From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #14 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Friday, January 9 1998 Volume 02 : Number 014 In this issue: BUFFY:IMG Revert to Movie Verson A Little? Re: BUFFY: Prom Dress Re: BUFFY: "Ted" quote lists Re: BUFFY: Prom Dress BUFFY: spoiler about Bad Eggs from the Buffy site Re: BUFFY: Prom Dress BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #13 BUFFY: Angel in a new Magazine! BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #13 Re: BUFFY: I will be SO disappointed: (was: Buffy stays a virgin Re: BUFFY: May the Force be with you. BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #13 BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #13 BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #13 Re: BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #13 Re: BUFFY: Should Buffy use protection? Re: BUFFY: Should Buffy use protection? Re: BUFFY: Should Buffy use protection? Re: BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #13 Re: BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #13 BUFFY: IMG Revert A Lil To Movie? BUFFY: James (Spike) Marsters BUFFY: compulsiveness Re: BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #13 BUFFY: Grease and other stuff Re: BUFFY: Charisma on KIW BUFFY: Charisma on Keenan BUFFY: Charisma's gifts to Keenen Re: BUFFY: Charisma on Keenan BUFFY: angel in angel Re: BUFFY:IMG BUFFY: torrance high school BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #13 Re: BUFFY: torrance high school Re: BUFFY: torrance high school See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 16:08:18 EST From: Courtjes5 Subject: BUFFY:IMG Revert to Movie Verson A Little? Was it me, or did it seem that the convo between Buffy & Giles in IMG -- they're in the library, wondering why the bodyguard was "jonesing" over a piece of rock -- seem a lot more like the movie than the TV show. The way SMG said that "Look at us -- we came up with a plan. A good plan." Then, "No, bad plan. I have other plans, dance plans.." (pouty look) "Canceled plans." Especially when she says good plan & dance plans. It seemed a look more Valley Girl-y. Or is it just me? God, I hate reruns...this is way to much analyazation even for me. Also...Impada was using lipstick when she went to the bathroom, right before she sucks the life out of her bodyguard, yet right after commercial, she asks Buffy to borrow lipstick because she doesn't have any? What's that about? _CJ_ "Horses are born trained; they are just teaching us to ride them."-- Robert Vavra, _Unicorns I Have Known_ "Maybe Rodney just stepped out for a smoke." "For 21 hours?" "It's addictive, you know." -- Xander & Willow, IMG "I'd rather be his whore than your wife."-- Rose, Titantic - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 14:45:23 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Prom Dress ><< But what was that dress Buffy wore to the prom??? Uggggglllly! > > >>I loved that dress. I was wondering where i could get one like it. >I loved that dress too. I'm getting one made for my senior prom if I could >get a picture of it. Number one, just to make sure. Are we talking about the one in the movie are the one in the series? The one in the movie had a wierd skirt, which I thought made it repulsive. But the one in the series was drop dead gorgeous. Katie Keeper of Willow's leather mini, Cordelia's stakes and Buffy's Nail Polish and Past Popularity Guardian Angel of Spike's feeling of rejection from Angel Angel's adoptive mother "Don't ever let go. Survive, no matter how hopeless it is." Jack, Titanic - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 16:07:01 -0600 From: (Brooke E Conway) Subject: Re: BUFFY: "Ted" quote lists >Could somebody please send me the quote lists for the Ted episode, cuz I didn't get them.Thanx! The quote lists are at [] Enter this address and leave out the brackets. >From one BTVS fan to another, or until we meet in cyberspace, ^W^ ME ^W^ - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 18:26:54 EST From: LilyRei Subject: Re: BUFFY: Prom Dress In a message dated 98-01-08 16:53:57 EST, writes: << ><< But what was that dress Buffy wore to the prom??? Uggggglllly! >> Number one, just to make sure. Are we talking about the one in the movie or are the one in the series?<< The one in the movie was butt ugly. The one in the series was adorable. LilyRei :-) - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 19:17:11 EST From: Philmaniac Subject: BUFFY: spoiler about Bad Eggs from the Buffy site This is what the buffy site says about bad eggs Spoiler Space almost there "Bad Eggs" THERE'S SOMETHING ROTTEN IN SUNNYDALE -- Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and the gang are introduced to parenting through a school assignment that takes a very rotten turn. Meanwhile, two wild west vamps (guest stars Jeremy Ratchford and James Parks) come to town hunting for Buffy. At the same time, romance is in the air when Buffy and Angel (David Boreanaz) continue to rendenzvous and Xander (Nicholas Brendon) and Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter) keep their liaison in the closet. Alyson Hannigan, David Boreanaz and Anthony Stewart Head also star. 5V12 - Written by Marti Noxon - Directed by David Greenwalt Monday, Jan 12. 8 p.m. on - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 19:06:38 EST From: BBallGrrl4 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Prom Dress In a message dated 98-01-08 16:54:04 EST, you write: << Number one, just to make sure. Are we talking about the one in the movie are the one in the series? The one in the movie had a wierd skirt, which I thought made it repulsive. But the one in the series was drop dead gorgeous. >> I thought that the white dress from the series was very beautiful. But I have yet to find a picture so I can get it made. ~Caroline - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 20:16:10 EST From: VmpreSlayr Subject: BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #13 How do you know the Title of every episode? And can you send me the list (And a short summary if possible) Of all the episodes so far.?? Thanks alot Kat ^v^ - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 19:56:02 EST From: TS Bear Subject: BUFFY: Angel in a new Magazine! Our beloved Angelus has a small picture in the February edition of "Teen" magazine...he is in the section untitiled (something along the lines of) Valetine's day hotties or something like that. Just to let you know!! Christine Voted for Buffy's betrayer yet?? Where have you been?!! =) - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 20:12:07 EST From: VmpreSlayr Subject: BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #13 >I just came back on list, but I was just wondering if anyone else >thought about the implications of Buffy having a birthday on the show >(besides the obvious +plus+ of us knowing her sign)~ it means that >Buffyverse time is not a stagnant, everlasting, television limbo~ they >are getting older, and the age of 17 implies Junior year.. since one of >Joss's self-proclaimed inspirations for the show was for it to use the >supernatural to convey the horrors of teen-hood, what will happen in 2 >years? I have faith in Joss, but it does seem to put a time limit on >the characters :-( Damn his plot integrity! >Miss Hayse He might be planning on pulling a Saved By the bell. And make her be 17 for like 3 years. If anyone remembers The Cast os Saved By The Bell was in High School for like 6years (I don't remember the exact number) Kat - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 20:34:04 From: Theodore Jay Miller Subject: Re: BUFFY: I will be SO disappointed: (was: Buffy stays a virgin >In a message dated 98-01-07 19:55:04 EST, writes: >> It would hurt HIM. Buffy has a hard time trusting a vampire as is, and if >> he bit her his lifespan would be about thirty seconds. >Okay, but i meant it in a kinda "buffy lets him do it" way, >It would be like romantic (in a wierd bloodsucking way). I can picture a "Buffy gently offers herself to Angel (for bloodsucking)" scene with a romance-novel flavor. At 08:09 AM 1/8/98 -0600, Mia McDavid wrote: >On a more practical level--and I don't know why I didn't think of this >before--what if Angel made sure he was *very well fed* before his assignation >with Buffy? Angel lying back, loosening his belt, saying "I'm so stuffed I couldn't drink another bite"? No, that one doesn't quite have the right romantic tone. Theodore Jay Miller - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 20:35:28 From: Theodore Jay Miller Subject: Re: BUFFY: May the Force be with you. At 02:05 AM 1/6/98 EST, Jewels79 wrote: >In a message dated 98-01-04 14:00:17 EST, you write: ><< BUFFY=GUENEVERE(GOOD PERSON) >> >um, i sort of have this image of buffy as the hero--don't know where that >could come from--not as a barren adultress. I can see a Buffy/Guinevere analogy. Guinevere had a choice between Duty and Desire. Duty is her marriage to Arthur, the restrictions of being Arthur's wife and queen, what she is required to do. Desire is her feelings for Lancelot, what she WANTS to do. Guinevere chose Desire, and the eventual result was tragedy, the fall of Camelot. Buffy has a similar choice between Duty and Desire. Duty is her role as the Slayer, with the restrictions imposed by that, all the things Buffy is required to do. Desire is her feelings for Angel, her desire for a normal life, all those things that she WANTS to do. When Duty and Desire come into conflict for Buffy, sometimes she leans toward Desire, temporarily neglecting her duties as Slayer because of what she wants to do. And you could write a Buffy-as-Guinevere story in which Buffy goes too far that way and tragedy results. Theodore Jay Miller - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 20:20:12 EST From: VmpreSlayr Subject: BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #13 So If SMG does leave at the end of her contract What are they planning to do with the show? Bringin Kendra?(Yuck) Or just find a replacement??? Does anyone know? It is also very possible that The contract might have small print(Or what ever ) And she might be able to get out of it early. ^v^ Kat^v^ - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 20:27:46 EST From: VmpreSlayr Subject: BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #13 >P.S. Has anyone else heard the rumor that SMG is interested in doing "Grease!" >on Bway(most likely Rizzo) during some of her hiatus this spring/summer? I wouldn't coulnt on it, She is no way Could play Rizzo. May be Sandy but not Rizzo. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 20:29:46 EST From: VmpreSlayr Subject: BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #13 >so Angel could take some blood from buffy with out hurting her right? I don't know about you but Having to teeth puncture the side of my nefck would HURT like a B#$%H ! - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 18:10:08 PST From: "Jessica Ritchie" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #13 >I don't know about you but Having to teeth puncture the side of my nefck would >HURT like a B#$%H ! I don't know. I mean, scratching and clawing goes on even with us humans does it not? Plus would she really be concentrating on the pain? Jessica ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 21:22:22 -0400 From: Lisa Krakowka Subject: Re: BUFFY: Should Buffy use protection? Kimmie said: >}:)> Chris 2 **BABS Loremaster** sed to me: > >(snipping stuff where I concluded that vamps might be alive) > >>Nice logical conclusion, Kimmie, but I don't think you're going to get many >>to agree with you on this case. Vampires are dead. They're supposed to be >>this way. > >I know what's coming next - It's canon (boom!). It's been stated by his >Jossiness, and I'm not disputing the stated facts on the show. *However* I >would also like to point out that the term they use to describe vamps is the >"undead" not the "dead." What I'm proposing is that vamps, although not >alive in the traditional sense of the word, are alive in some manner. Sure, >that may not be a popular opinion for the list in general, but it works for >my interpretation of Buffy-verse. I'm not asking people to agree with me, >just to think about it. ::thinking about it:: Okay. I'll buy that for a dollar. Especially in the face of textual (or visual) evidence like Angel bleeding when he was wounded in the episode with Slayer Spice Kendra (forgot the title). That tells me that despite the fact he tells Xander "I have no breath" in the season finale last year (giving Buffy CPR) at least *part* of his circulatory system functions in *some* manner. Not only did he bleed, but he also healed from that wound. So...there's some kind of regeneration going on there as well. Whether this regeneration is demonic/magical in nature is anybody's guess. > >>What do I say to all the controversy surrounding a vampire's need for >>blood? IMHO, it has nothing to do with the oxygen in blood due to their >>very dead nature. Vampires merely need blood for certain unknown reasons, >>and most likely reasons having nothing to do with science as we know it. Or, they could need it like we :) As in--they draw nutrients from it that help keep them aliv---er undead. and in another message Kimmie also said: >And while the explination of "mystical enegry" >keeping it alive is perfectly acceptable, a mort more conivenene system is >already in place. Why not use it? While its assurdely not foolproof biology >(my teacher would be laughing if she read this post) I think that as a >general theory it does nothing to hinder the mystical aspects of vampirism - >is anything it adds a more human element to Angel and the vamps, making >their burtal acts all the more terrible. So it's the cannibalistic nature of feeding of fellow humans that sacres you most about vampires? Lisa (maybe the demon and the body are fatally symbiotic)(and when the demon is slain the body can no longer survive the elements)(hence the disintegration)(see, I told you I'd talk about Buffy eventually) Lisa Krakowka "Only the strongest are put through the fire," Josiah said. "And the forge creates things of great strength and beauty." --Sharon Shinn _Archangel_ - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 21:18:49 +0000 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Should Buffy use protection? On Thu, 8 Jan 1998 00:48:37 -0600 (Katie Masters) writes: >Well, the body would probably have been disenegrated had it been six >feet >under ground. The demon is keeping it alive and intact through it's >forces >and when it is gone, the body instantly decompses with nothing to hold >it >together. But that doesn't explain why even new vampires turn to dust when staked. A vampire newly out of it's grave wouldn't have been around long enough to decompose. At most decay would just be starting to set in. Northcat-GASPer, keeper of Giles' office - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 19:34:38 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Should Buffy use protection? >But that doesn't explain why even new vampires turn to dust when staked. >A vampire newly out of it's grave wouldn't have been around long enough >to decompose. At most decay would just be starting to set in. Maybe it does it to protect the slayer from being charged with murder. The cops would definetly notice if there was a new body every night. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 21:25:11 EST From: RbSayre Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #13 In a message dated 98-01-08 20:47:58 EST, VmpreSlayr@AOL.COM writes: << I wouldn't coulnt on it, She is no way Could play Rizzo. May be Sandy but not Rizzo. >> it's kind of a moot point by now, but remember... Brooke Shields played Rizzo & I think Deborah Gibson played both Rizzo & Sandy. It would be an interesting sight to see Sarah play Rizzo instead of the good girl... :) I bet it would kinda remind us of her days as Kendall Hart. hey, let's all take a moment & reflect on how wonderful SMG is. Oh, and Nick. And Alyson. And ASH. ok, Charisma, David, Seth, Kristine, Armin, & ummm Jenny, too. question: What else has Kristine Sutherland done? She's quite wonderful. peace, rick *those frat guys creep me!* - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 21:47:41 EST From: SUGARMAG77 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #13 << I don't know about you but Having to teeth puncture the side of my nefck would HURT like a B#$%H ! >> Some stories tell of vampires being able to take blood without causing pain. Could be an intersting plot device. Kate Keeper of: Lil' Buffy's Nerf Dartboard, Cordelia's Barbie Dream Car, Willow's Library Explosion - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 16:03:35 EST From: Courtjes5 Subject: BUFFY: IMG Revert A Lil To Movie? Was it me, or did it seem that the convo between Buffy & Giles in IMG -- they're in the library, wondering why the bodyguard was "jonesing" over a piece of rock -- seem a lot more like the movie than the TV show. The way SMG said that "Look at us -- we came up with a plan. A good plan." Then, "No, bad plan. I have other plans, dance plans.." (pouty look) "Canceled plans." Especially when she says good plan & dance plans. It seemed a look more Valley Girl-y. Or is it just me? God, I hate reruns...this is way to much analyazation even for me. _CJ_ "Horses are born trained; they are just teaching us to ride them."-- Robert Vavra, _Unicorns I Have Known_ "Maybe Rodney just stepped out for a smoke." "For 21 hours?" "It's addictive, you know." -- Xander & Willow, IMG "I'd rather be his whore than your wife."-- Rose, Titantic - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 19:15:35 PST From: "Ivy Snitzer" Subject: BUFFY: James (Spike) Marsters hi everyone ok i know that spike is going to be chatting tommorow but i unfortunatly have a major play to be in (all those in the sanfransisco bay area it's at balboa high school at 7:00) and i can't be on line just then so would someone tell him that i said HI and ask him some really good questions ok bye I have a photographic memory I'm just out of film! IVY: keeper of xanders english book, spikes silver zippo, and Oz's fantisies of kissing Willow ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 19:25:18 PST From: "Keenan Itwasalatenite McCardell" Subject: BUFFY: compulsiveness >>SMG was cleaning up the room, picking up empty cans and paper cups. By doing this simple act it showed that 1. she is a considerate person 2. she didn't think it was beneath her-so as of now I do not think she is in anyway a egomaniac. 3. she hates being around a mess. 4. it was a natural unplanned act, a reflex if you well-she saw a mess and cleaned it up.>> Can you say......Courteney Cox??? ITWASALATENITE ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 23:11:12 -0500 (EST) From: Susan Cho Yuk Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #13 On Thu, 8 Jan 1998, VmpreSlayr wrote: > >P.S. Has anyone else heard the rumor that SMG is interested in doing > "Grease!" > I wouldn't coulnt on it, She is no way Could play Rizzo. May be Sandy but not > Rizzo. I see her more as Patty. Goes with the cheerleader thing. Maybe, I'm just a nut. She's too delicate looking to do Rizz. Could be a Sandy, but can she sing? Patty's role is a popular one for celebs [like Dominique Dawes]. Nonetheless, has SMG had any experience with a live stage? I haven't heard anything. ObBuffy: Does anyone know what the next couple of eps are? I hear there is a two parter. Is it called Bad Eggs? As far as I know, there hasn't been a new ep in a while. Susan - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 23:21:37 -0500 From: Subject: BUFFY: Grease and other stuff When this came up, i totally assumed that it was in reference to them doing a remake of the movie (don't remember when/ where i heard this, maybe i'm just hearing voices?) Is this possible? Ps- wheres Scott, haven't heard from him in a while, is he on Vacation or does he just want to keep his mouth shut about the upcoming eps? Pss- I know about the new eps on the 12, 19, 20, is there a new one on the 27 also? And whats happening in Canada with the two parter, are we going to be a week behind? ~FROGG!E~ ~!~ Keeper of Willow's blades - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 23:20:42 EST From: Vass99 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Charisma on KIW So what, you have to be a talk show host to get buffy t-shirts and hats? - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 00:04:48 -0500 (EST) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: BUFFY: Charisma on Keenan The interview was funny. She was always smiling and happy and Keenan just kept up with all the dirt. She had a great outfit on and the home video of her was histerical. Not much Buffy talk, right at the end and of course she couldn't say anything but she did give Keenan a Buffy hat and shirt so apparently they are out...but where I have no idea. F.Y.G./missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 23:52:53 -0600 (CST) From: Anime Nut Subject: BUFFY: Charisma's gifts to Keenen Hey, everybody! Well, I just finished watching Charisma's second appearance on the Keenen Ivory Wayans Show, and unlike the first time, she actually left after her interview was over. Maybe she didn't feel like rejoining the band after sharing that story about her rhythm? Anyways, someone on these lists said something to the effect of the availability of BTVS shirts and caps in stores because Charisma gave 'em to Keenen. I haven't visited the set personally, but I'm pretty sure these are made exclusively for cast and crew members. The shirt she gave to Keenen is the exact same design that was offered as a prize for the weekly trivia contest held at during Season One. I never won the contest, so I don't own a BTVS shirt of my very own. Finally, I don't know about the rest of you, but the mere thought of Charisma Carpenter scampering around LA in the middle of the riots is too disturbingly funny for my sore throat to handle. Also, when we come to that scene in "Bad Eggs" next Monday, I'm sure some of us including myself will shout, "Damn that Keenen Show!" Okay, maybe not, but there'll be some resentment for an interview that started with a clip none of us have seen it yet, then ended soon after the words, "There's not much I can say about the show." Discretion can be a cruel, cruel thing. Cheers, Anime Nut ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) Alan "Anime Nut" Hufana Keeper of Willow's Chewed-up Pen The Al-Files at Domain of the Slain at - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 03:09:51 EST From: Jewels79 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Charisma on Keenan hey did you guys see that scene from BTVS that was played before Charisma came out? that was definitely a scene we haven't seen yet. i wonder in which episode it'll be in. it looked like xander and cordy get into something a little more than kissing...perhaps the korean backflip? the algerian rumba? after all *not everything has to do with kissing..a lot of it has to do with groping* sorry, little giddy tonite. it's my last night--well, second to last--in LA, before i become a san fransiscan, and my friends came over and i finally forced them to watch buffy. i think there was success. anyways, what channel does buffy show on in the berkeley area? i must know, because i move into my dorm on monday. and my tv better be installed by nine! so, i want a tshirt and hat!! oh, btw, i went to this mall in westminister where they had buffy pics--it was recommended to me by someone on this list--and most were all sold out! and the man told me they expected a new delivery any day now. they had black and whites of the cast standing in the catacombs...first season. and they had seperate portfolio shots of the cast. only willow's and cordelia's were left though. there were two pics of angel in color though. no xander dammit! jewels ** Keeper of Willow's cheese tower (IMG)~Keeper of Buffy's history test (N)~Keeper of Buffy's hunk explanation (A)~Keeper of Xander's Betel nuts (RB)~Keeper of Xander's sore fist (RB)~Keeper of Giles's Lost Weekend (TDA)~patient of BAH, xander floor, rm 309~GASPer~"Oh, this is fun...." ~Willow (H) "Well, the lions are onto you, baby." ~~Spike (WML2) "I mean the dead rose, we should've at least had an assembly." ~~Xander (WttH) "If the Apocalypse comes, beep me." ~~Buffy Summers (NKABOTFD) - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 03:16:32 EST From: Jewels79 Subject: BUFFY: angel in angel In a message dated 98-01-08 15:44:53 EST, you write: << The first time they kissed in Angel, he hadn't eaten in a long while (if my memory serves me correctly). >> hey, which reminds me. in Angel, buffy sneaks angel up some food. wonder what he did with it? and i haven't seen the episode in a long time, but what excuse did he give for hanging around all day? i seem to recall the reason buffy invited him to spend the night was because the three could have been outside....but what about the whole day? jewels ** Keeper of Willow's cheese tower (IMG)~Keeper of Buffy's history test (N)~Keeper of Buffy's hunk explanation (A)~Keeper of Xander's Betel nuts (RB)~Keeper of Xander's sore fist (RB)~Keeper of Giles's Lost Weekend (TDA)~patient of BAH, xander floor, rm 309~GASPer~"Oh, this is fun...." ~Willow (H) "Well, the lions are onto you, baby." ~~Spike (WML2) "I mean the dead rose, we should've at least had an assembly." ~~Xander (WttH) "If the Apocalypse comes, beep me." ~~Buffy Summers (NKABOTFD) - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 03:35:22 EST From: Jewels79 Subject: Re: BUFFY:IMG In a message dated 98-01-08 16:44:27 EST, you write: << Buffy to borrow lipstick because she doesn't have any? What's that about? >> btw, in IMG, however did Ampata fit into buffy's clothing? i assume that was buffy's clothing. buffy is definitely slighter than Ampata. i'd put Ampata at a size 5 or something and buffy at a 3 or 4. am i wrong? and where did Ampata get her costume? did she find some of the foreign exchange student's money and buy one? jewels ** Keeper of Willow's cheese tower (IMG)~Keeper of Buffy's history test (N)~Keeper of Buffy's hunk explanation (A)~Keeper of Xander's Betel nuts (RB)~Keeper of Xander's sore fist (RB)~Keeper of Giles's Lost Weekend (TDA)~patient of BAH, xander floor, rm 309~GASPer~"Oh, this is fun...." ~Willow (H) "Well, the lions are onto you, baby." ~~Spike (WML2) "I mean the dead rose, we should've at least had an assembly." ~~Xander (WttH) "If the Apocalypse comes, beep me." ~~Buffy Summers (NKABOTFD) - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 04:53:45 EST From: Jewels79 Subject: BUFFY: torrance high school hey did you guys know that there are four torrance highs? like east, west and so forth. isn't that weird? anyone know which high school it is that they tape at? and isn't it the same high school that 90210 was filmed? jewels ** Keeper of Willow's cheese tower (IMG)~Keeper of Buffy's history test (N)~Keeper of Buffy's hunk explanation (A)~Keeper of Xander's Betel nuts (RB)~Keeper of Xander's sore fist (RB)~Keeper of Giles's Lost Weekend (TDA)~patient of BAH, xander floor, rm 309~GASPer~"Oh, this is fun...." ~Willow (H) "Well, the lions are onto you, baby." ~~Spike (WML2) "I mean the dead rose, we should've at least had an assembly." ~~Xander (WttH) "If the Apocalypse comes, beep me." ~~Buffy Summers (NKABOTFD) - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 06:50:35 -0500 From: Subject: BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V2 #13 On Thu, 8 Jan 1998 20:12:07 EST VmpreSlayr writes: >He might be planning on pulling a Saved By the bell. And make her be >17 for like 3 years. If anyone remembers The Cast os Saved By The Bell was in >High School for like 6years (I don't remember the exact number) 90210, I believe, was on for three years when the cast started as juniors in HS.. (Of course, Buffy and Xander might fail their classes, due to their duties and scholastic skills, so that may give us more time. But what then happens to Willow? I sure can't see HER failing... ^_^) =============================================================== A Message from the Grand Nagus AKA Latinum Racer and Shadam - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 06:38:18 -0500 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: torrance high school On Fri, 9 Jan 1998 04:53:45 EST Jewels79 writes: >hey did you guys know that there are four torrance highs? like east, >west and >so forth. isn't that weird? No, I didn't know, and yes, it is weird. >anyone know which high school it is that they tape >at? and isn't it the same high school that 90210 was filmed? I think it's the same school that 90210 is filmed from the exterior, but the interior is completely different! (Of course, I haven't watched 90210 ever since they graduated high school, so I may be confused.) Do they film IN Torrance High, or just outside of it? - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 07:46:11 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: torrance high school hey did you guys know that there are four torrance highs? like east, west and so forth. isn't that weird? anyone know which high school it is that they tape at? and isn't it the same high school that 90210 was filmed - -yes, 90210 was filmed at the same high school - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #14 ************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. 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