From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #100 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Wednesday, February 11 1998 Volume 02 : Number 100 In this issue: BUFFY: BBB quote list (1/2) BUFFY: BBB quote list (2/2) BUFFY: BBB Responses BUFFY: BBB episode... BUFFY: Next new episode? And that *heart* BUFFY: BBB: Giles Re: BUFFY: Big B,B&B spoilers BUFFY: BBB = LOL Re: BUFFY: BB&B Random Comments BUFFY: Xander & Buffy BUFFY: Spike and Dru on WB site BUFFY: My BB&B Comments-2/10/98 Episode BUFFY: Screen Shot from BBB. Re: BUFFY: BBB Quotes and Potential Flub BUFFY: BBB thoughts, DON'T READ, IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN BUFFY: ratings? BUFFY: Consumer Tips from your local BBB (Spoilers!) See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 11:03:28 -0500 (EST) From: Betsy Vera Subject: BUFFY: BBB quote list (1/2) Quote list compiled by Maureen Wynn ( Bug her about mistakes, not me, okay? Maureen's quote lists are archived at: - - (Sunnydale Slayers) and - - (Cagey) - --------------- Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered quote list B=Buffy, W=Willow, X=Xander, C=Cordelia, O=Oz, G=Giles, A=Angel, As=Angelus, H=Harmony, Amy=Amy the witch X-So, what do you think? B-It's nice. X-But do you think Cordelia will like it? B-I don't know. Does she know what one of these is? X-Okay, big yuks. When are you guys going to stop making fun of me for dating Cordelia? B-I'm sorry. But never. I just think you could find somebody more... better. X-In a parallel universe, maybe. Here the only other person I'm interested in is, um, unavailable. Besides, Cordy and I are really getting along. We're not fighting as much, and yesterday we just sat together, not even speaking. You know, just, um, enjoying comfortable silence. Man, that was dull. B-I'm glad you guys are getting along. Almost really. And don't stress over the gift X-Well, this is new territory for me. My valentines are usually met with heartfelt restraining orders. X-I wish dating was like slaying: You know, simple, direct, stake to the heart, no muss, no fuss. B-Sorry to say, Xand, but slaying is a tad more perilous than dating. X-Well, you're obviously not dating Cordelia. C-Excuse me, where's the fire sale? C-Xander? What does he have to do with this? H-Well, a girl wants to look good for her geek. C-Xander's just... Girl-When are you two gonna start wearing cute little matching outfits? H-'Cause I'm planning to vomit. X-This time I'm ready for you. No "F" for Xander today. No. This baby's my ticket to a sweet D-minus. Amy-You guys going to the Valentine's Day Dance at the Bronze? I think it's going to be a lot of fun. B-Go ahead, you know you want to say it. W-My boyfriend's in the band. Amy-Cool. B-I think you've now told everybody. W-Only on this hemisphere. B-Oh, Valentine's Day is just a cheap gimmick to sell cards and chocolate. A-Bad break-up, huh? B-Believe me when I say "uh-huh." B-Mom and I are going to have a pig-out and vid fest. It's a time-honored tradition among the loveless. W-You know her mom was a witch. B-And amateur psycho. G-Might I have a word? B-Have a sentence, even. G-Around Valentine's Day, he's rather prone to, uh, brutal displays of... He would think of it as affection, I suppose. G-Better safe than sorry. B-It's a little late for both. D-Oh, Angel, it's still warm. As-I knew you'd like it. I found it in a quaint little shopgirl. As-I know Dru gives you pity access, but you have to admit it's so much easier when I do things for her. As-Dear Buffy. I'm still trying to decide the best way to send my regards. S-Why don't you rip her lungs out? That might make an impression. As-Lacks... poetry. S-It doesn't have to. What rhymes with lungs...? W-Oz has his cool hair today. I think I'm a groupie! C-Your clothes... you look so good. X-I let Buffy dress me. Well, not physically. C-Perfect. You had to make this harder, didn't you? X-Okay, clearly the fact that I please you visually has got us off on the wrong foot here. X-Once, twice, a kissy here, and kissy there. And you can chalk it all up to hormones. And maybe that's all we have here - tawdry teen lust. C-Thank you, it's beautiful. I want to break up. X-Okay, not quite the reaction I was looking for. X-Do you know what's a good day to break up with somebody? Any day besides Valentine's Day! I mean, what, were you running low on dramatic irony? Girl-Gee, Xander, maybe you should learn a second language so that even more girls can reject you. X-Blackmail is such an ugly word. A-I didn't say blackmail. X-Yeah, but I'm about to blackmail you, so I thought I'd bring it up. X-What do I want? I want some respect around here. I want, for once, to come out ahead. I want the Hellmouth to be working for me. Amy-A love spell? X-Yeah. You know, just the basic can't eat, can't sleep, can't breathe anything but little old moi. Amy-But that kind of thing is the hardest. I mean, to make someone love you for all eternity? X-Whoa, whoa, back up. Who said anything about eternity? A man can only talk self-tanning lotion for so long before his head explodes. Amy-Intent has to be pure with love spells. X-Right, I intend revenge. Pure as the driven snow. B-"Soon" what, Giles? You never held out on me until the big, bad thing in the dark became my ex-honey. G-Where did this come from? B-He said it with flowers. X-Oh, come on, don't flatter yourself. I'm not going to make a big scene. I just want the necklace back. C-What? I thought it was a gift. X-No, last night it was a gift. Today it's scrap metal. Figure I can melt it down, sell it for fillings or something. end part 1 of 2 - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 11:06:01 -0500 (EST) From: Betsy Vera Subject: BUFFY: BBB quote list (2/2) Quote list compiled by Maureen Wynn ( Bug her about mistakes, not me, okay? Maureen's quote lists are archived at: - - (Sunnydale Slayers) and - - (Cagey) - --------------- Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered quote list (2/2) B=Buffy, W=Willow, X=Xander, C=Cordelia, O=Oz, G=Giles, A=Angel, As=Angelus, H=Harmony, Amy=Amy the witch X-Is this love? 'Cause maybe on you it doesn't look that different. C-Are you going, like, stalker-boy on me now? G-Look, here's another, here. Um, "Valentine's Day," yes, um, "Angel nails a puppy to the..." B-Skip it. G-But... B-I don't want to know. I don't have a puppy, skip it. G-Right you are, I'll get another batch. X-I have a plan. We'll use me as bait. B-You mean, make Angel come after you? X-No, I mean chop me into little pieces and stick me on hooks for fish to nibble at, 'cause it would be more fun than my life. B-Yeah, I heard about you and Cordy. That's her loss. X-Not really the popular theory. B-Why don't you and I do something together tonight? Just the two of us. X-Really? B-Yeah. We can comfort each other. X-Would lap dancing enter into that scenario at all? 'Cause I find that very comforting. B-Play your cards right... X-Okay, uh, you do know that I'm Xander, right? X-You know what? It was wrong to meddle with the forces of darkness. I see that now. I think we've all grown. I gotta go. W-Sorry. I wanted to surprise you. X-Good job. High marks. W-Don't be so jumpy. I've been in your bed before. X-Yeah, but Will, we were both in footy pajamas. W-People grow apart. They grow closer. X-This is good. How close we are now. I feel very comfortable with this amount of closeness. In fact, I could even back up a few paces and still be happy. See? W-I want you, Xander... to be my first. X-Baseman! Please tell me we're talking baseball. X-I don't want to use force. W-Force is okay. X-It's time for me to act like a man. And hide. G-What is it? X-It's me... throwing myself at your mercy. G-What? Why? X-I made a mess, Giles. See, I found out that Amy's into witchcraft, and I was hurt, I guess, so I made her put the love whammy on Cordy, but it backfired. And now every woman in Sunnydale wants to make me her cuddle monkey. Which may sound swell on paper, but... G-I cannot believe that you were fool enough to do something like this. X-Oh no, I'm twice the fool it takes to do something like this. X-Buff, give me a heart attack. B-Oh, I'm going to give you more than that. X-Buff... for the love of god, don't open that raincoat. B-Come on, it's a party. Aren't you gonna open your present? Amy-Who made you Queen of the world? Well, you're old enough to be. MC-What can I say? I guess Xander's just too much man for the pimple squad. X-Would you quit with the Hecate? C-Okay, what now, you don't like my locker combination? G-We have to catch the Buffy-rat. O-That kinda hurt. X-Kinda?! What was that for? O-I was on the phone all night, listening to Willow cry about you. Now, I don't know exactly what happened, but I was left with a very strong urge to hit you. Amy-Why did you send Xander away? He needs me. MC-That's a laugh. Amy-He loves me. We look into each other's souls. MC-No one can love two people at once. What we have is real. G-Instead of making me ill, why doesn't one of you try to help me? C-Damn it, Xander, what's going on? Who died and made you Elvis? C-What are you doing? Make me yak! C-And keep your mom-aged mitts off my boyfriend. Former! C-Why has everyone gone insane? X-Insane? Is it so impossible for you to believe that other women find me attractive? C-The only way you could get girls to want you would be witchcraft. X-That is such a... Well, yeah, okay, good point. X-Good. The mob still hasn't found us. We should be safer up here. As-Works in theory. D-Don't fret, kitten, Mummy's here. D-Your face is a poem. Oh, I can read it. X-Really? It doesn't say, "spare me" by any chance? D-How do you feel about eternal life? X-We couldn't just start with a coffee? A movie, maybe? O-Here, Buffy. C-If we die in here, I'm gonna kick your ass, I mean it. B-Hi, Oz. O-Hi. B-I seem to be having a slight case of nudity here. O-But you're not a rat... so call it an upside. B-You think maybe you could get me some clothing? O-Yes, I can. Just, uh, don't go anywhere. B-Really not an issue. B-Scavenger hunt. X-Your mom seemed to buy it. B-So she says. I think she's just so wigged at hitting on one of my friends that she's repressing. She's getting pretty good at that. I should probably start worrying. X-Well, I'm back to being incredibly unpopular. B-It's better than everyone trying to ax-murder you, right? X-Mostly, but, uh, Willow won't even talk to me. B-Any particular reason she should? X-How much groveling are we talking here? B-Oh, a month at least. B-I remember coming on to you, I remember begging you to undress me... and then a sudden need for cheese. I also remember that you didn't. X-Need cheese? X-I couldn't take advantage of you like that - okay, for a minute it was touch-and-go there. C-Do you know what you are, Harmony? You're a sheep. H-I'm not a sheep. C-You're a sheep. All you ever do is what everyone else does, just so you can say you did it first. And here I am, scrambling for your approval, when I'm way cooler than you are, 'cause I'm not a sheep. I do what I want to do, and I wear what I want to wear, and you know what? I date whoever the hell I want to date. No matter how lame he is. C-Oh, god, what have I done? They're never going to speak to me again. X-Oh, sure they are. If it helps, whenever we're around them, you and I can fight a lot. C-You promise? X-You can pretty much count on it. END - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 11:12:47 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: BBB Responses Whoops! I got my comments from x-mission and planet-x mixed they're sort of combined here. Sorry bout that! << Finally, am I the only one that is going to have trouble if they try to put Buffy and Angel back together if/when his soul is restored? >> All I can say to that is that I have complete and total faith in Joss! :-) If he does put them back together, I'm sure he'll make it completely believable. Because, as we all know, Joss is a genius! Long live Joss!!! <> I seem to recall reading something (I think from Alyson) about the show coming up with a really unique way of filming without Sarah while she was in NYC getting ready for Saturday Night Live. Well, turning Buffy into a rat is definitely unique!! I loved it!! I gotta say, I absolutely loved this episode! I picked a *really* bad time to have someone come over and watch it with me, because this was a great yell- and-laugh-out-loud episode! (It started with the credits when I saw Seth Green's name and yelled, "Woohoo! Oz!!!) So I had to restrain myself a little (not much though). Can't wait to get home tonight and watch it all over again! <> I don't think it's really about him forgiving her. I think it's more about him standing by the Slayer. His primary duty is to guide and support the Slayer and if that means distancing himself from Jenny...then he'll do it. That's what I love about Giles! He is completely 100% behind Buffy. No matter what. <> Once again, I think it's because Xander's fooling around with a love spell (and on the hellmouth no less!) could have caused Buffy serious harm. Xander should have known better. << Is it just me, or do Cordy and Xander keep getting caught in Buffy's basement? What *is* it with those two? >> Now see....I really liked that they ended up in Buffy's basement! It's had the circular feeling to it. That's where Cordelia and Xander began! *We must find the Buffy rat.* I've read this quote in several of the posts....and each time I read it, I start laughing! (Which isn't good because I'm at work!) It must be my favorite quote! I also loved the "My boyfriend's in the band quote" but that one more for the awwww how cute factor. When Xander walked into the school in slow motion (with the music)...did anyone else think that the guys might be attracted to him as well? I kept looking for Larry! <> I think it was the hellmouth at work. Maybe since Amy's powers were against Buffy (at that moment)...her powers got a little boost from the hellmouth. Great episode! Two weeks til "Passion"! - -Rayne Keeper of Willow's Animal Slippers Keeper of Buffy's Stuffed Pig, Mr. Gordo Keeper of Spike's Trench Coat - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 08:20:49 -0800 From: "CHRISTIAN RENNELS" Subject: BUFFY: BBB episode... > > Sometimes living in California sucks. First I have to deal with all the > traffic, then I have to deal with the fact that I see Buffy later than > everyone else. Oy vey! > Anyways... This has got to be my favorite episode, hands down. Not to say > anything bad, but there is a tremendous improvement in the acting skills of > the entire cast. It seemed like the transformation from b-actors to > genuine Oliviers was complete as of last night. And the writing! What > lines! > Of course I have a few nit-picks...... > 1. I concur with the general feeling that Buffy's needs a new do. Her hair > looked dirty, but hey at least it matched the pounds of makeup she had on! > 2. Also, ever since her thing with Angel, it seems Buffy is a lot more > willing to strip down to nada. I liked nice, virtuous Buffy who realized > what a heavy responsibility taking your clothes off is...although she WAS > under a spell. > 3. That Cordy being attacked scene really got me in the stomach. It looked > pretty real, and it hurt me to witness that. > 4. Okay, Willow puts herself in Xanders bed, calls Oz to cry over him, and > thats the only reaction we get from Oz? He should have been a lot more > miffed than that. > Okay, that's all that I didn't like. Jenny's part was hilarious as was > Joyce's and Willow.... Willow needs an Emmy for the axe-wielding, "...You > don't know how much this hurts me..." scene. Also is it just love-glow, or > did Willow look way cuter than ever before in this ep.? > Thats all for me,...oh wait I forgot to say how much I loved Xanders > hallway scene... he could have gotten some sort of Joe-cool look on his > face, but he didn't, and it was so cute! And that Cordy locket scene made > me cry! > " Were you running low on dramatic irony?!?" > Thanks for listening! > Gidget - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 11:29:08 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: Next new episode? And that *heart* Hey, guys--anyone know when we're getting the next new episode? And, yes--BBB was awesome. I loved all the sweetness between Xander and Cordelia (when she realized he cast that spell to win *her*?!), and goshdarnit if the mob scenes weren't really scary! (I mean, when Xander comes out of the library and all those women are beating on Cordelia--that was terrible!) But my favorite freaky moment was Angel giving Drusilla the heart. It was sick. It was nasty. But wow--it pretty much cemented how evil Angelus really is. What did he say? "I found it in a quaint little shopgirl." Ewwww ... Loved the episode. It ruled! Jennifer Hale Gen X Reflections: - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 10:45:21 -0600 (CST) From: "Grace M. Lee" Subject: BUFFY: BBB: Giles Someone, forgive me, I don't remember who, asked if we thought that Giles was a bit hypercritical of Xander using a love spell. Actually, I thought that he was right in character. I know that Giles had his foolish youth, but as a youth, he didn't see vampires or things like that, he was just playing around with some demon. It was like candy to him. I don't think that he saw anybody die. And when he did, that's when he started becoming the Giles of today and "Ripper" slowly folded inside himself. Xander, on the other hand, saw his best friend become a vampire and then Jesse was disintegrated by his own hand (granted with the helpful shove of some hysterical person). He and his friends have nearly died countless times. He knows about the Hellmouth and the seriousness of the situation. Yet, he clearly stated to Amy... "It's time to get the Hellmouth to start working for me." Now, I think that it was totally in character for Xander to do what he did. I just think that Giles did right by harshing on Xander. By that point, Xander knew that he did wrong and he was beating himself up about it as much as Giles was. In effect, Giles' strict utterance and attitude probably alleviated some of the guilt that Xander felt. glee - ------ "Oh, what a rogue and peasant slave am I!" - Hamlet - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 12:01:00 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Big B,B&B spoilers In a message dated 98-02-10 23:03:23 EST, writes: << I thought that Xanders slo-mo stroll down the hall was priceless (good tune too!) >> That was a great hommage to the opening sequence of Saturday Night Fever. That was brilliant, I was on the floor! Also, my favorite Xander admirer: the lunch lady! ~Erin~ - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 09:04:00 -0800 From: "Modjallal,Susanna,GLENDALE,NUSA" Subject: BUFFY: BBB = LOL OK. How stoopid do I feel for laughing out loud _a lot_ during this ep??? Well, considering my mom, dad and bro were home, pretty darned foolish! But as if it could be helped! Comments posted that could've sprung forth from my own brain: >>>>Carolyn or Paul typed: Anyway, I was glad to see that Dru wasnt exempt from the spell. If it hadnt been for her (Mommy's here), Xander would have been Angel's next feast. Wheew! Close call.<<<< Indeed! And considering that it ain't just men who feel the feelings of a stilted Xander, I could totally relate to his fantasy of getting the dumper to fall for him, the dumped. So, here I was in the X man's shoes all night and I can say his abject terror in the hands of a lovestruck Dru had me pinned in front of the tube. Nick pulled that off SO well! The man was shaking: Is she going to kiss me or kill me? Or is that both?? Once in her grip, it became a case of "Angelus who?" His reaction was perfect. >>>> typed: I liked the beginning of this episode a lot. Willow was totally adorable as she gleefully said, "My boyfriend's in the band!" <<< And was she not beaming in general? And how much cuter could it have been for her to be able to tell Amy "my boyfriend's in the band!"? Alyson = pinball smile! (Lights up everything and bells go off!) >>>(Cordie's) genuine pleasure at the necklace, and the fact that she wore it under her sweater even after they'd broken up, were touching<<<< I've actually done that before!!! I broke up with a guy two years ago. He had given me a beautiful jade necklace. When I had to break up with him (and yes, it hurt me just as much, which I could sense in Cordie), he never asked for it back. I still wear it to this day... >>>Susan Foster typed: Lovely head drop on Xander's part.<<< Funny how we notice these things, ain't it? I wonder if fans of other shows are as attached and attentive to their characters that they would be able to actually appreciate a good head drop when they see it? >>> "S." typed: I have never laughed harder (that Saturday Night Fever homage shot of X. walking down the hall was priceless), or yelled more (OHMIGOD! was a frequent utterance this eve esp. when Willow started a nibblin') during an ep. yet.<<< Again, foolish am I for guffawing out loud at home. And yea, lots of NO WAYS! and OHMYGAWDs from me. >>>>Giles: "Sit, be quiet. We have to catch the Buffy rat."<<<< I actually was so amazed at this line that I almost didn't catch it. Hey, did you notice that when the Buffy rat left the library, she could've gone anywhere, but in little or no time, Oz was tracking her in the basement. Could that be his canine instincts helping him out? >>>>Jesse Jou typed: And if you must know, it _is_ a male fantasy to have two super-powered chicks fight over you.<<<< Okay, now THAT made me laugh! Thanks! :) >>>>Lisa Rose typed: I was certain that Cordy was someday going to face social ostracism for clandestinely dating the school geek. *snip* but no high school is oblivious to who's dating whom on the sly. *snip* Glad to see Joss didn't leave that big loose-end hanging.<<< Hear, hear! I do believe that myself and others made several postings about just this issue early on in the Is-It-Going-To-Happen? phase of C and X. Made me again wonder at Joss' attention to detail--and our postings. Basically, one of the best episodes to date from the lighter side of Buffy. (There are the great drama eps, the great scary eps and also the great comic eps, but them's apples, oranges and pears). I, too, thought Giles too hard on the X man for his teen fantasy made nightmare. As some have said, Giles ain't pure driven snow either when it comes to dabbling in the dark side. Wow. What else can JW & Co. do now that will top this...? Beaming like Willow, Susanna, the Chocolate Faerie Keeper of Xander's Former Hairstyle. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 12:19:55 +0000 From: "Robin Carroll-Mann" Subject: Re: BUFFY: BB&B Random Comments And it came to pass on 11 Feb 98, that Jeff Rohaly wrote: > 4. I guess we're going to keep the running gag that Oz is unfazed > by *any* strange occurrence you present him with. Learning that > Buffy had been turned into a rat barely got a response. Well, this *is* a guy who was able to casually ask his Aunt Maureen if his cousin was a werewolf. Since then, he's come to terms with his own lycanthropy and witnessed a horde of vampires being led by a big blue demon. After all that, having a friend turned into a rodent is no biggy, as Buffy might say. > If previous invites for Angel work for Angelus now, I think Willow > should be terrified. She invited him into her room in Lie To Me, > his pattern is to kill off Buffy's friends, he's tried to kill her before, Yes, I've been thinking that, too. Of course, she does have a cute werewolf to watch over her, but that will only help three nights a month. > 6. I wonder what was up with Larry during this whole love spell. Probably standing around with the other guys, wondering, "What the heck do they see in him, anyway?" The spell only affected women, remember. Harper *** Robin Carroll-Mann harper @ "Mostly Harmless" -- Douglas Adams Denial is a river in Sunnydale - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 12:17:10 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Xander & Buffy Michelle wrote <> That already happened last season. I believe it was the very last episode of last season, the one where Buffy "died." Xander finally got up the nerve to tell Buffy how he felt, and she told him as gently as she could that she only liked him as a friend. Xander was very upset - there was a great scene of him angrily throwing a ball against a blackboard and catching it over and over as he brooded. (Amusing gender difference here: While watching this scene, I was moved by Xander's angst, while my husband was saying, "Hey, he catches really well! He must have played baseball a lot.") Anyway, THIS season Xander apparently got over his disappointment by clinging to the slender hope that someday Buffy might change her mind, and in the meantime distracting himself with other girlfriends, such as the Inca mummy and Cordelia. Trudi - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 12:24:25 -0500 From: "Quark's Latinum Lady" Subject: BUFFY: Spike and Dru on WB site I don't know if this was mentioned or not, but I noticed in next week's TV GUIDE that there will be a chat with Spike and Dru (James Marsters and Juliet Landau) on Feb. 16 at (or, i forget which it is). I found it on the TV GUIDE (the paper edition) page about what's on the Web. The time for the chat will be 7:00pm Eastern. Jennifer (a.k.a. Quark's Latinum Lady) Member: OASIS (Official Armin Shimerman Information Service); Goddesses of the Internet, Inc.; Bitches & Witches, Inc.; People for the Ethical Treatment of Werewolves Visit my rant and bitching page: Life's a Bitch! - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 12:37:27 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: My BB&B Comments-2/10/98 Episode Well, Well, Well...... I haven't had a chance to post in a while so.... My comments on BB&B. I thought this was a great episode. It has a place among my favorites. Buffy: I am going to go ahead and get this out. Buffy was H-O-T! That black raincoat. Did anyone else think that ought to be a required uniform? Just kidding. Does anyone have a screenshot of that ? I would really like to have one of those for my Wallpaper. Cordelia: I am glad that we are actually seeing Cordy caring for Xander. I had my doubts on her feelings, from the past episodes. But this one showed otherwise. I thought one of hardest moments of the show wa when Xander asked Cordelia for the necklace, and she said it was in her locker, while she was really wearing it. Drusilla: I thought Dru's scene was a little weak in this episode. Yeah, she protected Xander and all, but I would have liked to see them "throw down". And I guess Joss has answered another of our many questions by the "invite", when Dru wasn't able to get in to Buffy's house. Willow: I really enjoyed Willow in this one. The way her personality has jumped now that she is going out with Oz, and her gloating about Oz being in the band. I would have liked to see the aftermath affects on Willow after the spell. Ms. Calendar: Jenny was great. Especially when she was coming on to Xander. When she asked if he had been working out, and her moaning as Giles pulled her away from him. Amy: Amy's role was okay. I thought I would have enjoyed it more. I loved the special effect that they used when using her powers. Jason Martinez | | Keeper of Buffy's Small Wooden Stake |Keeper of Willow's Computer | Keeper of Joyce's Sports Utility Vehicle |Keeper of Spike's Boots | Keeper of Kendra's Stake | Keeper of Kendra's SlayerManual | "What's his number again? Oh yeah, 1-800-I AM DATING A SKANKY HO!"...Willow on Xander's relationship with Cordelia - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 12:38:29 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Screen Shot from BBB. Does anyone have a decent screenshot from BBB when Buffy was wearing the black raincoat? Let me know...Buh Bye. Jason Martinez | | Keeper of Buffy's Small Wooden Stake |Keeper of Willow's Computer | Keeper of Joyce's Sports Utility Vehicle |Keeper of Spike's Boots | Keeper of Kendra's Stake | Keeper of Kendra's SlayerManual | "What's his number again? Oh yeah, 1-800-I AM DATING A SKANKY HO!"...Willow on Xander's relationship with Cordelia - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 11:46:26 -0600 From: "S." Subject: Re: BUFFY: BBB Quotes and Potential Flub Michelle LaRose wrote: > Do you get the impression that Buffy is now fully aware of Xander's > feelings for her? [snip] I kind of get the feeling that either she > didn't exactly understand what Xander was saying to her as she was > attempting to jump his bones in the library.. Sorry about getting snip-happy with your message Michelle but gotta make it 4 lines max you know. Anyway, I am sure the Buffy knows Xander's feelings for her. Her confusion during Xander's "If you had any idea how much it would mean to me" speech was brought on by the moobaly-joobly effects of the spell. In fact, I would go so far as to say she knew before this ep. My theory here reflects personal experience wherein I have thought I am being totally secretive abour my feelings about a woman but she is totally aware of them (almost from the moment I realize them myself). Women seem to have some kind of radar in this arena. It is apparently strongest when dealing with men with whom they do not share amorous feelings. What's with that? By now, Buffy is very aware of Xander's feelings and like most women who know the truth about their male friends' feelings, it will be acknowledged by both parties but never really spoken about. And only acted upon when oth parties have had too much malt liquor. :) S. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 09:57:38 PST From: "Mz. Gwyn" Subject: BUFFY: BBB thoughts, DON'T READ, IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN I have to say, I LOVE THIS EPISODE This shows me that Xander and Cordy are my new UBER couple (old couple Johnny & Winona {I know that I hold on to things ok}). From the first frame to the last frame, I was laughing my head off, crying a little & laughing my head off some more. Cordy finally stands up to her friend, you go girl Xander is showing a little force, you go boy Willow showing some leg, WOW OZ as always was just great Poor Giles Ms. Calendar how could you My Favorite scene of course was the homage to Reservoir Dogs & Swingers and I have one word MONEY (I'm also a closet Swing Freak for about six year now, & of course it's now it's becoming main stream) After all my life my grandmother telling me that I have the best legs in the family and being a dancer to boot, I love my legs, but the women in this show are giving some tuff competition. We all saw that Spike is tiring of Angelus (or if you prefer Angel) and I have to say that I think there is going to be the Mike Tyson - Evander Holyfield fight of Vampires (knock down & very dirty, most likely with Angelus coming out on top) I think I've rambled long enough, I can't wait for the next new ep. Ciao Bella My World: The B Zone: "the opposite of war is not peace, but creation" Mark RENT-the musical "Whatever is causing the Joan Collins tude, deal with it, embrace the pain, spank your inner moppet, whatever, but get over it." Cordelia (WSWB) ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 13:24:44 -0500 From: "Carstens, Adam" Subject: BUFFY: ratings? how is buffy doing versus the O-lympics? anybody know? - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 11:24:31 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: BUFFY: Consumer Tips from your local BBB (Spoilers!) Spoilers for BBB: Ahhhh, more stuff after a good night's sleep.... 1. Anybody else expect Buffy to rise up in the basement to greet Oz with a mousetrap stuck to her nose? 2. Agreed with BROTHER Castro that Joyce was quite vixenish. If we didn't have such cultural revulsion about seeing mothers as sexual creatures, I think more people would have found her sexy in that scene. If she were single and childless perhaps? Lots of folks seemed to find the idea of the Jenny/Xander pairing to be hot, and Jenny is probably much closer to Joyce's age than Cordy's. Is it 'cause Joyce is a Mom? 3. Speaking of Joyce, it was *very* cruel in the end to not give her some explanation of why she hit on Xander, other than true lust. She is going to think she is a potential child molester now, and quite unfairly so. 4. The clothes Xander was wearing in the Bronze (after Buffy "dressed him") were supposed to be cool? And like Angel's (as some have suggested)? With the wide jacket lapels and big shirt collar outside of the jacket, didn't he look a bit like dated Debarge-vamp Thomas from WttH, or yet another homage to Saturday Night Fever? 5. Besides the homages to SNF, did any see "Night of the Living Dead" in Xander being followed by the mob of zombie love-struck girls who kept reaching out for him? And "The Shining" with Willow's axe chopping through the door? And "Fatal Attraction" or "Play Misty for Me" in Joyce's knife wielding? 6. Ouch, be careful what you wish for Xander! A little "Monkey's Paw" there too? Though it's his expressed fantasy, Xander often seems uncomfortable when women actually do appear to be hot for him. Buffy's sexy dance, and another example I'm forgetting in the moment... Lots of other guys in the school might have more fully exploited the love-spell situation, but Xander looked about as freaked walking down the love-gauntlet hall as the ridicule-gauntlet hall after Cordy publicly dumped him. 7. Speaking of the other guys, they seemed more hostile to him. The angry stares of guys in the hall, Oz's punch, Giles's fury. I was beginning to wonder if the spell had a flip side, that the guys now all hated him. Was it just jealousy and resentment (or angry judgement in the case of Giles), or was it part of the magick? Would have been funny though if Larry was the one exception and came onto Xander also (an outtake perhaps?). 8. Interesting that the two groups of girls, one wanting to kill Xander (Willow, etc...) and one wanting to protect him (Harmony, etc...) crashed against each other like massive tidal waves, allowing Xander to escape. How is Harmony going to rationalize wanting to save Xander? How will Willow come to terms with wanting to kill him? 9. Cognitive Dissonance Theory and it's descendent, Attribution Theory should predict that Xander would be *more* popular the day after the spell was lifted, not less. Because in the absence of the true explanation, most of the girls should convince themselves they really *are* attracted to Xander in trying to make sense to themselves why they "freely chose" to come on to him. Still afraid to wish for anything after reading the "Monkey's Paw," Lisa - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #100 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (