From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #354 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Tuesday, October 7 1997 Volume 01 : Number 354 In this issue: BUFFY: My Inca Mummy Girl Comments (long) Re: BUFFY: Buffy: The mummy episode BUFFY: Inca Mummy Girl BUFFY: Where's Giles? Re: BUFFY: Getting staked Re: BUFFY: GO WILLOW!!! BUFFY: Is Buffy on next week? BUFFY: No Episode Next Week??? Re: BUFFY: Where's Giles? Re: BUFFY: a buffy haunted house Re: BUFFY: Getting Rid of IMG Re: BUFFY: No Episode Next Week??? BUFFY: Xander and Willow and the need for mystery Re: BUFFY: feet Re: BUFFY: Buffy & Xander BUFFY: Halloween and Buffy Re: BUFFY: BIG BIG loop hole (possible spoiler) Re: BUFFY: Xander and Willow and the need for mystery Re: BUFFY: Halloween ep Re: BUFFY: Buffy: The mummy episode BUFFY: Inca Mummy Girl and Buffy/ Parallel Lives. Re: BUFFY: Where's Giles? BUFFY: Buffy: What was the title? Re: BUFFY: Inca Mummy Girl quotes Re: BUFFY: tonights band Re: BUFFY: My Inca Mummy Girl Comments (long) Re: BUFFY: Buffy: What was the title? Re: BUFFY: TOnight's Ep (spoiler) Re: BUFFY: IMG - *spoilers* BUFFY: RE: IMG band Re: BUFFY: Claim Re: BUFFY: Buffy: What was the title? Re: BUFFY: Inca Mummy Girl and Buffy/ Parallel Lives. See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 23:49:38 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: My Inca Mummy Girl Comments (long) Spoilers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Now _that's_ what I call an episode! Despite my misgivings about the similarity of its premise to Teacher's Pet, I must admit that this was a very good show. I do, of course, have some nits to pick, but to begin with, I'll start with the good points. The thing about this episode that made it stand out in the Buffy canon was its _pace_. One of the weakest aspects of BtVS, I feel, is that many episodes try to pack too much into an hour, and consequently end up feeling more or less rushed. Prophecy Girl and When She Was Bad were extreme examples, but even otherwise enjoyable eps like School Hard tend to leave one feeling that part of the story was left out. Not so Inca Mummy Girl. Here was an episode that, like my personal favourite "The Pack," fit very well into its allotted time. There was no place where I felt the action was moving too quickly. If anything, it moved a bit slowly, but I'm not really complaining, since this allowed us some wonderful, if extraneous, scenes. We had the whole Willow/Xander thing, we had several cute Xander-in-love scenes,and we even had some beautiful Giles/Buffy gems (more on these later ), all without sacrificing essential elements of the story. I think one of the reasons that this episode worked so well as far as timing is that we saw neither hide nor hair of either Angel or Calendar. Now, don't get me wrong -- I like both of them. But as many have remarked, the episodes that try to fit all of the characters end up doing justice to none of them. As for the plot itself, I think the strongest aspect was the inspired comparison of Buffy's plight to the plight of the Princess. What added a nice bit of pathos to the tale was the implication that they were alike not just in the fact that both had to make sacrifices, but in the fact that Buffy, too, will inevitably be called upon to lay down her life. Like the Princess (did we ever learn her real name?) Buffy has ultimately, been chosen to die. And I particularly loved the way this theme was woven into the fabric of the story, right from the beginning, with Buffy's conversation with Giles about the dance. And now, just off the top of my head, a listing of some of my favourite moments: 1) The return of the evil Cordelia. Yay!!! I like her so much better when she's being unlikeable. 2) Multiple Giles/Buffy scenes, particularly that gorgeous verbal battle while sparring. That whole "I'm stuffy, give me a scone"/"It's like you know me" was absolutely beautiful. More, more, give us more, please!!! (Okay, guess who _my_ favourite character is?) 3) The mummy with braces -- _very_ spooky. 4) One of the great Xander zingers -- "I'm from the country of Leone. It's in Italy pretending to be Montana." Okay, now I'll switch to the other side and list the problems. Basically, though the pacing was good and writing clever, the episode left me more ... emotionally empty than some of the others. It was difficult for me to feel any connection with Xander, perhaps because it was hard for me to see him as truly in love. I mean, he seemed like he always seems -- smitten with a beautiful girl, and particularly delighted that her lack of knowledge about America allowed him to take the lead in their relationship. And though sure, I felt bad for the Princess, I didn't feel she was developed enough as a character for me to really identify with her. I suppose if I were directing, I'd have swapped a few Xander/Princess scenes for Princess/Buffy scenes, with a greater emphasis on the parallels between them. I'd also have liked to see some regret on Buffy's part at being forced to kill her. Picking nits: 1) "Inca Mummy Girl." 'Nuff said. 2) Buffy says something about getting to Xander before he gets smoochy with Mummy Dearest. And how, exactly, did she know that the Princess uses a kiss to kill her victims? Yeah, I know, we can make the excuse that she _didn't_ know, and she just wanted to make sure that Xander didn't engage in any sexual activities with the undead, but I think this was just an error. 3) What's up with the bodyguard and the seal? If he wanted the bloody thing, why did he leave the extra pieces sitting around in the museum? And how come Giles, Buffy & Co. didn't think take those pieces the first time they were there? 4) I'm getting kind of annoyed with the too-obvious insertion of the names of bands into the actual episodes. First there was the really heavy-handed scene in WSWB where Willow gets all excited about the new band at the Bronze, and tonight we had the completely gratuitous shot of the band du jour's name on the drum. This is a little too much like product placement for me -- I find it very jarring to be tricked into watching little plugs during the show. 5) Wouldn't Willow have been really really hot in that coat? 6) If there was any place where the pacing really fell apart, it was in the final fight scene. That seemed ... terribly anti-climactic. On the plus side, though, I'm glad it was left a bit ambiguous as to whether Xander was offering to sacrifice himself for _Willow_, or whether he was merely offering a challenge to the Princess in hopes that she wouldn't kill. I'm rooting for a Xander/Willow pairing eventually, but no sense rushing it -- WSWB went a little too far, I think, and I'm happy to see some backtracking. Slow and steady wins the race, after all. Guess that's all for now. Next week, the evil frat party. Now _there's_ a premise that ties into real-life horrors with no stretch of the imagination at all. And frighteningly well-timed, considering the recent death at M.I.T. Ann ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 21:55:23 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy: The mummy episode >They are just treating poor Willow brutally. I don't care how many Oz's >they dream up. And, um, aren't there more than 103 elements these days? >No wonder she needs that tutorial. Unless I'm flunking Chem without knowing it, I'm pretty sure there are 103. And I'm pretty sure she was giving the tutorial. >Cordelia is sure back to her witchy ways, but IMO her outfit at the Bronze >made up for it.... Smg looked better to me in this episode for some >reason, more >relaxed or whatnot. She looked even better in the AT&T >commercial, though. Go >with the heavy makeup look, guys. Ok, got it, >it'll never happen.... Down boy. God, I hope this show doesn't start atraccting sexist pigs. :) Not that I'm calling you one. >Kind of ironic that everyone had someone lusting after them this week >except her, >though. Well, it was Cordelia's turn for that a couple of >weeks ago, I s'pose. >Xander's turn must be upcoming.... Well, if Oz gets the girl, he will oce again lose his position as bell of the ball. Also, did anyone notice that they went back to the boring names this week? Inca Mummy Girl. Joss, you can do better then that. How about Kiss of Death or something? *KATIE* Keeper of Buffy's Past Popularity and Nail Polish and Keeper of Cordelia's Stakes Angel's Proud Adoptive Mother "Ok, that's it. I'm putting a collar with a little bell on that guy." -Xander "School Hard" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 23:56:02 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Inca Mummy Girl I personally thought this was a really good episode. But maybe that's just because Xander is my favorite character and it mostly involved him. Here's just a few thoughts. 1. Xander is still so totally stuck on Buffy. He was way possessive when he found out that Buffy's exchange student was a guy. Xander--"He better keep his parts to himself." 2. I felt so bad for Willow when she walked in on Buffy and Xander talking about his feelings for Willow. But I think it's cool that someone finally noticed Willow (I'm talking about the guy from the band now--his name slips my mind). Maybe something will finally work out for her, with a guy I mean. 3. I got the feeling that Buffy sort of has a thing for Xander too. Most especially when he comes to her house to pick up Empada (?) for the dance. She gets a far away look on her face when Empada is talking about Xander. And then when Xander is just about to walk out the door and she tells that he looks good. I almost melted at that scene. Then at the end when the two of them are walking in the hallway and she says how she had him there to bring her back (or something like that). The looks that they gave each other right there was enough to make me go crazy. I think that's all for now. Kimmy ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Oct 97 23:58:36 -0700 From: Susan Foster Subject: BUFFY: Where's Giles? As I was rewatching IMG tonight (duh), I noticed something. IMG knocks out Giles, and he seems to fall into the crypt thing. Then she knocks out Buffy and Buffy falls in the crypt. Is there something wrong with this picture? Either Giles landed somewhere else, or the Slayer/Watcher relationship just got a bit closer. Just wondering Susan ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 23:57:05 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Getting staked How lucky can you be Scott....You have a tombstone in your living room.....Oh to be you! :-)) :-)) Spoiler* * * * * * * * *ObBuffy- Did anyone else feel like you were gonna get cheated out of a potential Willow love interest when Rodney bit the dust? I was thinking "'s a guy...yeah he's kinda dumb..but he's fairly cute..he is not being mean to Willow and WOW....he isn't Xander. Then he goes and dies on me...I felt SO cheated....until we came across Oz. Here is a guy who "Could have any girl" he wants...and he chooses Willow. So he's smart too. Kinda dorky...but in an adorable way. "No.....the Eskimo". I have one question though. Are these guys really a band? If so...are they branching out into acting...or have we seen all we are going to see of Willow and Oz....or is the Bronze going to have a permanent band now? Kinda like a house band...but that would still mean that "Dingos ate my baby" are branching out into acting...right? I am rambling...I'll stop now. Brittany Keeper of Xander's Ice Cream Cone ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 22:00:19 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY: GO WILLOW!!! >I don't know if this new guy who likes Willow is going to last long. I think >he is a geek. Be nice. And besides, maybe this will convince Xander that Wil ain't gonna wait around for him to date every girl in the world. And, it's a HUGE compliment that this picky guy goes for the girl in the eskimo suit. *KATIE* Keeper of Buffy's Past Popularity and Nail Polish and Keeper of Cordelia's Stakes Angel's Proud Adoptive Mother "Ok, that's it. I'm putting a collar with a little bell on that guy." -Xander "School Hard" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 23:59:28 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Is Buffy on next week? I just checked out the official site, and it lists Reptile Boy as airing Oct. 20th, and the Halloween ep. as airing Oct 27th -- but nothing is listed for Oct. 13th! On the other hand, the advert for Reptile Boy said "Next Monday" - -- so does anyone know who's right? Ann ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 21:06:32 -0700 (PDT) From: (Preta) Subject: BUFFY: No Episode Next Week??? Slight panic, official site says "Reptile Boy" October 20 and Halloween episode October 27. Fine, however there is no episode listed for October 13. What happened? Then again it said the IMG episode was October 4, so perhaps someone is caught in a time warp. Anyone know anything about this? Preta ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 22:11:49 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Where's Giles? >As I was rewatching IMG tonight (duh), I noticed something. IMG knocks >out >Giles, and he seems to fall into the crypt thing. Then she knocks >out Buffy and >Buffy falls in the crypt. Is there something wrong with >this picture? Either Giles >landed somewhere else, or the Slayer/Watcher >relationship just got a bit closer. Gross much? I thought we killed that thread. Anyway, maybe he fell behind. I'll look tomorrow. *KATIE* Keeper of Buffy's Past Popularity and Nail Polish and Keeper of Cordelia's Stakes Angel's Proud Adoptive Mother "Ok, that's it. I'm putting a collar with a little bell on that guy." -Xander "School Hard" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 23:11:54 -0500 (CDT) From: templar Subject: Re: BUFFY: a buffy haunted house On Sun, 5 Oct 1997, Neil Carnahan wrote: > there is a section of a haunted house called The Bronze. it's set up like > the bronze and there is five or six different collector cards that you get > by going through it. We've got a haunted house here with a "Buffy room" as well. Here in K.C., they actually advertised this during BtVS, so it appears to be a legit tie-in to the show. Call your local WB station, to see if you've got one in your area! Dave ( Buffy -- "Ooh! I know this one! Slaying entail certain sacrifices, blah blah bitty blah. I'm so stuffy; give me a scone." Giles -- "It's as if you know me." ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 23:16:52 -0500 (CDT) From: templar Subject: Re: BUFFY: Getting Rid of IMG On Mon, 6 Oct 1997 wrote: > Didn't Giles say that they only way to get rid of the Mummy was to put the > seal together? Giles' lore on this one was rather spotty. I believe he was just making his best guess as to how to stop Ampatta(sp?). From her reaction, his plan would have worked, but it wasn't the "only way". Dave ( Buffy -- "Ooh! I know this one! Slaying entail certain sacrifices, blah blah bitty blah. I'm so stuffy; give me a scone." Giles -- "It's as if you know me." ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 00:20:11 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: No Episode Next Week??? In a message dated 97-10-07 00:13:52 EDT, you write: << Slight panic, official site says "Reptile Boy" October 20 and Halloween episode October 27. Fine, however there is no episode listed for October 13. What happened? Then again it said the IMG episode was October 4, so perhaps someone is caught in a time warp. Anyone know anything about this? >> I jsut checked at TV Guide Online. It had listed Reptile Boy for Oct. 13. Don't know which one is right. Maybe you can help us here Scott. Kimmy ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 23:27:21 -0500 (EST) From: lore Subject: BUFFY: Xander and Willow and the need for mystery Robert, yes, I got the reference. 8) Much as I hate it, I can see why Xander stays blind to the idea of romance and Willow. They've known each other since they were very young. She's probably seen him throw up; he's probably seen her covered in mud or with the mumps. We know she's been there after he was shot down by Buffy and after he Ate A Pig. After many years, they've witnessed each others' highs and, especially noted by youth, their lows. For Willow, this history means she feels very close to Xander. When hormones entered the picture, Willow probably thought the next step would be natural. For Xander, their history means he feels *too* close to Willow. There's no mysteries left between them, and where's the romance in that? And I believe, Xander is the romantic while Willow is the steady. Someday, Xander might appreciate the stability Willow could offer him, but not until he's learned that romance does not automatically equal love; that getting past the mysteries is the most difficult part of relationships. Then again, BtVS is set during high-school while appreciating what you have already built doesn't become a concept until much later. ;) love, lore _____________________________________________________________ You love too obsessively and you live too fiercely and you always demand the impossible. Don't ever change babe - that's the glory and the terror of being you. 10/31 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 21:37:16 -0700 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: feet i meant when they are wearing sandals. Who do you vote for? ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 23:33:57 -0500 (CDT) From: templar Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy & Xander On Mon, 6 Oct 1997, Douglas J. Hunley wrote: > ok, given that whole interchange between them tonite who thinks Buffy really > has feelings for Xander and is only curbing them because of Willow and who > thinks it's the Florence Nightengale(sp?) syndrome? Buffy obviously has strong feelings for Xander, just as Xander has strong feelings for Willow. It's that big difference between *loving* someone, and *being in love* with them. The way I saw that final Buffy/Xander scene, Xander is getting comfortable with the fact that he and Buffy are great friends, but they're going to be *just* friends. And Buffy can relax more around Xander knowing this, because she doesn't have to worry that Xander will mis-interperate a `friendly' gesture as a `come-on'. There semmed to be a sub-text of relief between them, a feeling of "Well, we're past that, now we can relax". Dave ( Buffy -- "Ooh! I know this one! Slaying entail certain sacrifices, blah blah bitty blah. I'm so stuffy; give me a scone." Giles -- "It's as if you know me." ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 22:40:12 -0600 (MDT) From: Kerowyn Subject: BUFFY: Halloween and Buffy You're just jealous because you can't hear the voices in my head. Kerowyn carrm@ucsu.Colorado.EDU Keeper of Giles' Broadsword > > BTW, what is everyone doing for Halloween this year? Is anyone dressing up > as a character from BTVS? Just curious... That would be me! I got my plaid skirt, I got my fangs, I'm ready to terrorize the neighborhood as Darla. Too bad I'm not blond. If only my boyfriend would dress up as Angel... About IMG: does anyone wonder how Buffy explains to her mom what happened to Omphale or whatever her name was? "Sorry mom, had to leave her at the museum. She sort of, hmmm, came apart." Especially how enamored of her Joyce was. Almost like, "Buffy, why can't you be a nice normal girl like that mummy?" I did feel sorry for the mummy, Opaka or whatever. I mean, she never got to live her life or anything. Except for the whole death-kiss thing, that was not kosher. Gotta sign off. A bright shiny nickel to anyone who can identify the names I used for what's-her-name! Kero I'll say one thing for Catholics, they've got rhythm. carrm@ucsu.Colorado.EDU ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Oct 1997 22:42:40 -0600 From: David Simpson Subject: Re: BUFFY: BIG BIG loop hole (possible spoiler) On Mon, 6 Oct 1997, Katie Masters wrote: >Xander said he had his mom's car to drive to the dance. Does >that mean they all have lisences or that he's just older? By the time high school students are juniors, they all are pretty much old enough to drive (16 is the legal age pretty much everywhere). So Xander is now probably 17 or will turn 17 during the school year, as are also Buffy, Willow, Cordelia, and everyone else in the junior class. Also, since everyone in the Slayerettes is now a junior, they are all obviously not going to look or act like sophomores any more (that is so way not cool for juniors). Thus we get new hairdos, new clothes, and new looks all around at the start of school. And Cordelia is probably deciding that senior boys are no longer quite so enticing now that she is a junior. College men are probably looking pretty good to her instead. (See Reptile Boy. Looks like a bad idea for Cordelia.) David Simpson Giles: What's your plan? Buffy: Well, they split up to hold us here, so I'm gonna take 'em one on one. Set 'em up ... and knock 'em down. -- School Hard (BtVS) -- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Oct 1997 21:42:42 PDT From: "Courtney Nelson" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Xander and Willow and the need for mystery lore; I agree with you. They know eachother so well that it's probably an intimidating thought for Xander. Yet, at the same time, I can't belive that he's ignoring all of the little things that are pointing towards a Xander/Willow romance. The ice cream bit from WSWB, the fierce protectiveness, he even sacrificed his chance for new love (albeit with a 500 yr old mummy) to save Willow's life. Plus, if he's truly as desperate for a girlfriend as he comes off onscreen, he should be willing to give it a chance. Just my two cents. Courtney From the desk of The Halo and The Xander Club The Halo ( The Xander Club Headquarters ( Buffy at Suite101 ( ====================================================================== Keeper of Xander's male "needs" (WSWB), his unselfishness, his sudden breathlessness (IMG), Keeper of Spike's sarcasm, Keeper of Buffy's gold lipstick, her overalls (IMG) *h*, Keeper of Joyce's hospitality (IMG) *h*, Keeper of Angel's Name Credit *h*, Keeper of Willow's new found love interest (Oz) *h* ====================================================================== "You wouldn't happen to be a preying mantis, would you?" -Xander, IMG ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 01:02:05 -0400 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween ep At 07:33 PM 10/6/97 -0700, you wrote: >Yes! The Official site has updated the episode listings! It has the >description for the Halloween episode(below), and it looks like they are >sticking with the norm: > >S >P >O >I >L >E >R >S >P >A >C >E > >"Halloween" - Although Halloween is traditionally a quiet night for >Slayers, this turns out not to be the case whensomeone from Gile's past >has the power to transform Buffy,Willow, Xander and all the children >they're chaperoning into their Halloween costumes. This could prove to >be deadly for Buffy when she loses her slaying ability because her >choice of costume is an 18th century noblewoman whom she thinks was >romantically involved with Angel. Random thoughts... Hmmm.... anybody else get the feeling we might see *Angel* doing some real heroics in this ep? I mean, he will be the only supernaturally powered good guy around while Buffy's un-Slayerized. But what're Xander and Willow dressed as? And since this spellcaster is from Giles' past, we may finally get to see the Watcher kick som butt. C'mon, they've been hinting at it Since Prophecy Girl. Personally, I think it'd be a kick if one of 'em was dressed as a vampire... maybe Willow? Finally, the Evil Willow we've always wanted :-) Oh, and if Cordy gets caught in the spell... well, we all know she's wearing a cat costume... so we'll really see her get catty! *assorted groans* ---------------\/!@$|-|!|\|()--------------- | NOSFERATU PrImE MiNiStEr Of WhUp-@$$! | | kEePeR oF tHe AnNoInTeD's AsHeS | | MeMbEr MiSs CaLeNdAr'S tEcHnOpAgAnS | | "So, who do you kill for fun around here?" | |___________-SpIkE, "ScHoOl HaRd"-___________| ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 01:19:08 -0400 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy: The mummy episode At 11:04 PM 10/6/97 -0400, you wrote: > > >Well, the best thing about this episode was the commercial that followed. >Now, when was the last time I thought like THAT about a tv show? That's >right, never. Okay, granted, the commercial was cool, but the episode wasn't *that* bad. IMO, it had the strongest "1st season" feel of the 2nd season so far... now, sometimes that's a bad thing, sometimes that's a good thing. Overall, I didn't think this was a bad episode. It was good, it just wasn't *great*. Which is the problem. We've all been spoiled by so many great eps, that ones which are simply good pale in comparison. >They are just treating poor Willow brutally. I don't care how many Oz's >they dream up. I agree. Willow really got the short end of the stake this ep... but still, it looked like she's making some positive progress, as in away from being hung up on Xander. Oh, and am I the only one who liked Oz? He seemed like a nice, intelligent guy, much more deserving of (and appropriate for) Willow than Xander is. One thing I liked about this ep was that it had the first villain so far that I really felt sorry for, and liked. I really didn't pity Marcie (IG) or Daryl (SAR), because they really didn't convey a sense of being victims... but "Ampata" did. I have to wonder though... did her strength come from being a mummy, or was she the Slayer in her time? Just a thought... ---------------\/!@$|-|!|\|()--------------- | NOSFERATU PrImE MiNiStEr Of WhUp-@$$! | | kEePeR oF tHe AnNoInTeD's AsHeS | | MeMbEr MiSs CaLeNdAr'S tEcHnOpAgAnS | | "So, who do you kill for fun around here?" | |___________-SpIkE, "ScHoOl HaRd"-___________| ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 01:16:23 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Inca Mummy Girl and Buffy/ Parallel Lives. Hey all! I thought it was really interesting the way IMG, "Ampata's" characters history was written out to parallel Buffys. Ampata was the chosen one to save her people. She alone must make the sacrifice and give up her life, literally and be sacrificed. Buffy is also the chosen one but in a slightly different manner. She too is the chosen one to save her people but she is not sacrificed for it. However, she has come close to it many times. IMG, had to give up her life and while Buffy is still alive, in some ways she has had to give up her life as well. She had to cut short her date with Owen in NKABOTFD because she had to stake some vampires. She had to miss the dance in IMG because she had to go on a mummy hunt. In many ways Buffy has had to give up part of her life for the greater good. In the scene in Buffy's room where Ampata was getting ready for the dance, Buffy and Ampata have a heart to heart. Even though neither one revealed to eachother that they both were in fact "the chosen ones", it was clear that they sympathized and could relate to eachother. I really thought that making their lives parallel in that manner was a brilliant and touching move in what I think was a memorable BTVS episode., GASPer, Keeper of Giles' Dictionary Member of MiSs CaLeNdAr'S TeChNoPaGaNs Keeper of Buffy's Photo Album of Memories, Keeper of Little Buffy's Slayola Crayons, Keeper of Mrs. Summer's Frustrating IRS Papers, Keeper of Willow's Fear of Spiders, Keeper of Druscilla's Victorian Canopy Bed, Druscilla's "Adopt a Vamp" Parent ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 02:00:32 +0100 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Where's Giles? On Mon, 06 Oct 97 23:58:36 -0700 Susan Foster writes: >As I was rewatching IMG tonight (duh), I noticed something. IMG >knocks out Giles, and he seems to fall into the crypt thing. Then she >knocks out Buffy and Buffy falls in the crypt. Is there something >wrong with this picture? Either Giles landed somewhere else, or the >Slayer/Watcher relationship just got a bit closer. > > >Just wondering > >Susan > > > After rewatching this scene more than a few times, I come to the conclusion that, yes, she did dump Giles into the crypt. And then she knocked Buffy into into. However, as Giles had been choked into unconciousness, I doubt he was in the mood for much and I'm sure having Buffy fall on him didn't help the situation. Northcat-GASPer, keeper of Giles' office ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 02:22:54 -0400 (EDT) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: BUFFY: Buffy: What was the title? Can some one tell me what the actul title for this episode was? missile ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Oct 1997 22:50:37 -0700 From: Ted Nelson Subject: Re: BUFFY: Inca Mummy Girl quotes > Douglas J. Hunley wrote: ... Xander=3DSo, do we have to speak Spanish=20 > when we see him? 'Cause I don't know anything much besides Doritos and=20 > chihuahua Hay carumba! I can also say that. Yo Doug, Nice List. Few typos, but, hey, details are for snerds. Just one little comment, since this was the obligatory foreign exchange week: It "Ay, Curumba!", not "Hay", O.K. that's alright, amigo. ;=B7} tr "sigh." WR, 5v04 "Who is that girl?" OZ, 5v04 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 02:44:14 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: tonights band In a message dated 97-10-06 23:39:30 EDT, Robert Huff wrote: << > I think, if the drum picture was any indication that the > bands name was "Dingoes ate my baby" or something like > that... Does anyone else recognize the referrence? >> Are you talking about the Seinfeld ep, or the Aussie family who insists their baby was killed by dingoes near Ayers Rock (early 1990's I think), but the mom was brought up on murder charges anyway? Mike ( Keeper of Buffy's little white teddy bear & beeper Keeper of Little Buffy's Bubblegum Pink Bicycle Keeper of Cordelia's gym bag (and the Cordelia Keeper's Page - "You know, we've never really been close, which is nice because I don't really like you that much." Cordelia Chase to Buffy Summers, WSWB ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 02:56:56 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: My Inca Mummy Girl Comments (long) In a message dated 97-10-06 23:59:31 EDT, Ann (iocaste) wrote: << Despite my misgivings about the similarity of its premise to Teacher's Pet, I must admit that this was a very good show. >> I thought about all of you who were so quick to dismiss this ep, sight unseen, when Xander said to Ampata (sp?), "You aren't a praying mantis, are you?" Loved it!!!! << 4) I'm getting kind of annoyed with the too-obvious insertion of the names of bands into the actual episodes. >> This sort of reminds me of February, 1964, the Ed Sullivan show. OK, so I just terribly dated myself, but the drums in that case read "The Beatles", and bands have been doing it ever since. What's the big deal? Giles' hand covered the name on the soft drink can, and everybody was scrambling trying to figure out what he was drinking. So the various bands have their names posted out front or on their drumsets; it's a regular part of the club scene. And you aren't really surprised that Willow (or anyone else for that matter) would mention who's playing at the Bronze on a night when they're all headed there, are you? Mike ( Keeper of Buffy's little white teddy bear & beeper Keeper of Little Buffy's Bubblegum Pink Bicycle Keeper of Cordelia's gym bag (and the Cordelia Keeper's Page - "You know, we've never really been close, which is nice because I don't really like you that much." Cordelia Chase to Buffy Summers, WSWB ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 02:58:43 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy: What was the title? In a message dated 97-10-07 02:27:47 EDT, you write: << Can some one tell me what the actul title for this episode was? missile >> Inca Mummy Girl L8r Chris ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Oct 1997 23:12:27 -0700 From: Ted Nelson Subject: Re: BUFFY: TOnight's Ep (spoiler) Spoiler time is over! Yeah! > JACYNTHE wrote: IMO, best line award goes to "Sven": "Is Cordelia > even *from* this country?" ~Jacynthe Yo Jackie, I can appreciate your opinion, but I have to, IMO, give it to CC herself. See below. It was so, so, international. Don't ya think? tr "Ooooo, near faux pas. I almost wore the same thing." CC, 5v04 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 03:02:33 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: IMG - *spoilers* In a message dated 97-10-07 00:02:02 EDT, Susan wrote: << I was dying over the end with Buffy and Xander. What is that?! I loved it, but it drove me crazy. Now that is the way to play with our minds. >> Me too. It seemed to me a continuation of Buffy's attitude toward Xander when he came to pick up Ampata (sp?). She told him, VERY sweetly, that he looked nice. That and her comments to him at the end ("I had you to bring me back"), especially the tone she used, plus the long looks she gave him (I'd most likely melt), made me wonder if Buffy was beginning to see her Xander-shaped in a new light. Mike ( Keeper of Buffy's little white teddy bear & beeper Keeper of Little Buffy's Bubblegum Pink Bicycle Keeper of Cordelia's gym bag (and the Cordelia Keeper's Page - "You know, we've never really been close, which is nice because I don't really like you that much." Cordelia Chase to Buffy Summers, WSWB ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 02:09:10 -0500 (CDT) From: Jenny Beeh Subject: BUFFY: RE: IMG band > I think, if the drum picture was any indication that the > bands name was "Dingoes ate my baby" or something like > that... Does anyone else recognize the referrence? My best guess is that it is a reference to the 1988 movie "A Cry in the Dark," which stars Meryl Streep as an Australian mother accused of killing her baby in spite of her claims that the baby was carried off by dingoes while on a camping trip. It's based on a true story, and I think Streep was nominated for an Oscar for that role. As a theme,I guess that also meshes with the "official" theory of what happened to Principal Bob--"eaten by wild dogs," which people may or may not believe truly happened. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Oct 1997 23:40:02 -0700 From: Ted Nelson Subject: Re: BUFFY: Claim > Kelly White wrote: I claim Willow's parka. Kelly J. White Yo Kel, This includes her mukluks too. And I'm sure the harpoon gets "thrown" in for good measure. ;=B7} Question: Ya know them folks passing between the action and the camera. = =20 Was that a real live eskimo with an Elvis doo (and outfit) "passing thru"= =20 after CC said her best line of the show? See below. tr "Oooo, near faux pas. I almost wore the same thing." CC, 5v04 tr ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Oct 1997 23:52:02 -0700 From: Ted Nelson Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy: What was the title? > F.Y.G. wrote: Can some one tell me what the actul title for this=20 > episode was? missile Yo Mis'le, Inca Mummy Girl. One may use the first letter of each word as shorthand, IMG. I believe a short description with title may be found on the=20 Offical Website. To access type this =3D> and= =20 you should be there! ;=B7} tr "How do you like your stake?" SMG, 1-800-COLLECT ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 00:33:58 -0700 From: Ted Nelson Subject: Re: BUFFY: Inca Mummy Girl and Buffy/ Parallel Lives. > wrote: Hey all! I thought it was really interestin= g the way IMG, "Ampata's" characters=20 > history was written out to parallel Buffys. Ampata was the chosen one = to save her people. She alone must=20 > make the sacrifice and give up her life, literally and be sacrificed. = Buffy is also the chosen one but in a=20 > slightly different manner. She too is the chosen one to save her peop= le but she is not sacrificed for it.. =20 Yo Rain, I agree whole "heartedly" with you up to the point where you say "...but = she is not sacrificed for it..." Wait one cotton pickin' minute! Buffy DIED in PG, not almost, not close,= but really, pearlly gates and all,=20 D-I-E-D. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't dying to save the whole= "bloody" world, as "we" know it, a, to use your word, sacrifice? You are right though, Amp and Buff are the = "chosen" "sixteen" year old "girls"=20 who didn't want the job, (Where's the high paying salary when you deserve= it?), but they're "stuck" with it. Gee, why are they complaining! You get to stay out late at night. Meet = alot of "different" people. And you=20 get to take your aggression out on moving "non-living" things. Look at a= ll that excercise. This job keeps=20 you in shape and you don't have to visit a gym (maybe a library, but not = a stinky, sweaty gym). I could go=20 on, but I'm sure you see, IMO, the "point". Yeah, girls get all the good jobs. Us guys are stuck behind some desk wi= th piles of paper wishing for the=20 weekend. Man, it ain't fair! Joss, "we" want equal rights. Where's the= "male" slayer? Huh? ;=B7} tr (Yes, I did it again) "Oooo, near faux pas. I almost wore the same thing= ." CC, 5v04 =20 I like it, just as much as: "I fed off a flower person and I spent the next six hours watching my han= d move." Spike, 5v03 ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #354 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". 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