29:24 -0700 (PDT) From: Nikki Alberto Subject: Re: BUFFY: IKWYDLS/Buffy Promo > In a message dated 97-08-28 06:52:49 EDT, someone wrote: >For the Buffy Promo, that everyone who saw it is talking about, some >say that Buffy was dancing with Xander followed by a kiss. Wait a >minute, no way Bufffy would be kissing Xander.She knows how much Willow >likes Xander. Besides, she likes Angel. Kimmy wrote: >Well, just to put my two sense in. The show is called "When She Was >Bad". Maybe hurting Willow by kissing Xander is part of that. I'd hate >to see that be true but the thought just popped into my head. There are many other possibilities. Maybe Xander was having a fantasy again or Willow was having a nightmare. Buffy could of been dancing with another guy, not Xander. [Just to tell you, the money type CENTS is spelled C-E-N-T-S, not S-E-N-S-E. :-) :-) :-) ] _____________________________________________________________________ Sent by RocketMail. Get your free e-mail at ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #265 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-buffy": subscribe buffy-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "buffy-digest" in the commands above with "buffy". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/buffy/archive. These are organized by date.