From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #300 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Wednesday, September 17 1997 Volume 01 : Number 300 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: Spoilers: Opener BUFFY: Comprehensive Ratings BUFFY: Official Bubby web site BUFFY: Re: SPOILER: Answr to a Xander Question Re: BUFFY: SPOILER: Where'd she go? RE.: BUFFY: COME ON....KICK.. Re: BUFFY: WSWB quote list (SPOILERS) Re: BUFFY: Buffies New Hair Style BUFFY: When She was Bad BUFFY: SCREAM info./Giles BUFFY: TV Guide goes down in defeat BUFFY: Re: When She Was Bad-Cordelia BUFFY: Buffy Stars *signing* guestbooks Re: BUFFY: SPOILER: Answr to a Xander Question Re: BUFFY: Something Buffy Said Re: BUFFY: Re: SPOILER: Answr to a Xander Question and Multiple Responses Re: BUFFY: Cordy Question Re: BUFFY: Something Buffy Said BUFFY: Any New Buffy Websites? Re: BUFFY: BUFFY premier Spoiler BUFFY: Re: GASP!: Buffy Stars *signing* guestbooks Re: BUFFY: When She was Bad Re: BUFFY: Re: GASP!: Buffy Stars *signing* guestbooks Re: BUFFY: new Season thoughts BUFFY: Quotes from WSWB (no spoilers, I swear) Re: BUFFY: The dAnce Re: BUFFY: Quotes from WSWB (no spoilers, I swear) Re: BUFFY: The dAnce BUFFY: WSWB, Angel's 'tude BUFFY: Hair BUFFY: Sappy Ending Reminded Me of NKABOTFD See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 09:37:05 -0700 From: NAZARIAN@ORIX.COM Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spoilers: Opener > That one scene at the > bronze was a very unique scene for BtVS, and the circumstances were valid, > due to Buffy's strange mood. Justifiably, I did believe that her performance > was a little out of the high school league, but I had to keep in mind that > she was a changed girl out of high school league???? hmmm... you perhaps led a sheltered teenage existence. To paraphrase Xander and Willow- half of high school (as far as the boy and girl thing goes) is kissing, and the other half is groping. If you think kids under 18 don't know how to undulate with the best of them, your kidding yourself. miss hayse ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 10:07:26 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Comprehensive Ratings Here is a list of the comprehensive ratings for BUFFY. Both BUFFY and ALLY MCBEAL are doing well.....Good news for BUFFY for the start of the season. Let's keep up the good work! WB, meanwhile, got a most-welcome hot start out of its Monday team of "7th Heaven" (5.1/8 in the top markets) and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (4.5/6). "7th Heaven" rose to its highest overnights ever, and "Buffy" topped its hot overnight average from last spring by 5%. National ratings won't be available until Sept. 23. These are WB's second-highest Monday overnights ever, behind only March 10's two-hour "Buffy" premiere (5.1/8). The Sept. 15 average also topped rival UPN by 17% (4.8/7 vs. 4.1/6). Compared with the WB's slow Monday start a year ago, this year's lineup is up by a colossal 55%. Compared with an Aug. 26, 1996, Monday "sneak peak" (which ran against convention-disrupted competition), this year's increase is a more routine 9%. With both its Wednesday and Sunday lineups sagging so far this season, this strong Monday start gives the WB a much-needed boost into the fall campaign. Fox has gotten an encouraging second Monday out of "Melrose Place" (7.9/13) and "Ally McBeal" (6.7/10). Though down 8% in homes with its second try, Ally slipped by just 2% in adults 18-49, and improved by 3% in women 18-49 and by 12% in women 18-34. Compared with Fox's year-ago slot results (with the flops Party Girl and Lush Life), "Ally McBeal" is up a sizzling 87% in adults 18-49. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 10:38:31 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Official Bubby web site Does anyone know when the official Buffy website (http// is to be updated? I just went to take the quiz (and register for prizes), and it was a re-run. Are they waiting 'till the premier is seen in Chicago? - -----Smurf Smurf Keeper of Buffy's faith ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 10:39:21 +0000 From: "Amy Sheldon" Subject: BUFFY: Re: SPOILER: Answr to a Xander Question [snipped question and several responses as to why Xander was left behind by the vampires. The responses have all been along the lines of "Xander was left behind because he was up on the roof with Buffy and Angel."] miss hayse (NAZARIAN@ORIX.COM) responded: >I think we all understood that-- the question is, why didn't any of >the vampires KILL Xander when they attacked at the library??? >Obviously he fought back- why not just have a little snack and be off? There are two reasons that I can think of (outside of the obvious response of "someone had to be left to tell Buffy what had happened.") 1) The vampires were in a BIG hurry. No time for snacks, no time for playing with extraneous humans. Remember, the whole point of the rock through the window was to get Buffy out of the way - the vampires needed to be long gone before she realized that she'd been decoyed. 2) Vampires aren't real good at telling when humans are dead. Remember old Pork 'n Beans knocking Owen out, then saying Owen was dead? I'd guess that vampires generally assume that since they are much stronger than humans, anyone they've hit hard enough to knock unconscious has been hit hard enough to be killed. Since they were under orders to hurry back with Giles and Willow, none of them bothered to go over and make sure that the human who'd been tossed over to the other side of the room really was dead. - ------ Amy Sheldon Member GASP - Giles Appreciation Society Panters Keeper of The Accent ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 11:13:52 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: SPOILER: Where'd she go? In a message dated 97-09-17 01:40:14 EDT, you write: << She wasn't with Giles and the others as they were hanging over The Master's bones, and she didn't talk to Buffy at the end. Either I just completely missed her, or she really did become a vamp... >> This has probably already been covered but my $.02. If you go back and watch again you will see that there *are* four people hanging over the Master's bones and that Cordelia is one of them. Brittany Keeper of Xander's Ice Cream Cone "If they hurt Willow, I'll kill you" Xander ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 12:02:31 EDT From: (THE ARCHANGEL GABRIEL) Subject: RE.: BUFFY: COME ON....KICK.. (The ARCHANGEL pulls his beaten frame from the floor cautiously, devilish sneer creeping onto his face, steps to the podium, and prepares to rant.) Morning Slayerettes, First off: TO ALL YOU WGN SLAVES OUT THERE, ENJOY TONIGHTS PREMIERE!!! Secondly, I recently made a comment about liking the "Kick my ass" comment. About liking the scene. Several of you have replied "sans negatory," And that's neither here nor there. But I feel the need to reply. (Mostly because I'm bored and no one's posting this morning.) I liked the scene. What of it? What are you gonna do about it? Are you talkin' to me? I'm not a man to be trifled with. I'm the last man in the world you want as your enemy. I can take anything you can dish out. Cute punch! That all you got. Playtime's over. Wake up....time to die, You better hope I don't survive this or ....I'LL BE BACK! So I'm addicted to macho one-liner's. So I enjoy pointless testosterone drenched verbal conflict's. O.K. I may even enjoy using bad words just because I can. Is that so wrong? What if my favorite movie *IS* Roadhouse, not for the sex but for the goofy, always forced, violence and the moronic glib comments exchanged just as furiously as the punches. Is it my fault that brainless bravado is as attractive to me as the aroma of a fresh baked batch of cookies. I like seeing the Buffster on "Whacking Day", stick in hand, unfurling her nubile might until Barry White comes to save the day. Sure, her en-guard stance bothers me, a little too tight. But Bruce Lee had the whole Hawaiian "Shaka" hang loose gesture goin' on. As long as they're dancing in a flurry of brutal beauty, occasionally halting to cough out a nonsensical retort, AMEN!!! I like it. Gosh darn it....I LOVE IT!!! Xander threatening to kill Buffy if Willows harmed. Forced? Nah. Contrived? Nah. Melodramatic Violent innuendo? (Innuendo? Wrong word but I'm on a roll) You darn tootin'. And you love it. I'm not watching the show for romantic plot lines between the slayer and a vampire. Boo Hoo. Angel loves Buffy but he has such trouble because he has to keep a grasp on his hunger. Waa Waa. Buffy loves Angel but fears that this once maniacal, 200 year old+ vampire may not be able to handle commitment. BAH HUMBUG. Quit your cryin' and lets get to dyin'. And as far as the scene being a display of ridiculously sexual banter? John Holmes once said, "One persons cold shower is another's long sigh of prosaic boredom." The amount of chain yanking you have to do differs from person to person. So THERE!!! Call me a neanderthal. Call me a simple minded old fool, too set in his ways to change, with hopelessly antiquated interests whose attitude mirrors everything dispicable in our society today. I'm a slave to the media!!! Yet another victim of the cruel assimilation of man by the forces of darkness....SOB....I'm only Human!!! Pointless and contrived are my two middle names (Look at this message). Oh merciless heavens. Have not thee pity on my disparaged soul, release me from these earthly bonds (In his best Mae West imitation the ARCHANGEL crumbles to the ground. A hush falls over the audience as all that can be heard....are his sobs) O.K. Everybody does know this is a joke right? You know. Ha Ha. At least I hope Ha Ha. Homer: In case you didn't know, I was being sarcastic. Marge: Well DUH!!! No response neccesary, just KILLING time, THE ARCHANGEL KEEPER OF XANDER'S TENNIS BALL OF UNFULFILLED LOVE KEEPER OF BUFFY'S EXOTICA DANCE PROUD SLAYERETTE (With to much time on his hands) MEMBER OF BUFFAHOLICS ANONYMOUS "LIFE'S TOUGH....SLAY HARD!!!" Owner of over 3000 shares of SMG stock ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 12:06:21 -0400 From: John Nestoriak Subject: Re: BUFFY: WSWB quote list (SPOILERS) > At first i thought that Cord was talking about emotional stains but them > Ms. C's comment let me realize that this conversation had been going on > for awhile and that Cord was really talking about dry cleaning. Actually after what some others have said I now think it was a double whammy. Ms C understood that Cordelia was speaking in metaphor but chose to give the sarcastic reply. By not seeing the sarcasm in the reply Cordy comes off as seeming shallow (which she is) even though in this instance she wasn't being shallow. While I can't imagine Ms Calendar wanting to be around Cordy, I can somehow see Cordelia as looking up to and respecting Ms C. Anyone else agree? - -- John Nestoriak ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 12:21:29 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffies New Hair Style In a message dated 97-09-17 01:36:23 EDT, you write: > I just noticed that the new hair style came from shooting "I Know What You > Did Last Summer" (the new movie everyone has been calling Scream 2)... > > Actually, I Know Waht You Did Last Summer and Scream Again (or Scream 2) are two different movies, but of which Sarah Michelle Gellar had parts in during the filming this past summer. Napoleon Defenders of the Night ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 12:34:11 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: When She was Bad Ok, I've had a couple of days to think on it, read every else's opinions, and now I'm ready to share my own. Aren't you all LUCKY? There's no Spoiler Space here, since that's in the subject, so without further ado.... 1) I liked the interaction between Buffy's parents. They really seem to get along, without bickering or blaming, etc. They also seem to me to have the exact amount of concern for their daughter's odd behavior as any parent of a 16 year old should have. 2) This is almost pointless to repeat, but I *loved* Snyder's commentary. I'm looking forward to hearing his take on things from here on out. 3) As for the age debate: Xander looked older, yes, but good. Ms. Calender, on the other hand, seems to have lost a few years. I almost thought she was a student before I did a double take... 4) Loved Cordy's bangs, but they make her look friendlier. Almost more approachable. Was it just me, or did her bantering seemed to have lost the razor-sharpness it had last season. Compare the moaning about no beach to her discussion with her friends in WTTH. 5) Buffy's teasing of Xander was awesome. Very nicely done. When she said, "Don't you wish I would?", then walk away, that was *clearly* an invitation...let's go somewhere else, kind of thing. The fact that he didn't follow her gives me even more respect for Xander. Yes, he has a HUGE crush on her, and this maybe something like a dream come true, but he still has the presence of mind to say, Nope, this isn't the Buffy we all know and love...I'm stayin' here. 6) The (almost) kiss. Incredible. I was totally breathless for that entire...moment. No more to be was just well done. 7) Is it just me, or is Angel's vamp face less scary than the other vamps' faces? Seems to me that there's less in the make-up dept for his face than the others. 8) Last point, I promise. I loved "I hate that girl!". It was said perfectly. It wasn't the "I curse the slayer and all around her for upsetting my great plans of doom and destruction" type of thing that you might expect from some great evil overlord, but the almost petulant whine that comes from the 7 year old who has just realized that he can't go to the arcade because of his sister's recital. I loved it. Anyway, that's all for now!! Tracey Keeper of the Cluelessness of the Rest of the School ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 12:38:51 -0700 From: NAZARIAN@ORIX.COM Subject: BUFFY: SCREAM info./Giles I believe they are now calling Scream 2 - Scream: The Sequel. ObBuffy- Any word on the episode rumored to be about Giles' past???? ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 11:50:06 -0500 (CDT) From: Anime Nut Subject: BUFFY: TV Guide goes down in defeat Hey, everybody! It looks like TV Guide was wrong again! A recent visit to the TV Guide website revealed that they quickly deleted their former synopsis of episode 3. I guess the episode they described before will be airing at a later date. They haven't posted a new synopsis, but I'm betting that was right about the third episode being "School Hard". Cheers, Anime Nut ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) Alan "Anime Nut" Hufana Keeper of Willow's Chewed-up Pen The Al-Files at Domain of the Slain at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 12:31:07 -0400 From: sah Subject: BUFFY: Re: When She Was Bad-Cordelia At 12:06 PM 9/17/97 -0400, you wrote: >Ms C understood that Cordelia was speaking in metaphor but >chose to give the sarcastic reply. By not seeing the sarcasm in the >reply Cordy comes off as seeming shallow (which she is) even though in >this instance she wasn't being shallow. Actually, I think Cordy is less shallow than people seem to think she is. A shallow person would not have confronted Buffy outside the Bronze the way Cordelia did. I think this episode showed that a lot of Cordelia's attitude is really just a facade for a lot of pain and loneliness. She's rapidly becoming one of the most interesting characters on the show, IMO, and one of my favorites. As for the dance I didn't find it to be all that big a deal, or controversial. I don't spend a lot of time around high-schoolers, but I remember enough about it. :-) This seemed fairly natural and typical to me. - --sah - -- sah * * NatPack * Jungle Patrol * BotCoS * FoFoD * Hardcore Nutball Nat's B&B: Email me for info about the Buffy the Vampire Slayer list "Then he had to go and die. Ah well. Now I have to go and study. Ew." - --Bast ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 10:25:10 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Buffy Stars *signing* guestbooks Someone said (on the planetx list) that David signed her guestbook, I highly doubt it, just like I highly doubt that both SMG and CC have signed mine, just cause someone enters the stars name it doesn't mean it's the star themselves, just someone playing a joke on the person who owns the guestbook. I could go out and sign all Buffy guestbooks as if I'm ASH, but I'm not that kind of person. The longer you are on the net, the more you'll learn that everything isn't as it seems. It's one thing to get a phone call from the star (in my case Tony), cause for one thing I had sent him my phone number through Kimmie, 2nd I don't usually get phone calls from guys with British accents and one other thing that clinched it, but I'm not a liberty to say what, so don't even ask, and another thing to just have the persons name in your guestbook, and no real proof that it's them. So I would take anyone signing your guestbook under any of the Buffy actors names with a big grain of salt. Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey, Paul Wylie, Anthony S. Head, & Buffy-Beta Lists Pres. of ASH/Giles' Appreciation Society Panters - Keeper of Coats & Ties "Hi,Sonja, it's uh, Tony Head..." Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) To Me! ~~~~IN MEMORIAL - Diana, Princess of Wales - July 1, 1961 - Aug 31,1997~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 13:26:05 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: SPOILER: Answr to a Xander Question In a message dated 97-09-17 09:28:28 EDT, you write: << Obviously he fought back- why not just have a little snack and be off? >> Maybe the vampires are a bit sharklike in their pursuit of victims. Once a shark has it's victim selected it doesn't care too much about anything else in the area. The vamps knew who they needed and why they needed them, Xander just got in their way. Given a vamps strength all they had to do was give Xander one good shove and he's halfway across the room, semi-concious at best. Besides, they know the Slayer is pretty bright and there's always the chance she'd figure out the scam and return to find them in the library. Timing was critical, they didn't have time for snacking. Mike ( Keeper of Buffy's little white teddy bear Keeper of Buffy's beeper Keeper of Little Buffy's Bubblegum Pink Bicycle (with handlebar streamers and automated stake dispenser) "The part that gets me though, is where Buffy is the Vampire Slayer. She's so little." --- Ms. Calendar ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 13:29:11 -0400 (EDT) From: Amanda Subject: Re: BUFFY: Something Buffy Said On Tue, 16 Sep 1997 Codename wrote: > Did any of you notice that in this season's premiere a line from > last season's pilot was rather craftily reiterated? > > From "Welcome to the Hellmouth": > >Buffy- "What do you want?" > >Angel- "The same thing you do." > >Buffy- "Okay, what do I want?" > frightening intensity: > >Angel- "To kill 'em. . . to kill 'em all." > > From "When She Was Bad": > >Angel- "We need you to distract the vampires." > >Buffy- "Right." > >Xander- "What are you going to do?" > and a meaningful look, says: > >Buffy- "I'm going to kill them all. > >Buffy- "That ought to distract 'em." > > I was wondering, was this a conscious reference to the first > episode , or a mere coincidence? Perhaps, some nod to the fact > that the show has come full circle? Or, am I truly losing it > and this is all unrelated. - - Wow, that is a really great connection you found. I'm not sure if I ever would have noticed it. I think that there could definatelt be a conscious decision on Joss's part to make reference to that line, however, it is kind of subtle and is a connection I, and I'm sure others, missed. Perhaps Joss wanted it that way- to have it subtle where only some people would get. hey- the Simpson's does stuff like that all the time. - -Amanda Keeper of Xander's Warbrobe devoted buffyatric and slayerette ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 13:46:26 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: SPOILER: Answr to a Xander Question and Multiple Responses ***SPOILERS, ho*** At 10:39 AM +0000 9/17/97, Amy Sheldon wrote: >There are two reasons that I can think of (why Xander was left alive by >the vamps in WSWB) All excellent reasons, but I think we're overlooking two important options: 1) Contrary to the opinion of a growing number of women in our happy Buffy family, maybe Xander just doesn't taste good. He *was* bleeding quite profusely from the nose. Perhaps one of the vamps dipped a finger in that sweet red gravy and protested, "ugh! Too salty/bitter/much MSG/etc." hence prompting them to leave him unmolested. or 2) Just for cheap thrills, Joss decided to let Xander live, emerging rumpled and bloody like a new born babe or Venus from the foam, prompting women around the nation to scream "Oh! Someone's hurt our Xander-bear! Come, let me soothe your ache! There, there! My, you've been working out..." Um excuse me. I feel confused and frightened now. - ---- On the Name that Genre Flick game: The Witness quote with the ice cream in WSWB was appropriate to advancing the action (and boy, didn't Willow almost get some!), but here are a few innuendo that Willow could have quizzed Xander that would've really jacked up the sexual tension. "It's me you want, isn't it? It's always been me." --Lust in the Dust. "You aren't too bright, are you? I like that in a man." --Body Heat. "If you're gonna be sticking something in your mouth, you may as well make it the best." --The Fabulous Baker Boys. Am I seeing another list forming? Movie Quotes Willow Should have Asked, perhaps? - ---- On Buffy's potty-mouth: I gotta agree with the opinion that the scene was kinda lame. I don't know of any woman who thinks "Kick my ass" is an appropriate come-on line (or if they do, they're usually called Mistress Formika or something, and not "Buffy"). Perhaps over the summer, Ms. Summers took to reading Sacher-Masoch as part of her new hardened sensibilities? Buffy in Furs, anyone? I sensed more sexual tension out of Xander's innocently trying to lick ice cream off of Willow....uhhhh....I'm back. Hmm. Innocent ice-cream licker? Oh, Joss, why do you torment us with these rhetorical conundrums? It's like a Zen riddle. Now my mind hurts. Brother Archangel better move over, 'cuz I think I'm also about to be marginalized as another dirty, old man. heh heh :-) JJ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 13:46:30 -0400 (EDT) From: Amanda Subject: Re: BUFFY: Cordy Question On Tue, 16 Sep 1997, Preta wrote: > Watching last night I wondered, what does Cordy know about Angel? > Other than he and Buffy are close, her line about dancing with him? Does > she know that he is a vampire or does she think he is just a buff hunk? > This goes for MC as well? Do they know??? Exactly what i was thinking. How does Cordelia even know his name. The only time she's ever really seen him was that time in the Bronze when she was about to go up to him but he went straight for Buffy (the episode "Never Kill a Boy On the First date") How does she know anyhting about Buffy and Angel's relationship? Did she just glean everything from her eavesdropping on that night. Seemed a little odd - -Amanda ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 13:54:14 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: Re: BUFFY: Something Buffy Said At 4:39 PM -0700 9/16/97, Codename: Carlotta wrote: >I was wondering, was this a conscious reference to the first >episode , or a mere coincidence? Perhaps, some nod to the fact >that the show has come full circle? Or, am I truly losing it >and this is all unrelated? Carlotta is actually onto something here. I noticed the same thing, only for parallels with "The Pack," Willow to Xander (the Pack), paraphrased: "Did I do something wrong?" earning her a sarcastic response from Xander Angel to Buffy (WSWB), paraphrased: "I can't help thinking that I did something wrong..." earning him a sarcastic response from Buffy Xander to Willow and Buffy (Pack): "I'm restless." Xander to Willow (WSWB): "I'm restless." so: 1) Someone give that boy some ritalin. 2) Both the Pack and WSWB were about one of the Buffy crew acting abnormally. Coincidence? I think not. Grasping for straws? mebbe. ;-) JJ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 10:48:51 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Any New Buffy Websites? Hi all, Tomorrow I will be updating my Buffy Links Page, and was wondering if there were any websites you wanted me to add, otherwise the next update is next Monday. So if you have a page and it's NOT ALREADY LISTED, please send me the URL and I'll check it out, and please visit the links page at: Pages I List: For the show For the cast (they don't have to be Buffy related, hence some un-Buffy related pages listed on ASH's links site) For the characters Fanfic Sounds, AVI's etc Miscellany I decide what gets added and what doesn't, and if I can't view your page (my browser doesn't like Java or Frames) or it bumps me off with a GPF, I won't list it. Danke Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey, Paul Wylie, Anthony S. Head, & Buffy-Beta Lists Pres. of ASH/Giles' Appreciation Society Panters - Keeper of Coats & Ties "Hi,Sonja, it's uh, Tony Head..." Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) To Me! ~~~~IN MEMORIAL - Diana, Princess of Wales - July 1, 1961 - Aug 31,1997~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 13:54:40 -0400 (EDT) From: Amanda Subject: Re: BUFFY: BUFFY premier Spoiler On Wed, 17 Sep 1997 wrote: > NO SPOILER SPACE REQUIRED ANYMORE > > BUFFY: "Look this is Slayer stuff, ok. Can we just have a little less from > the civilians please." > > XANDER: "OK, that's just about enough!" > > OK, am I the only one who would have liked to have seen that scene played out > without the intervention of Principal Snyder? What else would Xander have > said to Buffy? Just a thought. I really would like to see how far Xander would have gone with telling Buffy off. Would he have gotten majorly vicious. I mean- he does have these strong feelings for her, but are they strong enough to hold up to her grade A...well, you know (rhymes with witchiness). - -Amanda ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 13:59:53 -0400 (EDT) From: Betsy Vera Subject: BUFFY: Re: GASP!: Buffy Stars *signing* guestbooks On Wed, 17 Sep 1997, Sonja Marie wrote: > Someone said (on the planetx list) that David signed her guestbook, I > highly doubt it, just like I highly doubt that both SMG and CC have signed > mine, just cause someone enters the stars name it doesn't mean it's the > star themselves, just someone playing a joke on the person who owns the Then again, someone on the posting board said that David was quoted in the TV Guide Sci-Fi section (how's that for third-hand information?) as saying, "I've even called some people on the telephone," he says. "I like calling them out of the blue just to surprise them. I think that's kind of neat." So why couldn't he sign guestbooks, too, if he wanted to? Betsy -- Fanfic Resources: Giles: "No, no... only this last bit. 'One Author wigs and another is chosen.' It is _written_!" -- Dianne ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 14:04:06 -0400 (EDT) From: Amanda Subject: Re: BUFFY: When She was Bad You mention in your analysis that Buffyw as obvioulsy inviting Xander to come and let her thank him oin a more private setting. I took it in a totally different way. I think Buffyw as prposely teasingXander, getting him excited, and then leaving him there without really doing anything. It was all part of her neew plan to be mean to any and everyone. She was toying with Xander, not inviting him. If she had I think she would have been more obvious and Xander wouldn't have stood there with that expression- the one that seems to be dawning realization at the game she's playing. - -Amanda Keeper of Xander's Wardrobe ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 11:10:16 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: GASP!: Buffy Stars *signing* guestbooks Betsy Vera replied: > Then again, someone on the posting board said that David was quoted in the > TV Guide Sci-Fi section (how's that for third-hand information?) as > saying, "I've even called some people on the telephone," he says. "I like > calling them out of the blue just to surprise them. I think that's kind of > neat." > So why couldn't he sign guestbooks, too, if he wanted to? I never said he couldn't or wouldn't, just that it was highly doubtful and to take it with a grain of salt. It's much easier to believe a phone call then a gstbook entry anyone can post. Not that a phone call can't be faked but it's easier to prove. Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey, Paul Wylie, Anthony S. Head, & Buffy-Beta Lists Pres. of ASH/Giles' Appreciation Society Panters - Keeper of Coats & Ties "Hi,Sonja, it's uh, Tony Head..." Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) To Me! ~~~~IN MEMORIAL - Diana, Princess of Wales - July 1, 1961 - Aug 31,1997~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 14:19:31 -0400 (EDT) From: Monet Subject: Re: BUFFY: new Season thoughts Wow! Finally back from my month and a half hiatus...and glad to be back amongst fellow Slayerettes, I might add. Now, I have lots of posts to read but I've read a few already. I knew a season premire would bring more posts than an average person can read :) Anyway, I want to say that this episode was totally fantastic! Yes, it did have a different "feel" as someone pointed out, but I think it's because there was a different feel to it purposely. Some of you just didn't like the epi because of Buffy's bitca mood and it just seemed too sudden. But we must all remember, it slowly came about during the summer: three months where anyone's 'tude can change. I'll have to admit, when I watched WSWB I had to widen my eyes at how much Buffy can just get down right nasty! A very interesting way of dealing with near death. I guess Buffy was just acting "human" when some may not see as such--more like something superior. Someone mentioned about Buffy not being the "crying" type, and anger is the only way with dealing with uncontrollable things. Point taken. And about the music at the end, hehehe...cheesy, yes, but a nice touch. You'd THINK it'd end all warm and fuzzy, but here comes the Annointed One to add a contradiction to that. I actually liked the "7th Heaven" sort of end. It just goes to show Willow and Xander love Buffy no matter what. True friendship indeed. Anyway, my feelings are agreeing with those who thoroughly enjoyed the premire. Full of emotion and the best part, picks up where it left off. I was afraid the humor would fade, and it may have a sinch, but there was some great lines in there! BTW, since I've been gone for awhile, I was wondering if there were any upcoming interviews with any cast members that anybody knows about. Or maybe ones I missed (besides the Los Angeles morning show one). Thanks! G :) ==================================================================== "Well, when I'm with a boy I like, it's hard for me to say anything cool or witty or at all. I can usually make a few vowel sounds, and then I have to go away." -Willow (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) ==================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 11:31:14 PDT From: "Courtney Nelson" Subject: BUFFY: Quotes from WSWB (no spoilers, I swear) From the desk of The Halo... The Halo Ring of Angels The Xander Files ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 14:35:06 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: The dAnce In a message dated 97-09-17 05:26:03 EDT, you write: << I'm referring to that infamous, suggestive dance Buffy did with Xander tonight. When you think about it, she didn't wear any esp. revealing clothes or say anything or touch Xander in a particular untoward fashion, and yet that was one of the most erotic performances I've ever seen! >> I completely agree with you! It's so nice to be able to turn on the television and have that kind of performance without the show of WAY too much skin. My aplauds go to the writer! Go Joss! In a world where sex, ect. is what helps sell it was nice to see that this show hasn't lowered their standards to that leverl. Stephanie The Obsessed One ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 11:44:30 PDT From: "Courtney Nelson" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Quotes from WSWB (no spoilers, I swear) Well, my email account wasn't working right, and it just added the signature. I was asking if somebody could send me quotes from WSWB (I'm a Chicago person and haven't seen it yet, but I need them for my quotes page). It would be greatly appreciated! Courtney >From the desk of The Halo... >The Halo > >Ring of Angels > >The Xander Files > > > >______________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free Email at > > ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 14:47:33 -0400 (EDT) From: Marcus Baker Subject: Re: BUFFY: The dAnce Hey, props go out to SMG too, writing the scene is one thing, but performing it... She was damn good. - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 13:58:43 -0700 From: Subject: BUFFY: WSWB, Angel's 'tude <> Was thinking that myself. One Sid pouncing on a person's face ought to be enough. If it's that hot, I'd vote for a little air conditioning. I agree with the person who said Angel needs his edge back; this hang-dog subservient demeanor is just too awful. Buffy was initially attracted to him *because* he was sarcastic and mysterious and blew her off at first. Please, Angel, my sweet, I know you love Buffy and would do anything for her, but please, get up off your knees and stop groveling! Gotta go Cassio ex-keeper of the master's candle concession; business sure ain't what it used to be (sigh.) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 15:01:03 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Hair << It looks like her hair was hacked.>> I guess Willow should stick w/ computers! I agree, her hair didn't look that great (I'm not a big one for disheveled appearances) but I think it was just an asset to the whole Giles and Ms. Calendar "school children" bit. It made her appear younger. Ummm.....wait, no, forget that. Although some of you think Xander's hair was better in WSWB than in WttH, I completely disagree. I thought his cut from WttH was adorable! But, whatever, it still looks pretty good now, although I think he should change it a little. I kinda liked his hair a little shaggy, although I'm usually not a candidate for liking that. Wow! I'm being such a hypocrite in this post! I guess I'll stop now before I really dig myself into a hole.....put Holy Water on it, please, just in case. - -Alli of Big:C's Cell Phone,Sparkle Purse, X's Tweety Bird Watch,B's purple pink lamp,J's Earrings,"Effective Parenting" Tapes, G's dictionary stand,Lance's notebook,SHS lockers.Little:X's Superman PJs w/matching Cape(+ Padded Feet),C's"Baby Prom Queen"Make-up Set,W's Lonely Ken Doll (after Little X stole Barbie) ,B's"Sarah,Slain and Tall (tales of an alt univ)" book, Master's Blood-Flavored Toothpaste (he can't wait to brush his fangs at night!) "Think of something cool, tell him I said it."-Buffy,PG ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 15:28:09 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Sappy Ending Reminded Me of NKABOTFD <<* sappy music - hello, that was classic buffy humor! Sure, they leave you with the sweet and happy ending (which is almost a relief considering what everyone went through) but at the end the tag line from the Anointed One (like the all black look) made me laugh out loud, even when I knew it was coming! >> This ending reminded me a bit of the end of NKABOTFD. Buffy and Giles are kinda working things out, and although Buffy is upset about Owen and accepting her responsibilities, etc., Giles complimented her and said something to the likes of, "And I'm sure that the Master, wherever he is, is having a fairly bad day." Then, it swtiches to the Master's lair, and we see that, to the contrary, the Master is having a fairly GOOD day! So, I was just seeing the similarity of a good, happy, sappy ending to another from the vamp side. (Even though it wasn't quite the opposite......I hope you guys understand my train of thought.....which is just about to ease off the tracks on the bridge and fall into the river...........) - -Alli of Big:C's Cell Phone,Sparkle Purse, X's Tweety Bird Watch,B's purple pink lamp,J's Earrings,"Effective Parenting" Tapes, G's dictionary stand,Lance's notebook,SHS lockers.Little: X's Superman PJs w/ matching Cape(+ Padded Feet),C's"Baby Prom Queen"Make-up Set,W's Lonely Ken Doll (after Little X stole Barbie) , B's"Sarah,Slain and Tall (tales of an alt univ)" book, Master's Blood-Flavored Toothpaste (he can't wait to brush his fangs at night!) "Think of something cool, tell him I said it."-Buffy,PG ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #300 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". 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