From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #191 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Monday, March 23 1998 Volume 02 : Number 191 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: I've been waiting for you 2!!! BUFFY: Re: New Cat roster for next year BUFFY: Newbie BUFFY: DB FANS Re: BUFFY: tommorrow Re: BUFFY: DB FANS RE: BUFFY: Charisma as Buffy? Re: BUFFY: DB FANS Re: BUFFY: DB FANS Re: BUFFY: DB FANS BUFFY: Apology Re: Re: BUFFY: DB FANS Re: BUFFY: tommorrow Re: BUFFY: DB FANS BUFFY: Was Sarah nominated? BUFFY: Was Sarah nominated? BUFFY: Re: BUFFYFIC: Introduction BUFFY: Girly Girls BUFFY: Sarah in Milk ad and/or tv commercial? BUFFY: Joyce Summers Re: BUFFY: DB FANS Re: BUFFY: I've Been Waiting For You Re: BUFFY: DB FANS Re: BUFFY: DB FANS BUFFY: "teenyboppers" thread Re: BUFFY: I've Been Waiting For You Re: BUFFY: Was Sarah nominated? BUFFY: Buffy's Ratings & these "vampire" cults. Re: BUFFY: Buffy episode question Re: BUFFY: DB FANS BUFFY: Foster Grants and...Nick?? BUFFY: Nitpicker's Guide to Buffy Re: BUFFY: DB FANS BUFFY: Willow's room redux BUFFY: Buffy Comic Book From Dark Horse See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 15:28:16 EST From: VDrusillaV Subject: Re: BUFFY: I've been waiting for you 2!!! In a message dated 98-03-22 23:00:42 EST, writes: << Did anyone else notice that Sarah inthis movie looked incredibly like Jenny Calendar. Two of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. >> OOO I did.I didnt think anyone else noticed.I agree so much except for that last part. Dru - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 15:33:20 EST From: Morpheus04 Subject: BUFFY: Re: New Cat roster for next year << Recurring lycanthrope and boyfriend of Willow Oz, (played by Seth Green) will return to the cast of BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER next season as a regular cast member. >> This article was in Zentertainment weekly. Brandon - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 21 Mar 1998 18:37:52 +1100 From: Dalton Subject: BUFFY: Newbie Hi, My name's James Dalton and I live all the way down in Australia (which you can guess by my email addy). I've been a fan of BtVs since it aired here (late 1997). Unfortuantly the station that puts on the sohw (Channel Seven) has stopped the series just after they aired the first episode of series 2 (When She Was Bad). Anyway I have also started contributing stories to the Fanfic Archives. I hope that we can be friends. Also, I have a question to ask. Maybe others find this trouble as well, I've been trying to go to the new Buffy Site and all that comes up is black. I here some spooky music in the background but nothing else. I use Netscape 4.0 as my browser. Hope to Hear a Reply soon.... James - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 14:45:51 -0600 From: (Paula Cobb) Subject: BUFFY: DB FANS If you are not a David Boreanaz fan, then please feel free to skip this message. I was just wondering if there is someone out there with the technical capability and desire (I have a lot of the latter but, unfortunately, none of the former) who would be willing to start a mailing list devoted exclusively to David/Angel(us)? Since so many list members deem our personal comments about David as being irrelevant - why can't we have a DB list where we can discuss any damn thing we want to and thoroughly enjoy ourselves in the process? I certainly have no problem with such a proposed list being non-gender specific (hey, David and his character have lots of male fans, too!) but I really think it should be restricted to people over the age of 18. No offense to the younger fans, but I and several others have just had to remove our names from two separate SMG mailing lists that were composed of (and dominated by) teenyboppers who couldn't seem to understand the purpose of the list. Not one posting in 50 even mentioned Sarah or the show! I got so tired of hitting the "delete" button..... I enjoy reading posts by people who can spell, punctuate and articulate their opinions in a mature manner! Just think - wouldn't it be wonderful to have a forum where we could discuss David to our heart's content (and let our imaginations and fantasies run wild) without worrying about negative feedback from other list members? Ponder the suggestion, David lovers. It could be soooo nice......... Paula Cobb - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 15:48:03 EST From: TknoPagan Subject: Re: BUFFY: tommorrow This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - --part0_890686084_boundary Content-ID: <> Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII - --part0_890686084_boundary Content-ID: <> Content-type: message/rfc822 Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Content-disposition: inline From: TknoPagan Return-path: To: Subject: Re: BUFFY: tommorrow Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 15:47:37 EST Organization: AOL ( Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Whats My Line 1 and 2 are the next two episodes. Jason Martinez - --part0_890686084_boundary-- - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 16:07:06 -0500 From: Mary Subject: Re: BUFFY: DB FANS >No offense to the younger fans, but I >I enjoy reading posts by people who can >spell, punctuate and articulate their >opinions in a mature manner! Okay, so, I was very excited by this post, yet EXTREMELY offended! Paula, I'm sorry about the "teenyboppers" on your other lists, but you were way harsh. I'm 16. When I was 14, I was mistaken for a college student. And I still am. You obviously paid no attention to your list, or maybe you would have discovered that some of your "teenyboppers" were really adults! I know very few teenagers my age who cannot spell, punctuate, and articulate their own opinions. Just because you are an adult (and I use that term lightly) does not mean that you are any better than somebody ten (or whatever) years younger than you! Sorry, if this was a flame, but I am articulating the opinion of not only me, but surely other "teenyboppers" on this list. Mary - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 13:05:32 -0800 From: Sai Wong Subject: RE: BUFFY: Charisma as Buffy? > Does anyone out there besides me think that CC could play a good Buffy. > With everyone used to SMG I'm not putting SMG down because she is what > originally got me watching the show but I think that Charisma could also > play Buffy well. What about SMG as Cordy? [Sai Wong (Exchange)] Well I had a similar idea. In Scream 2 they had a movie within a movie called Stab. Wouldn't it be good it CC played SMG's role of Cici in Stab 2 (the movie within a movie for Scream 3) Sai - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 16:23:19 -0500 From: Isis Subject: Re: BUFFY: DB FANS > Okay, so, I was very excited by this post, yet EXTREMELY offended! > sorry if this was a flame, but I am articulating the opinion of not > only me, but surely other "teenyboppers" on this list. > Mary Actually, I think you overreacted. I'm 17 and a lot of the lists I'm on I'd like to ban some of the teenagers! It's a matter of maturity, which, while it does not exclusively apply to adults, is more prevelant there. Unfortunantly, there is no way to screen for mature people short of allowing older people who are more likely to exhibit such maturity. However, I also think Paula exaggerated a bit when she implied teenagers cannot spell, punctuate or articulate their opinions. Give us some credit please. But Mary, you have to understand that mature teenagers, such as you and I, seem to be the exception rather than the rule. On one hand I have a 16 year old friend going into her junior year in college and on another I know students at my school who won't graduate until they are 23 or so. But these are not normal scenarios. On another note related to Paula's original post, there is at least one Angel mailing list already in existance and I think there is another one as well. Angellovers is the one I am on. They are a fairly quiet group and don't generally produce much e-mail. Isis - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 16:35:17 EST From: VampSlayr6 Subject: Re: BUFFY: DB FANS I'd do it, make a mailing list that is. But since I am one of the younger generation that knows what to do, I'm afraid to ask if I can. Beth - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 16:40:49 EST From: Lizzie2ooo Subject: Re: BUFFY: DB FANS hey. i think having a list dedicated toward david would be great but i am also kind of offended to the comment of us "teenyboppers". i am 16 and yes i am mature for my age but i also know a lot of other teenagers who are mature as well. anyway, if anyone knows of one of the lists that was mentioned in one of the posts will you send me the address (privately) so that i may join. thanks. leslie - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 16:50:31 -0500 From: Mary Subject: BUFFY: Apology In the very short time since I last posted, I have recieved some e-mails that have made me rethink my post, and I would like to apologize to anyone, especially Paula, who I might have offended. Although I am not taking everything I wrote back, I do believe that maybe I was in the wrong about a few things. But, I also believe that Paula was also in the wrong about some things. Both of us had good points, too. Maybe I should also rephrase one thing I said. I know very few people *who know how to use computers* that fit Paula's discription. I beg of everyone's forgiveness and apologize profusely. Mary - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 16:47:55 EST From: Smellcore Subject: Re: Re: BUFFY: DB FANS In a message dated 3/23/98 9:07:55 PM, you wrote: <> I have to agree and disagree with you. Yes, there are those who are capable of intelligent, insightful, and grammatically correct posting. But, for the most part, teens are not completely capable of this kind of communication. That comes with age. (Tongue firmly in cheek here folks) For the purposes of this new DB/Angel mailing list might I suggest an IQ prerequisite? It would satisfy everyone's needs. Pandora ( - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 14:07:21 PST From: "Lady Cietdubh" Subject: Re: BUFFY: tommorrow >hey does anyone know which episode is coming on tommorow night...i know that >it is a rerun but what show is it if I recall correctly, it's the first part of "What's My Line". Lady C~ ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 17:11:35 -0500 From: Python! Subject: Re: BUFFY: DB FANS >anyway, if anyone knows of one of the lists that was mentioned in one of the >posts will you send me the address (privately) so that i may join. thanks. I would like to know the address's too.....thanx! I'm a big DB fan and i'm 16 as well....and i'm mature so....whoever said that teens arn't mature enough i'd have to say your wrong! ^JeNnY^ - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 17:11:25 EST From: TheBigG379 Subject: BUFFY: Was Sarah nominated? Hi! This is one of my first posts and I was wondering was Sarah nominated in the oscars? - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 17:16:43 EST From: TheBigG379 Subject: BUFFY: Was Sarah nominated? Was Sarah nominated for anything at the Oscars? - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 17:24:00 -0500 (EST) From: Jeff Reid Subject: BUFFY: Re: BUFFYFIC: Introduction On Mon, 23 Mar 1998, IRamadi wrote: > Hi, > > thought i might inroduce myself. my name is idham and i am from london. over > here they are currently ended series 2 - i think (where all the people are the > prom turns to vampires and hell mouth opened up etc) and about to start series > 3 over here next sat. just wondering how far behind we are with america. Actually you just finished season 1 from what I've heard (having only seen I Robot, You Jane from that season). Several references from When She Was Bad pointed out that there was a prom night and the master appeared. It's probably season 2 that you're about to watch. Over here in Canada and the US we've seen 18 epsidoes of season 2, and have 4 more to watch. Season 3 won't be shown here until the end of September, when you may also get to see it at the same time. Generally I found that shows were a year or two behind North America when I lived in England though. Movies were half a year behind. > i like the series alot, it's like a mini horror film and has made me jump > loads of times. how popular is it over there? Buffy (I'm happy to say) is one of the top ten shows in Canada, next to South Park. It's just as popular in the US also. It's interesting to go to school on a Tuesday and hear everyone talking about Monday's episode. Only a few people I know don't watch it. By the way, the Buffyfic address is only for fan fiction, so you'll receive more of a response sending to the chat list, - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 14:22:22 PST From: "Raven Dunn" Subject: BUFFY: Girly Girls This is an addition to the topic of Willow's line where she stated to Buffy: "You're supposed to be a meek little girly-girl like the rest of us." I would like to add to the discussion, in that I didn't think that said comment was uncalled for in the conversation and setting that it was said in. Granted that those are fighting words for those of us who aren't "girly girls", but look at the situation where it was used. I don't know how many of you, other than myself, were required to attend one of those self defense seminars in High School. The whole time that we were subjected to it, all of us were addressed as weak and unable to protect ourselves regardless of how baseless that assumption was. (I took out the anger that developed by thinking of all the ways that I could make that instructor *stay* down.) I still remember what my peers reactions to it were. Let me assure you that they were quite girly. I actually heard a "broken nail" comment. So, while I see the problem with the comment, I also think it extremely effective in the setting that was provided. It took me straight back to the day that I had go through it. My perception was that the comment was a sarcastic reaction, on Willow's part, to the societal assumptions that reflect females as weak an defenceless. I guess that my reaction was colored by my own experiences. ( But, maybe I'm identifying too much... :) Raven Am I a harp that the hand of the mighty may touch me, or a flute that his breath may pass through me? A seeker of silences am I and what treasure have I found in silences that I may dispence with confidence? - -Kahlil Gibran ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 17:27:06 EST From: (fu nee) Subject: BUFFY: Sarah in Milk ad and/or tv commercial? Someone mentioned Sarah doing a promo for Milk. I was wondering will this be just a magazine ad or will it also include a tv commercial? _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 17:37:54 EST From: Lizzie2ooo Subject: BUFFY: Joyce Summers i dont know if this has been said before but i was just watching a rerun of the show california dreams on wgn, and this episode has the woman (i dont know her name) who plays joyce summers on buffy in it. it is the episode where tiffiany feels like her dad is lonely and she sets him up with this woman (joyce) but ends up getting jealous of her so joyce and tiffiany's dad breaks it off. i just thought it was kind of intresting. leslie - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 98 18:00:33 PST From: "JohnH" Subject: Re: BUFFY: DB FANS > I would like to know the address's too.....thanx! I'm a big DB fan and = i'm > 16 as well....and i'm mature so....whoever said that teens arn't mature > enough i'd have to say your wrong! > > ^JeNnY^ > Ya, I'd like ta join dat der Danny Bonaduce list too:-) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 18:00:09 EST From: TraceyS71 Subject: Re: BUFFY: I've Been Waiting For You In a message dated 98-03-22 21:37:42 EST, you write: << Did anyone else see this TV movie? The beginning was just like Buffy's first episode! It starts off with her having a dream (just like Buffy)and then it's the girl's first day at school and when her mom says to you "You Don't want to be late" she responds "No wouldn't want that" (just like Buffy!) Then at school she's an outcast and she meets the snob (Cordelia), the friend (Willow) >> I saw this movie.. it was pretty good.. The main character also made reference to the Buffy show.. some of the other kids hung garlic on her locker and she said garlic is for vampires you morons... ask Buffy... cute Tracey =) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 18:08:42 EST From: LilyRei Subject: Re: BUFFY: DB FANS In a message dated 98-03-23 18:04:12 EST, writes: << Ya, I'd like ta join dat der Danny Bonaduce list too:-) >> Who?????? LilyRei - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 18:31:09 -0500 From: Lex Subject: Re: BUFFY: DB FANS John H wrote: > Ya, I'd like ta join dat der Danny Bonaduce list too:-) Hey John: I'd bet a lot of the people on this list are not old enough to even remember who Danny Bonaduce is. ;-> Lex Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't. "Nope. Still fun." -- Angelus, KBD "I will stand firm in the tempest/ I will ride destinys' trail" -- Melissa Etheridge - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 18:18:47 -0500 From: sah Subject: BUFFY: "teenyboppers" thread Gotta squish it now. Sorry. I empathize with both sides, but please take it private. It's Holy Oscar Night, after all. Can't we all just get along? - --sah sah * * NatPack*JunglePatrol*Bishop*FoFoD*BBPGrrl:GLIL*BTVS colistowner "Fun built this body." --Drew Carey - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 18:21:17 EST From: LilyRei Subject: Re: BUFFY: I've Been Waiting For You In a message dated 98-03-23 18:05:37 EST, writes: << I saw this movie.. it was pretty good.. The main character also made reference to the Buffy show.. some of the other kids hung garlic on her locker and she said garlic is for vampires you morons... ask Buffy... cute >> It also ripped off "Risky Business" and "Scream." Or at least there were scenes that brought those movies to mind.
LilyRei Heart of the Slayer - ------------------------------------- "What message? You have sex with her and she bites your head off." SMG, Rolling Stone 4/98 - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 18:23:42 EST From: Ulysses011 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Was Sarah nominated? <<>> Nope Ulysses011(Diana) Offcial Keeper of: Angel's fear of sunlight Buffy's job of beheading people and holy water Xander's stake that used to kill Jesse with. Delta Zeta Kappa's Yard Ford's clothes (the one he wore when he first saw buffy at Sunnydale) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 19:04:29 EST From: CatDancer8 Subject: BUFFY: Buffy's Ratings & these "vampire" cults. I've noticed a lot of ratings talk and I thought I'd share my opinion on it with the list. I would love to talk with other fans about their opinions on this topic, on or off list. The ratings of Buffy have been droping significantly lately. I totally think it's an advertising thing. Whenever they advertise the show majorly (two parters only) the show gets super ratings...but without them, the ratings drop. Sure, Dawson's creek is getting great ratings. Last night I read a disturbing article about the "vampire" cults in my area. Teenagers that I used to know. And the blame was put on shows like Buffy. I know the whole concept of "vampires" isn't exactly a parent's dream come true for their kids but the show itself is a good way to show what High School is like. Each episode has a different moral or message to send out whether people see it or not. The whole Sci-fi twist that Joss has on ever episode kinda covers up the message sometimes, but it's there in every ep. It's a shame that Buffy is getting a bad rep because of it. But...I do think that even if the ratings don't go will be good. This little group we got going on the net of fans for the show is really a cool thing. We're right up there with the X-Files fan groups on the net. It's pretty cool. And as long as the ratings for the show stay at a WB high, I'm pretty sure the show will survive. - -Michelle Keeper of Drusilla's "Do it again! Do it again!" and Spike's "I'm not going to be in this chair forever! - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 19:12:01 -0500 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy episode question Charlotte Veazie wrote: > Apparently, she has a separate > entrance to her ground floor bedroom from the outside. I don't know how > common this is. Personally, I'd feel pretty unsafe having an outside > entrance to my bedroom Or....she could be on the second floor and the door leads to a balcony outside of her bedroom. Thats probably a little more common.... Angel climbs up to Buffy's 2nd floor bedroom all the time so climbing a balcony would be a piece of cake! > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 19:18:53 -0500 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: DB FANS > I'd bet a lot of the people on this list are not old enough to even remember who Danny Bonaduce is. ;-> He's really cool! When i lived in Detroit, he did morning radio for Q95.5Fm.....he was really funny!! BUT...I do think that the D B the original post had referred to David Boreanaz ...but I'm sure you guys were just fooling!! > > > Lex > > Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't. > "Nope. Still fun." -- Angelus, KBD > "I will stand firm in the tempest/ I will ride destinys' trail" -- Melissa Etheridge > > - - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 16:36:00 -0800 From: "Modjallal,Susanna,GLENDALE,NUSA" Subject: BUFFY: Foster Grants and...Nick?? This just in the March 9 Brandweek Magazine: ________________________________________________ FOSTER GRANT TARGETS YOUNGER VIA WB TV TIE (by Becky Ebenkamp) Foster Grant sunglasses is teaming with the WB TV network for a summer retail promotion that lends the brand's vintage advertising theme and tag to a sweepstakes with a $1million prize. The "Who's That Behind Those Foster Grants? Million Dollar Giveaway" invites consumers to identify three mystery stars wearing the shades. A finalist will be flown to Hollywood in Spetember, where the $1 million can be won by properly identifying a fourth mystery WB star. (snipped stuff about the campaign logistics, spots, drops and agencies) ________________________________________________ The reason I am posting this is because there is the photo of the three stars wearing the shades accompanying the article and the guy in the middle is...Nick Brendon. There is no question that that wonderful smile belongs to our dear Slayerette. Not to mention that his still-not-as-hot-as-the-first-season hair kinda gives him away. I believe the girl on his right is the actress from "Happily Ever After" but I don't recognize the third person (at first glance, I thought it was Kendra, but it isn't!). Anyway, that's just the latest update from the Marketing side of show biz..... Adored by few, addled by all, Susanna, Warrior Admin keeper of Xander's Former Hairstyle - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 17:51:44 -0700 From: Kerowyn Subject: BUFFY: Nitpicker's Guide to Buffy Hello all! I bring news of gladness and compulsiveness. The Nitpicker's Guide to Buffy is up and running! It's at Yes, it's the one and only place to go for all you obsessives out there. It lists continuity errors, misplaced props, contradictions, and all those other little things that we love to nitpick. It's nowhere near complete yet, and I am eagerly taking submissions. With What's My Line getting the rerun Tuesday, I'm sure you can all catch little things you might not have seen before. If you send me an idea, I'll be sure to credit you with it on the site. One more thing--I'd like to list all the episodes with vidcaps, and I'm having trouble since X-Lander's site is down. If anyone has any or knows where I can find 'em, let me know!! So check it out. You'll be glad you did. Kero - -- Kerowyn, Duchess of Buffonia Nitpicker's Guide to Buffy Keeper of Giles' Broadsword and proud GASPer Keeper of Willow's Ear Slurp on Xander Keeper of Willow's Ax of Unrequited Love - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 19:52:02 EST From: LMcint6188 Subject: Re: BUFFY: DB FANS In a message dated 98-03-23 16:55:32 EST, writes: << (Tongue firmly in cheek here folks) For the purposes of this new DB/Angel mailing list might I suggest an IQ prerequisite? It would satisfy everyone's needs. >> Einstein failed math.... remember?!?! A high IQ says nothing about maturity! I have a fairly high IQ and am mature, but I have friends with IQs of 150's that dont have a mature bone in their body! I think this whole maturity issue has stepped on alot of toes... Please try not to stereotype all teenagers into a class of unruly idiots. We (my fellow teens and I) arent stereotyping all adults into a bunch of totaliterian overbearing geezers! Thank you Lins - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 17:09:59 -0800 From: Subject: BUFFY: Willow's room redux >BTW in the suburbs, houses with ground floor master bedrooms do often have >private entrances, but those rooms are usually much larger and have an >attached bathroom... There is another answer. Maids' quarters in homes have separate entrances. Cannot have the hired help wandering through the house. Just because there is no live-in maid does not mean that the room goes unused. Preta - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 21:08:56 -0500 From: Melanie Hoover Subject: BUFFY: Buffy Comic Book From Dark Horse Greetings, Buffy-Watchers!! Just got off the phone with Dark Horse Buffy artist Randy Green, who OK'd release of the following (sorry it's a little late, but I wanted to get his approval before posting this info): Here's some spoiler space, too!! Okay, Buffy fans - just got back from MegaCon in Orlando, Florida - and boy, was I discouraged to see nary a Buffy item to be found merchandise-wise - no promos, no t-shirts, nada. However, while standing in line Saturday for yet another 1.5 hr wait for signatures, I turned and, lo and behold, came face to face with Buffy artist Randy Green. We chatted for a few moments and he agreed to a short interview on Sunday. For those not in the know, let me explain - - - Coming soon to a comics shop near you, Dark Horse presents Buffy the Vampire Slayer, an ongoing comic series, drawn by North Carolina native Randy Green. Randy was kind enough to spend a few minutes talking with me about himself, his art, and Buffy this past Sunday (March 15) at Orlando's MegaCon. The following is a rough approximation of our discussion. Brackets [] are my asides, thoughts, $.02, etc. Randy, 34, has been married for 8 years to Amy, and together they have a quite adorable 2-year-old named Haley. Randy worked in advertising for 8 years and it was during that time that he began to realize his longtime dream to draw comics professionally. Beginning with a few odd jobs here and there for Marvel, DC, and Wildstorm, Randy quickly made a name for himself with issues of Cable, Journey into Mystery's Black Widow mini-series, and Legends of the DC Universe - Superman. [I have the Cable issues - good work!] I was able to see Randy's portfolio of upcoming work, including Shi #9 [think Little Red Riding Hood for adults - and some absolutely phenomenal art] and Buffy the Vampire Slayer [sketches of Buffy - just wait guys, it's gonna be great!!!] How did he get involved with the Buffy series? Quite by accident, really - and a little bit of luck [I call it serendipity]. Randy had contacted Dark Horse some time ago offering his artistic talents for any potentional work, not having any particular project in mind. A few weeks went by and out of the blue comes a call from Dark Horse saying that 20th Century Fox had approved Randy's work and wanted him to do the Buffy the Vampire Slayer comic series, would he be interested? Randy and Amy have been longtime fans of the show, but hadn't heard a comic was being planned. They are, to say the least, thrilled to be involved in a project they already enjoy and are excited about adding a new medium to the Buffy family. Randy is very excited about this work and can't wait to get started. He's hoping to continue the same aura of romance and action and explore relationships as developed in the TV series. A lot of the comic series direction, however, depends upon the scripts and instructions sent to Randy from Dark Horse. Randy explained that Dark Horse gets a script approved by Joss and Company. They send the script to him with any Joss-driven special instructions ('don't do such-and-so, but it's okay to have this and that happen' because events in comic may anticipate or contradict upcoming TV eps) [kinda vague, I know, but it made sense when Randy explained it]. Dark Horse may even send specific instructions, like 'action on pages 17 through 19' or even specific preselected dialogue snippets to draw to. Randy then dissects the script like a play, incorporates any special instructions or directions, and draws the story - action, romance, everything - in pencil. It takes about 1 day per page or about a month per issue to draw. Finished pages are sent back to Dark Horse for inking, lettering, and coloring, then final printing. About three months from start to finish for each issue is Randy's estimate, maybe a little less as time goes on and characterizations and plotting get more familiar. [Many of the activities run concurrently, so Randy might be drawing issue 4 while issue 2 is hitting the stands and issue 3 is getting inked and colored.] With any luck, the first Buffy script arrived at his house during MegaCon [I can hope, can't I?] Moving into more Buffy-specific questions, Randy described his ideas about drawing Buffy and Company. It's one thing for an artist to create his own interpretation of established comic characters like Cable and Shi, but character depiction gains a new dimension when live subjects are used as models. Randy has collected a lot of actor/character shots to work from, but he's not really interested in getting a "photo-likeness" of each character, like Buffy, Angel, or Cordelia [yes, those three names were mentioned!] It's much more important, says Randy, to determine what the character looks like in a particular scene, how they would act, move, and react, rather than what the actor/actress would look like in the same pose. [It's a fine distinction, but remember we want to see Buffy, the Slayerettes et al. in the comic series, not Sarah, David, Alyson, Nick, etc. drawn as comic characters - - I saw Buffy in Randy's portfolio, not Sarah.] Reader feedback is very important, says Randy, both positive and negative - but be specific about likes and dislikes. And please don't just voice negative views; if you like the comic, let Dark Horse know ASAP, the more encouragement, the better. Although Randy wasn't aware of any exact release date for Buffy Issue 1, don't get discouraged. If you plan to attend HeroesCon, San DiegoCon, and possibly ChicagoCon - stop by and chat with Randy Green, Buffy artist extraordinaire and let Dark Horse know how great it is to have as part of the Buffyverse. Now, on to a more touchy subject, and I must apologize in advance for the preachiness - Dark Horse, as yet, has not given Randy any specific instructions regarding "leakage" of insider information to fans, but I firmly believe that we must be careful not to play the spoiler game when it comes to the Buffy enterprise or that standpoint could change drastically. Please, don't push to get info from actors, crew, artists, anyone involved with BtVS production in an effort to "beat everyone to the punch" and broadcast spoilers webwide. Happening upon something involved with the series (in any medium) and broadcasting it as conjecture or hypothesis is not the same as actively trying to trick or coerce insider secrets just for bragging rights. Other franchises have had this happen in the past and it has left a sour taste in many mouths, including the ones you don't want soured - production companies, cast, and corporate bigwigs. Series longevity (both TV and comic) depends upon anticipation - if we always know what's going to happen, why wait for it? Joss is one of the best storytellers around, and we have to support his wishes for secrecy. We don't want Joss to close ranks completely like the Star Trek/Star Wars franchises, nor do we want him to shut down completely when it becomes too much of a hassle to defuse the rumor mill and plug leaks. Buffy, whether we like it or not, is a business, not merely an entertainment. Dark Horse, WB, and 20th C Fox want a successful commodity; profits should be spent on production, not protection. As Buffy moves into this new medium, let's be careful and promote our own interests - a continuing, long-lasting, and profitable Buffy the Vampire Slayer franchise. - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #191 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (