From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #137 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Wednesday, February 25 1998 Volume 02 : Number 137 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: Passion Problem (PP) Re: BUFFY: Passion--- My opinion Re: BUFFY: Bringing Jenny back BUFFY: *boo hoo hoo* I loved Passion! BUFFY: Bringing Jenny Back Re: BUFFY: Bringing Jenny back BUFFY: Re: NOT Joinig the Lynch Mob BUFFY: Re: Passion and Jenny (Possible Spoliers) BUFFY: Not joining the lynch mob BUFFY: Blood & Tears (passion spoilers) Re: BUFFY: Passion. Ay Caramba! BUFFY: LYNCH MOB POLL VOTE BUFFY: i only have eyes for you BUFFY: Jenny BUFFY: Another Missing Passion Bit Re: BUFFY: LYNCH MOB POLL VOTE Re: BUFFY: Another Passion Problem BUFFY: Yet another missing blurb! BUFFY: Buffy & Lynch Poll WOW!!! BUFFY: Buffy: Posting BUFFY: Jenny's computer problem BUFFY: Answer to Angel in Giles' Apartment Re: BUFFY: Answer to Angel in Giles' Apartment BUFFY: Staking a claim... BUFFY: Do Angels Cry? See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 22:46:40 -0400 From: (Katharine Zandy) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion Problem (PP) Katie Masters,,Internet writes: >Bet he's kicking himself now. But why did it take him so long? WHy didn't >he just go straight home? And I didn't catch that aprt where he said he >had to go do his place. Where was it? He did go straight home, but Angelus had already been there. The scene where Angelus kills Jenny is only a few minutes after Giles leaves, I think. Since Giles stops at Buffy's house before he goes home, Angelus has more than enough time to set things up. However, I still don't understand why it matters so much that Angelus could go into Giles's house for this particular scene. Granted, it would be less painful for Giles to not have to deal with the roses, opera music, high hopes, etc, but Jenny is dead either way - whether Angelus could get into Giles's house or not. Besides, don't you think he would have found some other, equally painful way of letting Giles find Jenny's body if he couldn't get into his house? BTW, Giles mentions that he's going to go do the spell for his house right after Willow gives him the book, I think. Katy Keeper of Buffy's Birthday and the way Buffy smiles at Angel - ------------------------------------------------------ This message sent using the FirstClass SMTP/NNTP Gateway. From: Choate Rosemary Hall 333 Christian St. Wallingford, CT. 06492 - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 23:36:54 -0400 From: (Katharine Zandy) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion--- My opinion,Internet writes: >I loved the scene with Angel gently stroking Buffy's cheek. It was the >same gesture we've seen from him before, but with such a different >connotation. Completely... it was a beautiful scene, just in the tragic irony of it all. Angelus is more than obsessed with her, he still feels "passion" for her. IMHO, this shows that all hope for Angel isn't gone. There's still something between him and Buffy that hasn't been destroyed, despite the fact that the Angel that Buffy knew is gone. >The line between love and hate is so thin, and both involve some serious >obsession. We can actually see how much Angel loved her from the extent of >Angelus's obsession with her. Exactly. Kudos for phrasing it so perfectly. That's why they're going to bring Angel back!!!! I hope... Katy Keeper of Buffy's Birthday and the way Buffy smiles at Angel - ------------------------------------------------------ This message sent using the FirstClass SMTP/NNTP Gateway. From: Choate Rosemary Hall 333 Christian St. Wallingford, CT. 06492 - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 20:01:57 PST From: "noname 7" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Bringing Jenny back At 03:51 PM 2/25/98 -0700, you wrote:As much as I love Jenny, I just can't see how Joss could possiblybring her back without being completely cheeseball. I'll really miss her, but I'd rather TPTB let her rest in peace than try to come up witha contrived way to get her back on the show.Annie>> U think, maybe Jenny could come back as a vampire, like, after Angel broke her neck he did his sucking thing & her neck healed, then she could maybe have someone curse her, then she'd have a soul... if becoming a vamp after you're dead is even possible... SPOILERS BELOW... P O I L E R S P A C E L A D I D A I think this is enough.... About those spoilers someone said awhile ago forthe season finale... How could you get those so earlier in advance, for 1 & 2: Well,m how are they working now, because Jenny is dead, & so she can't be turned into a vampire (I think I just contridicted my own thought from above...) & so, no Jenny dieing & no soul restoration, like it said in the spoiler. Kelly, PS: Last Night's episode made me cry 2x, I didn't cry during Surprise/Innocence, a bit sad... & when I saw Titanic, I was just bearly on the brink of non- sadness, So, IMHO, last night was a very sad ep. (o o) - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-oOOo-(_)-oOOo-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - -"My world is all askew" Willow RB - -"You were my Yoda Man!" Spike SH - -Keeper of alot of things! - - "Showgirls, absolutely frightening!" Randy, Scream2 - - "My mom & dad are gonna be so mad at me!" Stu, Scream - - Homepage - - Buffy Page ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 23:06:36 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: *boo hoo hoo* I loved Passion! >>There is no way that Giles, Willow, or Buffy will ever be able to forgive >>Angel, and that there is no hope for him and Buffy to get >>back together. Even thought I wish that when his soul is returned there >>will be a happy reconciliation, I know that it won't happen. Whether or not this is true (that any of the gang will even remotely consider forgiving him if/when he gets his soul back), won't the main reason that most of watch is to see how he tries show penance or how he suffers? I mean, what if Buffy stumbles across an Angel on the verge of committing suicide? WOuld she seriously be able to stand by and watch him kill himself even though she knows of all the things that Angelus did? Joce - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 00:08:51 -0400 From: (Katharine Zandy) Subject: BUFFY: Bringing Jenny Back Ok.. all this talk about Jenny coming back in dreams has me thinking. Remember in "Innocence," when Buffy dreams of her night with Angel, and then he warns her about Jenny? I always thought of that as the Angel she knew appearing in her dreams, free from Angelus. I kinda thought Joss would follow through with it, but I guess not. Anyway, I can imagine Jenny appearing in Buffy's dreams (Buffy seems to be the only who who has prophecy dreams), to tell her about the disk or the spell, or something. Anyone agree? Katy Keeper of Buffy's Birthday and the way Buffy smiles at Angel - ------------------------------------------------------ This message sent using the FirstClass SMTP/NNTP Gateway. From: Choate Rosemary Hall 333 Christian St. Wallingford, CT. 06492 - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 20:16:28 PST From: "noname 7" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Bringing Jenny back At 03:51 PM 2/25/98 -0700, you wrote:As much as I love Jenny, I just can't see how Joss could possiblybring her back without being completely cheeseball. I'll really miss her, but I'd rather TPTB let her rest in peace than try to come up witha contrived way to get her back on the show.Annie>> U think, maybe Jenny could come back as a vampire, like, after Angel broke her neck he did his sucking thing & her neck healed, then she could maybe have someone curse her, then she'd have a soul... if becoming a vamp after you're dead is even possible... SPOILERS BELOW... P O I L E R S P A C E L A D I D A I think this is enough.... About those spoilers someone said awhile ago forthe season finale... How could you get those so earlier in advance, for 1 & 2: Well,m how are they working now, because Jenny is dead, & so she can't be turned into a vampire (I think I just contridicted my own thought from above...) & so, no Jenny dieing & no soul restoration, like it said in the spoiler. Kelly, PS: Last Night's episode made me cry 2x, I didn't cry during Surprise/Innocence, a bit sad... & when I saw Titanic, I was just bearly on the brink of non- sadness, So, IMHO, last night was a very sad ep. (o o) - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-oOOo-(_)-oOOo-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - -"My world is all askew" Willow RB - -"You were my Yoda Man!" Spike SH - -Keeper of alot of things! - - "Showgirls, absolutely frightening!" Randy, Scream2 - - "My mom & dad are gonna be so mad at me!" Stu, Scream - - Homepage - - Buffy Page ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 22:39:40 +0000 From: Subject: BUFFY: Re: NOT Joinig the Lynch Mob Count me in as part of the anti-mob- or whatever. I agree with you totally. Yeah, Jenny's murder was very sad and touching, but I'm amazed at how bloodthirsty everyone is to get Angel. He's gone to bat so many times for the Slayerettes before. (doesn't anyone give him credit for keeping that bloodthirsty demon pretty much completely in control when he had his soul?) He's not the one in control-that doesn't make it ok- but it still doesn't make him responsible. And, anyway, it -does- make for great plot lines... It's quite the fun ride. I can't wait to see where this all goes. One question though-(a fairly stupid one to boot) Where did Angel's soul go anyway? Is it floating around somewhere or did it wherever all the other souls go...hmm... (and I really hope if Angel ever does recover that wandering soul of his- he doesn't not resolve all the issues with everyone or go hide with his guilt or stake himself or something. that would be such a cop out!) (btw Kelly- i didn't think a soul was just a conscience- but apparently my view is in the minority arghh!) Desiree Herrera "We all have a dark side to say the least, and dealing in death is the nature of the beast" _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 23:34:07 -0800 From: Sebastian Luberto Subject: BUFFY: Re: Passion and Jenny (Possible Spoliers) S P O L I ER BOY OH BOY That episode was a doozy! I was hoping to get some thrilling and overdone episode that could only be compair to last week's Dawson Creek yet instead I found myself crying right along with Giles and Buffy in the most memorable scene of the whole episode. Kudos to the whole cast especally Robin and David. Jenny's death was darky poetic...or as my little sister said "What a sucky way to go." and that Angel...whoosh...what a nasty little thing he's become...but that's the great thing. I love hating him! Yet I really hope the "old" Angel returns so Buffy can kick his ass and he'll actually care about it. LONG LIVE JENNY CALENDER! You will not be forgotten you techo queen, budda godness, gypsy princess, computer teaching, spell casting lover of Giles. - -Jilbert:) Proud member of the Buffy Crew, Watchers of Willow, Xanderites, Knighties, FoD's, CotK. Babysitter of the once famous Colin who now works at a local Burger King sucking the apple filling out of the pies. Keeper of a bunch of stuff.. "And what do you want to do Scott?" "I don't know...I like animals...I was thinking of like, becoming a vet or something...or maybe working at a petting zoo." - -Scott Evil (Seth Green) "Austin Powers:Man of International Mystery" - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 22:37:27 -0700 From: Annie Weyand Subject: BUFFY: Not joining the lynch mob As per Desiree's question, Angel's soul is in the ether, as he stated in Passion. Annie - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 20:39:36 -0800 (PST) From: Flora Subject: BUFFY: Blood & Tears (passion spoilers) OK, Here comes the spoilers space: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x This was definitely the best one yet. There are soo many threads in this one and I keep finding myself following various roads. For example, how much closer does this bring Buffy and Giles? They have both lost a loved one to the same demon. What about her mom? Is this opening the door just a crack that may later allow Joyce to accept Buffy as the Slayer? I mean, what happens when Buffy grows up and Joyce keeps asking for grandkids? ANd Xander must feel sooooo happy that he finnaly got the I TOLD YOU SO out of his system. I gotta hand him the "You GO BOY!" prize for lasting so long. There's apretty predictable pattern here though. I think what will happen in future mythology episodes is that they will find the cure for Angel just in time for the end of the season and we won't find out if it worked or not till the next season. Then, they spend the next season in anguish because of all the nasty things he did and the gang will be going through various stages of I hate him, I love him. They'll probably end up back in the sack eventually, just in time for the following season. At which point I'll probably gag. And that's enough outta me for now. Flora == Coolest Buffy Site (really!): ********************** Get the Buffy Rat! ********************** _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 23:40:05 -0500 From: Jesse Jou Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion. Ay Caramba! At 02:22 AM 2/25/98 -0500, wrote: >You make a bald statement like that, without clarifying that it's your >opinion, or even apoligizing, and a lot of people are going to be real hard on >you. Um, okay. I'm not sure where this is coming from, but I didn't realize that I needed to apologize for having an opinion... :-) And the fact that it is an opinion should be self-evident without my having to point out that it is indeed an opinion (kind of like it should be self-evident from watching David B.'s acting that Angel's deriving some sort of perverse delight from tormenting buffy rather than having Angel tell us so in a poorly written voice-over.) >In a contrasting opinion, and yes this is just my opinion, Angels >voiceover had a dramatic and welcome feeling to it, just as Buffy's has done >in both this episode and in "Phases" (She told Xander that Willow & Oz's >situation was for them to solve.) I'm not sure how welcoming we should be in interpreting the voice-overs in this ep? But in the other cases you cite, the voice-overs were by and large editing decisions, as segues from one scene to another. Here they overlap the action, thus one must assume their content contains some particularly insightful bit of truth or commentary. So let's look at some of them, shall we? In the first voice-over, Angel rambles on about passion being unbidden and unwanted and bursts through, whatever. My problem with this voice-over is that it's strictly from the Mad-Lib school of poncey pronouncements. He might as well have just substituted "evil" or "hate" in for "passion" and it would have scanned equivalently. (Try it yourselves, I do invite you.) Nothing new about "passion" here. Now let's look at the voice-over that irks me the most. The one that follows that gorgeously horrific scene where Giles finds Jenny's body. Now this scene is what most of this episode should have been like, almost completely wordless with the duet from La Boheme providing the crescendo, because music intrinsically conveys profound emotion better than spoken discourse. The scene after it, where Buffy and Willow get the call is likewise powerful, because you can barely hear what the girls are the saying, and again words become subservient to the intense emotion of the scene (and boy, did SMG and Aly pull it off!). However, in between these two exquisitely tangled and complex moments, we have Angel blithely pontificating that grief is spawned of passion, nicely derailing the emotional through-line while saying nothing particularly fresh and indicating to we the audience that we're about to see Grief before us in all its inscrutable glory. We would have never guessed. (ok, now I'm abusing sarcasm... ;-) ) What would have been wrong with playing those scenes without the voiceovers and letting David B.'s clear and focused expressiveness convey Angelus' dawning delight? Finally, we have the one where Angel goes off about how we might know peace if we didn't know passion, but goshamighty, we'd be dead without it. Again, this whole soliloquy is completely interchangeable with any number of other things (try inserting "liquor" in for "passion" and you'll see what I mean). The imagery is also trite; god save us from postmodern nihilists that see the human psyche as Dank, Empty Rooms! Dank, Empty Rooms would be pretentious art, and it's silly rhetoric. Now let me make a very important distinction: my objection to the voiceovers is not how David B. plays them, but what they have to say. Even great actors can't work with tripe, and David B., my friends, was handed a fistful. This leads to my second clarification: >I like his (Angel's)character development, personally. He is Spike with an >unfamiliar face, is all. And remeber, he was an evil enough little demon way >back, when he drove Dru crazy. All that he's doing is par for the course, and >David is acting brilliantly. Let me state from the outset that I don't think David B. is a bad actor; I think he's a pretty good actor, who is making some weird choices with this character. The following comments must be construed in that context. When I wrote that the performance seemed "curiously depthless," I meant that his choices as Angelus have so far been pretty superficial. Most of the time, he goes for the easy line readings, playing sneering sarcasm when he could be looking for richer subtext. I've said before that smirking is not menacing, nor is arrogance a proxy for evil. And insouciant remarks after committing heinous atrocities poaches too closely on Robert Englund's well-marked territory as Freddy Krueger. Now there's a thought...Robert Englund as Angel...think of the fangirls. Part of my disappointment with Angelus is that he's a bit of an anticlimax after all the good word of mouth the Master gave him last season. As Angelus is currently played, he reminds me of nothing so much as a spoiled brat, more Dennis the Menace than Anti-Christ. What needs he a soul? There's nothing wrong with him that a good spanking wouldn't fix (Down, girls! ;->). And completely gone is the enigmatic gravitas that made Angel such an interesting character. For the purposes of contrast, I point out in Innocence the complete snarkiness of his attitude as he dumps Buffy. Should Buffy have been fooled at all that this was the Angel she knew who was treating her so viciously? However, look at the deadly earnestness in David's performance when Angel confronts Joyce in the yard in Passion. So reminiscent of good Angel with an intriguing twinge of malice. Why can't this inform the rest of his performance, rather than be treated like something that needs to be scorned? We've seen the saucy, arrogant bad guy in Spike and in other things--give us something new to see!!! Unless David B.'s performance is a complete red herring, I'm just not convinced that there's anything exceptional about this vampire that warrants his reputation. Sorry to go on at length about this, but it's been bugging me for some time. I know my tone is incredibly dismissive and facetious at times, and please know that I'm not directing it at any of my fellow list members, but at the PTB's who aren't here to listen to me bitch. In case anyone's unclear on this, the above totally reflects my own opinion of certain things in the show. ;-) Thanks! JJ - --------- "Isn't it reassuring to know When it's time to go That you'll still be there when you leave?" - --from the song, "Making Love Alone." - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 20:47:05 -0800 (PST) From: Flora Subject: BUFFY: LYNCH MOB POLL VOTE Ok, just for the sake of curiosity I want to take a head count. Please E-Mail me and vote for one of the following three A) Kill Angel/Angelus B) Don't kill Angel/Angelus c) Change Angelus back to Angel but don't love him anymore D) Change Angelus back to Angel and love him despite problems ok guys, It's pretty straight forward. Just say A B C Or D in your e-mail. Don't paraphrase and don't add extra answers. Let me know and I'll give it a few days for all the latent folks to vote. Then I'll post the results. Thanks, Flora == Coolest Buffy Site (really!): ********************** Get the Buffy Rat! ********************** _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 21:49:49 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: i only have eyes for you okay okay! i'll tell you what i know. geez, sometimes you people can kinda be too much! :-) they filmed a whole bunch in the band room (the room buffy was in looking for the invisible girl). they blocked it all off from light which could mean one of two things: 1) for somereason the bufster and co. happen to be hangin' in the band room all night for some reason... or 2)good ol' torrance sun isn't good enough any more! :-) they didn't film at buffy's place at all! (or willow's or oz's for that matter). They added an extra door to the wall of my english class so it would look like the hall was not so bare on that side. This hall that i am talking about was also shown in the invisible girl episode. it's at the top of the stairs that harmony was pushed down. anyway, they filmed all in and up around that hall (which leads to the big window that jenny got killed in front of last night). Now here comes my thoughts: the call slip for their first day of this stuff was very vaugue in plot. Basically there was a whole bunch of searching and stuff going on. i coulnd't make it out and they were teasing meeh that day so that's all i know plot-wise, but i do know that ALL of the characters were there, even poor misfortunate left out oz was on the call list. the next episode will not include any school and then i believe there will only be one last one (le finale) left to film of this season. there! you got it out of meeh! dont' worry i'm not being serious! i enjoy filling you guys in ont he small little extra tidbits i know, but my goodness when i said i knew the title you all just about freaked! :-) i should have more infor int he near future, so i'll keep you posted. respectfully reporting, tanj - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 20:53:08 PST From: "K Itwasalatenite McCardell" Subject: BUFFY: Jenny Why do people keep on insisting that Jenny be brought back from the dead? I mean, there is even a petition going around. We should just let her rest in peace. MAINTAIN ITWASALATENITE Tha 1 and tha only keeper of Buffy's rat form Keeper of Bo Outlaw's career high game, Nick Anderson's "Merton Hanks duck walk", and Penny's Flintstones Band-Aid. - ---------------------------------- "It's all good from Diego to The Bay!" -- Dre "Stop saying that! God! What's wrong with you?" -- Willow "The only time that I've ever hit a game-winning shot like that was on a (Sony) PlayStation" -- Bo Outlaw "I don't want to go to another team! I want to be in Orlando and win a championship with the Magic!'' -- Penny Check out the pages: ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 20:55:59 -0800 From: Julie Fundenberger Subject: BUFFY: Another Missing Passion Bit Last night on the Posting Board after Passion aired, Ty King (the writer) said that Joss asked him to write dialogue for the phone call to Buffy and Willow. Anthony Stewart Head actually was on the line reading the dialogue to Sarah and Aly. It made the reaction all the more emotional. Knightwatch - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 22:59:24 -0700 From: Annie Weyand Subject: Re: BUFFY: LYNCH MOB POLL VOTE Guys, could we please stop with all the polls? I mean, I know I started this and everything, but it's getting out of control. Not that I don't still love y'all. : ) ObBuffy: Vampires can't be made after the person is already dead, since it sort of makes the whole big sucking thing pretty dang difficult. So I don't think that it's likely that Ms.Calendar will be joining the ranks of the undead. However, her appearance in dreams would be a nice way to keep Robia in the show. Annie - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 00:01:06 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Another Passion Problem In a message dated 2/25/98 2:26:43 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << Katharine Zandy wrote: > Jenny uses a computer program that's called "Translate Now" (gee...I > wonder if > Microsoft made it...), highlights 15 or so lines, hits Translate," > gets the answer. Seems remarkably simple, how come no one's ever tried >> Actually I just watched it againand it is called 'Translator Pro'. Just wanted to voice that. Bye1 Jason Martinez - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 21:01:18 -0800 From: Julie Fundenberger Subject: BUFFY: Yet another missing blurb! Also posted last night to the board was a scene written but not seen. Evedently there was supposed to be a picture of Jenny be-headed. I think the picture was replaced by the one of her just lying there that we did see. I don't know anything else about this though. Knightwatch - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 21:04:28 -0800 (PST) From: Flora Subject: BUFFY: Buffy & Lynch Poll WOW!!! Hey guys, I can't believe how enthusiastic everyone is about this poll. Thanks so much for your responses. By the way, to make it a little more interesting, I will actually take the time & try to see what the male/female breakdown on the voting is too. Unless I can't tell from the name or handle of the sender. Thanks again, keep up the answers.... Flora == Coolest Buffy Site (really!): ********************** Get the Buffy Rat! ********************** _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 09:04:38 -0800 From: (Joshua G) Subject: BUFFY: Buffy: Posting I know for a fact that this has been posted before, but were do you go if you want to be the ceeper of something? Joshua _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 23:07:14 -0700 From: Annie Weyand Subject: BUFFY: Jenny's computer problem I think that the biggest problem with the computer program thing is the fact that it's not text-based. If Jenny was just writing this program, then she wouldn't need to include all the pretty colors and mouse stuff like she did. Did that strike anyone else as odd? I know, it's only a show. . . My boyfriend (who is not yet a slayerette, but he will be. . .) is really giving me crap for this. . . Annie - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 21:18:57 -0800 From: Julie Fundenberger Subject: BUFFY: Answer to Angel in Giles' Apartment Tonight Ty King posted on the board that even though it wasn't seen, Angel had been at Giles' place many times in the past. When they had been working together with his old books and stuff. Knightwatch - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 01:42:12 +0000 From: Jack Welsh Subject: Re: BUFFY: Answer to Angel in Giles' Apartment Julie Fundenberger wrote: > > Tonight Ty King posted on the board that even though it wasn't seen, Angel > had been at Giles' place many times in the past. It's still a MAJOR flaw. People who want to rag on the show can just bring that up; we're never seen (or heard for that matter) Angel being in Giles's apartment - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 00:34:20 -0500 (EST) From: Monet Subject: BUFFY: Staking a claim... On Wed, 25 Feb 1998, Lisa Rose wrote: > Passion Spoilers.... > He's > just too dangerous for the gang to suffer him to live, > given such potential inside him. And his "Angel" > romantic sensibilities translate too effectively > into "Angelus" psychological torture techniques. Agreed. Of course, my take on this whole Buffy staking Angelus is that it isn't going to happen. So all you die hard Angel fans should have nothing to worry about. Still, I would love to see it happen. I KNOW that isn't Angel doing the killing, but if you were in Buffy's place, who do you think would come first: family and friends, or a guy that once loved you but now is in some altered state wanting to KILL you, but not before killing everyone around you? Sure Angel has risked his life for Buffy and the others, but Willow, Xander, and Giles have surpassed that numerous times and they're the ones in danger. Not to mention Joyce who gave Buffy life. Now that Buffy's seen what Angelus is capable of, it's darn time she took action whether it's right away or in the near future. G :) =========================================================== Cordelia: "If we die in here, I'm gonna kick your ass; I mean it!" (Buffy, the Vampire Slayer) =========================================================== - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 21:34:15 -0800 (PST) From: Flora Subject: BUFFY: Do Angels Cry? Me again. Has anybody considered what Angel's reaction will be when/if he gets his soul back ? Can you imagine the guilt? I mean forget everyone else hating him, they may just have to prevent him from killing himself. Especially since he killed the woman that made it possible for him to be semi-human again. Irony, thou art a cruel mistress...... His love for Buffy will be tarnished and bitter. Buffy gave him ner most precious gifts: her body, her heart, and even her soul (by not killing him when she could have, she's now responsible for Jenny's death and Giles'mysery) and Angel repaid her in blood and tears. Don't you think that all this will become too much for Angel to bear once he comes back to himself? He was always so anguished, so tortured.... How much more will this add to it? Will it be too much? Ok, I'll stop. But think about it guys.... Flora == Coolest Buffy Site (really!): ********************** Get the Buffy Rat! ********************** _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? 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