From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #138 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Thursday, February 26 1998 Volume 02 : Number 138 In this issue: BUFFY: Kill the Beast! BUFFY: Rerun? Re: BUFFY: Bringing Jenny Back BUFFY: Incarnations of the Slayer, or (Who is Buffy?) BUFFY: Passions Vidcaps Re: BUFFY: Re: NOT Joinig the Lynch Mob Re: BUFFY: Hope for Angel (Passion) Re: BUFFY: Incarnations of the Slayer, or (Who is Buffy?) Re: BUFFY: Answer to Angel in Giles' Apartment BUFFY: End of Season Speculation Re: BUFFY: Incarnations of the Slayer, or (Who is Buffy?) Re: BUFFY: Passion Points Re: BUFFY: Passion Possible Ending Re: BUFFY: Passion Problem (PP) BUFFY: How many episodes? BUFFY: The irony of the return of Angelus' soul (possible spoiler) Re: BUFFY: Joining the Lynch Mob (Passion Spoilers) BUFFY: Vamp's Soul Re: BUFFY: Passion Possible Ending Re: Re: BUFFY: Angel's Vocie Over Re: BUFFY: Passion Points Re: BUFFY: Passion Points Re: BUFFY: Passion Points BUFFY: Killer episode!! Re: BUFFY: Some answers, some questions and some comments BUFFY: Interesting Observation Re: BUFFY: OZ Re: BUFFY: Passion Points BUFFY: Passion's CC quotes Re: BUFFY: *boo hoo hoo* I loved Passion! BUFFY: Reruns sold at great price!!! Re: BUFFY: Re: NOT Joinig the Lynch Mob Re: BUFFY: Willow's dad/Giles a suspect? Re: BUFFY: Passion Problem (PP) See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 22:03:12 -0800 (PST) From: Butterfly Girl Subject: BUFFY: Kill the Beast! I am sorry, and I love Angel, but I have to say that after waiting to sharpen my stakes, I am ready! He must be stopped! He is just plain evil! I liked Jenny, but even more awful, I hated how traumatic this is for Giles. Unfortunately, I would like Angel back, but Buffy has to realize her friends and her mom are at risk. Can she ever forgive herself for not being able to stop Ms. Calendar's death? What if it was Joyce, or Willow? Kill the beast! Stake him fast before anyone else has a sudden pain in the neck!! On a different note, I work with another Buffy fan and the next day, we were yelling, "Oh my god, did you see Buffy!!" And we were saying how we were both practically crying! mimi:) ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 22:12:16 PST From: "Jen Guttilla" Subject: BUFFY: Rerun? I thought that after Dark Age there would be no more reruns? Didn't Joss say that? How many episodes are left? - -Jen (AngelsSoul):} Check out my Buffy website A member of the AGA's(Angel's Guardian Angels) Scooby Gang member #24 Keeper of Angel's white undershirts & sarcasm. *************************** "Oh no, my life not too complicated."-Xander "We don't have cable. So we have to make our own fun."-Willow *************************** ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 01:16:14 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Bringing Jenny Back In a message dated 98-02-26 01:11:09 EST, writes: << Anyway, I can imagine Jenny appearing in Buffy's dreams (Buffy seems to be the only who who has prophecy dreams), to tell her about the disk or the spell, or something. Anyone agree? Katy >> Hey, they're on the _Hellmouth_. They can bring Jenny back _any_ _way_ they _want_! She could come back in dreams, they could go back in time, some magic could bring her to life, and on and on and on. BtVS is probably the only show on the air where a dead character could come back to life without any disturbance to the storyline at all. Now, whether she actually _will_ come back is another story entirely. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing her come back from the dead a couple of seasons hence, but of course with problems (as always -- maybe she's rotting away, maybe she's killing people), until Giles himself is forced to make her return to the grave. Ann - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 01:21:03 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Incarnations of the Slayer, or (Who is Buffy?) I got another ???? Not like that's anything new on this ML. ^_^* Here it goes: Is buffy the reincarnation of the older Slayers? Cause in the movie (and I know the movie and the Show should be viewed as 2 different things, but didn't any of Joss's idea's make the final cut? Buffy has weird prophetic dreams now in the show too) Buffy has dreams of her past lives as other Slayers. And if this is true, then am I right in thinking that Angelus has killed Buffy before (in her other incarnations) ? - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 01:16:54 -0800 From: Mark Safransky Subject: BUFFY: Passions Vidcaps Hey Buffyfans, I have posted some vidcaps from Passions to the multimedia gallery at my site. Go to: and enjoy! Mark Safransky - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 01:25:26 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: NOT Joinig the Lynch Mob Kelly says . . . << I hope he kills more people (hopefully Xander-he bugs me). You know he's going to be good again so why not just enjoy this bit while it lasts? >> Ooooooo! Them's thar fighting words! LOL Seriously though, my vote would be for Xander. He really bugs me, too. But I thought I was the only one. :) Really though, you have to give a lot of credit to the writers and the cast . . . when was the last time a character evoked such strong emotions in a few short episodes--from fantasy man (read I wanna jump his bones) to the scum of the underworld (read quick get a stake!)? And if Joss and company, along with David and company can make us flip-flop again and *forgive* Angel, that will really be a coup. LilyRei Heart of the Slayer - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 21:29:24 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Hope for Angel (Passion) Um ok this might not make any sense but it was just a thought...what if Dru killed the man who owns the store where Jenny got the soul thingy whatever it is called...then where would they get the glass ball..and also none of them even know about the store so.... Laura Keeper of Willows suggestion that Buffy blow something up to get kicked outa school Keeper of Willows fear of boyz - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 00:45:48 -0700 From: Annie Weyand Subject: Re: BUFFY: Incarnations of the Slayer, or (Who is Buffy?) Okay, but if Buffy is the incarnation of past slayers, doesn't that sort of mess up the whole Kendra thing? They can't both be incarnations of the same soul. Annie - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 01:53:58 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Answer to Angel in Giles' Apartment In a message dated 98-02-26 01:34:34 EST, writes: << Julie Fundenberger wrote: Tonight Ty King posted on the board that even though it wasn't seen, Angel had been at Giles' place many times in the past. << >>It's still a MAJOR flaw. People who want to rag on the show can just bring that up; we're never seen (or heard for that matter) Angel being in Giles's apartment<< I disagree. If you think back to "Invisible Girl," Giles and Angel were in cahoots (or just starting that part of their involvement). Angel specifically told Giles that he couldn't be around Buffy because it was too hard for him. And I think Giles understood that. He has always looked out for Buffy's feelings even when it wasn't obvious. Anyways, why is it so hard to believe that Angel didn't drop by Giles's apartment with some tidbit of information? (If he didn't want to see Buffy, showing up at the school would be really risky.) And how would Giles have his phone number? We never saw him get it, but he had it because he called Angel in "Prophecy Girl." I like the fact that they don't do everything blatantly on this show. They trust that the audience has been following along, knows the characters and understands that things go on behind the scenes. Just my 2 cents. :) LilyRei Heart of the Slayer - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 02:04:01 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: End of Season Speculation You know, Spike is getting real tired of the Dru-Angel bit, especially now that it is obvious that those two are back to a physical relationship. Who would like to lay odds on Spike setting angel up to be staked by Buffy, who then re-souls him on season's end? Then, of course, the obvious thing to happen would be that Dru is killed, possibly by Spike himself, as we all know what 'wacky' things people (beings) do when in love. And, though evil he is, Spike obviously loves the girl, even though she could actually care less.? BL - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 01:08:34 -0700 From: Annie Weyand Subject: Re: BUFFY: Incarnations of the Slayer, or (Who is Buffy?) wrote: <> Um, but Kendra IS the Slayer at the same time, as was established in WML 1&2. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 02:12:08 EST From: BLS7877 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion Points In a message dated 98-02-25 13:01:22 EST, you write: << The other part I didn't really care for was Xander's "I told you so" speech. How inappropriate! There they were grieving over Jenny and worried about Giles, and then Xander jumps in with I told you so. And he was so harsh about it! >> A lot of people have commented on Xander going off like that. It fell in place for me because, face it, sweet though he is, Nick is playing a 17 year old kid, immature, volatile and emotional. And, if some of us old people remember, a lot of us reacted bad verbally in an emotionally charged situation. Also, is anyone else noting the trend towards badness that Xander is portraying?? Look back at BBB tapes at the look on his face when he confronted Amy in the hall after she hexed that teacher; THAT is the face he wore in "The Pack". Could it be that Joss will right him up as bad next season? Or as a vamp? Just MHO BL - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 02:22:57 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion Possible Ending In a message dated 98-02-25 14:20:16 EST, Mike said << definitely agree that we need the old Spike back. Although I think if he was fully recovered he would simply try to take on Angel himself. I'm not sure who wolud win, but it would be a fun fight to watch. >> Everyone remember how we get Spike's power back? Right!!!! The ritual with his Sire, Angel. Which would leave him weak enough for Spike to try to kill, and Buffy to re-soul w/o fight. HMMMMM? Sound like a possibility?? BL - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 02:26:31 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion Problem (PP) In a message dated 98-02-25 14:35:05 EST, you write: << Off the subject, but how many new episodes are left? Susan >> I've heard 4, but I believe with the way they keep re-running, we should only count three or less. Next week is new, followed by Ford's little show, then MAYBE a 2 hour season closer?? BL - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 02:27:54 -0800 From: Mark Safransky Subject: BUFFY: How many episodes? There are 22 episodes for the season according to WB. After next weeks episode "Killed By Death", we will have seen 18 episodes. That means there will be four new episodes left to air between now and the end of the season. wish they would make 24 or 26 in a season. Ah well. Mark Safransky - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 02:46:35 -0500 From: Subject: BUFFY: The irony of the return of Angelus' soul (possible spoiler) (possible spoiler space) * * * * * * * * * * * I just had a disturbing, but incredibly fitting thought. What if for the finale the scooby gang finds the disk and performs the ritual for restoring Angelus's soul without telling Buffy (to surprise her). Just when she and Angelus are having their final confrontation. So that she stakes him after he got his soul back. Cigany - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 23:36:27 -0800 (PST) From: Sonja Marie Subject: Re: BUFFY: Joining the Lynch Mob (Passion Spoilers) *Sonja sits in her room giggling something about Angel, souls and vindication!* I really must stop "HA"ing out loud, my clapper is turning on again! Yes! REMEMBER THE CALENDAR! Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey, Paul Wylie, Anthony S. Head, & Buffy-Beta Lists Pres. of Giles' Appreciation Society Panters - GASP!- Keeper of Coats & Ties Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) About What Fans Sent Him in the Mail: "Fair amount of lingerie, yeah, all of which I tried, none of which fitted" - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 02:57:19 -0500 From: Subject: BUFFY: Vamp's Soul Okay, after extensive reading on metaphysical topics I've come to the conclusion that a soul the the animating force of the body, and that a soul is visible as the electromagnetic aura that all living things possess. So a person with a soul also feel the resonance with other living things, hence an understanding and awareness of them. This awareness leds to empathy or what is commonly called a conscience. When a person becomes a vamp they still have all the same personality traits, but because they lost their soul they have entirely different motivating emotions. The demon that now causes their body to be animate is motivated by sadism and destruction. However, most of human literature supports the believe that love and happiness are the primary motivates of those with a soul. Cigany Ps. Yeah, I know I think to much. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 03:01:47 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion Possible Ending In a message dated 98-02-26 02:30:02 EST, writes: << Dru was Spike's maker. I was Joss himself that told us that. It's been posted a couple of times, but it was easy to miss. :) >> In School Hard, when Angel and Xander were preparing to go in to meet Spike, I thought Angel told him he was Spike's sire. I must have misinterpreted it BL - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 03:03:33 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: Re: BUFFY: Angel's Vocie Over Jtrsjuliet wrote: >...and anyway if Angels soul is gone then how could >it be talking? In Passion it was said that Angel's soul would be drawn out of the ether, so it is not "gone". Come to think of it, the ether is where our tv signals come from. Hmmm. We don't know that the WB actually broadcast those voice overs (or CCs either), all we know is that we _received_ them... ====================================================== MaxVL ( LoreSharer of the line that Buffy did NOT say: "You're right Ted, cast iron _does_ make all the difference..." - ----------------------------------------------------- Get free personalized email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 03:04:07 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion Points SOMEONE SAID: >>The other part I didn't really care for was Xander's "I told you so" speech. How inappropriate! There they were grieving over Jenny and worried about Giles, and then Xander jumps in with I told you so. And he was so harsh about it!<< THEN BL SAID: >> A lot of people have commented on Xander going off like that. It fell in place for me because, face it, sweet though he is, Nick is playing a 17 year old kid, immature, volatile and emotional. And, if some of us old people remember, a lot of us reacted bad verbally in an emotionally charged Situation.<< AND I'M ADDING: Maybe it's me, but that excuse doesn't fly. It would if he lived in a world without vampires, demons, the Hell Mouth, witches, and all the other incredible stuff he has personally seen (and certainly aware of it). It's now or never. He needs to start the maturity process STAT and stop acting like a jerk. I think Xander is basically as selfish and self-serving as Cordelia but without her honesty. He's been making little moves towards trying to improve his character, but when push comes to shove he falls back on being petty and mean-spirited. LilyRei Heart of the Slayer - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 03:05:53 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion Points In a message dated 98-02-26 03:04:07 EST, you write: << I think Xander is basically as selfish and self-serving as Cordelia but without her honesty. He's been making little moves towards trying to improve his character, but when push comes to shove he falls back on being petty and mean-spirited. >> Agreed, you said it better than I did. BL - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 03:29:46 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion Points In a message dated 98-02-26 02:30:34 EST, writes: << I just think that we pay more attention to Buffy's pain because we don't see Angel's pain. I'm done rambling now, feel free to reply. >> Dawn . . . you go, girl! Now that I've had my 24 hour cool-off period I'm back in Angel's corner. :) LilyRei Heart of the Slayer - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 01:55:58 -0800 From: Subject: BUFFY: Killer episode!! This episode was the best yet!! The new Angel is awesome. He is sooooo evil, just like he was born to be. That was so cool, killing the fish, killing Jenny, sending the notes, ect. And now Buffy says she's ready to kill Angel. Its about time! She finally got her head straightened out. As good as the episode was there were a few flaws. Maybe someone could help me with them. First, Angel threw the computer on the ground then it caught on fire. How did it catch on fire? Second, at the end Snyder said Willow would teach the computer class until a new replacement is found. Hello??!! Anyone ever heard of a substitute teacher? Students can't teach a class. They don't have the proper credentials and plus, if they are smart enough to teach the class, then why are they in it?? Looking forward to May when Buffy turns Angel to dust... - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 01:58:23 -0800 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Some answers, some questions and some comments CHRISTIAN RENNELS wrote: > Is next week's episode a new one? In the trailer, they said it was new, > but my husband says its a rerun, and I noticed that Buffy's hair is darker. > Can anyone clear this up for me? Yes its new, the trailer said so. They can't say its new if its not new. That would be false advertising and they could be held liable. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 04:55:41 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Interesting Observation I'm not sure if this has been said already and I'm sorry if it has but at the begining of phases Oz is looking in the trophy case at the Cheerleading trophy and he said somthing about how the eyes of the trophy followed him from side to side. And if you can remember in one of the first eps "Witch" the witch was placed inside that trophy, so the eyes were really following him. tim - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 02:17:11 -0800 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: OZ > Who is SSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mad that Oz wasn't in Passion! Would have been nice to see him die too. Its totally unrealistic they would let a werewolf live. All the innocent lives Oz destroys will be Buffy and Giles' fault for not killing him when they had the chance. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 07:30:47 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion Points wrote: > The other part I didn't really care for was Xander's "I told you so" speech. > How inappropriate! There they were grieving over Jenny and worried about > Giles, and then Xander jumps in with I told you so. And he was so harsh about > it! He had to know the guilt that Buffy was feeling, and he just added to it. Well, my problem wasn't with _that_ speech -- to me, it sounded like they were all upset and he was striking out. What _really_ bothered me was his behavior at the beginning of the episode. Buffy stands there and tells them all that a puppy-nailing sadistic vampire came into her _bedroom_, and Xander's response is to crack jokes? This is the Xander who risked death to save her from the Master? Come _on_! Ann - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 08:50:49 -0400 (AST) From: Jennifer McDonnell Subject: BUFFY: Passion's CC quotes Can anyone explain to me Buffy's "purple wedding" comment? I can't figure that one out at all! Let me add my support to Angel's voiceovers. I don't think that Passion would have worked as wonderfully without it. For the first time, we got to see inside Angelus' nasty little head. If you listen to the quotes, it seemed almost like a justification (though not a very good one), for his behavior: obviously he still has feelings for Buffy which he can't control (passion), but he still wants to make her life a living hell instead of just killing her (also brought on by passion). If we would have seen Angel's actions in Passion without his voice to accompany them, it would have been a lot harder to accept. Although it will be difficult to welcome back the good Angel again when his soul is restored, it would have been even harder if we did not hear those voiceovers, and just saw his unexplained madness. Just my $0.02 - -Jen M. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 08:08:27 EST From: "Angel Williams" Subject: Re: BUFFY: *boo hoo hoo* I loved Passion! Sara wrote: I wanted soooooooooooo badly for Jenny to live, but she didn't. :( It was unbelievably sad when Angel killed her. FINALLY!!!!!!!! I'm sorry, but I thought when someone's neck was broken clean in half, that they died.... There will be no way that Jenny will be coming back. Ty King was on the Posting Board at the Bronze yesterday, and he said that Jenni (Robia LaMorte) was emotional on her last day, but did a great job! Therefore, she won't be returning... possibly in dream sequences, but nothing else... As this show can mirror reality, this is one of those times... A broken neck/severed spinal chord = Death... Sorry... I would like to see her back just as much as anyone, especially since she finally redeemed herself, but the truth is, she's gone.... =( I remain faithfully.... Angel ... "The hands represent friendship, the crown represents loyalty and the heart-... you know." - Angel, 'Surprise' "I heard someone crying... Who tho' could it be? Maybe it was Angel calling out "Come see". Or it could have been the Demon wandr'ing cross the sea. I heard someone crying, maybe it was me." Anonymous "[I] have one Angel stading watch above [me] as I sleep..." Anonymous ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 08:13:50 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Reruns sold at great price!!! FX Network Bags 'Buffy' Reruns At $650,000 Per By Cynthia Littleton HOLLYWOOD (Variety) - The FX cabler has staked out ``Buffy the Vampire Slayer,'' picking up rerun rights to the hit WB Network drama starting in 2001. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed, but industry sources pegged the pricetag for 20th Century Fox TV's ``Buffy'' at about $650,000 per episode, or about $65 million over the course of the initial four-year to five-year license term. As has become the norm with off-network sales of hour dramas, distrib Twentieth TV also will be able to sell weekend runs of the show to broadcast TV stations on an all-barter basis. FX is expected to run the show Monday-Friday in primetime. The additional ad revenue from weekend runs on broadcast TV stations could boost ``Buffy's'' per-episode take to nearly $1 million. Sources said other cablers in the bidding for ``Buffy'' included USA Network, TNT, MTV and Lifetime. Although interest in the campy, vampire-chic series starring Sarah Michelle Gellar was high, sources confirmed that FX's offer outdistanced all others, which were believed to have been under the $600,000 threshold. ``This was a very aggressive bidding process, and FX gave us the highest bid,'' Twentieth TV prexy Rick Jacobson said. Fueling cablers' demand for ``Buffy'' is the show's solid delivery of teenagers and young adults, the demographic category most coveted by Madison Avenue. In January, the WB tapped ``Buffy'' to lead its charge into a fourth night of programming on Tuesdays. Since the move, ``Buffy's'' household ratings have climbed 29% to a 4.4 rating and 7 share. The series bowed on the WB in March. Twentieth's deal with FX puts ``Buffy'' in heady company. TNT will end up paying about $800,000 an hour for Warner Bros.' ``ER,'' starting in the fall. USA shelled out about $750,000 an hour for Columbia TriStar Distribution's ``Walker, Texas Ranger.'' In 1996, FX ponied up a then- record $600,000 an hour for ``The X-Files,'' underscoring how much cable prices for off-net hours have skyrocketed the past two years. Reuters/Variety ^REUTERS@ 21:19 02-25-98 Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content, including by framing or similiar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters. Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 08:16:28 EST From: "Angel Williams" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: NOT Joinig the Lynch Mob Kelly wrote: >C'mon people! As soon as they bring back "nice" Angel the very same people leading the mob to stake his poor undead self are going to be cheering for everyone to forgive him. I have to agree... after all, I'm a huge Angel fan, and I have to say, the people who were always mooning over him, are now after his heart?! I just think that when the time comes for his soul to be restored, Joss will have one kick@$$ storyline for that episode! I'm just waiting with baited breath to see what that may be, because we all know that the man is a genius!!!!! He will find a way, I can almost guarantee it! Btw, did anyone else notice (twofangs, I know that you did - but did anyone else notice)how tenderly Angelus stroked Buffy's cheek in the opening scenes of Passion? It was actually lovingly... ! I remain faithfully, Angel ... "The hands represent friendship, the crown represents loyalty and the heart-... you know." - Angel, 'Surprise' "I heard someone crying... Who tho' could it be? Maybe it was Angel calling out "Come see". Or it could have been the Demon wandr'ing cross the sea. I heard someone crying, maybe it was me." Anonymous "[I] have one Angel stading watch above [me] as I sleep..." Anonymous ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 08:55:02 -0500 From: Mark Subject: Re: BUFFY: Willow's dad/Giles a suspect? Charlotte Veazie wrote: > > Unless that ritual came out of Jenny's book, in which case we could > reconsider how closely her tribe is related to christianity... The incantation Willow pronounced while descending the stairs *was* Latin: "Hicce verbis consensus recissus est," (very) roughly translated, "this word of permission (to enter) is revoked." Mark - -- keeper of Willow's diffidence - ------------------------------------ "it could be's not, though." - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 06:17:04 -0800 From: Shari Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion Problem (PP) wrote (regarding the number of episodes left this season): > I've heard 4, but I believe with the way they keep re-running, we > > should only count three or less. Next week is new, followed by Ford's > little show, then MAYBE a 2 hour season closer?? How do you figure that? Most shows go into May, not March. A while ago someone mentioned on this list that Joss had said there would be a lot of reruns in March and April, then the rest in May. I believe there are a total of 5 episodes left, as they've already shown 17, so that would probably give us 4 during the May sweeps, which makes sense ratings-wise. I think TPTB are seeing Buffy as one of their best-rated shows, so they want to save the new eps for the sweeps. Shari - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #138 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (