From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #131 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Wednesday, February 25 1998 Volume 02 : Number 131 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: Passion. Ay Caramba! Re: BUFFY: SMG Mag covers BUFFY: Some thoughts about "Passion" Re: BUFFY: Passion. Ay Caramba! BUFFY: question about BBB BUFFY: Spoiler help Re: BUFFY: Spoiler help BUFFY: When was Angel in Giles' apartment? BUFFY: RE: Passions BUFFY: AAAuuuuggghhh!! BUFFY: PASSION and Angel Re: BUFFY: SMG Mag covers Re: BUFFY: Passion. Ay Caramba! BUFFY: Lines left out of Passion. BUFFY: Vampire's invitation BUFFY: Angel in Giles' house Re: BUFFY: Passion. Ay Caramba! Re: BUFFY: Passion thoughts Re: BUFFY: Passion thoughts Re: BUFFY: Angel in Giles' house Re: BUFFY: Passion Problem (PP) BUFFY: Elegant Pics BUFFY: Passion--- My opinion Re: BUFFY: who dies in passion? BUFFY: Too funny/Passion Re: BUFFY: Passion Problem (PP) BUFFY: Spoilers for next two weeks Re: BUFFY: "Who's Gonna Bite It" Poll Results!!! See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 23:02:29 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion. Ay Caramba! I'm sorry to say that I don't agree with the critique of David B.'s portrayal of Angel/Angelus or the voice over on the Passion ep.. it was probably the BEST ep ever and I love the way he portrays Angel even though I'd like to slug him now and again... and personally I like the voice over... it was a neat addition to the ep... But hey, everyone has their own opinion.. that's what makes the world go 'round... just my opinion... Tracey - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 23:04:57 -0500 (EST) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: Re: BUFFY: SMG Mag covers I meant recent mags that I saw her on the cover of. On Tue, 24 Feb 1998, Darla Love wrote: > I don't know if you are just counting magazine covers with ONLY smg on it > but F.Y.G./missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 23:01:02 +0000 From: "Robin Carroll-Mann" Subject: BUFFY: Some thoughts about "Passion" Wow... a very powerful episode. You know, they kept telling us and telling us how evil Angelus was, but it never sunk in, not on an emotional level. Angel recounted how he drove Drusilla crazy by stalking her and murdering her relatives, and I nodded and said, "Yeah, he was pretty vicious back then." But tonight... the vicious things happened to people we *know*. They happened to Buffy and Jenny and Willow, and especially poor Giles. My heart ached for Giles. When he went after Angel, that was pure Ripper. There was no hesitation, weakness, or uncertainty. This is a man I would not want to have angry at me. Anyone else surprised that the police let Giles go so quickly? I figured that half of Angelus' motivation was to handicap the Slayer by getting the Watcher arrested for murder, perhaps imprisoned. From an outsider's perspective, Giles would be a very likely suspect. Most murder victims are killed by someone they know. He had a relationship with the victim that had ended on bad terms. The murder certainly looked like a crime of passion. An attempted reconciliation that went wrong, perhaps? And the cops *must* have checked the whole house for clues. What did they think of the antique weapons and the books on demonology? And why would a curator from a British museum take a job as a high school librarian in California? Is he on the run from something? Isn't this the same guy whose name was found in the pocket of another murder victim a few months back? Hmmmm.... very suspicious fellow, this Rupert Giles. So now we know Willow's dad's name. Wonder if we'll find out anything more about Willow's family or Xander's. Jenny was buried in Sunnydale, and not under her real (Rom) name. Didn't her clan want to claim the body? Maybe they didn't know about the death, maybe they were content to let the man who loved her see to her burial, or maybe they were afraid to come forward in a situation which contained both cops and vampires. I know that public places are not automatically protected against vampires the way homes are, but if I owned a magic shop, I would ward it with every spell against evil that I could scrape together. I'm starting to ramble here, so I'll finish up. I can't decide if it would be better for Angel to be staked or restored. Buffy can never go back to the relationship she had with him. Even if she accepts that Angel has been "hijacked" by Angelus, how can she ever feel comfortable with him again? Harper *** Robin Carroll-Mann harper @ "Mostly Harmless" -- Douglas Adams Denial is a river in Sunnydale - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 23:17:57 -0500 From: Jesse Jou Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion. Ay Caramba! At 10:33 PM 2/24/98 -0500, wrote: >On the contrary I thought that the voice overs added to the story, it showed >that someone took the time to show the inner depth into the whole >situation....I say bravo to Joss, for everything about this ep. I'll second that bravo, but maybe not for everything it this ep. ;-) I'm afraid we may just have to agree to disagree. I think it's awfully pedantic for Joss to think that the "inner depth" needs to be pointed out to us like we're hicks in the big city, rather than let the actors convey the subtext (which I thought they did very well without the voiceovers). I guess it's a matter of preference: personally, I didn't feel the voiceovers broached anything new thematically that warranted their inclusion in the episode. Just my feeling. JJ - --------- "Isn't it reassuring to know When it's time to go That you'll still be there when you leave?" - --from the song, "Making Love Alone." - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 23:22:01 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: question about BBB I know this question is coming three weeks late, but I was just watching my tape of Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered (that *is* the order they go in, right? i always mix them up), and i just have a question about the opening sequence. i was wondering if anyone else had any thoughts, or even an answer: buffy and xander were in the graveyard, and buffy has just told xander that she thinks xander could find someone better than cordelia to date, and xander replies that the only other person he's interested in is unavailable. is that unavailable person Buffy? cuz it seems like that's who it should be, but the way he said it made me think that maybe it wasn't. if this is a stupid question, i'm sorry, but it's just been bothering me. thanks. oh, and just my two cents on Passion...i really liked Angel, i even liked Angelus and that whole angle, but after tonight's ep, i won't be sorry to see him go. he's evil, and i think that was really brought to the forefront tonite, and i don't think it matters that Angel and Angelus are not *really* the same person- i don't see how the gang can forgive him now. i'm looking forward to the day he gets staked. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 23:21:18 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Spoiler help Hi Everyone, I am new to the list, and I am need of a favor. Where I live, Buffy doesnt come on until Thursday nights, so could everyone please remember to put spoiler spaces when they are talking about the weeks episode. Thanks everyone, I appreciate it. Rana - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 22:29:18 -0600 (CST) From: Jill Kirby Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spoiler help At 11:21 PM 2/24/98 EST, wrote: > I am new to the list, and I am need of a favor. >Where I live, Buffy doesnt come on until Thursday nights, so could everyone >please remember to put spoiler spaces when they are talking about the weeks >episode. Thanks everyone, I appreciate it. Welcome to the list! Actually, per the list rules, spoiler spaces are no longer required. There's just no way to account for all the different airings, so the simplest solution was chosen. Once any episode has aired in the Eastern and Central US time ones, spoiler spaces are NOT required. In fact, they're strongly discouraged because they take up so much space. It does help if people put the episode title in the subject line-- that way you can avoid the information until after the episode airs. But please do not use spoiler spaces after the episode airs. Jill Jill Kirby ~~ ~~ NatPack ~~ ABotCoS ~~ NP4 ~~ Dreamer/Minstrel ~~ CW Making my way, I pause, and feel, and hark, Till I become accustomed to the dark. --Edna St. Vincent Millay - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 21:32:17 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: When was Angel in Giles' apartment? Goodness. I am *heartbroken* about "Passion." The prolonged chase with Angel and Jenny was so tense, even though I guessed the inevitable outcome. And that one horrible scene with Angel watching Buffy and Willow's reactions to learning of Jenny's death--that got me crying, I have to admit. But I have a question--when was Angel invited into Giles' apartment? Was it season 1? Jennifer Hale Austin, Texas - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 21:48:07 EST From: (Shannon M Keane) Subject: BUFFY: RE: Passions This episode was way good!!!!! I will have to watch it again.... Question though: How did Angel get into Giles' home? I do not remember him ever being in a scene where he was at Giles' place....Can anyone clear this up for me????? They actually had regular students come into the library.....interesting. I believe someone commented on that other students are never seen in the library not too long ago. Joss, are you out there?????????? Yea!!!!!!! Great episode!!!!!!!!!! Peace and love, Shannon =) They've come to take me away!!! Hee-hee, hoo-hoo, haa!!! _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 21:44:38 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: AAAuuuuggghhh!! Ok, everyone, this is only my second post and sorry if this bothers anyone...but i'm dying here! I have been crying since half way through this ep....and I'm still crying...I truly thought they were gonna give Angel back his soul this mind you i don't read spoilers, so many of you probably knew this already, but not me. The only thing i didn't mind was that they killed of Jenny, i never really liked her...but OTOH that means, nobody knows about repairing Angels soul...the one thing that I'm wondering is did Dru kill that shop guy? Or is he still alive? Anyway, this episode rocked and I'm dying cause there's a whole 6 days, 23 hours left till i see another! Well, bubye/. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 22:56:30 -0600 From: (Paula Cobb) Subject: BUFFY: PASSION and Angel I say "Good riddance" to the most thoroughly annoying character ever seen on BTVS - Jenny Calendar. And I can think of a couple of others I'd like to see shuffle off to Buffalo... Take heart - (or maybe Angelous will give you one as a present) - Buffy still loves Angel. That "fight to the death" in the factory between Buffy and Angel? GET REAL. I've seen her more focused and intense during a training session with Giles! Buffy and Angel's love is not dead... nothing will ever convince me otherwise. (Maybe his narrative in PASSION was meant to show us a teensy bit of his soul is still there - it can't all be stored on a disk now residing in a dusty crevice.) I didn't detect hate... or vengeance... or demonic lust as Angelous watched Buffy sleep. There was more tenderness there than many of you want to see (or accept.) "I'll remember you You will be there in my heart I'll remember you And that is all that I can do But I'll remember..." - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 23:53:56 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: SMG Mag covers In a message dated 2/24/98 6:49:31 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << I don't know if you are just counting magazine covers with ONLY SMG on it but >> I don't know if this Mag has been mentioned, but she also had the cover of YM - - Jan. 98. all to her self. And inside the had a really good interview about the show, and IKWYDLS. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 23:51:17 EST From: (Shannon M Keane) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion. Ay Caramba! << 2) One of the biggest mistakes in this episode was the use of the voiceover throughout it. .... voiceovers like this invariably contain the sort of inane moralizing meant to sound deep but is really just banal, and also, they're meant to telegraph the actors' emotion or dictate the audience's emotional response to the action >> I personally liked the voiceovers because it showed (IMHO) Angelus' logic behind tormenting Buffy. Passion is what drives Angelus to do the things that he does. Passion is also what drove Buffy to do her job in protecting the world. The idea of passion can be seen throughout the story and in all of the characters, motivating them to act. Or, what if it was not really Angelus speaking, but an omniscent presense of Angel explaining why Angelus, the evil vampire, was so obsessed over making Buffy suffer, rather than just killing her and being done with it. My friend and I debated this idea for a bit........ Also, it did give this episode a dark feel to it..... I did kind of miss O , but not too much. I love him as much as the next person, but his character hasn't been developed far enough to deal with such a dark ep. He seems to bring a bit of lightness with him in to a story. IMNSHO.....=) I can understand why Willow's father may be a little upset if he found his jewish daughter hanging up crosses in his home. My parents would be a bit upset if I started hanging up pentagrams, a picture of Muhammad, etc. They would see it as a rejection of their faith. It would be disconcerting to them. NOT that I have anything against Pagans, Muslims, Wicca, etc...........please don't think that I am against the idea of freedom of religion and different faiths!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peace and love, Shannon =) They've come to take me away!!! Hee-hee, ha-ha, ho-ho!!! _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 23:06:52 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Lines left out of Passion. Hey all. I had the closed captions on my tv when I watched Passion. In the first scene at and outside the Bronze, about four lines appeared on the screen that weren't said. Some were narration by Angelus and I could tell by the dialogue that the other belonged to Xander, and Willow or Buffy. If you have the power, try it. Looks like a whole joke was omitted. I'll will miss you Jenny Calendar!, GASPer, Keeper of Giles' Dictionary Member of Miss Calendar's Technopagans - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 00:03:11 -0500 From: Subject: BUFFY: Vampire's invitation Did any one else catch the interesting line about how Angel got into the school during Passions. He said a sign on the door to the school let him in ("enter all who seek knowledge" in Latin). So beware, a welcome mat can let the vamps in. Cigany Ps. I've been a lurker till now. So, how's my coming out party? - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- My other OS is Linux. (written from Win95 on a dual OS box) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 00:35:48 +0000 From: (KTB) Subject: BUFFY: Angel in Giles' house A thought: if Angel gained entry to the school from a sign, perhaps he gained entry to Gile's place simply from a 'welcome' mat. What do you think? I can't remember when Angel was ever in Giles' house before... - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 00:37:46 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion. Ay Caramba! In a message dated 98-02-25 00:30:29 EST, writes: << 2) One of the biggest mistakes in this episode was the use of the voiceover throughout it. There are number of reasons for this: voiceovers like this invariably contain the sort of inane moralizing meant to sound deep but is really just banal, and also, they're meant to telegraph the actors' emotion or dictate the audience's emotional response to the action. >> My problem was that they changed Angel from Nick Knight to Lacroix ... oy, my kingdom for an original vampire! Ann - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 00:40:25 -0500 (EST) From: Monet Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion thoughts Holy freak! Can we say "underestimated" episode? I mean, we all were wooing and cooing over "Innocence" and "Surprise," and thought (well the ones that have decided NOT to read spoilers) that the rest of the season will be mediocre. But NO! Joss HAD to throw in this wonderfully intesnse and emotional epsiode to date. I don't cry at movies or much less TV shows (heck, I didn't even cry in "Titanic") but my record was near broken when Buffy and Giles were outside the warehouse in an embrace that almost released some much needed tears. Whoever said they needed to draw it out a little more was right. Sorry, but although I know they'll eventually allow Angel to get his soul back, I don't think Angel and Buffy will ever get back to the "passion" they had before, no matter how long this show lasts. It can't happen and frankly, I don't want it to happen. David Boreanaz was excellent in this episode. Like someone else said, I didn't realize his viciousness until now and WOW. He was downright EVIL and his way of getting to Buffy is horrifying. Nice touch with the mother/daughter "talk"...also another touching scene. Joyce had more depth in her in that particular scene that we haven't seen in awhile. Someone mentioned: > I think they should have had Joyce or Willow be the victim. > It would have been much more personal, more impact. Remember, Angel drove > Dru to insanity, something like that would have been much more in that vein. Totally disgree. Truthfully, I knew Jenny was going to die (right before I warded off spoilers) and thought "eh, big deal." But her death had SO MUCH impact on everyone that she might as well have been a main character. Joss showed that killing off a main character doesn't have to bring about heavy duty emotions. Characters like Ms. Calendar do affect each of the main characters in some way...I'll miss her. The falling of the disk? Wonderful. I totally forgot about that disk. G :) =========================================================== Cordelia: "If we die in here, I'm gonna kick your ass; I mean it!" (Buffy, the Vampire Slayer) =========================================================== - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 00:40:31 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion thoughts In a message dated 98-02-25 00:31:10 EST, writes: << 2) They should have held on the scene with Buffy/Giles outside the warehouse just a few moments longer to let the scene resonate a bit. It was a really moving moment. >> I totally agree -- it went by so quickly that it was jarring. My theory is that there is still some fear on the part of TPTB that viewers will read something sexual into the Buffy/Giles relationship, and for this reason there is hesitancy in showing the affection between the two of them. ASH has even admitted that in the early days of filming, network censors stood by to keep him and SMG as physically distant as possible in their scenes together. Someone should tell them that their efforts are for naught -- die-hard B/G shippers like myself are gonna see something sexual no matter _what_ they do :-). Ann - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 00:43:53 -0500 (EST) From: Susan Cho Yuk Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel in Giles' house I would chalk it up to "one of those things you never see, but happen in TV land," y'know, like actually using a bathroom. Just because we don't ever see Giles invite Angel into his home, doesn't necessarily mean it didn't happen. After all, did we see Giles get Angel's phone number? And yet, it happened since we saw Giles call him or begin to call him at least twice. [Brownie points for the folks who can name the episodes;)] On another note, is it strange for anyone to hear Giles referred to as MR. Giles? It always takes me a second to remember it's his last name. When Jenny would refer to him as Rupert it wasn't as weird, though. I'm still waiting for the day some substitute refers to Xander as Alex. Susan - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 22:53:12 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion Problem (PP) At 4:49pm 2/24/98, Jack Welsh wrote: >How did Angel get into Giles's apartment? I mean, had he ever been >there before (Giles letting him in) I was thinking the same thing. And even if he had ever been invitied in, he would have baracaded it like Willow, Buffy and Cordelia. Katie Keeper of Willow's leather mini, Cordelia's stakes, Buffy's Nail Polish and Past Popularity and the heart necklace Xander gave Cordy on V-Day Guardian Angel of Spike's feeling of rejection from Angel Angel's adoptive mother "Titanic is not just a cautionary tale---a myth, a parable, a metaphor for the ills of mankind. It is also a story of faith, courage, sacrifice, and above all else, love." James Cameron - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 22:13:18 -0800 (PST) From: David Ngan Subject: BUFFY: Elegant Pics I liked this episode, not so much for the superb storyline or the death of Miss Calendar, but the return of Willow's goofiness. Her little dialogue when Miss Calendar (R.I.P) asked Willow to cover for her the next day was priceless! =) The fish-on-a-line and her heart-to-heart chat with Giles at Buffy's house was equally fantastic. But the one scene which really capped a wonderful performance was when Willow first learned of Calendar's death from Giles over the phone. A lot of people on the list are wanting to know how did Angel get into Gile's home, w/o being invited (an invitation not shown in any episode to date) To tell you the truth, I dunno myself. *BUT* I am curious about one thing: When Giles first comes home, he finds a letter with the word: "Upstairs" written on it. But afterwards, when Buffy and Co. come back to Giles' house, Buffy finds a sketch of Miss Calendar. Was that pic there all the time? Did Giles miss it? Did Angel put it there after Giles and the police had left for Buffy to find it? Dave N. The only place where SUCCESS comes before WORK is in the dictionary. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 22:18:43 PST From: "Thu Ngo" Subject: BUFFY: Passion--- My opinion I cried, and I found it really hard to concentrate on Dawson's Creek afterward. (I cried during that too, when the baby was being born.) It was well acted, and when Angel actually killed her, I was left thinking, "I can't believe this actually happened." I kinda liked how the scene where the actual killing was taking place wasn't blown up to be this whole big thing. My favorite scene was when Buffy punch Giles and then the two of them cried and hugged each other. I cried the most during that scene. And the worst thing was that Jenny died thinking that she and Buffy could never ever be friends again. (They could have been friends, had they some more time, but that's not gonna happen now.) I really hate Angel now. I hope Spike kills him. Spike, Xander, and Giles. Hell, I'll be glad to help them! Thu Ngo - ----- Keeper of a bunch of stuff. Ask me sometime. Xander-"Can I just say... ghuuuh!" Buffy-"I'll see your ghuuuh! and raise you a nuuuhh!" ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 22:32:50 -0800 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: who dies in passion? > Sara Barton wrote:... Most say that it will be Ms Calendar who dies. S= ome say Oz. =20 > I say neither. First of all, it is way to obvious to be her...The prom= o said a=20 > friend of Buffy's will die...But then I could also be completely be wro= ng. Oh > well. We'll just have to wait and see. *sArA* Yo *sArA, Oh, well. By "reading" all the mail I gather it was Ms. C, the gypsy sen= t to=20 "assure" her "family" that the tormenter was being tormented. I guess An= g is done=20 brooding! But I do have one problem with Ang's first choice. Ang knows = that it was=20 Jenny's clan that put the whammy on him. Ang also knows that his "freedo= m" from his=20 soul was "assisted" by Ms. C. So Ms. C represents his "creator" and as h= is "savoir"=20 from the torment. Ang knows that Ms. C being troubled both Giles and Buf= fy. If Ang really wanted to torment Buffy, Ms. C should have been left alone.= Both to=20 remind his targets of the past and how the "gypsies" who "made" Ang nice = infiltrated=20 the Slayer's "camp" so easily. Ang, at least, should have waited until B= uffy and=20 Giles forgave Jenny before turning her head. Going after Jenny is not as= peotic or=20 "thought" out as a 241 (242?) year old vamp would have done. In fact, it cancels the "martyrdom" she would have inspired. Thereby, on= e possible=20 tie or parallel to the title, "Passion", as in the passion of Christ, no = longer=20 valid. There was no sacrifice for believers and non-believers. The "dis= ciples"=20 never disapproved of their leader's mission or goal. In any case, and IMHO, Ang is out of character in choosing Jenny. If you= really=20 want to torment, don't do those who your enemy has doubts about. Do one = who has=20 real definition and intent. Like Willow, Joyce, Synder, Oz or maybe even= Buffy's=20 Dad in LA. And isn't Ang's motus operati, family first? Like what happe= ned to=20 Dru's family? Beside Dru should have done Jenny. She's family and that = would be=20 241 (or 242) year old peotic justice. Enough said, I missed "Passion", my VCR recorded the wrong station (progr= amming=20 error). I guess I was destined to miss what appears to be one of the bet= ter eps. =20 By the way, Did Joss direct this one? Did Joss write this ep? I really = would like=20 to know. And if anyone knows when "Passion" will air again, please tell = date and=20 time. Thank you. :=B7} tr - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 22:59:51 -0800 From: Julie Fundenberger Subject: BUFFY: Too funny/Passion I was just watching the Giles/Angel fight scene in 'Passion' again. I saw something I missed the first time that I think is extremely hilarious. Giles shoots Angel with an arrow, and the look on Angel's face is very out of place. That whole little bit is just strange. Knightwatch - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 02:07:47 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion Problem (PP) In a message dated 98-02-24 21:40:04 EST, you write: << How did Angel get into Giles's apartment? I mean, had he ever been there before (Giles letting him in) >> Someone asked that before. What I think is this, remember in Invisible Girl, the scene with Giles and Angel, talking about the book of lore about the slayer (The one that said she would die?). After that point, when Giles needed help, he automatically called Angel, himself, without evidence of getting the number from Buffy. (First scene in Part one of "Prophecy Girl") That just led me to believe that Angel & Giles had a working relationship off-screen, as they both wanted to help Buffy. I didn't even blink when it was obvious that Angel was in Giles' Apartment, assuming he'd been there before. I could be wrong. BLS - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 00:23:50 -0700 From: David Simpson Subject: BUFFY: Spoilers for next two weeks Click TV listings show the following info for the next two episodes, so watch out for spoilers. Spoiler countdown... 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Spoiler Starts---> Tue 03/03/98 Killed by Death When Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar)is hospitalized with a fever, she meets a boy (guest star Andrew Ducote) who is experiencing nightmares from her past and present; Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter) becomes jealous of Xander's (Nicholas Brendon) attempts to protect Buffy. Tue 03/10/98 (RERUN) Lie to Me Buffy's (Sarah Michelle Gellar) fifth-grade crush (Jason Behr) arrives in Sunnydale intending to deliver her to Spike (James Marsters) in exchange for the immortal life of a vampire. TV Guide has a slightly different description for the March 3 episode: A flu-stricken Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) lands in the hospital, where her patience is tested by tragic memories from her past and feverish reports from kids in the children's ward that Death has come a-knocking. Angel: David Boreanaz. Dr. Wilkinson: Juanita Jennings. Willow: Alyson Hannigan. Joyce: Kristine Sutherland. Giles: Anthony S. Head. Cordelia: Charisma Carpenter. <---Spoiler ends David Simpson Willow: There is one name that keeps getting spit out. Aggressive behavior, run-ins with authorities, about a screenful of violent incidents. Buffy: Okay, most of those were not my fault! Somebody else started them, I was just standing up for myself! --- Phases (BtVS) - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 23:42:11 -0800 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: "Who's Gonna Bite It" Poll Results!!! > Annie Weyand wrote:. . . the winner is Ms. Jenny Calendar!!!! > Jenny came in with 48 votes...Cordelia with 4 (come on, would that=20 > really be the best way to hurt Buffy? I don't think so). Well, > personally, I hope that it's not Jenny...Boring boring boring. Annie Yo Annie, I gather it was boring, boring, boring. Or, at least, predictable. I=20 say it "was", out of character. Turning Jenny's head this early does not= =20 create the peak anquish I, IMHO, believe Ang would want to achieve. =20 Since Jenny represents the "one" who essentially "created" the "brooding"= =20 vamp with a soul and also represents the "one" who could have "saved" the= =20 tormented from returning to a former "career" as a tomentor, she was not=20 on everyone "invite" list. Ang, being 241 or 242 years old, would not=20 have made Ms. C the first choice. Jenny's very presence would have=20 reminded both Buffy and Giles of how close they were to "rescuing" Ang. =20 A good tormentor never removes the thorns, a good tormentor adds them! As for CC. There is the perfect stimulate to inflame the thorn. =20 Helpless Cordy. The one who was trying to fit in to "our" geeky little=20 group. And "we" shunned her! Said bad things about her when she was=20 trying to change! Ohhhh, are we feeling guilty and ashamed. And to top=20 it off, she's Xander's new bo. Think of the white hot blinding hatred this little man would display. =20 Finally a "popular" girl actually "likes" him. He actually can direct=20 his hormones on someone who "feels" the same about him! He's really at=20 peace (and finding one too). And the one thing or it, which he had=20 doubts about, could have done something about long ago, forces him back=20 into obscurity and frustration. If that's not rubbing salt into the=20 wound! And Willow. Forever more she would know that Xander would never, ever=20 forget her! Even though Willow is at the brink of getting on with her=20 life. The pain Xander would be in would drive her back to Xander's aid. All along knowing the CC has obtained that lofty status of martyr. This would definitely confuse the heck out of Oz. He too would probably=20 blame Ang for redirecting "Who's that girl's" attention to a friend in=20 anquish. And Giles, would boil on the thought that this inhuman monster would pick= =20 on so helpless a creature as Cordy just to freak everyone out. Probably,= =20 in the back of his mind, Giles would be whipping himself for not seeing=20 Cordy as the prefect "tool" for Ang to use against Buffy and friends. =20 Giles would consider himself a failure again. Possibly lapsing into a=20 drinking binge and frustration that he could not meet his calling. Which leaves Buffy. Watching all her friends twist in the very wind=20 created by Ang. She too would feel frustrate that she didn't see Cordy's= =20 status as the perfect victim. She would be ashamed at not understanding=20 Cordy's gestures at "being nice". Buffy would see how easily Ang can=20 manipulate those around her and strike fear in her heart for those she=20 really cares for. Sure, Ms. C has some of the qualities likes those in Cordy. But, she was= =20 a teacher and a spy for the gypsies. This gives everyone an out, an=20 excuse for not taking it too hard. But if Cordy were "the one". No one=20 would have any excuse. They all would feel it to the bare bone. And the= =20 raw wound would only fester each time Ms. Jenny Calendar would enter the=20 room. In fact, Ms. C would probably blame herself for allowing Ang to=20 get Cordy! No, I believe Ang would actually, being 241 or 242 years old and having=20 had lots of time to "brood" over this, have picked Cordy as the first. =20 And then start on her family. Maybe her Dad in LA? ;=B7} tr - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #131 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (