From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #22 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Tuesday, January 13 1998 Volume 02 : Number 022 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs...eww! [none] [none] [none] BUFFY: Review of The Egg Dudes (SPOILIERS) BUFFY: re: Evil Angel BUFFY: Bad Eggs-Character Re: BUFFY: Golden GLobe Re: BUFFY: RE: The principal (aka Quark from DS9) BUFFY: Angels Inability BUFFY: Buffy: help! BUFFY: David Letterman Re: BUFFY: Review of The Egg Dudes BUFFY: Jesse in New Movie BUFFY: Where is Scott? Re: BUFFY: Review of The Egg Dudes BUFFY: re: the egg things BUFFY: Spoilers for Surprise-Spoiler Space BUFFY: Something I noticed BUFFY: Loved "bad eggs"! BUFFY: to any Canadians who receive CKVR BUFFY: Definition of Bezoar BUFFY: Next week's episodes. *spoilers* Re: BUFFY: What a Yolk! (SPOILERS) Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs...eww! Re: BUFFY: Spike glitch BUFFY: Bad Eggs, what a crack-up! (Spoilers) See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 00:10:43 -0500 From: Jesse Jou Subject: Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs...eww! Robin Carroll-Mann wrote: > Anyone else wonder what would have happened if a hatchling had gotten > onto a vampire? It would have brought a new level of meaning, I guess, to that "whole sucking thing." I also wondered what became of the Gump-like brother: could Momma Parasite digest him or did she wind up with a belly full of dust? Also, did anyone else hear the parasites being called "bezoars?" Aren't bezoars something totally different? (JJ now shudders at the memory of a trichinobezoar he recently saw in an issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. Look it up. You'll be glad you did. JJ - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 21:13:19 -0800 (PST) From: Lev Rickards Subject: [none] That was a great sketch. It was James Wood(s?) on SNL. He ended up turning to dust from the sun 'cause he couldn't find anyone without a disease in time... He took it to Mike Meyers, who was in this lab. Meyers analyzed the blood and.. oh, well... no reason to explain the whole sketch. It was cool though. The whole transferring thing is pretty interesting. Is that how the 'should buffy use protection' thread started? (AIDS, etc.) >Reminds me of a-- I want to say-- In Living Color or SNL sketch where Jim >Carrey[ILC?] is a vamp and keeps passing over possible victims because of >one malaise or another. ~Lev - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- o0O The House of Rogue o0O o0O Proprietor: Lev Rickards o0O E-mail: Potential Keeper of The Monkey's Pants.... - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 21:12:36 -0800 (PST) From: Lev Rickards Subject: [none] Comments on Someone else's SPOILERS*********************************************** > After reading the recent spoilers, it seems that Jenny will be the one who >betrays Buffy, because it says "jenny facing the wrath of a slayer scorned". >She must betraty Buffy in some way. I don't think the lovely Ms. Calendar would be in Bed with Angel. If that whole gypsy thing is still viable, she might somehow cause Angel to lose his soul. Accidentally, or on purpose for a good reason. Then Buffy would be really upset at her. ("slayer scorned"). Whadyall think? ~Lev - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- o0O The House of Rogue o0O o0O Proprietor: Lev Rickards o0O E-mail: Potential Keeper of The Monkey's Pants.... - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 21:13:55 -0800 (PST) From: Lev Rickards Subject: [none] On Cordy, Xander and the "Catcher"~ I'm going to have to place my bet with Willow. Oh, and the term is social leper. From the leper colonies housing leper-type people (forget the term) who have this odd, tragic body-decaying sort of disease. I feel like something of a jerk, but i laughed out loud when i realized what you meant by 'social leopard.' Our Cordy is a rather vicious socialite, though. Isn't she? ~Lev p.s. Oh! Leprosy. Duh. *smacks self on head* "That was my Bump!" - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- o0O The House of Rogue o0O o0O Proprietor: Lev Rickards o0O E-mail: Potential Keeper of The Monkey's Pants.... - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 23:13:12 -0600 (CST) From: Anime Nut Subject: BUFFY: Review of The Egg Dudes (SPOILIERS) S P O I L E R S P A C E Hey, everybody! Thankfully, the hiatus is over, and we can get back to enjoying brand new episodes of my favorite show on television, BTVS. That said... I hated "Bad Eggs"!!!!!!!!!!! I could go on and on with all the things in this episode that truly irked me, but for the sake of all the Bronzers here, I'll limit my thoughts. First off, how could a 45-minute show manage to pay homage to Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Alien, Aliens, Children of the Corn, and Return of the Jedi -- not to mention a suplot involving cowboy vamps? Answer: it can't. I was disappointed in "Some Assembly Required" because it never tried to rise above its tribute to Frankenstein. However, looking back at SAR, I realize that this episode was even more disappointing. At least SAR was straightforward in its approach to carrying out the plot. "Bad Eggs", on the other hand, hits us with cowboy vamps first, then dumps them in the sewer for nearly the entire second half of the ep while the egg creatures take over. Did I like the cowboy vamps? Yes, to an extent. Did I like the egg creatures? Sorta', in that classic freak-out sense. Unfortunately, throwing these two elements together in the same episode simply proved ridiculous. When the two vamps spring up on Buffy while she's searching for a weapon, I had just about forgotten they were part of the same episode. Second, and this is the one that really hurt, I couldn't believe that this very same episode was brought to us by Marti Noxon and David Greenwalt, two of my favorite names in the BTVS crew. Marti provided a ton o' memorable quotes, but the above-mentioned convoluted story left me annoyed and irritated. David framed some of the best suspense shots in the series, namely Buffy's observance of the hatching egg. This scene led me to wonder if David was even on the set during the vamps conversation/practice fight in the sewer. I still love this show, and I still admire Marti and David, but "Bad Eggs" left me extremely disappointed. Okay, I admit, I sounded rather harsh there. Good! That's my whole point. I've read a lot of posts both here and on the posting board, praising "Bad Eggs" as yet another winner to add to the trophy rack. I sincerely hope these are all honest reviews. I worship BTVS, now and for quite some time to come -- so I'm perfectly secure in stating my belief that, in my opinion, "Bad Eggs" was a total joke. There, I've said my peace. I wanted to post on a lighter note ( which I will return to tomorrow), but I had to discuss "Bad Eggs" now before I rewind my tape and start its episode guide entry for DOTS. Good night, y'all! Cheers, Anime Nut ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) Alan "Anime Nut" Hufana Keeper of Willow's Chewed-up Pen The Al-Files at Domain of the Slain at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 21:16:45 -0800 (PST) From: Lev Rickards Subject: BUFFY: re: Evil Angel Spoilers Discussion Comment I definitely agree with gelebene. I didn't see the Angel to Dust preview, but it's quite possible that he is turned to dust (if it really was him) as the Evil Angel and brought back as the Good Angel. Right? that's possibly, right? right?.... ~Lev > Maybe the keyword here is the "evil" angel. Just how she could destroy >only the evil in Angel, I don't know. All I know is I'll be so bummed if they >write him off the show. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- o0O The House of Rogue o0O o0O Proprietor: Lev Rickards o0O E-mail: Potential Keeper of The Monkey's Pants.... - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 00:06:33 EST From: TknoPagan Subject: BUFFY: Bad Eggs-Character Did anyone else notice that once again Johnathan, victim of Ampatta(Inca Mummy Girl), Cordelia(Reptile Boy), Clarice(What's My Line), and now by these monsters in Bad Eggs. Since we have this great 2 parter coming up maybe he will face a worser fate this time. Oh and on about the 2 parter.....I am putting spoiler space just in case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Well, as we have all wondered about who is in bed with Angel, like most of us had a doubt....I slowmoed it and watched as the lighting flashed...and if you look closely at the facial features...It was in fact doubts. Jason Martinez | | Keeper of Buffy's Small Wooden Stake | Keeper of Willow's Computer | Keeper of Joyce's Sports Utility Vehicle | Keeper of Spike's Boots | Keeper of Kendra's Stake | Keeper of Kendra's Slayer Manual | "Could you contemplate getting over yourself?" ...Buffy, When She Was Bad - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 00:13:47 EST From: TknoPagan Subject: Re: BUFFY: Golden GLobe In a message dated 1/12/98 7:23:59 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << nominations. Does anyone know if Buffy was up for anything? I know Alley McBeal is up for best actress in a comedy and best comedy, and Buffy IMHO is much more deserving. Thanks for your time. >> Well yes indeedy...'ALLY' McBeal is up for two Golden Globes I think. But we really can't say that one is more deserving can we? Yes, I will admit...When Buffy was in rerun state I watched Ally McBeal every Monday. It has potential with a capital 'P'. I think both of these shows are very their own realm. Ally McBeal is a drama/comedy. In my opinion it is aimed ay an older group of women and men. Also, I would think that Buffy is a comedy horror with drama and romance aimed at your typical "Teenager". Technically I would never ever put these two up next to each other in a contest in the same category. Now on best actress I can see there being some competition. Jason Martinez | | Keeper of Buffy's Small Wooden Stake | Keeper of Willow's Computer | Keeper of Joyce's Sports Utility Vehicle | Keeper of Spike's Boots | Keeper of Kendra's Stake | Keeper of Kendra's Slayer Manual | "Could you contemplate getting over yourself?" ...Buffy, When She Was Bad - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 00:17:27 EST From: TknoPagan Subject: Re: BUFFY: RE: The principal (aka Quark from DS9) In a message dated 1/12/98 8:34:53 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << >>Does anyone know how long Armin Sc...(I cant spell it sorry) >>the Principal's contract is to last....could he be the >>betrayer....he knows something about Sunnydale, Buffy, etc... Yes I could see this ..Yeah in an alternate universe! Principal Snyder would not be considered someone Buffy trusts. And speaking of Snyder........Haven't seen him around for the past what 2 eps? Or maybe it just seems like that since we are in rerun land. I am surprised we did not see him and watch as he tried to blame Buffy for the "gas leak" in Bad Eggs, or become possesed himself. Jason Martinez | | Keeper of Buffy's Small Wooden Stake | Keeper of Willow's Computer | Keeper of Joyce's Sports Utility Vehicle | Keeper of Spike's Boots | Keeper of Kendra's Stake | Keeper of Kendra's Slayer Manual | "Could you contemplate getting over yourself?" ...Buffy, When She Was Bad - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 00:06:32 EST From: TknoPagan Subject: BUFFY: Angels Inability Does anyone think that sometimes the writers are listening to what we are saying? Here we are disucsing Angel's ability to have children and now we find out. What a great way of letting the viewers know. It does sort of put a damper on Buffy and his future. Not that the fact that he is a vampire didn't. Jason Martinez | | Keeper of Buffy's Small Wooden Stake | Keeper of Willow's Computer | Keeper of Joyce's Sports Utility Vehicle | Keeper of Spike's Boots | Keeper of Kendra's Stake | Keeper of Kendra's Slayer Manual | "Could you contemplate getting over yourself?" ...Buffy, When She Was Bad - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 01:45:24 +0000 From: Jack Welsh Subject: BUFFY: Buffy: help! I am in need of SARAH ON VIBE SARAH ON MTV LIVE If anyone has these please help me! I am doing a presentation in school on an actor and I need these clips - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 01:46:05 +0000 From: Jack Welsh Subject: BUFFY: David Letterman > 4. Sarah's second apperance on David Letterman Was SMG on David Letterman twice? - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 23:32:41 -0600 From: "S." Subject: Re: BUFFY: Review of The Egg Dudes Ok I promise not to get all wiggy on this and respond in an intelligent manner in defense of "Bad Eggs." Anime Nut wrote: > First off, how could a 45-minute show manage to pay homage to Invasion of > the Body Snatchers, Alien, Aliens, Children of the Corn, and Return of the > Jedi -- not to mention a suplot involving cowboy vamps? Answer: it can't. Yet if it didn't then how could you come up with those movies? Of course, you've forgotten the other references that have already been mentioned. The vamps thing in this one was a subplot so it didn't get the full attention of the writers as a subplot should be. There have been non-vampire stories before and have been excellent. I think in this ep. we got a little of both because hey this show is about vamps isn't it? > Did I like the > egg creatures? Sorta', in that classic freak-out sense. Yikes! Those things freaked the living crap out of me! Buffy and Xander's onomontapoeic (SP?) comments said it all. I mean they were crawling in her ear for crying out loud (is this how the things got the energy to hatch? That was one question I had). How else should creepy crawling things make your respond? Revulsion--a pure and simple emotion rather than an intellectualized thing. > When the two vamps spring up on Buffy while she's searching > for a weapon, I had just about forgotten they were part of the same > episode. Kinda like Buffy forgot about them--the surpise element. We've seen it before and it worked then too, IMHO. Just my thoughts too. Nothing but love for ya Anime... S. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 00:06:34 EST From: TknoPagan Subject: BUFFY: Jesse in New Movie Hey guys.... just thought you might want to know something I found. For the past 3 weeks I have been trying to rent this movie, 'Trojan War', with Will Freddie (Boy Meets World) and Jennifer Love Hewitt(I Know What You Did Last Summer, Party of Five), who happen to be a real life couple. Well anyways....after the first five minutes..they show a classroom and who else in the front of the room but the popular, jock, who we really know is a nerd....Kyle (Jesse from BtVS). Big role change from his nerdy role as Jesse. Overall it was a funny movie. Well I will stop wasting space on the net....... Jason Martinez | | Keeper of Buffy's Small Wooden Stake | Keeper of Willow's Computer | Keeper of Joyce's Sports Utility Vehicle | Keeper of Spike's Boots | Keeper of Kendra's Stake | Keeper of Kendra's Slayer Manual | "Could you contemplate getting over yourself?" ...Buffy, When She Was Bad - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 00:40:12 -0500 (EST) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: BUFFY: Where is Scott? Does anyone know what happened to Scott Woodard? I hope he comes back tomorrow, I want to know the ratings for Bad Eggs. F.Y.G./missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 21:54:00 -0800 (PST) From: Lev Rickards Subject: Re: BUFFY: Review of The Egg Dudes Just something I recalled from an article in the NY Times... maybe it was in my local paper not sure. regarding the x-files, the creators (chris carter and someone else) sort of classified the eps into monster stories, paranormal stories, and mythology stories (dealing with the character's pasts). I think this makes sense in hourlong sci-fi/fantasy drama type shows like x-files and buffy. Bad eggs is your monster story, while the 2-parter is more of a 'mythology' story. (Don't really like that term. Especially when you're also talking about the mythology of the vamps). Just thought I'd mention the article. ~Lev >There have been non-vampire stories before and have >been excellent. I think in this ep. we got a little of both because hey this show is about vamps isn't it? - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- o0O The House of Rogue o0O o0O Proprietor: Lev Rickards o0O E-mail: Potential Keeper of The Monkey's Pants.... - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 22:05:26 -0800 (PST) From: Lev Rickards Subject: BUFFY: re: the egg things Now, this is a pointless little question and, if i get the answer i think is correct, i'll chalk it up to 'suspension of disbelief' but it's late and i'm tired so humor me. As i recall, when buffy first 'grappled' with her egg creature it tried to jump on her and she batted it away, is this correct? Why did everyone else who had the things attack them writhe around like they had an itch in that one spot you can never reach? It's moot of course, i'm just curious.... ~Lev - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- o0O The House of Rogue o0O o0O Proprietor: Lev Rickards o0O E-mail: Potential Keeper of The Monkey's Pants.... - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 00:45:21 EST From: TknoPagan Subject: BUFFY: Spoilers for Surprise-Spoiler Space Here is some spoilers I recieved from another person online......... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SURPRISE!!!!!! Spike and Drusilla spend time gathering bones of a demon to bring him back. The name which I have forgotten was the guy who played Luke in Welcome to The Hellmouth, and The Harvest. So I guest we will get to see a rematch with Luke and Buffy. Maybe this time he will get a watch(Daylight in 9 hours). Why can't we have any cool characters come back..Like Darla? Jason Martinez | | Keeper of Buffy's Small Wooden Stake | Keeper of Willow's Computer | Keeper of Joyce's Sports Utility Vehicle | Keeper of Spike's Boots | Keeper of Kendra's Stake | Keeper of Kendra's Slayer Manual | "Could you contemplate getting over yourself?" ...Buffy, When She Was Bad Jason Martinez | | Keeper of Buffy's Small Wooden Stake | Keeper of Willow's Computer | Keeper of Joyce's Sports Utility Vehicle | Keeper of Spike's Boots | Keeper of Kendra's Stake | Keeper of Kendra's Slayer Manual | "Could you contemplate getting over yourself?" ...Buffy, When She Was Bad - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 22:21:14 -0800 (PST) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Something I noticed In the scene when Joyce is entering the library they pan over the library sign and it reads something like "Website Coming - Da Brat's Talk" or something like that, can someone else get a better look? My Freeze Frame ain't the greatest :( I'm pretty sure it says Website Coming, but I can't figure out why it would be on the library sign, considering the abhorance Giles has for computers. Things that make you go...what the heck does that mean! :D Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey, Paul Wylie, Anthony S. Head, & Buffy-Beta Lists Pres. of Giles' Appreciation Society Panters - GASP!- Keeper of Coats & Ties Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) About What Fans Sent Him in the Mail: "Fair amount of lingerie, yeah, all of which I tried, none of which fitted" - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 01:26:35 EST From: NICOLEDEN Subject: BUFFY: Loved "bad eggs"! I don't know about you guys but that was sooo sweet when Buffy and Angel were making out and then to top it off when xander and cordy were making out in the closet. Now all we have to do is find a guy for willow! I can tell you now those alian thingys really wigged me out! They were crawly and ugly and ugh did you see what buffy looked like after she killed the mother alian thingy? Oh yeah one more thing what ever happened to the vampire cowboy dude who got pulled in to the mother alian? Well anyway I am wasting web space goodnight all! Nicole (The Next Slayer) - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 01:31:50 -0500 From: twofangs/randi spiegel Subject: BUFFY: to any Canadians who receive CKVR Hi all, It appears the new 'VR will be showing *bad egss* on Tuesday, January 13th at at least *some* of us won't have to wait for YTV :} fading back into yesterday before tomorrow comes, Randi Toronto, Ontario, Canada *what scares you most will set you free that's what the *Angel* said to me* - Robyn Hitchcock - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 22:43:05 -0800 (PST) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Definition of Bezoar From the Dictionary: bezoar (bztr, -zwr) n.a calculus or concretion found in the stomach or intestines of certain animals, esp. ruminants, formerly reputed to be an effective remedy for poison. That's how it was spelled on my CC. Hmmm. Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey, Paul Wylie, Anthony S. Head, & Buffy-Beta Lists Pres. of Giles' Appreciation Society Panters - GASP!- Keeper of Coats & Ties Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) About What Fans Sent Him in the Mail: "Fair amount of lingerie, yeah, all of which I tried, none of which fitted" - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 23:38:44 -0800 (PST) From: Patrick Joseph Keane Subject: BUFFY: Next week's episodes. *spoilers* Possible Spoilers so... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All right, here is a theory. Given the clues we've been able to gleen from the episode summaries in various mags. Buffy is angry at Jenny, for some reason, Dru is causing trouble, as usual, Somebody Buffy trusts betrays her, blah blah blah. Here's what I think, I think Angel goes to Jenny to try and "cure" himself in some way. Jenny doing thorough(sp?) research cast a spell that will cast out the spirit within Angel. (oops, didn't specify which we wanted out, did we?) Angel, free of his soul is back in full force as the terrifying Angelus. This leads to anger at Jenny from Buffy, Dru having a grand ole time teasing Buffy, with the New Angel, and Angel betraying her trust by being evil. That's my theory. What do you guys think? I am also without a doubt certain that Buffy is in bed with Angel when he wakes from his night(day?)mare. Perhaps one in which Buffy might be staking him? I hope so. Long live Angel, good or evil. Heck all of 'em for that matter. -Pat - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 01:09:56 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: What a Yolk! (SPOILERS) At 01:21 AM 1/13/98 -0500, Christopher B. Castro wrote (on planetx): >If anyone's seen "Invasion of the Body Snatchers", "The Puppet Masters", or >any of the "Alien" movies, this episode wasn't recognized as an exercise in >originality. It irked me at first, that the writers seemed to have run out >of ideas and were now grasping at straws for old horror to re-hash as new. (I'm cross-posting this 'cause I think it's a global point. And for you xmission readers, Chris did go on to express how the episode redeemed itself for him). Of course it wasn't an original concept. Very few of the Buffy monsters or plot devices themselves are original. But what I love is how Joss & Co takes these stereotyped horror pastiches and throws them into a ludicrous teen high school drama context for absurd contrast. Reminds me of how Larson lampoons middle-Americans by having cows, bears, dinosaurs, and cave-men act out their rituals. The image of Alien-style predatory eggs being nurtured and doted over by high school girls practicing for motherhood in this new nationwide "take care of an egg to learn about parenthood" school project fad was hilarious to me! And what did Xander do with his egg? Talk about a pragmatic parent! (and wonderfully consistent with his character too, imho). His real kids just better hope they don't get stranded with him on a mountaintop after a plane crash with no other food around! Speaking of Xander, did my eyes deceive me, or was his hair more shaggy (ala season one) in the preview for next week than it has been in recent months? If so, thank heaven for small miracles! Bring back the mop-top! (Shaggy, hmmm, would Xander be the Shag-man in our attempts to map Buffy onto Scooby Doo?). Lisa - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 01:15:46 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs...eww! At 09:01 PM 1/12/98 -0600, S. wrote: >Ok yeaaggghh. Those things reminded me of Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan >when those bugs crawled in Sulu's (?) ear. Nasty. Liked the whole idea >of a collective reminiscent of another Star Trek plotline. Or that Classic Trek episode with the fried-egg looking (hmmm, egg?) brain cells that attached themselves to people's backs (like Spock's), delivered those people's motor functions over to the aggregate collective brain, but died in sunlight. And obviously Aliens too (as many have observed) with the eggs and the face-huggeresque babies. But is that a somewhat deliberate tongue-in-cheek, self-homage from Joss given that he wrote Aliens-4 (akin to Hitchcock making cameo appearances in most of his films)? Lisa - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 04:04:27 -0800 From: Ice Hunter Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spike glitch > I wasn't there to be sure but wasn't woodstock during the day? > -Ryanh I wasn't there either, but Woodstock lasted three days, during which a half a million people went camping (which means nocturnal feeding opportunities). Lots of sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Spike would be at home. Lets hear it for tie-dyed T's and love beads :-) - -- Ice Hunter ( Keeper of Willow's Coroner's Office Bookmark and Willow's Microscope Keeper of Marcie's Covert Operations Classroom Textbook Keeper of The Bronze's Coffee Cups Keeper of Bounty Hunter Three's Beretta 9mm Pistol - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 02:06:20 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: BUFFY: Bad Eggs, what a crack-up! (Spoilers) What a majorly goofy and corny episode, I loved it! 1. Right off the bat we see Sunnydale has a major Galleria-style mall to add to it's art museum, university, warehouse district, etc... trophies. Pretty impressive for a one-Starbucks town! b. If my So. Cal. past serves me correctly, that mall actually looked to be the Beverly Center in LA/West Hollywood (which would make sense as it's the closest mall to the main Hollywood studios). 2. The cowboy vamps were great. But how far is Joss going to stress credibility on having the demons assume the former people's personalities? Those guys were joshing around and fighting humorously with each other like mortal sibling rivals, even when no mortals were looking (wearing their human faces, no less). How would such behavior suit the demons inside? b. They really didn't seem sadistic enough to enjoy massacring a whole town as pre-vamps. But who knows... c. Odd moment when Cowboy Vamp and Buffy found themselves fighting side-by-side underground and he was asking her for explanations. I love it when the boundaries between allies and enemies become very fluid like that. d. I liked the second cowboy vamp's manner quite a bit. Too bad he got eaten. Which immediately raises the question, shouldn't he still be alive in Mama Bezoar? He can't be smothered, as he needs no oxygen. Unlikely he would be staked, burned, or exposed to sunlight in there. So unless she somehow beheaded him by chewing or something, he should be alive, right? 3. The pacing had that Reptile-Boy strangeness to it. Lots of time for build-up, very little for resolution (an inexplicably quick kill by Buffy, and it was over). But for some reason, that quick kill worked within the ludicrousness of the whole plot for me (like Indiana Jones off-handedly shooting the Master Swordsman in "Raiders"). 4. The shot of Joyce looming above Buffy with the pick was eerily reminiscent of her looming above Spike with the axe, even the angle was similar. I suspect that was done deliberately, for irony (Buffy goes from being the defended to the attacked; boy, that'll teach her to obey her grounding!). b. But ultimately, Joyce saved Buffy's life twice with the weapons she held because it was that pick that Buffy offed Mama Bezoar with (Mama Bezoar sure had a better way to ensure *her* kids obeyed their groundings!). 5. The superglued lips of Xander/Cordy and Buffy/ Angel are getting monotonous to me at this point (can't they do something else?). But I don't think it's supposed to be erotic. At least Joss has the decency to pan by the repetitive lovers and reveal two demonic voyeurs sizing them up from the shadows. Classic Joss. Love = Vulnerability = Death. The time-honored formula of teen slasher films. 6. Joyce's forced cluelessness is getting *really* monotonous, no, downright irritating at this point. And to think that I run her keeper site.... They've gotta do something different with that soon or I'm going to lose my mind. Not only does she have every reason to suspect something's up at this point, but even Kristine Sutherland doesn't seem to believe the ignorance anymore and appears to force those lines out like a broken record. b. But hopefully, as some suggest, there will be a payoff to the grounding & cluelessness in coming ep's. And that's the news from Lake Hellmouth, where the women are strong, the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average (hmm, does sorta oddly fit the Buffy gang, doesn't it?), Lisa - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #22 ************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (