From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #338 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Tuesday, September 30 1997 Volume 01 : Number 338 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: Willow and Xander BUFFY: School Hard (Spoilers) BUFFY: my take on School Hard Re: BUFFY: Buffy: "tell them the truth"....not BUFFY: Graveyards to Rave Bars BUFFY: School Hard (comments, spoilers, disbelief) [long] BUFFY: RE other vampire/demon hunters in the world BUFFY: Nations Bank.. Re: BUFFY: Vamp Fighting Techniques (School Hard) Re: BUFFY: School Hard... Re: BUFFY: RE other vampire/demon hunters in the world Re: BUFFY:comments keeperships ******SPOILER**** Re: BUFFY: my take on School Hard BUFFY: Sire, and some other stuff. BUFFY: (SPOILERS) Does Snyder know more . . . BUFFY: dru Re: BUFFY: Graveyards to Rave Bars Re: BUFFY: my take on School Hard BUFFY: School Hard and the Tampon Scene BUFFY: Does Snyder know? RE.: BUFFY: SH: SPIKE & DRUCILLA BUFFY: Snyder at the window BUFFY: Dru the psychic See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 12:00:33 -0700 (PDT) From: Patrick Joseph Keane Subject: Re: BUFFY: Willow and Xander On Tue, 30 Sep 1997, D. Hine wrote: What about Willow? Willow deserves Xander!!! I reply: Willow deserves way better than Xander. She needs someone who is into her right from the start. Not just because the girl he really wants is out of town. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 15:00:06 -0400 (EDT) From: (JW) Subject: BUFFY: School Hard (Spoilers) This contains some spoilers for "School Hard" don't continue, no real Spoiler Space Last Warning. "School Hard", wow where is Bruce Willis when you need him, I guess he's opening another burger place. With Snyder in the opening, I kept asking the question "what fights?" Yes, I'm sure Buffy cuts lots of classes and doesn't complete alot of assignments because of her slaying. But, I don't remember her ever getting into any fights on campus, with any live people anyway. Who would last more than two seconds in a fight with her. I felt real sorry for Buffy, getting chewed out like that, I guess Snyder went back from comic relief to evil. The scene outside the school with the gang was a nice group scene, some cute lines. When we first see Spike he's smoking, why? I thought vampires had no breath, (Angel in PG). So he just thinks he looks cool or what. Spike and Drusillia, wow what was it Buffy said in SAR, "in need of some industrial strength therapy". I will wait and reserve judgement on them as major villians. I am afraid they might become old very quick. I think perhaps Spike fed on to many flower childern in the 60's. I mean being an evil vampire is one thing, but he's just weird. Giles & Calandar are attached at the hip these days. Interesting that she isn't considered a regular cast member. But, she has been a major player in all three episodes of the season. Now lets all "whistle a jaunty tune". When did Chandler from Friends exchange places with Xander? I think after the scene in the Bronze, we can put away the myth of the "Slayer Sense". That or Giles needs to seriously upgrade her training. The Vamp in the alley seemed very strong, throwing Buffy around like he did. I wondered why Buffy didn't just go ahead and take Spike on now. Xander in Buffy's purse, LOL. I think we can now say that Xander and Willow are the two smartest people in Sunnydale. Lots of vampires coming, Xander: Lets run, Willow:Lets Hide. Of course then they both did just that. Would vampires really date? Nice to see Cordelia back with the gang, of course this episode she had her claws out, and Xander was back to being a scratching post. Lets see this show, Willow saves Cordy, so is that everyone who has saved Cordy's life. Buffy's mom took quite the tour of the school, if I read the clock correctly, from 6:15 to 8:45. When Snyder starts talking with Buffy's mom, and think Cordelia enjoyed it way too much. The vampires attack in force, I guess Spike wasn't home watching "Must see TV". You have to give him credit he seems to enjoy his work. Buffy standing up to Snyder was nice to see, you have to wonder what her mother was thinking. Giles, superwatcher to the rescue, but it was good of him to make the effort. The moment between Giles and Buffy, when she told him to get her mother out, was sweet. I think I would have liked the little scene with Shelia vamping out, if we didn't know what had happened to her. Speaking of enjoying things, Angel looked a little to comfortable dragging Xander around by the neck. Wouldn't the other vamps have known that Angel had turned away from them. I can't say it was a wise move, on his part. "Yoda", a vampire making pop-cultural references. LOL, Xander running out the door, then Angel waits a second and you can almost hear him thinking "good idea" and runs himself. I thought some of the vampires in this episode were interesting because of how they fought. Most vamps have tried to just overpower Buffy and the gang, these used skilled fighting techniques. Of course Spike in particular looked like he watched a lot of Bruce Lee movies. I can buy that, because he's the new big bad guy, but even outside the female vamp Xander is fighting is putting on some moves. Spike is good, but Buffy's attitude is still tough "its going to hurt alot". Spike is very chatty for a vampire, don't you think? Supermom to the rescue, way to go Joyce. What is up with Snyder, we know he's an evil little rat, but sounds like he knows something is up. His talk with Bob the cop and telling him to use the PCP & Gang story, because they couldn't tell the Truth of what really happened. Could he be a watcher's watcher? If he knows whats going on why give Buffy, such a hard time? Trying to get her out of school, so she must spend more time slaying or is it some maleovent plot? Nice to see Buffy's mom take pride in her daughter's good qualities that she never gets to see. Why didn't anyone find Willow or Cordelia, everyone well Xander and Buffy were both worried. But, neither of them check out the school to try and find them. I think in the end Willow may have rather fought the vampires then be locked inside the closet with Cordy. The Annointed One, to have so much power he sure didn't show any could you get rid of him any easier. Farewell to the little rugrat. Very exciting episode, thumbs up. SMG did a great job once again with Buffy . JW ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 15:05:17 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: my take on School Hard Hiya, I think it's time to stop the spoilers? Well I'm late in submitting my .02 worth. I was enthralled all the way into this episode when all of a sudden the dogs exploded barking just as the commercial came on (I raise a German Shepherd kennel) right after Angel dragged Xander by the neck to greet Spike. Then I discovered that one of my females who was due to have puppies Wednesday decided to be as impatient as Spike (two days till saturday and two days til Wed...quite a coincidence) anyway since it was her first litter I stayed with her all night long thankful that I had the recorder on but I was burning on what happened with Angel and Spike. I finally got the chance to catch up on my sleep this am and got to watch and rewatch Buffy...sigh...alright enough take below: It's cool, real cool. I love Spike, but not as much as I love Angel. But heck, Angel made Spike so that's cool. Spike is a loose cannon, a teenager of a vampire. He don't take well to others taking the lead..hence the Annoying One got toasted. Someone made a mention that since he's so powerful that he burned quickly...actually he's the first vampire we've seen burned by sunlight. Angel sure did surprise everybody I think except for me. I kept telling you guys that he's one of the most dangerous vampires out there. We still haven't seen his true colors yet, just hints of it. He really could wreck havoc on the vampires...I can see him and Buffy leading the gang in a counter raid on the factory... He vanished after everything was cool...that was kind of strange...wasn't it? He didn't check on Buffy or anything just left Xander hanging on "What's a Sire?" My favorite line of the entire ep: "That's it. We really need a collar with a little bell on that guy."--Xander (not exact quote..sorry...still half asleep from staying up all night watchin 7 little newborn pups and making sure they don't die from chilling) Well the pups are 6 girls and 1 boy...could name them after the the one boy Spike? I don't know . maybe not this litter. I've already got a 9month old named Buffy after Buffy herself. Back to Angel...all in all I think we're leading somewhere with him, like building a brick wall...layer by layer. Somewhere where we're gonna get a, it's not that he's faking it in love with Buffy, that's too's something else. Or he might be the one to kill Spike...I dunno. Wolfkazzy Keeper of Angel's Soul ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 12:24:15 -0700 From: (Chiara Gillette) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy: "tell them the truth"....not >Actually Giles said they wouldn't believe and Buffy said that they only come >with guns. Guns can't harm vampires. Guns can't kill vampires but they can hurt like hell. - -Chiara- - A BABSter - A Xanderite - ALS - AGA - A GASPer - A member of MCTP, JASIOM - Keeper of Xander's phone, Nick's sun glasses and Alyson's gold signing pen, the electricity in Angel's apartment, Willow's keyboard, Ms. Calender's keyboard, Little Cordy's Slayhouse Pedal-Powered Miniature Mercedes (with little leather seats!), Charisma's black Sharpie pen (literaly), the chalk in Sunnydale High - "They [some of the cast of BtVS] don't even know they're gonna die!"---Joss Whedon ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 12:16:03 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: BUFFY: Graveyards to Rave Bars Does anyone else see the arrival of Spike and Dru (along with the incineration of the Annoying One) as a Changing of the Vampire Guard? Old World Horror (devils, prophecy, symbols) yields to New World Horror (sadistic, hedonistic psychopaths)? Spike, being English, is technically from the Old World. But he is punk inspired, and punk style devolved from the Rock & Roll of the New World (which devolved in turn from the music of the New World's African captives?). No more obsessions with mystic symbols, ancient prophecies, elaborate rituals etc...? IMHO, it's not Spike's vampirism itself that's scary (or fascinating), it's his cruel, anarchic, punk sensibilities, combined with a vampire's unholy power that's scary (and fascinating). Will the action go from historical graveyards, underground churches, etc... to afterhours clubs and bars, in true postmodern tradition? BTW, for the person who thought Spike seemed like Sting playing a creepy drifter in an old artsy film (I've lost your post), I think you mean "Brimstone and Treacle." It was quite entertaining. And the young girl he "cares for" in the film would have made a good Dru (were she more mad). Spike does have an interesting soft, tender spot for Dru. Nice contrast with his attitude for everyone else. Can we say "hostage potential"? Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 14:36:26 -0800 From: Sandra Fernandez Subject: BUFFY: School Hard (comments, spoilers, disbelief) [long] There are spoilers ahead. You've been warned. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Buffy All in all, I liked this episode. It was a little slow a first, and I had some serious problems with the logic in certain parts, but it was a good episode. The opening scene in the principal's office was priceless. "That was never proven." Again we are given a view of Buffy trying to fulfill her role as the slayer while maintaining a level of normal in her life. On the one hand, if she doesn't do her job the world could come to an end (literally), and on the other hand, she needs to do normal things to have a degree of sanity. Tough balancing act. I cringed when Mrs. Summers told Buffy that she didn't want to be disappointed again. I couldn't imagine a more painful thing to hear for a teenager. Especially if she really isn't doing things to cause trouble, she's saving the world. She has to protect everyone and that means sacrificing herself. The more people who know the more people who are in danger. She could tell her Mom what's really going on, but if she did then her Mom might be placed in more danger. So, what's a girl to do? I think that Buffy's scenes with Angel are being forced too much. It's really not adding anything to the show right now. And what's with the whole "truth" thing? Last week she told Angel that she danced with Xander to make him crazy. This week she told him that she was playing it cool. What happened over the summer that gave her this new confidence when dealing with their "relationship"? Her scenes with Spike were good. You could see that she understood that this was a very dangerous adversary and that's how she approached it. And you could almost hear her mind wondering how she was going to make sure that her Mother was okay if this vampire was that dangerous. Spike & Druscilla It's almost impossible to think of them as separate, so I will discuss them together. They are great additions to this show. Creepy, mean and strong. They are evil and enjoy it. Spike is the rash vampire, going ahead without a real thought to the consequences. He does what he wants when he wants. Druscilla is unbalanced, child-like and seemingly vulnerable. It's apparent that Spike is Druscilla's protector, her keeper her guardian. I don't mean that he controls her or owns her, just that he sees for her safety and well-being. Every gesture, everything he said to her, his tone of voice even, suggested gentleness and caring. And he told her that the reason they went home was for her health, so she could get better. And it was because of her that Spike pretended to go along with the annointed one. I think we will find out later that she is Spike's equal in horror, I don't think he would have that high regard for someone who wasn't. Together they make a truly interesting couple, and I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of them this season. The fight scenes between Spike and Buffy were very good. Someone wrote earlier that there is a trend of Buffy losing lately. I hadn't really thought of it that way, but you made a good point. I think that Joss is trying to convince us that Buffy isn't invincible by going to the extreme. It'll pass. . . I hope. Back to the fight scenes. There was a coldness in these fight scenes, and I thought that Spike was probably not very nice as a human either. I was very interested in his comment about a slayer with a family and friends. Were previous slayers isolated? I'm looking forward to learning more about this couple of vampires and seeing them interact with Buffy and her gang. Joyce Summers If I had to look at things from her perspective, then I would say that this woman has a lot of patience. She has uprooted her entire life and moved to allow her daughter another chance at a normal life. And all of this after her daughter burned down a building. In addition, Buffy lies to her, ditches school, does poorly when she does go and has made a personal enemy of the principal. Now, I have to suspend my suspension of disbelief for a moment. No way, no how would I ever let my daughter, sister or friend go out into danger like that. Buffy was not the adult, Buffy was not the person with the responsibility for the safety of others. As far as Mrs. Summer knew, Buffy was going out, unprepared and defenseless, to try and save *her*. Why would she let her do that? I have to say that the Mom vs. Spike thing was great! Now that's what I expected. I wonder how long the series will go before she finds out the truth about Buffy? Willow Willow is my second-favorite character in the show (favorite being Buffy, of course). Her comedic touches in this episode were truly inspired. When she offered Cordelia a glass of lemonade I flashed back to her "just press deliver" scene in WttH. And let's not forget that she saved Cordelia. I wish that she were given more time on the show, but understand that the cast is now becoming too large for that. Disbelief: why were they still in the closet at the end of the episode? I mean, I can understand the comedy, and if I thought there were vampires outside I wouldn't go out until sunlight either, but somebody *must* have remembered her. I mean, what was the whole "Willow and Cordelia went the other way" speech about not knowing if they were alive if not concern? Then why didn't anyone check and see if they made it? Xander & Angel Did Angel *want* Spike to bite Xander? I have to wonder if maybe he thought that it would be a good way to get rid of the competition. And what was up with the non-plan of his to go in and see Spike? Overall, I think Angel and Xander were terribly ineffective and unproductive in this episode. I will look forward to finding out more regarding Angel and Spike. If I remember my lore correctly, to sire someone is to make them a vampire. At the very least Angel was Spike's mentor at one time. It'll be interesting to find out about Angel's dark past. Giles I have only one comment: Giles' constant disregard for the other non-slayer portions of Buffy's life are getting on my nerves. The Annointed One There could have been so much more to this character. The whole child=innocence but this child=evil thing never worked. I, for one, am not sorry that the character is out of the picture. Well, people, can't say taht next week's episode looks promising, but I've been wrong before. _________________________________________________ Sandra Fernandez mailto:SFernandez@UH.EDU personal website "It is the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter." --Marlene Dietrich, german actress ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 13:35:46 -0600 (MDT) From: " St. Greyson" Subject: BUFFY: RE other vampire/demon hunters in the world >I've got an idea on who else may be in the world hunting vampires and >demons besides the obvious Buffy Okay, I'm intrigued now by the possibility of a world-wide organization. Maybe not exactly the Legacy, but there must be something. I think I can site examples that would lend credence to the idea of an organization, however loosely organized. In "I Robot, You Jane," we have a group of sorcerers (or holy men, or whatever they are) way back when trapping the demon. We have Sid, the demon hunter who "knew" a previous Slayer. We have Ms. Calendar, who conveniently shows up when her abilities are needed, and who mentioned "The Order" in School Hard (if this is a specific reference to the techno-pagans then nevermind). And we have the Watchers (is Giles the only one? And if so, shouldn't he be training a protege? Gives a new twist to the lines from Invisible Girl - Giles: Xander, if you're not doing anything, would you like to help me? Xander: So there's homework now? When did that happen?") Giles is getting his information from somewhere (mostly from books published before 1066 - which is the year of William the Conqueror's ascension of the English throne, for those wondering about Ms. Calendar's reference). And granted, those books could be the personal diaries and records of previous Watchers. But they could also be the result of an army of Watchers noting paranormal activity all over the world. We also have Giles' friend in England from "Teacher's Pet." And I'm sure I'm missing some. So with all these groups running around in the dark, is there a Tribunal or something making sure every country is equally covered and directing the hunters? Greyson There Can Be Only One. Slayer, that is. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 15:31:50 -0400 (EDT) From: Monet Subject: BUFFY: Nations Bank.. Okay, odd subject title for a BtVS post... Hehehe..anyway, I had a previous post about how I saw the guy who played Jesse (Eric?) on a Nations Bank commrcial right before "ER." Well, I don't know if anyone else saw this, but right before BtVS, there was ANOTHER Nations Bank commmerical. Only THIS time, it was Ms. Calander (Robin) speaking for the bank! Do I sense a trend coming on? Who's next, Prinicpal Synder? Yeesh, not a good marketing move for Nations if you ask me :) G :) ==================================================================== "Sorry, but I'm an old-fashioned gal. I was raised to believe that men dig up the corpses, and women have the babies."-Buffy ==================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 12:33:12 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Vamp Fighting Techniques (School Hard) At 03:00 PM 9/30/97 -0400, JW wrote: >I thought some of the vampires in this episode were interesting because of >how they fought. Most vamps have tried to just overpower Buffy and the >gang, these used skilled fighting techniques. Of course >Spike in particular looked like he watched a lot of Bruce Lee movies. The last vamp I remember to use skilled fighting techniques against Buffy was the first vamp she killed at the start of NKABOTFD (one of the Order of Aurelius, the one whose stupid death angered the Master so much). That vamp was going kick-to-kick and punch-to-punch with Buffy in a martial arts style until she inevitably got the better of him. But otherwise it does mostly seem to be dumb brute force from the vamps (hey, it works on all the other victims!). I wonder if vamps can learn advanced fighting techniques after conversion, or if the good vamp fighters were previously good human fighters. Must be the former because Eastern-style fighting techniques would not have been available to William the Bloody (Spike) growing up 200 years ago in London's Lower East End (guessing on his neighborhood). Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 15:53:38 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: School Hard... In a message dated 97-09-29 22:47:25 EDT, you write: << ======================================================== Chris Carter: "These are two characters who are out of step. They're romantic. If they're in love, so be it." -The New York Times * * * >> Is this quote about Buffy or the X-Files? -Alexx Keeper of Myself Keeper of Buffy's Memories "SPIKE!!!!!!!" -Angel in School Hard ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 16:08:17 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: RE other vampire/demon hunters in the world In a message dated 97-09-30 15:39:39 EDT, ( St. Greyson) wrote: <> I developed a theory about this last night. I was really tired, so if it makes no sense, just forget it. Okay here it goes. Buffy is the Slayer. Slayer's fight and kill Vampires. So wouldn't you think that the Vampires would just stay away from wherever the Slayer is? I propose that there is some kind of connection or magnetic attraction, or something, between Vampires and the Slayer. Why of all places did the Summers pick to move to the Helllmouth? It was the connection. Also, Vampires from all over the world seem to be congregating in Sunnydale. Could be the Hellmouth, but it could also be that they somehow feel this *need* to go to wherever the Slayer is. It would have to be completely subconcious, because no Vamp is going to say, "oh, look the Slayer is in Sunnydale, she's killed all the other Vampires there, so let's go to Sunnydale!" They aren't that stupid. They feel the *pull* and go there. Did that make any sense? (Melissa S. Heckard) "Love makes you do the wacky." Willow, from Some Assembly Required (I just realized that I have been forgetting to include my sig line on the last few posts. Sorry) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 16:12:57 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY:comments keeperships ******SPOILER**** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 that's enough I wanted to say that the show was great. Spike is the best bad guy in a long time. I didn't like Dru to much but she could get better. I was wondering how the annointed one had power over all the vampires except Spike and Dru. I mean Spike killed him and everyone else was like Oh no and Spike and Dru were like whetever. Also I want to keep Xander's Striped shirt he wore in School hard. I try e-mailing the xander keeper list and i never get a response so I'll say it here if the keeper of the list was on this list. Keeper of Buffy's pink shirt and Angel's Charm Member of Anonymous and east crew "Would you like to hear some off color jokes"- Xander PS ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 16:15:49 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: my take on School Hard In a message dated 97-09-30 15:14:52 EDT, you write: > Annoying One got toasted. Someone made a mention that since he's so powerful > that he burned quickly...actually he's the first vampire we've seen burned > by > sunlight. > Technically, he was the second. In "The Harvest", a vampire reached out of the electrical conduit (?) and grabbed Buffy's leg and tried to pull her back in as Xander helped pull him out. He had his hand burned as a consequence to exposure. Of course, there is the later scene wherein Buffy fools Luke into thinking the Sun is up. Napoleon Defenders of the Night ( ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 16:19:49 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Sire, and some other stuff. I'm not going to try to put in all the people who said this stuff, so if your upset that I didn't give you credit sorry. I just don't want to claim someone else's ideas for my own. Here goes. << Did anyone else catch when Xander was searching Buffy's bag for a stake and he came across that tampon, then threw it up in the air? >> So funny! My boyfriend and I were watching it and all of a sudden he goes "Was that a tampon?" in this shocked kind of voice. And the expression on Xander's face was priceless. <> Or maybe he is on the side of evil. Trying to get her in trouble and away from the HellMouth. If the police chief and Snyder really were on the side of good, wouldn't they institute a HellMouth-wide curfew, and tell everyone that there are rampaging gang members on the loose, don't invite strangers into your home, etc. I think that this is something everyone is going to have to start paying attention to. SNYDER: DEVIL OR SAINT? <> This would also explain why no one seems to be able to remember what happens. Snyder (assuming he is sort of good) blanks everyone's mind, except the Slayer and the Slayerettes. They need to retain their memory to continue the battle. Or not. <> The last time I checked, your "sire" is your father. So I am guessing that Angel made Spike. Giles said that Spike is only about 200 years old and then said that he wasn't even as old as Angel. So it seems to me that Angel, in his truly evil, bloodsucking days, brought Spike over to the Vamp world. (Melissa S. Heckard) "Love makes you do the wacky." Willow, from Some Assembly Required ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 16:22:26 -0400 From: Subject: BUFFY: (SPOILERS) Does Snyder know more . . . S P O I L E R S P A C E At the end of the episode when Snyder is talking to the cop about the vampires, he says to tell the public that it was a group of PCP thugs, Do= you think he knows about the vampires and Buffy? And what would he do if = he did know? Do you think he'd take it easier on buffy? And on a completely unrelated matter, what do you think Snyder did say to= Buffy's mom? But thats enough ramblings for one day, I'm turning into a bibbiling idiot. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ask me about the "Things Buffy's Mom said to Little Buffy" list. Keeper of Buffy's Weapons * Keeper of Giles' Desk * Keeper of Xander's lo= ve for Buffy * Keeper of Little Buffy's Starter Cross (from the Junior Leagu= e of the "Our Lady of Demonic Assassinations" Order) * Keeper of Little Buffy's Practice Crossbow with Suction Cup Arrows (from the Slayskool Toy= Company) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 13:27:07 PDT From: "Ivy Snitzer" Subject: BUFFY: dru ok i loved dru i thought that her white wedding dress and very simple hair was wonderful although she was wearing way too much lavender purple eye shadow and she didn't blend it at all but i definatly liked her kind of silent creepy and spike damn is he sexy i was sitting there drooling especially that scar (rrrrrrrr) but you know that's just me i think all men with bleached hair are sexy especially with accents and of course fangs and that sexy gothic style pretty much everything about spike was sexy but that is just IMHO ok thank you for reading this i'll shut-up now I have a photographic memory I'm just out of film! IVY: keeper of xanders english text book and spikes sexy scare on his eyebrow and spikes silver zippo! ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 16:50:17 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: Re: BUFFY: Graveyards to Rave Bars At 12:16 PM -0700 9/30/97, Lisa Rose wrote: >Does anyone else see the arrival of Spike and Dru >(along with the incineration of the Annoying One) >as a Changing of the Vampire Guard? If you think about it, it seems like such an obvious choice to go this route, from ivy-covered headstones steeped in tradition to motorcycles and leather. I like the whole notion of devolution, because in a sense, it very much is. I think we've discussed why the first season vamps were just kind of evilly stupid (with the exception of our lamented Darla) and one rationale for that was because Buffy wasn't about the vampires; it was about the young girl who fights them and how she lives her life. But the introduction of Spike and Dru is a little threatening to me, because the show is now suddenly about the vampires. Although now instead of being evilly stupid, they just seem evilly crazed. School Hard balances well, but not altogether successfully, this new tension, trying to contrast Buffy's PT night, real-life hyperventilating with the "look at me" shenanigans of the new villains. I believe Joss will build on this as their motives become clearer, because the bad-boy anarchist with the saucy 'tude and his Lotus-eating girlfriend with the "visions" is cute, but gets old very, very quickly. >And the young girl he >"cares for" in the film would have made a good Dru >(were she more mad). The minute I read this the first thing I thought was "You know, Helena Bonham Carter would make a good movie Dru. mmm...Helena Bonham Carter." Since they've decided to go brit goth punk, I think it would be a nice coup to get HBC to guest star. Either her or Sian Phillips, perhaps in her best "Diva Livia" mode, poisoning her enemies indiscriminately (did anyone ever see I, Claudius? should I feel alone on that on?), perhaps as Angel or Spike's "mom." :-) JJ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 16:48:52 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: my take on School Hard In a message dated 97-09-30 16:21:12 EDT, you write: > Technically, he was the second. Let me rephrase it..the Annoying One was the first vampire killed by sunlight. The others you mentioned were "injured" and not that badly either. Wolfkazzy Keeper of Angel's Soul ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 16:49:32 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: School Hard and the Tampon Scene YOWSAH!!!!!!! That was such an awesome episode!!!! That was definitely my favorite this season, if not all of them. It was incredible. I though Dru was a bit...odd...crazy...out of sorts. Spike is a really cool character...for a vamp and all. Cordelia was much more Cordyish in this ep. That was kinda reassuring, but a bit out of order in a way. Like, her kinda buddy-ing up w/ them in the last ep, then making her more as she'd been before in this ep. But, I guess she doesn't want to completely switch gears and place all of her trust and friendship in this group right away if she's not sure she wants to be accepted, or if she will be. <> I couldn't stop laughing when I saw that! I was thinking about it later, and I wondered why she would keep an unwrapped one in her bag. I guess maybe people wouldn't recognize what it was, or they didn't want to advertise a specific brand, but I can't imagine how clean it was in there, w/ a stake and a yo-yo (I think), and perhaps her schoolbooks, too. I'm posting this while reading #333, so that whole tampon thing may have already been noticed, or resolved, so sorry! Alli's Cell Phone,Sparkle Purse, X's Tweety Bird Watch,B's purp-pink lamp, green sunglasses, and suitcases. J's Earrings,"Effective Parenting" Tapes,G's dictionary stand,Lance's notebook,SHS lockers. Check out my Little Buffy Keepers Items @ the Little Buffy site! "Think of something cool, tell him I said it."-Buffy,PG ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 16:51:43 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Does Snyder know? I think Snyder has an idea, but if he really knew, I doubt he'd be stupid enough to leave the building when he knows the vamps could be right outside. OTOH, maybe he thinks they're only inside, and it'd be safer to get away from them. However, he let the other guy go first, which may have been his way of seeing if the coast was clear. Alli's Cell Phone,Sparkle Purse, X's Tweety Bird Watch,B's purp-pink lamp, green sunglasses, and suitcases. J's Earrings,"Effective Parenting" Tapes,G's dictionary stand,Lance's notebook,SHS lockers. Check out my Little Buffy Keepers Items @ the Little Buffy site! "Think of something cool, tell him I said it."-Buffy,PG ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 16:46:55 EDT From: (THE ARCHANGEL GABRIEL) Subject: RE.: BUFFY: SH: SPIKE & DRUCILLA MAYBE SPOILERS..... Two quickies from the ever entertaining ARCHANGEL. 1. I've read a lot of posts saying they think Drucilla is weak and Spike is her protector. I have the funny feeling that the Vampire with the most power is Dru. Sure she's spacey and weird, even childlike but who is it that hangs on her every word. Fawns over her completely. Spikes a straight forward loud abnoxious over-confident egomaniac (I can't help but relate). He's totally wild and out of control....or perhaps totally under Drucilla's control. Like I said, it's just a feeling but I won't be surprised to see another "Kill 'er for Princess" remark and see Spike scamper off to do Dru's bidding. Comments??? 2. This isn't SH related but something I've been bouncing around in the hollow confides of my head. On the whole Cordelia and Xander getting together string, does anyone else notice a pattern in who Cordy falls for. In WTTH Cordelia brushes off Jesse until he goes Vamp and then a mere "Shut Up" on his part makes her succumb. In PG what ever the hunyucks name who got killed in the AV room. When Cordelia THOUGHT he had bailed on her, !HER!, she thought it was cute. And then our ever Chandler-esque Xander unloads both barrels verbally against Cordy every time she turns the corner. Maybe she likes the guys who don't take her crap and bow 'n scrape. On the postingboard a couple of days ago SCOUT said the whole TV guide Cordy+Xander scenario was "hog-wash." Or at least not completely true. Vagueness is a trait of our Buffy connections but I think its a strong possibility. Do I want it to happen? Do I have a choice? Comments??? Episode 7....Angels past. Angels true self revealed. Any of you old-timers out there remember ol' ARCHANGEL's very first theory? About our dear sweet tormented soulful Angel? Don't worry (Wolfkazzy....snicker), if it happens I won't say, "I TOLD YOU SO!" Entirely more cohesive today than normal, THE ARCHANGEL KEEPER OF XANDER'S TENNIS BALL OF UNFULFILLED TEEN LOVE KEEPER OF BUFFY'S "SEXY" EXOTICA DANCE KEEPER OF A COFFIN OF OTHER THINGS (Does anyone else think if we all get together for a party we should make little badges for what we Keep. A Keeper Sash perhaps?) CONVICTED BUFFAPHELIAC-RAGING BUFFAHOLIC-CERTIFIABLE SLAYERETTE ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 16:55:47 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Snyder at the window Alot of people have been asking whether Snyder knows about Buffy. My take is no, he doesn't know about her being the Slayer and the thing behind the Slayer. He may think of her as a vampire hunter now that he's seen one. Remember the guy pulled through the window and Buffy's mom shut the window? DId you look at his face? It's like he actually watched a vampire he knows there are vampires. Wolfkazzy Keeper of Angel's Soul ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 17:04:13 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Dru the psychic I really like Druscilla a whole she was weak in this ep because she nearly died in Prague and she couldn't find the Slayer very well but it seems to me she's a psychic vampire..."She's in a dark place."....that would have a few odd twists to the series this season. Wolfkazzy Keeper of Angel's Soul ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #338 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". 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