From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #332 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Monday, September 29 1997 Volume 01 : Number 332 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: Gripes and Moans Re: BUFFY: Faulkner BUFFY: BtVS fashion-article BUFFY: RE other vampire/demon hunters in the world BUFFY: A Sign? Re: BUFFY: continuation of the species... BUFFY: Results "SAR: You make the call Poll" Re: BUFFY: Faulkner: the BtVS miniseries Re: BUFFY: Faulkner Re: BUFFY: Faulkner Re: BUFFY: SAR: Cordelia's 'tude in the library scene Re: BUFFY: Body parts episode BUFFY: Possibly OT, but... BUFFY: Cordelia Chase Keeper's Page Re: BUFFY: Body parts episode Re: BUFFY: Restoring Angel's Humanity Re: BUFFY: Body parts episode Re: BUFFY: Body parts episode Re: BUFFY: Body parts episode BUFFY: Restoring Angel's Humanity Re: BUFFY: Faulkner: the BtVS miniseries Re: BUFFY: Article on Nicholas BUFFY: Love dilemma Re: BUFFY: Restoring Angel's Humanity Re: BUFFY:Spoiler/ David Boreanaz in Philadelphia News Re: BUFFY: Tapes BUFFY: RE: DESPERATELY SEEKING BUFFY Re: BUFFY: Restoring Angel's Humanity See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 13:40:36 -0700 From: (Guadalupe Mejia) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Gripes and Moans ok, first of all how you put the banes & noble thing it sounded like it was a magazine & 2nd of all I know is a book store but maybe i thought the book store put out a magazine out about stuff related to them, if you (jason) want to continue discussion on this please email me privately, obbuffy: are there any sites out there that have video clips of something to do with BTVS that is not avi? like mpeg or VideoFlash? thanks. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 13:42:06 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Faulkner At 03:28 PM 9/29/97 -0400, James Bjorkman wrote: >While neither the Biblical nor Faulknerian plot matches perfectly, both have >similarities...... But I think the real reference is to Faulkner's tale If I had to put money on it, I would go with the Faulknerian inspiration too. Faulkner made this interesting, but quaint (these days), Biblical name into a literary household word by using it as the title of his classic work. And that 100th birthday thing you mention is just *too* coincidental. I can easily picture a BtVS writer seeing that on a writer's newsgroup a few months ago, recalling WF's books, and thinking "Absalom, now *that* would be cool vampire name!" ObBuffy: But the application of the Biblical Absalom story to BtVS is still intriguing. If we imagine the late Master as a demonic King David, then who would be his Absalom, his favorite son who turned on him, and who must now be destroyed? The first answer that came to my mind is Angel! Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 16:30:22 -0400 From: twofangs/randi spiegel Subject: BUFFY: BtVS fashion-article Since so many people have posted about clothing... ...myself included - I really hate "Angel's" tan jacket/white socks combo...I prefer velvet and leather on him ... ...I thought I'd transcribe this for everyone... This article is from: The Globe and Mail (Canadian Newspaper) Saturday, September 27, 1997 Arts Section Page C23 **Fashion On The Box** by Rose-Marie Turk ******** "Warner Brothers' BtVS goes in a different fashion direction this season. Cynthia Bergstrom, the new costume designer, says she is looking for "funky young designers," to dress a cast lead by SMG as Buffy. So far, her new designer finds include silk and velvet combinations from L.A.-based Alicia Lawhon. After shopping a mix of stores, such as Fred Segal Melrose and Santa Monica, Barney's Rampage amd Contempo Casuals, Bergstrom's high-end-low-end combinations include Dolce & Gabbana's "interesting" patterned pants with T-shirts from Dollhouse and Juicy & Curiosity. Gellar's role-reluctant vampire fighter and high-school student demands a pants-driven wardrobe that includes Greed Girl's sailor pants. "But she's not going to fight all the time in pants," Bergstrom says, noting the star will also flex her muscles in a Calvin Klein tulip-print wrap skirt and a DKNY baby-pink minidress. Bergstrom may have already found the accessory of the season, at Fred Segal in Santa Monica: a real-cigar-box purse trimmed with glow-in-the-dark lizards, by Annabelle, that "is perfect for my show." ******** Hope ya'll enjoyed this...looking forward to tonight's ep :) fading back into yesterday before tomorrow comes, Randi Toronto, Ontario, Canada Keeper Of Angel's Telephone *what scares you most will set you free that's what the Angel said to me* - Robyn Hitchcock *maybe I'll find some peace tonight in the arms of the Angel* - Sarah McLachlan ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 15:57:45 -0500 From: Subject: BUFFY: RE other vampire/demon hunters in the world I've got an idea on who else may be in the world hunting vampires and demons besides the obvious Buffy :) Maybe the other vampire/demon hunters are members of the Legacy houses located throughout the world. (For those who don't know, there's a series on Showtime called Poltergeist: The Legacy and it's about people who try to rid the world of evil beings and forces.) I don't know if P:TL has had a vampire ep to date, but I think it would be kind of interesting to see Giles share info with Derek Rayne. Just my humble opinion as always. Alia Keeper of Giles Inability to fight Buffy ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 14:06:54 -0700 From: Travis Illig Subject: BUFFY: A Sign? I was driving to work today, not really in the best of moods and sort of not looking forward to the rest of the day, when I said (out loud, to an empty car), "Why Monday?!" in frustration. Just then, a light blue pickup passed by me, and right there, on the license plate...: BUFFY Now, is that a sign or what? ObBuffy (as if that wasn't Buffy related?): I've emailed the Willow Keeper's List owner several times, yet seem to get no response. Is there someone else having the same problem, or is there someone else I can contact? - -Travis - -- /********************************************** Travis Illig Webmaster Lattice Semiconductor Corporation ***********************************************/ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 16:52:11 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: continuation of the species... In a message dated 97-09-29 13:28:08 EDT, you write: > Ahem. It has not yet been addressed in the show whether or not Angel can > perform. In general vampire mythology, vampires drink blood both for > sustinance AND for pleasure, it is the closest to sex that they can get. > Of course, Brian Lumley in his Necroscope series allows vampires to do both and to sire normal as well as vamphic offspring through the sex act. Napoleon Defenders of the Night ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 17:32:57 -0400 (EDT) From: (JW) Subject: BUFFY: Results "SAR: You make the call Poll" Well the responses have been added up, below are the results for the SAR poll. Things are only possible if you believe, now we know what you believe. Results for: "Some Assembly Required" 1: Buffy said the dance with Xander was just to drive Angel crazy. 37% believes A) Believe her 63% believes B) More to it than that 2: Angel's comment about the dance. 50% believes A) Mated with 50% believes B) Made it with This was a tight one, with B making a comeback for the tie. 3: When Cordelia follows Buffy and Willow into the Library? 63% believes A) She wants to be part of the gang and fight the forces of darkness 25% believes B) Just wants help for her science project from Willow 4% believes C) Took a wrong, turn and was embarassed to admit it 8% believes D) Wanted to see if Xander was there. 4: Willow's lack of reaction about the "dance", and about Xander in general? 38% believes A) She's playing hard to get. 0% believes B) She's over Xander 33% believes C) Was thinking about Chris. 29% believes a "D" choice, or created their own answer 5: Angel took Cordelia home because? 38% believes A) He was trapped 42% believes B) He's a gentlemen 4% believes C) To make Buffy jealous 16% believes D) He couldn't pry Cordelia off him. 6: Xander speech about the dream was? 35% believes A) Directed at Buffy, regarding him and Angel. 9% believes B) He was talking about himself, in relation to Buffy and Willow. 4% believes C) Just speaking about Chris and Eric. 52% believes D) Both A & B 7: When Buffy tells Chris she knows what its like to lose someone, she means? 25% believes A) Her former watcher, Merrick or not 13% believes B) Her father in divorce 8% believes C) Dr. Gregory 54% believes D) Everyone she knows who died. Interesting, most believe Cordy wants to join the club, there was more to the dance, and Xander speaks with a lot of double and triple meaning. I would like to thank everyone who participated in the poll. If "School Hard" produces some issues, look for another "You Make the Call Poll". JW ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 17:50:04 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: Re: BUFFY: Faulkner: the BtVS miniseries At 3:28 PM -0400 9/29/97, James Bjorkman wrote: >This also seems to extend the theme in this season's episodes of major >literary/pop culture allusions. Oh, boy, you know how these things get me started. What fun! So what other American literary greats may we see? Hmm, rival vampire gangs named The Lost Generation and Dorothy Parker and the Vicious Circle showing up in town in a battle of wits, luring Xander to them with their snide comments and hip affect? Good lord, just the notion of Gertrude Stein and Ms. Parker exchanging roundhouse kicks gives me pause.... Spike and Dru becoming not Sid and Nancy as promised, but F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald? Emily Dickenson showing up as one of Angel's progeny, leading to the return of Owen, who can't understand why his poetical goddess is killing wildly when she should be moping? Darla reinvented as the Sylvia Plath of the vampire world? Michael Crichton's Cordelia Park? Oh, the sweet possibilities! JJ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 18:16:14 -0400 From: Jim McDonald Subject: Re: BUFFY: Faulkner James Bjorkman wrote: > On Mon, 29 Sep 1997, Lisa Rose wrote: > > Yeah, my first reaction to the Anointed One's cool new henchman was > > also to think of Faulkner's "Absalom, Absalom" (I assume that's the > > reference you mean?). > > Bingo! I haven't read "Absalom, Absalom", but as soon as I read your post, I slappedmy forehead -- I was trying to figure out why the whole character and image was familiar, especially since the Biblical reference didn't seem to be playing itself out. It was very like some of Faulkner's other works, too. > But I think the real reference is to Faulkner's tale: I have to agree. It isn't just the name, it's the feel of the character, his clothing,his patterns of speech, and the even apparent reliance on oral history. (Usually in fiction an event like this would have someone reading the invocation out of some Big Impressive Book, but here I was reminded of someone showing the children "how we used to do it." Almost like using the solid foundation of the house servants to view the chaos of the family. (Was "Dilsey" the name of the character that was used like that in "The Sound and the Fury"?)) I remember getting the impression that this man was from the war-era South. Supposedly many of the other 100 year+ vampires would carry speech and mannerisms that give away their pasts, though this is the first we've seen of it. Perhaps the "younger" vampires (ones turned into vampires at a younger age) are more adaptable. We've only heard references to Darla and Angel's 18th century pasts, but here we SEE the character's past everytime he's on screen. > And I'm not sure why something that can be killed by holy things would take > a Biblical name, but I don't want to start a brouhaha about *that*. No brouhaha intended, but what about "Angel"? I think it's simply a case ofthem keeping their birth names even after becoming vampires. In the 19th century South, dead antecedent and the Bible were two main sources of names. In fact, I'm sure some would savor the irony. I s'pose in some other cases a vampire might change its name. In most cultures choosing your name (ie., replacing the one that was chosen for you) is a sign of a major growth/attainment of status and finding out who you are; dying and rising to feed off the living certainly has to count as a major life cycle event. > Yes IMO the character was basically wasted, I agree! I would have been quite satisfied if he had been one to escapewith A1 to safety, at least so we could see him again. Let's see more of such characterization. > It seemed unnecessary for such a relatively minor character.... Ah, but the fun is in the details. And perhaps it was just a (small) nod to Faulkner.... Jim McDonald ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 18:20:39 -0400 From: Jim McDonald Subject: Re: BUFFY: Faulkner Lisa Rose wrote: > I also had a strange image of Faulkner's "As I Lay Dying" with A1 > and the rest of the Master's old vampire family dragging Master's > rotting carcass in an arduous cross-country trip to a special > location for resurrection I can't help but think that "My Master is a fish." might be a littletoo strange even in Buffy's universe. ObBuffy: Did they ever give any indication why the Master's bones stayed intact when every other vampire *poofed* so satisfyingly? (Other than the "he's the Master" explanation.) Jim McDonald ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 15:34:45 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: SAR: Cordelia's 'tude in the library scene Jesse asked: <> I hope no one has answered this one yet --I'm on digest. I can't remember any time Cordelia has been completely dishonest. Maybe Xander was referring to Cordelia's tendency to embellish her stories. In WTTH Cordelia tells her friends that Buffy came at her screaming "I'm going to kill you" (or something to that effect), but that isn't *quite* what happened. Looking forward to tonight's show, Valerie ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 16:34:54 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Body parts episode >Why does Buffy have to like somebody? Because she is a high school student? > Believe it or not, there are actually high schoolers who are not >interested in >a boy or girlfriend. Some of them are more concerned about >grades, jobs, friends, >college, ect than a romantic relationship. Actually, I think your stereotype is even worse. So are you saying that because somebody wants to be with someone they're automatically shallow and care about nothing but that relationship? ANd as a matter of fact, it can be very unhealthy for people to not date a little in high school. That is a proven fact. ANd since Buffy is in high school and doesn't seem to be liking anyone else, what's wrong with her and Angel? >Its not interesting that she is in love at all. I want to see her fight vamps >and other nasty creatures and avoid a "special episode of Buffy" - if you know >what I mean. This love quadrangle has got to come to an end. Its turning the >show into a soap opera. If it came to an end, the show would be boring. I mean, week after week all she does is slay vampires? No life? YAWN!!!!! ANd believe it or not, that's the way most lives are in high school. Maybe not with vampires and stuff, but it's always Mary likes Bob but Bob likes Susan but Susan likes Fred who likes her back but they can't date because their families hate each other. It happens every day. Life is a soap opera. Deal with it. *Katie* Keeper of Buffy's Past Popularity and Nail Polish Angel's Proud Adoptive Mother "See, whenever we fight you always have to bring up the vampire thing." -Angel, "Some Assembly Required" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 17:37:51 -0700 From: Allison Baxter Subject: BUFFY: Possibly OT, but... Everyone...I was wondering if I could be the Keeper of Giles's loyalty to Buffy. I run the Watcher/Slayer webpage ( and so this is a fitting title for me. Anyway, do I just claim it or is there someone I need to contact? A website I should go to? Is it already taken? Could someone email me privately and help me out? Thanks in advance. =) ~Allison~ - -- ======================================================== Chris Carter: "These are two characters who are out of step. They're romantic. If they're in love, so be it." -The New York Times * * * * * * Giles: "I failed in my duty to protect you. I should have been more...cautious...taken more time to train you. But you were so gifted, and the evil was so great..." -Nightmares ======================================================== ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 15:24:32 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Cordelia Chase Keeper's Page Amidst a cacophony of trumpet blare and cheering crowds, I am proud to announce the resurrection and recreation of the "Cordelia Chase Keeper's Page". The URL, addy, whatever term you prefer is Those of you who have been keepers in the past need to let me know what you used to keep, and those who want to show support for our beloved Cordelia can request keepership at any time. Requests should be made OFF LIST ONLY PLEASE to, or go to the Cordelia Chase Keeper's Page and click on the mail link. Enjoy! Mike ( Keeper of Buffy's little white teddy bear Keeper of Buffy's beeper Keeper of Little Buffy's Bubblegum Pink Bicycle (with handlebar streamers and automated stake dispenser) "The part that gets me though, is where Buffy is the Vampire Slayer. She's so little." --- Ms. Calendar ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 16:38:50 -0600 From: David Simpson Subject: Re: BUFFY: Body parts episode On Mon, 29 Sep 1997, wrote: >Hellmouth, demons, ect are fictional. The writers made them up and therefore >can make them do anything they want. Humans are real. The writers cannot >make humans do anything they want. >If it had been a demon or vampire making the new body I would have bought it >but its impossible for a human to do what the kids did. It is interesting to see you trying to make this kind of distinction between reality and fiction. When I watched this episode, I said to my family, "Look, it's the Frankenstein episode!" Joss and the writers simply took the Mary Shelley classic, "Frankenstein", and moved it to Sunnydale. It worked very nicely, especially since part of the Hellmouth mystique is that all kinds of things are possible there. David Simpson Buffy: You guys don't have to get involved. Xander: What do you mean? We're a team. Aren't we a team? Willow: Yeah. You're the Slayer and we're, like, the Slayerettes. --- The Witch (BtVS) --- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 16:28:10 -0700 (PDT) From: Patrick Joseph Keane Subject: Re: BUFFY: Restoring Angel's Humanity You wrote: > Lestat (from the Anne Rice novels) became human for > a brief time in Tale of the Body Thief. I wouldn't mind seeing Angel > become human before the series ends, but I hope they do it in an original > fashion. What if somehow the souls of Xander and Angel were switched, and each ended up with the others body? Like in TotBT. -Pat ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 17:13:58 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Body parts episode > Sex isn't the be all and end all of a relationship, but it is an >important element, one >that Angel can't fulfill. Since when is sex an important element? BUFFY IS 16 YEARS OLD FOR GOD'S SAKE!!! 16 year olds don't run around having sex within every relationship. Some do, yes, but we have a four letterword for them. Buffy seems much more like the virgin type. And besides, notevery relationship has sex within it. Not even adult ones. There have been marriages that have been totally succesful without sex. *Katie* Keeper of Buffy's Past Popularity and Nail Polish Angel's Proud Adoptive Mother "See, whenever we fight you always have to bring up the vampire thing." -Angel, "Some Assembly Required" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 19:16:08 -0400 (EDT) From: JACYNTHE Subject: Re: BUFFY: Body parts episode Can't remember who posted this originally, sorry... > > Believe it or not, there are actually high schoolers who are not > >interested in >a boy or girlfriend. Some of them are more concerned about > >grades, jobs, friends, >college, ect than a romantic relationship. Um, would this be a good place to point out that your average high school student also doesn't sneak out of her home on a nightly basis to hang out in the local graveyard and put the stake to the newly undead? OR get cursed with a bloodstone vengeance spell by a witch? Or have to rescue her friends from caniibalistic she-mantises? Or figure out which wild animal spirit has possessed her friend? See where I'm going here? Yes, Buffy worries about her grades and other "typical" high school concerns (WttH, Teacher's Pet, NKABOTFD, The Witch), but her life as the Slayer takes an enormous amount of her time and energy. If she doesn't do her job, people die. Messily. And some of them will come back and add to the problem. Katie added to the discussion: > > it can > be very unhealthy for people to not date a little in high school. To build off of this, Buffy is going to have some major problems building and maintaing relationships with *anyone.* Look at how her relationship with her parents has changed. Many teenagers feel they can't talk to their parents. Buffy has to hide some of the most important parts of her life from them. Kind of hard to sustain a relationship with someone when you can talk openly and honestly about your life. (Witness the whole undercurrent of WSWB.) And by relationship, I *don't* limit the word to a synonym for romance. I mean the interaction betwenn two or more people over a length of time. This gulf between Buffy and "the civillians" will only widen as she grows older. The end result of this, I believe, will be that she will cling all the more tightly to the relationships she *does* have with Xander, Giles, Willow, Cordeila, and Angel, the people "in the know." The people with whom she doesn't have to pretend, to lie to, cover-up or leave things out. These relationships will then become more intense. (Think it's unlikely? People thrown together under intense circumstances form some pretty intense relationships--at least according some veterans I know...) As for soap opera and the "very special ep"'s been posted here several times that Joss has stated there will *not* be a "very special" ep. (Though I *do* it the broadcasting station that does the blurbs for the upcoming eps?) So that's pretty much a groundless fear, I think. Have a little faith in Joss and the rest of the creative crew of BtVS. They know what they're doing, and I don't think they'll let us down. ~Jacynthe Keeper of the song in Angel's heart "Gra, Dilseacht agus Cairdeas" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 19:16:08 -0400 (EDT) From: JACYNTHE Subject: Re: BUFFY: Body parts episode Can't remember who posted this originally, sorry... > > Believe it or not, there are actually high schoolers who are not > >interested in >a boy or girlfriend. Some of them are more concerned about > >grades, jobs, friends, >college, ect than a romantic relationship. Um, would this be a good place to point out that your average high school student also doesn't sneak out of her home on a nightly basis to hang out in the local graveyard and put the stake to the newly undead? OR get cursed with a bloodstone vengeance spell by a witch? Or have to rescue her friends from caniibalistic she-mantises? Or figure out which wild animal spirit has possessed her friend? See where I'm going here? Yes, Buffy worries about her grades and other "typical" high school concerns (WttH, Teacher's Pet, NKABOTFD, The Witch), but her life as the Slayer takes an enormous amount of her time and energy. If she doesn't do her job, people die. Messily. And some of them will come back and add to the problem. Katie added to the discussion: > > it can > be very unhealthy for people to not date a little in high school. To build off of this, Buffy is going to have some major problems building and maintaing relationships with *anyone.* Look at how her relationship with her parents has changed. Many teenagers feel they can't talk to their parents. Buffy has to hide some of the most important parts of her life from them. Kind of hard to sustain a relationship with someone when you can talk openly and honestly about your life. (Witness the whole undercurrent of WSWB.) And by relationship, I *don't* limit the word to a synonym for romance. I mean the interaction betwenn two or more people over a length of time. This gulf between Buffy and "the civillians" will only widen as she grows older. The end result of this, I believe, will be that she will cling all the more tightly to the relationships she *does* have with Xander, Giles, Willow, Cordeila, and Angel, the people "in the know." The people with whom she doesn't have to pretend, to lie to, cover-up or leave things out. These relationships will then become more intense. (Think it's unlikely? People thrown together under intense circumstances form some pretty intense relationships--at least according some veterans I know...) As for soap opera and the "very special ep"'s been posted here several times that Joss has stated there will *not* be a "very special" ep. (Though I *do* it the broadcasting station that does the blurbs for the upcoming eps?) So that's pretty much a groundless fear, I think. Have a little faith in Joss and the rest of the creative crew of BtVS. They know what they're doing, and I don't think they'll let us down. ~Jacynthe Keeper of the song in Angel's heart "Gra, Dilseacht agus Cairdeas" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 16:42:56 -0500 From: Subject: BUFFY: Restoring Angel's Humanity BU>through medical means. Lestat (from the Anne Rice novels) became human for BU>a brief time in Tale of the Body Thief. I wouldn't mind seeing Angel BU>become human before the series ends, but I hope they do it in an original BU>fashion. A little snippet from the article on David Boreanaz in the Philly newspaper that someone mentioned earlier. S P O I L E R S P A C E Angel is "evil," insists Boreanaz. "That definitely is something that is going to be exposed along the line," he said last week, promising that this season's Episode 7 -- Episode 3 airs tonight -- would reveal more of Angel's grisly past, which includes more than two centuries of blood-sucking. "He was a pretty mean vampire. He did some pretty nasty things," he said, some of them to Drusilla, one of two new vampires who'll be introduced in tonight's episode. Regarding the Internet: "It's pretty strange," Boreanaz confessed of the online world's response to "Buffy" and to Angel. While he's answered fans' questions online, "The whole computer thing - I'm kindof alienated rom it," he said. "I don't really subscribe to the whole Internet genre, per se... To me, it's not really that interesting." - --End of Buffy-related stuff in the article.-- Can't wait for episode 7!! Candace :) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 16:18:12 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Faulkner: the BtVS miniseries Oh boy, here we go... At 05:50 PM 9/29/97 -0400, Jesse Jou wrote: >Good lord, just the notion of Gertrude Stein and Ms. >Parker exchanging roundhouse kicks gives me pause.... My money is on Dorothy for lots of quick, dazzling jabs, but on Gertrude for endurance over the long haul. >Spike and Dru becoming not Sid and Nancy as promised, but F. Scott and >Zelda Fitzgerald? Or as Henry Miller and June, with Willow and Xander as Anais Nin and her husband, respectively? Imagine the mixing and matching possibilities! >Emily Dickenson showing up as one of Angel's progeny, >leading to the return of Owen, who can't understand why his poetical >goddess is killing wildly when she should be moping? Can you imagine Owen hesitating even a second in wanting to be "made" by his poetic heroine? She would have no problem finding a use for his latest desire to be "Danger Man." (she always did look spooky in those long white dresses, with her skin never touched by the sun). Then introduce the hilarious and equally death-obsessed characters from the cult classic, "Harold and Maude" and we get the basis for a humorous farce: A vampire in love with a poet, it's rather slaying, in a Maudian sort of way" >Darla reinvented as the Sylvia Plath of the vampire world? Perhaps as a quite extroverted Sylvia, killing others in lieu of herself. Finally, as Absalom watches his upper limbs incinerate from Buffy's torch, he could quote passages from Hemingway's "A Farewell to Arms" with unquestionable sincerity. Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 18:55:07 -0400 (EDT) From: Michelle Teixeira Subject: Re: BUFFY: Article on Nicholas On Mon, 29 Sep 1997, elizabeth yeung wrote: > Hi everybody! I'm not much of a poster but more of a reader. But I was > flipping through magazines in the school library and saw this tiny > article on Nicholas. This isn't recent but I thought I'll share with > your guys anyway. Article in what? > > Happy reading! I can't wait till tonight's ep!! Too bad that I have two > midterms tomorrow! :( > > Liz > > > "It'll Put Goosebumps On Your Goosebumps" > Valley Magazine > June 1997 > Pg. 10 > > > Nicholas Brendnon may be a newcomer to the entertainment industry, but > after winning a role in the WB Network's "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," just > about everyone in Hollywood has seen his face--he's plastered larger than > life on the show's billboards throughout the greater Los Angeles area. > > "It's a pretty good-looking mug, don't you think?" he jokes, explaining > almost apologetically that the billboards will be coming down soon. > Still, he admits all that exposure is enough to make anyone's head spin. > > "This show came about during my first pilot season, and it's been a big > part of my life for the last year," he explains. "In the two-hour pilot, > my best friend turns into a vampire, so I know what's going on at the > school." While Brendon's character Xander Harris teams up each week with > Buffy to fight the forces of evil, he says that his role on the show is > really comic relief. "I get a lot of the good lines," he says. > > A former college baseball player, Brendon says one of the joys of working > on the show is he gets to do his own stunts. "I'm pretty athletic, so I > really enjoy doing the stunts," he says. "We have a good stunt > coordinator, so I don't get a lot of bruises and pain, except for this > one time that I took a face plant down a flight of stairs, but that > wasn't entirely planned." > > While Brendon admits he's still mastering his craft, he says working on > the series has been a great learning experience. "I'm kind of in school > right now," he says. "I ask a lot of questions on the set. I'm always > talking to the director or the D.P. (director of photography). But I'm > really learning things that they can't teach you in school. Eventually, > I want to do film and go the indie route." > > So how is Brendon dealing with his new-found fame? "I like to swing," he > says. "There is this swing set in Venice that overlooks the beach, and > you can see the planes take off from LAX. It's a great place to relax. > The important thing to remember about being an adult is that you were a > kid once." > > > > > > ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 17:22:57 -0700 From: Francesco Loriggio Subject: BUFFY: Love dilemma Ok, I agree to some point that it is getting a bit sappy, but I hafta admit that I like this. In the first series, it seemed Angel would appear for only 2 reasons: 1- When there was no other way of getting information or 2- When they needed to fill in the plotline It was more like, "OK, we can't think of anything else to do, let's have Angel show up and cause a romantic confrontation." OK, maybe that's a bit harsh, but it DID somewhat give that impression. And note that the so-called "mushy scenes" take up a very small percentage of each ep. Besides, everything else is still there! Xander's dry wit, the constant Cordy-bashing, PLUS there's something new -- the teasing of Giles about Ms. Calendar! So, c'mon ppl, don't be so hard on the show! Siska ( WANNABE Keeper of Angel's (now Buffy's) Leather Jacket and Buffy's Hairstyle They're already TAKEN.... :( - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "And the lie which is the truth shall bring more pain than the truth which is a lie." -- excerpt of ElfQuest graphic novel #6, 'The Secret of Two-Edge' - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 18:41:37 -0700 From: Allison Baxter Subject: Re: BUFFY: Restoring Angel's Humanity <> there's a theme for a *really great* fanfic...mind if I play with that for awhile? ~Allison~ - -- ======================================================== Chris Carter: "These are two characters who are out of step. They're romantic. If they're in love, so be it." -The New York Times * * * * * * Giles: "I failed in my duty to protect you. I should have been more...cautious...taken more time to train you. But you were so gifted, and the evil was so great..." -Nightmares ======================================================== ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 16:40:40 -0600 From: "Jodie Lee King" Subject: Re: BUFFY:Spoiler/ David Boreanaz in Philadelphia News Spoiler below. - ---------- > From: MS GAYNELL J BATES >> > There is an article about David Boreanaz in today's Philadelphia News. > > To read the article on the web, goto > > > 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Grrr argh!! This article made me want to scream in rage and pain. I hope that David B's comment "Angel is evil" should have read Angel WAS evil. I think I'll go mad waiting for the ep mentioned in the article. kirbyclaus: If you are on the list, you must be a happy camper. Jodie ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 19:47:14 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Tapes I would really appreciate it if you could send me Some assembally requiered I missed it too ------------------------------ Date: From: Rebecca Roy Subject: BUFFY: RE: DESPERATELY SEEKING BUFFY - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BCCCF8.05268EE0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I just started watching Buffy in the summer, so all I got was the reruns. If someone could loan me a tape of "ANGEL" or "PROPHECY GIRL". Think of it as supporting a new BUFFY ADDICT. You can contact me at: Thank you. Becca - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BCCCF8.05268EE0 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IgcXAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEEkAYAHAEAAAEAAAANAAAAAwAAMAIAAAAL AA8OAAAAAAIB/w8BAAAAQwAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAGJ1ZmZ5QHhtaXNzaW9u LmNvbQBTTVRQAGJ1ZmZ5QHhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbQAAHgACMAEAAAAFAAAAU01UUAAAAAAeAAMwAQAA ABMAAABidWZmeUB4bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AAAMAFQwBAAAAAwD+DwYAAAAeAAEwAQAAABUAAAAnYnVm ZnlAeG1pc3Npb24uY29tJwAAAAACAQswAQAAABgAAABTTVRQOkJVRkZZQFhNSVNTSU9OLkNPTQAD AAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAwBxOgAAAAACAfYPAQAAAAQAAAAAAAAC2zIBBIABAB4AAABSRTogREVT UEVSQVRFTFkgU0VFS0lORyBCVUZGWQD1BwEFgAMADgAAAM0HCQAdABAANAAFAAEARAEBIIADAA4A AADNBwkAHQAQAC4AOgABAHMBAQmAAQAhAAAAOTYzN0MwRDlBNDM4RDExMUFCN0YwMEEwQzk1QjA0 RjEAHwcBA5AGACQDAAAUAAAACwAjAAAAAAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQAAAAAAAwAuAAAAAAADADYAAAAA AEAAOQAAg72wMs28AR4AcAABAAAAHgAAAFJFOiBERVNQRVJBVEVMWSBTRUVLSU5HIEJVRkZZAAAA AgFxAAEAAAAWAAAAAbzNMrC92cA3lzikEdGrfwCgyVsE8QAAHgAeDAEAAAADAAAATVMAAB4AHwwB AAAAFgAAAFdJTkRPV1MvQWRtaW4vcmViZWNjYQAAAAMABhBeVHenAwAHEL4AAAAeAAgQAQAAAGUA AABJSlVTVFNUQVJURURXQVRDSElOR0JVRkZZSU5USEVTVU1NRVIsU09BTExJR09UV0FTVEhFUkVS VU5TSUZTT01FT05FQ09VTERMT0FOTUVBVEFQRU9GIkFOR0VMIk9SIlBST1BIAAAAAAIBCRABAAAA lAEAAJABAACNAgAATFpGdaQUcfkDAAoAcmNwZzEyNf4yAP8CBgKkA+QF6wKDAFATA1QCAGNoCsBz ZXT+MgYABsMCgw5QA9UHEwKDujMTzX0KgAjPCdk7Fr/9DjA1F9MY8Rg+FeEOYgtg8m4OEDAzFOAL ChOyDAEaYwBAIAqFCotsaTMGNg6wG/8gSSBqdS5zBUAgEArAdAmAIHcMYXQScAuAZyBCdQkOkHkg C4AgdGhlSSAwdW0HgHIsIDBvziAHQAMgH9BnbwVAIMCnBCAh4hbAcnUAgC4KhXxJZiKRB4ACICIA BaB1fmwgoBZQA5EHgCLAIdBhCnAiAG8k4CJBTkcYRUwiJsAFwCJQUgBPUEhFQ1kgR6xJUidQJFZU IQFrJsLOaQVAI4EiIHBwFmEhEocmYCVQB+BCVUZGKDDAQURESUNUJFYKhf5ZCGAlcAORBaACMADQ BUCxJjJ0OiAuMB6rNBzDty5fE6Aj4WIFkC0QQAdA4GkuYmMuLRAdHh7PVykgAHApYHkIYC4uMUIX MQIKhRXhADXAAwAQEAAAAAADABEQAAAAAEAABzDAFMT5Mc28AUAACDDAFMT5Mc28AR4APQABAAAA BQAAAFJFOiAAAAAAAwANNP03AADexw== - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BCCCF8.05268EE0-- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 18:41:37 -0700 From: Allison Baxter Subject: Re: BUFFY: Restoring Angel's Humanity <> there's a theme for a *really great* fanfic...mind if I play with that for awhile? ~Allison~ - -- ======================================================== Chris Carter: "These are two characters who are out of step. They're romantic. If they're in love, so be it." -The New York Times * * * * * * Giles: "I failed in my duty to protect you. I should have been more...cautious...taken more time to train you. But you were so gifted, and the evil was so great..." -Nightmares ======================================================== ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #332 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-buffy": subscribe buffy-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "buffy-digest" in the commands above with "buffy". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/buffy/archive. 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