From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #321 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Wednesday, September 24 1997 Volume 01 : Number 321 In this issue: BUFFY: SMG reigns supreme at #1 BUFFY: Jenny Calender BUFFY: buffyverse question BUFFY: Any New Buffy Websites? Re: BUFFY: Jenny Calender Re: BUFFY: Another SAR question Re: BUFFY: closed caption has it "made it with" not "mated with" Re: BUFFY:SPOILER for SAR- Buffy & Angel Re: BUFFY: Books (was A whole load of thoughts..) Re: BUFFY: SAR (Should be Some Entertainment Required) BUFFY: Goofy episode titles Re: BUFFY: Another SAR question Re: BUFFY:SPOILER for SAR- Buffy & Angel BUFFY: Keeper stuff again (sorry) BUFFY: Keeper stuff again (sorry) Re: BUFFY: SAR (Should be Some Entertainment Required) BUFFY: Where is the little boy I carried? Some Fly; Some Don't BUFFY: Is Angel in next wk's ep? Re: BUFFY: Is Angel in next wk's ep? Re: BUFFY: Is Angel in next wk's ep? Re: BUFFY: Buffy's strength?? Re: BUFFY: Is Angel in next wk's ep? Re: BUFFY: Vampire Conversion Timelines Re: BUFFY: Joyce BUFFY: Some Assembly Required thoughts Re: BUFFY: Buffy's strength?? BUFFY: Remember spoiler protection BUFFY: Remember spoiler rules BUFFY: RE: SAR (Should be Some Entertainment Required) Re: BUFFY: Some Assembly Required thoughts BUFFY: Some thoughts SAR Re: BUFFY: Some Assembly required (spoilers) Re: BUFFY: Re: BUFFY, SEX AND LOVE Re: BUFFY: Ratings BUFFY: Hi Buffy Fans Re: BUFFY: SPOILER FOR SAR-Daryl's grave Re: BUFFY: Remember spoiler protection BUFFY: Small SAR Nitpick BUFFY: Re: Intellgence (was: Buffy's strength??) See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 19:53:56 +1200 From: Alex L Subject: BUFFY: SMG reigns supreme at #1 hi all Sarah is again at no 1, making this 10 weeks at no 1, only 6 more weeks till she draws level with the top contender hudson leick this is the second time sarah has got over 200 (205) votes on the webs 20 hottest acresses, beating hudson leick by over 30. good stuff mates, keep voting. and they have also updated the pic site: sorry list mums for the off topic, its become a regular weekly thing here and i have to contribute smething, since i havent even seen the 2nd series episodes (sulk) Alex Keeper of Buffys ability to always be Nubile Keeper of Buffys tenacity Keeper of Buffys fast talking speed Proud adopted father of the ugly man ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 20:00:04 +1200 From: Alex L Subject: BUFFY: Jenny Calender hi all pardon me for my ignorance, maybe i havent been paying attention, and i havent seen the last two eps, butwhat does Jenny (i think we can call her that without her last name now cant we) do at the school, i just cant remember. and how old is she supposed to be on the program, and how old is giles on the program too. anyways just wondering. Alex Keeper of Buffys ability to always be nubile Keeper of Buffys tenacity Keeper of Buffys fast talking speed ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 20:07:28 +1200 From: Alex L Subject: BUFFY: buffyverse question hi all just wondering again, i was watching interview with the vampire, and i havent seen anything about wheter a vampire would die if he/she drank the blood of someone dead, or dead blood. because it could be cool if it was, here spikey boy, drink this blood milkshake. then it came from someone he just killed then he died, HA. anyways, thats mean, its good to have more than one non american on the program, i like to hear a kiwi voice on it, it would sound so strange. PS what rating is IKWYDLS, it wont come out here for ages so i wanna know, anyways thanx Alex Keeper of Buffys ability to always be nubile Keeper of Buffys tenacity Keeper of Buffys fast talking speed ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 01:19:53 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Any New Buffy Websites? Hi all, Tomorrow I will be updating my Buffy Links Page, and was wondering if there were any websites you wanted me to add, otherwise the next update is next Thursday. So if you have a page and it's NOT ALREADY LISTED (check cause more likely then not I already have it), please send me the URL and I'll check it out, and please visit the links page at: Pages I List: For the show For the cast (they don't have to be Buffy related, hence some un-Buffy related pages listed on ASH's links site) For the characters Fanfic Sounds, AVI's etc Miscellany I decide what gets added and what doesn't, and if I can't view your page (my browser doesn't like Java or Frames) or it bumps me off with a GPF, I won't list it. Danke Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey, Paul Wylie, Anthony S. Head, & Buffy-Beta Lists Pres. of ASH/Giles' Appreciation Society Panters - Keeper of Coats & Ties "Hi,Sonja, it's uh, Tony Head..." Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) To Me! ~~~~IN MEMORIAL - Diana, Princess of Wales - July 1, 1961 - Aug 31,1997~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 04:21:27 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Jenny Calender In a message dated 97-09-24 04:02:38 EDT, writes: << pardon me for my ignorance, maybe i havent been paying attention, and i havent seen the last two eps, butwhat does Jenny (i think we can call her that without her last name now cant we) do at the school, i just cant remember >> I believe she's the computer science teacher er sumthing along those lines... L8r, Chris >=) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 06:34:25 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Another SAR question > OK, here's another one. When Buffy told Chris that she knew what it was > like to lose someone close, do you think she was referring to Merrick (her > watcher from the movie). Or perhaps some of her friends from the movie? It has been totally decided that Buffy is not based on the movie. They just took the idea of Buffy and made it into something totally different. Buffy has seen a lot, so there has to be tons of people she knew that she had to watch die. *Katie* Major Fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer "Cordelia, your mouth is open. Sound is coming from it. This is never good." -Buffy, "When She Was Bad" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 06:48:55 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY: closed caption has it "made it with" not "mated with" >Sometimes mistakes can be made, but after watching it and thinking >about it, it's got to be "made it with" This is my opinion, I'm only going to give it to you once. It is so TOTALLY mated with. I mean, made it with just isn't funny enough to be Joss's work. It's just not funny in general. *Katie* Major Fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer "Cordelia, your mouth is open. Sound is coming from it. This is never good." -Buffy, "When She Was Bad" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 06:51:59 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY:SPOILER for SAR- Buffy & Angel >>I hope that there are a few others who agree with me. I'd hate to see Angel's part cut back, although I don't recall seeing him in the promo for next week. Grrr argh.<< Just because he isn't in the promo doesn't mean he's not in it. Do you recall Ms. Cal..... er, Jenny, being in the promo for SAR? *Katie* Major Fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer "Cordelia, your mouth is open. Sound is coming from it. This is never good." -Buffy, "When She Was Bad" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 09:01:46 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Books (was A whole load of thoughts..) << so they have THREE books out? can I get them at any book store like Coles or Smiths? How much would all three cost me in Canada, like around $16.00???? Do they have pictures. >> Quick note on the books. The first one is already out. That one is called The Harvest by Richie Tankersly Cusick. The second one will be released mid October and it's called Halloween Rain (can't remember the author) The third one will be released probably mid December (they're coming out with a new one every other month). It's called Coyote Moon. I'm sure you'll hear from people on the list as these come out! :-) Beth Buffy's Guardian Angel Spike's Adopted Mom (hopefully) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 09:02:43 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: SAR (Should be Some Entertainment Required) In a message dated 97-09-23 23:06:55 EDT, jb wrote: << The offhanded way Buffy offed the vamp at the beginning seemed to be the screenwriter's way of saying, "Isn't this business of simply slaying vampires getting kind of silly and routine? I can't build a story around this anymore." It was the most telling scene of the series. >> I don't agree with that. Buffy usually had that attitude in the first season. I think it was in WttH, she was waiting for someone to rise from a grave, she had this "ho hum, here I am waiting for yet another vampire to rise". Same with in NKABOTFD while waiting on the Annointed One. To me, her "let's get this boring vampire killing business out the way so I get back to my real life" attitude was a relief to see. It signaled to me that things were pretty much back to normal. She was sitting there ready to pounce and destroy with here WSWB attitude. She was there to do her job. Beth Buffy's Guardian Angel Spike's Adopted Mom (hopefully) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 08:27:02 -0500 (CDT) From: Anime Nut Subject: BUFFY: Goofy episode titles Hey, everybody! Remember those goofy titles from the first season? "The Witch", "Invisible Girl", and "Prophecy Girl": all very bland titles could have used a little more creative thought. Well, I thought that stopped this season. "When She Was Bad" was interesting enough. "Some Assembly Required" perfectly fit the episode. "School Hard" sounds way too cool. And then we have "Inca Mummy Girl". D'oh! It looks like the goofy titles are still live and kickin'! Cheers, Anime Nut ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) Alan "Anime Nut" Hufana Keeper of Willow's Chewed-up Pen The Al-Files at Domain of the Slain at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 09:48:18 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Another SAR question In a message dated 97-09-23 18:45:51 EDT, Lawless wrote: << It can't be Merrick, he never existed in the series. >> I don't think it was ever said that he didn't exist. We all know that she was a slayer before coming to Sunnydale, in LA. Why does Merrick not being mentioned mean that he doesn't exist at all? He very well could have existed, but Buffy lost him and she doesn't want to talk about it. This is another undead question, unless Joss wants to clear it up for us? Hint, Hint, oh, well, never mind. ****************************************************************************** ***** If you want to play something neat go to . It's like the stock market with people. You get $15,000 to start and you buy, sell, and trade stock in famous people and try to make a profit. Sarah Michelle Gellar is under TV Actresses. Buy her up and make the stock go sky high! (Melissa S. Heckard) "Love makes you do the wacky." Willow, from Some Assembly Required ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 09:53:01 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY:SPOILER for SAR- Buffy & Angel In a message dated 97-09-24 00:34:46 EDT, you write: > For instance, have him there with a believable excuse- not like, "I saw > the fire and I knew you'd be here." There are a million ways to get him > more involved so let's use those. > Well, I believe this excuse...Angel was at the school when they found body parts, right? He knows Buffy is up to something when there's a fire ON THE school grounds (remember old science lab)...he knows that Buffy is probably behind it. So, my question is to you...if you had someone you really cared about that was involved in something dangerous on the schoolgrounds and you saw a fire at the school...what would you do? Wolfkazzy Keeper of Angel's Soul ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 06:52:02 PDT From: "Amiee Collier" Subject: BUFFY: Keeper stuff again (sorry) I am looking for someone to take over my duties in the Xander Club. Work has been to busy lately for me to do the page justice. Anyone who is interested, please email me PRIVATELY. Thanks, Amiee The Babe Known as Xander: Amiee's Haven of Fun: "We are trying to wrestle our world from the fools of the past and give it to the wise men of the future." - Bono of U2, on the conflict in Ireland. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 06:53:06 PDT From: "Amiee Collier" Subject: BUFFY: Keeper stuff again (sorry) I am looking for someone to take over my duties in the Xander Club. Work has been to busy lately for me to do the page justice. Anyone who is interested, please email me PRIVATELY. Thanks, Amiee The Babe Known as Xander: Amiee's Haven of Fun: "We are trying to wrestle our world from the fools of the past and give it to the wise men of the future." - Bono of U2, on the conflict in Ireland. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 09:57:21 -0400 From: Kathryn Concannon Subject: Re: BUFFY: SAR (Should be Some Entertainment Required) SCOTT wrote: > > And another thing I really enjoyed about last night's episode were the > sad, melancholy moments where you actually feel for poor Darryl. > At the football game, when Darryl was watching the other people play. Talk about anguish! I was almost in tears. (Must admit, I am a major sap and cry quite easily) If you treat this episode superficially, yeah, it was alright, but if you look at it more closely, the unsaid counts for a lot more. That being said, I think that the easy plot was used as more of a vehicle for character and relationship development than anything else. Peace, Kate - -- Kathryn Concannon Archivist The History Factory ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 10:11:19 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: BUFFY: Where is the little boy I carried? Some Fly; Some Don't As I was rewatching SAR last night, noting with my mild disdain the loss of bright innocence from the eyes of my beloved Slayer and her Slayerettes, a strange thought entered my head that proved to be the key to deciphering my malaise. There is an excellent hypothesis why everything seems so shiny and new (and forboding): They're upperclassmen now. They all look older because they're supposed to. In the well-opiated haze of my high school memories, I recall that the summer between sophomore and junior years was particularly transformative, the amorphous identity of early adolescence being supplanted by dawning maturity and automobile access. It probably didn't happen like that, but in the nice reductive way that older human beings paint broad, generalized strokes with history (remember the Late Great Bob Flutie's koan to lost youth in the Pack?), maybe that's what Joss is trying to suggest with the dramatic changes we've seen so far (especially in Xander). Would any of our list friends currently living the horror of high school care to comment on the changes that happen from year to year and whether they ring true in BtVS? Or maybe everyone just had an off week. Okay, I'll go be alone with my big pile of pompous now. JJ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 10:07:44 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Is Angel in next wk's ep? In a message dated 97-09-24 03:57:43 EDT, you write: >>I hope that there are a few others who agree with me. I'd hate to see Angel's part cut back, although I don't recall seeing him in the promo for next week. Grrr argh.<< My only hint of Angel in next week's ep is Giles trying to dial out and saying the lines were dead...who was he trying to call? The school's obviously besieged by vampires and it won't work to call the who? My guess is that he's trying to get Angel so Angel can help Buffy. What do you guys think? Wolfkazzy Keeper of Angel's Soul ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 10:18:56 -0400 (EDT) From: "Mike \"Nelson\"" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Is Angel in next wk's ep? > My guess is that he's trying to get Angel so Angel can help Buffy. > What do you guys think? Well, I think that there is a very good chance that Angel will show up to tell and warn Buffy about Spike and Drusilla. I mean, this isn't something that he would keep to himself. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 09:32:18 -0500 (EST) From: Gabby Hon Subject: Re: BUFFY: Is Angel in next wk's ep? On Wed, 24 Sep 1997, Mike "Nelson" wrote: > > > My guess is that he's trying to get Angel so Angel can help Buffy. > > What do you guys think? dig this daddy-o's: the t.v. guide says that Spike is a former pupil of Angel's. so i'd have a strong suspicion that everybody's favorite vampire will play a large part in "School Hard". ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 09:54:00 -0500 (CDT) From: -aMy*mAcE- Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy's strength?? I love this list (buffy)...It's so very cerebral. ;) Amye "I've been accused of paying too much attention to death, but what's wrong with that? It's a pretty serious matter, especially when you're lying under the wheels of a double-decker bus!" -Morrissey On Tue, 23 Sep 1997 wrote: > a thing about zombies...they have more than just superhuman strength, they > don't feel the pain of getting hit back in the face so Daryl kept going and > jumped into the fire. Fire is probably the only way to kill a zombie and > Daryl was a zombie of a sorts. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 11:24:39 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Is Angel in next wk's ep? Hey ya'll....according to TV guide, Spike was Angel's Pupil at one time, so I think that we can count on seeing Angel in this episode. And with that premise it should be some really good stuff between Spike and Angel. Sounds like the *perfect* time for Angel to get his *edge* back. Brittany Keeper of Xander's Ice Cream Cone "If they hurt Willow, I'll kill you" Xander ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 11:12:35 -0400 From: sah Subject: Re: BUFFY: Vampire Conversion Timelines At 06:34 PM 9/23/97 -0400, wrote: >become a vampire, right? I'm wondering how come in WTTH, when Jesse is taken >underground, he becomes a vampire in a very short time. Fangs, game face, >new found strength, yadda yadda yadda. It also occurs to me that everyone treated the vamped out Jessie as *Jessie* not some demon who had possessed Jessie's body after he had departed. He acted like Jessie, too, talking about how he had changed and the way he went after Cordelia, whom he wanted as a mortal. I am strongly under the impression that the whole demon possession thing is a bit of Watcher propaganda. - --sah ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 08:35:53 -0700 (PDT) From: elizabeth yeung Subject: Re: BUFFY: Joyce Does that mean that she will know that Buffy is the slayer?? Cause from the preview, Buffy is saving all these people (including Principal Snyder) from Spike and Druscilla. Liz On Tue, 23 Sep 1997 Nazarian@ORIX.COM wrote: > In the previews for next week Joyce was shown through a hole in a door > looking very scared... I think it is teacher/parent night-- so Joyce > will be make her presense known! > miss hayse > > ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 11:39:42 -0400 From: "Zino, Brian" Subject: BUFFY: Some Assembly Required thoughts Hello, fellow Buffyphiles/Slayerettes/etc! Just a couple of thoughts I had about "Some Assembly Required", which I thought I'd share unsolicited with you all... First of all, I've noticed in the credits a consulting producer named Howard Gordon. Is this the same Howard Gordon who worked/works as a writer and producer on "The X-Files"? And if so, does that explain the seriously "X-Files"-esque feel to some of the scenes in this episode, especially with the seriously creepy Mrs. Epps? Where's Mark Snow when you need him? Candace said: >Also, it seemed to me that Xander (gee, you can't tell that he's my fave >and I tend to watch him more carefully than the others, can you?) had >this underlying sadness to him for most of the episode? He wasn't all >that goofy. Ok, he was, but not like usual. I don't know about sadness... I think it's more *anger*. He seems really, really *angry* to me, and his more-frequent one-liners seem to be exceptionally biting -- his way of throwing his anger out at everyone? I'm thinking he's still got issues from Buffy's abandonment of them in the season premiere, and I base that on a subtle physical clue: Willow: "Buffy? Don't be too hard on Chris. I mean, he's not a vampire." Buffy: "No... he's just a ghoul." Then Buffy turns away, with the clear intention of dealing with Chris harshly and coldly -- a bit of a revisitation of the Bad Buffy from WSWB. Xander throws a quick but meaningful glance at Willow and throws up his hand in exasperation as he turns to follow Buffy. That seemed to indicate to me that Xander noticed the Bitka-Buffy vibe and does NOT approve. Hence his lingering anger, which he may be throwing at Angel and Cordelia mostly, since they're convenient targets, but I think it's really Buffy he's got issues with. Or am I overanalyzing this? Of the week's many side-splitters, my two personal favorites haven't yet been mentioned: Angel: "Oh, right, every time we fight you bring up the vampire thing." Buffy: "I didn't come here to fight! [Vampire jumps her from behind] Oh, right, I did." Willow: "By the way, are we hoping to find a body, or no body?" Xander: "Call me an optimist, but I'm hoping to find a fortune in gold doubloons." Theo Ching said: >Giles finally got to date the Calendar Girl, but she made it too easy >for him (it's that accent I tell ya). She must have same-sex or transexual >parents if her father is "Ms. Calendar." Very 90ish. ;-) I think she was just being her usual perverse self. Subtle but hilarious. And finally, I vote for "made it with" over "mated with". Just my tuppence. Yours, Brian J. Zino Keeper of Willow's idea of hi-jinks (from "Prophecy Girl") - ------------------------------- "It's kind of warm and fuzzy for a message of doom." - ------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 10:40:07 -0500 (CDT) From: -aMy*mAcE- Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy's strength?? > I love this list (buffy)...It's so very cerebral. ;) > > Amye I actually meant to forward this to my friend Mavis. (that explains the "buffy" in parentheses--of course I know you lovelies know what list it is) I'm trying to make her a Buffy convert. I've been making her watch all the episodes with me.. She is really intelligent, though, and she points out every little mistake or improbable thing that happens on the show. Arrghhg...she thinks I'm silly for spazzing out over the show. Amy ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 11:20:40 -0400 From: sah Subject: BUFFY: Remember spoiler protection My apologies if this gets sent twice. The server was down here. I've seen two posts with information about next week's episode (from the TV Guuide) with *no* spoiler protection whatsoever. This makes this listowner very, very grumpy. It is a list rule as well as a courtesy to observe spoiler protection for any info prior to the regular airing on the east coast. Spoiler protection includes both the word SPOILER in the subject line and 12 lines of stuff (not spaces or periods) before the actual spoiler. And yes, you are still responsible for putting in spoiler space if someone else forgets and you reply to it. - --sah - -- sah * * NatPack * Jungle Patrol * BotCoS * FoFoD * Bishop * Clumsy Dwarf Nat's B&B: Email me for info about the Buffy the Vampire Slayer list "Then he had to go and die. Ah well. Now I have to go and study. Ew." - --Bast ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 11:42:32 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Remember spoiler rules I've seen two posts with information about next week's episode (from the TV Guuide) with *no* spoiler protection whatsoever. This makes this listowner very, very grumpy. It is a list rule as well as a courtesy to observe spoiler protection for any info prior to the regular airing on the east coast. Spoiler protection includes both the word SPOILER in the subject line and 12 lines of stuff (not spaces or periods) before the actual spoiler. And yes, you are still responsible for putting in spoiler space if someone else forgets and you reply to it. - --sah ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 13:00:11 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: RE: SAR (Should be Some Entertainment Required) I'm relieved to hear that someone shares my opinion. I really hate to come out of my lurkdom just to say that I hate the show's new direction, but I do. I started watching Buffy because I'm a fan of SMG. I became addicted to the show because the dialogue was smart, the stories were new and interesting, and the characters were well developed. But I feel like all of these things are being compromised in order to accommodate the "relationship" angle(s). I know that very few people (if any) will agree with me on this, but I think that if all of the characters start pairing off, the show will lose its "edge" and become more like the X Files meets the Love Boat. Please don't get me wrong, I don't mind *some* romance, I just don't want it to become the focus of the show as it was in the last episode. I'm really looking forward to next week's episode -- judging from the previews it looks like the old Buffy I knew and loved. I apologize if I offended anyone. I'll go back to lurkdom now, I just had to get that off my chest. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 13:20:28 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Some Assembly Required thoughts I put in my vote for "Made It With"...And I am sticking with it..... Jason Martinez Keeper of Buffy's Little Wooden Stake Keeper of Joyce's Sports Utility Vehicle Keeper of Willow's Computer "Embrace the Pain, Spank Your Inner Moppit...Whatever...."..Cordelia, WSwB ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 10:42:14 PDT From: "Lee Daley" Subject: BUFFY: Some thoughts SAR For a "one Starbucks town" Sunnydale is getting rather big. At least two High Schools, or Sunnydale has the only graveyard for serveral towns. "All City" (if I heard correctly) football. Nice zoo too. Did anyone notice the book Giles was carrying when he asked Jenny out? Could that characteristic yellow book mean he was reading "The Internet for Dummies" or "Dating for Dummies". Have to go, the're coming back with the net again. LeeD Keeper of the Service Contract on Willow's Computer ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 13:44:00 -0400 (EDT) From: Amanda Subject: Re: BUFFY: Some Assembly required (spoilers) In a postwritten by JW he stated how weird it was that Willow spoke of Buffy and Xander's dance with no real emotion. I also found this odd. Willow seems to have accepted the dance as part of Buffy's trauma from the accident and has forgiven her, yet I am surprised she would refer to it so casually. She was really hurt by it yet doesn't even refer to it. She's a very strong and kind person to be able to sweep all those feelings aside and forgive Buffy. Willow has the biggest heart of anyone I know and if this new season has accomplished anything it has turned me into someone who once liked Willow alittle but noe truly loves her. I see why so many people on the list and PB are crazy about her. - -PoizonIvy Keeper of Xander's Wardrobe NOSer ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 10:07:34 -0700 From: Ted Nelson Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: BUFFY, SEX AND LOVE > NAZARIAN@ORIX.COM wrote: ... Buffy is not quite a "human"-- Angel is not quite a "vampire". > Being "freaks" in their own societies is something they have deeply in common. Sometimes > love can be physical attraction mixed with just the right amount of caring, of empathy..... > Otherwise, Buffy would never have put so much effort into hurting him in WSWB. Miss Hayse Yo Mz Hayse, "I think I speak for everyone here when I say 'huh?'" BS 5v01 tr ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 10:15:33 -0700 From: Ted Nelson Subject: Re: BUFFY: Ratings > Lisa Rose wrote: ... But this does represent progress. Today 7th Heave= n,=20 > tomorrow the world! (hey, "The Brain" is a WB character too). Someday > maybe people will say that Heather Locklear is imitating SMG's hairstyl= e instead=20 > of the other way around! Lisa Narrffff, "Pinky" has already done a spoof on BUFF. And if you really look close, = hasn't BtVS been "spoofin'" "Pinky and the Brain" more than once? I do think th= e writers of "Some Assembly Required" took their best material from a spoof "Pinky = and Brain" did of "Frankenstein". Naarrrfff?!?!? ?=B7} tr ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 11:43:42 -0700 From: Carl Hearn Subject: BUFFY: Hi Buffy Fans September 24, 1997 Hi Buffy Fans, I just joined this list last night and was overwhelmed this morning by a mailbox full of letters. I had no idea that there were so many Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans. Wow! Must be a pretty good show. I must admit that I've never watched the show so I really don't know, but I did have a reason for joining your list, albeit temporarily. I'm looking for the ultimate Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan to hire for a new website, Suite 101 ( One who loves the show, has the ability to write and is an experienced web surfer. I'm the Managing Editor for Entertainment topics for i5ive communications. We have a large community site known as Suite 101 that, although a new service, already is receiving thousands of hits per day. What we do is hire people like you to write articles and surf for links in topics they have a passion about. We currently have over 160 such people writing periodic articles about subjects from Anthropology to Internet Help to X-Files and everything in between. Each of these editors maintains their own site at Suite 101 almost like it was a homepage, but easier because you don't have to know how to write HTML to be able to work there and you don't have to pay for server space. We don't have a Buffy the Vampire Slayer editor yet and from the looks of the numbers of Buffy fans we need one. We are looking for people who want to contribute to the Internet community, people who like helping others, and most importantly, people who have a passion for their topic. We are looking for an editor for the Topic "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", and a lot of other topics. There's a whole list of uncovered topics that we need editors for still and undoubtedly some topics we haven't even thought of yet. If you didn't want to write about Buffy perhaps there's another topic you're an expert at? For your efforts we are offering: - - Your own Contributing Editor page and server space to house a separate home page should you want to (or a link from your page to your homepage elsewhere if you don't want to use our space), plus your own message boards and a chat room for your topic. No knowledge of HTML is required. - - Internet access fees reimbursed (we will remunerate you $35(CAN)/$25(US) per month). - - Access to our resources (cartoonists, editors, technical support,etc.). - - Access to Suite 101 and areas in Beta development. - - And most importantly: Fame as a valuable member of a valuable service. If you decide to apply to become a contributing editor and are accepted by i-5ive communications your duties would include writing an editorial on a periodical basis. You choose what period, be it weekly, monthly or quarterly, search out and list the very best links in your topic and keep that list current, talk to subscribers to your topic on your very own discussion boards and help us at Suite 101 develop our server into the answer to the chaos of the Internet. If you choose, you may develop your own newsletter for fans of you topic and use our software to implement it and to use a chat room that will be set up for your topic. Eventually, as our site grows you may find you have a new career. Even if you choose not to be an editor you can become a Suite 101 member. It is a free service. As a member or editor, youll have access to a growing number of pages, each dedicated to a specific topic, where you'll read interesting and informative editorials and be provided a list of the very best sites on the net in that topic. You'll also have the opportunity to participate in discussions in over 160 other topics, or a general area where anything goes, visit one of many chat rooms, post and browse classified ads, check your mail from anywhere in the world, as well as having your own on-line datebook and notepad that you can access from anywhere. I hope you'll at least come and check us out. Maybe you'll be interested in a position. At the very least, you'll find a great place to surf with lots of fun, passionate people who will help make your surfing easier. The place to be is Suite 101. Come and see for yourself We are actively searching for an editor in your topic of choice so if your interested don't delay or you might loose your chance to start a new sideline career as a writer/editor for a major site. If you get a chance to drop in I'd love to hear from you personally. What do you think of our site? If you decide to apply to be an editor do definitely drop me a note so I can help you complete the online application. Thank you all for your time and patience. Hope to see you at the Suite. Sincerely C. Wayman Hearn ( Suite 101 - Entertainment Managing Editor, X-Files and the Unexplained Editor ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 13:52:30 -0400 (EDT) From: Amanda Subject: Re: BUFFY: SPOILER FOR SAR-Daryl's grave I'm not sure if I'm missing something but at the end of the ep when we see daryl's grave it says he died in 1996 but didn't Willow mention earlier that he died two years age. Plus there are a lot of references to 1995, as in the 1995 game his mother is watching when Buffy comes over. If he only died in 1996 that would mean Buffy was in school and would have none about it, n'est-ce pas? Nonone yet has mentioned my fave Xander line from the ep that literally made me roll off the bed: Cordelia: Why do bad things always heppen to me Xander: (coughs)-Kharma. It's lines like those which remind me why I love Xander - -PoizonIvy Keeper of Xander's Wardrobe NOSer ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 09:43:48 -0700 From: Ted Nelson Subject: Re: BUFFY: Remember spoiler protection > sah wrote: I've seen two posts with information about next week's > epi= sode (from the TV Guuide) with *no* spoiler protection whatsoever. > This makes this listowner very, very grumpy. SAH, I hope I was one to make a list mother grumpy? Could "we" post questions, comments or statements about the "teasers" at the end of an ep without Spoilers? :=B7} tr ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 10:59:21 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Small SAR Nitpick Hi all, I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but in the scene where Buffy is going to save Cordelia for the first time, she comes in, kicks Eric and drops a bit to her knees but when the camera shows Eric running off, it still has her standing. A bit of incontinuity there, don't you think?? Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey, Paul Wylie, Anthony S. Head, & Buffy-Beta Lists Pres. of ASH/Giles' Appreciation Society Panters - Keeper of Coats & Ties "Hi,Sonja, it's uh, Tony Head..." Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) To Me! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 12:10:21 -0600 From: "Jodie Lee King" Subject: BUFFY: Re: Intellgence (was: Buffy's strength??) - ---------- > From: -aMy*mAcE- > She is really intelligent, though, and she > points out every little mistake or improbable thing that happens on > the show. Arrghhg...she thinks I'm silly for spazzing out over the show. Well Amye, I would say that your friend would be in good company among the Buffy fen. From *most* of the comments I've read on this list and on the bronze posting board, I'd have to say that being really smart *helps* one enjoy Buffy. I think that because Joss is so creative and intelligent he writes for an intelligent audience. The smarter you are, the more you can enjoy the show on its many different levels. The subtlities and nuances of the show require paying a LOT of attention to everything that happens. Guess that's why most eps get even better when watched several times and why the audience is so varied. IMHO there are really very few *mistakes* and the die-hard fans find them too, so Mavis is not alone there. Improbability is in the eye of the beholder. I just accept that this is Buffyverse and the world unfolds according to Joss's rules. Hope you make another convert. I actually have some friends who are borrowing tapes of last year's shows so they can get the backstory. Then I will be able to discuss it with someone else in the staff room instead of talking to myself. :-)) Jodie Proud Buffyatric, Buffaholic and member of Buffy, eh? ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #321 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". 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