From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #445 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Tuesday, August 25 1998 Volume 02 : Number 445 In this issue: BUFFY: Re: Why Is Joss Concerned About Spoilers? BUFFY: BtVS Comic Promo Art and Blade Re: BUFFY: Keepers BUFFY: Re: According To Wanda Season Three Spoilers BUFFY: teen people voting.... BUFFY: Cordelia Spoiler BUFFY: Bad Eggs Questions Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs Questions BUFFY: **BtVS Comic Poster Drawing!** BUFFY: Bad Eggs Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs Questions Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs BUFFY: Website Update - New Links, Mailing Lists, ASHFC, GASP! Re: BUFFY:sarah michelle gellar will be on........ BUFFY: ADMIN: Free email policy BUFFY: ADMIN: List rules Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs Re: BUFFY: Buffy Bookmarks Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 00:57:10 EDT From: (fu nee) Subject: BUFFY: Re: Why Is Joss Concerned About Spoilers? I think Jeff missed one reason why Joss may be 'Concerned' about spoilers: Joss Whedon is a writer and is therefore evil. All writers are evil. They practice a craft that plays with the mind if not sensibilities of the reader. Look at what Joss has us doing with this series so far. He has us all believing a Valley Girl teenager with the ridiculous name of Buffy can fight the undead while juggling romance and academics. Joss is evidently a high practitioner of his art. Why shouldn't he fool around with our minds some more just for the thrill of it? Just for the fun of it? It's Diet, maybe it's Pepsi...ummm...Dr. Pepper? Don't take any of it too seriously and you'll keep your sanity. funee (: _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 23:07:27 -0600 From: "Doyce Testerman" Subject: BUFFY: BtVS Comic Promo Art and Blade Okay, a friend of mine was at a comics con somewhere in Cali last week and, knowing my huge predisposition for all things Buffy and all things Whedon, he brought me back a 17x 22 poster promoting the new comic series coming from Dark Horse. Its a (IMO) GREAT group picture of the whole gang: Buffy, Cordelia, Angel, Xander, Willow, Giles... even OZ! :) The outfits, poses and faces are great -- not too heavy on the mirror-image-of-the-actor, but not too light on it either, in case you're comfortable with those faces. The art is by the same guy who did the other 'Buffy-solo' cover (can be seen at , and while he's doing alot of the covers, I don't believe he's doing the interior art, so still no real idea what that will be like yet. Anyway, I scanned the poster in four parts and put it up as well as I could in an hour or so -- if I can, I'll get a better scan of it down the road, but for now, you can check it out at In further comic news, Dark Horse Presents, 1998 Annual comes out this Wednesday (26th), and features a Buffy vignette called 'Macguffins', so we'll finally see what the interior art will be like on the series. The Series starts right around the same time as the Third season, give or take 4 or 5 days, and the Dust Waltz TPB is out October 14th, I believe. - ---- In other news, I went to see Blade, and was gratified by one thing that I wanted to mention -- the vamps tended to die in the same way as the vamps on Buffy, give or take a couple hundred dollars per death on special effects. I for one like this, since I've really gotten used to seeing vamps die this way (consumed from within, leaving a pile of ash) since the show started -- to the point where it doesn't look right if they Don't die that way. 36 days to go. - -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Everybody lies, but that's okay... because nobody listens. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Doyce Testerman {} {} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOVE THIS SHOW! - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 23:44:37 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Keepers At 05:35 PM 8/24/98 EDT, wrote: > I have a major question how do I become a Buffy keeper ya know with the= m >things at tjhe bottom of the emails that say "keeper of cordy's lether m= ini" >them thing what are they and how do i get on=20 Go to: First check out "Archangel=92s Keeping Tips" and after that try clicking on whatever characters interest you. Happy Keeping! Lisa Keeper Mom Emeritus - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 11:33:25 GMT From: (Aly Walansky) Subject: BUFFY: Re: According To Wanda Season Three Spoilers wow - angel fans have to see this >Wanda had some interesting things to report on season three for Buffy >The Vampire Slayer. > >You can go to e-online to find out what they are by going to: > > > >The spoilers for season three are: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Angel will appear in Buffy's dreams for the first two episodes. > >Angel will appear for real in episode three. > >Buffy will go back to school in episode three. > >In episode four we start to learn more about Principal Snyder and his >connection to the mayhem in Sunnydale. > >In episode four Faith the new slayer has come to town because her >watcher has been killed and she doesn't know where to turn. > >Along with Faith there will be some not so nice people who are >apparently chasing her. > >There will be friction and dramatic conflict between Buffy and Faith. just wanted to mention that Wanda also said that 1 - buffy will be having sensual dreams about Angel in those first 2 episodes, and 2 - he would be NAKED in ep. 3 (we'll only get to see like his chest or whatever...but that has such cool possibilities) love, aly Visit one of the hottest buffy sites on the net - as well as the first site on earth dedicated to "Angel"! "I love you. I try not to, but I can't stop." Angel, "Surprise" -BTVS Creator of #angelseries on undernet, on usenet Listowner of AngelSeries mailing list Ringmaster, Angel Series Web Ring - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 06:17:08 -0600 From: Suzanne Subject: BUFFY: teen people voting.... Where is the web site to vote for the cover winner?? ************************************ "I got nothing to say." ************************************ - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 08:02:04 -0400 From: Schimmel <> Subject: BUFFY: Cordelia Spoiler Spoiler s p o i l e r s p a c e h e r e MicroVamp wrote: <> Trust me- she is! I heard from several good sources. Sandra - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 08:25:34 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: Bad Eggs Questions Okay....after watching Bad Eggs for about the 4th time, I just had to ask these questions. I'd appreciate any sort of response. Numero uno. When that long purple thing came out of Buffy's egg and started touching her while she was sleeping, the egg was punctured somewhat. But when she woke up, the egg was completely normal with no cracks or anything. Did I miss something? 2. Did we ever find out what the "mother Bizore" (sp.?) wanted? It looked like it wanted to spread its offspring, but was that it? Why were Willow and gang digging it up? Last thing. How did Mr.....I can't remember his name, but I'm talking about the sex ed. teacher. I assume he was the first person to be neural clamped by the Bizore where did the first Bizore offspring thing come from, and how did it get on him? Or was it that he was working for the mother bizore somehow? I'm just very curious about all of these things....but they're not vital, so any kind of response would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! Toby C. *Keeper of Willow's Ghost in Halloween, Sarcasm, Eyelashes, and Piano Playing *Guardian of Cordelia's "Everyone is so busy listening, they don't hear a word I say" speech in Invisible Girl - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 12:06:21 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs Questions In a message dated 98-08-25 08:28:29 EDT, you write: << Numero uno. When that long purple thing came out of Buffy's egg and started touching her while she was sleeping, the egg was punctured somewhat. But when she woke up, the egg was completely normal with no cracks or anything. Did I miss something? >> The nueral clamper arm thing probably retracted and sealed up the opening somehow, with a chemical secretion or something, but if thats the case it was possible to make the egg seamless again. Its a demon or monster it has to some special power. And to the other things, I mean come on it's TV they're allowed mistakes. They kinda had to make it that way in order to fit it into 1 hour. There are so m,any mistakes or questions that aren't answered in TV that it's not even worth bothering. Sheena Unfortunately keeper of nothing - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 09:26:25 -0700 (PDT) From: David Ngan Subject: BUFFY: **BtVS Comic Poster Drawing!** Hey people! This is Dave N. I was one of the lucky few who attended this year's ComicCon98 and saw the Buffy panel (2nd row baby! with Chewie and Jewels). But was one of many un-lucky ones who didn't get an autograph ticket. Anyways...someone earlier had mentioned something about a Buffy Comic Poster. Well I snagged 5 of them, one of which is signed by the artist. Instead of giving them away to those who reply first, I'll conjure up a contest. Kinda like a quiz. And since we're all Buffy fanatics, I'll go through my tapes and ask some hard questions. Like what color and style of ring was Buffy wearing on her pinky finger in Prophecy girl, stuff like that. I'll have an initial entry period. Gather up those people who answered all of the questions correctly. Put them into a hat, and draw out 5 names. One of which will receive the autographed poster by the artist. Sound cool? I'll then mail the posters (free of charge) to all the winners. It'll take me a day or two to figure out the questions. So stay tuned! Dave N. David Ngan "I wanted to be a gynecologist, but couldn't find an opening" - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 10:34:48 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: BUFFY: Bad Eggs My friend had a question about last night's episode, and I couldn't think of an answer so I thought I'd let you guys tear it apart. Anyway, why does Buffy have an iron in her room when all she wears is Polyester? Katie Keeper of Buffy's Nail Polish, WIllow's leather mini, Cordelia's stakes, and the heart necklace Xander gave cordy on V-Day. Guardian of Spike's feelings of rejection from Angel & Angel's adoptive mother Keeper of Joey's bathing suit. "All you need is romance. And chapstick." - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 14:23:57 -0400 (EDT) From: Gubs Subject: Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs Questions > 2. Did we ever find out what the "mother Bizore" (sp.?) wanted? It looked > like it wanted to spread its offspring, but was that it? Why were Willow and > gang digging it up? actually what really freaked me out about the episode is that Buffy said the mother Bizor was a parasite. Now most parasites are small so that they can feed off a creature without killing it. What would be large enough to have mama feeding on it without having some serious problems. > Last thing. How did Mr.....I can't remember his name, but I'm talking about > the sex ed. teacher. I assume he was the first person to be neural clamped by > the Bizore where did the first Bizore offspring thing come > from, and how did it get on him? Or was it that he was working for the mother > bizore somehow? My guess on this is that he found the first bunch of eggs in the basement and decided that this meant he didn't need to buy any for his class Gubs,, - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 14:26:46 -0400 (EDT) From: Gubs Subject: Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, Katie Masters wrote: > My friend had a question about last night's episode, and I couldn't think > of an answer so I thought I'd let you guys tear it apart. Anyway, why does > Buffy have an iron in her room when all she wears is Polyester? First of all I don't think all she wears is polyester and when I thought about it I realized that in the middle of slaying clothes could become quite a bit rumpled. To avoid parental inquiry as to what she had been doing to her clothes (think of the other non-vampiric activity that can also lead to rumpled clothing) buffy irons the wrinkles out before washing them. Eithor that or she had just tried it on a vampire to see if she could get rid of it's wrinklies (I couldn't resist) Gubs,, - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 12:00:15 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Website Update - New Links, Mailing Lists, ASHFC, GASP! Halo! This is my usual Buffy Night Post: This message contains info on Sonja Marie's Buffy Links Page, ASH/Giles Mailing list, The ASHFC, GASPers, and the Buffy Beta Fanfic List. ***** Sonja Marie's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Links I have added 48 more URLS to my Buffy Links Page at it's NEW location: If you have a link for me at your site, please change it, and your bookmarks as well! There are now 1548 pages listed! And if you are so inclined, PLEASE sign my guestbook! If you have a page for the show or cast members and IT IS NOT LISTED already, please send me the URLS and I will add them. ***** The Anthony Stewart Head Mailing List Are you a fan of Anthony Stewart Head? Giles? Oliver from VR5? Then the Anthony Stewart Head List is for you! We talk about all his work, share fanfic stories related to Giles and Oliver, etc. To join: 1. Send an email to or 2. in the message put S*BSCRIBE ASH-GASP or S*BSCRIBE ASH-GASP-DIGEST ***** The Anthony Stewart Head Fan Club (ASHFC) The Anthony Stewart Head is now ready to accept money to join the fan club, $18 US a year, joining gives you the following benefits: The newsletters An autograph picture of Tony Able to send in questions to Tony that will be answered in the newsletters Contests (which Tony will provide signed prizes) And more... We have been approved to make merchandize that members can buy, such as: Shirts Buttons Posters Key Chains Bumper Stickers And probably more... This will only be availible to members of the ASHFC (though the GASP! merchandise will be availible to the members of the internet club.) If you are interested in joining the ASHFC (The Official Anthony Stewart Head (Offline) Fan Club), please email me your REAL NAME and email address PRIVATELY, and I'll email you with the form to fill out to join, the address to mail your check to join, and the name to make the check out to. More later! ***** Wanna Join the Giles' Appreciation Society Panters? Are you a fan of Giles? Anthony Stewart Head? Then the GASPers is the group for you! We are a group of fans who share a common interest namely Giles/ASH, we are also the official Keepers of Giles' Stuff. Check out our Home Page at: (PS - there is a picture of me and Anthony on the front page :D). IMPORTANT NOTE: Only those who email me about becoming GASPers and follow the directions I send them will be considered real Keepers in my eyes. To join email me PRIVATELY at and I'll send you the info on how to join. NOTE: It might take me awhile, but I will get back to you, I promise. ***** The Buffy Beta Fan Fic List Want a place to post you unfinished work so other can read it and help you get it ready for others to read? Then this is the place for you! This is a place where you can get your work critiqued, etc. We will except all Buffy and related stories and VR5 related stories (IF Oliver Sampson is the main character). To join: 1. send a email to or 2. in the message put S*BSCRIBE BUFFY-BETA or S*BSCRIBE BUFFY-BETA-DIGEST Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey, Paul Wylie, Anthony S. Head, & Buffy-Beta Lists Pres. of Giles' Appreciation Society Panters - GASP!- Keeper of Coats & Ties Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) About What Fans Sent Him in the Mail: "Fair amount of lingerie, yeah, all of which I tried, none of which fitted" - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 15:04:38 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY:sarah michelle gellar will be on........ In a message dated 8/25/98 12:12:13 AM Central Daylight Time, writes: << Sarah michelle gellar will be on late night with conan obrien on september 9 check your local listing for time and station,he's on the same station as jay leno if that helps >> will this be a repeat of the last time or is it a new one? - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 14:46:50 -0400 From: sah Subject: BUFFY: ADMIN: Free email policy Please read this. It's very important. Effective immediately, anyone who wishes to s*bscribe to any Buffy list on a "freemail" account (Geocities, Hotmail, etc.) will be required to provide us with a "permanent" e-mail address as a backup. We will under any circumstances reveal this permanent e-mail address to anyone. This is for our reference This new policy has become necessary because of the problems we've experienced with freemail accounts. They're too easy to set up and cancel, and there is so little recourse if the individual with the freemail account causes problems, that we have no choice but to enact this policy. The s*bscription information pages will be changed to reflect this policy. IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY S*BSCRIBED UNDER A FREEMAIL ADDRESS: as long as you stay s*bscribed, you do not need to provide us with this information. However, if you uns*b and want to res*b at some point, you will have to give us this information even if you were previously a s*bscriber through a freemail account. If we have to uns*b you for bouncing mail, again, you'll have to provide the information to res*b. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact us offlist. Thanks. sah and Jill and - - - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 14:46:51 -0400 From: sah Subject: BUFFY: ADMIN: List rules Welcome! This list is for discussion of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer," both the TV series and the movie. The address to post messages to the list is BUFFY@LISTS.XMISSION.COM. Please SAVE this message-- it contains information on how to uns*bscribe from the list or to change s*bscription options. The buffy FAQ can be found at PLEASE READ THE FAQ before posting questions to the list--many common questions are answered there. Because we want this list to be a great place to talk about "Buffy," we are setting up a few ground rules. If you've ever been involved in a discussion list, many of these rules will look familiar. Hopefully, they'll make list life more interesting (and more fun) for everyone. Please note: we enforce these rules. This is an extremely high-volume list, and we want to make sure that the volume is relevant to the show. 1. Keep posts on topic. Topics should be related to Buffy the series, Buffy the movie, the actors involved in either project, etc.. Discussion of vampires in other universes is fine as long as they're being discussed in relation to the Buffy universe. This also means NO chain letters, "scroll down" games, virus warnings, etc.. 2. Please be careful with the use of strong imagery or language in consideration of younger list members. Think "rated PG." Also, no masking (replacing one letter of a potentially offensive word with an asterisk). 3. No advertising of non-Buffy related items or services. If you want to post information about Buffy-related merchandise, conventions, etc., clear it through one of us first. Also, no attachments, or binary files of any sort (including images, wavs, MOVs, etc). 4. Please don't post fiction to this list. There is a separate Buffy fiction list (subscription info below). 5. If you get advance information on a new episode, or see an episode earlier than the national viewing time, and you want to post about it, YOU MUST do the following: **Mark the post as a "spoiler" in the subject header. **DO NOT give away the spoiler in the subject header--be vague! **Leave about twelve lines at the top of the post. Don't leave them blank or with periods/dashes-- some mailers think the message is over and will cut it off. Use non-spoiler info or do something like this: s p o i l e r For the required number of lines, of course. This ensures that anyone who doesn't like knowing about an episode ahead of time is "protected." :) The blank space is for people whose mailers automatically open up the next piece of mail, without giving them a chance to see "spoiler" in the header. Spoiler warnings are not necessary after the start of the episode's national viewing time, which is currently set at 8 p.m. Tuesdays, Eastern Standard Time. Spoiler warnings are not necessary for reruns. Additional spoiler info: Once a promotional "trailer" has aired at the end of an episode, the information in that trailer does need to be spoiler protected, even if it contains advance information that has been under spoiler protection previously. The general rule is: if it has AIRED, it doesn't need spoiler protection. Episode information of ANY kind from TV Guide or local TV listings MUST be spoiler protected until the episode airs, unless it's exactly what has appeared in an aired promotional trailer. TV Guide info is often very, very specific, and this is the kind of spoiler info some people just don't want to know ahead of time. 6. Most importantly, there will be ABSOLUTELY NO FLAMING ONLIST. We have absolutely zero tolerance for this kind of behaviour. Flames can kill a list, permanently damage relationships, and make life a lot less fun for everyone. Broadly defined, a flame is a personally derogatory, inflammatory comment about another list member, their progenitors, or about any of the actors, writers, directors, producers or crew of "Buffy." Disagreements-- even heated ones-- are expected. But the minute you start slamming someone personally, you will face the Wrath of Jill and Sharon. First offense: offender is uns*bscribed for one week. Second offense: offender is uns*bscribed to the Buffy list for a minimum of three months. If the offender returns and flames again, they're offlist permanently. And no, it doesn't matter that the actors, writers, etc. from "Buffy" aren't onlist; we won't put up with anyone flaming them anyway. Determination of what is (and what is not) a flame is made by the listowners, and their decisions are final. Determinations of any penalties associated with flames are also made by the listowners, and their decisions are final. 7. Related to #6, the listowners reserve the right to "kill" any discussion threads which either of the listowners deem offensive, or which appear to be degenerating into a flame war. If either one of us declares a topic "dead," it's dead. Anyone who continues the discussion thread, against our express wishes, will be immediately uns*bscribed for one week. 8. Please limit quotes of a previous post to four lines maximum per point you are responding to. Buffy is a high traffic list, and we're asking s*bscribers to be mindful of wasted bandwidth when they respond to posts. For example, here's an original quote: >I just love Buuffy the Vampire Slayer. It's my favorite show, and about the only thing I watch on television anymore. I look forward to each and every episode. DOes anyone know hot to write to the stars of the show, or where to write to show our support? Willow is my favorite character, but I like Buffy a lot to. And Giles! Woo hoo! I recognize him from VR5.< If you want to ansewr this person's questions about where to write, there's no need to include the extra stuff, so your response should look like this: >Does >anyone know how to write to the stars of the show, or where to write >to show our support? You can even clean it up further and put it onto two lines, but you get the picture. Only include the relevant stuff in your response, so that people get what you're talking about. Penalties: First offense: Offlist warning (clearly marked WARNING: Overquoting). Second offense: Removal from the list for one week. 9. Please limit your .sig to 6 lines maximum, but do include your name and email address at the bottom of each post so someone can respond to you privately if they want to. Penalties for not following this rule are the same as for #8. 10. Do NOT post personal information, or requests for personal information, about the cast, crew, etc. of "Buffy" to this list. Personal information includes (but is not limited to) home address, telephone number, email address (unless the individual gives it out freely), etc. It's certainly fine to discuss who's dating whom, or how tall someone is, or things like that. But anything that could constitute an invasion of personal privacy (or could potentially be some type of threat to any individual) is strictly forbidden on this list. The penalty for this is ONE warning-- ONE. If it happens again, that person is permanently uns*bscribed from this list. If you have any question over what you're posting, and whether it violates this rule, please email either one of us. 11. And last, but not least, we reserve the right to deny subscription (new, renewed, or continued) to the list for any individual(s). IF YOU'RE S*BSCRIBED TO THE REGULAR BUFFY LIST AND WISH TO CHANGE TO DIGEST: You need to uns*bscribe from the Buffy list, and res*bscribe to the digest. Send a message to In the body of the message, put uns*bscribe buffy Then, send a second message to In the body of the message, put s*bscribe buffy-digest You'll go through the same approval process that you got when you subbed to the regular Buffy list. If you're s*bscribed to the digest version, and want to change to regular mail, do the opposite-- unsub from buffy-digest, and resub to buffy. THE BUFFY FICTION LIST To s*bscribe to the Buffy Fiction list, follow the same procedures as listed above-- just substitute buffyfic or buffyfic-digest for buffy or buffy-digest. TO UNS*BSCRIBE FROM ANY BUFFY LIST send a message to In the body of the message put uns*bscribe buffy (or buffy-digest, or buffyfic, or buffyfic-digest) Again, welcome! If you have any questions about these rules, please contact any of us offlist. If you have s*bscription problems or questions, the fastest way to get h*lp is to e-mail one of us at the addresses below, at the addy which is the "official" e-mail owner of the list. Jill ( sah ( Listowners & Lisa Rose ( Assistant Listowner Buffy the Vampire Slayer Discussion List - - - - - -- sah * * NatPack * BotCoS * Jungle Patrol * BBPGrrl:TGLIL * Bishop * BTVS Listowner "The world hath gone mad. I'm going to go move west, live in a one room cabin, and mutter darkly about conspiracies. But I'm still going to have e-mail and TV." --Jill Kirby - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 15:41:23 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs In a message dated 98-08-25 12:40:05 EDT, you write: << My friend had a question about last night's episode, and I couldn't think of an answer so I thought I'd let you guys tear it apart. Anyway, why does Buffy have an iron in her room when all she wears is Polyester? >> I don't think she only wears polyester...but the iron part isn't strange what's strange is that the iron was in a dog bed. And as far as I knew Buffy doesn't own a dog. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 15:44:18 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Bookmarks When I went to they only had the Buffy poster listed. Can anyone tell me the item number for the bookmarks? Or tell me if they're in a different section than the poster. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 16:03:06 -0400 (EDT) From: Gubs Subject: Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs On Tue, 25 Aug 1998 wrote: > I don't think she only wears polyester...but the iron part isn't strange > what's strange is that the iron was in a dog bed. And as far as I knew Buffy > doesn't own a dog. It's cxertain that buffy doesn't own a dog. IN BBB giles says something like in 1864(or whatever) angelous nailed a puppy to a .. and buffy replies with forget it I don't own a puppy I don't want to know Gubs,, - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #445 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (