Return-Path: From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V1 #411 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 11:43:35 -0700 buffy-digest Tuesday, November 4 1997 Volume 01 : Number 411 In this issue: BUFFY: Tonight's Ep - SPOILERS!!! Re: BUFFY: Dru & Praque issue (was "Lie to me ep") BUFFY: Willow... BUFFY: Lie to Me thoughts Re: BUFFY: Lie to Me Re: BUFFY: Sports for the characters BUFFY: the actor who plays Dru Re: BUFFY: Tonight's Ep - SPOILERS!!! Re: BUFFY: More "Lie to Me" thoughts Re: BUFFY: Willow... Re: BUFFY: The Ripper thing BUFFY: Jenny Calander, will you marry me? Re: BUFFY: the actor who plays Dru Re: BUFFY: Great Ep! BUFFY: Willow's faith in Angel Re: BUFFY: Lie to Me too dark? (SPOILERS) BUFFY: Ratings Re: BUFFY: Lie to Me re: BUFFY: Amaaaaaaazing Episode!!! BUFFY: Lie to Me: It's a Rich Tapestry. Re: BUFFY: What's up with Oz's Van? BUFFY: what's all this talk about S&D leaving? BUFFY: Lie to Me **Spoilers** LONG Re: BUFFY:new slayer?doubt it See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 3 Nov 1997 22:00:00 -0800 From: "Scott" Subject: BUFFY: Tonight's Ep - SPOILERS!!! I'm assuming either something dreadful has happened to the list or I'm having serious problems at my end because I've received no posts in the past few hours and I know everyone has a lot to say about tonight's episode. Anyway, this is one I didn't expect to especially like (since I had been privileged to much of it weeks ago), but this season I've been waiting to watch the entire episodes when they actually air. I must say, I was pleasantly surprised and I thoroughly enjoyed this one! I think one of the main reasons is that I simply can't stand those real-life vampire wannabes, so seeing them portrayed as idiots was quite liberating! :) Scott The WB Television Network - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 10:31:47 EST From: VenussV Subject: Re: BUFFY: Dru & Praque issue (was "Lie to me ep") opps, sorry, my cat walked across the keyboard. Let me try this again S P O I L E R S Ok, there we go. I don't know if this has been talked about yet, but I think that my two fav lines in the whole episode were when Xander called Angel "Dead Boy", and Angel was like, "Could you please not call me that" (sorry if I didn't get it right, I don't have the tape yet.) Also another keeper is when Buffy was talking about the song "I Touch Myself" and then at the end of the scene, we hear our fair Willow saying somthing like," So that's what that song's about?" ROTFL\ The Angel and Willow scene in Willow's room was hilarious. ANyone agree? Jessica - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 10:38:08 -0500 (EST) From: Monet Subject: BUFFY: Willow... I know some people were kind of disappointed in the fact that Willow wasn't the wild and outgoing girl she seemed to be leaning to in the Halloween episode. But actually, I when I watched LtM, I completely forgot about how she was last week--and I'm kind of happy with that. I think the Halloween epi was showing Willow SLOWLY but surly breaking out of her shell. That doesn't mean suddenly showing more skin--that really has nothing to do with her slow building of confidence in herself. Willow has been the way she is for 16 years, and I don't think one night will change her all! I love the Willow in this episode. She's got that innocence and honesty that makes her a wonderful character. Every scene with her made me smile one way or another, especially when she was trying to talk to Buffy without spilling her "lie." She's so very loyal to Buffy, and doing that had to be difficult. I also have to mention how great the title for this week's epi was. Trust was a major trait thrown around, and it ran so much deeper than just lie after liee. At least it wasn't called "Liar Boy" or something :) G :) ==================================================================== "This being Sunnydale and all, I guess we can rule out something good." -Willow (Buffy, the Vampire Slayer) ==================================================================== - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 04 Nov 1997 10:25:56 -0500 From: John Nestoriak Subject: BUFFY: Lie to Me thoughts Before last night I would say my favorite episode was Halloween. Now I don't think I can pick just one. I loved this ep for completely different reasons. Though I must say this was probably the most disturbing hour of tv I've ever watched. Yes, I'm sure as a maniacal fan I care more about these characters than your average viewer, but the writing was brilliant. When I saw the "wanna be a vampire" boyfriend I thought Joss had been lurking on the list. We had talked about this plot line over the summer. Then with the "newbies" comment I knew it must be true. You can come out now Joss ... Yet I was totally floored by the "I'm dying" aspect. Believable justification IMHO. I'm not sure I wouldn't be tempted to make the same choice and I probably know better what vampires are like (in the Buffyverse). The "Do you love me" scene was superb. Probably the most grown up romantic line I've ever heard from a teen character (in response to Angel's "may you should do neither" [love him or trust him]). Buffy's "Maybe I should be the one to decide". Wow. Very believable. Thanks Joss for giving young people so much more credit than most writers. And what a risk taker with that villain. Most people write these one dimensional all evil villains because they don't trust the audience. This was the most sympathetic villain I think we've seen. And Buffy has had others (IMG for one). Shades of grey are nice since that's life. Ok enough gushing from me. What do the rest of you have to say? - -- John Nestoriak * "It's the non-relationship drink Software Engineer * of choice. It's not a date, it's The Telephone Connection * a caffeinated beverage." * - Willow on Coffee - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 04 Nov 1997 10:51:01 -0500 From: John Nestoriak Subject: Re: BUFFY: Lie to Me James Bjorkman wrote: > Of course, that > was most definitely NOT her in one of those vampire-fighting scenes, > but we all know about stunt doubles, right? Yeah the scene outside the bronze when Ford is watching. Not even close. I wondered for a second if it was even a female stunt double. Something very manly looking there. They usually do better. > Cordelia's brief scene made her look outrageously stupid. That's not > really in character IMHO, but since it's Josh's character, so be it. Stupid? Not to me, nor out of character. Remember Cordy's other in class comments defending Antonio against Shylock in IG. Actually I could see Cordy behaving like Marie Antoinette in the same situation. Not stupid, not evil just out of touch and self-centered. > And just how *did* he find their lair, or find out Buffy was a slayer? Well he found their lair by asking the vamp girl. Slightly contrived but overall it worked for me. As to finding out that Buffy was the slayer, we know she had slaying experience at her old school. I took Ford to be a sort of Pike replacement from the Movie. (Glad that he wasn't really) He was around and saw all the mayhem and Buffy at the center of it and put two and two together. Stuff happening off screen is a bit easy for the writer but seems fair to me. - -- John Nestoriak * "It's the non-relationship drink Software Engineer * of choice. It's not a date, it's The Telephone Connection * a caffeinated beverage." * - Willow on Coffee - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 11:11:26 -0500 (EST) From: Robert Huff Subject: Re: BUFFY: Sports for the characters Principal Snyder: handball/squash. Plays twice a week, is a agressive and competant, if not particularly talented player. "... and this is for that delinquent Somers" Rupert: Cliche: rugby or cricket Better: badminton; bicycle rally, particularly the mystery kind. He has a violent side he's trying to supress. Playing rugby will _not_ help. Buffy: She'll enjoy just about anything physical, but is likely to get carried away. "Hey, Coach - we just clocked Somers serve at 271 miles per hour!" I'd say gynmastics, except it requires more discipline than she usually shows. Ah, here we go - Frisbee. Has great visual; Buffy makes a diving catch, rolls, comes up firing, Frisbee does one or two Xena-like bounces ... Xander: He's hard. He'd want to be on one of the prestige teams, but his posturing makes him a really bad team player. What would be cool is if he found a tai chi teacher .... Willow: Diving, or maybe water-polo. Race-walking. And - it would be totally contrary to character, but there's a visual I can't get away from: shot starts backward down the top of a rifle barrel and we see an eye through a telescopic sight. Focus broadens, and there's the rest of Willow's head with the other eye closed. Camera pans back and around, and she's shooting modern biatlalon. Cordelia: Figure skating, definitely. The opportunity for a whole new set of clothes. Hey, she's already the Ice Queen. :-) Jenny: Field hocky/lacrosse. Visual of her in the skirt and shin-guards, browband over sweaty face, rocking back and forth as she waits for the ball (puck??) to be put in play. Basketball (how tall is she?) and soccer also work. She's definitely a team player, and intent-agressive (as opposed to Snyder's hostile-agressive). Robert Huff - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 04 Nov 1997 11:12:10 -0500 From: twofangs/randi spiegel Subject: BUFFY: the actor who plays Dru Hi all, Just wondering about the actor that plays Dru...Juliet Landau... Is she of any relation to Martin Landau? Someone...sorry I can't recall who...said she was in the film *Ed Wood*...could that someone email me please and tell me which part she played 'cause I've seen the movie twice and can't recall her being in it...although she does remind me of Tim Burton's girlfriend (whose name escapes me at this moment :) But if Juliet Landau is in *Ed Wood* - a film I consider to be one of my all time faves - I will _gladly_ rent it tonight... fading back into yesterday before tomorrow comes, Randi Toronto, Ontario, Canada *what scares you most will set you free* - Robyn Hitchcock *s/he who knows others is wise s/he who knows her/himself is enlightened* - Tao Te Ching - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 11:26:07 -0500 (EST) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: Re: BUFFY: Tonight's Ep - SPOILERS!!! On Mon, 3 Nov 1997, Scott wrote: > I think one of the main reasons is that I simply can't stand those > real-life vampire wannabes, so seeing them portrayed as idiots > was quite liberating! :) Right on!!!! Well said!! missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 10:29:12 -0600 (CST) From: templar Subject: Re: BUFFY: More "Lie to Me" thoughts On Tue, 4 Nov 1997, Lisa Rose wrote: > PS, What was up with Buffy's eyebrows? Has there > been a major pluck job there recently or what? A little SMG quote, from the Oct. `97 issue of `In Style: "My eyebrows are the most unruly things in America." Dave ( "I do think it's rather odd that a nation that prides itself on it's virility should feel compelled to strap on fourty pounds of protective gear just in order to play rugby." -- Rupert Giles, re: American football. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 11:43:53 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Willow... In a message dated 97-11-04 11:01:58 EST, writes: << At least it wasn't called "Liar Boy" or something :) >> LOL! I can totally see that happening! Hmmmm....November sweeps, and all the eps of Buffy have *real* names! (Lie to Me, The Dark Ages, What's My Line) How strange! Maybe I was just noticing this for the first time, but wasn't Willow wearing things around her neck (like chokers?). Is that a new look for her? Maybe she is trying something new and daring! Loved the contrasts in Buffy's when she knew Ford had betrayed her. White when she told Angel she loved him (I admit....I said "Awwwwwww! How sweet!") My favorite line was when Willow finally understood the DyVinal's song! I laughed so hard!!! I can't believe Buffy was in 5th grade when that came out!!! I feel so ancient! I LOVED Willow's slippers!! Were they elephants?? I put in a claim for them, but I probably won't get them! Man, I love this show! Rayne - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 11:07:42 -0600 (CST) From: templar Subject: Re: BUFFY: The Ripper thing On Mon, 3 Nov 1997, Robin Carroll-Mann wrote: > 2. When Ethan called Giles "Ripper", I assumed that it was an old > nickname... I think we will discover that Giles was called "Ripper" > because he had a reputation for being brutal in some way, if only on > the university rugby team. Plus the fact that Giles first name is Rupert. The step from Rupert to Ripper is pretty short, when it comes to nicknames. Dave ( "I do think it's rather odd that a nation that prides itself on it's virility should feel compelled to strap on fourty pounds of protective gear just in order to play rugby." -- Rupert Giles, re: American football. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 12:13:32 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: Jenny Calander, will you marry me? WOW! Talk about sexual inuendo. Jenny is not shy in the least, is she? Remember the end of IR,YJ? The "earring comments"? And the not-so-subtle hints in SAR? That "put myself in your hands" talk had me ROTFL. I gotta give Joss snaps on his smooth way of answering a question that has been plaguing the list for some time. Buffy----"I thought once you were invited in once, you could just walk in." Angel----"You can. I was just being polite." Well.....Now we know. A vampire need only be invited into your home once and can gain uninvited access anytime thereafter. Joss heard our question, and was happy to oblige us with an answer. Makes ya wonder if he is lurking on the list....trying to get our (the fans) take on Buffy. Joss, if you're out there, you guys are doing great. Keep up the good work. More likely, he probably has a mole on the inside....Maybe Scott? Speaking of whom, I can't wait for Scott to post the overnight ratings for Lie To Me. I thought that this ep was one to watch over...and over...and over.... Oh, wait. I do that with all of 'em. OK, I'll go away now. - -----Smurf Smurf Keeper of Buffy's Faith Longtime member of the DC/Metro Buffy Crew - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 04 Nov 1997 11:53:32 -0500 From: John Nestoriak Subject: Re: BUFFY: the actor who plays Dru twofangs/randi spiegel wrote: > Is she of any relation to Martin Landau? > Someone...sorry I can't recall who...said she was in the film *Ed > Wood*...could that someone email me please and tell me which part she > played Check out the internet movie database Short answer is Yes, she's the daughter of Martin Landau and she played Loretta King. - -- John Nestoriak * "It's the non-relationship drink Software Engineer * of choice. It's not a date, it's The Telephone Connection * a caffeinated beverage." * - Willow on Coffee - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 11:31:20 -0600 (CST) From: templar Subject: Re: BUFFY: Great Ep! On Mon, 3 Nov 1997, Sunflower wrote: > I do have to ask one question... > I caught the end when Buffy and Giles were standing by the grave and I > assumed it was Ford's? Was that him that came jumping out in vampire form? > The one that Buffy staked? Brutal... Yeah, that was Ford. One thing that struck me about this was that Ford's rising meant Spike actually *had* kept his word to Ford, even though the trap didn't work. Does Spike really have a sense of honour? Or, did he do this just so Buffy would have to slay a vampire created out of someone she had cared about? She was awfully fast with that stake; she *knew* he was going to rise, and she knew what she had to do. Way back in `Angel', Buffy said something about having slain a lot of vampires, but never having hated one before. I think she may make an exception in Spike's case. Dave ( "I do think it's rather odd that a nation that prides itself on it's virility should feel compelled to strap on fourty pounds of protective gear just in order to play rugby." -- Rupert Giles, re: American football. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 11:51:28 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: Willow's faith in Angel First off, let me just say that I *love* Willow. There isn't a Willow scene where I'm not cheering her on. She's the friend we all want and the friend we all wish we were. I was thinking this morning about the wonderful scene in "Lie to Me" with Angel coming to her bedroom, and how well Alyson H. handled the mixed excitement, curiosity ... and most importantly, fear of her parents finding a *boy* in her room. :-D (And *what* a boy, dear readers!) Then I thought about that moment where she asks Angel if he'll bite her if he doesn't like the answers she gives him. It seemed like a strange moment, but I think in all it was a throwaway moment, because of all the characters, Willow is the one with the most faith in Angel. But why? I think back on that cute Halloween moment when Willow gently chides Buffy by insisting that Angel would never fall victim to Cordelia's charms. And the fact that Willow continues to defend Angel to Buffy when Buffy has doubts (when she saw Dru with him in the cemetery). And hey--Willow really was more concerned about her mom finding Angel in her room rather than the fact that Angel was there. And I think that's one of the reasons Angel is drawn to her. Like Clarence in "It's a Wonderful Life," Willow has the faith of a child--faith in Angel. The question is, is this a good thing or a bad thing? Is Buffy's continuing doubt and distrust of Angel the key to her self-preservation? Is Willow's trust and faith in Angel's goodness going to be stripped away as she gets older and wiser? These questions are more rhetorical than anything else, but I *am* fascinated by the Angel/Willow dynamic and hope to continue seeing them together. Willow gives Angel the approval and acceptance he needs, and Angel gives Willow--well, theirs *is* a forbidden love! ;-) Jennifer Hale - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 11:38:12 -0600 (CST) From: templar Subject: Re: BUFFY: Lie to Me too dark? (SPOILERS) On Tue, 4 Nov 1997, Christopher B. Castro wrote: > Was "Lie to Me" too dark? I can't > answer that question, but only speculate. Just a matter of taste, I guess. Yes, LtM was darker than some episodes, darker than *most* of them. Maybe that's why it's one of my favorites so far! Dave ( "I do think it's rather odd that a nation that prides itself on it's virility should feel compelled to strap on fourty pounds of protective gear just in order to play rugby." -- Rupert Giles, re: American football. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 9:59:00 -0800 From: "Scott" Subject: BUFFY: Ratings THE WB Multi-Mkt. Top 10 Top 3 Markets Overnight Mkt. Ratings Average Mkt. Avg. Rtg/Sh Rtg/Sh NY LA CH -------- -------- ---------------------- 9:00pm Buffy 5.0/7 6.0/8 7.8/11 8.1/12 8.1/12 Last wk Buffy 5.5/8 6.5/9 9.0/13 7.9/11 7.9/11 9:30pm Buffy 5.0/7 5.7/8 7.2/10 7.2/11 7.9/11 Last wk Buffy 5.5/8 6.4/9 8.6/12 8.3/13 8.1/11 - -------------------------------------------------------------- 8-10pm Average 5.6/8 6.2/9 7.4/11 8.5/12 7.2/10 Last week 5.7/8 6.3/9 8.8/13 7.4/11 6.8/10 Scott The WB Television Network - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 12:05:01 -0600 (CST) From: templar Subject: Re: BUFFY: Lie to Me On Tue, 4 Nov 1997, James Bjorkman wrote: > Some bits were simply way too > obvious - the vampire girl just happening to run through the library to > steal the book out of Giles' hands to prove some obvious point This one scene *was* a bit bizzare. Joss hasn't let me down yet, so I'm willing to wait and see where he goes with that; I'm sure there's more to that scene than just showing Buffy the vampire she thought Ford had slain. > The moron vampire worshippers were a little too broadly drawn for my > taste. I doubt they're that stupid in real life, they may even be > quite clever in that awful twisted way that losers have. Although there are lots of folks who just like the `Goth' look, or enjoy playing around with the `Vampire: The Masquerade' a bit too much, there *is* a cultish fringe out there; I've seen them, and it ain't pretty! :( Buffy was right on-target with that "Mothership" line; it's the same mentality. > But nobody, I think, would be as > stupid as Ford, thinking vamps could be held to an unenforceable bargain. Then again, Spike *did* stick to the bargain. I've already speculated about why he did in another post, so I won't go through it again. Dave ( "I do think it's rather odd that a nation that prides itself on it's virility should feel compelled to strap on fourty pounds of protective gear just in order to play rugby." -- Rupert Giles, re: American football. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 10:12:42 -0800 (PST) From: Eric Gorr Subject: re: BUFFY: Amaaaaaaazing Episode!!! I would have to be a good episode, wouldn't it? The station here had some sort of weird problem and didn't show. I probably won't be able to see it until it repeats. It ruined my whole week. =Eric MystryMan= _____ * * |\ /| * Invincibility is in oneself, vulnerability is in the opponent | O | * Therefore the considerations of the intelligent always include |/_\| both benefit and harm (Sun Tzu) #include Fight E-Mail Spam ===Insults, like violence, are the last resort of the incompetent...=== - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 10:06:00 -0800 From: "Scott" Subject: BUFFY: Lie to Me: It's a Rich Tapestry. >Ford has brain cancer, but so did Morgan in PS, and what a good egg Morgan >was (with a nongelatinous cerebellum too)! So, will brain cancer join >smoking in Joss' Box o' Plagues on Humanity? Anyone think that there might be personal reasons for these? One of my girlfriend's best friends died of cancer a few years ago and it has haunted her ever since. Life is a conglomeration of experiences and it may be that someone close to Joss was prematurely stricken with cancer and this has had a lasting effect on him. I thought the cancer twist in "Lie To Me" was unexpected and quite interesting. Desperate times call for desperate measures and even I think I would consider immortality as a blood-sucking, undead fiend if I knew that the grim reaper was awaiting me in mere months... Scott The WB Television Network - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 12:23:15 -0600 (CST) From: templar Subject: Re: BUFFY: What's up with Oz's Van? On Mon, 3 Nov 1997, Raininfire wrote: > Sorry if this has been asked already. Did anyone notice that the drivers side > in Oz's van was on the right side instead of the left? Isn't that illegal in > the US or something? ::::::clueless when it comes to cars:::::::: It's not illegal. Check out most of the vehicles the U.S. Postal Service uses to deliver the mail; they're right-hand drive, to be able to reach the mailboxes. In Oz's case, it's an imported van (from Australia is my guess). Dave ( "I do think it's rather odd that a nation that prides itself on it's virility should feel compelled to strap on fourty pounds of protective gear just in order to play rugby." -- Rupert Giles, re: American football. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 04 Nov 1997 10:29:21 PST From: "femme fatale" Subject: BUFFY: what's all this talk about S&D leaving? Hey! What's this I hear about Spike and Dru leaving? They don't have to leave. If the network knows what's good for them, they won't kill off the characters that the viewers like. Well, not for a while, anyway. I expect our happy vamp duo to stick around for a long time. I have faith in those too. Thu Ngo Co-keeper of Oz's guitar, Keeper of Oz's guitar pick, Xander's closeness with Willow, Angel's look of heartbreaking pain when he sees Buffy with Xander, Angel's impeccable timing, Guardian Angel of Spike's former respect for Angel and Dru's Evil Delicateness ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 13:39:01 -0500 (EST) From: (JW) Subject: BUFFY: Lie to Me **Spoilers** LONG Below contains spoilers for the B:TVS episode aired on Monday November 3rd, "Lie to Me" I have to get excited over any episode that Joss writes and directs. I wasn't sure about this episode from the previews, I was worried it might be a little slow. But, it was intense, engulfing, and loads of fun. The opening scene with Dru and the kid, had me on the edge of my seat early. I was wondering if they were going to allow Dru to feed on a child. The annoying one was just a kid, so I wasn't sure. The bit with Angel and Dru was just weird, of course it was defined later. Hooray, Ms. Calendar is back from the abyss. Was glad to see Jenny back and that great URST humor between her and Giles. We never have seen Giles dress in anything different, where does he shop? The great mystery is revealed why Buffy is having problems with history, she passes notes to Willow during class. I kept waiting for the teacher to catch them, and read it out loud. Love the "Gives me a Happy" line from Xander. He really doesn't like Angel, but he should try to be a bit more sensitive to Buffy's feelings. I really missed Xander and Cordelia in this episode. Cordy was all but absent, and Xander was just "one line guy". Wow Xander went straight to Super-Jealous mode when Ford showed up, didn't even bother to warm up first. I guess Xander doesn't feel he has a role in Buffy's life, sure he's a bud, and a best friend. But, Willow is the close emotional confidant, Angel is the love interest, and Giles is the Mentor. So where does that leave Xander, particularly if another guy enters the picture. ROTFLOL, "That's what that song is about", Aly can give such a great reaction when she delivers lines. Strange, that everyone's jealousy is justified in this show, Xander jealous of Angel, Angel is a vampire; Willow jealous of teacher, teacher is a she-mantis; Xander jealous of Malcolm, Malcolm is a demon robot; Willow jealous of Empata, Empata life-sucking mummy; Angel and Xander jealous of Tom, Tom a psycho cult boy; Xander and Angel jealous of Ford, Ford vampire nut-boy wannabe. The only jealousy, that didn't result in the person being a monster or psycho was Angel being jealous of Xander. Sure both were jealous of Owen, but he thought a funeral home was a fun date. When Angel was at the Bronze, and Buffy saw him drinking, wasn't that settled back in RB with all the coffee stuff or at least last week, when Cordy brought him a cup of java. Liked all of Xander's "your not wrong" lines, and "once more with tension". Never seen Angel just disappear almost like a ghost before, weird. Willow was so cute, when Angel showed up at her bedroom, hiding her delicates. Angel does have the brooding down pat. Glad to hear from Willow's mom, is that the first we have seen or heard evidence of her existence? I also liked the little fear that Willow had about Angel. It is natural he is a vampire, even if he's a friend. I wouldn't want to turn my back on him. Didn't Angel look a little pale in this episode compared to some others and last years. This scene stands out where I thought they used a little to much make up. Wow, the vamp club was a little spooky, when we first get to see Ford in his true light. Never tell Willow a secret, she might hurt herself trying to keep it. I don't see how she manages to keep the slayer secrets. I did think that Aly did a great job in the scene. Of course I think Giles was almost as nervous about the date, and its just a beeper not a "beeper-thing". Buffy should have known something was up, when Ford pulled out his own stake at the school, but I will give her credit that she did appear to sense something weird. The female vamp was pretty weak, most vamps would have still made short work of Ford. Best Line "I'll have to go with Dead boy.." Don't call me that". If not that perhaps, Xander's "you have too many thoughts" line to willow. What a looney that girl was, about vamps, and her "other opinions" speech. LOL when the guy came by dressed like Angel. Monster Trucks, she took him to Monster trucks! I had to go back and watch that scene again, because I almost hurt myself from laughing so hard. So the vamps were there to steal a book from Giles, thats interesting, I wonder what importance it will play in a future episode. Dru and the scene with bird, Dru continued to just freak me out. How does Ford just walk into Vamp H/Q. I would think a vamp would jump him and make lunch of him. I did like Spike in the scene with him, he admitted what we all knew, about him being an untraditional guy. I think we all knew Ford had lost it, with that "30 second" nonsense. Answer to a question, once a vamp is invited in to a home, he can come at will. I thought the Buffy/Angel exchange was a little stale, after last week's episode. I thought last week might hurt a future attempt at Buffy/Angel angst. Angel's "may be you shouldn't do either" line seemed out of sort, since last weeks kissy-face exchange. Finally the truth about Dru, she's not old, or a past slayer, just a girl Angel had a thing for and brought over. That was bad, she was taking vows and he brought her over. Now we know why Dru's so strange, a demon "took up shop" in a house with bats in the belfry. Still interesting to see how Spike came into the picture. We saw Dru's picture in the library, but if I am correct real photography wasn't used till the second half of the 19th century. So did Dru take a picture as a vamp? But what about the whole mirror thing, which is in the air after last week's camcorder issue. If Dru was still alive during that picture, then Dru was changed in the second half of the 1800's. So Angel had a thing for a human, while a vampire. I would think as a vamp he would just bite what he was interested in, and wouldn't have an "obsession" with a human girl. Plus if it was in the second half of the 1800's then Spike would have already been made, and throw water on the EW interview, that talked about Dru making Spike. "Angel was in your bedroom!", "Ours is a forbidden love", LOL, I was glad that Buffy worked stuff out with Willow and Xander, I didn't want any, "I can't trust you" stories. They were just looking out for her, and didn't really betray her. Xander didn't even know what was going on. Ford was a master planner, what would have happened if Buffy had met him at the school at 9:00 instead of following him. He didn't know that Angel/Xander/Willow had gone to the club, so she should still trust him. But he had planned for her to come early, and the vamps at sunset at 6:27, yet last week it was pitch black a few minutes before six. SMG gave a great look at the top of the stairs when she realized she was trapped. Sort of a blend of fear, disgust, and just being stunned. I wondered if Ford was sick with the pills he was popping, I guess he was scared and in the end he made a almost sympathetic villain like Empata in IMG. Buffy's "I'll kill you myself " line was very tough, and prophetic in a way. I thought Buffy's tone during the whole scene in the Vamp club was interesting, seemed different from the normal Buffy. With the exception being the "Dorkey outfit" line. Ford was a bit of scum-bag even if he was sick, setting up the others, then hitting Buffy from behind, TWICE! The girl got quite a surprise when Spike came in. Question came to my mind was "how dumb can you be?" When the vamps start to attack and feed, I was shocked at no kills, all the kids get up and leave. We have seen some victims almost die at once, and at least pass out, like Buffy in PG for instance. What a jump by Buffy, that may be a new distance record for her. Good job using Dru, as a hostage, she knew she couldn't take on all those vamps and save the idiots. I was surprised that Spike appeared to keep his word, I thought he would have just killed Ford. I guess you can have honor as a vampire. Nice little talk with Buffy and Giles in the graveyard. The Buffy and Giles life-lesson talks, are fast becoming my favorite part of "Buffy". SMG and ASH have a real good chemistry working together. Funny how slaying and vampires have become so second-nature, Ford rose and Buffy staked him. Yet, Buffy and Giles hardly missed a beat in their conversation. I enjoyed this episode a lot. Joss really knows how to write for his characters. I was disappointed by Xander's lack of screen time and Cordelia's disappearing act. Interesting Willow's almost crush like reactions to Angel. Could Buffy have competition, naw perhaps she thinks Xander will be jealous. I hope Buffy learned her lesson that she shouldn't interact with other people its always bad news. What could Spike want with one of Giles's book, is it about him and Dru, or about Angel. Perhaps a private diary about Giles past? Happy to have some answers about Dru in this episode. Was Joss making any statements with people at the Vamp-club, and the real life vamp role playing groups? Man this was longer than I intended, I have too many thoughts. JW Keeper of "The Ripper" nickname GASP - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 12:36:23 -0600 (CST) From: templar Subject: Re: BUFFY:new slayer?doubt it Spoiler Warning For Upcoming Episodes! * * * * * * * * * * * * * On Mon, 3 Nov 1997 wrote: > ok guys I have been reading that here is supposed 2 b a new slayer .I'm > talking your word 4 it but i have a few questions. > 2.if they r keeping Buffy then isnt it that its only the one girl in all the > world that can stop the vamps?there can b 2 slayers "When one Slayer dies, another is called". Since Buffy actually was dead for a couple of minutes in `Prophecy Girl', it seems to have triggered whatever mystical process calls the next Slayer. It appears that this new Slayer wasn't `un-called' when Xander's CPR revived Buffy, so now-- possibly for the first time?--there are TWO Slayers alive at the same time. > 3.why would they cancell SMG? I wouldn't worry about *that* happening at all. This new Slayer will probably either get killed off after just a few episodes... or shipped off somewhere with another Watcher... or otherwise removed from the scene. No matter what, replacing SMG just isn't going to happen. Rest easy on that. Dave ( "I do think it's rather odd that a nation that prides itself on it's virility should feel compelled to strap on fourty pounds of protective gear just in order to play rugby." -- Rupert Giles, re: American football. - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V1 #411 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (