From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #283 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Friday, May 15 1998 Volume 02 : Number 283 In this issue: BUFFY: Who is Whistler?? BUFFY: Re: Jenny's last wish? BUFFY: Charisma on Justice Files BUFFY: Please post Juliet Landau interview! Re: BUFFY: Who is Whistler?? BUFFY: Another call for help!!! Re: BUFFY: Who is Whistler?? Re: BUFFY: Angel in "Becoming" Re: BUFFY: Who's the gunman? Re: BUFFY: DB on KTLA Morning News Mon. Re: BUFFY: Jenny's last wish? nope. Re: BUFFY: Willow and Giles Re: BUFFY: Dating (was Buffy flashback) BUFFY: Vamp in sunlight Re: BUFFY: comments on becoming BUFFY: Juliet on Vibe Transcript Re: BUFFY: Bitchy Scene Re: BUFFY: Who is Whistler?? Re: BUFFY: "Becoming.." Re: BUFFY: Whistler and Dru BUFFY: The Plot Requires It BUFFY: When's Sarah appearing on Jay Leno? BUFFY: vamps and demons BUFFY: Becoming: fav line Re: BUFFY: When's Sarah appearing on Jay Leno? BUFFY: Jamie Kennedy Semi-Spoilers See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 22:58:57 -0600 From: David Simpson Subject: BUFFY: Who is Whistler?? Just a short note in regards to Whistler. He said that he was a demon, but not an evil one. And he implied that he was part of a larger group. Who belongs to this group? Could they have ties to the Watchers? And will Whistler appear in part 2 to help Buffy against Angel? Boy, this whole part with Whistler opens up a wide range of options as to where Joss can take the show next season, too. David Simpson Buffy: You know what? It's good to be me. --- Halloween (BtVS) - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 01:33:56 -0400 From: Bruce McMicking Subject: BUFFY: Re: Jenny's last wish? >P.S.-If Ms. Calendar's last wish was to restore Angel's soul, maybe >Xander should have considered honoring it. I'm betting that was her second last wish. Her last wish would have been for a stake, cross or bucket o' holy water. Bruce - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 23:19:43 -0700 From: (Lupe Mejia) Subject: BUFFY: Charisma on Justice Files hi, i have a question, suposeably Charisma was on the discovery chanel's "The Justice Files" , so what i want to know is what did she do on the show? i was watching it & wondering why would Charisma be on this show? well if you've seen this episode & know what she did or anything please let me know off-list please, i would really apreciate it! & if you know if they might repeat it please let us all know, thanks! Lupe to vote for your favorite episode of BTVS goto: - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 02:39:30 EDT From: (fu nee) Subject: BUFFY: Please post Juliet Landau interview! I missed Juliet Landau on Vibe! Someone please post a transcript of it. Thank you! _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 02:48:41 -0400 From: Lawless Subject: Re: BUFFY: Who is Whistler?? David Simpson wrote: > Just a short note in regards to Whistler. He said that he was a demon, but > not an evil one. And he implied that he was part of a larger group. Who > belongs to this group? Could they have ties to the Watchers? And will > Whistler appear in part 2 to help Buffy against Angel? I haven't seen much mention of this but what I'm interested in is whether or not they'll have the same character play Whistler if they show him in future episodes, or if they'll go with their original choice and use Jamie Kennedy since he wasn't able to do it for the finale. lawless - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 14:53:46 +0800 From: (Wagner) Subject: BUFFY: Another call for help!!! If anyone is willing to copy tapes and pay shipping and handling to the Philippines, please e-mail me!!! I desperately need Season Two (damned network cancelled the best show!), and I am willing to provide not only the VHS tape for my use but another one to pay for shipping and handling (I refuse to send cash, sorry) which you could use for other Buffy stuff. I repeat, I'll send two 6-hour VHS tapes, one for my eps, another for you, and you pay shipping and handling to the Philippines. If you're willing to even just negotiate, e-mail me at . I'll listen. See, I'm getting desperate!!! Sent by Wagner,, GASPer: Keeper of Giles' hanger. KEEPER: - Little Rupert's "Aspiring Grocer" Ken Doll (pull string to hear him cry in agony after you tell him he must be a Watcher) - Willow's imitation of the guy at the pizza place who sweeps the floor and says "hey kids, where's the cool parties?" (Pack) - Willow's "how could you" look after Xander hit her (Pack) - Willow's hiding place (Pack) - Willow's feeling of betrayal after Malcolm/Moloch revealed, uh, itself (IRYJ) QUOTES FROM "BUFFY": Buffy: "I may be dead, but I'm still pretty." ---from "Prophecy Girl" Willow: "Weird? It's against all laws of God and man, it's ... _Cordelia_, remember? Of the "We Hate Cordelia Club" of which you are the _treasurer_." ---from "Innocence" (or was it "Surprises"?) - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 14:57:21 +0800 From: (Wagner) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Who is Whistler?? At 02:48 5/15/98 -0400, Lawless wrote: >David Simpson wrote: > >> Just a short note in regards to Whistler. He said that he was a demon, but >> not an evil one. And he implied that he was part of a larger group. Who >> belongs to this group? Could they have ties to the Watchers? And will >> Whistler appear in part 2 to help Buffy against Angel? > >I haven't seen much mention of this but what I'm interested in is whether or >not they'll have the same character play Whistler if they show him in future >episodes, or if they'll go with their original choice and use Jamie Kennedy >since he wasn't able to do it for the finale. > >lawless > > >- > Sent by Wagner,, GASPer: Keeper of Giles' hanger. KEEPER: - Little Rupert's "Aspiring Grocer" Ken Doll (pull string to hear him cry in agony after you tell him he must be a Watcher) - Willow's imitation of the guy at the pizza place who sweeps the floor and says "hey kids, where's the cool parties?" (Pack) - Willow's "how could you" look after Xander hit her (Pack) - Willow's hiding place (Pack) - Willow's feeling of betrayal after Malcolm/Moloch revealed, uh, itself (IRYJ) QUOTES FROM "BUFFY": Buffy: "I may be dead, but I'm still pretty." ---from "Prophecy Girl" Willow: "Weird? It's against all laws of God and man, it's ... _Cordelia_, remember? Of the "We Hate Cordelia Club" of which you are the _treasurer_." ---from "Innocence" (or was it "Surprises"?) - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 03:37:30 EDT From: LilyRei Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel in "Becoming" In a message dated 5/14/98 10:00:22 PM Pacific Daylight Time, simpsond@utah- writes: > After watching "Becoming", I would say that the Angel that existed before Darla turned him into a vampire was not an especially good person. We see him getting tossed out of a pub with his drinking buddy. He casually mentions planning to steal money from his father. He chases after a woman late at night in an alley. And after only a couple of minutes talking to her, he submits to becoming a vampire without fighting at all.< What you have described doesn't mean that Angel was a particularly bad person. I looked at the scene and came away with a different perception. I saw just an average guy, no one particularly special. I couldn't tell from his dress what his station was in life, maybe something equivalent to middle class now. He struck me as a young man full of piss and vinegar. He drank too much, he was a bit wild, and he'd rather steal money than work. While these are not the most desirable traits, that doesn't mean that if given time he wouldn't have become a decent member of his community. Angel was painted with a very broad brush. I didn't attribute his antics to anything worse than some people get into today. How can you decide if someone is a *good* person or not by looking at one little moment in their life? You can't. I also disagree with the assessment he submitted to becoming a vampire. This is the reverse situation of what happened to Buffy. How could he have possibly known Darla was a vampire? By the time she bit him I'd say it was too late. He looked like he was in shock to me and not capable of making any choices or putting up a fight. Look at like this, when someone does CPR on an unconcious person, is the unconcious person submitting to revival attempts and giving consent, or does the body override the unconscious state and fight to stay alive? Maybe this isn't the best example, but you get the idea. And what young man doesn't chase a pretty young woman? Being intoxicated severely cripples your judgment and having your eyes closed keeps you from seeing the danger you're in. Anyway, I think your description of Angel is too harsh based on a single incident on a single night in his life. > He seems to me to be a person who lives only for himself, without concern for others. He also seems to live only in the moment, without plan or purpose.< Again this same thing could be said about anyone when they're young and not yet sure of their place in the world. I don't know about you, but I didn't immediately have a plan for my life. When I graduated from high school, I spent a considerable amount of time *having a good time* before I decided that I better make some plans and have some goals. It's called part of growing up, or at least it use to be. > After the gypsy curse takes effect, Angel spends almost a hundred years as a derelict chasing down rodents for their blood. Again, no brooding about the evil he has done. No making a new life for himself by doing good. Just living in the dark alleys of the world, thinking only of himself. Oh, I think that was a form of brooding, of feeling damned and having no hope. When Angel's soul was returned, for a split second he was like someone awaking from a coma. He didn't know where he was or what was going on, which helped confirm my belief that his soul had long ago left him and was somewhere else minding its own business. I thought that scene was very poignant when the humanized Angel realized what had been going on all these years. If he was the person he'd told Darla he was, someone who had never been anywhere or done anything--that is someone who had very little life experience, other than drinking and chasing girls which seemed to be a common pasttime back then-- how else would he have coped? What skills did he have? How mentally prepared was he to deal with the torment and guilt he'd been saddled with? I can understand his total breakdown, his sense of hopelessness and despair. > It is only when he meets Whistler that changes start to take place in Angel, changes that come from the outside as Angel, possibly for the first time, is forced to look at his life.< You mean forced to look at the situation he was in and see that he *did* have some choices? Angel had no life. His life was taken from him by Darla. Now he had an existence forced on him by a vengeful clan for something he (his soul) had no part in, but was cursed to deal with. He was an outcast two times over. Undead. Undead with a soul. Now, I don't know who Whistler is exactly or what he's really up to, but he showed Angel that he wasn't alone, not the way Angel had always thought he was, and he offered to be a mentor, in addition to giving Angel purpose. Angel needed that desperately. He had no idea how to cope. (Sort of like new immortals need older immortals to teach them the ways and rules of their new status.) >>It might be that the reason Angel agreed to help Whistler was the opportunity he saw to have an affair with such a young girl. As a derelict on the streets, he would never have such a chance.<< That's one explanation, albeit a very strange one. I don't think it was anything that selfish. I think it was probably just what he said. He saw a chance to do some good and make a difference. When he was watching Buffy outside her house, I got the impression that he felt a bond with her. She felt lonely and sad. He certainly knew what that was about. She was suddenly different from everyone she knew. He could certainly relate to that, too. And finally, she needed help, someone to watch her back. He chose to be that someone. I will never deny that Angel was attracted to Buffy from the moment he saw her, but attraction is caused by many things, not just hormones. Until Joss gives us more details, I'm not going to change my opinion of Angel or attritbute any darker motives for his choosing to be in Buffy's life. >>All in all, the "good" Angel looks a lot different to me now than he did before last Tuesday.<< Yes, he looks different to me, too. He looks a hell of a lot more interesting. LilyRei Heart of the Slayer ***** "Vampires are the spawn of many bloodlines. Some are monstrous creatures forced to hide their faces from society. Others are beings of age-old grace walking freely through the world of mortals." Vampire Journals - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 03:51:16 EDT From: TknoPagan Subject: Re: BUFFY: Who's the gunman? In a message dated 5/13/98 9:33:21 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: << 2. Who's holding the gun on Buffy at the end? You could say that it might be a policeman but if that were so, how did he/she know there was bad stuff going down at the school library? My guess is that it's either Whistler or good old Principal Snyder>> I put spoiler space just in case, but there is nothing below that can spoil they show for anyone. S p o i l e r It was definitely a cop, because in the previews for the next scene, the show her in the library in the same outfit with a bunch of cops as she tried to pull away from them. It also says she was a murder suspect in the tv guide. Jason - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 06:25:42 -0400 (EDT) From: Betsy Vera Subject: Re: BUFFY: DB on KTLA Morning News Mon. On Thu, 14 May 1998, Richard Hooles wrote: > I just thought I'd inform all you Angel fngel fans that David is > scheduled to be a guest on the KTLA Morning News this coming Monday, the > 18th, according to the station's website. > > The KTLA Morning News airs weekdays from 7 to 9am PDT. Two friends, Lizbet and Celli, were interviewed by KTLA last week as Buffy fans (their segment aired this Monday, I think). According to Lizbet: > And David will be on at 8:20, if the whiteboard schedule Celli and I saw > in there after our interview is at all accurate. (If anyone wants to > limit the amount of time their VCRs are going to be taping...) > Lizbet ~*~ ~ BETSY VERA * * Buffy Fanzines Premiering at Mediawest '98: * An Alternate Viewpoint ( * * Sunnydale Slayers ( * A Snack Before Dinner * Spring Break Slayer Style/Sidekick Style * - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 07:32:40 EDT From: TheBigG379 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Jenny's last wish? nope. but that is what she was doing that is what she wanted to do for buffy - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 08:10:10 -0400 (EDT) From: June Williams Subject: Re: BUFFY: Willow and Giles At 03:17 PM 5/14/98 -0400, David Leclair wrote: >Are Willow and Giles going to die? > >Marisa > we all do, but not during the run of the show :+) Ad Astra, June.....who never gambles but would take substantial odds on this one "Prize what you can, prize what you will. But remember even those who die with the most prizes still dies"-Lucien LaCroix I like my men like my coffee, pale and bitter...... - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 11:14:23 -0700 From: Lee Daley Subject: Re: BUFFY: Dating (was Buffy flashback) fu nee wrote: > it doesn't have to mean spending money, - Sorry to contradict you but in the Buffyverse according to Cordy "it's not a date unless the boy spends money". I forget the episode, but it was during the broom closet days. LeeD; keeper of the service contract on Willow's computer - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 10:15:40 EDT From: Anglkissz Subject: BUFFY: Vamp in sunlight In a message dated 98-05-14 23:55:25 EDT, you write: << I have been kind of wondering about this whole thing myself. How the heck could that vampire go out in the sunlight? >> That's why the vamp burst into flames (due to the sunlight) but how she lasted so long in the sunlight is beyond me. Brittany - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 10:18:40 EDT From: Anglkissz Subject: Re: BUFFY: comments on becoming In a message dated 98-05-14 23:56:15 EDT, you write: << Was he referring to Giles here (since they kidnapped him at the end) or to Buffy? If it was Giles, I wonder if any more of his "hidden past" that's been alluded to previously will be revealed. Maybe he and Angel have more of a history than we currently know about. >> ohhhhhhhhhh!!! I like that idea! The Ripper name finally gets explained!!!!!!!!! Giles used to be a little badder than we thought, hmmmmmm? Brittany - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 10:22:01 EDT From: CatDancer8 Subject: BUFFY: Juliet on Vibe Transcript Here you go. I tried to avoid getting every word that repeated or every Enjoy! S: Now, our next guest has appeared in movies like 'Ed Wood' with Johnny Depp and 'Theodore Rex' with Whoopi Goldberg but she is my main girl on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She is Drusilla. She is evil, she is fine, she is bad. Check out her evil ways. [Show clip of Drusilla in the Garden with Spike and Angel from Becoming Part 1] S: Please give it up for Juliet Landau [Juliet comes down the stairs and hugs Sinbad. They both sit down.] S: Seems like we were just talking not too long ago. JL: Yes! S: I know! [laughs] Now, I want to ask you something. JL: Yes. S: On your show, you play a vampire. JL: I do. S: But you got some skills. I mean you got that tall sexy vampire thing going on. Cause you, cheated on all your vampires. She cheated on my man. She's been hanging out with Dave now. You just got this attraction that even vampires just can't resist, right? JL: I do seem to stray a bit. S: You stray a bit. JL: Yeah, a little bit. S: Now that accent. You had to learn that accent, right? JL: Yeah, yeah. It's really fun. This character is soo much fun to do. There's just so much dimension to her and so many colors and so many levels that it's really a blast. S: Your all having so much fun. I tell everybody else that's on my show. I get the tapes early. I cannot miss Buffy the Vampire Slayer. JL: That is so cool! S: I cannot miss Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I love the show. Now, the good thing about show is you get to be fine and you get to be kinda jacked up. When you go into attack, your whole face changes. JL: Yes, definitely. I'm pretty diabolical. S: Oh yes. But it's not as bad. Some of the vampires are old on the old movies. They were real nasty looking. I mean they can't even get a date. At least you can go out with a guy and kill him. Let me give you an example. Sandy show a clip of what, see. [Shows really nasty looking vampire woman from unknown movie] S: That's, that's... JL: Oh my God! S: That's jacked up! JL: What is that from? S: I don't know which movie that is, but she ain't happy! That woman has no choice but to kill folks. She's not gonna date, she's not going out with anybody. JL: She doesn't look too good. S: No, she's not happy. Now, you look like you used to be a dancer or something. Cause you got the legs, the arms and everything. JL: Yeah, I was a ballerina. S: Yeah? JL: Yeah. [guy in crowd yells] Thank you. Actually, yeah, it's um, it's does help for the part. In terms of her physicality there's sort of... When I was weak, I was weak for the first six episodes. S: Yeah that's right you were! That right! JL: And I was sort of dying. And, when I got renewed and got very strong. So, the physicality was very different in both of those. S: I loved when you saved the man, the other vampire, the one with the blond hair. And carried him, she had to carry him, he was dead, she carried him. Then she cheated on him! Saved him...and then we got the other man who needs a little help here. JL: [pouty, defensive of her character] Well, you know, that wasn't exactly. Angel was the guy who made me the vampire who I am. S: That's right, that's right. Just flopping back and forth. JL: I'm sort of a bit confused. S: Alright. Now, you've worked...her dad. Martin Landau, is the man. He is, he is, I love this man. From the days of Mission Impossible, I love him. Now, you had a chance working with your father. I think we have a picture from when you were working with your father. Do we have that? [shows picture of Juliet and her dad] JL: Awe. S: You look so good together. Now, did he want you to become an actress? I mean most people that act don't really want their kids to go into the business. JL: Actually, both of my parents, who are in the business, were definitely supportive of me doing it. S: Oh yeah? JL: So it's nice. Yeah, yeah. S: He didn't have any problems with, 'Dad I want to go act, want to do this thing.' JL: No, he's really supportive about it. And it was great working together. Working with Tim Burton on "Ed Wood" was absolutely amazing. S: Ed Wood was out there. He's, Tim Burton always finds those weird characters that you would never know. I had to do some research on him to find out who Ed Wood was. JL: Yeah, I didn't know who Ed Wood was either. And then I started reading stuff about him and watching. Have you seen any of the films? S: Yes. JL: Oh, god. S: Ed Wood's in these B movies. But he has his own taste. You gotta go watch. Go get some old Ed Wood movies. Go to video stores, do they have them? JL: Yeah they do have them. And they're the absolute worst movies of all time. It's unbelievable how bad they are. S: He was the man. He did it to conviction. Ed Wood did it. The worst special effects. It looks fake, but he did it with such style. JL: Exactly. Right, right. S: He's the man. Now, I want to ask you a question. When you go back to the show, tell everybody, Sinbad wants to be on the show. JL: Okay. S: But I want to be a vampire. I don't wanna be good. JL: You can team with us. S: I want to team with you guys. Take you from Angel. Snatch you from your man. JL: [looks at him worried] Okay. S: I'm gonna snatch you from your man. But i want to be a new improved vampire. When Buffy sticks me... JL: Yeah? S: I just pull the stick out. And they cut to commercial. JL: And so it doesn't work. S: It doesn't kill me. They'll kill me eventually. JL: Right. S: But the stick, nah. You gotta use something better than the stick. S: Afro sheen. You gotta kill me with Afro sheen. [everyone cracks up] It's gonna take some time to figure that out. JL: It's gonna happen. S: Can you hook it up? JL: Yeah, why not? S: Alright, next year. I wanna be on it. JL: Okay. S: You gotta come back. JL: Okay, I will. S: Tell the rest of the cast I want 'em too. JL: Alright. Thank you. S: Thank you so much. Juliet on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Tuesday nights at 8PM on the WB. They got a two parter coming up. Check it out, y'all, it's happening. - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 10:28:33 EDT From: Anglkissz Subject: Re: BUFFY: Bitchy Scene In a message dated 98-05-14 23:58:04 EDT, you write: << Did anyone else think that Buffy's bitchy I-can-handle-myself speech was just like her speech in "When She Was Bad"? >> I noticed this too, It was like foreshadowing. In When She Was Bad, Buffy sai dhte same thing and the same thing happened to the Scooby Gang (They got ambushed). She said it again and oh, look what happened. Maybe someone is trying to tell Buffy that her and the Scooby Gang need each other. Brittany - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 10:33:59 EDT From: CatDancer8 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Who is Whistler?? In a message dated 98-05-15 02:52:50 EDT, you write: << I haven't seen much mention of this but what I'm interested in is whether or not they'll have the same character play Whistler if they show him in future episodes, or if they'll go with their original choice and use Jamie Kennedy since he wasn't able to do it for the finale. >> I think they are planning on replacing him with Jamie Kenedy next season when Whisler returns. And let me just tell all of you that the season finale is going to be da bomb!!!! You won't be dissapointed. (then again, I don't know you so, maybe you will) It will be great though!!! - -Michelle - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 10:39:29 EDT From: Anglkissz Subject: Re: BUFFY: "Becoming.." In a message dated 98-05-15 00:14:27 EDT, you write: << I'm curious about Angel's initial transformation by Darla. Previously in the show, they'd established that just dying from a vampire's bite is sufficient to cause the vampiric transformation. So what was the point of having Angel suck Darla's blood? >> No, to turn into a vampire they have to suck your blood and then you have to suck theirs. Remember Buffy called it "this whole big sucking thing". So that's why Darla did it. Brittany - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 10:44:24 EDT From: Anglkissz Subject: Re: BUFFY: Whistler and Dru In a message dated 98-05-15 00:15:53 EDT, you write: << So I'm confused, & I hope I just didn't confuse you guys. Sorry. Please tell me someone understands & can give me something of an answer or reply. >> They just MAJORLY messed up that's all!!! Brittany - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 11:42:30 From: Jeff Rohaly Subject: BUFFY: The Plot Requires It There's been a lot of discussion regarding how the kamikaze vampire was able to survive for a while in the sunlight until the necessary moment after she gives Buffy the message from Angel, why Angel was able to survive in diffuse sunlight in the car while he watched LA Buffy at school, how Angel was able to go into a church, why Drusilla was able to kill (?) Kendra in such an apparently easy way with her snake-charming routine. I'm reminded by a line that film critic Roger Ebert often uses in his reviews. He often gets annoyed at interactions between characters that lead to misunderstandings that could easily be cleared up -- and thus the basic premise of the rest of the movie that follows being shot down -- by having one of the characters give up a bit of information that he or she has. He often says, in a denigrating fashion, that these things happen for no reason other than "the plot requires it to happen". Joss is in control of the Buffyverse. He can allow vampires to have whatever characteristics he wants them to have. That's fine until we start getting an "oh, come on" reaction to some of the things that occur. Or until we start getting contradictions that require very complicated explanations to justify. In my opinion, we haven't risen to that level yet and thus I don't think the Ebert criticism -- interpreted here as vampires simply being given certain abilities for no reason other than they need to have those abilities in order to further the plot -- applies yet. I'd like to think that Joss has some overall concept of what vampires are in the Buffyverse and what they're capable of and that he's not altering that because he needs a plot device here or there. Jeff Rohaly - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 00:14:00 +0800 From: The Rowcrofts Subject: BUFFY: When's Sarah appearing on Jay Leno? I akm very disappointed that Sarah wasn't on, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, does anyone know if she will be coming on. dave - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 12:27:39 -0700 From: Benjamin Abrahamse Subject: BUFFY: vamps and demons On May 14th, you wrote: > And obliterating all of humanity at one time will just > spoil all the fun of torturing it slowly. Don't they [the demons] ever *think*? My question in this regard is, why would the vamps want to send all of humanity into some hellish dimension anyway. Isn't that sort of like killing the goose that lays the golden eggs? Once our dimension gets hurtled into the plane of eternal torment, what are the vamps gonna do for food? (Or for fun? ;-)) I wonder if maybe the vampires themselves are controlled by greater demonic forces that they don't want to admit. In other words, maybe that demon himself is somehow acting on the vampire to *make* them want to free him, regardless of what they want. Just an idea... BEN - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 98 12:22:01 EDT From: (Charles Summers) Subject: BUFFY: Becoming: fav line Having watched Becoming I 3 times now, my two favorite lines are Cordy's about Principal S and Angel: We're going to make history...end. Man, Joss is great with dialogue. And plotting. And character development... - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 09:21:56 PDT From: "Travis Covert" Subject: Re: BUFFY: When's Sarah appearing on Jay Leno? does anyone know if she will be coming on. Well, the buzz is that she cancelled at the last minute. The show doesn't smile on such things, especially when they are unexplained, so they might not ask her back in the near future. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 12:32:55 EDT From: Smellcore Subject: BUFFY: Jamie Kennedy Semi-Spoilers S P O I L E R S P A C E In a message dated 5/15/98 2:37:23 PM, <> OOH! Do you know something for sure? I've only got rumors on how it will all end up so if you got spoilers, you should share them with the rest of us spoiler loving folk. It's only fair. . . Pandora ( - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #283 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. 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