From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #46 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Tuesday, January 20 1998 Volume 02 : Number 046 In this issue: BUFFY: need some help BUFFY: Theme Song? BUFFY: Tuesday's Episode BUFFY: My Surprise/Innocence Comments BUFFY: Innocence BUFFY: RE: Spike BUFFY: Canadian broadcast of Innocence? BUFFY: Posting Board BUFFY: Innocence Wow! BUFFY: Hi (SPOILERS) Re: BUFFY: Part 2 SPOILERS --- How long? BUFFY: RE: Buffy and the brutality of love BUFFY: Question for Part 2 (SPOILER) Re: BUFFY: My Surprise/Innocence Comments BUFFY: Gltich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUFFY: Twins BUFFY: Dru can be the gypsy girl! Re: BUFFY: a little theory (related to tonight's eposide, kinda) BUFFY: My Nov. 97 Anthony Stewart Head Interview. Re: BUFFY: Innocence Wow! BUFFY:2nd part See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 21:33:52 EST From: Jyinyang Subject: BUFFY: need some help I was talking about this mailing list with one of my newfound fellow Buffy watchers and she was asking how I got onto this list. However, I don't remember, would the list moms or anyone else be willing to email me with the instructions? Thanks. Joce - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 21:04:20 -0500 From: (Ska Monkey) Subject: BUFFY: Theme Song? does anyone know where i can get guitar music/tab for the Buffy Theme Song? BTW the 2 parter was great! that was so money, baby! $--Nick--$ - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 21:34:27 -0500 From: Subject: BUFFY: Tuesday's Episode Whhhhhhooooooooooaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, Well, Well...just when I thought that Joss couldn't outdo himself, there he goes. My Gosh, what an incredible episode!! At one point, I found myself yelling at Angel. (Now I know I'm taking this WAY too seriously!!) I can't believe what happened, not just with Buffy/Angel but with all of the side stories going on. The Judge, Dru/Spike, Willow/Oz/Xander/Cordy, Giles/Jenny. There was so much to keep track of you almost needed a score sheet. So, anyone want to take bets when this is all resolved? I'm guessing May sweeps? David was on E! tonight and said how things were heating up and changing drastically. Ya think?? He went on a shopping spree in NYC and got some spiffy clothes. He can definitely clean up well. I saw that Joss answered some questions and said that Amy was filming some episodes and would be back. My question is, who's Amy? Someone from last season? Gently remind me if you can. Well, I know I'll end up rewatching this quite a few times more. It is definitely the most intense ep's that Joss has done. Oz is my new hero after his "daydream" speech to Willow. What a romantic... Didn't you feel so sorry for Buffy? Brutal, I really hope she gets some serious counseling. Have an awesome week! Sunflower - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 21:19:44 EST From: Iocaste Subject: BUFFY: My Surprise/Innocence Comments Spoilers, ho! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WOWOWOWOWOW! I take back all the nasty things I said yesterday about how upset I was that this was becoming the Buffy and Angel Show! Well, no, I really don't, 'cause it _was_, even too much to set up the events in Innocence, and I'm still rather disappointed with all of the "romantic" dialogue, which seemed very strained and overdone ... BUT!! Now the _real_ angst begins! Now they're split up, so everything's cool again! Now we can relive the glory days when all they had were smoldering looks -- and they're gonna smolder a _whole_ lot more! Whee! Umm, other stuff: 1) "_Linoleum_ makes me want to have sex" & "5 minutes -- forget that last part" were _brilliant_ Xanderisms. 2) The angst from Buffy, and Willow's sympathy, were _spectacularly_ done. Really felt for the Buffster. 3) I said it before, I'll say it again -- while on the one hand I really like Joss's addition of "morning-after rejection" to his catalogue of high school horrors, on the other hand I don't like traditional "woman has sex and must be punished" storylines. So I can only enjoy _this_ story only when I consciously lay aside the politics. 4) And another tasteful anti-smoking message from Joss.... 5) Though it was strongly implied, it still isn't canon that Angel was Buffy's first, is it? Joss and SMG have said so, it hasn't actually been mentioned in an ep yet, has it? Although I'm sure there will be more discussions in coming eps, so we'll see. 6) What a waste of Vincent Schiavelli (sp?). 7) On the Buffy/Giles front: Loved the conversation in the car, even if Giles was a bit dense this whole time. (I'll forgive him for not charging after her at the beginning of the ep -- I'm assuming he just didn't want to go in without a plan.) And hey, look, Giles chose his Slayer over his girlfriend! And he didn't have to, because Jenny didn't really do anything wrong -- she kept stuff from them, but she was not responsible for what happened. Really nothing more to be said except -- it's true love, and Buffy will realize it once she gets over this little infatuation with Angel. Just in time for her to be able to drink legally. 8) Willow, Willow -- forget Xander! Oz is becoming more and more amazing by the second ... of course, we all know what's in store _there_. 9) Speaking of which, Alyson Hannigan was friggin _adorable_ in her scene with Oz -- if her eyes were any bigger, they'd pop out the top of her forehead. 10) And Nick Brendon _really_ did a great job of portraying Xander's pain at Willow's rejection. During her "We're not okay" speech, he totally looked like he was fighting back tears. I swear, this new direction for Xander -- all jokes, little character -- completely underuses his talent. Once again, I make a plea for a return of the floppy, insecure, _young_ Xander of yore. 11) As funny as the rocket launcher scene was, I really must comment that the climax was quite a let-down after the build up. I was rather hoping from some play on the words "no weapon forged," as in some weapon that _wasn't_ forged could beat him. But even without that, I really think some kind of battle -- or _difficulty_ -- was in order. 12) They _so_ missed an opportunity in Surprise when Angel didn't go for the blood on her back -- or even look _tempted_. I mean, once again, I know they were setting us up for the big betrayal, and wanted the romance stuff prior to that to be as sweet and perfect as possible, but, come on! He was still a vampire -- there should have been some acknowledgement of that. Especially considering that all this time, Buffy and Angel were behaving as though they _couldn't_ be together -- and since they didn't know about the whole curse thing, we needed some sense of why that would be. 13) But forget all this negative stuff, 'cause this was _FUN_!!!! I had a great time, Joss, do it again! Do it again!!!! Ann - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 21:41:22 -0500 From: sah Subject: BUFFY: Innocence Loved both these episodes. I *love* the evil Angel, and I'm glad and incredibly impressed that they are going to let him stay evil for a while. I like him better that way. I think people are being too hard on Ms. Calendar, too. Yeah, she may have made a mistake, but I'm not so convinced. She personally didn't put the curse on Angel, and she certainly didn't lift it. She was trying to uphold the traditions of her tribe. That's one of the themes of the show--how many times have we seen Buffy try to balance being the Slayer and being a teenager? She doesn't always succeed, and that's what makes her interesting. Same for Giles--we saw something from *his* past come back to haunt him in a big way, but unlike Ms. Calender, this was something that he personally did, rather than something he just got stuck with the responsibility for. Just my two cents. Your mileage may vary. - --sah sah * * NatPack * Jungle Patrol * Bishop * Bossy the Lost Dwarf * BTVS Listowner Nat's B&B (moving shortly): "There are billion-dollar fashion and diet and physical-fitness industries out there. They have a huge investment in making sure women hate their bodies." --Camryn Manheim - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 21:40:26 EST From: (Shannon M Keane) Subject: BUFFY: RE: Spike First off.....I loved this episode ten times better than the first part of the two parter. The first part had some great aspects to it, dont get me wrong. But, in a way it didn't appeal to me that much. BUT!!! the second part was so emotional and touching, with humor and whatnot. When Buffy whipped out the missle launcher, I honestly fell out of my bed I was laughing so hard. But I could just be weird.....=) Anyways....what was up with Spike when he was hiding in the shadows of the factory? He obviously couldn't stop Buffy by himnself in his condition, but he did not seem too perturbed that his beloved Dru was in danger. Could it be a bit of jealousy over Angel's and Dru's togetherness???? According to the Judge, he is "infected" with human feelings surrounding/for Dru......I will have to ponder on this...... One last note....I hear by renounce any past statements of my dislike towards Oz. His speech to Willow about how he wants a relationship to start off, not as a way to get even with Xander. That was so sweet......I like Oz =) I actually cried at this episode and I am not (*too*) afraid to admit it. Peace and love, Shannon :-) They've come to take me away!!! Ha-ha-hee-hee-ho-ho... - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 22:52:02 -0400 (AST) From: Jennifer McDonnell Subject: BUFFY: Canadian broadcast of Innocence? This is pure torture! I go to watch the second part tonite on ASN, and instead of Buffy, I get this cheezy re-run of Neon Rider. Does anyone know what gives? If there are any other Atlantic Canadian fans out there, do you know when ASN is showing the conclusion? Because it was listed for tonight! For all Cdn fans: How is YTV showing the two-parter this weekend. Are they playing Surprise on Friday nite and Innocence on Saturday nite, or are they showing Surprise only this weekend? I have this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that I will never get to see Innocence. Please email me privately, Jen - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 22:01:19 -0500 From: Subject: BUFFY: Posting Board Could someone please e-mail me privately with the address for the posting board? I would really like to read the discussion about the two-parter. Random thoughts... 1) I do think that the two parter was originally supposed to be shown in one night. It just seemed that the way it was filmed, that might have been the plan at one time. 2) I think that Angel will come around again in April-May and that Jenny will have something to do with it. Before that though, Xander will see that Buffy needs his help and will be there to console her which will irritate the hell out of Cordy. Then, when Angel regains his soul, Buffy won't trust him or feel the same way about him so they will basically have to start all over again which is where the season will pick up next year. Whee, ain't it grand?? Reminder, this is just my opinion so it doesn't mean much. Sunflower - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 21:47:47 EST From: RayneFire Subject: BUFFY: Innocence Wow! Wow! What an incredible episode! I started crying when Willow confronted Xander, and I didn't stop until it was over (with a few laughs in between). What a twist with Angel! I really thought he would get his soul back by the end of "Innocence", but I like it much better that he hasn't! I think we could be in for a great ride with the evil Angelus! But of course, I'm only saying that with the faith that he'll be good again someday. It doesn't have to be right away because he's so interesting as evil! Spike and Dru are awesome! And add a little Angelus to the mix and you've got a hyponotic trio! Wow! And I gotta say Willow really does rule! She was so understanding with Buffy. She finally admitted her feelings to Xander. And I think she's beginning to see Oz as more than just a way to get back at Xander. Willow and Oz are perfect together! Joss is a genius! That says it all! Rayne Keeper of Willow's Animal Slippers Keeper of Buffy's Stuffed Pig, Mr. Gordo Keeper of Spike's Trench Coat - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 21:48:34 EST From: KRC81 Subject: BUFFY: Hi (SPOILERS) Hi everyone I am new to the list so this is my first post. I thought this was a great time to start after that episode. I knew from everyones posts that it looked like Angel was going to turn bad, but I never knew how bad! I have to say that I hate the new Angel. I thought him and Buffy were great together and was almost crying when he said all those things to her. I hope they find some way to restore his soul--soon, because I would hate it if he was evil for very long. If anyone has any insight as to his future with buffy e-mail me and let me know Thanks Kristen - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 21:37:58 EST From: Iocaste Subject: Re: BUFFY: Part 2 SPOILERS --- How long? S P O I L E R S P A C E <> Oooh, we should really start a betting pool on these questions! My guess -- dunno _how_ Angel's soul will be restored, but as for _when_ -- can anyone say "May sweeps"? Ann - - - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 21:57:55 EST From: (Shannon M Keane) Subject: BUFFY: RE: Buffy and the brutality of love Sunflower mentioned how brutal Buffy's situation was for her to deal with. She not only has to deal with loosing her virginity, but to someone who, through no real fault of his own that I can see, has turned on her. Also, now she has to protect herself, her mom, friends, and everyone else from Angel who knows her better than anyone else. Talk about some major issues that will have to be future eps. of course.... Joss thankfully didn't overdo the sex thing (is it just me or did the sex/memory of it seem pretty errotic??). The after-effects were much more important to the story than the act itself. Many people can relate, I feel, to those type of emotions that are being shown: betrayl, anger, sadness, etc. Also....Willow telling Giles to shut up was nice, in a way...I can't explain why I feel that way....and kind of sad. Good-night everybody!!!!!!!! Peace and love, Shannon :-) They've come to take me away!!! Ha-ha-hee-hee-ho-ho... - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 21:21:22 -0800 From: Subject: BUFFY: Question for Part 2 (SPOILER) mandatory spoiler spot here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How come Angel was able to get into Janni's uncle's hotel room; doesn't he have to be invited still? BTW, considering the teaser for next week's werewolf episode (the werewolf in Willow's house), is anybody else thinking what I'm thinking? Maybe Oz is a werewolf? Incidentally, I think Oz is great; he's smart, funny, and not easily shook--I don't think I would have picked up the arm either. Great episode though; I hope they find a way to restore his soul. Len "My shoes are too tight, but it doesn't matter because I have forgotten how to dance." -- Londo Mollari, Centauri Ambassador on Babylon 5. _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 19:32:12 -0800 (PST) From: Lev Rickards Subject: Re: BUFFY: My Surprise/Innocence Comments >12) They _so_ missed an opportunity in Surprise when Angel didn't go for the >blood on her back -- or even look _tempted_. I'm saving Innocence for tomorrow (Exams, got to rest up. Some stupid basketball game pushed it a few hours.) but I liked your letter. Thanks for keeping it tastefully spoiled, and you didn't even give away much in the msg itself. I did want to hit on this point, though. I think something could've happened IF Angel hadn't pointed out that "It's closed." The wound was closed, so any blood that was there was either dry, or a figment of our collective imaginations. It would've been interesting, though. ~Lev ............................................................................ o0O The House of Rogue....................................................... o0O o0O Proprietor: Lev Rickards.................................................. o0O E-mail: Potential Keeper of The Monkey's Pants......The Future is in Beta - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 22:24:21 -0500 From: "Ryan Harrington" Subject: BUFFY: Gltich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oz's steering wheel in his van changed sides!!!!!!!!!!!! - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 22:40:46 -0500 From: Schimmel <> Subject: BUFFY: Twins Nichole wrote: <> They're identical; i think his name is Ian and he's stand-in for his brother. << Tom Cruise as the Vampire Lestat (ps: what do you guys think of his being replaced with Daniel Day-Lewis for the sequel?) >> DDL was offered the orig. but turned it down; so it's not likely he'll do the sequel. According to the NY Post, Anne Rice wants DiCaprio to take over as Lestat. Sandra - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 22:51:15 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: Dru can be the gypsy girl! At 12:42 AM 1/20/98 -0500, you wrote: >>>Drusilla was the gypsy girl that Angel killed. >> >>Nope..the math doesn't work. Angel is 240 or so. Spike is about 200. Angel >>made Dru and Dru made Spike, so she has to be between 240-200. The Gypsy >>girl was killed..what 90-100 years ago. So..Drusilla isn't the Gypsy girl. Sorry if this has already been responded to, but..... I'm not sure about this but wasn't Angel Spike's sire? Didn't Spike say that in SH and therefore Dru could be the Gypsy girl.....That's the impression i got from the two parter... Sabrina - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 22:59:41 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: a little theory (related to tonight's eposide, kinda) At 08:51 AM 1/20/98 -0600, you wrote: >this. How ironic is it. Ms Calendar's "mission" is to make sure that >Angel suffers, and Angel is the one who saved her life when she was >possessed with that demon. This could turn into one of the most >intriguing story lines of the season. I can't wait to find out where >this goes. What about Giles? I think that Giles is going to be really distant to Jenny, (a switch from the way she treated him after TDA). Remember what he said after Buffy told her to get out? He just forcefully said "You heard her, Get Out" nothing soft or placating or 'you did something bad but i understand'. It was a total shut-out on Giles's part because first and foremost he is The Watcher and it is his job to protect Buffy. Directly or Indirectly, MC gurt Buffy very deeply, and that's not something Giles is going to forget. Sabrina - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 20:03:45 -0700 From: "Sonja Marie" Subject: BUFFY: My Nov. 97 Anthony Stewart Head Interview. Halo! The following is the original msg/interview I sent only to the ASH Mailing List back on Nov. 20th, now that Tony has seen it and hasn't said there is nothing I can't print or pass around, I'm sending it to the other Buffy Lists, including reposting it to the ASH list for newbies to see and read. Hi all, Well I finally did it! The transcribing of the main interview with Tony is over! I know you will appreciate the time and effort it took to type this all out, lord knows there were times I didn't want to do it! Didn't want to have to play over and over Tony gorgeous voice.... , yeah right, who am I kidding?! :D But my main problem was listening to myself, and trying to understand Tony and making sure I got everything written correctly. This interview took place on Nov. 4, 1997, over the phone, with Anthony calling from the Buffy set, and me, in my friend's apartment in Seattle, WA. Occassionally it was hard to understand what Tony was saying, so I've made the best possible guesses at times that I could. Tony did clear up some of the iffy places for me though, others are marked with a (?). This interview is copyrighted 1997 and owned by the White Rose Inc (aka Sonja Marie), which owns both GASP! and ASHFC. All rights reserved. Using any part of this interview for personal gain or otherwise is against the law, without express permission from me, and I will sue. Sonja Marie: Is there anything I can't ask? Anthony Stewart Head (Tony): (big laugh): you can ask it if you like, I can't gaurantee I'm going to answer. Sonja: Why me, why now, why this fan club and why not before? Tony: Um, because no one has ever asked quite so decisively before, and I'm a great believer in things happening when they do for a reason. I've been asked by people in England before now, but quite honestly I sorta looked at it and thought "What on earth can you have a fan club about?" But having witnessed the interest on the internet, I just thought: "Well, okay," if enough people are interested then. Sonja: How did you learn of your fan pages and what was your first impression? Tony: I learned about it when Alyson told me to check out the Buffy website and the fact that there was a following of Giles, so I checked it out basically and was amazed and flattered and just the whole thing it was a wonder to me that there was such a thing as a website existed at all, and let alone there was one devoted to me! Sonja: What's your favourite colour? Tony: When I was a kid it was purple, parents painted the front door purple for me, it didn't suit it at all, it was a Regency House, in Park Village West which is a Regency ? in London. And they said what colour should we paint it, and I said purple. But now I think it's blue. Blue it's a very healing colour. Sonja: What is your Favourite Movie and TV Show? Tony: *strange noise* Sonja: Do you have any time to watch TV or movies? Tony: Yes! Um, my favourite recent movie or my favourite movie of all time? Sonja: Both Tony: I was surprising impressed by Devil's Advocate. Sonja: I wanted to go see that just don't have time. Tony: I didn't want to see it particularly. It didn't look terribly interesting, but um it looked interesting but um it looked ?, but Pacino is stunning. It was a very intelligent script based on adaptation. My favourite movie of all time? Oh God, um there are a number, there are all sorts, I still think the "Conversation" is a great, great film, "My Wonderful Life" is a fantastic [movie], there is just so many, to many to pick one, I can't, CAN'T! I adore, there's a film which alot of people hated called "One From the Heart" which actually broke Zoetrope Studios, with Frederic Forest, I can't remember who the woman [was], um it's a beautiful film, (remembers woman's name), Natassja Kinksi. Favourite TV programs, Fawlty Towers, some of Black Adder, not the recent ones, the first War World Black Adder. Sonja: Nothing from America these days? Tony: Anything from America? "ER", "Friends". Sonja: You watch "Friends"? Tony: Yeah, Love it! I miss it...I'm always working on Thursdays. And of course "Buffy". Sonja: So you do watch the show? Tony: Oh, yeah Sonja: I've read [about] actors saying they never watch anything they do. Tony: Well, yeah, they've got their own problems. I love the show, I think it's great, it's a great show, I mean there are times when you go "Oh I wish I hadn't done that." Sonja: What is your favourite band or singer? Tony: Favourite Band? For years it was...Little Feet. Boy George (?), I love Barricuda. Recent bands, I like Oasis, but their lyrics really annoy me. They're sort of the new...everyone says they're the new Beatles, but they're don't come anywhere close to the Beatles. I really like the Wallflowers. I've always liked Sting. I have a fairly ecletic taste. There is a band called Tonic which is really clever. Like Sheryl Crow, like Alanis Morisette, like all those girls. Sonja: Do you have a favourite book or author? Tony: There's a writer in England, you haven't read here (US), called Terry Pratchett, who writes a series of books based on a place called the "Discworld", which is a comic kind's kind of wry humour, it's a little bit school-boyish, it's very funny. Kinda in the mode of Douglas Adams who wrote "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". I used to get into Stephen King, trouble is with all those writer's who write profusely they tend to get very formulaic, and after awhile you just think "Oh come on I've read this under a different name." Some of his earlier stuff was great. The first book I ever read of his was "The Shining" it blew my mind. (Tony mentions that he has yet to see the new adaption starring Steven Webber, but would like to.) Tony: Oh another film "The Lady Killers". Favourite Actor: Alec Guinness. Sonja: What's your favourite food? Tony: I guess Thai, but I'm getting a bit bored with it here. I do like Sushi. Sonja: Do you have a favourite vacation spot? Tony: I've always been fond of France, we went back there last year. That was pretty cool. Sonja: Do you speak French? A little? Tony: Uh yeah, I hide behind alot of accents basically. Sonja: Is it true you can't drive a stick shift? Tony: It's perfectly true. Sonja: Then why didn't they get a car for Giles that you can actually drive? Tony: Don't ask me. Basically it's called the wonders of film making, it's called ask them for an automatic and they will give you a stick shift, and tell you to deal with it. Basically because they fell in love with the Citroen, and the Citroen DS (sp?) has a very strange system, it's half gear and half automatic, basically, except this one doesn't, but the automakers [did a] strange thing where you don't have a clutch, you change down, but you don't..or change up, but you don't have a clutch, just has both, it also has extremely acute air breaks, so if you stomp your foot on it, you go through the wind screen. Sonja: We've notice that when Giles is driving it's making really bad noises, and it's like "Ah it's Tony not being able to drive it". Tony: Well yeah, also no it has to be said that this particular one I drove in the first season, I know have a different one, but you have to rev it extremely high before you could change out. In episode 5 I did find out that I'd been driving in 2nd thinking I'd got up to 4th, I was revving extremely high, but you know what can you do? You think they're going to put the sound in afterwards, but they didn't! But anyway it kinda figures Giles can't drive. Sonja: Of the many roles that you've done, what would you like to be remembered most for? Tony: My favourites were Frank, and Rupert [Tony meant both Giles in Buffy and the Rupert he played in a play called "Rope"]. Basically I am known as Frank in England, all my Frank, if you know what I mean. It's something I'd like to do here sometime. Sonja: Is there any role you'd like people to forget about? Tony: Yes, if I say it you'll try to rush out and try to get it. There was a dreadful film I made for Italian television called "Devil's Hill" Sonja: Someone thought you were going to say "Woof". Tony: Oh "Woof"! I was quite proud of "Woof"! I turned into a Black Labrador. It was one of those gigs, no it was fun, and I enjoyed myself, it was funny. The only thing was the publicity got them thinking I was up's a long story, basically it lead to a big newspaper and radio publicity thing about me being the new James Bond. Just because one paper took the picture and actually didn't want to do a copy about the show, so they decided to make up their own copy about me being James Bond. Which was fine, except that it got me thinking I had a chance, and I got very excited. But the Broccoli's already had their man [Pierce Brosnan]. Sonja: Of your two most well known US Televsion Roles, who do you prefer more - Oliver Sampson or Rupert Giles? Or are there aspects of both that you like? Tony: I wouldn't compare them. I'll have to say that they're two very different [roles]. I enjoyed both series. I was sad that VR5 didn't go on, because there was alot of room for development, Oliver had just started to grow. Giles is fascinating, there's alot of scope for growth, as were going to see in the next episode (Dark Ages). Sonja: You seem to have alot of wierd character names. Why is that? I think you've had Rupert three times already. Tony: [Thinks] Yeah, I think I have. Sonja: Just coincidence? Tony: Ah, yeah...I just think it's an English name, I don't know, the name sums up the character. Sonja: I'd like to know what your take on Giles' appeal is. What do you think makes him attractive? Tony: God knows! In the beginning I found him fairly unattractive. And bless her heart, Gerry (sp?), who does the hair, stopped me from doing something really unattractive with my hair she said "Look there are alot of people out there who find you attractive. Leave your hair alone!" [laughs] Sonja: What were you going to do with it? Tony: Oh, I was going to just nerd it up a bit. Sonja: Well we've noticed that it's taken some different changes in episodes. Tony: It has. Sonja: It has, it's gone from sticking straight up, to being combed backed.... Tony: It's basically whatever they decide to's fairly unkempt throughout. Various hair artists have different ideas on what it should look like. I sorta push it about occassionally, but it's not, it hasn't become an issue. But I don't know what Giles' appeal is, the letters that I get are basically saying he's the...voice of reason. He's just as insane as the rest of them. I don't know, I've not the faintest idea, but I'm very grateful for it. Whatever I'm doing seems to be right. Sonja: Speaking of fan letters. What's the wierdest thing you've ever gotten from a fan? Besides a fan club? Tony: The wierdest thing I've ever gotten from a fan was a broken answer machine. I made the mistake of putting my telephone number in the telephone directory a long time ago when I was doing "Chess". [The *fan* left *interesting* messages for about a month and a half. Tony called it "Wierd"]. I got a few odd things when I was doing "Rocky" [Rocky Horror Show on the London Stage, he performed as Dr. Frank-N-Furter in full drag - corsets, teddies, heels, boas, etc]. Sonja: I can imagine. Lingerie? Tony: Fair amount of Lingerie, yeah, all of which I tried, none of which fitted. *Laugh* Sonja: *Cough* *Laugh* Um, yes, okay. Tony: *Laugh* Sonja: What do you get recognized most for? Giles, Oliver, the Coffee Guy, or something else. Tony: At the moment Giles has taken over from the Coffee Guy, and Oliver sort of slips in there occassionally like "Oh yeah that cool guy from VR5" Sonja: Really? People recognize you from that? [Like they wouldn't?! What was I thinking?!] Tony: Yeah! Sonja: Oh Cool! Tony: Well ever since it started getting repeated on the SciFi Channel. People have been watching it. [I mentioned that I have to remind people of the Taster's Choice commercials before it sinks in who exactly Anthony is.] Tony: Alot of people here think that they know me, because the commercials was in their homes sorta regularly. Sonja: How long did those run? Tony: In all, something like 11 years, 12 years, no 11 years, 6 years in England and 6 years here [Note: that is actually 12, not 11.] Sonja: I guess we sort of covered what kind of music you like, but what kind of music do you think Giles likes? Tony: I think he'd probably surprise you, I think he'd probably be into something like James Brown. Maybe an Opera. Yeah, a bit of funky soul thrown in there. Sonja: I can't perosnally see that, I envisioned him listening Mozart, Bizet, Ravel... Tony: Yeah Mozart, I can see him as a Amadeus fan. Sonja: Tchaikovsky... Tony: Nah, not Tchaikovsky. Sonja: Any chance you'll do an album of your own someday? Tony: If somebody asked me, yeah. I'm all for it, certainly. Sonja: Sometimes you have to go out and push yourself. Tony: Oh I know, ultimately I hope I get a musical and I'll get that on album Sonja: If you hadn't gotten the role of Giles, what would you be doing now? Tony: I don't know. Who knows. The thing about acting, you don't know what's around the corner, I might just be sitting at home. No, actually I know what I'd be doing, I'd be doing "Jonathan Creek". I would've loved to have done that, and I tried to work out a way of doing both, but TV companys don't like you flying out the country to do another job really. [Anthony appeared only in the premiere episode of "Jonathan Creek", a BBC murder mystery, as "Adam Klaus", a kinky leather wearing *illusionist* front man for Creek, the real magician, a character as far from "Giles" as you can get. He was slated to return to the role for the 2nd season, but Buffy was also renewed and he was unable to do both. They have since recast the role, which Anthony wasn't happy about, he said back in August when we first talked that he wished they'd just put Adam in a magic box that he never got out of instead of recasting.] Finis - -------------------------------------------------------------------- We go on to talk about a few other things, but the main interview ended with the above question and answer. Tony says he hasn't read any of the Adult Giles Fanfiction, but expressed an interest in the Bad Fic (the fanfic written badly on purpose). Whether he will actually read any is left to be seen. Tony is a joy to talk to, and I hope I will do so again in the future. He has a quick wit, and a way with accents, which can't be heard in a written interview. But if I get permission I will put wavs up of some of the more colourful parts of the interview. Like when he says "Bummer dude" to the fact that I can't see the pictures on the GASP! site in colour (note: I've left this exchange out of the interview as it had no bearing on it and nothing was revealed.) I hope you have enjoyed it! Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey Mailing List & The Paul Wylie Mailing List Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles' Coats&Ties Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) To Me About What Fans Sent Him in the Mail: "Fair amount of lingerie, yeah, all of which I tried, none of which fitted" - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 23:10:16 -0500 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Innocence Wow! Rayne says: >What a twist with Angel! I really thought he would get his soul back by the >end of "Innocence", but I like it much better that he hasn't! I think we >could be in for a great ride with the evil Angelus! But of course, I'm only >saying that with the faith that he'll be good again someday. A question...if Angelus stays "bad" for a few months ...kills lots of people...causes Buffy and friends a lot of pain and fear and anyone ( in the show or in the audience) really going to care if he gets his soul back and is "good" again? How much will we (and Buffy) be willing to forgive? can say that nothing he does now is his "fault"....but would that be sufficient to "forgive and forget"? Would Buffy still love him after he kills a few hundred Sunnydale extras? Would he ever be accepted back into the group? I wouldn't think so. Even after just tonight..he almost killed Willow and did kill Jenny's uncle..he beat the crap out of Buffy (not to mention humiliating her) ..I don't know that I could just welcome him back in a few episode's time. My "image" of him has been radically changed....even if he got his soul back next week..I not sure I would want to see Buffy mooning over him again. I'm thinking that Angel is gone for good..and Angelus will eventually get staked..leaving Buffy with regrets and a bitter memories. Wendy - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 22:47:02 EST From: Atina10 Subject: BUFFY:2nd part I can't believe I just watched that I so want Angel to turn good again. I'm sure he will, in time. I love them. He's so cruel. I can't believe it! Dawson't Creek was goood though. But Buffy was so chilling and compelling! any comments - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #46 ************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (