From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #266 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Wednesday, May 6 1998 Volume 02 : Number 266 In this issue: BUFFY: clicktv spoilers for Becoming pt 2 Re: BUFFY: Canadian CKVR viewers Re: BUFFY: Plastic bath toys and other nonsense.... BUFFY: "Go Fish" Angel scene + A Vampire Theory BUFFY: PSA for GO FISH BUFFY: becoming BUFFY: TV GUIDE LISTING BUFFY: Go Fish comments **Spoilers* BUFFY: First Slayer? BUFFY: PSA's again Re: BUFFY: Plastic bath toys and other nonsense.... Re: BUFFY:Go Fish BUFFY: Angel Chronicles Event Re: BUFFY: Go Fish comments **Spoilers* BUFFY: Spoiler pic for Becoming BUFFY: Buffy Returning to Channell 7 / Prime [AUSTRALIA] Re: BUFFY: Worst Episode Ever! BUFFY: Go Fish Re: BUFFY: Worst Episode Ever! BUFFY: Charisma interview in TV Guide See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 18:22:16 -0400 From: "Cola" Subject: BUFFY: clicktv spoilers for Becoming pt 2 ClickTV spoilers for Becoming part 2 (airing May 18 and/or May 19, depending on where you live :) Carolyn s p o i l e r s p a c e Becoming (Part Two) Program Type: Network Series / Adventure Parental Guidance: TV-PG Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) must prevent hell from swallowing the Earth; Giles (Anthony Stewart Head) is a prisoner of the enemy and Angel (David Boreanaz) is bent on destruction. (1 hr.) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 18:26:27 -0400 From: "Cola" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Canadian CKVR viewers Jeff wrote about that person at CKVR saying: >"I have confirmed that >the show did run in its entirety and did start on time ... I appreciate >your concern, but I assure you we are not tampering with the show" OH GRRRRRR!!! Jeff, I feel your frustration...especially since we both saw it with our own eyes! As I said before, I watched the ep on CFPL the next night and saw the opening sequence which CKVR did not show. So, judging by their response, it will, hopefully, just be a one-time 'fluke'.....sounds like someone screwed up to me! I did see that they didnt cut the opening sequence of Go Fish on Monday night. Carolyn - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 18:32:43 EDT From: Anglkissz Subject: Re: BUFFY: Plastic bath toys and other nonsense.... >5) Did anybody else think that Cameron, the guy that Buffy talked to on the >beach, looked a little bit and sounded A LOT like Angel? Just an observation.... I think Buffy also thought it was Angel at first....if you watch she opened her eyes really wide like she was so shocked, or scared, or startled. Some of you might say because she was deep in thought and caught of guard but I think she was deep in thought about Angel and then she thought it was him (at first) and this is such bad rambling.........but that what I think :) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 15:48:46 PDT From: "Raven Dunn" Subject: BUFFY: "Go Fish" Angel scene + A Vampire Theory I think that Jeff put it best when he said that he is rarely disapointed with an ep as he doesn't expect surpurlative quailty every time. So I'm not going to touch on the fact of expectations being the basis of opinions. However I have to say that what many people saw as unnessissary I really enjoyed. This being, of coarse, the scene with Angel. Why I did so is pretty much personal preference. I like continuity. I'm really big on the idea of cotinuity being central to the development of plot lines, characters and their motovation, and the integrity of a show in general. This scene was not integeral to the Buffy/Angel plotline. BUT it *was* contiuous with it. It's possible that Angelus was going to turn the swimmer. Which is in character, it was right under Buffy's nose, afterall. That would possibly dent her ego. She can't even protect the people she is actively watching from him. And even if he was just looking for a snack, can he get a meal and antagonise Buffy at the same time? Sure, it wasn't integral, but it was a nice little bit of continuity. People were, at one point, upset that they weren't showing what a cruel and dangerous guy Angelus could be. But, I think that Angelus is inteligent enough to know that it is the slow wearing down of an opponent that usually leads to their destruction. (And it's so much more fun, too.) I think that he killed Jenny out of "evil"-self preservation, not because *he* planned it that way. Okay theory as follows: During one ep. after the Master or the Anointed One was killed, (I can't remember which.) Buffy was wondering, to Giles, why vampires tend to hunt in the same place, night after night, even though so many of them are being slayed there. Giles' responce was something to the effect that their leader was gone and they were basically just acting on instinct. That said, What is it in the Vampire life that determines weither one would be capable of reasoning through, if it would be a good thing to hunt in Slayer infested grounds? My answer: experience. Natural (or in this case Supernatural) Selection is determined by the survival of the fittest. (Note: Darwin's theories are very aplicable to the Vampire society as a whole.) Angelus, Spike and Drucilla have all been around for quite some time. That said, I would estimate that they know how to avoid the Slayer when they want to, and engage her only if they wish. This answers all those questions of why Buffy doesn't just hunt Angelus down and stake him. Buffy's ability to stake Angelus is reliant on the fact that she has the opertunity to do so. When faced with the opertunity to stake him, she also has to avoid what ever sneaky little plot Angelus had worked up that would make it favorable for him to confront her. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 18:52:47 EDT From: Anglkissz Subject: BUFFY: PSA for GO FISH How about this for GO FISH PSA.................. "Hi this this Sarah Michelle Gellar. Tonight episode dealt with steroids and how you can't trust ALL school officials. If you observe any school official, teacher, principal, etc., is obsessively into school spirit and gives athletes special treatment such as late cafeteria hours, changing failing grades, luxory steam room, spa, feeding them lunch ladies, anything please call 1-800-no2-jock. Steroids is another serious issue. The signs of abuse are excellent swimming skills, long endurance of under water swimming (without talking a breath), unbearable stench, appearance may change into a huge green fish leaving their original skin on the floor. If someone you know is abusing steroids and is REALLY into The Black Lagoon please call 1-800-IMA-fish. Thank you" Pandora I think we both have to many :) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 16:07:53 -0700 From: (Mica Vincent) Subject: BUFFY: becoming - --WebTV-Mail-1556527946-989 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT ok, is becoming the season finale? if it is, are they going to play the first ep this season and the second part the next season? - --WebTV-Mail-1556527946-989 Content-Description: signature Content-Disposition: INLINE Content-Type: TEXT/HTML; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT - --WebTV-Mail-1556527946-989-- - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 16:08:00 -0700 From: "Karri" Subject: BUFFY: TV GUIDE LISTING Here is the listing for TV Guide next week: S P O I L E R S P O I L E R S P O I L E R Part 1 of 2. Extended flashbacks show how Angel and Buffy came to be, while Kendra returns to Synnydale to help restore Angel's soul. She also brings with her the tool that may stop Dru from completing her most devilish deed yet. There is a cute pic of Sarah and one of David with the caption reading: "Tonight, travel 200 years into the past and across two continents to discover Angel's history...and Buffy's destiny." I can't wait!!!!!! -Karri - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 19:45:41 -0400 (EDT) From: (JW) Subject: BUFFY: Go Fish comments **Spoilers* Below contains spoilers for 'Go Fish' Episode of Buffy. Two new episodes in a row I don't think I can stand it. I have to go with Xander that having a pep rally for a swim team is sort of strange. But, hey its Sunnydale; after last week and now this week, I guess we have a new episode theme "Buffy alone". Like last week I was wondering why wasn't Xander and Willow glued to her side like normal. Even when Buffy was sad before, you could always count on Willow and Xander being there for Buffy, yet here they were off by themselves. Another new theme is guys hitting on her, perhaps the sad, lonely look is good on her. I truly thought I was going to get physically ill during Cameron's ocean speech, please 'obvious much'. Buffy obviously didn't learn much from Halloween, was again violating the "guy code" by saving Jonathan. Still we get some more insight what the other students at Sunnydale High think of Buffy, "she's a freak". I'm sorry but that skin thing was just gross, steaming in the cold air. I said last week that Snyder must like the cheap labor that Willow provides teaching. Snyder is not only creepy and mean but his a jerk, wanting Willow to change grades for the swim team. It was in character for Snyder to be a jerk, but I thought it was out of character for Snyder to give a rat's behind about a student. Also, we see that Willow likes teaching; perhaps she might go into it as a profession, its the type of job that might let her moonlight as a watcher. "Studied hard and worked long hours to earn our 'D's" LOL. Wow, Buffy let Cameron give her a ride to school interesting; to bad he wasn't; Jacques Cousteau has more pep. I think that was the fastest transformation from, nice-guy to jerk, I have ever seen. I'm surprised she didn't hit him after the "you wearing a bra" line. I'm sure that works all the time. You knew he was cruising for a bruising and he got it. Snyder must his own "spider sense" when it comes to Buffy, he always shows up at the worst moments. I was amazed when they brought up Buffy's clothes, could they been any worse. "Any demons with high cholesterol", okay not the greatest line ever but it was still funny. So we get our first look at "fish boy", I have to take up for Xander once again, I would have "run like a woman" also. Have we ever seen Cordelia as an artist before? "we will never win a state championship", who has cheerleaders at swim meets?, except for the duo on Saturday night Live. I think its time for Buffy to break out the shades and long coat she wore in IRYJ, her surveillance techniques could use some practice. Willow, LOL interrogating Jonathan; that was almost as funny as Xander interrogating Larry in 'Phases'. That Gage guy sure dissed Buffy when she was trying to protect him. "Sex appeal on the fritz" yeah in the bizzaro world. It appeared that SMG played it like he hurt Buffy's feelings when he left. Frankly he deserved what happened next. So go a little while and we have to find a way to fit Angel into the episode. I give them credit for the reasoning behind this Angel cameo. But it again seemed a little forced, I will applaud that Buffy was ready it seemed to stake Angel. Angel bites Gage and he gets up and walks away for Home?, try walking him to an emergency room; he's got two big holes in his neck. "Walk me home" okay that took some swallowing of male pride. I guess saving someone's life makes you seem a little more attractive since it seems he became a little sweet on Buffy. Okay the moment in this episode everyone was waiting for, Xander in the speedo. I loved the expression on the three girls faces. Cordelia's realization that it was Xander was priceless. Likewise the "undercover", "not under much" bit was funny, but if Buffy is going to laugh; she should at least pay for some of the therapy bills. Who didn't love Willow's "your nude", yeah she's over him. So we find out the kids themselves are the monsters, what shocked me was that they told others what happened. No hokey excuses, Snyder might take more of interest in them now more than ever. Lots been made how Sunnydale is the biggest small town in the world, but they have more sewers than New York city, they run everywhere. If anybody is in the know, is it even possible to deliver steroids in a gaseous state? I didn't grasp the reasoning why the nurse would let this go on for as long as it did. Okay the coach was crazy, what was the nurse's excuse? Xander was funny worried about his exposure to the steam, I thought that Willow and Buffy should have been a little more concerned. So lets get this straight the coach gets his hands on some released USSR files about genetic research on swimmers, they couldn't make it work but a High School Coach is going to figure it out. Even if the nurse was helping him out, that almost makes vampires seem real. Course we get to see how much of a nut case the coach his when he pulls a gun on Buffy and forces her into the pit. I hope that coach didn't want Buffy in that hole, for the reason he eluded to, thats just ewww. "Just what my reputation needs, I did it with the entire swim team", that could hurt. I thought Cordelia was incredible sweet, warm, and wonderful when she thought that Xander had changed; kinda out of character for her but she has shown that side before. Xander to the rescue once again, I guess the steam was working because he took out coach pretty easy. The fishboys were real wimps I expected them to pull both Buffy and Xander down into the hole. The coach got what he deserved becoming fish food. A plasma transfusion that sounds painful, then Cordy reverted to form, with the "you could play football" line. They called animal control to come and get the fish-boys, I'm sure they would have been up to the challenge. Anybody else think the ending shot, of the fish-boys swimming out into the ocean would have been better if we just had a one wide shot of the ocean and perhaps a small fin or ripple in the water; instead of actually showing us all of them swimming out into the sea. Okay I think I liked this episode more than I should have. It was a nice little take off on "The creature from the black lagoon" or perhaps it was "The incredible Mr. Limpett". SMG was good again in it, and I thought that Xander made a nice come back from last weeks episode. The most interesting character of the night was perhaps Cordelia, most of the time Cordy is either Stuck-up, a brat, mindless, or a sparring partner. It usually depends on the writer and director, last night we got to see her as all of the above and we get to see her softer and nicer side that we catch glimpses of once and a while. It sort of reminded me of 'The Witch' from last season with its message that being too competitive is bad. Interesting also that this episodes danger wasn't a supernatural one, but one created by science. Only other episode similar in that respect is 'Ted' I believe. And, the same way the frat boys were scarier than reptile boy in 'RB' , the coach was scarier than the fish-boys. But, I'm not sure about genetic changes conducted by steam. JW GASP Keeper "The Ripper"nickname Keeper Xander's Elvis Bust - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 16:59:24 PDT From: "adam reid" Subject: BUFFY: First Slayer? Possible speculation spoilers, maybe, i don't know. Just a question thats been buggin me for a while. Is Buffy the first slayer Giles has ever handled? If not I think it would make for good story to learn about what happened to the other(s). Giles is a good guy and all but he does have somewhat of a shady past and still conjured up that demon even after learning about his calling as a watcher. Could Giles be hiding something else? Just a thought. Probably wrong. Adam. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 16:59:00 -0700 From: "Karri" Subject: BUFFY: PSA's again <"Hi this is Sarah Michelle Gellar. Tonight's episode dealt with Subject: Re: BUFFY: Plastic bath toys and other nonsense.... >4) Yes, Xander WAS smiling when the swim-team fishies ate the coach. Maybe he was having flashbacks to The Pack? i thought that he was perhaps trying not to laugh at buffy's comment about how the "boys sure do love their coach." i had a hard time trying not to laugh at that one... Dymphna ~Is this thing on?~ ~Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool~ "From this life to the next" ~The Once and Future Convention: June 12-14, 1998~ Go check it out!!! Visit my site: ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 17:34:15 PDT From: "Terri Morris" Subject: Re: BUFFY:Go Fish >It has alwas seemed that principal wasn't his chosen profession. So I wonder why he cares so much if they have a winning swim team... unless he was in on the experimentation? my guess is that he is undercover for some organization that goes around to evil hotspots in an attempt to keep the general public from realizing what is going on....maybe his stint at sunnydale has rubbed off a bit and he has a smidgen of school spirit...hey, stranger things have happened at sunnydale! Dymphna ~Is this thing on?~ ~Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool~ "From this life to the next" ~The Once and Future Convention: June 12-14, 1998~ Go check it out!!! Visit my site: ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 17:38:03 -0700 From: Subject: BUFFY: Angel Chronicles Event Sunday June 19, 7pm there will be a reading and signing of The Angel Chronicles by author Nancy Holder at Dark Delicacies in Burbank. Preta ******** Illegitimati non carborundum - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 20:39:56 EDT From: GCarras Subject: Re: BUFFY: Go Fish comments **Spoilers* In a message dated 98-05-06 19:48:36 EDT, you write: << Subj: BUFFY: Go Fish comments **Spoilers* Date: 98-05-06 19:48:36 EDT From: (JW) Sender: Reply-to: (JW) To: Below contains spoilers for 'Go Fish' Episode of Buffy. (message snipped) I'd like to add the spoilers,if you don't mind,pleas,to my new page.. my Buffy the Vampire aslayer web page,and BTW everyone feel free to contribute via e-mail to my page..:just mail in any episodes,thoughts.etc. PS While you are at it,check out Willow Web Page My Sarah M.Gellar page - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 17:47:42 PDT From: "L. S." Subject: BUFFY: Spoiler pic for Becoming Can someone please send the link for the pic from Becoming to me please?? Appreciated, Daria ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 May 1998 10:55:48 +1000 From: "Brian Hollingworth" Subject: BUFFY: Buffy Returning to Channell 7 / Prime [AUSTRALIA] This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_006A_01BD79A6.B15C7340 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable This is for all ozzie fans, I recently recieved a reply to my letter I wriote to Prmie TV regarding = their decision to cut buffy. It follows: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - ---- Dear Mr Hollingworth Thankyou for your letter of 26 March, 1998 regarding the program 'Buffy' The program has been withdrawn from the format as it was not attracting = a significant number of viewers in its time slot. However, the program will return to Prime Television once a more = appropriate place in the format has been determined. Thank you for taking the time to write to Prime Television Yours sincerly, Rod Cumming NETWORK PROGRAM MANAGER - ------=_NextPart_000_006A_01BD79A6.B15C7340 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
This is for all ozzie fans,
I recently recieved a reply to my letter I wriote to = Prmie TV=20 regarding their decision to cut buffy. It follows:
Dear Mr Hollingworth
Thankyou for your letter of 26 March, 1998 regarding = the=20 program 'Buffy'
The program has been withdrawn from the format as it = was not=20 attracting a significant number of viewers in its time = slot.
However, the program will return to Prime Television = once a=20 more appropriate place in the format has been determined.
Thank you for taking the time to write to Prime=20 Television
Yours sincerly,
Rod Cumming
- ------=_NextPart_000_006A_01BD79A6.B15C7340-- - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 21:02:45 +0000 From: Jack Welsh Subject: Re: BUFFY: Worst Episode Ever! Kevin Taylor wrote: > It wasn't good, but worst episode ever? You obviously haven't seen > "Invisible Girl" from the first season. Yes I have. But I put the Buffy episodes into three different sections. Great, Ok, and Bad. This is how first season goes (for me): 1) WTHM (Great) 2) Witch (Great) 3) Teacher's Pet (Bad) 4) NKABOAFD (OK) 5) The Pack (Great) 6) Angel (Great) 7) IRYJ (Bad REALLY REALLY bad) 8) Puppet Show (OK) 9) Nightmares (BAD) 10) Invisible Girl (Ok) 11) Prophechy Girl (Great) . . . . 20) Go Fish (BADDDDD) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 18:17:25 -0700 From: Dayna Subject: BUFFY: Go Fish You guys are missing the point on Angel's short appearance. He was needed so that he could spit out the kid's blood and make Buffy realize there was something wrong with it. - -- Dayna DayDream Staffords ICQ #11512949 - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 21:18:39 EDT From: LilyRei Subject: Re: BUFFY: Worst Episode Ever! In a message dated 5/6/98 6:01:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: Interesting. We feel the same about most episodes except . . . You said "Teacher's Pet" was BAD and I think it was OKAY. I thought "Invisible Girl" was BAD and "Go Fish" is OKAY. I also have a GOOD category and I put "The Pack" there. It would have been a GREAT episode, but the ending always bugged me. LilyRei - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 19:54:12 -0600 From: David Simpson Subject: BUFFY: Charisma interview in TV Guide I just went to the TV uide web site and found a listing for an interview that they did with Charisma Carpenter. For those of you with web access, it is located at For those without such access, I have included it here. CHARISMA CARPENTER AKA: Cordelia Chase on Buffy the Vampire Slayer=20 She's really a nice person. If you get that much out of this interview, Charisma Carpenter will be happy. The actress is strongly identified with Cordelia Chase, the acid-tongued fashion arbiter of Sunnydale High on Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Tuesdays, 8 pm/ET, the WB). And as she tells our Jeanne Wolf, she's not in a huge hurry to disabuse viewers of that perception. But really, she's not at all bitchy. =97 John Walsh Do you share any traits with Cordelia =97 her attitude, her sass? I like her truthfulness. I'm very much like that. I didn't realize that quality about her until this one episode, where Giles says, "Do you have any tact at all?" And I said, "Tact means just not saying true stuff, so forget it, no." And when that line was said, I thought to myself, "This is the first time I could say I had something in common with her." Not that I'm not tactful: I can be tactful, but I also am very blunt [laughs] at the same time.=20 Do you think that the writers understand that about you?=20 I don't spend any time with them. They're not on set a lot. Most of the time the writers and the actors are kind of separate. They're upstairs writing and we're down on the set spewing what they've written. Maybe Joss has seen it, and is aware of it, because he spends the most time with us.=20 What drew Cordelia and Xander together? Because we're so opposite. Opposites attract. We do this bantering and this battle of the wits so much that inevitably we were just attracted to each other. It was a physical thing at first, but now I don't know what it is, because we're not pursuing the physicality anymore. What's keeping us together is at this point up to the writers, because I don't really know [laughs] why we're together at this point.=20 How did you feel about keeping your relationship a secret?=20 Well, I think it made for some really humorous scenes, and it was hilarious and I think the audience really loved that. And at first they were afraid of us being together, they didn't like it. But then as time went on, it was interesting and it was really funny. And then we got together and everybody was moaning and groaning that the prelude to getting together didn't last longer. Because they were getting so much out of that and it was so funny.= =20 You were in beauty pageants as a kid. Were you pushed into that?=20 I wasn't that young. And I wasn't pushed into it =97 it was something that I loved doing. I don't think pageants are necessarily a bad thing. I think the mothers can be. Stage mothers are the most deadly thing there is, because you can kill a kid's spirit by that, or you can teach them to be comfortable with themselves and to field questions off the top of their head. My parents encouraged me, but they also made sure I enjoyed the experience.=20 Your parents sound like the exception rather than the rule.=20 My mom never put a bunch of makeup on me or extravagant outfits, even when I was in pageants. My mom sewed my clothes, which I loved, and someday when I'm married I hope she makes my dress. I've told her she'd better. She was into simplicity, and it wasn't about more cheeks, more makeup, bigger hair, big fancy dresses. It was simple, classic. Not excess. I can always spot a pageant girl when I see one.=20 Meaning?=20 There's a little too much makeup or the hair is just a little too perfect; they're trying too hard. But they're bright girls and they have a dream, and this is the way that they are choosing to get that dream and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm not in it or around it anymore, so I don't know if it's changed.=20 You sound happy. Don't you know that you're supposed to come from a miserable, dysfunctional home to be a good actress?=20 [Laughs] There's some credence to that. My life wasn't perfect; I just had a very supportive family. I had a very supportive mom and dad, but my childhood wasn't perfect either; nobody's is. Everybody has their garbage and their baggage.=20 You sound like you were a good girl growing up. Were you ever in trouble?=20 Always in trouble. Bad grades, sneaking out, having boys over when my mom wasn't home. I was always in trouble, always. I took my dad's car out for a spin. I snuck out when they were sleeping to go out with my friends because my parents were very, very strict. I had to be home by midnight, but I had some of the best times trying to be home for my curfew. It was a lot of fun at the same time.=20 Growing up, I had two cousins very close by. My mom used to tell me, "If you don't want me to find out about something, please don't tell your cousins, because they're just going to tell their mother and their mother's going to tell me." I was constantly in trouble, but I'm glad my childhood was the way it was.=20 Is there a lot of pressure on you now, to move from this hit series to a movie?=20 I'm getting tremendous pressure, even from my own people =97 my agent and my manager =97 right now. Like, "You got to do a movie this summer because everybody's going to come back to Buffy and you're not going to have done anything." And I said, "So?" [laughs]. I'm ambitious, but I want balance. And I'm not a tiger and I'm not a barracuda. I know who I am. I believe in myself, and it's going to happen when it happens and not any sooner.=20 I know what I have to do to excel, and that is I don't like to be running around to three, four appointments a day. I like to devote a day to prepare for an audition, and I cannot do it any other way. If that means that I don't work today, that's fine, because I want to work until I'm 80.=20 But there is a pressure, definitely: "I want you to read for Robert Rodriguez for this part, and Kevin Williamson wrote this script." And it's like, "Well, what character are they having me read for?" It's just Cordelia with a different name. No, I don't want to read for that character. I have Cordelia. I have another 10 months to do Cordelia. I've been doing Cordelia for two years; I have another year to do it for sure; let's try something else.=20 Is it hard to keep that attitude? Well, yeah. It's not hard to keep the courage, but it's hard to get people to understand you and not to give up on you. And then I have to say, "We don't have the same vision; we're not on the same page," so I have to look for support somewhere else. And that may come around and bite me in the butt, but for me right now that's how I feel. I have another 10 months of work and it's hard work. I'm not going to get up and do something that I don't feel 100 percent about. I'm not going to get up and do something half-assed. And if I don't feel like I could get into it or I love it, then I'm not going to do it.=20 So it didn't drive you crazy to see Sarah Michelle Gellar suddenly on the cover of everything?=20 I think that's amazing, and I'm so happy for her. And she's been doing this a lot longer than I have. She is a veteran, and this has been a long time coming for her. She deserves it. And I will have that. And it may not be this summer and it may not be in five summers, but I have to go at my pace. I can't be comparing myself to anyone else or put that kind of pressure on myself. I don't know if I'll be ready for it when it does; we'll just see. I'm here. It's my karma; things work out.=20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D David Simpson Buffy: Look... I know you feel badly about what happened, and I just wanted to say... good. Keep it up. --- Passion (BtVS) - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #266 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (