From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #440 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Thursday, August 20 1998 Volume 02 : Number 440 In this issue: BUFFY: Spoiler about Angel series Re: BUFFY: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... BUFFY: Another Theory Re: BUFFY: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... Re: BUFFY: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... Re: BUFFY: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... Re: BUFFY: Re: Scooby gang.... BUFFY: DMOC Re: BUFFY: smg hypobithic BUFFY: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... BUFFY: New Buffy Website Re: BUFFY: smg hypobithic BUFFY: i think i have the anser spoilers 3 season therd ep title Re: BUFFY: Re: Scooby gang.... Re: BUFFY: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... BUFFY: Re: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... BUFFY: More Emmy stuff BUFFY: Pic's BUFFY: one tiny comment plus some buffy stuff Re: BUFFY: smg hypobithic OBuffy chemistry lesson Re: BUFFY: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... BUFFY: SMG TV guide BUFFY: Christopher Golden on posting board now.. BUFFY: The Dead Man spexl on MTV Re: BUFFY: DMOC MTV Special airtimes Re: BUFFY: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... BUFFY: Christopher Golden (spoilers for people who haven't read Blooded) Re: BUFFY: Dreams BUFFY: Teen people poll Re: BUFFY: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 14:16:27 -0700 From: "Slayer01" Subject: BUFFY: Spoiler about Angel series SPOILER ABOUT 'ANGEL' SERIES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * It is *definate* that Cordelia Chase will be on Angel next year as Cordelia Chase. Check out which is just about the new series Angel. Power up your motorbikes RABID fans, we have people to kill!!!!!!!!!! Slayer01 getting a bit annoyed - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 17:16:29 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... In a message dated 8/20/98 3:05:48 PM, you wrote: <> That's an interesting comparison to say the least. . . Let me break this down for you (and I'm not intentionally opening a whole political can of worms here--just pointing out a few flaws in your thinking): The President didn't, from a legal standpoint, lie. He had an "improper" relationship with his little intern (hey more power to him) and did not volunteer information when he was questioned in the Paula Jones case. He did not, however, tell an all out lie based on the definition he was given of "sexual relations". Xander lied. There isn't any other way it could be construed. If he had just not said anything at all about Willow then maybe you could sy he only failed to volunteer information. However, Xander chose to lie. Still not sure how the two are comparable though. And I forgive you Mr. President. Xander's still on my list though. Pandora - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 17:41:20 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: Another Theory >A theory for next season: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * >Mr. Trick hears about the events at Sunnydale (maybe from the mayor or or Snyder), and decides to come to the hellmouth to see this slayer that has caused his comrades so much trouble... meanwhile, he is being hunted by the new slayer, Faith, and she follows him to this small Californian town, where she hooks up with the Scooby-gang. Any ideas on what the "Hope" part of the title is about? Maybe "Hope" is about Angel. Maybe they think he didn't die, and there's a chance "hope" he might come back. Nala (Believer of Angel & Buffy's Love can conquer ALL!) - ----------------------- Headers -------------------------------- Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (v48.3) with SMTP; Wed, 19 Aug 1998 23:40:09 -0400 Received: from ( []) by (8.8.8/8.8.5/AOL-4.0.0) with SMTP id WAA17749; Wed, 19 Aug 1998 22:49:04 -0400 (EDT) Received: from domo by with local (Exim 1.82 #1) id 0z9KlG-0007UP-00; Wed, 19 Aug 1998 20:47:38 -0600 Received: from ( [] (root) by with esmtp (Exim 1.82 #1) id 0z9KlC-0007UI-00; Wed, 19 Aug 1998 20:47:35 -0600 Received: from ( []) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id VAA12891 for ; Wed, 19 Aug 1998 21:47:33 -0500 (CDT) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.5/8.8.3) with ESMTP id VAA21276 for ; Wed, 19 Aug 1998 21:47:28 -0500 (CDT) Received: from localhost (sjhsieh@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.8.3) with SMTP id VAA19904 for ; Wed, 19 Aug 1998 21:47:27 -0500 (CDT) X-Authentication-Warning: sjhsieh owned process doing - -bs Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 21:47:27 -0500 (CDT) From: John Hsieh X-Sender: To: Subject: BUFFY: Theory In-Reply-To: Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To: John Hsieh >> - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 14:46:16 -0700 From: "Slayer01" Subject: Re: BUFFY: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... > Xander lied. There isn't any other way it could be construed. If he had just > not said anything at all about Willow then maybe you could sy he only failed > to volunteer information. However, Xander chose to lie. > And I forgive you Mr. President. Xander's still on my list though. At least when Xander lied he thought he was doing the right thing in protecting Buffy's heart but when the President lied/not volunteered info he was only protecting himself and wasn't thinking about anyone but himself. IMO Xander lied, and it was wrong of him to do so, but I will let him off cause he thought he was doing the right thing. His intentions were not 100% selfish! Lying about adultery/not telling all info is a little bit more important than a curse that knowing about couldn't really have made a big difference IMO!!!!! I forgive Xander but I ain't so sure about the Pres. Slayer01 entering into a political war heavily UNarmed. As one person already wrote: Let the stoning commence - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 17:49:13 -0400 From: "Jezika" Subject: Re: BUFFY: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... My opinion was that Xander lied because he was still jealous of, and angry with Angel. He had made it very clear he wanted Angel dead, and he didn't want Buffy to give it a second thought - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 16:52:57 -0500 (CDT) From: Jill Kirby Subject: Re: BUFFY: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... Although no one has misstepped on this yet, please remember that all posts should contain Buffy content. Posts purely about Mr. Clinton's ethics, lack thereof, or anything else are off-topic and belong in alt.politics.gossip. :) Thanks. Jill co-listowner Jill Kirby-- "You should see me in 400 years." -- Mrs. Peel, "The Avengers" - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 18:00:32 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: Scooby gang.... > Re: the Scooby gang..... :) Giles = Fred Cordelia = Daphne Willow = Wilma (this should be 'Velma', not Wilma... ;) Xander = Shaggy Buffy = I guess... Scooby!!! (ok, but only because there's no one else to put ehr as.... ;) BLOODED >>>>>>>>>SPOLIER * * * * * * * * * * According to Xander and Willow's discussion in "Blooded" they describes the Scooby Gang as: Willow was Velma Xander "Velma's the coolest! The smart chic always saves the day-as long as she doesn't lose her glasses. Hey, look, at least your not Daphne?" Willow-"So who's Daphne?" Xander-"Cordy, of course.".......See, I figure Angel and Buffy are Shag and Scoob. Giles is Fredy." Willow-"So who are you?" Xander- .........."I'm Scrappy-Doo."........."Puppy Power!" I thought it was a cool analogy of the gang! Nala - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 18:02:50 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: DMOC hey its 6 here on the east coast and the DMOC special is just starting - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 18:08:31 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: smg hypobithic > Is smg I don't know ho0w to spell it umm i'll try my best though hypobithemic it's where you goto eat some kinda sugar SMG is referring to being hypoglucemic-when you have this condition you need to intake sugar, due to low sugar count in your body. Nala - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 18:13:25 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - --part0_903651205_boundary Content-ID: <> Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII - --part0_903651205_boundary Content-ID: <> Content-type: message/rfc822 Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Content-disposition: inline From: Return-path: To: Subject: Re: BUFFY: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 18:12:58 EDT Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit In a message dated 8/20/98 4:52:05 PM Central Daylight Time, writes: << My opinion was that Xander lied because he was still jealous of, and angry with Angel. He had made it very clear he wanted Angel dead, and he didn't want Buffy to give it a second thought >> no, i think the ONLY reason that xander lied was because he didnt want buffy to lose the as you saw in becoming 2 buffy barely beat angel the way it was but think if she was only trying to stall......she most likely would have died then, and second thing is if xander told buffy it wouldnt have made a difference because she still would of had to kill angel to close the vortex....whether she knew or not beforehand, because she did know that angels soul was restored but still had to kill him anyways - --part0_903651205_boundary-- - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 18:45:50 -0700 From: jim Subject: BUFFY: New Buffy Website Hello everyone! I have been on this list for some time now and I have forgot to give this list my site's URL. I have been working really hard on it and I feel it is now ready to start having my bufy-digest friends visit it. Well, I have to warn everyone if you don't have AOL I am pretty sure the backround and some pics don't show up. It's not my fault that's just how the stupid AOL thingie is. Well please sign my guestbook when you are there. Thanks a lot everyone!! Jill Keeper of Buffy's "goodbye" note Keeper of Xander's concern for Willow's health - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 17:00:49 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY: smg hypobithic >SMG is referring to being hypoglucemic-when you have this condition you need >to intake sugar, due to low sugar count in your body. I was diagnosed with hypoglucemia when I was 11 and thought I'd sort of clarify what this disease is, just for you're guys information. Hypoglucemia is a disease where if you don't eat regularly you have these wierd mood swings and you get really cranky and in sevre cases you start shaking and stuff. OB: Wouldn't it be possible to sort of hypnotise Buffy's mom next season and making it so that she didn't remember Buffy telling her she was the slayer? Sort of like those flashy things they had in Men In Black. I mean, like a spell or something. Katie Keeper of Buffy's Nail Polish, WIllow's leather mini, Cordelia's stakes, and the heart necklace Xander gave cordy on V-Day. Guardian of Spike's feelings of rejection from Angel & Angel's adoptive mother Keeper of Joey's bathing suit. "All you need is romance. And chapstick." - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 20:00:09 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: i think i have the anser spoilers 3 season therd ep title * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * *ok i think i have found out what hope in the title "Faith Hope and Mr Trick" i figured that Faith the slayer new i mean Mr Trick the new vamp but what do thers two have in common ? ........ right there people and they don't say anythink about buffys NEW name but i think buffy hew full name is "Anne Hope" i know it sounds kinda funny but get real "Summers"?? - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 20:52:13 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: Scooby gang.... my choices are... Scooby = Oz...i mean, he IS a werewolf Shaggy = Xander Daphne = Cordelia Velma = Willow Fred = Buffy (?) i guess Jason - -------- "why can't my ba.ll.oo.n stay up, in a perfectly windy sky?" ~t.a. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 22:21:26 EDT From: (fu nee) Subject: Re: BUFFY: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... On Thu, 20 Aug 1998 17:16:29 EDT writes: >Let me break this down for you (and I'm not intentionally opening a >whole >political can of worms here--just pointing out a few flaws in your >thinking): Flaws in my thinking? Flaws in MY thinking? FLAWS IN MY THINKING??? LOL! I may have flaws in my thinking but your back has just been flogged! (<; > >The President didn't, from a legal standpoint, lie. He had an >"improper" >relationship with his little intern (hey more power to him) and did >not Still sounds like a lie to me. In the latest polls, the American people feel the President has lied and cannot be trusted but still feel he has done a good job with the country. I still support him and don't want him impeached just as I still have faith in Xander and don't want him stomped on by Buffy. >And I forgive you Mr. President. Xander's still on my list though. > >Pandora > I'm glad you forgive Xander and the President too! Hopefully, the rest of the country will forgive Xander and the President. Unfortunately, I think the President used the present retaliation against terrorists as a diversion (like in Wag the Dog) and at least Xander would never do anything like that. Xander might nose into Buffy's personal love life on some pretense cause he's jealous but he'd never send an airstrike against someone, even though he has the knowledge of G.I. Joe ever since his possession in Halloween. funee (<: _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 22:32:01 EDT From: (fu nee) Subject: BUFFY: Re: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... On Thu, 20 Aug 1998 17:16:29 EDT writes: >Xander's still on my list though. Ooooops! I thought you said you forgave the President and Xander. Turns out I misread and all you did was forgive the President. Well, that's ok, cause the President is real and Xander is only fictional. funee _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 22:31:18 -0300 From: (JODIE M Bastarache) Subject: BUFFY: More Emmy stuff Tomorrow on E! I guess it is the Pre-Show for the Emmy's.I think SMG is going to be on it. _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 22:34:26 -0300 From: (JODIE M Bastarache) Subject: BUFFY: Pic's Hey All, I can't seem to find any pics of James Marsters in any Magazines.Does anyone know where I can find some?If you do, E-Mail me off list. Thanx Much, Jodie _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 22:57:17 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: one tiny comment plus some buffy stuff The President didn't, from a legal standpoint, lie. He had an >"improper" >relationship with his little intern (hey more power to him) and did >not (PandyGrrl) Still sounds like a lie to me. >> (funee) Okay, one tiny step (and there conclusions were... wait that's not related to anything I'm about to say) but Pandygrrl is right: legally he has never lied. (I'm sorry- for three semesters I was a pre-law major) On to the Buffy aspect of this stupid e-mail. Does anyone know if the soundtrack coming out has a specific name or should I just order the BtVS (television show) soundtrack? Secondly, does anyone have any ideas how I can get my local cable company to show WB? (I have to send tapes to a relative in tiny town about twenty minutes from my town and go get them every month- for me the third season won't start until I have time to go over and get the tapes) I have called several times, but my business is evidently not that valuable. I'm about two steps from getting a satellite, but I can't really afford it. If you have any ideas, please e-mail me off list. Thanks, Marusky :) Not-The-Official-Keeper: "Get the hell out of my library!" Willow, Dark Ages - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 23:21:51 -0400 (EDT) From: Gubs Subject: Re: BUFFY: smg hypobithic OBuffy chemistry lesson On Thu, 20 Aug 1998 wrote: > Is smg I don't know ho0w to spell it umm i'll try my best though hypobithemic > it's where you goto eat some kinda sugar That would probobly be hypoglycimic coming from hypo - excess and glucose - suger(or the simplest form of suger chemical symbol C6H12O6 or somthing like that. Any molocule with atoms in a multiple of those values will be a suger though with diferint names) Gubs,, - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 23:31:21 -0400 (EDT) From: Gubs Subject: Re: BUFFY: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... Pandora, Pandora, Pandora (sigh) we have all been through so much pain. Can't we all just get togethor. Xander and Willow, Cordy and Buffy, Bill Clinton and Ken Starr, Fun-ee and You and Heal. As I write this I am listening to a collection of great Phil Oches songs and I realize that there are more similarities then we first saw. The IS Xander a shithead thread is a way to keep ourselves occupied during summer re-run hell (which due to the first season eps actually wasn't so bad this year) Monica is just a wayy for Ken Starr and congresional republicans to keep the the country occupied while they sell it(the country that is) to the highest bidder. Those few who felt that Xander was a paragon of all shining virtues feel betrayed by the fact that he lied. Those deluded souls who felt that Clinnton was a paragon of all shining values also feel betrayed. And at the center of it all A woman (of course SMG is far prettier then Monica) Gubs,, - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 23:52:37 +0000 From: Jackie Welsh Subject: BUFFY: SMG TV guide Just to let everyone know, I am selling a copy of SMG's TV guide from 8/97 on ebay. You can go to to bid on this item. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 23:34:21 -0400 From: Vampire Junction Subject: BUFFY: Christopher Golden on posting board now.. At the Bronze on the official page..Http:// - -- "Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love, the clarity of hatred and the ecstacy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms...shuttered and dank - without passion we'd be truly dead. --Angel BTVS "Passion" Visit Vampire Junction at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 23:44:00 -0400 (EDT) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: BUFFY: The Dead Man spexl on MTV I got a chance to see Allyson On the MTV Dead Man on Campus special and she did this really funky dance on it. But the thing that got me is, to anyone that recorded the special, could you make me a .wav file of when she says "and theres plenty of men to do". F.Y.G./missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 21:09:58 -0700 From: Henry Nunes Subject: Re: BUFFY: DMOC MTV Special airtimes In case someone's looking for it, here are future scheduled broadcasts, allegedly: Dead Man on Campus Cram Session: A Movie Special PROGRAM: Documentary (30 Minutes) Tom Everett Scott and Mark-Paul Gosselaar star. {Stereo}. Friday, August 21, 1998 - 12:00 PM - MTV Saturday, August 22, 1998 - 8:30 AM - MTV Sunday, August 23, 1998 - 12:00 AM - MTV Sunday, August 23, 1998 - 10:00 AM - MTV - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 00:11:17 -0400 From: "Jeff Rohaly" Subject: Re: BUFFY: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... wrote: > The President didn't, from a legal standpoint, lie. He had an "improper" > relationship ... and did not volunteer information when he was > questioned in the Paula Jones case. He did not, however, tell an all > out lie based on the definition he was given of "sexual relations". In my opinion, he lied through his teeth and knew he was lying through his teeth and got caught because at the time of his deposition he had no idea about the extent of the evidence that Kenneth Starr would come up with to prove the existence of a relationship with Lewinsky. When he realized the extent of the evidence, he -- or more precisely, his team of very talented lawyers - -- came up with a dual strategy to get him out of the perjury jeopardy in which he found himself. Prong one: argue that what Clinton and Ms. Lewinsky engaged in did not meet the definition of sexual relations agreed upon for the purpose of his deposition. Prong two: combine this with a refusal by The President to answer prosecutor's questions about exactly what they did, claiming it is too tawdry and an intrusion into his private life. Of course, in reality, Clinton couldn't answer those intimate questions in front of the grand jury because if he did so truthfully the argument that what he and Lewinsky engaged in doesn't fit the definition of sexual relations would fall apart -- read that definition; he would have had to be very, very passive. If instead he lied again, he would open himself up to perjury again, this time in front of a grand jury in a criminal proceeding. To tie this into Buffy. Remember BB&B. Remember Buffy in a raincoat - -- nothing but a raincoat -- tempting Xander to open up his present. My hero Xander does the right thing and resists temptation. If Buffy, wearing nothing but a raincoat, had been coming on to the President instead (never thought I'd be writing that line), what would have happened? I think we all know the answer (and we also know that there's a DNA on the raincoat joke in there somewhere). Bottom line: Xander -- good. President -- bad. Jeff Rohaly - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 22:56:30 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: BUFFY: Christopher Golden (spoilers for people who haven't read Blooded) Christopher Golden was on the posting board and was just great. He talked to us about Alsyon and Sarah's tattoo's (apperantly Alyson got one first and that inspired Sarah to get one, too). ANyway I asked him if the legend in Blooded was true and this is what he said to me. Spoiler space, just in case. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * >Gina: the legend of Sanno and Chirayoju is a tapestry Nancy and I wove >from >several Japanese legends. Partially, we did this because there > are NO vampires in Japanese mythology, other than Chinese vampires (as >far as I >can tell from the research). Sanno, however, is the >Mountain King in ancient Japanese mythology, and the region we set those >scenes in >is the correct one. We also got to do things with >Watchers in our books that nobody else has done yet, which was cool. His exact words, of course. (Gina is my screen name) Katie Keeper of Buffy's Nail Polish, WIllow's leather mini, Cordelia's stakes, and the heart necklace Xander gave cordy on V-Day. Guardian of Spike's feelings of rejection from Angel & Angel's adoptive mother Keeper of Joey's bathing suit. "All you need is romance. And chapstick." - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 22:27:42 -0700 (PDT) From: Carol Subject: Re: BUFFY: Dreams In the last one I remember, Giles and I went to see the band Yes in concert. We were sitting in the front row, and Chris Squire, their bass player kept trying to get Giles to come onstage and play with them. He kept saying things like, "Come on Ripper, let's jam together like we used to." I've had other dreams as well, but I can't recall any at the present time. Northcat-GASPer, keeper of Giles' office _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 01:34:20 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: Teen people poll Ok everyone now would be a very good time for everyone to go vote on the poll!!!! Jewl and katie holmes are going way down and David Boreanaz has a chance to take second!! Thanx Colleen - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 01:47:41 EDT From: (fu nee) Subject: Re: BUFFY: If Xander can lie so can the Prez... On Thu, 20 Aug 1998 23:31:21 -0400 (EDT) Gubs writes: > Pandora, Pandora, Pandora (sigh) we have all been through so >much >pain. Can't we all just get togethor. Xander and Willow, Cordy and >Buffy, Bill Clinton and Ken Starr, Fun-ee and You and Heal. As I You err greatly Gubs! Pandora and I aren't enemies or at each others throats. It's a friendly discussion. The whip I use on Pandora is a Nerf whip, couldn't hurt a flea. I enjoy Pandora's comments. >Monica is just a wayy for Ken Starr and congresional republicans to >keep >the the country occupied while they sell it(the country that is) to >the I personally feel Ken Star is a ferret who just wants to get the President. They couldn't do anything with Whitewater, Travelgate, etc., so finally after months -- no make that several years -- of poking, prying and scrutiny that NO ONE, public or private could survive, they finally found something to crucify the President with. Poor Mr. President and poor Xander. Xander's troubles are only fictional, the President's are all too real. funee _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #440 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (