Return-Path: From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V1 #502 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:17:47 -0700 buffy-digest Wednesday, December 10 1997 Volume 01 : Number 502 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: Cordelia--one of them BUFFY: Trysting in the closet. BUFFY: next week's ep Re: BUFFY: Armor-Plated Vampires BUFFY: Capt. & Tennille / Eps ranked RE: BUFFY: Xander's comment BUFFY: Chicago Northside Shoutout Re: BUFFY: Capt. & Tennille, Cordy and Xander's song Re: BUFFY: TED BUFFY: Review--"Ted" **SPOILERS!!** Re: BUFFY: We Need Vampires Re: BUFFY: We Need Vampires Re: BUFFY: Capt. & Tennille, Cordy and Xander's song BUFFY: Re: about what you said about Buffy BUFFY: Re: hewo -Autographed Sarah Picture Re: BUFFY: luke in mk2 Re: BUFFY: Tennille? BUFFY: ratings Re: BUFFY: Kindred and Ted Re: BUFFY: the nail file... i told you Re: BUFFY: TED Re: BUFFY: Capt. & Tennille, Cordy and Xander's song Re: BUFFY: ratings Re[2]: BUFFY: TED BUFFY: Ted's Revenge Re: BUFFY: Ted's Revenge Re: BUFFY: cordelia See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 00:55:01 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Cordelia--one of them At 03:04 PM 12/9/97 EST, Jessica wrote: >did everyone notice... how Cordelia was among them? She was walking proudly down >the hall with the "social lepers". No one said anything, no one gave any weird >stares that the queen of Sunnydale is walking around with "the dregs of Sunnydale" >shouldn't there be some effects ot somthing? My thoughts exactly. Surely she must be endangering her social status by hanging out with the slayerettes. High school kids are anything but blind and deaf. Someone must have noticed that she and Xander Harris are trysting in the utility closet. Word spreads like wildfire. And unless Xander is now known for his extra-curricular heroism (doubtful in that culture of denial) than she must be on the same path of "downward social mobility" that she threatened Buffy with in WttH. Is Cordy's status as queen of the school elite really so powerful that she can not only survive such associations, but even make hanging-out with losers a cool thing to do? (as JJ mused). Doubtful, given that Mitch got on her case in "Invisible Girl," when she merely thanked the gang for saving her life, and snapped her right back into line with only the merest *hint* of social ostracism. In the cruel calculus of Heatheresque cliques, being the leader requires the consent (or at least the fear) of the led. And the latter may mutiny if the former reveals a few too many weaknesses (such as excursions into the arms of known losers?). Have we seen Harmony, Aura, or Aphrodesia hanging around Cordy lately? Will Harmony rise up as Fletcher Christian once did and depose Captain Cordy from her command, mocking her as Cordy once mocked Buffy, in a cruel and karmic twist of fate? (inspiring a new episode, "The Princess and the Pauper" perhaps?). Where is Shannen Doherty when we most need her? Lisa - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 02:14:48 -0800 (PST) From: Patrick Joseph Keane Subject: BUFFY: Trysting in the closet. Did anyone else notice that Xander was enjoying a Ted's Special Cookie when he talked to Cordy? It struck me that maybe that was why he was so forward. -Patk - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 06:00:10 -0500 From: "kim simington" Subject: BUFFY: next week's ep the TV Guide says next week's ep is a repeat of SAR. Kim Simington Keeper of Buffy's Ace Bandage - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 03:05:48 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Armor-Plated Vampires 09:41 AM 12/8/97 CST, Toby wrote: >You're correct in assuming that there would be ways to kill the armor-plated >vampire. My problem is it gets boring watching them all simply get dusted with >a stake thru the heart. I mean there is still beheading and fire, and daylight >and a good hosing down with Holy Water could be a great time. Agreed. I think we're supposed to see the average vamp slaying as a slam-dunk for Buffy, an easy kill. And her nonchalance about it (sitting on the swing calling them like kittens, taking out Teddish frustrations on them, worrying about breaking a nail, etc...) is probably part of the intended absurd humor. But maybe it could get tedious after awhile unless they introduce something fresh. >My point was simple enough: Buffy goes for the routine kill and suddenly >it doesn't work. What should've been routine "kick-box senseless and >stake" becomes "uh oh, gotta think of something new" Could turn into a >really challenging battle. She could also stake down from the neck... They could really turn that into a running gag, with the vampires continually trying to use new gizmos, ala Wile E. Coyote, (eg, "Acme Armor Chestplates") to nail Buffy. But Buffy always evades and causes them to backfire as humorously as the RoadRunner does (eg, hurls vamps into Lake Sunnydale where armor plating causes them to drop straight to the bottom like fishing weights). Lisa - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 07:00:00 -0500 From: "Brian J. Zino" Subject: BUFFY: Capt. & Tennille / Eps ranked Okay, as I noted in an earlier post, I'm not entirely sure who the Captain and Tenille were, but I'll share what little I know for the benefit of those who profess total cluelessness. As far as I know, the Captain and Tenille were a cheesy singing act from the mid-to-late 70's, who sang the sort of lite middle-of-the-road lounge pop that you'd hear at that time on prime time specials and cruise ships. The Captain wore a schlocky boat captain's uniform, complete with hat. They were, I believe, in the same realm of pop culture as Donny & Marie, Tony Orlando & Dawn, and Shields & Yarnell. (Um, maybe not....) ObBuffy: Someone noted that we're just about halfway through the season, so just for fun I ranked the eleven episodes so far in order of how much I liked them: 1) Lie To Me 2) School Hard 3) Halloween 4) What's My Line 1 5) Some Assembly Required 6) Ted 7) Inca Mummy Girl 8) What's My Line 2 9) The Dark Age 10) When She Was Bad 11) Reptile Boy Well, I just thought I'd share that. Brian J. Zino ************************** "This curious world which we inhabit is more wonderful than it is convenient; more beautiful than it is useful; it is more to be admired and enjoyed than used." - Henry David Thoreau ************************** - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 8:07:12 -0600 From: Harold Hutchison Subject: RE: BUFFY: Xander's comment >I would just like to say the I am not mormon myself, but I have some friends >that are LDS that watch the show and I think Xander's comment when they see >ted has four marrige papers about him being mormon was kind of cheap shot, >yet funny. Heck, I just thought it funny. And I'm LDS, myself. It's just a joke, no harm or insult intended, none taken. To best explain my position on this, I will point you towards one of Rush Limbaugh's Undeniable Truths of Life. This is #35 of the new set: "Too many people can't laugh at themselves any more." Hey, with jokes like that, the appropriate response is to laugh with the person, then retaliate with a couple well-aimed jokes in response. Harold Hutchison - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 08:09:21 -0600 From: Subject: BUFFY: Chicago Northside Shoutout Hey, guys! I'm trying to gather fans from the north side of Chicago/Northern suburbs to see about some in-person Buffy celebration. So far I'm in touch with someone from Skokie, someone from Chicago, and I know of someone from Libertyville. If I should know about you, please Email me privately if you'd care to get together. Cheers! Mia - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 09:41:22 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: Re: BUFFY: Capt. & Tennille, Cordy and Xander's song At 7:00 AM -0500 12/10/97, Brian J. Zino wrote: >Okay, as I noted in an earlier post, I'm not entirely sure who the Captain >and Tenille were, but I'll share what little I know for the benefit of >those who profess total cluelessness. JJ steps up to the plate. To supplement B. Zino's post, Tony Tenille and the Captain were seminal to the lightly pop, love ballads of the 70's/early '80's, their oeuvre including the classics, "Do It To Me One More Time," "Love Will Keep Us Together," and of course, "Muskrat Love." Since Xander seems to come from another decade (Joss is in his 30's and of course was old enough to have been exposed to the Captain and Tennille at the height of their powers, although perhaps was too young to truly understand their complicated view of romance . Thank gods the discussion did not turn to Tony Orlando and Dawn...), it occurred to me that the eventual Cordy/Xander love theme must come from another generation's music. Thus, for those of us who know this landmark era of musical history and for those of us looking to expose ourselves to a time when camp was innocent and pure, the following: Love Songs for Xander and Cordelia (Ronco): 1) "Afternoon Delight" Starlight Vocal Band 2) "We Just Disagree" BJ Thomas 3) "If Loving You is Wrong" Jeffrey Osborne (?) 4) "Secret Lovers" Atlantic Star (?) 5) "Uptown Girl" Billy Joel 6) "It Must Be You (Theme from Tootsie)" Stephen Bishop 7) "The Look of Love" Dusty Springfield 8) "Rich Girl" Hall & Oates JJ - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 09:27:47 EST From: Slayer5454 Subject: Re: BUFFY: TED In a message dated 97-12-09 18:25:24 EST, Lawless wrote: << wrote: Well, they did have us going. The most that they could hit Buffy with is assault and without Ted, hard to make stick, esp. when the medicos messed up so badly declaring him dead. Why couldn't they charge her with manslaughter? Lawless >> I just wanted to comment on this. I work for a lawyer and we handle a murder case or two each year. The reason Buffy can't be charged with any of the degrees of murder is that there is no body. You can't really prove that a murder has taken place w/o one. Yes, the police came and hauled off Ted's body, but it later disappeared and Ted showed back up quite *alive* with a witness to his post-death activity (Joyce). Therefore, with no body and proof that Buffy's actions did not indeed kill Ted, she could not be charged with either Murder or Manslaughter. (Melissa S. Heckard) "Love makes you do the wacky." Willow, from Some Assembly Required "I wasn't going to use violence. I don't always use violence. Do I?" (Buffy) "The important thing is *you* believe that." (Xander) from Inca Mummy Girl - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 09:55:21 -0500 (EST) From: Michael Hickerson Subject: BUFFY: Review--"Ted" **SPOILERS!!** Warning: If SPOILERS make you want to run for the nearest utility closet, I'd advise that you please consider turning back now. There are major SPOILERS ahead for the latest episode of BtVS, "Ted." In short: A solid episode. Some of you out there may be scratching your heads and wondering just how this guy is and why he's posting a review of "Ted." Well, before we jump into the heart of my comments about this episode, let me take a few minutes to introduce myself. Some of you may already know who I am--I have been on this list for since School Hard aired and have enjoyed reading your comments, opinions, praises, and rants about this show. And, at times, I have jumped in and joined a few discussions. But a lot of times, I prefer to lurk around a group before I jump into too deep and, well, make a fool of myself. So, why start now, you may ask? :-) Well, I'll be honest. Because I really enjoy Buffy and it's gone beyond just being a show I watch on Monday nights. It's got my complete and utter devotion now. I've begun taping episodes so I can catalogue and watch them over and over again. It has a sense of style that I enjoy a great deal and is truly one of the most unique and enjoyable shows I've seen in quite a while and I just want to share my thoughts on it with all of you. Now, before I get started, I'd like to say a few things about these review. Please don't take them as anything more than one guy's opinion about the show. And please feel free to disagree with me on any or all of the points I raise. That is my main reason for posting them is to raise discussion and maybe try and look at the show in a new light. Also, if I make a mistake (and I will at times do that!) please know that it is done out of ignorance and not to slight anyone on the show. I am human and beg your forgiveness now and also ask that you please point out my error. Finally, I will let you know that if I am reviewing an episode, I will stay away from any and all group discussion of the show until after I've posted my comments. That way, the comments are mine and I don't plagerize anyone else's thoughts, comments, or opinions. OK, that said, let's move to the real reason we're here--the latest episode of Buffy, "Ted." I'll be the first to admit that I am a preview person. I always enjoy seeing previews and running over possible scenarios in my mind of what might or might not happen in an episode. And that's why I did with "Ted." Now some of you may be wondering what took me so long to get to commenting on this episode--unfortunately my office holiday party was Monday night so I had to tape Buffy and didn't have time to get to it until last night. And let me just say that avoiding my e-mail all day yesterday really wasn't much fun. But it was worth the wait. I have to admit that when I saw the preview I wasn't sure if John Ritter would be a good choice of guest star or if Buffy was going ot suffer the dreaded disease Lois and Clark had of casting guest stars based on name, not on whether or not they were actually suited for the role. And I've got to admit that in retropsect, Ritter was an ideal choice for the role of Ted. Having seen Sling Blade, I knew he had the range to carry off a part other than Jack Tripper, but I didn't quite know he would be this menacing. And he was. Boy, was he ever. One of my favorite X-Files episodes is Irrestible because it shows us a human monster that is every bit as terrfiying or more so than that usual monsters Mulder and Scully investiage each week. And as I watched Ted, I was reminded of that episode. And, for me at least, that's a good thing. Ritter was so controlled and deadly that I loved him. His scene with Buffy on the mini-golf course was chilling and had ice water running through my veins. Coupled by his startling return at the end of act three, and it was a chilling performance all around. The way Ritter was able to shift from being the loving, kind family man Ted, to dark, disturbed Ted was well done. And I've got to admit that the direction of some of the scenes with Ted was very striking. (Usually the direction on this show is always striking!) The scene with Buffy sneaking back in and Ted sitting in the chair with his covered by shadows was particularily effective and brought to mind some sequences from Citizen Kane (and here I thought that cinema studies class was just for fun! ;-) ). It added an extra chill to an already chilling sequence. I also like the fact that Ted brought up a lot of personal issus for Buffy. I find it interesting that last week we saw a rerun of WSWB in which Buffy is acting extremely out of character and reacting to her "death." This week, we get to see her acting in pretty much the same manner toward Ted, but we feel more sympathy for her. I think part of this is that we are given an inside track on what she is thinking and feeling. We see her as she struggles with the feelings and conflicts Ted has brought. It all comes out so well in that scene with Giles in the park and later when she calls for the vampires. Buffy is used to being in control of a situation and of being able to fight evil that is pure evil. Here she has to face a threat to her and her mother that is evil, but is not pure evil in the sense that Spike and Druscilla, for example, are. And her scene where she beats the tar out of the vampire (and Giles' classic line, "I think it's time for the stake") shows this so well. And to see the process she goes through after she "kills" Ted is nice. From her sitting in shock, to her admitting it, to her defensive posture with the detective, to her questioning of why she killed Ted and used her Slayer powers in this manner, all of the issues raised here were particularily effective. Sarah Michelle Gellar handled them all well and gave us a Buffy that was sympathetic without being powerless and determined yet not bitchy. It was quite a stellar performance. Of course, with such a strong script, it's easy to see why. At least it was strong up until the final fifteen minutes or so. Form Ted's reappareance onward, the show lost the momentum. I guess finding out that Ted was a killer robot who prayed on women was interesting but not particularily. It almost seemed as if the writers didn't really know where to go so they made Ted a robot. I am not sure I liked that. I wish they hadn't thrown in that line about the price on Buffy's head being declared off and he'd been some kind of demon sent by the Order of Tenakra. That would have been interesting. However, we did get to see some mother/daughter bonding with Buffy and her mom so it wasn't too bad, I guess. Another reason the whole story in "Ted" worked so well for me was the two contrasting plot threads running. On one hand, we had Buffy's mom and Ted who have a solid relationship in the beginning that goes downhill over the course of the episode, strongly coutnerpointed by the Giles/Ms. Calendar relationship which starts off rocky but ends well. I found the way the episode ended with Buffy encountering the adults in her life kissing was a nice touch. I also like the fact that Giles and Ms. Calendar were able to discuss the issues of a few weeks ago and to really see them in a new light. I like the fact that they were able to communiate as adults even while fighting a vampire! And let's fact it, it's more fun to see Giles adn Jenny together than bickering. So, that pretty much wraps it up for me, except for a few small points.... --Buffy's shoes while mini-golfing! That had to be uncomfortable! I can't imagine wearing high heels to mini-golf! :-) --Xander and Cordy. I am not sure I am 100% behind this pairing just yet. But it seems interested so far. I like the whole, "Want to go to the utility closet and make out," line. --On the same note, I think it's funny that Xander thinks he's got the whole thing swept under the rug and no one knows what's going on, while Buffy and Willow have caught on to what is happening. Well, that's about it for now. Ted was entertaining and chilling and a good departure from the usual vampire/demon of the week. However, a weak ending really let me down a bit. My Rating: 7.5 (out of 10.0) Next up: A repeat. Someone wants Cordy's body...literally. *************************************************************** *Michael Hickerson* *************************************************************** *"Just look behind your own soul and the person that you'll * * see just might remind you of me." --Colin Raye * *************************************************************** - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 08:57:53 -0600 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: We Need Vampires Yes, we need vampires. But sshhhh--they're resting! We need them to be big and strong and nassssty, and they're still resting. So, we'll just have to make do with our other little playmates for a while. Mia I *LOVE* this show! - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 10:26:05 EST From: TknoPagan Subject: Re: BUFFY: We Need Vampires In a message dated 97-12-10 01:22:41 EST, you write: << I had to add this after talking with some fellow Slayerettes today...WE NEED VAMPIRES!!! The demons and robots and whatever are cool but can we PLEASE get Buffy the VAMPIRE slayer back? One of the things they got me hooked on this show was the vampires and I want them to come back. >> I started to think about this also...She is a "Vampire Slayer"...but in many episodes Her or Giles has said she also "fights the forces of darkness or evil rather".....I guess that explains it mostly...... Jason Martinez | | Keeper of Buffy's Little Wooden Stake | Keeper of Willow's Computer | Keeper of the Annointed One's Cage | Keeper of Joyce's Sports Utility Vehicle | Keeper of Spike's Boots | Keeper of Kendra's Slayer Handbook| Keeper of Kendra's Stake | Member of the Alyson Hannigan Fan Club - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 10:32:31 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: Re: BUFFY: Capt. & Tennille, Cordy and Xander's song At 10:03 AM -0500 12/10/97, Susan Phillips (on planetx) wrote: >Small correction: It's Toni Tenille and they tried to make a comeback >recently. D'oh! (JJ bashes his head against the wall until a small trickle of blood runs down his face) Tis indeed Toni. Apropos of nothing, I did a community theater musical about a year ago with an older gentleman who used to play in a big band and who once played back up at a performance for none other than the Captain and Tennille. ObBuffy: So, how did Xander get so musically diverse? He listens to Patsy Cline for pain (PG), sees the internal power struggle between Toni and the Captain (Ted), and is asked by his cronies for his opinion about the guitar-playing skills of others (in the Pack, when Hyena Xander and friends steal the hot dogs from that table of long-haired slackers). And let's not forget his fantasy guitar solo in Teacher's Pet. Perhaps we'll see Xander serenading his Cordelia Trueheart? Maybe Oz should be asking Xander about that E flat, diminish 9th, eh. JJ - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 10:13:05 EST From: TknoPagan Subject: BUFFY: Re: about what you said about Buffy In a message dated 97-12-09 18:03:36 EST, you write: << I was just wondering in the Buffy digest thing that I get, you wrote referring to Buffy & Angel "her child becoming the new master & she has to slay him" Her child is referring to Angel, right? Where did you hear this? a reliable source? When is this supposed to happen? Just wondering! Thanks :) >> Okay.....Just to clear the air...When I made this comment at the end of my post it was meant as a joke! Don't worry no hard feelings and all......But I recieved like 15 e-mail asking me where I heard this? I am pulling my hair out here people! Okay I vented all my frustrations...... Jason Martinez | | Keeper of Buffy's Little Wooden Stake | Keeper of Willow's Computer | Keeper of the Annointed One's Cage | Keeper of Joyce's Sports Utility Vehicle | Keeper of Spike's Boots | Keeper of Kendra's Slayer Handbook| Keeper of Kendra's Stake | Member of the Alyson Hannigan Fan Club - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 10:23:55 EST From: TknoPagan Subject: BUFFY: Re: hewo -Autographed Sarah Picture Since everyone has been asking how I got my autographed picture of Sarah Michelle Gellar..........Well here is the address I wrote her at..I hope this helps everyone. I have only waited like 3 weeks. But I heard a rumor, I may be wrong, that Alyson said that her and Nick respond themselves,whereas Sarah has someone do it for her. Well that is all..... Sarah Michelle Gellar c/o Buffy The Vampire Slayer c/o Warner Brothers Network 4000 Warner Blvd. Burbank, CA -------------------- Sorry I forgot the zip code. If you call a local post office or information (1411), they should be able to tell you. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 08:15:19 PST From: "Black Fire" Subject: Re: BUFFY: luke in mk2 >Yes! :> Brian Thompson has to be one of the coolest actors in the genre. It was >actually quite cute at the Science Fiction/Comic convention I went to last month, >when during a panel disscussion with Joss, Nicholas, and Alyson, Brian went up to >the microphone and said "please, Joss, can I come back on the show and NOT play a >Vampire?" Yes. To which, Joss told him that there was a little girl's role that needed to be filled. >(OT note: Brian also Played the Brujah Primogen in the Show "The Kindred" :> ) OT: Aaaahhh... Eddie. I miss him.... The Black Fire ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 11:14:33 -0500 From: John Nestoriak Subject: Re: BUFFY: Tennille? Fred Wyman wrote: > Okay, _I_ wasn't raised in a culture-free environment (NYC), but > I've never heard of Tennille. What/who is it/he/she? And why does > i/h/s have the power? (what power?) I'm probably going to kick myself > when I hear this. You're probably just showing your age. I'm 27 and about on the edge of remembering the Captain and Tennille. They were a singing duo with a TV show in the mid 70's. Very Sonny and Cher like (if you even remember them). And of course the obligatory plug for the Cultural Reference Guide where all these questions can be answered before you even ask: Re: the utility closet ... yeah it immed made me think of My So Called Life and it's boiler room. If there was a location like this in my suburban HS I never found out about it. - -- John Nestoriak * "It's the non-relationship drink Software Engineer * of choice. It's not a date, it's The Telephone Connection * a caffeinated beverage." * - Willow on Coffee - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 11:10:48 EST From: RayneFire Subject: BUFFY: ratings Was searching through AOL's news and came across this. It's for the December 8th show (Ted)!!! WTG Buffy! "WB earned its second-best Monday rating ever with a record Buffy the Vampire Slayer (3.9/6) and the highest rerun 7th Heaven (3.7/6) to date. Rival UPN equaled its lowest Monday rating (2.6/4) since mid-July. Weeklong averages in the adults 18-49 demographic were: ABC, a 5.6 rating, 15 share (matching its results for the same week last year); NBC, 5.5/15 (down 5%); Fox, 5.1/14 (down 7%); CBS, 4.2/11 (down 11%); UPN, 1.8/5 (up 6%); WB, 1.5/4 (up 50%). It's ABC's first outright win in this demo since the week of the ''coming out'' episode of Ellen last April 28-May 4. In the 30-week interval, NBC won 29 weeks (tied once by ABC) and Fox won once. " Rayne Keeper of Willow's Animal Slippers Keeper of Buffy's Stuffed Pig, Mr. Gordo Keeper of Spike's Trench Coat - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 08:38:35 PST From: "Black Fire" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Kindred and Ted >Ok, I'm leaping out of lurkdom for this. Who died in a motorcycle >accident??? I adored Kindred, never missed an ep and was devastated when >they took it off. Fill me in please, Jackie!! I think it was the guy who played Julian Luna, the Ventru prince of the city. > ObBuffy: Did anyone else start yelling when Buffy kicked Ted's butt?? I would have if there weren't people sleeping in the house. The Black Fire ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 10:37:10 -0600 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: the nail file... i told you Tanj, Oh, my gosh! You DID tell us, and then I completely forgot! Your nail file nailed Ted! Your nail file's a hero! MAN! DID YOU GET IT BACK??? Mia - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 11:39:37 -0500 From: John Nestoriak Subject: Re: BUFFY: TED > The reason Buffy can't be charged with any of the > degrees of murder is that there is no body. Which of course was the most unbelievable part of the episode - ok building a such a lifelike robot was worse but ... When someone is murdered they perform an autopsy. You think the ME might have noticed that Teddy Ruxpin was a robot? And Joyce buying that whole I was out for 6 mins and then woke up routine. They made the 911 call and the police and ambulance arrive, take him out and bag him all within 6 minutes? Not bloody likely. Oh and Joyce makes the common mistake of checking for a pulse with her thumb. You can't use your thumb since it has a pulse of it's own. - -- John Nestoriak * "It's the non-relationship drink Software Engineer * of choice. It's not a date, it's The Telephone Connection * a caffeinated beverage." * - Willow on Coffee - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 11:34:51 -0500 From: John Nestoriak Subject: Re: BUFFY: Capt. & Tennille, Cordy and Xander's song > Since Xander > seems to come from another decade (Joss is in his 30's and of course was > old enough to have been exposed to the Captain and Tennille at the height > of their powers I thought Joss was 27 (same as me). I'm barely old enough to remember the Captain and Tennille. The better known duo that I'd most associate them with is Sonny and Cher. Didn't Capt and Tennille split up making "Love will keep us together" a bitter irony? Or am I just confusing them with Sonny and Cher of "I got you babe" fame? > Love Songs for Xander and Cordelia (Ronco): Hillarious! I esp enjoyed > 1) "Afternoon Delight" Starlight Vocal Band in light of the "wanna go to the utility closet" scene. - -- John Nestoriak * "It's the non-relationship drink Software Engineer * of choice. It's not a date, it's The Telephone Connection * a caffeinated beverage." * - Willow on Coffee - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:05:44 -0500 (EST) From: James Bjorkman Subject: Re: BUFFY: ratings On Wed, 10 Dec 1997, RayneFire wrote: > "WB earned its second-best Monday rating ever with a record Buffy the Vampire > Slayer (3.9/6) and the highest rerun 7th Heaven (3.7/6) to date. Rival UPN > equaled its lowest Monday rating (2.6/4) since mid-July. The power of the Ritter lives! I had a feeling when Scott posted that he loved this particular ep that the ratings would just happen to turn out high. Time for those wacko guys to write more of the "Ritterverse." This might have been JR's first broadcast tv venture off the Big Three. I don't think it was mere coincidence that "Ted" had both Ritter and the '70's reference to the Cap'n and his Woman. Miniature golf was big back then, too, as were mini-pizzas. And the 70's were a time when lots of people were nostalgic for the '50's, which happened to be when Twilight Zone and its obsession with humanoid robots began. Kinda all ties together. Cool "casual" references. These guys know their craft. I bet the demographics for this particular ep were skewed just a wee bit older than usual, and that the script was tailored for that. IMHO the presence of an old pro like JR raised smg's acting level, too. jb "Just the facts, Ma'am." Sgt. Joe Friday, Dragnet - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 11:12:34 -0600 From: Subject: Re[2]: BUFFY: TED John groused, >>When someone is murdered they perform an autopsy. You think the ME >>might have noticed that Teddy Ruxpin was a robot? It's even worse than that. I don't care if Sunnyhell is a one-Starbucks town, when the ambulance comes these days, they don't just check a pulse and zip you in a bag. (Actually, if they're SURE you're dead, don't they just take you out on a gurney with a sheet over your face? but I digress.) They *try to revive you!* With paddles, and IV's, and immobilizing the neck. Suspended disbelief? I had to carry mine around with a block and tackle. Still, it was worth it to see Ritter's Ted. Nasssty, evil, horrid man, er, monster, er, whatever. It reminded me of someone I actually know, who's a minister, and does the nice-in-public routine with his whole congregation. The greatest horror of all is the evil that actually walks this earth. Mia - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 13:04:14 -0800 From: Kimberly Subject: BUFFY: Ted's Revenge Hi All! Ted left the morgue and went directly after Buffy and then Joyce. That was a good way to get his revenge and take his new "wife".... But "What If" (I am playing this game again :-o What if Ted got up from the table scaring the living heck out of some poor guy and proceeds to go the the police. They are surprised and shocked to see him alive and sits him down so he can tell them the full story. After all they only heard Buffy's and maybe Joyce's side of the story. Ted would probably tell them that Buffy was "bad" and meant to kill him, etc. He convinces them easily that Buffy is guilty of trying to kill him and of course they belive him because he's Ted the #1 salesman *grin* He keeps talking to them until they believe that Buffy is a danger to Ted to others and to herself and send her off to jail or elsewhere. Ted would come back after a brokenhearted Joyce and the vampires would rejoice since the Slayer is put away (but for how long?...and what if Kendra comes back to Sunnydale?) It's like killing two birds one with stone. Sorry that went on so long I was just curious how the rest of you felt was the best for Teddy's Revenge. I did like the way it was shown in the episode when he came after her directly but I was just thinking of this method above this paragraph. I've never really had any responses before so I hope I hear some ideas :-) Do you think Ted will come back in some way? I wouldn't mind if he came back as another charater whether he was evil or good. JT is cool!!! ObBuffy: Stupid question time: is Willow's hair red or brown? At times it seems red with a little bit of brown thrown in. I was also wondering who won the contest for 1-800-COLLECT for the spot on Buffy? SINcerely, Kimberly Who Hopes A Buffy Convetion Will Soon Be Somewhere On The East Coast *crosses her fingers and hopes* Hello Salty Goodness!!!: - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:28:02 -0600 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Ted's Revenge Kimberly, I *love* your idea of a real revenge for Ted--going to the police and having Buffy committed. He obviously knew just how to go about it, because he threatened her with all that stuff after reading her diary. Hmmmmm, would Joyce still have wanted to see him after he railroaded her daughter? And, what would Giles and the Slayerettes have been doing that whole time. He's accustomed to the old grab-and-run; I suppose he felt that was most in keeping with his mission. Remember, he only had *programming* not feelings (keep telling yourself that; maybe you can sleep at night). Mia Terrified of Ted - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 13:30:07 EST From: TknoPagan Subject: Re: BUFFY: cordelia In a message dated 97-12-10 08:33:02 EST, you write: << Interesting question: Cordelia, now a full-fledged Slayerette, did come to the church with the group. She saw Angel and Dru bound together, but I don't know what she made of it. >> Cordelia did not go to the church with the whole gang...Do a retake......... Jason Martinez - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V1 #502 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (