From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #388 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Friday, July 24 1998 Volume 02 : Number 388 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: What the heck?! Re: BUFFY: What the heck?! Re: BUFFY: I Know this will spark a lot of flames so please send them to me s.. Re: BUFFY: I Know this will spark a lot of flames so please send them to me s.. BUFFY: Re: Willow & Spike BUFFY: Re: Siblings Re: BUFFY: What the heck?! Re: BUFFY: spoilers? Re: BUFFY: spoilers? Re: BUFFY: Re: Siblings BUFFY: Re:Buffy The Offical Magazine BUFFY: angel appeal BUFFY: Buffy's Emmy Nominations! Re: BUFFY: Re: Siblings BUFFY: Things to Watch This Summer Re: BUFFY: Re: Willow & Spike Re: BUFFY: What the heck?! BUFFY: BtVS scene & Anne scene BUFFY: Sunnydale's County Re: BUFFY: spoilers? Re: BUFFY: Re: Willow & Spike BUFFY: "Becoming"--Did anyone else notice the time warp? Re: BUFFY: "Becoming"--Did anyone else notice the time warp? BUFFY: Jeff Pruitt and Sophia Crawford article BUFFY: Spike and Buffy Re: BUFFY: "Becoming"--Did anyone else notice the time warp? Re: BUFFY: "Becoming"--Did anyone else notice the time warp? BUFFY: Poll Re: BUFFY: Poll Re: BUFFY: Re:Buffy The Offical Magazine Re: BUFFY: "Becoming"--Did anyone else notice the time warp? Re: BUFFY: xander's lie to buffy... See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 10:07:59 -0700 From: (Charity C. T.) Subject: Re: BUFFY: What the heck?! On Thu, 23 Jul 1998 15:08:03 -0500 (CDT) John Hsieh writes: <> I wouldn't exactly describe Xander as the guy next door, maybe more of that awkward guy that you're just beginning to see for the first time...y'know the type. No tension or controversy in a B/X relationship? I find that kind of hard to believe. The way I see it we get to go through lots of little clicks. Despite what Willow thinks (I'm leaning towards her being hugely agreeable, she's got Oz and she wants her friends to be happy) there is going to be tension of new circumstances. Factor in Xander being even more overprotective of Buffy (if that is humanly possible) than he was before. With the occasional visits of Angel and Cordy (which coincidentally occur in midst of discussing them in some matter) the ex's are going to be something of trouble in paradise...or a bump in the "solid foundation of future bliss." And you know Giles is going to have an opinion on this...what is it going to be if it happens...that's what I want to know? We all know that he has a certain degree of disapproval for Xander, and I don't think that's going to make him think that B/X would be "rather poetic." As to Xander and Buffy having a controversy? I'd like to hope there isn't one, other than strange teenage/romance angst in that department. I think Buffy's had enough controversy to last her a long while. - -Charity "A broken heart is what makes life so wonderful five years later, when you see the guy in an elevator and he is fat and smoking a cigar and saying long-time-no-see." - Phyllis Battelle _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 18:38:52 PDT From: "Ice Witch" Subject: Re: BUFFY: What the heck?! "Yet Angel becomes "good" again and Buffy forgives HIM in an instant. Yeah I know what everyone's going to say: "It wasn't Angel, it was a demon." It is easy for we, as a television audience to say that. But if we were in Buffy's situation... would it be that easy to view Angel in that light? No. She FORGAVE him using her own, natural ability to... well... forgive." I don't know if I was the only one to notice this but, I personally think that Buffy blames herself for what happened to Angel, and Miss Calendar and everyone else he got to. Remember IOHEFY. It was clear she blamed herself. I pretty sure that was the theme of that episode...She'll probably be able to forgive Xander. She forgave Angel, Willow and Xander for going behind her back in "Lie to Me". *~*Ice Witch*~* ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 22:09:03 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: I Know this will spark a lot of flames so please send them to me s.. In a message dated 98-07-23 20:02:54 EDT, writes: << I would also welcome arguements of the points I raised here over the list, >> In a message dated 7/24/98 12:12:03 AM !!!First Boot!!!, writes: << I agree with you 100%. I don't want to see a permanent relationship between Buffy and ANYONE... least of all Angel... >> i think that buffy and spike will make a good coyuple - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 22:12:12 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: I Know this will spark a lot of flames so please send them to me s.. I WANT OFFFFFFF - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 22:18:53 -0700 From: jim Subject: BUFFY: Re: Willow & Spike <> I agree with Krysta, I mean the whole cute girl goes for bad guy image is so cool. Although I believe that Willow and Oz make such a cute couple this whole Spike thing would bring out a whole new image of Willow that none of us have ever seen I think. Although I really do not believe Joss would go for this. :) Jill Keeper of Buffy's "goodbye" note Keeper of Xander's concern for Willow's health - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 22:35:26 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: Re: Siblings In a message dated 98-07-22 04:07:23 EDT, Jewels wrote: << sudden random thought: why is everyone on the show an only child? isn't that strange? we know buffy is definitely an only child. willow, xander, cordy, oz....i'm assuming they all are simply because none have popped up. >> Oz must have a sibling. Remember in Phases he was bitten by his nephew, Jordy, the werewolf. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 22:41:09 -0500 (CDT) From: John Hsieh Subject: Re: BUFFY: What the heck?! A relationship without controversy is a boring relationship. Joss knows this, and if he cannot crank any steam out of it, then he will not make Buffy and Xander a thing. People do not want to watch a couple happily getting along. They want to see breaking hearts, backstabbing, raging affairs, and impossible romances. No one would watch a drama show without some sort of drama. If Buffy and Xander get together, Joss is going to have to create some sort of friction between to two in order to keep people watching. Just like the Dawson and Joey relationship cannot last, a Buffy and Xander relationship cannot last. Even BtVS is living proof: Buffy and Angel: did not last Xander and Cordy: won't last (if CC leaves) - -john - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: John Hsieh E-mail: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 23:52:38 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: spoilers? I didn't want to get in trouble, so just in case $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ If there are gonna be two slayers and the second (whose name I think is supposed to be faith) wouldn't they have to change the name of the show. Because Buffy: The Vampire Slayer implies that there is only one. I'm sure I'm gonna hear it for this one, but I think that its only fair. Amy - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 21:23:42 -0700 From: (Charity C. T.) Subject: Re: BUFFY: spoilers? On Thu, 23 Jul 1998 23:52:38 EDT writes: >I didn't want to get in trouble, so just in case >$ >$ >$ >$ >$ >$ >$ >$ >$ >$ >$ >$ >If there are gonna be two slayers and the second (whose name I think >is supposed to be faith) wouldn't they have to change the name of the >show. Because Buffy: The Vampire Slayer implies that there is only one. >I'm sure I'm gonna hear it for this one, but I think that its only fair.Amy All things considered, no. The main character is and I would think for the entirety of the show, Buffy. The words, "The Vampire Slayer" is her title, but it doesn't necessary imply singularity. At least in my opinion. - -Charity _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 00:31:42 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: Siblings In a message dated 98-07-23 22:39:27 EDT, you write: << Oz must have a sibling. Remember in Phases he was bitten by his nephew, Jordy, the werewolf. >> Actually I think Jordy is his cousin. I'm pretty sure I remember Oz calling Jordy's mom aunt something on the phone. Brandi - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 21:20:29 -0700 From: (L T P) Subject: BUFFY: Re:Buffy The Offical Magazine How will you be able to get the magazine? _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 00:55:18 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: angel appeal In a message dated 98-07-23 21:40:00 EDT, you write: << I agree...danger and mystery, so what? Angel never had much appeal to me, even with his danger and mystery. Don't get me wrong, he's a great character and I even like some of the more sweet Buffy/Angel moments...and I don't even like Buffy/Angel. Dark and mysterious doesn't make the guy >> For me, the only appeal Angel had was the tortured soul thing. The air of mystery and danger was just part of the package. (Personally if I wanted mystery, I'd eat at McDonalds...) The brooding and the guilt made him an interesting character. You know, watching Buffy from afar and always repeating that same it can't work between us speech. Sucker for unrequited love...once and always. Then of course they got together and it sort of got---putting on protective gear--boring. That's right boring. Whew, finally said it. Now I can get on with my life. Sure there were some endearing scenes...mister gordo still gets me. But otherwise it was pretty tame and getting close to tired, when the Grand Puppet Master--otherwise known as Joss--yanked strings and Angel turned. Finally, the drama and excitement crescendoed once again. And as someone has already brought up, we really don't know Angel. He's sort of a wishy-washy character, hence explaining the strange personality shifts from episode to episode as another lister commented. One minute he realizes he doesn't belong in Buffy's life and gives her the brushoff, the next he's throwing caution to the wind and indulging in passionate smoochies. I don't know, I've just never been able to place him. Every other character has a strongly developed personality, you can almost predict what they'll do. But not Angel. jewels Keeper of Xander's fear of scaly skin (GF)***Keeper of Buffy's history test (Nightmares)***Keeper of Xander's less than graceful fall from the fence (IRYJ) **Keeper of Giles' Lost Weekend (TDA)***Keeper of Willow's Tower of Cheese (IMG)**Keeper of Xander's Betel Nuts (RB)***Keeper of Xander's sore fist (RB)**"Oh, this is fun." Willow, (H) *** "The earth is doomed." Giles, (The Harvest)**"No, I was in the line for shred of sanity...which you obviously skipped." Buffy (GF) *** "I mean, yesterday's my life like uh oh, pop quiz. Today, it's rain of toads. " Xander, (The Harvest) - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 01:18:39 EDT From: (fu nee) Subject: BUFFY: Buffy's Emmy Nominations! Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Emmy Nominations... #1. Outstanding Hairstyling For A Series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Becoming (Part 1 & 2), WB Mutant Enemy Inc./Kuzui Enterprises/Sanddollar Productions in association with 20th Century Fox TV. Jeri Baker - Head Hairstylist; Francine Shermaine, Suzan Bagdadi, Susan Carol Swary, Dugg Kirkpatrick - Hairstylists. #2. Outstanding Makeup For A Series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Surprise/Innocence, WB, Mutant Enemy Inc./Kuzui Enterprises/Sanddollar Productions in association with Twentieth Century Fox TV. Todd A. McIntosh, John Vulich, John Maldonado, John Wheaton, Gerald Quist Margi Latinopoulous, Dayne Johnson, Alan Friedman, Craig Reardon, Michael Blake, Robin Beauchesne, Brigette Myre-Ellis, Mart Shostrom - Makeup Artists. #3. Outstanding Music Composition For A Series (Dramatic Underscore) Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Becoming, Part I, WB, Mutant Enemy Inc./Kuzui Enterprises/Sanddollar Productions in association with 20th Century Fox TV. Christopher Beck - Composer. _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 23:30:14 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: Siblings >Oz must have a sibling. Remember in Phases he was bitten by his nephew, >Jordy, the werewolf. Wasn't that his cousin? I'm pretty sure it was because wasn't he talking to his Aunt? Katie Keeper of Buffy's Nail Polish, WIllow's leather mini, Cordelia's stakes, and the heart necklace Xander gave cordy on V-Day. Guardian of Spike's feelings of rejection from Angel & Angel's adoptive mother Keeper of Roses Wine colored dress & white chiffon "All you need is romance. And chapstick." - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 23:33:52 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: BUFFY: Things to Watch This Summer I just say this short clip on TV about Buffy. I don't know what channel it was on or what show, but it had something to do with Hot things to watch this summer. It showed some clips from Innocence and said that it had witty teen dialouge or something along those lines. Thought you'd like to know. Don't bug me for copies becuase I didn't tape it. Katie Keeper of Buffy's Nail Polish, WIllow's leather mini, Cordelia's stakes, and the heart necklace Xander gave cordy on V-Day. Guardian of Spike's feelings of rejection from Angel & Angel's adoptive mother Keeper of Roses Wine colored dress & white chiffon "All you need is romance. And chapstick." - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 00:54:58 -0500 From: "James E. Clark" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: Willow & Spike At 10:18 PM 7/23/1998 -0700, jim wrote: ><> > >- Whoa, that's cool. I'm on a Spike list too and we've discussed that a whole lot, so when I first read that I had to go make sure I was reading the right mail!! Anyway, I agree completely. Of course, Spike is so cute I love to just see him. I don't care who he's with!! Rachel - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 02:16:54 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: What the heck?! In a message dated 98-07-23 06:01:28 EDT, you write: > My opinion: Buffy, deep down... wants to be a NORMAL 17 year old, correct? > So > I think that, deep down, she wants a NORMAL 17 year old boyfriend. I have decided to unlurk for this response, don't ya feel special? I would like to point out that most girls deep down don't want 17 year old boys, or at least I know I don't. Coming from the 17 year old female teenage perspective, I'm interested in older more mature males that even out with my level of maturity. On average, teenage males are still in a developmental stage. We've all heard the speech that grils mature faster than boys. Other than that, I'd like to say hey to every Buffy fan out there. It was a blessing to find this list, and I'd also like to give a shout out to Joey Gillis who I recognize from sonic. Stay Buffilicious, Mary B. Soon to be Official Keeper of the quote "You're going to die, and the only hope you have of surviving this is to get out of this pit right now and my God could you have a dorkier outfit?" and hopefully Keeper of Buffy's eyeliner, but I still need to check. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 23:43:13 -0700 From: (Charity C. T.) Subject: BUFFY: BtVS scene & Anne scene This is the most strangest thing! I seemingly always refer back to the Anne of Green Gables series for a lot of things, but when I was contemplating about a similarity between the characters to BtVS, I re-read a scene in "Anne of the Island." It is so bizzarre, and I hope I'm not going whacked out or anything, but the Gilbert proposal scene to Anne is so very much like the Xander asking Buffy out scene from Prophecy is sooo weird! You don't even have to know the characters to see the similiarty in scenes! Check this out (I skip the lines in-between for some because it doesn't work to the same chronological standpoint): Gilbert: I must. Things can't go on like this any longer. Anne, I love you. You know I do. I - I can't tell you how much. Will you promise me that some day you'll be my wife? *Xander: Um... You know, Buffy, uh, Spring Fling is a... time for students to gather and... Oh, God! (takes a breath) Buffy, I want you to go to the dance with me. You and me, on a date.* Anne: I - I can't. Oh, Gilbert - you - you've spoiled everything." *Buffy: I don't want to spoil the friendship that we have.* Gilbert: Don't you care for me at all? *Xander: Well, I don't want to spoil it either. But that's not the point, is it? You either feel a thing or you don't.* Anne: Not - not in that way. I do care a great deal for you as a friend. But I don't love you, Gilbert. *Buffy: (looks down a moment, then back up) I don't. Xander, I'm, I'm sorry. I-I just don't think of you that way.* Gilbert: But can't you give me some hope that you will - yet? *Xander: Well, try. I'll wait. (smiles weakly)* Anne: No, I can't. I never, never can love you - in that way - Gilbert. You must never speak of this to me again. *Buffy: Xander...* Gilbert: Is there anybody else? *Xander: Nah. Forget it. (gets up) I'm not him. And I guess a guy has gotta be undead to make time with you.* ~*Circumstances mean different answers so...skip*~ Anne: I'm sorry. Forgive me, Gilbert *Buffy: Xander, I'm sorry, I don't know...* Gilbert: There isn't anything to forgive. There have been times when I thought you did care. I've deceived myself, that's all. Good-bye, Anne. *Xander: You know what? Let's just not.* ...Well wasn't that enlightening? Tell me I'm not going wacko...please. I feel overly compulsive and this normal...maybe I have a fever... :) ~Charity P.S. Irony! Has anyone's heard of the Buffy's spoiler about the name... _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 18:04:01 -0700 From: Ricki Morris Subject: BUFFY: Sunnydale's County Hi everyone! I can answer the guestion about where Sunnydale is. Sunnydale High's fictional address is: 500 Oakgrove St. Sunnydale, CA 91349 There is no such Zip as that but if there was it would be west of the San Fernando Valley and north of Malibu. That would put Sunnydale in L.A. County Hope that helps, Ricki Morris - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 05:25:33 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: spoilers? # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # In a message dated 7/24/98 3:57:36 AM !!!First Boot!!!, writes: << two slayers and the second (whose name I think is supposed to be faith) wouldn't they have to change the name of the show. Because Buffy: The Vampire Slayer implies that there is only one. >> i would think so - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 07:30:25 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: Willow & Spike In a message dated 7/24/98 5:56:49 AM !!!First Boot!!!, writes: << I agree completely. Of course, Spike is so cute I love to just see him. I don't care who he's with!! >> im not really a spike fan but i think that him and willow are great togheter - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 10:17:41 -0700 From: Steve Lange Subject: BUFFY: "Becoming"--Did anyone else notice the time warp? In "Becoming, Part 1", there was a puzzling "time warp". My assumption is that it has something to do with future adventures of Buffy. At +15 minutes or so(including commercial breaks) of "Becoming, Part 1", there is a scene titled "London 1860". In it, Dru comes into a church, then goes to the confessional. (RC, I suppose. Do Anglicans have confession?) Angelus has just killed the priest and, impersonating him, tells Dru that she is a "devil child", because she has those clairvoyant flashes. I don't think, however, that the character played there by Juliet Landau is ever identified by name. At +22 minutes, there is another scene with Juliet Landau, who has just been killed, after most of her family, by Angelus. The scene begins with another title, "Romanian Woods 1898". The problem is this--is the "Dru" of 1860 the same person as the Dru of 1898? Presumably, the latter teenaged girl is also the demon-animated corpse whom we all know and love from Sunnydale. Is reincarnation being invoked here? If the girl in 1860 was sixteen then, she would have been 54 in 1898. She probably would have looked it, too. Due to poor diet and health care, most people outside of the nobility aged a great deal more rapidly than we do today. As I said, I assume that the writers are setting us up for some sort of surprise or change in the plot. Did anyone else notice this? Does anyone have an idea as to why the writers did this? - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 13:27:48 -0400 (EDT) From: Betsy Vera Subject: Re: BUFFY: "Becoming"--Did anyone else notice the time warp? On Fri, 24 Jul 1998, Steve Lange wrote: > At +22 minutes, there is another scene with Juliet Landau, who has just > been killed, after most of her family, by Angelus. The scene begins with > another title, "Romanian Woods 1898". It's not Drusilla. It's a Gypsy girl who just happens to have dark hair and looks a bit like Dru, but it's not her. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* | Betsy Vera | Fanfic Resources is back: | | | | | | | *--------------------------------------------------------------------* - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 13:57:14 -0400 (EDT) From: Betsy Vera Subject: BUFFY: Jeff Pruitt and Sophia Crawford article forwarded from a friend (with her permission) -- Betsy The September issue of Inside Kung Fu has a feature story on Jeff Pruitt, Sophia Crawford, their work on Buffy and previous work. There's pictures from the Buffy set. The article was written by the same person who did Tony's interview with Playgirl. kt - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 14:08:56 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: Spike and Buffy Personally, I'd like to see some Spike and Buffy action here. Give him a soul or something....I think they'd be cute. Kathryn Keeper of....Well, nothing. - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 13:28:57 -0500 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: "Becoming"--Did anyone else notice the time warp? Steve is concerned about the time sequence in Becoming I. I think, if you look at the tape again, you will find that the Gypsy beauty is *NOT* Juliet Landau, though she does have dark, long hair. It may be that Joss put in the corpse on purpose 'cause a lot of people have wondered if Dru was the gypsy girl; "...dumb as a post, but a favorite with her clan." Joss has now clearly established that Dru is from a mining community (so whatthehell was she doing in London???). Anglicans, BTW, have private confession now, but didn't until the early years of this century. Dru was certainly Roman Catholic. Mia Member WPWP Keeper of the Opening Wolf Howl I *LOVE* this show! - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 15:11:00 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: "Becoming"--Did anyone else notice the time warp? In a message dated 98-07-24 13:21:59 EDT, writes: > As I said, I assume that the writers are setting us up for some sort of > surprise or change in the plot. > > Did anyone else notice this? Does anyone have an idea as to why the > writers did this? The girl you saw in the Romanian Woods was the Romani teenage girl killed by Angel, the one that pissed off her clan and got a curse put on him. At first galnce, it looked like Juliet Landau to me as well, but it is in fact another actress playing dead. Hope that helps! Stay Buffilicious, Mary B. - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 15:08:00 +0000 From: (Jessy L Wood) Subject: BUFFY: Poll Here are the results for the poll. A) Angel 11 B) Buffy 6 C) Cordelia 1 D) Xander 6 E) Willow 1 F) Oz 5 G) Giles 1 H) Dru I) Spike 8 J) Jesse K) Owen L) Mrs. Summers M) Darla N) The Master O) Other (please specify) 1 -Love Always Jessy- _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 15:32:26 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Poll In a message dated 98-07-24 15:25:43 EDT, writes: > Here are the results for the poll. Can I ask what the poll was? Mary B. - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 15:55:43 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re:Buffy The Offical Magazine **How will you be able to get the magazine?** this seems to be a popular question i'm getting so i'll answer it to the list *most* comic book stores should be getting this, dial 1-888-COMIC BOOK to find one closest to you OR call bookstores about it, Bookstar, Crown, or even ask Tower...i'm sure they will be able to tell you if they are receiving it and if they can possibly hold a copy for you :) Jason - ------- "they say your brain is a comic book tattoo" - t.a. - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 98 16:05:32 -0500 From: Kristy Lockhart Subject: Re: BUFFY: "Becoming"--Did anyone else notice the time warp? Actually, the person you saw just before Angelus was cursed by the romanis was not Drusilla and was not played by Juliet Landau. It was confusing for awhile but although the actress bears resemlance to Juliet Landau it is a completly different charecter. She plays the 'Beloved daughter' of the Romani and has just been killed by Angelus. I got this info from a friend who knows one of the writers. ~~Tia~~ - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 16:14:34 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: xander's lie to buffy... >Buffy may say something about it to Xander...but she won't spend too many episodes reflectingf on it. Considering Buffy's reaction to Ms. Calender not telling them about what she knew about Angel. And that could have stopped Buffy & Angel's experience, I think she will be upset a Xander for some episodes, if he would have told her about Angel getting his soul back, maybe she could have done something instead of the outcome. The Ms. Calender-Angel-Buffy situation, is very similar to the Xander-Angel- Buffy one, plus Buffy knows that Xander has feeling for her (more than friendship!) and to Buffy it will seem like jealousy or pay back to Angel for what he did when he lost his soul, and Angel (my opinion!) could not stop what happened to him and could not control the outcome. Nala - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #388 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (