From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #9 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Monday, January 5 1998 Volume 02 : Number 009 In this issue: BUFFY: ADMIN: Housekeeping & Netiquette Re: Re: BUFFY: Re: Shakespeare & Joyce BUFFY: back on list, names Re: BUFFY: Angel mailing llists? Re: BUFFY: SMG's attitude BUFFY: nickel on Indie Outing Re: BUFFY: RE: do the do BUFFY: re:why are vampires bloodaholics? Re: BUFFY: Unhappily Ever After Spoof BUFFY: new york city BUFFY: Question? BUFFY: Re: I will be SO disappointed: (was: Buffy stays a virgin BUFFY: what is Buffy's *real* name BUFFY: Giles BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #8 Re: BUFFY: I will be SO disappointed: (was: Buffy stays a virgin Re: BUFFY: I will be SO disappointed: (was: Buffy stays a virgin Re: BUFFY: Buffy and Donna BUFFY:all vamps are different Re: BUFFY: 1-800-COLLECT Winner Re: BUFFY: SPOILERS Re: BUFFY: Question? BUFFY: Buffy Re: BUFFY: RE: do the do Re: BUFFY: ?'s, books, etc. BUFFY: Keeper of Willow's ? Re: BUFFY: Buffy Re: BUFFY: Keeper of Willow's ? BUFFY: Preview Speculation BUFFY: the master BUFFY:SPECULATION-SPOILERS FOR JAN 19 EPS. Re: BUFFY: I will be SO disappointed: (was: Buffy stays a virgin BUFFY: Join the East Coast Crew See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 12:36:13 -0500 From: sah Subject: BUFFY: ADMIN: Housekeeping & Netiquette HOUSEKEEPING If you're leaving for an extended period of time and won't have email address, please uns*bscribe from the list. Otherwise, your mailbox fills up, generates bounce messages at the administrative address, and we will have to uns*bscribe you anyway. >From time to time addresses start bouncing. This happens for a number of reasons: 1. Full mailbox This affects AOL users the most, though I think it's a factor for Juno users and Hotmail users as well. You are given a limited amount of mailbox space and when that fills up, messages start bouncing. 2. System down ISP servers go down for various reasons, such as maintainence, hardware failures, etc. If you stop receiving list mail chances are you've been uns*bscribed due to bouncing. Neither Jill nor I would ever uns*bscribe anyone for rule violations without letting them know what's happening. To see if you've been uns*bscribed, your best bet is to send a s*bscription request to the xmission majordomo. If you've been uns*bscribed this will s*bscribe you. Otherwise you'll get a note back saying you're s*bscribed. You can also contact either sah or Jill (addresses below) for h*lp. NEIQUETTE Again, please check your To: fields carefully. Please include the name and email address of the person you're quoting, and double check to make sure you have your attributions correct. At a minimum, please put your name and email address somewhere in the body of your email in case anyone wants to contact you off list. Some mailers strip this information out of headers. I think that's it, Jill Kirby ( & sah ( Listowners, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Mailing List - - - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 05:39:34 +1100 From: Evan Harris Subject: Re: Re: BUFFY: Re: Shakespeare & Joyce - --------------94E10C6E6C4A50EE6BB192F3 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Christopher B. Castro wrote: >One could also pose the question (and have) of whether any members of >Giles' family are or have been Watchers, such as his father, and if not, >why. At the end of NKABOTFD Giles is telling Buffy how his father told him he was destined to be a watcher from the age of ten. He also tells that not only was his father a watcher but his father's mother was also a watcher - --------------94E10C6E6C4A50EE6BB192F3 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Christopher B. Castro wrote:
>One could also pose the question (and have) of whether any members of
>Giles' family are or have been Watchers, such as his father, and if not,

At the end of NKABOTFD Giles is telling Buffy how his father told him he was destined to be a watcher from the age of ten. He also tells that not only was his father a watcher but his father's mother was also a watcher - --------------94E10C6E6C4A50EE6BB192F3-- - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 12:53:28 -0600 From: (Marzee Eckhoff) Subject: BUFFY: back on list, names It's good to be back! I had to uns*b over the holidays and am just now getting back into the swing of things. I'm very bummed I missed the Chicago Buffy-fest at Mia's. Thanks, I am feeling better. Maybe I just need a new best friend who isn't a germ magnet. Or maybe I should just drink out of my own can of pop. Anyway, I hope the group gets together again. Keep me posted. Watched Reptile Boy again last week and the previews looked great. I'm glad IMG is the last rerun for awhile. And even in IMG, I saw some looks between Xander and Cordy. How was I so blind not to see the romance brewing there all season? About the name thing - I went to college with a girl named Buffy, but it was a nickname from Elizabeth. But since the name Buffy is on her official school records, I'd say Joyce was still drugged from delivery when she named her. Cute note : saw an article asking what celebrities wanted for Christmas. Jerry O'Connell from Scream 2 said "a date with Sarah Michelle Gellar" Glad to be back! Marzee - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 11:08:42 -0800 (PST) From: "N. Galuzo" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel mailing llists? Hi, I just joined the list. There is another mailing list that is about angel called Angellovers. You can go to the home page of Coollist ( and type in your e-mail address and the password angellovers or angellover (I'm not sure). Anyway, I've been on that list for about four months now, and it has major b=problems with it. It can just stop sending you messages even though you are still subscribed, I think that this is the problem of Coollist, but anyway. The list is very good in the contents and is mainly about Angel. So go ahead and sign up. Natalya. On Sat, 3 Jan 1998, PURPLE LADY wrote: > Godd morning everyone. > I am looking for any mailinglists regarding Angel. > If you know of any please e-mail me off list. > thanks. > > > > -- > > Willow: "Okay, here's something I gotta' know. When Angel kissed > you...I mean, before he turned was it?" > Buffy: "Unbelievable." > > > > - > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 13:09:25 -0600 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: SMG's attitude My $.02 is that I've seen her on a couple of TV interviews and she seems very genuine and pleasant, and NOT full of herself. Does that mean she never gets cross about anything? I don't think so. Does it mean that I know everything about her? Not likely. But, I think that unless we get much clearer evidence that she's nasty, uncooperative, discontented, or whatever else people are going on about here, we should simply assume that we *don't know* and go back to worrying about whether Buffy actually does the prone polka with a vampire . Mia I *LOVE* this show! - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 15:45:45 EST From: DaisyFoo14 Subject: BUFFY: nickel on Indie Outing ObBuffy: I just watched the Indie Outing thing from MTV, and nickel's Stupid Thing video was shown for about a minute (or less) as one of the videos that came in the mail. The video was of the band performing in pajamas on the roof of a house (actually, on top of a few houses). It wasn't in black and white, but kinda blue-ish tinted, pretty groovy. No Buffy clips, though. (Of what I saw.) Is that Cinemafan-howeverit'sspelled magazine in stores now? Is a Buffy- related pic on the cover? If not, what's on the cover? IMG again.........oh, well.......I'll watch for the Bad Eggs preview. Alli C's cell phone,sparkle purse, light blue silk dress, X's Tweety Bird watch,Scooby Doo Shirt, robe in trash, newspaper @ Bronze, B's pur-pink lamp,green sunglasses,suitcases, W's light blue rolly hat, maroon quarterback shirt, Joyce's earrings, "Effective Parenting" tapes, watch, Giles' dict. stand, Jenny's circle-chain belt. "Think of something cool, tell him I said it."-Buffy,PG - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 16:00:42 EST From: SUGARMAG77 Subject: Re: BUFFY: RE: do the do I think that we all have to face up to the fact that Buffy is a teenage girl in America. Regardless of our own personal opinions on the subject, it would be wrong of Joss and the rest of the Buffy Crew to disregard the various issues surrounding Buff's sexuality. Nearly every teenager in America, at least with a boy/girl friend, has at some point got to come to a decision about it. If we are to believe that she's an otherwise normal teenage girl, why should she be any different? Just my opinion, but I couldn't let it go unsaid. Kate Keeper of lil'Buffy's Nerf Dartboard Keeper of Willow's Library Explosion Keeper of Cordelia's Barbie Dream Car - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 16:09:01 EST From: SUGARMAG77 Subject: BUFFY: re:why are vampires bloodaholics? I've read a lot of different vampire lore, and the best explanation I can find for the blood sucking is in Anne Rice's Queen of the Damned. She explains that vampires were initially the product of a demon that was loyal to these twin sisters. When these sisters were captured, he went psycho. In his attempt at freeing them he began biting Isis, then queen of Egypt and the twins' captor. He became a little overzealous, and killed her. This was an opportunity for this demon, actually he was more of a rude "spirit", who had always desired a physical form. He quickly took hold of the dead body. This synthesis some how got screwed up, and he was forced to drink the blood of others in order to maintain the body's functioning. It was the only way for him to ingest actual nutrients. I could be wrong on a few details ( I haven't read the book in about 2 and a half years), but that's the basic jist of it. Kate Keeper of: Lil'Buffy's Nerf Dartboard, Willow's Library Explosion, Cordelia's Barbie Dream Car - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 16:17:00 EST From: SUGARMAG77 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Unhappily Ever After Spoof I think the thing about Unhappily is that it does not even approach intelligence. They have writers that are either lazy or stupid, who refuse to challenge themselves or the audience. Looney Toons was not consciously marketed towards people with brains, but gathered an audience. Unhappily is a prime time show designed, theoretically, for people over the age of 12. It is for this reason it is such a disappointment. Married With The Children, the show Unhappily tries to rip off, was not only funny, but periodically made a statement. Like it or not, it presented us with our own stereotypes, in the form of a grotesque. You could laugh at these people, but somewhere underneath you could always find the truth. Unhappily is a show of cheap gags, mixed with big tits and short skirts. It underestimates it's target audience and it's actual audience. But, sometimes, even I will watch it for a cheap laugh. I ask only that people differ between good and funny. Sometimes they coincide (Buffy), sometimes they don't (Unhappily). I know this was a little off topic, but I needed to say it. Kate Keeper of Lil'Buffy's Nerf Dartboard Keeper of Willow's Library Explosion Keeper of Cordelia's Barbie Dream Car - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 16:36:18 EST From: SUGARMAG77 Subject: BUFFY: new york city Just a question that's a tad off topic, okay totally. I just wondered how many of us are from NYC or the surrounding area. Kate( Keeper of lil' Buffy's Nerf Dartboard Keeper of Willow's Library Explosion Keeper of Cordelia's Barbie Dream Car - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 16:02:32 -0600 (CST) From: Kelly White Subject: BUFFY: Question? I was wondering, where do Buffy and company eat lunch at?? Do they just hang in the library during lunch?? Kelly J. White SIUE Computer Support and Service - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 17:59:09 -0500 From: "Brenda" Subject: BUFFY: Re: I will be SO disappointed: (was: Buffy stays a virgin - ---------- > What will bother me *a lot*, though, is if Angel is able to just > poof!, no problem! make love to her. Since Joss > showed that just heavy kissing could vamp Angel > out, I don't see how he's going to get all the way to the Big O > without losing control of his demon side. > > Seems to me that safe sex with Angel involves a steel choker for > Buffy. (Hmmm, well, it *might* work!) I know I left a lot of this in without shortening it according to the rules but it was just to funny to cut out anymore. Mia, you made me almost pee my pants from laughing especially the part about the steel choker. Now I'll be watching with a whole new perspective if they do to see if Angel is howling at the moon afterwards. Thanks for the laugh!!!!! Brenda - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Jan 1998 18:00:36 -0500 From: twofangs/randi spiegel Subject: BUFFY: what is Buffy's *real* name Just thought I'd add my few cents to the Buffy/name discussion... The only people whom I've ever met that went by the name of "Buffy"...did so because their real name was "Elizabeth." But...when we saw Buffy's school did say _Buffy_ didn't maybe the character's name really is "Buffy"... fading back into yesterday before tomorrow comes, Randi (who always gets asked what Randi is short for...but it says Randi on my birth certificate and on my school records :) Toronto, Ontario, Canada *what scares you most will set you free* - Robyn Hitchcock *doubt is not a pleasant condition...but certainty is an absurd one* - -Voltaire - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 16:20:51 EST From: SUGARMAG77 Subject: BUFFY: Giles In answer, Chris, Giles father and grandmother ( I think it might be the other way round though) were watchers. He says so at the end of NKABOTFD. Kate Keeper of: Lil'Buffy's Nerf Dartboard, Willow's Library Explosion, Cordelia's Barbie Dream Car - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Jan 1998 17:09:38 -0600 From: "joy v. cantrelle" Subject: BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #8 > }:)> Chris 2 **BABS Loremaster** > One could also pose the question (and have) of whether any members of > Giles' family are or have been Watchers, such as his father, and if not, > why. After the episode when giles said that his father and grandmother/father (i don't remember) were both watchers, i assumed that it was hereditary, like most people right? but then kendra comes along and she has her own watcher, who apparently was not related to giles. i don't get it. ashley - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 16:25:49 EST From: SUGARMAG77 Subject: Re: BUFFY: I will be SO disappointed: (was: Buffy stays a virgin Before we get all twitchy about Angel's other face, let's consider Part One of "What's My Line". Buffy and Angel made out while he was all "grrr..." Just a thought. Kate Keeper of: Lil'Buffy's Nerf Dartboard, Willow's Library Explosion, Cordelia's Barbie Dream Car - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Jan 1998 18:40:36 -0500 From: Mark Subject: Re: BUFFY: I will be SO disappointed: (was: Buffy stays a virgin SUGARMAG77 wrote: > Before we get all twitchy about Angel's other face, let's consider Part One of > "What's My Line". Buffy and Angel made out while he was all "grrr..." Angel first objected, saying, "you shouldn't have to touch me when I'm like this." And then Buffy said, quietly -- maybe the most romantic statement in the whole series -- "I didn't notice." - -- - ------------------------------------ "it could be's not, though." - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 19:01:55 EST From: Kemilla Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy and Donna << Anyway, my comment is I think the show needs more spice in it to make it a blast. Lately the eps have been mediocre, therefore, the sex thing makes it real cool!! >> Anyone that thinks that sex on tv makes a huge difference is *so* missing the point of Buffytvs. Don't you think it would be a lot cooler if Buffy & Angel didnt jump into bed right away (like most people), and ruin it? One thing I really like about the X-files is that M&S have NEVER kissed or had sex, but they really care about each other & are so sweet to each other, which just builds the "sexual tension" in the show, and sex just seems like something that would get in the way. I just saw the movie "As Good As It Gets", and one of the lines was :"Did you & Simon have sex?!", "No, even better. He held me, and it was just what I needed." I think sex is way overrated on just be near someone & not be alone is sometimes alot better than the best sex. i'm only 20 but I still don't see what the huge deal with sex on tv & movies is..and I'm starting to sound like a romance novel (gag). - -alissa - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 19:07:53 EST From: Kemilla Subject: BUFFY:all vamps are different It's kind of hard to go off other books & movies about vampires to decide what a vampire can & cannot do. For one thing, vampires are fictional & everyone has there own opinions about how they "work". In "Dracula",& BtVS vampires cant be near crosses, but in "Interview w/the Vampire", they liked them, and could not be woken during the day, while in BtVS vampires never seem to sleep, even during the day. Even how you become a vampire is so varied in all the movies..some you have to suck their blood, some you just get bitten. It really just depends on who is writing the script, and how they imagine a vampire would be. - -alissa << actually a vampire can procreate.... it's called a vampeer. I don't know how, but when a child is made between a mortal and the undead a half human half vampire is created-- a vampeer. actually a vampeer doesn't need blood but still hungers for it and is minimally affected by sunlight. for more information on this subject rent a video called Vampire Hunter D or read Marvel comics with a character named Blade >> - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 20:00:42 EST From: Kemilla Subject: Re: BUFFY: 1-800-COLLECT Winner THERE WAS A CONTEST?? To be an extra on Btvs??!! to be on the same set as Angel....oh, and the rest of the gang???!! ::whimper:: why why why do I always miss out on the coolest stuff.... :;sob:: - -alissa - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 19:57:38 EST From: Kemilla Subject: Re: BUFFY: SPOILERS << Carrying around eggs as part of a health-class experiment on parenting, the gang becomes strangely attached to their new "babies," while Buffy and Angel (David Boreanaz) scramble to find a pair of cowboy vampires---and some time alone. Also, Xander and Cordy begin to crack when they realize their longing for each other. >> Wait..I thought Xander & Cordilia already realized their longing for each other in WML...???? - -alissa - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 20:31:19 -0500 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Question? On Mon, 5 Jan 1998 16:02:32 -0600 (CST) Kelly White writes: > >I was wondering, where do Buffy and company eat lunch at?? Do they >just hang in the library during lunch?? In the first season there was a lunchroom that they ate in (Shown at least in NKABOTFD, and the lunch line was a part of "Teacher's Pet.) I'm not sure if it has been used since. =============================================================== A Message from the Grand Nagus AKA Latinum Racer and Shadam - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Jan 1998 20:32:38 -0500 From: Debbie Haigh Subject: BUFFY: Buffy When is Sarah Michelle Gellar's birthday? - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 20:13:15 EST From: Kemilla Subject: Re: BUFFY: RE: do the do That's the problem with teenagers...they're so afraid of doing something different than what everyone else does....theyr'e like their own little universe..made of identical robots. I hope Buffy has a little more personality than to go with the "well, everyone else is doing it" cop-out.... I'm sorry if I sound kinda mad..I've just been dealing with some immature teens lateley. - -alissa << I think that we all have to face up to the fact that Buffy is a teenage girl in America. Regardless of our own personal opinions on the subject, it would be wrong of Joss and the rest of the Buffy Crew to disregard the various issues surrounding Buff's sexuality. Nearly every teenager in America, at least with a boy/girl friend, has at some point got to come to a decision about it. If we are to believe that she's an otherwise normal teenage girl, why should she be any different? Just my opinion, but I couldn't let it go unsaid. >> - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Jan 1998 18:48:38 -0800 From: Dawn Subject: Re: BUFFY: ?'s, books, etc. S E Caban wrote: > In a message dated 98-01-03 13:47:33 EST, you write: > Bad Eggs > S > p > o > i > l > e > r > or > s > y > n > o > p > s > i > s > >From what i have heard is that Alyson gets eggs attached to her spine and she > like becomes evil. Can't wait to see Aly as a bad girl. It is about time. Actually, I just checked TVGuide Online, and this is what they had to say: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Mon, Jan 12 9:00pm KOFY Carrying around eggs as part of a health-class experiment on parenting, the gang becomes strangely attached to their new "babies," while Buffy and Angel (David Boreanaz) scramble to find a pair of cowboy vampires---and some time alone. Also, Xander and Cordy begin to crack when they realize their longing for each other. Buffy: Sarah Michelle Gellar. Willow: Alyson Hannigan. Joyce: Kristine Sutherland. Giles: Anthony S. Head. Cordelia: Charisma Carpenter. Sounds interesting. At least it will pass the time between now and the 19th. I just cant wait for that episode. Dawn- Presidential Advisor of Subjects of Buffonia, Secretary of Willites and Buffaholics Anonymous, GASPer, BABSer, Keeper of: Giles' Chess Pieces, Angel's Window Shades, Buffy's Happyface Backpack and Crystal Necklace, Willow's Flower Earrings and Lava Lamp "I've always been in love with you; I guess you've always known it's true. You took my love for granted, why, oh, why, the show is over say goodbye." -Madonna, Take a Bow. - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 21:46:08 -0800 From: Subject: BUFFY: Keeper of Willow's ? Hi all, I've been seeing lots of signature files where people identify themselves as the keeper of this and that from the show. Well, there was one episode where Angel comes over to Willow's house and Willow makes a quick effort to hide her undies which were on the bed. Has anyone been designated their keeper? ;) Len R. I mock you in my monkey pants. - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Jan 1998 21:38:58 -0600 From: RyDiNi Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Debbie Haigh wrote: > > When is Sarah Michelle Gellar's birthday? > > - Sometime in April i believe... - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Jan 1998 22:19:13 -0500 (EST) From: Amber Subject: Re: BUFFY: Keeper of Willow's ? On Mon, 5 Jan 1998 wrote: > Hi all, > I've been seeing lots of signature files where people identify themselves > as the keeper of this and that from the show. Well, there was one > episode where Angel comes over to Willow's house and Willow makes a quick > effort to hide her undies which were on the bed. Has anyone been > designated their keeper? I think I'm a keeper--think as I have yet to receive any confirmation. I applied to be the keeper of the horns beneath Angel's halo. :) * Amber * * Amber SilverWolf/Lolandrea Psikine'Aelanar/Elektra/O'mra * * * * -Amber's Domain * * -Castle Amber * * -Samilani * - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Jan 1998 23:06:21 -0500 From: Subject: BUFFY: Preview Speculation *SPOILER* This could be a spoiler if you have no interest in the previews for the upcoming NEW episodes. Hey gang, I was watching the repeat tonight and finally got to see the preview for the next three weeks. All I can say they look awesome or what? Anyway, I got to the part when Angel suddenly sits up in bed and got to thinking about all of the speculation about who was with him in that bed (unfortunately, all I know is it's not me!). I have a great VCR that when you put it in slow motion, doesn't go all scrambly on you. I watched it quite a few times, and IMO, it looks a lot like... Cordelia! Now I say this because of the dark hair, but it also looked like her features. Maybe it is Buffy and the lighting just makes her hair look dark, but the more I watched, the more I thought it looked like Cordy. Then again, Dru has very dark hair too. Huuummm... Who knows, I guess we'll just have to wait until Jan. 19. Yuk! (I feel like such the "super sleuth") Until next week and a new episode~ Sunflower ;-) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Jan 1998 22:13:48 -0600 From: "joy v. cantrelle" Subject: BUFFY: the master i asked this question a while back and i am just now realizing that it was not answered. n-e-way, in "when she was bad" why didn't the master turn to dust like all the other vampires that are killed. just curious. ashley - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 22:55:32 EST From: Ventrue44 Subject: BUFFY:SPECULATION-SPOILERS FOR JAN 19 EPS. s p e c u l a t i o n s p o i l e r Okay, well this is my first time really posting on the list so I strongly hope I haven't broken any rules with the spoiler thing. Anyway, I just finished taping and watching the coming attractions for the January 19th and 20th episodes and here are my thoughts. I've seen a lot of posts of speculations about Buffy and Angel and their doing the *deed* on the 2 hour episodes. Now when I first saw the coming attractions, I believed this too based on the fact that I saw Angel and a girl lying in bed together. But I just watched in slow motion the entire bed scene deal and it seems to me that it is a dark-haired girl with Angel and not our blonde Buffy..I could be completely wrong but hopefully someone out there also taped the coming attractions and can tell me whether I'm right in thinking that the girl in Angel's bed is either one of the show's three raven-haired characters: Cordy, Miss Calendar, Or Dru or maybe I am just completely insane in my speculation. I'm thinking, from the whole someone will betray Buffy angle, that it could be Cordy. Buffy's somewhat slayerette friend will betray her by seducing Angel. However, that just doesn't seem to right with me so I look at it at maybe being Drusilla, who somehow tricks Angel in to sleeping with her. Dru will somehow cast a spell on Angel and he wll betray his love to Buffy. On another note, maybe Buffy and Angel do make love, and just as their relationship is at its peak, he betrays her by being (tricked into) with someone else. Just my thoughts on the epsiodes...the whole dark-haired girl lying next to Angel just disturbed me and I figured I would pass on my most likely completely off the mark ideas. ~Caroline - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 23:05:54 EST From: LilyRei Subject: Re: BUFFY: I will be SO disappointed: (was: Buffy stays a virgin In a message dated 98-01-05 18:55:55 EST, you write: << Angel first objected, saying, "you shouldn't have to touch me when I'm like this." And then Buffy said, quietly -- maybe the most romantic statement in the whole series -- "I didn't notice." >> Yeah, and he didn't seem particularly out of control during all that *warm* kissing either. So maybe he can stop himself from putting those little tiny holes in her neck and drawing blood. :-) LilyRei - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 23:41:01 -0500 (EST) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: BUFFY: Join the East Coast Crew Everyone in the Eastern Time Zone rejoice! There is a club for you! The Buffy Crew is a collection of dedicated fans of the show BTVS and all its actors that meet and talk about our favorite show. We have 60 plus members and our goal is to get more appearances by the cast on the East Coast. Check out the URL below on how to join! And for the entire Xmission list...stay tuned to the Crew as we go through a MAJOR change in January for the big move to Tuesday nights. missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #9 ************************* To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (