From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #496 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Thursday, October 1 1998 Volume 02 : Number 496 In this issue: BUFFY: One good thing about this ep Re: BUFFY: If I met Joss....was "I've seen it" BUFFY: Hell and Scooby Gang BUFFY: Joyce BUFFY: Anne comments Re: BUFFY: Anne comments + next week spoilers Re: BUFFY: HORRIBLE! - Worst Ever! Re: BUFFY: Re: BUFFY: Re: BUFFY: If I met Joss....was "I've seen it" Re BUFFY: Joyce Re: BUFFY: If I met Joss....was "I've seen it" Re: Re BUFFY: Joyce BUFFY: ADMIN: Posting Re: BUFFY: Buffy researching BUFFY: sweatshop theory BUFFY: New stakes BUFFY: On Anne and Joyce BUFFY: ox, willow, and opening episode BUFFY: Spoiler Re: BUFFY: Spoiler Re: BUFFY: Spoiler Re: BUFFY: First Episode BUFFY: One more numbers post BUFFY: This is the way I see it... See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 06:57:55 PDT From: "Heather Condiff" Subject: BUFFY: One good thing about this ep You know, I have to agree, this definately wasn't the best episode Joss has written. I think too that after the final ep last season he had a lot to live up to, not to mention the expectations that really highten after a long summer with no new Buffy. There is one thing I REALLY liked about this episode though. Buffy got out of this and killed the demon on her own! It seems to me like she never really put all her effort into something before because someone else is always there to help her. From start to finish she tackled this problem on her own which is something she hasn't done - ever. Of course, we know that we need the supporting cast to make it a team effort but, I kind of liked the fact that the Slayer could make it on her own if need be. Not that we want Willow,Xander,Cordy,and Oz not to help but, well, I think you know what I mean. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 10:19:05 -0400 (EDT) From: Michael Hickerson Subject: Re: BUFFY: If I met Joss....was "I've seen it" > > If I could meet Joss, I would give him a BIG hug and tell him he's the > greatest writer of all time, OR make him make me a permenent cast member, OR > pass out cold at his feet! If I met him, I'd shake his hand, thank him for his hard work and labor of love and tell him to keep up the good work. And if Lie to Me were out on pre-recorded video, I'd have him autograph it for me, if he had the time...:-) Michael - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 10:31:41 -0400 From: "Allen J. Oh" Subject: BUFFY: Hell and Scooby Gang Weird subject header, I know. First, Ryan Reid posted the following: >Ok, i've been thinking about this for a while and i cannot come up with any >logical reason of how angel will be able to get out of hell... Because, >where there's Hell, there's fire, and when vampires are exposed to fire, >they combust/implode whatever... so how will Angel be able to survive Hell, >let alone get out? As someone pointed out, there are many different conceptions of Hell. Probably the most "popular" is the fire and brimstone version, but Dante's Inferno features a frozen layer of Hell. At least one theologian (the name escapes me) defines Hell as a state of complete separation from God. In that respect, Hell might very well bear a remarkable resemblance to the world we know, but without all the little things that remind us of God's presence...I think that under this conception, Hell would be sort of a cold mirror of our world -- physically similar to ours, but with a profound emptiness and lack of hope. Hell has also been defined as a state of eternal torment. This would suggest that it's something different for each person. Because fire completely and utterly destroys vampires, I would think that a fire and brimstone type hell would be, in a way, too kind for vampires. For the same reason, I don't think that a vampire's Hell would consist of sunlight. Perhaps ubiquitous crosses or cloves of garlic, which are repulsive to them but won't destroy them (I think?). On an island bounded by rivers (because vampires can't cross running water, at least in some mythologies). Ok, major change of topic. Regarding the Scooby Gang...I haven't been a member of this list very long, and for the most part, I'm horrible at remembering quotes from the show itself. So my question is this. Was the term "Scooby Gang" ever actually used in the show? It seems like something Xander might say. Or is it a term that originated on the list? Also, are the BtVS Scooby Gang considered to have counterparts in the "real" Scooby Gang? (e.g., Xander = Shaggy, Willow = Velma ("Jinkies!"), Cordelia = Daphne, Giles = Fred, Oz = Scooby) Ok, the last two were a stretch. I apologize. And to any Oz fans out there who are offended by my comparing him to Scooby, my apologies. No offense intended; Oz and Scooby are both fine characters. I paired them up because of the canine thing. The comparison is not intended to reflect badly on either of them. Allen - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 10:34:29 -0400 From: (Genevieve Faulkner) Subject: BUFFY: Joyce >><realistically >> > I think joyce should be at TOTAL blame for Buffy's absence, because she even told her not to come back! > I have always thought that Joyce was a terrible parent. I was much closer to my mother in high school. I am not a mom yet, but I hope to be close enough to my children, that they could tell me things, like that they save the world on a daily basis. I know a lot of you on this list are teens, and I would like to know if your parents are this self absorbed and this impossible to live with. I'm a Buffaholic I'm Spike's slave--forever Cordelia: Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass. (KBD) - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 10:37:59 -0400 (EDT) From: Monet Subject: BUFFY: Anne comments I've only gone through a few of the hundreds of posts I totally expected, but I might as well get my $.02 in, which isn't much since most of it has been said. I can understand the disappointment from some about the season opener. In my opinion, not even close to WSWB, but it was a good episode. See, one of the reasons I liked it was because Angel was hardly in it. Believe me, I think it would've been worse if it was all about her trying to find Angel. Mainly because the show IS about Buffy Anne Summers and her inner struggles along with saving the world a few times. I really liked how Buffy was, too. Not meek, but just as tough as ever. It just goes to show that she really can't escape who she is. Buffy is my favorite character, so I really enjoyed the further character developement in this episode. She just all in all ROCKED! I kind of felt she UNrocked in the middle of season 2 with her and Angel being all sappy 90% of the time. So when she kicked everyone's butt in that "Hell" place, I knew the Buffy from the first season was back! A few disappointments however: I totally agree with those who thought it would've worked much better over a span of two episodes. I didn't think she was going to return home until like episode three. The last scene with her and Joyce was touching but it would've had more impact had it been in the next or third epi. I really, really wished Joss and TPTB picked up a few weeks after Buffy left, not when school started again. I know they were trying to keep it in "real" time, but everyone was acting like she only left a few weeks ago and not a few MONTHS ago. It could've at least flashed back to summer or something. And aren't any of you curious of what they do for laughs during the summer? The bad guy. He was okay, a little dopey and cheesy. But then that allowed Buffy for some awesome lines. OKay, that's all. Granted, I've only watched "Anne" once, so I don't really have a better feel for it right now. Opening sequence was great visually, but it did sound weird with the synthezizer sounds! It's funny how some don't like the new clips because I remember last year how the new clips meshed in with the old ones and people didn't like that either! G :) =========================================================== Buffy:"Get them involved, you'll get them killed." Joyce:"Well, you're not going to hurt them, are you?" Buffy: I'm a Slayer, not a postal worker." (BtVS) =========================================================== - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 10:57:10 -0400 (EDT) From: Gubs Subject: Re: BUFFY: Anne comments + next week spoilers > So what is this? Is Buffy now totally incompetent and incapable of researching > something before she does it? Sure alot of times she goes off half-cocked, > but, ya know, she figures out a plan on the way. > Buffy isn't totally incompetent but A) he's not real good at that stuff to begin with, in fact I can only think of one episode where it was Buffy's research that explained anything and B) all of the books are in sunnydale. In case you haven't noticed most pulic libraries don't have an extensve section on demonology. So no buffy couldn't have researched what was going on. Also usually we hear the details when Buffy is being told them by Giles. How would Joss have had us hear the details, Who could buffy tell that would care. just my .02 dollars - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 10:57:16 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: HORRIBLE! - Worst Ever! << Chas wrote "I, on the other hand, thought it rocked. And as for all the other stuff that you didn't see, it's called delayed gratification people, deal with it. >> I agree with Chas on this one. We are a society of instant gratification seekers. Think about it--it took 2 (well, 1 1/2) seasons to get to Becoming 2. There is no way Joss could address all the issues in one episode and I personally wouldn't want him to. Well, he could, but it would be an insult to those of us that have watched since the beginning and have gotten to know and love or dislike or hate the characters as they developed. I am long past being a teenager, thank God, but so much of what goes on is a reflection of life past high school too. Stuff happens, there are consequences for each and every action we take, life is not all fun and games, parents are not perfect, kids are not perfect. We are all, well most of us, trying to do the best we can and are all learning as we go. Re Joyce and her attitude. Someone said "I'd never do that to my child." Never is a long time. I learned the hard way not to ever say what I would or wouldn't do until I've been faced with the situation. When I moved from a dorm to an apartment my room mates and I found ourselves sounding like our parents-"shut the door, do you think we're air conditioning the outdoors", "is there a tv in the refrigerator", etc. It makes a difference when you are the responsible one. Like me and many others, you may just find yourself eating your words. It is very hard to be a parent. It is very hard to be a teenager. Personally, I think Joyce is remiss in not knowing something is going on with Buffy, or at least being more involved with Buffy, but hey, I'm not a single parent trying to make it on my own. I also agree with what someone said in that Joss has made Joyce a larger than life twit. However, my personal favorite was the statement "the older I got the smarter my parents got." How true! Sorry for the ramble. I've been reading the posts since the new show aired and finally had to get my thoughts in. louise - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 11:03:19 -0400 From: (Genevieve Faulkner) Subject: Re: BUFFY: >>"You're going to die, and the only hope you have of surviving this is to get >>out of this pit right now and my God could you have a dorkier outfit?" Where is this quote from? "Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass." -- BtVS - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 12:05:51 -0300 (ADT) From: cat Subject: Re: BUFFY: it's from "lie to me". when buffy is "rescuing" the vampire wannabies. beybyebye,cat. On Thu, 1 Oct 1998, Genevieve Faulkner wrote: > >>"You're going to die, and the only hope you have of surviving this is to get > >>out of this pit right now and my God could you have a dorkier outfit?" > > Where is this quote from? > "Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass." -- BtVS - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 11:06:44 -0400 (EDT) From: Gubs Subject: Re: BUFFY: If I met Joss....was "I've seen it" > If I met him, I'd shake his hand, thank him for his hard work and > labor of love and tell him to keep up the good work. And if Lie to Me > were out on pre-recorded video, I'd have him autograph it for me, if he > had the time...:-) If I met him I'd tak a baseball bat to the side of his head then chan him up and force him to watch felicity over and over again for doing this to us. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 11:10:09 -0400 From: (Genevieve Faulkner) Subject: Re BUFFY: Joyce There is too much to quote, but I completely agree with Sapphire. Joyce has constantly said the wrong thing and made bad decisions as a parent. I am not sure what is considered young on this list, but I am 23 and very focused on what kind of parent I want to be. Joyce is a bad parent. "Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass." -- BtVS - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Oct 98 11:10:44 edt From: (Charles Summers) Subject: Re: BUFFY: If I met Joss....was "I've seen it" I don't know if this was meant to be joking, but it is comments like this that scare VIPs (like Sarah) off of the internet. If you dislike the show that much, then stop watching. But don't threaten the people involved in its creation--they might believe you and give up on the show altogether. Then where would we be? Chas - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 11:21:56 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: Re BUFFY: Joyce On Thu, 1 Oct 1998, Genevieve Faulkner wrote: > Joyce is a bad parent. You know, I think we're being a bit harsh here. I mean, there are a lot of people who say that Joyce is a horrible mom and all (Geez, she must have skipped out on all that training they give parents, ya know), but how many of us here have all that much experience parenting? Especially, being a single mom to a teenager. No, Joyce shouldn't have said never come back, but then again, she didn't have much time to think about it, no? I mean, here was *her* evening... "Where is Buffy?" Cops come over looking for Buffy with "incontrovertable evidence" that Buffy's a murderer. "Still, where is Buffy?" Buffy comes home and makes a scary-looking guy explode in Joyce's face. There's a guy with Buffy that was attacking her at the beginning of the school year. Now, they're friends? "Ok, what's going on"" Buffy won't explain, won't say where she's been, won't talk about anything that's been going on, and then says she's got to leave. Add to this evening the fact that all Joyce knows is that Buffy's been sneaking out at night, sleeping with her boyfriend, getting into severe trouble at school, and failing her classes. I can't think of a single *human* that at this point wouldn't be really frightened, frustrated, and about ready to chew a railraod tie and spit out nails. Joyce hasn't been closed to Buffy. Buffy chose, and I still believe rightfully so, to keep her mother in the dark. Unfortunately, things blew up in her face, and Joyce found out about all of this at the *worst* possible time, and had a very very understandable, *human* response. I don't see where she's been such a bad parent all this time. Cheers! Tracey Keeper of the Cluelessness of the Rest of the School - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 11:09:08 -0400 From: sah Subject: BUFFY: ADMIN: Posting OK, there's been a lot of inappropriate posts lately, so maybe it's time to step in with a few reminders. 1. Remember the no flaming rule. Retribution will be swift, and in some cases, permanent. And remember that "tone" has a lot to do with flame bait (for example: telling people to deal with something already, or get over it IMO belittles someone elses opinion and, as such, borders on flaming as far as Jill and I are concerned). Play nice (and be respectful of others) on this list, or you won't be playing at all. 2. Don't bother responding onlist to trolls. You're only doing *exactly* what they wanted you to do in the first place. 3. Don't threaten, even in a joking fashion, *any* member of the production crew or cast. Retribution in that situation will be swift, and possible permanent, as well. 4. Rest assured that Jill and I watch this list very carefully and will deal with infractions when they occur. If you have questions, or are offended by someone who posted to the list, write to us (or the poster) privately. Please don't write to the list as a whole berating someone, since Jill and I have almost certainly already dealt with the situation and you're just taking up space. Here's a rule or two of thumb: 1. Mailing lists are not chat rooms. Try to contribute something substantial to the discussion, and, wherever possible, combine several responses into one post. 2. Don't say *anything* on this mailing list you wouldn't say in front of a very large group of people in an auditorium during a public speech. Because that's essentially what you're doing. This is a public list, meaning that when you post, it gets read by the 900+ people on this list *and* is available in the archive for everyone else in the world to read. And, as always, to those of you who have maintained this interesting, flame-free discussion, a big thank you! Your efforts and your restraint are appreciated. Now back to our regularly scheduled list discussion, - --sah sah * * NatPack * Jungle Patrol * Bishop * BBPG:TGLIL * BTVS Colistowner AVENGERS poll: "I support him as President, but privately I hope Hillary cuts his nuts off." -slb - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 11:28:38 -0400 (EDT) From: Ben Scofield Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy researching On Thu, 1 Oct 1998, Gubs wrote: > Buffy isn't totally incompetent but A) he's not real good at that > stuff to begin with, in fact I can only think of one episode where it was > Buffy's research that explained anything and B) all of the books are in > sunnydale. In case you haven't noticed most pulic libraries don't have an > extensve section on demonology. So no buffy couldn't have researched what > was going on. Also usually we hear the details when Buffy is being told > them by Giles. How would Joss have had us hear the details, Who could > buffy tell that would care. Ummm, small point. WHEN would Buffy have done the research? From the time she finds out Ken is a demon (or whatever) she's fighting everything and everyone in the underworld. The only time she'd even have access to a library (much less one with a demonology section) is AFTER everything's done, and what's the point--other than to enlighten us, the audience. Ben Scofield ***** If I cannot bend Heaven, I shall move Hell. - Virgil - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 08:42:07 -0700 From: Autumn Nazarian Subject: BUFFY: sweatshop theory I literally have 300 messages to sort through today, but I just wanted to mention that my little premier group thought the ep was a definate commentary about the LA sweat shops.... what do you think? Back breaking work, nil pay... If this was already brought up, sorry. A - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 09:12:53 -0700 (PDT) From: (Mica Vincent) Subject: BUFFY: New stakes They looked life baseball bats to me. Hey, did anyone see that spoof of Buffy on Madtv awhile ago? "Buffy the Umpire Slayer" it was hilarious. I have it on tape. Except I have no clue how to copy tapes even when I have two VCR's... - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 01 Oct 98 10:50:00 CDT From: Mickie Erickson Subject: BUFFY: On Anne and Joyce First off, for those of you who want your plots tied up immediately and delivered with a bow, please go watch star trek. One of the things that I love about this series is that actions have consequences and repercussions that can linger for half a season or longer. The series finale had 1. the death of Kendra, 2. Buffy wanted by the police, 3. & expelled from school, 4. Joyce finding out the truth, 5. & kicking Buffy out of the house 6. The return of Angels soul 7. Buffy sends Angel to hell and 8. Buffy runs away from home. Resolving all these plot threads in one episode would have been an incredible cheat, it would have robbed them of there seriousness. You've waited all summer, please show a little more patience, We'll probably have to wait a dozen episodes before all the above threads are completely tied up and that's the way it should be. Real life doesn't have a reset button. As far a Joyce goes, I don't think that she blames Giles simply for Buffy's running away. From her point of view, Buffy ran away because Joyce couldn't deal with the situation in B2. Joyce couldn't deal with it because she had not had time to process the information that had been dumped on her in B2. Giles, as the other 'adult' in the sinario, should have seen to it that Joyce, as Buffy's mother, was kept in the loop. Instead (from her point of view) Giles assumes a parental role with Buffy that should rightfully have been Joyce's and leaves Joyce completely in the dark. I'd be mad as hell at him too, in that situation. Mickie --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mickie Erickson ( "You are finite, Zathrus is finite, this is wrong tool" - Zathrus, Babylon 5 - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 10:51:59 PDT From: "Duremdes BShaw22" Subject: BUFFY: ox, willow, and opening episode >>2) Oz has lots of screen time :-) Oh no....the horror!!!!! the horror!!!..I thought GRUNGE was dead???? Ox is a Green-Day wannabe dude. He should just practice his A flat diminished ninth or whatever guitar chord he can't play than join the gang, he looks like a dork or a doofus or something trying to fit in. I mean, it's okay that the dude is on the show, but to join the gang? Pleaase. Might as well ask Harmony and Larry to join in too. >>6) Alyson's phat hair ;-) Oh yeah, I totally agree on this one. She looked so cute, especially in the first scene where she tried to kill the dead dude and she said some line like "Come and get it.." or something like that. Anyways, I have to declare that Alyson is a real stunner, and that's the bottom line. For people complaining about the premiere, I could've done that too but I realized that openers are not indicators of the season as far as quality of the episodes are concerned. I think the eps will be way better and surpass everyone's expectations as the season progresses. Another question, will Faith be a regular character or a guest? Thanks for the answer. DUREMDES Formerly known as ITWASALATENITE Keeper of Buffy's dead gigapet *We raise the roof like Andy Seigle* - ------------------------------------------- "What are you doing?? Make me yak!!"--Cordy - --------------------------------------------- TWO WORDS - - SUCK IT!! - --------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 14:02:26 -0400 From: (Genevieve Faulkner) Subject: BUFFY: Spoiler Hot of the presses from the WB...a third episode spoiler s p o i l e r s p a c e s p o i l e r Tuesday, October 20 "Beauty and the Beasts" When a Sunnydale High student is found savagely mauled in the woods, Willow fears that Oz in werewolf mode might somehow be responsible for the violent murder. Meanwhile, Buffy secretly discovers that Angel has returned after 100 years of hellish torture, and she suspects that he is the murderous culprit. I'm a Buffaholic I'm Spike's slave--forever Cordelia: Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass. (KBD) - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 14:11:52 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spoiler In a message dated 10/1/98 6:04:00 PM !!!First Boot!!!, writes: <<< Hot of the presses from the WB...a third episode spoiler s p o i l e r s p a c e << Buffy secretly discovers that Angel has returned after 100 years of Hellish torture>> Any idea how he returns? I had heard that somehow he had communicated with her through dreams and his return involved both of their claddagh rings. I wonder if she got him out or helped him get out with the rings. you can e-mail me off list if it's easier.. thanks much. louise - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 14:16:41 -0400 From: Jeff Rohaly Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spoiler At 14:02 1998-10-01 -0400, Genevieve Faulkner wrote: >s >p >o >i >l >e >r >s >p >a >c >e >s >p >o >i >l >e >r > >Meanwhile, Buffy secretly discovers that Angel has returned after 100 >years of hellish torture, and she suspects that he is the murderous culprit. I knew I had heard elsewhere about Angel spending 100 years in "hell" and then returning even though only a few months will have passed here. I think David Boreanaz said this himself in an interview and this would seem to confirm it. So, of course, I have to wonder if his "hell" will in any way be related to the one we saw in Anne. It would seem unlikely that it just turns out to be a coincidence that they have similar time inconsistencies. Jeff Rohaly - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 14:29:51 -0400 From: (Genevieve Faulkner) Subject: Re: BUFFY: First Episode >> 2) The Scooby gang's attempt to slay vamps. It's nice to see that the >> vamp activity hasn't totally stopped during Buffy's absence. >Anyone remember last summer when NOTHING was vampire-ry during Buffy's absence >and her vacation to LA? how did *that* happen? The master was dead, so I think the vamps just took off out of fear and just basically not having a leader. I'm a Buffaholic I'm Spike's slave--forever Cordelia: Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass. (KBD) - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 14:30:28 -0400 From: Jeff Rohaly Subject: BUFFY: One more numbers post Sorry, but just one more post about the ratings for the premiere. Here's an excerpt of a Variety article pointed out to me by >Nielsens flash -- 'Felicity' is hot >By Tom Bierbaum > >The most eagerly anticipated event of the night was the premiere of >"Felicity", with perhaps the most consistently positive reviews and >strongest buzz of this fall's freshman class. > >``Felicity'' paid off on that promise, attracting a 4.8 rating, 8 share, >equaling last Jan. 20's premiere rating of the WB hit ``Dawson's Creek'' >(4.8/7). In adults 18-49, ``Felicity's'' 2.8/8 topped the ``Dawson's'' >premiere by 8% (and 2 shares). Gains were still bigger among women >18-34 (up 24%) and 18-49 (up 18%). > >``Felicity'' had a bit of trouble keeping up with its lead-in, the third- >highest-rated ``Buffy the Vampire Slayer'' ever (4.7/8 in homes, 2.9/9 in >adults 18-49). ``Buffy'' topped its year-ago premiere (on a Monday) by >an otherworldly 52%. ``Felicity'' built by a tenth of a point on that >homes lead-in but slipped by a tenth in adults 18-49. The whole article is at: Jeff Rohaly - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 14:29:32 EDT From: (fun ee) Subject: BUFFY: This is the way I see it... I think some of you are expecting too much from Buffy and that's why you criticize this first episode so much. If you would take time and think about what the final episode last season was about you will see that Anne is a logical first episode to begin this season. Look what happened in the Season Finale: Buffy was totally devastated right? Kicked out of school, her identity revealed to her mom, told not to return home by her mom, and because she was expelled she essentially lost her life as a high school student and her friends, AND, just before facing Angel, when she thought she had lost everything, Whistler says behind her back: "Wrong kid, you got one more thing to lose." And, that one more thing is when she regains Angel and has to send him to Hell. So, she loses the love of her life on top of everything else. Buffy was pushed to the edge and ended up having to flee her home, life, school, friends and the season opener finds her very depressed, living in a rundown section of L.A. in a one-room apartment, working in some cheap diner...I mean, it was a depressing situation. But the most depressing thing was Buffy's change in attitude, she didn't want to be the Slayer anymore. The episode begins with Buffy's dream of being with Angel, right? That tells you alot right there cause what does Angel say? He says, something to the effect, "I'll always be with you, even if you kill me." We all know how prophetic Buffy's dreams are. This episode did a wonderful job of turning Buffy around and making her realize that she is indeed the Slayer and that only she can do the job she was destined to do. Like many of you, I liked the idea of Buffy being alone in Los Angeles and would have liked to have seen this drawn out a bit more. Also, if you want to nit-pick, it makes you wonder why monsters and threats to end life-as-we-know-it happen only when Buffy is around. I mean, Los Angeles is not the Hellmouth, Sunnydale is, so why of all times did the demons pop up there just when Buffy is there? Unless of course, that hell factory and those demons had been in operation for a long time already, it almost seems as if Buffy attracts evil, doesn't it? Oh well, I leave you all with my favorite scene of dialogue in Anne, where Will, Oz, Xander, and Cordelia go to the cemetary to try once again to fill Buffy's shoes while she is away... XANDER: Go away, this is my hiding spot. CORDELIA: Where do I hide? XANDER: You don't hide, you're bait. Go act baity. CORDELIA: What's the plan? XANDER: The vampire attacks you. CORDELIA: And then what? XANDER: The vampire kills you. We watch. We rejoice. LOL! funee (: ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #496 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (