From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V1 #528 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Tuesday, December 30 1997 Volume 01 : Number 528 In this issue: BUFFY: List owners rights BUFFY: Dancing can be dangerous! :) Re: BUFFY: Spoilers (maybe) Re: BUFFY: spoilers maybe? Re: BUFFY: SPOILERS?? Did you see what I saw? Re: BUFFY: Buffy Casts' Birthdays Re: BUFFY: Ok, already Re: BUFFY: Speculation- Possible SPOILERS Re: BUFFY: SPOILERS?? Did you see what I saw? BUFFY: Spoilers (addition to last) Re: BUFFY: Did you see what I think I saw? BUFFY: Join the East Coast Crew BUFFY: Preview info. BUFFY: Buffy Re: BUFFY: spoilers maybe? Re: BUFFY: mysteries of the unexplained BUFFY: The Usual Suspects. Re: BUFFY: spoilers maybe? Re: BUFFY: spoilers maybe? Re: BUFFY: Spoilers (maybe) BUFFY: Download preview Re: BUFFY: Buffy Re: BUFFY: Funniest Episodes Re: BUFFY: The Usual Suspects. Re[2]: BUFFY: Funniest Episodes BUFFY: Small Article: And Somewhere, A Moth is Screaming See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 06:48:40 -0800 From: Terrie Subject: BUFFY: List owners rights We had a recent post that made me cringe. Some felt the list owners should lighten up, and sent a note to the entire list saying such. First off, this was off-topic and should have been sent only to the list owners. Second, they're the list owners, which means they have the right to enforce any rule that they feel benefits the list. And I happen to agree with them on a lot, if not all, of them. You see, with out the list owners, there would be any list. Maybe I'm being overly serious here. But, as anyone on BBETA knows, I take list rules very seriously. They are meant to benefit us, the list users. If you don't agree with the rules sent forth by the list owners, you should quietly bow out, and go find another list that fits your tastes better. OBBuffy: Is it just me, or is it really dangerous for Buffy to get involved with a blond guy? - -Terrie - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 10:14:14 -0500 (EST) From: JACYNTHE Subject: BUFFY: Dancing can be dangerous! :) On Tue, 30 Dec 1997, Terrie wrote: > OBBuffy: Is it just me, or is it really dangerous for Buffy to get > involved with a blond guy? Actually, I was thinking that Buffy ought to start developing a phobia about school dances. There was the dance from the movie...then the dance from OOS, OOM, then the Spring Fling, the dance for the exchange students in IMG...all resulting in various forms of disaster for our slayer. You'd think that by now she'd be a bit leery of the things. ~Jacynthe Keeper of: the song in Angel's heart, Giles' mouse pad, Dru's Miss Edith doll*GASP!* and a variety of other fandoms "Gra, Dilseacht agus Cairdeas" - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 09:20:04 -0600 From: Kasey Johns Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spoilers (maybe) At 10:44 PM 12/29/97 -0500, you wrote: >Spoilers (definitely) >20 >19 >18 >17 >16 >15 >14 >13 >12 >11 >9 >8 >7 >6 >5 >4 >3 >2 >1 >Ok, I for one think that it is Angel that will betray Buffy. Here's what I'm thinkin'. It's going to be Jenny - it's the only plot line that I've explored, but it all makes sense, with the previous rumors we've heard about her being a gypsy queen, taking Angel's soul back, etc., etc. It just all falls into place. And anyways, I don't think Buffy has complete trust in Angel, still to this day. I mean, what he did to Dru was a little unsettling, I'm sure. (even tho she probably deserved getting thrown into insanity). Plus, Angel turning on the Slayer would be too predictable. And we all know Joss - he's sure as heck NOT predictable. Kasey - Personal ICQ #5770018 E-Mail Express - BuffyICQ/Chatroom #5487411 Buffy-Stargame List Owner, BuffyICQ Admin, and Keeper of Willow's 9-gig HD - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slayerville - join the revolution today. Bad vampires bite your neck. Good vampires bite other parts of your body. --SMG on MTV Live, 11/21/97 - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 09:19:04 -0600 From: Kasey Johns Subject: Re: BUFFY: spoilers maybe? At 10:10 PM 12/29/97 EST, you wrote: >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > > >S >P >A >C >E > >Anyway did anyone else notice during the previews, when they said that someone >that buffy knows and trust will betray her, they showed every person, even >cordelia, but they didn't show willow? I don't know if it was an accident or >not, but it kind of gets you wondering, doesn't it? I mean if you were going >to pick the most unlikely person that you think would betray buffy, don't you >think it would be willow? Nah, I'm thinking it'll be either Jenny or (God forbid) Giles. Will has been the only "friend" of Buffy's that hasn't turned on her (even for a short while) yet. Willow's unlikely and innocent... TOO innocent. It'll take one heck of a plot twist to put those two on non-speaking terms. >But, onto another topic I really really like this episode. It has my *fave* >willow quote in it. "It's not a date, it's a caffeinated (sp) beverage" The non-relationship drink of choice. *g* >Anyone know what next weeks ep is? Inca Mummy Girl, 5v04 - our dear friend Xander gets in trouble with girls, again... first praying manti (is that right?), then mummified Incan princesses.... sheesh... Kasey - Personal ICQ #5770018 E-Mail Express - BuffyICQ/Chatroom #5487411 Buffy-Stargame List Owner, BuffyICQ Admin, and Keeper of Willow's 9-gig HD - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slayerville - join the revolution today. Bad vampires bite your neck. Good vampires bite other parts of your body. --SMG on MTV Live, 11/21/97 - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 09:32:44 -0600 From: Kasey Johns Subject: Re: BUFFY: SPOILERS?? Did you see what I saw? At 11:23 PM 12/29/97 EST, you wrote: >Me, too. But I've got to say BOY I'M PSYCHED!! Can't wait. But I'm worried. >What's up with Drusilla and the knife at Angel's throat????? Just one little >problem, I didn't catch the date this is running. Can someone repeat? January 19 @ 9pm ET/8pm CT January 20 @ 8pm ET/7pm CT Kasey - Personal ICQ #5770018 E-Mail Express - BuffyICQ/Chatroom #5487411 Buffy-Stargame List Owner, BuffyICQ Admin, and Keeper of Willow's 9-gig HD - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slayerville - join the revolution today. Bad vampires bite your neck. Good vampires bite other parts of your body. --SMG on MTV Live, 11/21/97 - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 09:19:57 -0600 From: Kasey Johns Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Casts' Birthdays At 10:31 PM 12/29/97 -0500, you wrote: >Of course there's a college there.....established by tonite's Ep, >Reptile Boy. Sounds like we got 5 more years of this show in the bag. *g* After college, we could have a problem, tho... hmmmmm... Kasey - Personal ICQ #5770018 E-Mail Express - BuffyICQ/Chatroom #5487411 Buffy-Stargame List Owner, BuffyICQ Admin, and Keeper of Willow's 9-gig HD - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slayerville - join the revolution today. Bad vampires bite your neck. Good vampires bite other parts of your body. --SMG on MTV Live, 11/21/97 - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 09:28:35 -0600 From: Kasey Johns Subject: Re: BUFFY: Ok, already At 11:01 PM 12/29/97 -0600, you wrote: >When discussions of a non-list nature come up like one did recently, >it's their responsibilty to step in and politely say "Hey cool it." Keith... I'm forced to agree with the statements above. Sure, inflexibility can be a problem, but... it's not big enough yet that people are leaving because of it. sah, Jill, you're doing a good job... *g* And, now, back to our regularly scheduled ObBuffy: >A >C >T >U >N >G >! >S >P >O >I >L >E >R >S >So Willow was left off the Usual Suspects list. That's a biggie. My >heart is breaking at the thought of the Girl From Sunnydale Most Likely >To Topple Microsoft might betray the Big S(layer). I still don't see a valid plot line coming out of this. There's possibilities, but I just don't see Bill Gates' mortal enemy turning on her best friend. *g* >Maybe it'll just end up being a robot version of Willow. Like there would be a >villian who was a robot... ;) Hey, they could use the parts Willow still has from Ted's remains... scary! >Also, does the WB get reprimanded for not putting SPOILERS before their >preview? Just a question... ;) I almost feel they should be. Watching that preview was one season's worth of hell in 60 seconds. *g* Kasey - Personal ICQ #5770018 E-Mail Express - BuffyICQ/Chatroom #5487411 Buffy-Stargame List Owner, BuffyICQ Admin, and Keeper of Willow's 9-gig HD - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slayerville - join the revolution today. Bad vampires bite your neck. Good vampires bite other parts of your body. --SMG on MTV Live, 11/21/97 - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 09:32:59 -0600 From: Kasey Johns Subject: Re: BUFFY: Speculation- Possible SPOILERS At 11:13 PM 12/29/97 -0500, you wrote: >J >U >S >T >I >N >C >A >S >E >H >E >R >E >' >S >S >P >O >I >L >E >R >S >P >A >C >E >A lot of space there....Anyway...Regarding who is gonna turn on Buffy, I >was thinking either Willow or Ms. Calendar, cause they weren't shown >with everyone else, but don't forget about Dru's one tarot card of >Angel, from WML. (The one that showed the Angel falling) You're right, sorta... did the Angel falling mean this upcoming thing, or could it have been applied to the whole "save Dru" ritual? That's where I would tend to place my bet... Kasey - Personal ICQ #5770018 E-Mail Express - BuffyICQ/Chatroom #5487411 Buffy-Stargame List Owner, BuffyICQ Admin, and Keeper of Willow's 9-gig HD - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slayerville - join the revolution today. Bad vampires bite your neck. Good vampires bite other parts of your body. --SMG on MTV Live, 11/21/97 - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 09:33:11 -0600 From: Kasey Johns Subject: Re: BUFFY: SPOILERS?? Did you see what I saw? At 12:16 AM 12/30/97 EST, you wrote: >No, it's the 18th and the 19th Wrong and wrong. It's the 19th at 9 and the 20th at 8, as the 20th has Buffy starting off The WB's "New Tuesday", as the lead-in to Dawson's Creek. The chances of Buffy returning to Sunday nights is nil until summer reruns start up again, June 2 will probably be the season finale, and June 7 we might get some reruns going on Sunday night (or a couple weeks after). Kasey - Personal ICQ #5770018 E-Mail Express - BuffyICQ/Chatroom #5487411 Buffy-Stargame List Owner, BuffyICQ Admin, and Keeper of Willow's 9-gig HD - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slayerville - join the revolution today. Bad vampires bite your neck. Good vampires bite other parts of your body. --SMG on MTV Live, 11/21/97 - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 11:52:55 EST From: CatDancer8 Subject: BUFFY: Spoilers (addition to last) Sorry bout the last message, I accidentally deleted all the good stuff. SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS Okay, back to where I left off. Angel is the one doing the turning. HE gets his soul back and turns on her. We do know Drusilla gets strong, probally to be see even in Bad Eggs. Spike, may still be in rehab. Anyone know how Buffy was thrown off the pier??? It looked like someone threw her, someone like Drusilla, they would have to be really strong since she did a complete flip before going over the railing. Then Angel saves her, and he tells her he loves her. I can't figure out how it all works out. I think that something comes to Angel in a dream and he wakes up, Somehow, they end up either at the bronze or at the Wherehouse...I couldn't tell. Then Angel is used as bait for something. However, we don't know if he had switched over or not. Wouldn't it be sad if Angel switches over before him and buffy, you know. She'll be tramatized forever. Also, I want to know how her friends are going to handle this...Hello, the previews all happened at night and covered like five minutes of the 2 hour-long shows. As you can see, I really like to analize the shows. I think it's fun. I just hope this whole sleeping thing doesn't ruin the show. I mean, this show is still fairly new and breaking into the world of TV, if they go and turn her into a sex-crazed teenager or something like that, the show will be history...and I really don't want that. Buffy has an immage to fill with younger kids and teens. I just hope that they keep it tasteful and not like what Dawson's Creek is going to be like. TV doesn't need another Valerie Malone (From 90210) Okay, that's all my analizing for now, keep posted to my web page for more! - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 09:08:54 -0800 From: Aliesha Wallach Subject: Re: BUFFY: Did you see what I think I saw? MR MARK A WENTWORTH wrote: > When > Angel says;"This could get interesting ", is he wearing his "game > face"? It was dark shadow, ("Dark Shadows" - get it?) his profile > sure looked like he was wearing his "game face". I seem to remember that he *was* in "grr" mode, not because I actually saw his face way back in all those dark, romantic shadows but because I noticed that his speech was kind of slurred and sibilant, which would mean that either he's been carrying a flask inside that cool black jacket of his or he's got the fangs in. I haven't rewatched it yet (Don't tell. I think that might be illegal for listmembers.) so I can't be sure, but I remember thinking so at the time. So, given that this seems to be the virginity-losing episode and a two-parter "someone she trusts will betray her" thing to boot, I'm seriously expecting the whole "Next week, on a very special Buffy..." thing on one of these previews. I know Joss has said that that wasn't going to happen, but didn't we all take that to mean that they weren't going to have a whole episode revolve around the virginity thing, and doesn't it look like that's what's going to happen? -Aliesha GASP! - Keeper of the Hot Plate, Keeper of Buffy's Bad Lemonade, Keeper of Willow's Robot Part Kleptomania, Keeper of Ethan stuff *place witty quote here* - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 12:32:13 -0500 (EST) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: BUFFY: Join the East Coast Crew Everyone in the Eastern Time Zone rejoice! There is a club for you! The Buffy Crew is a collection of dedicated fans of the show BTVS and all its actors that meet and talk about our favortie show. We have 60 plus members and our goal is to get more appearances by the cast on the East Coast. Check out the URL below on how to join! And for the entire Xmission list...stay tuned to the Crew as we go through a MAJOR change in January for the big move to Tuesday nights. missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 13:00:06 -0500 From: Subject: BUFFY: Preview info. Just wanted to say thanks to all of you that wrote in about the preview for January. I didn't watch Buffy last night because I knew it was a repeat, but when I heard I had missed the promo, I freaked. It's a good thing I can count on you guys to pull me through!! I cannot wait until the 18th!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Again~ Sunflower - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 13:34:59 -0500 From: Kumba Subject: BUFFY: Buffy Who ever said that buffy was a virgin? Did they say in a show. I thought that she wasn't in the movie. People have said that the show picks up from the movie, or atleast some things. Well thats all. ^JeNnY^ - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 13:22:55 EST From: Anglkissz Subject: Re: BUFFY: spoilers maybe? In a message dated 97-12-29 22:26:36 EST, Xspeedy99X@AOL.COM writes: << S P O I L E R S P A C E Anyway did anyone else notice during the previews, when they said that someone that buffy knows and trust will betray her, they showed every person, even cordelia, but they didn't show willow? I don't know if it was an accident or not, but it kind of gets you wondering, doesn't it? I mean if you were going to pick the most unlikely person that you think would betray buffy, don't you think it would be willow? >> So maybe the rumors about Angel & Willow (which I thought were ridiculous) are true!!!???? (you know them getting together) But I didn't get to see the preview, I'm just going from what I'm reading from you guys wrote. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 13:19:58 EST From: Buffy13776 Subject: Re: BUFFY: mysteries of the unexplained In a message dated 97-12-30 09:13:47 EST, writes: << when Xander skips three classes, where does he go? What does he do? >> Hmmmm.... my friend Mike skips a lot. He hangs out in the library or the lunchroom, whichever is going on that sounds more intersting to him. He couldn't roam the halls (at least not at my school, there are teachers that patrol). Maybe Sunnydale is different? Sara - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 14:07:44, -0500 From: (MR MARK A WENTWORTH) Subject: BUFFY: The Usual Suspects. Preview already broadcast. The narrator said "Buffy and Angel's relationship changes forever". Well, unless you had your nose in the 'frig, it appears Buffy and Angel did the nasty. First, having sex before marriage is not the wisest thing in the world, but how many 16 year old girls are wise? Second, it could only be a dream. It's been done to death. Also, "someone she trusts will betray her". Let's play Randy and Dewey: Eliminate the obvious, Angel. Next Xander and Cordelia. They are pretty stupid in their own right, but TOGETHER? If one of them betrays Buffy, it might not be intentional. That leaves the Watcher, Giles. If Buffy is sleeping with the enemy, Giles must follow a higher calling to protect the world from vampires, demons, and the forces of darkness. We have only to wait for three more excruciating slow weeks until Jan. 19. The truth is out there. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 14:24:44 -0500 (EST) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: Re: BUFFY: spoilers maybe? On Tue, 30 Dec 1997, Anglkissz wrote: > In a message dated 97-12-29 22:26:36 EST, Xspeedy99X@AOL.COM writes: > > << S > P > O > I > L > E > R > > > S > P > A > C > E > > > Anyway did anyone else notice during the previews, when they said that > someone > that buffy knows and trust will betray her, they showed every person, even > cordelia, but they didn't show willow? I don't know if it was an accident or You forgot Miss Calendar!!!! Correlation..this is when she drives Angel nuts and takes off the curse. missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 14:09:54 EST From: S E Caban Subject: Re: BUFFY: spoilers maybe? In a message dated 97-12-30 11:03:05 EST, you write: > Willow's unlikely and innocent... TOO innocent. It'll take one heck of a > plot twist to put those two on non-speaking terms. > S O M E P O S S I B L E S P O L I E R S Actually guys you know she won't be it because she will be turning in bad eggs. She then becomes the bad girl. Now they can't do two bad girls in a row can they??? I don't think it would be nick because he kinda did that in the Pack unless he turns because he is jealous... That might be a possibility. The green eyed monster can be a powereful force. Giles they did the dark past thing with ethan and he just wants to forget that and i don't think they are gonna go for that. there is a laugh....what is she gonna do??? She is way to self centered to betray anyone unless it is in her own needs. Try to imagine her betraying buffy. Some of you guys can but i really can't. Angel now there is something of interest. I kinda saw a clue but you have to look at it a certain way. Well angel might give up his soul to save buffy. He turns bad because of Jenny the Gypsy. Things are gonna get interesting said by angel with his game face on close to buffy. In the shadows... A feeling of evil here????? I think so. I sure hope he doesn't change because i kinda liked him as the good guy but i really wouldn't mind if he turned for a couple episodes. Great to see the dark side of Angelus. SE My always weird opinions that nobody agrees with. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 14:14:28 EST From: S E Caban Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spoilers (maybe) In a message dated 97-12-30 11:03:06 EST, you write: > And we all know Joss - > he's sure as heck NOT predictable. Maybe he slightly is. Or maybe he wants us to know. Like i had been talking to my friends and they are like Joss==Evil right?? Well he has a devilish mind and it is angel. None of us know how. And maybe he throws a freaky twist in there. Who really knows what goes on in his mind.... SE Not trying to dis the almighty god of the buffyverse. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 14:30:12 EST From: S E Caban Subject: BUFFY: Download preview > I'm sure Flagg will hvae the preview up to download very soon(he always > does)so u can look for it at: I am sorry but this is not true. He missed the preview while watching the bulls game. I can understand why because he is human and well i am a bulls fan and live in the chicagoland area. SE - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 14:25:38 EST From: S E Caban Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy In a message dated 97-12-30 13:39:42 EST, you write: > People have said that the show picks up from > the movie, or atleast some things. Well thats all. > ^JeNnY^ > A few things. Many don't know that they took Joss piece of art and changed ALOT of it. They took away the dram an horror from it. They mostly had comedy and Joss was not real happy. The show is EXACTLY the way he wants it. You guys that compare the show and the movie don't. Because they are to really different and Joss only picked few of the things that he wanted from the movie. She was a senior in the movie she is a junior in the show. Well the show is more exact wiht what joss wants so don't compare. SE - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 14:26:14 EST From: Courtjes5 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Funniest Episodes Buffychic4 said: I think this ep has so many great quotes -- Willow's "It's the non- relationship bevarage of choice. It's not a date, it's a caffeinated beverage." You see that one a lot, but I don't remember hearing Xander's (in response to the drinking and "bad stuff" ;) that happen at frat parties) "Since when do they have orgies and why aren't I on the mailing list?" I almost died, partly because my niece was semi-watching the show, luckily she didn't ask what they are.... Also, does NE1 know what website posts stuff about the soundtrack, 'cuz the song that they played during the frat dance & then at Bronze at the end is great--I remember (vaguely) dancing to it in the past and would really like to get a copy. If NE1 knows who sang it or what that website is, please LMK. _CJ_ "The best part about life is it's just that. Nothing more, nothing less." - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 14:28:28 EST From: S E Caban Subject: Re: BUFFY: The Usual Suspects. In a message dated 97-12-30 14:18:57 EST, you write: > t appears Buffy and > Angel did the nasty. First, having sex before marriage is not the Umm wait till the show to say if they did it or not. I have been told that they will not do it and that it does come up but no. It doesn't go the whole nine yards. But i really can't say because then i would be a hippocrite(sp?) so just wait till the show. SE - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 14:06:11 -0600 From: Subject: Re[2]: BUFFY: Funniest Episodes CJ remembered: >>"Since when do they have orgies and why aren't I on the mailing >>list?" The funny thing was, it *was* an orgy. Half-naked wild dancing, S&M; and he *didin't like it*. Maybe orgies are like adventures, they're better when they happen far away to somebody else :-> Mia I *LOVE* this show! - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 12:22:34 -0800 (PST) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Small Article: And Somewhere, A Moth is Screaming Found this on the TVG site AND SOMEWHERE, A MOTH IS SCREAMING "Never mind the crosses and the silver bullets," Anthony Stewart Head jokes. His secret weapon on the set of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Mondays, 9 p.m./ET, the WB) is a pocketful of mothballs. The actor, who plays Buffy's Watcher, Rupert Giles, tells our Jeanne Wolf that the smell helped him get into character: "A while back I was doing a stage play. Somebody had given me this enormous bottle of aftershave, and I'm not a great aftershave user. But I thought it might be interesting for this character, and I splashed some on. And it was a very interesting experience because as I was looking in the mirror, the last thing I would put on was this smell, which was not my own. So I've started this regime of finding a smell for each new character I do." Fine. But mothballs? "It's just that I was thinking of Giles, and I thought immediately of musty old books. And the closest I could come was mothballs. But it did mean that a few people passed out when they were standing next to me, so I had to stop using them." Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey, Paul Wylie, Anthony S. Head, & Buffy-Beta Lists Pres. of Giles' Appreciation Society Panters - GASP!- Keeper of Coats & Ties Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) About What Fans Sent Him in the Mail: "Fair amount of lingerie, yeah, all of which I tried, none of which fitted" - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V1 #528 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (