From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #311 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Thursday, May 28 1998 Volume 02 : Number 311 In this issue: BUFFY: SMG kissing BUFFY: Ms. Calendar pics BUFFY: on a happier (but slighty cheesy) note... Re: BUFFY: season wrapup BUFFY: My fav's Re: BUFFY: season wrapup BUFFY: Re: Jenny Re: BUFFY: My fav's Re: BUFFY: Spoilers - 3rd Season BUFFY: Likes/Dislikes (Season wrapup) RE: BUFFY: Buffy vs. the Enlightenment BUFFY: Episode Guide BUFFY: season wrapup BUFFY: Sarah on E! news daily Re: BUFFY: season wrapup RE: BUFFY: Buffy vs. the Enlightenment BUFFY: Buffy vs. The Enlightenment Re: BUFFY: pictures questions Re[2]: BUFFY: Buffy vs. the Enlightenment BUFFY: Writer, dirctor, rating Re: BUFFY: Episodes BUFFY: New List Member's Comments..... BUFFY: Re: Jenny Re: BUFFY: Writer, dirctor, rating BUFFY: Favorites list See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 20:44:10 PDT From: "Sarah DeMaris" Subject: BUFFY: SMG kissing I don't know what the big deal is, she said that she was going to be kissing a girl on the Howard Sterns(spelling) show in her up coming movie. xoxo, Sarah ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 20:43:10 -0500 From: Douglas Carey Subject: BUFFY: Ms. Calendar pics I'm looking for a website that had TONS of screen captures of Ms. Calendar. It wasn't Ms. Calendar's Domain either. If you know of the site, could you please send me the url offlist??? Thanks!!! Jennifer Carey - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 19:31:47 -0500 From: "Brenda L." Subject: BUFFY: on a happier (but slighty cheesy) note... hey kids...don't know if this has been mentioned, but i saw an ad for "beverly hills family robinson" (a movie smg was in several years ago, post-AMC, pre-buffy)...the movie will be on abc sunday night (it's the "disney" movie)... B. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 00:15:45 -0400 From: Jeff Rohaly Subject: Re: BUFFY: season wrapup (Charles Summers) ranked the second season eps: >1. Innocence >2. WSWB > ... >22. Go Fish I don't think I could rank them from 1 to 22 like that because some of them I really can't differentiate between. But for what it's worth, I'm happy to rate the second season's shows using the standard 4 star ratings system. I guess you could consider it a 1 to 22 list, but just with *a lot* of ties. Here's my personal prejudices so that you have some idea where I'm coming from: Cordelia is my favorite character; I prefer a good, quirky, funny stand-alone episode to an arc, Buffy-Angel episode because I guess I prefer an episode that tries to make me laugh rather than one that tries to make me cry; I like the show when it's a supernatural, wacky take on an aspect of high school life. Also, I'm no professional critic. I'm just ranking these things on how entertained I felt after watching them. 4 stars (****) Becoming, Part 2; Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered The most entertaining arc episode (a truly fitting wrap-up that opened so many possibilities for next season, and with an ending regarding Angel that certainly surprised me) and the most entertaining stand-alone (the one that made me laugh the most -- Xander's slow-mo "Got The Love" walk is a highlight of the season -- and showed some nice progression in Cordelia's character). I could go on and on about the great stuff in these two episodes. "I am not a sheep." 3 1/2 stars (***1/2) Halloween, Lie To Me, What's My Line (Parts 1 and 2) Halloween had Willow's assertiveness, which I liked seeing. And it made me laugh. A lot. Lie To Me was a fantastic shot at vamp wannabes. And in Ford, you had another one of those "villains" that you can't outright hate, because there's almost always more to it than that in Buffy (unlike the villain in Phases, see below). Willow has some great scenes too, with Angel in her bedroom and her attempt to keep this secret meeting from Buffy. As for What's My Line, I really enjoyed the second slayer idea and looking past the actress' accent, I liked the character of Kendra too. I think I feel worse about her death than I do about Jenny's. But the contrast between Buffy and Kendra was well done (Kendra's bonding with Giles scene as they walked with Buffy and Willow) and I loved the tag team fight sequence at the end. And of course, I was a huge fan of the corny Cordy/Xander kiss 'n grope. 3 stars (***) Becoming (Part 1), Go Fish, Reptile Boy, School Hard, Surprise/Innocence, Ted, When She Was Bad Go Fish and Reptile Boy I enjoyed for their spins on high school life. The best part of Go Fish was seeing high school life for the first time in quite a while in this series. Well no, the best part was Cordy's poolside monologue. I admit the idea that a high school coach was able (well, almost) to perform experiments that top scientists could not, was questionable, but I got past it. In Reptile Boy we all learn that if you lie to an authority figure and have one drink, you're likely to be sacrificed to a giant snake. I loved the scene at the end and Xander's "Angel, Angel, Angel. Does every conversation have to come around to that freak. Hey, man, how's it going?" and the "Buffy. Angel. Xander." And again, Willow's assertiveness and plenty of Cordelia. School Hard introduces a truly weird Drusilla and someone who will become, next to Cordy, my favorite character in Spike. And we get the first hint that Snyder is more than what he seems. And just overall, I liked the idea of the school under seige. I enjoyed Ted and not only because John Ritter got beat to a pulp. I thought the real frightening stuff was way before Buffy found out that Ted was a robot. The mini golf stuff: "I don't stand for that kind of malarkey in my house. Well, it's a good thing I don't live in your house" line and Ted threatening to slap Buffy while everyone else munched away on their cookies were pretty eerie. 2 1/2 stars (**1/2) Inca Mummy Girl, Killed By Death, Some Assembly Required Three roughly equivalently entertaining stand-alones. Inca Mummy Girl had another of those ambiguous villains and it had Willow's funniest scenes this season in her Inuit outfit ("You should just say 'shrug' "). Killed By Death moved too slowly for me in the first half but I enjoyed the progression in Cordy/Xander's relationship and Angelus' confrontation scene with Xander. 2 stars (**) The Dark Age; Passion; Phases As I think back, The Dark Age just doesn't stand out for me. Maybe I expected more of the big, we find out about Giles' past, episode. That, and I was never convinced by the ending in which Eyghon is beaten down by the demon inside Angel. I know most people will say that Passion all the way down here is sacrilege. But I never particularly felt for Jenny or for the Jenny/Giles relationship and so her death didn't do much for me. I can certainly understand why some people like this one -- I thought the scene with Angelus looking in on Buffy and Willow as they got the news about Jenny was very well done -- but as I said, this is just not my favorite type of episode. Aside from IOHEFY, this is my least favorite arc episode. With Phases, my personal prejudice shows. If I have to pick one relationship I care about, it's Xander/Cordy, not Willow and Oz. Include what I consider to be a substandard wolf costume. And include in that poacher, Kane I believe, a stereotypical character. In Buffy, there's usually a twist. But with Kane, someone who appeared to be just a jerk turned out to be -- just a jerk. 1 1/2 stars (*1/2) Bad Eggs; I Only Have Eyes For You In Bad Eggs, I felt they had two plots, The Gorch Brothers and the egg thing itself, that together didn't make enough for one whole episode and so they just threw them together. At least that's the way it felt. Now if one or both of those plots were interesting or unique, I could probably look past that. But neither was. I truly disliked I Only Have Eyes For You. It did the one thing that I hoped would not happen -- it created a supernatural take on an aspect of high school life (a student's affair with a teacher that ends with terrible consequences) but it created it with the sole purpose of furthering the Buffy/Angel storyline. And I swear that one of the main goals here was to get a short clip of Angel and Buffy kissing in order to create a "good" promo trailer. That, and as I posted about at the time, I didn't like the whole tone of Grace's forgiveness (ooh, it was all my fault) for what James had done. On the plus side, Willow's attempt at the spell in the school at night and the floor sucking her in was pretty creepy. But in the end, I came away more annoyed than entertained. Jeff Rohaly - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 22:02:54 -0700 From: Adric Subject: BUFFY: My fav's Don't know the names, but these are the ones that stand out. Becoming Part II, partially because its so recent in my memory. But = more importantly, we look deeper and deeper into the character of Spike, = perhaps the most intresting and funniest character in the show. = Hopefully he'll have an even larger part next season. He was somewhat = clouded with Angel as the main Bad Guy. His interaction with Buffy this = entire season has been excellant. The one where Ms. Callender dies and the one with the big bad monster = from Guiles past. These two are obvious as we look into the character = of Giles, however you spell his name. Him and Spike are the two polar = opposites, and the driving characters for Buffy. Also Angel's acting in = the episode Jenny died, brilliant. We see Giles combat skills as he = gets the jump on Angel, but in the end, only the slayer can fight. Xander's love potion episode. I don't need to go into this one. Funny, = deep, brilliant. Whoever wrote this episode should write them all. = This is the sign of good acting and a good director/producer. All = around good TV. Xander, "We should be safe in here" Angelis goes = through the window and grabs him "Works in theory." Angelis throws him = off the top of the house. Some I didn't like.... Couldn't stand the episode with the giant snake in the basement of the = frat house. ((Although, the calvery coming to the rescue was exciting, = everything else lagged)) The Kendra character. A new slayer was brilliant ((and with Kendra's = death, we'll have nother slayer, makes you wonder....what if....)) = However the actress, the writing, and the story in general was just = boring. The one where Drucilla is healed and Spike is hurt. Just boring, tries = to have character development too much and ends up going the wrong way = with just about every character. The fighting scene was pathetic, just = horrible. If I missed any good/bad, tell me. My memory ain't so hot. - Adric - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 01:35:47 -0600 From: Dusty Rhodes Subject: Re: BUFFY: season wrapup My top five, for what it's worth, 1. Becoming Part II 2. Lie to Me 3. Innocence 4. Becoming Part I 5. Bewildered, Bothered, and Bewitched _____________________________________________________________________________ I read somewhere of a shepherd who, when asked why he made, from within fairy rings, ritual observances to the moon to protect his flocks, replied: 'I'd be a damn' fool if I didn't!' These poems, with all their crudities, doubts, and confusions, are written for the love of Man and in praise of God, and I'd be a damn' fool if they weren't. --Dylan Thomas - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 02:53:34 EDT From: (fu nee) Subject: BUFFY: Re: Jenny wrote <laugh my a$$ off when Angel kills Jenny Calendar.>> >Why not? I did. . . *everyone groans and throws things at Pandora* >Of course, I'm warped. Actually, they did make Jenny's death kinda humorous. Remember Angel's comment after he snaps Jenny's neck -- "I never get tired of doing that"? So, it was humorous in a very morbid way. But Pandora, didn't you cry when you saw the scene of Willow hearing the news over the phone that Jenny was dead, and didn't you feel sad when Buffy also sat on the floor and just bowed her head? I kept thinking what Buffy must have been feeling as she sank to the floor. Remember, just that morning she had gone up to Jenny and instead of forgiving her -- which maybe was too far out of the question for her to do at that moment -- she made a rather obnoxious remark like, "Good, go on feeling that way...We're good like this," when Jenny said she felt terrible and would do anything to undo what had happened. Even though Buffy also told Jenny that Giles really loved her and missed her, I was thinking when Buffy heard that Jenny had been killed that she must have felt really bad because she realized that now she would never have a chance of talking to Jenny again. No chance for an understanding, a resolution of sorts or anything. Hey, this has me feeling sad now. I miss Jenny! BRING JENNY BACK NEXT SEASON JOSS! funee _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 03:46:08 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: My fav's I would have to say that Innocence and B2 definitely stand out as the best, but I have to say one of the best eps that seems to be overlooked here is "Ted" which guest starred John Ritter as that psychotic robot dating Buf's mom. I liked the fact everyone thought Buffy was off-base and paranoid, including her own self-doubts. The drug-laced cookies were a great side effect. The interaction between Buffy and her mom over Ted's death added a lot of insight into their characters and mother/daughter relationship that we needed for B2 to be effective. C. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 06:55:03 -0400 From: Sandra Ross Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spoilers - 3rd Season wrote: > > - Don't ask what part the mother will now play.....nobody has touched upon > that one yet. I don't know if anyone had ever touched on this idea before or not, but just suppose her Mom starts talking to Giles more because he is her watcher and can explain things that Buffy, being a teen, doesn't think necessary for the Mom to know. I think Giles and Mom have already looked at one another in the past. Does anyone else think they could have some sort of "relationship"?? Sandra Ross Fredericksburg, VA's very own Newfie ~or~ ~~~~ You gotta beLEAF ~~~~ - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 07:20:07 -0400 From: "Brian J. Zino" Subject: BUFFY: Likes/Dislikes (Season wrapup) TEN THINGS I LOVED ABOUT "BUFFY'S" SECOND SEASON 1. The season finale ("Becoming") 2. Ethan Rayne 3. The Gorch brothers ("Bad Eggs") 4. Bad Angel 5. The introduction of Oz 6. Spike & Drusilla 7. The Indian movie scene ("Reptile Boy") 8. John Ritter as Ted 9. "Lie To Me" 10. Willow TEN THINGS I *DIDN'T* LOVE ABOUT "BUFFY'S" SECOND SEASON 1. The season premiere ("When She Was Bad") 2. Buffy and Angel in "Bad Eggs" 3. Machida ("Reptile Boy") 4. Buffy's hair 5. The general underuse of Oz 6. Giles' "dark past" ("The Dark Age") 7. Buffy's accent in "Halloween" 8. The werewolf costume in "Phases" 9. Kendra's accent 10. Okay, I couldn't come up with ten. Not surprising -- I'm really less than critical when it comes to "Buffy"... ;) Brian J. Zino - ---------- "Changing the world is good for those who want their names in books. But being happy, that is for those who write their names in the lives of others, and hold the hearts of others as the treasure most dear." - ---------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 04:50:56 -0400 From: "Newman, Todd" Subject: RE: BUFFY: Buffy vs. the Enlightenment > Hi everyone, > > Now this article brings up the very question that made me join this list, > in a way. I'm a new fan of BtVS and just after "Becoming," I started > looking for mailing lists to talk about it. This is the list I like best > and stuck with, and posts like this one are why. Anyway, here's what I > was wondering. > > BtVS is obviously a good v evil, morality type of show, i.e. good girl > kills bad creature of some kind. But this time, things were different. > This time we have good(?) girl kills good(?) vampire. Kinda messes with > the morality formula, eh? Angel didn't even know why he was being > sacrificed, he just got sucker-punched, as it were. > > Now granted, the fate of the world is a pretty good justification. And > the whole ambiguity makes it more interesting to me. So question one: > How obvious is that to some of the younger viewers? Or maybe, at what age > is that kind of moral dilemma comprehensible? > > I'd guess that I'm not in the best-represented demographic for BtVS. My > image is a large teen audience (with many of them female.) I'm not > worried about them. But what about a 10-year old, or an 8-year old? > Since I don't really remember what it was like to be 8, this question > vexes me. FWIW, I'm a little older than a teenager...ok, I'm 27. > > And more importantly, question 2: What do we who understand it think > about the ambiguity? > > I'm not sure yet of my answer to this one. One thing is certain, the > contention in the article below that "to fight evil, one must keep oneself > pure" has a bit less zing now than when it was originally written. (I'm > assuming it's old based on its assertion that Buffy is a virgin.) > Nevertheless, I can certainly live with a slightly flawed hero. She can't > always control her situations (e.g. must kill Angel to save the world), > but she can always control her motivations (do the right thing even if it > means personal sacrifice.) > > If anyone has any other input, I'd love to read it. > > > Todd > ---------- > From: Dusty Rhodes[] > Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 1998 6:51 PM > To: Buffy List at Planetx;; Buffy List at > Xmission > Subject: BUFFY: Buffy vs. the Enlightenment > > [The following is an excerpt from an article in THE WANDERER, the December > 11 issue. I post it here because some on the list might find it > interesting] > [article snipped] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 09:11:57 -0400 (EDT) From: Gretchen Kopmanis Subject: BUFFY: Episode Guide It's "okay" but not great as an episode guide. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 May 98 9:14:42 EDT From: (Charles Summers) Subject: BUFFY: season wrapup Some observations from everyone's lists: 1. The great thing about this show is how we can love it for different reasons. Jeff liked Go Fish and particularly enjoyed Cordy's poolside monologue. I consider that scene the low point of the entire season. It was the kind of scene I would expect to see in a bad ep of Sabrina or some other cornball show. I really think that Joss is the only writer that has the proper feel for Cordy--a lot of the others don't quite get where she should be coming from. This isn't a dis of Jeff, I just think it is interesting how people see the show differently. 2. A lot of you really disliked Inca Mummy Girl. While it certainly wasn't a highlight, I enjoy it more every time I watch. It has a few classic lines--"Look at us we came up with a plan, a good plan"--and it introduces Oz and his infatuation with Willow, which I really enjoy. 3. Some of you really disliked WSWB. This is always the first ep I show people when I try to make a fan out of them, and I am 6 for 6 in conversions so far. It has the season 1 wrapup at the beginning, and shows how tight knit the Scooby gang is, even if Buffy is whacked this ep. Plus, it has the Cibo Matto dance... 4. I am really amazed that some of you disliked Halloween. With the intro of Ethan and the roleplaying, I consider it a major highlight. And it brings Willow's character along in terms of growth and self confidence. If you hadn't noticed, watch Cordy's eyes when Xander removes his army jacket when she is cold. You could tell something was starting... Once again, not denigrating anyone's choices--just pointing out the neat differences in fan opinion. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 06:27:58 -0700 From: (Lupe Mejia) Subject: BUFFY: Sarah on E! news daily hi, first of all this is pacific time & sometimes shows on E! are on at the same time on the east & west coast but sometimes they are not so check local listing. ok Sarah was on E! news daily yesterday if you missed it , E! repeats it this morning at 7 a.m & for the last time at 1 p.m. so if you haven't seen it, be sure to check local listing for it. to vote for your favorite episode of BTVS goto: to vote for your favorite couple from BTVS (real or not) go to: - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 10:14:41 -0400 (EDT) From: Monet Subject: Re: BUFFY: season wrapup Well, since the season is done, I guess it's appproprite to wrap up what we thought about the second season. OVERALL: The big question for me was, could the writers and creators of this show keep up the excellent work of the first season w/o beating certain subjects to death? In retrospective, they proved they could and more. They took the characters places that were intriguing and a learning experience. They took chances with these characters, twisting them left and right without losing their charm. We, the viewers, where taken on a wild rollar coaster ride filled with humorous, stand-alond episodes, and riviting, heart-wrenching ones...and it all seemed to balance out. Relationships grew, some new ones formed, some became stronger, and others crumbled. We found new friends and lost a few others; faced new enemies and defeated them all (but not without sacrifice). In the center of it all was Buffy Summers, and since she is my fav. character, it was wonderful to see her go through it all. We got to see her range of emotions as she faced up to demons both physically and mentally. Not only did she have to confront vampires, large snake-men, creepy-crawly creatures, and werewolves, but she also had to face up to losing her innocence, dealing with the relationship with her mom and her mom's relationship with others, with her role as the Slayer, and the death of not only herself, but of others. EPISODES: I'd have to say "Passion" is the best one of the lot. It was so dark and emotional, it still gives me chills just thinking about it. We got to see the impact of a critical character's death on the Scooby gang. And although Jenny wasn't a reg, her death still stunned me. Angel really showed his evil side in this one, and he did it with such sick, tranquil emotion, you couldn't help but hate him. REST OF THE TOP FIVE: 2. Becoming II 3. When She Was Bad 4. Lie to Me 5. Halloween BOTTOMFEEDERS: 1. Some Assembly Required 2. Bad Eggs BEST SCENES: 1. Buffy and Giles hugging outside the warehouse ("Passion") 2. Buffy running to the library (Becoming I) 3. Willow and Xander in the beginning of WSWB ( and many more!) And that's all for now! G :) ============================================================= "'Something weird is going on.' Isn't that our school motto?" -Xander (Buffy, the Vampire Slayer) ============================================================= - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 10:36:19 -0400 (EDT) From: Gubs Subject: RE: BUFFY: Buffy vs. the Enlightenment On Thu, 28 May 1998, Newman, Todd wrote: > > Now granted, the fate of the world is a pretty good justification. And > > the whole ambiguity makes it more interesting to me. So question one: > > How obvious is that to some of the younger viewers? Or maybe, at what age > > is that kind of moral dilemma comprehensible? I feel a rant coming on so all those who don't want to here about my personal take on why most t.v. sucks delete this message now O.K. for all those who are still with me I feel that questions such as this one have made most television the horror it is today. THe fact is that most t.v. shows shrink from anything that could possibly be at all ambiguous because they don't want to lose those younger viewers who are particularly attractive to advertisers. MOst T.V. shows are simply remakes of the same plots with different characters because thats what executives know that people like and so thats what they make. Having said that I have the greatest respect for Joss because he wrote the episode like he did. It would have been easy enough for the curse not to have worked or for it to have been too late or for buffy to have stopped him before he could remove the sword. Anyone of those would have been a standard t.v. plot and a cop out. The fact is that we the audience got a glimpse into buffies mind in this episode that is very unusual. Buffy never fought angelous. No matter what he did every time she saw him she still saw her angel. We got to see Buffy kill angel and that was unbelivable. As for the age group for whome that is appropriate? Maybe t isn't appropriate for young kids but the fact is that if all t.v. is done to a lvel that an eight year old would understand then the medium just becomes one huge disney theme park. Buffy is one of the few shows us adults out there can apreciate. "First they came for the hackers. But I never did anything illegal with my computer, so I didn't speak up. Then they came for the pornographers. But I thought there was too much smut on the Internet anyway, so I didn't speak up. Then they came for the anonymous remailers. But a lot of nasty stuff gets sent from, so I didn't speak up. Then they came for the encryption users. But I could never figure out how to work PGP anyway, so I didn't speak up. Then they came for me. And by that time there was no one left to speak up." -- Alara Rogers Gubs,, - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 May 98 10:49:33 EDT From: (Charles Summers) Subject: BUFFY: Buffy vs. The Enlightenment I believe the show was rated TV-14--meaning it isn't meant for younger kids so whether they could comprehend its themes is irrelevant. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 20:27:06 +0800 From: "Ipp Family" Subject: Re: BUFFY: pictures questions > << if you have the picture of Sarah from the Star magazine (june 2 *i > think*) from the set of Cruel Inventions scanned could you please tell > me where i can go see it or could you send it to me please, thanks! > Lupe >> > > I'm interested in seeing this one too. sounds gross to me, but gotta check it > out. ditto!!!!! thanx :) kayos Kayos is All Around... ICQ -- 5458814 ICQ Web Page -- I'm Nobody and Nobody is Perfect!!! - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 11:04:18 -0500 From: Subject: Re[2]: BUFFY: Buffy vs. the Enlightenment Todd, Dusty and All: Yes, the good vs. evil thing is, for my husband and me, is a big part of the attraction of Buffy. This is a show where words have power, where actions have consequences, where good and evil do exist, and in all the confusing and agonizing shades of gray we find in real life. It can even be argued, albeit less convincingly, that it is a show with a God. Buffy IS a flawed heroine. Unflawed ones make lousy drama. She has been aided by one vamp who wants desperately to be good, and one who really doesn't, but who has enough of a moral code to abide by a bargain. She has friends who do the right thing for the wrong reason sometimes, or at the wrong time. She has friends who are good people with (sometimes hideous) secret pasts. Her world is confusing and complicated. It is filled with heroism and betrayal, ecstasy and loss. I am a practicing Christian. I believe that our actions have consequences, and that words have power, and that our intentions matter. I believe that the only way to eternal life is by laying down one's life. This is a *fascinating* show. Mia Member WPWP Keeper of the Opening Wolf Howl I *LOVE* this show! - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 12:11:16 -0400 From: John Nestoriak Subject: BUFFY: Writer, dirctor, rating Any have a episode list with writer, director and the TV rating? I'm pretty sure that my favorite episodes were the Joss written ones but it'd be interesting to see if any other trends appear. I'm guessing that the TV-14 episodes also rank higher than the TV-PG or whatever. - -- John Nestoriak * "My shoes are too tight, but it Software Engineer * doesn't matter because I have The Telephone Connection * forgotten how to dance." * - Londo Mollari (Babylon 5) - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 11:53:42 -0400 From: John Nestoriak Subject: Re: BUFFY: Episodes > PS I also went back and corrected a few episode titles like Invisible > Girl which is really Out of Sight Out of No I think it's actually the other way around. The original (better) title was OoSOoM but the official title is IG. - -- John Nestoriak * "My shoes are too tight, but it Software Engineer * doesn't matter because I have The Telephone Connection * forgotten how to dance." * - Londo Mollari (Babylon 5) - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 10:31:47 -0700 From: Wirchler Subject: BUFFY: New List Member's Comments..... Greetings! My wife and I have religiously (if you'll pardon the pun) watched this show since the beginning. I have enjoyed the plots, the characters, the rumors, and everything else. I remember my pulse quickening when Spike got out of his chair the first time at the end of the episode........ not to mention other great moments and feelings this show has inspired...... My wife remembered SMG from her Soap Opera days........and was pretty surprised and pleased at the acting she brought to the show..... Two comments: One, in response to the posted article.....Buffy (and the others) do not wear crucifixes, they wear crosses. There is a difference. A crucifix has the figure of Christ on it, a cross is unadorned. Two, Cassandra, where is the website you mentioned that has the spoilers in it? Thanks for all the great information, and all the wonderful comments and ideas..... Wirchler Note to self: If someone asks if you're a god, say yes! - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 13:44:51 EDT From: (fu nee) Subject: BUFFY: Re: Jenny I personally felt sad when Jenny died cause she was a companion for Giles. Poor Giles! He was such a stuffed shirt until Jenny came along and loosened him up a bit with Moster Trucks and Funny Cars! Jenny humanized Giles and provided a contrast to his character. I think she was a good addition to the Slayerettes, but not a necessary one. Another supporting role, that of Principal Synder, is another favorite of mine. The actor who portrays the Principal is very good. As the cliche goes he's a character 'you love to hate'. That some of you don't miss Jenny or Kendra that much indicates the characters failed to some degree. Maybe, that's why they were killed off? They were expendable, I suppose. But I still would like to have Jenny back! I'm thinking that since the new series Angel takes place in the past, that Jenny might become a permanent member of that cast. funee _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 14:05:07 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Writer, dirctor, rating I'll be adding that to The Buffy Cross & Stake's new and improved episode guide in a couple of weeks. The Episode Pages will be up in a couple of weeks with scripts, pictures, full descriptions, ratings (both mine and the TV rating), director, writer and cast lists. I hope to have it up in a couple of weeks, but it does take time. ALSO, episode pages will be down for about 1 week while I make the updates. Cast lists and the actual Episode Guide (episode dates for new and rerun episodes) will remain up. - -Michelle - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 14:12:37 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: Favorites list I don't know if we really HAVE to see everyone's lists, but the season is over and there is not much to talk about, so why not? Okay, here's mine: **Note - I did not see "When She Was Bad," "Some Assembly Required" or "Inca Mummy Girl."** 1. Becoming, Part 2 2. What's My Line (both parts) 3. Passion 4. Innocence 5. Phases 6. Becoming, Part 1 7. Surprise 8-13 are sort of all lumped together: School Hard, Halloween, Lie To Me, Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered, I Only Have eyes For You and Go Fish. 14. Reptile Boy 15. Bad Eggs 16. Ted 17. Dark Age 18. Killed By Death. It is interesting to me to look at my choices. I always say that I would prefer it if they spent less time on Buffy and Angel and have more self- contained episodes, yet most of my favorites were heavy on the B/A aspect. Interesting.....hmmmm... Maybe I am a closet David Boreanaz fan, eh Karri? Nah.... ally - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #311 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (